10/26/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 0.00:00:02 Good.
00:00:04 70.
00:00:08 228-8628 861-3297
00:00:22 132-976-0318.
00:00:32 60318.
00:00:37 26319.
00:00:41 26319.
00:00:46 37842.
00:00:51 37842.
Daft Punk
00:05:09 One more.00:05:10 Time.
00:05:25 1.
00:05:54 Oh yeah.
00:06:12 One more time.
00:06:33 Oh yeah.
00:06:43 One more time.
00:06:49 I'm just feeling the celebration tonight. Celebrate. Don't wait. No.
00:07:04 You don't stop.
00:07:07 You can't stop.
00:07:10 We're gonna celebrate it.
00:07:14 One more time.
00:07:18 One more time.
00:07:22 One more time.
00:07:27 No.
00:07:45 We're gonna celebrate one more time.
00:07:50 Celebrate and dance for free.
00:07:54 You just got the feeling so free.
00:07:58 Celebrating dance for free.
00:08:01 One more time. We're gonna celebrate, celebrate and dance.
00:08:17 1/4.Daft Punk
00:08:30 Hello.00:08:40 One more.
00:09:12 One more.
Devon Stack
00:10:11 Welcome to the insomnia stream. As I wait for the little voice he dealing the load up still loading.00:10:19 It's never had a problem like that. What? What's taking?
00:10:21 It so long.
00:10:24 Feel so naked. There it is.
00:10:29 All right. There it is.
00:10:32 I think it's not being as.
00:10:33 As sensitive as it normally is.
00:10:36 Let me see if I can.
00:10:37 Adjust this a tad.
00:10:41 Let's see. Yeah, whatever. *******.
00:10:44 It's fine, it's fine. I just have to yell at it.
00:10:49 It's fine.
00:10:51 OK.
00:10:53 Anyway, welcome to the insomnia stream the vote.
00:10:57 Addition.
00:10:59 I'm your host, of course. Devon stack.
00:11:03 We'll talk about voting a little bit about voting today.
00:11:08 Just because.
00:11:11 I guess it's voting season, right? Voting is in the air.
00:11:15 People are talking about voting so much these days.
00:11:19 It's all very important the process, the democracy, right.
00:11:24 It's all very important that we participate in this process because we the people.
00:11:33 We the people, it's our civic duty. It's the only way.
00:11:38 That we could ever get what we want.
00:11:42 That's the wonderful thing about our country, right? The democracy. It's all about the democracy.
00:11:50 Well if it.
00:11:50 Wasn't for voting. Nothing would ever get done, right?
00:11:56 Reminds me of a vote.
00:12:00 Well, those are as I say, it reminds me because I was there. It was in the 60s.
00:12:07 But I'm reminded of a vote.
00:12:11 Back in the 1960s, a perfect example.
00:12:15 A perfect example of how this process in our country works.
00:12:21 How it works? How how different groups can disagree on things?
00:12:27 They can make their arguments.
00:12:34 They do their vote, and whoever has the most votes, they win, you see, because it's serving the most people.
00:12:43 Right, democracy.
00:12:45 The majority.
00:12:47 The people, the most convinced people.
00:12:51 They're the ones they get what they want.
00:12:54 So in California, there was an issue.
00:12:59 There was an issue in California. You see prior to.
00:13:03 All the riots in California, in fact, maybe anticipation.
00:13:09 Of all the riots, the 1960's, the Watts riots and.
00:13:13 All the other riots. LA riots.
00:13:17 The riots by blacks and they had moved and had flocked to the state of California in the 1950s and 60s.
00:13:26 Who had depressed entire?
00:13:29 Well, almost entire cities, really. If you're talking about watts.
00:13:33 Had destroyed the economies of once thriving white neighborhoods.
00:13:39 Wines had fled to the suburbs.
00:13:45 Busing had not yet begun, and so some of their fleeing was so their their kids would could go to white schools and not have to go to school with these black kids that had moved.
00:13:57 To their state.
00:14:02 But this wasn't good. This wasn't good for the integration.
00:14:07 This wasn't good for the integration experiment they were forcing upon the Americans.
00:14:13 And so part of the democracy.
00:14:15 In our country, I guess this is sort of more like how the Republic worked.
00:14:21 The state legislature.
00:14:24 Got together and they decided to pass.
00:14:29 Will be known as the Rumford Act.
00:14:33 In 1963.
00:14:37 The Rumford Fair Housing Act, you see one of the ways that whites were preserving white neighborhoods.
00:14:46 Was there was.
00:14:48 An unspoken rule among the whites that lived in those neighborhoods that you don't sell your house to non whites.
00:14:57 It's it's a big no no.
00:15:00 And in fact, sometimes it was. It was a little bit enforced, HOA style or otherwise.
00:15:08 And they knew that they were.
00:15:11 That they could run afoul of some of the new civil rights legislation that was being passed.
00:15:17 So some of it was just kind of.
00:15:18 A wink and a nod. Kind of a thing.
00:15:23 Well, the Rumford Fair Housing Act.
00:15:27 Banned racial discrimination among mortgage holders because that's the other side of this equation. Believe it or not.
00:15:35 It wasn't just the homeowners that, you know, the white homeowners, that wish to preserve their.
00:15:41 Their white communities.
00:15:44 The people get the mortgage, agents, the the real estate agents, the people that service these white neighborhoods also didn't want to have to flee yet again.
00:15:56 They they were enjoying these prosperous, safe suburban neighborhoods that they had created.
00:16:03 It was good for Realtors because the the housing prices would stay elevated.
00:16:10 It was good for the mortgage lenders for the same reason.
00:16:14 It was good for everyone involved, really.
00:16:19 And what the Rumford Fair Housing Act would do would ban any mortgage loan or a mortgage lender from from not lending for a house to a black person moving to a white neighborhood or a real estate broker or a property owner, or what was worse.
00:16:39 A landlord. So if you're renting A room.
00:16:43 Or renting an apartment or renting a house.
00:16:47 Soon as you made that listing, all it would take.
00:16:51 All it would take would be 1 Communist Jew.
00:16:55 To rent, go, go and rent it for a black person and you would have to rent it to the black person. Look like kind of what happened to that in that documentary covered I think.
00:17:04 Like over a.
00:17:04 Year ago now where that Jewish family literally bought the the black people, the house and the All White neighborhood just to **** it up.
00:17:11 Just to **** it up.
00:17:16 I need to get that I need. I need you know what I need. I need to make that sound bite.
00:17:20 From last dream, the Jews worked for the devil.
00:17:25 I didn't get that. I didn't get a button for that. I was going to do that and I forgot to do it.
00:17:31 Anyway.
00:17:32 So that's what the Rumford act did in 1963, and no one liked it. Like literally no one liked it.
00:17:40 So immediately.
00:17:42 What? Because it's a democracy, right? It's fine. There's always there's you can always vote your way out of these situations, even when.
00:17:50 Especially in California, even when the state legislature won't do what you want, you see in California that you can get a a ballot initiative. You can do a a proposition.
00:18:01 And what that is is you get enough signatures in the case of Proposition 14, as it would later be known, you had or they they were required to get close to half a million signatures.
00:18:15 They had to get 468,259 signatures. I think it was based on population or something like that.
00:18:23 Once they got those signatures, it would be added as a referendum to the ballot.
00:18:29 Well, turns out they they went above and beyond and they got 600,000 signatures.
00:18:37 And they were able to add a referendum to the ballot that not only would nullify the Rumford Act, it would actually alter the state's constitution.
00:18:49 To prevent the legislature from ever passing another bill.
00:18:55 Like the Rumford act.
00:19:00 So if this this referendum were to pass.
00:19:06 The state legislature couldn't just pass a a similar law. You know the next year.
00:19:12 They would basically be ****** because the state constitution would include language that prevented them from doing something like that.
00:19:22 Well, this made a lot of people nervous.
00:19:27 A lot of people nervous. What if this?
00:19:28 Were to pass.
00:19:31 What if this were to pass? Then the great experiment, the great integration they were forcing upon Americans at this time.
00:19:40 We have a little bit of a speed bump.
00:19:43 But that's OK, because they respect our democracy, don't they?
00:19:49 They respect the process and they've got lots of money that they can pour into.
00:19:54 Nonprofits and different organizations, faith organizations, a lot of churches, were against this proposition.
00:20:04 The NAACP.
00:20:09 The ACLU.
00:20:13 They could all send in representatives and send in money.
00:20:18 Rich Hollywood Jewish donors could could send a lot of, you know, it's California could send a lot of money.
00:20:26 Famous TV and movie stars could lend their face to ads going against this proposition to let the country know.
00:20:36 The California wasn't racist.
00:20:41 You see, the big fear was.
00:20:43 If California was able to accomplish something like this, then that would be a road map for other states. In fact, there was a saying at the time. So goes California, so goes the rest of the country because usually it was leftist legislation that.
00:20:59 That this was true of, but usually California progressive, as it's always been.
00:21:06 Would pass some new law and the rest of the country.
00:21:09 Would.
00:21:11 Would wouldn't be too far behind.
00:21:15 Good example in in in your lifetime was probably the the passage of legalized marijuana. If you're a little bit older, the banning of smoking in restaurants.
00:21:28 But a number of other more even more consequential things.
00:21:32 But again, the process is so important.
00:21:36 Because.
00:21:38 If the people of California decided they didn't want segregation well, and I guess that was their right, that was democracy at work and it was up to the people who knew that that this was a bigoted idea and that it was it was. It was all based on hate.
00:21:55 They respected the process. They knew that all they had to do was get a bunch of volunteers together and they could go and fight the the information war.
00:22:06 The war of ideas.
00:22:08 Right.
00:22:11 And so I take you back to 1964.
00:22:15 Where this is the climate to a show.
00:22:19 Called of the people and politics of the people, very patriotic.
00:22:26 On the.
00:22:26 Eve of the election.
00:22:30 A proposition 14.
00:22:40 The National Educational Television network presents of people and politics 21 programs about the way Americans perpetuate the political system under which they live.00:22:53 Now an issue with Richard D Hefner.
Richard D Hefner
00:23:00 In June of 1963, California passed a fair housing law that became known throughout the state as the Rumford Act.00:23:08 It outlawed discrimination in the sale or the rental of.
00:23:11 Nearly all public.
00:23:12 And private housing and it set up state machinery to handle complaints.
00:23:18 California's real Estate association, almost from the day the act became law, began an active campaign to strike it from the books. More than one million names were collected for an initiative calling for the nullification of the Rumford Act, along with all other fair housing acts in California.
00:23:36 This initiative, which is on the California ballot now under the heading of Proposition 14, also prohibits the state from passing any future fair housing legislation.
Devon Stack
00:23:49 So there you go.00:23:51 This is all very I feel very patriotic right now. You know, the the especially all the the imagery behind him. Right. Like all the you got. What is that the the Jefferson Memorial or is it the Lincoln Memorial behind him? Hard to tell that's the Lincoln Memorial all these.
00:24:10 All these big ideas of democracy, but like I said, it's very clever, right? They made it so not only.
00:24:17 Would.
00:24:17 This go back to what the vote said. If it were, I mean, well, if the if the.
Richard D Hefner
00:24:22 The.Devon Stack
00:24:24 Proposition passed. It would go back to what the people wanted or if it didn't pass, it would just remain the same and that would be what the people wanted. So it's it's just verifying that what the legislate legislature, I can't even talk tonight the legislative body.00:24:41 It would just confirm that they were doing the will of the people, right?
Richard D Hefner
00:24:47 Not surprisingly then, Proposition 14 has become California's major political issue today, perhaps even overshadowing the senatorial and the presidential campaigns. Now, most community organizations within the state have come out for the Rumford Act, and therefore against Proposition 14.00:25:07 The churches, the civil rights groups, the unions, the Mexican American community, these have all come out against Proposition 14, as has the states Democratic Party.
Devon Stack
00:25:19 All right, so basically the enemy of white people are all against it, or at least white men. We've got all the civil rights groups. We've got all the churches, mostly Episcopalian. But a lot of other Protestant churches, the Catholic Church doesn't get mentioned. And I didn't really find anything.00:25:41 But they've typically been involved in these kinds of things. And so who you know, who knows the the Mexican immigrants, of course, were were.
00:25:52 Definitely against Proposition 14 because they knew that that could lead to whites not renting to them if they didn't want to.
00:26:01 God forbid, right?
00:26:02 They have they have, you know, they have control over their own property.
00:26:07 And that's really what it was about. And it was white, people said like oh.
00:26:11 Look.
00:26:12 I thought the whole idea of freedom, you know, in addition to this democracy that we have, the whole idea of freedom is I have the freedom to rent to whoever the hell I want to.
00:26:24 Or sell my house to whoever the hell I want to.
00:26:28 You know it's it's we're not. We're not. We're not forcing blacks to live in any one particular area. We're just saying I if I don't want to sell my house to a black person or a Mexican or a Jew or whoever I can do that. It's my house I can sell.
00:26:42 It to whoever I want.
00:26:45 Or like I said, even even more if you have a rental, if you don't want to rent to a black person or a Mexican or rent you, however, that should be.
00:26:53 Up to you too. It's your. It's your property.
00:26:57 And so this this is unconstitutional. What you're doing here.
00:27:04 But rapidly all the the civil rights organizations.
00:27:10 The church organizations and all the advocacy groups got very upset, and they they spun up because they're, you know, they they believe in the process too. So they're going to participate and they're going to start doing what they always do. See, look how important voting is and going right there on the chair, voters Register here. And that's what they do.
00:27:30 Right. They're going to register people to vote. And as they do that, they're going to educate them about this new proposition 14. So they're going to go to these communities, these communities where a lot of people aren't voting.
00:27:43 And these black communities, these Mexican communities, they're going to register people to vote and say, hey, by the way, you need to vote against Proposition 14 because Proposition 14 is going to it's it's bad. It's for, you know, white people like it, you know, you need to. So don't don't vote yes for that.
00:27:43 The.
00:28:03 A vote for 14 is a vote for 1488.
00:28:07 Quite literally.
00:28:09 So so you need to need to vote.
00:28:13 Vote No on that.
00:28:14 So they started doing these these voter registration drives, you know, very similar to.
00:28:19 What you see today, I guess.
Numbers Lady00
00:28:21 And if anyone else in your house is not registered, would you ask them to register too? The more we can get in the fight in November, the easier we can win.Devon Stack
00:28:33 I think it's. I think it's funny. It's like walking around like a ******* with him. ******* megaphone, like yelling at.00:28:38 You. Hey. Hey. You registered to vote? yo-yo, yo. What's up, man? You you registered to vote?
Numbers Lady00
00:28:44 Are you a registered voter?00:28:48 Are you a registered voter? Are you registered auditor?
00:28:58 Are you registered to vote? Are you registered to vote?
A registered voter
00:29:01 Yeah.Numbers Lady00
00:29:05 Get it right there. OK. Alright.Devon Stack
00:29:09 That's right.Numbers Lady00
00:29:16 Are you a registered voter? Are you a registered voter?Devon Stack
00:29:21 There's just something about like the texture of the audio that sounds very dystopian to me, like when I when I was listening to this, I I couldn't help but like think of something like this instead.Dystopian PA System
00:29:35 Detected in your blog.00:29:37 Cooperation with your civil protection team permit.
00:29:42 For rational reward.
00:29:42 4.
Devon Stack
00:29:45 What am I saying? It's all it's all the political process.00:29:48 It's all part.
00:29:50 Political process and of course, as this next speaker will tell you, you know that that's their weapon.
00:29:59 Their weapon to, you know, participate against, you know, to fight the the baddies to fight the KKK, to fight the Nazis. To fight the bigots, to fight the evil white people is the vote because we we all believe in democracy.
Black man with a Megaphone
00:30:16 Our answer to the harms who are living in New Jersey and Harlem is voter registration. Our answer to the white persons who are shooting in Mississippi is voter registration. Our answer to the White Citizens Council in California is right.00:30:35 Restriction our answer to help with the complex claims. What is right for the registration.
00:30:36 Yes.
Devon Stack
00:30:44 Voter registration and the participation of white women so they they do these voter registration drives and they start canvassing.00:30:56 And.
00:30:58 I believe this is these are the volunteers getting all pumped up, ready to go help out the yeah, because not all the whites, all whites, were for this. Some of these whites and fellow whites, of course, were, you know, very, very hip, very especially the young people.
00:31:14 The new generation, right?
Some guy
00:31:16 I'll keep.00:31:17 That right?
Richard D Hefner
00:31:17 Is he registered to vote? That's the immediate question for the volunteer workers, the issues and the debating can come later. Their job is to pass out the hand bills and the slogans register. Now vote no on 14. It's important.Devon Stack
00:31:32 Oh, it's so important our, you know.The Daft Punk
00:31:33 No.Devon Stack
00:31:34 Without voting, what would we be not? Not a democracy. And here you have the the Episcopalian clergy talking about how they're they're very, you know, this is very important for them.Episcopalian Clergy
00:31:46 Our national church.00:31:48 As devoting the whole of our monthly church and race issue to this California question of Proposition 14 and under the present plan, a copy of this will be mailed to every Episcopalian family in the state of California.
Devon Stack
00:32:08 So, again, Episcopalians, that's like the ruling class Protestants in America. They're quasi part of the Church of England. You know, old school. Tucker Carlson is Episcopalian. And so they, they get involved, they they're going to start using their.00:32:25 Publication capabilities to propagandize their parishioners to vote No on 14.
00:32:34 And of course, they got Hollywood actors, Hollywood actors involved, because, you know, it's California.
Richard D Hefner
00:32:42 Entertainers like actor Howard Duff are also caught up in the campaign. Their contribution time and the use of their names for paid spot.Jewdar
00:32:45 1.00:32:53 Tudor analyzing.
00:32:59 Jew confirmed.
Richard D Hefner
00:33:03 All announcements over radio and television.Mr. Magoo
00:33:06 Makes all kinds of big. Pardon, Sir, but I'm a neighbor of yours, Mr. Magoo, and I'd like to urge you to vote no on Proposition 14. You know, the segregation amendment. Proposition 14 makes it lawful to discriminate against your fellow Americans. Now I can see that you're not the kind of a fellow that anything like that lying down. You'll both know on Proposition 14.00:33:23 Sir, Sir.
00:33:26 Speak to me, Sir. Please speak well. He can't vote. But you can vote no on Proposition 14. Wrote me up. Anyway, I love my own stuff.
00:33:38 She's never heard back.
Devon Stack
00:33:38 Ohh yeah. Hey, so all the the guys that live in gated communities in Malibu and live in millions multi $1,000,000 mansions in Beverly Hills places that will never have to worry about actually having to deal with the kind of problems that.00:33:55 Proposition 14 is seeking to solve they, of course they oppose Proposition 14 because it won't affect.
00:34:02 M.
00:34:05 You know much, much like the you could say, you know, the current situation today, the immigration problem in the United States, the ruling class and the upper class is not.
00:34:15 Affected by this?
00:34:19 They're not affected by, they're not even affected. Obviously they're not affected by the low skilled.
00:34:25 Immigrants that come across the border. In fact, if anything, they're positively affected by that.
00:34:30 Because those are the people that that, you know, mow their lawn, cook their dinner, raise their kids for like $4.00 an hour or they're the people that work in their sweatshop factories or or whatever. But even if you're someone like Elon, right, the the H1B1 visa immigrants, those are also an economic boon to you because.
00:34:53 They're coming into not your neighborhood, but to your office and working for less than the.
00:34:59 White people would work for.
00:35:03 So similar situation, right? The ruling class has more money to affect the outcome of the vote.
00:35:10 They have less at stake in terms of, you know, any kind of negative impact.
00:35:17 And I guess more at stake in terms of, you know, this guy, whoever's.
00:35:22 Gonna clean his pool for him.
00:35:27 You also have a variety of these. These race hustlers show up.
00:35:32 Like this is Louis Lomax.
Louis Lomax
00:35:35 Somebody had them.Richard D Hefner
00:35:36 At times, there are so many organizations that no one is quite clear who is doing exactly what. And so one man, Louis Lomax, is called in to coordinate the activities of the ***** community.Devon Stack
00:35:41 So.00:35:45 Yeah.
00:35:48 Now, Louis Lomax was a famous civil rights race hustler for the time he lied about going to Harvard and and just made-up his entire resume. But he wrote lots of books and in fact, I think he was even one of the the people responsible for popularizing.
00:36:10 Amex he later would die in a car wreck when he was driving, likely under the influence at high speeds outside of Santa Rosa, NM, flipping his car and mangling himself so bad they could only identify him with a ring.
00:36:27 That he was wearing.
00:36:29 But before this, you know, few few years prior to him ejecting himself from his car at 100 miles an hour, he was at the at Ground Zero.
00:36:39 Ground Zero to defeat Proposition 14 and a lot of these people were being imported from all around the country to help the the effort to defeat Proposition 14.
Louis Lomax
00:36:52 There's no real hard work going on.00:36:55 And while we are sitting around.
00:36:57 The opposition is working feverishly. Just yesterday I got valid verifiable information.
00:36:59 OK.
00:37:06 The real Estate board of the City of New York alone sent $50,000 into this community to keep.
00:37:15 You living in watts?
00:37:18 Those.
00:37:19 New York City real estate both are low $50,000 against you. I think the day is over.
00:37:28 On one or two.
00:37:30 Preacher at home politician Self appointed ***** leaders can stand.
00:37:38 In the way.
00:37:39 And say that unless you do business with me.
00:37:43 There's nothing can happen in the legal.
00:37:44 Community and we may find ourselves and there's going to be a turtle bird. We may find ourselves sitting with the responsibility, as Jim would say, fire up or.
00:37:57 Firing up the people.
00:37:59 To make the leaders move, I described this thing in my book and made.
00:38:02 To hold of this peculiarly dressed man running down the street, saying to somebody.
00:38:06 Which way is the parade?
00:38:07 Going. I'm leaving it, you said. And we just, we just might have to do this to some.
00:38:12 Of our leaders.
Devon Stack
00:38:15 Salaries, talking about getting all the black Church leaders involved, he he mentions there's 50 grand coming in from New York because and I don't know if that's true, but if it was, it's and it's it's plausible because other states were worried that if this didn't work out in California, then they'd be.00:38:35 Blocked because then the precedent had been would have been set.
00:38:39 And other states wouldn't also be able to follow suit because, surprise, surprise, it didn't matter if you lived in California or New York, or anywhere in between. If you were a white neighborhood you wanted to keep it that way. This is this is before the Watts riots, but not before any riot in America. And it was fairly well.
00:38:59 In addition to the the property values going down, the safety issues, the and the the, the, the quality of the education, all the negative impacts of having blacks in your Community, these were all well known by this time. You know this this is.
00:39:14 This is after the Great ***** migration ******* had moved from the South into the north. All the all the people that, when it was all just academic, you know, we're like, oh, we're all equal before they had to actually live in proximity to blacks.
00:39:28 Well, they now had an education.
00:39:31 They now had an education and they had spent a lot of money creating these white communities outside the city limits, and they had sacrificed a lot to abandon the cities that they had, that they they themselves, their, their ancestors had built.
00:39:47 And left them to the ******* to destroy.
00:39:51 So they could go live safely in these suburbs.
Louis Lomax
00:39:58 Listen, Chris. Hello. Yeah. Look, as you well, as I told the other day, I'm, you know, working with CAP 14 and we're trying to.00:40:08 Coordinate and give a sense of unity and direction. You know to the whole drive against fourteen in the ***** community. And I have met with the head of the Urban League and with the boy at core and with UC RC. And I'm trying to, if I can't pull this whole thing together.
00:40:28 So our office can be of affect, have an effective relationship with everybody involved and this is what I'm calling you about, that we divide Los Angeles geographically into.
00:40:43 Four or five major areas and that each of the civil rights organizations would assume responsibility for one of the territories.
Devon Stack
00:40:54 So they split up the the city of Los Angeles in this case, but all across the the state.00:41:03 They split up into groups and they again they they get a bunch of young kids and, you know, volunteers to go pass out pamphlets and tell people.
00:41:14 To not go and vote yes for Prop 14.
00:41:20 And it's interesting, some of the people that you see volunteering and what their motivations might be.
Black Guy
00:41:27 Now when you cross railroad tracks, make sure you go across the track. Just go right up to it and turn your your ham bars and go right across the track. Don't try to ride along with the tracks, you can fall.00:41:40 Above all, we don't want anything to happen to anyone that day because it's very important that we ride. But it's also important that nothing happens to any of you. It's important that we stay together.
00:41:50 And we're going to write single file all the way. There are No 2.
00:41:58 All night.
Louis Lomax
00:42:09 Maybe.Black Guy
00:42:13 So if you want to get near someone that you want to talk to, you can line up accordingly.00:42:20 Harry will act as a leader for us. You know the rock that we're going to take. We're going to take the Pacific, we're going to go up to gas and go out to Cabrillo Beach, and we're going to ride back down Pacific. Then we're going to.
Richard D Hefner
00:42:30 Los Angeles is a difficult city to cover, either by bicycle.00:42:34 Or by auto.
00:42:37 It's less one city than it is a string of suburban towns connected by boulevards and by whizzing freeways.
00:42:47 Each town retains its own separate identity and its own separate police force. To most *******, Los Angeles actually has meant living in Compton or in Watts, or in Pacoima, unless, of course, a ***** family has tried to leap over the wall into a middle class white community.
Devon Stack
00:43:04 There's talk, there's a there was a literal wall.00:43:08 That's not a, that's not a a metaphorical leap over the wall.
00:43:14 When the blacks started flooding into Compton and Watts.
00:43:18 These white neighborhoods built literal like better walls than Trump ever built. Walls around their neighborhoods to keep the blacks out.
Richard D Hefner
00:43:32 It's a high wall though, one built of fear and hatred, as well as a desire for privacy. It was precisely to breach it that the Rumford Act was passed by the state legislature last year.00:43:44 However, its first effect has been to galvanized the opposition, a coalition of real estate interests, private individuals and extremist fringe groups.
Devon Stack
00:43:55 And by that it means that you know people will not see a uniform showed up and.00:44:00 Yeah, the optics were not great, but it is what it is.
Richard D Hefner
00:44:06 All of whom are concerned either about the value of their property or about the preservation of their constitutional right of privacy, or simply about the need to keep ******* out.Devon Stack
00:44:17 Yeah, yeah, never, never, never. Great. Never great to be doing that.00:44:23 But uh, you know, whatever. It's 1963, it happened.
00:44:28 So you know again this the the Whites were actually had some kind of solidarity, uh, a lot of the the more quote UN quote, respectable.
00:44:38 Knights were very coy about it. They were. They were liars like they've been for really since the dawn of time. They were so afraid of being called racist. I mean, it was such a a bad word. I mean, even worse than 196064 is, which I think that this is now in 1964.
00:44:58 Than it is now, believe it or.
00:45:00 Not.
00:45:02 This is right in the heart now. This is right. Right in the midst of the civil rights movement, right.
00:45:06 There's like BLM times 1000.
00:45:10 So people were very touchy about being called racist, and so unfortunately what you had is you had the Nazi types who were at least explicit about what, you know, what it was all about saying that we they didn't want black people to live there. But you had the other, the whites, who literally lived in a white community surrounded by a wall to keep black people out.
00:45:30 They they didn't want to just say that.
00:45:33 They didn't want to just say, actually, we don't want black people here, or at least some of them. Some of them do, but a.
00:45:38 Lot of them don't, you'll notice.
00:45:40 And instead they they try to come up with other stupid, you know, lie.
00:45:44 Ways that they can feel good about lies about.
00:45:48 Like, well, it's about, it's about.
00:45:50 Property rights it's like, well, it kind of is. I mean, I get what you're saying you want to be able to sell to whoever it is your property. You should be able to sell it to whoever you want to. You should be able.
00:45:59 To.
00:45:59 Rent it to whoever you want to, but let's not pretend that the the reason for proposition.
00:46:05 14 isn't so that you can specifically not.
00:46:08 No to blacks. If you don't want to, right? Like that's, that's what. That's what we're doing here, right? Like this? This isn't like we we can say it's all. It's about property rights, but it's about a specific kind of property rights. And maybe if you've been more honest about it and less afraid to say that you might have gotten a little further with it. Maybe not. But I I suspect that you would have.
00:46:28 And we'd probably be in a better spot now.
Richard D Hefner
00:46:33 And so the law and the political parties are forced to choose Floyd Wakefield, a conservative Republican campaigning for office.Floyd Wakefield
00:46:37 I'm Mr. Wakefield and I'm running for 62nd Assembly district.00:46:42 And I want to talk to you today about Proposition 14. Are you familiar with the proposition 14?
00:46:48 No, not.Floyd Wakefield
00:46:49 Are you familiar with the Rumford Fair housing bill? Well, this is.Woman
00:46:52 Ohh yes. Uh-huh.Floyd Wakefield
00:46:55 On the Rumford Grill, my main issue in the campaign is in opposition to the Rumford bill and supporting Proposition 14, and we urge a yes vote.Devon Stack
00:47:08 And most of the people that at least the white people that they encountered during this video most.00:47:13 Are very much against this Rumford act, the Rumford Act being the the force you to to rent and sell the Black People Act you know, here's another person he talks to. He's. Yeah. This is a conservative Republican. His counterpart, the guy who he's trying to run against, along with a lot of other Republic.
Floyd Wakefield
00:47:24 Thank you very much.00:47:32 Chickens voted to pass the Rumford Act.
00:47:34 Yeah. You're welcome. Yeah. And that.
00:47:36 You you are the you are for or against the the Rumford bill.
00:47:42 You know, I don't even know what that is.Floyd Wakefield
00:47:44 For the router, the router below is this.00:47:50 The rump the Rumford bill is the fair housing bill that was passed by September of last year in the state legislature.
00:47:54 Oh yeah? Well, and we again, we don't want anybody just to come and take our homes over that is against that's against.Floyd Wakefield
00:48:03 Right. But now then? But now then you don't go to the polls and vote against the.00:48:09 Will you go to the polls and vote in favor of Proposition 14? Because this is a constitutional omission.
Devon Stack
00:48:17 So again, he's educating people, going door to door, trying to get white people to understand what they have to do. So you know, both sides are are exercising that they're all participating in this wonderful system of democracy that we have. Right. You got the the blacks getting together and and canvassing the area with their army of mug shot.00:48:37 And you've got the the white guys going around and explaining to the homeowners that, hey, you have an opportunity to go against the Rumford act that you guys don't seem to like, you just have to go vote yes for 14.
Floyd Wakefield
00:48:51 I'm certainly going to vote yes on it.00:48:53 Right, and this is, this is the thing that we want to you to do.
00:48:58 And I believe that the people of California have a right to own their own property and do this. What they are like, right, rent or sell right now.
00:49:08 Out loud.
Devon Stack
00:49:11 See and and most of the white people seem pretty accepting of the the the idea they want to go and vote for it. They're worried about what this could mean for their community, if if they're not able to pass it.00:49:22 Yeah.
00:49:23 But then of course.
00:49:25 You see evidence that boomers, even before boomers, boomer is a mindset for those that are going to freak out. So they're guys way older than a boomer. Obviously he is.
00:49:38 But boomers are even the boomers had boomers.
00:49:42 This is your classic. I left this in just because.
00:49:48 If imagine the exact same scenario is happening today like magically we're at. We even have the yeah. Imagine. Imagine the the wonderful utopia that it would be that you had a white neighborhood and and you were worried that that you, if you didn't pass this this proposition 14 that you wouldn't have your your glorious imaginary white neighborhood anymore.
00:50:10 And this guy is going around door to door trying to explain this to the homeowners. And then he comes across.
00:50:17 The the the boomers boom.
00:50:19 Sure.
Floyd Wakefield
00:50:20 Like to leave you with my biography here so she can read it all.Wilson Man
00:50:24 No.00:50:27 I'm a Wilson man.
You're Wilson, man. Yes, Sir. I might as well get it. Are you familiar with the Rumford bill? I'm a Wilson man. Well, we, we, we, I still urge I'd like for you to go to the polls in November.
00:50:30 00:50:41Wilson Man
00:50:41 Through my personal friend.Floyd Wakefield
00:50:44 The personal friend brother. I'm not allowed.00:50:46 To have used any funds yet. Well, and I think that that friends are very, very well needed.
00:50:54 Except the fact that that, that legislation that sometimes is, I don't know, George, it's pretty been pretty good by me a lot about the first, the people in the 52nd.
Wilson Man
00:51:05 Seems to be doing alright. It's been like it every time and I think you'd be.Floyd Wakefield
00:51:13 Do you support the Rumford bill, or you know much about it?Wilson Man
00:51:17 Well, I'd tell you something.00:51:20 I I don't. I'm not committal. I don't. I don't see much about this thing out. After all. You see, there's too much of this and tie this and and tie that and there's.
Floyd Wakefield
00:51:32 Legislative over grill is owned by people that own property that they do this with their own delivery. Ohh yeah, I'll sell my property to whomever I want. You cannot do this. I can't force you. But if you want to.Wilson Man
00:51:44 Well.00:51:48 Nobody can force me to sell my property.
00:51:53 I don't want to sell.
00:51:54 It.
Floyd Wakefield
00:51:54 You can sell it too.00:51:57 If you don't, if you if you want to sell it, if you did want to sell it, or really, they could certainly tell you who to sell it to and who you could.
Devon Stack
00:52:06 I mean, I'm sorry this this.Leonidous
00:52:15 Get in.Devon Stack
00:52:30 This is the kind of.00:52:30 White guy that needs to go.
00:52:33 This is the kind of ******* white guy that needs to go.
00:52:39 This this is.
00:52:40 Civilization ending. **** the world when I'm gone, white guy and we have too ******* many of them.
00:52:47 And if you have them in your life, the time has come to stop being nice to them.
00:52:56 The time has come to stop being awkward or don't talk to Uncle Jimmy about that. He doesn't like politics. No. **** uncle Jimmy.
00:53:05 This is no longer some kind of academic thing. Well, we can just let's just get along. Let's just pretend. Let's just not talk about that at this point. It's like trying to pretend that you don't know that Uncle Jimmy's a ******* pedophile.
00:53:21 Ohh, don't talk about the fact that he's a pedophile. You can still be friends with him. Just don't mention the pedophile stuff.
00:53:28 How is? How is it any better?
00:53:30 How is it any better?
00:53:33 Ohh uncle Jimmy, he'd rather cut his lawn with a pair of ******* scissors.
00:53:38 Then leave a civilization for his grandchildren.
00:53:46 He'd rather try try to do his little snarky little comments.
00:53:50 Well, he, he, he he ignores the the the world burning around him and just snip, snip, snip with my little scissors.
00:53:58 Snip, Snip, Snip can't even look you in the eye cause I.
00:54:01 Know I'm a ******* coward.
00:54:08 He's not being dismissive. He's being a ******* coward.
00:54:16 **** these people if you have anyone like this in your life, **** those people.
00:54:28 You want to talk about a type of voting that works. That's a type of voting that works.
00:54:34 Ohh uncle Jimmy, you're fine with with white genocide then **** you.
00:54:43 And let him know. Let him know why.
00:54:50 It's time to cut these ******* cancerous ***** out of your life and let them know why.
00:54:59 Because you know what? He's more worried he's more worried about perfect strangers on the TV.
00:55:06 Thinking he's a bigot.
00:55:10 Then he is.
00:55:10 About his his, his family's well-being.
00:55:17 **** these people.
00:55:21 But anyway, so there's that guy.
00:55:25 There's that ******* *******.
00:55:29 And but most aside from aside from Uncle Jimmy, the Assat over here, like most of the white people that this guy goes and talks to, they're fairly receptive.
Richard D Hefner
00:55:42 Too many politicians, they're noticeably absent. That no 114 local headquarters. Chicago.Registor
00:55:49 OK. What state were you born in?Devon Stack
00:55:56 Yes no 114 headquarters which is crawling with with Jews from the ACLU.00:56:02 Blacks from N double ACP and mud sharks.
00:56:06 So they start to advertise all over the place. I found this ad.
00:56:13 A lot of this lot of this language sounds very familiar too, right? A lot of Republicans that don't want you to be race conscious, they like to, they they love Lincoln, right? They ******* love Lincoln. I mean, **** Trump. When he was on rogue and couldn't shut the **** ** about Lincoln, right?
00:56:28 Republicans against Proposition 14, Proposition 14, violates the great principles of the Republican Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln.
00:56:40 The party of this *******.
00:56:43 Gangly ******.
00:56:48 Proposition 14 is not a partisan it's issue its leaders of both major parties, all major faiths, lawyers, owner who. That means businessmen, organized labor, wonder who that means. And hundreds of civic groups are fighting this dangerous and ill considered amendment.
00:57:08 Proposition. For to it goes too far. Too far.
00:57:16 Goes far beyond a repeal of the Rumford Act that also repeals portions of the California Civil Rights Act. Oh no.
00:57:24 It permanently ties the hands of her elected city, county and state representatives from ever acting in the housing discrimination field well, Thank God. Thank God for that. I think I'm pretty sure that was intentional.
00:57:39 Proposition 14 would prevent any state and local action in this field and would invite federal intervention. Well, that's another we'll get to that state. Local problems should be resolved at the state and local level. That's what they're trying to do with the referendum. It's on the ballot. You can vote for it. It's local. It's statewide.
00:57:59 No one, no one in Kentucky.
00:58:00 Is voting for this.
00:58:02 Proposition 14 would hand our enemies abroad, especially communists.
00:58:08 Especially communists, and ohh the chicoms, they're literally saying the trichomes.
00:58:15 They're literally like nothing has changed. Nothing has changed about the stupid race. Blind Republicans.
00:58:24 Are the chicoms in Asia?
00:58:27 Ah, it had the the special the comments in Asia and Africa, a devastating propaganda weapon to be used against the United States.
00:58:38 We must preserve California's international reputation for fair play and common decency.
00:58:45 Proposition 14 would give constitutional protection to discrimination on the basis of race or religion.
00:58:54 Signs ready. No Catholics. No Jews, no *******, no Orientals.
00:58:59 Would have constitutional protection if proposed, yeah. And they should have.
00:59:04 You you should have that right freedom of association.
00:59:11 Right. That's sorry, that's sorry. You hate America so much, Jews.
00:59:17 Proposition 14 would be a blow to responsible civil rights leaders.
00:59:22 Who seek voluntary or legislative solutions to problems lie like that, who seek voluntary or legislative solutions.
00:59:31 So they're saying that ohh no the the civil rights leaders won't be able to force people to integrate anymore. That's what they're saying.
00:59:41 Proposition 14 would encourage radical elements who would use lawless coercion in our streets. I don't even know.
00:59:47 What the ****?
00:59:48 That's supposed to mean probably isn't 14 is unfair. Oh, it's. So is it unfair, Billy? Americans of all races and all faiths are asked to defend our country in time of war. One of our country's most basic principles.
01:00:05 Well, no one's saying that you're not equal or that you can't go fight in a war or even vote for this for that matter.
01:00:11 They're they're they're talking about the the. They're not saying that white people can come and take your house.
01:00:18 They're saying white people don't have to. They're not forced to sell you their house if they want to sell a house.
01:00:28 Proposition 14 is extreme. The Rumford Act has resulted in only one court case in over a year of existence.
01:00:36 If the Rumford Act needs changes, it should be changed by the legislature, yet definitely not by voting.
01:00:42 It should be changed by the people in Sacramento.
01:00:45 Not like the the people voting.
01:00:48 That would be bad if, if if these people who love democracy so much.
01:00:55 If democracy were to, you know, resolve this issue, I'm pretty sure that that that's exactly what's happening, right? The democratic process is resolving dissatisfaction with the Rumford Act.
01:01:07 You just don't like the the the solution so.
01:01:10 Go vote against it.
01:01:12 You believe in democracy, right? Go vote against it.
01:01:18 So they they have this, you know.
01:01:22 Ohh say no, I'm 14. It's bad. Count me in. I'm a Republican against 14 Lincoln.
01:01:33 Ah.
01:01:36 Meanwhile, back at Jew headquarters.
Richard D Hefner
01:01:39 Opposition to Proposition 14 has attracted a number of volunteer workers, ranging from college students to housewives to active civil rights leaders.01:01:49 But despite their passion and their sincerity, they still often fail to sway the opposition.
01:01:55 Reason and rightness are on their side. They believe. So how could any reasonable man resist once the light is revealed, actually?
Mexican Mechanic
01:02:02 I'm not aware of what the Rumford Act is or is not in other.01:02:06 I'd I'd like to. I'd like to feel free feel as a citizen, to exercise my privilege and selling or renting to those people whom I choose will will. I don't think that they then since you're not gonna live what they want for that. Really.
01:02:26 To really say that to see the whole project is really doesn't require anybody.Mexican Mechanic
01:02:29 Anything it only has its fairness on both sides. This is one of the points I you as a puppy when and I know you've been my client and many times anything chatting I I have been your client and I intend to continue to be your client but I I have not ever been.01:02:49 Deprive the privilege of buying property. I hadn't tried to sell any, so I don't know, but I haven't been deprived the privilege of buying wherever I choose so far.
01:03:02 And this I I value very highly.
Devon Stack
01:03:06 So even though you know, I don't think, I think that guy's Mexican. He looks kind of Mexican. He has kind of a an accent. But even like the the old school Mexicans kind of have a problem with this because a lot of these guys are the ones that came to America, not, you know, in caravans, but because they actually.01:03:26 Wanted to be Americans.
01:03:28 Back when that was.
01:03:29 A thing?
01:03:30 Then of course you see a lot of the same kind of stuff that you would see today, right? If you were to watch a a live stream where you're watching, you know, the people on the right debate leftist you. It's the same thing. The leftists don't know what they're talking about.
01:03:48 They haven't read the act. They don't know what Proposition 14 even is.
01:03:53 They have just been brainwashed by TV and the idea that this is what non racists do and so they show up and get owned by the people who've actually done their homework.
White Guy
01:04:06 You don't even know what you're talking about. If you know if you know something about the run for Dad, talk. If you don't, then I suggest you go home and read it, read it thoroughly, then come back and talk about the I don't think you have because you don't seem to know any of the files.Opponent
01:04:17 And using.White Guy
01:04:18 Well, do you?01:04:19 Know the facts on the room for that.
01:04:20 I've read it. White Guy
01:04:21 You read it. You read it, read it. All right, then I ask you again, who does the agreed person apply to? Once he feels that he's agreed?01:04:33 Man and I feel like I've been discriminated against. Who do I go to or something? Yeah, alright, alright. And then how much does it cost me to?
01:04:40 File this complaint then cost. You were saying? I know I've.
01:04:40 Heard. We heard it already.
01:04:43 Been through that. I know that's right.
01:04:44 You think this is right? I ask you to a point. Yes. Why? I wanna ask. See why you think this is alright.
01:04:52 Alright, you've got it other than.White Guy
01:04:53 That that's what I want to know. You know, walk around if they vote for the Rumford act, a great act. But I want to know why. It's a great act if you can give me some point blank reason why it's great. Fine. Otherwise, vote yes on 14. Get away with it. Do away with it.Devon Stack
01:05:07 So there you go. The whites are are are obviously.01:05:12 More up on the the facts of the case and aren't just swayed by the fact that, oh, the black people want us to do it and the black people are cool and I want to be cool like the black people so.
01:05:25 So let's go do it like that mud shark from earlier. And then you had the wishy washy fence riders like this guy?
Fence Rider
01:05:35 When it comes to human rights.01:05:38 I believe in them to a certain extent. Now I've learned to live with them, work with them.
01:05:46 And treat them just like I wish to.
01:05:49 Be treated myself?
01:05:51 Now along the same line, I like to be treated as such.
01:05:58 And there are certain factions on both sides that are becoming a bunch of animals. That's all there is to it.
01:06:08 They are not treating one another correctly.
01:06:12 So I don't know whether we're going too far one way or too far or the.
Devon Stack
01:06:17 Other right now we'll pick a side, *******. It's time to ******* pick a side. I think both sides out, you know, are being animals. I think that the both sides are being bad. So I don't have to make a choice. I can just sit here and no one will be mad at me because I'll say that.01:06:32 You guys are sometimes being crazy and you guys are, so I don't know. I don't know. You ******* ******.
01:06:39 Pick a ******* side.
01:06:41 Pick a ******* side.
01:06:44 You're you're you're indistinguishable from the old man cutting his ******* lawn with a pair of scissors. You ******* ******. Pick a side.
01:06:52 It's time to pick a ******* side.
01:06:57 So that that's that's the the Tim Poole fan.
01:07:02 And then you got the the rich racist, the rich racist that that's afraid of just saying is racist.
01:07:09 This this bow tie wearing **** that that like he gets he's close. He gets close like he he at least talks about how he does it while black people in his neighborhood.
01:07:19 But he also can't, like, stop bragging about how he lived in China. Like somehow, that's.
01:07:23 Relevant.
Rich Racist
01:07:24 I tell people don't get me wrong, but I lived in China 20 years, so color is nothing to me the color.Devon Stack
01:07:29 Ohh yeah, I lived in China so I'm not a racist. Don't get me.01:07:33 Wrong.
01:07:34 See, this is the Fagot tree of the white people that has got us in trouble.
01:07:39 Stop giving a **** about if you're racist. Who cares? No one ******* cares. They think you're racist anyway.
01:07:47 They think you're racist anyway.
01:07:50 The Jews, they think that it's something literally in your blood that makes you anti-Semitic. We've talked about this a lot.
01:07:57 They literally think that inevitably.
01:08:01 Regardless of their behavior, which is always squeaky clean, right, they never. They've never done anything wrong. The Jews have never brought any kind of anti-Semitism upon themselves yet they also simultaneously believe they keep getting persecuted. So one can only come to 1 conclusion.
01:08:17 If their behavior is never the reason for the persecution, and yet it keeps happening over and over and over again, century after century from the same group of people, what are you to conclude?
01:08:28 What are you to conclude?
01:08:31 You want to conclude only that there must be something inherent in white people that makes them hate Jews for no reason.
01:08:40 And the same thing with black people.
01:08:45 Did you tell black people they're just as capable as white people living in white communities, and that there really should be nothing preventing them from succeeding at the same level? And yet they don't? What are they to conclude?
01:08:57 Well, clearly there's something something.
01:08:59 Stopping me, and it's probably ******.
01:09:05 It's probably ******. Trust me. I talked to Shlomo and he said it was ******.
Rich Racist
01:09:09 I tell people don't get me wrong, but I lived in China 20 years, so color is nothing to me. The color of a man's skin is nothing to me, but I feel very deadly that the white man has just as much right to say. Now I live here as the colored man has a right to say I'm going to push myself in right next to you.01:09:11 I lived in China.
01:09:26 And I said that's the thing if the other.
01:09:28 People won't accept. They would.
01:09:29 Accept that the white people.
01:09:30 Have any rights at all? He's only colored man.
01:09:32 That has the rights now I've been groomed.
01:09:34 Well, that's that's the colored man is the only one has the right to. That's wrong. We all have rights.
01:09:40 And I have a right to have a a white man or a colored man. Listen to me. If I didn't want to live with a white man colored man, then I can move into a place where there weren't any other, but I. So I'll move yes on it. I I still feel that that, that the ACT is wrong. That is the way we're going to solve our problems. No, I live in China too long
01:10:00 I know better.
Devon Stack
01:10:01 I lived in China.01:10:03 Shut the **** **, old man, and stop being a ***** and say I don't care. I don't care if you're if you're black or white. It's just the, you know, the white people don't have any rights. You.
01:10:12 That's why you don't have any rights anymore.
01:10:14 Because you were so worried about about people thinking you cared about whether you were black or white, that you gave up all your rights to convince people that that no, no, I'm not racist. I lived in China.
01:10:30 So you then you get to this lawyer who is is giving advice on how to sign up, sign up the people, and being very dismissive about their very legitimate reasons for not wanting to live amongst black people.
01:10:42 Yeah.
01:10:44 And he's like, well, I live around black people, so it should be fine. People are worried about, you know, they they say it's about housing and stuff, but it's really.
01:10:52 About safety oh, so.
01:10:54 That's wrong. You you don't want.
01:10:55 People to make decisions.
01:10:57 They would they.
01:10:58 Would maximize the safety for their family. Just because you have some kind of weird black fetish, you think everyone else should have to.
Guy with glasses
01:11:05 You've got the stress morality, you've got the stress, the fact that equal justice under laws is important principle. But again, people don't relate it in this way.01:11:16 Thinking about a flood of ******* moving into their neighborhood, we're concerned about their kids and and what this does to education and many people that lived in integrated neighborhoods. I have, I do now, and but people are frightened by this.
Devon Stack
01:11:33 Yeah, in hindsight, being what it is.01:11:37 Considering that the the Watts riots are right around the ******* corner.
01:11:43 They have good reason to be worried about their safety.
01:11:51 The the crime statistics being what they were then, just as bad, if not worse as they are now.
01:11:59 They had a reason to worry about their safety.
01:12:03 And just because you have a hard on for blacks and you live in their neighborhood.
01:12:07 Doesn't give you the right to force all the other white people to to be equally suicidal.
01:12:19 But he knew how to get to him. He knew how to psych him out. He knew to. Oh, yeah.
01:12:22 Just go after use the moral argument.
01:12:27 Because if there's one thing white people care about, it's being moral. It's being just.
01:12:34 So if you want to take advantage of them all you have to do is convince them that they're they're being immoral. They're not doing what's right.
01:12:42 Imagine that. Imagine that being your your your people's weakness.
01:12:47 Well, it is.
01:12:49 And that's what they exploited.
01:12:54 That's why it was so easy to.
01:12:57 Exploit the the religious nature of the whites by using their religious leaders.
01:13:05 God doesn't see race.
01:13:09 There's only one race, the human race.
01:13:14 There they had this little interesting tidbit he he he starts talking, they they literally cut something out. Like they censored something.
01:13:23 I wish I knew what it was because what they left in wasn't exactly great.
01:13:34 This is.
01:13:36 Lewis Lennox talking to the the black leaders.
01:13:42 And he he let slip that we're not really Christians, we're just pretending to be Christians, which I thought was weird.
01:13:49 And it makes it very clear that they don't see themselves as part of the white community. They're they're trying so desperately to force them to integrate with.
Louis Lomax
01:14:03 What are you really concerned about?01:14:08 After we finish and our middle class societies drinking Scotch during the twist, the million involved, you know, wall to wall carpeting.
Devon Stack
01:14:15 There you see that cut. What was that cut? What else did he say? He's listing all the things that they like to do in private and they they cut out like a sentence of stuff. I'd love to know what that was.Louis Lomax
01:14:29 After we finish and our middle class societies drinking Scotch during the twist.01:14:34 The milling and Walter you know, home with wall.
01:14:36 To wall carpeting.
01:14:38 Pretending we're Christians and we ain't, we know it and putting.
01:14:42 Up our facade.
01:14:44 Deep inside of us, what are we reading?
Devon Stack
01:14:48 Yeah. What are you really?01:14:50 And why didn't they leave the part where you said what you really were in the video? They didn't. It's a really weird clip.
01:14:59 It's a really weird clip to have in there. He knew he was on camera too. Back then, film cameras. They're not small. It's not like a phone camera that he's not aware of. There's a giant ******* light on him.
01:15:09 For them to be able to pick up especially cause he has black skin. That's not a joke. There's a bright *** ******* spotlight on this guy right now. As he says this.
01:15:19 We know we are.
01:15:21 We pretend to be Christians, but we ain't. What? What the **** are you? What were you getting at? And what did they cut out?
01:15:28 Like what were you you were talking about? Drinking Scotch and on and on and cut. And having wall to wall carpet. Well, hold on.
01:15:37 What? What? What else are you guys doing?
01:15:41 It's a weird little cut to have there.
01:15:45 So anyway, meanwhile, like there was a that was a very weird clip that they had in there.
01:15:50 Back at the white people see it's funny cause this is La La. Believe it or not, back in the 1960s was still pretty rural, or at least they had rural influences. Had rodeos, I mean, in fact, in in Beverly Hills Rodeo Dr. It's it's that's rodeo Dr.
01:16:07 They I'm. I'm not ******** you. The fancy like the fancy fake Hollywood people started calling it rodeo to make it sound fancier. It's literally rodeo Dr.
01:16:20 That's the that, this, this whole area had a lot of Cowboys and a lot of rural **** still.
Dystopian PA System
01:16:32 Yes.Young Republican
01:16:32 On behalf of the party given by Young.Richard D Hefner
01:16:38 Republicans for yes on Proposition 14.Floyd Wakefield
01:16:41 I would say this. I'm not here to give a speech tonight, but I would like to make this one statement. We have a tremendous amount of work to do between now and November the the.01:16:52 This is a fantastic start today, early this evening.
01:16:56 And all I can say is go and and let's win.
01:17:02 Not only in the 52nd and the 23rd Congressional District, but up and down the state of California. Thank you.
Devon Stack
01:17:13 I left this and just because it's a little.01:17:15 Like what you thought but.
01:17:18 I can't decide if this is wholesome or weird.
01:17:38 Alright.
01:17:41 So that was that was.
01:17:42 Team White's meeting with their their candidate, who was against the OR or for Proposition 14 and against the Rumford Act.
01:17:55 And it gets closer and closer to Election Day.
01:17:59 Very close to Election Day and they they keep, they're getting desperate. They're going to all the black neighborhoods, making sure they register everyone. But remember, our democracy is sacred.
01:18:10 Regardless of how this goes down, this is the process that if you want to get something done, you vote for it. That's that's the whole foundation upon the society in which we live. That's the social contract that we make, not just with the government, but with each other as citizens of America.
01:18:30 The diverse melting pot that we are, sure
01:18:33 We we might have our differences, but E Pluribus Unum. Out of many one, we are one people. We are one nation, and the process of the vote, the, the, the sacred vote. That is what navigates this society in the direction that is is most just, because that is what the most people.
01:18:56 Have advocated for that is.
01:18:59 That is what makes America stand apart from all the desperate nations across the world, especially at this time in the 1960s.
01:19:08 right in the middle of of the the Cold War, when communism was on the rise and we had to show them how we were different. We had a different system, a system that respected the individual rights and freedoms of all of the Americans everywhere.
01:19:29 And so I applaud these ******* going to the ***** neighborhoods, trying to get people registered to vote because that is them assimilating into our society and and learning the process. And they're not rioting. So that's. This is all very well and good.
Black man on a megaphone
01:19:48 Are you over 21 years of age? Are you 21 years old? If you are 21 years old?Devon Stack
01:19:59 That's a little reminder by the way, that you had to be 21 years.01:20:02 Old to vote back then.
01:20:05 That's a fairly recent change.
01:20:07 A lot of people don't know that.
Black man on a megaphone
01:20:11 I'm sure you should be visited. It's the right of every citizen. It's the duty of every citizen to get registered at home. This is going to be a crucial election, a most crucial election. So therefore, whatever your political beliefs are, the time to get.01:20:31 That is now, so there's been no river towns. You won't be able to catch your vote for the candidate of your choice. This is going to be a crucial election, and each person should be at the polls to express his.
01:20:49 Are you a registered voter? Are you a registered voter?
Dystopian PA System
01:20:55 Attention please citizens and local residential bloc pursuing your inspection positions.01:21:04 Attention residents contain potential severe infection, uniform corporate assembled.
01:21:16 Citizen notice failure to cooperate will result in permanent relocation.
Devon Stack
01:21:25 Oh, the vote. It's so important. You heard him.01:21:30 It was one of the most important elections of their time.
Richard D Hefner
01:21:38 It begins with registration and it ends with Election Day. Or maybe it actually begins with Election Day, for often only when the consequences of our acts are brought home to us, to we the voters begin to take stock of the issues. Only then do we begin to perceive what they mean for us.01:21:56 As citizens and what shape they give to us as a nation.
Devon Stack
01:22:01 Well said, well said. And So what happened?01:22:06 What happened?
01:22:09 That November day.
01:22:12 When Californians all across the state.
01:22:15 When to go vote?
01:22:18 To participate in this democratic democratic process.
01:22:26 To solve the issues.
01:22:30 So close to home, quite literally close to home.
01:22:34 Wow.
01:22:37 It won.
01:22:39 In every single county.
01:22:43 Even that top one to the right that looks like it didn't win.
01:22:47 It did win, just it scraped by.
01:22:52 Every single county in California voted to get rid.
01:23:00 Of the Rumford Fair Housing Act, by way of the Proposition 14, which would amend the Constitution which would prevent.
01:23:12 The state legislature from ever.
01:23:16 Trying to pass a similar law, therefore.
01:23:22 Protecting the rights of white communities to exist in California forever, and as we know, that's how it is today, right?
01:23:33 Because they voted.
01:23:36 Right, they voted. And so clearly if you go to California today, they've got all white neighborhoods.
01:23:44 They've got all white neighborhoods. In fact, they got all white apartment complexes, all white hotels.
01:23:52 I mean, I I I was just in California the other day and I saw a sign.
01:23:56 That said, no Jews.
01:23:59 Outside of a subdivision, I thought about moving there.
01:24:05 No, obviously that's nonsense.
01:24:11 Obviously that's nonsense, because while it did pass.
01:24:16 It turns out voting doesn't ******* matter in America. Who would have thought? Who would have thought that voting doesn't ******* matter.
01:24:28 You see, they went off script.
01:24:32 This isn't the way it was supposed to be.
01:24:35 Turns out when you vote for **** in America and it's not what the people that have power want, it doesn't really matter.
01:24:46 You see what happened was.
01:24:49 Immediately, and I mean like the day after it passed.
01:24:54 The N double ACP with the help of the ACLU and lots of money pouring in from rich donor Jews and other religious organizations.
01:25:07 They began the legal process of challenging the will of the people that didn't just.
01:25:15 Win it won.
01:25:17 Statewide by a margin of two to one.
01:25:25 It wasn't just a majority, it was a ******* blowout.
01:25:33 Proposition 1411 by a A ratio of two to one.
01:25:45 Nothing more democratic than that.
01:25:48 It was a landslide.
01:25:52 It was a literal landslide.
01:25:58 That's OK. The careful maneuvering of.
01:26:02 Jewish lawyers and others. Uh.
01:26:06 It didn't last long.
01:26:11 It lasted until Reitman v. Mulkey.
01:26:17 In 1967.
01:26:22 The supreme it.
01:26:23 Went all the way to the Supreme Court.
01:26:29 The Supreme Court decided unilaterally.
01:26:34 That the will of the people in California didn't ******* matter.
01:26:44 They said the Proposition 14 was invalid.
01:26:48 Because it it violated the civil rights.
01:26:53 Of black people that wanted to buy your house.
01:27:04 And it wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last time you wanna 1. You want to know how we got to.
01:27:08 The point that we're at now.
01:27:11 Like, why did people vote for all this stuff? They didn't.
01:27:16 California, California.
01:27:20 There's counties that that got 80%.
01:27:27 It passed in San Francisco.
01:27:34 It passed in LA.
01:27:37 And it passed everywhere in between.
01:27:41 Passed in Sacramento all throughout the sound working, it passed it. It passed everywhere.
01:27:59 But it turns out if the ruling class wants something and you vote for it, it doesn't ******* matter.
01:28:04 They get it anyway.
01:28:09 Or you vote against it, Rather they get it anyway.
01:28:19 Just like a few decades later, this is California again. Not that long ago.
01:28:25 Proposition 187.
01:28:29 Proposition 187.
01:28:34 In 1994.
01:28:41 At the time, you had a lot of illegal immigrants.
01:28:45 I mean go figure. Right. In California, illegal immigrants.
01:28:51 Thanks, Reagan.
01:28:53 Who are sucking the the the social services dry?
01:29:00 And the taxpayer base the white taxpayer base, still somewhat of a majority in 1994.
01:29:11 Decided to making another ballot initiative.
01:29:16 A referendum so they wouldn't have to have the the do nothing legislature do pass something.
01:29:26 Proposition. Proposition 187 would deny public services.
01:29:31 To illegal immigrants.
01:29:35 No.
01:29:37 That doesn't work for the ruling class that's trying to they gotta hold this. They have this white genocide project ongoing.
01:29:46 And and how all the illegal immigrants can be pumping out babies. If we're not giving them free healthcare.
01:29:53 So they struck that down in 2000.
01:29:59 In 2000.
01:30:01 The same process was used for Proposition 22.
01:30:09 People were very concerned. Again, this is California. Keep this in mind how quickly things will change in this country when you take away peoples's power.
01:30:19 When you take away people's political power and demographically replace them.
01:30:23 Keep this in mind. In 2000, less than 25 years ago in California.
01:30:33 Californians were worried about the rise in homosexuality the the normalizing of, yeah, California.
01:30:42 They were. They were worried about the rise in the normalization of of homosexuality.
01:30:47 You saw a lot of that in in the in the gay 90s streams that I've done a lot of that was, you know, in fact we did one that was Orange County.
01:31:00 They passed Proposition 22, the defined marriage.
01:31:05 As between a man and a woman.
01:31:10 Well, that didn't workout once again that went against the white genocide plan of the ruling class.
01:31:18 Struck down by the courts.
01:31:22 Well, it's weird because they voted.
01:31:26 They voted.
01:31:31 Few years later, 2008.
01:31:37 Proposition 8.
01:31:40 Also this this is all California.
01:31:44 At this point.
01:31:46 Things had really escalated with the ****.
01:31:50 There was talk that the state legislature was going to try to legalize gay marriage.
01:31:58 So Californians went to the same process, and they were able to get Proposition 8.
01:32:03 On the ballot.
01:32:04 That would ban same sex marriage.
01:32:07 And add that to the state constitution. There therefore, like with Proposition 14.
01:32:14 Barring the legislature from ever trying to **** with.
01:32:21 You know, gay marriage laws because it would be it would be against the California Constitution to do that.
01:32:28 2008.
01:32:32 It passed. We've talked about this. I've done streams on this.
01:32:38 A lawyer that worked for Bush junior.
01:32:42 In the administration, a quote UN quote conservative lawyer.
01:32:47 Sued.
01:32:49 Took it to the Supreme Court. All pro bono.
01:32:53 Sure, someone was paying him.
01:32:57 And that also against the will of the people.
01:33:01 Against the vote it passed.
01:33:06 It passed.
01:33:08 Statewide.
01:33:12 They were struck down by the Supreme Court.
01:33:22 Once again, because that goes against.
01:33:27 The larger plans of the ruling class.
01:33:31 People that think that we can vote.
01:33:33 Our way out of.
01:33:34 Problems just have a they they're just disconnected from reality.
01:33:41 You talk about things like, for example, it doesn't matter. It's not just the United States, right? Think about the UK.
01:33:50 A country that said, well, we can't possibly keep an eye on our borders.
01:33:56 You know there, there, there are huge borders. This ******* island, you know, we we can't. There's no way we could lock down our borders.
01:34:05 Until COVID rolls around and then all of a sudden it wasn't that hard, was it all of a sudden they could lock down everything?
01:34:14 All of a sudden you need like a vaccine pass.
01:34:17 Can't keep immigrants out, but we can. We can keep you in.
01:34:26 Oh, we can't get money for a wall.
01:34:29 Ohh, but here's like enough money for 10 walls going to to Ukraine.
01:34:46 Every president.
01:34:50 Since Reagan.
01:34:53 Has promised to crack down on the border. Lock it down, deport the illegals, legalize the ones the good ones.
01:35:04 And therefore fixing the problem.
01:35:07 From that point on, every president.
01:35:10 Since Reagan.
01:35:17 Why has it never happened?
01:35:22 Why has it ever happened?
01:35:27 Ronald Reagan in 1986.
01:35:31 Promoted the immigration Reform and Control Act.
01:35:38 He claimed that he was going to legalize only 800,000 or so less than 1,000,000.
01:35:46 Illegal immigrants.
01:35:49 He's going to give them amnesty.
01:35:52 To port all the rest and lock down the border.
01:35:55 What really happened?
01:35:58 Was he gave amnesty for over over 2 / 3 million and they never locked down the border.
01:36:04 The floodgates remained.
01:36:05 Open.
01:36:10 In 1993, Bill Clinton.
01:36:14 Initiated operation hold the line.
01:36:18 It's like we're at ******* war. Hold the line.
01:36:25 In an effort to reinforce the.
01:36:28 The Texas border.
01:36:31 Well, remember we looked at the the demographic shift that took place in Texas.
01:36:36 Let's see how well operation hold the line worked.
01:36:40 That was 1993, right?
01:36:49 Oh, let's see here. Demographics of Texas in 1993.
01:36:56 Texas was approximately 75% white.
01:37:02 About 11% black.
01:37:07 And.
01:37:08 The rest was.
01:37:12 Hispanic and.
01:37:14 Random other things.
01:37:18 But 75% white.
01:37:22 And 15% will say Hispanic, right?
01:37:26 What about today?
01:37:35 Oops had the wrong.
01:37:36 1.
01:37:40 Why is it not telling me this now? All.
01:37:41 Of.
01:37:41 A sudden it's like refusing to tell me. Is it that bad?
01:37:44 Is the news that bad?
01:37:48 Let me say this, if I got here.
01:37:58 OK.
01:38:07 I can't get specific numbers except for white demographics now represent less than 40% of the population.
01:38:15 You went from 75% white in 1993 to less than 40%, so almost almost a.
01:38:23 And you almost got cut.
01:38:24 In half.
01:38:27 And if it's anything like Dallas, we have the numbers for Dallas the other night.
01:38:31 All, all, all that growth, because even the black percentage went down a little bit. So pretty much all that growth was Hispanic.
01:38:39 So did they? Did they hold the line in 1993?
01:38:49 I mean, voters must have wanted this even from a Democrat. If you've got Bill Clinton having to promise people that he's going to initiate operation, hold the line to reinforce the border in Texas.
01:39:00 It's Clinton. He's only doing it because it's politically popular. That's the only reason why he promised anything, ever. That's what he that's what he.
01:39:07 Was all about.
01:39:10 By the way, same reason why? Why Reagan did it, right?
01:39:17 Bush promised to do it, Bush senior. He promised to do it in 88 when he was running for.
01:39:22 President. But never even did anything.
01:39:25 He just knew that people wanted to hear that because people.
01:39:27 Were worried about.
01:39:28 It and and this whole thing that Reagan had done just a couple of years prior was already starting to look not not so great, like it wasn't working out.
01:39:38 So bursting you promised he was going to do all these. These. Oh, we're going to do like, you know, enforce the of the law against employers.
01:39:48 We're gonna go after employers hire hiring the illegals. Well, that didn't work out.
01:39:53 Bill Clinton's operation hold the line didn't hold the line.
01:40:01 A decade later, Bush junior.
01:40:06 Signed the Secure Fence Act. Sound familiar?
01:40:14 The Secure Fence Act in 2006.
01:40:20 Authorizing construction of a border fence that never happened.
01:40:31 Then you got Obama, even Obama.
01:40:34 Even Obama had to pretend like he cared about the border.
01:40:38 When he lied about what DACA was all about, everyone everyone knew, but he still lied, he said. Oh no, DACA will be great because, you know, we we can't deport these poor children. I mean, these poor kids, they've spent most of their life here. It's not their fault. Their kid, they're their parents, drug them across the border. Oh, and by the way, I mean, you don't want to deport their parents.
01:40:58 So it was really wishy washy, but even with DACA.
01:41:02 Obama promised that it would. He would implement.
01:41:06 Border security to balance out all the freebies he was handing out.
01:41:12 That, of course.
01:41:15 Never happened.
01:41:18 Then you had Trump. In 2016, he was going to build a wall, and Mexico was.
01:41:22 Going to pay for it.
01:41:25 He was gonna build a wall, and Mexico was gonna pay for it. A big, beautiful wall. The wall just got 10 feet taller.
01:41:34 Never happen.
01:41:36 They built some sections of some weird metal fence.
01:41:40 That you can cut through.
01:41:42 With a.
01:41:44 A battery powered saw.
01:41:46 That you can buy off Amazon or at Walmart for 34 bucks.
01:41:59 And it's off and it's offense.
01:42:08 And then, of course, Biden, even Biden, because it's popular.
01:42:12 It's popular to not have an open border.
01:42:16 The people, if you put it to a vote.
01:42:19 Would shut down the border.
01:42:25 But it doesn't matter if voting doesn't ******* matter.
01:42:28 Because that goes against their bigger their bigger program.
01:42:39 This is demographic engineering.
01:42:43 It's funny because people used to ask me they'd say dev and I don't get it. Why would they want to replace us with these more worthless people? And I would say, well, I think they they think that technology is going to, you know, automation is going to.
01:42:56 Catch up enough.
01:42:58 To where? I mean, you only need people that can push buttons and pull levers and whatever they you don't you don't need anyone too crazy. Since then we've had, you know, the AI Revolution has begun.
01:43:12 And the tech pros have gotten together, and they've convinced the ruling class that well.
01:43:18 These guys from El Salvador, whatever right, but they can't. They're not. They're not capable.
01:43:23 Of of doing the the sweat shot sweat. It's like a sweatshop job.
01:43:29 Uh.
01:43:31 At these AI companies.
01:43:34 Feeding them their.
01:43:37 Their info and stuff.
01:43:39 But the Indians can do it. They're just high IQ, enough to where they.
01:43:42 Can.
01:43:43 Do the basic job.
01:43:53 Well, that works out great for the.
01:43:56 The ruling class Jews who?
01:43:59 Don't really fear Indians.
01:44:02 Indians aren't the ones that did the Holocaust.
01:44:08 Indians don't pose a threat. Indians are not competitors.
01:44:17 You need to understand.
01:44:20 The reason why?
01:44:22 Jews are talked about so often on this stream and others.
01:44:27 Is it because?
01:44:28 Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews, Jews. We're crazy people.
01:44:32 It's because there's there's there's it's. It's. There's documented evidence.
01:44:38 Everywhere you look, everywhere you look.
01:44:43 That the Jews in positions of power fear white people and wish to erase you.
01:44:51 And it doesn't seem to be limited to just like it's not like just some small group, it's any it it appears to be almost any Jew.
01:44:57 With a Twitter account.
01:45:07 This behavior is heritable.
01:45:09 After all.
01:45:12 They are trying to erase you.
01:45:17 There is, there is.
01:45:19 Religious reasons behind this?
01:45:24 They see us as their great religious adversaries.
01:45:29 Even if you're not, even if you're not Christian, I'm not saying they mean that about Christians. I mean, white people, Europeans.
01:45:47 They've had a chip on their shoulder since the Roman Empire.
01:45:54 And they wanted to destroy us.
01:45:56 And that's just a fact.
01:45:59 It's just a fact.
01:46:01 Does that mean every Jew in existence wants to genocide the whites? No, it doesn't. But enough of them to where it matters.
01:46:11 And why people need to wake the **** ** and realize that?
01:46:17 And if you wanna get, if you wanna have survival for your people.
01:46:23 You should be very nervous that the candidate that's going to be president.
01:46:29 Barring some kind of.
01:46:31 Crazy event that I I can't predict.
01:46:38 Is married into the tribe.
01:46:43 And is funded by the tribe.
01:46:47 And.
01:46:49 Isn't just complementary to the tribe.
01:46:52 But speaks endlessly.
01:46:55 About how he is the best man for the tribe.
01:46:59 And that the.
01:47:00 Tribe would be.
01:47:00 Stupid to not support him as president because he will be the best president for that tribe. The tribe that wants you to be genocide.
01:47:22 That's just, that's just the situation. I don't know how. I don't know how. You know, I don't know how people don't. Don't aren't bothered by that. Like, aren't you bothered? Like a little bit about, you know, like, aren't you bothered that the race of people?
01:47:38 The race of people that I think we've demonstrated.
01:47:42 Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
01:47:45 On this stream.
01:47:47 Over and over and over again.
01:47:52 Are responsible for.
01:47:55 A good not all a good portion.
01:48:00 Of the societal destruction that's gone on in the West and over the last century.
01:48:08 Either directly or indirectly, usually directly.
01:48:17 We've documented on this stream how little by little they've.
01:48:22 Made their way into positions of power within the government. We talked about FDR's administration being.
01:48:28 Really, the first big example of that there were, you know, there's always going to be those got well actually, yeah, I get it. There were Jews in positions of power before FDR.
01:48:38 But FDR was like the the cognitive Geo takeover of the country, essentially.
01:48:41 We.
01:48:48 And and look every administration in your lifetime has been like that.
01:48:54 Every administration in your lifetime has been.
01:48:58 Very jewy.
01:49:00 Extremely jewy.
01:49:15 They seem to get what they want, don't they?
01:49:17 You think, are they getting that by voting?
01:49:25 When when the Jews want to achieve something?
01:49:31 Are they? Are they putting the?
01:49:35 Putting referendums on the ballot and voting.
01:49:40 Is that how they're getting?
01:49:44 I'm curious because I.
01:49:46 Keep hearing how voting is going to change so many things.
01:49:49 That's how we get what we want.
01:50:06 Maybe they're just better at voting.
01:50:11 And they must be there's there's they only make up 2% of the population. They must be really good at voting.
01:50:21 You know, it's funny. A lot of people, for whatever reason, who still don't believe in voter fraud, mostly is they don't understand computers.
01:50:31 It it it's it's it's funny because in 2016.
01:50:38 2016 but prior to all of jewelry getting on board with Trump, just just the right wing Jews were down with Trump in 2016.
01:50:50 The the narrative then.
01:50:54 Was if you remember.
01:50:57 That Russia hacked the election.
01:51:01 Russia hacked the election that the the election results weren't legitimate.
01:51:06 That perhaps that they had they had.
01:51:08 Hacked the machines.
01:51:13 See and ended stories about this.
01:51:19 This was, I think, from 2016 they went to DEFCON.
01:51:23 Fun thing is, I was actually I.
01:51:24 Think I was there.
01:51:28 I'm not in the footage, but like I I'm pretty sure I was there.
01:51:32 They.
01:51:36 They went to DEFCON.
01:51:39 To a a part of the convention where they've been doing this for years, they they hack voting machines, they get voting machines and look for vulnerabilities and they're they're riddled with them.
01:51:51 And they try out different things to see if if they can change votes and stuff. And you know, because at the time CNN was like, yeah, the Russians hacked the ******* election.
01:52:02 They they had no problem reporting.
01:52:06 That the the machines were totally vulnerable and and basically it rendered and rendered voting electronically basically just.
01:52:15 Completely ********.
01:52:19 Like it just made it like it's. You might as well just get your. It's just as as as secure.
01:52:27 Is is filling out a ballot and just throwing it out your window and hoping that like it gets counted somewhere.
01:52:33 For how? For how vulnerable these machines are.
01:52:36 That's how much faith I would put in them.
Some girl
01:52:42 We're loving this one? But?Reporter
01:52:45 A room full of hackers, all trying.01:52:47 To hack into voting machines.
01:52:49 You can possibly make it accept a fake card or accept any card so you.01:52:54 Could add your own
01:52:55 Votes.
Hacker 2
01:52:55 These are supposed to be the latest machines. They're still used in elections, and they're running ancient software. I think that like if somebody wanted to, it would be pretty easy to.01:53:04 Fake an election
01:53:04 An election less than a couple hours with access, and they're already figuring out ways to break in and play pranks.01:53:16 But it gets more serious.
01:53:17 People aren't, so you could leave the security key into it and still inject.01:53:17 Years before there.
01:53:21 I feel like I'm the only one here that.01:53:22 Hasn't found a vulnerability.
01:53:25 It's.
01:53:26 not What you think they've all been invited here to demonstrate just how vulnerable the tech we rely on for our elections can be? The experiment is the brainchild of.
Devon Stack
01:53:34 Yeah. So they were very open about all this.01:53:38 In 2016.
01:53:43 They they they literally Rick rolled a a A voting machine to to show you like how ridiculous the.
01:53:51 The security was.
01:53:53 And then, magically, magically, in 2020, oh is the most secure election in history.
01:54:00 Even though it's all the same machines.
01:54:03 All the same machines.
01:54:13 But voting?
01:54:15 Voting is.
01:54:18 That's how you get. That's how we that's how people get what they want.
01:54:21 In this world, right. That's how the Jews get what they want. That's how blacks get what they want.
01:54:28 That's how the illegal immigrants get what they want, right? They're voting.
01:54:41 Isn't that how everyone else is getting what they want and you're not getting what you want, right? You're just getting out voted all the time, isn't that right?
01:54:52 Isn't that the process right? Like it's just no bum luck, I guess.
01:54:55 You're just in the minority.
01:54:58 Since forever.
01:55:03 No matter how many times you know, white Americans vote to secure the border.
01:55:09 It doesn't happen because.
01:55:14 I don't know why. Why doesn't that happen?
01:55:22 Why doesn't it happen? Voting, voting, voting gets you what you want, right?
01:55:27 Anyway, it's ******* stupid. That's that's my point. I don't think it's hard to figure out.
01:55:30 That's my point.
01:55:33 I think I've. I think I've demonstrated that.
01:55:36 Even in in, in perfect conditions and where you actually pull it off, they just use other means to get around it.
01:55:48 Power gets what it wants.
01:55:51 Voting is not power.
01:55:53 Voting is a ******* pacifier. You put in the mouth of a baby, so it stops crying.
01:56:06 If Trump is put in as the president, it won't be because people voted and look, I'm not saying people aren't going to vote for him or that if you counted them legitimately that he wouldn't come out on top.
01:56:21 You probably would.
01:56:23 I would guess just cause like.
01:56:26 Camilla is such a ******* nightmare and it's become obvious that that's not. That's not.
01:56:32 Not even the the powerful establishment, once, once here at this point when you've.
01:56:37 Got.
01:56:38 The Washington Post declining to endorse her, the Los Angeles Times declining to endorse her. That's.
01:56:47 That's sending a message that's sending a message.
01:56:51 I'll be very surprised if Trump is not the next president.
01:56:55 I will also be very surprised.
01:56:57 If he's anything other than a a new kind of Biden.
01:57:03 I don't know if you guys watched that Joe Rogan interview that he did.
01:57:08 He's not much. He's not much better than Biden.
01:57:14 He's old now.
01:57:16 This is not. This is not the Trump that we saw in 2016.
01:57:21 Or even in 2020.
01:57:24 He's an old, tired, rambling man now.
01:57:30 If you watched that interview.
01:57:33 And you don't pick up on that. That means you're probably too young to like, you know, you're you're new to the game. You don't remember old Trump. In fact, that's what I would have you do. Just look up. Just go on, go on YouTube, try to find a video of Trump talking.
01:57:48 You know 2016.
01:57:51 Whether the press conference, speech, anything.
01:57:56 He sounds like a different guy.
01:57:59 Sounds like a completely different guy.
01:58:02 Now he's not as gone as as Biden is.
01:58:06 But when Biden's lucid.
01:58:08 Which is more than than.
01:58:09 People want to give them credit for.
01:58:12 You know, everyone likes to **** on Biden because he's, you know, he's. Look, he's you should not be in charge of a *******.
01:58:19 Hamburger stand, let alone a country. But I look, I agree.
01:58:24 But at the same time, he has his lucid moments, right?
01:58:29 Trump is.
01:58:32 You know, he's about on par with with Biden when he's lucid, if not a little bit less.
01:58:38 In fact, the only reason why it's a little hard to tell, as Trump was always a little rambly he's not, I mean.
01:58:43 He's a he's a lot rambling now.
01:58:50 So I I you know, he's going to be the guy he's going to be the face. He's going to be the face of whoever's actually pulling the strings in the same way. Biden's just the.
01:58:59 Face of whoever's actually running the country.
01:59:02 And in the case of of Trump, you're talking about Turbo Jews. You just are.
01:59:08 Who do you think's going to be the people running the country?
01:59:15 Who?
01:59:16 Who do you think's going to be making the the appointments? Even said in his in his interview with Rogan? Like, oh, I didn't know who to pick. I just, you know, I trusted people to pick and I pick bad people or whatever. That means you're gonna be even worse now.
01:59:30 You're going to trust Kushner or whoever.
01:59:33 To make your picks, you're going to pick a bunch of Likud party ******* sympathizers.
01:59:39 People that want to ban anti-Semitism.
01:59:42 And I'll just ban it. Like, as in they'll silence you on the Internet like they'll charge you with something. I won't. People like me.
01:59:50 Will be in legal jeopardy if they get what they want to get done and they want to get it done.
02:00:00 And what will happen if you have a Trump presidency? The same people that put on the that horrific RNC?
02:00:08 Display that RNC nonsense circus that we watched a few months ago.
02:00:15 Those are the people that are going to.
02:00:16 Define what it means to be a Republican.
02:00:22 Those are the people that are going to define the standards of of conservatism. Those are the people that are going to make true the meme that in 20 years.
02:00:32 We're going to be saying, well, our our pedos are are based pedos.
02:00:41 And it's not just the liberalism you got to worry about. It's not just going to be the oh, look, we're a big tent and we like having.
02:00:49 Degenerate ******* and ******** and and you know all sorts of people that the Republican Party would have.
02:00:57 Would have run the other way from just a few decades ago.
02:01:03 It's also going to have.
02:01:05 An element of crush the anti Semites, I mean.
02:01:10 How could it not? Have you not been paying attention to Trump's speeches? He's not just talking about.
02:01:17 Pro Palestine protesters on college campuses.
02:01:24 When he says that he's going to literally, he's going to crush the anti Semite, that's what he says.
02:01:34 Who do you think he's talking about?
02:01:44 If you think for some reason that's limited to.
02:01:48 Brown Muslim.
02:01:50 Pro Palestine protesters you are.
02:01:54 You are ******* ********.
02:01:59 They're wrong. It includes them too.
02:02:06 And they'll probably deport some people, right?
02:02:11 They'll put him in, they'll put him in on the yeah, he's going to be the the name brand. He's going to be the Aunt Jemima on the ******* box of pancake mix.
02:02:21 It's going to be Uncle Trump's.
02:02:26 Uncle Trump's degeneracy soda, whatever the **** it is. Drink up, boys.
02:02:33 Yeah, you have Uncle Trump.
02:02:35 Smiling, doing like the and look, it'll be like Biden the way the way that he's declined, just in the last few years.
02:02:43 Another four years he's got he's going to noticeably decline in those four years.
02:02:48 So he'll he'll be on.
02:02:49 TV less and less as he.
02:02:52 Is more and more like Biden.
02:02:57 And Jay Vance will be on TV more and more in preparation for his run.
02:03:02 In four years.
02:03:11 They'll redefine the Republican Party is a party, that is.
02:03:16 Pro Immigration, Pro Mass Immigration IQ. Supremacist immigration.
02:03:24 In other words, race doesn't mean anything. IQ does.
02:03:30 And so we won't let in maybe millions of people from Haiti and El Salvador, but we're letting millions of people from India and Asia.
02:03:39 There may be other parts of the world.
02:03:41 Other parts of the world that these people will be just as genetically distant from white people as the people from El Salvador.
02:03:49 They'll be just as foreign and and and just as incompatible with the society that you grow up in.
02:03:57 That's not going to be, you know, it's that's gone.
02:04:02 And unlike if you were to import a bunch of third world, you know Haitians or or whatever.
02:04:08 You won't be able to just easily eject them.
02:04:10 From the country.
02:04:13 See, that's the thing about an underclass. They don't have any political power. They don't have any means of remaining there. If you get enough political will to get rid of them, you can get rid of them.
02:04:26 You can't get rid of a middle class, especially on an upper middle class, which is exactly what the Indian immigrants and the Asian immigrants will be.
02:04:39 And then at that point it they will be.
02:04:42 A situation of Detrick or gerbs.
02:04:46 Well, that that joke won't be so funny anymore to the upper middle class white people that can't get jobs. It was real hilarious when it was the lower class white people that were having to compete for jobs.
02:04:57 Learn to code.
02:05:00 Well, now that doesn't matter.
02:05:03 You learned a code. You're in direct competition with the Beeb.
02:05:10 And and once the beep is the hiring manager, even if you're more qualified, will work for less money, he's still going to hire his cousin.
02:05:18 Because the prize surprise why everyone else has in Group preference and you don't.
02:05:26 And it works out for them because you have laws preventing you to from having them group preference.
02:05:34 If you had a company that was 100% white, you could get a civil rights lawsuit slapped on you. If you have a company that's 100% Indian, no one's going to say ****.
02:05:54 So you won't be able to get rid of them.
02:05:57 They'll get jobs.
02:06:00 Their children will attend the Ivy League schools.
02:06:08 And.
02:06:09 They will become your ruling class.
02:06:19 That wouldn't happen with the Haitians.
02:06:23 You could bring in a bunch of Haitians, like don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to ******* live next to the Haitians. I'm not saying it would be any picnic. I'm not saying that, you know.
02:06:31 That's great either, right?
02:06:34 But the Haitians aren't going to have kids going to ******* hard.
02:06:38 The Haitians aren't going to have kids that are going to be able to run for office.
02:06:43 The Haitians are going to be the ones that are going to basically take over the institutions the same way they're taking over Silicon Valley.
02:06:59 You can take on an underclass and it's a pain in the *** and it sucks. And it especially sucks if you have to live in proximity to them. But ultimately you can.
02:07:07 Get rid of them.
02:07:13 The same is not true of high IQ immigrants, and if you want a good example of that, look at ******* Elon.
02:07:22 Elon's a high IQ immigrant and what what kind of influence does he have on the country right now? Well, I'd say a whole ******* hell of a lot.
02:07:34 In fact, in some ways you could say it to some degree. It will be President Elon.
02:07:43 For at least some of those responsibilities, right, Trump's not going to be at, you know, again, Trump's going to be a figurehead.
02:07:51 You know, if Elon go in and what is he saying he's going to slash the bureaucracies and you know, maybe that would be a good thing in the short term, I don't know.
02:08:24 So people need to understand that that's why I should on Trump.
02:08:32 It's actually quantifiably worse to have high IQ.
02:08:38 High earning.
02:08:40 Legal immigrants because now you can't get. That's the other aspect of it. You can't get rid of them. They they came here legally.
02:08:47 Trump is saying that he's not only going to give them a green card stapled to the back of the diploma if they go to a two year university that I promise you.
02:08:58 Silicon Valley companies will pay for.
02:09:02 In fact, I promise you because they'll be there. Here's the way it'll work. They'll be here on a student visa before they get.
02:09:07 The green card right? So.
02:09:09 If you want to work for one of these Silicon Valley companies, they'll say yeah, just enroll on the, you know.
02:09:15 This two year.
02:09:16 Or maybe accelerated right? It's an accelerated online course that it gives you your two year degree in one year.
02:09:24 And we pay the tuition. It's all this deal that the the tech company has set up with, like the University of Phoenix or something gay like that.
02:09:34 And so they show up on their student visa.
02:09:38 They take those classes at night or or who knows? Maybe the employer is even nice and lets them do it like once you.
02:09:44 Know one day a week is there.
02:09:46 They're online school day or, you know, whatever the ****.
02:09:50 They work there, on their their student visa until they get their green card.
02:09:56 And then they have a pathway to citizenship.
02:09:58 Yep, and this isn't we're not talking like, oh, this is this is like a few 1000 people. We're talking millions of ******* people. We're talking. Trump has said multiple times.
02:10:10 Over and over and over again. That not only does he.
02:10:13 Want.
02:10:14 Legal immigration to expand he wants more people coming into the country than have ever come into the country in the history of the country.
02:10:23 And I'm not just talking about that. The clip of him saying that during the state of the Union address, I mean, he has said that multiple times, multiple different ways to multiple different people. And he means it.
02:10:35 And so, sure, maybe we'll get rid of some Haitians.
02:10:39 By the way, the Haitians are here legally too. The Haitians are here on a on a a refugee program.
02:10:47 So you know, good luck politically, kicking them out when they're they're legal refugees.
02:10:54 Maybe they find some pathway of getting them out eventually, I don't know.
02:10:59 Maybe they, maybe they kick out some of the the people coming across the southern border.
02:11:04 They're not going to be rounding people up on buses. There's not going to be operation we have.
02:11:08 Back.
02:11:08 2.0, I'm telling you that right now.
02:11:13 Who would even do it?
02:11:18 Where, where? Where are these? Where are these right wing death squads?
02:11:21 Going to come from.
02:11:24 Our volunteer. Yeah, well, that's not how it's.
02:11:26 Going to work.
02:11:30 You're going to have to have the cooperation of local law enforcement.
02:11:35 And federal agencies that they're not, look if if.
02:11:38 Trump.
02:11:39 Proved anything. His last administration. He's not going to ******* clean house in any of the any of these organizations. It's going to be the same lifetime bureaucrats working at all these organizations that as the, you know, the people been working there for ******* ever.
02:11:52 Who don't want to do it?
02:11:57 You're still going to have a press that, while certainly is going to be nicer, I think to Trump this time around.
02:12:04 Because a lot of the Jewish billionaires that didn't like him before are now suddenly perfectly happy with Trump.
02:12:15 Something that should also concern people and then doesn't seem to.
02:12:19 So you're going to have a bunch of price that's maybe not as well. Look, it won't be like it was in 2016 certainly.
02:12:29 But you'll have just enough.
02:12:31 You'll have all it takes is a couple of videos of of kids in cages.
02:12:37 And then Ivana goes crying to her ******* daddy.
02:12:49 And that's the end of that.
02:12:54 Because they don't want to get rid of.
02:12:55 Those people anyway.
02:13:01 They want to manage the demographic shift. It's all being engineered. It does. The people that are at the top that benefit from the demographic shift are all donating to Trump.
02:13:15 The exact kinds of people the the exact Jewish billionaires that want to simultaneously rid the world of white people that have any means.
02:13:25 So American whites specifically.
02:13:29 And replace them with with brown people while simultaneously.
02:13:34 Enriching themselves.
02:13:36 By having low cost tech workers.
02:13:43 I mean, those are the people who are going to be calling the shots. These are the people that are going to be influencing the policies.
02:13:50 And Trump's going to go along with it. Why wouldn't he?
02:13:53 You heard. You heard him in in the ******* Rogan interview. You think I mean, look, that should give you. If nothing else, it should give you insight that even when he wasn't like a daughter and old man, which he's increasingly like.
02:14:05 He was very hands off and didn't seem like he was all that much of AAA great.
02:14:12 Leader in his own administration back in 2016.
02:14:19 He seemed, I don't know, a little bit in over his head. I I would say.
02:14:27 In over his head and justice, trusting.
02:14:30 Other politicians, in fact, he even made that comment. While I can't, I couldn't put people in there that weren't. I had to limit myself just to politicians because at least with politicians, you know their background. If I were to get some businessman and put him in there, then he might have some scandal, his background or whatever. But if you've been a senator for 20 years, then I already know that any and all scandals would.
02:14:47 Have come out by now. Well, OK. Well, first of all.
02:14:50 Doubt.
02:14:53 Second of all, like if that's your way of thinking. OK, then then. Yeah. Well, then why? How is he? How how would he have anyone any different than any other Republican that would get into office if he's limiting himself to the pool of people that anyone else would have would have a choice from.
02:15:12 Or my other favorite line when he said, Oh yeah, like I I saved Hillary. I saved her from being arrested. I never wanted her to be arrested. I mean, my crowds, they would start chanting and lock her up. And I'd be like, whoa, slow down. We don't want to do that, which is ********.
02:15:29 That's a ******** ******* lie.
02:15:33 I mean, no, it's not a ******** ******* lie that he was never going to lock her up.
02:15:36 But it was a.
02:15:36 ******** ******* lie that he was like, whoa, no, no, no. Now he did that literally right after he got elected.
02:15:44 Literally right after.
02:15:45 I got elected the first time. Those those cheers of lock her up. We're in the audience. I I have the clip somewhere.
02:15:53 He's like, oh, no, that played well during the election, but we don't Care now.
02:15:59 Because he never cared.
02:16:05 He said it would been a horrible. It would be a travesty.
02:16:11 If a former first lady was put in jail.
02:16:22 That we couldn't have that.
02:16:25 That we couldn't have that as a country, we couldn't have a former first lady.
02:16:29 Prosecute again. We're talking about a murderer.
02:16:33 By the way, I don't think that's too wild. I don't think I. I think that's the that the ****** ** thing is. I think that's generally accepted that she's a murderer.
02:16:45 I think unless you're like like a total blue pill *******, you know.
02:16:50 Ignoramus like you're. You generally accept that Hillary Clinton has definitely killed some people.
02:16:56 Or, you know, obviously not with her bare.
02:16:57 Hands. But she's she's had them.
02:16:59 Killed.
02:17:05 But it's a bad look. It's a bad look to put a murderer in prison because she's part of a class that's untouchable.
02:17:12 And if that's the case, right? If that. If that's the case, that someone like Hillary Clinton is above the law, which is essentially what he's saying, how would you ever drain the swamp?
02:17:30 It was always ********. It always. It was always ********.
02:17:36 But if you still don't see it now, you deserve it. You ******* deserve it.
02:17:45 Well, what about when he was talking about the JFK documents? Joe ask about the JFK documents and say, well, how come you didn't release all those? And he said well, because good people like Mike Pompeo.
02:17:59 Good people like Zionist, like Super Zog Mike Pompeo.
02:18:05 Told me I shouldn't do it.
02:18:11 And then he implied that he didn't even read it and didn't look at it and just trusted people. And again, asleep at the ******* wheel.
02:18:22 He's like, oh, no. But I'm going to release him. That'll be.
02:18:24 Like one of the first things I do.
02:18:27 OK buddy.
02:18:32 OK buddy, I really believe you. In fact, I really believe you're going to release it all because.
02:18:37 One sentence you said that you didn't release it because there were people that were still alive and there was they were implicated, which that's a little bizarre that you would wanna. I guess they must be like Hillary Clinton too, right? They're above the law. I guess that they are. I mean, that's that's the the view of Trump is that there's a class of people who are untouchable.
02:19:00 But then in the next breath he says, well, you know, after saying he's going to release them on on dog, one of the first things that he says. But I don't think I.
02:19:08 Mean you're. I don't think he's going to finding interesting in them.
02:19:12 Well, that that conflicts with what you just said. It's pretty interesting that there's people who are implicated in in the assassination of a president.
02:19:20 So are you saying that you're not going to?
02:19:21 Release the interesting parts.
02:19:25 I mean, you lied about it last time. Last time you said that you released everything that you saw JFK. You went on Twitter and said, oh, you're welcome. I just saw JFK.
02:19:35 After after in front of everybody.
02:19:39 Who, inexplicably, wasn't wasn't pushing back on this.
02:19:43 You had you had?
02:19:45 You had stopped the release of at least half the documents.
02:19:52 All Trump had to do was nothing. By law, they just got declassified. That was the whole thing.
02:20:01 Trump had to actively keep them hidden.
02:20:04 And he did so at the request of Zionists.
02:20:08 Within his administration.
02:20:20 So people will say, oh, but it would be so much worse with Camila, really.
02:20:27 It'd be so much worse.
02:20:30 Having.
02:20:32 Every right winger.
02:20:38 Instead of being asleep at the wheel and making excuses for.
02:20:43 Orange **** ***.
02:20:46 Clapping like seals every time he.
02:20:50 Says something remotely funny.
02:20:56 Going along with his his merit based immigration because.
02:21:02 Trump's doing it.
02:21:05 So it must be good.
02:21:12 Maybe not even making that much of A fuss when they start locking up the empty Semites because.
02:21:19 The Democrats are the real racists.
02:21:23 And this just proves it.
02:21:25 Just like they're the real anti Semites.
02:21:30 Good thing they locked up Devin, if I remember correctly, he didn't like he didn't like Trump. He was probably a Biden supporter.
02:21:38 Looking Democrat.
02:21:49 So what's worse that while they slowly redefine what it means to be a Republican?
02:22:02 They make alterations.
02:22:07 Here and there until it's not recognizable. By the time JD Vance runs, it's basically the Libertarian Party, only gayer.
02:22:17 It's a multiracial.
02:22:19 Merit based.
02:22:22 Race. Blind meritocracy.
02:22:24 With Jews at the top.
02:22:27 Jews that will tell you that, well, the reason why we're at.
02:22:29 The top is we have the higher IQ's.
02:22:40 As they slowly replace you.
02:22:47 With Indians and Asians.
Dystopian PA System
02:22:50 Or.Devon Stack
02:22:53 Is it better to have an incompetent?02:22:57 ******* psycho. That everyone's going to hate.
02:23:00 Who maybe leaves the borders in a shambles so low IQ ******* keep pouring across like like again? Maybe not even at significantly higher numbers than they would under Trump.
02:23:13 The entire right wing is full of rage, and now it's directed at a non white woman.
02:23:21 Can't imagine why that would be useful.
02:23:29 And the defining of what it means to be right wing is not in the hands.
02:23:34 Of Jews in the White House.
02:23:48 It's not that hard to figure out. It's not even. It's not even accelerationism. That's the straw man. I get ******* tired of.
02:23:55 Oh oh, you think you think that you're gonna get the camera's going to get nothing? Like you're gonna rise up. It's like, no, you know, you think the normies are going to win?
02:24:08 For the normies don't wake up. That's why they're called normies.
02:24:12 By the way, by you saying that I and I now.
02:24:15 Know that you're one of them.
02:24:19 I don't know what you like to camp.
02:24:24 Or the alarmist fagots that like they really. I don't know if they really believe it. If they're just Israeli bots, the ones that are like, like, you know, breathlessly, like, oh, but Oh my God. But but the but the the like, the Haitians are gonna eat my cat. Oh my God. It's like dude, get a grip.
02:24:41 Get a ******* grip.
02:24:44 Get the **** out of the cities anyway. They're going straight to hell in a handbasket. Whether Trump or Kamala's president anyway, this is all ******* going downhill.
02:24:53 So you shouldn't even be there, first of all.
02:25:01 This cowardly ******* ******, is it a gamble? Yes.
02:25:07 So is everything.
02:25:09 Are there scenarios in which a a camel of presidency could somehow have some kind of catastrophic repercussion? Sure.
02:25:20 More so than a Trump presidency? Absolutely not.
02:25:33 Not to mention, you're just you're rewarding.
02:25:36 Not just a race trader.
02:25:37 By that I don't mean.
02:25:40 Ohh, he's a race. You know, JD Vance is a race mix. I don't talk about him. I'm talking about Trump deliberately selling out white people to Jews.
02:26:01 Do you not get that? That's what he does?
02:26:05 That's what he's done in the past. That's.
02:26:06 What he's doing?
02:26:10 Do you not see that? Is there something? Is there something preventing you from seeing that?
02:26:32 I don't know how you wouldn't be disgusted by that.
02:26:35 I've been disgusted with him for for years. It's funny, all these people.
02:26:40 On Twitter, why are you doing this right before the election? Dude, I've been doing this **** since 2017.
02:26:47 I helped Trump get elected, and I have.
02:26:49 Regretted it ever since.
02:26:55 But I understand it. I understand being caught up in it because I was caught up in it in 2016. I believe this ******** too.
02:27:06 I understand why people want to believe.
02:27:11 But I also get a little ******* ****** ***.
02:27:14 When I had to deal with people trusting the ******* plan for four ******* years crawling up my ***, saying ohh, you're just a black pillar. Ohh, don't you know that Trump's, you know, playing 40 chess, Trump's going to lock her up? Hillary Clinton's wearing a secret ankle. *******.
02:27:34 Bracelet. Ohh. She's at gitmo. Didn't you know all this is? Wait until this report comes out. Wait till the Ohio IG report comes out. Ohh, wait till Christopher Ray puts down the hammer. Ohh. Look, they got Epstein. Wait till the Epstein list comes out. Wait till all this chicken and it never ******* happens and I keep telling you it's never gonna ******* happen and you keep.
02:27:54 ******* doubting me like I'm some kind of maniac that I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I really do. I'm like, how are you not seeing this ****?
02:28:06 And look, I'm not wanting to be like, oh, I was right. Ohh I was right. But it takes. So I'm telling you it takes a lot of ******* willpower to not be that guy sometimes.
02:28:20 And you're going to make me into that guy again.
02:28:27 I I'm in two years in two years.
02:28:28 It's.
02:28:33 Look.
02:28:35 When no one's been deported, you know when when the right wing death squads have it deported. 50 million ******* people and and they're importing all these Indians and Asians and and and everyone can't figure out why.
02:28:50 Yeah, the murderous rage is it's going.
02:28:52 To be a little much.
02:28:53 I don't.
02:28:53 Know I might have to retire at that point.
02:29:01 I might have to retire.
02:29:08 Anyway.
02:29:12 Yeah, man, it's it's ******* rough. It's ******* rough dealing with these these retail. And look, I get well.
02:29:21 I get it. If if you're new to the game, I get it.
02:29:26 I don't respect it, but I get it at least if you I get it. If you're ignorant, cause you're new to the ******* game.
02:29:34 Is the first Trump administration is like when you were in high school or something like that. OK, OK.
02:29:44 But Jesus Christ, like if you were around for for the the first four years.
02:29:51 And you still are trusting the plan. What the **** is wrong with you, dude?
02:29:58 What the how are you not embarrassed?
02:30:03 I'm not. I'm not saying you had to be a full blown ******* coutard to be embarrassed. How are you ******* not embarrassed?
02:30:22 She said she'd stopped cheating on me. That's what you are, man.
02:30:30 Oh, good Lord.
02:30:34 Or my other favorite. Ah, well, the the. Oh, yeah, the why the deepstate tried to kill him. Dude at the deep state, which first of all, tell me what? Tell me who you mean when you say that I want names.
02:30:47 Give me spell it out specific. Don't just say the deep state or them or they tell me who they are.
02:30:54 Ohh, you can't. OK well, whatever. Alright. What? Fine, fine.
02:30:59 Let's just say, right, they want him dead. He'd be ******* dead.
02:31:05 They wouldn't be sending in delusional people that are going to fail spectacularly.
02:31:12 Like the like the.
02:31:13 The second guy wasn't even like, come on.
02:31:18 Come on.
02:31:25 That's just the situation, man. That's just guess what. There's Reddit leftist that think he's the next Hitler.
02:31:35 That's what that is.
02:31:37 That's what that is.
02:31:40 There's lunatics that think he's the next Hitler.
02:31:43 Just like a lot of you, somehow I think still do too.
02:31:55 Everything turns into some wacky, insane. Oh, ******* delusional conspiracy theory. And who does that help out? Well, it helps out Trump, because now you can just wave him at your arm up in the air and and not have to be specific about what you mean by this or like, really what it like have any kind of in-depth explanation for it. Right. You can just say they tried to kill him.
02:32:16 So obviously he good, he good.
02:32:19 Deep State try kill Trump. Good.
02:32:21 I mean, that's your that's really that's your, that's your reasoning?
02:32:26 Oh, oh, some, some unnamed back room in the shadows. And who are these people? Are they Jews?
02:32:35 Because I've heard people say that nonsense. Really. Oh, is this so? That's the bad Jews. And then like, the good Jews are are the ones bankrolling his entire campaign, and they're going to be the ones that make up his entire ******* cabinet. Is is that? Is that what it is?
02:32:54 It's like the rogue Jews, like those are the is is that the frankest did the frankest try to kill him?
02:33:00 The globalists.
02:33:10 Klaus Schwab was it was Klaus Schwab trying to kill him. Was that what it was?
02:33:20 Cobra ******* commander. I mean, who who was it?
02:33:36 He's not the guy. A lot of a lot of you guys.
02:33:38 Think he is? He's not that.
02:33:40 Guy.
02:33:43 But enough people think he is to wear. That's why. That's why he. That's why he's the guy. That's why he's the guy.
02:33:51 Because enough people think he's the guy.
02:33:53 That's all. That's what it takes.
02:33:56 That's all it matters as long as people think he's the guy that's.
02:34:00 That's what they want.
02:34:05 He makes he. He'll. He'll make an excellent spokesperson.
02:34:10 And he'll be just as just as.
02:34:11 In charge, as Biden was.
02:34:18 And the TV won't say as mean of things about him as as it did before. He'll be he'll be ******* on Cloud 9. He'll be excited.
02:34:28 His Jewish family members and friends will will high 5 him and tell him what a great job he's doing for Israel. I don't know. Like I stay out of the the alarmism about getting into a war with Iran just because.
02:34:41 I kind of, don't I I feel like if that first. I don't think that like full blown US Iran war will happen. I hope not. Maybe it will. I don't think that really matters though. Who's president if that, you know, if that's. If that's the kind of thing that's going to happen. It's going to happen under Pamela just as much as it would happen under Trump.
02:35:00 Although I think it would, it would.
02:35:02 Maybe have been quicker under Trump if it's already going to happen, I.
02:35:05 Don't think it's going to happen.
02:35:08 I think Trump would be, would would think about it less.
02:35:13 He's made it. Look, he's made it clear that that direct engagement with Iran is is maybe not a bad idea. Jetty advances himself. Said that, you know, maybe we need to bomb Iran.
02:35:25 And you know, they've, they've both said whatever ******* whatever Israel wants, they get no questions asked. Which Janie Vance said that in the debate in a couple of months ago.
02:35:39 He said that anything.
02:35:42 Israel wants we should give them no questions asked. That's not up to us.
02:35:46 It's up to them. It's their war.
02:35:50 And even if it, even if it's us providing all the means for that war to happen, it's still not up to us, apparently.
02:35:55 It's up to.
02:35:56 Them so it only it really matters. I don't think it matters in terms of conflict with Iran. I do think this though I, I, I and this is this is just a thought I had today.
02:36:11 Enrollment in the United States military all branches it's way down. Way ******* down.
02:36:23 Do you think those numbers would go?
02:36:28 Up or down?
02:36:31 Trump versus Kamala. If Trump is the commander in chief.
02:36:38 Versus Camelot as the commander in chief.
02:36:43 Who's who's more likely to have?
02:36:46 Enrollment numbers go up.
02:36:48 Especially among like white Southerners, you know, especially evangelicals, the kinds of of.
02:36:55 People who who typically go die for Israel.
02:37:02 It's no obviously it's, you know, it's going to be Trump.
02:37:06 You don't, you?
02:37:08 I guarantee you I don't know how much of a factor that is, but I guarantee you that is a factor in who is put in charge. As the commander in chief.
02:37:19 I guarantee you that is.
02:37:21 That is one of the the game pieces.
02:37:28 Especially if you're one of these people that suspects there is going to be some kind of inevitable conflict that we can't get away from, and maybe there is, I don't know.
02:37:37 You better ******* believe that that's going to figure into.
02:37:40 The math.
02:37:52 Anyway.
02:37:55 It's it's just frustrating because.
02:38:01 I just feel like I'm.
02:38:03 Look it it, that's just the way it is. Look, the way it is, is is you're gonna have a the majority of people.
02:38:11 Yeah.
02:38:13 Are are not meant for understanding these things the majority.
02:38:19 The majority, the reason why our system is designed the way that it is is because it appeals to the most.
02:38:24 People.
02:38:25 The most people are willing to accept it as.
02:38:29 As a working.
02:38:30 System.
02:38:33 The majority of people, in fact.
02:38:36 And we're we're far, far, far from achieving a situation where the majority of people.
02:38:45 Don't see it as legitimate.
02:38:48 And that's not going to change anytime soon.
02:38:51 Especially if Trump has put in his president.
02:38:54 That that'll guarantee that people see, or at least the people that.
02:38:57 Matter.
02:38:59 Will continue to see the system as legitimate for another four years at the minimum.
02:39:05 So it is what it is, you know, like I said, it doesn't really matter. It doesn't it? It at the end of the day, it doesn't matter.
02:39:14 I think Trump is going to be put in place and he's going to begin managing the demographic change in this country, the permanent.
02:39:25 Demographic change and our strategy has to include that reality.
02:39:34 For those of us who care about white people existing in the.
02:39:40 Distant future.
02:39:44 And not just being absorbed into the gene pool of Asia and India.
02:39:53 And Africa?
02:39:55 If you want white people to remain as distinct.
02:39:59 Separate people.
02:40:03 With its own, with our own destiny.
02:40:07 In our own culture.
02:40:09 And our own unique.
02:40:13 Attributes.
02:40:16 Then then you're going to have to work around the the reality.
02:40:20 That powerful people are.
02:40:25 The engineering, the demographics of the United States.
02:40:30 In a in.
02:40:30 A way that's.
02:40:32 Most likely.
02:40:35 Going to be catastrophic in terms of of whites maintaining any kind of.
02:40:42 Majority.
02:40:44 At all.
02:40:46 In any state, let alone I mean, you know, there's some states are it's already ****** right the most. In fact, the most populous states, it's already ******.
02:40:53 California. It's ******. Texas. It's already ******.
02:40:58 The places that where there's still a.
02:41:01 A majority white, that's significant. It's it's like the least populated states.
02:41:08 And it will eventually spread the spread of those areas.
02:41:11 Too.
02:41:14 Excuse me and you know, and look both sides. They're engineering. They're just doing it different ways. The Democrats, you could say, well, they're, you know, they're they're shipping all these Haitians and other people into the interior of the country into these, you know, rural areas and that's true.
02:41:29 But that's the same. The same thing is going to occur with these other immigrants too.
02:41:35 You know, in fact, you know probably what will happen is you'll have.
02:41:39 Some of these companies that are in places like California, you know, like the locusts that Californians are right where they moved to Texas and, you know, start building their tech companies in Austin and and and and other, you know, they'll pick other low tax areas, rural areas.
02:41:57 And you know, they'll at first. Maybe it'll be like an Amazon warehouse, and then it'll be like a call center, and then it'll be, you know.
02:42:04 Whatever.
02:42:05 And they'll they'll they'll keep bringing people in.
02:42:09 That's just that. Look, that's just what? How it's being managed. And white people don't seem to be capable of.
02:42:16 Of opposing it in any kind of meaningful way.
02:42:21 They've pretty much proven that over the last several decades and if if the support of Trump among white people is any indication of of how capable they are today, it's, I mean, it's just as bad now. So if you're serious about.
02:42:37 Preserving.
02:42:39 Your race. You're going to have to just do it with that and with that.
02:42:44 Reality in mind, you're going to have to work around that work around the the the reality that the United States is is going to be forever demographically changed fairly quickly. I mean, we look just at the numbers that Texas that we looked, we were looking at with Texas, right, I mean Dallas.
02:43:04 Dallas went from like what was like 11%.
02:43:08 Mexican and 1981 or whatever to.
02:43:14 Like 60% Mexican in in 2020.
02:43:18 That's 40 years.
02:43:20 Sounds like a long time, but it's not. You know, that's that's not even a generation.
02:43:26 So.
02:43:29 You know, 4040 years.
02:43:31 Because it's not just the initial.
02:43:34 You know, flow of the immigrants, it's the.
02:43:37 The fertility rates of the immigrants, which are which are much higher than the.
02:43:44 The native population anyway, so it yeah, it's just going to take.
02:43:50 It's going to just take.
02:43:51 Some people.
02:43:53 Coming to terms with that, that reality.
02:43:56 So anyway.
02:43:58 Let's see what you guys think about all this.
02:44:02 It's just look. And The funny thing is.
02:44:05 People will say, oh, you're just, you know, you're you're you're black pillar, you're trying to demoralize everyone in a way. I am trying to demoralize people that are being delusional. I don't want people believing in ******* fairy tales. You're right. I'm trying to tell people that Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy are fake. OK, guilty.
02:44:20 All right, sure.
02:44:22 But I'm not saying that.
02:44:23 Like white, people are going to cease to exist. I'm going to say they're gonna cease to exist.
02:44:26 They keep ******* believing in Santa Claus.
02:44:30 The people who aren't going to make it are the people that aren't noticing this problem.
02:44:34 It's like what do?
02:44:35 They say about surviving cancer, right? Like it's all about early treatment. Well, if we'd caught this sooner.
02:44:41 If we'd caught this sooner, we could have done something about it. Well, that's what I'm trying.
02:44:44 To do.
02:44:46 I'm trying to give out the the bad diagnosis. The bad news. Don't blame the ******* messenger. Give you the news so you can do something about it now. So that in in 40 years your families not like whoa, how come no one ******* told us if solar told us sooner? Well, I tried.
02:45:01 I try and he said well, you black Pilling.
02:45:06 So anyway, let's take a look here. I don't want to do this. I'm like.
02:45:16 My eyes are killing me.
02:45:18 My eyes are killing. I was, uh, I got. I think I am sunburned. Is what?
02:45:26 I got.
02:45:28 Yeah, see, I got too much sun today.
02:45:33 All right. Let's see here.
02:45:39 The stupid.
02:45:41 So the stream deck I started setting it up like the new one.
02:45:46 I actually made it so it falls asleep and I can't. It's not. It's supposed to fall asleep after two hours and it keeps it's falling asleep way too fast. I'll have to figure out what's wrong with it.
02:45:57 Alright, let me put my.
02:46:00 My goggles on here.
02:46:04 You know Cheryl's churro's been like snoozing. I shouldn't said his name. Now he's going to wake up this whole time, I thought for sure I was going to get up and.
02:46:12 And let him out like he'd be.
02:46:14 All.
02:46:14 Annoying, but he's all. It's all curled up in the.
02:46:19 The ball over there, that's I think I I think.
02:46:25 There's been coyotes about lately.
02:46:28 So he's trying to spend more time in here Gorilla hands.
02:46:43 Gorilla Hands can I get?
02:46:48 Half $1,000,000, yeah, I I need a button for that. Or do I have a button for that? See, I'm moving everything over now.
Money Clip
02:46:55 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
02:47:01 Just a good old guy. Just a good old boy.Amy
02:47:04 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.Devon Stack
02:47:10 Just a good old going. It's been a long road for me to go from a normie to Black Hill. That was a big fan back in your YouTube days, but when I followed you to Odyssey, I thought you were just a racist. After years of trying to figure out what has happened to our country, I came to the conclusion that you were running well. There you go. See.02:47:28 I'm not. I'm not. I'm not trying to.
02:47:33 I'm not trying to demoralize people, I'm trying to educate people so you can make the right decisions about how to keep your family, your dynasty.
02:47:42 Intact.
02:47:43 Because it's it's going to be a rough Rd. It's not that we're not. We're never going back to the 90s because the demographics of the 90s are not possible in your lifetime or your children's lifetime without something really crazy happening that I can't even imagine what it would.
02:47:59 And we're not. We're certainly not going back to the 50s or anything like that. We're not going back to anything. We're going forward and look at the trend lines, zoom out, zoom out the graph as I like to say, zoom out the graph.
02:48:13 Look at the demographic trend lines and realize that even if they were to make some incredible, you know, impossible shift in in, in, in, in direction.
02:48:27 You're still talking at least like 40-50 years before it's noticeable. This problem didn't happen overnight. It's not going to be solved overnight.
02:48:30 There's.
02:48:37 Chosen Jawa, says Devon. I thoroughly enjoyed your recent stream where you shined a light on the subverters and the Roosevelt administration Wednesday stream with the classroom experiment was also very enlightening. You mentioned that trying to explain per capita to a black person is impossible. I incur or I concur. I tried.
02:48:56 I wanted to give a shout out to the to the Telegram page kinism kinism.
02:49:02 They provided a good biblical source for racial consciousness and ethno nationalism, concepts that our ancestors were proud of. I used to be one of those people who tried to insist that there is no such thing as race. I was so foolish. That's OK, that's OK. A lot of people.
02:49:21 Are are, are coming around to.
02:49:24 That.
02:49:25 And realizing that they were lied to by Jews for a really long time chosen Jawa again.
02:49:38 That's a rare.
02:49:45 That's a very that's a very rare gorilla you got there. Trust Joe again says Devin wanted your thoughts on something. My pastor in his 80s lives a good ways away from our church. And a recent sermon he mentioned how in his town, the demographics of the kids in schools are 60% Hispanic. He saw no downside.
02:50:06 Because he says that the Hispanics have really helped to develop and rebuild the town.
02:50:11 Back to its former glory. He talked about how there's such hard working people and how they have a strong sense of community. He went on to describe how we can learn a lot from them. How do you reason with someone who sees no downside to such a demographic shift you you like I said, you don't.
02:50:31 At this.
02:50:33 I'm not going to tell you.
02:50:34 What?
02:50:34 To do, but at this point I I cut those people out of my life. I just, I don't have ******* patience for them. If you're reducing everything down to an economic argument, then yeah, vote for Trump. That's literally what they're doing. That's what that is, their argument, that is Trumpism right now, Trumpism.
02:50:52 Is we want hard working immigrants that are going to replace the lazy white people and be more economically viable. That's literally what that is.
02:51:01 And so he probably loves Trump and This is why, see, this is something else that people need to understand. The reason why I say it's it's probably not. It's probably all academic. It doesn't matter a lot of.
02:51:12 People.
02:51:13 Grossly overestimate.
02:51:16 Our reach, because we do end up in digital echo chambers on X on other platforms, and if you just as an example, you look at the numbers that I do on a string versus someone like Dan Bongino, who does like 1.5 million views on a ******* stream that's.
02:51:36 That's that's who people are watching.
02:51:39 That's who people are watching, and Dan Bongino would probably agree with your pastor and say, yeah, those ******* hard working Mexicans, we just need to do some more Republican outreach. So they vote Republican.
02:51:52 So look, that's that's my viewpoint as I wouldn't be able to respect a pastor who doesn't understand like that or, you know, understand or or want to.
02:52:02 Understand the issues of of white replacement. I I see those people as as dead weight and or worse than that they are the kindling of on on the fire. And I just I I don't. I don't want to ******* I don't want those people in my life anymore and you know again I'm not going to tell you to.
02:52:21 Cut people out of your life or whatever. I'm I.
02:52:27 You know, everyone has to make those decisions for themselves, but I I'm just saying, like I I wouldn't be able to.
02:52:33 Take anyone like that seriously as a especially as like a spiritual leader or something, or any kind of leader. It's just a.
02:52:43 And again, like I would just, I would tell him too. I'd be like look.
02:52:46 Like. Yeah, I'm not gonna tell you what to do. Just if it was me, I would just be like, dude.
02:52:52 If you don't care about my people and you are.
02:52:57 Low key cheering on their replacement. I can't keep going to your church.
02:53:04 But again, I'm not gonna tell you what the ******* do like this, might I? Don't know, I'm not.
02:53:09 Going to tell what to do.
02:53:11 That is not my place.
02:53:15 Contact question with the big dono.
Money Clip
02:53:18 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.Devon Stack
02:53:23 Go, Julie, this *** is.02:53:43 All right, now actually I was going to, I was going to ask about you because all right, so you're the one that's that's keep keep saying you're messaging me telling me about a story.
02:53:54 I do not see.
02:53:57 And maybe it's just I get a lot of crazy people damning me and not not all of them are crazy, but I get AI, so if you DM me, don't don't think that I'm means I'm calling you crazy, but I don't think you. But if you have DM me maybe the one reason I haven't replied is it's in a sea of crazy and a lot.
02:54:01 No.
02:54:13 Of them are very angry.
02:54:18 And that said, I still went through.
02:54:22 And try to find.
02:54:24 Someone messaging me about a story.
02:54:29 And I didn't see it.
02:54:31 And I thought you had said your name on Twitter.
02:54:36 And I didn't see that either.
02:54:40 And I'm looking now even.
02:54:43 And it's crazy person, a couple crazy person, some normal people sending me links.
02:54:52 But I don't think I don't think you.
02:55:00 Yeah, it's not that I'm. I'm not. I'm not ignoring you. I I legit was looking for your message and I don't see.
02:55:09 I don't see and and I think you said last stream what your handle was on Twitter and I thought I'd look specifically for that.
02:55:18 I'm gonna go to regular chat if you're still there, contact question.
02:55:22 Let me go to regular chat real quick and tell me or if if anyone else in chat.
02:55:29 Knows what they're. What's your? No. What's your name on Twitter.
02:55:38 I'm looking at regular chat here. I don't see it you you might not be. You might just listen to the replay.
02:55:47 Oh, wait another second here.
02:55:49 I don't see radar chats actually going really slow for how many people are here.
02:55:55 Unless my thing's just not working.
02:56:01 Maybe my things just not working because it's not moving at all now.
02:56:07 People are saying they haven't seen him in chat. Yeah. So I'm not like, I'll look again and I'll go back to last stream and see if I can. Maybe I got your name down wrong.
02:56:18 But yeah, I actually did, you know.
02:56:21 I did look and I didn't see your message.
02:56:25 But I'll look again and I'll check the I'll check last string when you said what your name.
02:56:29 Was on this thing.
02:56:32 Where am I at? Where am I at? Where am I at? Where am I at?
02:56:36 Now it's all now. Now it's all ****** **.
02:56:40 Where are we going?
02:56:41 Here we are.
02:56:44 Yeah. Yeah. So like I said, either way, even if, like, I'm not, if it's not something I can do a stream on, I'll still I'll get back to you. I just haven't. I didn't see it. The logical extremist says if interchangeably using multicultural or multiracial doesn't matter. Why does any dude, why are you still ******** about that dude?
02:57:05 I'm not going to answer that. You're being you're being like.
02:57:08 You're being a psycho about the way I phrased something like 3 streams ago.
02:57:14 Brody says Hi, Devin, you say it might be better if Camilla wins election, as it will speed up the awakening. No, I I'm specifically not saying that I'm specifically not saying that.
02:57:26 The normies aren't going to wake up. What will happen is it will deprive the Trump Jews from defining what it means to be right wing, which is what they are currently in the process of doing. Because if you remember correctly.
02:57:41 Being.
02:57:41 Right wing, or at least to the average person back end, say.
02:57:45 The Bush years.
02:57:47 Meant that you were a NEO con. It meant that you were going to die for Israel, that you supported war. I mean, it was just, I mean, it was. It was.
02:57:59 Bush, it was let let's let's go support any war in the Middle East that we want to. No one really pushes back on it. In fact, the only people that really push back on it are are, you know, like lefties on TV like Bill Maher and.
02:58:15 Michael McCullough, Jon Stewart and such like. You know, people like that.
02:58:20 It means.
02:58:25 Sorry, I had to clear my throat. There. It means lower taxes. It means promising to do something about the border but not actually doing anything about the border. And yeah, we all we you know, if you're alive back then you know what it means. It means Rush Limbaugh, right. And then during the the Obama administration.
02:58:45 Right, like what did it mean to be right wing to be conservative? Well.
02:58:48 And maybe maybe still a little Rush Limbaugh, but maybe a little more. Bill O'Reilly and and Sean Hannity, right. Like those kinds of talking points. It was still about low taxes, right? In fact, when they when they ran Mitt Romney, what was it about? It was about, you know, Paul Ryan's, you know, Paul Ryan's fiscal Cliff.
02:59:08 Oh, we better hurry up and and cut back on taxes. And Paul Ryan had a plan, and we're gonna, you know, we better get rid of the debt and.
02:59:16 You know, but that was it, right? It was all very economic, stupid ********. And then Trump came along. And what did it mean to be a Republican? Wow, things got kind of screwy, didn't it? Didn't things get a little more complicated? It got more populist, it got more nationalist.
02:59:32 The racial stuff started to kind of float in there, all this stuff. That was always, you know, immigration used to be.
02:59:39 Strictly discussed, at least in polite company, as an economic issue, no one made any kind of racial arguments. Little by little, and not just because of Trump, but because the environment that that, that Trump had created the chaos online, right, you had all these people, whether you're talking about maybe people you wouldn't.
03:00:00 Necessarily associate with, you know like like the people like the the race realists like Stefan Mole and you back in 2016 talking about race and IQ, you had the more radical, you know, in fact the.
03:00:16 The overtly National socialist types, who were maybe for the first time a long time, at least being listened to without without people thinking they would just being ironic or something like that. You had the JQ really kind of come out of its shell, and again, this isn't stuff that I think Trump intended.
03:00:36 But that's kind of the environment that he created because Trump and created an environment where the institutional voices were no longer trust.
03:00:46 Everyone thought that the news was fake news, right? And no one, no one trusted Fox News. No one trusted CNN, certainly, and and and all of a sudden, you also had all of these voices online. You had all these people. My I was one of them. You had all these people suddenly with a voice online, they could talk to thousands of people.
03:01:07 And give their own opinion that didn't go through. Some filter, didn't go, didn't have to pass across Ben Shapiro's desk and get the stamp of Jewish approval. Before you could say it out.
03:01:18 And so it unleashed all these different ways of talking about what it meant to be right wing and what it meant to be oppositional to the ****** stuff, in fact. And that's another thing too. You know, you had the right wing really kind of, you know, Trump in 2016 was saying stuff like that. ******** could use whatever bathroom they felt most.
03:01:38 Comfortable using and he was hugging the gay flag and stuff like that. So while you can't say Trump was the one that.
03:01:46 Led the skepticism about ****** stuff and the ******** that was really kind of blowing up around 2016 and still it continues today, but he did help create an environment where people were no longer listening to the gatekeepers. People are no longer listening to the Sean Hannity's.
03:02:06 And the Tucker Carlsons is like their only source of information. They were. They were looking at at nobody's on the Internet.
03:02:14 And that that was good and bad because the bad part was it created, you know, on one extreme, you know, Q Anon type *******, right. Like you had all these ******* Q Anon influencers that were just leading people into insanity. You know, it's also like why you got Flat Earth now and all this other stupid ****, right? Because now all of a sudden, like everything, you know, anything.
03:02:34 Those you know in in the in the.
03:02:37 The free marketplace of ideas, in fact, maybe for the first time ever in American history, kind of legitimately, was a free market of ideas. And it had been very carefully curated on television, radio and newspapers and magazines, really for decades prior. And so, for the first time, you did kind of have, like, this chaos that went on.
03:02:58 Well, that's not going.
03:03:00 To be allowed to go on forever.
03:03:02 OK, that's not going to be allowed to go on forever. They're going to try to re center people to acceptable narratives that everyone can at least sort of buy into, just like they did when when Bush was president. And, you know, everyone, all everyone kind of fell in line with whatever.
03:03:21 You know, whatever Rush Limbaugh was saying that day and, you know, and that's that's that's what they want. Again, they want to go back to Red Team, Blue team and Red team and Blue Team they they all have their own.
03:03:39 Boundaries that that they they both live in a different sandbox with boundaries and they're that where they they're allowed to believe within the these you know these margins of error. But as long as they stay pretty close to the ******* narrative and The thing is if Trump wins.
03:03:55 And by win, I don't mean necessarily if it's a legitimate election. But you know, I mean, if Trump is president.
03:04:01 That's who defines what, what the right wing is. Or at least that's who is going to be in charge of installing the right wing establishment. And by him it's not really him. It's going to be the Jews that are are are running his his transition team.
03:04:21 And and you know, like the the people that Kushner want wants to put into place, and you're also going to have.
03:04:28 Just the the Jewish billionaires having their say as to who gets picked for what? But yeah, that's that's who's going to define they're going to. They're tired of the chaos that Trump introduced into the the marketplace of ideas and they want to re regulate the market they want to rein it in. They want to reregulate the market.
03:04:49 And make it so that we have a, you know, this is the acceptable range of ideas, and anyone going outside that range of ideas needs to either be censored or or maybe arrested if it's anti-Semitic.
03:05:04 And that's just. That's the way it's going to be that that is the way it's going to be. That is the way it will be enforced and people like Elon, all these people that talk a big game about free speech will fall right in line. And yes, they might very well arrest people, maybe not right away. I don't think it's going to happen like, you know, January, January 6th.
03:05:23 Of next year and like that, I don't think it's like gonna happen overnight. But I do think that that's the long term goal. If you allow people like that to get into positions of power.
03:05:33 And they have 12 years to do it because they will, they'll have 12 years to do it. JD Vance is someone that they've been grooming. I mean, they, they, they wrote a ******* autobiography for him and made a movie about him. And and they promote. I mean, he's the most manufactured long game candidate that they've they.
03:05:53 They ever could have produced and if and he's married to an Indian, which is perfect for the the guy that you want to have at at the at the wheel when you're moving and all the Indians in, right, his kids are Indians, you know.
03:06:07 And and he's obviously Super Zionist, he's obviously Israel first. He's made that, you know, abundantly clear it's not so there's no departure there between Trump and Jenny Vance. There he is. He owes his success to billionaire Jews like a billion percent. So I mean that's.
03:06:26 He's their guy, he's their guy. And so you're going to have 12 years of billionaire Jews deciding what it means to be right wing and and it doesn't matter if you see through it.
03:06:37 Excuse me or if.
03:06:40 Or even a lot of us see through it there. Enough people won't enough people are going to ******* believe this stupid ********. Just remember how many people were ******* custards. For ***** sake. It's going to be way worse because you're going to have Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson. Who? A lot of people you know, love is. Their is their.
03:06:59 You know the the he's the, you know, base Tucker, you know, can't untuck the the Tucker what?
03:07:04 The **** you know? Yeah. You're going to have Tucker Carlson, who's going to be behind JD Vance. I mean, you're going to have, like, even just, like, the the the peripheral people. Like, what's this? The. The Tim Dillon. You know, the, the the Fat Gay podcast comedian Guy had JD Vance.
03:07:24 On today on his today's podcast.
03:07:27 So you're going to have even like the, you know, all the mainstream, you know, cool kids like Rogan and like, you know, the whatever's left of the intellectual dark web *******. And, you know, all these people are going to.
03:07:42 Be.
03:07:43 All in on JD Vance, and that's enough. That's enough people.
03:07:48 Pushing because that's what's replaced.
03:07:50 TV. That's what's replaced TV. It's what's replaced, you know, the Rush Limbaugh's of the world. It's what's replacing the Sean Hannity's of the world. It's it's what replace Bill O'Reilly. All these people that used to tell the normal Republicans what they're supposed to believe, that the dust is kind of settling, and now it's people like Tucker Carlson.
03:08:12 People like Alex Jones. Weirdly enough, it's people like Joe Rogan. To some extent, it's even people like Tim Dillon to some extent, right, that that's that's you. You have a new.
03:08:26 It's it, you know the the new media has now taken over. It's no longer, you know what, who you know, the The Weekly Standard or or whatever it's they've they've put enough people in place. I mean, look, I would have, I would have included Tim Poole on that list too. And maybe he still is just in a different way. I don't know what's going on with that stupid drama, but the same thing, right.
03:08:46 All the people who are allowed to get to like mega levels of success and make a ton of money and remain on the big platforms and you know like those. Those are the people who are all 100%.
03:08:58 Went all in, all in on on JD Vance.
03:09:01 And so the vast majority of people who aren't going to wake up, you know, even if you know, that's The funny thing is.
03:09:10 They especially won't wake up if Trump is is in office, but if Camilla is in office.
03:09:19 They're not gonna wake up either. Alright. They're not gonna be like, ohh. I should have known Trump was a Jew shill. Like why would they would? That's not gonna happen.
03:09:26 What's going to change, though? What's going to change? Well, it doesn't matter. This is this isn't going to happen. I'm pretty sure I'm almost positive Trump's going to be in there, right? In fact, if it, if anything, if they, if you are like what my favorite scenario would be.
03:09:40 It would be.
03:09:42 They say.
03:09:44 It really doesn't matter which one, they say. One of them won, but the other side says no. Uh.
03:09:49 Like that would be perfect. That would be perfect, or at least it would. It would.
03:09:55 Open up some possibilities like if, if, let's say.
03:09:59 The day after, they're like, oh, Trump won the election. And Kamala is like, he he's too dangerous to our democracy. You know, we're not, you know, in some kind of coup situation. I don't know that would be perfect. I don't think it's going to happen because just like it, there's too many. There's too many billionaires now backing Trump. There's too many powerful interests that seem to want Trump in there. To where?
03:10:19 I don't. I don't think that that would that would that would.
03:10:21 Happen, but anyway.
03:10:23 If if Camel is in there right, Trump becomes nobody.
03:10:29 Because he's not going to run again, you know, so all this whole love affair that the mega ***** have is it's going to go away. You know, the the, the plan will no longer be trusted, right? Because he's he has. No, I mean, look, some of these guys will probably start simping.
03:10:48 Or Don Junior, or even Baron or something like that. But whatever, right? That's still a long way off. JD Vance won't go away, and they will probably still try to run him in four years or whatever, but.
03:11:01 For that four years.
03:11:03 For that four years, what's going to happen? They're not going to be in a position to they're not going to be in a position to be writing what it means to be right wing, that chaos is going to continue because that power vacuum is still going to exist. That power vacuum is still going to exist, and you have all these different voices.
03:11:23 Still, with a platform, they're not going to make anti-Semitism laws. I can almost guarantee you that, but I mean, who knows, right? Maybe. But I I I think.
03:11:33 It's.
03:11:34 Way more likely under Trump than under a camera present.
03:11:37 Let's say and you're not going to have the infinite Indians. Maybe, but maybe I don't know. That was a tough call because you might have. I mean, you're still. You're still going to have rich billionaire tech billionaires that want these workers, and they might just give money to someone else to get them.
03:11:58 I I don't know that they're going to be denied that just because they they backed Trump, you know what I mean? But maybe. But what? What's going to change is?
03:12:06 You're going to have a whole lot of people who otherwise would have been trusting the plan would have been thinking that everything's OK. They're going to have a lot more anxiety. They're not going to be trusting the plan and they're going to be allowing that chaos to continue. There's not going to be this comfort zone where everyone thinks, well, everything's taken care of. We can stop having these philosophical.
03:12:28 Arguments, or worse yet, these philosophical arguments are no longer cockblocked by the fact that like.
03:12:35 They they they don't align with something Trump is doing, and now we have to ******* argue with Trump cards that are that think everything is an insult about Trump and Daddy Trump. This and daddy Trump that like, right, Trump's ******* gone. No one's emotionally connected to anything that's going on with the ruling class because it's someone they all hate. And so. And not only that, the person that they hate.
03:12:55 Who's in charge is a brown woman? Perfect.
03:12:59 Perfect, right, perfect. If you're trying to make people more racist and and and also not want women to vote in the future, I know that's a long term plan, but you.
03:13:09 Know it doesn't hurt.
03:13:10 And so it's there's. That's what I'm saying, right? Is it going to wake up the normies? No, it's going to create an environment where Zionist Jews aren't defining the next 12 years of of of establishment right wing politics.
03:13:30 It gives us another four years of of rage, of chaos, of.
03:13:37 Of.
03:13:38 Of redefining what's necessary to.
03:13:46 To to lead the country in opposition to.
03:13:51 You know, whatever. Whatever disaster Camella ends up producing. And honestly, I don't think it would be much different. People think ohh. She's so, so dumb. You really think she's gonna be in charge of anything? It's going to be the same ******* people. I mean, Biden's not in charge of anything. The same people that are running the ******* country will.
03:14:10 Biden, you know, slowly loses his mind. That's gonna. It's gonna be the same people just running. You know? It's it's not going to change. It'll literally not change at all.
03:14:20 It'll be. It'll be Camelot, you know, sounding like a psycho from time to time the same way Biden sounds like a, you know, a a quickly, a rapid.
03:14:32 3 deteriorating old man, right, it's it's going to just be the same kind of nonsense, just with like, a different flavor. It'll be probably quite literally the exact same people running the show, so I don't even think it'll depart much from what's been going on and.
03:14:52 I I don't know that that that is.
03:14:56 That's such an emergency. I don't. You know, I don't know if that's such a panic. I mean, get. I mean, come on. Don't believe that. Don't believe the propaganda that like, oh, the whole world is going to explode unless Trump ******* wins. I mean, it's that's so gay. And and and cowardly, but anyway, the that's that's my point is, is.
03:15:17 The normies will never wake up. They'll never wake up. That's what makes them normies. Normies. Don't wake up, normies get LED.
03:15:25 And So what? You're what you're doing is you're giving yourself an opportunity to lead them in a different direction because if if you don't get that opportunity, they're going to get led by by Trump and Vance or, you know, whoever is.
03:15:38 Whoever's really crafting that their narrative form, whereas if if they're not in power, they're just, you know, JD Vance is now a senator and Trump is a nothing.
03:15:51 They're they're not being led by those people. They're being led by rage.
03:15:58 So I don't see why that's bad. I see. I see that. I see it as a gamble. Like I see it as as some there are. You know nothing.
03:16:06 'S.
03:16:07 Nothing. Nothing's.
03:16:10 You know, no one can tell that you know no one's got a crystal ball. I just see way more.
03:16:13 Positive than that. Than I see negative.
03:16:23 There we go.
03:16:27 Fl00d.
03:16:34 Flood says Trump, 24, link Fagg edition. Thanks.
03:16:38 For all you do and you have a link.
03:16:41 At least it lets me hit play on this. I don't know if it, I'll just. I'll hit it. Who cares? What's it going to do?
Donald Trump
03:16:50 But we've been doing this really together for nine years and in 11 days we won't be doing this any longer. We'll be doing other things, but so it's a little bit sad because there has never been anything like this done in the history of our country and probably.03:17:05 And probably it will never happen again when you have a candidate in four years, they'll come to your beautiful Michigan and they'll bring with them about 200 people. It's not going to be like this. I'm going from here to another wonderful place and we're going to have big crowds. It's know there's never been any.
03:17:25 This spirit.
03:17:26 I don't know if it's ever gonna be replicated, but I just wanna tell you I love you all.
Devon Stack
03:17:40 All right. Well, I don't know what the point of that clip was. He's well, I mean, like, I know what Trump's saying. Trump's saying that.03:17:47 Yeah, this is the end of the the campaign season and after this either I'm gonna be a nobody or I'll be in the White House, right.
03:17:56 Uh, but I don't know why you.
03:17:59 Zazie Taskbot says last string you said something about losing some of your hives. Have you gotten any of the bees? Me and the boys have sent you. We've been collecting them from a hole in the ground behind the woodshed. I know how you don't like to put out your home address. So I just sent them to the.
03:18:18 Twice. I have no idea what you're talking about.
03:18:24 Oh, there's a Part 2.
03:18:26 And I was like, wait, wait. The place that does your T-shirts with a sticky note telling them the bees are for you and to forward them to you, I'm sure they are a household name of the T-shirt printers. Oh, the guy with the confusing cat shirts. Wow. That's a lot of bees. And send them on the line. One of my guys got.
03:18:49 This is a bizarre, bizarre Rd. You're taking us down now by the feds for illegally modifying a mailbox with a crowbar. How else are you going to fit a wide mouthed Mason jar in a little slit in any way? It would be cool to get confirmation if you got them in all seriousness.
03:19:10 Thanks for what you do. Yeah. No, I've I've not received any bees. I will be. I'll be having to get more bees in in the spring.
03:19:19 Then hopefully, hopefully make it here alive. I haven't had a lot of luck there. I have more luck when they come from West of here than when.
03:19:26 They come from east of here.
03:19:28 I I don't know why.
03:19:30 Because sometimes it's like the same distance, but the people east of here seem like worse at their job. Logical extremist says so tons of people were receptive when in the debate I said that I'm sick of seeing my state being invaded and people calling invasions, diversity town hall. Last week I flipped the script.
03:19:52 On the DFL or I think DFL, I don't know what that would stand for chair and start calling her a cracker *** bigot. I've been getting high-ranking of.
03:20:03 Officials of, like all races asking about peaceful separation, I was asked to appear to a Native conference next month. I have a former Republican chair calling. If whites want a seat at the table, nationalist better start campaigning now, if anything for the lulls. Literally.
03:20:23 The only unreceptive demo are the white.
03:20:27 Boomers, even then, I have somehow made headway with a few the trick with boomers is to make it trendy and they will flip. It's absolutely been insane. The incumbent tried having me out in prison, but that backfired and put a few grand in my pocket. I'm guessing I'm going to be dead soon. Well, good.
03:20:45 Luck with.
03:20:47 Stuck with that, whether it's real or not, it's hard. It's hard to know. It's hard to.
03:20:52 Know with you people.
03:20:55 Yeah, I would say honestly, if you you would probably have it because this chaos that I'm talking about, right, this will end, this will the chaos will end though. If once you have Trump in office.
03:21:12 Because if you ever notice, that's just.
03:21:14 The way it.
03:21:15 Works. Local politics follows national politics. Notice how if you wanted to win, remember in 2016 or in fact, Jenny Vance. Right, JD Vance, who used to **** on.
03:21:27 Trump, when that was what was useful to his his puppet masters, had to kiss the ring when once Trump was president in order to get the the you know what? What's the the not not not. I think the space on the ******* word.
03:21:48 And endorsement of Trump, right when he was going to.
03:21:50 Run.
03:21:51 For for Senate. And that's and that's not obviously Trump's not going to be endorsing every local.
03:21:58 Position, but that's how a lot of people their mind clicks into that mode of, like, well, if you're if you're saying things that are wild and and outside of what the the accepted Trump narrative is at that moment, then you're not going to. They're not going to vote for you because they're living. They're living within the confines.
03:22:19 Within the sandbox that the Trump administration has created for them, when there's no head, when there's no when, it's just like this.
03:22:27 The chaos still exists because there is no leader and no one knows what direction the party is going to go in or or not. Even the party necessarily. But the people you know it's it's all. That's what I'm saying. That's what you lose when you get a a Trump presidency. You lose that opportunity to be wild and you have you, you are constrained.
03:22:47 You were handcuffed by whatever the Trump narrative is, and if you go against it, then you're seen as like a bad guy. And the people that are going to vote are going to vote for, for Trump, you know, or, you know, for the the party of Trump. And if you're, if you're stepping outside the bounds of what the party of.
03:23:05 Trump is promoting as as their narrative. Then you're seen as like an enemy. You know people get. That's how they get tribal. But when there's no Trump and it's just, it's just camel is the bad baddie, then they they'll just look for, you know, any weapon that's laying around to use, you know.
03:23:22 That, that's. That's what I. That's what I I firmly believe that that's what you lose. And you when you get a Trump.
03:23:29 Presidency thin red line says hello. I have been riding with Ukrainian girls on a dating site. I think I have found one there. There's, there's churro. There have been a few others that I had contact with who are interested in getting married and having kids. They are good looking. I would say 8 or 9.
03:23:49 If you're interested, contact me. That's alright. I'd be careful about those sights, man. I'd be careful about those sights.
03:23:56 Yes.
03:23:58 Uh, just so you know, like, well, I I've been to, I've been to Ukraine not because of those sites, but I while I was there, I did meet a girl.
03:24:08 Who, who, who?
03:24:09 Her friend, like was basically ran one of these sites and they're like a it's like and she was. She was one of the girls that would, like, she didn't even like.
03:24:18 She would let them use her photos and put that way like she wasn't even like, real.
03:24:22 They.
03:24:23 You know, like if you emailed her like her photo, it wasn't her responding. OK, so I'd be real careful. There's a lot of scamming **** with that and a lot of the people there, they don't, really.
03:24:35 They don't care. They don't have like any kind of moral problem with doing that. Like if she was a sweet girl, but she didn't seem to see the issue with it. And I'm like, oh, you're kind of scamming people.
03:24:48 Oh my God.
03:24:49 All right, Churo.
03:24:51 You want to go outside?
03:24:53 All right, guys, hang on one second.
03:24:57 One second.
03:25:00 Yeah, I know.
03:25:04 Where is the churro button.
Churro Magic Guy
03:25:12 Everyone loves eating delicious churros at carnivals and ballparks. What if you could enjoy them anytime you wanted? Well, now you can have a carnival right in your own kitchen with churro.03:25:23 Jake the amazing new churro maker that makes delicious authentic style churros right in your own home. Just pour in the batter, close churro magic, and in just minutes you have 4 perfectly cooked churros, crisp and crunchy on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside. Simply coat them with cinnamon and sugar, and you have sweet, tasty trails just like you get at a carnival.
03:25:44 Or ballpark. And because churro magic churros are baked, not fried.
Devon Stack
03:25:50 Churro magic churros are baked, not fried.03:25:54 Uh, yeah, I'd be super careful.
03:25:56 About Ukrainian dating sites.
03:26:04 Where are we at? Where are we at?
03:26:07 Bluecord.
03:26:23 Blue cord says good evening, Mr. Stack. Well, good evening to you, Mr. Blue chord chosen Jawas, says Devin during the one of his speeches, George Lincoln Rockwell claimed that he was able to rescue many men from homosexuality. Do you know how he accomplished this?
03:26:40 Also, Churro 2024, I don't know. Like uh.
03:26:46 I don't know.
03:26:48 I would just hopefully bullying or something.
03:26:53 I don't know, man. Uh yeah. Shock therapy.
03:27:00 Yeah, I I don't know. I don't know. I've never heard that before. But I, you know, maybe, maybe shock therapy, will will say tomato, potato.
03:27:19 Looking forward to tonight's stream, thank you for your work, brother. Well, I appreciate that.
03:27:24 Occidental Front says my country was infinite coal and solar. We used to have the cheapest electricity in the world. Then in government, privatize the grid and generation also transition into green and gas for peak demand. We are on our way to having the most expensive power in the world.
03:27:45 More than Europe?
03:27:47 The government also sends all our gas overseas.
03:27:52 Particularly to China.
03:27:54 They use our cheap gas to subsidize their industries.
03:28:00 And have since.
03:28:03 Deindustrialized us we have lost our aircraft manufacturing then automotive and then have become a service economy because we don't.
03:28:14 Reserve.
03:28:15 Our domestic gas, we are now talking about building a billion dollar gas import terminal at taxpayers expense to import our own liquid liquefied gas back from Asia. I went to a machines conference this year and they announced that now less than 40% of engineers are born here.
03:28:35 From the conference, I can infer they are Indian and conference discuss the trans.
03:28:40 Addition. Man, dude, this is a long discussion or discuss the transition issues. No one proposed any solutions I said, why don't we build synchronous condensers with flywheels for grid stability? I was told no one wants to pay for that since the government has cut up and sold.
03:29:01 Everything off. They then basically spend 80% of conference talking about AI. All I took away was the existing coal fire stations are now have to burn oil well.
03:29:14 As well because they are operating under their design temperatures due to solar, they're all ****** and adults aren't in charge. All right, I expect more of that, especially as as more and more Indians.
03:29:29 Flood into your country. I don't know what country.
03:29:30 You're in but that.
03:29:32 That sounds like a problem most, uh, most Western countries are going to be dealing with some version of that.
03:29:39 Across the board, over the next few decades.
03:29:43 Black Cedar says hi Devin. I'm not fully convinced yet of the JQ because I don't fully understand the negative dynamics of the controlled dichotomy. Don't the Jays like Murdoch and Soros hate each other, and if so, the Soros is pushing this degeneracy. Why are all Jays implicated? Well, Murdoch's not.
03:30:03 Jewish he's just a Zionist and.
03:30:08 It's it's look, there's left wing Jews and there's right wing Jews.
03:30:15 Just I don't first of all, I don't know how you. I don't know how you could not be sold on AJ thing if you've watched any of my streams you need to watch more of the streams. OK, we don't have time to sit here and explain every little aspect of it. But I will tell you this. There's left. Jews are not like some monolith like no other.
03:30:30 Group.
03:30:30 Is like some monolith. Either you know, just like there's left wing and right wing white people.
03:30:35 There's left wing and right wing Jews.
03:30:38 And where they where they on the Venn diagram of priorities where they converge is anything that is good for Jews now. Unfortunately, white people don't seem to have that convergence. We are too wrapped up in individualism to really relate to this. And perhaps you are too.
03:30:58 But Jews, whether they're atheist Jews, religious Jews, left wing Jews, right wing, Jews at the end of the day they're Jews. And what has happened in particular recently this October 7th narrative that Jews believe is the worst thing that's happened to them since the fake.
03:31:15 The cost they are now joining forces, I guess is a way of putting it to some degree in order to ensure not only the the, the, the, the, the to.
03:31:30 To crush the.
03:31:30 Fear that they have of another Holocaust by crushing their enemies.
03:31:35 But also their expansionist plans, they want to increase the well, they want to eliminate any and all pallets they've wanted to get rid of Palestinians since they first arrived there. So they want to, they want to finish the job that they've been slowly doing over the last several decades.
03:31:50 And they want to really expand beyond that. But right now, they'll be happy if they can just neutralize their enemies in the area. Enemies like Iran, Syria, and if they can eliminate.
03:32:03 The presence of Palestinians within Israel, and so that's what they do. They disagree on perhaps some politics or their right wing Jews and left wing Jews. Yes. And and.
03:32:20 Are they all Jews at the end of the day, yes, like for example.
03:32:26 You'll see.
03:32:30 Like like Ben Shapiro, for example, will get a little squabbles with the ADL, but his problem with the ADL is not your problem with the ADL. OK, because at the end of the day, the people at the ADL are still Jews, right? Your problem with the ADL?
03:32:48 Is when you criticize Jew.
03:32:51 The ADL comes down on you like a ton of bricks or like, not you specifically, but if you're a non Jew and you, you know, step out of line, criticize Israel, criticize Jews, or whenever they come after you. OK, Ben Shapiro does not have a problem with the ADL doing that with boys Ben Shapiro.
03:33:10 Has a problem with the left wing Jews at the ADL.
03:33:14 Occasionally getting one of the right wing Jews wrapped up in their dragnets. OK, that's they're they. They have disagreements like any other group. They have policy disagreements and and you could say to some degree some of that's playing both sides.
03:33:33 Right. Some of it, I don't. I don't believe that. It's like some big super master spider web plan that is all being controlled from you know, some turbo Jew at the top or something like that, right? I don't think they're like the board or anything like that. They're they're. But there probably is.
03:33:50 Some playing both sides, you know, controlled opposition, if you will, going on as well, right. Like I think that Jews in an interest of of protecting Jewish and you know to to serve Jewish interests will change parties will change radically change well I mean you see it with the.
03:34:11 Dual citizens like Schumer. Schumer is is against abortion in Israel, but he's pro abortion in America.
03:34:20 Because he his priorities are whatever is best for Jews and what's best for Jews is not aborting Jews in Israel, right, but in America. **** ******, you know, aboard away. So you'll see these inconsistencies because his priority is with Jews and and that's.
03:34:40 Whether so, it'll look like an an ideologically inconsistent, isn't he? A left wing? Wouldn't he be pro-choice in Israel too? No, he's not because he's pro.
03:34:51 And this other stuff is just like Prager for example. Right? Dennis Prager, who has Prager Topia, one of the Big Conservative propaganda outlets on the Internet.
03:35:06 Take a look at his video sometime and and take note of how often Israel and Jews get mentioned.
03:35:13 It's a it's a lot.
03:35:16 And then realize that.
03:35:18 It's not so much that he's a conservative that sneaks in Zionism and Pro Jewish talking points and Pro Israel talking points so much as it's pro. It's Zionism and pro Jewish talking points and Pro Israel talking points with with conservative.
03:35:38 Salad dressing.
03:35:40 Concealing the the the.
03:35:43 90 The the Nougat Center, you know like it. That's a mixed metaphor, but you know, I mean, like it's that's that's what you need to realize is the the the difference in in domestic politics is does not does not always translate to their politics when it comes to.
03:36:04 Israel and it almost never.
03:36:09 There's almost never a difference when it comes to their politics related to the survival of the Jewish people. They they circle the wagons real quick when it comes to the survival of the Jewish people.
03:36:21 But anyway, read read culture of critique or watch a bunch of my streams, or both.
03:36:27 Occidental Front says the government also sends. All right.
03:36:31 Did all that 1 I think.
03:36:35 Glow Cats Vault says we'll be replay crew, but just wanted to drop some shekels and ask if you've checked your Twitter DMS lately. We listen to your book again on audible. Can't wait for Part 2, although I know it won't.
03:36:49 Be on Amazon.
03:36:52 Yeah, I have checked my dad. I was looking for that guy's thing.
03:36:55 I'll again, I'll look at, I don't know if that's what you're talking about, but I'm going to check my stream last time and.
03:37:00 Try to get the name I'm going to.
03:37:02 Down wrong.
03:37:03 Man of low moral fiber says, looking forward to the stream. The vote addition. I've been derided by people in my life for saying I'd never vote again for Trump failed to deliver on any of his promises in 2016. If it's a right given to ******* and women, is it really worthy of a white man's time? I don't think so. Well, that's The thing is.
03:37:24 Is it? I don't even think it's it.
03:37:26 To the degree that it's even real, you know what I mean? Like, there's a a very good probability that it's just ******** anyway, because they've never made any attempt to make the voting process secure. Now they're talking a big game about making that change, right, you know, like Elon's, like, oh, we need to have a voter ID. I think that's all part of another reason why having Trump in.
03:37:46 In office is not exactly going to be great. I think they will come out well. The downside to a voter ID is that means a national ID.
03:37:54 And what does a national ID mean? Well, a national ID means you have the the very good probability that that national ID needs to start being tied to. I don't know, your Internet presence. And so if they decide to censor you or or or it's tied to everything like, right.
03:38:14 Like a lot of people, when they first came out with Social Security numbers didn't want that because they could see the way that that could be abused and to some degree it has been right, like we've all been reduced to like our Social Security numbers and there's no escaping that.
03:38:29 That serial number that we all have now, right? But this would just I think really.
03:38:37 Modernize the.
03:38:40 The the All the downsides to what people used to fear with that? I think that or yeah, I could be wrong. I just.
03:38:46 Think that.
03:38:48 Making a national idea and you could say, well, we already have passports and you know.
03:38:52 Never, right. So maybe it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but I do think that eventually they do want to tie a national ID to your your online presence and that is what I think is going.
03:39:04 To be a problem.
03:39:07 Based Polish crusader.
03:39:15 Hi, Don, it's HeatherDon
03:39:17 Hey.Devon Stack
03:39:18 Based Polish crusader Devon with Thanksgiving around the corner, my based girlfriend and fan of yours asked me to recommend that you perhaps look into Molly's Pilgrim. It's a 1985 Thanksgiving short film that won the Oscar that year based on a book by Barbara Cohen, who won the National Jewish Book Award.03:39:39 In 1983, it's about Molly, her parents that are a Jewish family who immigrated to the United States from Russia in the early, early 20th century. Imagine that Molly is introduced to Thanksgiving and comes to identify with the Pilgrim Fathers who created it. She teaches the Goys a lesson.
03:39:59 Might be worth looking into.
03:40:02 Well, is it like a time traveling movie time traveling Jew?
03:40:07 What is it, blah, blah blah. Molly is introduced to Thanksgiving and comes to identify with the Pilgrim Fathers who created it. She teaches them a lot. Or I'll I'll, I'll if it's a short film, I'll.
03:40:20 Look into it.
03:40:24 Might be interesting.
03:40:31 Simba says I want camel to lose, but that doesn't mean I want Trump to win. If only the Civil war had caused this economic zone to splinter into several smaller countries, perhaps at least one of them would have been real countries. Yeah, I mean, I don't. I don't know.
03:40:49 Good.
03:40:50 That I I mean, if you look at the West, it's pretty universal that we're all kind of like there's no like real standouts in terms of the Anglo sphere, especially of countries doing a great job right of of keeping white people a thing.
03:41:04 They all seem pretty pretty suicidal, in fact, so I don't know. Maybe, maybe, maybe not.
03:41:11 Mr. Charley says just stayed up to donate. Thanks. Good evening, Devin. Well, I appreciate them, Mr. Trolley.
03:41:20 Glow Cat's Vault says have you ever looked into the art and embassies program that the State Department runs? Supposedly it is used for smuggling things around the world. No, I've never heard of that. I mean, I I can guess. I can infer by what you by what the name is and what you're saying. It does what it.
03:41:41 I could see that I mean the State Department has definitely smuggled things in the past. I wouldn't. I wouldn't. And that's one way to do it too with art.
03:41:49 Wah.
03:42:02 Wah says Devon. Just pain in to keep the streams going, shout out to my buddy Jack, who just had a son. God bless. All right. Well, congratulations to Jack.
03:42:15 My fat little ******** toe.
03:42:26 My fat little ******** tone says I have come to redeem my.
03:42:32 Certificate. Since voting doesn't change anything. If whites flee cities that have 100% or 100 per 100,000 Jamaica rate per year, would it be reasonable to assume that midwich bureaucrats would change profession due to a smaller rate of misfortune?
03:42:54 Well, hold on.
03:42:56 If alright, since if whites flee cities.
03:43:00 That have 100 per 100,000 Jamaica rate per year.
03:43:06 Would it be reasonable to assume that midweek bureaucrats would change professions?
03:43:11 Due to a similar rate of misfortune.
03:43:16 I don't know what you mean by that, I don't know.
03:43:18 What you mean by that?
03:43:20 Sorry but but thank you. Thank you. Fat little ******** toe gorilla hands.
03:43:29 Simply says.
Money Clip
03:43:32 Faggot.Devon Stack
03:43:34 Not so secret, Sass says voting is such a joke in our country. Much love for you, Devin. Well, I appreciate that. Like I said, look, if.03:43:44 If you wanna vote vote, I guess I'm just saying that.
03:43:50 I I I I'm just saying that I think.
03:43:54 I think the I think that the pros and cons when wade there's way too many cons associated with with a Trump presidency. I just don't think it matters. I think that that's just where I think that's what they want. And so I think.
03:44:10 It's we're going.
03:44:10 To get corn pop the bad dude.
03:44:14 Did you hear about the situation in Baton Rouge, where whites are allowed to split into their own town?
03:44:25 Maybe is that the thing that that lawsuit tell me? That thing it was months ago?
03:44:34 Where it was just they got to.
03:44:38 It was just districting or I don't, I don't know. I I don't know your time about actually.
03:44:44 Hello spaghetti.
03:44:52 When brainwashing does not work, they just count the ballots as they like. Moldovia EU vote is latest example. No was winning until the last ballots came in all 100% yes to join the EU. Vote harder next time, right? Well, that's the.
03:45:08 Thing, especially until they until they can realistically present to me a a process that is.
03:45:19 Reasonably secure, like if they could present to me a voting system that had a a.
03:45:29 Verifiably legitimate.
03:45:33 You know, unhackable.
03:45:35 System with with like a paper you know.
03:45:37 Like.
03:45:38 With with a, A unimpeachable chain of custody and and, you know, vote counting system that you know that that was either open source or enough to where like people, you know, people tried to hack and and could certify.
03:45:53 Right. Even then it would be tough. I think just going back to paper ballots is probably the best way to do it. And and that way you do have the paper trail, but and even look, there's always going to be some fraud, but like just it's a joke right now. It's a ******* joke, like, how, how easy it is to commit voter fraud, especially with mail and ballots is like that.
03:46:14 They'd have to completely get rid of mail in ballots, get rid of early voting and make it all in person voting. And it's like it's sorry if you like ohh, but I'm going to be on my cruise. Well, then you're on your cruise. Then you're not voting. You know? Like, if it's that important to you, you won't ******* you know you'll stay home.
03:46:33 But we need to get rid of all this. All these stupid, easy to to, to defraud, versions of voting.
03:46:43 Blood and Biden.
03:46:50 Did you listen to Trump and Rogan? Should I bother? It's really long and really boring.
03:46:55 Yeah.
03:46:55 And it just it just lets you it just it gives you the impression that Trump is getting really old.
03:47:02 If, like if you're used to what Trump used to sound like in 2016.
03:47:08 And you know.
03:47:10 He's not. He's slow, like he's slower now. He's not as sharp. In fact, he's not sharp at all.
03:47:18 He's very old, man wandering, you know, wandering mine like it's not. It's not Biden level.
03:47:25 But it's not.
03:47:28 It's not Trump. It's not the guy that you knew in 2016, he's noticeably less.
Richard D Hefner
03:47:35 There.Devon Stack
03:47:37 He's he's noticeably more grandpa.03:47:41 And it's not like I said, it's not to the degree that I I just look, I wouldn't if it was just based on that, right, if it was, if I, let's say, I was hiring someone.
03:47:52 One to do a a very important job like President and I could see the the before and after. And I realized, oh, the decline has begun. And look, once it starts, it's who knows how fast it's going to keep going. Right. Like this has been, I mean, how many years since 2020?
03:48:12 He didn't even sound like this in 2020.
03:48:15 And that was just four years ago.
03:48:18 And so if in four years he went from sounding pretty normal, I mean, cause I didn't see like a big difference between 2016 and 2020.
03:48:28 You know, in in least in his public addresses and and I don't know that I saw. No, there was an interview. I think he he gave even like around 2020.
03:48:39 But this is this is.
03:48:43 You'll notice if you don't notice you're you're you're fooling yourself. I mean that he's noticeably old, man. It's no longer Trump. It's old man Trump.
03:48:55 And it's boring. It's like, super as long. It's like 3 hours long, and they talk about a whole lot of nothing.
03:49:02 Maybe next time says it's my civil right to take up.
03:49:07 Or take up to $950 of goods from any store. I want crackers.
03:49:16 I.
03:49:17 Don't know you're talking about maybe finding out like, what in San Francisco. That's the limit of shoplifting before they it becomes like a crime.
03:49:25 Donald Duck, Tanner, Devin. I hope you've seen the incredible work from Australia's National Socialist Network. The highlights include the slogans white man, fight back and **** ***. We're full. If you're interested, I posted a thread in your announcement tweet for this episode title leading from Down Under. Well, I'll take a look.
03:49:47 I'm not. I'm not super familiar with Australian politics.
03:49:53 I know, I know, some of the names of the people involved with that, but I don't know much. I have never been Australian. I don't. I don't know much about the situation down there, or at least.
03:50:02 Not the details.
03:50:04 Hey, would you **** **?
03:50:08 We got that double rare gorilla.
03:50:21 Long time no see replay gang here. You helped me make long drives possible. Hoped you made the most of my prior donations. I believe you have. As recently of as recently three to four hour streams.
03:50:39 Yeah, we, we've been doing long ones well.
03:50:41 We're.
03:50:41 Almost 5, we're almost 4 hours already.
03:50:44 It was. It was ******* 4 hours already.
03:50:47 Love and division.
Money Clip
03:50:54 Thank you.Devon Stack
03:51:02 Another case of Jews using ******* as human Shields, waiting for freedom of association with.03:51:09 Jews.
03:51:11 Well, that that's that was, you know had had Proposition 14 passed. Well it passed. Had it not been overthrown by Jews I.
03:51:18 Guess.
03:51:19 In California, you could have.
03:51:22 You could have created such communities, Marcel versus Reagan. I can't wait for this election to be over. It's driving me crazy with the cops and excuses most racially aware guys on Twitter are gay for Trump again somehow. And the rest are obsessed with Palestinians as much as I'd like to see the downfall of Israel.
03:51:42 It's not going to save us either.
03:51:45 Uh, yeah.
03:51:46 I.
03:51:46 Mean.
03:51:47 I I kind of that's The thing is my my.
03:51:52 My opinion about the election doesn't really include a whole lot of that, you know.
03:51:56 What I mean like it's not?
03:51:58 I kind of feel like Israel's going to get what they want either way, and yeah, well, well. They especially get it if Trump's elected. Yeah, but that's not even. That's not even like the issue. I'm not worried so much about the Jews in Israel as I am about the Jews in America. Right. That are going to be running the show if Trump is, is put in there.
03:52:17 And you know it's it's not going to be the Jews in Israel that put me in jail. You know what I mean?
03:52:25 The ***** nation.
03:52:27 Good gorilla. Good, good grill.Devon Stack
03:52:31 OK.03:52:33 Fumar Nation says race is everything.
03:52:38 In.
03:52:40 Something.
03:52:44 I don't let this thing sit.
03:52:49 Genadi.
03:52:51 OK, much appreciation from South Africa. There is no legislation and no wall that will stop replacement. The only thing that can stop replacement is demographic expansion and the only way to achieve this is through higher birth rates. But this is usually a deal breaker with whites.
03:53:09 Well, it's case selected people don't have the same inclinations as our selected people.
03:53:17 And in fact, the more our selected people that are in their environment, the more.
03:53:24 Or the less likely case, like the people are to reproduce because the environment is is their brain is is being told that it's less suitable for children.
03:53:38 Bessemer 72.
03:53:52 Hi, Devin. Heaven forbid if we want safe neighborhoods. This is insane, right?
03:53:59 Well, you know Californians, they they want, they, they they tried.
03:54:05 Sack opossums.
03:54:10 The vote harder brigade is out hard on X at the moment. It's annoying trying to sell them on objective reality. I don't blame them. Hell, I don't even think it's bad to vote as long as you know it's pointless. But you must swallow the hard medicine. Fido has rabies, champ. We got to put him down. All right? Like I like I said, I think the biggest thing is.
03:54:31 You give up the the, the, the philosophical chaos that would can that would be allowed to continue within a A A.
03:54:41 A Trump power vacuum versus if you have someone who is crowned the de facto leader of your movement, whether you like it or not, calling the shots, or rather his.
03:54:55 Intellectual Jews calling their shots.
03:54:59 Both fatties.
03:55:07 Hey, David, thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Are you familiar with the work of Colin Flaherty? He was the author of White Girl Bleed a lot. Don't make the black kids angry. Spoke about the prevalence of black on white crime.
03:55:21 Hidden on mainstream media? Yeah, I I actually, you know, before he passed, I think I talked to him a couple of times.
03:55:28 On Twitter is a shame that ashamed that he he was taken so young.
03:55:34 But yeah, he did a lot of good work.
03:55:37 And and paid somewhat of a price for it. He was kind of a, I think, a mainstream journalist before he.
03:55:43 Was.
03:55:45 Controversial Glock 23 don't forget the camel. I'm married into the tribe. Yeah, she's. Yeah. I mean, look, it's it it and and look the same she would have the same Jewish cabinet I think. Or at least you know it'd be indistinguishable from Biden's cabinet.
03:56:03 Yeah, they might. They might. They might switch it up for appearances. So it doesn't look like, oh, she's just copying by.
03:56:10 But ultimately, it's going to be the same people, really, you know.
03:56:15 Uh. Creative Bot 72. Diversity is literally popping off shots in my neighborhood while I listen to your show. Wish I heard this stuff 10 years ago. I would live somewhere else. Yeah, try to.
03:56:26 Live somewhere else.
03:56:29 I would definitely try living somewhere else. I've lived in neighborhoods like that. It's no fun.
03:56:34 N7 patriot Spartan.
03:56:50 Hello Devin. I haven't finished your previous stream yet, so I'll be brief. Me and my boomer dad watch the streams yet he still has cognitive dissonance with Trump. Think he'll fix America? Could you explain to him in the most clear and concise possible way about why this election is no good at all? I think I've already done that a bunch of times.
03:57:09 This stream, but I would just say the most concise clear way is we already know we already know that he wants to increase immigration. We already know that he just wants it to be legal immigration. And if you're worried about demographic replacement, then the fact that they're legal doesn't really change the fact that they're replacing you.
03:57:30 In fact, the high quality immigrants that he is wanting to bring into the country are going to be more able to replace white people because of their.
03:57:42 You know, they're gonna they're gonna be middle class replacements. They're not going to be low class replacements because they're legal. You won't be able to get rid of them because you'll have no grounds to get rid of them. They're going to be legal immigrants, unlike the illegal immigrants that we, even though it's probably a pipe dream anyway. At least you have the the possibility that you could get rid of them because you could say they're illegal and they.
03:58:03 Shouldn't be there in the first place.
03:58:05 Again, not that that would ever come to fruition, even under a Trump administration.
03:58:10 And him being in charge.
03:58:13 Or rather be in the face of the people that are in charge will allow the Republican Party to basically reorient closer to the NEO con configuration that it was in prior to Trump, where you have intellectual Jews at the top and Zionists.
03:58:33 Boys in the middle management and the very real possibility of censoring anti Semites at at the least and at the worst, maybe even imprisoning them. And you also have the.
03:58:50 The the lack of the chaos situation that I was describing where because there would be no Trump, there would be no Vance. There would be no clear leader on the right. The wild, chaotic, chaotic discussions that have been allowed to go on and over the last four years would continue.
03:59:10 For another four years, pushing people even more radically to the right. Whereas if Trump is in office, all those discussions kind of get sidelined and play second fiddle to whatever gay narrative that the Trump administration.
03:59:25 Will craft and will you have some minor positive things? Would you have for example, Elon possibly slashing some of the federal government down?
03:59:36 Maybe, maybe.
03:59:39 Maybe. Maybe when inflation get better. Maybe would you know economically, would you in the short term, would you have some benefit? Maybe. But guess what? Almost every problem that we have in America right now, including the immigration problem, what ultimately how is it sold short term economic gain?
03:59:58 Well, eventually, eventually you gotta pay that credit card bill.
04:00:02 And you know that's that's that's the situation. It is what it is. Let's see here.
04:00:15 Love and Division, Devin, I don't expect you to answer this. Do you think the dark web list will ever be a reality?
04:00:27 I don't know what you're talking about.
04:00:29 That's all I'm going to.
04:00:30 Say.
04:00:31 My lying eyes.
04:00:45 My line I says thank you for unbanning me. You deserve more. Well, I appreciate that. And I you thank thank the mods for unbanning you and then my lying eyes again says get money out of politics. Not a solution but a Band-Aid.
04:01:03 Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't I I that's that's going to be a that's going to be.
04:01:10 That that's not going to let it happen until you're able to. I mean, that's definitely not something you'll ever, ever be able to vote and do it into existence.
04:01:19 It it the the problem with that is?
04:01:26 It's it's like saying.
04:01:30 You'd be able to get rid of Jews by voting them out of the out of the out of the country or something like that. You know that there's certain things that.
04:01:37 That can't you? You can't repair about the country and tell you you go outside the conventional means.
04:01:46 Andromeda says Dev and Hillary may have well, indeed, have killed with her bare hands, wishing you all the best.
04:01:53 Yeah, it's possible, but I.
04:01:54 Doubt.
04:01:54 It she doesn't seem like the type to.
04:01:59 To get her hands Dirty, Brody says it matters.
04:02:04 I don't know if you're still complaining about.
04:02:07 But the way I phrase something 2 streams ago, but if you are man, you got to take your autism medication there a little bit.
04:02:22 You're absolutely right that Trump won't budge many of the Haitians here legally. That was clear when he sent Vivek Ramaswamy here to seek consensus through dialogue. Yeah. See what? I'm.
04:02:34 There, there's another shining example of the kinds of Indians you can expect to get. How can we all agree to live together once Trump gets around to closing the border to any more mass migrants, there will be Haitians in the local ruling class. They're opening businesses and buying rental houses and.
04:02:53 Grooming leaders with federal money and the help of local blacks and white progressives, I checked out towns in West Virginia last week that seemed promising.
04:03:04 But any solo move seems like a sucker move at this point, collectivizing for economic security and cultural preservation seems essential, but not many white people I know are ready to give up the illusion of independence. Well, that's not a thing that I think the Trump presidency would delay even further. People would would.
04:03:24 Would hold on to hope a little bit longer. It is true, like I said, that there's not going to be a waking up of the normies, but there would probably be, I think some. Umm.
04:03:36 Might might come around. I don't know how many, but I think there would be a few that would come around if once the once the the pipe dream of Trump was permanently shattered, cause it would be if, because again if Trump isn't president and then for the next 4 years, that's it. There's no more Trump and there's some people that they're not really political.
04:03:56 They're just Trump fanboys.
04:03:59 And if you it's an emotional connection to a cult of personality and you you divorce.
04:04:08 Trump, from the the right wing politics and you're going to have people just their mind is going.
04:04:13 To.
04:04:14 Become just a lot less ********. I think you know, who knows? Hopefully there's still a lot of *******. Harry Haller says Devin, all that Trump is far from ideal.
04:04:28 I think you want to estimate the threat posed by Doug Emhoff second gentleman, Emhoff says anti-Semitism has become an epidemic. Yeah, they look, I'm not. I'm not saying that that wouldn't become an issue under a camera presidency. I just know for a fact.
04:04:45 Because Trump keeps saying it over and over again that that his administration is going to attempt to crush the anti Semites. I haven't heard Kamala say that. So, you know, just judging by what they're actually saying, you know, that's which people need to start doing.
04:05:05 People, people have this idea that like ohh no, he secretly wants to know.
04:05:12 Show me when that's ever been true. Show me when that's ever been true. When a right wing candidate with a wink and a nod secretly accomplished the thing that he that was too edgy for him to say out loud. Tell her the time that's ever happened in history. I'll wait. No, I won't cause that. That we'd be here forever.
04:05:31 Damien, 25, says build dynasties. My white people.
04:05:37 Bill Monigan says one good thing. I got a free kitten out of the deal. A lady and I got kicked out of her apartment to make room for Haitians and the place she found would not let her keep a kitten she rescued from a vending machine at work. So Sparky lives with me now. She's a good traveling companion.
04:05:56 Yeah. Well, that's awesome. That's that's.
04:06:00 It's good that the the the, the very the feral cats are always the best. Feral cats are always the best.
04:06:08 Pet store cats.
04:06:10 It's kind of.
04:06:11 Boring.
04:06:13 Gorilla Hands says Devin Q said this is part of the plan. You don't trust the plan.
04:06:21 Is true. This is all part of the plan, and Biden is where, you know, it's not.
04:06:25 I think it's funny how many people legit thought Trump was still secretly president during this whole time, who, some of whom probably still think that that this is all a charade. That's that's the level of crazy we're dealing with when it comes to the Trump's cult of personality. That's what I'm talking about. There's gonna be a lot of people.
04:06:42 Once, once he's.
04:06:44 Once Trump is gone, people aren't going to be psychos about Jenny Vance the way they are about Trump, Trump.
04:06:50 Is a unique situation in politics, for better or for worse, and a lot of times for worse and right in that in this particular context for.
04:06:59 Worse.
04:07:01 Glock 23, says the boomer Jesus is going to win by a landslide due to the East Indian ***** being so incredibly stupid.
04:07:10 Yeah, I think that's the way.
04:07:11 It'll be reported again. I don't know how realistic.
04:07:15 It all is, but I I I believe that.
04:07:18 Uh.
04:07:20 I don't know how much of A landslide, but I think it'll be solidly Trump won. That's what they'll say. And I I don't like I said, I don't think it's going to be like last, you know, it's like 2016. I think there's gonna be a lot of protest there. There'll be some, you know, like, right. You'll have some kind of Antifa ****, but.
04:07:35 It's going to.
04:07:36 Be very low key and it's going to be mostly.
04:07:41 You know, just random Redditors basically throwing a tantrum.
04:07:45 It's not going to be like the institutionally backed chaos that we saw in in Trump's first term because the all the people that were calling him Hitler back then are now.
04:08:00 Are now funding him, and not because they think he's he's Hitler because they they realize he's not the logical extremist, says it's real. Troy scheffler. Trump is the worst distraction right now for me. Two years I will crush it. By the way, if anyone wants to grief the incumbent.
04:08:22 Zion.
04:08:24 Social media, it would be appreciated. His name is Josh Heintzman, Minnesota House District 6B, where you guys go. You guys can have some fun with the local politics there for all those in Minnesota. Champ says. Thanks for all the streams.
04:08:43 For the years, well, I appreciate them. Glock 23 says I would love to see the Democrats steal the election again. It'd be so funny to see how ****** *** people would get. I bet these policies would roll over and take it. They would keep on voting, though.
04:08:59 Yeah, I I'm.
04:09:00 I don't know. That's The thing is I'm.
04:09:02 Kind of curious.
04:09:03 I wonder if I mean, look, I think realistically would would I, would there be a freak out or a civil war?
04:09:11 Here's what would determine that.
04:09:15 It's not. Here's the thing.
04:09:17 It's not the people, it's the voters. Here's The funny thing. The voters don't even determine if the.
04:09:24 Civil war would happen.
04:09:26 They don't.
04:09:28 What would what would determine if there a civil war were to happen would be those billionaire Jews bankrolling Trump.
04:09:36 If let's say if let's say in the unlikely event.
04:09:41 That.
04:09:45 The the very.
04:09:48 I guess outnumbered people that want Camilla to win.
04:09:53 Have the means?
04:09:55 To hack voting machines or through other other kinds of fraud managed to.
04:10:05 You know, actually pull off a an apparent Camilla win, right?
04:10:14 If.
04:10:16 And and it looks bad, right? Like and it looks really bad. Like everyone knows like, oh, this is.
04:10:20 ********, right?
04:10:23 If the the billionaire Jew is backing Trump.
04:10:28 Are invested enough.
04:10:31 The.
04:10:33 It's up to them at that point whether they.
04:10:37 And and and and because look it's.
04:10:41 There could have been.
04:10:41 A civil war in 2020.
04:10:44 There were enough Q *****. There were enough boomers, there were enough magnetars and there was even people like me that were like, oh, this.
04:10:52 Could be fun.
04:10:56 And there and and enough people back then believed in in the in fraud in 2020.
04:11:02 To where all it would have taken.
04:11:05 All it would have taken would have been Trump to go to the podium and say **** it, I'm not leaving. You'd have a civil war right there. He didn't do it. He didn't do it and and so would he do it this time.
04:11:21 I think it would really depend on whether his donors wanted him to do it.
04:11:26 You know, I don't think he really decides.
04:11:29 I think that.
04:11:32 If enough powerful interests.
04:11:34 Want that to happen? They'll do it.
04:11:38 And I don't know what would happen. It'd be fine. Look, it would be it. It would be funny. It would be funny, like you said, because there does exist the possibility that they decide it's not worth it, right? Because a lot of these guys are going to think about it from an economic standpoint and from a, I think from a.
04:11:57 The.
04:11:58 Place in the hierarchy standpoint, right? That's when ruling class people get involved with wars, it's either going to benefit them financially a lot, or it's going to benefit them in terms of of power, right. And so if they do the calculation and and and there's a.
04:12:19 A opportunity to gain a lot of money or a lot of power they might. They might.
04:12:26 Go for it. I.
04:12:26 Don't know. I don't know. I I just. It would be funny. It'd be funny because like I, I think that's a pretty remote possibility that they would actually initiate any kind of.
04:12:39 Civil war type situation, but that's all it would take in 2020. That's all it would have taken is Trump saying let's do this and it would have happened. It would have happened. And if he said it that he says it this time, that's it'll happen.
04:12:52 People are kind of just ready for it, you know, like as much as their *******. And they don't want to. They don't want to actually fight for anything.
04:12:59 They're also, I think people are just kind of like, I mean, I think I think mentally prepared enough to where they're kind.
04:13:05 Of like.
04:13:06 Yeah, let's let's RIP this Band-Aid off. I think more people than you would expect. Even even people like my boomer parents would just would be like, yeah, let's do it.
04:13:20 Ah, let's see here, Leo, the Dangler says I can't stop making declarative statements.
04:13:28 Well, there you go.
04:13:32 All right, let's take a look at Rumble real.
04:13:33 Quick.
04:13:41 All right. And because I forgot to open that stupid window.
04:13:46 It's fine, I just have to scroll all the way to the top.
04:13:50 There we go.
04:13:52 Sarah Town says I will enjoy listening tomorrow. Well, I appreciate that.
04:13:58 The to the the town of Sarum.
04:14:02 And I will Scroll down a lot because that's what I have to do because I forgot to open the stupid window thing.
04:14:11 Until eventually I get to the next one.
04:14:16 Rumble really needs to there's a couple.
04:14:18 Do you guys?
04:14:20 Is it for you? I think it.
04:14:21 Is for everyone. I hope it's for everybody.
04:14:24 If if you're watching the replay right now, in fact, and you're on rumble, the sound is probably wildly out of sync. Why can't they at least have that fixed? It seems like anything you watch, especially if it's longer than, like, say, 20 minutes or something like that, the sound is going to just be out of sync and you can like, you know, scrub the, you know, the timeline a little bit and it'll fix it, but not for long. It goes out of sync again.
04:14:45 And it doesn't matter what app I use or what browser I use, it's just it's like come on, rumble, at least make it like stay In Sync.
04:14:54 Eternal Boomer says we all bleed red. Devin well.
04:14:59 Yes, yes, I yes, we do.
04:15:04 Sub dialect sound says Smedley Butler. Betraying the business plot. It's different when you realize that the plotters must have been noticing. Butler lived to see the horrors that he wished to avoid World War 2. Thank you, Mr. Stack.
04:15:23 I appreciate that.
04:15:25 And let's Scroll down some more.
04:15:29 And some more.
04:15:37 I'm still scrolling.
04:15:39 There you go.
04:15:41 Ghost Dog, Man says, went in to pay for gas last night. I joked with the delightful euro gal cashier turn with a smile. Leave and see a mean Comanche with a face that read. I could kill a cracker or two in S Indiana. A mean Comanche, huh?
04:16:02 You know, watch out for the them engines.
04:16:06 Yeah, he said the same thing twice. Ghost dog man.
04:16:11 Or at least that's what it looks like.
04:16:15 So maybe it was, maybe it was 2 mean Comanches.
04:16:19 All right, guys. Well, I appreciate that we are over the four hour mark.
04:16:25 Hopefully I made it clear, I I I think I I I was, you know, it took me like the caffeine a little bit to to kick in before I really could articulate the best. I think the best way to really explain the the Pro con you know Trump thing is the chaotic.
04:16:45 Philosophical reality being ranged in and really and and really extinguished. Honestly, in a in a in a Trump, in an environment that includes a Trump presidency that is crafting a narrative that many of the right wing people would adhere to.
04:17:02 I think that's a bigger.
04:17:07 Drawback than people really realize, especially given that it's not just going to be for four.
04:17:12 Years it's going to.
04:17:13 Be for 12 if you I.
04:17:15 Mean unless unless the.
04:17:18 You know, unless some crazy scandal comes out about JD Vance or something like that, which I can't imagine he's he seems like he's been, you know, he he's like a test. He's like a test tube ******* candidate.
04:17:31 And he's got all the right backers with all the right amount of money. So.
04:17:35 I and and he's he's like perfect. He's perfectly designed to usher in the Indians. He's got an Indian family so anyway.
04:17:45 Alright guys, I hope you have a good rest of your evening. We're going to have a Halloween stream on Wednesday and then let me look at the calendar here.
04:17:56 Next weekend.
04:17:59 Saturday. I'm. I'm actually gonna be out of town.
04:18:03 And then.
04:18:06 I'm probably going to be on.
04:18:10 There's a couple streams I need to.
04:18:13 Finalize the time on.
04:18:17 All throughout the week of the 1st week of of November actually like a lot of November, is going to be a lot of a lot of streams that I'm trying to. I just got to nail down the times with different people and.
04:18:31 But they'll they'll. So there'll be no St. There'll be Halloween stream Wednesday. No stream Saturday.
04:18:37 OK, probably no stream Wednesday, but maybe depends on on what my schedule is like, but definitely I'll be on other people's streams during that week and then back to streams.
04:18:53 On the 9th on Saturday. And then we're going to, it's going to be mostly Saturdays throughout the holiday season but and not so many Wednesdays, but probably some Wednesdays here and there. If I'm not on other people's streams. So anyway. So just to keep that in mind, we'll definitely have a spooky Halloween stream on Wednesday.
04:19:13 Alright guys, have a good rest of your weekend.
04:19:16 And get some sleep. If you've been staying up up late with me tonight. In the mean time for Black Pilled.
04:19:24 Wait, hold on. We got one last one. My line. I says not a boring minute. Thank you again. Well, I appreciate that.
04:19:32 For blackpilled, I am of course.
04:19:35 Devon Stack.
Southern Woman
04:19:39 I want to go.04:19:41 And.
04:19:45 I think I want to vote for.
04:19:46 Jason Shaw.
04:19:47 They didn't vote that ballot while ago.
04:19:50 They want nothing there. Let me. Yeah. I think we need to vote for him.
04:19:54 And I'm on completed confirm ballot save move to next ballot.
04:19:59 OK, so it pulls up the next ballot that needs to be adjudicated.
Numbers Lady8
04:20:03 So you made a vote for someone where someone did not vote and you're the election supervisor.Southern Woman
04:20:07 I did, didn't I?04:20:10 I'm the election supervisor. I am the person that sits and does the adjudication. Yes, Sir.
04:20:15 Go back to the.
04:20:17 Trump and Biden race and decide since both are.Southern Woman
04:20:21 Mark.Mark
04:20:21 You just count one of them and.04:20:23 Not count the other, could you?
Southern Woman
04:20:24 Let's see. Yep, sure can.04:20:29 I think I want to vote for Biden. Let's let Biden win this one.
04:20:34 So what you put supersedes whatever.Southern Woman
04:20:37 But I decided this this out. He don't deserve no votes. Let's not let nobody vote for that and complete. OK, well, here's another one. I don't think any votes.04:20:54 Need to vote on this ballot?
04:20:54 Yes, Sir.Southern Woman
04:20:57 I don't. I think this really needs to be just a blank ballot.04:21:03 Complete.
04:21:07 Mr. Can you stand a ballot more than once? I'm talking.Southern Woman
04:21:10 I've just done it.04:21:12 About you just.
04:21:15 I just kept standing that same. I just scanned the same batches that y'all just voted. I never got anymore until that one.
04:21:16 You got to stay in your life.
04:21:17 You just keep some.
04:21:23 I don't know why they approve such system.Southern Woman
04:21:26 Oh yeah. Wow.04:21:26 Mm-hmm.