

Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Is.
00:00:01 70 62886.
00:00:10 62886.
00:00:14 13297.
00:00:19 132-976-0318.
00:00:29 60318.
00:00:34 263.
00:00:36 19.
00:00:39 2.
Friends Theme
00:00:55 Gonna be this way.
00:01:03 It's like you.
00:01:08 Have been your day.
00:01:18 I'll be there for you.
00:01:31 Still in bed at 10 and working again at 8. Just breakfast there.
00:01:38 Things are going great.
00:01:43 The.
00:01:53 You.
00:01:57 There.
00:02:19 What it's like to be me.
00:02:52 We're stuck in second gear.
Habbad Telethon
00:03:42 Again, being assigned to this job.
00:03:45 But sugar latitude in the house? Again, it is a mighty mitzvah to be here tonight, Chabad telethon fans.
00:03:54 Feeling you hit me.
00:03:57 Where the listen.
00:03:58 Chambers and the house, the Chambers brothers. Brother Dylan chambers.
00:04:08 Don't you ever be sad?
00:04:14 When the time is when the day comes and you are down and you're back to the ground, hold on.
00:04:27 Come on.
00:04:28 Coming.
00:04:30 Hold on. It's coming my way. Your brother, if you get cold, baby, come on, will be your cover.
00:04:52 Hold on.
00:04:55 It's public.
00:04:57 Hold on. Hold on, hold on.
00:04:59 Coming.
00:05:11 Shout to me, baby bear.
00:05:15 Sharon.
00:05:19 This call mode name now.
00:05:23 It's still reaction. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:05:27 Yes.
00:05:39 Can't see it.
Devon Stack
00:05:39 Teachers vote.
Habbad Telethon
00:05:46 Don't you ever.
00:05:51 When the time is bad and when the day comes and you are down, baby and the river travels, you're back to the ground.
00:06:12 Hold on.
00:06:19 That's true.
00:06:21 Hold on. Hold on here, everybody. Thank you.
00:06:38 You know I'm.
00:06:38 A little hungry.
00:06:40 Now can someone tell me look cola?
00:06:54 Tonight we proudly present.
00:06:56 Our friends, the cast of friends.
00:07:03 Everyone. If you need a friend, how bad is the one?
00:07:03 Hey dear friend.
00:07:06 To go to.
00:07:07 You don't have to be.
00:07:07 Jewish to be helped by Habad.
00:07:10 They help everyone, regardless of race, color or creed.
Numbers Lady
00:07:13 They help the.
Friends Theme
00:07:13 Drug addicted the hungry, the homeless, the young and the old.
Jewish Judge
00:07:17 And even if you don't fall into one of those categories, whatever you need habad is.
Habbad Telethon
00:07:20 There for you.
00:07:22 And this is what?
00:07:22 The.
00:07:23 Telephone is all about people helping people.
Devon Stack
00:07:26 Tonight, carbon needs all the friends it can get so they can continue to save lives is what they're all about. So be friends, go to your phones now and call about.
00:07:48 Hey, what's going on? Welcome to the insomnia stream insomnia stream.
00:08:01 I'm your host, of course.
00:08:04 Devin starrick. Yeah, that's right.
00:08:12 Tonight's edition is insomnia. Stream the rorschach.
00:08:18 Edition. Yeah, it's the Warshak edition.
00:08:25 It's all about a Rorschach test.
00:08:30 Seems the no matter how hard I try.
00:08:36 It seems like no help, no matter how hard I try to explain to people who are ******* sipping on Caprice signs and watching Chippendale rescue Rangers in the ******* 90s and think that they understand what culture is. Ohh, we need to go back to the 90s.
00:08:54 It's it's like I can't ******* reason with these people, so I devised a plan.
00:09:00 I decided to meet them where they're at and start speaking their language.
00:09:06 Is it is it? Is it computing now? Is it computing now? You ******* ridiculous *******.
00:09:14 Jesus ******* Christ. I can't believe I can't believe that I have the patience for this. I barely have the patience for this. I'm. I'm. I'm hanging on. I'm hanging on to a ******* thread here. Over here. I'm oh, really?
00:09:34 Close. Really close to just losing it. Be funny it it would be. It'd be more fun to be crazy, right? I mean, in a way, right, it I'd be. I guess I'd be doing the whole. I can't beat him. So I joined. They wanted to live in a delusional live in my delusion.
00:09:51 So of course all this.
00:09:52 Started.
00:09:54 With.
00:09:56 Again, seeing this resurgence of people online.
00:10:00 Saying they need to go back to the 90s, they need to go back to the 90s.
00:10:04 They need to.
00:10:04 Go back. They have no understanding it as to why they're saying that most of them weren't even alive in the 90s or they were in diapers.
00:10:14 They don't know what 90s culture is. They don't know what the 90s were like. They're confusing childhood memories with the 90s.
00:10:26 And so I decided.
00:10:29 Just to make it clear that the 90s were the most philosemitic decade that America, and so therefore the world had ever seen.
00:10:40 I decided to just do something simple.
00:10:43 Just do something simple, compile a little list.
00:10:48 Compile a little listy list.
00:10:51 Of the the cultural icons.
00:10:55 Of the 90s.
00:10:58 No, just to show you kind of what it.
00:10:59 Was you were lusting after.
00:11:03 You want to go back to the 90s, huh? The 90s culture. That was peak culture. I keep hearing people say that was peak white culture.
00:11:13 Oh really?
00:11:15 That was peak white culture.
00:11:18 How did then, how did we fall so fast and far from the 90s? What? What if that was the peak?
00:11:25 That was the pinnacle of white culture. To think that the, I mean Jesus Christ, look **** has gotten bad. **** is bad when you're looking at the 90s and thinking ohh, that was pool. That's the best whites could ever do.
00:11:43 Oh, it was so good then. Oh, really? Really. Well, you better think about this long and hard because I don't think you really understand what you're saying.
00:11:53 I don't think you really get what you're saying.
00:11:55 So I started to compile this list.
00:11:58 And I tweeted it out simply.
00:12:01 Quote I Miss White culture from the 90s.
00:12:05 And then I said, the white culture from the 90s.
00:12:09 And I began to list again some of the most popular.
00:12:14 Cultural icons of the 90s.
00:12:17 Steven Spielberg.
00:12:19 Jerry Seinfeld.
00:12:21 Adam Sandler.
00:12:24 Sarah Jessica Parker.
00:12:26 Natalie Portman.
00:12:28 Ben Stiller.
00:12:30 The Beastie Boys, why not a writer? Jason Alexander? Fran drescher.
00:12:38 David duchovny.
00:12:40 And of course.
00:12:42 Most of friends, and by that I mean the the.
00:12:44 Cast it's two of them, but the.
00:12:47 Production crew etc. Right and riders.
00:12:53 These are the most influential or some of a handful of the most influential. There's there's many more, trust me.
00:13:01 This is a handful of some of the most influential people in 90s culture. You don't have to like it. It doesn't matter if you like it. That's the way it is. And of course, this was met with lots of protests, lots of room temperature, IQ protests from again, people who most likely the 90s.
00:13:20 It's just a fuzzy memory for them.
00:13:23 They think, for example, well, I didn't watch friends, so it's not 90 cult 90s culture, really. That's odd.
00:13:31 That's that's a that's a.
00:13:32 Weird way of looking at things.
00:13:35 I would say maybe narcissism is coming into play if that's how you how you view the world. And by the way, this is not this.
00:13:44 Is this is?
00:13:44 Just a short portion of the list.
00:13:47 The list is much, much longer, as I discovered. I started like listing and once I started listing these cultural icons, I just couldn't stop, especially as people were trying to complain that this was not representative of of cultural icons of the 90s.
00:14:03 Was like OK.
00:14:05 OK. You you want more than just TV stars? You want more than just movie stars? I'm sure we can come up with some.
00:14:11 People, probably some musicians, artists, authors and so away I went away. My spergy little autism went.
00:14:20 And I camp with more.
00:14:22 So many more.
00:15:45 And I thought, hey, that's probably enough.
00:15:48 Right. That's probably enough to to to let people get the the severity of the problem, the fact that when you read these names, they're all names you're familiar with. If you were alive in the 90s.
00:16:01 And yet you would still hear people. Oh, no, that's not culture. That's media. Oh, I wasn't. I wasn't aware that the two were separated. Do tell, do tell. What is 90s culture? And of course, either people would start to name stuff they liked, they they would furiously.
00:16:20 They will try to find, trying desperately to find something that maybe Jews had nothing to do with, but then list another piece of media or they would start going on and on about ohh no white culture. It's like Shakespeare.
00:16:33 Here it's like Shakespeare. Ohh, Shakespeare. Shakespeare is what defines culture of the 90s, you know, cause I remember the 90s people were just walking around quoting Shakespeare all day. Man, I couldn't get enough of that, Shakespeare. Ohh, man. I'd wake up in the morning. I'd be like, oh, time to get down to to reading.
00:16:54 Me some ******* Shakespeare.
00:16:58 Shakespeare is is the culture of the 90s, but Forrest Gump isn't. Is that is that right? Is that what you're saying?
00:17:06 You realize that if you were to approach people?
00:17:09 In the 90s.
00:17:11 And ask them to accurately quote Forrest Gump. Just random people. You would get more people that could accurately quote Force Gump lines that could quote the Bible.
00:17:25 But that's not culture, I guess, right?
00:17:29 That's pop culture. Some people would say that's not the same. You're right. It's not the same. You a pop means in pop culture. It doesn't mean popcorn. It means popular. It means it's the most popular culture. You see. It doesn't matter if you like it.
00:17:47 It's the most popular. Well, it's only popular because they they artificially promote it doesn't matter.
00:17:56 It doesn't matter if they artificially promote it, and that's why it's the most popular culture. It's the most popular culture.
00:18:08 When you go to school.
00:18:11 And you talk to your friends.
00:18:14 You're not talking about.
00:18:17 The industrial revolution.
00:18:20 You're not talking about.
00:18:25 Like like the great heroes of white history.
00:18:29 You're talking about the episode of Silent Live you saw last weekend. That's just the way it is. And if you think that it's not the way it was for most people, you're ******* delusional. Or you're lying.
00:18:40 You're ******* lying.
00:18:43 That's the way it was. It doesn't matter. It look maybe you or some weirdo sperg. Maybe you were some weirdo spurge and you were like ohh, I already know about the I'm eleven but I already know about the Jews and I'm all I'm going to do all day long is is study, white culture and none of that Jew stuff is going to somehow get in there.
00:19:05 You're not the main character of the story.
00:19:09 Culture of the 90s is not what you liked.
00:19:14 It's what influenced the most people.
00:19:18 And I can guarantee ******* to you that the Jewish culture machine, and it was a machine.
00:19:26 Was in full ******* control.
00:19:30 You want to know why it's shipped today?
00:19:33 It's because of the culture in the 90s.
00:19:36 But it was nicer in the 90s. People weren't so racist, and they, you know, they weren't like all these ********. And she's like.
00:19:43 Yeah, they were laying down the groundwork for that.
00:19:46 Yeah.
00:19:48 Every almost every 90s movie, if there's more than one race in it, every 90s movie has an element.
00:19:54 Of white guilt.
00:19:58 It's just brewing at a comfortable level.
00:20:04 The heat just hasn't been turned up yet.
00:20:07 And you were young and ******* stupid and you still thought Seinfeld was funny.
00:20:13 So you didn't notice.
00:20:16 You didn't ******* notice.
00:20:22 You know, it's so funny because all these people that they'll say, oh, you know, movies aren't culture.
00:20:29 How many of them do you?
00:20:30 Think have used the term red.
00:20:32 Pilled you realize that's from a movie in the 90s?
00:20:38 And that that is now like part of your lexicon. It's not culture, though, right? It's just some stupid movie.
00:20:46 You're just listing movies, really.
00:20:50 It's weird how well you know Andrew Tate, one of the most popular people you know, to young men on the Internet, talks about the matrix all the time. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he's referring to the movie from the 90s, called the Matrix.
00:21:08 But it wasn't culture, I guess, right? It wasn't culture. It was just some, just some thing just I.
00:21:14 Don't know what it is. It's media, media, media.
00:21:21 You delusional ******* *******, you silly little *****. You, you nostalgic little little *******.
00:21:31 It's frustrating. It's frustrating. And so because clearly this wasn't enough to prove my point.
00:21:37 Right. I had. I had to go on. I had to go on and keep. No, look, there's a lot more than this. There's a lot more than this.
00:22:32 That's right, we're back.
00:22:40 And you'll notice that well, it went so fast.
00:22:42 You probably didn't notice.
00:22:44 You'll notice if if I tell you that I guess.
00:22:48 It wasn't just a list of movie producers and actors and directors and television producers and television actors and directors. It wasn't even just the the the bands or lead singers of of popular bands.
00:23:07 So those were among the the those listed.
00:23:10 Yeah.
00:23:11 It was also fashion labels.
00:23:14 Fashion labels that are basically.
00:23:17 Emblematic of the of the of the 90s. Now, I'm sorry. Look, maybe maybe right. Maybe you just, like roll around in the mud in your backyard and threw rocks at your brother and you wore burlap sacks with holes in them. And. And so you didn't have a TV. Maybe you were raised by wolves.
00:23:39 In the 90s.
00:23:40 And so you know, you, you or you looked like a monk, right? You were. You were so above material things. You're you're.
00:23:48 Part of some cult.
00:23:50 Maybe you're part of some weird sex called in the forest.
00:23:54 Where some like five guys are running a train on your ******* alcoholic mom or you and your brother just ******* playing with the sticks in the mud.
00:24:05 Maybe maybe that was your life.
00:24:07 Right.
00:24:08 That I I I'm assuming that's what it must have been, especially from like, the the hilarious Europeans they're like.
00:24:14 Well, maybe American.
00:24:16 Many Americans washed all this stuff. Shut the **** **. You euro poor. As if you're not directly downstream from our ******* empire, you ***** ** ****. **** you. And I know there's a lot of you very fine Europeans out there, but some of that I'm. I'm talking to the ones that are being little ship bags on my Twitter feed as if they're somehow better than us.
00:24:37 Like. Ohh, that's Americans. Americans are watching all.
00:24:41 The TV. OK. Yeah. Yeah, the.
00:24:43 Simpsons got translated into like 30 different languages because nobody was watching it. Is that what you're saying? Well, I guess I guess your parents were so poor they didn't pay the ******* TV tax.
00:24:56 Shut the **** **. Shut the **** ** like you weren't watching American movies. We have the ******* numbers. We know you were. We know you were.
00:25:08 Anyway.
00:25:14 It's it's insane. It's insane that people think that media wasn't culture, but even if they did, even if they did, guess what? Guess what? I'll give you some some names and numbers here.
00:25:27 You ready? Who do you think? Just as an example? I mean, I'm just going to name some some brands. Perhaps you've heard of again, maybe you're European. You're too poor to buy this stuff. And again, you just.
00:25:39 All you all you could do.
00:25:40 Is play with dirt and ******* rocks in your backyard and.
00:25:43 Roll around the mud.
00:25:45 But Estee Lauder?
00:25:46 Jew Calvin Klein Jew Ralph Lauren. Jew DKNY, run by a Jew. Victoria's Secret run by less ******* Wexner. A Jew who claims to be demonically possessed and worked and funded Epstein.
00:26:03 I'm sure by the way, right, Victoria's Secret has had no cultural impact. No one knows what that is, right? I'm sure not every ******* European listening to me has. No. Yeah, you don't know what victorious. What's that? What's that? Yeah, you ******* know what it is? Everyone ******* knows what it is. Which is weird, huh? Because it's one of these stupid.
00:26:24 American companies from San Francisco.
00:26:28 Culturally significant, I would call it culturally significant.
00:26:33 So yes, Victoria's Secret limited. If you ever went to the mall, they always said limited.
00:26:39 Howard Gross, CEO, Banana Republic what's that you ever would have heard of? Banana Republic in the ******* 90s? No, zeigler. The gap. What the **** is the gap? What's all this obscure ****, this culturally irrelevant stuff you keep throwing around, Devin.
00:27:00 The gap in the 90s, Mickey Drexler, ohh, little thing called Levis. I mean the name should clue you in. Levi Strauss. I mean, it's it's. It's in the name. Right. And and and for all you Russians, don't act like you wouldn't ******* set your mom on fire for a pair of those in the ******* 90s.
00:27:22 I know you would. I know you wouldn't. We had Russian exchange students. They wanted ******* Levis and Marlboros. That's what they wanted. Bob Hass, a turbo Jew.
00:27:33 Adidas remember the 90s? There was.
00:27:35 Even a song. Oh.
00:27:37 Ohh day, I dream about sex. Yeah, Adidas, Adidas, Robert Louis Dreyfus won by a Jew again. This this is during the 90s. Some of these have probably changed. This is just during the 90s during the decade that we're talking about.
00:27:57 Remember Reebok?
00:27:59 Remember Reebok shoes?
00:28:02 I mean, I'm assuming they're still around, but in the 90s they were Big Paul fireman.
00:28:08 A Jew.
00:28:10 Starter.
00:28:11 This is for all you sports ball guys. All the jocks in high school.
00:28:16 They all wore starter jackets. That was like a status symbol.
00:28:20 That was a big thing, but totally culturally irrelevant, right?
00:28:25 Totally. Even though I guarantee you black people, like if you were to add it all up, thousands have been murdered for these jackets. And that's not an exaggeration.
00:28:36 Starter jackets worth a ****.
00:28:39 Yeah, David Beckerman.
00:28:42 Jew.
00:28:43 Remember guess.
00:28:46 Guest jeans girls like seem to like guests a.
00:28:49 Lot the the.
00:28:50 The iconic 90s guest T-shirt that.
00:28:53 Every popular girl in high school the 90s owned at least one of one of these shirts.
00:29:00 Jewish.
00:29:02 Jordash jeans.
00:29:04 Another brand that I haven't heard the name of since the 90s. I'm maybe they're still around.
00:29:10 I would say a family run business family of Jews, then a cash family.
00:29:15 Timberland boots.
00:29:17 Timberland boots these are really popular with the the rap guys. You know, there was a fact there was a rapper who named himself timberland after these ******* boots.
00:29:28 But not culturally significant, right? Not culturally significant. It's it's just a book that, like, one of the popular rappers of the time, named himself after your boot because all the black people were wearing your ******* boot.
00:29:41 And Wu Tang was dancing around your ******* boots on and singing about your boots.
00:29:47 But not not culturally significant, right? Have not. It's just it's just totally has nothing to do with 90s culture. Yeah, Sidney Schwartz.
00:29:57 Well ran Tim Timberland in the 90s.
00:30:00 Max factor. It's in the name at the time is run by his son Max Factor, Junior in the 90s Dockers.
00:30:09 Dockers.
00:30:10 In fact, doctors and this is something you'll start to pick up on, or maybe you won't cause. I don't think we're in too much detail about it, but something that we maybe we should go into more detail later.
00:30:20 One of the.
00:30:21 Things I realized.
00:30:22 While looking up all these name brands.
00:30:25 Was the synergy.
00:30:27 That was going on between the Jews.
00:30:31 As an example.
00:30:33 Dockers.
00:30:35 Pretty, you know, pretty low key white brand, right? That was in fact that was.
00:30:40 Kind of the joke.
00:30:41 The dockers, that's what I mean, you want white culture? That's what white people were wearing in the 90s. If you were boring white guy you. You wore dockers. That's just the way it was. And when I was reading up, when I was trying to hunt down the CEO's of all these companies and making sure they were, they were Jewish because like, if you rely on AI it it burns you, it ***** you over. So.
00:31:01 You have to like double check everything and so while I was like drilling down and and just trying trying trying to make sure everything was.
00:31:08 Accurate. One of the things I I came across was the fact that one of the ways dockers rolled out their their line was they had the cast of cheers dress entirely in in doctor Dockers design clothes. So like, you know, Sammy.
00:31:29 Sammy from cheers would be sport, you know, walking around sporting his ******* dockers.
00:31:35 And that's the kind of thing that you would see a lot. You know, I just mentioned the timberland boots and you got Raekwon, the chef, rapping about ******* timberlands. And and in fact, dying timber timberlands on the cover of one of his albums, I'm pretty sure.
00:31:51 Well, you know Wu Tang's not Jewish. But I I guarantee you that some Jew gave him some money.
00:31:58 To do that.
00:32:00 There's a lot of ******* synergy.
00:32:02 A lot of ******* synergy.
00:32:05 All you had to do was get famous people like 90210 actresses wear this guest shirt.
00:32:12 And all all the white girls in ******* high school want to buy it. But it's not culture, right? It certainly doesn't have an influence on the people.
00:32:21 Well, those are just NPC's, those.
00:32:23 Are. Yeah. Guess what, genius? That's that's the majority of people.
00:32:28 You don't have to like it.
00:32:31 You can reject pop culture. I remember really disliking pop culture growing up.
00:32:37 Lots of people did, but The funny thing is, the Jews are clever when they sense that there's a significant amount of people rejecting the pop culture. What do they do? They present you with.
00:32:49 An alternative, in fact, they even called it that the 90s, they just package a different pop culture and and tell you no, this is different.
00:32:52 OK.
00:32:58 No, you're, you're you're sticking it to the man when you when you buy these albums instead.
00:33:02 Of these albums.
00:33:04 No. Wear these flannel shirts.
00:33:07 That's way cooler. Those those ******* ******** at school wearing their starter jackets.
00:33:14 You're wearing flannel, so you're way cooler. Oh, yeah. Get this wallet chain chain this wallet.
00:33:20 To your belt loop.
00:33:23 Where are these giant skater pants?
00:33:27 You can get it. You can get it at the same mall that like all the the not.
00:33:30 Cool stuff is at.
00:33:35 But this is your identity. You're you're not, you're you're bucking the trends. You're an original.
00:33:43 Get an extra big belt.
00:33:46 And then tighten it and have like the the end of it, just flopping around between your legs like a like a belt ****.
00:33:57 Shave these these vanilla ice steps into the side of your head. Then, then everyone will know you don't. You don't follow trends. You're. Yeah, you're under this ****.
00:34:17 Have a Mohawk that's super edgy, maybe die in an interesting color.
00:34:23 No one's doing that. Yeah, you can get, like, a leather jacket, and then you can get a giant patch that says Misfits on it.
00:34:34 Again, you can buy it at the same mall that everyone else is buying their stuff at, but you are a rebel.
00:34:42 You're ohh. You don't wanna do that. You wanna be a goth kid?
00:34:46 We have a whole store for you.
00:34:54 And it was basically the 90s.
00:34:56 And I was. I was like, I was crueler than all the people wearing the name brand. ****. I was buying vintage clothes, man. OK, buddy, I was wearing corduroys before they came back.
00:35:12 I was wearing like corduroys and and old trucker hats.
00:35:21 You ******* ******.
00:35:25 Oh.
00:35:28 People are saying we went offline, I didn't go offline. I've been on like there's been no drop on my end. So if anything.
00:35:37 If anything dropped, it was on race streams side or on Odyssey side.
00:35:43 But I'm still good over here. I didn't get any any error messages at all.
00:35:50 So anyway, yeah, we got.
00:35:54 Max factor, we got dockers, we got Mark, Echo it's actually it's like it's like I don't forget the name it's like Mark Eckenstein. He just changed it like Mark Ecko.
00:36:05 Richard Hayne ran Urban Outfitters.
00:36:09 Urban Outfitters. Remember that.
00:36:11 Miller's outpost.
00:36:14 I mean, it's in the name we should have.
00:36:15 Known better Irving Miller.
00:36:17 Kenneth Cole.
00:36:19 It's in the name. He's a Jew.
00:36:22 Revlon, for all you ladies, Revlon.
00:36:26 Probably one of the most popular brands of makeup.
00:36:30 Or beauty products? I'm not know. I'm not a girls. I I vaguely remember Revlon commercials.
00:36:38 Ronald Perlman.
00:36:41 American Eagle Outfitters.
00:36:44 That was run by the Schottenstein's.
00:36:48 The Schottenstein S.
00:36:51 So yeah, it was. It was all the clothing. Not all. I mean, obviously there's there's a few here and there and some of it was probably Jewish. I just couldn't, you know, really nail it down. For example, Old Navy, remember Old Navy.
00:37:05 It was. It was just a little redundant because it's the same people. Old Navy was run by the same people that ran gap.
00:37:12 But it's, you know, same Jews, same Jews as the Rand gap.
00:37:16 And all those goofy Old Navy commercials.
00:37:20 Tell me you don't remember that ****.
00:37:22 Yeah.
00:37:23 You don't remember.
00:37:25 Look, and I hate to tell you, commercials part of the culture.
00:37:30 Part of the culture here it is all these years later. You know what I'm talking about when I say those weird Old Navy commercials. You know what that is?
00:37:40 That stuck with you.
00:37:44 That stayed in your head.
00:37:46 Imagine what else stayed in your head.
00:37:52 But again, it's not just the clothing.
00:37:55 It's not just the movies. It's not just the TV.
00:37:59 It's not just the the music.
00:38:02 Although it's, it's certainly lots of that. I mean, look, for ***** sake, this stuff is I mean.
00:38:07 I.
00:38:08 The names go. I mean it's on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Doesn't matter if you were watching Comedy Central, thinking you were cool watching the squiggly animation of of of Doctor Katz, Jonathan Katz, most of his guests were also Jews.
00:38:24 He was a Jew, obviously.
00:38:26 Doesn't matter if you were watching that didn't matter if you were watching Columbo.
00:38:31 Didn't didn't matter if you were watching some most remember the Comedy Central roast, Jeff Ross and a pack of other Jews.
00:38:39 Sarah live, Lorne Michaels and a bunch of Jews on the cast.
00:38:45 You had liar Cohen over at Def Jam Records.
00:38:51 We had the guy who who turned Petit into a a predator fagot.
00:38:59 And we did like a whole stream on him. Clive Davis.
00:39:04 We have that going on in the 90s. I mean, imagine all the **** that was going on at at Pete Daddy's House in the ******* 90s.
00:39:13 And that's the guy that was affecting your culture.
00:39:17 You trying to tell me you don't? You don't know who.
00:39:19 Tupac Shakur was.
00:39:22 That's black culture. Yeah, but you.
00:39:24 Know who he is.
00:39:27 You know, you know that someone shot Biggie, you might not know much more than that.
00:39:30 But you know that.
00:39:33 You can probably even sing a few bars of a biggie song.
00:39:43 Doesn't matter that it was black and you, maybe you're going to say ohh no. After I ******* hated rap.
00:39:51 OK. Again, you're not the main character, dude.
00:39:55 This movie is not about you.
00:39:58 Most people the popular culture were they were exposed to this stuff.
00:40:08 We had entire networks, all the big networks had Jewish heads. You had Leslie Moonves over at CBS. You had Bob Iger over at ABC. You had Jeff Zucker over at NBC.
00:40:20 You had Peter Roth, the president of Warner Brothers television.
00:40:25 Richard Rosenblatt, president of Fox Television.
00:40:29 And Michael Eisner, president of we're CEO of of Walt Disney.
00:40:36 Are you going to tell me that Disney?
00:40:39 Has no impact on the culture.
00:40:43 Well, what I meant to say is that like it's white culture. Yeah. Really. What? What? Where's what's this? White culture?
00:40:51 You keep telling me about.
00:40:55 Because no one they they would never say that these people that would comment on this thread, they would never say no, this isn't culture. This is culture. No, it would just be. That's not culture. That's Jews.
00:41:07 Surprise.
00:41:10 Jews major culture in the 90s. That's the ******* point, ******.
00:41:16 That's the that's the point golem. Figure it out.
00:41:21 You don't want to go back to a decade.
00:41:24 Where Jews were right in the storybook for you.
00:41:30 You don't want to go back to a decade. As I've said before, where everyone was laughing at Seinfeld and crying at Schindler's List.
00:41:50 What about Jerry Springer? Is he culturally?
00:41:54 Significant in the 90s, I'm pretty sure everyone has has heard of Jerry Springer, the Jerry Springer show.
00:42:02 Jerry. Jerry. Jerry.
00:42:06 But not culturally significant, right? That's just for those stupid fat Americans that just watched TV all day. I've never heard of that.
00:42:14 I was in the backyard playing with mud.
00:42:18 I was in the backyard eating glue and playing with mud while people were running the tray on my alcoholic mom that couldn't afford the TV bill.
00:42:27 In the sex cult in the forest where I lived.
00:42:30 With the wolves, you're not fooling anyone, ******.
00:42:41 Maury Povich.
00:42:43 Also a Jew, Sally. Jesse Raphael, also a Jew.
00:42:49 Ricki Lake, also a Jew.
00:42:54 And look, some of this stuff might end up being second hand. For example, my mom, my boomer mom in the 90s, she really liked Doctor Laura.
00:43:06 Doctor Laura slush slushie.
00:43:08 Anger, I think, is the last name.
00:43:13 But she just went by Doctor Laura for obvious reasons.
00:43:17 Sounded a lot more waspy, taking advice from someone named Laura. I had a I had a cousin named Laura.
00:43:26 My mom would listen to that show almost every day or, you know, five days a week that it was on.
00:43:36 On that show, it was it was a Jew giving out Jewish advice.
00:43:42 To lots of boomer women all across the country.
00:43:46 Advice on how to raise their children?
00:43:50 Advice on how to manage their marriage?
00:43:56 Even their relationships with their friends.
00:44:01 Or their extended family.
00:44:06 And sometimes I'd be stuck in the car listening to a ******* doctor, Laura, because that's what my mom was want or listening to as we drove around getting groceries or whatever.
00:44:16 The **** right?
00:44:19 And it would just be doctor Laura blathering on.
00:44:25 Giving her Jewish advice to goyam women.
00:44:30 Middle-aged going women who would often call it the show, sometimes crying.
00:44:36 Because of some weird.
00:44:38 Problem they had.
00:44:42 And Doctor Laura would deliver her advice.
00:44:45 Pretty sure she also wrote a column, but that's not so that's not. That's not culture of the.
00:44:50 90s at all.
00:44:52 It's not culture. The 90, a radio show that has millions of listeners but has no cultural impact. That's just radio. That's just Jewish media.
00:45:04 No cultural impact at all, right?
00:45:10 What about the sassy Judge Judy?
00:45:14 The Sassy Judge Judy Judy getting away.
00:45:22 Now she's tough but fair and.
00:45:25 I like her relationship with that black guy that.
00:45:28 Whatever his name was.
00:45:35 Lots of people like that show. See it's, it's.
00:45:40 The thing that a lot of people forget a lot of people that are on Twitter all day long saying that ohh, that's cause fat Americans are watching TV all day. Yeah, because the Internet didn't exist yet. **** **** like it was. That's where everyone got all of their entertainment and all of their ******* news.
00:46:00 It was the TV.
00:46:01 There was no Twitter, there was No 4 Chan.
00:46:06 There was no anything.
00:46:08 There was no Internet. I mean there was. But I mean, we're talking again, culturally significant, not yet, not yet.
00:46:16 Late 90s starting to be.
00:46:20 Starting to be.
00:46:24 But it took a while.
00:46:26 Because I was, I was bleeding edge.
00:46:29 And.
00:46:29 We barely had any kind of Internet until the late 90s.
00:46:32 And most of my friends thought I was a ******* dork for having it in the first place. It didn't get big till the 2000, and it didn't get really big until the stupid iPhones came out.
00:46:40 And made it so ******* could use it.
00:46:46 TV was hit.
00:46:50 Well, it's a stupid Americans.
00:46:52 Watching TV? Well, I'm sorry that the way you got your weather was staring at a a log on the ground or or having, like, a divining rod, like aimlessly walking around your your wheat field with a divining rod in your hand, trying to find, like, the, this this magic gnome that's going to tell you what.
00:47:10 The weather is going to be like.
00:47:11 Next week.
00:47:13 In America, we watch TV to find out what the ******* weather was going to be like.
00:47:27 That's how you got the news.
00:47:30 That's how you got the news. There was no YouTube, there was no. I'm watching YouTube videos on my phone at 3:00 AM. No, it was. I'm gonna watch the sitcom that everyone in my family can agree on. So it's going to go down to, like the lowest common denominator. And all the Jews in Hollywood know that's the exact exactly what happens. So they make.
00:47:50 Television shows precisely for that.
00:47:54 And then fill it full of Jewish messages.
00:47:57 Jewish messages that, by the way, mesh up with all the other Jewish messages that are coming from every other direction.
00:48:06 They're coming. They're coming out of the TV. They're coming out of the radio. They're coming out of the newspaper. They're coming out of the songs on your CD player. They're coming out of the the politicians even.
00:48:26 Yeah, but I didn't. I didn't like it. I looked at your list and I hate it. Adam Sandler. What doesn't ******* matter. You can be American and hate hamburgers.
00:48:37 But hamburgers are still American food.
00:48:41 Even if you don't like them.
00:48:44 You not liking them doesn't change it.
00:48:53 This this Internet narcissism.
00:48:57 Because you have this abundance of choice.
00:49:01 Right, because you can 100% control everything on your phone.
00:49:07 100% Control what you listen to, what you watch and how you listen to it and watch it. And when you listen to it and when you watch it.
00:49:16 It's giving you some ****** ** view of of what things are like in the ******* 90s.
00:49:23 So you don't even ******* know what you're lusting for.
00:49:36 Ohh, it's TGIF.
00:49:38 Wonderful.
00:49:42 The show, about 3 dudes living in San Francisco raising some girls.
00:49:50 With no mom.
00:49:53 But it's wholesome.
00:49:55 That's the wholesome programming.
00:50:00 Because they're not like doing heroin or something.
00:50:04 It can't possibly have led to anything bad having a show.
00:50:09 With three single dudes.
00:50:12 Raising girls, children, babies.
00:50:18 Without a mother and a house in San Francisco that clearly, that was just. It was just a that was a wholesome show.
00:50:29 Jewish Bob Saget.
00:50:32 Raising those little girls.
00:50:43 Totally innocent. That was, you know, finally, go back to programming like that in the 90s.
00:50:53 Maybe Jewish Pee Wee Herman.
00:50:57 Pee Wee Herman had had 0 cultural impact, I'm sure.
00:51:04 Howie Mandel.
00:51:08 Sean Penn? Mike rappaport.
00:51:14 Dave Attell.
00:51:17 Dave Attell, who would travel around.
00:51:20 To American cities.
00:51:22 To find drunk boys to talk to.
00:51:27 I remember when he came to Albuquerque, it was a big thing.
00:51:34 Matt Stone, the Jewish half of South Park. You know, South Park, though, that's had 0 cultural impact, right?
00:51:42 South Park has had no impact on the culture of whites. Zero. It certainly didn't make more people libertarian did it.
00:51:55 By constantly hammering libertarian ideals week after week.
00:52:02 By humiliating.
00:52:05 The left and the right.
00:52:08 And saying no.
00:52:08 This is the cool way libertarians the cool way.
00:52:12 But you have to like **** and.
00:52:15 And Jews.
00:52:22 In fact, you have to really like ****. In fact, we're going to try. You're going to desensitize you.
00:52:29 In the most ridiculous way, I'm sure that was not culturally significant week after week. One of the coolest shows on TV.
00:52:42 Showing you the most disgusting.
00:52:46 Homosexual acts.
00:52:49 Over and over and over again.
00:52:51 In a way that wasn't even really comical it.
00:52:53 Was just like.
00:52:55 Over the top.
00:52:59 To just wear you down to where you were.
00:53:01 Just like numb to it.
00:53:08 Ohh, I'm watching cartoon ******.
00:53:12 This this is.
00:53:14 Very graphic cartoon ******. But it's funny because it's like, you know, the animation's bad or whatever.
00:53:21 Oh, it's funny because there's a hamster up his ***.
00:53:37 And again, it doesn't matter. You might might be secondhand while you're off to school.
00:53:45 Your boomer mom flips on the TV and oh, it's Regis and Kathy Lee.
00:53:53 Kathy Lee Gifford is Jewish.
00:53:57 Regis, I thought would have been.
00:53:59 I I can't find anything about him being Jewish, but that same habad telethon he did a he did.
00:54:05 A thing for that?
00:54:07 He was very enthusiastic, way more enthusiastic than the the actors on friends.
00:54:14 I don't know if he just loves Jews or.
00:54:18 Or they, Epstein, them or. Or if he's Jewish or what, but.
00:54:22 Might as well be at that point.
00:54:26 Geraldo.
00:54:32 Mike.
00:54:33 Wallace.
00:54:36 Revered news man Mike Wallace.
00:54:45 What about the books? What about the books?
00:54:53 Did you like books when you were a kid? I I you know, there's there's two.
00:54:58 2 authors.
00:55:01 That I think really were very popular in the 90s, so more than two.
00:55:06 But two of the most popular authors in the 90s for young adults, Judy Blume.
00:55:11 Jewish.
00:55:12 RL Stein Jewish.
00:55:21 Doing the magic, David Copperfield. Jewish.
00:55:30 That other guy, what's his name? He's Jewish too.
00:55:33 Look it up.
00:55:36 The other.
00:55:36 The other magic Jew.
00:55:41 Anyway, the other one, he's Jewish too.
00:55:45 Yeah, Jewish magicians.
00:55:52 And it's all around you.
00:55:55 It's everywhere you look.
00:55:58 Maybe you don't like movies. Maybe you don't like TV. Maybe you want to read comic books. I always thought that was gay, but maybe that's your thing.
00:56:06 Well, Superman, Jewish, Batman, Jewish Joker, Jewish Spiderman, Jewish Captain America, Jew.
00:56:13 Fish the Hulk, Jewish X-Men, Jewish Iron Man, Jewish Fantastic Four Jewish 4, Jewish New Thors and Norse God shut the **** **. The comic book is Jewish, Black Panther, Jewish, Daredevil, Jewish, The Avengers, Jewish, the Punisher, Jewish, the Flash, Jewish.
00:56:33 Magneto's not just Jewish, he's a Holocaust survivor.
00:56:41 I said he's a Holocaust.
00:56:45 Survivor.
00:56:53 That's right.
00:56:58 What else might have been culturally significant?
00:57:02 In the 1990s.
00:57:05 The totally not Jewish 1990s.
00:57:10 Ohh, the biggest story really of the 1990s one could argue, certainly in politics.
00:57:16 The Monica Lewinsky story.
00:57:22 Monica Lewinsky, the the Jewish intern, possible Mossad agent who, like I would say I I'm going to say likely Mossad.
00:57:34 Who blew the president?
00:57:38 And then and because look.
00:57:40 Who saves the dress?
00:57:42 Because that was. That was a big question even back then, right? It was part of like, WOW, that's kind of weird. She saved the ******* dress. That and look, because of all this talk at a young age, kids all across the country and the world cause don't act like this wasn't a story that did that didn't like, oh, we didn't. We didn't hear about what's this market.
00:58:03 That's all American politics. You guys ******* sat out there too?
00:58:07 All of a sudden, everyone knew.
00:58:09 What a ******* was.
00:58:11 In fact, a lot of lot of liberals were telling their kids that it wasn't sex.
00:58:19 I'm sure that didn't have a cultural impact.
00:58:28 Having a Mossad agent.
00:58:31 Not that Bill Clinton was hard to seduce. I mean, you know what I mean.
00:58:38 But you have a massage agent.
00:58:43 Keeping a come stained dress.
00:58:46 And that becomes the news.
00:58:49 Now it's all over the place in the Jewish news. Why? Probably because again.
00:58:55 Some masad black male ****. I don't know. You don't know?
00:59:01 But it does seem likely.
00:59:10 But I'm sure that had no effect on the culture, right?
00:59:17 There, there is a tremendous amount of high school girls that because their parents at home were saying that ******** weren't sex.
00:59:26 There's a lot of.
00:59:27 **** **** that happened in America after that.
00:59:33 I'm. I'm just being real.
00:59:37 Lots of lots of girls in the in the 90s.
00:59:42 And into the 2000s.
00:59:45 We're real, real casual with the ********.
00:59:53 I mean, it wasn't sex after all.
01:00:01 To that chick.
01:00:02 Going on, but the 90s were great.
01:00:07 Yeah, aside from that, like the race riots after the Rodney King thing, I thought all the racism was.
01:00:14 That was all solved, right? Isn't that what they tell you?
01:00:17 The 90s. There was no racism, just race riots.
01:00:21 In the 90s, there were no racism, just the black jurors on the OJ.
01:00:27 Trial letting off a murderer because he was black and they wanted to say **** you, the whites, that's that's but no racism, right?
01:00:37 Is that what we're saying?
01:00:44 And it's funny. So I put out this list, this list of Jews.
01:00:50 And I got a couple different responses and the the response about how this this culture.
01:00:57 Culture is me riding my bike.
01:01:01 Really. That's that's the hey guys, 90s culture.
01:01:07 Riding a bike.
01:01:10 Having a lunch pail that's with a Capri Sun in it and then watching.
01:01:18 Chippendale rescue Rangers or Transformers or something. There you go. 90s culture. That's because that's all. That's all my ******* smooth brain can remember from it.
01:01:34 But there are other responses.
01:01:39 Especially from Jews.
01:01:42 Because what did I actually do?
01:01:46 I didn't say there was no commentary really.
01:01:49 I simply said.
01:01:52 You want to go back to white culture? Well, this was white culture, and I proceeded to list the names of.
01:02:00 Jews who?
01:02:01 Were.
01:02:04 Steering the culture.
01:02:09 And that's it. I didn't. I didn't say anything about. I didn't say Adam Sandler's the devil.
01:02:16 I didn't say Ben Stiller was.
01:02:19 Was corrupting our white women or.
01:02:22 Or things like that.
01:02:24 I just sit here.
01:02:28 Here's a list of.
01:02:29 Of cultural icons from the 1990s.
01:02:33 And.
01:02:35 They're all Jewish.
01:02:41 And one of the one of the.
01:02:42 One of the uncomfortable responses.
01:02:46 One of the uncomfortable responses was.
01:02:50 So.
01:02:52 What does that prove?
01:02:57 Well, I think you know what that that implies.
01:03:00 I mean, I guess you could say it doesn't really prove anything. It's.
01:03:02 Just a list of names.
01:03:08 But I'm pretty.
01:03:09 Sure, you're inferring something by looking at that list of names.
01:03:16 And now you feel uncomfortable with the thought that's running around ramping your head?
01:03:23 Probably because of all the culture.
01:03:26 That you received in the 90s.
01:03:34 They're very, very upset by this.
01:03:40 And it reminds me not to go all Hitler on us.
01:03:42 But.
01:03:46 Reminding me of this quote, people posted this in the replies I saw. The Jew is immunized against all dangers. One may call him a scoundrel.
01:03:56 A parasite, a swindler, a profiteer.
01:04:00 It all runs off him like water off a raincoat.
01:04:05 But call him a Jew.
01:04:07 And you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back.
01:04:16 I've been found out.
01:04:26 And that was a response from a lot of Jews.
01:04:32 What are you trying to say by this?
01:04:37 I don't know. I'm just saying that's a.
01:04:39 Lot of Jews.
01:04:45 I'll let you. I'll let you come to.
01:04:47 Your own conclusion?
01:04:54 I suspect you have.
01:05:00 And that's why you're getting defensive. But I'll tell you what you really don't have to get that defensive Jews.
01:05:08 I know it's crazy.
01:05:12 A shocking amount of the guys are never going to catch on.
01:05:18 They're never going to catch on.
01:05:23 Like a heroin addict who has done the mental gymnastics required.
01:05:28 To justify why shooting heroin.
01:05:32 Is totally fine.
01:05:35 Even though an intellectual level it, it doesn't make any sense. The math doesn't add up.
01:05:42 Their pleasure sensors are so overridden by.
01:05:46 By that that they they.
01:05:48 Still do it.
01:05:54 And a lot, a lot. A lot.
01:05:56 A lot of guys are addicted to Jewish culture.
01:06:05 They'll say things, but yeah. But. But Seinfeld. I mean, I I I agree with you on some of this stuff.
01:06:12 But Seinfeld was funny.
01:06:16 They're basically this guy.
01:06:20 Or uncle Rico.
01:06:24 You know from the culturally insignificant film Napoleon Dynamite.
01:06:28 I think it's.
01:06:28 Early 2000. So it's not quite 90s.
01:06:32 But there's this guy for those who don't know, I'm showing a picture of Billy Mitchell.
01:06:37 If you've ever seen the documentary The King of Kong, or kept up with that, it's basically this pathetic old gamer and I have to say, allegedly a lot. Apparently, he sues everybody, this pathetic old gamer.
01:06:51 Who, for the longest time had the world?
01:06:54 Record in Donkey Kong.
01:06:57 But he had it at a time when, because of our high trust society, they didn't really verify it.
01:07:04 And partially because there wasn't.
01:07:05 Really an easy way to do that?
01:07:08 There was just some.
01:07:10 Arcade place in the Midwest somewhere.
01:07:14 They would keep track of the reported high scores that were sent in from people from around the country claiming, oh, I got this score.
01:07:25 And at the time, it seemed like a like a ridiculous.
01:07:27 Thing to lie about.
01:07:31 People didn't think that.
01:07:32 That you would lie about a video game score.
01:07:38 It's back when.
01:07:40 People still sort of cared about lying, I guess.
01:07:45 This would be the 80s, not the 90s.
01:07:49 And.
01:07:51 He reported that he had some really high score.
01:07:55 Along with some other people that had submitted other high scores or other games like Pac-Man and Centipede, and you know, whatever these, whatever the games were at the time.
01:08:07 And he was a minor celebrity. Yeah, they they had his picture with some of these other players and a couple of magazines and things like that.
01:08:17 But that was pretty much it.
01:08:20 Wasn't like he was like some.
01:08:22 Super famous guy, but it became part of his identity.
01:08:26 Yes.
01:08:28 He was the best.
01:08:30 Donkey Kong player in the world.
01:08:35 And if you watched King of Kong, you know what happened? Essentially some other guy.
01:08:41 Who gets, like, laid off from his job and and turns all autismo mode in in his garage with a a Donkey Kong machine? Beats the guys high score.
01:08:52 And this guy is so a pathetic.
01:08:58 And tied to some glory days.
01:09:03 Some weird identity.
01:09:08 There was tide to this Donkey Kong score in the ******* 80s again. This documentary is 2007.
01:09:18 So like 30-40 years later, this is still like a big part of his identity.
01:09:25 He allegedly and the evidence, I think is overwhelming, but I think anyone, any reasonable person that looks in this even a little bit, it's not so alleged, but allegedly for legal purposes.
01:09:41 He used name. If you're not familiar with that, it's.
01:09:47 An emulation program that emulates old arcade games and also leaves footprints digital footprints behind that are easy to identify.
01:09:58 If you watch footage of supposed gameplay that's shot on a VHS.
01:10:03 Camera, which is he handed over to the authorities in this theatrical scene, trying to rob the man who beat his alleged original high score.
01:10:05 What?
01:10:15 In front of a a group of people. So his the this guy, I think his name was like Steve Wiebe or something like that, had a had a legit score that everyone witnessed live. Him him get this score.
01:10:29 So this guy, allegedly because he's a ******* loser and his entire identity is to like a Donkey Kong high score in the 80s.
01:10:40 Fakes a high score on a tape.
01:10:43 Multiple times. Every time the score would get beat magically another tape shows up with him having beaten the score and over and over and over again. It just keeps happening.
01:10:58 Allegedly.
01:11:04 And that's how a lot of ******* people are that want to go back to the 90s.
01:11:09 They'll do anything.
01:11:11 To preserve some gay little notion that they have about how ******* wonderful it was.
01:11:18 Back in the good old days.
01:11:22 Back in the good old days, when they were somebody.
01:11:27 Back when Mommy still loved them.
01:11:32 Back when they still had all these hopes and dreams that are maybe now shattered, and that's why they look backwards instead of forwards.
01:11:41 That's why it's so important, because like this guy right here, for example, Billy Mitchell, what has he got going on in his life looking like a ******* complete ****** *** all the time sounding like an *******? The entire Internet hitting him and he sells, I think chicken, chicken wing, hot sauce or something.
01:12:00 I'd be looking back too.
01:12:07 So you got all these ******* losers who are unhappy. They feel trapped. They got nothing going for them in the now. They don't think they'll have anything going for them in the.
01:12:18 Future.
01:12:19 And so they latch on to momma's ***.
01:12:25 They want to go back to the comfort of mommys Milky ***.
01:12:33 They want to be rocked to sleep.
01:12:37 They don't want to face reality.
01:12:41 I mean, **** it wouldn't even get a time machine. That wouldn't be a good idea, because then they'd be faced with what? The reality, what the 90s really was.
01:12:50 They want to live in a memory.
01:12:53 Just like Billy Mitchell here. Allegedly.
01:12:56 If he had a time machine, it wouldn't matter, cause he'd still ******* suck a Donkey Kong back then too, because he probably lied about his first score.
01:13:09 But that's what we got going on. That's that's the. That's the kind of complaints that we have coming from whites in the West right now.
01:13:18 Ohh, we gotta go back. We gotta go back to this time.
01:13:22 This time, when it wasn't so hard, when things were easier.
01:13:30 And you know what? You know what they're saying.
01:13:36 It's not so much momma's ***, I guess.
01:13:42 They just want to be ruled by the Jews again.
01:13:47 They liked living under the Jewish spell.
01:13:50 ****. I had some people kind of saying that.
01:13:56 Well, yeah, but back then, I guess it was bad, but we didn't notice as much.
01:14:02 Wow.
01:14:04 That's.
01:14:06 Really, that's that's preferable to you, is it?
01:14:12 I'll tell you, I'm going to use another movie reference.
01:14:15 You know, even though movies are are totally culturally irrelevant.
01:14:21 Just media, bro, that's not culture.
01:14:27 To demonstrate.
01:14:29 Essentially what we're talking about with with most of these.
01:14:31 People.
Mr. Smith
01:14:36 Do we have a deal, Mr. Reagan, you know?
Mr. Reagan
01:14:43 I know this state doesn't exist.
01:14:46 I know that when I put it.
01:14:47 In my mouth.
01:14:49 The matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious.
01:14:59 After nine years, you know what I realize?
01:15:11 Ignorance is bliss.
Mr. Smith
01:15:17 Then we have a deal.
Mr. Reagan
01:15:21 I don't remember nothing, nothing. Understand.
01:15:30 And I want to be rich.
01:15:33 And someone important.
Mr. Smith
01:15:37 Like an actor. Whatever you want, Mr. Reagan.
Devon Stack
01:15:44 That's what they want.
01:15:50 Or to use a culturally.
01:15:53 Insignificant phrase. They want to take the blue pill.
01:15:58 They want to take the blue pill.
01:16:08 They wanna. They wanna go back and watch episodes of Seinfeld.
01:16:14 Because Seinfeld made them laugh, it couldn't have been Jewish propaganda. We got to give Jerry Seinfeld a pass.
01:16:23 It could have been propaganda because I liked it. You know that old ******* ******** excuse.
01:16:28 That I've I've.
01:16:30 I almost don't even want to like like like give the give the metaphors. I feel like it's just repetitive at this point, but it's ******* rat poison.
01:16:39 Rat poison doesn't work if it doesn't taste good to the rents.
01:16:45 When I first moved out here, I had to get rat poison because they were ******* rats chewing up everything out here. This place is abandoned for a while and it was the things living in it.
01:16:57 And the way the rat poison works.
01:16:59 Is it has to taste better than anything else in their environment, or else they'll eat something else, so it has to taste good. It has to taste not just good the best, and if any food they have available.
01:17:11 Because it doesn't just work right away.
01:17:16 It's actually kind of ****** **.
01:17:18 The way that it works.
01:17:21 It.
01:17:21 Suppresses their ability to absorb vitamin K.
01:17:29 And they don't notice.
01:17:31 It's not painful. It doesn't.
01:17:33 Make them really feel sick if.
01:17:34 It did. They might not come back and eat more.
01:17:42 Now what this does it creates a.
01:17:44 Problem for the rat.
01:17:46 After having after dining a few times.
01:17:50 At the at.
01:17:51 The rat poison.
01:17:52 Cafe.
01:17:56 Because vitamin K is important, if you don't want to internally bleed to death.
01:18:06 You internally bleed the death without vitamin K because whether you realize it or not, you're injuring yourself all the time.
01:18:15 If you stomp your your your foot, you know, maybe bang your hand on the wall or on the door. Maybe you pinch your finger. It's not a big deal. Your body heals it up rather quickly. You don't even know that it's happened.
01:18:34 But.
01:18:35 If you're lacking vitamin K, you just keep bleeding.
01:18:41 And keep bleeding.
01:18:43 And you internally bleed the death.
01:18:46 And that's how the rat poison works.
01:18:52 And that's how the propaganda works.
01:18:56 It has to taste great and.
01:18:58 It has to feel good or.
01:18:59 No one would watch it. Well, I don't watch that stuff. I hate.
01:19:01 It Seinfeld doesn't matter.
01:19:06 There was the highest rated show.
01:19:11 Once again, you're not the main character of the ******* 90s.
01:19:19 You could you could have seen zero Seinfeld episodes, and it doesn't make any difference.
01:19:25 Seinfeld was still very culturally significant in the 1990s.
01:19:31 And I dare say the majority of the people watch it.
01:19:34 Or white.
01:19:41 And they have to come back week after week or the poison.
01:19:44 Doesn't take effect.
01:19:48 There's all these other options all over the place.
01:19:54 If you don't keep coming back for more every.
01:19:56 Week. Then the poison might wear off.
01:20:01 The poison of Seinfeld that turns you, that makes you think it's funny to be a cynical Jew that looks down on the Golem, cause what Seinfeld really about?
01:20:11 What is it?
01:20:12 Now think about it. What's it really about?
01:20:17 It's about 3 cynical Jews.
01:20:21 Who apparently have all the free time in the world and infinite amounts of money.
01:20:29 Who live in New York.
01:20:32 Never have any like responsibilities.
01:20:37 But every week, Jerry's banging some new shiksa.
01:20:45 And they are getting into confrontations with a random guy.
01:20:51 Did they feel superior to?
01:20:56 And usually just.
01:20:57 Generally being awful people.
01:21:00 In fact, if you were to take away.
01:21:02 The laugh track.
01:21:11 It would just be watching the behavior of a.
01:21:14 Bunch of sociopaths.
01:21:20 And psychopaths.
01:21:22 Neurotic Jews acting like neurotic Jews.
01:21:29 But it was funny, right? George costanza. He's so hilarious with his neurosis.
01:21:48 And it's funny because a lot of people will stick up for.
01:21:51 This ****.
01:21:53 Well, I like Seinfeld. I like Curb Your Enthusiasm.
01:21:58 In fact, I I had someone a long time follower, spurge out and unfollow me today because of this.
01:22:04 I pointed out the ******* obvious. This is the same exact behavior you saw in Curb Your Enthusiasm.
01:22:10 Larry David Rider for Seinfeld.
01:22:16 This is a basically, there's no laugh track here, so this is just neurotic Jew being a psychopath.
01:22:20 No.
01:22:24 And looking down on a goyum.
01:22:26 He goes to a Christian woman's house.
01:22:30 And ****** all over a a painting of Jesus.
01:22:35 Guess how many Christians rioted after this episode aired?
01:22:41 0.
01:22:46 Because he was just being a silly, neurotic Jew, it was hilarious.
Larry David
01:22:50 There's your.
01:22:50 Bathroom. Oh, yeah. Second door on the right.
01:22:53 OK.
Devon Stack
01:23:08 I'll have some laugh track, so it's funny for.
01:23:10 You.
Habbad Telethon
01:23:14 Oh.
Devon Stack
01:23:52 Yeah, but Larry David, he's one of the good ones.
01:23:59 He just makes fun of you to your face.
01:24:02 But he's one of the good ones.
01:24:09 You're the joke. You're the punchline.
01:24:18 You know, it's funny because.
01:24:24 One of the reasons why.
01:24:27 People thought jewels were hilarious.
01:24:31 People thought ohh, you know, they're harmless.
01:24:34 I would say a lot of it was because of Schindler's List and because of the the myth of the the Holocaust.
01:24:42 People would say ohh, you know, it's great to see them. They're really making a comeback, you know, they were on the verge of extinction.
01:24:50 There were these poor, destitute people.
01:24:55 Put in camps. I mean, have you seen the photos? They were.
01:24:58 Skin and bones.
01:25:03 Then our boys, our GI's, they, they gave those Nazis what for?
01:25:12 And we let them in. Why wouldn't we? We've got a giant Statue of Liberty with a Jewish poem on it that says bring us your trash. And so he said, why not come on in?
01:25:25 What are they going to do? They had no money. But you know, thanks to our American system.
01:25:32 Really.
01:25:32 If anything, it's a compliment.
01:25:36 Tough American system, our capitalist system. It just goes to show that even these poor Jews.
01:25:43 They had not a penny to their name.
01:25:50 They can show up in our country and next thing you know, they're running media empires.
01:26:01 Because it's not like people were unaware.
01:26:06 The Jews were running Hollywood.
01:26:13 I mean, give me a ******* break.
01:26:16 That's the funniest thing about me publishing that that list.
01:26:22 It wasn't a secret back then.
01:26:25 Speaking of of Jewish culture, this was a big part of Jewish culture in the 90s too.
Adam Sandler
01:26:34 Put on your yamaka. Here comes Hanukkah. So much fun, Hakoah to celebrate Hanukkah. Hanukkah is the festival of lights instead of one day of presents, we had eight crazy nights.
01:26:54 When you feel like the only kid in town without a Christmas tree.
01:27:00 Here's a list of.
01:27:01 People who are Jewish, just like you and me.
01:27:07 David Lee Roth Lights * menorah. So do Kirk Douglas, James Kahn and the late dinner together at the corner gate. Delhi. Bowser from shanana.
01:27:25 Are really Paul Newman's half Jewish? And Goldie Hawn half two put them together? What a fine looking Jew.
01:27:42 You you don't need that balls or Jingle Bell rock cause you can spin a dreidel with Captain Kirk and Mr. Smart. Don't do it.
01:27:59 Hanukkah, the owner of the Seattle Super Sanaka celebrate Hanukkah? OJ Simpson.
01:28:07 Not a Jew.
01:28:10 But guess who is Hall of Famer Rod Carew? He converted. We got Anne Landers and her sister. Dear Abby Harrison. Ford's a.
01:28:21 Quarter Jewish. Not too shabby.
01:28:26 Some people think that.
01:28:29 Ebenezer Scrooge. Yes. Well, he's not, but guess who is.
01:28:34 All three stooges.
01:28:39 Fall back so many Jews are in showbiz. Tom Cruise isn't. But I think his agent is. Tell your friend Veronica. It's time to celebrate Hanukkah. I hope I get a harmonica.
01:28:58 That's lovely.
Devon Stack
01:28:59 Seeing The thing is, I know.
01:29:04 If you were alive in the 90s.
01:29:06 Many of you already know the words to that song. That's how popular that song, but I guess it was so culturally insignificant too, right?
01:29:15 I guess they had no effect on culture at all, did it? It's just media. It's just Jewish media.
01:29:22 I'm sure none of you had a friend that had that had this on tape or CD.
01:29:27 Maybe you were that friend.
01:29:38 But people knew.
01:29:41 People know that that showbiz was full of Jews.
01:29:48 And inglorious basterds? Kristof Vaults cited Nazi obsessed with finding Jews well, Christoff the mother lode.
01:30:12 So why is it different now that I posted the list?
01:30:22 The difference was is because of this.
01:30:28 Overwhelmingly Jewish.
01:30:31 Cultural machine.
01:30:37 The people that were watching.
01:30:39 All of the stuff that was inescapable, sure, you can say TV is not.
01:30:44 As culturally significant today as it was in the.
01:30:46 90s I would agree with you there.
01:30:48 But the 90s, it was super culturally relevant.
01:30:52 Movies.
01:30:53 TV radio. There was number Internet. I mean, you know, not really.
01:31:02 There was no Wikipedia, there was no early life, and when you were told that there were lots of Jews in Hollywood, it was framed in a funny, happy way.
01:31:11 Nothing to be worried about.
01:31:14 And why wouldn't you think that? Why wouldn't you think that maybe it was just all kind of a coincidence?
01:31:22 After all.
01:31:24 The Jews that were practicing nepotism and gatekeeping and making sure that basically only Jewish fiction was ever created, what was the contents of that Jewish fiction?
01:31:37 What was the? What was the American spirit?
01:31:41 Being transmitted.
01:31:45 In that content.
01:31:49 This rugged individualism, right?
01:31:52 We're all individuals.
01:31:55 Everyone gets to where they're going based on merit.
01:31:59 It was all very.
01:32:01 Libertarian in a way.
01:32:11 So why would you suspect that that Hollywood would be different?
01:32:18 Why would you suspect that Hollywood would be run by?
01:32:22 A ethnicity of people.
01:32:25 Who were very cleverly and effectively.
01:32:31 Rewriting history and guiding the.
01:32:35 The future of the country in a in a particular direction that most benefited them.
01:32:41 A A group of people who saw themselves as separate from the rest of us. Another thing that didn't make any sense to the people watching their their their fiction.
01:32:52 Because there was not a hint of that in Jewish fiction, there was never ohh we are Jews. We are separate. No, it was we're all Americans.
01:33:00 It's a melting pot.
01:33:03 Fact that you came up with that term.
01:33:06 So why would Jews think otherwise? Why wouldn't Jews just think that they were just another one of the ingredients poured into the melting pot?
01:33:17 E pluribus Unum. Out of many one.
01:33:29 Why would you think that that Jews would be?
01:33:33 Segregationists. When they spend so much time, lamb pulling the idea of segregation.
01:33:43 See and now all of a sudden you're starting to understand why Jews getting nervous when they see that list. Because these are the kinds of questions that white people are starting to ask.
01:33:53 They're starting to ask why was it that the messages in this 90s culture?
01:33:58 Why? Why was the message always white? People are bad. White people should feel guilty. White people should never collectivize white people should always defer to the the wise, non white.
01:34:19 How did our culture get here? Well, who was producing it?
01:34:24 Now the sun, you can understand why Jews would see that list and say, well, what do you mean by that?
01:34:32 What was a funny Hanukkah song back in 1994 isn't so funny.
01:34:36 Anymore. Is it?
01:34:58 You see.
01:35:00 Basically that list.
01:35:06 It's a Rorschach test.
01:35:11 It's one of those ink blots.
01:35:15 I don't know if they actually do that.
01:35:17 Or if that's just.
01:35:18 Something that I've seen in Jewish movies and assume that someone's gotta do it.
01:35:24 But you BLOB some ink on a piece of paper. You fold it in half, so you make a symmetrical design, but it's all random.
01:35:33 And hand it to someone and ask them to look at that and try to find a shape in it, like you're looking at the clouds and seeing different shapes in the clouds. What what image comes to mind when you look at this inkblot?
01:35:49 And based on what they say, you can make.
01:35:52 Certain inferences about.
01:35:56 What they're thinking about?
01:36:00 Or their mental state.
01:36:04 And if you if you do the inkblot test and it's a demon, no, this one's a demon. 2. They're all demons. You know, you weren't dealing with a psychopath.
01:36:19 And really what you get?
01:36:21 Is he? I think you get 2 camps.
01:36:30 You get one camp that sees this list.
01:36:41 And they say to themselves.
01:36:45 Wow.
01:36:47 Jews are actually kind of awesome.
01:36:51 What does this list prove?
01:36:54 This list proves that Jews are immensely talented.
01:36:59 In fact.
01:37:01 I had no idea.
01:37:04 That they were responsible for so many of my favorite.
01:37:10 Movies and TV and music from the 90s.
01:37:16 In fact, if anything, it almost makes me grow fond.
01:37:21 Of the Jew.
01:37:27 Now I was getting a little bit out of shape about this trans kid stuff and the drag syndrome and all this other, you know, degenerate **** that's been going on. But now that I remember, they made Seinfeld.
01:37:39 And waterboy.
01:37:42 And Happy Gilmore.
01:37:50 I mean, it's kind of kind of hard.
01:37:51 To stay mad at him.
01:37:59 And man, I I love my Cape ****.
01:38:04 I like going to see those Marvel movies.
01:38:12 Boy, I didn't know. All I didn't know all.
01:38:14 Those superheroes were all Jewish.
01:38:17 I had no idea.
01:38:19 Well, now I know. I kind of have an appreciation for these moronic little *****.
01:38:26 Quite the storytellers they are.
01:38:34 That's all this list proves to me.
01:38:43 And it's funny.
01:38:47 Because they sound exactly like.
01:38:53 A camp of the Jews that saw this same vorshak test.
01:38:59 Say the Jews would have two responses to this also.
01:39:03 Really one response, but that I guess it.
01:39:09 It came out two different ways.
01:39:17 You had the Jews that would panic.
01:39:22 They would see this in panic.
01:39:27 Start screaming about how Twitter has become a den of Vipers. It's a it's a Nazi hellhole.
01:39:39 Elon Musk has really let this place go. I don't feel safe.
01:39:44 Again, even there was no, there was no commentary. It was just.
01:39:47 Here's a list of Jews.
01:39:53 And then you have the other.
01:39:57 The other, I guess manifestation of basically I think the same feeling.
01:40:04 You would have the response usually like a quote, tweet or a reply that would say something along the lines of.
01:40:16 Lots of Lol's, lots of nervous laughter. Lol's.
01:40:20 At least that's how it would read it when I would when.
01:40:22 I would see these.
01:40:28 This Nazi here.
01:40:32 Thinks he's he thinks he's being anti-Semitic. Really. He just.
01:40:39 Telling everyone how ******* good. Good luck tell you're just making us look awesome haha.
01:40:48 Don't kill us again.
01:41:04 We are superior.
01:41:09 All you're doing Nazi is you're proving that we are superior. You're proving that all of your culture has to.
01:41:15 Be made by us.
01:41:19 You don't even have a culture.
01:41:22 What is this? Is this supposed to?
01:41:23 Be an own.
01:41:25 Is this supposed to be an own you big a big list proving that Jews?
01:41:30 ******* dominated the **** out of your culture.
01:41:36 You got a funny way of of of expressing your anti-Semitism, Mr. Stack.
01:41:44 Showing the whole world how much better we are at everything.
01:41:49 You disgusting little goyum.
01:42:00 And you know what? The golem.
01:42:01 That.
01:42:03 The fit in the first camp that look at the same Rorschach test, they agree.
01:42:12 They agree they want to go back to the era when the Jews were running the show. Clearly they were better at it.
01:42:19 Right. Clearly there were. We were way better off back in the 90s when Jews were at at peak influence.
01:42:30 It's time for us to hand the reins back over to the Jews.
01:42:39 And by the way, it should be of no surprise to anyone that that camp there seems to be a lot of crossover.
01:42:47 Between that camp of people and the people that don't seem to have a problem with Trump's.
01:42:53 Bending the knee of the Jews because.
01:42:55 Why would they?
01:43:02 Right. It's the same logic. Clearly they're just better.
01:43:04 At this than we are.
01:43:17 They're just, I want to go back to just watching the the the movies that the Jews make to keep me pacified while they run everything.
01:43:31 I don't care if if that means that we end up in in a in Jewish wars.
01:43:36 Which was the result of the Jewish influence and control that.
01:43:40 That set in in the 1990s.
01:43:42 Why do you think 911 happened right after the 90s?
01:43:47 Because they knew they could do it.
01:43:51 Everyone was so fast asleep.
01:43:55 They could have told you anything.
01:44:09 The number of people on yes I know.
01:44:10 There were some some spergy.
01:44:13 Exceptions you know, I'm sure. Like Ryan Dawson, right?
01:44:18 Six months later was like, oh, there's something up here. But then again, it doesn't matter. The vast majority of Americans.
01:44:27 Thought all the conspiracy theories were nonsense because the TV said.
01:44:41 The TV wouldn't lie.
01:44:46 Still no real Internet to to speak of.
01:44:51 Again I had.
01:44:53 Were qualified for broadband at that point, like DSL, I think it was.
01:44:58 I I I.
01:45:01 Basically interned at A at a computer store when 911 happened.
01:45:08 I remember waking up.
01:45:11 Turning on the TV.
01:45:15 Seeing 911 happening and justice.
01:45:19 I wasn't on my computer.
01:45:22 I had a computer I.
01:45:22 Had the Internet, but that's not, you know.
01:45:25 That wasn't the way it was back then. The news didn't happen on on the Internet and then make it to the TV. It happened on the TV and the Internet.
01:45:38 I ain't going.
01:45:39 To work that day until like like.
01:45:41 Noon or some ****. I just sat there watching it.
01:45:43 I didn't call it. I was just like, what the ****?
01:45:49 What's going on?
01:45:52 Tell me TV.
01:45:54 Tell tell me what's happening.
01:46:01 And that was the vast, vast majority of people.
01:46:09 And there's a lot of people that they want to go back to that comfy.
01:46:13 That comfy time?
01:46:17 They don't want to question why there's so many Jews around Trump, or why he's.
01:46:23 Going to habad lubovitch things and and putting weird magic rocks on some tombstone of a of a of a Moshe rock or you know, but they want to think about all that stuff.
01:46:41 Leave me alone. I want to watch Seinfeld.
01:46:45 Why must you ruin everything?
01:46:53 They want to go back to the 90s. I mean, hell, it's kinda it's if you believe the rumors about Laura. Loomer, we've.
01:46:58 Got a Monica Lewinsky?
01:47:03 In more ways than one.
01:47:17 See, it's so much better when Jews are in control. There's so much better at.
01:47:23 At running things than we are.
01:47:26 And here's here's a good example.
01:47:29 Here's a A Jewish judge.
01:47:32 Jewish judge, making sure that.
01:47:35 That justice is is served in our American court system because he knows better than us. You know, the racist whites.
Jewish Judge
01:47:43 Mr. Blake, your charge possession of marijuana.
01:47:46 You're going to do probable.
01:47:47 Cause you have the right to.
01:47:47 Remain silent, point for convenience, store crossing point. So I guess you cross the street.
Jewish Judge
01:47:52 The wait.
01:47:58 See jaywalking walking while black.
01:48:03 A PC search was conducted and the officer observed a large sack of Merrill.
Jewish Judge
01:48:07 I don't think so. I'll come all black. I don't think so. I'm going to find no probable cause. Sure, Blake, be careful, man. You know the world is against you. Don't let him be. Do something with your life. You know what? I.
01:48:18 Mean the more.
01:48:18 You just come on, man. Alright, I might.
01:48:21 Have to just take a seat back, alright? Anytime.
Devon Stack
01:48:25 Rock'n'roll black, the whole world's against you.
01:48:38 Doesn't matter that you have like a pound of.
01:48:39 Weed on you or whatever.
01:48:48 The Jewish judge knows what's up.
01:48:54 See, this is back. This is like what?
01:48:56 It was in the 90s.
01:49:02 So there's people that want to go back to the 90s, they want to just go back to.
01:49:05 Listening to the the wise Jews.
01:49:11 They want to have the Jews running the country again.
01:49:18 They just want the Jews to maybe not be so aggressive about it, right?
01:49:23 Like, if you're going to promote, you know, ****.
01:49:26 Raising kids. Can you at least cloak it in the same disguise that you did with full house and make it so that there's three single single guys living in a house in San Francisco raising babies, but they date women and it's kind of wholesome somehow?
01:49:47 And we know what you're up to, but.
01:49:49 Just don't make it so obvious.
01:49:52 Can we go back to that?
01:49:56 Can we go back to like the anti white racism and black culture is limited to just the, you know, the the?
01:50:03 The comedians and.
01:50:04 And black, you know, def comedy jam.
01:50:08 Constantly making fun of white people, but in.
01:50:10 A.
01:50:11 Less less aggressive way, you know, just make fun of the way we talk and and walk and how we can't dance and stuff like that. Just don't do that.
01:50:28 And don't worry, we're not going to ask for the same. Just like in the 90s, we're not going to have our white comedians making fun of black people. God forbid we're Jews who are even worse.
01:50:39 We'll be the.
01:50:40 **** of all the jokes, just like we were in the 90s, just make.
01:50:43 The jokes? Not so scary.
01:50:53 Just make the jokes not so scary because I'm.
01:50:55 Kind of a *****.
01:51:01 I'm kind of a *****. I'm the kind of person that would rather live on my knees.
01:51:07 Then die on my feet.
01:51:12 So I mean, I'm. I'm I'm gonna be.
01:51:14 On my knees.
01:51:19 Don't worry, I'll be on my knees.
01:51:23 Just make it a little less scary.
01:51:27 ******* disgusting. *******. That's what they're saying.
01:51:30 That's what they're saying.
01:51:36 You know the other implications, you know, talking about how media is influencing, influencing culture and people might say, well, what does it matter, right? What does it matter?
01:51:46 Here, why does it matter that an entirely alien people, people with completely different worldviews and morals and everything else in history, and they were, quite frankly, disdain for you? Why would it matter that they're in charge of the culture producing all of the movies and the music and the television and the, you know, the textbooks?
01:52:07 The academic papers.
01:52:09 You know in, in practicing nepotism and and making sure that they do not promote non Jews within their organizations. And then in fact they go in, in, in, in fact other organizations just like, you know, Indians do with different Silicon Valley companies where they get a job and as soon as there's an Indian hiring.
01:52:30 Manager. They hire all the, you know, all the Indians they possibly can, their entire family.
01:52:34 Same sort of a thing, right? They they'll all practice in Group preference and displace us and and that's fine I guess I guess that's fine, but what are what are some of the other implications aside from those obvious ones that some for some reason people are in flies right over their ******* head?
01:52:52 Well, just think of some of the simple ****.
01:52:56 Why do you another reason why people trust Jews, or at least in the 1990s, thought they were harmless? Well, I don't know. Maybe it's because literally every famous person they knew about was a Jew.
01:53:10 Literally all the famous people that they were familiar with were Jewish.
01:53:17 And don't don't act like Jews don't have a have a certain look about them.
01:53:30 So and if you were to encounter a Jew in real life.
01:53:35 Oh, he looks like all the harmless, funny, humble people on TV.
01:53:41 Not a problem. Now, if you look airy and that's going to look ******* scary, because casting directors are really good, Jewish casting directors are really good at casting anyone.
01:53:51 Who looks Arian as as the the ******* devil.
01:53:54 Yeah.
01:53:57 That alone is reason why you wouldn't want that that just if that was the only thing.
01:54:02 If if everything else was fine.
01:54:06 You wouldn't want a powerful minority.
01:54:10 To be the face.
01:54:12 Of all the heroes in all of your media.
01:54:18 All of your culture.
01:54:22 Being consumed by the public.
01:54:26 You would want people in the same way you want your kids to look like you. You want.
01:54:30 Your heroes to look like you.
01:54:34 You don't want your kids going to a movie theater and watching everyone that looks like them be the villain.
01:54:49 Especially when they pull this ********.
01:54:52 With, oh, based on a true story.
01:54:57 You might not. Might not like it again. This you can say, well, that's low brow. That's low culture. This idea that people get their facts from movies.
01:55:05 Well, again, it doesn't matter what you think.
01:55:07 That's that's just the truth. A lot of people.
01:55:09 Get.
01:55:10 Their facts or their understanding of history from movies.
01:55:20 Just as an example.
01:55:23 We we covered in the PAT Con series.
01:55:27 The order.
01:55:30 The order up in Idaho, the white supremacist group that.
01:55:36 Was robbing banks and and shed.
01:55:40 Well, they're making a movie about it.
01:55:46 Let me see here.
01:55:50 I didn't download the trailer, so I'll download it right now.
01:55:59 Jude Law, who did not age well.
01:56:06 Is playing a.
01:56:09 The federal agent who's going to takedown the likes of Prevacid. Obviously I knew.
01:56:15 They would, you know, it's it's made by two Jews, by the way. Surprise, surprise. Look, they're still doing it today.
01:56:21 And this is gonna be the cult. This is gonna this is gonna affect the culture, naysayers be damned.
01:56:28 They're going to be people who've never heard the order.
01:56:31 Three people that are going to watch this is that this is going to be their first. They didn't see the pack coin series.
01:56:39 This is going to be their their their only understanding of this time in history.
01:56:45 And they're going to walk away thinking that this is how it happened.
01:56:51 And when I first saw that this trailer was there, my first thought was, well, maybe they're going to.
01:56:56 Get smart.
01:56:58 And they're not going to make it so heavy-handed. Instead, they're going to.
01:57:04 Especially given the.
01:57:07 The tone of the country, the racial awakening that's taking place, at least in small order among some whites.
01:57:16 Who might be sympathizing with with?
01:57:19 With the people in this movie, the bad guys in this movie, maybe because they did watch the PAKHAN series, which look.
01:57:29 Not the two my own horn.
01:57:31 I think is culturally significant. A lot of people have watched that.
01:57:36 Not the same that we'll watch this movie, though.
01:57:41 Not. Not even close.
01:57:44 This film is going to make.
01:57:48 My pacon series looked like a home movie.
01:57:52 When it comes to people that will go out.
01:57:54 And.
01:57:54 Watch it. In fact, they're.
01:57:55 Going to pay to watch it.
01:58:01 And not only that, when I watch this that I realize, oh, Nope, they're definitely.
01:58:07 They're they're going to do heavy-handed. They invented a a black, a strong black woman character that did not exist in in real life.
01:58:15 So it's just completely fictional.
01:58:20 But Hollywood doesn't matter, right? It doesn't really matter. It's only going to essentially.
01:58:27 Be the the.
01:58:28 The source of information.
01:58:31 On this topic for.
01:58:34 Millions of people in America.
01:58:36 But I guess that doesn't matter.
Mr. Reagan
01:58:39 And I think your revolution, someone has to fire.
Bank Robber
01:58:42 The first shot.
01:58:45 Open the state now. Now let's go.
01:58:52 Sheriff laughed Terry husk.
01:58:54 Had a question about some Flyers that keep saying white power.
01:58:59 The Aryan nation.
Another Agent
01:59:03 You know what my problem is with every fanatic.
Aryan Leader
01:59:06 You have to have somebody to blame for your life.
01:59:11 All those pamphlets you saw, it's not all.
01:59:14 This was in June. The bomb went off at a.
01:59:16 Synagogue in Boise. That's just the beginning.
Devon Stack
01:59:20 Give you word.
Aryan Leader
01:59:23 This book holds our birthright.
01:59:24 ****.
01:59:29 Who tells the story of a group of white separatists waging a race war against the United States?
Aryan Leader
01:59:35 We.
01:59:35 I don't advocate any of our members breaking any laws.
01:59:39 Let's them do.
Aryan Leader
01:59:40 Well, you must understand that being in the cult, like the federal government.
Black Lady
01:59:48 Why did you call me about this case?
01:59:49 I need your help. Paint Group stole rob bags.
Bank Robber
01:59:54 Go, go, go.
01:59:56 We're 6 steps in that book, recruiting, fundraising.
02:00:01 Assassination what 6?
Devon Stack
02:00:03 Large scale domestic terror attacks.
Bank Robber
02:00:07 Come on. Taking now. Get out of here.
02:00:16 Let's go.
Black Lady
02:00:17 3.6 million.
02:00:18 What is that?
02:00:19 By raising army, it's happening. War has been done.
Aryan Leader
02:00:25 You're drawing too much attention. From whom? The FBI have warned you before you were playing with fire.
Mr. Reagan
02:00:33 You're not from here, huh?
Devon Stack
02:00:35 You follow me?
Movie Trailer
02:00:35 If.
Devon Stack
02:00:39 Good morning, my brothers.
Jewish Judge
02:00:41 We want you to join us on.
Aryan Leader
02:00:42 A mission reading words into action.
Movie Trailer
02:00:45 Till you stand up and fight to survive.
02:00:49 This terrorist group, yours, have a.
02:00:50 Name in the book, they're called the order the order.
Devon Stack
02:00:53 Too bad they were thwarted by the black woman.
02:00:56 They didn't exist.
02:00:59 So yeah, that's going to be the the understanding of millions of Americans, not just Americans, not Europeans, act like they don't ******* watch our movies. It's so stupid. It's like, come on. Really. Really.
02:01:11 I've seen your movies, OK?
02:01:20 You're *******. Don't act like you're not just sucking our movies down like a *** **** milkshake.
02:01:27 You drink all milkshakes, you drink it up.
02:01:39 So you got one side that's willing to just adopt.
02:01:45 This lifestyle.
02:01:47 They see this list of Jews. They're like ****.
02:01:49 It.
02:01:51 I don't care that that Trump's a a turbo Jew.
02:01:55 I don't care that this is the version of history that my kids are going to be taught.
02:02:04 Just they got they just gotta calm down.
02:02:10 But then you have the other side. You have the people.
02:02:14 Let's see that list again. No commentary.
02:02:20 And they understand the problem.
02:02:25 They understand the problem.
02:02:30 You know, it's funny this this account, which I highly suspect is run either by one of these guys, Billy Mitchell type.
02:02:40 Or a Jew.
02:02:42 It was the.
02:02:43 The first significant account not not as big as mine, but like big enough to attempt to counter signal.
02:02:54 Usually the the quote tweets were Jews nervously laughing and saying haha yeah, we're awesome.
02:03:03 Or raging. Look at this Nazi this terrible Nazi making lists of Jews.
02:03:11 And none of these magnetars had weighed in, but I guess.
02:03:16 That list has spread far wide enough. In fact, it's it's my most.
02:03:22 Shared tweet I think of the year.
02:03:25 I'd have to double check, but it's if it's not, it's.
02:03:27 Like real close to it.
02:03:31 And it's just again, it's just a list.
02:03:36 It's just a list.
02:03:42 And this popped up in my notifications.
02:03:47 Mary Miller Stan.
02:03:50 Fan account of a.
02:03:53 Female Congress woman, congresswoman, they're all going.
02:03:58 To be female.
02:04:00 For now.
02:04:05 This looks unhealthy and obsessive.
02:04:08 In other words, this information should.
02:04:11 Give you the ink.
02:04:14 Don't look at this information. It's just a list. Don't look at this information. Eww.
02:04:22 Eww.
02:04:24 Look at this gross information. Eww.
02:04:31 And you just just ignore it. If this shows up in your feed, eh?
02:04:43 And I am happy to report that we ratio of this Jew into oblivion, they ended up.
02:04:50 Deleting the tweet.
02:04:54 Uh, but it was funny, because at first I was like, who the **** is this? And I knew that's not, you know, I had never heard.
02:05:01 Of.
02:05:02 Mary Miller really, at this point, really care who the the magnetars are. I just don't.
02:05:08 It's it's really insignificant at this point that think that this sort of thing matters, and maybe it matters if I lived in the state. She's from Illinois.
02:05:18 Maybe it would sort of.
02:05:19 Matter, but it really doesn't.
02:05:22 But I wanted to say is this is this Mary Miller Jewish Miller is a very common Jewish name. Jack her. Her maiden name is Meyer and I was like that's also a common Jewish name.
02:05:35 And what I found instead.
02:05:40 She got in trouble.
02:05:43 A couple of years ago, when she first got into office for just saying Hitler.
02:05:49 Not Hitler was awesome.
02:05:53 She was doing the boomer thing. She was comparing the Democrats to Hitler.
02:05:58 She was at A at a Trump rally.
02:06:02 Speaking to a bunch of magnetars and said.
02:06:06 You know, Hitler was right about one thing. You gotta get him young.
02:06:11 And then you can brainwash them like the Democrats are doing.
02:06:19 And that's all it took.
02:06:23 That's all it took for them to be.
02:06:26 Unhealthy and obsessive.
02:06:28 She said the word Hitler.
02:06:32 She said the word Hitler and Jewish organizations all across the country started demanding her resignation.
02:06:40 Because she said the word Hitler.
02:06:48 You see my list my list, it's just a list of Jewish names, that's all.
02:06:56 Is unhealthy and obsessive.
02:07:01 But when the namesake of this account just says the word Hitler.
02:07:07 And all of the Jews in the country freak the **** out and demand her to resign and only back off.
02:07:15 When she goes on an apology tour.
02:07:18 Which she did with a group of rabbis.
02:07:22 That's not unhealthy and obsessive.
02:07:26 That's fine, that's normal.
02:07:30 That's completely normal.
02:07:35 To have ahead of state.
02:07:38 A congresswoman.
02:07:42 Say the name.
02:07:44 Of the historical figure.
02:07:48 In a reasonable way. Well, you know, to the audience, you and I would would take issue with how it was for a completely different reason.
02:08:01 But for all intents and purposes, should have been just this mundane reference.
02:08:09 And she had to go with a group of rabbis.
02:08:15 Write out an apology.
02:08:18 Within her apology, she had to state that she never should have said that.
02:08:24 She never should have said that perfectly normal thing that she said.
02:08:32 That was beyond the pale, and she apologizes and she wished she had never said that.
02:08:39 That's not obsessive.
02:08:41 Or unhealthy.
02:08:43 Bowing down and kissing the ring? That's not obsessive.
02:08:47 And unhealthy.
02:08:50 The behavior of the Jews in that scenario, that's not obsessive.
02:08:54 Or unhealthy.
02:08:56 But simply listing Jews that ran the culture of the 1990s that's obsessive and unhealthy. Don't look at this list. Eww.
02:09:07 Eww.
02:09:12 This.
02:09:12 Probably an Intel don't look at this.
02:09:26 You know another thing that came to mind when I was making this list.
02:09:30 Last stream we were talking about the Andy Griffith Show.
02:09:37 The Andy Griffith Show and one of the things that came up was the guy who ran the Andy Griffith show because we were in someone, I think in the Super chat, said something along the lines of Oh well, is this, you know is?
02:09:48 It degenerate I.
02:09:50 I remember it being kind of wholesome and I said, well, you know.
02:09:53 I I I watched.
02:09:55 Reruns when I was a kid, like a Nickelodeon or something, I think and.
02:09:58 My parents let me want, you know, my parents were picky about what they shouldn't. Pickier, but they were picky about what their kids could watch.
02:10:06 And I remember thinking, oh, it's.
02:10:07 Not that bad, right?
02:10:10 You know, wholesome old sheriff and raising a boy, but again.
02:10:15 Not a normal family, is it?
02:10:18 If there's any pattern in Jewish fiction, as you can't have just like a normal family, apparently.
02:10:29 And sure enough, you look at who's behind Andy Griffith Show and.
02:10:31 It's a Jew.
02:10:36 Now I started to look at other things this Jew had made and.
02:10:39 I came across.
02:10:42 Uh, a a.
02:10:45 A television show that I thought, oh, this could be maybe interesting.
02:10:53 It was based on and this is something you start to realize too, just like in the same way the.
02:10:58 Comic book character 4.
02:11:01 Isn't based on like a a Jewish myth? That's a. That's a a gory myth.
02:11:08 You just get the Jewish version of it.
02:11:13 But that's always the case.
02:11:16 Like the Andy Griffith show.
02:11:18 Had you not produced that show?
02:11:22 Would there have been a mother?
02:11:27 Probably.
02:11:29 No, I don't really know, I guess.
02:11:37 But there was a a author.
02:11:39 And a cartoonist, a humorist.
02:11:43 Named James Grover Thurber.
02:11:47 Who made comics? It's not my style. I don't think it's that funny or clever or whatever, but.
02:11:53 You know, apparently it was like a big deal back in in the day.
02:12:00 They preserved this house. He's from some town that.
02:12:04 Probably not. In Ohio there where nothing happened, I guess because they're happy about this guy.
02:12:11 But anyway, they decided to turn his his writings and his cartoons into a show in the 1970s.
02:12:21 But it's a bunch of Jews.
02:12:24 A bunch of Jews are going to.
02:12:25 Tell it the way they want to tell it.
02:12:29 One of the Jews, Melville Shavelson. I mean, you can't think of a more jewly name than that, I guess.
02:12:39 Was responsible for putting the show together.
02:12:44 It was called my world and welcome to it.
02:12:48 And one of the things that appealed to me is it was very.
02:12:52 And it was 1970s.
02:12:54 And yet, and it was like a a hybrid of animation and and live action. So I thought, well, if anything else, it'll just be interesting that.
02:13:02 Looking at the the 1970s technology, you know, like the ghetto green screen or whatever it is they do to mix the two worlds together.
02:13:11 Yeah.
02:13:13 And the charm wears off really fast.
02:13:16 I was watching the 1st episode.
02:13:20 And it's about a man who's a cartoonist who works in his attic.
02:13:27 And he hates his wife, and he hates his daughter. I don't know how much of it's based.
02:13:31 On.
02:13:32 On the actual cartoonist humorous work, or if it's just the Jewish interpretation of his work.
02:13:38 But either way, I was shocked. This is on YouTube.
02:13:43 I was. I was shocked when the 1st episode.
02:13:49 Again, that's hosted on YouTube.
02:13:53 Of the show within the 1st.
02:13:57 10 minutes.
02:13:59 Had full frontal nudity of a 12 year old girl.
02:14:04 For no reason, I mean, not that there there would.
02:14:06 Be a reason but.
02:14:08 That's what happens when Jews tell your story.
02:14:14 I'm not making that up. I was just like, what the **** is this happening? This aired on TV.
02:14:21 And the answer is yes. This actress right here.
02:14:26 Ashika.
02:14:29 For no reason at all, for no reason. Again, not that there would ever be a reason.
02:14:35 I told you in the 1970s they opened up a.
02:14:37 Gateway to hell.
02:14:39 I'm I'm not really actually joking about that. I'm convinced the boomers unleashed hell on the West in the 1970s because this isn't the only example of **** like this happening in the 1970s and the fact that this.
02:14:54 Is the kind.
02:14:54 Of thing that aired on national television.
02:14:57 Again for no reason.
02:15:00 The scene opens up the camera, it's on her.
02:15:05 She's like looking out the window or something, and then her mom comes in the room and says.
02:15:09 Oh, it's time to go to bed.
02:15:12 And she's like, OK.
02:15:14 And she walks to her bed and just starts undressing.
02:15:19 And I was like what?
02:15:22 This was on TV and it was, and so she just she just changes.
02:15:28 Right in front of you.
02:15:31 And I was just like those ******* Jews, those ******* Jews.
02:15:41 That's what you get when you get the.
02:15:43 The Jewish version.
02:15:45 Of voice fiction.
02:15:47 I think I don't even think I would have liked it, but like that, I mean, that's where I stopped watching. Obviously, I was like, **** this.
02:15:55 Second, wash my eyeballs out and burn my hard drives down like that was like.
02:16:00 What the ****?
02:16:03 So yeah.
02:16:07 That's another reason why you have to have.
02:16:08 Control over your culture.
02:16:15 Because when you when you let a an alien group that has a completely different set of values.
02:16:21 And triplet your stories, even if they use your stories.
02:16:26 That's how it ends up.
02:16:30 Ends up with with skeevy Hollywood Jews having a little girl undress on camera for no reason.
02:16:39 And I'm sure they had a great. Oh, it's innocent, though. It's innocent. She's a kid. No one's thinking like that.
02:16:45 Really.
02:16:48 Then why even have it? Why even have it in this? Like why do it?
02:16:53 Again, there was. There was 0 point to that scene.
02:16:56 There was no reason to do that.
02:17:00 Why not already have her in her pajamas?
02:17:03 And then she just goes to bed.
02:17:09 There's no reason to do that.
02:17:19 Well.
02:17:21 And there is.
02:17:23 I guess one reason right.
Aryan Leader
02:17:28 It sounds talmudic.
Devon Stack
02:17:33 Ah.
02:17:38 So anyway.
02:17:40 The responses to the list.
02:17:43 Have been very entertaining, very interesting, very eye opening.
02:17:50 I think that the list is thorough enough now to I don't need to keep adding to it, it's pretty long.
02:17:56 I have corrected the mistakes, there were a.
02:17:58 Few of them.
02:17:59 Nothing too major. There are people that will argue with a couple of the names, like for example Drew Barrymore, you.
02:18:06 Know. Oh, Drew Barrymore should be on the list.
02:18:09 That's like well.
02:18:09 Well.
02:18:11 She is the one that said in the interview that her dad had Jewish heritage, and even if that's, you know, maybe it's 5% or whatever. She literally married a Jew, said that she embraces Judaism and is raising Jewish kids. So I mean, if that doesn't qualify, I don't.
02:18:29 Know what does.
02:18:31 In fact, if anything, it's almost worse because that means it's not like, Oh well, they can't help. But they were born Jewish. What are they getting mad at them for being she wasn't. She's choosing to do it.
02:18:44 So there's that name. There's, there's some. I'll tell you what, there's little affines with Ellen DeGeneres.
02:18:53 She wasn't born to a Jewish family as far as I can tell, unless her real dad was Jewish, which I don't think he was.
02:19:03 She does, however, hate Christians.
02:19:07 And passes Hanukkah messages and other.
02:19:11 Jewish holiday greetings to her, quote UN quote wife.
02:19:15 On social media on a regular basis, though, and it's rumored that.
02:19:20 That she practices some form of Judaism.
02:19:24 Or at least maybe it's casual, or maybe it's for business purposes, I don't know.
02:19:31 Another name that I had well, the other one that was, of course, Jason Biggs.
02:19:36 The guy from American Pie who looks like super.
02:19:39 There, you know.
02:19:41 The the the Julius.
02:19:42 Looking guy in the whole movie.
02:19:44 Yeah, he's not actually Jewish. He's married to a.
02:19:47 No.
02:19:48 But he's not actually Jewish, and it's kind of funny because I was the only one that was tricked.
02:19:54 There was an article in the Times of Israel that says that he was worried that if anyone found out he wasn't Jewish, that he would stop getting work.
02:20:03 Interesting insight there.
02:20:07 And because they've cast him to play Jewish characters.
02:20:12 UM.
02:20:14 And then there was a one of the record executives. I forget the name off top of my head, but one of them was Sicilian instead of Jewish.
02:20:23 He just looked he.
02:20:24 Looked super Dewey. He looked super jewy though.
02:20:29 And the name sounded weird. It didn't sound Italian.
02:20:33 At least not to me. Maybe to someone else.
02:20:37 But I made that correction in the post. All the corrections are you'll see in the posts.
02:20:43 And also I I I also for the same reason the guy who made Wonder Woman isn't Jewish. He just has like, a really Jewish sounding ******* name and looks questionable but.
02:20:56 There's nothing that really says these Jewish.
02:20:59 There is his his his art assistant.
02:21:01 The guy who would, who drew Wonder Woman.
02:21:04 Was Jewish.
Devon Stack
02:21:06 But he's not Jewish, so I guess technically Wonder Woman was made by a guy.
02:21:12 And that's about it. I mean, that's.
02:21:18 I mean, that's a long list and to only get like a few iffy ones. I feel like I did all right part part of that was I put too much trust in in web searches and AI answers. I didn't go full.
02:21:32 You know Wikipedia deep dive mode on every single name like I showed, which I ended up started doing. I did towards the end.
02:21:39 Because I was, I was finding stuff that was like, I don't know, this doesn't sound right. And then I would look it up and like, oh, OK, good thing. I didn't put that one on.
02:21:49 There are some people on the list that are.
02:21:51 Like maybe they're 1/4 or 1/2 or whatever, but.
02:21:54 It's still shocking.
02:21:57 It's still very shocking.
02:21:59 Given given once again.
02:22:02 For the.
02:22:05 For those of you at home that don't know this.
02:22:08 For Jews to only make up approximately 2% of the population, it's a little bit shocking that they made-up even I.
02:22:16 Mean it's much.
02:22:16 Higher than this, but if you're going to be generous, 50% of the cultural icons of the 1990s.
02:22:27 50%.
02:22:31 And again, it's probably closer like 80%.
02:22:34 But if we're being generous, even if it's 50.
02:22:39 That's absurd.
02:22:41 That's absurd.
02:22:44 And that.
02:22:46 Is why?
02:22:48 We shouldn't want to go.
02:22:51 Back to the 90s.
02:23:00 Alright, well I think I've made my point.
02:23:05 Trying if there was something else I wanted to mention.
02:23:12 For a move on here.
02:23:23 No, I think we just about covered everything I wanted to talk about.
02:23:29 I mean, I think I've I've made the case.
02:23:33 I think that it's insane. It's insane to argue that that media is any way separable from culture, especially in the 90s, especially when talking about television and movies.
02:23:50 Like I said there there are more people that can quote lines from movies in the 90s than quote the Bible. That's just the way it is.
02:23:58 So if the movies are not culturally significant, then the Bible is not either.
02:24:03 And neither a Shakespeare, I mean or or anything else, Tolkien.
02:24:08 Way more people, whether you like it or not, maybe maybe less so because they turn it into a movie.
02:24:16 More people could probably quote lines from like Star Wars than from token again.
02:24:23 Maybe not as much now that it's been a movie.
02:24:27 In fact, far more people have seen the Lord of the Rings movies that have read the book. I promise you that.
02:24:36 And because Jews are telling those stories now, you got black Hobbits. I mean, you know, I mean, like, that's that's the thing.
02:24:41 That's that's why.
02:24:42 You can't allow this **** to happen.
02:24:46 Now you've got ******* black hobbits and you've got, you know, the the. Let's feel bad for the goblins or whatever the ****.
02:24:54 You know like.
02:24:55 Like you can't have it. You can't let Jews ******* take over your fiction.
02:25:00 Because they'll do that, they'll take, they'll get they'll.
02:25:02 Get a hold.
02:25:04 Of a a goy idea like Little Star Wars. Same thing.
02:25:09 Right.
02:25:11 George Lucas, friends with many Jews and race mixer himself. He's got a black wife.
02:25:17 Ah.
02:25:17 So I'm not exactly saying he's the model model white guy, but he comes up with the idea.
02:25:24 And.
02:25:26 Makes the first 3 movies.
02:25:34 Makes three more that are way worse.
02:25:40 And that makes three more that are they're not as bad.
02:25:49 Oh, good Lord.
02:25:52 Oh wait, what? How many? I don't even know anymore. I stopped after episode 1. I was like, alright, I'm out.
02:26:01 Well, that Jar Jar show is like OK, but at least you know there weren't. There weren't like, lesbian aliens making out yet, right?
02:26:09 The second the Jews got ahold of it, there's like lesbian aliens.
02:26:15 That's why you can't have Jews running your media. And by the way, that's also why you can't have Jews running your government.
02:26:23 For all these people, they're like, oh, it's totally fine that Trump's going to be a Jew slave. No, it's not.
02:26:30 Because the same people, it's literally the same people, the same people putting lesbian aliens into Star Wars are gonna be basically putting lesbian aliens in in their in the government.
02:26:45 It it's the same ****. It's the same mine disease.
02:26:50 That makes them undress a 12 year old girl on television like it like for no reason.
02:26:57 That's going to inform their decisions when it comes to.
02:27:02 Policy war, perhaps?
02:27:13 I'll tell you what. In in, in a way, if you, if Trump is, is put in office, it will be like going back to the 90s. It will be.
02:27:24 It will be the neocons back in charge, and we'll probably have another.
02:27:30 20 years of of war for Israel.
02:27:34 We'll get a bunch of Zionist turbo Jews in all the key positions necessary to accomplish something like that.
02:27:49 Lots of weapons contractors will be.
02:27:52 Making a lot of money.
02:27:58 And it will make the economy good. They'll.
02:27:59 Say maybe it will.
02:28:04 You won't have the mass deportations that you've been promised.
02:28:09 You know, it's funny cause I I bring.
02:28:11 That up to.
02:28:15 To the Q.
02:28:15 **** the the trust the plan types.
02:28:20 And they'll say, well, yes, yes you will. I'm like, well, why did he do it? His first term? Well, because.
02:28:25 The media would have raked him over the coals.
02:28:29 OK, so they're not now.
02:28:33 So that the Jewish media.
02:28:37 Control his decision then to not enforce the border in a militant way that is necessary.
02:28:45 But he it.
02:28:46 They won't be able to do that now because.
02:28:52 Because we're less white now. I mean, what what's the reasoning here?
02:28:57 What? What? What's the what's the data that you're looking at that makes you think it's more likely now that we're less white?
02:29:04 That you could politically pull something like that off.
02:29:09 Without, without basically starting the race war.
02:29:13 The kind of race war that they imply that the the white supremacists in Idaho were, like, literally, on the verge of.
02:29:20 Of doing in this movie.
02:29:23 That's enough money to start a ******* army.
02:29:26 Cause the Turner Diaries.
02:29:39 Anyway, once again, it's no surprise that the same people that aren't thinking about this stuff in a way that makes any kind of sense, or also the kinds of people that want to go back to the 90s.
02:29:48 And being dominated by Jews.
02:29:55 Alright, so let's go ahead and take a look at Hyper chats.
02:30:09 That's a.
02:30:11 That's a good thing to have up on.
02:30:12 The screen right?
02:30:15 All right.
02:30:18 All right, then. Pop up. I'll take.
02:30:19 A look at.
02:30:22 An odyssey first.
02:30:29 All right, we got Elian. Nuska says Hi, Devin, let me recommend a great resource for your research. RU tracker ithinkthatswhatitis.org.
02:30:43 You can gain me for that. I found the whole 5th season of American greed. Where what are you giving out? Like? Is that was like a torrent site. Well, I can't really do that. I can't talk about torrent.
02:30:55 Sites.
02:30:55 On here but OK.
02:30:58 Good to know, good to know.
02:31:00 Trying to give me.
02:31:01 Trying to get me to pass torrent sites off.
02:31:06 What are you, some kind of some kind of fed?
02:31:11 I don't know, I'm just. I I I didn't use these buttons as much as.
02:31:14 I thought I was going to.
02:31:16 I know, I know. I you know what I wanted to do, and if I had enough time, I would have done this. What I wanted to do is I wanted to do like a day in the life of someone in the 90s and like, go through like a like a whole day.
02:31:32 You know what? You know, getting up in the morning, putting on your jordash jeans, putting on your Adidas, getting putting your starter jacket on.
02:31:42 You know, putting on, you know, squirting some CK1 on there and going into the living room and turn on the TV and watching some, you know, basically the, of course, the gag would be, is everything that you did that day was Jewish, like, literally everything like how you could have a normal 90s.
02:32:02 Day normal day in the life of the 90s and it would be in like everything you did, like everything you ate, everything you wore, everything you watched, everything you talked about, everything you heard about in the news, like all of.
02:32:15 It would be Jewish.
02:32:17 Conversely, my other idea was do like this thing where this guy is like.
02:32:25 Well, girl, I I don't like the Jews. I wish they never existed.
02:32:32 And and then he wakes up. It's like one of those.
02:32:35 Movies you.
02:32:35 Know he wakes up and and all the Jews are gone. But like it's it's the same thing, right? Like it's only he can't now he can't put his shoes on.
02:32:45 Cause the Jews are like everything's Jewish, so like everything just gone.
02:32:52 So, like Starbucks, isn't there anymore? Like everything he tries to do is just gone, because everything was Jewish.
02:33:03 And then try to make that funny. Like maybe even have, like, some magic Jew. Like, come in and to teach some lesson. And at the end he's like, well, I guess you're right. Jews do do to help us out or something.
02:33:17 But again, I didn't have enough time. I had these ideas. I was like, oh, you got like 6 hours to make that happen, and you already have all this other she.
02:33:24 Got to.
02:33:24 Do so. I didn't. I couldn't do it so.
02:33:28 But it was a good idea. I thought it could have it. It's it was a window into what could have been.
02:33:35 Anyway, chosen Joe says the October 7th remembrance hysteria was so repetitive.
02:33:42 Now, there's a new October 7th documentary coming out. Netanyahu escaped jail time by allowing the attack and issuing the Hannibal directive.
02:33:54 We're supposed to believe that paragliders, akas and flip flops toppled the strongest border in the world? Yeah, it it's clear that they it's.
02:34:05 In a way.
02:34:07 You could say it's very similar to 911.
02:34:10 They, for political purposes, let a lot of their people die in some instances, killed them themselves.
02:34:18 So that they would.
02:34:20 Paradoxically, get support from their people.
02:34:24 And allow them to conduct a war that maybe necessarily they wouldn't have had the.
02:34:32 The stomach 4.
02:34:34 And they certainly wouldn't have have appreciated the.
02:34:39 The response, as ineffective as it is, it's still like no one wants to live in a neighborhood where there's rockets come out of the sky.
02:34:47 But you do if you're, if you're all ****** *** about October 7th, right?
02:34:54 And Netanyahu was not exactly super popular when all this was going down, so there was a lot of political reasons why he'd want to do it. Yeah, I look, I I just think it's that's what Jews do.
02:35:06 That's what Jews do. That's how they operate. So it should come as no surprise that that's.
02:35:11 Yeah.
02:35:12 Most likely what happened and it's not yet another reason why that's not the kind of people you want running your culture or your White House.
02:35:22 For that matter, Zazzy Mattas bought.
02:35:25 Thanks for the show. Well, I appreciate that.
02:35:29 Watch the collapse says Hey Devin. Not sure if my chat went through last stream.
02:35:34 Are you familiar with Operation Aphrodite? Sort of reminds me of 9/11 with using planes to destroy V2 bunkers. They killed Joe Kennedy junior in it and he praised Hitler before World War 2 might be. I think he meant worth looking into.
02:35:55 I have not heard of that operation. I've heard adding. Look, I'll just copy your whole thing into a.
02:36:03 Into a.
02:36:05 And then my notes, my notepad notes.
02:36:09 Where you at Notepad notes.
02:36:14 For I do look at the notes.
02:36:16 Believe it or not.
02:36:18 I have to turn them down because I've actually made a lot of streams on all these notes that are now redundant and I need to clear them out.
02:36:26 I'll take a look at that watch the collapses. Mandatory ******** ****** dono.
02:36:36 There you go. There you go.
02:36:42 Oh yeah, we all. We all miss ******** ******.
02:36:47 Violet Biggs Productions says Hi Devin. Have you ever looked into the Holocaust survivor Jew doctor Henry Morgan Taylor?
02:36:57 He brought vasectomies, IUD's, birth control and abortions to Canada. Many legal battles and death threats ensued around his practices.
02:37:07 In the end, he opened up 500 clinics and won a humanitarian awards. No, I've never.
02:37:20 I've never heard of, never heard of them, but that's, I guess, yet another name I should I should copy into my notes as long as I got it here, right?
02:37:33 Might come in handy someday.
02:37:38 All right, then we got Arch Stanton.
Money Clip
02:37:41 Why is money manage?
02:37:45 Where's the rest?
02:37:47 Thank you.
Devon Stack
02:37:49 Alright, art, Stanton says. I saw your tweet about the order. It was encouraging to see a lot of base comments on the trailer. I'm sure it ends with some black female judge giving a lecture on white privilege at their sentencing.
02:38:03 The sad thing is they would make for a great movie if they just told it straight. Yeah, they've made that movie a few times. This is the first time they've attempted to do it with a big budget.
02:38:18 So I mean, I'll probably end up.
02:38:20 Seeing it.
02:38:22 At some point, not right away. I'm not going to rush out to see it. Certainly not going to pay to see it.
02:38:28 But I will, I am curious to see like what what two big budget Jews can do.
02:38:34 If nothing else, just to see once again like is it as subtle.
02:38:40 As it should be to be effective? Or is it like are?
02:38:43 They just.
02:38:44 Overextending it might look, here's the thing.
02:38:48 Obviously it's not going to be subtle enough for anyone that's right leaning at all. Or maybe maybe it will be.
02:38:57 Maybe it will be a lot of these people are asleep at the wheel. A lot of these people, you know the well, I I guess like the the ones that want to go back to the 90s will.
02:39:05 Be the first.
02:39:05 In line to go see that movie most likely, and they will and.
02:39:09 They will think that it's well, it's fair.
02:39:12 I mean because.
02:39:12 They were, after all, they were racist and we're trying to get past that. I want to go back to the 90s.
02:39:17 Before anyone was racist.
02:39:20 You know what I mean? They really think that.
02:39:25 But yeah, so that's really that it might be I guess that's what I want to see. I want to see is this the kind of movie that is designed so that people like that hopeless ******* like that they go see it and it's, you know, it gets in there. It's funny because.
02:39:44 Those are the people, the people that will say like, oh, that's media. That's not culture. They're the ones that are brainwashed by this **** the hardest. They really are. They really are.
02:39:54 And in fact, that's why, by the way.
02:39:57 That's why they think they're the main character, but because they're they're thinking like the way a movie is like, they think that the world around there, it's like a movie.
02:40:08 They think that there's always like, a, a beginning, middle and end.
02:40:12 That it's always darkest before the dawn. Right. That like? Oh, it's like a movie, right. There's there's the beginning. You meet the protagonist, and then, like, you know, he goes through some struggles, and it all looks like he's not gonna make it. And then right at the end, he pulls it off and then everyone, everyone claps, you know, like, that's that's that's what the.
Mr. Reagan
02:40:29 I.
02:40:29 Mean.
Devon Stack
02:40:30 That's how they see the world. That's why. And that's how you know that this shifts the working on them the most because that's genuinely how they understand the world. They think the world is exact. I mean, that's why cue cards were like that.
02:40:43 Two torrents think the exact same way.
02:40:46 In fact, in in some instances there are two charts that think that the movies are actually the elites sending you secret messages.
02:40:57 I mean I.
02:40:57 Mean look. In fact, I even people like Alex Jones trying to say **** like that.
02:41:03 Release this movie because look, you know this new elites telling you that the, you know, the the machine elves are you guys are they're telling you the, you know, the the transdimensional you.
02:41:13 Know like they they there's people that think that when the movies.
02:41:16 Come out.
02:41:17 It's it's actually. No, it really. It's like the elites, the elites, quote UN quote. You know, it's the ******* Jews. But whatever. Right. The elites are are making some kind of.
02:41:28 Uh.
02:41:30 Mind message to the masses, some esoteric symbolism.
02:41:36 ********. That's that's. That's broadcasting all of their plans for world domination. Using this all this, you know, all these allegories and you know and and and symbolism and it's like shut the **** **, you stupid ****. Like, no, it's not it's not.
02:41:54 But not but in fact, again, the irony is you're the one you're taking it now. You're taking it so seriously that she's in your head for good, you know, like you're you're never on on washing that brain.
02:42:09 Ah, anyway, now Pebble in the pod.
02:42:25 Pebble and the paw that was culturally insignificant. Quirky. I'll have to catch the replay. Looking forward to your appearance on Patriotic Weekly review.
02:42:36 That is right. I will be streaming with Mark Collett.
02:42:43 I have to look at the time it's it's going to be early, it's going to be like during the day.
02:42:49 So I'm going to be tired.
02:42:49 7.
02:42:52 We're going to talk about, well, another culturally insignificant thing. It's Lord of flies, Lord of the Flies.
02:43:02 Which was actually written by a goy. The movie. I have to look at the I didn't actually look at the Wikipedia for the movie The the where.
02:43:11 Where do we look at the 19?
02:43:15 Over the 1990 version or.
02:43:18 Yeah, I think it's the right. I think it's 1990 or thereabouts.
02:43:22 They Americanized their little bit the author was was British, even though his name sounds Jewish. It's Golding.
02:43:29 He's not. Uh, he's not Jewish. He I I believe he was in World War 2 in the Navy and just got Super black pilled by like he was on. He was there for D-Day and **** like that and wrote wrote a lot of stuff about how basically the nature of man is evil and just like he was just. Anyway, I don't want to get you watch the stream.
02:43:49 Tomorrow and I'll tell you the rest. But that's what we're gonna be talking about.
02:43:55 Beach Boys Beach Boys.
Jewish Judge
02:43:59 What?
Devon Stack
02:44:05 Beach Boys, thanks for the stream, Devin. Sorry to hear about waffle. Well, it's OK. Waffle is hopefully smiling down at us from from cat heaven.
02:44:16 Frolicking in a field of.
02:44:20 Of catnip. Waffle really like catnip.
02:44:24 Like, really like.
02:44:29 Yeah.
02:44:30 But I appreciate that.
02:44:33 Occidental Front says regarding my fagot take in the Rothstein edition. Thanks for the feedback. We both see the same problem and want the same outcome. I don't remember which one your time. It's been like a week, but you might say I've always felt like an ethno nationalist socialist. So arguing from individualism.
02:44:55 Doesn't come naturally. I vaguely remember, but I remember what what specifically your thing was when.
02:45:03 What you hear sounds like just bench press your way out of the monetary system from me. I hear Boohoo. We're so disadvantaged. They're so powerful. You're right. The just don't watch ****. Guys might be *********, but they're not wrong.
02:45:24 You talk a big game about genetics, but watching **** dissuades men from having like.
02:45:30 I don't I.
02:45:30 I don't tell people to watch ******* ****. No one's telling when to watch ****.
02:45:35 And thus is a mechanism for weeding them out of the gene pool. No one is moving to somewhere like organia and circling the wagons about to build an ethnic, so that's where long there are actually people doing that, because you're not doing it. What's left is to focus inward. I don't see why there's disagreement one way or another.
02:45:56 It is us who will need to improve our cohesion and resistance to it. Look bottom line is.
02:46:03 We are going to have to collectivize we're going to have to collectivize.
02:46:08 And I know that there's a lot of people who are just look.
02:46:13 Maybe because of all the Jewish programming and the rugged.
02:46:17 Individualism. That's been, you know, tied to American identity. At least the way that the Jews have explained it.
02:46:24 Movie you've been basically told your entire life that white people collectivizing this bad. Or maybe it's dangerous.
02:46:34 You know you're.
02:46:34 Going to get weight.
02:46:35 Code or this is going to happen or that's going to happen and all you know, it's just OK then you're just never going to have power. And yeah, you can go to the gym and work out and not watch **** or whatever, but.
02:46:46 Who ******* cares? The end of the day.
02:46:48 You're just some guy.
02:46:50 So congratulations, I guess. Like what? What, what, what? What's the end? What's the end game?
02:46:56 You're in shape and still ruled by Jews. You know? Like what? What?
02:47:03 What exactly happens?
02:47:05 No one's saying watch **** or don't work out. It's just that that's a stupid ******* answer. That's like the bare minimum you should be doing that.
02:47:13 That's the bare like. If that's your big, lofty goal to improve white people, it's like we're in, we're in a sorry state.
02:47:21 Right. We're a sorry state if like that's what we're aspiring to. It's just not watching **** and working out or or any of these other things. No, we should already be like not watching **** and working out and and being healthy, successful people.
02:47:36 That should that should be the the the baseline.
02:47:40 That should be the baseline.
02:47:42 Or we're not getting out of this.
02:47:45 And and in fact, we don't deserve to get out of it if we can't just do the bare minimum.
02:47:50 And just be like.
02:47:51 Normal, successful people in in our personal lives that should just already be something everyone's already doing.
02:47:59 OK.
02:48:01 So we think beyond that we got to think beyond that and think about collectivizing one way or the other. And again, I don't have the answer and people get all upset because they expect you to have the answer. It's like, well, sorry, I don't have the answer.
02:48:16 And it's always. In fact, it's usually the same people. They get mad when.
02:48:19 You tell them.
02:48:20 You know that they can't go back to the 90s because these are the kinds of people that need to be ruled over. That's what it is.
02:48:27 Both the Jews aren't telling me what to do then.
02:48:30 You need to tell me what to do. You're not going to make it. Probably you're not going to make it.
02:48:35 You might make it in like the Jew in the Jew world that you want so bad, but like you're not going to make it. In my world, you're not going to make it.
02:48:44 You know, people can't be told. What are people that need to be told what to do? Look, I get it. That's that's. That's normal. And under normal circumstances, it's not bad to.
02:48:55 Have most people like that.
02:48:58 But you know, and look to some extent, if we collectivize, you'll still need people to sort of be like that. You can't have too many cooks in the kitchen, right? You're going to, you're going to have to have people that are are willing to be LED.
02:49:12 But there this isn't like a first of all.
02:49:14 This isn't like a.
02:49:16 People have this this idea that a problem that took like a century to set in.
02:49:24 Can be fixed in like an election or or or a couple of years, or you know, I mean like this, there's no quick fix for this.
02:49:31 It took a long time for us to get to this ******* state. It's going to take a long time, probably beyond our lifetimes.
02:49:39 Probably the beyond the lifetime of virtually everyone listening.
02:49:43 To get out of it.
02:49:45 And people don't like that. They don't like hearing that.
02:49:48 Look, I could probably I could. I could sit here and I could get a lot more people listening to my stream by just lying.
02:49:57 And just making up **** about, like, how. Yeah, we're gonna do this. We're gonna do that. We're gonna ******* you know, the white ethno state or whatever. We're gonna get those Jews. Yeah. I could just make it a bunch of **** and be really white Pilling. And people would love it for a while. I mean, eventually they figure out that, like, wait, we're not. We're not doing anything. That's usually what happens these guys.
02:50:17 People realize they're ******* phonies. That's just not the reality of the situation. So it's ******* stupid to to act like it is.
02:50:25 The the bottom line is it's going to be a rough Rd. It's going.
02:50:30 To be a rough road ahead.
02:50:32 And that's why taking care of yourself and your family should just be the bare minimum. That's not something you should be aspiring to. That's just something that should.
02:50:41 Be expected of you?
02:50:44 And it's going to take a while for for people.
02:50:48 Who probably aren't me, but maybe I'll have some input in the.
02:50:54 In in the the Hive mind, that is white people you know on the Internet and stuff, I don't know, maybe I'll have some influence over it, but I don't have, I don't have some like super awesome. one-size-fits-all answer because because there's really there isn't 1.
02:51:09 There isn't 1.
02:51:11 And it's the kind of thing because we're facing a problem that we've never faced before. There's not like some drawer we can open up like, oh, here's the plan.
02:51:21 Here's the plan, Grandpa wrote. You know, Grandpa told me if anything like this ever happened. Open up this drawer and the plan for, like, getting out of ZOG would would be right there in that. Wait.
02:51:33 No, it doesn't exist.
02:51:35 So you're going to have.
02:51:35 To have different people trying different things.
02:51:39 And and and and play by ear and people that frustrates people. People don't like that they.
02:51:45 Want. Oh, we're.
02:51:46 Gonna do something. What do we do about it? Like my the funniest response to a lot of like, well, to like the list of Jews. Someone someone responded, and I don't know if this is word for word, but essentially they said, well, that's great.
02:51:59 What do we do now? It's like, what do you mean do now?
02:52:05 We're not done with this phase yet. You realize that just because a handful of people on the Internet understand the problem, that that's not.
02:52:15 Not a big like it might seem. I think it does too. Like I think people underestimate how much of an echo chamber you're in when you're online.
02:52:23 It seems like it's more.
02:52:24 People get it than they do when you're online.
02:52:28 They just look. You just gotta realize that's the truth. That movie that Hollywood, the Hollywood movie about the order that's going to be way more influential than anything I do.
02:52:39 This whole year.
02:52:42 Or and maybe even collectively everything I do this year.
02:52:47 That's just the way it is. That's what you're up against. And and it's not defeatism or or black Pilling to to admit that, yeah, you're at a disadvantage.
02:53:00 You had a disadvantage.
02:53:03 So yeah, we're not going to have the answer for a while, but the bare minimum should be.
02:53:09 Taking care of yourself and your family.
02:53:13 Anyway.
02:53:16 Where are we at here?
02:53:19 Based Polish crusader.
02:53:33 Just caught up on the streams. My deepest condolences on the passing of waffle. Our cat passed away during the height of COVID. We had to convince the vet into even letting us be in the room.
02:53:46 At the time, it was infuriating and deeply upsetting. We had to talk him into even allowing us to be there.
02:53:53 Yeah, thankfully, all that nonsense is over.
02:53:57 But now that you.
02:53:58 Know obviously it sucked, but like is. I mean in terms of like how good it could have been, it was about us, but it was about as good as it could have been.
02:54:05 In fact it.
02:54:06 Pretty much was about as good as it could have been, if you know which was still super ******, you know, I mean like, but it was as good as it could have been. But yeah, it it's not great, but.
02:54:19 Life goes on, you know, churro, churro.
02:54:24 He's still around.
02:54:25 You know, it's funny. I was talking to.
02:54:28 One of the the old rancher guys around here and their cat died and.
02:54:36 These guys are something else sometimes, yeah.
02:54:40 He just smiled, he said. Well, you know, the the good thing about when a cat dies, right. And I was like, no, you know, you can always get another one.
02:54:51 Just like. OK, well, I guess, but yeah, he didn't get another one. He got a.
02:54:59 Both his dogs died. This guy like has had like like a pet, a pet Holocaust going on over there, in fact, that, yeah, I think had a horse died. Like, all within a year.
02:55:01 Yeah.
02:55:10 He lost his cat a horse and like 2 dogs.
02:55:15 All of which were.
02:55:16 Alive and kicking. When I first came out here.
02:55:19 And so.
02:55:21 But he got a new dog that I.
02:55:24 Low key dislike, but anyway.
02:55:28 Yeah. Thank you very much based.
02:55:31 Polish crusader hammer authorizing.
Money Clip
02:56:05 That will keep him busy for a while.
Devon Stack
02:56:13 Hit the right button right button.
02:56:16 Ah, make it stop.
02:56:22 I'm just a weekend photographer. There we go.
02:56:29 I was just about to say too, I need to. I need to like get that super long one out of the rotation. It's too long.
02:56:35 Animal Authority I learned that the smoke that smoking on planes wasn't banned for health reasons with smoking, air was 100% fresh with no air staying in the cabin for over 3 minutes.
02:56:47 Now 50% recycled, this led to way more illnesses and was done for a mere 6% savings in fuel economy. Senator Lautenberg is who introduced the bill. Well, there you go. I mean, look, I.
02:57:06 I don't know that I would want to be on.
02:57:08 A plane with people smoking or that.
02:57:12 I used to smoke. I'm not like one of these like.
02:57:17 Rabid anti smokers or anything like that but.
02:57:22 Yeah, I look. Yeah, it's.
02:57:23 Super Gay, right? That they.
02:57:25 They they wouldn't have that as an option, I guess, but.
02:57:29 I'm also not super upset by it. I was when I was a smoker, I always thought it was super lame.
02:57:37 And I did. I did vape on a plane a few times, but it was before everyone else was vaping. You know, it was when, like.
02:57:44 To vape, you had to like order. Like, really?
02:57:48 Really obscure things on the Internet, like it wasn't like there were vape stores.
02:57:51 And **** around everywhere.
02:57:53 And so I don't even know that you were doing it. And so I was, I was like.
02:57:57 Vaping in the bathroom.
02:57:59 I did that for for a few for a while. Actually I did on on several flights when I was.
02:58:05 Back when I was doing a lot.
02:58:06 More traveling.
02:58:09 But yeah, it's.
02:58:11 You know, at the same time, it's kind of like, you know, what really what we need to ban is, is ******* black people off planes like where where is this? Lautenberg, when when it comes to that imagine this savings. Imagine the savings that they can get rid of the the the the rabbit negresses that go on planes.
02:58:29 I mean, just the the fuel economy alone, you get these ******* massive, she booms off the plane. And by the way, what's what's the, what's the savings? And airlines like Southwest giving three extra seats to like the Super.
02:58:46 That.
02:58:47 You guys see that ****? Now, if you're super fat, like if you're like one of these.
02:58:51 600 LB. Monsters.
02:58:53 You get a free extra seat.
02:58:57 Like you get 2 seats.
02:58:59 Because you're that fat, you should just not be allowed to fly.
02:59:05 You just not be allowed to fly.
02:59:08 Like you have all people you should be on a treadmill or walking to to whatever place you're trying to get to.
02:59:16 It's it's anyway that's the problem. See if Lautenberg, if Lautenberg was a goy.
02:59:25 And he really cared about health or whatever. He'd be ******* banning the fat people off planes and black people. But alas, alas, we have to wait a while before we can impose such regulations based Polish crusader says. Your comment regarding the sometimes stark differences in the relations to animals.
02:59:45 Different societies have is something I have noticed myself for years. I have always felt the old saying a society is judged by how it treats its children and elders should also include animals. All the best. And that is true. I think that you know.
03:00:04 And that comes from that goes for individuals too. I think we growing up, right, we all knew.
03:00:11 At least.
03:00:11 Of even if we didn't know the kid personally, there was always that kid.
03:00:16 Like for me it was. There was this kid that lived on our street that thought it was hilarious to to find frogs and then throw them into the street.
03:00:23 Like the hot.
03:00:26 Asphalt.
03:00:27 Because they had freaked out because it was basically burning them. And then like cars were.
03:00:31 Running over and this.
03:00:32 Guy this he was like ******* 10 and he was doing this ****.
03:00:36 I'm I'm.
03:00:37 Positive. He's a ******* serial killer by now, but we all knew that kid, right? We all knew that kid. That was like, even as even as a child. Because I think I was like 7 when this was going on. And just thinking like that kid is.
03:00:51 Demonic even at at 7. I'm like that kid's demonic. There's no way. There's no way that kids.
03:01:00 You know, going to make it and he's he's going to kill someone if he hasn't already. He's probably got like, a backyard full of dead hookers by now.
03:01:09 Based in space.
Money Clip
03:01:11 Why is money management?
03:01:15 There's the rest. Thank you.
Devon Stack
03:01:19 I half expected you to do this whole edition in Black and white just for ***** and giggles. Cheers and Godspeed, Devin. Why would you think black and white?
03:01:30 I don't know.
03:01:33 Sometimes I, I mean, I think some of the older strings I did do a lot of stuff in black and white.
03:01:40 But no, no, no, no black and white.
03:01:42 But appreciate the support. They're based in space.
03:01:45 Gas glass or VAX. The year we left the 90s was the year I turned 18. It took me another 18 years to recover from it.
03:01:58 Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
03:01:59 I look, I don't get me wrong. I enjoyed the 90s and I had very fond memories.
03:02:07 Of the 90s.
03:02:09 I mean, look, it was good and bad. There wasn't, like, but it wasn't awful. It's not like.
03:02:14 I'm not saying that everything about the 90s was trash and awful and bad. I'm saying that.
03:02:21 You sound like a ******. If you say you.
03:02:24 Want to go back to that?
03:02:25 Yes.
03:02:27 I'm saying that if you think that going back, it's like it's like if you're imagine someone that's depressed about some big bad breakup they had with their girlfriend and they're and, you know, oh, she was the one. She was the one that's all like the real mopey.
03:02:48 You know, like when it's the wound is still fresh and you're like, good Lord, let's just ******* taken out. Hopefully he gets laid or something. It's just it's got him drunk. Well, maybe we shouldn't, because he's already kind of a mess. Imagine.
03:03:01 That guy.
03:03:04 Going in a time machine to like the day before the breakup.
03:03:08 Thinking that he can fix it, it's like.
03:03:09 No, it's still.
03:03:11 You just have to go through it again. You know, like if you look, you can't just look back. Yeah, but it was so great the day before. Yeah, but she was already going. She was going to do it. She was going to do it.
03:03:24 You were. You were just getting the courtesy **** on the way out. It was it was going to happen. It was going to happen.
03:03:29 The next day.
03:03:31 So if you go back in time to like the day before, yeah, man, I guess you.
03:03:35 Get like the.
03:03:36 Last day again. But then you're going to be just *******. It's going to be all over again. You're going to be feeling like ****. You're not. You're not going to do some magic.
03:03:44 ******* thing to change it. Some things are just inevitable. And that's the same thing with the 90s, right? Even if you had a time machine and you went back to the 90s. Guess what? In in a few decades, you'd be back here again. You know it wouldn't. You wouldn't change the the course of history.
03:04:02 And especially you can't do it now. The big thing that people need to realize what they're really saying when they want to go back to the 90s. Well, what they're not saying, but but what they're really picking up on and they should be saying that they should be articulating is that it's the demographics of the 90s were way more easy.
03:04:22 To to maintain a civil society in it was way easier to have a safe white neighborhood when the neighborhood was white.
03:04:35 It was way easier to have a safe white classroom when the classroom was white.
03:04:43 It was way more civil to go out into public encountering people.
03:04:49 When they were all white or significantly larger, portion of them were all white.
03:04:57 It really has nothing to do with some some magical culture. It's demographics. That's what changed.
03:05:06 And if you were to go back to the culture of the 90s, you'd still have the **** demographics. It would be worse.
03:05:15 What made the 90s not as as.
03:05:18 Awful as they.
03:05:19 Could have been was the fact that the the Whites were the glue holding that **** together.
03:05:29 So you you can't, you can't look at.
03:05:34 I mean, no matter what decade you're looking at, whether you look at the 90's, the 50's, the 30s, you can't look at the culture alone.
03:05:44 The culture is almost insignificant compared to the demographics.
03:05:50 It's almost meaningless compared to the demographics.
03:05:54 If all you changed.
03:05:58 If in fact, if you had two, let's say you have two levers you can pull, you pull one lever and all that changes is the quote UN quote culture rewinds.
03:06:11 To 1994, from 2024 to 1994.
03:06:16 So like all the movies.
03:06:19 All the the the curriculum in school.
03:06:23 All of the.
03:06:25 Books.
03:06:27 All the political commentators.
03:06:31 All of the.
03:06:32 Radio stations and **** it, let's just say even the technology.
03:06:37 Right. It goes back from. You know, there's no Internet. We're back to watching TV. Everything just goes.
03:06:43 Essentially, everything but the people.
03:06:46 The people stay the same.
03:06:49 But everything else it's like being transported the 1994.
03:06:55 And then you have another lover.
03:06:59 Where everything stays the way it is now.
03:07:03 But the demographics changed in 1994.
03:07:07 That's it. That's the only thing that changes.
03:07:11 You still have this game movie coming out that's going to be coming.
03:07:14 Out.
03:07:15 You still have trans kids and all this other ******* nonsense that's going on. Trump is still sucking Jew ****.
03:07:23 But the only thing changes.
03:07:26 Is the demographics go back to the demographics of 1994?
03:07:34 Obviously that's the lever you pull.
03:07:40 But these I want to go back to the 90s, ********. 90% of the time aren't aren't thinking about that.
03:07:50 Let's see here.
03:07:52 Gas. Glasser, vacs. Oh, wait, wait. It is the one Zach Reinhardt says I was born in Y2K.
03:08:00 And never experienced 90s culture, but it sounds like what people remember I or or people remember I'd it. I think maybe you're missing a word being wider than it is now. The problem with this thinking is that you can't go back. You can only go forward if you want a better world.
03:08:22 You have to make it not or make it not just wait for something to happen.
03:08:27 We're right. Right. You have to make look, that's the other thing too. Is, is. I would never want to go back to the 90s for a variety of reasons. As I have explained at great length, but it obviously you can't go back and we need to be looking.
03:08:44 Forward to this.
03:08:44 Point we need to be looking forward and.
03:08:47 Unfortunately, again, people want some like magical.
03:08:49 Solution then it's like.
03:08:52 That's not like that. There isn't 1.
03:08:54 I mean or not not in the way you mean it, right? Yeah, obviously there's going to be a solution. We're white people. We're always come. We're always crack the code. Right. But it's not, you know? It's not a ******* fortune cookie. I'm not going to just snap open some ******* fortune cookie. It's like, hey, Devin, do this and the white race is saved. It's like, you know, come on.
03:09:15 Yeah. Thank you very much.
03:09:19 Captain Zach and we got a white cake. Says thank you for calling out Anthony Cumia on the JQ. Do you think you got the message? And teenager Kumia is great. anti-Semitic kumia would be even better. RIP waffle. Yeah. Well, I mean, he obviously saw it. He follows me. I don't know.
03:09:39 He did. I don't know if he.
03:09:40 Unfollowed me, but he obviously noticed because he had to retweet and like, come on guys, I'm not saying it like he has to.
03:09:49 Get it?
03:09:51 For as you don't know, I've been, I've been going on. Tear on ******* Twitter the last like week or so.
03:09:59 I don't remember what exactly what he said, but he said.
03:10:03 Actually, I don't remember. I'd have to look.
03:10:05 I'd have to look.
03:10:06 Let me sing.
03:10:11 The account is getting bigger.
03:10:16 Soon I will.
03:10:18 Control the world. No, it's. I'm. I'm still pretty small potatoes but but.
03:10:25 Where is this? What day was this?
03:10:35 This one is having a rewind. A lot of my timeline here.
03:10:42 What day was this?
03:10:46 Really.
03:10:49 Keep going here. I don't find it soon. Move on. But.
03:11:02 I've tweeted too many things.
03:11:05 Over the last few days.
03:11:08 I've been naming the Jew so ******* hard. Oh, here it is.
03:11:12 So, OK, what you're talking about is.
03:11:16 We have the footage of Trump bending the knee to habad Lubovitch.
03:11:25 And wearing the the little hat and putting the Magic rock on the other magic rock. And you know, Ben Shapiro's looking on as if, like, yeah, it's going, you know, like it's it's super bad optics of nothing else. And so this video got tweeted out.
03:11:36 Yes.
03:11:45 By Gentile news network. And they just said just now the slave meets with his masters and Anthony Cumia.
03:11:53 Tweeted this and says I know this take won't be won't be popular.
03:11:58 Some people with some people, he left it over there, but I'm willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
03:12:05 That he's doing whatever he needs to do to win this election after the election, we can take what he actually does at face value and criticize him accordingly.
03:12:15 His base needs to support him and judge his actions after the election.
03:12:21 Camilla's entire campaign is a lie. I don't mind if Trump has to cater to certain groups to win. He earned that benefit of the doubt. Why? Know he earned that benefit of the doubt because he's always been.
03:12:35 A Jew slave.
03:12:38 In fact. So that's why I.
03:12:39 Said.
03:12:40 I replied and said that's cope.
03:12:42 He's been a Jewish. He's been a Jewish connected man his whole life. This isn't something new, and it didn't exactly ratio him. He got 5 point. I mean, it did at first like.
03:12:53 It was.
03:12:54 The tables have since turned, but he has now 5.8000 likes.
03:12:59 But my reply has got and it's not small 2000 or 2.3000 likes, right?
03:13:06 He never replied to it, but he had to have seen it because then he.
03:13:09 Retweeted it again. Was like, come on, guys. I'm not saying that this is good. I'm just saying.
03:13:14 So he did see it.
03:13:18 He did see it.
03:13:19 But I think that this is. I don't even get past that. He I don't think he quite.
03:13:26 My guess is living because doesn't he live?
03:13:29 In New York.
03:13:32 I don't know if he lives in New York, but I know he lives in some big city and I know he's got.
03:13:37 A lot of big.
03:13:39 City Jew friends, I would imagine, you know, at least with with his background in entertainment, I would suspect he has a lot of.
03:13:51 You know Jew friends or Jew acquaintances or Jew business, not partners necessarily. But you know, I mean peers, I guess.
03:14:02 And that's.
03:14:05 That's the corner you get painted into.
03:14:08 Right. So I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know, maybe I'm totally wrong.
03:14:13 Maybe he gets it and he's just, like, waiting for the right moment or something. I mean, I can be totally wrong, but he does treat the JQ as if it's radioactive, and I don't know his reasons for it, but I, you know.
03:14:29 Look.
03:14:31 It's one of those things where I kind of get it when people don't want to do it, but I also kind of don't.
03:14:38 Because I feel like I've laid it all on the line and and I just and it wasn't that bad like, you know, it wasn't that scary. You can.
03:14:46 Do it.
03:14:48 But you never know what they've got going.
03:14:49 On in the background.
03:14:51 You don't know what personal connections they have.
03:14:56 What kind of finance?
03:14:58 Issues they might have.
03:15:01 I think that's honestly I think that's like.
03:15:03 One of the biggest things.
03:15:05 I'm not saying that with nationalities with him, but I know that is the case with.
03:15:10 A lot of people.
03:15:12 Is they have connected themselves financially.
03:15:16 In one way or another, to a Jew, that would.
03:15:22 Not approve.
03:15:25 That's why you don't take Jew money.
03:15:27 That is why you never take your money.
03:15:31 Or.
03:15:34 It could just be something like.
Jew Jingle
03:15:35 This.
03:15:35 If they're the jewel in the blood or a Jew in the sheets, that is a Jew, you will someday make.
Devon Stack
03:15:44 You know, maybe he's ******* a Jew. I don't know. Doesn't have, like, some young girlfriend. Like I saw someone making fun of him. Cause he's got like.
03:15:49 Young girlfriends. That's a.
03:15:50 Weird weird thing to make 5 about.
03:15:54 Her girlfriend's young and hot and it's like.
03:15:57 That's bad. OK. It's not like she's 7, you know, she's she's not, like, underage.
03:16:05 And he's just, I mean, he's what he's like in his 50s or something, right?
03:16:10 So he's he's kind of old, so, and I think she's like maybe late 20s. So yeah, that's kind of a gap. But I I don't, I don't know, but not exactly something to make fun of someone about. But maybe she's Jewish. And I I don't know. I I.
03:16:24 I've I just saw.
03:16:25 A picture of her once on the timeline and someone said Ohh your girlfriend's young and like.
03:16:32 OK, weird, weird, weird vector to attack him on, but OK.
03:16:40 Let's see here.
03:16:43 Where are we at?
03:16:50 Stupid. How do you say thing keeps moving around?
03:16:52 Zach Reinhardt, Devin. I hope you someday find a woman.
03:16:55 To make you a.
03:16:56 Good Wife and same to the chat here. I think they're going to say same to the cat. That's how I read it. First here is helping to God.
03:17:05 And praying that it happened soon. God bless you all. Catch the. I'll catch the replay. Well, thank you for that. And just like that.
03:17:15 At least seven people in the chat.
03:17:20 They're going to wake up tomorrow morning.
03:17:24 Not knowing that today is the day they meet the one.
03:17:29 Not so secret, Sass says. ******* Shakespeare. I love. Fired up Devin. ******* get it. Thank you for this. You are the best. I'm with you.
03:17:41 Who in their right mind looks back in the 90s with so much nostalgia on that your list on ex was wild as it kept going on and on and on. Well, that was the point. And, you know, I appreciate that. But yeah, that was the point is.
03:17:56 It and I could keep. I could keep it going. I was just trying to keep it down like I was trying to be realistic about it. Like there's lots of other Jews entertainment that I didn't list because I didn't.
03:18:05 Know.
03:18:05 Their names, like I didn't want to put names on the list. Maybe they were like a minor, you know, actor in some sitcom that wasn't all that popular. I wanted to just do household names.
03:18:20 Because I thought that was fair.
03:18:23 That the vast majority of household names.
03:18:27 We're Jews.
03:18:29 So in very few instances I might have included a few that weren't but.
03:18:33 Pretty much all the names on that list were, you know, aside from maybe like the the TV executives which I included for a different reason.
03:18:43 Or the CEOs like of those companies, but the companies were household names, you know, I mean, but I wanted to make it clear that, look, these are people that everyone knew who they were.
03:18:56 And the vast majority, as it turns out.
03:19:00 Of these, household names are Jewish.
03:19:04 Alright, let's take a look here. Grenade says you're absolutely right, Devon. People confuse the happiness and the carefree life of being a child with culture. 90S culture was **** and ***** centric.
03:19:20 When I was a child in the 90s, there was this French cartoon that I would watch religiously, called the mysterious cities of gold.
03:19:32 UM.
03:19:35 Set in the Spanish conquista era, the OR this cartoon was about some child trying to find his dad and a Spaniard trying to find mythical cities made of gold. The plot was very good, but the but guess what? White guilt was shamelessly plugged in so much.
03:19:56 I started to resent my whiteness watching the show.
03:20:00 And would wouldn't you know it, Haim Saban was involved in that production of the show? Yes, that Haim Saban, I'm not sure which which Haim Saban are we talking.
03:20:20 Who's Haim Saban?
03:20:26 He's an Israeli.
03:20:37 What did he do?
03:20:41 So we worked over at Fox.
03:20:43 Univision with this young.
03:20:47 Uh, OK, I don't.
03:20:51 I you know, I'd be lying if I said I knew who he was. I mean, I know who he is now, but I don't know why. Oh, I expected. You know who? Hey, I'm Saban. Was I just finished talking about household names, but one thing that was great in the 90s and early 2000s was video games and computers.
03:21:10 It was pretty much a white ethno state.
03:21:13 UM.
03:21:15 How many of these do you have? You send me a whole ******* blog post to dollar time. Let's see here. There was also shooky levy.
03:21:23 Who was also involved in the production of the mysterious cities of gold and a lot of 90s cartoons. That really shows how Jews are involved in every corner of the 90s culture, I mean.
03:21:36 Yeah. Look, I mean, there was a little bit of the computer stuff and video game stuff was just starting, but I I don't think that was a positive I.
03:21:45 Mean.
03:21:46 Look, I loved video games, loved video games. It was a big part of my upbringing.
03:21:54 But I see that as a like a bad thing wrong. I enjoyed it.
03:22:00 But I'm not one of these dumb people that thinks that, like, well, it felt good. So it had to be good.
03:22:05 I think that.
03:22:07 In limited doses, it was it was probably OK.
03:22:12 But ultimately, I think it was not so. OK.
03:22:16 I think that there's a lot of things I could have been doing in my time that would have been way more productive and would have made me way more successful in life had I done that instead of I'm going to waste away in front of this computer trying to get, you know, trying to.
03:22:31 Own the new.
03:22:32 Jobs for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours.
03:22:36 10 hours and now and it's just such a time suck video games and I don't. Doesn't matter. We're talking about back in the day when it was Super Nintendo and ****, or if it's.
03:22:45 You know, first person shooters on a on the newest, you know, latest and greatest graphics card. I I just don't. I think white people are being pacified by video games. I think a lot of what's sucking the competitive energy out of white men specifically is video games and I look.
03:23:04 I get it, I get it. I spent.
03:23:08 A shameful amount of my life until until I would say super recently. But like, you know, when that law go, I mean, I'd say.
03:23:21 About eight years ago, it's probably when I I kind of shut it down when I.
03:23:25 Was like, OK, you're.
03:23:27 This is you're you're spending way too. This is this. This is this chapter of your life is over.
03:23:34 And I wish it had been over a long time prior to that, because I did waste so much of my time playing and I was good at it and I felt, you know, dopamine by being good at it. My own, the noobs. I felt like I was somehow achieving something, but it really wasn't.
03:23:50 So.
03:23:52 Yeah, in the 90s, you could argue that it wasn't as addictive, but it was getting there. And I've, I've, I've did a whole stream on EverQuest that was in the 90s.
03:24:02 Like the late 90s, but that was.
03:24:04 You know, that was stuff that was already.
03:24:07 It was already beginning right? A lot of these.
03:24:11 Really addictive life. We're running games. We're coming out.
03:24:17 And it it destroyed a lot of lives. Again, if you want to look, I think it's might be called the EverQuest Edition, but yeah, it's it's. I don't see that as like, yeah, I would say it was nowadays it's not. It was way had way fewer Jews involved.
03:24:35 During that era of video game design, it was mostly just white people, because we're just smart. And so we were the ones that knew how to write the code and make a game.
03:24:45 But Jews swooped in. Of course the second they smelled money and and, you know, I don't know. I'd have to look, I I guess I didn't even look at that. I mean, I I was focused in the 90s and I just I knew.
03:24:56 There probably. Maybe there's a couple.
03:24:59 A couple of Jewish video game executives in the 90s, but I would suspect it was mostly mostly not. Yeah, there's probably a couple Jews here and there, but it was probably mostly just white white guys and well and Japanese, obviously.
03:25:16 But yeah, it's it's uh.
03:25:19 Not only that's great either. I don't think it's A and I and this is somewhat like I I was a straight up. There's no other word that would describe me other than gamer. I was like straight up ******* gamer, you know? And.
03:25:32 And I was and I I was never.
03:25:34 I you know, I never. I couldn't. I couldn't see it when I was in it.
03:25:38 I I would have scoffed at anyone that telling me I'd be like. Yeah, OK, grandpa. Like, if if someone had told me not to play games or for any reason, I would have said you just don't get it, man.
03:25:50 But now I get it.
03:25:52 And I'm like, **** man, I wish I got.
03:25:54 It before.
03:25:56 Anyway, alright, let's take a look here.
03:26:01 Again, I got bumped all over the ******* place.
03:26:10 Where did it go?
03:26:12 Grenade. And you're like super long.
03:26:17 Thing. Here we go. Man of low moral fiber. Obviously it's been covered by you already, but Ruby Ridge and Waco happened in the 90s and people cheered because the 90s culture thought Randy Weaver was the Great Satan. The 90s were gay at a level that was unprecedented. Thanks for the stream. Well, that's the people.
03:26:37 Well, that's the other thing that I mean, that wasn't really the culture is why didn't really bring.
03:26:42 But or you could say the response to it was. I mean, look at the response to all that stuff. The response to the Oklahoma City bombing, the response to, you know, Waco and I mean that's how, you know, they knew how people respond to 911.
03:26:59 Because you had, like, a handful of people that would, that pushed back on this, but they didn't have power, they knew that generally speaking, the public was going to go along with whatever the **** they said, and they did.
03:27:12 Ah, my fat little ******** toe.
Money Clip
03:27:21 Hi, Don, it's Heather.
03:27:22 Hey.
Devon Stack
03:27:27 My fat little ******** tell a very based friend of mine has a sub stack and he is currently dealing with a dachshund attempt, a new kid and a career change. I don't need you to open it up but or put it on a list to look at.
03:27:48 And then you gave me some gay links. Why would you give me gay links?
03:27:53 I'll put on my notes. I might look at it, but no promises. I won't gay link you this time.
03:27:59 Let's see here. Let me put in my notes.
03:28:08 OK.
03:28:09 And then we got Sebastian.
03:28:12 Says Euro ivory tower.
03:28:16 I'm not sure I get the reference.
03:28:19 Fat loss Media says FUBU is Jewish. I wondered about that because FUBU was for us by us, so I assumed it was.
03:28:29 And that's what it stood for. I was told in the 90s. It was like the Black People brand because it was for us by us. But, you know, in retrospect, I was thinking about that was like, was it really?
03:28:39 Though was it?
03:28:39 Really, for for you by you. Or was it for you by Jews?
03:28:43 You know like.
03:28:45 And and I it. It didn't immediately become clear that there was a Jew.
03:28:50 Putting it so I I you know.
03:28:53 I I skipped it for the time being, but I would not be surprised if.
03:29:00 I mean Jews.
03:29:00 Would almost have to be involved because it's the garment industry on some level, right?
03:29:07 Man of low moral fiber says Adidas was originally a German company named after a German man named Adolph. Yeah, well, I think it's still technically a German company. Not that it off, but another one Adidas. Is it a common shortened or Eddy is a common shortening of the name and dash.
03:29:27 Was a backronym.
03:29:30 The corn song isn't the meaning of the name. Yeah, I know that I get your point though. The company fell under Jew control. Yeah. No, I I knew. That's not really what it meant, but there. But there was a 90s corn song promoting the brand that way because it was part of the culture. And it look, there was the rap song in the 80s, you know.
03:29:51 Dudas.
03:29:52 Like it was a a culturally.
03:29:56 Significant brand of clothing.
03:30:00 Even though it kind of is.
03:30:03 Not like it was in the 80s and 90s, but even now it kind of is. And that was my point. Was just that this brand that in the 90s it was.
03:30:11 A.
03:30:12 In a statement right, it was a statement, maybe even to some degree, a status symbol. If you had, like, the, the Adidas.
03:30:22 You know, sweatshirt, you know the stripes on it, you know, or even just the shoes.
03:30:27 That was like a thing, and they were kind of expensive. Like, if you were one of the poor kids you didn't have.
03:30:33 You know the cool Adidas zippy sweatshirt? I don't know.
03:30:37 What you call it?
03:30:39 The.
03:30:41 It's not a jacket. You guys know what I mean? The the Adidas thing, everyone that one had one in the 90s.
03:30:50 But yeah, at the time there was a Jewish Jewish CEO I, but I think it still is a German company.
03:30:58 Here, because YouTube is gay says.
03:31:02 I got to work so I will catch the replay. Nothing is funnier than that evil Jew falling out of a plane from last stream. I love happy endings. Cheers. Well, I appreciate that.
03:31:17 Even.
03:31:21 Chris says please post the 90s Cultural list video on Telegram later, very fitting to have a vampire Hunter music back in it. The Blade movie, music and yes, I know who wrote blade. I hope he's also on that list.
03:31:41 I think he might be on that list. I got a.
03:31:42 Few comic book.
03:31:44 No, no, I've, I've. I didn't put their names. I put their, their their products. I should. I should probably put their names, but it's too late now.
03:31:53 Sebastian says. Devin, have you ever watched the century of South Adam Curtis? He touches down on the psychological manipulation of advertising to not buy things. You know, I did a whole stream on this.
03:32:04 Yeah.
03:32:05 In fact, I think it's like A2 parter. I think I did a.
03:32:08 Two parter, a.
03:32:09 Couple years ago, but to rather by them who will make you feel about yourself like entity instead of the man that helped pioneer this was none other.
03:32:18 And then it got cut off. Then Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud's nephew. Yeah, we.
03:32:23 I did a.
03:32:24 Two parter, I think at least maybe in a three parter, in fact, I think it's called to make it easy what you know, even though most of the times I don't have an easy name and I think it's it is called century of self addition or something like that. So if you want to take a look at that, that's.
03:32:38 That's going to be on the.
03:32:40 The Odyssey Channel, Blood and Biden says.
03:32:47 No.
03:32:48 There's nothing.
Aryan Leader
03:32:49 When you're trying to save money.
03:32:51 A good rule to follow is to.
Devon Stack
03:33:00 Take it from there, Jim Nabors, it'll pay.
03:33:01 Dividends says replay gang.
03:33:08 Men of low moral fibre says I agree that the Alt culture push was obviously very contrived. With that said, I feel bad for the some 41 singer who just went public with the fact that his Jewish producer was ****** him.
03:33:30 Very unfortunate. No, I I I would. I would expect that.
03:33:35 Well, just with the petty stuff. I mean, I think there was a whole lot of rape in the Jewish music industry.
03:33:42 Sebastian says think about how many mud sharks and single moms were spawned from this 90s culture. What?
03:33:51 I would say race mixing was probably slightly less in the 90s. If you look at the old teen movies, they would have the token black guy, but he always.
03:34:03 Had.
03:34:03 A black girlfriend. You know what I mean?
03:34:06 They really start to mix them until the 2000s, but I get what you're saying and all the there were still a lot of, you know, a lot of the athletes, the famous athletes, were black. The ones are getting all the endorsements. So these girls dads were cheering on black guys and wearing their names on jerseys and ****.
03:34:27 Let all that ****** stuff and there was also, you know, with the hip hop culture getting bigger in the 90s.
03:34:37 Lord of the King says it really confuses me. The FTJ crowd could make 1930s Germany in their own homelands.
03:34:47 Like, just look at the videos and substitute your own race for your pins. Go home and try it out.
03:34:55 I don't know the.
03:34:57 Reference. I'm not sure what the FTJ is trash man.
03:35:12 Do you believe our generation will live to see the day that Israel gets totally ******* glassed?
03:35:18 Probably not, but anything could happen.
03:35:22 If I mean look.
03:35:24 If if a nuclear power.
03:35:28 A nuclear power.
03:35:31 If a nuclear power feels cornered.
03:35:36 I mean, you know, like Sarah ran, right? If they actually had.
03:35:41 The ability to do it and they felt like, wow, we're going.
03:35:44 To get.
03:35:46 Leveled by America or invaded by America or whatever. Who knows? All it takes is like for one person with the the access to that kind of a thing to feel like they they don't have that. They're out of options.
03:35:59 UM.
03:36:02 But I don't know. I just kind of feel like that's not likely, but who knows? Sebastian says Corolla Ruth Westheimer. Dr. Ruth, the sex therapist and talk show host. As a Jew. Yep. She's on. She's on the list.
03:36:20 Mr. me, with the big dono.
03:36:25 If I can find the.
03:36:26 Button.
03:36:27 See it.
03:36:28 No, that's not the right button.
03:36:35 The money is why money is the only weapon that you have to defend yourself with.
03:36:40 Go, Julie, this *** is.
03:37:00 Mr. me says thanks for ruining the last remnants of nostalgia from my youth. So how far back do we have to go in time to get white culture pre turn of the century Eastern European immigration? Well, yeah. I think that, honestly.
03:37:18 You have to go before Hollywood.
03:37:20 Yeah, you have to just go before Hollywood took over.
03:37:24 Hollywood took the nation by storm. It was a new technology, the moving pictures, and it was.
03:37:34 More appealing and people don't realize this when movie theaters first came out.
03:37:39 There were it was not uncommon for people to go and just watch.
03:37:44 The same movie over and over and over again. Like because yeah, they didn't have TV. They couldn't like binge watch ****. This was the only way they could experience.
03:37:54 You know, moving pictures and people would often go and see the same movies, like over and over and over again all week long or or, you know, whatever they could afford. I mean, not not one could afford to keep doing that. But it was. It was a common thing to to keep going to the theater. And then when the.
03:38:13 Television became available.
03:38:16 Mostly post World War 2. Obviously that that spread like wildfire that got into almost every home. Well was, I mean.
03:38:26 That, that, that hit that.
03:38:28 That hit America at a time when.
03:38:33 You know, post World War 2, we.
03:38:35 Had all that.
03:38:36 That wealth, I guess, from from winning the war. And we had, we still have the.
03:38:43 The.
03:38:45 Infrastructure from the war to manufacture these televisions. You know, RCA was busting out those. In fact, we we made the TV's for everybody for a while. Like if you had a TV, it came from America. Like we were manufacturing all that, all that stuff for the rest of the.
03:39:03 World back, you know, back when we made stuff, I mean that that ended rather quickly the second we fit the second, we trained **** how to make stuff. It all got shipped over there so we could basically take advantage of them as as slave labor.
03:39:21 But yeah, Yep, it's uh.
03:39:26 What was the question? How far do we have to go back? Yeah. I mean, look, like I said, you probably said to go before TV, before TV and before movies. You'd have to go to the 1800s before you would look at the pop culture and.
03:39:45 And see a significant amount of the majority of it not coming from Jews. Jews were still even before the moving picture. They, you know, there's vaudeville acts and stuff like that.
03:39:57 But that you know, that wasn't. That wasn't everyday culture you you had local culture was was thriving until movies came out and and especially before television came out. The second that came out that technology came out all all the how do you compete with that right it's you think of it this way.
03:40:17 For the people in the 1920s or 30s.
03:40:21 Watching a movie was an incredible experience. I mean, everyone's kind of over it now, but it would be like it'd be like comparing it to a holodeck almost like if you had the kind of technology where you could say, hey, come live in this fantasy world, and if you just pay a couple of dollars, you can live in this fantasy fantasy world.
03:40:41 For two hours.
03:40:44 And.
03:40:45 That's how it was for these people, you know, you gotta. They're going from nothing, you know from like having nothing like that in existence, like never having seen a moving picture.
03:40:59 To having having you know this, this it's literally it's like a holodeck. Like, that's the only way I can explain it.
03:41:06 It would be like if all of a sudden some company came out tomorrow and said yeah for like 30 bucks. We'll let you live in this fantasy world for like 5 hours. People would be lining up. They would be lining up and whoever controlled whatever the **** was going on in that in that fantasy world, you would be the most influential person in the in the.
03:41:26 In the.
03:41:26 Numbers and that's what happened was Jews were suddenly the most influential people in the universe. They were suddenly the ones that controlled reality, even if it was just for a brief moment. Even if it was just for those two hours that the movie was taking place, you're now getting the the vast majority of the American public.
03:41:47 Or at least the people that matter right? The middle class, upper middle class, and high class. The people with with money.
03:41:53 My.
03:41:53 Power you are now essentially guiding them, giving them a guided tour through a fictional scenario, delivering whatever moral to that story that you want it to deliver.
03:42:08 And that's an incredible power to have and that that's that's what the Jews had for and have had since.
03:42:18 Uh, let's take a look here. Thank you very much, Mr. Me, for the generous support. A lovely scribe in God's army says interesting fact. Mark echoes. Little brother was a budding Rothstein but got killed while selling drugs when he was still in high school.
03:42:39 Womp, Womp, I don't have the womp womp button.
03:42:44 Chosen Jawas says. Did you see where Jack the Ripper had now been been been identified as a Jewish Freemason? I mean, I haven't seen. I've heard that theory has been floating around for years. I didn't know that. If anything new would come out. I don't.
03:43:00 Know how anything new could?
03:43:02 Unless you know what what new evidence could they have hundreds of years later?
03:43:06 I suspect that's entirely possible. I'd have to see what you're talking about.
03:43:11 Love and division.
03:43:23 1910s Jews gave us the deadly World War One 1920s decadence, 1930's the banker LED depression, 1940s deadly World War Two 1950s cultural Marxist.
03:43:36 Rock'n'roll 1960s cultural Marxist hippie movement.
03:43:41 1970s cultural Marxist gay rights 1980s multiculturalism 1990s Jewish out of the closet, cultural or culture gods.
03:43:53 Yeah, I'd say pretty much pretty much, but a good part of how they were able.
03:43:59 To pull it off was.
03:44:01 The the movie The Moving Picture technology that I was just describing. Private web says Howdy Devin was wondering if you had any advice on how to red pill women or how to find a red pill woman. I know most couples in my generation meet through the Internet. It's a.
03:44:21 It is a little sad in my opinion. I've also heard heard Church is a good place to look. Thank you for everything you do. Why you're not going to like this private web.
03:44:32 But the first thing you got to do is.
03:44:35 You got to stop watching anime.
03:44:37 If you if.
03:44:38 You if you ever want a real woman, you're going to have to. Well, I don't. I mean, I don't know if that's 100% sure. There's probably.
03:44:45 You know dorky women that are into anime these days, but.
03:44:49 I don't know, man, if you want.
03:44:50 To be a Chad.
03:44:52 You're going to have to give.
03:44:53 Up the.
03:44:55 Give up the anime. I'm just telling you, I'm just telling you.
03:45:00 I'm just saying.
03:45:02 I think in the list of of things that women want out of a man, I don't think likes anime is on on many of those lists I'm just telling.
03:45:12 You.
03:45:14 I mean, I don't know. I don't envy the people that are that are growing up in this environment.
03:45:22 I I you know, and that's a tough one. I I don't know because.
03:45:28 Really. I I mean, look, the internet's probably the way to go for the most part, it depends where you live though, too. If you live in a big city.
03:45:38 Or if there's like a church, you can go to where there's lots of single women.
03:45:42 That that would be a way to.
03:45:44 Do it if you're in a big city, you can meet people, go like a farmers market. You know what I mean? Like go to like one of.
03:45:51 These stupid things that girls go to, whether it's like a farm, I mean, I mean, I like farmers market too. But you know, I mean, they've got like a like a art or craft craft festival. Like, seriously, if you wanna look, if you want to raise it up, like if you've got you got game, go to. I don't know if you do or not, but you know even if you don't maybe this would be fun.
03:46:12 Practice, or at least.
03:46:14 An interesting experiment go to like some like craft fest. You know, like something gay, that like ******* girls go to and you know it's you're not. There's not going to hear any other dudes. The the only other dudes that will be there are going to be like dudes that are being dragged there by their girlfriends or by their wife. Right and so you already know who's with someone because they're going to be with some like really ******.
03:46:36 Looking guy, so just look for, like, the chicks that are by themselves looking at worthless **** made out of buttons. You know what I mean? And just just go approach them. Just like talking like.
03:46:49 Talk about whatever it is they're looking at like, even if it's garbage.
03:46:52 Just like, oh, that that looks neat.
03:46:54 Oh, you should.
03:46:54 Totally buy that crap that you're looking at that's made of garbage.
03:47:02 Try something like that or if it like a farmers market, you know same thing just like wait till there's like some woman looking at asparagus or whatever the **** and just be like hey, like asparagus too. Who cares if it doesn't work out you're going to see these people again.
03:47:19 If nothing else, you'll get some balls out of it. I remember. Like I asked this girl.
03:47:24 Out.
03:47:25 She was like one of the most popular girls in the school and I was, like, terrified of asking around and.
03:47:32 I finally got the balls to go deal with. Asked her.
03:47:34 Out turn me down.
03:47:36 But I walked out of that situation.
03:47:40 And.
03:47:41 Like I went into that situation, a boy and I walked out of that situation and man, because even though she turned me down, it was like, OK, that wasn't that bad. Like, she wasn't, like, crazy mean about her like that. But like, I handled it like I I had the balls to get it out.
03:47:58 In a not too embarrassing way.
03:48:02 And I was. I had the gravitas to exit the scenario without looking bad or weird or anything.
03:48:11 And and I felt like a rush.
03:48:15 A rush for having had the balls to ask her out, even if it didn't work out. And after that I had no problems asking anyone out because that was all that was going to. That was the hardest it was ever going to be.
03:48:26 It wasn't that bad.
03:48:28 It wasn't that bad.
03:48:30 So try that. Go out and and look.
03:48:35 Until they throw you out, I guess just go and approach women and.
03:48:42 Ask them about what they're doing. You know, like, like they like to talk about this garbage that they go and shop around for.
03:48:50 So ask them their opinion on stuff and then just nod, nod and go. Hmm. Interesting. And you'll be amazed at what that where they can get you anyway. Situation monitor.
03:49:06 We'll have to cast the replay, but thank you for.
03:49:09 Your work well, I appreciate that.
03:49:13 N7 patriot Spartan.
03:49:28 Hey, Dave is a big comic book fan. I am. It's I I am. It's still essential to be honest about the role Jews play in my favorite characters side note I.
03:49:40 Do a pizza delivery job and pray that the blacks in certain neighborhoods do not rob, maim or kill me. Plus, I have a manager who once got arrested for doing ghetto stuff.
03:49:54 There's a whole lot to unpack there.
03:50:00 I don't. Yeah, well, personal opinion, whatever. I always thought comics were kind of gay, but, like, you know, I just like anime, I guess too.
03:50:10 But I understand some people like.
03:50:12 As far as the pizza delivery stuff, I did that for for a while. That's and I I had some rough neighborhoods I had to go.
03:50:19 To.
03:50:22 And I just kept an MBG stick close by. Many of you know what that stands for. Some of you do not.
03:50:32 I suggest you learn I I suggest you. I suggest you you you do some research and find out what an MBG stick is and invest some money.
03:50:44 In an NBG stick, maybe some people in chat will know. I don't know if it's too obscure of a reference, but it's you need you need an NBG stick and you'll feel a lot better, Sebastian says. I was once on a date with a girl at her house and she made me watch an episode of friends.
03:51:04 Yikes. I watched an episode.
03:51:07 And it was about them mistakenly taping **** over a child's birth video, and the show made it all into a joke desensitizing **** etcetera. Anyways, I left and never saw that girl again. Yeah, I'll tell you what girls that are obsessed with friends are the definition of basic *******.
03:51:28 And.
03:51:30 Yeah, that's just the way that it is. I wish it wasn't.
03:51:34 I wish life.
03:51:35 Would be so much simpler for me. Alright, grenade says another very 90s thing is jokes about blondes and gingers. I've never understood the appeal and never found them funny. As such, I have an inkling that these were created out of a Jewish hatred.
03:51:55 For white people, what do you think? Well, I think the blonde jokes might be.
03:52:01 Yeah, I mean that that was more of a boomer thing. I guess it bled into the 90s.
03:52:05 But that was more of a a boomer thing.
03:52:09 So that would make sense.
03:52:12 Love and division says I got a text message from one of the major political parties today asking who am I planning to vote for with a list of options, including other I texted back Adolf Hitler.
03:52:26 Well, that's that's the way to I think.
03:52:28 Treat that situation.
03:52:32 Chosen Jawa says I am not mental defect. I don't have the button for that anymore.
03:52:40 I don't think.
03:52:42 I'm slowly trying to migrate to.
03:52:48 There we go.
Money Clip
03:52:48 I am not Mr. defect.
03:52:53 And I don't see why. How can the doctor say that I am?
Devon Stack
03:52:59 There we go, Rooster says. I was the one who suggested the Leonard Nimoy Holocaust movie.
03:53:05 Finally got to get got to catch that episode on replay gang the other day. Thanks for the stream. 90s were gay. Yes, they were. Yes, they were.
03:53:15 I think it was that movie. That movie was 90s, right, early 90s, I think, and seven Patriots Spartan last don't know for tonight.
03:53:25 Give me a.
03:53:26 Fagot well, I don't know if I have a fagots here. That's no, that's not what I gotta get a.
03:53:30 Have a *******.
03:53:31 Button for or you.
03:53:32 Don't have a.
03:53:33 Button for it. There we go. I'd set that up actually.
03:53:36 Yeah.
03:53:37 Knight makes review says I know a man who was involved in brutal schweigen the order he would really like to speak to you about the history. If you are interested, I can put you in touch. He is on Twitter. He would like to get you in on some inside baseball on the events that you're not getting from these sources.
03:53:58 Would be interesting. Yeah, I'll do. Uh, I'll have to hit you up about that. Maybe we can do like, I wonder if he he. I wonder if he could watch the movie.
03:54:10 And.
03:54:11 And give some insights about how the the way they they show it going down and the way it really was.
03:54:17 That'd be pretty wild. I think people would like that.
03:54:21 Chosen Jawa says there's a clip from a few years back when Ben Shapiro was speaking on a college campus about racism.
03:54:29 And how slavery does not affect blacks today.
03:54:32 He said blacks aren't entitled to compensation for things that have no bearing today and should have then asked Ben if that also applies to the Holocaust.
03:54:45 There's no, and that's that. That's that.
03:54:48 Uh, well, yeah, I suspect he he does not think that that does not apply to the Holocaust.
03:54:56 Creative Bot 72.
03:55:06 You should review the lyrics from Eminem's White America song no link because I ain't a ***.
03:55:14 I always thought Eminem was was gay. Honestly, I always ******* hated it. Even in my wigger phase. I thought it was like, what is this?
03:55:24 Like what is this?
03:55:26 Like what is this garbage? It's not that I don't like white rappers. I like. Oddly, a lot of Canadian white rappers of the time.
03:55:33 I just thought that it was.
03:55:35 Like.
03:55:36 It was like they were trying to to turn like ICP style, you know, ultra violent psychopath wrap into.
03:55:47 More.
03:55:49 Mainstream. Kind of. Yeah. But the same thing. It's like, it's like you couldn't have a white rapper just be cool like he had to. He had to.
03:55:58 Be like some.
03:55:59 Kind of psycho that was going to murder his girlfriend and mom and you know, I mean.
03:56:03 Like I don't know. I just never thought it was that cool. I always thought it was ******* gay as ****. And and this is when I was like, at peak Wigger. This was when I was rapping. OK, to give you an idea, this is.
03:56:15 When I was like.
03:56:16 Full on into hip-hop and when it when it came out, I was like, this is what the ****.
03:56:23 This like it just seemed forced. I I was surprised that it that it was popular actually.
03:56:27 Because.
03:56:28 I thought it was going to be like a a vanilla ice type situation where, you know he has like the a couple songs and goes away, but he's still ******* around and it and he sucks. So I've never had. I've never liked the single Eminem song.
03:56:43 Man of low moral fiber. The Hitler was right on one thing. Whoever has the youth has the future. Sound Bite has been turned into a nice song by Tiwaz Tunes who has produced several nice songs for our cause. He has an odyssey channel.
03:57:02 And he is an Argent beacon as well. Thanks for the stream. Alright. Well, I appreciate that. I have to check that out.
03:57:12 But yeah, that was, you know, again once again you're going to call my me, making a list.
03:57:19 You're deranged.
03:57:21 Well, look what happens when you just say the word Hitler, Sebastian says. I am .02 or 1/5 of 1% Jewish per my DNA test.
03:57:35 At what cutoff would someone make your list? Well, not certainly, that's.
03:57:40 That's not going to make the list.
03:57:43 I was trying to keep it just like, you know, a quarter Jewish would make you Jewish. You know what I mean? Yeah. The panda too. Like, are you?
03:57:50 Know.
03:57:52 Like Rosie O'Donnell, right? She's not. She's 0 Jewish. But she practiced Kabbalah. So it's kind of like, yeah, **** that *****. She's going the.
03:57:59 List.
03:58:00 You know what I mean now, in retrospect.
03:58:03 I.
03:58:04 I probably would have done it the second time around just because like it it gave it gave the the deniers the list deniers, an angle to be like oh.
03:58:15 You're clearly all these people aren't Jewish cause Rosie O'Donnell isn't Jewish and it's just lying. All right, well.
03:58:21 You know, whatever you know.
03:58:24 What I.
03:58:24 Mean, but no. Obviously that percentage is imperceptible. Chosen Jawas says Devin, since the archive.org got hacked. Will this affect your streams and how you build your episodes? I didn't know that I got hacked, but no, I mean, I use it.
03:58:42 I use it.
03:58:45 From time to time, but it's not like like I didn't use it at all this time. This stream I didn't even look at it, so I'll check it out after the show and see what what it got funked up on, or if it's you know, what's what exactly. The stories with it.
03:59:00 Sebastian says white ******* power.
03:59:03 Interesting times, 1488.
03:59:06 Yeah.
03:59:07 With the big dono.
03:59:09 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
03:59:15 Go, Julie, this *** is.
03:59:33 All right.
03:59:35 And interesting times 14 and 8 says I've been following you and clearing up my worldview with your help. I'm middle-aged and now feel alienated from my family and church. Nobody I know IRL fall or fails to recoil at the thought of it. Can you point me and guys like me to a community building hub?
03:59:55 I need a local network. Thanks for everything. I wish that I could. Maybe there's people in chat. I mean, I I first of all, I don't know where you are and I wouldn't, you know. Don't don't say where you are unless.
04:00:08 You want the every the world to know where you are, I guess.
04:00:12 UM.
04:00:13 Yeah. I I I don't know if anything like that that exists. Look, I'll tell you like I feel very cut off and isolated sometimes myself I have. I have a circle of of friends in real life and and on the Internet and and whatnot. But you'd be surprised like, This is why I keep trying to explain to people that think that. Ohh.
04:00:32 The normies are waking up. They're not.
04:00:34 Because there's a lot of normies that don't talk to me anymore. You know what I mean? And that is a that is a side effect of.
04:00:41 Of realizing what the hell is going on is you're going to get a lot of people that and makes them uncomfortable, and you're now the the scary guy for believing scary things. And that's just the.
04:00:57 The nature of the beast, I guess.
04:01:00 UM, people in chat might might have some recommendations I I can't really.
04:01:07 Throw my endorsement by anything because I don't know of anything that is like that.
04:01:12 But I would, you know, start it online, you know, looking around at at.
04:01:17 I mean, I don't know, I.
04:01:18 Don't know. Like if you were younger, I'd say.
04:01:21 I guess it's tougher if.
04:01:22 You're middle-aged like UM.
04:01:25 Because that's that's just going to limit the there's just not as many middle-aged people that are going to get it. You know what I mean?
04:01:32 That's going to lower the lower the.
04:01:35 The pool and look, and it's just harder, I think as as you get older to make friends period. Like even if you're not like a, you know Nazi like it just makes it tough. Yeah. I mean before you.
04:01:47 Know well before.
04:01:49 I start being controversial just because of the way people drift apart and they have families and you know, I moved. I moved around entirely too often, but I I was always chasing the career and so I was moving from coast to coast and just going all over the place, never really, you know, establishing any roots anywhere. I was just.
04:02:11 Always. I was like a a nomad and and. And so you know, you have these superficial friends that you know online and then you move like 1000 miles and you kind of just slowly stop talking to him, you know, cuz.
04:02:23 You're not, you know, you know. And and you have less and less in common as you get older. Not just, unfortunately, I think some of that's just going to be, you know, it happens. That's life.
04:02:35 That's why I don't know if you're married or not, but if you if you're not, then I would. I would look for, you know, find yourself a lady. Find yourself a lady.
04:02:46 So you could at least have a.
04:02:47 Copilot next to.
04:02:48 You.
04:02:48 Right and.
04:02:50 And if not, why don't you could check? You could also check out. I don't know where you are again locally there there could be some stuff or church you could go to a church.
04:03:00 UM.
04:03:02 Yeah, it's tough. Like, I don't know, people keep asking questions like this and it's tough because I don't know. I mean, this is this, this is the kind of stuff I struggle with to some extent because of my location. I'm kind of isolated and.
04:03:13 The people that are around here are few and far between and and we don't have a whole lot of common, you know, that's just the way that it is.
04:03:21 But even if I lived in a big city still, right?
04:03:25 Like even if I lived in DC or San Francisco, still it would.
04:03:30 Be.
04:03:30 It was tough there where I lived in DC.
04:03:35 I think I went to meet up the the website meetup.com.
04:03:39 And I tried going to some of these ******* meetups and they were just, like, the weirdest people.
04:03:43 Would go to these things like.
04:03:44 I don't know. That's just what it is. I don't know if that website is still like a thing, but I I would. I would just go to like these meetups that seemed that seemed like the less gay, you know, or the least gay. I even made one once it was for.
04:03:58 Yeah.
04:04:00 Like computer graphics or I don't remember what it was, and some people showed up to it and they were all ******* weirdos. I'm just.
04:04:06 Like what did I?
04:04:07 Do. Yeah, I just made a bunch of psychos from the Internet show up at this restaurant with me, and now I feel.
04:04:12 Like I'm on.
04:04:13 A on a weird play date with with weirdos.
04:04:17 It's just like it was a mistake.
04:04:19 But you know there's, I guess if you want to, you know, you want to, you don't know anyone, you got to take some risk.
04:04:26 Yes. So yeah, I guess I would say the same sort.
04:04:29 Of.
04:04:29 Thing is, maybe maybe find like some clubs, local clubs. Maybe there's a local gun club. I mean, I don't know. Maybe militias are a thing where you live. Find a militia. I mean, why not? I mean, you know, there's got to be something like that. Maybe that you could.
04:04:46 Look into. Yeah, I I I don't wish you know, I wish I had an answer. I'll tell you what. If there's ever becomes, like, a thing.
04:04:53 You know, some kind of network that we established. I'll let everyone on the stream know one way or another, but as of right now, I don't, I'm not aware of anything like that.
04:05:05 But yeah, let us know if you find out very, very generous of you interesting times.
04:05:11 1488.
04:05:14 While Lulu.
04:05:16 Says a stray cinnamon colored cat started appearing randomly in my backyard and I jokingly referred to him as churro. Long story short, my family ended up adopting him. Sorry about your cat, but true love spreads on. Look at that, Truro has a doppelganger somewhere in the world.
04:05:36 I think there's a there's little mini. There's. I think there's a mini.
04:05:40 I think I think he had an illegitimate child.
04:05:44 Because when I was in town, I saw like a mini churro. And of course, you know.
04:05:50 It wasn't exactly a mini Truro, but I saw the resemblance in a way that I that it's possible. I think. I think Churro has been out.
04:06:01 ******* the hoes. We're learning. Not not this summer yet.
04:06:03 He's going to.
04:06:05 After the winter, he's going to be so annoying to deal with. I might.
04:06:08 Have to actually get him.
04:06:10 Get them snipped if.
04:06:13 If I can't stop them from.
04:06:16 Stinking up the place, Mr. Trolley. Good evening, Devin, and thank you for always fighting for our people. God bless you, Jesus Lord. Good night. Well, I appreciate that, Mister. Trolley Terrace Tarantulas says great documentary on how a Jewish husband and wife befriended Bob Ross.
04:06:36 And stole his name and financially ruined him. Very sad, but the great example of how they infiltrate our culture. Some of the painter Bob Ross.
04:06:49 I'll add that to my notes.
04:06:56 Man of low moral fiber, paraphrasing your response to an earlier chat, it's a long, rough road ahead. Most people listening now won't be alive by the time we make it out of this hurts to hear. People need to come to terms with it, however.
04:07:11 I think that is why Q is so popular among the dumbest people. They want the solution that happens now.
04:07:19 Well, they have to. They have low, low time preference. You know who else has low time preference *******? I don't know if that would be effective to shame these *******, but it's the marshmallow test.
04:07:36 Of our movement.
04:07:37 Yeah, a lot of these people, it's it's, uh.
04:07:42 Yeah, you you meant high time preference? Yeah. A lot of these people.
04:07:48 They're just. Look, there's, there's, there's always going.
04:07:50 To be dumb.
04:07:50 People.
04:07:52 There's always going to be dumb people and they're going to fall for stupid stuff and you can't save them all and that it is what it is. It's at a certain point you just got to like.
04:08:03 You know, look.
04:08:04 It's it's. I still bully flat Earthers, and I bully cute tarts and I.
04:08:09 Always hope that.
04:08:11 Even if it just one or two figures it out, that's good, but at the same time.
04:08:16 You know, if they're the ones that don't make it, is it all bad? Is it all bad to get rid of the the Q card? Gene? You know what I mean? Is that the worst thing? I don't think it's the worst thing.
04:08:29 So, you know, they're kind of.
04:08:33 Do us a favor in a way.
04:08:35 Hammer. Thors aim.
04:08:37 Good. Really good. Good grill.
Devon Stack
04:08:43 Regarding smoking, the point wasn't allowing smoking and so they could ban smoking on the plane and still have 100% fresh air circulating. But no, they used not smoking to justify.
04:08:57 The new air system to exploit the Gorham and hurt their.
04:09:00 Health just to milk out a few more shekels. Not sure if I was going. OK. I I see what you're saying. I didn't get what you were. I didn't understand that part of it.
04:09:09 You probably said it fine I.
04:09:10 Just.
04:09:11 Read it weird or something that makes sense. Yeah, well, there you go.
04:09:17 Forever. Forever looking how to squeeze extra bucks, right?
04:09:21 Out of the system.
04:09:23 Hammer authorizing. Appreciate that Arch Stanton. Just a thought. I've been mowing over since. Any explicitly white group gets law fared out of existence, would it be better to try to build a coalition of European ethnicities, German groups, Irish groups, etcetera, since that would help with the flying of the radar?
04:09:44 No, I I think.
04:09:45 There are ways you can do it. I think you can.
04:09:49 I think you can refuse people based on whatever criteria you come up with.
04:09:58 I just. I'm not. I'm not familiar enough with the law on on under what?
04:10:05 Instances, that's that's.
04:10:08 Allowed, but you might.
04:10:09 Have to have a religious element.
04:10:12 I'm telling you, we talked about this like a couple of years ago when I was throwing out the idea. Well, maybe we could do a cult, and I was kind of joking, but I'm just saying, you know, I don't mean like, an actual cult cult. Like, you know, I mean, where, like, we have some kind of.
04:10:29 You know weird xeno ****. I'm just saying that.
04:10:32 Legally, structure it like a cult. You know, I mean, like, make it like a a religion that is legitimate under the the eyes of the federal government because then that opens up all kinds of.
04:10:46 Possibilities that didn't exist before that. Again, I don't know. I I I gotta find a lawyer that could maybe.
04:10:54 Roommate on that for a little.
04:10:56 Bit.
04:10:57 Longer, the king says, calling back to another super chat in the 90s and early 2000.
04:11:04 There were no non Europeans at my mall, not even nasty Persians selling useless **** in kiosks. If I could go back to those demographics, I'd not even mention what I'd sacrifice.
04:11:17 Yeah.
04:11:19 The demographics is the biggest thing now. Unfortunately, I never really lived anywhere that.
04:11:23 Was.
04:11:24 Super White, I lived.
04:11:28 In California, when I was very young and that was diverse as **** already.
04:11:35 And then.
04:11:36 I lived in.
04:11:37 The white part or a white part in New Mexico, but it was, you know, from New Mexico, it was white. That meant that like.
04:11:48 It was only like 20% Mexican instead of like 80.
04:11:53 Know what I mean? Like so.
04:11:57 It's it was.
04:11:58 I've never lived anywhere.
04:11:59 Where like it was super white. I just never have.
04:12:04 Well, I take that back. I did live in a weird mountain town for a few years.
04:12:08 That was super white, but that was like a temporary, you know?
04:12:13 Uh.
04:12:16 I don't know. I guess I could go back to something like that those.
04:12:18 Little places exist, but.
04:12:24 Yeah, no, maybe mountain towns. Maybe that's the way to do it, huh? Seems it seems like the ******* fear the the snow and the high altitude.
04:12:34 Maybe. Maybe, you know, maybe those I'd have to go back there. Maybe that place is all ****** now, too.
04:12:41 Ah man of low moral fiber, says Frank Lautenberg. Born the Jews from Russia and Poland.
04:12:50 Was a long serving congressman who went to great lengths to ruin white culture through raising the drinking age to make sure people didn't develop reasonable drinking tradition.
04:13:01 With their parents and instead funneled white kids into party drinking and binge culture, away from the family, he was also responsible for numerous gun control laws, federally mandated treatment of AIDS patients made over $100 million as a career senator.
04:13:20 He might be worth a stream just on him one day. Specifically, just start with the Lautenberg Amendment.
04:13:31 Well, he's in my notes. I'll have to look into him.
04:13:35 From Wikipedia, first passed in 1989, the amendment granted presumptive refugee status to Jewish people and members of other groups from the Soviet Union, and facilitated the immigration of hundreds of thousands of Jews in the United States well.
04:13:54 That's that's just.
04:13:57 That's just fantastic.
04:14:00 Art Stanton says, just FYI, Anthony Cumia is now working for Gavin Mcginnis's site censored TV.
04:14:08 Which also host Owen Benjamin's content. So there you go. Yeah.
04:14:13 But.
04:14:15 It's it's kind of a funny name now, is it uncensored TV or is it censored TV, if it's censored TV, that's kind of funny that would.
04:14:26 That'd be more. That'd be more appropriate, you know.
04:14:28 Yeah.
04:14:30 Longview says did crap music start out in the 90s about rap? No, it started out, I'd say.
04:14:40 Sort of late 70s, early 80s.
04:14:44 Right, like the hip hop. What? What's the the hip hop, hippie do the hip hop. You know, like what year did that song come out?
04:14:52 Let me see.
04:14:58 1979.
04:15:02 Now the Sugar Hill gang.
04:15:06 Rapper's delight.
Adam Sandler
04:15:07 Here's wonder Mike Hank and Master G the Sugar Hill gang.
Sugar Hill Gang
04:15:14 You don't stop.
Devon Stack
04:15:18 Before it turned into like ******* and hoes, and it was more, I mean, in a way, wholesome.
04:15:25 So yeah, 1979, I guess you could say that's considered like really the first kind of hip hip hop song.
04:15:32 Man of low moral fiber. I have a sneaking suspicion that people who rewatch movies and shows.
04:15:39 That they've seen many times are helping cause dementia for themselves. They are literally rewarding themselves for forgetting things. It cannot be healthy, bad news for all those ***** that watch the office over and over and over again.
04:15:55 Well, I would say.
04:15:56 They probably don't forget it. I think it's it's a.
04:16:01 It's almost like a security blanket.
04:16:04 Right. It's like it's something that's familiar. I'd say it's almost the opposite, right? Like they they know they anticipate the joke or they anticipate the scene and they're just still getting rewarded for it. It's like reliving a happy part of their life over and over and over again. Right. It's like having the same.
04:16:24 Happy dream.
04:16:26 Over and over and over again. I don't think they forget it. I mean, maybe some people.
04:16:30 Are idiots and they forget it.
04:16:32 But I think it's.
04:16:34 You know, like cause kids will do that, right? And they'll like my sisters used to watch.
04:16:40 The same stupid cartoons like Disney cartoons and stuff over and over and over again. They didn't forget what was coming. They would recite the lines they like. They like, knew the like. I mean, I almost started learning like the entire movie just because it was on the background.
04:16:57 So many times, but they would learn the dialogue and and and recite it. So I just think that it's it's childish.
04:17:08 Interesting times, 1488 this is my first time commenting and trying to connect and people are way more worried about doxing and me being a fed than I could have imagined. Thanks to folks who sent me links to private chat so they could vet me.
04:17:27 Just want to say that from my old fart newbie perspective, you seem paranoid. Alright well I seem paranoid I guess too.
04:17:38 To old fart newbie, OK.
04:17:45 The the screening age the screen age.
Money Clip
04:17:52 Little baby birthday person.
Devon Stack
04:17:55 That's an oldie.
04:17:55 But goodie. Did you ever watch mystery Science Theatre that show with the puppets on the bottom who made fun of bad movies? Yeah, my mom, actually.
04:18:06 Ban me from watching it briefly because.
04:18:10 She thought it was I I used to watch movies and just RIP them apart as I watched them.
04:18:17 When I was a little kid, when and when that was on and she thought, and maybe it was, she thought it was like I it was a learned behavior from watching that show. But really, I just think I I had contempt for a lot.
04:18:30 Of for a.
04:18:30 Lot of ****** movies.
04:18:34 I was a movie snob from a very early age.
04:18:38 But yeah, I I used to not like all the time, but I I mean, I I watched it for a little bit and that that show was on forever I.
04:18:45 Feel like it?
04:18:45 Wasn't it? But I saw a few episodes. I definitely watched a few.
04:18:50 Episodes of it.
04:18:53 Man of low moral fiber regarding the blonde slander many Jewish women were dying their hair blonde out of jealousy for European beauty. Early hair dye treatments. Had these women sitting in salons and inhaling chemicals for hours at a time, potential connection there.
04:19:12 There you go. There you go. Maybe it maybe it it give them brain.
04:19:16 Damage Bessemer 72.
Money Clip
04:19:23 As far as I can see.
04:19:24 Where? Where?
Devon Stack
04:19:29 Hi Devin. I am jazz, the ****** show. The whole family is Jewish.
04:19:35 Not surprising, not surprising.
04:19:39 I've never actually. I know what you're talking about, but I've never. I've never actually watched it. But I would just that would. That would make sense to me.
04:19:48 And through our nation.
04:19:52 What?
04:19:54 umm
Devon Stack
04:19:57 I just woke up and you're still going. The guy looking for people IRL. The last time white people had their own thing was mid century Clan. I'd like to see a stream about the old clan and how it was eliminated. Thanks for all that.
04:20:13 You.
04:20:13 Do.
04:20:14 Well, I appreciate that.
04:20:16 Food bar nation. Yeah, we are still going.
04:20:19 It's a long string that isn't it. We are.
04:20:23 4 1/2 hours. Alright, let's.
04:20:27 Let's take a look what's going on. We're finally heading over to Rumble.
04:20:33 Head over to rumble here and make sure that's the first one because I didn't click it fast enough maybe.
04:20:41 I'm always this the stupid plug in for rumble.
04:20:46 Sometimes.
04:20:48 Doesn't work the way that I'd want it to, but so I have to scroll through all of the chats on rumble from apparently 4 1/2 hours worth.
04:20:56 OK, now I got it. OK good.
04:20:58 Words are words, says love the stream. Good stuff. Well, I appreciate that.
04:21:03 M82.
04:21:13 Mike, that he too says, Hey, Devin, just wanted to say your content is absolutely compelling, clever, entertaining all at once. Keep up the amazing work you taught me so much about the Jews, Van City, BCA or BCI. Don't know what the last part is.
04:21:32 But well, thank you. Thank.
04:21:34 You very much and thank you for your support.
04:21:38 Uh, we got.
04:21:41 Who's I think, who's Joe?
04:21:44 Hey, when I asked about the Section 8 before to clarify I mean that this is an anti white policy where government gives tax dollars to those who provide housing for home or housing for poor non whites.
04:21:59 If the government is going to pay for anyone who's going to provide housing, why not our guys profit off it instead of using said funds to push our ideas, you could do Section 8 in places like Camden.
04:22:14 Hey, alright, that's the last part, OK.
04:22:18 UM.
04:22:20 Yeah, like I said, any, if you, if you have a means and I mean this, if you have a means to extract wealth.
04:22:28 Out of the government that your ancestors have been paying into it with not really getting much in return.
04:22:36 I see no problem. I see absolutely no problem with taking advantage of whatever you know, legal way of course.
04:22:46 Legally, of course, of any system that exists. And just like many other groups do, you might well, getting that money. And then you say, hey, Devin, been watching a lot of your archives, and I see right wingers think that the end is near.
04:23:06 And you said that the collapse will take a long time with always being able to count on rich trying to get richer because the collapse will take time and rich will try to increase their wealth. I think it's important that our guys try to invest.
04:23:22 Build wealth to be self-sufficient and we will have time to build. Yeah, let's. I think that there's a lot of people starting from zero.
04:23:32 They're or or. If they're not, they they can't count on any kind of inheritance from their bill or parents or, you know, like, just financially. It's tough for a lot of people. And having kids is expensive, and having Healthcare is expensive and just, you know.
04:23:52 Just living in America is expensive.
04:23:58 And so it's.
04:24:01 People got to start thinking about Dynasty building, giving up, giving up hobby, hobbies, and and unnecessary.
04:24:10 Expenditures and maybe work, you know, maybe doing the grind.
04:24:15 Especially when you're younger, that's it's easier to do when you're younger. If you start the grind when you're.
04:24:22 Early 20s or just 20, or maybe even, you know, 18 and you keep that pedal to the metal until you hit 30. It's going to be a much easier decade to do it than it is.
04:24:34 The next decade.
04:24:36 I'm just telling you now, it doesn't get easier. It does not get easier as you get older. I used to work. I mean there were.
04:24:42 There were multiple times when I worked three days straight without sleeping and it sucked.
04:24:50 But that would destroy me now.
04:24:54 I mean, I could do it. I could do.
04:24:56 It, but before it was like.
04:24:59 It's like hangovers, right? The hangover when you're 19, it kind of sucks, but it's not.
04:25:05 That big of a deal.
04:25:07 Hangover when you're when you're 29.
04:25:11 It starts to become a bigger deal.
04:25:15 And and.
04:25:16 All these things change as you get older.
04:25:19 So yeah, do the grind and try to make that money and start getting that, get that family going, you know. And and don't be afraid, you know, that's I always feel like people out there they want to wait till they get into some financial perfect spot before they start having the kid because that's you know that's your white person brain thinking right. But you know sadly.
04:25:40 Maybe it's. I think it's probably a better idea in this environment to just ******* say **** it, have the kid and you want you want some motivation, you want like a fire lit under your ***. That's what it's going to be having that kid that you know you have to like if you want something that's going to be a governor in terms of.
04:25:56 Like governing your your video game playing, it's going to be, I would hope, at least, that it's going to be that knowing that you're responsible for a little kid and that you can't, you know, you can't waste your time doing childish things anymore. You know, you've got people that depend on you and that might be the kick in.
04:26:16 The pants you need.
04:26:21 All right. Let's see here.
04:26:26 Rough beave interesting name.
04:26:33 Thanks for putting out an edited version of the Pak con series. It's much easier to share with friends when I'm not on X and see a 90s where great post. I reply with a link to.
04:26:46 One of your videos.
04:26:47 Well, I appreciate that. Yeah, it's we need to get these when we get these 90s simps under control.
04:26:55 Ghost dog man.
04:26:58 No, no message. We'll appreciate that.
04:27:01 Who's Joe says. Hey, Devin, I did. Didn't see any link **** on rumble, so keep up the tradition alive. Here's a link.
04:27:12 Yes, OK.
04:27:33 Although I will say that it's part of the least gay link, it is a link to.
04:27:38 The Black Pilled subscribe star. If anyone wants to support on a regular basis, there's thesubscribestar.com/black pilled link, but I just felt like playing the gay link thing anyway. Rough beat again.
04:28:01 Hi Devin, I was wondering if I can get your advice on these baofeng radios and such. Looking for advice on extended range emergency radios, possibly also that could be used for push to talk.
04:28:18 Well, the thing with the ball fangs, it's it's VHF.
04:28:22 Or UHF. So you've got the range of line of sight basically, so it's.
04:28:28 You know, and maybe a couple miles, maybe a couple miles.
04:28:32 UM, unless you have a repeater.
04:28:36 So, but that's a company that's not something I can answer in a hyper chat, unfortunately. I'll tell you what I do.
04:28:41 Have.
04:28:42 I do have a a video. It's probably on.
04:28:46 An odyssey.
04:28:48 And.
04:28:50 Maybe even on YouTube or they've been like on this weird marathon of taking my videos down the last few weeks, and I doubt, you know, I'm assuming eventually they're just going to, you know, wipe it all out. But the you can look for the hand, just look up ham radio and there should be a full video where I go, I go over all that stuff.
04:29:10 And in detail.
04:29:13 Ghost dog man.
04:29:18 Well, I got a sad gorilla.
04:29:20 Hi.
04:29:28 Oh.
Devon Stack
04:29:32 Poor sad gorilla. Uh, we got.
04:29:39 Devon, after you said planes should be an O ***** zone policy, please consider covering David Burke's flight 1771. His spirit deserves to be exhumed, exposed and haunted. His victims deserve better. I'm not sure what that is.
04:29:59 But I will.
04:30:04 Add that to the list.
04:30:07 See what I saw? 902 says I am chic.
04:30:11 Does a very enthusiastic fagot. If you look up when he talks about Hulk Hogan in various clips.
04:30:20 I think YouTube took the video down, no link.
04:30:22 Yeah.
04:30:24 Ah, maybe it was never a big wrestling fan, but yeah, it might be.
04:30:28 Might be kind of cool.
04:30:31 Hayne, engine says, must be a long stream. It's rare I catch you live. Good morning. Well, I appreciate that. I'm trying to get trying to power through this.
04:30:41 Let me get 5 hours I think by the time we're done here.
04:30:44 I'm not complaining.
04:30:48 Let's see here.
04:30:51 Who's Joe says my advice for making money is getting into oil and gas.
04:30:57 I'm starting my or starting CDL training soon and I'm going to get armed security train too. I'll work two jobs 80 hours a week, making 200K annually soon at 23. Well, there you goes. There's there's one of many options available.
04:31:13 Who literally most people and that's.
04:31:16 Going to be pretty accessible.
04:31:18 To most people, I mean well, unless you live somewhere weird, I would imagine.
04:31:23 This or I guess because you're driving everyone, the security thing would be location specific, but if you're driving the thing about being a driver, right, if you're doing long haul driving is you can pretty much live wherever you want. And because you're living out of your truck really.
04:31:39 Ain't getting to see me getting to see me. I've been playing around with CB lately. It's it's interesting.
04:31:49 It's not like it. It's not like what?
04:31:51 It used to.
04:31:51 Be it's not like what it used to be, but.
04:31:53 It's still. It can be entertaining.
04:31:54 So.
04:31:56 A lot of black people on CBS.
04:32:00 A lot of black people on TV.
04:32:05 But yeah, let's. There you go. We got a couple more odyssey.
04:32:10 UM.
04:32:14 What was the last one I don't know to say?
Money Clip
04:32:20 I.
Devon Stack
04:32:21 Think a ripped homeless guy? Do you think there's a connection between IQ 90 people not to name anyone too, specifically with an inability or lesser ability to developing addictions? Yeah, I would suspect that IQ lower IQ would.
04:32:38 Make you more susceptible to addictions because you'd have less ability to understand.
04:32:46 And rationalize your way out of the addiction, like you'd be more likely to be influenced by the dopamine.
04:32:58 If you because you got to think of it this way, like the perfect example is the Lab Rats, right, that they give cocaine to or or what was that experiment they put like an electrode to like the pleasure sensor. And they stopped eating. They just sit there and hit the ******* button that that activates the pleasure.
04:33:18 None of their brain until they starve to death.
04:33:20 Guy and that would be a good example of what you know.
04:33:23 Rats are are.
04:33:25 Very low IQ, I mean by human standards. And so they'll. They'll hit the dopamine until they die.
04:33:33 And so that's probably like on one end of the gradient of and and what a lot of I think drug addicts do because look, I see people.
04:33:44 I mean, I could have been an alcoholic. I guess I would drive. I was a heavy like when I would drink, I drink. They got drunk.
04:33:51 Most of the time, like I I didn't really casually drink, but I I never felt. I always knew that there's consequences to this.
04:33:59 This and and I I didn't drink on work nights. I didn't drink or on work days or you know I didn't drink during the week I drank, you know, Friday and Saturday nights or and usually not both but like.
04:34:14 I would plan ahead. I I knew I was gonna get drunk. I knew that was the whole point of me drinking. So when I did drink, I drank. But I never got into, like, a habit of like, oh, I have to drink or I must. You know, if I don't drink, I feel weird because.
04:34:31 I think because I I had like a I my head about my, I mean I knew that like, oh this it's not worth like the cost benefit doesn't add up.
04:34:39 But then you meet these people who are kind of ******* stupid.
04:34:45 That end up having to, you know, like the whole life is ruined because they can't. I mean, like, there was some chicken, one of the places I worked once where she had like she when she drank at work like she had like a bottle of ******* vodka. I didn't know she ******* did it. I can do something. I don't know. Like even if I like if I.
04:35:04 Went out.
04:35:05 To to like lunch with the guys.
04:35:08 And I knew it was socially fine. I could. I could order a beer with my lunch and no one would bat an eye, and I might have done it a couple of times, but I always I always regretted it because I always felt ******* tired afterwards and I felt like.
04:35:19 The whole rest of my day was worthless. Even was just like 1 beer. I felt like, yeah.
04:35:24 Well, I mean, but I knew people that when they started drinking, when they got up and they they they would go through like one of those like a flask basically basically a vodka before.
04:35:36 So and they were never they were never smart people, these people.
04:35:43 So yeah, I just think that you don't have the ability to reason out the consequences to what you're doing. So you're more of a slave to the dopamine.
04:35:52 Uh. Let's see here.
04:35:57 Now you're a big Donna from Michael.
04:36:00 57DE Michael, 57 DE.
04:36:05 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
04:36:10 Go, Julie, this *** is.
04:36:28 Michael 5070 E says Hail Devan wow, getting ready to head to work, and what do I find? You're still streaming. Well, here's some long overdue shackles for all the good work you do. Hey, sometime maybe you could do a review of the comedy. We're no angels with Humphrey Bogart.
04:36:47 And Peter Ustinov and Aldo Ray.
04:36:51 I'm not familiar with that.
04:36:53 I will pop in the old notes, I don't think.
04:36:56 I've.
04:36:56 Seen that I haven't seen.
04:36:58 A lot of Humphrey Bogart movies, to be honest.
04:37:02 And I think in fact, I think I think Casablanca might be the only what I've seen.
04:37:09 But yeah, thank you for the support there, Michael. 5070, Ian. Yeah, we are.
04:37:15 It's bright and early on the East Coast.
04:37:19 The ***** Nation says So what are your thoughts on the old pre World War 2 clan? I don't know much about it, don't know much about it, and I know it was way more socially acceptable.
04:37:36 I know that it was more of like a a mainstream club.
04:37:41 And so I think that in the in the leadership, you know, the really what controls the culture of a.
04:37:49 Organization like that is, is the leadership and.
04:37:55 It might be interesting to see like when.
04:37:59 Went and and I I I remember I started doing like a thing on on the clan like this was a long time ago though.
04:38:06 I know the leadership changed several times and different.
04:38:09 And the culture would change with with with each leaders. But I'm not familiar enough to know.
04:38:14 Specifically.
04:38:17 Really anything about it yet? But maybe I'll dive in at some.
04:38:20 Time.
04:38:21 Stryker says my girl turned me on to being racist.
04:38:24 Really, it's usually their way around. I made a converter, heard to Hitler was right.
04:38:30 I listen to a lot of content. She likes you the best with your reasoned approach. Many thanks. Well, I appreciate that.
04:38:39 Striker and to your your lady friend over there. Uh, maybe. May you produce racist offspring.
04:38:50 And we got one more.
04:38:51 Over it at at Rumble.
04:38:55 From who's Joe? Hey, Devin, have you ever been to Philly? How do you feel about the city, you know?
04:39:02 Quick story and then we'll get out of here.
04:39:06 I've been through Philly twice.
04:39:10 I am.
04:39:12 And one of the times, the first time.
04:39:16 I I I've never really been on the East Coast before and I had just moved to the East Coast.
04:39:23 And I had not I we had time off work from I think it might have been like.
04:39:30 Thanksgiving or something like that. And I didn't know anybody.
04:39:35 I didn't know anybody.
04:39:36 And for some reason I got into my head, I'm going to drive to Philadelphia and get a real Philly cheese steak and then just drive back, which was stupid cause it was. That's a long drive. Like there's a few hours, right?
04:39:50 And but I was like, oh, whatever, you know, why not? I got nothing else. I've literally got nothing else.
04:39:55 And so I did, and I drove up to Philly.
04:40:00 And I I don't remember which one, because there's the two right, like across the street from each other.
04:40:05 Like Genos and Gynos like forget which one is, but they're yeah, they got that. The two that claim that they're they're the first ever, I forget which one I went to. This is.
04:40:17 Well, yeah, I guess kind of many years ago.
04:40:21 But what I do remember is I I.
04:40:24 Was when I finally got my.
04:40:27 I think it was. I think it was after I got my food.
04:40:29 And I walked him back. He was here before I I remember. But I was, for whatever reason, I was crossing the street and some car comes flying around the corner.
04:40:39 And almost runs me over and some someone yells out of the car.
04:40:43 Get out of the ******* Rd. you jersey *******.
04:40:48 And I was like, what? Jersey *******? I'm not from *******. I've never even been to New Jersey.
04:40:59 And and that was my. That was my experience with filling. So I got that. There we go, guys all.
04:41:06 Right.
04:41:07 All right, we're going to shut her down now. I appreciate everyone with your very generous support and for hanging out, listening to how gay and Jewish the 90s.
04:41:17 Was.
04:41:20 And my.
04:41:21 Unusual encounter with the Philly locals, who called me a jersey *******.
04:41:28 Upon arriving there, all right, and with that.
04:41:33 Hope you guys have a.
04:41:35 Good. What? What's left of your weekend and again tomorrow actually. Just gonna, I guess a handful of hours now. I'll post on Telegram and Twitter when you know before it happens. I'll be streamed with Mark Collett to cover.
04:41:50 The Lord of the Flies, it was required reading for me.
04:41:55 I think like in 3rd or 4th grade and then we.
04:41:57 Watched the movie.
04:41:59 When I was older so that should be fun. I have. I haven't.
04:42:04 I just, I just rewatched it. I hadn't seen it for.
04:42:09 Maybe like 20 years or something like that.
04:42:12 So we'll have a lot to.
04:42:13 Discuss. All right. See, you guys have a good night.
04:42:18 I will be back tomorrow for that stream and then again on Wednesday. In the meantime, for Black pill, I am of course.
04:42:27 Damn.
Devon Stack
04:42:28 Tag.
04:42:36 Well.
04:42:43 Space.
04:42:45 While their attorneys.
04:42:46 So.
04:42:54 Maynard.
04:43:04 Hi. OK.
04:43:06 Right.
04:43:12 I'm getting punished here.
04:43:17 It's hard to go in there.
Jewish Lawyer
04:43:17 We got to move outside of.
04:43:18 The door, but that that's still working and trying to work out the deal. If they'll work out the deal, I'm available here, but not on Saturday.
04:43:31 The only contingency is to settle that the Paula Jones case that she should. This is she should dismiss the case and we should go on with our normal life.