

Numbers Girl
00:00:00 0.
00:00:07 Group.
00:00:09 70.
00:00:13 62886.
00:00:17 62886.
00:00:22 13297.
00:00:27 13297.
00:00:32 60318.
00:00:37 603-182-6319, 263-193-7842.
00:00:56 378.
00:00:58 On.
Dean Martin
00:00:59 On this must be the players here there are.
00:01:04 I love to get you pump slow. Slow to China.
00:01:11 Well, let's try it.
00:01:12 Right.
Frank Sinatra
00:01:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dean Martin
00:01:20 Would you take?
Frank Sinatra
00:01:21 This one? Uh-huh.
Dean Martin
00:01:24 Saturday night is the loneliest night of the week.
00:01:30 That's the night that my sweetie and I use the dance cheek to cheek. Sneak. Hold it.
Frank Sinatra
00:01:38 Right here.
Dean Martin
00:01:42 Sweet, sweet. They hold it as sweet. Sweet. I'll just hold.
Frank Sinatra
00:01:46 It sweet, sweet. Wait a minute.
Dean Martin
00:01:49 In one fresh you touch my little help with this thing. You'll need it. I don't need it. Can't. I can't find it.
00:01:56 I had one stolen.
00:01:58 Night of blue. Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet. One girl. That's nice. That's nice.
00:02:09 Some joy, man.
00:02:23 Memories are made of this.
00:02:26 The girl that I marry.
00:02:30 We'll have to be.
00:02:33 As soft pink.
00:02:36 As a nurse, the girl my.
00:02:45 Will wear satin and laces.
Jewish Dad
00:02:49 And smell.
Dean Martin
00:02:58 My lips should meet with Frank Sinatra.
00:03:10 And what was your next one? Here it is.
00:03:14 I've got a crush on you.
00:03:17 What I look like?
00:03:18 There, there, there.
00:03:22 All the day and night time hear me.
00:03:25 God.
00:03:28 I never had the least notion.
Frank Sinatra
00:03:31 Send me a drag with it.
Dean Martin
00:03:34 And I could fall with.
00:03:36 So much emotion. There's something fun. Thank you.
00:03:41 Alrighty, here we go now.
00:03:52 Gonna.
00:04:02 Thor mean that's amazing. That's a nice song, yes.
Frank Sinatra
00:04:13 Nice.
00:04:15 I like it very much. I think we ought to both take one awake and 1:00.
Arnold Rothstein
00:04:18 And we know.
Dean Martin
00:04:20 Don't cry.
00:04:26 Let her go. Let her go. Let her go.
Frank Sinatra
00:04:31 You want a.
Dean Martin
00:04:32 Boy, cry. Let her go. Let her go. Let her go now.
00:04:45 You got to realize that this is the wind up. You're gonna feel much better once you've made your mind up.
00:05:02 Let her go.
00:05:06 And our goal?
00:05:09 Let her go.
00:05:33 Reading.
Numbers Girl
00:06:42 Yes.
Frank Sinatra
00:07:04 Flowers.
Dean Martin
00:07:39 Yeah, that's right.
Devon Stack
00:08:39 Welcome.
00:08:40 To the insomnia stream.
00:08:43 Rothstein Edition I'm your host, of course. Devin stack. This is.
00:08:48 Saturday the 5th.
00:08:51 The 5th of October.
00:08:55 And this month is.
00:08:57 Going full steam ahead, it seems like it's been a been a good weekend so far. Hopefully hopefully for everybody out there. No World War 3 yet. I again, I'm skeptical that.
00:09:09 It's going to develop into something like that, but hey, you know, it's always fun.
00:09:15 It's it's like buying a lottery ticket. You don't buy it because you think you're gonna win. You buy it so that.
00:09:21 You have that.
00:09:22 That thought that maybe you you could win. Maybe.
00:09:26 I must say I'm looking forward to World War Two or three, like I'd be looking forward to winning the lottery. I'm just saying.
00:09:33 I am shake things up a little bit, right, a little bit I.
00:09:39 Is it? Is it we? Is it sick of?
00:09:41 Me that I. But before I die.
00:09:45 I want to. I just feel like with the the the new camera equipment that we've got available today.
00:09:51 Seeing a.
00:09:54 Nuclear explosion of.
00:10:00 Some kind of mushroom cloud I'm I don't know.
00:10:05 We spent so much money on these things, we didn't. We didn't spend all this money, so they just run away in some warehouse somewhere. Someone's got to use one.
00:10:16 Right. I don't know. I'm kind of joking.
00:10:20 Anyway, so tonight we're going to be talking about the godfather of not just organized crime in America.
00:10:31 But also the the the really organized drug dealing.
00:10:40 It's it's funny the.
00:10:41 Jewish contributions to the West are are just they're endless.
00:10:47 They're endless. Not only did they give us modern day terrorism, they gave us modern day organized crime and you wouldn't know it by watching Hollywood Jewish movies. You would think that they was all Italian. And don't get me wrong.
00:11:01 Don't get me wrong, there's, uh, there's always a there. There's a connection there as we'll go over a little bit tonight, but to act as if organized crime or the mob is somehow an invention of the Italians.
00:11:20 Is insane. It's insane. Very rarely does Hollywood let on.
00:11:27 That the Jews were heavily involved in organized crime, and they almost never let on.
00:11:33 That they were the ohh they were the origin story of organized crime in America. And so we're going to go over the origin story of organized crime.
00:11:45 In America, and it begins with.
00:11:49 With this man on the screen right here.
00:11:52 Well, there was some. I mean, he's the. He's the first. I would say he's the godfather. Organized crime. Certainly there were Jewish gangs prior to.
00:12:00 To Mr. Rothstein here. But he's the one that that organized it and and operated it like a business.
00:12:09 And let, I guess, created the blueprint for the in fact, and literally trained.
00:12:15 The Italian mafia that would, you know, a lot of those people came from his his outfit while he was active.
00:12:24 So anyway, without further ado, let's just go ahead and dive.
00:12:28 In here, shall we?
Spanish Narrator
00:12:30 Arnold rothstein.
00:12:45 Riesgo de Grandes Sumas de dinero and regarding Davida conventional in Finanzas Accumulo Fortuna Inicial Apostando in Cualquier Cosa.
00:12:54 That.
Not Spanish Narrator
00:13:10 In the late 19th century, monk Eastman ran a powerful Jewish gang that competed with Italian and Irish gangs, notably Paul Kelly's five Points Gang for control of New York's Underworld.
00:13:23 Another notorious faction known as the Lenox Ave. Gang, led by Harry Chip, the Blood Horowitz, consisted of mostly Jewish members and some Italian members, such as Francesco Sierra Faisi.
00:13:37 It was one of the most violent gangs of the early 20th century and became famous for the murder of gambler and gangster Herman Rosenthal.
00:13:47 In the early 1920s, stimulated by the economic opportunities of the roaring 20s and later stimulated by prohibition, Jewish organized crime figures such as Arnold Rothstein were controlling a wide range of criminal enterprises, including bootlegging, loan sharking, gambling.
00:14:06 And bookmaking.
Devon Stack
00:14:09 Ah yes, Arnold rothstein. The king of the Roaring 20s. They made a movie about him, sort of in 1961.
00:14:19 Where they actually is one of the few instances where they sort of admitted that, yeah, one of the mobsters was Jewish.
00:14:27 And I I saw someone that chat ask if this is the guy from casino. This is no, this is before. This is the guy from the crop of guys before the guy in casino. Although in the movie casino they changed the the, The the gangsters real name but they changed in the movie they made it Rothstein.
00:14:45 But in real life, that it was like Rosenthal or something else. But I I forgot to look at my notes again from that. But we do have a stream on that one.
00:14:54 But though this is this was the guy who trained the guys that then would go later on and and and and create casinos in Las Vegas. And so this is from like well much earlier than that in fact.
00:15:10 He was born in the 1800s. That's where our story begins. You could say Arnold Rothstein was born in 1882. He was born in New York City.
00:15:23 He was the son of a wealthy.
Not Spanish Narrator
00:15:26 Jew.
Devon Stack
00:15:28 A wealthy Jewish.
00:15:29 Philanthropist like you always like it when they say.
00:15:31 That it's like.
00:15:32 Well, all that really means is he's infinitely wealthy.
00:15:36 And then he gave he gave away enough of it. Probably the Jewish organizations to where you gave him a fancy title. That doesn't just sound like, oh, he's just like some Jew money guy. He's just some guy that has Jew money because that, I guess that doesn't have the same ring to it. Oh, yeah. His father, he was born to a wealthy Jew money guy.
00:15:56 He was born.
00:15:57 And again, this sort of illustrates why I've talked about in prior streams.
00:16:01 Where you know, with at least when black people commit crime, even though it's a stupid excuse and and and no one buys it. Ohh, it's socioeconomic. Ohh no. The the reason why they turn to crime is they have no other choice these guys.
00:16:15 Don't have that excuse.
00:16:18 This guy was straight up Super Jew money guy.
00:16:23 Came into the world with a silver ******* spoon in his mouth and decided to go to a life of crime because that's what suited his genetics, apparently.
00:16:35 So anyway, this movie.
00:16:37 Made the 9 or made the 9 or made 1961 was based on a book by his his wife where it will plug and play just a few clips of it throughout the stream tonight. But it the movie it's pretty lame and it focuses way too much on the relationship with the wife because.
00:16:52 Well, you know.
00:16:53 And but there are a couple of moments where they have a little bit of truth.
00:17:00 This is the the movie poster for it, you know, see, even on the movie poster, they said the the story of Arnold Rothstein.
00:17:07 The king of the Roaring 20s, and he was he was probably one of the most powerful men.
00:17:15 Maybe. I mean, I would say in, in certainly in the country he was one of the richest men in the country.
00:17:20 At one point being worth what would today be equal to hundreds of millions of dollars, which isn't too shabby for a degenerate gambler, which is basically what he was. The screenplay was written by not just a a child of of Ukrainian.
00:17:40 You know Jewish immigrants, but he was literally himself. He was the Ukrainian Jewish immigrant.
00:17:47 They came to America around the turn of the century, Joe Swirling, who again adapted the book, a book that was written by Rothstein's wife.
00:17:59 But yes, he was born on.
00:18:01 He was born on Wall Street, not on Wall Street, but his dad worked on. If he worked at all, worked on Wall Street and rubbed shoulders with all those kinds of those guys and they they were, he was again, he was just he just came from June money in the movie. It sort of shows that he broke away from his family. Like they try to because they can't hide from the fact that.
00:18:22 He's he's Jewish. If they're going to say it's the story of someone with the last name of Rothstein. So they do their best to show that. Ohh no. His his. His dad was really he was a stand up guy. A pillar of the community. It's just his son was a bad egg.
00:18:37 And so this is how the movie kind of opens it, showing showing that ohh he's just a troublemaker and his dad and he's he's beside himself. He doesn't know what to do.
Irish Policeman
00:18:48 One of the kids was standing look out in the alley. Mr. Rothstein, he saw me coming and give the alarm and they all run away.
00:18:54 With your son.
Jewish Dad
00:18:56 This is the first time that a member of our family has been in trouble with the.
00:19:00 Law officer.
Arnold Rothstein
00:19:02 Hi.
Jewish Dad
00:19:03 Appreciate your taking enrollments that have taken to the police station.
00:19:07 Have always been opposed to gambling of any form. You know that control.
Arnold Rothstein
00:19:12 I wasn't gambling.
Jewish Dad
00:19:13 No.
00:19:14 And what were you doing?
Arnold Rothstein
00:19:17 Watch it. I was just watching.
Devon Stack
00:19:20 I knew nothing.
00:19:22 Anyway, they actually he at this point in his career.
00:19:27 Wasn't necessarily. I mean, he was he was gambling a lot, but that's not where his money came from. And in fact, even later on, even though you could say he was a gambler by trade, we'll get into why he wasn't really taking very many gambles. And I was surprised. And then in the film, they do kind of lay out one of his scams. This is how he was making money.
00:19:46 Again comes from a super rich family, has no it's not necessary for him to do this. He had all the opportunity in the world, but he decided it was more fun, I guess, to cheat people out of money. So what he would do is he would bankroll degenerate gamblers. And then if they won.
00:20:06 He got a cut of their money and if they lost, he didn't lose any money because they still owed him money with with interest. So he won either way.
00:20:16 OK.
Jewish Dad
00:20:18 Johnny Burke is the boy who operates the dice game and Abraham Rothstein's son.
00:20:24 He's his partner. Can you deny it?
00:20:27 Got nothing to do with the crap game. No, all I do is put.
00:20:30 Up the money, yes.
00:20:32 Yes, I know.
00:20:34 At no risk, they are not.
00:20:36 You see, son, I know all about that sorry detail too. When the dice win, you get half the profits, and when they lose, Johnny Burke still owes you the money. You advance. Clever. Very clever arrangement, son.
Devon Stack
00:20:52 Very clever indeed. In fact, you might even say.
Talmudic Noticer
00:20:57 It sounds talmudic.
Devon Stack
00:21:00 So that's that's that's basically one of the scams he started out when he was younger.
00:21:04 Doing.
00:21:06 Financing gambling and then, but obviously for those who don't, well, for those who don't know, gambling was illegal in in in New York since I think 19 or 1855.
00:21:18 It was still.
00:21:21 Out of control though, because he wasn't the only Jewish immigrant.
00:21:25 Right.
00:21:26 That moved to New York around that time period. They open up an illegal gambling parlor or a prostitution ring or later on, as we'll get into it, speakeasies and whatnot. You had a lot of Italian and Jewish immigrants coming into New York around the turn of the century.
00:21:47 And basically becoming criminals, career criminals.
00:21:54 As soon as they got off the boat, and in fact I've read this before there was that op-ed that was written by the Sheriff of New York City before he was attacked by benign breath and they they got another. Oh, no, he.
00:22:09 Was the chief of.
00:22:09 Police. They got new.
00:22:11 Chief of police because he wrote in an op-ed.
00:22:13 That basically the Jews were the brains in the operations that he was, you know, all the organized crime that he was busting in the city, the Jews were the brains in the operation. And the Italians were.
00:22:25 Counsel and that's, you know, we'll see the truth of that as we delve a little bit deeper into the crimes of Arnold Rothstein.
00:22:37 So are all go off saying like.
00:22:39 You know this is.
00:22:39 A pic. This is a photo of him. Arnold Rothstein had the the ability to, you know, go work on Wall Street and make a ton of money.
00:22:50 But he decided he chose a life of crime instead.
00:22:54 Arnold Rothstein was offered a position on Wall Street when he was still a relatively young man. Very early in the game, and he turned it down because it just wasn't for him. It wasn't quite as thrilling, it wasn't quite as lucrative, and he liked the night life.
00:23:14 You think?
Devon Stack
00:23:16 Oh yes, he liked the he liked the ladies, he liked the prostitutes.
00:23:21 So he starts betting on horses and, but that's that doesn't really work out unless you know which horses are going to win.
00:23:31 And so, well, lots of people thought he was just really smart.
00:23:35 With numbers and somehow had some kind of system, and in fact that character in casino, that's that's part of what they they use for that character, you know, in the beginning they show him betting on on horse races and sports and things like that and act as if he's got some kind of master mathematical.
00:23:55 You bring.
00:23:56 And but that's not the reality. The reality was he had people that worked with the horses that were they were literally, you know, drugging horses. And so they would know who, you know, what horses. They were rigging the games, they were rigging the card games, they were rigging the roulette wheels.
00:24:17 They were but and and he was. Here's the other weird thing. They mentioned that he also bet a lot of money on elections.
00:24:25 And to me that says well.
00:24:29 Maybe they were rigging those elections too, because if there's one thing that that he was consistent on was that he only bet on things where he had a he knew the outcome before it happened.
00:24:43 Here's the another clip from the movie it kind of shows how he.
00:24:49 Would also go.
00:24:49 Collect money he would find degenerate gamblers that were in the upper class as he got and moved up in.
00:24:56 In the social hierarchy, because he was making so much money because he was paying off, so many judges and you know, Speaking of of politicians, he was paying off politicians. He was slowly but steadily becoming part of the upper class. And the way he would collect money is he would give.
00:25:16 These degenerate gamblers unlimited credit.
00:25:20 Have them come to his gambling establishment and then liquor them up, ply them with with women and let them look. You see the same sort of thing happened in Vegas, right? And that's where they got it from. I mean, this is this is a a recipe that they've been using on whales for a long time. You know, you have some guy that, you know, he's going to.
00:25:41 He has. He has a gambling addiction and and deep pocket.
00:25:45 He shows up to Vegas and, oh, look, your room is free and oh, you get your own private table. Oh, and that this all these prostitutes are just all over you the entire time you're here and we treat you like a king. And when you leave, you leave with a lot less money.
00:26:05 International tobacco.
00:26:08 Yeah, just a moment please.
Arnold Rothstein
00:26:11 I'd like to see Mr. Simmons, please.
00:26:13 Yes, you expected them.
00:26:17 Pardon.
President of International Tobacco Company
00:26:24 Well.
00:26:31 Why aren't you taking a chance?
Arnold Rothstein
00:26:32 Or accept the Internet from the President of International Tobacco Company.
President of International Tobacco Company
00:26:36 You realize it's only a gambling.
Arnold Rothstein
00:26:38 Debt advancements to still send the money he lost it at roulette.
President of International Tobacco Company
00:26:41 I doubt very much if it's collectible at law. Well, as treasurer of the company, I'll honour these these drafts on one condition. It's the last time I'll never again pay such an IOU's. Not even for $0.05 here.
Arnold Rothstein
00:26:43 There's no intentions of going this alone.
00:26:57 Well, that's up.
00:26:58 To you.
00:26:59 As far as I'm concerned, Mr. Stilson, who's unlimited credit in my club.
Devon Stack
00:27:04 And if you decide not to pay next time, I'll just have some Italian guys come and rough you up and that's basically what the the system was is the Italian guys were there to beat up the people and take the money, especially as he as he expanded on into racketeering and and whatnot.
00:27:24 This is a man who knows how to make.
00:27:26 His own luck.
00:27:29 Rustin is smart enough to know you can't always beat the odds, so he ensures the odds are always stacked in his favour.
00:27:39 He cheats. He only bets when he has fixed the game.
00:27:43 Or has inside information.
00:27:46 It's a question of egotism, with Arnold Rothstein, he's going to be smarter than everyone else around him. He is going to pull the fast one either at the race.
00:27:57 Tracker at the gambling house to get the extra odds the edge so that he will be the gambler who gambles with.
00:28:05 Out gambling, Arnold Rothstein loves money. He loves gambling. He loves the thrill of gambling and he.
00:28:16 Being just a little or a lot smarter than everyone else.
Devon Stack
00:28:22 Ohh, so typical Jewish behavior.
00:28:26 Typical heritable, very common Jewish behavior. So he's, you know, he's he's making lots of money. He's rigging all the games. He's getting off on the fact that he's smarter than.
00:28:37 All the guys.
00:28:39 At and he becomes so powerful. At one point he actually shoots and doesn't kill, but wounds.
00:28:47 Critically, 2 New York Police officers at a time when if you did that, even if you were a mobster, that was like declaring war on on NYPD. And you know, you know, the whole look the other way again was was now over. But he was so.
00:29:04 You know, basically powerful at that point. He was one of the few people, one of the few gangsters that actually got away with doing something like that.
00:29:17 Miraculously, within hours he walks free. Only someone special gets away with shooting cops.
00:29:27 Arnold Rothstein, even then, is so powerful he beats the rap.
00:29:34 Of shooting the cops. How does he do?
00:29:38 In court, Rothstein uses his influence to rig the odds in his.
00:29:41 Favour.
00:29:43 He has friends.
00:29:46 In the court system, some money is placed with the police.
00:29:52 With their judges.
00:29:57 And he uses bribes to deal with the witnesses.
00:30:00 All.
00:30:00 The gamblers on the other side, however.
00:30:04 Go blind.
Other Historian
00:30:07 Money is paid if they didn't agree to not talk, there was other ways to silence.
00:30:12 Them.
00:30:14 At that time, Ross Stein was a very powerful man and few people wanted to go.
00:30:19 Against him.
Devon Stack
00:30:21 Yeah, it's kind of like the the Israeli lobby today, right?
00:30:27 Look this, this, this.
00:30:28 The problem, the reason why we're going over this because some people might say, why did we give a **** about what some Jew was doing 100 years ago? And it's because this Jew, we can look and see what this Jew was doing 100 years ago. We can understand what and how these Jews are operating today. This is basically normal behavior.
00:30:47 This is the kind of organized crime that still takes place, and it's the lack of a a morality that Americans could relate to that allowed it to happen.
00:30:57 It's not as if they're. I mean, obviously there's there's clearly a market for some of this stuff, right, like something I'll hear people say all the time. Well, it's your fault, right? You're the one that's watching the ******. You're the one that's, you know, doing the gambling. You're. And look, I'm not saying that people don't have personal responsibility.
00:31:14 I am saying it's a little bit odd, right? It's a little bit odd that before these people show up before, you know, before they start providing these services, even though that there maybe there was a market for it, you could say obviously because you know they said magically there is once he creates the service, not notice how none of the guys were willing to get into that.
00:31:34 And.
00:31:35 Yes.
00:31:37 None of the guys, I mean like obviously not 0.
00:31:41 But to the degree that the Jews?
00:31:43 Decided to do it.
00:31:46 The reason why there was no, I guess you could say immune system that was prepared for this kind of temptation was because the immune system wasn't simply installed on the people that would be partaking of the devices. The immune system was also installed and the criminals themselves that had certain lines, they weren't going to cross.
00:32:11 Now what I mean by that is we're not going to have as a society. Let's say you have a Society of of Anglo Saxons, just white people. They come to America, they create a civilization like the world has never seen. It's prosperous and there's not a whole lot of organized crime not.
00:32:30 Certainly not to the degree that that would begin after the the Jews immigrated to America around the turn of the century.
00:32:39 And the reason why is because.
00:32:43 It didn't occur to a lot of people to want to engage in that kind of of of crime because they knew it was going to hurt their society. If you're an outsider, if you're a Jew that sees yourself as separate from the nation that you're in, you don't give a **** about what kind of social implications.
00:33:03 Are are there are to what you're.
00:33:04 Doing you don't give a ****. Why would you care?
00:33:09 These aren't your people. They're suckers. They're goyim.
00:33:12 They're like cattle.
00:33:14 And that's why it becomes a problem, and that's why it's important to understand what these these immigrants were doing 100 years ago and how that might inform you about what their behavior would be like today.
00:33:28 What their moral code might be like today?
00:33:34 Because I think even today it's it's difficult for a lot of people. In fact, I think a lot of like the the well meaning.
00:33:42 Zionist magnetars that are out there.
00:33:46 The reason why they have a hard time, I mean there's there's a multitude of reasons, but I think a big reason why they have a hard time wrapping their head around the Jewish question is it and and the reason why they make it sound like, oh, it's kooky.
00:34:01 Or you think there's a Jew underneath the bed? Or you think there's a Jew behind every door?
00:34:05 You know whatever, right?
00:34:07 It's because they seriously can't fathom.
00:34:11 There would be a an alien group that would come to your country and start parasitically sucking at the society and that they would treat you differently because these are the kinds of people that that believe in the golden rule, you know, treat others how you want to be treated and these are the kinds of people.
00:34:31 That sincerely think out of out of naivete that that's the the the default for most of humanity.
00:34:43 Because they don't, really. They they don't expect it's.
00:34:45 It's like the people in Europe, right, the people.
00:34:48 In Europe, who?
00:34:50 Would look at America and and probably because of our Hollywood movies produced by Jews and say, Wow, those Americans, they're, they're just so ******* racist. And that's because they didn't have any diversity yet.
00:35:02 Right. So they watch, watch a movie with, you know, someone in a KKK hood and, you know, made by Jews. And they come out of the theater thinking like, Wow, America is just like this big ******* racist hellhole.
00:35:16 You know, I've I've mentioned before I watched a Russian movie years ago called brought davas, right. And there's a a Gary Busey's in it for some reason. And it's there's a scene where he the the, the Russian guy, he's in America it's been so long. I don't remember all the details but.
00:35:36 He he kills a black guy and he's talking to Gary Busey and Gary Busey. He's like, ohh, it's alright. He's black. It's as if like that's how our cops are, right?
00:35:46 And and I think and that's just kind of the the impression that a lot of outsiders had of America because they didn't really have any close encounters with diversity.
00:35:58 And so they're just they, they they just assumed that most other people are gonna be like them. The people holding up the refugees welcome signs, while the ones that aren't Jewish, the ones that are just misguided. It's the same thing. They think that, oh, we're all just the same. They just look different. Right.
00:36:17 And then they're surprised when the crime skyrockets and everything else, and they don't really have a good explanation for it. And it takes some time for them to bust through the, you know, that for their rational brain to bust through all the programming and the propaganda to realize, oh.
00:36:30 ****. I've been lied to.
00:36:34 And I think that's what happened when these Jews first came here out of the turn of the century, a lot of people just couldn't believe.
00:36:41 That you would turn a, especially if you were an upper class guy like Arnold Rothstein. Right? Like he he he knew how to speak like a a a cultured person. Like a high class person. It came from a high class family.
00:36:57 Why would why would someone like that want to operate a criminal enterprise?
00:37:05 And it's funny because.
00:37:06 The way the.
00:37:07 Way that it's it's framed. I've noticed in the stuff when I was doing my research, a lot of the people talking about Roth Sting, they they it was almost like an admiration.
00:37:21 Now a lot of more Jewish authors. Maybe that's why, but there there was an admiration they couldn't. They couldn't stop talking about how smart he was. Oh, he was so smart to do this. As if like, no one else in America at that time had the intellectual capacity to run a criminal enterprise.
00:37:41 And of course, what they're missing out on is no, there were lots of people, there were plenty capable of running a criminal enterprise. They just had a conscience.
00:37:53 They just didn't see the people living around them as suckers.
00:38:00 They just understood that if they started poisoning the society that they lived in, that they were poisoning their people.
00:38:13 When you're talking about a group of Jews that come to this country.
00:38:18 Who don't see themselves as part of America.
00:38:22 They see themselves maybe as part of the the Jewish community within America.
00:38:31 But they don't view the rest of us.
00:38:34 As them.
00:38:36 And the rules are different.
00:38:38 And that's not. Look, that's that's that's in their religious texts. It's it's not.
00:38:44 I'm not like having to like decode some kind of psychological profile.
00:38:50 Of Jews, this is.
00:38:52 They're open about this.
00:38:54 They have different rules about lending money, about a lot of rules about just money in general, and how it relates to the goy versus how it relates to.
00:39:05 Other Jews.
00:39:08 And that's going to have an impact on who decides that. You know what, who can sleep at night.
00:39:14 When they run a organized crime syndicate.
00:39:19 That relies heavily on on taking advantage of of of gambling addicts, Alcoholics, drug addicts.
00:39:37 It is what it is.
00:39:40 And because they are, again, this is another example of of.
00:39:45 Being wary of high IQ immigrants.
00:39:49 When people act like, oh, well, it's America will be fine.
00:39:55 As long as we stop taking in the 80 IQ immigrants and we only bring in like 100 IQ immigrants.
00:40:03 Well, that's not great either because of all these same problems. Arnold Rothstein did not have.
00:40:10 An IQ issue?
00:40:12 He was a smart guy. I don't know what his IQ would have been, but it.
00:40:15 Was probably at least 100.
00:40:20 And how did he use that IQ? Because he didn't feel like he was part of the blood of this nation.
00:40:26 He used it to enrich himself at the expense of everyone around him.
00:40:36 And not only that.
00:40:40 When you start to view the people around you as just suckers, suckers to take advantage of.
00:40:48 It kind of.
00:40:49 It it it?
00:40:50 I could see how that.
00:40:50 Would be. It's almost like a fun game.
00:40:56 If you have resentment for all the.
00:40:59 People around you.
00:41:02 It's no longer this passive. You know what can I?
00:41:04 Get away with.
00:41:06 What can I get away with? What? What can these? What can I do with these? These dumb shifts aren't going to ******* catch me doing. It's going to be like.
00:41:15 A whole new level of of pushing the envelope.
00:41:19 Because you're going to see yourself as superior.
00:41:24 Like in the Talmud, right? They the the celebrated rabbis in the Talmud that that outsmart God.
00:41:32 That outsmart one of God's God's rules.
00:41:39 It's the same thing.
00:41:42 It's a game.
00:41:45 And Speaking of games, that's what leads to the next bit of this story.
00:41:51 Roth sting. Like I I said, wouldn't bet on things unless he had rigged the game. Whether it was a horse race, whether it was a poker game, whether it was roulette.
00:42:03 It was always rigged.
00:42:06 And he thought.
00:42:08 The ultimate.
00:42:10 Would be to exploit.
00:42:13 America's pastime, the national sport, the biggest game of the year in the national sport.
00:42:21 He was going to rig the World Series.
00:42:29 And that's exactly what he did.
00:42:33 Now the way he did it was.
00:42:35 He heard that some of the players were unhappy with with what they were getting paid by the the owner of the the White Sox, the Chicago White Sox, and.
00:42:52 The owner of the Chicago White Sox was this guy here, Charles Comiskey.
00:42:59 And while some of the players were complaining about not getting paid enough.
00:43:05 They actually got paid.
00:43:08 Better than 90% of the other teams. In fact, they I think the they were the third highest paid team.
00:43:17 In the country, but whatever they they it was greed, right? They wanted more money and there was a couple Jews on the team. And there's not a whole lot of information.
00:43:31 About who connected who to what? Because you know, this is something. One of those things that.
00:43:39 Arnold Rothstein ever went to jail for, but everyone knew that they did. And different there's different accounts.
00:43:47 But it it's.
00:43:50 It's clear to me.
00:43:52 That whether it was the Jewish teammates or or other teammates who initiated it, it doesn't really matter. He managed to contact some of these teammates and and say.
00:44:06 OK, you guys.
00:44:07 You guys are going to the World Series.
00:44:10 Everyone knows that you're going to win. You're favored in the betting markets like 9 to one or something like that.
00:44:17 And you are going to, you're going to.
00:44:23 And if you lose?
00:44:25 We will pay you a more than you would have made by winning the World Series with your cheapskate bus. Plus, it'll teach him a lesson for not paying you enough because we know that that he really wants to win.
00:44:41 And so they worked out this deal.
00:44:43 Where? That's what.
00:44:46 That's that's what was going to happen. And all the teammates decided to go along with it in order to hide the fact that he was making these bets because he knew that if, you know, he because he was going to literally bet everything that he owned.
00:45:02 Because he he knew he had, you know, he he had it in the bag.
00:45:07 He knew that if if he walked into a bookie someplace or I guess he.
00:45:11 Is the bookie and in in many cases.
00:45:15 And someone saw that he was making this big *** bet. Then all the other gamblers were like, oh, well, if you know, if if Arnold Rothstein's making this huge bet, then we all know he's got it figured out. So what he did is he secretly placed bets all across the country with small time bookies and spread it out.
00:45:34 All, all, all over the place right before the game had started.
00:45:41 Or the first game.
00:45:46 Crowds in New York's Times Square follow the game on a mechanical scoreboard, updated live by Telegraph.
00:45:57 White Sox fans are stunned, as secant gives up five runs in the fourth, including a triple to.
00:46:03 The Reds pitcher.
00:46:09 Cincinnati takes the game in a laser 9:00 to 1:00.
00:46:18 Hi.
Devon Stack
00:46:21 So after they they throw a few of the games.
00:46:26 Some of the players.
00:46:28 Are embarrassed because of all the bad press.
00:46:32 It's almost starting to look like it's intentional because it it looks these are this is the best team and and now all of a sudden they get to the World Series and they suck.
00:46:42 And they haven't been paid yet. The deal was they get paid on delivery, they get paid once the the World Series has been thrown.
00:46:53 So they go and start asking for.
00:46:56 More money.
00:46:58 And or at least maybe some of it up front, because they're getting, they're getting upset with having to deal with all the the the questions and the press and just the the humiliation of losing. But the problem is Rothstein has all of his money. It it's it's like a Ponzi scheme.
00:47:19 All of his money is tied up in bets, and so he doesn't have the money. I mean, he'll have money after they they throw the series.
00:47:28 But he won't have money until then, so he doesn't have money to pay them.
00:47:34 Arnold Rothstein is essentially a Ponzi scheme. He never has any money, he's always making money, but it's always going out the back end of the door to something else, especially gambling.
Devon Stack
00:47:50 So this this guy right here.
00:47:54 Which was let me get my notes here. Got a lot of notes here. Claude lefty Williams.
00:48:04 So Claude Lefty Williams says, you know what? I'm I'm. I'm not going to. I'm not going to throw the games anymore. I don't. This is embarrassing. I kind of think this guy's not going to pay us.
00:48:16 We just asked for some money, he said. He wasn't gonna pay us.
00:48:20 But then you see what happens if it's, you know it's it's the the classic deal when you're dealing with the devil, right? Do you want silver or lead?
00:48:32 Lefty Williams and his wife take a stroll to relax.
00:48:44 The story goes that he is approached by a man one night on the street and said if you know what's good for yourself and you know what's good for Missus Williams.
00:48:55 You will lose that game and you will lose it very, very early.
Devon Stack
00:49:03 OK.
00:49:05 And that's pretty much how they've always operated.
00:49:08 People wonder, well, why? Why are?
00:49:10 All of our politicians.
00:49:13 Then why do they all bend the knee to APAC?
00:49:17 It's the exact same strategy.
00:49:20 Do you want silver or do you want?
00:49:22 Lead.
00:49:24 If you go along with whatever the Jewish lobby wants.
00:49:29 Then we'll fund your campaign.
00:49:32 We'll we'll donate millions of dollars.
00:49:37 To make sure you get elected.
00:49:41 But if you don't?
00:49:43 Well, then you get LED. Doesn't necessarily always mean that, like in the literal sense that you're going to get a bullet in the head. Although I I I bet you it does sometimes.
00:49:56 But maybe it means blackmail material. Maybe it means some Epstein tape that they've got laying around. Maybe it means they just spend millions of dollars in the other direction and fund your opponent.
00:50:10 But this is what has happened. This is how our entire ruling class was little by little subverted.
00:50:20 Because of people.
00:50:23 Just like Arnold Rothstein.
00:50:27 Now Arnold Rothstein was maybe a little more ham fisted about the whole thing, and maybe not as sophisticated as perhaps the the organizations like AIPAC are these days.
00:50:43 But this is the it's the exact same strategy. It's the exact same survival strategy.
00:50:52 If you do it, do what we want, we have infinite amounts of money.
00:51:02 And that's that's the that's really what it comes down to. This is why you don't have influence over your your politicians.
00:51:11 This is why you don't have influence over Trump.
00:51:14 This is why you don't have influence over your state representatives, even.
00:51:19 Because you can't offer this deal.
00:51:22 You can't be the one that says, hey, do what I want and we'll give you millions of dollars.
00:51:29 Either through campaign contributions or maybe we'll let you in on on one of our trades. Maybe we'll tell you some insider information and you can be like Pelosi and buy a bunch of stock that's going to skyrocket the next day.
00:51:47 Maybe we can tell you to invest in, you know, Boeing or whatever, right? Before we release some new product.
00:51:57 And if you don't do it, you know, then I guess your your your opponent.
00:52:03 Will get all these goodies.
00:52:06 Or I guess you know. Again, we'll release those Epstein videos or we will. Who knows? Who knows, maybe in some instances you will get a little bit of lead.
00:52:22 And unfortunately.
00:52:24 That's that's how the the Jewish.
00:52:27 Lobby in the United States operates today, and that's how the Jewish organized crime syndicates operated then, and probably still do.
00:52:38 So of course, Lefty.
00:52:42 Left, he didn't want to.
00:52:44 Get a bull in the hat or have his wife killed and so.
00:52:50 In a stunning upset, they go on to win the series five games to three.
Devon Stack
00:52:59 So there you go. The game was well the the series was thrown.
00:53:05 And it's kind of funny.
00:53:08 I went and looked for old articles and it and it the the rumors of of the the games being fixed just like today, right?
00:53:20 When we talk about, oh, there's, there's clearly this. There's a conspiracy afoot.
00:53:26 And what does the media do? Oh, you're just a tinfoil hat. You know, a crazy person. That's. That's how the initial reporting was.
00:53:34 The initial reporting was oh, it's fake news, fake news, fake news.
00:53:41 But then, eventually, enough people were asking enough questions and a couple of people who were on the inside let a few things slip and they started investigating what was going on with the World Series.
00:54:01 It's 1919 and here are leading investigators in probe of recently finished World Series.
Devon Stack
00:54:10 And eventually what happened was they they made a grand jury.
00:54:15 Out in Chicago to investigate who was paid off and and by whom.
00:54:22 And because Arnold Rothstein had a ton of money now, I mean, he just he bet all of his money on the series.
00:54:31 I don't remember what the exact odds were, but they were.
00:54:34 He he more than tripled his money.
00:54:38 And so now he's rolling in the.
00:54:39 Dough.
00:54:40 And that was enough money for him to go down to Chicago voluntarily.
00:54:45 Pay off the right people and the grand jury.
00:54:48 And walk away.
00:54:54 Because he had infinite amounts of money.
00:54:58 And that's what makes this country go round when you don't have people running it that give a **** about their people.
00:55:10 And that's just the unfortunate truth. When your nation becomes multicultural.
00:55:17 As it already had.
00:55:19 By 1919.
00:55:22 You're no longer part of some big family.
00:55:26 And so when an alien.
00:55:29 Comes to this country.
00:55:33 Like Arnold.
00:55:35 Rothstein.
00:55:37 And commits crimes and pays people off.
00:55:41 Well, if half the grand jury.
00:55:44 If they're also immigrants or maybe first generation or whatever.
00:55:48 It's really not that big of a deal.
00:55:52 If they get their cut.
00:55:54 Long as they get theirs.
00:55:57 See, that's what happens with with a multicultural society. It does come down to just the money.
00:56:04 It does just come down to profit.
00:56:09 That's why I mean Speaking of sports ball, that's why you had Elon Musk tweet out the other day.
00:56:16 That he thought America should be run and he said, like a sports team.
00:56:22 That you just draft the best players from wherever.
00:56:30 Like sports teams do now.
00:56:36 With no cause. Look, he's a high IQ immigrant himself.
00:56:42 He does not view America.
00:56:45 As a homeland.
00:56:48 He does not view Americans.
00:56:51 As his kin, as his family.
00:56:56 Those are the kinds of protections.
00:57:00 That the society loses when you become multicultural.
00:57:08 Because now it's no longer who's this ******* Jew coming into our country and trying to take advantage of us.
00:57:17 Because there's no us.
00:57:25 In fact, while I replied to in fact I think I got the it's either the top or the second to the top reply to Elon's tweet where I called him out and said.
00:57:35 A nation's not a ******* sports ball team.
00:57:39 And it's not a or or even a Fortune 500 company.
00:57:44 And it's because of.
00:57:46 High IQ immigrants like you.
00:57:49 Coming to this country, viewing our our soil as just an economic zone to exploit.
00:57:55 And not a home for our people.
00:57:58 That people ******* hate. I IQ immigrants like you. I don't know. I'm paraphrasing here. Or maybe I don't know, expanding them, summarizing what I said.
00:58:09 I'm sure he saw it because he replied to the ones that got less likes than that.
00:58:17 But one of the responses was someone with a I mean it was either a Scottish or Irish last name or was a mix something.
00:58:26 He replied. What do you mean by our people?
00:58:33 And that's my point.
00:58:35 In a multicultural society, I guess.
00:58:37 What do you mean by our people?
00:58:41 There is no such thing as our people in that instance.
00:58:48 Think of it this way.
00:58:50 Imagine you work at some, you know, minimum wage job at like a Walmart.
00:58:56 Stocking shelves or whatever.
00:59:00 And you see someone shoplifting.
00:59:06 Now what you will do personally.
00:59:08 It's that's going to be different for everyone listening, but I want you to just, you know, just imagine that scenario.
00:59:14 You're wearing your little blue vest.
00:59:17 Get the name tag on.
00:59:20 You're stocking ******* Oreo cookies or something on a shelf.
00:59:25 And in the corner of your eye, you see some Tyrone.
00:59:29 Drop. I don't know.
00:59:33 Some Afro Sheen.
00:59:35 Into his pants.
00:59:41 What are you going to do in that scenario?
00:59:45 A lot of you, if you're being honest, probably nothing.
00:59:50 Maybe you'll tell security or something like that.
00:59:56 But that's like if it's convenient.
01:00:00 Most of you are gonna spike *******. Yeah, and that might be the end of it.
01:00:08 However.
01:00:09 And like some of you might do something.
01:00:12 It's not about that I want.
01:00:13 You to for those.
01:00:14 Of you, who wouldn't? Or or it would be not that big of a deal to you cause.
01:00:17 It's like, whatever, it's ******* Walmart.
01:00:20 Imagine this exact same scenario. The only difference is.
01:00:25 It's not Walmart, it's your dad's store.
01:00:31 It's your dad's store. It's your family store.
01:00:35 It's a store your grandpa started.
01:00:38 It's been a family for a few generations.
01:00:43 Now there's zero people listening to that scenario. Unless you're just like a giga *****.
01:00:49 That isn't thinking to themselves. I'd go ******* kick his ***.
01:00:57 I'd stomp his ******* ***.
01:00:59 Also, Dad, why are we carrying Afro? Shame in our store. We're just asking for trouble by having this here.
01:01:08 But you know what I mean.
01:01:10 That's the difference.
01:01:13 That's the difference in when you when you have a population.
01:01:19 That feels tied to the land that feels like the people around them are their family. That feels like whether or not the society succeeds.
01:01:31 Has a direct effect on them.
01:01:37 There's a a tie to whether or not you're even. You take pride in what you're doing.
01:01:47 When you're just working at Walmart, you don't give a ****. It's ******* Walmart.
01:01:54 And it works both ways. Walmart doesn't give.
01:01:56 A **** about you.
01:02:03 Walmart doesn't give a.
01:02:04 **** about you.
01:02:07 Yeah.
01:02:11 They might one day decide that.
01:02:14 You're they'll hire some guy illegal immigrants to do your job for cheaper or robot.
01:02:22 If it's your dad's company, that's not going to happen.
01:02:27 He wants you to inherit the company.
01:02:38 And this has ripple effects all throughout every aspect of how this this country works.
01:02:51 Bleeds into the justice system.
01:02:54 Bleeds into the political system big time.
01:02:58 Bleeds into your just your day-to-day interactions.
01:03:02 Think of it. Think of how that would apply. Look, this is a. It's a. It's the perfect metaphor.
01:03:07 Same thing with. How would you how would not not nor for a second the the?
01:03:13 The shoplifter. How would you respect your boss if it's your dad?
01:03:19 If it's just like some **** job at Walmart.
01:03:23 You might decide I don't feel like going into a new video came out. I'm going to call in sick.
01:03:31 And you're have 0 guilt about it, cause **** em it's Walmart.
01:03:35 If it's your dad, you know he's going to depend on you to be there.
01:03:40 You're not going to flake out.
01:03:44 Think of how you would treat your your coworkers.
01:03:49 If your coworker is like literally some illegal immigrant that barely speaks English, you don't get a **** about that guy.
01:03:58 If it's your brother, different story.
01:04:04 And The funny thing is, like I said, it's the perfect metaphor. The Walmart will still make more money.
01:04:14 Right. The Walmart's still going to make more money.
01:04:26 But which one is the scenario you?
01:04:28 Want to be in?
01:04:34 And that money, by the way, is never trickling down to you.
01:04:40 So if Elon and libertarians like the him get what they want.
01:04:45 And they make the the stupid argument that ohh well odds.
01:04:49 It it's gonna.
01:04:50 It will trickle down to you.
01:04:53 You'll get cheaper iPhones or something like, right? Isn't that always the argument? Ohh you you think you're you think the world's not better? Yeah. Look how much cheaper TV's are.
01:05:05 I mean, they've done entire. I've worked on videos like that. Well, I used to work with libertarians. Well, that was their whole argument about, like, oh, you think it's bad, but did you know when TV's first came out? They were like, they cost, like, the same as a car. And now they're like, 200 bucks.
01:05:26 It's like, wow.
01:05:27 That makes it so worth it.
01:05:30 The.
01:05:30 Tvi's are cheap.
01:05:34 Thanks, capitalism. Like what do you what do?
01:05:38 You what do you want me to say?
01:05:47 But anyway because yeah, because he had the money.
01:05:51 He had the power, he had the influence, and no one, and look, even in in that the clip from the movie, right? It's an Irish cop.
01:06:03 Because that's really how New York was. It was like all these different ethnicities, all with kind of different roles. You know, the Irish cops.
01:06:13 Yeah, the the Jewish.
01:06:16 Organized crime bosses, you know the Italian enforcers.
01:06:22 You know like.
01:06:25 They're just all competing groups.
01:06:36 They're they're, they're barely citizens of the same country. I mean, they are just on paper.
01:06:49 So anyway.
01:06:52 Then prohibition comes around.
01:06:57 Here's shy Andrew J Volstead, father of act, that became federal law, January 16th, 1920. And then enforcement begins in Boston, as in every other city, government agents fight hopelessly against illegal liquor. These homemade stills are but a few of thousands seized and destroyed. Other thousands produce millions of gallons.
01:07:17 And countless hundreds prosper in business of bootlegging.
01:07:25 In Florida swamps, federal agents searched for stills reported working in isolation of Everglades government. Men get 40 to $50 a week for this. It's work well done here. As in all 48 states, steel and product are discovered and destroyed. Mash meant for market as bootleg.
01:07:42 Moose is part into the mud.
01:07:52 It's similar story in New Orleans, where agents get rid of loot of Reese and grade fire. Water sure flows freely here.
Devon Stack
01:07:59 Yes, it does. And what? What will you'll hear from the?
01:08:03 Libertarians.
01:08:06 A Jewish ideology, by the way.
01:08:11 Ah.
01:08:13 Why would you ban alcohol? People are just going to do it anyway. No what?
01:08:16 You really mean is Jews are going to do it anyway.
01:08:21 Because once again.
01:08:24 You had at first.
01:08:27 Just like before, Jew showed up in New York.
01:08:31 You sure you still had crime in New York? It's not like all crime would disappear if if you got rid of Jews, just like all rape wouldn't disappear if you got rid of blacks, right?
01:08:45 But what you had at first it was just small time guys, you know, make making making bathtub wine and **** like that.
01:08:56 That's the kind of thing.
01:08:57 That society can deal with.
01:09:01 What they can't deal with?
01:09:04 Is a Jew like Arnold Rothstein?
01:09:09 Creating a A with because he has infinite money.
01:09:14 And rather than being satisfied. So that's the other thing too. At this point, the guy has more money.
01:09:21 Than anyone could ever spend in their lifetime. He could. He could have, like after he he rigged the World Series and got away with it and had millions and millions of dollars.
01:09:30 He could have just stopped.
01:09:35 He could have just stopped and and lived like a king forever.
01:09:41 But no, it's never enough for him. It's an obsession.
01:09:47 It's a game.
01:09:53 And So what does he do? He uses these resources for evil.
01:09:58 He uses his resources to create these vast networks.
01:10:03 Of bootleggers.
01:10:08 And runs it like.
01:10:10 And multinational conglomerate.
01:10:15 Now it is difficult to fight this this this problem because now you're not dealing with just some random guy making wine in his bathtub and selling it to his friends. Something that's you can deal with that.
01:10:29 A society can deal with that.
01:10:33 You know, no one thinks that by passing laws or prohibitions on things that it it's going to make it magically go away.
01:10:42 But it's a lot easier to reduce it.
01:10:46 When you don't have a Jew who's worth.
01:10:50 In today's money, like $100 million.
01:10:54 Trying to commit these crimes on an industrial scale.
01:11:08 But the nation remains thirsty for alcohol.
01:11:12 Disorganized gangs of Italian and Jewish American thugs are quick to move in and sell diluted booze to the poor.
01:11:22 But the brain thinks big. If you can organize the thugs and sell alcohol on a national scale, he can make serious money.
Selwyn Raab
01:11:32 He was the first to recognize the money that could be made through bootlegging.
01:11:39 He organized the first idea of how you would run bootlegging as a business venture.
01:11:47 Rothstein is not interested in selling cheap hooch on street corners. He has class.
Devon Stack
01:11:56 You know, it's funny.
01:11:58 You know, it's it like this guy, right? It's admiration.
01:12:02 Ohh he's so smart.
01:12:03 Yeah.
01:12:05 It's so smart. He he was the first one to figure out you could make money selling illegal booze. Not.
01:12:10 I doubt that.
01:12:13 I don't think that didn't take some gigantic Jew brain to crack that code.
01:12:19 Where I can make money selling this illicit stuff. Now I'm pretty sure that wasn't like like some hard math problem he had to to calculate.
01:12:33 He just had the means and the lack of morality.
01:12:41 He just had the money to make it happen.
01:12:44 And the the complete lack of a conscience.
01:12:48 And 0 loyalty to the country that.
01:12:50 He was living in.
01:12:52 And the people that lived among among him in, in, in, in his midst.
01:12:57 Because they weren't people, they're cattle.
01:13:03 And if he could make money feeding their addiction, then he would.
01:13:09 And again, this is where you'll hear a lot of limp wristed fagots say **** like, whoa, it's the Gohan's fault for for, you know, buying it.
01:13:20 Well, in that case, why have anything banned?
01:13:25 Right. Why? Why have anything banned at all? And I guess you know, there are people like that.
Lolbertarian Fag
01:13:30 Doesn't really matter.
01:13:31 2.
01:13:31 Grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.
Devon Stack
01:13:43 And look if you want to make some weird little libertarian Jewish utopia go right ahead. Just don't do it in my ******* country.
01:13:56 So he he makes it uh, you know, he's the one always so smart. He figured out that he could make money by by breaking the the law and and selling alcohol on the black market.
01:14:11 He was so smart, the way he figured that out. So what he did, and he went to Scotland.
01:14:18 And other countries that produced alcohol.
01:14:23 Though where it wasn't illegal.
01:14:26 And he made deals with distribution companies because again, the guys got the today's equivalent of like 100 million plus dollars.
01:14:38 And starts shipping because he knows that his competition is the guy on the corner, right? That's making wine in his bathtub.
01:14:46 He starts shipping actual.
01:14:49 Alcohol.
01:14:52 This is where the the wexner's got their money. The guy that bankrolled Epstein.
01:15:00 That's how a lot of lot of by the way, a lot of powerful Jew money that's in this country today that right now currently still has their money from this era for doing this sort of thing.
01:15:13 Who is now using it to fund anti white politicians?
01:15:19 This enriched a lot of Jews, not just.
01:15:22 Not just Mr. Rothstein here.
01:15:25 There was a lot of Jewish fortunes made because, surprise, surprise.
01:15:30 That whole business was almost exclusively Jewish.
01:15:39 I think the Waxers were running alcohol from Canada.
01:15:46 You had rough stain running alcohol from Europe.
01:15:53 That other Jewish families running alcohol from the Bahamas South of the border, Caribbean.
01:16:07 Because they had the means to do it.
01:16:12 They had the means to do it.
01:16:15 And enough of the ruling class.
01:16:19 Went along with it.
01:16:22 In fact, some of them were probably the customers.
01:16:26 That it was allowed to go on and and they made millions and millions and millions of dollars.
01:16:39 Arnold Rothstein is the mentor of our entire wave of the gangsters of the future, the guys we know as the classic gangsters of all time, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Lucky Luciano, Dutch Schultz.
01:16:59 Frank Costello, you name him. Arnold Rothstein had something to do with him in the 1920s.
Devon Stack
01:17:10 So that's, that's where all of like every mobster, you've heard the name.
01:17:14 Of.
01:17:15 From that area, from that era, every like literally every single mobster.
01:17:23 Had some sort of tie and in many cases a very strong tie like he was their mentor.
01:17:30 To Arnold Rothstein, he literally is the man who gave birth to organized crime in America.
01:17:43 Especially to lucky Luciano.
01:17:50 That was his protege.
01:17:55 Lucky Luciano was a like a street corner, drug peddler Italian immigrant.
01:18:05 And.
01:18:07 Rothstein took him under his wing.
01:18:11 Taught him how to dress.
01:18:14 Taught them how to eat at fancy restaurants without, you know, looking uncultured.
01:18:21 Taught him how to increase his vocabulary so he wouldn't sound like a street thug.
01:18:29 And he worked directly for Rothstein.
01:18:33 For years.
01:18:36 While at the same time moonlighting for some of the Italian mob activity that was going on.
01:18:42 In New York.
01:18:47 In fact, when he was arrested in in June of 1923.
01:18:54 While doing some of his moonlighting for the Italian mob.
01:18:58 He went to jail.
01:19:01 And because he wasn't very big at the time yet he didn't have the money to.
01:19:06 Grease the palms of the the judges and stuff like that. So he decided to do, I guess the next best thing. And he ratted out some of the Italian mob.
01:19:19 And after he ratted out the Italian mob to get out of jail.
01:19:25 He had a bad reputation around town because he was a rat.
01:19:30 And no one wanted to do business with him anymore.
01:19:35 And so he.
01:19:36 Where did he go to? He went to.
01:19:38 Rothstein.
01:19:42 And Rothstein said, well, I'm a Jew.
01:19:47 So I'm I'm really good at public relations because that's another gift that we gave America.
01:19:54 Is public relations.
01:19:57 Including the term public relations.
01:20:03 Then streams are met.
01:20:07 He said if you want to.
01:20:10 Get your reputation back and I can help you out with.
01:20:12 Some of this.
01:20:14 I will help bankroll this whole thing.
01:20:18 With a, you know obviously.
01:20:19 For a fee.
01:20:22 I'll show you how this works.
01:20:25 There's a big fight, Big Jack Dempsey fight coming up.
01:20:32 And all the ring side tickets are still available. They're really expensive though, when they when they go on sale.
01:20:40 I'll. I'll make sure you can buy 200.
01:20:45 Ring side tickets. So basically all the ring side tickets.
01:20:49 For this huge ******* fight that everyone was looking forward to.
01:20:55 And then all you have to do is go around and give them to this. This list of people. These are all the important people that you have to.
01:21:04 To make happy.
01:21:07 So politicians.
01:21:10 Crime bosses.
01:21:13 People in law enforcement.
01:21:17 CEOs.
01:21:21 All you know, all the people in town that it's important that they that they like you.
01:21:27 And make sure they all know that you know that it's a gift from you that you're the one giving them the ticket.
01:21:34 And then show up.
01:21:37 I'll show you how to dress and how to how to look fancy.
01:21:42 And show up and just be amongst them.
01:21:46 For this big event and you'll be back in.
01:21:55 You saw Jack Dempsey still wearing his world heavyweight crown, wisely defended for in all the history of green warfare. There never was such a battle.
Devon Stack
01:22:10 And I worked.
01:22:12 It worked.
01:22:16 Lucky Luciano learned a a powerful lesson that day.
01:22:21 You know, he was he was very used to the lead part of the equation.
01:22:26 I guess you learned about the silver part of that equation.
01:22:30 And so that got him back in the business.
01:22:33 People weren't as ****** *** about his him being a rat, I guess.
01:22:38 All was forgiven and he was, uh, back working for Rothstein and others.
01:22:47 He also started to employ more and more of the Italian mob.
01:22:50 You know muscle and one of the things he would do.
01:22:57 Because he was so smart, right? He was so smart using that that Jewish IQ of his.
01:23:04 He would have them.
01:23:06 In order to work for them.
01:23:08 Sign a life insurance policy.
01:23:14 And make it him make Rothstein the the benefactor.
01:23:20 So that if they ever died, he would get money.
01:23:25 In fact, they might die because he decides they need to die, and so then he gets paid.
01:23:31 When they die because he kills them.
01:23:36 You would also have people sign over life insurance to borrow money.
01:23:42 For the same reason.
01:23:44 Because if you don't pay up, I can just go kill you.
01:23:48 And then I get your life insurance policy.
01:23:53 Because he was so smart. Isn't that clever?
01:23:56 Isn't that clever? I mean, no, gore would have thought to do that, right?
01:24:03 But once again, the gambler who never gambles shortens the odds.
01:24:09 His loans come with strict conditions. Gangsters must take out life insurance policies naming Rothstein as the beneficiary.
Other Historian
01:24:19 They were in dangerous businesses, these guys and in case something happened to them, they couldn't pay their debt. You would collect on their insurance. Sure. Business deal. Isn't that what a successful manager does? A win win strategy.
01:24:34 His generosity comes at a high price, a 20% interest rate.
Another Historian
01:24:39 And if they don't pay him back, he feels that he owns them and they can do certain favors for him. That's how he ends up using his muscle. He wasn't entirely upset when he didn't get money back, because then he could get people to do The Dirty work that he personally didn't want to do.
Devon Stack
01:24:55 Yes, because if there's one thing that we know about, Jews is they don't like doing dirty work. They don't like getting their own hands dirty.
01:25:05 So yeah, this this whole thing, like from the Godfather.
01:25:09 Ohh, you owe me a favor.
01:25:12 Yeah, the this, this is where it came from.
01:25:15 This is the pioneer in that strategy.
01:25:21 Big brained Roth sting.
01:25:25 Operating in ways that.
01:25:28 The the Golem never would have. It never would have occurred to them to take advantage of people like this. He was so smart. He was so smart to.
01:25:36 To exploit people in this very unique way.
01:25:45 The brain can see the writing is on the wall for prohibition.
Devon Stack
01:25:49 By the way, so.
01:25:50 That's the brain. They keep saying. That was his nickname. That's right. Big, big giant Jewish IQ that he was the brain. At least that was his nickname at 1st. And they started calling him the bank.
01:26:03 Roll.
01:26:04 Because he got so much money.
01:26:07 But yeah, the brain, the brain he saw.
01:26:09 The the writer was on the wall for.
01:26:11 Prohibition. So this is also you've probably heard.
01:26:16 People say that some of the Italian mafia didn't want to deal in narcotics.
01:26:25 Because.
01:26:27 They, I mean, sure, they're, you know, they're spaghetti speaks and stuff. They're not really us, but they they felt more American than.
01:26:36 Than the Jewish mob.
01:26:38 So all those things I was talking about how you wouldn't want to poison your family.
01:26:43 There was at.
01:26:43 Least a little bit of that in the in the Italian mafia, the Italian mafia didn't want to deal. I mean, like there there was, there were definite exceptions. Lucky Louisiana, for example. Him. That's how he started with doing, you know, slinging dope.
01:26:57 But this is this was to do it on the industrial scale.
01:27:02 That.
01:27:04 Rothstein was going to do it. That was that was.
01:27:08 Too immoral for a lot of.
01:27:10 The the competition, I guess.
01:27:13 So once again, it wasn't because he figured out that, oh, you know, it looks like prohibition is going to be gone, but I'll already have this extensive network set up. So instead of smuggling alcohol into the country because that's not going to matter anymore because, well, you know, it's going to be legal, I'll be able to start small.
01:27:33 I'll use the exact same tactics and the exact same network that I've built up, and I'll start smuggling in heroin and cocaine, which is what he did.
01:27:44 But it wasn't 100% because oh, I'm. I'm this little smart guy. I've figured out that people will buy cocaine and heroin.
01:27:52 Who would have thought, right the the the stupid goyum never would have been able to figure that out. That like people would buy heroin and cocaine.
01:28:00 No, it's obviously ********. He he just had the network already set up.
01:28:07 He had the means and he lacked the conscience.
01:28:11 He didn't care.
01:28:13 He didn't care if he destroyed people with his product because it meant that he was going to make money, and if they're going, they're not really people, are they?
01:28:24 Whereas some of at least you know again there are exceptions, but some of the Italian mob didn't want to touch drugs. They they were OK with prostitution and and alcohol and gambling or whatever. But for whatever reason, they drew the line.
01:28:40 At drugs.
01:28:42 They didn't want. They didn't want to mess around with cocaine and and and heroin.
01:28:49 But with Rothstein, no, no such moral qualms.
01:28:53 Had no issue with it and so not only was he the godfather of organized crime, he's the one that developed a lot of these tactics and the the way of structuring a a a illicit operation.
01:29:08 But he was also the one that he was the godfather of.
Selwyn Raab
01:29:13 Drug.
Devon Stack
01:29:13 Dealing in America.
01:29:16 Because up until that moment, just like the bootleggers were just pretty much they were small time guys making, you know, alcohol in their basement or whatever the the drug dealing was relatively small, too. I mean, you had a little bit of it coming in from like you had opium and shift coming in from, like the Chinese immigrants.
01:29:34 And you had cocaine was was more of a.
01:29:40 Novelty at the time, it wasn't like 80s, you know, cocaine.
01:29:45 And a lot of these drugs were still very exotic.
01:29:53 And so you wouldn't be able to to just, you know, for example how how is the average guy going to just start making heroin?
01:30:01 Unless you have connections with people that.
01:30:03 Have poppy fields.
01:30:08 Like this Jew does.
01:30:10 Or cocaine, for that matter, all the cocaine is coming from South America. Your average guy, you know, criminal on the street.
01:30:18 Isn't going to have a network that stretches out to ******* South America.
01:30:26 Well, roasting did because he was already moving alcohol.
01:30:31 Into the country from from those countries.
01:30:35 So he decides to start selling hard drugs.
01:30:39 Now that.
01:30:41 Alcohol is going to come back and and.
01:30:45 Into the sunlight prohibition.
01:30:46 The brain can see the writing.
01:30:48 Is on the wall for proem.
01:30:54 And one of his other proteges has opened the door on a business that will make the liquor racket look small beer.
01:31:02 Back in the.
01:31:02 Day Charles. Lucky Luciano cut his teeth as.
01:31:05 A drug pusher.
01:31:08 And now he tells Rothstein about the unprecedented demand on the streets.
Bernard Whalen
01:31:15 Roasting again being the brain, saw a market that he could capitalize on. Some mobsters might say no drugs for me I don't want.
01:31:24 Us involved in.
01:31:25 Drugs. Rustin had no qualms about things like that if they could line in his pocket, he was interested, and that's how narcotics comes about for him.
01:31:35 Just a simple.
01:31:36 Not of profit and that.
Devon Stack
01:31:41 Is the problem.
01:31:42 With high IQ immigrants.
01:31:49 Especially in a capitalist society.
01:31:52 A capitalist society.
01:31:55 Cannot work.
01:31:59 Under those conditions, under the conditions of multiculturalism, under the conditions of having all these alien factions, under the conditions where you don't have a shared morality governing people.
01:32:15 You have people that are just motivated by profit.
01:32:23 And like I said, even if it doesn't mean that you get rid of all these people, you're still going to have problems like that because part of it's human nature. It's just, I think greatly.
01:32:34 Exaggerated in some in in certain gene pools.
01:32:40 This dark part of of human nature, this greed.
01:32:47 But this problem is going to be.
01:32:50 Unbelievably.
01:32:55 Ballooned to a level that that is civilization ending.
01:33:03 When you have high IQ people running amok in your society and their only motive is is profit.
01:33:13 Especially because different groups they do compete.
01:33:18 Right.
01:33:19 So you're going to start having that logic and and let's say there are groups that wouldn't necessarily get into that kind of business, but now they're going to, it's like the excuse that you'll hear right with governments.
01:33:32 Well, we have to invent the the new scary bomb, because if we do it, then don't do it. Then our enemy will do it.
01:33:42 So you have competing crime syndicates saying, well, we have, I guess we have to get into heroin now because Rothstein's doing it and if we don't do it, he's going to.
01:33:51 He's going to take over.
01:33:59 So he gets into the hard drugs.
01:34:02 Start selling heroin and cocaine.
01:34:06 But he wants to expand even further.
01:34:09 He, he and.
01:34:10 And he wants to take advantage of his network.
01:34:15 Prior to Arnold Rothstein, the drug trade was extremely disoriented. It was not organized at all, but when you have his amount of brains and cash and connections behind any enterprise, it's going to go up.
01:34:34 Exponentially so. Because of that, it really is accurate to speak of Arnold Rothstein as the father of the modern American drug trade.
Devon Stack
01:34:52 Isn't that great?
01:34:59 Thanks Jews.
01:35:03 You pioneered the modern American drug trade.
01:35:08 And organized crime all all in one Jew.
01:35:13 I appreciate that a Jew that again, like I said in the very beginning, he he could have just had a normal rich guy life. He was a rich kid.
01:35:23 He didn't need to do any of this stuff.
01:35:32 Rothstein supply cities across the country, providing to both the rich and the poor.
Bernard Whalen
01:35:38 He knew how to keep his hands clean, arranging it for it to be distributed by somebody else. He's put a layer between him and the drug. A roll almost that makes it very hard for authorities to penetrate.
01:35:53 And it's not enough. Rothstein wants to push his criminal empire.
01:35:58 Beyond America.
01:36:00 He wants to go.
01:36:01 Global.
01:36:02 But for that he needs a backer even richer than himself.
Devon Stack
01:36:09 A backer even richer than himself.
01:36:15 I'm going to let you guys and the audience guess the ethnicity, the ethnicity of the do I have? Do I have the jeopardy sound? Let me get the the jeopardy song going here.
01:36:32 Who wants to guess? It's got to be. It's got to be a backer richer than him.
01:36:41 Let's do uh.
01:36:45 There we go. Jeopardy song ready.
01:36:53 What do you think it's going to be?
01:36:58 What? What? What other ethnicity?
01:37:02 Would be perfect for this job.
01:37:06 To find the International narcotics Ring, the first one the world has ever seen.
01:37:20 Let's have a look.
01:37:25 In 1928, Rothstein meets with the third richest man in the.
01:37:28 World.
01:37:29 European financier Captain Lowenstein.
01:37:34 He is so wealthy that when Germany invades Belgium in 1914, he says, well, let's just buy it back from him. He's got to know the do it.
01:37:42 And he's got the dough to put together an incredible cartel of drug dealing.
Devon Stack
01:37:50 There you go.
01:37:51 Turbo Jew my only they got muted somehow. I gotta fix this. Hang on.
01:37:55 Yeah.
01:37:56 There we go. I fixed it.
01:37:59 Ohh Lowenstein, another Stein.
01:38:05 Ah, so the third richest man in the world? Lowenstein. Another Jew. So again, you can't. This is what doesn't make you can't make the argument right.
01:38:18 Well, it's socioeconomic factors.
01:38:22 Not really. This guy is the third richest man.
01:38:25 In the world.
01:38:28 Why would he need to be richer?
01:38:33 Shouldn't this be a man that, if approached by a mobster that wants to create the world's first international narcotics distribution?
01:38:45 That should say not just no, but hell no.
01:38:49 Why would you want to poison my people? No, of course not. He's not poisoning his people. He's poisoning the go him.
01:39:06 He's poisoning the goyum.
01:39:13 So the Jew who invented organized crime.
01:39:18 And has has invented the modern day drug trafficking.
01:39:24 Goes to the third richest man in the world. Also a Jew, to expand into an international drug trafficking operation.
01:39:36 And he says.
01:39:38 Boy sounds like a good job, but yeah, let's do it. We'll get ******* hella rich. ER.
01:39:45 Together, they mastermind a plan for an international drug.
01:39:49 Ring.
01:39:50 Captain Alfred Lowenstein can provide the connections in Europe. Arnold Rothstein can provide the connections in America.
01:39:58 And they get together in a series of secretive meetings in New York City in the late 1920s.
01:40:08 Everything is going well.
01:40:10 The flow of illegal drugs is about to increase tenfold, and Rothstein is said to become richer than his wildest dreams.
Devon Stack
01:40:18 Richer as well this dreams, but then something happens.
01:40:25 Ohh the Jew look finally runs out.
01:40:30 This is actually kind of a funny story.
01:40:37 So the third richest man in the world, captain.
01:40:41 Captain Lowen staying here.
01:40:44 On the verge of creating the the world's first international drug cartel.
01:40:53 With the Jew who invented organized crime in America.
01:41:00 They've penned the deal.
01:41:02 They're getting it all ready to go. All the funding is in the right place.
01:41:08 Low end stains, patting himself on the back and because he's rich.
01:41:14 He has a private plane.
01:41:17 He's going to fly across the English Channel.
01:41:22 And for for business?
01:41:27 And while while on the airplane.
01:41:32 Laughing about his awesome deal that he has penned with.
01:41:37 With Roth staying excited about all the the GOYUM cash he's going.
01:41:41 To be getting.
01:41:43 From all these drug addicted.
01:41:46 Cattle.
01:41:49 He gets up to go use the bathroom.
01:41:55 Now the airplane that he had.
01:42:02 Let's see here.
01:42:04 He was going from Croydon Airport to Brussels.
01:42:09 On his private aircraft, it's a it was called a Fokker F7A3M trim motor.
01:42:17 He was with six other people.
01:42:21 And while they were crossing the English Channel.
01:42:24 At an altitude of 4000 feet.
01:42:28 He got up and walked to the rear of the plane.
01:42:32 To use the bathroom.
01:42:35 And on this plane.
01:42:38 Let's say let's say you're, let's say you're, you're celebrating your your international drug cartel, you're about to start. You've had, you've had a few.
01:42:47 You've had a few to drink.
01:42:51 Yeah, you like to indulge a little bit? ****. Maybe you're even enjoying some of the samples. Maybe you've shot up some heroin and done some coke. Who knows? With these? Maybe just.
01:43:00 Ate a baby?
01:43:03 Who knows what these sick ***** do, right?
01:43:08 And then you walk to the rear of your private plane.
01:43:12 You're all confused.
01:43:15 You're a little confused because when you get to the end of the hall where the bathroom is, there's 2 doors.
01:43:23 There's one door.
01:43:25 If you open it up.
01:43:28 There's a toilet.
01:43:32 And there's another door.
01:43:35 If you open it up.
01:43:38 This happens.
01:44:08 That's right. The giant brained Jew criminal mastermind opened the wrong door and fell out of the plane.
01:44:22 And the funniest part about it is no one ******* noticed. Like everyone else. They must have been partying on this ******* plane because no one noticed until they land and they're like he's still in the bathroom and they walked back there and saw that the the door to the plane.
01:44:37 So, but and they're like ohh ****.
01:44:45 Ohh this was the first. Oh, looks like uh the lucky gambler. Ross Stein. The the lucky gambler. His his luck had had finally stopped.
01:44:57 Finally run out right?
01:45:00 Yeah. So.
01:45:07 Now the unfortunate thing was for Rothstein is he had had all of his money and all of his assets kind of tied up in this big master plan.
01:45:17 That he had.
01:45:18 Been trying to get all set up.
01:45:21 With with Turbo Jew.
01:45:24 And now the Turbo Jew was floating around in the English Channel somewhere, never to be found.
01:45:34 You know, he was kind of ******. He was kind of ******.
01:45:39 And so he didn't know how to make the amount. I mean, look again, he wasn't super ******. This guy could have. He could have cashed out.
01:45:47 That he had money he could have cashed out Ponzi scheme or not. This guy could have cashed out, lived the rest of his days, being happy that he was the one who started organized crime in America, and the modern drug trade and whatever. But he wasn't happy. He he was so close to having an international drug trafficking.
01:45:47 Yeah.
01:46:07 Syndicate.
01:46:09 And was very upset.
01:46:11 That that all of his his plans have been thwarted by Lowenstein's unplanned swim in the English Channel.
01:46:20 And so he gets he gets uh.
01:46:23 His old habits back.
01:46:25 He thinks that he can go gamble his way into wealth.
01:46:31 And he sits down for a high stakes poker game.
01:46:37 With lots of other high rollers, high rollers that have lots and lots and lots of ******* money.
01:46:46 And he plays for 36 hours straight.
01:46:53 36 hours straight.
01:46:55 And loses about $4 million.
01:46:59 In today's money.
01:47:05 And he's really desperate.
01:47:08 He's really desperate.
01:47:12 And so he, on one hand bets $320,000.
01:47:22 And loses.
01:47:27 And it's crushing because it it.
01:47:29 Maybe doesn't ruin him, but it I mean all of that's all of his.
01:47:34 Spend you know all this Jew money. Like the bulk of it is.
01:47:37 Now.
01:47:37 Gone from this like never ending.
01:47:41 Poker game where he he should have walked away a million times over and never did.
01:47:48 Well, because he never loses.
01:47:51 And because he always cheats.
01:47:55 He tells their gamblers. I'm not going to pay.
01:47:59 I'm not going to pay because clearly because I cheat. That means everyone else cheats. Someone was cheating.
01:48:07 There's no way I could have organically.
01:48:10 Lost all this money?
01:48:16 If he had lived, and if he had combined with our.
Devon Stack
01:48:22 Ohh well well. Spoiler alert he dies but wrong clip, so he refuses to pay.
01:48:30 And two months later.
01:48:33 He is shot.
01:48:37 Outside of one of his apartments.
01:48:39 He's still alive when they find him.
01:48:42 They bring him to the hospital. He's been shot a couple of times. He dies.
01:48:45 In the hospital a couple days later.
01:48:48 To this day, no one knows.
01:48:51 Who killed him? He had a lot of enemies.
01:48:54 It's highly suspected it was tied to that game because he wasn't paying up.
01:49:00 There were also a lot of mob bosses and lawyers that went to see him to get documents signed while he was in the hospital. There are rumors that you know that he they were threatening his wife and whatever to sign things over there was a big cover up afterwards because he was connected to so many politicians and everything else.
01:49:20 All of his files got raided.
01:49:24 But yeah, so he that was that was the end of him.
01:49:27 If he had lived, and if he had combined with Arnold Rothstein the flow of illegal drugs coming to America would have multiplied by an amazingly exponential effect.
Devon Stack
01:49:44 Well, I guess it's too bad, huh?
01:49:47 I guess it's too bad that Lowenstein and and Rothstein both kicked the bucket.
01:49:56 They both kick the bucket. So anyway this is the right clip here.
01:50:05 Rothstein's judgment appears to be deteriorating rather badly in the 1920s.
01:50:12 He is making bad investments, hanging around with worse and worse and more dangerous people.
01:50:26 The mobsters he schooled in organized crime are out of control.
01:50:31 Luciano is drawn into a murderous feud between 2 Italian crime families.
01:50:38 A bloody power struggle that will claim the lives of dozens of mobsters.
01:50:45 And the sadistic Dutch Schultz is now the most feared man in New York.
01:50:55 Within this savage world of gangsters, Arnold Rothstein operates like a lone wolf.
Devon Stack
01:51:03 A long wall through again in this apartment or this was the I I I got jumbled up there. This is the apartment building where he played the game. This is the apartment building where he was shot. I believe the A is showing about where they found him. At least what floor he was on. And it's funny because in the movie.
01:51:24 Version.
01:51:26 The we played.
01:51:26 A clip from in the very beginning.
01:51:29 They made it look like he actually won the game. He won the game and they were so mad at him for winning the game. They shot him and that's not exactly at all what happened.
01:52:01 He was going to have a royal flush. The end.
01:52:05 But that's, you know, that was the Hollywood version.
01:52:07 Of it.
01:52:09 But you know, Hollywood likes to likes to make him seem like he's a ****** and not some kind of psychopath path loser. They also made him a character in Boardwalk Empire, which was a I believe.
01:52:21 It.
01:52:21 Was I think it was an HBO series trying to make mobsters.
01:52:25 Like rock stain look cool.
01:52:28 You know the the, the, the very. I guess they were. They're the Super not racist mob that they even went so far as to have an episode where they went they went and killed KKK members for some reason.
01:52:56 How are you 2 jokers?
01:53:00 And.
01:53:00 Good. We have your attention. Names and addresses of the three men who shot up Chalky whites warehouse.
01:53:10 Option.
01:53:15 5 seconds, gentlemen.
01:53:16 There's hope, Crocker. He was one and **** Heatherton.
Arnold Rothstein
01:53:27 They didn't.
01:53:28 Beautiful.
01:53:31 Who else?
Devon Stack
01:53:39 Yeah, the the anti racist mob that goes around killing the KKK.
01:53:46 So yeah, he's.
01:53:46 They've made him a character in a few different series where he's like this hero. The movie, of course, makes him look like it's mostly. Like I said, it's they, they gloss over.
01:53:58 They I think they mentioned the drug stuff. They gloss over most of his criminal stuff. They just make him look like he's addicted to gambling and they show that he he rigs a horse race once, but it's mostly about his relationship with his wife and whatever.
01:54:17 And then you know when he. Like I said when he was dying, they had the the issue with his lawyers going to sign the documents and then afterwards, once he was dead.
01:54:30 All of his documents were missing.
01:54:33 All of his safes have been opened.
01:54:36 And they never they never really investigated. In fact, I think they took like a month to even start investigating it.
01:54:43 To give the people involved enough time to burn all their you know, any relationship they might have had, because if once the cops start investigating the murder, then they're going to have to start looking at, well, who has motive and stuff like that. So the cops knowing that he was, you know, that he had really powerful people on the payroll, gave them a month.
01:55:03 To destroy all their records and clean everything up, and then they, oh, they just when they they never found the real killer.
01:55:11 And he was just, uh, that was it.
01:55:15 He was killed in. Let's see here.
01:55:21 1928.
01:55:24 And that was the end of Rothstein. And it's kind of funny because as they get older, they they don't. They all start looking the same. Like he's starting to look like.
01:55:34 Weinstein, actually, you know, is isn't he? Like, he's got the he's got the fat Jew Jean kicking in where he's definitely taking on like the the Weinstein brother look.
01:55:48 But yeah, it's it's. It's too bad he didn't live longer because he probably could have.
01:55:53 Retired to Israel like some of his protegees while I was digging around for videos and stuff on this topic.
01:56:04 I came across a interview done by Israeli TV.
01:56:11 With Meyer Lansky.
01:56:14 Meyer Lansky, who was one of the protegees of Rothstein who was a Jewish gangster who was responsible for, you know, racketeering, murder, prostitution, narcotics trafficking.
01:56:33 You know, you name it like he was a a big time gangster. In fact, that might be worth a stream at some point. But he was he was a protege of Rothstein. And it's kind of funny because I found this interview and was watching it, and it was exactly what you would expect.
01:56:50 I didn't do nothing. It's anti-Semitism the the press the the totally not Jewish press is making up all these lies about me. I'm just a poor old Jew trying to live in Israel. I mean, it's really ******* laughable.
01:57:05 Mr. Lansky, why are the American authorities after you?
Meyer Lansky
01:57:12 Because the newspaper man.
01:57:16 Started a campaign against me and it snowballed to such an extent that I guess it can be stopped anymore. I was singled out for some reason. They needed an image.
01:57:33 And.
01:57:34 This is going to an extent.
01:57:38 Where is just no wall.
01:57:42 And I don't know how far it's gonna go.
01:57:46 And when did the a snowball pass from?
Meyer Lansky
01:57:50 There actually started by 1965.
01:57:54 When some newspaper man.
01:57:58 Wrote an article that I have $300 million well.
01:58:03 I wish I had $1,000,000.
01:58:07 And said many more things. Remember have been said about me.
01:58:12 They accused me of making a president.
01:58:16 Now, I don't know Mr. Nixon any more than what I read in the newspapers, and the closest I ever got to him, the seeing him on television.
01:58:27 They claim I have 50% of.
01:58:30 Lebanon casinos.
01:58:33 50% of Monte Carlo.
01:58:36 The Rose will scent be to visit the teaster.
01:58:42 On a mission now, how ridiculous can we really get?
01:58:48 This is just the global lie.
01:58:51 Say it long enough and you get the people to believe it. So you feel that you are right.
01:58:55 You're feeling.
Meyer Lansky
01:58:56 Very very sure do.
01:59:00 Mr. Lansky, what does the name Jewish mafia mean to you?
Meyer Lansky
01:59:07 You know, I never heard that until I read it in the Israeli newspapers by its most ridiculous.
01:59:15 Other many Jews in the gambling business.
Meyer Lansky
01:59:20 When we receive many, you'd have to judge by percentage. I think if you took the percentage of the gambling business in the United States, took the Jews, you would find them maybe in that proportion.
01:59:35 Why is it said that you are the head of the organized crime in the United States?
Meyer Lansky
01:59:42 That's the same principle as started the other guys.
01:59:47 That's most ridiculous.
01:59:51 It's the news media again. It's the follow up of the first thought. It was never said about me before years ago.
02:00:00 All this came about just in the last few years.
02:00:04 And and know as I was growing older, is growing it twice.
02:00:08 In there, though, and organized crime.
Meyer Lansky
02:00:11 Is there I have no knowledge of it.
02:00:15 Are you a?
Meyer Lansky
02:00:16 Religious Jew? No, I'm not a religious Jew.
02:00:20 And what are?
Meyer Lansky
02:00:21 But I am a Jew.
02:00:24 In my heart.
02:00:25 What are your?
02:00:26 Connections with the Geo pressure just friendly.
02:00:31 Mr. Lansky, how do you reconcile the accusations against?
02:00:34 You in so.
02:00:35 Many complications with your claim of you know.
Meyer Lansky
02:00:40 How do I reconcile it?
02:00:43 Yep.
Meyer Lansky
02:00:45 Well, it's from the same source.
02:00:50 He started the publicity. They could never stop.
02:00:54 And I was told by.
02:00:56 The good authority.
02:01:00 They're they're nervous stuff. They have too big an investment in me now.
02:01:05 Now I have been under surveillance for many years now. Maybe for the last 10 years, and I'm sure of these men didn't find anything against me. Who have?
02:01:18 Every.
02:01:22 Every resource at its hand.
02:01:28 They should know whether I am in any wrong activities or not. They would know much better than the riders.
02:01:39 Do you want to become an Israeli citizen?
Meyer Lansky
02:01:41 Yes, I do.
02:01:43 Mr. Lansky, did you invest money in business in Israel, or do you intend to invest money?
Meyer Lansky
02:01:50 When I'm retired.
02:01:52 And I would like to stay as a retired man in Israel, just like any other retired judge.
Devon Stack
02:01:59 Well, yeah, just like all the other retired organized crime Jews who reside in Israel now. See, that's the other problem with having these immigrants specifically from Israel or Jews who don't come from Israel, but end up in Israel.
02:02:18 As they've got Israel.
02:02:21 No one's multi culturalism in Israel.
02:02:26 All the poison that they're spreading in our country, so it's it's weird how their their country seems to.
02:02:32 Be immune to it.
02:02:36 So when they need to flee because they've, they've destroyed the host countries that they are in, or because the host country finally has had enough.
02:02:45 And despite all their money, and despite all their influence, finally, somehow because of some they **** *** the wrong guy or something happens where they it's actually they might have to pay the piper.
02:02:59 They go back to Israel.
02:03:11 You know, it's funny because.
02:03:14 White Americans can't do that.
02:03:17 For a variety of reasons. One, because.
02:03:21 If you were a criminal.
02:03:24 In America, and you went to a European country, if you were a, you know, white white American.
02:03:33 And you went to a European country to flee prosecution.
02:03:38 You're you're going to get extradited.
02:03:47 But the other reason is.
02:03:50 You've done ****** ** all of our home countries too.
02:03:56 If you're a white American and you're upset by the diversity and the consequences of diversity.
02:04:03 And so you want to leave America and go live in the country that your ancestors lived in.
02:04:11 Well, congratulations.
02:04:14 And they got Starbucks on every corner there too.
02:04:19 And the same people working at them.
02:04:23 You call an Uber, you're gonna get a Habib just like you would here.
02:04:31 Your daughter's still going to get raped in Sweden.
02:04:35 Just as much as she'll get raped in Minnesota.
02:04:54 But I guess that's because they have those great big Jew brains, right?
02:05:01 And we should, we should admire it.
02:05:09 How crafty.
02:05:12 How crafty they've been.
02:05:17 How clever their plan was.
02:05:22 Go around and extract all the resources you possibly can through any means necessary. Doesn't matter what moral.
02:05:32 Conditions there are surrounding what it is you're doing.
02:05:43 Just utterly destroy the host.
02:05:47 And then come back to Israel.
02:05:49 With your bag of goodies.
02:06:01 You see the story of.
02:06:04 Albert or Arnold rather Arnold Rothstein.
02:06:11 It's not just the story.
02:06:14 Of the man, the Jewish man.
02:06:17 Who invented organized crime in America? It's not just the story.
02:06:23 Of the Jewish man.
02:06:26 Who invented the international drug cartel?
02:06:30 Yeah.
02:06:34 It's the story of the millions like him.
02:06:40 That still to this day.
02:06:44 Operate using the same tactics.
02:06:50 Paying off politicians.
02:06:55 Threatening people or rewarding them.
02:06:58 With either silver or lead.
02:07:00 To get what they want.
02:07:06 Without a thought in their head.
02:07:09 About how it might affect.
02:07:12 The goyam.
02:07:16 That live around them.
02:07:18 Because after all, they're just cattle.
02:07:23 And that is the story.
02:07:26 Of Arnold Rothstein.
02:07:31 And that is my coffee.
02:07:33 All right, guys, let's take a look at Hyper chats.
02:07:40 Look at our Odyssey here first.
02:07:49 I think I ****** ** rumble.
02:07:52 I did.
02:07:56 Now.
02:08:00 Ohh no wait. No, I didn't. OK, good.
02:08:05 Let's take a look here.
02:08:09 Chosen Jawas says Dev and I'm so sorry for your loss that little tribute to waffle at the end of last stream hit me kind of hard. Like a good movie and a viewer gets emotionally invested seeing that the plot twist at the end of the updated white history was like a sad ending to in a grossing movie.
02:08:30 RIP waffle, the declassified Kent.
02:08:34 Yeah. Uh, waffle. Uh.
02:08:38 Waffle had a.
02:08:40 Had had liver failure.
02:08:43 So.
02:08:45 Yeah, not great.
02:08:47 Not great, but.
02:08:49 You know, gone but not forgotten.
02:08:52 Pizza, Nega says rap. Waffle.
02:08:55 I appreciate that.
02:08:57 Chosen Jawas says I just realized the first few seconds of the last stream was a foreshadowing of the end man. I'm really sorry. Well, I appreciate that, guys. Yeah, I don't want to.
02:09:09 Make a big deal out of it.
02:09:14 But I kind of knew was going. I knew it was going to happen, like if I if I seemed down over the weekend that that was.
02:09:22 I knew. I knew it was going to happen.
02:09:25 And then the the vet didn't open until. I mean, I knew what they were going to say. They didn't open till Monday.
02:09:33 So I it was actually. It's actually she I brought, I brought, I brought her in Monday and you know.
02:09:42 That that, you know.
02:09:46 There was a I'll tell it Monday sucked. Monday sucked. But like you know, it is what it is. I mean, it's the circle of life.
02:09:57 As they say, right?
02:10:00 Bessemer, 72, with a big donor.
02:10:02 We.
Devon Stack
02:10:04 Oh.
Mayor Rothstein
02:10:05 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend himself with.
Devon Stack
02:10:10 Look how Julie this Fagg is.
02:10:28 Bessemer 72 hi Devin. You are like a based 60 minutes I have learned so much history from you that I should have a PhD, doctor Bessemer. Well we can we can call you doctor Bessemer, PhD if you if you'd like to identify as such.
02:10:45 But thank you very much for the the support there, Doctor Billy says Dustin Hoffman movie The Little Big Man is the most anti white movie I've ever seen. I feel like I've seen that.
02:11:02 Is that the one reason Indian maybe I haven't seen it.
02:11:07 They have seen parts of it.
02:11:09 I'll have to take a look at it.
02:11:12 I'll copy that over to a tab.
02:11:21 Yeah, it is. It is a cowboy and Indian one. Yeah, I've I haven't seen that. I've seen clips of it before.
02:11:28 Tomato. Potato.
02:11:47 That that dinosaur acted like sticks there at the end of the clip.
02:11:51 Arnold Rothstein addition well, considering the Gelato Jews he had in his circle, I have no doubt you went to the grocery store and acquired some pasta fazul for this big brain. Spaghetti please and thank you. Yeah, I'd still haven't. I still haven't got it.
02:12:11 But yeah, no, it look, it's just a reality.
02:12:14 The the Italians and the and the Jews worked hand in hand in in, in, in terms of organized crime, the Jews were the brains of the operation, and the Italians were the muscle. There were some Sicilian mobsters that came to a smaller degree they had.
02:12:34 Smaller syndicates, a lot of them got killed off though by the protegees of Rothstein, like Lucky, Lucky Louisiana go.
02:12:44 Killed like because apparently the the old school Sicilian guys that would come over to America didn't want to work with Jews and so.
02:12:56 They.
02:12:56 Were they because they didn't work with Jews and Jews were like the?
02:13:00 The big time guys.
02:13:02 The a lot of them got knocked off, a lot of them got killed for.
02:13:05 Not working with.
02:13:06 The Jews and the the big organized crime from Italians after that was.
02:13:15 Was very.
02:13:17 Julie.
02:13:19 Like, that's part of that movie. Casino was in there too, right? Like you had the Jew running, running the casino and then you had the.
02:13:26 The Italian has the muscle.
02:13:29 And that's that was it.
02:13:30 Was like it was a.
02:13:31 Very.
02:13:31 Fair assessment of of the relationship there.
02:13:36 That's and that's how Rothstein. I mean, not all of his muscle. I mean, some of his muscle were murderous Jews, but a lot of it was murderous Italians.
02:13:46 Gorilla Hands says Devin, sorry about the loss of classified Kent. I'm sure that it's hitting Trello even harder. No, not really.
02:13:55 Not really.
02:13:57 Cheryl doesn't even ******* know. Cheryl is like on another planet. Sometimes I think on the bright side, at least you're not in North Carolina. Did you hear that? The Mayor of Asheville is a female tribe member. Every single time. Well, there you go. I guess that would explain. That would explain some things. Also, the head of the.
02:14:18 FEMA, right, isn't it? The director of FEMA is also a a female Jew.
02:14:24 I think that's what I saw right on on Twitter the other day.
02:14:29 Tomato. Potato.
02:14:39 I just rewatched the montage of classifying. I was doing replay game for what I missed of the last stream and I was working, so not watching closely the Ann. Heartbreaking. I hope she she went out with dignity and wasn't.
02:14:54 Eaten by a Haitian?
02:14:55 Now she, you know, it's like it. Look, it sucked. I don't know if you guys were at the put an animal down, but it was painless. I mean, what happened was.
02:15:09 She got some kind of like lung infection.
02:15:12 And I'm not sure and and there's no way to know, right. She has some kind of lung infection. And when cats or I guess maybe dogs too, when when they get like a really bad and it too it like.
02:15:24 I it happened fast like it was weird how fat because she went for like, I mean look she.
02:15:30 Was.
02:15:30 Old so not like super old, but she was, you know, old enough so she was slow, wasn't super mobile like she did a lot of sleeping.
02:15:40 But.
Devon Stack
02:15:41 They stop eating.
02:15:44 When they get.
02:15:45 These big abstractions and then I guess this is what the vet told me. I don't know what happens is their liver freaks out because they're not eating.
02:15:56 And then it starts processing stuff weird, and then they get jaundice and then liver failure. And this all happened like in a matter of days. Like I noticed her eyes were watering.
02:16:10 And she was like sleeping I was.
02:16:11 Like well, you know, and that's happened before, right?
02:16:14 They you know.
02:16:15 Where cats will get like allergies or infections, but like this seems a little weird. And then I noticed you're not eating. I was like, that's really out of character.
02:16:24 Because she was a *****. And then I, you know, wanted to take her to the vet, but they didn't like, this was all going on, like I'd say, like Thursday, Friday.
02:16:35 OK.
02:16:36 And then the vet didn't open till Monday.
02:16:40 And I was like, well, maybe, you know, maybe this will.
02:16:43 Go away. But then I was looking at her eyes and they were like her eyes were, you know, she was getting jaundice. Her eyes were turning yellow and ****.
02:16:54 And I was like, oh, this is not this isn't. This is not a thing that, you know, goes away. And so, you know, I I kept hoping.
02:17:04 Took her in.
02:17:05 And they.
02:17:08 Basically said, yeah, I mean there's like a you could take her, you could take her to a city that they didn't have the capability to do this. But they said you could take it like a city that maybe has like a surgery and stuff like that and full-time care hook her up to a feeding tube, maybe get her liver working. But.
02:17:27 This she's like, we're talking like this is probably not going to work at all. And just it's not, you know, it's just time and I was.
02:17:35 Like.
02:17:38 Alright. And so they they they give him like a shot that kind of.
02:17:44 Yeah.
02:17:46 It's not. It's like morphine or or what it is, but like it makes them.
02:17:50 Not die, but it makes them, you know, fall asleep basically first to not feel anything.
02:17:55 And then they give them the.
02:17:58 The shot and that's that. And so I was there. I was like, oh man, it's like I said at the time it was, it was. It sucked cause like.
02:18:08 I've moved around a lot.
02:18:11 Since I when I first got her.
02:18:13 I've lived in.
02:18:16 I want to say 5 different places like houses.
02:18:20 She rode in a U-Haul truck with me from Washington, DC, to San Francisco.
02:18:27 And was chill the whole time, weirdly.
02:18:30 She lived with.
02:18:31 Me out in the desert in a in a birth ship.
02:18:36 She you know, she's been around for, like, like a lot.
02:18:40 Of ****, right?
02:18:42 And so the the weird part about that was.
02:18:46 It was just like.
02:18:50 I don't know. It's it's it.
02:18:51 It's like it was like losing a connection to.
02:18:53 Your past and.
02:18:54 I want, you know.
02:18:54 My mom.
02:18:55 Wants my great aunt or. Yeah, her aunt. So I guess my great aunt died and it was the last one of that generation. So like her, her dad had died.
02:19:08 All of her, all of her dads, brothers and sisters, had you know, all of her uncles and aunts had died. And this was, like, the last aunt and and her grandparents obviously had already.
02:19:16 Died.
02:19:17 And when that aunt died?
02:19:20 It hit her really hard because, she said.
02:19:24 No one.
02:19:26 Who would remember her as a little girl?
02:19:29 Existed anymore?
02:19:32 Like there there was no one that that knew her as a child and so.
02:19:38 That it just felt really weird to her that.
02:19:41 It might like her whole childhood is was it existed at that point only in her head and no one else. I mean, I guess, like in her and her siblings. I mean, she still has, like brothers and sisters that are around, but like, none of the adults, right, that were around when she was a kid existed anymore.
02:19:57 And I kind of got it like on an intellectual level, but I I you know it wasn't like I I think it was like.
02:20:04 I didn't really really get it, and I know it's this is a cat, not a person, so it's it's. I still don't get it I'm sure, but that I could sort of relate to it because I don't. I don't talk to anyone that I talked to back then because.
02:20:20 Once I became an evil racist Nazi. Like, but if you guys know I lost a lot of my.
02:20:26 Connections with people.
02:20:28 And so there are people. There are periods of my life where the only one I still had, only one. Yeah, it's a cat. Right, I get it. But the only living thing that I had contact with from that part of my life was was waffle.
02:20:45 And so it was weird because especially because I was going through old pictures, I was going to make the the montage thing. And you know, it's like when you.
02:20:53 Go through.
02:20:53 Like your old life, you know, especially when it's like really old iPhone pictures, it's kind of like renewing your life and it just you gets you all weird. Like you're all.
02:21:02 Then it's, you know, it's very.
02:21:05 I mean, it's nostalgic, but it's also kind of like sad.
02:21:07 Anyway, and and it just the thing that hit me was, like, man, without these pictures I got, I sent this to the last time. I don't have pictures of. I'm the only one now that remembers any of that, you know, like one thing that that, that one particular remember. And then I'm gonna go on about. I'm not going on about.
02:21:23 This anymore after this.
02:21:26 When I was doing my earthship.
02:21:27 Saying.
02:21:29 There was a time I went outside.
02:21:32 And I was looking at.
02:21:35 Probably the most.
02:21:36 Beautiful natural view I had ever seen in my life were like the the mountain range and the clouds and and just everything. And it was just like, wow, this is.
02:21:50 This is amazing.
02:21:54 But I was the only one there.
02:21:57 You know and and so I'm looking at this.
02:21:59 Amazing view and I'm like.
02:22:02 As as much as this is like perfect and serene and everything else.
02:22:09 I also kind of feel dead inside cause cause like no one else is here to see this. It's like this might as well be a dream like this. Might as well not this might might as well be like an acid trip or something like that. It's. I'm.
02:22:22 The only one.
02:22:23 That, I mean it's, you know, weird way. Like you would think.
02:22:26 That would make you feel, oh.
02:22:28 Cool. I'm going to guess.
02:22:29 See this but it didn't. But then I looked behind me and and you know, there was waffle looking it. I mean, I don't again she's a.
02:22:37 That wasn't taking it in the way I was, but just I was like, oh, I feel slightly better. There's something else is here to see this. And now there's not so like, yeah, that, that that's that was what was bummed me out, I think on on Monday I was like, well, on Tuesday too, I was a little.
02:22:56 I was a little bummed out.
02:22:58 I was just like, man, I've I've lost my connection to like a big chunk.
02:23:03 Of my life. But you know it is what it is. It's at the end of the day.
02:23:07 You know, I obviously I, I I love. I love my cat, but it was a.
02:23:12 That and it is what it is. You know, you cats don't live forever. No pet lives forever and truro's still around. Right? So at least until coyotes get them.
02:23:29 So, but yeah, it's it's fine. I'm I I it it's you know it happens to everybody. It's not the first cat I've had die on me after having it a long time it's it's.
02:23:42 It's just something that that if you have, if you get a pet, they're going to die someday. You know what I mean? So anyway, that's that. Let's move on. Let's see here. Tomato Potato Digger says also on the night. Make sure if your string you're attempting to direct someone to send me search engine on.
02:24:01 Devonstackblackpill.com you have a button not that's not my website. You have a button to use that search engine. OK, there you go. Someone's got that drop down menu. So if anyone wants to use it, they can just go to that site. Yeah, it's not my site, but if someone wants to go to.
02:24:22 You know Devon Stack blackpill.com, I guess the search engine is available there.
02:24:29 I should just do a I should do a.
02:24:32 An episode list.
02:24:34 I just. I don't want to do it. It's gonna be because it's just busy work. I mean, I I won't take that long because I did the strain. So I once I hear like the first part of it, I'm going to know. Oh, it's it's that one.
02:24:47 But yeah, I should probably do a list of some.
02:24:49 Sort, Charles Ingle says. Hey, Dave on do you have any theories on why they started and ultimately stopped making all the into hood movies in the 90s that showed urban black culture closer to how it really is?
02:25:07 Well, you got to remember the at the time, a lot of what was selling.
02:25:16 Records was it was gangster rap like that was the the end thing. In fact, that was.
02:25:22 Who do you?
02:25:22 Think were was was I mean, yes. Certainly black people were going to those movies, but white suburban.
02:25:28 Kids were going to those movies, too. In fact, they were. If anyone was making, you know, easy. E and and Doctor Dre rich. It wasn't black kids buying the CD's, you know, maybe they they probably stole more than they. They bought those CD's, right?
02:25:45 So it was just that was what?
02:25:47 Was in at the time. Why would?
02:25:49 They decide to change it.
02:25:51 I don't know. I mean, I think some of this stuff's organic. I don't think it always has a plan, but that's why you had some of those movies as it made a lot of money. You could make them a gangster movie like that and and people would pay pay to see it. And I don't think that it was.
02:26:10 Really portrayed realistically, either because it.
02:26:14 There was a few that were, I think, closer to reality, certainly more than anything you'd see today, but even even in those 90s movies, they made the black people way less.
02:26:28 ****** than than they are in those neighborhoods, you know, I mean, like, the the violence was toned down. The evil was toned down. Even the crime was toned down. It was. It was very much like a a Disney disneyfication of of the situation.
02:26:48 Ionia. Sorry about classified, Ken. I'm sure she lived a good life with you, though. Yeah, I think so. I think so. And thank you. There hungry, Howie.
Money Clip
02:27:37 That will keep him busy for a while.
Devon Stack
02:27:41 Hungry. Howie. Hey, Devin. Thanks for what you do here on your channel, entertaining and educating. I agree with chosen Jawa. We get invested and enjoy hearing about your day-to-day your cats. The leaky roof, bees, cacti, etcetera. The tribute to classified cat was beautiful. Sorry for your loss.
02:28:00 The pea waffle? Well, I appreciate that hungry, Howie. And you're you're very generous support there.
02:28:07 Knight Nation review with the big dono.
Mayor Rothschild
02:28:11 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
Devon Stack
02:28:16 Go, Julie, this *** is.
02:28:35 9:00-ish reviewer says thanks again for coming on the one thousandth episode this Thursday. We'll appreciate it and and and thank you for the invite. I appreciate it and think that we had a great discussion. Looking forward to tonight's show, condolence on Mr.
02:28:54 Classified, who losing a cat is brutal. Cats really grow on us. Those little fuzzy friends. Well, I appreciate.
02:29:00 That and yeah, I hope I didn't feel our sound too tired. I was a little tired when I did that, to be honest. I was. I was. I didn't have time to get enough coffee in me, and I was like, oh, no, I tried to. I tried to catch up, but.
02:29:14 So hopefully I wasn't too rambling there, but yeah, thanks for having me on.
02:29:19 And Congrats.
02:29:22 Zazzy Mattas Bot says Rothstein isn't that a Jewish name? Have you ever noticed how pisssed off Jews get when you call them Jews? Kind of like the only way to kill a demon is to call it by its name. Coincidence. Hey, isn't that what Rumple stilt stiltskin was about? That might make a fine deep dive.
02:29:42 Dream fairy tales that warn us about Jews. There are more than just a few that I think have an underlying theme of don't trust the outsider, and perhaps specifically Jews.
02:29:54 The pied piper. Rumpelstiltskin. And the more modern poisoned mushroom.
02:29:59 Come to mind, I don't know what the.
02:30:03 The Poison mushroom 1 is.
02:30:07 I got some kind of weird noise going on.
02:30:15 Hmm, sounds like something rattling against my window. Well, hopefully it's nothing too crazy. I'll check it out afterwards.
02:30:23 But yeah, thank you for the the support there, amphibian amphibian Appreciator says, hey, Devin, the song insomnia by a tree. You would go hard for an opener. Also, have you looked into Franz Haber, the scientist who invented toxic gas and chemical warfare?
02:30:43 And fertilizer. He was just part of the tribe, talking about irony. He was he who was was responsible for gassing the guys on both sides on World War One and World War 2.
02:30:59 Well, that's something I can add to some notes here.
02:31:06 Yeah. There you go. Lots of lots of Jewish contributions, right? Lots of Jewish contributions.
02:31:11 In the West.
02:31:13 Amphibian appreciate again says also we take or we need our prayers for the people in North Dakota right now, there is a massive fire up here and I'll be out on it all night. Lots of fellow whites, farms and and ranches have been destroyed and a few have died. I'll catch the replay. Thanks as always, well.
02:31:33 Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I wasn't even aware that that was going on.
02:31:36 I guess I'm guessing that happened relatively recently because I've just been in research mode all day. But yeah, everyone in chat our our prayers will be with the people of.
02:31:51 Not just North Carolina, but I guess North Dakota now too.
02:31:58 Let's see here. Hang on a second.
02:31:59 Right.
02:32:06 What the hell is that? Hang on, guys. I got. I got to figure out what this thing is. This is getting weird. If nothing else, it's like going to be super distracting until I.
02:32:06 Yeah.
02:32:16 Figure out what the hell that was.
02:32:19 I'll do all of this.
Money Clip
02:32:47 Thank you.
02:33:02 Premium.
Devon Stack
02:33:27 Well, I still don't know what it is.
02:33:34 It stopped like as soon as I.
02:33:38 I got close.
02:33:39 I think there's some, there's definitely something alive.
02:33:43 Over they're doing something.
02:33:45 But anyway, doesn't seem like I got to worry about.
02:33:52 Where are we at? Where are we at here? Amphibian. Appreciate again. Says also, we alright? We just did that.
02:33:59 Watch the collapse says.
02:34:02 Here's one for ********.
02:34:04 ******. And for classified cat. Well, there you go.
02:34:11 We'll return to this.
02:34:14 OK, Honda Bear says no Palestinian ever called.
02:34:20 Mia Goyam, this is true.
02:34:24 Although I don't think they're big fans in the United States.
02:34:26 Either to be, to be fair.
02:34:29 Chosen Jawas says just some useless info. Haley Welch the Hawk Tour girl was given a DNA test live on a podcast A while back, or was proven she's an Ashkenazi Jew. Coincidentally, at the launch of her new podcast on September 10th, talked to her.
02:34:49 She opens by saying she didn't know box cutters aren't allowed on jets.
02:34:56 Yeah, I I mean, I know.
02:34:58 Who that is but.
02:35:00 That's, I mean I I know that she's got a shockingly.
02:35:04 Popular podcast Now I don't know if that's.
02:35:08 If it's got staying power, I don't know what percentage of Jews she was or whatever I.
02:35:14 Yeah, it is. What? Yeah, it's just it's just a sign of the times. Honestly, I feel like.
02:35:18 It's one of.
02:35:19 The one of the the signs of the apocalypse, quite frankly. But beyond that, I yeah, I just. Whatever. It's some dumb ***** on the Internet again.
02:35:28 No.
02:35:30 Kevin says thanks, Devin. You guys should check out the seal for the US Department of State. It literally has a Star of David on it. Hardly even disguise. Can't believe I never noticed.
02:35:43 You sure? Because I used to have to make graphics with that thing. I don't remember having to * David on it.
02:35:48 I see.
02:35:58 I mean.
02:36:00 I mean I.
02:36:01 You could say that I guess I'll let me. I'll pop it up.
02:36:12 Let's see here.
02:36:15 Hold on.
02:36:18 One for the slow computer. There we go.
02:36:30 I wouldn't say it's a Star of David, but.
02:36:34 I see what you're getting at.
02:36:36 And it's a six pointed star. But I look, you could also say that you know, sheriff's badges, but you know, sheriff badges, a six point star, right, or at least some of them are. Let's see.
02:36:54 And now every six pointed star is going to be.
02:36:58 Is going to be a Star of David.
02:37:03 Yeah, sounds like here's a.
02:37:13 Save this here.
02:37:16 I hate ******* wet, man.
02:37:19 I hate that it gives me extra ******* step just to do anything with an image.
02:37:23 Now.
02:37:28 So you know what I.
02:37:29 Mean like it's like, I mean.
02:37:33 I don't know.
02:37:35 I don't think that's necessarily what it could be.
02:37:38 Could be I. I just don't think it's necessarily.
02:37:40 What it is?
02:37:44 Not so secret, Sass says. Happy Saturday. Your laugh is the best. So was your montage and remembering waffle my condolence. Condolences. Cats are the best. Well, I appreciate that. Not so secret sass.
02:37:59 Brody says. Did you watch the rally with Trump?
02:38:02 And oak tree it was.
02:38:03 Good.
02:38:04 Well, I'm pressing F to doubt on.
02:38:06 It being good.
02:38:08 But I have not no.
02:38:10 I've not watched it so.
02:38:12 My guess is if just based on the tweets and the statements from Trump within the last week.
02:38:20 It probably wasn't good and that it was probably we need to stop low IQ immigration but and make high IQ immigration easier.
02:38:30 That's that's my guess. Maybe I'm totally wrong. Maybe he went.
02:38:34 Full 1488.
02:38:36 I highly doubt it, but I guess I'll check it out. I'll probably watch it, maybe even after the show or something, but I have not seen it yet.
02:38:46 Man of low moral fiber says. My condolences. Will appreciate that.
02:38:51 Chosen jawa.
02:39:06 Chosen John Law says.
02:39:09 Beretta, the oldest firearms manufacturer in the world, just turned 498 years old. Beretta is an Italian family business, spending 15 generations. That's a good example of White Family dynasty.
02:39:24 Well, that's pretty ******. And yeah, that's that's the kind of dynasty that you should be.
02:39:30 Thinking about starting that kind of a dinosaur? Obviously not. Maybe not making guns, but something like that and keeping it in the family.
02:39:40 But yeah, thank you very much. Chosen jawa. Awesome.
Money Clip
02:39:44 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.
02:39:55 Take it from me, Jim Nabors, it'll pay dividend.
Devon Stack
02:39:58 Awesome says spaghetti here, DNA wise Sicilians and the southern Italians are identical to Ashkenazi Jews, pointing to a common origin during the late Roman Empire. Thanks for the quality show.
02:40:13 I I look, I don't know if that's if they're identical, but I would say.
02:40:18 There are a lot of Sicilians that look very jewy.
02:40:21 And that there's a reason why in some in some casting. Uh.
02:40:30 Directors offices that you'll have, Jews and Italians kind of interchangeable when when going for roles for either one of those jobs. So.
02:40:38 Yeah, I don't know. I'd have to look into that more.
02:40:42 I guess it's possible, right?
02:40:45 But the yeah, there is the the Sicilians are definitely different than northern Italians. I think that that's fair to say.
02:40:53 Logical extremist says I'm running as an open nationalist against an open Zionist. Everyone complains about Zogg bots, but a chief stepped up. Please e-mail a short non splurging out of support without bashing the Zionist.
02:41:10 Umm.
02:41:14 Not sure what what what you mean by that, but non spurting out about. But look, I'll let I'll let your link be there without link shaming you.
02:41:26 Because it sounds like you're running for office, and that's kind of cool.
02:41:31 I don't know what you're asking us for though with the e-mail, unless you want. There's a there's, there's definitely.
02:41:38 Yeah.
02:41:40 A the link people can check out and see if if it's relevant to them. I'm not sure what office you're running for.
02:41:48 Or any of that stuff either OK, but good luck with that logical extremist.
02:41:55 Occidental Front says I spent three hours reading the most quoted taunted claims on the Internet.
02:42:01 And in my opinion, it's only about 40% as bad as people make out. It's like a kid who makes up rules to a game which favors himself. It's up to everyone else to ignore him because he's obnoxious and sufferable. Western people have self improvement to do. I would say that that's.
02:42:22 That's one of those ****** takes Occidental front.
02:42:26 I would say that's one of those. Well, you shouldn't be buying the ****** takes and you know, it's really really not that easy to ignore the kid down the street with. It makes his own rules when he makes up 60% of the the cabinet or when he runs the banks.
02:42:46 You know, it's not. It's not exactly just a kid, a pimply faced kid at the.
02:42:51 End of the street.
02:42:54 Like you, you're you're.
02:42:55 Either vastly uninformed.
02:42:58 About Jewish power and the role that it plays in the West or you're Jewish. I don't know which one.
02:43:06 But it's one or the other.
02:43:08 That those are the two options, and because you only gave a dollar, I'm going.
02:43:11 To.
02:43:12 Say you're probably Jewish.
02:43:17 No, but seriously, man, you don't. If you don't understand.
02:43:22 How? OK, let's. Let's just say you're right. It is some pimply faced psycho kid, some little micromanaging little psycho kid that you're right in that context, you would just ignore him. You'd push him into the mud. No big deal. But guess what? That same kid now runs the State Department. That same kid now runs the runs, FEMA.
02:43:42 That same kid now is the attorney general. That same kid now is is the in control.
02:43:50 Of the border.
02:43:52 Do you see how there's a problem now how you can't just ignore them?
02:43:57 That same kid now is the top donor to the Republican Party.
02:44:02 That same kid now is the top donor to the Democrat Party.
02:44:08 That same kid now is starting wars in the Middle East and looping us in.
02:44:16 That same kid now is making 90% of the films.
02:44:24 That same kid.
02:44:26 Controls a.
02:44:29 Big majority of all available media when it comes to news gathering and reporting.
02:44:38 Do you see how you see how it's?
02:44:39 A problem now.
02:44:41 You say you can't just ignore that kid.
02:44:46 Do you see how that might be an issue? That same kid runs the Federal Reserve.
02:44:55 That same kid.
02:44:57 Runs Facebook.
02:45:00 And Instagram.
02:45:06 And and I don't know who they replaced the the Jew who, who ran YouTube with.
02:45:13 So maybe maybe that's not Jewish anymore. I don't know. But there's a lot of Jews high up in in Google, founders of Google.
02:45:23 See it it. It doesn't, you might think. Ohh what? Just ignore them. OK, well, they won't ignore you.
02:45:36 So yeah, I guess. Ohh westerners have self improvement. So yeah, I guess all you gotta do you realize that to to to get around all the the the fact that the Jews run the banks, the media and the government is that you seem to work out more.
02:45:56 You just need to bench press more and the Jews.
02:45:58 Will just.
02:45:59 Magically stop having influence over everything.
02:46:05 So that's. But that's just like the dumbest thing ever. Logical extremist.
02:46:11 Here's the e-mail. There you go. There's the e-mail if you want to.
02:46:14 Message.
02:46:17 Logical extremist.
02:46:19 And looks like he's in Minnesota.
02:46:23 So if you live in Minnesota, I'm guessing I can't pronounce that the something something likes and you want to help out a.
02:46:35 A A brother that's trying to work the system locally. There is the the info. Nobody special says. I think this is the same Rothstein. There's a character in Boardwalk Empire. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. I mean, like, look, it's obviously super fictionalize.
02:46:55 And then it's not just Boardwalk Empire. They make him a character in a few different things, and they make him look awesome. And ohh, he's so smart. He's the brain. He's the brain. He's he's got like, the massive Jew brain.
02:47:07 My fat little ******** toe. What?
02:47:16 My fellow ******** toast says you mentioned doing a stream about talk radio. I think it would be a great resource to blackpill a bunch of conservators who need to put their TV radio daddies in the mega pit. I don't want you to tell tell you how to go about it, but a mini JQ red pill journey could help get new viewers.
02:47:36 Up to speed? Well, what? I was thinking it would be the only the ****** part about this plan is I'd have to listen to talk radio every time I do. It's just it's like over it's like.
02:47:45 Uh.
02:47:46 Yeah.
02:47:48 I hope it wasn't that bad when I used to listen to it, but it probably was. I just didn't know. But the the guy who took over Russia's spot, right, the the He's literally an ex CIA agent.
02:48:02 Uh.
02:48:03 He's really awful, but they all, they're all awful. But I was thinking, like, get getting one of these shows either find it online and download it and and then just.
02:48:15 Headed out some little Nuggets because it's just it's just a it's all Nuggets. I mean, it's not just Nuggets, it's just it's just.
02:48:23 A waterfall of awful like, it's just so like, like, it's worse than Fox News. It is, it's it's conservative thought.
02:48:34 From from like pre Obama.
02:48:38 It's it's like it's like conservatives talking points. Honestly, they haven't changed since 9:11.
02:48:47 They haven't changed since 9:11. It's anything that that, that, that a talk radio show host would have been saying.
02:48:54 In like 2002 there.
02:48:57 You know, here they are like over 20 years later saying the exact same **** about and and the Israel knob slobbing is like.
02:49:06 Eternal like it doesn't matter what they're talking about. It has to come up and they have to.
02:49:10 Suck Israel's ****.
02:49:14 Chosen Jawa chosen Joe. Aside from a few questionable episodes about vaccinations.
02:49:33 And feminism.
02:49:35 As well as Gomer Pyle being a homosexual, what are your thoughts on the Andy Griffith Show? It seems mostly wholesome.
02:49:43 I I you know, I I used to watch when I was a kid. I mean, the reruns obviously, but I haven't seen an episode of that.
02:49:49 Since I was.
02:49:49 Probably like 10 or something. You know, it's been a long time, so I'd have to go back.
02:49:55 And look at I.
02:49:56 Remember thinking that it you know it was.
02:49:59 It was nice, but it even in that show it it's, I don't know why they decided. Probably I don't know if that was the first show to do it. But around that time period, that's when they started making shows about families that were missing at peace.
02:50:15 In that case, you know the mom, right? And OK, they said, like, what? It wasn't the back story. Like the mom died or something like that. And then they brought in Aunt Bee to be like the the female character. And I guess they, maybe they did that so that they could have it. But one of the dynamics could be Andy Griffiths character dating girls and stuff.
02:50:36 Even though he has a kid.
02:50:39 But whatever the reason is.
02:50:42 It was just it was weird that there was no mom and at the time as a kid, I probably didn't notice that much.
02:50:50 And probably didn't bother me, but I wonder if that was.
02:50:55 Wonder whose decision that was, and I just put that way. I haven't looked into who.
02:51:00 Who produced that show? Well, let me look. Let's see who was behind it. I have a suspicion.
02:51:10 Let's see.
02:51:13 The Andy Griffith.
02:51:14 Show.
02:51:17 Yeah, created by a Jew.
02:51:21 Sheldon Leonard, bashad.
02:51:30 He was a from New York City, the son of middle class Jewish parents.
02:51:38 So he was a son of.
02:51:43 Probably Jewish immigrants that came around.
02:51:47 The turn of the century created. Let's see here. Who were the who's the producers?
02:51:55 Well, he was also the executive producer.
02:52:01 Yeah, he was the guy. So it.
02:52:03 Was a. It was.
02:52:03 A Jewish show.
02:52:06 What else did he make?
02:52:18 Made a lot of ******* movies.
02:52:22 Oh, they should have made a lot of movies.
02:52:27 I also worked on *** **** Van Dyke show as a producer.
02:52:31 He worked on. I've never heard of the Danny Thomas show.
02:52:37 Gomer Pile, the spin-off.
02:52:40 I spy. I've never heard of.
02:52:43 Accidental family, never heard of. But that sounds like another broken family storyline.
02:52:49 My world, and welcome to it also, never heard of it, only ran one year.
02:52:56 There was a cartoon.
02:52:58 From the from 1969, that's odd.
02:53:02 A prime time cartoon from 1969 about it that might be worth looking into.
02:53:09 From a bird's eye view, he he did a lot of shows that looked like they got cancelled right away.
02:53:14 Because that I've never heard that that only ran one year, Shirley's world same thing ran one year.
02:53:21 And then I spy returns ran one year.
02:53:25 So.
02:53:27 Yeah, Dick Van Dyke show Andy Griffith show with the big ones, and then it looks like he.
02:53:33 Did a lot of.
02:53:35 Shows that failed.
02:53:37 But I am curious about that cartoon one, but it's a Jewish show so I.
02:53:40 I'm.
02:53:42 My guess is is is.
02:53:44 As wholesome as it might seem on the surface, there's probably a lot of Jewish stuff just beneath.
02:53:50 But I haven't watched it since I was like 10, so who knows? Maybe we got lucky on that one. I doubt it, but that's usually not the case.
02:53:52 Maybe.
02:53:58 Love and division.
Money Clip
02:54:02 Ruth.
02:54:10 No.
Devon Stack
02:54:17 Love and division says thank you to heaven for the great work gold lead. How can the public exercise a gold?
02:54:26 Ohh go ohh gold lead gold or lead. How do you exercise and gold or lead option? That's The thing is you you can't unless you. If you've got money. If you've got millions of dollars that's the problem is that's what motivates are the people in charge right now. What? What? I'll tell you what doesn't motivate them.
02:54:46 The well-being of their people.
02:54:49 That does not motivate a single person.
02:54:53 In the capital, not a single ******* one of them.
02:54:57 And because they don't, as the guy you know, replied on on Twitter to my response to Elon.
02:55:05 Who exactly is, you know, who is our people? Yeah, they would probably say the same thing if I said, well, what about your people? They break. Who's our people?
02:55:18 They don't care about. They don't. They don't feel like they're. They don't feel connected to a people.
02:55:22 They feel connected to money.
02:55:25 And so your your option is.
02:55:28 You give them the choice of money or danger.
02:55:34 And you know, I can't really talk about.
02:55:35 The danger thing, but.
02:55:37 There's the choices.
02:55:40 Chosen jawah. Let's see here. Boom money management.
02:55:51 Thank you.
Devon Stack
02:55:52 Remember that boom goes the dynamite. The the Internet was, and the Internet was more wholesome.
02:55:58 Like what was going viral? It was some dopey kid saying boom goes the dynamite not not some fagot. Putting a stick of dynamite up his *** chosen Jawas, says Devin, when discussing Jewish behavior with others. How do you articulate your position if the other person is fixated on? It's the Caesar's argument.
02:56:18 Well, that's easy. It's not. It's you can genetically test them, and they're not Caesars. And that whole theory was actually invented by a rabbi. So it's that's just it's ********.
02:56:32 They are not kaza.
02:56:34 Because the people from that region have been genetically tested, and Ashkenazi Jews have been genetically tested, and they're not the same people. So it's just a made-up.
02:56:47 Theory that was literally made-up by a rabbi.
02:56:51 So.
02:56:53 That's that's the angle is it's it's.
02:56:56 You might as well call them.
02:56:59 Eskimos. It's just it. It's nonsense.
02:57:03 Boot and Biden.
02:57:17 Gluten binding after the events of 2020.
02:57:21 I wouldn't risk an ounce of blood or my little finger to stop a shoplifter in a mega chain ZOG store. Exactly.
02:57:29 Exactly. And that's kind of the the situation is increasingly more people, more citizens in America are becoming the citizen version of a disgruntled Walmart employee, right? Why would you risk anything? Why would you risk harm to yourself?
02:57:49 So that.
02:57:51 The the shareholders of Walmart, you know, don't lose a couple of pennies it it doesn't ******* make any sense. No one's no one's willing to.
02:58:00 No one's willing to lay down their life for something like that, and that's that's why, honestly, look, I don't think it's going to. We're going to spiral into World War Three. But I'll tell you what they better ******* hope not because I think they're going to find themselves in in a bit of a pickle. And there's there's. There's tons of Zog bot. Still, I know it sounds hard to believe.
02:58:21 There are tons of ZOG bots waiting to go ******* die for Israel, but not not to the degree that they're used to.
02:58:29 Great Plains Calvary says based and.
02:58:31 Snack pilled. Well, I appreciate that.
02:58:34 John Chad says Rothstein taught the Italians had a Jew. People wild. Great streamed. Evan. Yes, he did. No, he literally he he that's. I guess that's a good way to put it, is he? He spread the Jew virus to some Italian mafiosos.
02:58:54 Vladimir Kay says great stream as usual. I also want to note and that that in Bratva Russian movie, the scene where the cop says ******* movie does not portray American as racist and makes makes you like and sympathize with the cop because nagger chipped out and lied.
02:59:13 That Russian guy attacked prostitute 1st and the cop didn't buy.
02:59:17 It.
02:59:17 All right, but.
02:59:18 But my point was that's so crazy unrealistic. Like no one, no, no cop would do that in a, you know, in a interrogation room. But like, oh, no *******.
02:59:32 And it's just the idea that that seemed realistic to to audiences in Russia, which it probably did. You know, I look I that's that's the America that I think a lot of us wish we had.
02:59:46 And maybe had something like that in the 30s or 40s, I don't know, but certainly not not in the 90s.
02:59:53 But I haven't. I haven't seen that movie in a long time. I should maybe maybe clip part of that out. It could be fun.
03:00:00 Tears, tarantulas says.
03:00:03 HH Holmes, the 1st US serial killer, took out life insurance policies of homeless before he killed them and sold their bodies to hospitals as medical skeletons. Tonight's theme of signing of life insurance policies made me remember H Homes.
03:00:23 Maybe do a nose check of HH Holmes.
03:00:27 Well, Holmes isn't exactly a a Jewish name, but.
03:00:32 Let's take a look.
03:00:37 I guess this is easy English.
03:00:43 Early life well.
03:00:50 They're described as English settlers and and that is possible.
03:00:57 However, the father's name is Levi.
03:01:08 Now they're there. OK. It says they were devout Methodists. OK, so they're not Jewish. OK. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't think.
03:01:15 So.
03:01:17 Holmes is is very.
03:01:20 Bridge British and he looks very British.
03:01:25 Yeah, it's not that we don't have serial killers too. It's just I'd rather just deal with ours than everybody else is.
03:01:32 Chosen jawa.
03:01:41 Devin, if you could go back in time to any date in history for 24 hours, what would you do to alter the future?
03:01:52 I'd probably go back.
03:01:54 In time.
03:01:58 When I was a teenager and say there's going to be this thing called Bitcoin get in on the ground. ******* floor.
03:02:09 Just all you do is Bitcoin.
03:02:13 Until 2017 and then just sell a bunch.
03:02:16 Of it.
03:02:16 Off become like a super billionaire.
03:02:20 And then start start.
03:02:23 Going after the.
03:02:25 The enemies, if you will or something like that, right?
03:02:31 Everything else, it's like, you know, I wouldn't want you go too far back. Who knows? You know Butterfly effect, right? Who knows what? What other kind of problems you might create on accident?
03:02:40 But if I just went back to, like, before anyone had heard of Bitcoin, it was basically free.
03:02:46 And tell myself to get millions of it.
03:02:49 And then.
03:02:51 Sell it off, you know, hang on to it until like it. It peaks at an optimum point and then just be some.
03:03:00 Crypto billionaire, the one I'm just throwing ******* money at our people to to fight the power. I think that would be good. I could become. I I I'd be the actual based Elon. You know what I mean?
03:03:12 That would be kind of fun.
03:03:15 Lying, lying says. I think I made a button for this. I thought I had a button for this.
03:03:25 I can't believe I don't have a button for that.
03:03:29 I'm going to scroll this list here. There we go.
03:03:32 *****.
Devon Stack
03:03:33 I don't know what happened. Film says it seems more likely that someone on the plane, through Lowenstein, out of the plane, an open door would be loud and he was the VIP of the flight. So someone should have noticed. Well, I I don't think you understand. Like in in that plane it's loud all the time.
03:03:53 And it's like you're.
03:03:56 The.
03:03:57 The walls are not very thick, and you're right next to two giant ******* engines going like.
03:04:02 It's like the loudest thing in the ******* world. When you're in there.
03:04:06 And look, who knows right. We'll never know what happened. But from all at least, the official report is from all accounts, they they saw him go to the bathroom and then they notice he didn't come back and they they walked back there and the the side door was was open and they think he.
03:04:26 You know, fell out.
03:04:29 But you know, even if someone threw him out, good ******* rhythms, right? Like even if even if he was like, you know what, I finally I finally had. I see the error of my ways.
03:04:43 Lowenstein finally grew a conscience, and he's like the Grinch, right? His heart grew 5 sizes or whatever that day.
03:04:52 OK.
03:04:53 But so you look at the skin of that, that airplane, it's not very thick and you got those massive ******* you got 3 engines on it, you got an.
03:05:01 Engine on each.
03:05:01 Wing. You got the the engine on the nose and it's got to be like the loudest ******* thing in the world to be in there, but either.
03:05:09 Way you know.
03:05:13 Pray.
Devon Stack
03:05:39 We are ways dead and gone now.
03:05:41 I guess you could be super conspiracy man and say actually had a parachuting jumped out and was, you know, like met by a yacht in the English Channel and faked his own death or something, I don't know.
03:05:53 I like to believe the story that he was just drunk and stupid and fell out of a plane, Richard says. What's the deal with whitewashing Jewish crime? Jerry Seinfeld? Exactly.
03:06:05 Right ish. Review says you can always check any rumble donation in the account dashboard. They don't disappear in the account.
03:06:12 Dashboard. That's good to know.
03:06:14 Age of anxiety says RIP waffle. She's up in heaven now, purring in Hitler's lap. I hope so. I hope so. Dog knots make clue for something. Yes, it's a link to audio short audio. Some might even say you are.
Money Clip
03:06:32 Yeah.
03:06:33 Yay.
Devon Stack
03:06:54 White Tiger Kingdom.
03:07:03 So it's skipping the night. We are all hands on deck for a while, helping our Southern kin folk. Well, I don't think you're being skimpy. I very much appreciate the support there.
03:07:14 White. Tell your Kingdom and everybody else is.
03:07:16 Too.
03:07:18 Uh.
Devon Stack
03:07:19 I will live. I liver. AW, IVR big F for my little homie classified cat will appreciate that.
03:07:30 Antonio vain. Here you go, Devin. I'm.
03:07:32 Half Jewish. There you go.
03:07:35 That's that's 1/2 too much. Is it always like a battle going on in your head?
03:07:35 It.
03:07:41 Is 1 is 1/2 of your body always trying to subvert the other.
03:07:49 No. Maybe, maybe.
03:07:53 System approved Rebel says your judic pill addition was hilarious.
03:08:00 Are the are the.
03:08:02 I forget what it's actually called the well, the Bob one. What is it? This is Bob addition.
03:08:07 We had a similar bogus product here in Australia, but it was a nasal spray for non functional **** scammed a man we're too embarrassed to come forward, no pun intended. ID don't know the early life of the nasal spray people but I have suspicions. Yeah I would not be surprised I would.
03:08:25 Not be surprised.
03:08:27 Lot of lot of snake oil salesman. As it turns out.
03:08:31 Are related to the people.
03:08:34 Apparently, pioneering international drug trafficking.
03:08:38 White Tiger Kingdom says one more thing. I'm sure, to the disbelief. Disbelief of none of your listeners.
03:08:47 Boomers are mass reporting victims and volunteer search and rescuers using their ham channels in Tennessee, Georgia and North Carolina. 0 benefit of the doubt left for boomers at this point. Wait.
03:09:01 Hold on one.
03:09:02 'S boomers are mass reporting victims and volunteer search and rescuers.
03:09:07 They're using ham channels.
03:09:10 You mean?
03:09:13 Like if if.
03:09:15 People are talking on ham radios without licenses.
03:09:19 Well, they could probably want it. It's legal in an emergency situation. You're allowed to use even if you're not a licensed ham radio radio operator, you're allowed to use hand frequencies.
03:09:33 So I don't know. I I'd have to see what you're talking.
03:09:36 About specifically, but that's.
03:09:40 The the problem with with Ham radio is.
03:09:44 There is a.
03:09:45 A percentage of ham radio boomers who are.
03:09:51 ******** that are, you know, buy the book ******** that love to report anyone breaking any kind of ******* little rule. And you know, it's like.
03:10:01 And all the other hand.
03:10:02 People ignore them for the most part and think they're annoying.
03:10:05 But they do.
03:10:06 Exist my. My guess is that you know the FCC is going to tell them to just shut the **** ** if that's if that's what's going on. I don't know if that's you're talking about.
03:10:16 Cruise Cross, as I've mentioned, Agenda 2030 a few times in the past. What's your take on Project 2025?
03:10:23 I've never read the whole thing. I've read parts of it. It just sounds like something like that's it's just the Heritage Foundation, right? Laying out.
03:10:33 Rules that are more based than anything Trump has proposed.
03:10:39 You know, like mass deportation and and limiting immigration and things like that. I got to go through. I I don't know. I nothing that I've heard has been.
03:10:50 Has been offensive to me. I, and there's nothing in there. I'm like, oh, that this sounds terrible.
03:10:56 But I also haven't just sat there and and read it all the way through, so maybe we could. I don't know how relevant it is to do that though, because according to Trump.
03:11:04 You know it's garbage and he's never gonna use it anyway. So you know, man of low moral fiber says. Were you ever a Slipknot fan fan? I thought it was funny that they had to fire their second drummer for being Jewish. A Jewish nepotism baby.
03:11:23 I know who they are. I had friends that were more into that kind of stuff, but I'm not aware of of what you're talking about there. They they got rid of a Jewish drummer though, so.
03:11:34 That's.
03:11:36 That's good news, I suppose.
03:11:39 The foobar nation.
Money Clip
03:11:53 I'm just a weekend photographer.
Devon Stack
03:11:56 Mayberry, too. I think it's safe to say that all of television is, or was or is propaganda. Thank you for busting it up. Yeah, especially in that era in anything made.
03:12:08 It's be really unusual for it to not be Jewish.
03:12:14 And and and the only I guess still today.
03:12:16 It's.
03:12:17 Because of the DI stuff done there's there's also all these other rando non whites doing awful prop, you know, which is I think part of why it's gotten noticeably worse. But the awful propaganda machine, good luck finding a a straight white male.
03:12:35 Who leans to the right of.
03:12:38 Anyone like in charge of anything in that that business?
03:12:44 Glock 23, I feel free, Devin. There is nothing worse than losing the cat I've lost while probably losing a parents probably worse or a child.
03:12:51 I've lost many.
03:12:52 Of the over the years, the grief almost kills me every time you get your cat neutered because it will give them a longer life and a happier 1. He will stay very close to home and.
03:13:03 But after he is fixed.
03:13:05 Right about.
03:13:07 Talking about.
03:13:10 True. Yeah, I might. We'll see.
03:13:13 We'll see if he starts.
03:13:15 Spraying again around that time of year, which I'm sure he will.
03:13:21 That I went to was I hadn't been to them or any vet out here and they were really.
03:13:27 Cool. So I would I I'd, I'd.
03:13:30 Feel like if I took them there.
03:13:32 They'd be, they'd be.
03:13:34 I I wouldn't.
03:13:35 I I don't. I don't mind giving them repeat business. They were really, really cool.
03:13:40 All white too, like entire white, like the whole staff was like.
03:13:45 Nice, charming young white girls. It was, it was. It was very. And they were all very like, none of them were tatted up. You know what I mean? Like, they're all very kind of trad and. And you could tell they were like animals. They weren't like these, you know, like the.
03:14:02 It's like with nurses. It's it's the same way, right? There's the white chicks that are like the traddy nurses that are doing it because they they feel for people and and they're very empathetic and everything like that. But then there's, like, the the dead inside, dead eyed, you know.
03:14:20 Kind of like like the the one that ends up poisoning babies. You know, kind of nurse, that's all tatted up and and thinks that people having cancer is, you know, they have like a a, quote UN quote. I have a morbid sense of humor and it's.
03:14:32 Like, no, you're just kind of a psychopath.
03:14:35 Vets are kind of like that too. I've noticed where it's like you almost wonder. Are you here because you get to kill animals like?
03:14:43 I kind of feel like maybe that's what it is, but with this this place, they were all really they were all really cool and I I got good vibes, so maybe maybe that's where trail will end up having to go. I just don't want to take the spring out of his step, but he's he's been spending a lot more time, like he hasn't gone away for.
03:15:03 I mean, long as he's been gone in the last long time was like maybe a.
03:15:08 Or two, whereas he used to disappear for like a week or two at a time. And maybe that's when, you know he's he's going around ******* around or something, but he's he's stuck pretty close to home for at least the the last month or so.
03:15:24 And he sleeps. And like he'll come in.
03:15:26 It.
03:15:26 Almost every day during the hot part of the day, he'll come in and and sleep.
03:15:31 Under.
03:15:31 My bed so.
03:15:34 And then he'll go back out and kill.
03:15:38 Let's take a look at Rumble.
03:15:44 Alrighty.
03:15:50 Make sure I got the.
03:15:53 There we.
03:15:53 Go.
03:15:56 All right, unreconstructed. Yo, man says, howdy, Sir. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the series on the PayPal mafia.
03:16:05 Yeah, that might be a a good one to do. That would take I I think like to do it justice. They'll probably take a little bit of research or more than a little bit.
03:16:15 Of research there's.
03:16:16 A lot of connections between these people that are not obvious at at first blush.
03:16:22 That is a good that it would be a good topic, a lot of.
03:16:24 People aren't aware of that whole clique.
03:16:28 And yeah, I've I've done work for. I mean, years and years and years ago I was doing work for some of the people that.
03:16:35 Had had connections to him like like Dave Rubin, cause you know he's libertarian or whatever, and it was before I knew who the **** he even was. I just. I knew the name because they're like, oh, you need to do this thing for this. This guy, Dave Rubin, I was like and do a little animation thing and.
03:16:53 Then when I found out years later who he was, I.
03:16:54 Was like, oh, I gave you.
03:16:57 You know.
Devon Stack
03:16:59 Probably half the time you're doing stuff for libertarians, they're doing it for at least half the time you're doing for gay Jews.
03:17:05 Uh pick pit architect. Long time listener, first time caller, Deb and I own 3 excavators, 2 dozers and multiple dump trucks. I'm a farmer. I have done a ton of or I have a ton of land in the middle of nowhere. Let's dig this pit.
03:17:24 Well, what we have to have.
03:17:28 We have to have fire too. We have to have liquid fire like hot lava. I feel like is a hot lava would would it would be a nice addition to the.
03:17:38 The infinite pit. But pit architect? Yeah. I like your name. Hey, you've got the name all figured out, and then you say again, do you know mersh? I would love to see you and him get together for a show. He is a degenerate like me, but I honestly think you would have a great conversation. I know who he is.
03:17:59 And that's it. I don't. I don't think I've ever watched.
03:18:02 A show of his.
03:18:05 But I've I might even follow him on Twitter. I think it's possible.
03:18:13 I don't know. He was still doing stuff though, because like, I would see his stuff, I felt. I feel like I used to see his stuff.
03:18:20 In my feed.
03:18:23 Years ago.
03:18:26 And then it kind of just, I stopped seeing stuff from him. So I don't. Yeah, I don't. I mean I I know I know of him.
03:18:34 But I'd have to look. Yeah, I'd.
03:18:35 Have.
03:18:35 To look a little further into that, but probably not a problem.
03:18:42 Keep scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling.
03:18:48 All right, then we got Tish.
03:18:51 Tish, 1313. A bunch of thirteens once.
03:19:01 The last act of kindness to our pets is a white people thing.
03:19:06 Yeah.
03:19:09 I think just our relationship with animals is.
03:19:13 Is different even then that of.
03:19:18 I don't think this one. I don't think it's an IQ thing, OK? And I'm not an IQ supremacist because there are differences in just empathy and our connection to nature and things like that that are very unique to white people.
03:19:33 You know, like I don't. I don't know. I don't know that Asians like to go camping. In fact, I think Camping is a very.
03:19:41 Right thing. I'm sure other people do it. OK. I'm not saying you know, no one else camps with white people. But I think by and large, no one else camps but white people.
03:19:52 And I think part of that is.
03:19:55 We have a connection to nature, that's.
03:19:57 Just it's different.
03:19:59 It's different.
03:20:03 And I and I think that.
03:20:05 The empathy that we show animals is is different.
03:20:10 And I think that our our relationship to animals is different and this is probably all evolutionary right, like there was like when we domesticated dogs.
03:20:22 Back in the day.
03:20:24 That was probably because of a. It might have been like had a function, right? Like it might have had a function helping us hunt and things like that.
03:20:32 But also I think that we bred for companionship too.
03:20:37 As far as cats, I mean, we didn't start the cat thing.
03:20:41 Right. They, I mean they came.
03:20:43 From.
03:20:45 Where? Where did the cats come from? Like Egypt or some ****?
03:20:51 I don't know.
03:20:53 When they when they white.
03:20:54 People start having cats. Let me let me.
03:20:56 Ask.
03:20:58 Does that when did white?
03:21:02 People start.
03:21:04 Having cats.
03:21:12 OK, near east.
03:21:17 OK. Well, I mean, we've had him a while. So it looks like.
03:21:22 White populations in Europe began to widely keep cats around the Roman Empire, period.
03:21:32 From 27 BC to 476 CE.
03:21:41 So basically, since the time of of Jesus is when white people started having cats, Romans are believed to have brought cats from Egypt, OK or from Egypt to Europe by the Middle Ages, cats were widespread across Europe, often living in towns and on farms to help control mice and rats.
03:22:02 However, during the European witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries, cats, particularly Black Cats, were sometimes associated with witchcraft.
03:22:13 Well, Park is a cat, ladies, right? ******* cat. Ladies, which led to the persecution and that didn't say of Casa, which led to persecution in some areas. Despite this, cats remained a common practical part of households by the 18th and 19th centuries, cats were commonly kept as both pets and working animals.
03:22:36 Across Europe and North America, their status as household companions grew further during the Victorian era, when keeping pets became more popular among the middle and upper class households. So there you go.
03:22:51 There you go. All right. And then we got.
03:22:57 Anime extremist. I don't have a lot to give at the moment, but I just wanted to say sorry about your cat. Churro churro, still still around. I lost a cat recently. It always sucks when they pass, you know, trust just clarified churro still around.
03:23:16 Waffle.
03:23:19 Who was behind the scenes?
03:23:22 Usually sleeping in a box.
03:23:26 She was one of those cats. If you, in fact, if you got anything in the mail.
03:23:32 And even if it didn't look like she'd fit in it, and you open the box and you left it on the floor.
03:23:38 And you.
03:23:39 Stop paying attention to the box for any amount.
03:23:42 Of time.
03:23:44 She would get in that box. She would wedge herself in that box. She was very obsessed with, with being inside of boxes. I'm not sure why, but I was when she was a kitten.
03:23:54 She was.
03:23:56 Very fond of boxes so but yeah anyway.
03:24:01 All right guys. Well, enough of that. I'm going to go ahead and call it a night.
03:24:06 Looks like we're we got everything alright. Remember we got one more here.
03:24:12 Maybe a couple more here on Odyssey.
03:24:20 OK, we got Glock 23 says I feel for Devin, there is.
03:24:24 Nothing. Oh wait. Where did that one?
03:24:28 Foobar Nation says I'm considering hanging a Confederate flag of my house, mostly because it's the only symbol that represents white pride and is still somewhat socially acceptable in Appalachia. Way your thoughts on using this symbol?
03:24:42 Why it makes sense if that's where you're at, right. I think it makes more sense to Southerners than than, say, Yankees, but I don't. I'm not opposed to it. Yankees using the flag. I think it's a perfectly acceptable symbol. It it all I'll tell.
03:25:01 You what?
03:25:02 No less so weirdly less so. Now, even now that it's banned and it's less socially acceptable.
03:25:09 Even when it was more like when it was on the Mississippi flag and when it was socially acceptable in terms of you could, you know, you could, like, have it on a hat, like on a trucker hat and go to school and not get sent home. You know what I mean? Like people might not like it, but it wouldn't. It wasn't like, Oh my God, it wasn't like having, like, written on your hat or.
03:25:28 Something like that.
03:25:30 And but it was considered a full PAS, right? It was considered low class and I don't think that it's considered low class anymore.
03:25:41 It's just that now it's and maybe that's why maybe because it has.
03:25:46 Cross the boundary from full paw to edgy.
03:25:50 Right.
03:25:52 In a way, right, because now.
03:25:55 It's not like, umm, some Southerner that's that's mad about losing, which is how the Jews taught Northerners to think about it, right. Oh, it's it's, it's stupid Southerners. Well, you can't get over the fact that you lost you racist Southerners, you know, I mean, like, that's how a lot of people used to perceive that flag. Unless you were from the South.
03:26:15 And I don't think people in the north.
03:26:16 Or at least.
03:26:17 Not. I mean, look, there's always going to be.
03:26:19 ****** leftist that will always see it that way. But I don't think that.
03:26:24 Conservatives, or even centrists these days.
03:26:28 If they're white, are going to have those kinds of feelings anymore, I think they're going to see it, and it'll be unusual.
03:26:38 And it might be shocking to like the the more timid ones.
03:26:42 But it it's going to have kind of a naughty air about it, you know, I mean, it's going to be more like a.
03:26:49 Kind of like.
03:26:49 A punk rock thing to do in a weird way, you know.
03:26:53 So yeah, I'm. I'm.
03:26:56 I'm all. I'm all for you doing that and anyone that ****** off you know that is running anyway. I guess that's a good filter, right? That's a good way to to filter out friend or foe. Is anyone who gets people that are neutral about it? Yeah, they're neutral, you know, but people that are that ****** them when they get they get they get actually.
03:27:16 Angry when they see it or or disappointed or disapproving? Yeah, **** him. You know you can't trust him.
03:27:23 Yeah.
03:27:24 All right, well.
03:27:26 Thanks for joining me this weekend and thanks for your generous support. You guys are always very generous and I really appreciate that. And thank you for your your condolences. And yeah, I really appreciate you guys hanging out me this Saturday night.
03:27:44 I'm going to be on a couple streams this month.
03:27:49 I don't know the time yet, but I'm going to be on with Mark Colette to do a one of his movie review things somewhat soon, and I'll let you or at.
03:27:59 Least.
03:28:00 I'm pretty sure in October, so I'll let you guys know when that's going to happen. Of course, in the meantime.
03:28:07 For black pilled.
03:28:10 I am.
03:28:13 Devin snack.
03:28:16 60 minutes made its yearly pilgrimage to the Shahs Palace in Tehran to canvas the royal views on assorted topics. Among them are presidential election. He clearly favors Ford, though he will not say so publicly. He thinks Carter fails to fully comprehend Iran's role in the defense of American interests.
03:28:34 On the Middle East, the Shahs committed to a secure state of Israel, but he insists the Israelis must give back the Arab lands they conquered in 1967. And he believes the Jewish lobby in the United States helps breed Israeli intransigence on that matter.
03:28:49 In fact, he says, American presidents and presidential candidates are too quick to do the bidding of the Jewish lobby. Surely your Majesty are not telling me that the Jewish lobby in the United States pulls the strings of the presidency.
Shah of Iran
03:29:04 Not entirely, but I think even a little too much, even for Israel interests.
03:29:11 You think the Jewish lobby in the United States is too powerful for the?
03:29:14 Interests of Israel.
Shah of Iran
03:29:15 I think so. Sometimes they are disserving the interests of Israel because they're they're pushing around, too many people.
03:29:19 Next line.
03:29:23 How do you mean pushing around?
Shah of Iran
03:29:26 Pressuring they have many means at their disposal. They are putting up pressure on many, many people and at the end I don't think that if it will, it will even help Israel.
03:29:37 Why? If this is true, well, why would the President of the United States?
03:29:42 Attention to that lobby, strong in what sense?
Shah of Iran
03:29:44 They are strong.
03:29:46 We are controlling many things.
03:29:50 Controlling.
03:29:52 What?
Shah of Iran
03:29:54 Newspapers.
03:29:58 Medias.
03:30:00 Your majesty.
Shah of Iran
03:30:01 Banks.
03:30:03 Finances.
03:30:06 And I'm going to stop there.
03:30:08 Well, now wait just a second. You really do believe.
03:30:12 That the Jewish community in the United States is that powerful, they make the media reflect their view of foreign policy. Mm-hmm. Yes.
Shah of Iran
03:30:20 Yeah.
03:30:20 They do not report, we do not report honestly.
Shah of Iran
03:30:25 Don't mix things, please. I don't say the media. I'll say in the media, they have people.
03:30:33 Not the entire media. Some newspapers will only reflect their their views, yes.
03:30:39 The New York Times, for instance, is owned by the Salzburger family.
03:30:44 Who are Jewish?
03:30:47 Are you suggesting that the New York Times is biased in its treatment of the question of Zionism, Israel's existence? the United States relationship with the Arab world?
Shah of Iran
03:30:59 I will have.
03:31:00 To put all the articles of the New York Times written.
03:31:05 On this subject.
03:31:07 And roll the conclusion. You can put this to the computer and it will answer you.
03:31:13 What you're saying is that yes, you do believe.
Shah of Iran
03:31:16 Well, let's wait for the answer of the computer.