10/02/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 132-976-0318.00:00:10 603-182-6319.
00:00:20 26319.
00:00:24 37842.
00:00:29 37842.
00:00:34 80120.
00:00:39 8012.
This Mortal Coil - Song to the Siren
00:01:02 Along the floating.00:01:12 This.
00:01:21 Fingers.
00:01:32 And you save.
00:01:36 Say to me, say to me.
00:01:48 He he.
00:01:56 Waiting you.
00:02:07 In a dream?
00:02:10 You dreamed about me.
00:02:13 Where you was false.
00:02:23 Na foolish me.
00:02:38 For you save.
00:02:41 Search me. Search me not come back tomorrow.
00:02:51 Oh.
00:02:52 Oh, my heart. Oh, my heart from the sun.
00:03:19 I'm miss Ridley.
00:03:26 Shouldn't stand? Or should I my brother?
00:03:42 me
00:03:47 you
Low - Words
00:04:52 3 engine.00:04:53 Inches.
00:05:13 It is.
00:05:14 The truth is, the pain is easy.
00:06:54 If you're hearing scream.
00:07:12 But.
00:09:05 OK.
00:09:06 Here.
Devon Stack
00:10:04 Welcome.00:10:06 To the insomnia stream white history.
00:10:10 Part 1.
00:10:13 Hope you're all having a good week. It's Wednesday.
00:10:18 Wednesday, man, it's October already.
00:10:22 It's October. Pretty soon it's going to be Halloween.
00:10:25 And then, thanks. See, this is, this is when it begins, right this.
00:10:28 Is the bump, bump, bump of.
00:10:30 Holidays at the end of the year, right?
00:10:34 You get Halloween and then you get Thanksgiving.
00:10:38 Then you get Christmas New Year's.
00:10:43 October is when that's that's when the fun time begins. Stops being so ******* hot. Eventually. Maybe, hopefully, sometime. Good God has it still hasn't stopped, hasn't stopped.
00:11:00 We got, we got all kinds of signs. The apocalypse going on. We got floods, wars and rumors of wars, plagues.
00:11:10 Pestilence.
00:11:13 Oh goodness.
00:11:16 So I thought we, you know, let's do some little more lighthearted.
00:11:20 A little more lighthearted and also thanks to so you guys think I don't you guys think I don't.
00:11:26 I don't care.
00:11:26 About your recommendations, that's not true. I don't care about the bad ones.
00:11:34 I care about the recommendations.
00:11:38 Someone actually pointed out a mockumentary last string I had never heard of it. I was well aware of the comedy crew behind it and I think this might have been what would pop their proverbial cherry. Or maybe not, because I think maybe Spinal Tap was before this or whatever, but.
00:11:58 I thought it was very interesting.
00:12:00 The name alone.
00:12:02 The name alone that the history of.
00:12:05 Of White America, or I think that's.
00:12:07 What it was right?
00:12:09 Though I have it wrong, what is it? The history of white people in America? I got it wrong. OK, so the history of white people in America, this is pretty interesting. That's pretty interesting, right?
00:12:21 Let's let's take a look at it. Why not? And I tell. And I did a little bit of research. Basically what it was, is it was a A, they got contracted out to do a bunch of these little vignettes so.
00:12:31 They would play through.
00:12:32 About the programming day on Cinemax and I think HBO also aired these in 1985 and you know, sometimes it's funny because I I I thought about this like, well, if it's on a paid outlet like Cinemax was in 1985.
00:12:53 How how effective is the propaganda? Because at first you might think, well, it's probably not going to be. It's not going to penetrate.
00:13:01 The the public because it's, you know it's it's it's limiting. It's not like this is something that aired on NBC and it got 12 million views. This is something that was limited to whoever was paying for premium cable channels because Cinemax wasn't even. It wasn't even like a a freebie like it came with cable. You had to pay even more.
00:13:21 Get the the Cinemax right.
00:13:23 But then I started thinking, well, who's who's getting.
00:13:27 Premium channels.
00:13:29 Who's paying that extra amount? Because my parents, they were middle class at times. I wouldn't even say on the edges of upper middle class.
00:13:39 And we had cable pretty early on. We had cable probably before a lot of our neighbors had cable, but even we didn't really have. I mean, we had a couple of times. I don't my I think my parents got HBO and then caught my brother and I watching some rated R thing and freaked out and and and cancelled all the all those channels.
00:13:58 But the yeah.
00:13:59 They didn't even pay for the extra channel stuff beyond that. I think it might have been like a promo when they got.
00:14:07 So who you're really targeting is the upper class people.
00:14:13 Which I would argue that's that's going to be more effective if you're looking to create some kind of social change, you want to mean to the people that have money.
00:14:25 Because the people with money also have influence and they have class.
00:14:31 And the people in the middle are dying to be.
00:14:34 The people that can afford the extra channels.
00:14:38 And if the people that can afford the extra channels.
00:14:43 If they transmit, I mean not not literally with like a, you know, over the cable lines, but through their their talk at work.
00:14:52 Or their interactions at at the at happy Hour, a certain attitude, a, a certain set of value. If they signal certain virtues, as it's put more more these days, then those are the.
00:15:06 The the.
00:15:07 Middle class. Those are the the values they strive to acquire, understand, or at least fake it till they make it.
00:15:14 So it's actually pretty, pretty effective. I think if you start planting the seeds in the heads of just upper class people because it's gonna it, it's trickle down memetics I guess is a way you could put it. I don't know that there's really anything analogous to this today.
00:15:32 I mean, I don't know that there's really an outlet that you could say.
00:15:38 This is how you target richer audiences. I mean, I'm sure. Look, I'm sure there's some kind of marketing data out there somewhere that has identified.
00:15:47 Certain outlets where the wealthy are consuming media more often than the average person, but it's not like it was in 1985, where the average person was just watching Free TV. Maybe the middle class to on the verge of upper middle class. They were paying for cable 1985. Not everyone had cable, and it was.
00:16:07 It was still.
00:16:07 Pretty unusual. In fact, it wasn't even available. Most places. People got excited when cable was ohh. Our neighborhood just got cable.
00:16:16 You know, like when A1 horse town gets a McDonald's like that.
00:16:19 It's like, Oh my God, we we're we're a real town now. We have a we have.
00:16:24 A drive through.
00:16:26 So it wasn't even in 1985. It wasn't like a a.
00:16:31 A widely available thing, and like I said, the premium channels were were even scarcer because just the idea of paying for TV still seemed a little bit wasteful. I mean, why pay for TV when I've got all this wonderful Norman Lear programming for free?
00:16:49 So it was a tough sell because you'd basically were talking to, I mean it wasn't that tough because Americans loved their TV and, you know, Boomer Americans especially, right.
00:16:58 They love their TV, so as soon as they could scrape the money together, they were going to get it.
00:17:04 But it was still an.
00:17:04 Expense. It was a luxury. It was a luxury.
00:17:11 But wait a second.
00:17:12 What am I talking about?
00:17:13 It was the 1980s.
00:17:16 The 1980s.
00:17:19 1980s was all about luxury, right?
00:17:23 It was all about luxury. It was all about the the Reagan economy.
00:17:29 It was all about largesse. It was all about uh.
00:17:34 Everyone getting a house for cheap and getting paid a a livable wage and and and not having yet to deal with mass migration.
00:17:47 That will come into play a little bit tonight anyway. I took a look at this. They they what happened was they aired these for a while. That and they went on, I think almost into the year 2000.
00:18:01 Or or. Don't quote me on that. They went on for a while and they they revisited the.
00:18:06 Same concept a few times.
00:18:09 And what they eventually did is they prep, they they or they repackaged them later.
00:18:15 And sold them on video.
00:18:17 In different volumes.
00:18:19 I think it's volume 1-2 and three.
00:18:22 And so I got my hands on volume 1.
00:18:26 And watched it.
00:18:28 And it it's.
00:18:31 Well, I guess we're we're gonna learn the history of white people in America.
00:18:38 The history of white people in America, but before we do that, to really understand the motivations behind making such a piece, like that's odd, right? Why why would you make something called the history of white people in America and air these little vignettes throughout the day in between the programming that rich white people would be watching?
00:18:58 The movies on Cinemax, why would you do that? Exactly why? And I think to understand that you have to understand well who's making this.
00:19:06 You know who who who are?
00:19:08 The people behind it. Well, let's see.
00:19:12 Here's our Oh my God, this this should come with the warning these faces. Here's the director.
00:19:20 Director Harry Shearer.
00:19:24 Harry Shearer.
00:19:27 Which of course should go without saying just now if you have. If you're Judah, is that.
00:19:34 That out of whack you need to go and get it recalibrated here. If you can't tell just by looking.
00:19:38 At.
00:19:38 That.
00:19:40 Parents were Jewish immigrants from Poland and Austria. In fact, this is one of our great gifts from World War 2. He's not one of the Jews whose families you know, family came here around the turn of the century. He's the other back. He's the second wave.
00:19:54 News. They came here after World War 2.
00:19:57 So his parents came here after World War.
00:20:00 Two to flee Nazi Germany and then proceeded to immediately create why more conditions in America.
00:20:10 Because you know why? Why not? Why? Why not? You know, like this. That's kind of what they're that's like their.
00:20:15 Thing right so.
00:20:17 That's the director. But you can't. You can't hang it all on the director, obviously, especially because that's not even whose name gets plastered all over this.
00:20:27 Martin mole.
00:20:29 Martin Mole, from what I can tell, is a a goy. I can't see anything that says that he's he's Jewish other than the fact that his his wife was Jewish. His wife was was Jewish and he hated organized.
00:20:48 Religion. There's a quote from him I found that said. I think this is one of the last things that he's quartered or I mean, I'm sure he said a lot more things after this, but this is one of the last quotes from before he died which happened this year actually quote, I think more harm has come to this planet through organized religion.
00:21:09 Probably than any single situation that we've invented.
00:21:14 So he was very angry about organized religion specifically. He hated Christians. He also, you might remember him from a previous stream. In fact, both these guys will be talking about tonight. He's the guy on the the right Martin. Mole played Roseanne.
00:21:34 Gay boss and Roseanne, and was featured in I believe one of the first, if not the first gay wedding. Certainly the first depicted in any kind of major.
00:21:50 Television show like Roseanne and also was was promoting lots of gay themes as Roseanne, who was obviously Jewish, did all throughout the 90s, even though now she's basically this weird queuing on psychopath flat Earther.
00:22:10 That tries to act like she's appalled by the Satanists and Pedos in Hollywood, and it's like, *****, you did this ****.
00:22:18 You were like a big part of this ****.
00:22:22 You were a huge part of this **** anyway, so that's that's Martin Mull.
00:22:28 And the the guy to to his left who's also in this. His name is Fred Willard.
00:22:35 The.
00:22:38 It was also Co, written by Alan Rucker, and I can't find really anything about him. He didn't really do much television. I don't think he was. I think he was. I don't know, this contribution was that.
00:22:51 And produced by Kevin S Bright.
00:22:55 Who, of course, was born to a Jewish American family in New York City.
00:23:00 So produced by a Jew, directed by a Jew written by a goy, married to a Jew. And you know what they say, right? You know what they say. He might not be a Jew himself, but if he's married, if he's married.
00:23:16 To a Jew.
00:23:17 And there's.
00:23:20 The sheets that is a Jew, you will someday meet.
00:23:25 So just remember that boys and girls.
00:23:28 It's a. It's an easy rhyme.
00:23:34 So it might it.
00:23:35 Might as well be might as well be anyway, this is. This is the history.
00:23:43 Of white people.
00:23:45 In America, so the way that they open it up and probably I think to give it some, I don't know, some some, some weight, some legitimate.
00:23:57 See one of the things they open with are actually the thing that they open up with is Steve Martin's beloved Steve Martin. He was probably one of the the most well liked comedians of 1985. I can't think of, you know, at least in terms of white comedians. I can't think of anyone that would have been more popular.
00:24:18 At the time.
00:24:19 And although he only makes basically a cameo, that that's which, and in fact that they have these other actors that follow. I'm I'm almost positive all they did is they showed up at like a studio somewhere and said, hey, we just need a cameo. We just need to basically endorse what we're going to do here.
00:24:37 But and then he's a he's a a part, a little bit later on, which we'll get into a little more detail here in a moment. But anyway, this is how the show opens.
Steve Martin
00:24:45 Hi, I'm Steve Martin and I'm a white person. Not a very good one.Terry Garr
00:24:51 Hi, I'm Terry Garr and I'm one of the few white people in America who can dance.Bob Eubanks
00:24:55 Hi, I'm Bob eubanks. I'm a white person.00:24:59 I've been on television for many years and I guess this is the first time that I've ever publicly stated that I am a white person.
00:25:08 This is difficult for me, but I guess that if it will help any young people who are struggling with their whiteness, then it's worth it for me.
Devon Stack
00:25:18 Ohh, it's hilarious. It's hilarious how seriously boomers took a white genocide in 1985, isn't it?00:25:28 Isn't it?
00:25:29 So anyway, they then goes on to this little opening sequence where you know, because this is made for boomers. You remember in 1985, the boomers were young, but they still like to grill. They still like the grill, the, the, the, the grilling boomer meme is a meme that's been around since the.
00:25:48 Well, the 80s and this, that's basically what they cash in on they're making.
00:25:52 Fun of you?
00:25:53 Gotta keep this in mind because it's made in 1985.
00:25:56 The the white people that they're talking specifically about and the white people they're making fun of, and the white people that they're conjuring up stereotypes about, it's white boomers. Why? Because millennials didn't exist yet and.
00:26:09 And and and.
00:26:09 And Gen. X was like in diapers. So that's basically who they're talking about.
BBQ Song
00:26:28 Go for a good time to be so nice. Ready for you and Harry.00:26:41 Sitting up.
00:26:48 Mary Sue.
00:26:55 It's a beautiful day here in the US at the white.
Devon Stack
00:27:16 Again, you see a lot of this same sort of stuff you saw all throughout the 80s and 90s, this demonization of the the American family of the.00:27:25 The leave it to.
00:27:25 Beaver style family, the nuclear family that lived in the.
00:27:29 Suburbs. And like I said, they're making fun of the grilling because that's what boomers did.
00:27:34 Back then, they also make fun of the Goi slot, but not in the way that that we make fun of the gooey slop, just like they're not making fun of the grilling in the same way that we make fun of the grilling, we make fun of the grilling because it's like, oh, yeah, just going your backyard and grill while the whole world goes to ****. They make fun of the grilling because it's it's it's similar.
00:27:55 It is similar, it's similar, but it's like, oh, your life is so ******* perfect.
00:28:02 In fact, one of the infuriating things that there will be repeated tonight is you will see that most of the jokes.
00:28:09 And remember who's laughing at these jokes? Who's at home watching this? In 1985? Most of the jokes, the reason why they're funny now, remember, I told you before, comedy is very contextual, right? You watch a movie from before you were alive. And it's it's not very often that you can get. I mean, you'll get the joke, right. You'll understand.
00:28:30 That the the technical aspects of the joke. But it will be funny to you because you know you never lived in that context, right?
00:28:37 You never live in that context and that's going to be the same way a lot of these these jokes don't land for me. They're not going to land for a lot of people, and that's because they were meant for the boomers of 1985 watching this. And the context was your life is ******* easy.
00:28:58 That's the that's going to be the infuriating thing about watching this is boomers.
00:29:04 The punch line is, yeah, our life is ******* easy.
00:29:13 It's almost too easy. It's ******* perfect. I guess we should give everything the black people want to the blacks anyway.
00:29:21 That that's how it opens, making fun of how, you know, wholesome, their their and naive that the white people are, and then we go to Martin Mole himself. We're intros the the mockumentary.
00:29:40 This fake documentary about white people.
Martin Mull
00:29:44 Hello, my name is Martin Mull. Thank you. Please sit down. It's my pleasure to be your host tonight on our journey into whiteness. Over the last few years, the media has focused its attention on many of America's diverse ethnic groups. And we all watched. Yes, we all watched as roots brought the black man's heroic story.00:30:05 Into our homes.
Devon Stack
00:30:07 That's the other contacts you got to understand and maybe we should even go over roots at some point you had because they were trying to prep the boomers to accept the diversity that was.00:30:17 Just.
00:30:17 Increasingly becoming the reality around them thanks to the I mean in 1985, right, that's 20 years past the Immigration Act of 1965. So that means you've had 20 years of new people.
00:30:29 Coming in, which now and that's also 20 years of them reproducing and you're starting just starting to really get the effects felt in, in suburban neighborhoods, well, depending on where you live, you might, you might even be sitting that if you.
00:30:43 Lived in a a major coastal city. Then you probably saw it right away, but this is it's starting to bleed into suburbia USA. And so they're preparing the public with this, you know, basically white guilt. **** like roots was just this.
00:31:00 Look how horrible slavery was never ending torture **** of the slave.
00:31:07 And there were lots of other those kinds of shows coming out. And so that that's that's kind of the the the angle they're taking is like we're going to mimic some of this, this ethnic propaganda and show you that we, we should get our own thing. And they're also kind of making fun of the conservatives at the time that we racially conscious.
00:31:29 Who were probably saying those sorts.
00:31:31 Things like why? Why are we doing Black History Month? There's no white History Month. Why are we doing all this stuff? You know, highlighting black people? I'm American. Why are you a hyphenated American? You know that they're just responding to that kind of, you know, Boomer response to the the racial diversity.
Martin Mull
00:31:49 Who could ever?00:31:50 Forget Ben Barinas chicken George with you.
00:31:53 Me neither, and we all watched as Mario Puzo's godfather splattered itself all over the silver screen and expressions like Kumba Pasta. And I'm your ******* brother. What is this became household words.
Devon Stack
00:32:10 I do think it's funny how they they separate Italians as not being white.00:32:14 Even in this but anyway.
Martin Mull
00:32:21 Shogun.00:32:23 The real story of the Japanese starring Richard Chamberlain and for a couple of wacky half hours that always ended with a message, AKA Pablo Norman layers. Look at the Mexican American at home. All fine shows all fine people.
00:32:34 Normal.
00:32:42 But what what, may we ask? What about the white man?
00:32:47 We live here, too, don't we? What's our story? How does it start?
00:32:53 What's the middle?
00:32:53 Part. Does it have a surprise ending?
00:32:58 In short, what, if anything, has the white man been up to since, let's say, 1930 or thereabouts? It's a fascinating question, and we'll do our best to answer it.
Devon Stack
00:33:09 That's an odd year to pick. What? What have whites been doing since 1930 or thereabouts?00:33:16 Yeah.
00:33:18 It's a weird year to pick, right?
00:33:21 I guess it saves them from having to highlight the fact that whites created the civilization that he's in.
00:33:31 Right. It it means that he he can. He can gloss over everything from from the the the first settlers that came here and carved the country out of the ******* wilderness to you know, you know the founding you know, founding fathers, the industrial revolution.
00:33:48 You, you. You.
00:33:49 Can just kind of skip through all that ****.
00:33:53 And go straight to pre World War 2, hmm.
00:33:57 I don't know. I just thought it was. I thought it was really weird. Why? Why? Why? The 1930s? Hmm. Anyway, so Part 1 in search of in search of the white man. So he's gonna he he he's to to figure out where where who is the white man and what. How do we identify them.
Martin Mull
00:34:17 As you can see from this display, white Americans run the proverbial gamut from the very rich and embarrassing to the very poor and embarrassing.Devon Stack
00:34:25 See cause white people are embarrassed.00:34:29 To be white.
00:34:31 And boomers were.
00:34:34 See, here's the thing.
00:34:37 It was just beginning this phenomenon, but by giving special treatment to all these other ethnic groups like, you know, by producing shows like roots and showing like, oh, look, look, they look at their rich history, they're rich.
00:34:51 Sure.
00:34:52 What it did, the one of the byproducts and intended byproduct I believe, is to generate a a certain amount of of of shame.
00:35:02 In in white people, not because of the obvious like oh, we did. Right. You know, we did racism. We did ******* slavery. But also like, well, where's we don't have a history because all I'm hearing about is the history of all these other ethnic groups. It's almost like I don't have a history. And that's the implication that they do. And they that they they they push in the show is that Oh yeah white people.
00:35:23 Are basically just these.
00:35:25 NPC icons. You know these blank faces, these blank, dumb faces that don't even have a history or a culture. And So what? What was beginning to happen and what basically gave birth to wiggers in the 90s was this need that people had to connect to something, some kind of a culture.
00:35:45 And because it wasn't allowed, there was no white culture that was allowed to be promoted anywhere in the media, you know, on television, which was unfortunately where a lot of people were receiving their their culture, they, they they they decided to cling on to other culture.
00:36:01 And of course this this also would would explain I think the the rise in all this ******** in the Zoomer generation. Well, you have all these people, in fact, you'll say that the Zoomer is, like, you'll say, oh, well, why is 25% of this generation identifying as gay? And many of them will say, well, they're not really gay.
00:36:23 They just want to feel, you know, cool. And it's like, that's weird, that it's weird that you think that's cool, but on on some level it makes.
00:36:32 Sense because and for the same reason, they're paying special attention to the groups that you know, to ****, ******** and all this other stuff. And instead of because they're not focusing on white people because they're not, they're acting as if white people don't have a culture unless it's ******** or being a trainee. That that's what they.
00:36:51 Latch on to.
00:36:52 And so this.
00:36:52 Sort of a thing was already beginning in.
00:36:54 The 1980s.
Martin Mull
00:36:57 Tonight, in the spirit of generality, we'll focus our attention on the mean, the average the norm, IE this fellow right here whose name probably is norm.Devon Stack
00:37:06 Yeah. See, he's he's literally he's the NPC name.00:37:10 He's he's a normie. He's literally a normie.
Martin Mull
00:37:15 Excuse me, what's the first thing you think of when you think of white people?Steve Martin
00:37:18 Well, it's kind of an average feeling.Woman on the Street
00:37:20 Mayonnaise.00:37:21 Wonder bread.
00:37:22 Ohh love standard meat and potatoes.
00:37:24 Authority, Dickey night.
Martin Mull
00:37:26 So as you can see they are a stable and predictable people. Enough said.Devon Stack
00:37:31 Stable. Predictable.00:37:34 Flavorless.
00:37:37 Wonder bread.
00:37:39 Boring.
00:37:43 That's what you were told, that white people were.
00:37:49 So they focus. The documentary is going to focus on.
00:37:55 On Fred Willard's character here.
Martin Mull
00:37:58 Our county wide search brought us to this man, Hal Harrison. He was fully insured and after a little coaxing, got pretty used to our cameras. His wife of 18 years, Joyce Harrison, a natural blonde and a whiz at cards.00:38:14 The Harrisons have two children. Burgeoning 17 year old Debbie Harrison.
00:38:19 And little Brother, 11 year old Tommy Harrison. A good eater.
00:38:24 We thought the Harrisons were perfect for our studies because they were so darned why.
Devon Stack
00:38:30 They were just so darned white. They were boring.00:38:36 So he goes to their home and he points out that, oh, look, that he makes fun of their yard because it's it's well manicured.
00:38:45 Makes fun of their their uh house because it's it's nice and well taken care of.
00:38:53 He makes fun of the fact that they have that they're high trust.
00:38:57 Yeah.
00:38:58 He gets the note off the door and and and they make a joke about how the the note is for him, but it and it it says that the door is unlocked and you can go get.
00:39:07 A beer out.
00:39:07 Of the fridge, the implication being that if anyone had walked up to that note and saw.
00:39:11 That they could have been robbed blind but.
00:39:13 These, you know, trusting fool white people didn't think about that.
00:39:18 They just put the the note on their door.
00:39:21 Because they're suckers.
00:39:25 Because in a multicultural world, or a world that these white people aren't prepared for, apparently they're suckers.
00:39:36 Now one of a knee jerk reaction, a lot of people are going to have, I think to some.
00:39:41 Of this stuff is.
00:39:42 Those those ******* Jews. Just.
00:39:44 Making fun of white people, it's like, well, The thing is.
00:39:47 None of this stuff.
00:39:50 Would be funny to anyone, including the boomers, that home that are grilling and agreeing with the fact that, Oh yeah, we don't have a culture, blah blah, they wouldn't be. They wouldn't be snickering at any of these jokes. And even if you're not, if there wasn't at least some truth to what they're saying, it's like stereotypes, right?
00:40:08 There's, there's always at least a kernel of truth in every stereotype, and with some of these stereotypes about white people, there is a kernel of truth. It's not a very flattering 1, and that's why they're doing it, because white people were unprepared for the multicultural reality they were unprepared for a.
00:40:28 A society where you can't trust people or you can't put a note on your door saying the door is unlocked and there's beer in the fridge and expect not to be ******* rob blind nowadays.
00:40:40 But The funny thing is.
00:40:43 No one thought to themselves. Well, wait a second.
00:40:47 Why? Why isn't that a world we?
00:40:49 Should want to live in.
00:40:52 Why are you mocking that?
00:40:55 And that should give you some context.
00:40:57 That should give you. That should give you at least a little bit of insight into the context of the Boomers at home watching this they lived in. They really did live in some ******* perfect world where you could joke about that and didn't get serious ****, didn't get real.
00:41:15 Because they hadn't suffered the consequences of diversity yet.
00:41:22 So then it still was funny haha.
00:41:30 He then goes in the home and starts making fun of the furnishings. But again, there's.
00:41:35 A there's a.
00:41:35 Kernel of truth to some of this stuff.
Martin Mull
00:41:38 Now, what makes this living room white? Well, let's take a look around. First of all, there's nothing here from Europe.00:41:46 Nothing religious.
00:41:48 Nothing manufactured before Eisenhower took office.
00:41:53 There are no bargains here. This stuff is not cheap.
00:41:57 It was all purchased at full retail value from a reputable brand named outlet. No finagling.
00:42:05 No family connections. Full price. That's the right person's way.
Devon Stack
00:42:10 And of course, that's a joke that's supposed to be funny. The Jews, they paid full price. No haggling, no finagling. That's the white person's way. No family connections. They just went in there and paid the price.00:42:28 For Jews, that must have been a hilarious joke.
00:42:33 Those stupid ******* goyum, but also the other criticisms, right?
00:42:41 You have this home, the boomers home, the the, the suburban boomers home.
00:42:46 There's nothing from Europe in here.
00:42:50 They seem to be obsessed with things that are exotic unless they're from Europe.
00:42:56 And nothing religious.
00:43:01 It's just the.
00:43:03 Furnishing versions version of gooey slop.
00:43:08 It's like that scene in Fight Club.
00:43:11 Where he's talking about all the IKEA furniture.
00:43:16 That was the beginnings of that.
00:43:20 People rushing out to buy all this, all these Knick knacks?
00:43:27 Because they just had it that easy. The economy was good.
Martin Mull
00:43:35 Look how clean this place is.00:43:39 It's as if no one really ever uses this room. And why should they? On those very special days, when Mr. Weatherman has a kind of sunny twinkle in his eye, you'll find these happy folks right where you'd
00:43:50 Back to Outback. Enjoying their Webber self cleaning BBQ.
Devon Stack
00:43:57 And again you get, you know, making fun of the grilling because the boomer main it it the kernel of truth and the boomer mean is that it's real.00:44:09 That's what they did when they were. It's not. They didn't just start doing that when they got old. They weren't just like, **** it, I'm going to grill when the as the world burns down, now that I'm 65, they've been doing that their entire lives.
00:44:25 They've been grilling it up their entire lives as.
00:44:28 The world burned.
00:44:31 As they had all these exotic knickknacks in their house.
00:44:37 So there you go. There's the boomer Maine he's wearing like the.
00:44:41 You know the the.
00:44:43 Apron with the stupid slogan joke on it.
00:44:48 And you know his wife is in there and they make a bunch of jokes about mayonnaise that are not very funny and they just keep beating it to death. And it's just like, come on. Alright, it's. I got it. White people, mayonnaise or something.
Martin Mull
00:45:05 But a meaningful family life is not all there is to being white. What about the white professional? You may ask. We found one in California.Steve Martin
00:45:15 I guess one of the biggest difficulties in being white for me is being typecast in mostly white roles.00:45:22 I guess it's a problem when I first started I should have done more black rolls, but I found one picture led to another and pretty soon I was known as a white person. I guess the latest thing that happened to me was the Wilt Chamberlain store. I went in to read, I was very good.
00:45:37 And yet they cast a lesser experienced black person in the role.
00:45:42 Just one of the things I'm going to have to live with as a white person in the United States.
Devon Stack
00:45:47 Ohh yeah, hilarious joke. In 1985 dark reality.00:45:53 And 2024.
00:46:00 Because they were grilling in the backyard, they thought this was a hilarious joke.
00:46:06 Ohh.
00:46:06 We have. We have everything so ******* easy.
00:46:10 Well, I can't get the you know. I I wanna play black, uh black parts, but I just can't. I got typecast. It's white. Oh, well, flip the burgers over. Whoopsie. Now, Amber, when's black?
00:46:26 Now, now Harmony is black.
00:46:29 And the bad guy in Thor is black, and this guy I.
00:46:33 Mean.
00:46:34 It was a big joke in 1985. No one would have imagined it unimaginable.
00:46:41 Like the whole joke that that Steve Martin's making.
00:46:44 Is that this sort of stuff is impossible.
00:46:52 See, that's why context is what makes something funny.
00:46:56 In 1985, this was such a an impossibility. Ohh it's hilarious. It's hilarious. Yeah, not so funny now, is it?
00:47:07 Not so funny now.
Martin Mull
00:47:12 Now, what makes a person white? Is it simply a matter of skin pigmentation or the lack of it?00:47:18 Not necessarily. For instance, is this famous basketball player or white person? No, he isn't wrong. Occupation. Is this a white person? I'm sorry. Wrong neighborhood. Is this a white person? Oddly enough, yes.
00:47:35 Very.
Devon Stack
00:47:38 Yeah. The one guy who's actually not white, but because it represents black face something they're going to blame white people for and still blame white people for they're going to call them white. So they show you 2 white people and say they're not white and then show you a Jew and then say he is white.00:47:56 So, yeah. Yeah. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Julie about that.
00:48:02 Again, like I said.
00:48:04 If there's a Jew in the blood or a Jew in the sheets, that is a Jew, you will someday meet.
00:48:12 So just keep that in mind.
00:48:19 So they go to a school. Now look, that this is where they addressed the phenomenon I was telling you about just a moment ago. All the other kids, all the non white kids, have this rich history.
00:48:32 They have these these wonderful.
00:48:33 Cultures and backgrounds they come from.
00:48:37 Today class we are going to be.00:48:40 Heritage Heritage, where we all came from, who would like to tell us about Heritage first, Jamal?
00:48:52 Well, according to my father, the earliest information we have about our family tree traces us back to pre slavery. Ghana on the West Coast of Africa, where my forefathers lorded over thousands of acres of fertile farmland developing farming techniques which are still in use today.Devon Stack
00:49:09 Yeah. Fat chance, Jamal.00:49:11 So Jamal, the magic *****, his background is. Ohh yeah, we was. It's literally we was kings.
00:49:18 It's literally we was kings.
00:49:22 But that's the kind of ******** that they were pushing.
00:49:25 That's the kind of reality you were supposed to believe.
00:49:30 That all these blacks that are being forced into your schools, because that's when that was really starting to hit, too. The blacks were no longer just in the inner cities, they were now doing busing thanks to, well, in part by Biden. At the time, these people refused to die, they were doing busing. They were busing black kids into suburban schools and suburban white.
00:49:42 The.
00:49:50 Kids into inner city, blacks, kids.
00:49:52 And so now all of a sudden you had Jamal in your class and you had to believe that he had a a rich history that included royalty, that in fact in some ways you might say that he, he came from aristocracy and you didn't.
00:50:09 See look at look at the the white kid.
00:50:11 Look at the look on his face.
00:50:14 What?
00:50:18 Wow.
00:50:20 Jamal comes from. Wow. It's such a it's such a a story that that I I have not. I can't even compare to that.
00:50:29 I have nothing comparable to that kind of a background. I'm just some NPC normy.
00:50:37 I'm just some mayonnaise monkey. White bread ************.
00:50:43 And it's funny, because just a moment ago, they like to blur the lines between Jews and whites. Well, that was the last time they were going to do that. They did it just long enough to try to blame white people for black face. But now all of a sudden Jews aren't the same as white people.
00:50:59 Very good, very good. Can you tell us about?Jewish Kid
00:51:03 Your forefathers yahoodi, since I'm sure we're all familiar with the Old Testament. I'll spare you the details and jump in.00:51:10 After my grandfather left Eastern Europe in 1903, we landed on Ellis Island.
00:51:18 And through generations of such sacrifice.
00:51:21 I can't tell you.
Devon Stack
00:51:24 Hey.00:51:26 Ohh, look at that little slow Molly. His his family. Literally. I like how they literally made it so his family came to America from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century. That's what they did. They did the meme, but it was true.
00:51:46 It was true cause look who do you thinks in the writers room. Even. Even if this was is written by Martin Mole, you don't think, obviously that that there's a Jewish director and Jewish producer? You don't think they're they're they're throwing in their little Jew input obviously. Right. And and where do they have to borrow from?
00:52:03 Well.
00:52:04 From the.
00:52:05 The backgrounds of 90% of the ******* Jews in Hollywood, which is that their family came from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century.
00:52:13 So yeah, Jews have a rich history. Jamaal's got a rich history.
00:52:18 Well, what about what?
00:52:18 About white people.
00:52:20 Thank you, Yehudi. That was lovely.00:52:23 Tell me, what about your heritage?
White Kid
00:52:32 1st, we lived on Maple Street and then we moved on over to Elm Street, where I finally got my own room.00:52:40 Is that enough?
00:52:44 Yes, that's just fine.Devon Stack
00:52:47 Ah yes, that's just fine. See, because history began when, when his his his boomer parents moved to the suburbs.00:53:00 And why? Why wouldn't he think that? What do you think? He's, what do you think? A kid a Gen. X kid or a millennial kid or every kid after that? Right. What do you think they're learning in in social studies class or in history class?
00:53:14 Well, it's either a a parade of oppression, right? It's either just a a bloody Trail of Tears.
00:53:23 Of white people just viciously brutalizing everyone around them.
00:53:31 Or it's they're not even really included other than to be the.
00:53:34 Villains and other people's stories.
00:53:38 So why would he? Why would he?
00:53:40 Think that there was some kind of.
00:53:42 History or heritage that he had.
00:53:46 And his parents certainly weren't doing that. If they had Boomer parents, the boomer parents were self obsessed. The boomer parents were literally obsessed with grilling.
Martin Mull
00:53:59 We don't exactly know where white people are from, but we do know where they are now. By and large, they live here, at least our norm does, and though they live here in the suburbs, they tend to work and bank downtown. But they don't work all the time. At least 2 weeks a year. They go on a vacation here, here and here.00:54:21 They tend to die here and here and are often buried here.
Devon Stack
00:54:31 See the white people live in the suburbs and they work in the downtown areas where all the blacks live.00:54:37 And in a vacation at Lake Havasu.
00:54:41 And the Grand Canyon and Disneyland.
00:54:44 Or in Florida.
00:54:47 And then they.
00:54:48 Are buried somewhere in New England.
00:54:53 But they don't have a history.
Martin Mull
00:54:56 Unfortunately, dead white people can't tell us very much. An approximate guess as to height and weight, and perhaps a hint as to the origins of bowling. That's about all.Devon Stack
00:55:09 I know this was funny because uh, just the other day, Elon Musk tweeted out that sex and gender is literally true down to the bones.00:55:21 Yes.
00:55:23 While sharing a video, the depicted a demonstration of a male.
00:55:29 And in female.
Martin Mull
00:55:31 Pelvis.Devon Stack
00:55:33 And how the male pelvis was not wide enough to deliver babies, but the female pelvis was. And of course, his implication is, oh, look, you know, ******** aren't real. And you can tell by the fact that the pelvis bone is different.00:55:52 And this is when I had the opportunity, the rare opportunity to get one of the more popular replies to an Elon Musk tweet by saying so is race.
00:56:04 And showing pictures of the different skulls, not the most pronounced differences in the the version I got because I did. I think I did it like at 3:00 in the morning on my phone.
00:56:14 Laying in bed.
00:56:15 I was like, I grabbed the first one. I couldn't really see all.
00:56:18 The details, but.
00:56:19 It was good enough. It made the point.
00:56:21 You made the point, especially when you see the ABO skull. Jesus ******* Christ. Ah, but yeah, 10,010 thousand likes on that one. Last time I checked. So a lot of people ******* saw that **** and a lot, of course, a lot of.
00:56:36 Splurging responses from people who keep saying that race race is a social construct just like gender, and I have to say, look, I mean, until Evan says otherwise, he's one of those people that somehow gender is or sex as the the real term.
00:56:53 Could be sex is determined in part by the skeletal structure, but race doesn't exist. Still race does not exist. But anyway that wasn't the point of that. That shot in the in the video I just thought, oh, that's just that's pretty funny.
Martin Mull
00:57:11 We need to talk to living white people to get the big answers, and that's exactly what the doctors and scientists do here at the Institute for White Studies in downtown Zanesville. OH.00:57:21 The institute was established in 1956 under a generous grant from JC Penney and the Tasty Freeze Corporation.
Bob Eubanks
00:57:31 If a white person has done it, whatever it is, we find out about it and have a file on it. If they haven't done it, we.00:57:37 Try to find out why and.
00:57:38 Then we file it. Now our research shows that.Edie McClurg
00:57:41 These are the five most popular white meals you have your macaroni and cheese, your grilled cheese sandwich.00:57:50 Plain cheese sandwich tuna noodle casserole with potato chip topping. Now you can do this. Homemade or Stouffer's has a dandy one, in case you're pressed for time and then for a dry snack. We have your portable and affordable cheeses.
Devon Stack
00:58:07 Now there's two things going on. The joke here, of course. They're making fun of white foods, but really what they're making fun of is the low effort white boomer mom.00:58:15 Food.
00:58:17 That's not white food. It's it's low effort, white boomer mom food.
00:58:21 It's white boomer moms that thought that ohh my job is not to actually take care of my children anymore because feminism happened. And so I'm either going to do the most low effort food possible or make it so low effort I don't feel guilty when I tell my kids to make it themselves.
00:58:40 Go cook yourself a a grilled cheese sandwich.
00:58:46 I don't have to worry about my kid.
00:58:49 You know.
00:58:51 ******* that up, right? But the other thing that's going on, you notice that all these things include cheese.
00:58:57 And yeah, and well, they don't really say this specifically, but one of the reasons why.
00:59:03 Every other race is basically lactose intolerant.
00:59:09 This is a graph showing the lactose intolerance levels in every race.
00:59:14 East Asians are the top there where the little tiny one, the little tiny nub.
00:59:18 For those of you.
00:59:19 Who aren't aware of this data? It's hard to read this graph, but the top one is East Asian. Then it's W African the Native American, which is like the. They're like the highest, which is kind of funny. South Asian, European.
00:59:35 Middle Eastern and Hispanic.
00:59:38 So they they they make a big deal out of all the cheesy foods, it's, but it's going slop. It's going slop. The boomer moms could either make without thinking about it or tell their kids to make without having to feel guilty.
00:59:53 But really?
00:59:55 Like I said, another reason is because white people are not lactose intolerant.
Milk Song
00:59:59 Oh geez, super food. Gotta drink some milk. My dude milk is better than water.Devon Stack
01:00:07 That is why we are or one of the reasons why we are the.01:00:10 Master.
01:00:10 Race because we can tolerate that lactose that makes us strong and powerful.
01:00:14 On a car.
01:00:16 But anyway, cut back to these two white guys, although I have a sneaking suspicion the left actor is Jewish just because of.
01:00:24 Oh, I mean, come on. Look at him. I I couldn't find his name. He's uncredited. Or at least on IMDb. This role is not. It's not called out any way that I that I could see the the scientist on the right is and he's, you know, obviously he's a. He's like some ginger white guy. But I suspect the guy on the left.
01:00:44 As a Jew, especially after hearing his dialogue.
Unnamed Jewish Actor
01:00:47 Our mission to later rest and try to disprove the stereotypical image of the white person as.Bob Eubanks
01:00:56 Boring. I guess you have to.Unnamed Jewish Actor
01:00:57 Say boring hot your house. Yes, I've heard that.01:01:01 Redundant. Yes, I believe you said that earlier.
01:01:05 That brings to Brian predictable.
Bob Eubanks
01:01:08 I had a feeling you're.01:01:08 Going to say that.
Unnamed Jewish Actor
01:01:10 How about unimaginative?Devon Stack
01:01:19 Yeah, not like us Jews.01:01:22 So white people are basically useless. I mean, that's what redundant means, right?
01:01:27 White people are useless. They're completely useless. They're obsolete.
01:01:32 But it's funny.
01:01:34 The white boomer at home in 1985 has no feelings that that there this could be leading somewhere.
01:01:41 They constantly sitting on your on your people might have some consequences down the line. Why? Because they were oozing with euphoria. Life really. Was that easy.
01:01:54 Where?
01:01:56 Making fun of anyone else would feel literally anyone else would.
01:02:00 Feel like punching down?
01:02:03 Because life is a white boomer was the ******* ******* easiest thing that the world had ever seen.
01:02:15 So they had to make fun of themselves. Why? Because they felt *******.
01:02:19 Guilty about it?
01:02:25 A little tiny piece of them felt a.
01:02:27 Little guilty about it.
01:02:35 Aren't you glad they decided to spare future generations?
01:02:41 The mind president of that guilt must have been.
01:02:45 OK.
Martin Mull
01:02:45 The Institute has spent years researching white likes and dislikes in areas like man to animal relationships and household pets.01:02:56 Religions nonprofit.
01:03:00 And call in.
01:03:03 Fat legs cuffless with a slight break or a good old grass catcher with a little leg.
01:03:12 Using methods originally developed by NASA for justice, these purposes, we monitor their every natural move. For instance, how the Harrisons go to sleep.
Unnamed Jewish Actor
01:03:21 Mutual affection.Martin Mull
01:03:25 A great deal can be learned by examining their.Unnamed Jewish Actor
01:03:28 Dreams. Their shoulder exposure.01:03:29 That.
01:03:35 Here you are, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. It's all yours. And thanks to winning the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes. The mortgage is taken care of.White Guy
01:03:47 I can't believe.Terry Garr
01:03:49 It they're paid for the company too.01:03:49 What?
01:03:52 We're gonna be.
01:03:53 Here for the rest of our lives.
Devon Stack
01:03:58 And again, that was the the boomer dream.01:04:03 I mean, they were debt slaves, they they had mortgages and mortgage, by the way, the the root of that, that word is death agreement.
01:04:12 You're a debt slave. Your entire life is spent trying to pay off your debt so that you own the thing that boomers value most in the world, not their children, their house.
01:04:27 That was their dream. See the the kernel of truth. The thing that made this funny haha was the kernel of truth and the kernel of truth was when they dreamed. What did they dream about? They dreamed about winning the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes so they could pay off their mortgage.
01:04:42 And live in their house forever.
01:04:51 And what was their? What was their their nightmare?
Martin Mull
01:04:55 And their nightmares.Dot Indian
01:05:00 Hello, neighbor. Welcome. See you at the Safeway.White Guy
01:05:08 Oh shit.Devon Stack
01:05:11 Their nightmare, of course, was diversity moving into their little white neighborhood, but this was the 1-2 punch.01:05:20 Right, this is this is like the.
01:05:24 The Norman Lear tactic.
01:05:28 Well, it's funny because it's true, but at the same time.
01:05:32 You don't want to be these people.
01:05:37 And remember what we talked about at the very beginning of the stream? Who is this going to? Who's watching this at home? Not just white boomers, but the.
01:05:43 Upper middle class white boomers.
01:05:45 Yeah.
01:05:47 You don't want to be these pasty white folks. These people with no history, no culture. These people who don't care about anything except for their ******* knickknacks. These people have no personality. What? No. No depth to them at all.
01:06:02 So while it's true.
01:06:04 That it tapped into something that they really at that moment.
01:06:09 Felt that they.
01:06:10 Wouldn't want a bunch of immigrants moving to their neighborhood.
01:06:14 Just like all these other stereotypes, they're lame.
01:06:21 They don't want it to be true.
01:06:23 They want to be better than the people on the TV that they're laughing at that even if they're relating on some level.
01:06:38 And so it's planting that seed already in 1985.
01:06:43 You don't want to be these these soulless shallow.
01:06:49 Empty headed fox.
01:06:52 Who squirm when they see the diversity moving in the town?
Martin Mull
01:06:58 The white man, like all men, is a social animal. White people thrive in groups from the PTA and the demolay to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But nowhere is the beauty of white people acting in concert. More profound, more fundamental. And yes, I'll say it more heartwarming than the basic family unit.01:07:17 Good old mom and dad and two children enjoying some private quality time together. Let's watch.
Devon Stack
01:07:28 And again, this is the Pleasantville effect. We got to make. We got to make fun of the family unit as much as humanly possible. Make everything look saccharine sweet, make everything look artificial, make everything look superficial, make everything look.01:07:44 Like it deserves to be humiliated.
01:07:47 Like you should be ashamed to have this kind of a a household. Not that you should aspire to something like this. Not that the this should be the norm. And in fact, if it is the norm for you, you're the sucker.
01:08:01 You're the square.
01:08:05 Don't you know it's way better to have diversity and chaos and violence?
01:08:09 In your in your world.
01:08:12 Have.
01:08:13 A nice meal with your family at home altogether praying around the food and thanking God for the bounty that you have. That is what is worthy of ridicule.
White Guy
01:08:29 Our father, we thank thee for providing Joyce with this food to fix for us this butterball Turkey, the stove top stuffing the what? Is that deer squash.Terry Garr
01:08:39 Oh, no, honey, that's still mounted mixed vegetables.White Son
01:08:42 Spanish.Terry Garr
01:08:42 Style. What about the jello? I didn't know you wanted.01:08:43 Alright.
01:08:46 Jello if you just told me, I would.
01:08:48 Have made some for you.
White Guy
01:08:49 Can we continue please?01:08:51 Father, we also thank thee for this wonderful house.
01:08:54 And all we own and all we plan to.
Terry Garr
01:08:56 Own what about the?White Guy
01:08:57 Car that is included, Tommy.White Daughter
01:08:59 You know, just because I didn't like Joe last week doesn't mean I don't like it now. I mean, can we talk about this later?Terry Garr
01:09:04 Your father's praying for us.White Guy
01:09:05 And I would like to get it over.Martin Mull
01:09:06 With too, Debbie, because we're all.White Guy
01:09:08 Starving. That's right, father. We. And of course, when I say we, I'm referring to all four of us. I'm hell Harrison.Terry Garr
01:09:16 I'm Joyce Harrison. Debbie Harrison.White Son
01:09:19 Tom Harrison here.White Guy
01:09:21 So Father, we thank thee for just being you or thou.01:09:27 And we're saying keep up the good work and we'll see you come Christmas. Jesus. I hope so anyway.
BBQ Song
01:09:31 This.Terry Garr
01:09:32 Right, gang. Honey did.01:09:33 You want to mention that you know another.
White Guy
01:09:36 No, you we're here to give thanks now to questions, shortcomings and realities.Terry Garr
01:09:37 Sorry.White Guy
01:09:40 That is already everyone all together.01:09:43 Good food, good me. Good. Good. Let's eat.
White Family
01:09:46 Hey man.Devon Stack
01:09:50 See, it's all a mockery. The wasp reality.01:09:57 It's just like this.
01:10:02 Like this corpse that's been dressed up.
01:10:06 And reanimated.
01:10:11 Going through.
01:10:13 The motions.
01:10:16 With dead eyes.
01:10:21 More out of.
01:10:23 Out of habit than.
01:10:24 Anything else? There's no soul to it.
01:10:31 Everything is about the.
01:10:34 Consumerism.
01:10:40 The prayer itself, it's very irreverent.
01:10:47 Or really, it's outright blasphemous.
01:11:01 It's just done out of habit.
01:11:03 It's not really sincere.
01:11:08 What matters is all the Goi slop.
01:11:16 And the sea doos.
01:11:20 And the Mcmansion.
01:11:24 Then again, I'd say there's a kernel of truth.
01:11:29 For the boomers to think this was.
01:11:30 Funny, there had to be.
01:11:42 So that's how Part 1 of or Part 1 of Volume 1 ends. Then they get to Part 2 a closer look.
01:11:53 This is where they catch up. Well, let's see. Oh, it's kind of like, you know, with these fake documentaries, they act as if all this documentary error and other people went to go watch it and and let's go see if we can catch up with the the Harrisons and see what they, you know what, what, what's happened since we we followed them in the in the first one.
Martin Mull
01:12:13 Last time we got a good idea of who the white American is tonight, we're going to try.01:12:16 To find out.
01:12:17 Why? Why does he act like that? Why does he dress like that? Why does he think like that? And why do we care?
Devon Stack
01:12:27 And so, of course they go back to.01:12:30 Fred Willard's character.
01:12:33 Playing the white bread guy.
01:12:36 He's clueless. He's excited that he was on TV and doesn't mind that the people at work now call him uh, ******.
Martin Mull
01:12:44 For Hal Harrison here, I think being filmed for our show and discovering his whiteness in the process was a real eye opener.White Guy
01:12:51 You bet. It was an eye opener. That's all. Anyone down at the office talked about for a.01:12:55 Couple.
01:12:55 Of weeks it was white. This and white that they even started calling me ******.
Devon Stack
01:13:05 And he's happy about it.01:13:08 He's happy about it because now it gives him he'd rather be called ******.
01:13:16 As an insult.
01:13:18 Then, then nothing.
01:13:20 Because it gives them some some kind of uniqueness.
01:13:25 Sure, his whole culture is is around these.
01:13:29 These.
01:13:31 Superficial commercialism themes of of of being out of touch, and and basically an MPC normally, but at least he's got a he's got he's got a a label now too, and the Blacks and African American, he's got ******.
01:13:51 And they talk about how the daughter is now using her newfound whiteness to impose rules on her high school like a tyrant. Because that's what white people do. They also kind of make a joke about the the old, I'd say the proto weaves.
01:14:10 There's a kernel of truth in this, too, the Proto Web.
01:14:14 When they talk about the sun.
01:14:17 And by that it I mean the white kids who are obsessed with.
01:14:23 Japanese culture.
01:14:26 Because they think they don't have their own, so they latch on to. I don't know, anime back then it would have been Voltron and and Robotech or whatever. And now it's, you know, just new anime.
Martin Mull
01:14:38 11 year old Tommy Harrison was a little too young to fully comprehend the concept of his white heritage. Of course, at his age he's too busy being right to think about it.White Boy
01:14:50 You're Japanese. No, you're Japanese. No, you're Japanese. You're Korean? No.Devon Stack
01:14:56 Anyway, and we'll see you. The funny thing is, we'll see where this.01:15:01 Fetish fetishizing the the Japanese culture as a white person, where that leads in both today's world and in 1985.
01:15:12 They then go and make fun of their wife, the wife who has no actual real problems, right? She has no real problems. She's essentially she's the proto Karen because she has no real problems and she decides to organize with the other white women to complain about how how hard it is.
01:15:32 Being white, even though the joke is, they don't actually have any problem.
01:15:37 Because don't. Don't you? Wouldn't you like it for your women to have problems?
01:15:42 And that's essentially what it's implying, that it would be if the joke is if the if the punchline is you have it too easy.
01:15:51 That that, the that.
01:15:52 Implication is it should be harder.
01:15:56 The implication is you shouldn't have a a world where you can have.
01:16:02 A an existence free of of violence.
01:16:08 An existence where all of your problems are are relatively minor, like that's a bad it's.
01:16:14 A bad thing?
01:16:17 To live in a world where your wife doesn't have to worry about anything all that serious.
01:16:23 That she all she has to worry about is is what color the the bedspread's going to be.
Martin Mull
01:16:30 But the biggest change of all occurred with Joyce Harrison. She was determined to help other White housewives find themselves, as she has found herself.Terry Garr
01:16:42 We need every.01:16:42 Wednesday afternoon at my house.
01:16:46 At first it was just me and Emma, but then?
01:16:50 Before you knew it, we'd recruited.
01:16:52 Everybody in our Amway.
01:16:53 Well.
White Daughter
01:16:55 Casseroles out there.Terry Garr
01:16:57 The 1st Order of Business is the casserole assignments for next.01:17:01 Week OK.
Edie McClurg
01:17:01 Yeah. Well, whoever made the tuna casserole last week, I mean, it was.White Son
01:17:05 Oh, I think that was Arma. Yeah, I'm a made it. It was way too.White Woman
01:17:07 Irma, it was, you know.Terry Garr
01:17:09 Spicy. I don't know. It was a little.01:17:11 Peppery, but I've been making it.
White Woman
01:17:13 Years just like this.Edie McClurg
01:17:15 Pepper is a binder. You know, it's alright if you're having a digestive problem, but.01:17:19 You know, do you have to use a lot of white sauce and mushroom?
White Woman
01:17:22 Soup. That's exactly right.Terry Garr
01:17:23 But well, you know, I mean, it was good.White Woman
01:17:25 All right, fine. Look, I hate to argue. Let's just drop it, OK?Terry Garr
01:17:26 OK. Yeah.01:17:28 Oh. Oh, wait a minute. Irma hates to argue. Irma, do you think they could have anything to do with you being white? Yeah. OK, come on. Why don't you stand up and tell us about.
01:17:42 It come on.
Devon Stack
01:17:43 OK.Edie McClurg
01:17:44 Come on, Emma.01:17:45 Here she goes.
White Woman
01:17:49 And Mrs. Thomas Clark, Vermont to you. And I'm a white person.Devon Stack
01:17:56 Again, the joke is.01:17:59 All these women have to worry about is the recipe for a casserole.
01:18:09 Wouldn't that be nice?
01:18:11 See the punchline. Like I I told you for the boomers watching this is wow. Life is ******* awesome.
01:18:18 Well, we don't have any problems at all.
01:18:21 No ******* worries at all. Everything's pretty ******* easy for us.
01:18:27 Ha ha ha.
White Woman
01:18:33 I've just begun to realize that there are just a whole lot of things that a white person like me doesn't like and arguing is is right up there.White Woman 2
01:18:44 Yeah.White Woman
01:18:48 I also don't like parallel parking.White Woman 2
01:18:51 Oh, honey, I identified. Yeah.White Daughter
01:18:55 Smarter if you get a.White Woman 2
01:18:56 Smaller. Another thing I don't like is.White Woman
01:19:06 Not being appreciated by my husband when I'm just doing my darn just to keep my home clean and pretty.White Woman 2
01:19:11 All right.Terry Garr
01:19:14 Don't sit on it. Let it at it. Let it out.01:19:15 Go.
White Woman
01:19:19 Well.01:19:21 It's going to sound silly, but.
01:19:24 I bought this little chenille toilet seat cover for the powder room, and Tom says it's too puffy and the lid won't stay up when he has to go #1. Why can't he hold it up with the other hand if it means to put in your bathroom, right? Yeah.
White Woman 2
01:19:27 Hello.01:19:28 Oh wait.
Devon Stack
01:19:42 Seeing the boomers thought thought it was, it was a bad thing, something worth ridiculing, that the biggest problem for your wife to have is the the choice of of toilet seat cover.01:19:56 Well, congratulations, Boomer, because you got what you wanted.
Mother of Victim
01:20:01 I have before me a written statement, but it's hard for me to read off a piece of paper, so I'm just going.Devon Stack
01:20:02 These are problems now.Mother of Victim
01:20:06 To.01:20:07 Share from my heart my daughter.
01:20:10 37 year old woman. She has five children. On August 5th she went for a walk on a trail in a small town. We live in a small town in Maryland. We've walked this trail for over 25 years as a family, so it was very familiar, very safe. She went for her.
01:20:30 Daily run the next she didn't come home that night. The next day they went out looking for her. They found her, and I'm going to tell you what the court records have said. They found her.
01:20:48 Badly beaten.
01:20:50 She was strangled. She was raped. The medical examiner said she had bruises that blanketed her body. She had 10 to 15 head wounds.
01:21:04 And she was stuffed into a drain pipe. I went to the Funeral Home.
01:21:10 Because I had to decide if we could do an open casket for her, for our grandchildren, for our family, and you could tell from looking at my daughter that they had filled in all the holes with wax. They tried to straighten her broken nose and try to align her face back.
01:21:29 The way that.
01:21:29 It.
01:21:30 To look normal and she was covered with makeup so thick it didn't even look like it was a human being. And I wasn't allowed to see from the neck down the rest of her body.
01:21:44 This person is, we found out after an investigation, we had DNA that came off my daughter DNA from a crime that he had committed in Los Angeles where he attacked a nine year old girl and the little girl's mom. It turns out that this man was.
01:22:03 An illegal immigrant from El Salvador, Tammy nobles, and I, I live in the same town that Tammy nobles daughter lives in in Maryland. My daughter lives 15 minutes South of this town.
01:22:20 Umm.
01:22:23 Illegal immigrant he crossed the border three times.
Devon Stack
01:22:28 Oh, but it was so much worse when, uh.01:22:32 You had to worry about toilet seat covers.
01:22:42 All of a sudden, the.
01:22:45 The toilet seat cover story.
01:22:50 Seems kind of nice, doesn't it?
01:22:52 When that's all the white woman had to worry about was their husbands not liking the toilet seat cover.
White Woman
01:23:05 And it's it's paid for and it's it's a statement about me, right?01:23:07 It.
01:23:13 And my my whiteness.
Devon Stack
01:23:22 Yeah, well, at least your daughter didn't get beaten and raped to death and then thrown into a ******* drainage pipe.01:23:37 So anyway.
Martin Mull
01:23:39 There's a heartwarming example of how the modern white woman is spending her leisure time, but what about her male counterpart? What the heck is he up to when he's not at the office? Like all healthy Americans?01:23:53 He has a passion for sports. He plays croquet with the Vengeance tennis with his boss, horseshoes with the neighbors and canasta with some sauce. But for all of his amateur enthusiasm, our white friend is seldom seen amongst the ranks of the professional athlete, golf, shuffleboard, and square dancing. Excluded, of course.
01:24:13 Sour grapes? None here.
01:24:14 It's just a cold hard fact.
01:24:16 For example.
01:24:18 Here we have a picture taken at a recent professional basketball contest. To the naked eye, it seems like quite a cross section of humanity. However, let's take a closer look with the help of a special device called the Segrate Tron, developed by NASA for just this purpose. Shocking, isn't it?
01:24:37 The only true whites we find are the aging referee cowering under the basket and unless I miss my guess, this Joker is simply two days early for the ice follies. Why is this? Is it a physical problem? Are white people, as many will say, physically inferior?
Devon Stack
01:24:56 Yes, white people are physically inferior.01:25:00 And.
01:25:02 They love their sports ball.
01:25:05 But The funny thing is, this is another. This is another. It was easy to see. The white replacement was already taking place.
01:25:13 Sure, it happened on the the basketball court first in the same way that it happened on on construction sites first.
01:25:23 The people getting replaced.
01:25:25 Were the people that had the kinds of jobs.
01:25:30 That didn't take high IQ's to perform.
01:25:38 They make a big joke and then say of course, you know, white people are inferior and then make some crack about how we better start having more kids.
Martin Mull
01:25:46 Like all minorities, the white man must multiply to survive, and this requires sex education, a touchy subject for the white person crucial to this educational process, the telephone.Devon Stack
01:25:56 And they talk about how white kids are, are squeamish about sex.01:26:00 As opposed to all the minorities.
01:26:04 They're they're prudes, basically.
01:26:11 And they talk on the phone uncomfortably. And how they spell out the word sex. They can't even say the word sex.
01:26:16 They say SEX.
01:26:18 They're embarrassed about it.
01:26:21 Whereas all the other races are just going around ******* like rabbits.
01:26:26 But this is seen as a bad thing.
01:26:30 And it's funny because people will say, well, just just don't breed them. You shouldn't ******* have to.
01:26:41 You shouldn't have to try to transform into an R selected ******* subspecies just to compete with them.
01:26:53 Which is inevitably what will happen, because that's who's going to be having kids is our selected ******* people.
01:27:02 They even make a joke about the husband having opportunity to cheat on his wife, but he doesn't. And that makes him a sucker.
Martin Mull
01:27:16 So as we see, the telephone is a wonderful tool for learning about our bodies and for white folk. It beats the pants off of talking about sex face to face, like apparently they do in Sweden.01:27:28 However, Tommy has obviously been learning about life from sources other than Mom, dad and Mr. Rogers, and he's paying the price that many of today's white children pay are whopping identity crisis.
01:27:42 It's time for professional help.
BBQ Song
01:27:45 What the hell is this?Devon Stack
01:27:47 Ohh yes, back when trans kids and your kid turned gay was a joke.01:27:56 Your weed kid turning into a ******? Surprise surprise. It's a joke.
01:28:06 And justice, like everything else in this.
01:28:09 In this comedy.
01:28:11 Fast forward to today. It's not such a joke anymore, is it?
01:28:20 Those aren't little girls.
Dyke Author
01:28:28 Hi if you're someone.01:28:29 Who has kids in your life, especially if you're a.
01:28:32 Caregiver or a nanny stick around.
01:28:34 Hi I'm linz. I am a queer and trans non binary author and your stuff for kids mostly through my.
01:28:38 Very, very.
01:28:41 Web series queer kids.
01:28:43 I want to clarify this for a second here. I'm not saying that kink isn't kid friendly. I'm saying that kids and kink can coexist at pride in a totally fine way.
01:28:54 There's a nuance here that making an event kid friendly doesn't mean sanitizing it, AKA taking something like kink out of pride. Making pride kid friendly is not the same thing as sanitizing pride, making that pride event kid friendly, or I. I prefer kids safe.
01:29:14 Is about making sure we're including and putting kid and youth voices.
01:29:20 And including them in pride, and particularly any justice spaces, kids and youth voices are vital to justice movements because they are a vulnerable and marginalized group on their own, which includes their intersecting identities and oppressions. So I'm not saying that kink isn't appropriate for kids. I'm saying they can and should.
01:29:40 Co exist with each other.
01:29:42 Hey.
Devon Stack
01:29:46 But it was still a funny joke. Back then, your your kid turning trans and turning gay.01:29:54 It's funny haha.
01:29:57 Why? Because life was literally that ******* easy.
Martin Mull
01:30:12 Tommy's in good hands now, like thousands of confused white children. He's been brought here to the Institute for White Studies in the heart of Zanesville. OH.Narrator
01:30:24 Deep programming wing of the Institute for White Studies was established in 1957.01:30:30 Under a generous grant from the Craft Corporation's Miracle Whip division, here's how it works. First of all, a mixed up child is bathed, thoroughly dressed in acceptable clothing, and then goes through an intensive therapy session.
01:30:43 To regain his lost sense of self identity and self worth.
Devon Stack
01:30:49 So they make fun.01:30:50 Of you not wanting to have your kid be gay.
01:30:53 Well showing.
01:30:58 Wow.
01:30:59 What they were showing, and it's funny that you should mention craft, a Jewish company, being the sponsor of this.
01:31:08 But the kernel of truth in this.
01:31:10 Is exactly what a lot of boomers did.
01:31:16 And I don't mean just for the, you know, if your kid was turning gay, but with a lot of drug problems that started to pop up with millennial kids and Gen. X kids.
01:31:26 This is when you had the boomers there and look, if your boomer parent is too busy to cook dinner and making you just go, oh, just go make a cheese sandwich. I don't feel like making dinner tonight.
01:31:38 If you're not mean, you're not even willing to make dinner.
01:31:41 You're probably not willing to work on Tommy's drug problem.
01:31:45 Or or tommye sex problem.
01:31:53 That's alright cause you're a boomer, so you're rolling the ******* tell you've got the money. That and you can trust the professionals that.
01:31:59 Do what's right.
01:32:02 This is when you start to have all these rehabs pop up all.
01:32:06 Over the country.
01:32:10 Ohh, Tommy's acting out at school. Tommy. We found a joint in Tommy's railway and sent Tommy off to go get molested in some weird facility in Utah.
01:32:21 Which happened to a lot of.
01:32:23 Lot of uh kids and uh.
01:32:26 Even famous kids like like Paris Hilton and stuff went through stuff like this where they, their boomer parents sent them off to some rehab where they basically just got sexually assaulted.
01:32:38 In the middle of nowhere.
Martin Mull
01:32:43 Congratulations, Mr. Mrs. Harrison.BBQ Song
01:32:44 Oh.Terry Garr
01:32:46 Thank you. I'm sure we'll have our son back in just a few short.White Guy
01:32:49 Weeks meanwhile, it's cost us a nominal leg, and we're still going to miss the breakfast.Unnamed Jewish Actor
01:32:49 Great.Terry Garr
01:32:56 He's talking about the father, son Quantas pancake breakfast. He's one of the sponsors.White Guy
01:33:00 I'm a sponsor for crisis.Devon Stack
01:33:04 I actually had a friend. I was pretty normal guy.01:33:08 And he got into smoking weed, I mean.
01:33:16 Pretty young, I guess. Age 14, freshman in high school.
01:33:21 His parents found out.
01:33:25 Sent him away to some rehab thing.
01:33:29 I never heard all the details because he wouldn't talk about them.
01:33:33 But he essentially went to.
01:33:36 Some weird place out in the mountains.
01:33:40 Where they.
01:33:43 Sexually assault sexually assaulted him for like 2 weeks.
01:33:49 When he came back he was super ****** **.
01:33:54 There were rumors that he.
01:33:57 I mean, I didn't see this, but I the the word on the street was at church. He whipped *** **** out like randomly.
01:34:05 And it was just like a maniac after that.
01:34:09 Like he wasn't that weird of a guy before he left. When he came back, he was full on maniac and my friends and I, we all stopped hanging out with him because he was just a ******* weirdo.
01:34:23 But that was the solution his parents came up with. Oh, he smoked a joint.
01:34:29 We'll just throw money at the problem.
01:34:36 Send them off to the professionals so we can we can keep living our lives. We don't have to actually get involved and deal with it.
Martin Mull
01:34:48 A happy little fellow, isn't he? But you're saying, what's the point? Well, the point is, just as the baby bird must leave the nest. Those little turtles you see on public television go crawling back into the sea. The Lord knows what reason. So too must the white man open his eyes.01:35:05 Other cultures, if he is to survive.
Barbara Lerner Spectre
01:35:07 I think there's a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time, Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we're going to be part of the throes of that, of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century.01:35:28 Because I couldn't get the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make.
01:35:33 They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role, but without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.
Martin Mull
01:35:44 Let's face it, white people are not exclusively in charge anymore. It's time to reach out, and the Harrisons know this.Devon Stack
01:35:55 And now we have the same kind of message that we had in that diversity training from around this same time period 1985.01:36:03 White replacement is inevitable.
01:36:08 It's just inevitable, guys.
01:36:11 And unless you understand diversity and learn to accept it.
01:36:16 You will not.
01:36:16 Survive the future because the future is not going to be white.
01:36:29 I guess that's the adversity that the the boomers were hungry for, right? Everything was just so easy.
01:36:37 It was so easy. Well, thank God we got a little diversity coming our way. Cause *** **** it.
01:36:43 We deserve it.
01:36:45 We deserve it. Having it so good like this.
01:36:57 And then to hit home that even further, even though they they tried to say Al Jolson was white, that Jews are not white, they're not a part of this.
01:37:08 Even in 1985.
01:37:12 Which was the precursor to the very philosemitic 90s. Everyone that wants to go back to the 90s? Well, guess what? The 90s were at minimum five years after this aired.
01:37:24 The most philosemitic decade, the decade, as I like to say that where everyone was laughing at Seinfeld and crying at Schindler's List.
01:37:36 To make *** **** sure you knew.
01:37:40 The exact opposite of what many Jews will tell you today, Jews were not white.
01:37:48 The example they use and the diversity that the white family is going to have to try.
01:37:53 To get used to.
01:37:55 He's a Jew.
White Guy
01:37:59 So let me get something straight, Sid. They're not really princesses like in London or Monaco, huh?Stereotypical Jew
01:38:04 No, that's just not jokes, my new friend.White Guy
01:38:07 Sit down, take a load off. Thank you.01:38:12 Here you got another little hat on under that hat, huh?
Stereotypical Jew
01:38:14 The yamaka.White Guy
01:38:15 That's right, yamaka. It's like the motorcycle only with AK Yamaka.Stereotypical Jew
01:38:19 Jamaica, remember it. However, you need to have.Narrator
01:38:21 Ah.White Guy
01:38:22 Tell me is.01:38:23 It only on special occasions that the kids put those little propellers on it.
Stereotypical Jew
01:38:26 We don't do that.White Guy
01:38:27 Oh no. But they also make very good pianos.01:38:32 Who does Yamaha Japanese friends?
Stereotypical Jew
01:38:35 Oh, I didn't know this. I knew about the Steinway. I.White Guy
01:38:37 Knew, of course, Steinway. That'd be your people. The only time there's a chance to make a buck by jump in their feet first, huh?Stereotypical Jew
01:38:42 It's an excellent instrument.01:38:43 Yeah, well, we got a.
01:38:44 Cheapie over there? Yeah. Fine, fine. Tonight. Steinway Klein.
White Guy
01:38:48 Could you get US1 like a discount wholesale?Stereotypical Jew
01:38:51 I would have to make a few calls. I.White Guy
01:38:54 Hey this is terrific. I think we have a great relationship here. I'm glad we met.Devon Stack
01:38:59 And again, the kernel of truth.01:39:01 From today's context, which is different of course, than when it aired.
01:39:08 Is that the boomer doesn't see a threat.
01:39:10 He sees economic opportunity.
01:39:16 I'm this bumbling, uncultured fool.
01:39:19 I don't know anything about the Jews.
01:39:23 But my ears perk up when I hear that you might be able.
01:39:26 To actually get me a deal on something.
01:39:29 You mean?
01:39:30 By having you around, I can maybe get something cheaper.
01:39:35 And then we'll gloss over all this other stuff.
01:39:39 I'm this bumbling, bumbling, uncultured fool.
01:39:45 Yamaha Yamaha Steinway out of you can get me a deal on a piano you can.
01:39:54 That's all that matters to me, the consumerist.
White Guy
01:40:00 Let me ask you something.01:40:00 Else, what are these little?
Stereotypical Jew
01:40:02 Things called oh, these are peus.White Guy
01:40:04 What else passed by the 15th will repossess. I'm pulling your leg. Yeah. OK. Have a piece of ham. A nice cold glass of milk.Stereotypical Jew
01:40:11 Maybe, maybe to take for the dog. I would.Devon Stack
01:40:14 Ah yes, your ham. Your white people ham is only worthy of the dog because it's not kosher.Narrator
01:40:21 40% of all the kosher beef eaten in Israel comes from Paraguay. This is shackle and hoist kosher slaughter at the Frigo Chaco slaughterhouse. Workers electrically prod terrified cows.01:40:34 Into a squeeze box where they chain them by two legs. The bottom then drops open, causing the cows to plunge to.
01:40:41 The kill floor.
01:40:47 Workers then hoist the struggling cows by their chained legs and swing them into place to wrestle the cow's heads into position. Workers grab them by the nose with a metal hook and pin their heads to the floor with a sharp, pronged tool called the devil's floor.
Devon Stack
01:41:04 Now that's good eating. We can't have your ham goy.01:41:09 We can't have your hand going because it wasn't, uh, held down to the floor with the the Devil's Hook.
01:41:21 And then we.
01:41:22 Go to the wife who is now meeting the.
01:41:26 The new neighbors.
01:41:28 The Indian neighbors who are moving in.
01:41:31 Diversifying the neighborhood.
01:41:34 And yet all of her, all of her attempts to be neighborly.
01:41:40 All of her her goodwill.
01:41:46 It's.
01:41:49 It's lampooned.
01:41:52 Denigrated the the noses of the viewers are supposed to turn up ohh. She's so out of touch. This stupid ******* white ***** trying to be nice to her new neighbor.
Terry Garr
01:42:02 So when Irma told me that one of.01:42:03 My neighbors was.
01:42:04 Sick.
01:42:05 I decided to do the neighborly.
White Woman
01:42:07 Thing. Oh, I'm a Sikh, Mrs. Harrison.Barbara Lerner Spectre
01:42:08 I miss.Terry Garr
01:42:10 I'm not sick. Oh, oh.01:42:14 My face rather sometimes, you know, you just can't win for trying. Still, I think it's a shame to let good tomato soup go to waste. It's campbells. You know, I made it with milk instead.
01:42:23 Of water. Can I come in? Oh, sure.
Jewish Kid
01:42:26 But would you mind?Barbara Lerner Spectre
01:42:27 Leaving that stuff out here and taking.Terry Garr
01:42:29 Off your shoes, please. Oh.01:42:34 You know the beauty of this neighborhood, you'll discover, is that I can leave.
01:42:39 This hot out.
01:42:39 There and come out, you know, from your house whenever and it'll still be out there. Ohh, this is pretty.
Devon Stack
01:42:50 And the look of disdain on the Indian woman's face.01:42:56 Well, that that's that's a little too real these days to be funny, isn't it?
01:43:05 ******* white, Karen.
01:43:08 They then you know, go lean back into white people are physically inferior and sports ball watching white boomers worship the *****, which is.
01:43:20 Look, you know I got that one right, I guess.
White Guy
01:43:24 OK. Gentlemen, on my whistle jump ball.Martin Mull
01:43:27 Wait, wait, wait, wait. What's the point in going through with this? Really, I am not here to humiliate myself. I'm really here to realize a dream that every white male in America shares. And I think, and that is to meet a great black athlete and to be able to tell them we're friends in fact.01:43:43 Could you sign this?
01:43:45 To Marty, Marty could be in quotes.
BBQ Song
01:43:48 I had a lot of black friends, by the way, and played football.Devon Stack
01:43:52 Ah yes.01:43:56 That is the kernel of truth on that one.
01:44:04 So then they start to wind down towards the conclusion here.
Martin Mull
01:44:07 From here I've tried to give you a true unbiased portrait of the white American, but no portrait is ever as revealing as the self-portrait. Let's face it, that's how we knew that Van Gogh was nuts. It is in much the same spirit.01:44:20 That white Americans are beginning to speak out to celebrate their own uniqueness in their own unique way. In gatherings all across this great country of ours.
Devon Stack
01:44:34 And of course, the joke is that's absurd. Whites aren't allowed to have pride.01:44:40 Whites are embarrassed to have pride. It feels like there's something dirty about it.
01:44:47 That's why I opened up the.
01:44:52 The defiant video.
01:44:55 Was something similar.
White Comedian
01:44:57 Years ago, when the comedian perform and as a part of his act did something like a racial roll.01:45:02 Call to get the crowd warmed up.
01:45:04 So sorry about me saying black.
01:45:05 People in the house.
01:45:06 Tonight, those claps and cheers and he said if you're black in here tonight and you're proud, I want you to put your.
01:45:12 Fist in the.
01:45:12 Air your black.
01:45:13 Power and all the black.
01:45:15 People in attendance with unison and with.
01:45:17 Pride. They put their fists in.
01:45:18 The air. They yell. Black power.
01:45:21 And then he said, what about Latinos and the Latinos in the house? And it's claps and cheers. And he said if you're Latino on here tonight and you're proud, put your fist in the air and yell lock Pino cloud, same thing. All the Latinos in unison with private, with the fists in.
01:45:35 The air, the Latino power.
01:45:38 And then come out, said any white.
01:45:39 People in the house tonight.
01:45:42 And there was a few clouds and he said if you're working here tonight and you're proud, I want you to put.
01:45:47 Your fist in the air? Yell one pal.
01:45:51 And there was science.
Devon Stack
01:45:54 And there was silence.01:45:58 Because in 1985, like some things change, some things don't change.
01:46:03 And in 1985, it was just as.
01:46:07 Uncomfortable for white people to express any kind of pride.
01:46:12 As it is today.
01:46:15 So they do this. They're so look, look at this meaning of white people who are trying to celebrate pride in themselves. But it's all a big joke because really, what do we have?
01:46:24 To be proud of.
White Guy
01:46:27 Hi. Hi.01:46:29 But sure, we also have our shortcomings. We can't run as fast or dance as well as others. Which reminds me of a wonderful joke call, Adams told me a few minutes ago. I will not repeat it in mixed company.
01:46:40 We also don't have the rich heritage that others may have.
01:46:44 And no, we don't know good foods from.
01:46:46 Bad.
01:46:47 And yes, we tend to get uptight when it comes to the subject of SX. And yes, we depend too much on dairy products. And yes, perhaps our white leaders have single handedly screwed up the greatest experiment in democracy in the history of mankind and cause endless strife and irreparable damage.
01:47:05 Throughout the rest of the world.
Devon Stack
01:47:07 Ohh yeah, we're just we're just evil.01:47:10 Were a bunch of boring ***** that like dairy products that are essentially parasites or even worse, we're just we're predators.
01:47:21 Going around the world destroying everything, that's why everyone demands to live in our country. But surely, surely they could think of one thing that white people did.
01:47:31 Right. There's gotta be one good thing the white people did, right? Obviously there has to be something.
White Boy
01:47:40 When it was time for the world to roll up its sleeves and give dirt fura licking, he'd never forget who saved the most string and have the biggest tin foil balls concern white people, that's who.BBQ Song
01:47:55 I'll either *****.Devon Stack
01:47:58 Well, look at that.01:48:01 The only good thing white people did was get rid of Hitler.
BBQ Song
01:48:09 Very, very.Devon Stack
01:48:11 That's the only thing you're allowed to be, and you're not even allowed to.01:48:14 Be proud of that anymore.
01:48:18 Not that you should be.
01:48:21 Not that you should be, because you shouldn't be.
01:48:27 But even if you try to play.
01:48:28 By their rules.
01:48:30 Even if you try to play their game.
01:48:34 And live within their context.
01:48:37 Live within their paradigm.
01:48:42 And say, well, for ***** sake.
01:48:45 You can't be blaming me for the Holocaust. My grandpa died to stop it.
01:48:53 That doesn't even play anymore.
01:48:57 Because it never would have happened if it wasn't for you ******* goham.
01:49:03 You're no different.
01:49:05 Oh, we're supposed to be excited and thankful that you stopped yourselves from being awful.
01:49:16 That's the attitude.
01:49:20 So you don't even get that anymore.
White Daughter
01:49:24 And in the 50s, when the pinko threat was everywhere, who turned their downstairs bathroom into a bomb shelter and saved spam and candles so we could live to tell about it? Resourceful.White Woman
01:49:36 White people? That's too.Devon Stack
01:49:39 That's right, you're just a bunch of paranoid preppers that are afraid of commies.01:49:52 That's all you have to be proud of.
White Woman
01:49:56 And.White Guy
01:49:58 And when Lee Iacocca, an Italian immigrant, and his Chrysler Corporation almost went belly up due to a lot of Japanese imports, who bailed him out, every American taxpayer, that's who, many of whom were white and couldn't have cared less and had the money taken out of their paycheck without even.01:50:14 Knowing about it.
Devon Stack
01:50:15 And now let's laugh at you for being the ******* tax cows that you are.01:50:23 That's all you're good for, goy.
01:50:26 All you're good for is is paying for the mistakes of the ruling class, funding their projects and then paying them, paying them off when.
01:50:33 They go awry.
01:50:37 You're just. You're literally tax cattle.
01:50:43 Look, and that's that's just literally that's.
01:50:45 What it is?
01:50:47 For those, you're just listening, this is a graph that shows the average lifetime US budget impacted individuals by race. Whites are a.
01:50:56 A net gain.
01:51:00 In terms of you know this.
01:51:01 Is.
01:51:02 Federal budget impact a net gain of $221,000.
01:51:09 By the end of their life.
01:51:11 Latinos.
01:51:14 Or a net loss of over half, $1,000,000 at -588,000.
01:51:22 And of course, blacks.
01:51:25 Or the the most damaging.
01:51:29 In more ways than economic.
01:51:32 At a net loss of.
01:51:35 751,000.
01:51:46 You're just you're. That's all you're here for. You're you're just tax cows.
01:51:51 And you can get other countries. It's the same story. You know, this is in in the UK. It's the same ******* story. They use them the most resources and and pay the least amount into the system.
01:52:03 Leaving nothing left for you and your children.
01:52:07 And it's all a big joke.
01:52:11 And you'll laugh along with them.
01:52:13 You'll laugh along with them in 1985, just like and.
01:52:17 Many to do.
01:52:17 To do today, you're right. We can't dance, huh?
01:52:21 Ohh yeah, but our food's bad. That's why it's worth throwing our ******* society in the ******* toilet so we can have tacos.
White Daughter
01:52:37 I'm proud of our scientists.White Guy
01:52:39 We're proud of our professional people.White Daughter
01:52:42 Yeah, our name.White Guy
01:52:44 Get up here, here. Adams. Jack Lambert, in conclusion. In conclusion, I'd like to leave you with something my father used to tell me when I was just a lad. And I think it.01:52:54 Pretty well sums it all up.
Devon Stack
01:53:01 And that just about sums it up.01:53:08 And that is the end of volume 1.
01:53:12 The history of white people in America, like I said, they did a couple other volumes. I'll probably do another one of these on off. I'll do 3, but I might just cram the next two and two into one stream, but.
01:53:26 That, you know, good suggestion. Whoever suggested that last. I forgot to paste the name.
01:53:34 That's it really gives an eye opener. It really does give you a some insight as to not just the anti white propaganda, how long it's been going on and obviously the people behind it, but also the audience.
01:53:51 The white boomers that thought this was hilarious in.
01:53:53 1985.
01:53:56 And it kind of gives you some insight as to why you hear the sorts of things that you.
01:54:01 Hear from them today.
01:54:03 Because this is the kind of **** they were laughing up at Home, Mac and 1985 watching Cinemax.
01:54:08 When our biggest problem was what kind of toilet seat cover their wife wanted.
01:54:16 When the new Indian neighbor was something exotic and interesting.
01:54:27 When it's OK that there's Jamal going to school with Tommy because Jamal.
01:54:33 His family was kings.
01:54:38 And little Shlomo, all the suffering.
01:54:46 The suffering, like the suffering of the Jew visiting the white family, had to go through listening to the meat headed father.
01:54:56 With his culturally insensitive jokes and inability to understand the differences which are vast between Jews and whites.
01:55:18 Because you know what?
01:55:24 That's the kind of humor that's funny.
01:55:27 When your life is that *** **** easy.
01:55:39 All right, guys, let's take a little look at Hyper chats. You know, just a reminder also I was going to 9 Nation reviews thousandth episode Tuesday. As you guys noticed, that didn't happen. So we're scheduled for tomorrow I believe and and so I'll I'll tweet out and put on telegram when that happens.
01:55:58 But just a reminder there.
01:56:00 Alright, let's take a look at Odyssey.
01:56:07 Bump, Bump, bump, bump.
01:56:11 Bessemer 72.
Money Clip
01:56:14 When you're trying to save money.01:56:16 A good rule to follow is to.
01:56:25 Take it from me, Jim. Neighbors, it'll pay dividend.
Devon Stack
01:56:28 That's where 72. Hi, Devin. I have a friend in Old Fort, NC, and I keep thinking of your chestnut.01:56:36 Chestnut tree addition. It looked like chestnut Ree. These are some tough, strong folk. Still heartbroken, it is like a nuclear bomb without the radiation my brother says.
01:56:52 Pretend you are dead, avoid the mortgage, etc. And I say brilliant bug out.
01:56:59 Not sure that I don't.
01:57:01 Not exactly clear about that, but I get what you saying. The first part about North Carolina, the chestnut tradition. If you guys haven't seen that, it goes over a well, a very real consequence of early globalization in America and the death of the the chestnut tree.
01:57:20 In America.Devon Stack
01:57:22 But yeah, that's some crazy **** going out there, going on out there in North Carolina in that whole part of the country that's.01:57:31 That's suffering from the the consequences of the the hurricane, and obviously our hearts and our thoughts go out to the people dealing with that mess, which will probably persist for from what I can tell for a while, doesn't seem like a whole lot of.
01:57:51 Whole lot of.
01:57:53 Help is getting through to a lot of those people.
01:57:57 Due to either incompetence or intention, hard to know, hard to know, sometimes, right Bessemer again?
Stereotypical Jew
01:58:09 Where? Where?Devon Stack
01:58:11 Hey.01:58:16 Hi Devin. I start thinking OK, Holocaust is BS. Fine, but how do they swing this massive false flag? I start digging and thus it is not a stream suggestion.
01:58:27 But.
01:58:28 Ohh.
01:58:28 Wait and discover the first Holocaust movie none shall escape. Available on YouTube. Easy watch several cast members banishes for card carrying commie.
01:58:39 Kind of get what you're saying there, the the real big one. I think that actually programmed a lot of Americans into believing that the Holocaust was a thing, was a made for TV.
01:58:52 We series it was a I mean it was a mini series called the Holocaust, starring Meryl Streep. In fact, a lot of the the, the actors playing the Jews in the movie are not Jewish, which was often the case in these.
01:59:08 Situations is they don't want you to be able to identify Jews. They wanted you to relate to white people playing.
01:59:13 Jews in their movies.
01:59:15 Meryl Streep plays one Jew, I think.
01:59:18 James Wood Woods plays a another Jew.
01:59:23 But yeah, that that was that was a big one. I haven't seen none shell escape. Maybe I'll take.
01:59:28 A look at that.
01:59:29 But yeah, there's there was. It was basically the way it started. From what I understand because if you look at not just you know you can look at Churchills writings about the war, he doesn't mention it.
01:59:40 You can look at encyclopedias in the years following the war, there's no mention of the Holocaust. You don't start hearing about a Holocaust.
01:59:49 Until you start.
01:59:51 Looking at.
01:59:53 I'd say the 60s Jews start making movies about that, but a lot of that was.
01:59:58 Is.
01:59:59 Tied to fundraising for their new country in the Middle East, Israel.
02:00:08 And starting to and a lot of it, that propaganda was for the gory, but a lot of it was also for the Jew. They were trying to get a lot of Jews to move to Israel, and one way to scare up.
02:00:19 Jews into, you know, getting away from the scary goyum was to whip up this this story about the Holocaust. So.
02:00:27 That's that it.
02:00:28 Worked for that. It worked for fundraising, it worked for white guilt. I mean, it's it.
Bob Eubanks
02:00:32 Because.Devon Stack
02:00:33 Like I said, it's fascinating because this.02:00:35 Is not you.
02:00:35 Know well, I mean, aside from some Soviet propaganda that happened right after the war and stuff like that, it wasn't something that was discussed the way that it's just discussed today, immediately after the fact. Right. Which is odd.
02:00:51 Bessemer again.
02:00:57 Hi Devin. Ohh wait. That just did that one and test audiences, hooligans, cheer for the Nazis. But you can see in this early movie what they are aiming at with a look for an early view of what they were thinking.
02:01:14 And you still talk about movie, I guess. And then you say I'm super interested in how or who pulled this off, and I believe Hollywood is the answer. The undying quest to uncover any Nazi. Anyone who could deflect the Holocaust story. Well, they looked at a lot of it. Some of it started before the war too, because there was.
02:01:34 There was a lot of.
02:01:35 Of propaganda that was used to try to get people to want to go to a lot of Americans have German heritage. They don't want to go to war with Germany, so some of it was just war propaganda and it wasn't to the degree that it turned in that it wasn't like Schindler's List type ****, but it was. They were saying, oh, the persecution of the Jews and.
02:01:55 And you know Hitler's going to kill all the Jews and that sort of rhetoric was being used. That just wasn't.
02:02:02 Again, it wasn't refined and mechanized and and pumped out on on an industrial scale like it is today.
02:02:13 I don't know. I don't. I'm sure if someone has has written a.
02:02:17 A A more concise history about how that propaganda.
02:02:23 Has or more thorough history, rather of how that propaganda was rolled out? Maybe that's something that's maybe worthy of a a stream. If I could find like that that the dominoes that fell to get to Schindler's List.
02:02:36 But thank you for the support there Bessemer and hopefully if you have any family or friends out there in North Carolina they are safe.
02:02:44 Chosen jawa.
02:02:59 Also about the Holocaust, what is like Holocaust Remembrance Day, chosen? Jawa says. We had to study the Holocaust every few years starting in 4th grade in 7th grade history class. As we were studying it yet again, I raised my hand and asked the teacher why Hitler would kill so many Jews.
02:03:16 He paused for a few minutes and said that there was a significant evidence that Hitler was.
02:03:21 Demon possessed and that Satan was retaliating against the Jews for being God's chosen people who God used to bring Christ into the world. What school?
02:03:32 Did you go?
02:03:32 To despite the Jews rejecting Jesus, he said, God allowed almost all the Jews to be killed by Hitler so they could finally repent and accept.
02:03:41 Christ.
02:03:43 I mean, I've heard, you know, Christians say stuff like that, but I that's surprising that you're, I mean.
02:03:50 Unless you went.
02:03:50 To a A, a Christian private school or something that's surprising that your teacher would have said.
02:03:57 Chosen John Wall again.
Money Clip
02:04:00 When you're trying to save money.Martin Mull
02:04:02 A good rule to follow is to.Money Clip
02:04:11 Take it from there, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.Devon Stack
02:04:14 Devin, I actually never heard of Schindler's List before. How did you never. That's like the most famous Holocaust movie of all time. That's like Steven Spielberg, you know, like, that's what started the whole.02:04:25 I mean, that's Speaking of fundraising. That's what they use to fund that massive museum with, like, the hologram Holocaust survivors and all that stuff like that.
02:04:34 OK, but that's you're probably younger then because that then everyone everyone's heard of that that was alive. You weren't alive in the 90s. I think if you were alive in the early 2000s, you had to for anyway.
02:04:35 Well.
02:04:47 Before you heard you talk about it, it was never mentioned at my school, but our senior trip was to DC and we had to dedicate one day to a tour of the Holocaust Museum. Upon entering, we were all given a random ID card of a Jew with a name and bio.
02:05:02 No one was allowed to take pictures of this sacred place, even though the museum staff insisted that we never forget. We got to see piles of shoes. Of course, there's always the piles of shoes and jewelry as well as read about all the supposed medical experiments. By the end of the Long tour, you got to turn in your Jew.
02:05:22 ID card and find out what particular Jews.
02:05:27 State was, by the end of the war, since you were metaphorically role-playing as whatever Jew was on your ID card. It was supposed to make it seem real and personal. Back then I remember sensing that something felt off, like we weren't getting the full story or that you were getting full on SIOP like I've never been to it. I used to work near the museum.
02:05:47 But that's that's crazy, man. That's crazy. I mean that it sounds it sounds brilliant. Like it sounds brilliant.
02:05:58 And give it to the Jews because they are masters of propaganda and masters of psychology and masters of syops. And that sounds like an amazingly effective PSYOP.
02:06:12 Especially if you get someone that's younger. I mean, holy ****.
02:06:17 That sounds it sounds like it's probably. That probably leaves a really.
02:06:24 Strong impression in the minds of of many of the young tour attendees.
02:06:32 That's that's pretty crazy. I've never heard that. That's what they.
02:06:35 Did.
02:06:37 Alia Nushka says to to Bill Mott. Again, will Russia varies from place to place.
02:06:43 There are depressive regions deep and up, like deep in Appalachia in the US, where you'll only find dysgenics and Alcoholics. Well, let's be nice to Appalachia right now, OK? They're going through some **** and they.
02:06:55 And there are some more or less decent farm regions in southwestern part of the country. The general tendency is similar to the US smart and ambitious young people moved to the big cities for education and job opportunities. Small towns exist mostly around one or two big factory.
02:07:16 And the quality of life there depends on how good the factory is doing. I would recommend you visit the country 1st and live there for a few months before you sell everything and buy a one way ticket. You can find stories online about Americans and Canadians who have moved to Russia. I'm happy to chat more with you and.
02:07:36 Or anyone else. And then you've got a e-mail address for people who want to reach out to you. And and I'll I'll I won't read it out just cause.
02:07:48 It's right there in the. If you're watching this later, it's in the it's in the, it will stay as one of the comments in the.
02:07:56 Chat.
02:07:57 So there you can reach out.
02:08:00 And get more information on that if that's what you want to do. I I'd I'd be. Look, I'd be interested in, in, in visiting and checking it out. Like I I've said before, I I know a tiny bit of Russian tiny bit. It's in fact most of it's gone now because we're this is from like high school that I know that's Russian.
02:08:20 And so it's, it's at this point it's reduced to like hello, my name is Devin, you know.
02:08:26 I it it's it's like my Spanish and it's like I like, I want to go to the library and things like that.
02:08:35 Where is the bathroom?
02:08:38 But it would be it'd be fascinating to go there. I don't know. What? What? If it's weird to go there now? Like, what kind of what kind of lists you end up on just by going?
02:08:47 But there you go, Violet begs Productions, says Devin. I just heard about good guy Matt Walsh's new film. Am I a racist? What are your thoughts on this? Do you think this is mind ******* under the guise of anti DRI to distract the masses from actually looking deep into the threat of their own replacement?
02:09:07 Thanks. Yeah, I haven't watched it, but my from everything I've heard from people who have, it's just stupid, you know, boilerplate boomer, you know stuff that's it's. And obviously doesn't mention the Jews or or anything like that.
02:09:23 It's it's, it's very and it's just.
02:09:28 Honestly it it might as well been made in 1985 when this movie was made. It's almost like an apologetic. Yeah, we're white. We yeah, we like. We like cheese sandwiches. So look, you know, but I mean, I haven't seen it. So I don't know. I I have to. I I guess at some point I should I just really don't want to put myself through that I mean.
02:09:48 Like I do a lot for you guys, but.
02:09:51 I will do anything for love, but I won't do that. I don't know. Maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll watch it, right, but I just really. I don't know. Maybe I'll. I'll suffer through it. I just have this.
02:10:06 I I just feel like I already know what it's exactly what it's going to be like, but what?
02:10:11 Chosen Jawas says just a reminder around this time of year, Devon made the Zionist edition stream. He pointed out that a lot of female relief money is only accessible by filling out your paperwork. That includes a loyalty pledge to Israel sees Dynasty edition of the 5530 Mark Hurricane.
02:10:30 Victims read before you sign. That's true. When they had a hurricane.
02:10:34 Yeah.
02:10:35 Which one I don't.
02:10:36 Remember which one it was, but the one that hit the Gulf of Mexico. And when the Texas a couple.
02:10:40 Of years back.
02:10:42 In order to get your FEMA bucks, you had to sign some paperwork that pledged never to boycott Israel.
02:10:50 And and and and basically some other **** that was weirdly, you know, that was about Israel. That was in there. That was I I don't have it handy. But like you can. I'm sure you just look up Texas, FEMA, Israel pledge or something like that. You'll have stuff that comes up. In fact. I think Al Jazeera did a whole thing on it.
02:11:11 There was this.
02:11:12 Of course, that was the context, right? Oh, poor Muslim woman. She's a teacher and she can't get her FEMA bucks because.
02:11:19 She she has a moral.
02:11:22 Moral obligation not to support Israel or something like that, as if only Muslims could have a problem with that, Todd Zilla.
Martin Mull
02:11:32 Why is money management?BBQ Song
02:11:35 There's the rest. Thank.Edie McClurg
02:11:38 You.Devon Stack
02:11:39 Todd Zilla says can't wait to listen to the replay in the morning. Did you hear about the about Soros picking up the licenses for over 200 radio stations, reminding me of JP Morgan buying up all the newspapers to sell US on World War One? Sure, I'll be a great show. As always. It's OK to be white. Yeah, I did hear about that.02:11:59 And.
02:12:00 Honestly, I was a little surprised because I don't know how effective radio stations are anymore.
02:12:06 And I'm a radio guy I like. I like radio. I mean, I don't.
02:12:09 Like.
02:12:10 I don't listen to the radio anymore, and but that's the thing. Even a radio guy doesn't listen to the radio anymore. So it's it's kind of like, really, who you're reaching at that point. It's just real bottom of the barrel.
02:12:24 Or people are either people stuck in their cars.
02:12:27 That still listen to radio old people.
02:12:30 Or just really ******* poor people. But even really ******* poor people have phones now, so I don't know by listening the the times that I have listened to the radio within the last year or so, one thing I've noticed is you can tell that most of the advertising is either geared towards really old people.
02:12:51 And we're talking like Funeral Home ads and stuff like that, or Mexicans. And that's that. That's like the two demographics that I hear being advertised.
02:13:00 That on the radio, so who knows? Who knows really what he has in mind for that. But I do think it's so. I mean, look, I guess if you're George Soros and you have more money than ******* Oprah, then why not, right? I mean, I'd probably buy a radio station if I had the money, but, but no, because it would be fun to have a radio station. I don't know why he's got it exactly, but yeah.
02:13:21 Who knows? It's probably. I doubt that it's it's. That's the whole plan. My guess is that's one tiny piece of a much larger propaganda plan, if anything.
02:13:31 A tomato potato.
02:13:46 Looking forward to the show, thank you for all your work. May I have some pasta fazul? No, I still haven't cut that out. I do have it, though.
02:13:53 I I hopefully I'll have it for you by next stream.
02:13:57 Had a lot of stuff going on over here the last little bit, so I haven't had a chance to get to.
02:14:03 But thank you for your support there, Mark ESPY says unsolicited investment advice in the next 10 to 20 years, there's going to be a big boomer die off, and with it the largest junk transfer in history. Millennials don't want the boomers garbage big or bet big and invest in junk removal.
02:14:23 Companies.
02:14:25 Yeah, I kind of wonder what will happen with all that. I do kind of wonder what will happen with all that. In fact, part of me wants to sell off.
02:14:34 All my old radios and then just buy them back when all the boomers that buy them die.
02:14:42 I guess look, if you're into muscle cars right, then you're probably chomping at the bit. You just wait a few years and you'll have a have a muscle cars classic. I've noticed, by the way, just by looking at and like Craigslist things and stuff like that at cars, there are cars that would have been like 20 grand not that long ago that are going for like.
02:15:01 5 grand.
02:15:03 So it's already sort of begun, Stryker says, as a follow up to your Cherry Hill Jew, let's just say I had a personal relationship with a similar the less high profile case wife killer Manfred Schachner. And so Cal. I could not find the original date.
02:15:22 Plan episode a link for the chat there. Well, there you go. Maybe I'll take a look at that.
02:15:30 You explained the link and it was.
02:15:33 Wasn't just random links so.
02:15:35 That's fine. That's fine I guess.
02:15:38 But thank you very much, striker El Franco says. As a form of gratitude for accepting my extreme request, here is some shekels for you to go buy more bee stuff. Sadly, can't be on the stream than I do to work tomorrow, but I will catch the replay for sure. Oh, there, El Franco, I am assuming.
02:15:58 Is the one that recommend.
02:15:59 This mockumentary and yeah, it's I was. I wasn't too surprised because I've seen their other their other I I knew kind of like the tone and what to expect like the the the snarky you know tone that it was going to I didn't realize how.
02:16:15 It was going to be, I thought it was going to maybe kind of be funny, you know, let's make fun of ourselves a little bit. Not like constant constant constant hate hating on ******.
02:16:27 But I think again, why? Why would I? Why? I don't know why I was surprised. I should have expected that mighty Mouse says. Happy birthday, dad. Hail, black pill. Well, there you go. Happy birthday to Mighty Mouse's dad.
02:16:40 Pebble in the pond.
02:16:48 Pebble, the pond. I'll have to cast the replay, but look forward.
02:16:51 To the stream. I appreciate that Pebble in the pond.
02:16:55 Land of the fake home of the gay. I don't have any money. Don't listen to me. I'm just ********. Well, there you go. Great Plains Calvary says base content and great tunes. As always. The Cherry Hill edition intro made me feel like I was taking a long drive into the desert. Thanks for giving us a night.
02:17:16 Call DJ stag. Well, I appreciate that.
02:17:20 And yeah, the the melancholy music is sometimes appropriate.
02:17:25 Size matter says been catching up on strings and heard your mom was natural pathic. It seems like every boomer white mom is into some alternative medicine. My mom is really into homeopathy. I'm mostly open minded. Anything that challenges Big Pharma, but some of it raises an eyebrow.
02:17:45 Well, medicine or snake oil, I'd say it.
Bob Eubanks
02:17:47 It's.Devon Stack
02:17:48 It's.02:17:49 Like 90% snake oil and 10% you know because look some you can, I mean there's there are I mean aspirin for example comes from like tree bark like cocaine comes from cocoa leaves, marijuana is a leaf. Like it's not that you can't have.
02:18:10 Natural things that have active ingredients that actually affect the human body in some way. Obviously that there's there's lots of things in nature that that can provide some kind of.
02:18:23 Personal effect, but I'd say about 90% of it's garbage. In fact, a lot of it, maybe even it's real. A lot of it's not even really what it's labeled a lot of.
02:18:33 It's just fake.
02:18:34 ****, especially from China, right? Like China is like, you know, in some cases, basically just sending you baby powder and calling it.
02:18:44 I don't know some kind of nootropic or something like that, and people are are taking it thinking it's great and it's probably giving them cancer.
02:18:52 But yeah, a lot of boomer moms were into this stupid hippie ****, ripped homeless guy, says reformation. After Reformation and secularization of Christianity, IE Orthodoxy to Catholicism, to Lutheranism, to Protestants, you name it, has given birth to the American liberalism.
02:19:11 Which in turn creates people with no stressed traditions, acceptable ambition and light hardness towards debt.
02:19:21 Well, I guess I guess that's that's a theory. I would say that that.
02:19:28 The multiculturalism.
02:19:31 In Americas?
02:19:34 Founding documents, or what allowed for that to happen, is also what's what made it so we didn't have a lot of tradition and we had the fact that it was a Christian country almost almost 100%. And while there were all these different varieties of Christianity, there was some shared, you know, there's some common ground where, you know, like the the holidays.
02:19:54 Even that would at least give you some kind of commonality with everybody.
02:19:58 Else and, but yeah, I have not the lack I guess, of an official religion in this in this country and really the lack of any kind of of.
02:20:12 Constraints on other other.
02:20:15 Religious groups or ethnicities, namely the Jews, coming into the country and poisoning the well, I think, has done a lot of damage.
02:20:25 Let's see here. Well, especially in terms of light, the hardness towards debt. You don't think Jews had any influence on that? Fanatical Socialist says everyone should follow impartial truth on Twitter. He makes national socialist propaganda and.
02:20:44 Is sometimes going viral, so there's a plug for that Twitter account. If you want to check.
02:20:51 Check out Bill Monigan, Bill Monaghan said. Putting this on premium cable helps make mocking white Americans the in thing.
02:21:11 For the upper class people, that made it easier for them to sleep at night while helping dismantle the middle class. Class. Envy then got middle class kids to get premium cable after left home and poison, and the poison spreads? Exactly, exactly that.
02:21:29 That's that's what I was saying at first. Like you might think. Well, by having this just on premium cable, it's not going to have quite the impact that it would.
02:21:36 If it was.
02:21:36 On national television. But I think that actually you could make the argument that it in the long run had more of an impact because you were, it was well, it was, it was targeted.
02:21:49 Very specifically targeted, it wasn't just like a shotgun effect. It was like a laser beam.
02:21:55 But thank you very much. Bill monigan. Brody. Hey, Devin. I look forward to the replay later. Thanks for having us stream tonight. Keep up the good work. Well, I appreciate that.
02:22:06 No, curtain says Ah Harry Shearer, the Jew who voiced Mr. Burns, the rich, greedy, big nosed Jew or big nosed white man who was animated to highly resemble Baron Jacob Rothschild. Coincidence, right?
02:22:25 Oh, is that? That is. That is who Harry Shearer was. I forgot about that. Yeah, a lot of these guys that you'll find a lot of these Jews that that worked in a lot of this anti white stuff did like in fact I think the last thing we covered and one of the guys involved with that also worked on The Simpsons.
02:22:43 Magnum opus.
02:22:47 Magnum Opus, a few years ago when we moved, my realtor was showing us a house that obviously owned or was obviously owned by Jews. Given the decor, one of the walls and the master bedroom was all built bookshelves with nothing but literature about Hitler, World War 2, and Nazi memorabilia. Seems like the last ship.
02:23:07 I would want my bedroom if I was a Jew. Well, unless you got off on being the victim, then you might.
02:23:15 Might really like it.
02:23:19 Interesting story there, Magnum opus.
02:23:22 Love and division.
BBQ Song
02:23:26 Hello.Devon Stack
02:23:40 Love and division? I saw Martin Mullen concert back then. I was noticing it was common to hear whites being put down. I interpreted this as whites were understood to be a superior or be superior because only whites could withstand criticism. I didn't see the malice.02:23:58 And I think again that's that's like I said, they felt so lots of whites felt so comfortable in the 80s being whites that.
02:24:06 They thought that to make fun of anyone else would be punching down. They felt so secure and their superiority. They thought that they had to make fun of themselves because that they made fun of anyone else. They'd be like picking on the ******** kid.
02:24:21 And they didn't.
02:24:22 Or at least.
02:24:22 That's how the audience looked at it. That is not, as you say, how the the writers looked at it, and that was not the end result.
02:24:32 Tipsy Mcstay Agger says I'm recommending the 1999 movie The Mating Habits of Earthbound human for strain and anthropologists from an alien planet provides voice over commentary for a documentary on human courtship, mating and reproduction.
02:24:50 I know it's obvious as ****, just thought it would be a good filler episode. Why don't do filler episodes? This isn't a filler episode.
02:25:01 I don't know. Maybe if I'm, like, really lazy someday, but that's.
02:25:04 The thing is even.
02:25:05 I was really lazy. I still have.
02:25:06 To watch the movies doesn't help me out.
02:25:11 If I'm gonna have to watch a movie and edit it on the timeline, they better be a good one.
02:25:15 I don't know. I'll add it to the maybe pile though.
02:25:17 We'll take a look Aries.
02:25:33 Aries. I think it's important to recognize the root cause of the mess we're in. Uber boyo, Adam Green and Gnostic informant just had an incredibly interesting conversation about Christianity and its historical implications and revival of the old ways seems to be the solution.
02:25:52 It's on Uber, Boyles YouTube channel. Well, there you go. Is some I'm assuming a Pagan that is suggesting you take a look at that conversation. And I'm. I'm I'm guessing that the problem he sees is Christianity, but I don't know.
02:26:10 I I I don't think Christianity is the problem. I don't know. I don't think. I don't think paganism can be a solution just simply because I don't think anyone actually believes in paganism. You know, I mean, like, no one, maybe some people do. Maybe you're the exception. I just don't think that anyone actually like really, like realistically believes.
02:26:29 In Thor and **** like that, I just. Again, maybe you do.
02:26:34 I don't think you do, but maybe maybe I'm wrong.
02:26:38 And I think for for a solution to work, people have to actually believe in it.
02:26:44 John Chud says every week I think Devin has shown me the most Jewish thing I'll ever see. Well, well.
02:26:53 Yeah. Well, it it's uh.
02:26:56 And it's not gonna there's there's a lot more Jewish.
02:26:58 Things out there.
02:26:59 It's just keep tuning in that if you think that I can't top this.
02:27:06 That well, for that matter, check out some of the some other episodes that we've we've done junior **** on this.
02:27:12 With any of the support there, Riddle of Steel says one thing I changed about my behavior to promote white identity was to remove the Yiddish lingo from my dialectics. For example, instead of saying that's kosher, I now say that's mighty bright and white.
02:27:29 Yeah, that's that's.
02:27:30 A difficult thing for people to get out of their vernacular is is saying stuff like kosher or saying stick or or just, you know, schmuck and things like. There's just things that that shows you, especially how I think the 90s kids that grew up in the 90s, you were just it was.
02:27:50 Saturation levels like you've never seen Yiddish words, and that's how philosemitic the 90s were. We're just Yiddish words were understood by the general public. By the 90s. A lot of that stuff still sounded like a foreign language, and the and well, even in 1985 when this thing was made. But the 90s, everyone ******* knew what shtick meant. What?
02:28:10 Kosher was what you know all that stuff and. And so yeah, it's something that I I find myself still sometimes accidentally doing that. And that's just a it's a product of the.
02:28:22 You know the repetition repetition works, but yeah, you should. I think you should make an effort to take that out of your out of your vocabulary. Riddle of Steel says whites are just so darn physically inferior that we make up 9 out of 10 of the top world's Strongest Man winners. Well, there you go.
02:28:43 There you go, white cake says. I know it's redundant to ask because Jews are evil, but what is the point of Jews torturing and terrorizing cows? The death? PS Hitler loved animals. The animals loved him. I don't. You have to take it up with the the rabbis who have decreed that you're not allowed to eat meat. That's not tortured to death.
02:29:05 Zazzy Mattas bot thanks for the show. Looks like a best seller for sure. It's sad to see that even back then how anti white people were.
02:29:15 Yeah, I I told you, it's it's these people that think that all this is new. Like somehow just in a vacuum. And suddenly and for no reason at all, the whole country became anti white. Like overnight just because they just ******* took their head out of the sand doesn't mean it just ******* started.
02:29:35 And I think that's the big.
02:29:36 Problem.
02:29:37 Is especially I mean because the same the same boomers, they're not just boomers but the same boomers that were laughing at this show when it.
02:29:45 Was on TV.
02:29:46 Are the ones that think that they get. Oh. What? What the hell? This is all brand new. It's like no *****. You were laughing at this.
02:29:52 **** in 1985.
02:29:56 Arch Stanton says. I've been in a whole or I've seen a whole lot of posts on X saying that the hurricane was manufactured with you, laser or something, do you? There's anything to that. Now. I just think that hurricanes happen. It's a a natural phenomenon.
02:30:13 Until someone can show me evidence otherwise.
02:30:17 Clark Smith with the big don't know.
White Comedian
02:30:21 Money is pie. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend it.Devon Stack
02:30:26 Look, look how Julie this *** is.02:30:43 All right, Clark Smith says hi, Devon. I had a good month, so I'm catching up on my tides. Great stream tonight, as usual. I I.
02:30:53 Look forward to.
02:30:53 Each and every strain. Thanks for all you do. I appreciate that. It's very, very much helpful. Clark Smith. So thanks for digging deep there.
02:31:03 And supporting the show.
02:31:06 Bill monigan.
Bob Eubanks
02:31:09 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.Money Clip
02:31:20 Take it from me, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.Devon Stack
02:31:25 Also being generous. Thanks, Ari. Anushka, you're right about visiting Russia first. I'll try to find your contact info. You just scroll up, Bill. You just got a.02:31:36 Go to the tip tab in the chat window that you're in right now and and scroll up and our e-mail address is right.
02:31:40 Here I'll try to find your contact info. Thanks for the offer and Devon's right. It could be a fine trip either way. And you'd want to learn some conversational Russian first. It's in my plan C. Your plan D column. But I am thinking about it. Yeah. If if you do end up going that way, you're probably going to you're going to want to know.
02:32:01 I'm Russian. Luckily, a lot of the there's a lot of language programs that are, you know, apps and stuff like that, that make it easy these days and.
02:32:09 And it's not as difficult as it was not that long ago. Well, I guess for that matter, you also have the translation apps that will help you if you do go out there, that will make it easier. But I would never want to just rely on that. I mean, it was when I was out in Ukraine and I was, I mean, Ukrainians. The language is similar.
02:32:13 I want to go.
02:32:29 Enough. But I I mean.
02:32:32 It was. It was a nightmare sometimes. Cause I I don't know why. I guess it was as an American. I thought more people would speak English and and they didn't. I don't know if Russia is any different. It probably depends on what cities you go to like. I bet if you went to Moscow or something like that, it would be totally different than if you went to somewhere more rural there. Obviously.
02:32:52 Head hugger says homeopathy is 100% scam. Do Google. It's literally just water or sugar. It has nothing. Well, if you're talking about the.
02:33:03 Yeah, the diluted water stuff, the whole water has a memory. Yeah, that's complete ******* ********.
02:33:09 That's complete if that's what the homie. I don't know if that's what homeopathy is, 100%, but if that's what homeopathy is, where? Oh, no, you know to to get you to be immune to snake venom. We got this snake venom and we delivered it to the the level to where it's equal to a drop of snake venom.
02:33:29 And and.
02:33:30 Ocean and that's literally the the degree to which they they dilute these things.
02:33:35 And then we.
02:33:35 Put it in a vial and we're literally selling you a vial of water. And we're telling you that water has a memory and that water it. It's so it's, I mean it's that is 100% ********, if that's what what it is you're talking about. All that, that's 100%.
02:33:49 No, no question of ********.
02:33:53 Bill Monaghan says rules in America against eating domestic pet animals like dogs and cats, having religious exemptions. That level of freedom of religion is corrosive. We have to have some decent standards, not only that, just like the kosher slaughter should be illegal, the beating chickens to death like the.
02:34:12 The Jews in New York, the Hasidic Jews do, should be illegal. All that stuff should be sucking baby **** that you know, like rabbis do, when they circumcise babies. That should be illegal. All this stuff should be illegal. The fact that it's not tells you exactly who's in charge.
02:34:31 Veritas Hunter do white people know that the only makeup they only make up 7% of the world's population? A lot of white people don't know that. And in fact, if you if you wanna get more granular with it, and I mean, I was doing some research, research the other day and I was trying to get ChatGPT to give me an accurate.
02:34:51 Accounting.
02:34:52 Of of how many not, or how many people in the world have Anglo-Saxon heritage, and that would include, by the way, founding stock Americans, some of the of the population of New Zealand and Australia. Just altogether I try to get to complete.
02:35:12 Or completely estimate the world's percentage of Anglo Saxons and the number it came up with that it estimated was around 2%.
02:35:23 So I mean.
02:35:25 If look, if we don't ******* turn this **** around, we will cease to exist. That's just the way it is. It's the way it is.
02:35:33 Let's take a look over at Rumble.
02:35:41 Rumble all right.
02:35:45 Heat engine says here's my replay donation. Since the lobby is open. Thanks for doing what you do. I appreciate that hate engine.
02:35:54 Prairie Dog says can't wait for the replay. By the way, you you were way ahead of your. You were way ahead of the curve on the Puff Daddy stuff. Academic agent shouted you out on your or your stream, man, this is worded differently than how I talk. And so when as I read it, I'm I'm predicting that it's not that you weren't.
02:36:14 Incorrectly. It's just it's totally different than how I talk. So I start to predict.
02:36:18 The next word wrong anyway.
02:36:20 It's like if someone else is writing operating.
02:36:23 I don't know anyway.
02:36:26 As I should just read it slower as the best recap of the situation crazy that you posted this before the arrest. Well, it's just I look, there was a lot of smoke. There is a lot of noise being made on Black Twitter, so much so that it was bleeding over to White Twitter and I was I was interested in.
02:36:45 I I was. Yeah, I've told you. I used to listen to rap when I was, when I was a kid. I hate. I always hated Puff Daddy, though I always ******* hated Puff Daddy. I was more of like a Wu Tang, kind of a guy.
02:36:55 But I I was like, you know, I knew who these some of these rappers were, at least. And so I decided, OK, I'll take a look at this and.
02:37:05 Yeah, I mean it was, it was, it was horrifying. And how much evidence there was of a lot of this stuff was horrifying. And so it was, yeah, it was a rabbit once. Once. You never know. I don't always know where a rabbit hole is going to lead. In fact, sometimes it leads nowhere. It's not worthy of a string, but sometimes it goes in these weird directions.
02:37:27 Like holy ****, this is this is something.
02:37:30 And yeah, that, that's that's why you have to watch the insomnia stream.
02:37:36 Is you'll always be ahead of the curve, especially on big stuff like that. Ivan's Moose Cave, I think, is how you would pronounce that. Remember, moose your recent Daya?
02:37:49 Dyson, I think you mean discussions are becoming uncivilized. Our great, I highly advise people look into the writings of Robert E Howard, author of Conan the Barbarian.
02:38:00 In Howard's poem, a long or a song of the Naked Lands is 4 minutes and 20 seconds. Discussion on rejecting civilization for the natural state of man barbarism. Appreciate your work in mom stack. I don't know if I'm any mom, but there.
02:38:21 There you go. People want to check.
02:38:22 Poem out. He's linked that over on Rumble, to quote Howard. Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split. As a general thing, the ***** may be funny, but he is honest. Well, I don't know how honest they.
02:38:42 Are.
02:38:43 I don't know. Honestly are the the.
02:38:45 The ego can also be cunning, can be cunning and crafty in certain situations, but yes, there is value in being at least somewhat savage, or at least having the capacity for savagery. I would agree with that 100%.
02:39:00 And thank you for the support there, fancy pants and MP fives. I set my alarm for the show, but I'm falling back asleep. I will catch the replay. It is after 6:00 AM here in the UK. Get classified.
02:39:19 We had a treat with this. Be prepared and aware things are hotting up. Well, I appreciate that.
02:39:27 And good luck over there. In the UK, things are definitely, well, interesting everywhere, right? It's weird how it it's it's like all the white countries are on some level In Sync with each other in terms of, well, because we're all dealing with the same problem at the same time, right. There is a little bit of a.
02:39:43 I don't know. I guess you could say a crisis worldwide for for whites right now. See what I saw in 902 says my boomer friends think that America is failing because they turned its back on Israel. Common is a common delusion of of.
02:40:01 Obama is the problem, and Trump should make Mark Levin a prosecutor, to drain the swamp. Very cult like why they? Well, you're talking about talk radio listening boomers. In fact, I'd.
02:40:14 Like to do a.
02:40:15 A stream on talk radio because I really don't think people understand how insanely Boomer Zionist.
02:40:21 Talk radio is today. I occasionally click into talk radio when I'm in the car and.
02:40:29 It's one of those things where I shouldn't be. I shouldn't be surprised. And yet I'm always surprised the depths that that they've remained like there's it has, they haven't.
02:40:40 It's like the discussion on Twitter is moving right and so you kind of get the the false impression that that everywhere in right wing media that the Overton Window is shifting at least a little bit like maybe not as much as it is on Twitter, but it's it hasn't shifted at all since like 95 on talk radio it.
02:40:59 Just hasn't at all.
02:41:01 Then we got one last one here at the end, cat hugger, says Mark Colette said favorite produced media by one of ours was your breakdown of the propaganda and The Simpsons by you. All of our guys love you. I appreciate that. And I like Mark Collett too. In fact, I'm probably going to be on a stream with him in the.
02:41:21 Not so distant future.
02:41:24 Coming up definitely in October sometime to go over a a film so.
02:41:31 Look forward to that and I will give you guys a heads up on that. Alright guys. Well thanks for for showing up on this Wednesday and spending the time with me to watch Part 1 of the history of white people in America. Like I said, we'll do a Part 2 at least. I don't know if we'll do Part 3 or if we'll just shove both of the next.
02:41:51 Two volumes into the next stream, maybe make it a little bit longer.
02:41:55 I have watched it yet, so we'll have to.
02:41:57 See what kind?
02:41:57 Of what kind of degenerate garbage is in it, but we'll.
02:42:01 See. All right, guys. Well, I hope you have a good rest of your week.
02:42:05 And like I said, I'll be on my initial view thousand thousandth episode tomorrow night and I'll post the information about about that on Twitter and Telegram in the meantime.
02:42:19 For Black pilled, I am of course.
02:42:22 Devon stack.
02:42:27 You get the bag you gonna get.
02:42:29 It.
02:42:31 OK.
02:42:34 Get the bug and get the bug.
02:42:38 You get the bug.
02:42:40 Yeah, that driving you crazy? Not gonna get it.
02:42:46 Get the mug, get the mug. Get it.