10/16/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 37425374259770297702.00:00:30 Good.
00:00:31 70.
00:00:35 Good.
00:00:36 70.
00:00:41 62886.
00:00:45 62886.
00:00:50 1329.
Swingrowers - Crazy People
00:00:55 Crazy people, crazy people like you.00:00:58 Like.
00:01:12 You've got to get like crazy people.
00:01:30 People like people like you.
00:01:44 It must be long.
00:01:52 People like you cause love. Always love you.
00:01:58 It's an old custom.
00:02:08 Baby.
00:02:28 What?
00:02:29 No money.
00:02:33 It's just that I've got you've got me.
00:02:38 That people that people like me.
The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman
00:02:57 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.00:03:03 Mr. Sandman.
00:03:08 Make him the cutest that I've ever seen. Give him two lips like roses and Clover. Then tell them that it's lots and that lights are over.
00:03:25 Bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:03:26 Don't have nobody to call. Please turn on your magic bean.
00:03:38 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:03:43 Bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:03:58 So.
00:04:17 Mr. Stand, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:04:29 Mr. Simon.
00:04:44 And lots of WAVY hair.
00:04:58 Find your magic bean. Mr. Please. Please, Mr. Sanders.
Devon Stack
00:05:23 Some welcome.00:05:27 To the insomnia stream.
00:05:31 I'm your host, of course.
00:05:33 Heaven stack. This is the insomnia stream I testify edition.
00:05:39 Looks like I still have some stuff turned off here, so I'm going to.
00:05:44 Put those things back on.
00:05:47 There we go. Think that's.
00:05:50 That's looking a little more normal.
00:05:54 Anyway, hope you guys are having a good week.
00:05:56 It's Wednesday.
00:05:59 We're already halfway through October. We're already halfway through.
00:06:04 It's incredible.
00:06:06 Time flies when you're having fun. I guess, right? We're all having fun.
00:06:12 Well, having fun here?
00:06:15 Watching the.
00:06:18 Well, watching the drain as it gets closer and closer.
00:06:26 Ring around the Rosies pocket full of posies.
00:06:31 Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
00:06:35 Anyway, I got something kind of interesting to go over this evening.
00:06:42 And it it really kind of does show you that history repeats itself.
00:06:49 I mean in some ways.
00:06:50 I hope not, but I.
00:06:51 Mean it just it I you know.
00:06:54 It kind of does. It's odd. It's really weird.
00:06:59 Like one of the things that I have found the most fascinating.
00:07:03 When I've researched.
00:07:05 History specifically.
00:07:09 Jewish influence throughout the world.
00:07:12 It's amazing how.
00:07:15 Cyclical it is.
00:07:17 And it's amazing how identical.
00:07:22 I mean almost identical.
00:07:25 A lot of these these patterns are.
00:07:30 I mean, in some cases it's the same players. It's the same names. It's it's really odd.
00:07:39 And that's why I discovered.
00:07:41 When I started looking into a man by the name.
00:07:44 Of Robert E.
00:07:46 Edmondson.
00:07:50 Now Robert E.
00:07:52 The E is for Edward Edmondson.
00:07:57 Was a a journalist.
00:08:01 Who began writing about Jewish power?
00:08:05 Around.
00:08:08 Well, specifically.
00:08:11 Around the.
00:08:12 FDR administration.
00:08:17 He was famous for writing a book by the name of Itest defy against the Jews.
00:08:26 Here's another thing that's that's really weird. You try to find.
00:08:32 Hard copies of a lot of this stuff.
00:08:35 And it's almost impossible.
00:08:37 And when you can find it, it's like on eBay for like $2000 and like ridiculous **** like that.
00:08:44 Like there, there are a few books that I I just ran of the titles while doing this research, not necessarily just by him.
00:08:52 But by other like affiliates of his, or people who were also researching Jews.
00:08:58 Some of whom were published in. In there, some of them were self published, right, but some of them were published.
00:09:04 And.
00:09:05 You know, well, I think 1 was by Random House Publishing and it's impossible. It's impossible to find some of this.
00:09:12 Stuff.
00:09:13 And I'm sure some of it exists on PDF.
00:09:17 But archive.org is still down. That was kind of a that was a little bit of a.
00:09:23 A I guess a speed bump for tonight.
00:09:28 But it didn't stop me. It didn't stop me. But it did slow a few things down. There was a lot of things that would probably have been a lot easier to find, but I I just found that that stunning. There's a lot of books.
00:09:41 That as I would I, I'd find the names of some associates of this guy and.
00:09:46 And or some of his original books, and you try to find them. And it's like, oh, yeah, you can buy it on eBay for $2000.00, but anyway.
00:09:55 You wrote. I testify against the Jews. That's probably one of his most uh.
00:10:00 Famous publications.
00:10:04 But he was.
00:10:04 Also very anti FDR and was convinced that FDR was in fact Jewish.
00:10:13 And there are probably going to be a lot of people who think that well, I mean, FDR is probably not Jewish.
00:10:20 But let me explain perhaps why he might have come to this conclusion. You know, this is a time before the Internet, I believe this.
00:10:29 Publication was from 1936.
00:10:33 And he's limited by what he can, you know, get in the library and public records and such.
00:10:43 And what he did.
00:10:45 Was he found that the earliest known?
00:10:49 Ancestor.
00:10:52 Of FDR.
00:10:54 Was Clayface Mars Densen van Rosenfelt?
00:10:59 And that's real. I I.
00:11:01 Looked I looked at it, I looked into it.
00:11:03 That is real. That is the real name.
00:11:07 And we don't really know where he came from.
00:11:12 We we believe that he he was Dutch.
00:11:16 That the the family was was a mix of Dutch and French. They were Protestants, Episcopalians, the families, Episcopalian.
00:11:28 Episcopalian. That's that's.
00:11:31 That's like ruling class wasp.
00:11:35 Protestants like Tucker Carlson, I believe, is Episcopalian and he also wears a Kabbalah bracelet.
00:11:42 So there's always that.
00:11:45 The Episcopalian is, from my understanding, it's very similar.
00:11:50 If not even connected to the Church of England because it's again, it's the the ruling class.
00:11:58 Protestants from, you know, old money families.
00:12:04 But that was the evidence he had to go by.
00:12:09 You know, it's just the fact that, well, that sounds pretty jewy you might think, well, that's pretty tenuous.
00:12:15 Right. You're you're just going to, you're just going to say that he's Jewish.
00:12:20 Because one of his ancestors has a kind of.
00:12:24 Jewy name.
00:12:27 It's like well.
00:12:30 Well, not really. He was also a big Zionist.
00:12:35 He was a big Zionist and in fact, you know this, this I found this interesting. This is an article talking about a manual seller of the Heart Seller Act.
00:12:48 Says Representative Emmanuel seller, who called on President Truman at the White House, told reporters that Truman stands solidly behind Roosevelt's stand on Zionism. The President will not deviate one iota from the platform of the Democratic Party, which calls for a democratic Jewish Commonwealth.
00:13:10 In Palestine.
00:13:15 So Roosevelt was a was a big time Zionist.
00:13:21 And you might say, well, that's.
00:13:25 That's not too.
00:13:26 Crazy. I mean, OK, so one of his ancestors, their last name, sounds kind of Dewey and he's a Zionist. I mean, ****, he's an American politician. How many of them?
00:13:36 Are in Zionist.
00:13:38 Well, back in the 30s, quite a lot of them actually.
00:13:43 But.
00:13:45 Then you take a look at.
00:13:47 At Roosevelt's administration and his closest advisors.
00:13:54 For example.
00:13:58 And just already.
00:14:04 You mean you look up, you look up?
00:14:06 Jew in the dictionary.
00:14:10 That is.
00:14:11 Henry Morgenthau.
00:14:13 Henry Morgenthau, of course, famously of the Morgenthau plan.
00:14:18 The vindictive plan that was rolled out to punish Germany after World War 2.
00:14:27 He was the Jew that that devised that plan.
00:14:31 But he was also.
00:14:33 Oops, my notes got all weird for some reason.
00:14:36 He was also the US Secretary of of Treasury.
00:14:41 For FDR.
00:14:44 He was one of FDR's closest advisors.
00:14:50 Special and economic and and financial matters, of course. He played a key role in shaping the New Deal.
00:14:58 The new Deal, which basically redefined the role and purpose of the federal government and some would even say the the structure and and and and really the character of our country forever.
00:15:15 He was also instrumental in in financing World War 2.
00:15:21 He was always pushing for the United States involvement.
00:15:27 Into World War 2 prior to us entering the war.
00:15:33 And he was also very instrumental.
00:15:36 And welcoming the Jewish refugees from Europe.
00:15:42 Before, during and after World War 2.
00:15:49 So you might say, well, I mean that's.
00:15:53 That's one guy. That's the secretary of Treasury. So he's got a secretary of Treasury. That's Jewish. That's not really.
00:16:01 That big of a deal, except for we got this guy.
00:16:07 Felix frankfurter.
00:16:10 One of the first Jews nominated to the Supreme Court appointed by FDR.
00:16:18 He was the Associate justice of the Supreme Court from 1939 to 1962.
00:16:25 He was a close personal friend of FDR.
00:16:29 And one of his many legal.
00:16:31 And political advisors before his Supreme Court appointment.
00:16:38 He was also the cofounder.
00:16:40 Of the ACLU.
00:16:44 A Jewish organization, not unlike the ADL.
00:16:49 That.
00:16:50 Used the.
00:16:53 I guess the the exploited.
00:16:57 Exploited vulnerabilities.
00:17:00 In the constitution.
00:17:02 And in constitutional law.
00:17:05 To defend pornographers.
00:17:09 And.
00:17:11 Other other.
00:17:13 Degenerates.
00:17:16 In fact, at some point they even they even had to bend the knee to try to look as if they weren't just there to to help out Jewish interests. And I think in a couple instances they even supported Nazis.
00:17:29 That.
00:17:29 Of course, is all going out the window. You won't see the ACLU sticking up for, you know, say.
00:17:36 Streamers, they get demonetized or kicked off of YouTube for for free speech issues.
00:17:44 So you might think, OK, so big deal.
00:17:47 So he appointed a.
00:17:50 A Jewish Supreme Court Justice.
00:17:54 No big deal.
00:17:57 There's always this guy, too.
00:18:00 This is Benjamin Cohen.
00:18:03 Fdre's legal advisor.
00:18:07 And member of Roosevelt's brain trust is what?
00:18:11 They called it.
00:18:13 You know his big brain Jews.
00:18:16 They call it the brain trust.
00:18:20 Cohen was a a key architect of the New Deal legislation.
00:18:26 It was particularly.
00:18:29 Focused on the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
00:18:36 And the public utility holding Company Act of 1935.
00:18:43 Working with fellow Jew Thomas Cochran Cohen.
00:18:50 And was instruments on formulating many of the legal foundations of the New Deal. So you're like, OK, well, big deal. So there's a few. There's a few, you know, Jews within his inner circle.
00:19:03 You know.
00:19:04 That happens.
00:19:06 Yeah, this guy.
00:19:09 Samuel rosenman.
00:19:11 This was FDR's speechwriter.
00:19:16 FDR's speechwriter was a Jew.
00:19:21 He served as speech writer and legal counsel, so he was also FDR's lawyer.
00:19:28 He was one of FDR's main speechwriters, and he came.
00:19:32 Up with the term New Deal.
00:19:38 He helped draft all of FDR's major addresses.
00:19:43 Sometimes just writing them entirely himself.
00:19:48 And remained a key advisor.
00:19:51 Throughout World War 2.
00:19:55 And.
00:19:58 Handled all the public messaging for World War 2.
00:20:03 That's interesting.
00:20:06 So we got a lot of lot of Jews, a lot of.
00:20:08 Jews close to FDR.
00:20:12 Kind of administrating the.
00:20:14 World War 2 so far all.
00:20:16 Right.
00:20:17 Starting to think where maybe this guy's coming from, thinking maybe FDR's a little Jewish? I don't know. But yeah, so so so speechwriter. Supreme Court Justice, Secretary of Treasury. I mean, you know, it's not a bit.
00:20:29 No, there's this guy.
00:20:33 Herbert Lehman.
00:20:36 Now he was governor of New York.
00:20:39 From 1933 to 1942.
00:20:43 He was Director General of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
00:20:52 So not only was he governor of New York while FDR was president.
00:20:59 And he campaigned.
00:21:01 With with FDR.
00:21:04 But he was also put in charge of a lot of the the the, the, the new responsibilities that were that were coming out of the the UN.
00:21:15 That was being developed after World War 2.
00:21:21 And he administered a lot of the distribution of aid.
00:21:27 Going to other countries post World War 2, so we got a Jew in charge of.
00:21:32 Of that. OK, well.
00:21:35 That's not that. Not that weird, I guess. Right. You know, all right.
00:21:39 We got this guy.
00:21:42 David Niles.
00:21:45 David Niles was the advisor on minority affairs.
00:21:51 Obviously including Jewish issues.
00:21:55 He was a key adviser on a minority issues, including matters related to Jewish refugees.
00:22:04 And the broader Jewish community.
00:22:07 He also served as an advisor on the Jewish Affairs for Presidents Harry Truman.
00:22:14 Dwight and and Dwight Eisenhower. So he he was like the the Jewish liaison.
00:22:21 For three presidents.
00:22:24 But he started under Roosevelt's administration.
00:22:34 OK, well.
00:22:36 Going to have a Jewish liaison, right? I mean, right? That's not too abnormal to have a.
00:22:44 Jewish liaison away this guy.
00:22:50 Louis Brandes. I think that's how he said. I'm not sure.
00:22:55 He was another Jewish Supreme Court Justice put on the court by FDR. Wow 2.
00:23:03 2.
00:23:05 Two of the first ever.
00:23:09 In fact, there's only been one other.
00:23:13 Prior to that.
00:23:16 Hmm.
00:23:18 So he more he he.
00:23:18 He he doubled the amount of Jews that had never been on the court. OK, that's.
00:23:26 Interesting.
00:23:32 He was.
00:23:34 Particularly.
00:23:36 Actually I I I this is the wrong Jew. There's another.
00:23:39 1.
00:23:40 This guy was on the court here this.
00:23:41 Is the first Jew on the court.
00:23:44 But he was on the court during.
00:23:46 There's marriage. You coming up?
00:23:49 This guy was the first Jew on the Supreme Court.
00:23:52 And so he was appointed before Roosevelt, but he served during the Roosevelt Presidency.
00:23:59 And he was a he was a an advisor to FDR.
00:24:03 Particularly on matters related to Zionism.
00:24:08 And the Jewish community.
00:24:11 It was a vocal advocate of Jewish causes and played an indirect but important role.
00:24:18 In the advocate in advocating Zionism under the FDR.
00:24:25 Administration.
00:24:28 OK.
00:24:30 OK.
00:24:32 Well, that's that's.
00:24:34 So it's starting to be a lot of.
00:24:35 Jews. Well, this chick. Well, she's not a Jew, though. She's not a Jew.
00:24:39 She's just a, you know, blue haired feminist. She's like the proto blue haired feminist.
00:24:44 Who is tightly wrapped up in?
00:24:49 With Jewish organizations, her name was Francis Perkins. She was the Secretary of Labor.
00:24:57 And while she wasn't Jewish herself, she worked closely with Jewish leaders, some of whom have already named and labor activists. In other words, communists. She was she was a communist. Let's just not beat around the Bush. She was a communist, and she was the liaison between the FDR administration and.
00:25:18 Jewish communists.
00:25:19 I mean, if we want to not like.
00:25:23 Try to gussy it up.
00:25:24 That's basically what her her job.
00:25:26 Was and so she was the the go between between FDR and Jewish communists and in the labor movements.
00:25:37 Going on in the United States at the time, OK. OK.
00:25:45 No big deal, no big deal. Rightly. She wasn't the who's this?
00:25:52 This is Sidney Hillman.
00:25:56 He was also a labor advisor.
00:25:59 His position as leader of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.
00:26:06 He was the key labor adviser to FDR.
00:26:11 He was a communist. He was one of those communists. I was just mentioning.
00:26:15 Strong supporter of FDR in the New Deal, which was an effort to make United States more communist.
00:26:22 He served as a a key labor advisor to FDR and played a major role in mobilizing labor support for the president. So in other words, he he got that those.
00:26:35 Those Connie votes.
00:26:37 Those labor union votes in for FDR.
00:26:41 Especially during during World War 2, because when that war machine, you know, started going.
00:26:49 A lot of his clients were making a lot of money.
00:26:52 A lot of money.
00:26:55 Producing those war machines.
00:26:58 OK, well, you know, some Labor Jews and bunch. Ohh this guy.
00:27:06 This is Isidore lobin.
00:27:08 Economic adviser, he was the Commissioner of Labor statistics as well as an economic adviser to FDR.
00:27:17 You know, is an important economic adviser, FDR, particularly on the labor and economic data.
00:27:23 He played a key role in shaping the New Deal labor policies.
00:27:28 And was a trusted statistician who provided vital economic information during Roosevelt's administration.
00:27:36 It seems like a whole lot of Jews that seem to be behind.
00:27:38 This new deal thing?
00:27:39 Yes.
00:27:42 It seems like a lot.
00:27:43 Of Jews, I mean this is.
00:27:45 They're unusual. I don't know. We got this guy.
00:27:52 Julius Rosenwald.
00:27:56 Julius Rosenwald.
00:27:59 Who was just a he was basically just a a turbo Jew money Jew. You know the the, the kind of the kind of Jew money where you get you just get called. He's a philanthropist, which just means he's got an infinite ball of money.
00:28:15 And he was big. A big donor to FDR, but also.
00:28:22 He was a big donor to African American organizations that Jews were just starting to spin up.
00:28:29 One might say he was a also a communist and that that was the motivation for creating these African American organizations that would later on blossom into the organizations that we know and love today.
00:28:45 He served as an adviser relating to Jewish charities and refugees.
00:28:51 Big donor. Big, big, big Jew donor.
00:28:54 Advising FDR and what we should do with all these.
00:28:59 Jewish.
00:29:01 Refugees. OK, well, then we got this guy.
00:29:06 Joseph proskauer.
00:29:10 He was a judge, an adviser and legal counsel for FDR.
00:29:16 He was a prominent Jewish judge, advised FDR on Jewish issues. That's odd.
00:29:23 How many I?
00:29:24 Wonder if there's anyone advising him on Christian issues.
00:29:30 Or Muslim issues or boost issues for that matter, particularly related to the refugees from.
00:29:36 Europe. Oh, look at that.
00:29:38 Another rich, moneyed Jew advising FDR and what we should do with all these European Jews that were flooding into our country.
00:29:46 He was president of the American Jewish Committee.
00:29:50 During the war and worked closely with Roosevelt on Jewish refugee matters. So in other words, another.
00:29:58 Money Jew.
00:30:00 Making making sure that the the gates were wide open.
00:30:05 For all those.
00:30:07 European Jews flooding into our country.
00:30:11 Before, during and after.
00:30:14 World War 2.
00:30:17 OK.
00:30:17 Well.
00:30:19 All right, so there's some definite Jewish influence there, but this doesn't seem that crazy though.
00:30:25 Is another one.
00:30:30 Nathan Strauss.
00:30:33 Administrator advisor. He was the head of the US Housing Authority.
00:30:40 That's a nice position to have when you're when you're crafting the New deal.
00:30:47 I want. I wonder if you had any input on where we put all of these Jewish refugees.
00:30:56 He's also just a big money Jew. He's the kind of big money Jew that that didn't really have a job. He's called the philanthropist. Ohh.
00:31:03 Philanthropist.
00:31:06 When do you go to school?
00:31:07 To become that.
00:31:09 I sure wish I had a degree in philanthropy.
00:31:13 Seems like it pays really well.
00:31:19 He worked closely with FDR on housing reform and public welfare projects.
00:31:28 And have basically helped expand the welfare programs that would later lead to, well places like Bessemer.
00:31:39 You want to know why white flight would happen a few decades later while you're looking at?
00:31:43 It.
00:31:45 That was a big part of it.
00:31:48 A lot of federal money giving black people free places to live right in the middle of white neighborhoods.
00:31:57 While also providing housing for.
00:32:01 Jews flooding into the country.
00:32:04 Before, during and after.
00:32:06 World War 2.
00:32:10 OK, well, all right, no big deal. You know, it's no joy that one.
00:32:17 Got Rabbi Stephen S wise.
00:32:22 Another Jewish adviser on Jewish affairs, you know, that's another thing about FDR. He seems to have a lot of advisers on Jewish affairs.
00:32:31 It's an odd it's an odd title.
00:32:35 Seems to be an awful lot of these guys that have that title.
00:32:42 He was a prominent Zionist leader.
00:32:47 He was a major leader in the American Jewish community, frequently communicating with FDR about Jewish matters, especially concerning.
00:32:56 The situation.
00:32:58 Of European Jews flooding into the country before, during and after World War 2 started to pick up on a pattern here, it's a little bit.
00:33:10 A little bit odd. I I'm I'm I'm.
00:33:12 Kind of seeing.
00:33:13 A little bit of a pattern here.
00:33:15 I'm sure that's.
00:33:17 I'm not gonna keep Oh my God.
00:33:23 Lawrence Steinhardt.
00:33:27 Lawrence Lawrence Steinhart was an ambassador.
00:33:32 He was the ambassador to Turkey and the Soviet Union.
00:33:38 That's kind of a key position.
00:33:41 Right, especially during World War 2.
00:33:45 So you've got a June that is now the ambassador to the Soviet Union during World War 2. You've got the guy who's bankrolling World War 2, who's Jewish? You got the guy writing all the speeches for FDR. He's Jewish. You have all of his legal counsel that are Jewish.
00:34:05 The guys writing the New Deal, they're all Jewish. You know, it's funny. I don't know about you guys. It's been a long time since I was in elementary school.
00:34:15 Cool, but I couldn't get over. I mean, in fact, I mean, a lot of that stuff in one ear and out the other. But if there's one thing that stuck with me and it was consistent was how every year when we would do American history.
00:34:30 You know, every grade you know, they have varying levels of complexity as you get older, but they always seem to cover the new deal.
00:34:39 And the teachers always seem to really like FDR.
00:34:44 And I thought it was odd at the time, because they also seemed to hate.
00:34:50 Other presidents and I was a kid. I couldn't really put it together like I I. But one thing that that I could.
00:34:56 Very easily understand at that age.
00:35:00 Was, well, all these teachers really like FDR. My textbook really likes FDR and as much as they love FDR, and we watch movies, which also is weird. All the Hollywood movies seems to depict FDR's like this really great guy.
00:35:18 I don't think I've ever seen a film and and and I don't think one exists where FDR is anything but a hero.
00:35:27 You often hear that. I mean, how many times did you have to hear the?
00:35:30 Quote the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
00:35:35 They hammered it into your head and I would contrast that to say, like Nixon, who was the exact opposite. They ******* hated Nixon. Nixon was the devil.
00:35:44 And I could never really put it together.
00:35:47 And I remember talking to my mom about it at one point. Even saying mom is do we like FDR? My mom did not like FDR. She was conservative and and saw the, you know, the.
00:35:59 Big.
00:36:00 Saw him as as the beginning.
00:36:01 Of big government, which is not inaccurate.
00:36:05 And so I thought that was weird, that my mom didn't like this FDR guy. But every year, every teacher.
00:36:13 Couldn't shut up about him and every textbook.
00:36:17 Would would tell you how awesome it was and how the United States wasn't even like a real country until the until the New Deal.
00:36:25 And again, all the movies.
00:36:27 All the movies that you watched?
00:36:30 FDR was like some kind of ******* St.
00:36:36 It was very odd. Very odd.
00:36:40 Well, anyway, I'm sure that was. That's the end of that list, right?
00:36:44 Who's this guy?
00:36:50 James Warburg.
00:36:53 A financial adviser and another member of the Brain Trust.
00:36:59 You know, James, the James Warburg Jew, the that is often quoted as having said, we shall have world government whether or not we like it.
00:37:11 The only question is whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.
00:37:20 He was a big banker Jew.
00:37:24 I guess maybe, maybe they call him a philanthropist. I don't know. I I.
00:37:28 Think at a certain point.
00:37:30 Maybe there's like a line.
00:37:32 Maybe maybe you actually you get too rich to be a philanthropist like philanthropist is like.
00:37:39 You're you're ******* rich. But you're not like Warburg banker Rich, you know you. I mean, you're you're one of his biggest clients. Maybe you know his bank.
00:37:51 But it's a different class.
00:37:55 The different class.
00:37:58 But they had what was called.
00:38:05 Warburgs proteges. I think it was, it was Frank, frankfurters proteges.
00:38:12 Frankfurters proteges.
00:38:17 And that included Jerome Frank.
00:38:22 Another Jew. Very attractive. These Jews are very they're very good looking people, wouldn't you say? Very handsome.
00:38:29 Very eugenic looking people.
00:38:35 He was another lawyer that helped shape.
00:38:39 The new deal?
00:38:41 And you might say, and there was a whole pack of them. They, I mean, they called them frankfurters, proteges. It was basically a bunch of Jews.
00:38:49 A bunch of Jews that had clerked for or worked under Frankfurter and were basically distributed throughout the government as it massively expanded to accommodate the New Deal.
00:39:06 All these new bureaucracies were were being created.
00:39:11 All these new institutions that many of them still exist today were being.
00:39:17 Drawn out of thin air.
00:39:21 And installed at the top of each one of these.
00:39:27 Bureaucracies was one of these. One of these Jews? One.
00:39:31 Of these proteges.
00:39:35 Now you might say to me, Devin, you're being.
00:39:38 A little unfair.
00:39:40 You're being a little unfair. I happen to know that a big portion of Biden's administration is Jewish.
00:39:48 A big portion of Trump's administration is Jewish.
00:39:53 I mean, I guess you can say that.
00:39:56 That the United States has always had these kinds of.
00:40:00 Powerful Jews.
00:40:03 In government.
00:40:06 FDR is not an anomaly.
00:40:13 Right. He's not an anomaly.
00:40:16 Surely.
00:40:18 Surely if you look at, I don't know a lot about this, how about we just look back at the administration before FDR?
00:40:30 I mean, after all, FDR did not appoint the first Jewish justice that happened before him.
00:40:38 He simply appointed the second and third, but.
00:40:46 Come on. I mean, out of out of the 75 close advisors that he had, only 50 of them were Jews.
00:40:58 That's a that's a realistic number.
00:41:01 Out of the 75 close advisors that FDR had, fifty of them were Jews.
00:41:10 But again, you can say well that's that's totally normal.
00:41:16 That's totally normal, right?
00:41:18 That's something that had been going on a long time.
00:41:22 But.
00:41:23 You'd be wrong.
00:41:25 If you look back at Herbert Hoover.
00:41:28 Who was president from 1929 to 1933 just prior to FDR?
00:41:33 The man that FDR defeated.
00:41:37 We'll get into that in a moment.
00:41:40 He didn't have a single.
00:41:43 Jewish adviser or cabinet member?
00:41:50 His administration.
00:41:51 Was described as homogeneous in terms of ethnicity and religion.
00:41:59 His cabinet and key appointees were primarily composed of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
00:42:07 And men, obviously, they're all men.
00:42:18 So we went from zero Jews.
00:42:23 Zero Jews in any kind of influential position.
00:42:28 In the federal government.
00:42:31 To about 50 out of 75.
00:42:34 Jews.
00:42:36 Under FDR.
00:42:42 So you might understand why people would come to the conclusion that FDR must.
00:42:48 Be Jewish.
00:42:51 Because.
00:42:52 It's hard to explain that kind of a shift.
00:43:00 It's very difficult to explain that kind of a shift.
00:43:09 And Speaking of that shift?
00:43:12 You might wonder well, how how is the public sold on that kind of a dramatic change?
00:43:20 How would the American public?
00:43:23 Elect someone like Hoover.
00:43:27 Who had a pretty much 100%.
00:43:31 White wasp. White wasp. Male.
00:43:34 Administration.
00:43:38 And then run.
00:43:40 Into the arms of.
00:43:42 A socialist.
00:43:44 If not a Jew himself.
00:43:47 Someone who's I mean an aspiring Jew.
00:43:51 Like FDR.
00:43:59 Well, there's two things you got to think.
00:44:00 About what was going on.
00:44:03 During Hoover's presidency.
00:44:08 And what kind of policies?
00:44:11 Would Hoover have? That would have dramatically.
00:44:15 Depart from, say, the Jewish advisors of FDR their worldview.
00:44:24 Well, if you're looking at the context, you know he became president in 1929, served till 1933.
00:44:32 We were coming at the end of the the Roaring 20s and in the Great Depression.
00:44:38 Was about to hit.
00:44:40 The Great Depression that many.
00:44:42 Have argued was in fact triggered.
00:44:47 And exacerbated.
00:44:51 And kept.
00:44:54 Kept going and as a result of the newly the actions of the newly formed Federal Reserve.
00:45:04 The Federal Reserve.
00:45:06 That.
00:45:08 Purposely kept funds unavailable for banks as they failed.
00:45:17 Wouldn't lower interest rates.
00:45:21 And some have argued.
00:45:24 Was.
00:45:26 The engineer.
00:45:28 Of the Great Depression.
00:45:32 Why would they want to engineer?
00:45:35 And economic depression.
00:45:37 During the Presidency of Herbert Hoover well.
00:45:43 Another thing about Herbert Hoover.
00:45:46 As he was a strong advocate of staying out of World War 2, like most Americans, like most white Anglo-Saxon Protestant males at the time.
00:46:05 Of course, the the press didn't like that the press was largely Jewish.
00:46:12 The press was calling him a dangerous isolationist.
00:46:19 They were blaming him and his policies for the bad economy.
00:46:27 They said you have, you know, the the whole world's gonna go to hell in the handbasket under this.
00:46:31 Guy, he's dangerous.
00:46:45 And what happened just a few?
00:46:47 Short years later, after FDR was elected president.
00:46:54 Well, I'm sure most of you are familiar with this clip.
00:46:58 Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker.
00:47:03 Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
00:47:09 Yesterday, December 7th.
00:47:14 1941.
00:47:18 A date which will live.
00:47:20 In infamy.
00:47:23 The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked.
00:47:30 By naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
00:47:36 The United States was at peace with that nation.
00:47:41 And at the solicitation of, Japan was still in conversation.
00:47:49 With its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.
00:47:58 The attack yesterday.
00:48:01 On the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces.
00:48:10 I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost.
00:48:17 In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
00:48:27 As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken.
00:48:34 For our defense.
00:48:37 But always will our whole nation remember the character?
00:48:44 Of the onslaught against us.
00:48:57 No matter how long it may take us.
00:49:01 To overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
00:49:24 I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people.
00:49:31 When I assert.
00:49:33 That we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost.
00:49:38 But will make it very certain.
00:49:41 That this form of treachery shall never again endanger it.
00:49:56 Hostilities exist.
00:50:00 There is no blinking at the fact.
00:50:03 That our people.
00:50:04 Our territory and our interests are in grave danger.
00:50:11 With confidence in our armed forces.
00:50:15 With the unbounding determination of our people.
00:50:21 We will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God.
00:50:35 I ask.
00:50:38 That the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December.
00:50:51 7th 1941.
00:50:55 A state of law.
00:50:58 Has existed.
00:51:00 Between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
00:51:13 And so the United States entered World War 2.
00:51:18 Now you can say well, but Japan did didn't attack us.
00:51:24 And yes, they did.
00:51:27 You can say that it was at the urging of of Adolf Hitler, which I believe.
00:51:33 There is evidence for also, but you could also say we were aware that the attack was coming.
00:51:41 The the American Intelligence Army intelligence was was aware that the attack was coming and and let it happen.
00:51:50 So that it would be as devastating as possible.
00:51:54 So as to.
00:51:56 Get support for war that the Americans still.
00:52:02 Didn't want to get involved in.
00:52:05 A war, by the way, that we were already involved in.
00:52:11 This was just a formality.
00:52:14 Just like today.
00:52:16 You can say we're not at war.
00:52:19 With Russia as an example.
00:52:23 But would a war between Ukraine and Russia be going on if it wasn't for American support? No.
00:52:32 So in a matter of speaking, we kind of are.
00:52:36 You can say that we are not at war.
00:52:40 With the Palestinians or Iran or or Hezbollah.
00:52:47 But.
00:52:49 If Israel didn't have all the foreign aid and.
00:52:53 And American made weaponry.
00:52:57 That war would not that also wouldn't be occurring. So in a manner of speaking.
00:53:02 We kind of are.
00:53:06 And just like in December of 1941.
00:53:11 While we weren't officially.
00:53:14 At war.
00:53:16 We were still providing weapons to England.
00:53:21 And to allies.
00:53:23 And allied forces in Europe.
00:53:27 Which is precisely why.
00:53:29 Hitler thought it would be a strategically.
00:53:32 Good idea. If the Japanese kept us busy.
00:53:37 In the Pacific.
00:53:44 By the way.
00:53:47 Once you take a look at these microphones.
00:53:53 There were only two networks at the time, really CBS and NBC.
00:53:59 You also see MBS, MBS was a.
00:54:04 Really small network that played.
00:54:08 Like radio dramas like Superman.
00:54:12 But it doesn't matter because the same is true for MBS CBS.
00:54:18 At the time.
00:54:21 Was run by William S Paley, Jewish.
00:54:26 NBC.
00:54:28 Was run by David Sarnoff.
00:54:32 A Russian Jew.
00:54:34 Who came to America?
00:54:36 Around the turn of the century.
00:54:41 And MBS was.
00:54:44 Owned by Jewish shareholders.
00:54:47 At least the majority stake was.
00:54:55 Also, the New York Times.
00:54:58 The paper of record at the time.
00:55:02 Run by Arthur Hayes sulzberger.
00:55:05 Also Jewish.
00:55:10 So at the time that America entered World War 2.
00:55:16 50 out of the 75 key people.
00:55:22 Close to the president.
00:55:25 We're Jewish.
00:55:29 The largest media networks.
00:55:32 And really, almost to the extent where it's it was pretty much 100%.
00:55:38 Was Jewish.
00:55:47 So you can that's the environment.
00:55:50 That's the environment in which Robert Edward Edmondson.
00:55:56 Found himself.
00:55:58 Trying to wrap his head around what was what the **** was going on.
00:56:01 OK.
00:56:03 What the hell?
00:56:04 Was going on in America.
00:56:09 There's the the Jewish owned New York Times.
00:56:13 US declares war.
00:56:21 Now, Robert Edward Edmondson thought it was strange to have so many Jews in these positions. When, at the time, 95%.
00:56:32 95%.
00:56:35 Of the United States.
00:56:37 Was Christian and there were Wasps. They were white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian. I mean, I guess at that time you also had a lot of Catholics, Irish Catholics.
00:56:48 And some but European Christians, you could say.
00:56:51 But 95%, you know, regardless of.
00:56:56 The nomination they were, they were Christian.
00:57:02 And so he thought it was odd that in a.
00:57:04 Country like that.
00:57:06 You would have so many Jews in these really key positions, not just officially beneficially, and in in, in media, and in these influential positions in the private sector and in banking.
00:57:24 And so we started to.
00:57:26 Imagine.
00:57:28 If you read the history books, it was all in his head. Imagine that perhaps there was a Jewish conspiracy.
00:57:37 A Jewish conspiracy that was seeking to dominate world governments.
00:57:42 Because it wasn't just the United States that was experiencing.
00:57:47 All these powerful Jews just popping up in positions of power.
00:57:51 A lot of the Jews that had showed up around the turn of the century.
00:57:56 Did so because the Russian Revolution.
00:58:00 And the Soviet Union?
00:58:03 Had a similar Jewish population and the ruling class.
00:58:10 Robert Edmondson began to wonder if perhaps.
00:58:15 This was a type of Bolshevik revolution taking place.
00:58:21 In the United States.
00:58:27 He also couldn't understand why Jews seemed to be unique.
00:58:33 In their inability.
00:58:36 To conform to the social norms.
00:58:41 Of the Americans.
00:58:45 Why, when most Europeans would show up, you know the Italians, the the Irish, the.
00:58:52 The Spanish, the French.
00:58:58 Maybe you would have ethnic neighborhoods and whatever, but.
00:59:02 By and large, within a generation or two.
00:59:06 These kids or grandkids sounded just like all the other the other Americans.
00:59:14 They assimilated.
00:59:19 And that's what was expected.
00:59:21 Of the Jewish immigrants that came around the turn of the century.
00:59:25 When the Americans open up the gates and and welcome them in.
00:59:35 They were told that they were going to assimilate just like everybody else.
00:59:42 But of course, as I, as I covered in the.
00:59:44 Post bill.
00:59:47 Stream, which I highly recommend if you haven't seen it, here's a clip from that documentary.
00:59:54 That's just, that's just not how Jews roll.
Stephen Bloom
00:59:59 They all wanted to be folded into the local society. The Jews did not. A seeded Jews and postal really don't care what the locals think, they just will operate the same way they have operated, whether it's in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY.01:00:19 Work, or whether it's in post phone. It really doesn't make any difference. People have to understand them, their rules and their procedures. They're really not terribly interested in fitting in. They don't want to fit in.
01:00:29 Yeah.
Josef Abrams
01:00:39 The truth of the matter is, in order to be kosher, you have to be somewhat separate by its very nature, we can't eat the foods that they eat, and it isn't that we don't want to.01:00:50 Like them or be with them, it's that we just can't be with them and we have to maintain some separateness.
01:00:57 And even to protect our own children from assimilation, we have to keep them separate.
Devon Stack
01:01:07 They have to keep them separate.01:01:10 To protect them from assimilation.
01:01:14 So the Jews coming to America were actively.
01:01:18 Resisting.
01:01:19 Assimilation. They had no desire to assimilate, and why would they, their God's chosen?
01:01:24 People.
01:01:26 You're not God's chosen people.
01:01:29 It's your job to know about their customs. They don't need to know about yours.
01:01:40 They're the top of the hierarchy.
01:01:51 So Edmund Edmondson was noticing.
01:01:54 Noticing things.
01:01:57 He was known as saying that there were a lot of powerful Jews in finance.
01:02:01 Lot of powerful Jews and in politics and culture.
01:02:06 He thought that.
01:02:07 Jews were have at play not only a role in orchestrating.
01:02:11 The involvement of the United States in the World War 2 but also World War One.
01:02:19 He thought that the Jews were were behind communism.
01:02:25 Which I mean.
01:02:28 That's pretty much.
01:02:30 I think an established accepted fact at this point, that's not.
01:02:35 Weird crackpot theory to think that the Bolshevik revolution was a Jewish revolution.
01:02:43 That Leon Trotsky, his real name, was Lev Bronstein.
01:02:48 The people financing the Bolshevik revolution were.
01:02:52 Banker Jews, some of whom were in America, some of whom worked closely with FDR.
01:03:03 He saw a disproportionate amount of control from Jewish bankers.
01:03:08 And financial institutions.
01:03:14 The accused Jewish individuals or or some of the FDR's advisors for working towards not what was best for Americans, but what was best for world Jewry.
01:03:32 He said that Jews controlled all the major media outlets. We oh, I just showed you that.
01:03:35 That they did at the time.
01:03:38 And use their influence to manipulate public opinion to go along with.
01:03:44 The policies that were being enacted by the Jews and political positions synergy.
01:03:51 We talked last string about synergy about how in the 90s you had Jewish CEOs of clothing companies like at places like the gap and you know guest jeans and Jordash and Victoria's Secret. All these, all these 90s brands that were all run with the.
01:04:11 Run by by Jews.
01:04:13 And the.
01:04:15 Synergy that took place between these fashion Jews that were promoting the fashions and trying to make things fads and and make ohh that's that's the clothes you have to be to be the cool kid at school. You have to have that label. Because I watched a popular TV show and the the famous actress or the famous actor was wearing.
01:04:36 That outfit? Well, the reason they were wearing that outfit was because the person producing that TV show.
01:04:43 Was also a Jew.
01:04:47 And that's how this synergistic nepotism worked.
01:04:52 And the same was with policy.
01:04:54 When it came to the federal government.
01:05:00 And we see it today. It's not even like something that you can question. In fact, if there's anything that should make you suspicious, if, if, if the media is all of a sudden praising a particular candidate.
01:05:12 You can almost.
01:05:14 With certainty, say.
01:05:17 In some way, that person is serving Jewish interests.
01:05:22 And the same situation existed back then. There just wasn't any Internet.
01:05:31 Edmondson, Edmondson. Focused on the Rothschild banking dynasty.
01:05:38 And of course.
01:05:41 Made made the observations that many of.
01:05:44 Us.
01:05:45 Are familiar with today.
01:05:47 About how they played both sides of wars, they financed both sides of wars. That's again, at this point just a.
01:05:53 It's just a historical fact that most people accept at this, but it was this was really edgy stuff back then.
01:06:06 He also suggested that all these Jewish judges that were being appointed because it wasn't just the Supreme Court, but also federal judges, were being put in place so that they could.
01:06:17 Uphold the quote, UN quote, constitutional muster of some of these new laws that really didn't hold up.
01:06:29 If they were, if if they were interpreted the way that they, they should have been by a a gory judge, they would not have.
01:06:37 They would not have become law or remained law.
01:06:43 Here's a quote from Edward Robert Edward Edmondson. Knowing that penniless publicity is the only cure for public evils. In 1934, I started on a campaign to expose Jewish anti Americanism and Talmudic communism, which has been called the Code of Hell.
01:07:04 A rabbi.
01:07:04 Bracket that victimizes its own followers and international satanic system subverting France, Britain, Germany and Russia, causing the present depression and moving to take over the United States through Jewish radical administration.
01:07:28 So he started publishing.
01:07:30 His own pamphlets.
01:07:34 His own leaflets and his own books.
01:07:40 He was uh.
01:07:44 A journalist by trade.
01:07:47 He was born in Dayton, OH, in 1872.
01:07:51 His first job, he worked as a reporter in Ohio at the Cincinnati Post.
01:07:58 Then I moved to New York and became a financial reporter for the New York Herald.
01:08:03 Also worked for the New York.
01:08:04 Mail.
01:08:05 And the New York Express, obviously not. The New York Times.
01:08:09 That's where he began to notice some of these things.
01:08:13 Because he was an economist.
01:08:15 And he was covering financial news.
01:08:19 For big newspapers.
01:08:21 In New York.
01:08:23 And he saw up close and personal.
01:08:26 The what? He called the manipulation.
01:08:30 Of the economy by Jews.
01:08:34 And he suspected.
01:08:36 That they had this, some of this manipulation.
01:08:40 Was was what was behind the the Great Depression.
01:08:44 That helped usher in FDR's presidency.
01:08:50 He made the Roosevelt pamphlet.
01:08:54 Calling Roosevelt a Jew.
01:09:00 And claim that.
01:09:03 Roosevelt was mutating our government from a form of.
01:09:09 Of republicanism from a Republic to a democracy.
01:09:14 You know, people like to say we're not a democracy or Republic. Well, that might have been true before the new.
01:09:19 Deal before FDR.
01:09:21 But we have been pretty much operating as a democracy since.
01:09:27 His his contention was democracy was a flawed system because it was so easily manipulated by people like Jews, who had access to media and, well, banking.
01:09:41 And and well, all all all the.
01:09:43 Things they had access to.
01:09:47 It was the perfect form of government for.
01:09:50 For Jews, because they have the ability to reprogram NPCS at will.
01:09:58 So even if they had had to vote on things they knew how to get the vote that they wanted.
01:10:05 Especially back then, not only was there no Internet, there wasn't even like.
01:10:09 Any other newspapers or there was there was no other information, period.
01:10:16 He started his own paper, called the Edison Economics Service.
01:10:21 And he published over 400 papers.
01:10:25 And in fact, between 1934 and 1936, he distributed over 5 million pieces of literature.
01:10:34 So he was like.
01:10:34 The alternative news of the time.
01:10:39 And this became a thorn in the side of the Jews.
01:10:44 That we're running the FDR.
01:10:48 Administration.
01:10:51 They had total control for the most part over the messaging, and here you've got this uppity goy.
01:10:59 Publishing all these these papers and hanging all these pamphlets and Flyers and writing books.
01:11:07 Talking about how what you know, why are there all these Jews everywhere? Why? Why are? Why are we all of a sudden have Jews running everything?
01:11:18 And so on July 11th, 1936.
01:11:26 When we get to that in a second, that's something again.
01:11:29 Edmondson was indicted by a grand jury.
01:11:33 In New York, a grand jury made-up of a majority of Jews. You know, in New York. So, you know, go.
01:11:40 Figure.
01:11:41 Charged with quote libeling, all persons of the Jewish religion.
01:11:49 They indicted him for libel.
01:11:52 Labeling the like all the Jews.
01:11:56 That was the charge.
01:12:00 They were going to put him in prison for blood libel.
01:12:04 This wasn't that long ago.
01:12:08 This was less than 100 years ago. This is 1936.
01:12:17 They were able to put a grand jury together in 1936 and indict him for labeling.
01:12:24 All Jews.
01:12:35 So here's a article about this. This is another thing he wrote he wrote under a pen name, benign British and international Anti Christian Pro Communist Jewish power.
01:12:47 So he he wrote a book on benign breath being a secret society hell bent on the destruction of the goy, essentially.
01:12:58 I'm sure that didn't make him happy either. Edmondson versus the people of New York, Robert Edward Edmondson, notorious anti Semite.
01:13:08 And red baiter because he talks about communists, has been charged by the grand jury with three indictments for criminal libel, misdemeanor of libeling. All persons of the Jewish religion.
01:13:21 Libeling, Dean. Virginia. Gildersleeve.
01:13:26 Of Bernard College and Francis Perkins, secretary of Labor, on August 11th he filed a printed brief with the General Sessions Court.
01:13:39 Elements and demonstrated contempt for the court proceedings by printing in the brief a large part of the libelous matter which appeared first in the leaflets on the basis of which he was being tried. He also printed a 64 page pamphlet magazine size.
01:13:58 Which included not only the brief but some what somewhat elaborated upon, but also the correspondence connected with the.
01:14:08 Case an alleged report on the jurors. The Jewish jurors.
01:14:14 The affidavits and the argument of the Council. This pamphlet has been placed on sale under the title The Edmondson case. I tried to find a copy of that and like I said, if archive.org was up, I might.
01:14:26 Have been able to find it.
01:14:29 In the brief Edmondson submitted to the court, he ascribes political motives to the mayor Fiorello La Guardia, who he calls the Jewish mayor. This is one of these Italian mobster mayors that had a lot of Jewish ties.
01:14:48 The jury he charges includes ****** Jews. That was one term I can never quite figure out that that gets got thrown around a lot around this time period ****** Jews.
01:14:58 And he also calls *****, Semitic Jews. I don't know what the term with that. What that what that's a reference to.
01:15:08 He quotes as authorities the forged protocols of the Elders of Zion of OH obviously fake, the fascist of Great Britain, the New York American Hurst, a Canadian fascist publication, the Reverend Gerald B. Windward. Arctic Jew Bader, of Wichita, KS and others.
01:15:27 Among the crimes which Edmondson lays at the door of, the Jewish people is that far back in ancient times they were the first to cry. Liberty, Liberty, equality and fraternity, and that today they are opposing the Patriots, who are now revolting in Spain.
01:15:44 It is significant that Edmondson, like Hurst, and Coughlin's father.
01:15:51 Also attacks the gold standard. It is well known that Hurst and Coughlin profited from silver. The General Sessions Court will do. The people of the United States an important service if it will unearth the financial supporters of Robert Edward Edmondson.
01:16:08 So they go after him.
01:16:10 And it's funny because the way he gets out of it.
01:16:15 I mean, aside from it, that's, you know.
01:16:18 It just never would have held up it, and I don't even know if they intended it to.
01:16:24 Because a lot of this, it's law fair. It's the same. It's it's the same playbook as it always is. It's law fair. The government can afford to prosecute you for eternity because their their budget is is unlimited, especially if it's the federal government. In this case, I think it was just New York.
01:16:44 But New York had a lot. I mean, that's like I guess, 2nd place if you're in America at that time.
01:16:50 And so really what they're doing is they're forcing him to spend a lot of time and.
01:16:54 Energy.
01:16:55 Fighting these these charges and trying to get.
01:16:58 Out of.
01:16:58 It, but it was funny because the way that they.
01:17:02 They charged him with libeling all Jews.
01:17:06 They kind of left the door open to him having a unique defense strategy.
01:17:12 And his unique defense strategy was he subpoenaed.
01:17:18 All the prominent Jews.
01:17:20 Because he's being charged with libeling all Jews, he was able to subpoena Bernard Brock, Henry Morgenthal, Rabbi Weiss, Samuel Hutton Meyer, Mayor LaGuardia, James Warberg, Walter Lippmann, Justice Samuel Rosenman, and.
01:17:41 A bunch of others that.
01:17:44 Would have to appear in court.
01:17:44 Very cool.
01:17:46 And he would get to cross examine them.
01:17:49 And so of course.
01:17:51 They backpedaled because they realized that this was all stupid.
01:17:59 And they miss dismissed the case. This is an article here. Court rules law does not cover religious libel.
01:18:08 Case against Edmondson dismissed on the on the ground that the whole group.
01:18:11 Cannot be labeled.
01:18:13 I mean obviously, but that was the real reason I got dismissed because he started subpoena subpoenaing like the the richest Jews in in New York.
01:18:22 The indictment against Robert Edward Edmondson, anti-Semitic pamphleteer for Libeling the Jewish religion has been dismissed by Judge James G Wallace of General Sessions Court on the grounds that New York State's law did not cover group libel. In this decision, Judge Wallace denounced Edmondson.
01:18:42 But held it was wiser to bear with the scandal mongering than to extend the criminal law to become an instrument of oppression.
01:18:50 Judge Wallace also dismissed on his own motion indictments against Edmondson, alleging that he had libeled Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins and Dean Virginia C Gildersleeve, of Bernard College, on the grounds that these indictments on their face do not set forth a crime. Dismissal of the indictments.
01:19:10 Was sought recently by 5 organizations, including the American Jewish Congress. That's because. See, this is what they they this is the funny part of the story.
01:19:20 They dismissed it because the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, filed briefs asking that the case get dismissed because if it wasn't, he'd be allowed to go ahead and subpoena these turbo Jews and and cross examine them. So.
01:19:39 You know clever.
01:19:40 Little trick, clever little trick, and that got the Jews nervous and.
01:19:46 And so they they they went ahead. There can be no doubt as the defamatory nature of the publications mentioned, Judge Wallace said in his nineteen page decision. They are palpably the outpourings of a fanatical and bigoted mind. Nevertheless, they have never provoked a breach of the peace in the community.
01:20:07 Nor, in spite of their virulence, are they app to stressing that we must suffer the demagogue and the charlatan in order to make certain that we do not limit or restrain the honest commentator on the public, on public affairs.
01:20:22 Judge Wallace stated regarding the legal aspect of the case. It may be, as the learned District Attorney suggests, that the general construction law permits us to construe the word person to mean persons or a number of individuals. And of course, a malicious publication which has a tendency to earn, injure any person.
01:20:41 Corporation or association in their business or preoccupation is an indictable under the penal law. So they wanted to leave the door open in case they wanted to get someone for libel and entire group later on. He didn't want to set precedent is based on why. That was why he had to make sure to say that in his decision.
01:21:02 So he gets out of that one. That's 1936.
01:21:11 But again, 19th after 1936.
01:21:14 FDR, His first attempt to silence one of his critics, has failed. We haven't quite declared war yet with Japan, and this is FDR addressing the nation, talking about the like I said, this is like the proxy war stuff. This is this is essentially what we're doing now.
01:21:33 You know, I'll.
01:21:34 Tell you what, I don't. I don't. I'm still. I still err on the side of World War 3 is not around the corner. But I get why people are saying that. And this is kind of why people are saying it. A lot of what happened prior to World War 2 is happening now.
01:21:49 For the same reasons, it's the same groups. It's powerful Jews.
01:21:54 Trying to get America to to go fight their wars for them and the same sorts of events prior to what happened in World War 2 are kind of happening now, right where you have the the clamp down on anti-Semitism. Yeah well everywhere except for on on ax I guess right now.
01:22:14 We'll see how long that.
01:22:15 Us while we also simultaneously have a proxy war going on, and that's what FDR hears about to talk about is he's prepping the American people trying to convince him that that we need to enter World War 2 because we are fighting the great evil. The Nazis must be stopped.
01:22:35 I mean it.
01:22:36 Look, this is this is very similar to the kind of speech you would hear.
01:22:41 About, you know, from an American politician today talking about either the war in Ukraine or what's going on with Gaza, it's it's literally the same kind of rhetoric.
01:23:02 Never before, since Jamestown and Plymouth Rock as our American civilization been in such danger as now, frankly.
01:23:14 And definitely there is danger ahead.
01:23:19 Danger against which we must prepare.
01:23:23 But we well know that we cannot escape danger.
01:23:28 Or the fear of it.
01:23:30 By crawling into bed and pulling the covers over our heads, if Great Britain goes down, the Axis, powers will control the continents of Europe and Asia, and Africa and Australasia.
01:23:47 And the high seas. And they will be in a position to bring enormous military and naval resources against this hemisphere. It is no exaggeration to say that all of us in the Americas would be living at the point of a gun, a gun.
01:24:07 Loaded with explosive bullets, economic as well as military.
01:24:14 The experience of the past two years has proven beyond doubt that no nation can appease the Nazis.
01:24:24 No man can tame a tiger.
01:24:28 Into a kitten by stroking it. There can be no appeasement.
01:24:37 With ruthlessness, there can be no reasoning.
01:24:42 With an incendiary bomb.
01:24:45 We know now.
01:24:47 That a nation that can have peace with the Nazis only at the price of total surrender.
01:24:57 The people of Europe who are defending themselves do not ask us to do their fighting.
01:25:03 They ask us for the implements of war, the.
01:25:08 And again, this is it's the same exact rhetoric.
01:25:12 Israel doesn't want us to fight their wars, they just need some aid.
01:25:18 Ukraine doesn't want us to fight their war, they just need some. It's it's, it's.
01:25:21 It's.
01:25:22 Identical identical.
01:25:25 Planes, the tanks, the guns, the traitors which will enable them to fight for their liberty and our security.
01:25:35 We have furnished the British great material support.
01:25:40 And we will furnish far more in the future.
01:25:44 There will be no bottlenecks in our determination to aid Great Britain.
01:25:51 No dictator.
01:25:53 No combination of dictators will weaken that determination by threats of how they will construe that determination.
01:26:07 This nation is making a great effort to produce everything that is necessary in this emergency and with all possible speed.
01:26:16 This great effort requires great sacrifice. The nation expects our defence industries to continue operation without interruption by strikes or lockouts. It expects and insists that management and workers will reconcile their differences by voluntary.
01:26:36 All legal means to continue to produce the supplies that are so sorely needed.
01:26:43 We must be the great arsenal of democracy.
01:26:48 For us, this is an emergency as serious as war itself.
01:26:54 I believe that the Axis powers are not going to win this war.
01:27:02 I base that belief on the latest and the best information.
01:27:08 As President of the United States.
01:27:11 I call for that national effort. I call for it in the name of this nation, which we love and honour, and which we are privileged and proud to serve.
01:27:28 I call upon our people.
01:27:31 With absolute confidence that our common cause will greatly succeed.
01:27:42 And again every.
01:27:44 Last word of that speech was written by a Jew.
01:27:52 As were all of his speeches.
01:27:58 So in response to this kind of rhetoric.
01:28:02 Heating up in the United States again, most Americans did not want to get involved in the war. This is prior to Pearl Harbor.
01:28:11 Edmondson began passing out.
01:28:15 More and more Flyers and the rhetoric, well, I don't think it's as sophisticated as perhaps it could be.
01:28:24 It's very similar to what you hear, people, the fears that people have today.
01:28:30 About Americans getting involved in Jewish wars.
01:28:36 A little bit of information that is out there today about Edmondson is pretty much buried for obvious reasons, you know, and if you do find anything, it will say he's a neo-Nazi. Well, let's look at this flyer.01:28:50 Written, published, printed and distributed by Edmonton.
01:28:53 Half on his view of the war and how it ties exactly into the same war, the Germans were fighting only we were fighting the rhetorical.
01:29:02 Part of the war over.
01:29:03 Here.
01:29:04 Armored Christian soldiers morning, noon and night that you controlled. Press, radio and movie newsreels are flooding this country with propaganda deliberately aimed at involving us in war. International Jew Barack Fellow traveler Ikes, Dorothy Thompson Levi, Kosher LaGuardia and the whole Jew deal crowd.
01:29:24 Are baiting friendly nations.
01:29:26 The American people have no quarrel with Germany or Japan. They do not want to fight either nation, and neither do the Germans, nor the Japanese.
01:29:33 Want to fight?
01:29:34 Us.
01:29:35 The only people who want war or the Jews will the.
01:29:38 Jews do the.
01:29:39 Fighting. No, they will make the profits.
01:29:41 The hundreds of thousands of Christian.
01:29:43 American boys are to be killed and crippled and blinded.
01:29:46 On the altar and Jewish communism, because Germany and Europe and Japan and Asia are the enemies of Jewish Bolshevism.
Devon Stack
01:29:55 Again, no more wars for Israel. We don't want our boys going across fighting these wars because they're the ones that are going to get mangled and killed.01:30:05 It's not going to be the Jews fighting the wars. They're going to be the.
01:30:08 Ones that get rich.
01:30:14 And get the, you know, accomplish the objective that they were.
01:30:19 Seeking to achieve.
01:30:22 You know, militarily.
01:30:24 With our blood.
01:30:27 And it wasn't just.
01:30:29 Robert Edmondson that was saying things like this.
01:30:34 You had.
01:30:36 Very similar, I mean I guess you.
01:30:38 Could say I mean in.
01:30:40 It's different because the technology available, but you kind of had a similar cornucopia of anti Semite.
01:30:48 Let's.
01:30:49 Instead of.
01:30:51 Online doing streams or tweeting or or making videos or passing out Flyers or whatever. You had a a disconnected group.
01:31:05 Of people who are independently noticing the same kinds of issues that Edmondson was was noticing who were on their own, usually on their own dime, creating pamphlets, lighting, news, letters. In the case of Father Coughlin was, you know.
01:31:25 Broadcasting on the radio.
01:31:27 You had people that were leading demonstrations and protests.
01:31:34 But it was it was very similar. A lot of these guys knew of each other, but they were they weren't affiliated.
01:31:41 In the same way that like I know about other people who who speak out against Jewish power, maybe I've been on one of their streams once or twice or something like that. But I'm not like friends with these guys. I don't know them, know them.
01:31:56 We're not part of some kind of network and you know or anything like that. And so it's very similar and a lot and there's differences, right? There's people are motivated by different things, who people are focused on different things. People prioritize different things.
01:32:15 And what the federal government decided to do.
01:32:20 Was to round them all up.
01:32:25 Round them all up.
01:32:29 And treat them as if they were all part of some anti-Semitic network.
01:32:39 They were part of a seditious.
01:32:43 Nazi.
01:32:45 Antisemitic network.
01:32:49 That we're all working together, probably with the Nazis.
01:32:54 In an effort to destroy the the morale of the American people.
01:33:01 During a time of war.
01:33:07 Sedition trial opens in Washington. The FBI dragnet brings in a strange assortment of people, 30 in all, charged with scheming to establish a Nazi government in the United States. The case brings to light, family, and triggers, apparently infatuated with Nazism, missus Dilling on the left wrote a book which didn't help her.01:33:28 They hold another plotter out of the army, but the pick of the bunch of Pro Hitlerites is Mrs. Lewis de Lafayette Washburn, a flamboyant notoriety seeker who rips off a Nazi salute to her hero, Mr. Schicklgruber.
Devon Stack
01:33:44 So they rounded up a bunch of people who were just pushing back against Jewish power.01:33:50 This wasn't that long ago.
01:33:53 This is another one of those patterns that I I suspect is a possibility.
01:33:58 What would happen if we got involved in a in a actual war?
01:34:03 Where we're sending troops to go fight Iran.
01:34:07 Or we're sending troops to go fight Russia.
01:34:11 And you've got people.
01:34:13 That are in America.
01:34:16 Pointing out that this is not in America's interests, that there are Jewish powerful Jewish influences at work.
01:34:28 You know, working towards Jewish goals.
01:34:32 And that white American white, white, Christian American boys.
01:34:38 Are going halfway around the world and getting maimed and murdered.
01:34:43 For something that doesn't do anything for us, it's not for us.
01:34:48 Well.
01:34:52 I mean, we have one example kind of already.
01:34:55 It certainly wasn't in America, but look what happened to.
01:35:00 Gonzalo.
01:35:02 Your Gonzalo lira, AKA.
01:35:06 Coach redpill.
01:35:09 Now again, you can say he was an idiot for staying in Ukraine and and why didn't he just string from somewhere else? And I kind of.
01:35:16 Well, I kind of suspect he was. This is a whole. I don't go off on a tangent here, but I kind of suspect he had health issues.
01:35:24 And wanted to go out with a bang and just didn't care anymore. And so. And so he he wasn't all that.
01:35:32 You know, he had a death wish, I think on some level. And so that's just me speculating.
01:35:37 But it doesn't matter. The fact of the matter.
01:35:39 Is.
01:35:40 That's the sort of thing we know can happen.
01:35:44 In today's world, of course, that happened in in Ukraine.
01:35:49 But this happened in America in 1944.
01:35:56 In 1944, we went around and rounded up.
01:36:00 Anyone and everyone, that was quote UN quote an anti Semite.
01:36:09 And they tried to connect them as if they were all part of some secret spy network working together.
01:36:16 Part of some conspiracy.
01:36:23 And once again, you had the issue of, well, even if you there's no basis for this case.
01:36:32 You're up against the federal government. You have the FBI raiding your house. That's what they did. The FBI went to these people's homes.
01:36:40 Including Robert Edward Edmondson and some of the other people you just saw in the newsreel, they went to their homes.
01:36:47 Confiscated all of their papers. You know the computers didn't exist back then.
01:36:53 Conference gave their personal journals.
01:36:56 Essentially, got any and all information that they ever put pen to paper.
01:37:03 And so even if you at that point.
01:37:06 They can't make the case they're trying to make.
01:37:09 Well, now maybe they can find some other way that you've violated federal law.
01:37:15 Now that they have all your personal documents.
01:37:19 And I have to fight that case.
01:37:22 And so you got all the legal fees. You got the fact that you can't be out there making money. You can't be. If you have a normal job for a lot of these people. This wasn't like a full time job. They had regular jobs.
01:37:36 And now you're having to go defend yourself in Washington, DC.
01:37:42 And the way that they, they even did that was was because that's the other thing is well, how did they get the venue of Washington, DC A lot of these guys lived.
01:37:50 All over the country.
01:37:54 Well, the way they did it was very sneaky.
01:37:58 They they would find one of these anti semites, that was.
01:38:04 Distributing disinformation, if you will.
01:38:09 And they would request it from Washington, DC They would write them a letter saying, hey, I like your.
01:38:15 Your views on the Jews. Why don't you send me one of?
01:38:18 Your.
01:38:18 Newsletters well once they did that, they could say well, now you've committed you've committed sedition, you've you've broken this, this new law that we literally just passed just for this reason.
01:38:31 In order to rope you guys all into legal jeopardy.
01:38:35 And we can try to say that you are our Nazis.
01:38:42 In the World War 2 sedition trial, the power behind the government forced the indictment of those men and women who opposed the United States entering the war against Germany.Proto-Groyper
01:38:51 Many argue were using it as a way of shutting down and eliminating from the public scene the America firsters, the Bundists and all the people that have had opposed the New Deal and the Roosevelt administration and this prosecution.01:39:06 Of the war.
Devon Stack
01:39:07 And yes, he did say the America firsters. See, I told you, there's a lot of weird.01:39:15 Lot of weird.
01:39:15 Symmetry between today and and in that time period.
01:39:22 Yeah, I guess he was like the photograper, right?
01:39:29 And that's what they they they get what he's saying, what he's getting at to put it in today's terms. He's saying it was weird because they were roping together again. I'll use today's terms that he was. He was mixing up or that the federal government was essentially asserting.
01:39:47 That that people like Nick Fuentes were colluding with people like we'll just say Adam Green and the TRS like they were all part of some big conspiracy together.
01:40:03 They were just they would just go after all, like all everyone, anyone and everyone.
01:40:09 And and they they said that they were all part of the same conspiracy, even though these were very different groups that, while there was some crossover, and while they all were challenging the legitimacy of of Jewish power and trying to educate Americans who didn't have really access to information that wasn't Jewish.
01:40:32 99.9% of the time they were trying to educate Americans on the the presence of this Jewish influence and what what exactly was going on right under their noses.
01:40:44 But they yeah, these guys were unaffiliated with each other. They had their own organizations spread all across the country at a time when there wasn't.
01:40:52 Really even telephones necessarily that you could. You couldn't even call each other that you're this is in the era of writing letters.
01:41:01 This is the era of writing letters.
01:41:07 And so.
01:41:08 Part of of Robert Edward Edmondson's defense.
01:41:13 You know, he had that clever defense or tactic before where he attempted to.
01:41:19 Subpoena all these powerful Jews. Well, this time part of their case was predicated on the idea.
01:41:27 That.
01:41:29 Anti-Semitism necessarily meant that you were working with the Nazis.
01:41:37 Like, that's part of the way that they put it together and you could say like with Coach Red pill, right, like that was their their.
01:41:45 The reasoning was well, you can't possibly be criticizing the Ukrainian government and doing what you're doing unless you're working for the Russians.
01:41:55 And so it's it's the same kind of a thing and the same kind of a thing that could take place in the United States if we go to World War Three, if we start going to war with Israel's enemies and we start having boots on the ground and it's it becomes like, kind of a mess and it starts to drag on for years.
01:42:14 You you would have the federal government, at least with the precedent that they could, they could, you know, they there's laws in the books they could use like they did here.
01:42:24 To try to make the case that, well, if you're if you are challenging the the reasons behind this war, the validity of this war, then you are working for the enemy. You are. In fact you might remember.
01:42:40 One of the last things.
01:42:42 That got passed by Obama. They got signed by Obama before he Trump was sworn in.
01:42:49 Why is that law that that they out the out that I can't remember the name of it now, but it was essentially that it was essentially a law that gave the federal government more ability to charge people essentially for spreading disinformation if they worked for a, especially if they, if they could make the case you worked for.
01:43:09 Foreign government, I forget the the the IT was a really weird thing, though, that they pushed it through quick. Republicans too. They pushed it through quick right before.
01:43:19 Trump was sworn.
01:43:21 In in 2016, so they they have they have these these laws on the books where they could go after people like me, they could go after anyone that that.
01:43:34 That has views like this or even similar views. If it came down to a situation where people, I mean they could essentially lock up anyone who's who's speaking out against the war that they they end up getting us into if that if that happens.
01:43:52 But anyway, part of the case here, part of the evidence that the state was making that proved that Edmondson was was a Nazi spy.
01:44:03 Was that?
01:44:04 They made the ridiculous claim.
01:44:07 That anti-Semitism did not exist in America.
01:44:11 Prior to Hitler.
01:44:14 That if you were an anti Semite in America, you had to be at the very least influenced by Hitler because everyone loved Jews until Hitler came around and ruined it for him.
01:44:28 And so he made the case, obviously, that this was ridiculous.
01:44:32 And in fact, one of his examples was Ulysses S Grant and his General Order, number 11. We've talked about this in previous.
01:44:42 Dreams. It was issued on December 17th, 1862. It was a military order that expelled Jews from areas under his command during the Civil War.
01:44:54 And that was because Jews were being Jews during the Civil War.
01:45:00 They were price gouging, they were smuggling in goods. They were, you know, during the war, like on, like in in war-torn parts of the country, Jewish merchants and smugglers were running them, trying to make a.
01:45:12 Block and Grant got pisssed off and expelled all Jews from the areas that he was in, which sounds based at first until you find out that the president caught wind of it and they they even then even back then were forced to make an apology.
01:45:17 In.
01:45:18 Area.
01:45:32 To the Jews and saying Ohh, it's horrible that we made you. We made you skeevy *******. Stop taking advantage of a.
01:45:40 A battlefield trying to make a buck with bleeding bodies laying around everywhere. The other example that he gave I believe was actually a miss. I I don't. I thought. I don't think this is a.
01:45:57 If you read the full piece, it's it's.
01:46:00 And I think I believe it's a misinterpretation of what Mark Twain was saying. Mark Twain was known to be friends with Jews and was a very liberal person.
01:46:12 And so he wrote an essay where if you take out of context part of it, it does sound anti-Semitic and whatever, like the part that it is, is. I'll read this here, which is funny because like, no knowing that he didn't mean it to be, it almost makes it.
01:46:33 Well, you'll see. It was from an essay called, I Believe it was called on the Jews in Harper's magazine. He says the Jew is a money getter. And in getting his money, he is very serious.
01:46:47 Obstruction to less capable or he's a very serious obstruction to less capable neighbors. We're on the same quest.
01:46:57 I think that.
01:46:58 Is the trouble.
01:46:59 In estimating worldly values, the Jew is not shallow but deep with precocious wisdom, he found out in the morning of time that some men worship rank. Some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, and that over these ideals they dispute.
01:47:20 And cannot unite but that they all worship money. So he made it that the OR he made it the end and aim of his life to get it.
01:47:33 And so he used this as an example. Of course, that what he's saying is Jews realize what? What unify all people, which basically made.
01:47:44 Which would give you power with anyone.
01:47:47 Was money, and so they decided that's what they would prioritize over all else.
01:47:53 Which I think is actually kind of a.
01:47:55 It.
01:47:57 But it's fine that again, I don't think he meant this as like an anti. You read the whole I read the whole thing and a lot of it's very flattering towards Jews talking about the great accomplishments they've made and kind of implies they're better than everybody. But then you get to this and you're just like.
01:48:13 That really sound like.
01:48:14 They're better than everybody. If they're they're they're basically focusing, they're prioritizing money over everything.
01:48:19 Else because they know it will give them advantage of other people who are prioritizing rank or prioritizing heroes or you know which I would say is honor and.
01:48:32 Chivalry or or they're prioritizing power, or they're prioritizing God and the Jew cracked the code. The Jew figured out that actually all those things bends the need of money, and so that's why I'm going to focus my life on you can chase chivalry. You can chase.
01:48:52 Honor.
01:48:53 You can chase status, you can chase perceive power. You can chase religion and God, but I'm the one that's going to have the money.
01:49:06 Again, you read the whole thing and it he means it as a compliment, but it's still pretty ****** **. So this this passage is also used as evidence that if this is interpreted as anti-Semitism, clearly this is.
01:49:23 Anti-Semitism that existed well before Hitler.
01:49:31 And the New Deal administration operating through the Department of Justice, caused 28 American men and women residing in different parts of this country to be indicted, arrested and taken from their homes to Washington, DC for trial in a foreign jurisdiction.01:49:48 Entrapment schemes were used in setting the stage at the Nations Capital. This was accomplished by having George Stokes, a reporter on the Washington Post, address letters to the victims under the alias of Jefferson Green and Quigley Adams, in which he ordered copies of their books, pamphlets, newspapers and magazines.
01:50:09 Nailed into the District of Columbia.
01:50:12 Those victims marked for destruction found themselves in a hostile atmosphere where no one could expect to locate jurors who were not in some way, directly or indirectly obligated to the federal government.
David Baxter
01:50:25 The government.Devon Stack
01:50:28 So there's there's going to be a twist at the end about that about this operation. So wait for that. This is David Baxter. He's hard to understand. I think he had a stroke because it looks like only half of his face is moving at first I.01:50:41 Was like what the what the.
01:50:43 Hell kind of accent is that you know, but I'm almost positive you had a stroke, so you have to suffer.
01:50:48 Like you know, I'm not gonna make you listen. Much of it because it is. It is a little difficult, but he was one of the defendants and the only person I could find actual footage of that was charged during this case. They would talk about it. But he talks about how, you know, it was financially ruinous. It was law fair.
01:51:07 Nothing changes. That's something Mark Twain should have added to his poem that not only it's not just money that the Jews prioritize, it's the law you see, because you don't have to be strong.
01:51:21 If you control the law.
01:51:23 Because if you control the law, you control the guys that that enforce the law.
01:51:30 That's a little trick that I don't think many, many people think about. Most people don't look at at, you know, going into the law profession as something honorable. In fact, to a lot of people, it's considered something kind of slimy and dirty, probably most likely because of Jewish involvement in that in the profession, if look, probably.
01:51:50 If I had to guess, gun to the head, I would say that that's most likely a huge motivating factor in why so many people view the law profession as like a slimy, scummy profession. Because it's full of Jews being kind of slimy and scum.
01:52:05 And abusing the law in order to achieve goals and and mutate the law in in ways that it wasn't meant meant for. And anyway. So he discusses this just this kind of stuff. You know, you have to suffer through his stroke talk but.
01:52:20 It is what it is.
David Baxter
01:52:22 The traffic matter later turned out to be a member of the Communist Party and one of Joseph Stalin's five best friends. Name was over John Rogge.01:52:32 He was at the.
01:52:33 He was a lawyer, laying around too far. The Rosenberg, and they were trying for delivering our atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.
01:52:43 The trial lasted for over four years.Devon Stack
01:52:47 So he's talking.01:52:48 About some of the people involved in pushing the trial and there's going to be a bigger twist. Some of the prosecutors were involved with the ******* Rosenbergs, the Rosenbergs, that stalled the atomic bomb and gave it to the Russian.
01:53:01 It's.
01:53:03 So it was it was Jewish prosecutors. It was. I mean, look, the FDR Washington DC.
01:53:12 If you've ever been to, if you ever lived in Washington DC, there are some permanent bureaucrats that will that will keep living there regardless of what administration is there.
01:53:24 But a lot of the town completely gets swapped out when administrations change, especially if it's a Democrat administration, because they're just better at it. They know that when they come to town and they get they their political appointees into these different bureaucracies, they're not afraid to.
01:53:44 Fire everyone that doesn't believe like them. Republicans are are ***** and so they don't always do that, but for example.
01:53:53 When Obama was elected president and he went to Washington, DC and he, he appointed all his political appointees and they became the the heads of these different bureaucracies. They cleaned house, they and, you know, Clinton did the same thing. And in fact, Clinton.
01:54:12 Fired like something like a crazy amount of federal prosecutors. And there was like.
01:54:16 A.
01:54:17 It was like I think it was like in the.
01:54:20 They they just fire because you can't like that's.
01:54:24 Part of the that they all serve at the pleasure of the president, right? That's part of part of the power that Trump had and didn't use. You could. He could have easily gone over there, you know, gone into DC and and essentially fired anyone. He's. He's the, he's their boss.
01:54:38 But anyway, so that's what happens. Is they they go in, they fire everybody and hire all the people, all Loyalists, people that believe like they do. And so when you've got a a administration like FDR's where it's super Dewey, like Super Jewel.
01:54:56 And it's not just that they had to go in there and fire all these heads of these bureaucracies. Those bureaucracies didn't exist before FDR.
01:55:05 So a lot of these organizations.
01:55:07 Now exist because of FDR, so they're not just, you know, headed up by people he appointed, like everyone in the organization is was hired by by FDR and his pack of Jews.
01:55:21 So you've got the federal government is. Yeah, that that whole town. It's even if even if the the the prosecutor wasn't Jewish and the judge wasn't Jewish and everybody else wasn't Jewish. If you ever go to a jury trial.
01:55:38 They're gonna pull from people that work for the federal government, cause it's Washington, DC, so who do you think lives there? And so it's going to be Jews that work at the all these brand new organizations.
01:55:52 And so, you know, you really don't stand a chance. So that's basically what he was saying. Is that even some of the, you know, the people that were involved with, with prosecuting ended up being literal, you know, Jewish spies.
01:56:04 With Judge Eicher presiding over the case just before the case was thrown out of court, Judge Acker died in his sleep and another observing judge. Honourable Chief Justice Bolivia J. Laws declared it to be a travesty upon justice.David Baxter
01:56:20 But God God.01:56:23 That as our.
01:56:25 Travis, they have one justice. He showed everyone of they defended our victims were trying to their hard justice, he said. Against all of them now.
01:56:38 That's all I wound up.
01:56:41 But and I run most of our financially, so the government can afford to try you when they have any evidence or not, they can ruin you financially and.
01:56:54 Down here, hero girl fighting turn. Anyone else that might be tempted to to resist them.
Devon Stack
01:57:02 So to translate there, God killed the Jew judge.01:57:11 Anyway, they said that the corrupt judge that was letting this go on died in his sleep, and the gore judge that took over was like, what the **** is this?
01:57:22 You know, this is this is insane. Like, you can't. You can't do this like this. None of this makes any sense. Again, we'll get to why it even got this far at the end here.
01:57:33 Among the defendants were several members of the Nazi, German American burnt just as the order members during the Fort Smith trial. These men in general had already been convicted of other crimes and were serving many years in prison already.Michael John
01:57:48 They really did some hanky panky with respect to grouping together men like say from the German American boom during World War Two had who had already been convicted of other crimes and put into prison, and they then lumped together with them Christian ministers such as Gaara Winrod.01:58:08 Elizabeth Dilling, who was a marvelous Christian lady who who wrote the book the plot against Christianity and in all probability that was the reason she was there as a defendant in the trial.
01:58:22 A few of the charges that the government made in the 24 point indictment include the following statements that the defendants were reported to have said or written.Narrator
01:58:31 The government of the United States, the Congress and public officials are controlled by Communist International Jews and plutocrats.01:58:41 The present war is a dishonest war waged at the expense and measured in the blood and dollars of the people of the United States solely for the benefit of and to ensure the continuance of world domination by international bankers, international capitalists, Mongolian Jews, communists and international.
01:59:01 Jewelry.
01:59:03 An honourable and just peace could be brought about speedily were it not for the opposition of the Communist, International Jewry and war profiteers.
01:59:13 Now these proceedings did not pass without public and legislative protest.01:59:19 Senator Robert Taft of Ohio gave a lengthy castigation of the government's attempt to convict these men.
01:59:26 Committees were organized and operated on a national scale, which were made-up of pastors and laymen opposing these convictions. They realized that the government wanted to browbeat into silence every man and woman of God who might dare to lift a voice against strong central government and communism.
Devon Stack
01:59:46 So they lucked out that that judge died, it got thrown out.01:59:51 But as he said.
01:59:53 You know, with his stroke voice.
01:59:56 They were. Many of them were ruined financially.
01:59:59 They were all, you know, they were. They were kept in holding cells in federal prison and in Washington, DC They had to pay for lawyers and just it was, it was a nightmare. It went on for a long time.
02:00:16 But then.
02:00:18 Then we get this little nugget.
02:00:20 Here.
02:00:23 Baxter, the guy with the.
02:00:24 Stroke.
02:00:26 Later, later wrote an article.
02:00:29 Many years later talking about.
02:00:34 Some Freedom of Information Act requests.
02:00:37 That the FBI finally responded to, he wanted to know why they were he was selected.
02:00:46 I mean, he had written a book. I forget the name of it. Now. I thought I had it here, but he'd written a book about, you know, basically powerful Jews in the United States government.
02:00:56 But he wanted to know specifically why he was targeted, why the others were targeted. You know, what kind of FBI investigation had even gone on?
02:01:07 And this is the kind of thing that you might ask today, right when we we wonder like, are the feds watching my show or that, you know, do I have a file? I'm sure I do. I'm sure there's a file, a dev and stack file over at the FBI. I, you know, what's in that file? You know, maybe, maybe. Maybe in in 30 years, I'll be able to send it an FOI and I'll.
02:01:27 I'll be able to to get some of those answers.
02:01:30 And so that's what he did is he wanted to know what exactly was.
02:01:35 Was this investigation all about and who was behind it?
02:01:39 This is a a portion of the article here.
02:01:44 Quote actually the Anti defamation league.
02:01:50 The ADL.
02:01:52 Was the catalyst behind the entire sedition trial. So in other words, benign breadth.
02:02:00 Bennie Breath, the secret society.
02:02:04 The ADL.
02:02:08 Abbad lubovitch.
02:02:12 Was behind the trial but but behind the entire sedition trial, I couldn't prove it then. But I can now.
02:02:19 A few years ago, I demanded, through the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI turned over to me its investigation records of my activities during the early 1940s leading up to that, to this addition trial, I learned that the investigation had extended over several years and.
02:02:39 Covered hundreds of pages which I now have.
02:02:43 The FBI blocked out the names of those who had given information about me. Much of it is as false as anything could be. I was never given a chance to face these people and make them prove their accusations.
02:02:58 Yet everything they said went into the investigation records.
02:03:03 Oddly enough, in a great many cases it wasn't the FBI that had conducted the investigation.
02:03:12 But the anti defamation league?
02:03:17 The FBI.
02:03:19 Merely received the reports.
02:03:22 Of the ADL investigators.
02:03:27 One can hardly tell from the reports whether a given person was an FBI or an ADL agent.
02:03:36 But at the time, all this was so hush. Hush that I didn't even suspect the web spinning going on around me.
02:03:45 I hadn't considered myself that important.
02:03:50 Anyone who wishes to inspect my FBI file is welcome to do so. It's a masterpiece of intrigue, cunning and deception, and it's available online. Now you can get that stuff.
02:04:02 So that's not really different either.
02:04:06 It's like when you get the FBI statistics on anti-Semitic incidents.
02:04:13 That's just data that they're getting from the ADL.
02:04:19 The ADL.
02:04:20 Has been working with the FBI in this role.
02:04:27 Since before the 19 ******* 40s.
02:04:34 And for all we know.
02:04:36 That's precisely.
02:04:38 The people giving them reports today, we know that this was still the case up and through the 90s and early 2000s.
02:04:47 We've had other cases where this was exactly, you know, very similar situation.
02:04:56 The FBI gets their source of the the hate crimes is, well, the ADL told us. And of course it has to be true, the ADL told us.
02:05:07 Hate crimes are on the rise. How do we know? The ADL told us.
02:05:12 It's not actually any kind of like FBI statistic where we're gathering this information from local law enforcement or or, you know, anywhere else, you know, any any official government records. It's the ADL providing the information.
02:05:29 And in this case, the ADL was was.
02:05:33 Giving them.
02:05:35 These bogus.
02:05:37 Investigation reports to FBI agents who apparently worked for the ADL.
02:05:46 So it's yet another thing that hasn't changed.
02:05:49 And This is why it's important. This is why when people ask you, why do you talk about Jews all the time? Well, I don't know.
02:05:59 Seems a little bit relevant.
02:06:01 Seems a little bit relevant since.
02:06:05 My both my grandparents.
02:06:08 Grandfathers.
02:06:11 Had to leave their families.
02:06:14 Risk their lives overseas. One of them got malaria and almost died.
02:06:20 When he was in Africa.
02:06:23 Fighting.
02:06:24 Wars.
02:06:25 That we would never have gone into in the first place.
02:06:30 Had people been talking about Jews?
02:06:44 In fact, and people been talking about Jews before the turn of the century.
02:06:49 Accurately assessing their ability to assimilate, they might not have been welcomed in at all. Hollywood might be something completely different.
02:07:01 I mean, 99% of the founders of Hollywood were.
02:07:05 Jewish immigrants that came from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century.
02:07:10 If that wave of immigrants had not happened, Hollywood would have been Christian.
02:07:16 It would have been Wasps.
02:07:20 How do I know this? Because the reason why Hollywood exists in the 1st place is the is the. It was the furthest point from New York they could find because they stole the technology from Edison, who was in New York and we're avoiding patent lawsuits.
02:07:38 That's why they went to the other ******* side of the country.
02:07:46 Edison would have been the one creating that industry.
02:07:55 We would have had totally different movies.
02:07:59 We would have had, you know, CBS, the head of CBS, the head of NBC, both Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, around the turn of the century.
02:08:13 All of our news gathering and reporting would have been completely different over the last century. You don't think that's relevant? Look, you might. You might like that.
02:08:23 If you're a Jew, you probably think it's awesome.
02:08:30 But you can't pretend that doesn't make a difference, that that doesn't change the course of history.
02:08:44 The reason why we talk about Jews so much is because if you're talking about politics and you're not mentioning Jews.
02:08:52 What are you even talking about?
02:08:55 If you're talking about culture and you're not mentioning Jews, what are you even talking about?
02:09:01 If you're talking about technology and you're not talking about Jews now in in the age of Silicon Valley, when?
02:09:06 You have Jewish.
02:09:07 Heads of so many different technology companies, including some of the most relevant.
02:09:15 ChatGPT.
02:09:17 Sam Altman.
02:09:20 Mark Zuckerberg.
02:09:25 Google.
02:09:31 If you're not talking about Jews, what are you talking about?
02:09:44 And doesn't matter, because apparently according to this Freedom of Information Act request, even if you're not talking about Jews, it turns out Jews are talking about you.
02:09:53 To the FBI.
02:10:08 So Robert Edward Edmondson, he he his big.
02:10:12 I guess manifesto, if you will.
02:10:15 Is I testify against the Jews? Some of.
02:10:19 It's.
02:10:20 You know, like I said, some of it's inaccurate in terms of I I don't think intentionally.
02:10:26 I think that he just had limited access to information as one would.
02:10:32 Back in the 1940s, County, Maine, he's going to make some mistakes. He's going to draw some wrong conclusions based on limited data.
02:10:33 Hey.
02:10:42 But it was one of the first Americans to respond in a way that was influential.
02:10:51 To the Jewish.
02:10:54 Infestation.
02:10:58 Of the American power structure.
02:11:04 He was one of the first Americans to actually make ripples like that and and and you gotta admire him for for making that was his lifes work.
02:11:14 I don't think he ever had a family.
02:11:17 I think he died kind of in obscurity. Not a lot of money.
02:11:23 Because, you know he'd.
02:11:24 Been.
02:11:25 Attacked with warfare and this was his.
02:11:32 This was his obsession.
02:11:38 He thought he had. I mean, he was a reporter by by trade, and he had the biggest story.
02:11:44 You just needed Americans to read it.
02:11:48 And it wasn't for nothing.
02:11:50 A lot of his work would go on to inspire people like William Luther Pierce.
02:11:57 William Luther Pierce would would cite him as as being the.
02:12:02 The inspiration for a lot of his later writings.
02:12:12 So that's.
02:12:17 I guess that's part of the story.
02:12:19 The part that I was able to research.
02:12:22 Given my limitations with archive.org and everything else being down and just.
02:12:28 A lot of this stuff being kind of.
02:12:31 Memory hold, but that's that's part of part of the story of Robert Edmondson. I'll tell you what it did open up a lot of other little rabbit holes that I'm going to be drilling down further.
02:12:46 And in fact, I was thinking I might. Even if I get the the time because there are there one thing I do have is I have a lot of newspaper articles about that sedition trial and so.
02:12:50 Me.
02:13:01 A lot of its.
02:13:03 Very adversarial. Obviously a lot of it's very slanderous. Quite frankly, a lot of it's lying. It's Jews lying about, you know, their perceived enemies.
02:13:15 In fact, one of the articles I found which was.
02:13:20 It was so petty, but it kind of really.
02:13:23 Shows you what we're up against, cause it's it shows you how the attitude of the Jews that oppose us it it's it hasn't changed.
02:13:31 It's like I said, there's so many parallels between this era of anti-Semitism and today.
02:13:40 I found the obituary.
02:13:43 Of Robert Edmondson.
02:13:47 We're not really the obituary with some, I think, editor of a newspaper, writing, writing, basically dancing on his grave after he had died.
02:14:01 He wrote an article talking about, well, there's one more dead anti Semite.
02:14:10 And luckily, luckily there's there's not very many.
02:14:15 Springing up to replace him?
02:14:18 The age of the anti Semite is over.
02:14:24 And we're and essentially, we're glad that he's dead.
02:14:29 And in the article.
02:14:31 Right.
02:14:31 They say he was indicted for treason.
02:14:34 Yeah.
02:14:35 And I was like, no, he wasn't.
02:14:37 Like that, that's a there's.
02:14:39 A big difference between this sedition trial that took place and treason, treason is what the Rosenbergs were convicted of, and they got the chair.
02:14:50 Because they were Jewish communists that stole the atomic bomb.
02:14:55 Treason is what Pollard should have got, and he should have got the chair.
02:15:00 But by that time, Jews had enough influence to prevent anything like that from happening.
02:15:11 But they they they wrote that he was.
02:15:14 He was indicted on charges of treason.
02:15:18 And then I found another article like a week later.
02:15:22 From the same newspaper, the same editor.
02:15:26 Forced to write a retraction because I guess.
02:15:30 Friends of.
02:15:32 Edmund Senad had written in and said no, he wasn't. He was he was indicted.
02:15:37 On charges of sedition. But he was acquitted. He was never, and he was never indicted on charges of of treason.
02:15:47 And the Jewish newspaper man decided to be cute and wrote this really backhanded, you know.
02:15:57 Retraction about how I I guess I got it wrong, but is there really, you know, I guess it's actually worse because the difference between treason is you actually have the balls that do it and sedition is just you talk about it but won't do it.
02:16:13 So he was actually kind of a *****, and it was like it was like you ******* disgusting little ******.
02:16:20 But that's how they are.
02:16:25 That's how they are.
02:16:29 Anyway, I hope this was a little informative.
02:16:34 And I guess we'll take a look over here at.
02:16:37 And hyper jets.
02:16:40 Pop this out here.
David Baxter
02:16:43 All right, there we go.Devon Stack
02:16:47 Check out Odyssey first.02:16:52 Alright, we got Gorilla hands.
02:17:06 Gorilla Hands says good morning, Devin, I have to work early in the morning, so I will have to be on the replay gang. Looks like Israel and our astute members of Congress are getting us closer. World War Three, we'll look.
02:17:18 At that.
02:17:20 We were just talking about that like it's possible. I hope that it doesn't happen for a variety of reasons, but it is I I look especially after doing the research for this. It's there are there are there, there's lots of echoes, lots of echoes, more than usual.
02:17:37 World War Three really sad and frustrating considering I was hoping to be exploring the solar system by now.
02:17:45 Well, I'll tell you what.
02:17:50 I I we're just I think we were born in that awkward phase. And I I you know it's it's like what people say, right? We were born too late to explore the Earth and born too early to explore the stars and I'm I'm confident that humans specifically white people.
02:18:09 We'll explore the stars, just not when I'm alive, you know.
02:18:15 I I I.
02:18:15 Suspect that we'll make it to Mars while I'm alive.
02:18:18 And not, you know, there's not gonna be like a colony there or anything like that, but I suspect we'll put a person there before I.
02:18:25 And maybe they'll maybe and maybe something on the moon. I don't know what, but maybe something.
02:18:30 It'll happen. You're right, though, if you were to get all the money that we have spent on foreign aid and on on Jewish tricks, let me just just just do that if you're if you're to get all the money that we spent on Jewish trips.
02:18:45 Yes.
02:18:48 And put that towards a space program, we would we'd already have like a calling on Mars.
02:18:54 So thanks Judes chosen Jawas says Churro 2024. Buy some churro shirts to support his campaign when the final stretch, and it'll be Election Day before we know it.
02:19:08 Yeah, Charo is, uh, he was just in here not that long ago. He wandered out before the show. I was actually surprised that he would pop in because I got my.
02:19:18 It's finally cool enough.
02:19:20 To where I can have like windows and doors open at night, so it's still hot, but it's not like it was. It's still like it was. So I was expecting to pop on by when you heard my my voice projecting.
02:19:38 Chosen Jawa again. This election has been usually quiet.
02:19:43 The past 2 elections featuring Trump I hardly ever see Trump or Harris signs anywhere. Relatively speaking. Most people I know aren't even talking much much about this election. Is this the calm before the storm? Is something bad about to pop off? No, I just think that they've.
02:20:01 They're going with Trump.
02:20:04 I just think they're going with.
02:20:05 Trump.
02:20:07 I I I just, I don't think it's. I mean they're going through the motions, right they can't.
02:20:12 They can't drop Paris. I mean they, you know, they can't just give up. They gotta at least.
02:20:18 Put on the show at this point, but.
02:20:20 You know who knows? And I could be totally wrong. I just that's.
02:20:25 The sense I get is they're just going to put Trump there.
02:20:30 You know, I, I I posted on telegram. I don't know if I should read this kind of long.
02:20:36 A explanation of my thoughts on.
02:20:41 On this election cycle and why I think Trump is, is actually worse in in, in many ways, and because.
02:20:54 If if you were to have.
02:20:57 A four years of Kamala Harris.
02:21:01 It would. It would basically.
02:21:04 Fan the flames that are currently smoldering. They're not. They're not, as you say, they're not lit up anymore. No one's excited about this. No one's really excited about Trump. There are. I mean, like the coutard people, they're you know that there's always going to be people like that, but it's not like it was in 2016.
02:21:25 It's not even like it was in 2020, which was already disappointing.
02:21:29 Like at least in 20, I'll tell you in 2016 I I was excited. I had hopes and dreams of a of a Trump presidency. I thought he was going to. I thought the wall was going to get built and and I didn't think maybe Mexico would pay for it, but I don't know. I maybe they would part of it or I mean like.
02:21:49 I thought it would.
02:21:50 It would at least get built.
02:21:52 I thought Hillary might go to jail.
02:21:55 I thought, you know, there's, it was all maybes and mites, but like, I thought at least some of it might happen.
02:22:01 And it was just really disappointed when it didn't. But even when it didn't in 2020.
02:22:08 I was still. I was bored. Black pilled.
02:22:12 I was already black pilled.
02:22:15 But I still had. I didn't quite.
02:22:19 Realize I don't think the depth of.
02:22:24 Of.
02:22:27 Jewish control. That was that, that, that the Jewish hold over Trump. I I I even I I kind of got it but like I didn't realize that it was.
02:22:37 As bad and I and I I said at the time, I said, look, I don't. I'm not like a.
02:22:42 Big Trump fan.
02:22:43 At this point and Q ***** are ******** but.
02:22:47 If Trump were to just say **** the election results, I'm still president and started like a civil war.
02:22:53 I'd I'd be on team Trump, you know, I I would. I would. I would actively support that decision in whatever way that I could. I would, you know, just because it would, it would at that point at least create some opportunities. It would be a Black Swan event and might not work out, but it would be exciting to be fun.
02:23:14 Right.
02:23:17 No, no one's feeling like that at all this time around, most people are coping. Most people are kind of just holding their nose and and you know, it's it's there's a lot of.
02:23:30 It's either cope or delusion. There's very few people that are really all that excited about it, which is odd.
02:23:37 Because.
02:23:38 There was a.
02:23:39 Lot of I guess the I mean there was a little bit when they when when he got shot at.
02:23:44 There was a little bit of that, like a little taste of people getting whoa. You know, she's getting real again, and that's already gone. It's already gone because of all the ******* stupid **** he said. Since then, that makes him sound like, you know, if we we could have elected Jeb in 2016.
02:24:01 Right.
02:24:03 Why? Why, why? Why you even put Trump there?
02:24:07 So.
02:24:08 I think that's what's going on. I'll, I'll go and read this. It's a.
02:24:11 Along, but you can see on my telegram I just put a profound crisis. Maybe the only catalyst strong enough to push whites towards a radical change. History shows that moments of deep turmoil and suffering often spark revolution and national revival.
02:24:31 The examples are many and looking at the prevailing attitudes of whites in the West, along with the absence of any true urgency about our predicament, it seems today is no different.
02:24:44 Trump, though, painted as the lesser of two evils.
02:24:48 Is likely to perpetuate the same existential threats to whites.
02:24:53 But in a more subtle and insidious manner.
02:24:58 His approach is not to halt or decline, but to manage it carefully.
02:25:02 Allowing cultural destruction and demographic replacement to continue.
02:25:07 All the while disguising it under the banner of welcoming new and improved immigrants.
02:25:15 These upgraded immigrants, in addition to being just as foreign and genetically distant as the current crop.
02:25:23 Present an even greater threat to our survival.
02:25:27 Than the lower quality variety.
02:25:29 The latter, disastrous as they are for our society, lack the capacity to accumulate wealth and power that Trump's preferred immigrants will soon amass.
02:25:42 Positioning them more effectively for their unspoken purpose.
02:25:47 White replacement.
02:25:50 This rebranded replacement process is even more dangerous than the naked aggression of open borders.
02:25:57 As it lulls white Americans into acceptance and complacency.
02:26:03 Not only does it fail to address the issues of white replacement, it accelerates it.
02:26:10 Leaders who offer partial solutions.
02:26:14 To a problem often have no intention of solving the problem.
02:26:20 Only delaying the action long enough to ensure a genuine solution is never implemented.
02:26:30 They would prefer us to passively accept a slow, calculated erasure of our power identity, and eventually our very existence.
02:26:42 To compromise in the face of an existential threat is to accept defeat.
02:26:48 Incremental changes, especially as our numbers dwindle, will never reverse.
02:26:54 The damage caused by decades of mass immigration and a century of Jewish influence.
02:27:03 As uncomfortable as it might seem, there are times when the foundations upon which everything familiar stands.
02:27:10 Must be reconsidered.
02:27:14 And history suggests that these kinds of changes, a shift from appeasement to defiance.
02:27:20 Only occur.
02:27:22 When people feel the full weight.
02:27:25 Of tyranny.
02:27:27 If we're ever to survive.
02:27:29 Whites must be willing to endure.
02:27:32 Immediate hardship for the sake of long term survival, our short term comfort.
02:27:38 Is far less important than securing securing a future for our children.
02:27:45 Regrettably, many are quick to criticize the failures of past generations.
02:27:50 While simultaneously indulging that same unwillingness to face harsh realities or delay gratification for their posterity.
02:28:03 Voting for Trump rewards deception, failure, and fraternization with our enemies.
02:28:11 The strong support he's received from Jewish power combined with his past disingenuous rhetoric and abysmal record, whether out of malice or incompetence, suggests that even if Trump does.
02:28:25 Some good in the short term, he will in the end strengthen the very system that undermines our survival while providing the illusion required to keep it running.
02:28:40 However, this all seems somewhat academic. Trump appears to have already been chosen to guide us into decline, and many seem perfectly content to follow in there.
02:28:51 And that's how I feel about it.
02:28:54 I feel like.
02:28:57 He's the guy. He's the guy that is is going to.
02:29:03 Make make whites feel like it's not so urge.
02:29:08 You know all the all the immigrants pouring across the border and and on Fox News, you know and all that stuff you'll you won't see that footage anymore when they talk about immigration, it's going to be fine. It's going to be, you know, these high IQ Indians.
02:29:25 And all these boomers are OK with that.
02:29:30 They're OK with it. Well, that's fine, because these my grandkids are lazy. Let's let's replace them with Indians anyway.
02:29:39 And that's more dangerous because.
02:29:42 The Mexicans and the El Salvadorians and and the Hondurans and whatever. Like they're never going to really compete with you.
02:29:52 They're, I mean, they're they're going to be. They're not great to have. I mean, it's they're dangerous for other reasons, though. They're dangerous because they are an economic negative.
02:30:04 They they are a a a crime negative. You know, like they they increased crime, they they **** ** the culture. They **** ** the demographics, they **** **, you know that they're drain on the the welfare system. They're they're they're just it's almost everything you can measure it's a negative.
02:30:24 It's and it's obvious, right? Most people can look at this and be like, what the ****, right?
02:30:30 What's not as obvious to a lot of people is that if you bring in a bunch of Indians and give them a bunch of tech jobs and staple green cards to the backs of their diplomas after they go to school here school, that most likely a lot of these Silicon Valley companies will pay for.
02:30:48 So they can just get cheap work. What will happen is you'll have Silicon Valley companies that want to hire.
02:30:55 Or, you know, let's say, you know, 5000 new employees and they don't want to pay them very much. What they'll do is they'll create some kind of program where they will work out a deal with either a existing education.
02:31:14 Outlet, you know, like an online school or something like that, or they'll make their own and, you know, they'll make it work. However, it's however they end up boarding it in, in the law, they'll make it qualify.
02:31:25 And I'll just go straight to India and bring bring all the the other 5000 Indians over.
02:31:30 They'll have them go through the training, you know, it could be a two year degree. They can get like an associates degree and working at Google or, you know, whatever the ****, right?
02:31:40 And then they get an insta green.
02:31:42 Card.
02:31:43 And by the way, they'll they, they'll, they'll they'll actually.
02:31:50 Pay them less because what they can do is say part of the deal that we bring you in here and you get your green card or whatever is you work off your tuition.
02:32:01 Right. There's already companies that that sort of do that they try to get away with like not paying you as much by saying ohh, no, we'll help you out with your score or we'll pay half your tuition or whatever or, you know, give you some kind of like, really cheap deal with the student loan and then you.
02:32:14 Know we'll just take.
02:32:15 It out of your paycheck, or they'll they'll do things like that. They'll say, you know, let's say they they would normally pay.
02:32:23 A qualified white guy, you know, $80,000 a year to do a particular job. They'll pay an Indian maybe 50-60 thousand to do the same job, and then they'll really pay them like 40 because ten of those will go towards the.
02:32:37 That you know the quote UN quote degree or whatever that they got to get their green card and Indians will be OK with it.
02:32:44 It's like putting their green card on credit.
02:32:48 And.
02:32:50 Meanwhile, these guys, while they're not maybe making millions.
02:32:54 They'll be making more than the guy from El Salvador who's hanging out in front of Home Depot.
02:33:03 And so now you've got economic competitors.
02:33:07 And political competitors.
02:33:10 And power competitors like good luck. Now that that company hired those 5000 Indians and let's say they like to promote from within and those guys become hiring managers. Good luck.
02:33:22 Everyone else is tribal, but you.
02:33:27 And the whole time.
02:33:31 Whites will be like, well, it's a meritocracy.
02:33:34 Get good. You know, like they'll just take it.
02:33:38 While the country becomes less and less white.
02:33:43 And eventually this will just be.
02:33:45 It'll just be India or, you know, not just India. There's gonna be other.
02:33:49 Other places you know, there's be lots of Asians will come here too. I'm sure lots of Chinese, lots of Koreans.
02:33:59 And it just won't be. It's already gone that that's the problem. It's already done.
02:34:04 Like this is there's no.
02:34:07 There's no stopping that.
02:34:09 Once that gets going.
02:34:12 If Trump gets into office and I suspect that he will.
02:34:16 And implements this kinds of this kind of thing, and I suspect that he will.
02:34:21 And let's say he even makes a big show out of out of kicking out.
02:34:24 The.
02:34:25 The guy, the brown guys hanging out in front of Home Depot.
02:34:29 And you know, I don't think that they'll do it to the degree that they need to, to even do that. But let's say they even do they do it a little bit, right. They get rid of, like, the most egregious ones, like the OR they start vetting them at the border or or they they do. They've talked about how like, oh, well, you know, refugees like like.
02:34:49 Gritty Vance was saying like recently, like Ohh. If they're. If they're refugees, they should be stopping in the first country that they that they're entering, you know, like the countries that are border.
02:35:00 Doing them, not crossing through countries to get to ours, so maybe they'll do that, right. They'll they'll make it. So in order to to get asylum, you know, you have to prove that you've already applied for asylum in Mexico. And but then that even that could end up being a mess too, because it might, they might write the law in such a way that they say, well, if New Mexico rejects them, then.
02:35:22 They have to consider it, and then Mexico will just reject them.
02:35:27 You know.
02:35:29 And so we'll still have to take him in. So, like, but let's say there's some slight improvement with the third world or is coming in from down South or whatever. Right. OK. But that doesn't change anything. We're still bringing in millions of people.
02:35:44 In the words of Donald Trump multiple times recently, he wants to have immigration going at the highest level in American history.
02:35:54 He wants to bring in more people than have ever came come into the United States.
02:36:00 In history.
02:36:01 And that they're not white people, he's not talk.
02:36:03 About white people by the.
02:36:04 Way these aren't going to be like.
02:36:07 English people or or Germans or even Italians or you know it's it's going to be people from India. It's going to be people from Asia.
02:36:19 It's going to be people from Africa.
02:36:23 Right, we heard post, Phil. We were talking about post bill, the meat packing plant, right.
02:36:29 And and like, look at the Haitians, the Haitians are here legally. The Haitians that are out there in Springfield, they're they're all there legally. So maybe they try to, they they, you know, they change those laws up.
02:36:43 A little bit.
02:36:43 So that maybe not so many Haitians show up as refugees, but you'll still have a situation.
02:36:49 Like the the.
02:36:52 The rabbi that ran the kosher meat packing plant in Postville once they got raided.
02:37:01 And all the illegal immigrants got caught. You know, that was under Obama. Funny enough, all the illegal immigrants got carted off. What they do, they went and recruited in, like, the Caribbean and ****. They went and recruited people from Liberia and ****. I mean, they they.
02:37:16 They'll that all that **** will.
02:37:18 Still be going on?
02:37:20 All that **** will still be going on and on top of that, your the job market will get harder for you.
02:37:27 As a white guy.
02:37:29 If you're like an average white guy, it's like you know, you're maybe you're.
02:37:33 Not.
02:37:33 Not at the level where you can sit there and you know write.
02:37:41 Right. Amazing innovative code, but like you could do a tech job, right? Like you could do like an average tech job.
02:37:49 Well, that tech job is not going to go to you, it's.
02:37:51 Going to go to Habib.
02:37:54 We're also going to be bringing in, I'm sure, refugee, you know, Arab Arab refugees. We're not even not even refugees. We might just find.
02:38:05 Arabs that will, you know that will come in and work for for cheaper than than you will. Or not even that you will that they that you would that they would. I mean maybe you'd work for that same price, right.
02:38:16 Maybe you would, but they have a Jewish CEO that would prefer the Indians for other reasons, let's just say.
02:38:26 So it's once that once that ball gets, I mean it's we're all ready. You can't, you can't unbaked the cake. There's already so much diversity here. You couldn't get rid of it if you tried like you there. There's no political way to undo.
02:38:41 This.
02:38:43 And it gets increasingly more difficult.
02:38:47 To.
02:38:50 Dig yourself out of this hole if you get a Trump administration for four years, that under the radar or not really under the radar, just under everyone's nose, no one and but no one cares, right? Because it's Trump doing it. You you saw you still see people making excuses about Trump no matter what. Anything you criticize him on, people have a *******.
02:39:11 Excuse for him, right, because it's a cult of personality. They don't really give a ****. He could come out supporting ********. In fact, he kind of did, right? Didn't he? Just the other day he supported a trans surgery. If you get you have parents permission.
02:39:27 So he he supports trans kids already.
02:39:32 That's the other day.
02:39:35 And people are like, yeah, but whatever. Who cares, it's like, OK.
02:39:40 So I mean you either have that.
02:39:45 For the next 4 years.
02:39:47 Or you get.
02:39:49 The disaster which it would be of of Kamala Harris.
02:39:54 Like she wouldn't be running things, and it's whoever's running shift now would just. And it's just it's going to be the same ******* people running it that are running it now. It's not like Biden's running anything now, and she's certainly.
02:40:05 Not so. Whatever *******.
02:40:09 You know sneaky covert Jews or or people from Obamas administer whoever whoever's pulling the strings over there, pushing the buttons, and it's not them.
02:40:18 It'll just be them again.
02:40:21 You'll have the same Jewish cabinet most likely, like if you know they if they change.
02:40:30 To let's say you know Camel is president. I don't think she's going to have a radically different cabinet than, you know, it's going to be just as Jewish as as Biden's.
02:40:39 And yeah, you'll have the orcas, and and whoever's running the border and just letting in all the ******* third world people.
02:40:45 But that, like I said, that's from a standpoint of of having to eventually get rid of them. That's actually easier, that's easier. Or from the standpoint of reaching a point of crisis where white people aren't, aren't just oblivious to this.
02:41:04 Where they're just not like tolerating this or or in fear of being called racist or whatever you want to get to a point where there's actual palpable tyranny and existential threat, the bad taste of of extinction in the mouth.
02:41:20 Because apparently that's what it takes.
02:41:23 It's a gamble.
02:41:27 It's a gamble, but what's the choice? It's not like.
02:41:32 It's not like you have like a whole lot of choices here.
02:41:36 And I just simply and honestly, just even from a just a a morality.
02:41:41 Value standpoint, I think Trump is a a literal traitor.
02:41:48 I think he has betrayed us, you know, countless times obviously. But I mean, I think he's literally.
02:41:58 Working with the enemy.
02:42:01 I think he's working to meet the demands.
02:42:07 Of the people that have.
02:42:09 Engineered all this.
02:42:12 I think he cares more about the objectives I I think he's like and he's like FDR in that way.
02:42:18 Either he's he's a Jew himself, he's asleep at the wheel, or he's complicit. Doesn't really matter the results the same.
02:42:31 So I just.
02:42:34 I'm you know, I'm black people in the whole thing, cause there's no, there's no good option.
02:42:41 I think I just think Trump is demonstrably worse.
02:42:47 Then in terms of if, if, if what you want to have happen is for white to white people in America to have a chance at a homeland.
02:43:01 Trump is probably going to be the the the worst choice.
02:43:06 Because of everything I just laid down, I think Trump will probably create conditions that make that essentially impossible for generations.
02:43:15 If, if not forever.
02:43:20 Whereas the other things more of a wild card.
02:43:23 The other thing could go the exact same way.
02:43:27 You know, go the and look, there's there's another option. There's there's the possibility that they say one one of them doesn't matter which one they say Trump's the winner and you know the the left freaks out or they say combo is the winner and the Trump people freak out and I don't know.
02:43:47 I I just don't think there's enough.
02:43:50 I don't think there's that much.
02:43:53 I just like, like you said, I just don't think enough people even give a **** anymore to really freak out. Though. Honestly, I think everyone just so exhausted from the the the gayness of it. All that I I don't think I don't even think the left would freak out. I don't think the left would freak out because I think that.
02:44:08 I think Jews want Trump. I think it's obvious that Jews want Trump.
02:44:12 I think that if that if Jews didn't want Trump.
02:44:19 Then then maybe they'd freak out. But I think Jews want Trump.
02:44:24 I think that the the power Jews pulling the strings think that that Trump is better for Jews.
02:44:32 And he is.
02:44:35 I don't think that he's a a lot better. I think they're both good for Jews.
02:44:41 I mean, Kamala Harris is married to a Jew, and Trump has a daughter. That's.
02:44:44 A Jew. So.
02:44:46 You know, it's like.
02:44:47 You know it's.
02:44:48 It's Jews either way, but I just think that.
02:44:54 Trump is it?
02:44:55 Would be better at managing the decline.
02:45:00 Or or you know what?
02:45:02 Here's this.
02:45:09 Let let me.
02:45:11 I think I have a picture that shows.
02:45:13 Exactly what's what's going on?
02:45:19 There we go.
02:45:22 It's this.
02:45:26 That's what it is.
02:45:30 All right. Let me go back to Hyper Chance there.
02:45:35 I can find that freaking tab.
02:45:40 Ah, Mark Esmee says the bar for blacks is lower in every way of life except when it comes to IQ, to stand trial.
02:45:50 Probably a coincidence.
02:45:53 I'm not sure what you're referring to.
02:45:59 Yeah, I'm not sure referring to. Is it different for blacks? If is the IQ requirement to be competent to stand trial, different for blacks?
02:46:07 That'd be kind of funny. I'd have to look.
02:46:08 Into.
02:46:08 That Graham playing game says saw a trailer started with a black boy and bomb city crawled through rubble. He goes up to soldiers who are black, looking for his mother. I thought it was a movie about some African war and I was wondering what period. It looked weird. No, it's England. During World War 2.
02:46:29 It's called blitz. Well, of course. Didn't you know that's what was happening?
02:46:34 On the during World War 2, right is those V2 rockets were smashing all those black ghettos here? Here's a present straight from Hitler.
02:46:48 Contact question with the big don't know many.
02:46:51 Is power money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.Devon Stack
02:46:57 Go, Julie, this *** is.02:47:16 Devin, I have a national news story that that might interest you for a possible stream. I'm involved in the story and can briefly tell you the details. Can you contact my ProtonMail account connected to my login? Thanks. I'm technologically inept.
02:47:35 I mean.
02:47:38 Why? Just DM me on Twitter or something, man?
02:47:44 I mean, uh.
02:47:49 Tell you what, I'll. I'll shoot you an e-mail cause you did the big dono.
02:47:55 If I can figure it out, I don't even know how to. I don't know if I can get your. I don't think it gives you my your e-mail just by having your.
02:48:05 You know, like if I click your thing.
02:48:09 I don't know how to get to your.
02:48:12 Proton, just based off your.
02:48:15 Your odyssey username.
02:48:18 I'll paste it here. I'll look and see. I don't think it.
02:48:21 Does that.
02:48:23 And I'll I'll take a look out for the show, but I.
02:48:25 Don't.
02:48:25 Think it does that if you, I mean, if you shoot me a DM on Twitter, I'll I usually don't. I I've got a lot of DM's I've looked at, but I'll. I'll keep an eye out for it and I'll look for it.
02:48:38 So that's probably that probably work better, but I'll I'll look. I'll look and see if maybe there is a way.
02:48:45 That honestly does that. I just don't think.
02:48:47 There is.
02:48:48 But yeah, we'll see. We'll see. We'll see. I'll. I'll. I'll make the effort. I'll make the effort.
02:48:55 Hammerhead cow says hello, Devin. I love what you do. You were really on a roll for the Rorschach edition. I didn't watch TV in the 90s, so I sometimes don't know what you're talking about.
02:49:07 But I agree that pop culture is a big part of our culture. Whether we subject ourselves to it or not. Love you, man. No ****. Well, I appreciate that.
02:49:16 Yeah, I mean, it's just absurd to make the argument that pop culture isn't culture. It's.
02:49:22 Pop is popular. That's what it's short.
02:49:24 For.
02:49:25 It's the most popular culture and look when people think about the 90s, if you were alive in the 90s.
02:49:35 If you think that.
02:49:36 That.
02:49:38 That movies and music and TV and and books and or even like news reports like it. If you think that you're that none of those things come unless you were living in the forest.
02:49:52 Those those memories that there you can't separate them.
02:49:56 That that was what defined the culture.
02:49:59 It's what defined humor. It's what connected the country.
02:50:04 You know, it's what everyone talked about at the.
02:50:06 Office, then the.
02:50:08 The next morning, around the water cooler, sadly, I mean, it's just the truth.
02:50:14 People talked about what? What, you know what was on TV or what movie they saw or what what album they're into. That's what they talked about at school. Ohh, what music are you listening to now? Oh, let me borrow that CD. You know, like that's.
02:50:27 I mean, obviously there's more to it than that, but like that's that's.
02:50:31 Jews were defining the culture.
02:50:36 Not so secret, Sass says. So grateful.
02:50:40 You're here, Devin. Well, I appreciate that.
02:50:43 Variety channel says. Have you thought about selling a collection of your episodes in one package, maybe on USB form, with your eclectic catalog? It would have something for everyone. Maybe include all episodes in MP3 forms for the racists on the go with your aptitude for graphic design.
02:51:02 I'm sure it would.
02:51:03 Right. It's just all free. I don't need to charge for it. You guys can you can download stuff straight from Odyssey.
02:51:11 I'm I'm pretty sure I don't think it's just me that can do that. You can just click download on all of them.
02:51:19 Yeah. I I I don't think that I'd want to sit there and make USB sticks. I mean, if this was like in the 90s when everyone had dial-up or something like that, that would make sense.
02:51:31 But.
02:51:33 Yeah, people just get it for free.
02:51:35 Watch the collapse, says mandatory ******** ******.
02:51:39 Dollar yes, yes.
02:51:44 Blood and Biden.
Money Clip
02:51:49 As far as I.02:51:50 Can see.
02:51:50 Where?
Devon Stack
02:51:55 I'd be interested in asking the chat this which Youtubers who are sort of in our sphere are shilling for Trump the hardest. I'd say mark dice.02:52:06 Well, I mean.
02:52:07 There's, there's a lot of people. And look, whatever. Right there are people that.
02:52:11 I don't. I don't pretend to know exactly what's going to happen or have a crystal ball or anything like that. I'm just telling people were asking me to explain myself on that issue and I so I did.
02:52:24 And maybe I'll be wrong.
02:52:27 You know, I don't, obviously. No one thinks they're they're wrong or, you know, if you, you would just change your.
02:52:34 Mind if you did?
02:52:37 I don't sound like like everyone else. I don't think I'm wrong, but it's always possible. There are people that have a financial interest and I'll just tell you this right now, there are people.
02:52:49 Especially if they're on a platform like YouTube.
02:52:53 Or even on platforms like Rumble, who receive money from campaigns to do things.
02:53:00 That's just that.
02:53:02 That happens. I've never just for the record, I've never accepted money from anything like that. I I all my money has come from you guys.
02:53:13 I've never. I've never had.
02:53:16 You know that campaign money rolling on in, but I know it happens. I know it happens. I know people except this money.
02:53:27 And.
02:53:30 So yeah, that, that, that could be a motivation and I don't know specifically about Mark dies, maybe Mark Dice just really likes Trump. I don't know. I just know that that is something that happens and.
02:53:43 If I had a gas.
02:53:48 That would be possible that it would, you know, it would be possible that that could be happening there. I mean, I don't, maybe it's not, maybe it is, maybe it's not.
02:53:58 Bill monigan.
Money Clip
02:54:09 No.02:54:11 Quirky.
Devon Stack
02:54:12 Bill Monaghan, you mentioned time flying at the top of the stream and I was thinking about that last week at the anniversary of the paraglider attack. I could not believe that it's been that long. I feel like it only seems like time is flying because we're we're paying more attention to more things as everything goes to ****.02:54:31 You know, it could be that we're we're on, we're in an age of information overload, right? Like it never gets boring. There's so many things happening all the time that you really don't have a time to sit there and just enjoy doing nothing, right? Like you just don't. You don't get to play. You know, Peter from office space ever.
02:54:52 I kind of feel like that.
02:54:53 I feel like I I haven't had a day where I've just done nothing in so long. I might I might have to take a little bit of time off, maybe around the holidays or something. I I I still intend to.
02:55:03 Stream.
02:55:04 Around the holidays and and maybe on the holiday.
02:55:07 It's.
02:55:08 Like like I've done before, but I might have to take a little bit of time off just I'm.
02:55:14 I feel like I'm always. I'm always either researching a stream or, you know, doing.
02:55:22 You know, some kind of of Internet stuff, you know, whether it's on Twitter or or, you know, you know, downloading different documentaries. I'm always doing something.
02:55:35 Black pilled related.
02:55:37 Or or I'm doing bee stuff or I'm I just. I haven't had like just.
02:55:43 You know, brain dead do nothing time. In fact, I.
02:55:48 I started fixing the radio.
02:55:51 Like a month ago.
02:55:53 And I set it down to like do some work and it's just it's in the exact same place.
02:56:01 It's got like, you know it's it's, it's in pieces on my work bench in the exact configuration that it was like a month ago. I walked by it a lot and like Oh yeah, neither need to finish that. And then just you know.
02:56:15 Yeah, I feel you wash the collapse says thanks for all the hard work. As always, Devin. Random question, do you ever Harvest royal Jelly from your bees? Enjoy the stream. Have a great week and I'll see you Saturday. Not only thought that was kind of gross.
02:56:31 Like So what a day.
02:56:32 Because because you basically royal Jelly is like it's like this white goo that the bees feed a larvae to turn it into a queen bee. But it's it's not like.
02:56:48 Good. It's like there's people that eat it, you know, but it looks like come kind of, it's like this white goo. And I've never eaten it.
02:57:00 It's never.
02:57:02 Been something I wanted. I've wanted to try.
02:57:08 I mean, because the only time you see it, or at least when I do, it's when you see them, either they're preparing a cell.
02:57:17 That actually I think every time there's there's already a larvae in it. So you're basically you'd you'd be killing.
02:57:24 A A larvae and then.
02:57:29 Collecting the goo that's around it. You know, I don't know. There's people that do it. There's people that do it. And I'm sure there's.
02:57:37 Hippies, or someone that thinks that it has some kind of properties that are, I don't know, I just see it. It's like bee goo. I mean, honey is already bee barf. Like in a way, right? Like they.
02:57:48 That it's not really. They don't like, I mean it kind of is.
02:57:54 You know, I don't need to.
02:57:55 Be eating royal Jelly.
02:58:00 Uh, you know? So all right.
02:58:07 Uh. Let's see here.
02:58:10 Man of low moral fiber? Maybe I'm just a ******, but I always assumed FDR was a Jew because he was a crippled fagot. Hey, yo.
02:58:20 Well, yeah, that's our thing, right? They lied about in the same way they're lying about, you know, Biden being a complete.
02:58:27 You know, out to launch mentally old man. They lied about his legs not working forever. You know. They, they, they, they hid that for the longest time.
02:58:37 So it's the same, it's there's so many.
02:58:40 So many themes they get repeated throughout history. It's really kind of interesting.
02:58:45 The screen age.
02:58:55 The screen age. Hey, in a minute or less? What's this grocery store thing all about? Aside from ear rape that it is?
02:59:05 I don't know, I think.
02:59:09 I think that's.
02:59:11 I don't think. I don't think we're allowed to talk about it, right. I think that's it's kind of a secret thing and I don't. I think that's one of those things that you either get it or you don't, you know, right.
02:59:25 Right. Maybe someone in chat will tell you, but I don't know. I I think it's up to them.
02:59:30 I kind of feel like that.
02:59:34 I mean, either you get it or you don't.
02:59:39 Terrorist. Tarantulas.
02:59:41 During COVID, it was discovered the closest DNA match the Jews were Amish for not catching COVID, and in Minnesota in 2016, I read a news article on Minnesota Amish who were supported by the ADL during a few state lawsuits they're backing.
03:00:02 Trump, 22 now.
03:00:05 Thoughts. I mean, they're Dutch.
03:00:08 Right. I mean, isn't that the Amish? They're Dutch.
03:00:12 I don't know. They're Jewish. I mean, there's I think, I mean, I think there's Dutch Jews, obviously, but.
03:00:20 I don't. I I'd I'd have.
03:00:21 To.
03:00:21 See what genetic?
03:00:23 Study you're looking at. I don't think there's some kind of, like Jewish connection to to Amish people only because they they almost live exactly in the opposite way. You know, they don't go for the money.
03:00:37 I mean, look, they've.
03:00:39 They've got a lot of of property, like a lot of wealth in that way.
03:00:46 But they.
03:00:47 They work for their living and that they just seem so. Not Jewish to me that I'd be very shocked if there was some kind of generic connect genetic connection beyond just the the Dutch thing.
03:01:02 Richard says, shocking to hear people still saying can we go back to the 90s? It's them telling everyone that they just don't want to take on responsibilities in life more than anything else. The 90s were incredible, ***** Philic and.
03:01:21 Or necrophilic.
03:01:23 What with the rise of Jew promoted gangster Rep and other jewelry shows like Seinfeld. Yeah, I mean, look, it's a lot of it's just childhood nostalgia and I get it. I actually there I have. I have good memories from the 90s. It's not like I'm never nostalgic for things that happen in the 90s.
03:01:43 But it's in the same way nostalgic about there were things I'm nostalgic about 2016 sometimes.
03:01:51 Or 2005. Or you know what I mean? Like it's there's always, hopefully everyone has happy memories from their past, regardless of what decade it happened. And I just think a lot of people were really young in the 90s that are now talking about this. And so they're seeing it through this kind of weird 90s.
03:02:11 Shelter when you're a kid, you're not aware of. Like there's dark **** going on. But if your parents aren't.
03:02:17 Complete ******** they insulate you from a lot of that. And I also think as you say, it's it's escaping responsibility when you're a kid, you don't have to pay bills, you don't have to go to work. I mean you you.
03:02:32 You you don't have any responsibility. In fact, there are. There are two people who hopefully full time have all all of your responsibilities fall to them. So that's what it is. It's just people that.
03:02:48 Have are nostalgic for childhood memories and want to live in a time when when Mommy and Daddy was taking care of them. That's, you know, it is what it is.
03:02:58 Richard says anytime I hear the Seinfeld theme tune, I might as well be hearing Klezmer music, klezmer music.
03:03:09 I actually don't know what Klezmer music is.
03:03:12 You know what's funny? I actually.
03:03:16 Last stream when I was making my my applause buttons.
03:03:20 You know, like, like this stuff.
03:03:25 I I loaded a bunch of. I was going to have some sitcom music stuff.
03:03:30 I don't think I ever got got to.
03:03:31 Use it all.
03:03:35 Because I had.
03:03:38 And stuff like this. Nice little siblings.
03:03:47 And that's golden, girls, I think. And your friends.
03:03:56 And I thought I had some Seinfeld in there.
03:04:00 But I don't think I did.
03:04:02 One of this.
03:04:05 That's not even real.
03:04:14 Maybe I didn't get it, maybe I didn't, maybe I guess I spared you guys the Seinfeld. I don't think I actually.
03:04:19 Have it there.
03:04:21 Anyway, moving right along here.
03:04:25 Zazi Mataz Bot says easy with the anti-Semitic remarks. This was a rather schmaltzy addition, but thanks for it. I just thought I just bought a canoe and was going to listen to the replay on my way to the lake, but I can't get back to sleep for some reason. Devin, I'm going to catch.
03:04:46 All the fish in the Midwest.
03:04:47 Rest well. Lucky or yeah, lucky. Lucky fishing, I guess. Is that something people say? I have been fishing a really long time. Not a lot of places to fish in the desert, I guess as part.
03:04:58 Of why that is but.
03:04:59 I was never keen on.
03:05:02 On fishing anyway, and it was never it just seemed like.
03:05:06 Boring. Boring to me. Remember, I was just bad at it.
03:05:10 Tortilla says tortilla rides again.
03:05:14 Poopy stinky turd **** says I was trying to catch the classics and couldn't help notice in Spartacus. The Hero Gladiator is played by Jewish Kirk Douglas in the middle of the movie 2 beautiful princesses are choosing who they want to fight, and one of the princesses says I want the most beautiful.
03:05:35 I'll take the big black one.
03:05:38 OK, I I haven't seen Spartacus. I don't think. Ever.
03:05:42 Which sounds weird because it's one of those movies you feel like you should have seen. I don't think I've ever seen it. I know what movie you're talking about, obviously. Kirk Douglas, I've seen like.
03:05:52 You know, I've seen screen grabs of the movie or maybe like little little tiny bits of it. So I can I can picture.
03:06:01 Him in that role, but.
03:06:04 Not only have ever seen it, Simbi says. I showed my NS party badge from authentic Antique Arms UK to some liberal friends recently they asked me whether I support genocide. I began countering their arguments. They didn't know whether Poland or France occurred.
03:06:23 1st or why finally they admitted they don't know the history at all, that I would say that's.
03:06:31 That's 99% of everybody it. If they didn't see it on history channel, they don't know they don't and even if they did, a lot of them don't know, most people don't give a **** about history and that's.
03:06:44 I wonder if there's like an evolutionary advantage to that.
03:06:49 Because that seems to be.
03:06:53 Fairly widespread.
03:06:55 Like.
03:06:57 That that doesn't seem to interest a lot of people.
03:07:01 And not not always, just not. I wouldn't even just say it's like an intelligence thing. I mean, it's probably there's probably some correlation there.
03:07:09 But I just think they're because there's a lot of smart people that don't care.
03:07:12 About history either.
03:07:17 Yeah, I mean to be fair, I didn't super care about history.
03:07:22 When I was focused on my.
03:07:27 My first career, I guess you could say in media I was more focused on software and and and that's that's a part of it too. I think people maybe that's, you know don't don't figure into the equation is that say 100 years ago.
03:07:41 You didn't have. You weren't surrounded by entertainment 100 years ago. You didn't really have a whole lot of options when it came to.
03:07:50 Learning about stuff and reading things like you didn't have.
03:07:54 Infinity hours of tutorials at your fingertips on YouTube.
03:07:59 You know, and what were the books that you were going to have access to?
03:08:05 History is going to make up a big chunk of those books, right? You know, and so I think people were just way more.
03:08:14 Interest in history probably like 100 years ago, and it wasn't until honestly it probably it wasn't until Jewish fiction came along.
03:08:21 That replaced, you know, history with with.
03:08:27 Legend, Jewish legend.
03:08:32 Brody says hey, Devin, my condolences for the passing of classified cat. It's been a week since I heard the stream. I think you said the name of the cat was waffle. It's singular. I know the pain of losing a pet. I've been through it several times. Hanging there, bud. Good. God bless.
03:08:50 Yeah, it's, it's it's fine, you know, like I'm.
03:08:54 It wasn't the first one won't be the last. That's that's part of life. I mean, they're wrong. It sucked. Like, I'm not like a psychopath.
03:09:04 But you know I.
03:09:07 Yeah, it was for the back. I mean, you know that she was old, so.
03:09:13 Rivers of Blood, rivers of blood. That's.
03:09:17 Quite the name there.
03:09:27 Rivers of blood. Speaking of silencing critics, FDR used the power of the FCC to shut down Father Coughlin when Jews realized he was becoming too popular with the people.
03:09:40 Yeah. And that's the other thing. Censorship has always been around. It's just easier to do on the Internet even when they have the printing press, they regulated who was allowed to use one and what they were allowed to print with it.
03:09:54 And like that was earlier, earlier, early on when it's not like people the way they they talk about ohh and then the printing press was invented and suddenly everyone could read and it was it was this explosion of information not really when it when it was first designed like you know made available it was kind of a scary new technology to the.
03:10:14 The ruling class and to the the religious class and in just making.
03:10:21 Religious texts available.
03:10:23 Because that's that wasn't great for like a there was a lot of people that their entire existence was interpreting a a very and and unavailable religious texts. They were allowed to see for everybody and they didn't necessarily want everyone to have their own copy. And you can even make the argument that that might even be better.
03:10:43 Right then, not let everyone have their own ******* interpretation of the same thing. You know, like you might. They might. There's an argument to be made that that was the better.
03:10:51 Way.
03:10:51 To do it but.
03:10:55 Yeah, censorship's been around for forever and and and.
03:11:00 I just feel like the the right doesn't use it often enough, certainly not. Today's right Bessemer, 72 says. Thanks for the stream, Devin, appreciate that.
03:11:11 Poopy stinky turd. But I know. I mean, I'm just gonna start calling you PST B with your long ***. Now, all the the acronyms almost seems like it takes just as long to say and gone with the wind Butler, the handsome aristocrat.
03:11:26 But a millionaire says Mammy is a smart old soul and one of the few people I know whose respect I would like to have Mammy is the Fat Black House slave. The Fat black field slave, Big Sam, save Scarlett O'Hara from the horrible white robbers.
03:11:47 That is true.
03:11:49 Banana peeled says this stream will go down as one of your more important streams. Devin, do you find it odd that big X accounts are noticing the Stew dot coming out next month focused on noticing and the streamers declaring the pop culture will shift soon. If the shift happens, do you think it will be authentic?
03:12:10 Now I think a lot of the shift that you're seeing right now is.
03:12:16 It's what you're seeing on the screen right now. I think that they've decided that importing third worlders like you know the Super low IQ, third worlders is.
03:12:27 Is no, it's not.
03:12:29 It's not the way they want to manage the demographics of of the country. They I think they've they've reached a they have a glut of super low IQ people and they have found a.
03:12:46 And they still want to replace white people. Alright, that's that's that plan. Will will always be in effect.
03:12:52 Until we, we run things. So just keep that in mind. But I think now they're they're wanting some of the Silicon Valley AI jobs.
03:13:03 To be filled with.
03:13:05 With.
03:13:06 White replacements that are capable of doing those jobs and and people from El Salvador, just they can't, they're not up for the task.
03:13:14 And I think that the lower IQ people are less and less useful to them.
03:13:21 And when they can?
03:13:22 Just.
03:13:23 They can just fly.
03:13:24 Jumbo jets full of projets over here and and they're still replacing whites and they still get you.
03:13:33 Know.
03:13:34 The the.
03:13:39 The the the the lack of.
03:13:42 All the things they they want to to avoid in in the in the public right. Like the reason why they want to get rid of whites is whites or who, that's who's going to outcompete them. If anyone's going to outcompete them, that's who historically has outcompeted them. That's who many of the Jews think almost genocide of them. You know, they think of.
03:14:03 You know Nazi Germany.
03:14:05 That, you know, they think of the Roman Empire, they they hate whites because they see whites as the.
03:14:12 The group that can.
03:14:14 Effectively put an end to their power, or at the very least delay it. They don't look at Indians like that.
03:14:23 They don't think Indians are going to.
03:14:27 Be competitors. They don't view Indians as competitors, so they can get.
03:14:34 Indians or or they can get and I don't think they they view even Asians as competitors, right? So that they can bring in Asians, they can bring in Indians and they can perform the jobs that the lower IQ Central American, South American.
03:14:53 South of Mexico and Mexico, North American immigrants, those guys can't perform the jobs that they suddenly have a need for in Silicon Valley to fulfill.
03:15:07 All these, you know, all these positions at at.
03:15:12 You know, as this new AI boom, they they are predicting is about to get going, so.
03:15:19 They they don't want to have white people doing those jobs because then they'll give white people money and and when white people have money, then they they have children. And you know, that goes against the whole plan. So they would rather bring an Indians, they'll have money and then they can.
03:15:32 Have children.
03:15:34 So I think that's what's going on with all that.
03:15:41 Where was I?
03:15:44 Ohh that was that. Was that even your question?
03:15:48 What do you what do you ask here?
03:15:53 Will be authentic. No. OK, so.
03:15:59 The the culture shift.
03:16:01 Look, if I'll tell you what you won't see a culture shift.
03:16:05 With a lot of these mainstream people, when it comes to noticing Jews, that'll never happen.
03:16:11 You'll see it with them noticing like, you know you and Paul. Joseph Watson, right. Like he was one of the first people to try to do this. We tried to make noticing mean noticing black crime.
03:16:22 And I I made fun of him then. Like, this was like, oh, I think it might have actually been, like, a year or more ago. And there was a couple of people all at once came out with videos where they started to use the term noticing, but they meant it in reference to black crime. And it was very.
03:16:38 Yeah.
03:16:40 Obvious that they were. They were trying to Co opt the term, noticing to to specifically refer to black crime and it didn't work. It didn't work because the term noticing has been around a long time. You can't just hijack it that quick with a Tom, you know, or with a Paul Joseph Watson.
03:17:01 Video. But they did try and I think that that's kind of what they're doing is they're trying to release a little bit of racial pressure with whites that are noticing and trying to get them to notice something else.
03:17:18 Let's see here, Art Stanton says. Sorry, I missed it, but I never heard how that story ended with your the bees that got stuck in Bessemer, did you have to take the loss?
03:17:30 Ohh yeah.
03:17:34 So they no they finally.
03:17:39 Well, yes and no. So they finally arrived.
03:17:42 And almost all of them were, like, not almost all of them, but like a lot, a lot like.
03:17:48 Too many of them.
03:17:49 Were.
03:17:49 Dead. Let me put it that way. And I tried putting them in a hive anyway, and I tried giving them a frame of of brood and.
03:17:57 It was a struggle to keep it going. I ended up having to requeen it and give it even more brood, and then it turned Africanized and that same, that same hive is is. I haven't checked on it.
03:18:11 In a little while, it's in the.
03:18:12 Backyard.
03:18:14 But it it's uh.
03:18:16 And that and that was been a problem ever since. But yeah, I ended up having to.
03:18:21 They they don't give refunds. A lot of these places. So it is what it.
03:18:25 Is.
03:18:26 But that was a while ago. It it? No. They eventually showed up. But yeah it.
03:18:29 Was.
03:18:30 Like I'd say, 70% of the bees were dead when it.
03:18:34 Finally showed up.
03:18:37 Based in space, this addition starts out slow, but you really hit the nail on the head. The parallels are uncanny like a playbook. We need to think outside the box to break the programming. Fortunately, we can also see patterns.
David Baxter
03:18:54 There you go.Devon Stack
03:18:55 Serbian Bull says they won't be locking us up. The DoD quietly caught a fied its right to deploy lethal force against its own citizens. Directive 5240.01 is a declaration of intent. Well, I haven't seen that.03:19:15 But Ohh look, let me look at it. I feel like it's gonna be like something queuing Annie.
03:19:25 Let me see.
03:19:32 Dearly directed blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
03:19:38 Blah Blum establish a policy and provide direction for DoD intelligence and intelligence related activities assigned responsibility and provides guidelines for defense intelligence component intelligence.
03:19:50 Blah blah, blah blah blah.
03:19:51 Ah.
03:19:53 Levels of authority subject to paragraph 31. What you got to give me paragraph three? I don't know what that is. The what? What? It's subject to defense, intelligence, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, or, well, I'll look at the highlighted part. But I feel like there's some contacts missing here. Assistance in responding with assets with potential.
03:20:13 For lethality or any situation in which it is reasonable foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force, that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury.
03:20:30 It also includes all support to civilian law enforcement officials in situations where a confrontation between civilian law enforcement and civilian individual or groups reasonably anticipated. Yes, that doesn't really.
03:20:46 Say much.
03:20:49 Without the context of the rest of this document.
03:20:53 This just says that in certain instances they can use lethal force and that's.
03:20:57 Totally normal when you're the Department of Defense, they they use lethal force all the time.
03:21:04 So I I'd have to see like a.
03:21:08 The context for this because this could.
03:21:10 Be a totally normal.
03:21:11 Directive just defining.
03:21:14 When they they see it. I mean, there's nothing.
03:21:17 That says and.
03:21:17 Then you can kill civilians, you know, I mean, like, I don't see that because that's certainly that's not what that that says.
03:21:25 Man of low moral fiber, says one of the normies streamers was recently suspended from Amazon's Twitch for saying the Arab Palestinians deserve no sympathy for a genocide because they have a bad culture due to the assumption that they kill gays. Last I checked, I'm pretty sure faggs.
03:21:45 With.
03:21:45 Faggs kill **** with air.
03:21:48 Interesting to see people in the normal sphere showing no heartburn or concern for wiping out cultures they consider to be inferior. Maybe there is some small white pill in that? No, because the context is is they're they're not Jews.
03:22:06 That's if you noticed pain. I know what you're talking about.
03:22:11 Asthma, gold or whatever the **** that guys name is the the you know, the the hoarder that plays. But I've I I've heard of him. I've never watched anything he's ever done, and I've seen what you're talking about. And there are a lot of these libertarian accounts that never mentioned Jews not going to mention names.
03:22:30 Here who are throwing their their full weight behind supporting this guy that that never would have supported it had he said it the other way around.
03:22:41 Because the context is is he's saying it's totally fine that the Jews wipe out the Palestinians because the Jews are superior.
03:22:50 So that's the context. You gotta that you gotta understand the context there.
03:22:55 The reason why so many, in fact, anyone that you see supporting that guy and say, well, he's not wrong.
03:23:05 Those are the guys that think the Jews are superior. I'm just telling you that.
03:23:08 I'm just telling you that.
03:23:09 Those are the guys that wouldn't say that in, in, in any other circumstances. Those are the guys that I you know.
03:23:21 That are the opposite of anti-Semitic. Those are. Those are the Semitic people.
03:23:28 As far as why he got kicked off of of Twitch.
03:23:33 Because that's the thing. It's we're in this really weird situation where, thanks to the the DI that the Jews enforced enthusiastically for decades and and put all these leftist.
03:23:53 Non Jews but but with lots of diversity.
03:23:57 Points.
03:23:58 They put the mall across the the the.
03:24:04 Oh, and say ruling upper middle class, right, they put them in all these different positions where they don't belong, but they have the right leftist values that serve Jews up until very recently, up until October 7th. Right. And so now you kind of have a situation where you've got all these diverse, all these pro Palestine diversity.
03:24:25 People that work at Twitch that might work at at Amazon, the parent company who aren't Jewish, who will get very upset if they are, if.
03:24:36 If if Amazon or Twitch continues to host a streamer who, essentially because I saw the clip essentially in.
03:24:49 Was was kind of like pro genocide.
03:24:55 I mean, I saw the clip. I mean, I wouldn't get away with saying that **** about about Jews or anyone else. And and and so.
03:25:05 There's ways he could.
03:25:06 Have phrased it.
03:25:07 There's ways he could have phrased it where he would have gotten away with it, but if you watch the clip, it's like it's pretty pro genocide and it's it's pretty pro Jews of the master race. Like it's very.
03:25:23 I mean, that's the sense you get from it. And if you have a bunch of.
03:25:28 Of people that complain about colonizers working at your company.
03:25:34 You know you're in a political position that requires you to dump them unless you're unless the CEO's Jewish, which at at Amazon is not. I don't know who runs Twitch, you know. But if the parent company is Amazon, which I didn't even know until you said that.
03:25:49 If it's an Amazon company, that's not, you know, Jewish, so.
03:25:53 Yeah. Yeah, it there's no white pill because he's literally saying Jews are superior and should be allowed to genocide people.
03:26:02 Reject degeneracy says Hi Devin. My cat Boo passed away today in my arms. She was 15, losing a pet you've known for so long. It's heartbreaking. Is a heartbreaking experience.
03:26:16 I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your cat waffle. I hope you are doing well and I wish all the best. Here's a photo booth or I'll bring up my Boo Boo Boo, I guess.
03:26:33 Apps in the chat for Boo.
03:26:37 We'll bring up Boo.
03:26:51 Gigantic.
03:26:59 There you go.
03:27:02 That's the champ for Boo. Yeah, it's tough. Especially the first day, so.
03:27:09 Yeah, I feel I I I feel for you man, that's.
03:27:13 That's rough, but.
03:27:17 It it gets, it gets uh.
03:27:20 It gets shockingly.
03:27:25 Better with time. Obviously I don't know what to say. I'm sorry, man. I don't say. I just went through. I know what you mean.
03:27:32 Today is going to suck.
03:27:33 But yeah, that's in the chat for Boo.
03:27:37 Adler Trump junior.
03:27:45 Have the Trump Junior says Coffman had 30 million radio listeners and a magazine called Social Justice with massive readership. They shut him down with regulations and finally the Catholic Church threatened to defrock him in 1942, and he chose to remain a priest.
03:28:04 Yeah, that's that's.
03:28:07 And that's The thing is you have to.
03:28:11 Yeah. And look, they could that they could.
03:28:13 Shut me off tomorrow, right?
03:28:16 They could. They could decide, you know, Odyssey could ban me. I don't think they will. But they could rumble. Could ban me. Twitter could ban me.
03:28:26 And.
03:28:28 You just have to be nimble and and luckily today we have way more options back then you know, what was he gonna do? Go, go build his own radio station. And that wasn't going to. You know, there's no possibility you could do that.
03:28:40 So.
03:28:41 You you basically are stuck making Flyers, I guess and mailing them out. These magazine, though I'm surprised that he wouldn't have kept that.
03:28:50 But I don't know what all the.
03:28:51 Details of that, but yeah, like the FCC.
03:28:55 Existed specifically, I think to censor people.
03:28:59 And to some extent, it still does.
03:29:03 Gorilla hands.
03:29:05 Gorilla Hands simply says.
03:29:08 Chuck it.
03:29:10 Casper says the FBI being merged with the ADL is one of the most ominous elements of the occupied government. The FBI ADL force has become the pretorian guard for Jewish power.
03:29:25 Yeah. Well, like, I don't know what their relationship is now, but I know it's still.
03:29:29 Cozy.
03:29:30 I know, I know. It's still cozy. I know the ADL trains local law enforcement as well.
03:29:36 Glock 23, it's very well documented in the archives that commercial ships were telling the US Navy about a large Japanese Navy fleet.
03:29:46 They had spotted in the Pacific heading towards Hawaii. I could write a book that Pearl Harbor was not a surprise attack. They even knew the morning the attack was going to happen. Yeah. I mean, even in the 90s, there was. I mean, this is not conspiracy theory stuff, even the 90s.
03:30:03 I think.
03:30:05 I think in the late 90s I saw like a a show on Fox.
03:30:09 Of all things that that went through the ready, like the the actual, they had evidence of radio transmissions going to the the Naval Intelligence Office or I forget the details. But there was there's there's lots of evidence that they knew it was coming and they kind of just let it.
03:30:29 Happen so that it would, it would be.
03:30:32 As bad as possible, I mean, I guess in a way you could say they they October 7th the whole thing, you know when they knew it was coming.
03:30:40 Like.
03:30:41 Like, clearly, Israel knew October 7th was going to happen and maximize the damage to get as much political support as possible. That's just the way, apparently.
03:30:54 The lizard people and the Jews govern.
03:30:59 Art Stanton says. I like the post you wrote about Trump. Seems like they did a similar move with Obama 2008. If you hated Bush now you had a chance to vote for the anti Bush. Never mind that he's controlled by the same puppeteers. Yeah. Like never mind that. Thanks to WikiLeaks, we know that.
03:31:18 Citibank picked his entire cabinet.
03:31:21 Yeah, it's all. It's all a gay ******* show.
03:31:25 Tortilla says I'm not voting Trump. I'm voting Musk.
03:31:29 Yeah, I wonder. So here's here's something I was thinking about with Musk. Something's weird with that ****. And I'll tell you why.
03:31:36 He keeps saying.
03:31:38 Well, first of all, look, he was always.
03:31:42 Apolitical to some extent, and in one day.
03:31:45 And maybe I don't have the exact timeline right on this, but it seemed like.
03:31:51 One day.
03:31:52 He's like, super Trump.
03:31:55 Like super Trump? And he's talking about in interviews that if Trump doesn't win, he's going to get arrested and put in jail.
03:32:05 And I'm not saying that he wouldn't. I'm just wondering, like, what? Like for what? Like, what are we? What are we not know?
03:32:12 What do we not know? Like, what is? What is the DOJ?
03:32:16 Have on on Elon and why are they sitting on it?
03:32:21 And it it.
03:32:23 Is is that is there a deal between him and and the Trump campaign where, hey, don't put me in jail for whatever it is this thing is.
03:32:32 And I'll support you with all of my my money. Because, look, he he started like a 501C3. He's literally paying people to ******* vote for Trump, essentially.
03:32:44 I there's something. There's something beyond just the obvious like I want.
03:32:50 You know, favors from a politician thing going. There's something going on.
03:32:55 I don't know what it is.
03:32:57 There's something going on with that.
03:33:02 Glock 23 says Part 1 the night before Pearl Harbor.
03:33:08 They had a big concert called the Battle of the Bands. The bands from every Navy ship in the harbor competed to be judged, which was best. The sailors were allowed to sleep in the ships the morning of the attack due to the concert keeping them up late. This was done to get a high death count.
03:33:29 Because a lot of dead would get Americans to support a war.
03:33:36 Yeah, I mean, like I said, October 7th, right? There was a lot of those casualties were actually.
03:33:43 The the IDF killing Jews and that's been proven.
03:33:50 Barry, I skipped one. Actually man of low moral fiber. close my music is traditional Ashkenazi music from Eastern Europe, varying greatly in size. The most defining aspects being woodwind instruments playing melodies over the backing of a small string instrument.
03:34:10 Like fiddles, violins such as fiddler on.
03:34:13 Roof or Kirby's air ride? There we go. Like like.
03:34:22 Kalinka or whatever the **** that song is that the famous juice song that everyone plays.
03:34:27 Man of low moral fiber says oh wait.
03:34:30 Let's skip the row and it keeps moving.
03:34:32 Barry says Devin is a beekeeper. How far beyond the norm have you gone in your work? Have you ever harvested Hornet honey or wasp nectar? No, I've never.
03:34:45 Never done, you know, never ****** around with Hornets or Wasps. We've got, like, a.
03:34:53 We've got.
03:34:55 We have yellow jackets, you know, like the normal yellow jackets, I.
03:34:59 Think.
03:35:00 Everyone's got.
03:35:03 Out here and we've got.
03:35:07 Actually I don't know what kind of. I mean. I know we have mud daubers cause those. Those little ******* I find they're mud DOB things in random places all over. You know all over the property.
03:35:18 But no, and we we've also got Carpenter bees like those big *** ******* black bees that Burrow holes into the wood that are really annoying because of that. And we got we got actually that we got like a lot of different kinds of bees and **** out here. But I I just don't you know I don't know the ******* I'm I'm not I'm not like a bug guy.
03:35:37 Believe it or not.
03:35:39 I'm just a beekeeper may have little moral fiber regarding the streamer. I agree it's bad that those who are supporting the stream are doing it because they worship Jews. But I did see the potential benefit and people becoming more open to non political solutions. Sorry if I was off target character limit. Thanks for strength.
03:35:59 No, it's not the sorry. It's. That's The thing is, they wouldn't feel that way under any other circumstances.
03:36:08 It's 100% a a philosemitic.
03:36:12 The view that they've.
03:36:14 Got.
03:36:15 If it had been.
03:36:19 Literally any other group.
03:36:21 They they wouldn't, they wouldn't. They would not have.
03:36:25 They would not have sided with him. It's 1000% because they want you to accept.
03:36:35 Genocide from Jews?
03:36:37 That's basically what it is. That's what they're doing.
03:36:39 And you can be. Look, I don't. I don't honestly on on some level, I don't give a **** if the Jews are genocide ING people. It's not my, you know, whatever. It's on the other side of the planet. I got my own problems. OK. I mean, on a humanitarian level, I care, right. You know that I think it's evil. And I think that.
03:36:59 That, you know, just genocides, generally bad.
03:37:04 But.
03:37:05 These people are are are they care only because it's Jews and they they want Jews to be allowed to commit genocide, is what it boils down to.
03:37:16 That's why those are the people going to keep an eye on.
03:37:21 All right.
03:37:24 I'm going to look over here on rumble.
03:37:28 If I didn't have the button.
03:37:31 I hope I didn't miss it.
03:37:33 There might not be any on rumble.
03:37:35 No, there's one now. Let me.
03:37:45 Let's see here.
03:37:48 I hope I didn't like I I forgot to hit the button on rumble and there there might just not be very many on rumble, which is fine. I just hope I didn't miss.
03:37:56 Someone that there's no way to tell.
03:38:00 When these comments started rolling in.
03:38:06 No, it should. No. This should work. I think I have the enabled large chat, so that should be everybody. OK cargo master.
Money Clip
03:38:15 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.Devon Stack
03:38:20 Cargo master says new viewer catching up on content just finished up the pack con series and wow, love to hear your take on Eustace Mullins book.03:38:32 Curse of Canaan.
03:38:34 Amazing work. I've never read any of his stuff. That's the guy that had the compound in.
03:38:42 In Idaho, I believe, right. Let me just double check. I'm pretty sure that's who it is.
03:38:48 That's the guy that had that invented the.
03:38:52 Landing gear thing.
03:38:59 No, I think.
03:39:03 Yeah, that's him, right?
03:39:20 Well, no, he didn't invent the.
03:39:24 All right. This isn't the guy I was thinking of.
03:39:32 Used to small ones I've done this. I feel like I've I've covered him. I've I've you know.
03:39:38 I'll have to look into this again. Hit the picture that they have on this thing is.
03:39:44 From.
03:39:46 The 70s and so.
03:39:49 But no, I haven't read his book.
03:39:51 And I'm space on who. Which one? This which which guy? This is because I've covered so many of these.
03:39:57 These anti Semites from this era.
03:40:01 Which hold on. I'm. I'm just trying to see if I can 0IN on a.
03:40:06 A landmark in his life that will click be in his career, blah blah, blah blah blah. I know. I I know I've streamed on him before though.
03:40:18 Once lived in, blah blah blah writing secrets of the Federal Reserve. That's that's that's OK, that's the stuff that we talked about.
03:40:29 I did do a little stream on him.
03:40:33 But no, I have not read his books. I'll leave this tab open though, because now I feel dumb for not.
03:40:39 Not remembering.
03:40:41 The string that I did on him.
03:40:44 It's it's real hard. You gotta remember. I'm. I'm basically. I feel like I'm doing like a.
03:40:48 Like a turn paper or like a book report twice a week and after like years of that, you start to having to dump some of the old stuff out to to fit the new stuff.
03:40:58 In.
03:41:00 Because there's there, there will be people to be like. Remember you streamed about, you know, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like kind of.
03:41:09 You know, cause for them they just watched it like a week ago. And for me it was like 2 1/2 years ago. So I'm like, yeah, I remember that.
03:41:16 Class, you know.
03:41:20 I have to. I mean, I'd have to go back. I'm sure if I watched, like, 30 seconds of the stream I did. I'm like, oh, yeah.
03:41:26 It's that guy.
03:41:28 But yes, I cause I think he's much older in the photos I in the footage that I used than what's on his Wikipedia is Wikipedia is much younger and ************ was born in the 20s.
03:41:40 So yeah, anyway.
03:41:43 No, I have to check it out. Leave that tab open and.
03:41:45 Then.
03:41:46 We got Henry Ford F-150.
David Baxter
03:42:01 I'm just a weekend photographer.Devon Stack
03:42:04 Replay game catch the replay tomorrow. Thanks for your work.03:42:08 Dave on well, I appreciate that.
03:42:11 Let me scroll through here, make sure I'm not missing another one.
03:42:16 I'm going to remember to open this stupid plug in next time. Really. I really wish.
03:42:23 Rumble would just make their hyper chats work in a way that makes sense.
03:42:27 You don't need a plug in.
03:42:29 To just read them.
03:42:32 All right. I think that's it. And then?
03:42:34 Ohh, we got uh.
03:42:39 Arch Stanton, over here on Odyssey says you skipped over one of my chants, but no biggie was just asking if you ever saw HBO's Carnival. There's a character based on Father Coughlin, who turns out to be a literal demon. Subtle, eh? Did I skip yours?
03:43:01 Scroll up. I don't think I saw one.
03:43:05 From you.
03:43:11 It might not have showed up on my side. Oh, yeah. No, I did. I did skip it, did I?
03:43:16 Skip anyone else.
03:43:20 Now I did, I skipped right over yours. Sorry about that. No, I've never seen. I've never seen it.
03:43:29 I've heard people talk about it. I've never seen it and wouldn't be surprised at all. He he seems to be what they base a lot of Hollywood characters on.
03:43:39 You gotta remember.
03:43:40 The people writing these characters are are Jews, and so this was one of the people that Jews were most afraid of.
03:43:50 So that's.
03:43:52 You know that's.
03:43:54 That's what they borrow. They borrow. You know, they always say, right, what you know and that. So when Jews think of something scary and evil they think of.
03:44:03 Vanti semites. Alright, guys. Well that's it for tonight. I'm going to crash out. I'm pretty tired.
03:44:13 It's been a long a long day. It's only Wednesday. It's already.
03:44:17 Been a long week.
03:44:19 I'll be back here on Saturday. I'm also going to be streaming with some other people. I need to look at my schedule over the next few weeks. I'm going to be on some other streams. I just got to.
03:44:33 Confirm a few things.
03:44:35 So I'll let you guys know about that on Telegram and on Twitter.
03:44:41 In the meantime.
03:44:45 For black pilled.
03:44:46 I am of course.
03:44:49 Devon Stang.
David Irving
03:44:51 Got somewhere in the stupid? Usually the women who marry blacks are the are the the ones who've been rejected by the whites. In my experience, I'm gonna be really tasteless here and. But usually the girls go out with the blacks, they're fat and tubby.03:45:04 And and generally the kind that I wouldn't have turned my head to look at is the rejects who may marry, marry outside their own race, and it's sad. Not much we can do about.
03:45:15 But I I blame the 747, frankly, which is well, the the planes carrying huge cargoes of of people from 1 country to another and dumping them there.
03:45:18 What's the list?