11/16/2024Speaker 1
00:00:00 2631926319.00:00:09 37842.
00:00:14 378-428-0120.
00:00:24 80120.
00:00:29 78362.
00:00:34 78362.
00:00:39 37425.
00:00:43 37425.
00:00:48 9770297702.
00:01:33 For both.
Speaker 2
00:01:34 And.Speaker 3
00:02:31 Together.00:02:38 And maybe we'll come back.
00:03:01 It's the final.
00:03:23 And still we stay out.
00:03:35 With so many items to go.
Speaker 4
00:04:43 Alright.Speaker 3
00:05:15 It's the.Gary Rubin
00:05:52 For you.Speaker 6
00:05:59 Right. Reagan campaign message to minority voters take 37 Canada off, Mr. President.00:06:05 6789.
00:06:12 Ah.
00:06:13 Oh yeah, Lord help me.
00:06:16 Nancy, now, let me hear a little bass now, Nancy, so good. She's fine. You're cooking now, father, dear al. Smoking. But we're in a groove.
00:06:31 That's groove, Sir. Groove. We're in a groove now. Slip me a little keyboard cat.
00:06:39 How with God now that be fine.
00:06:45 OK, folks, gotta get down. Brother Ron Reagan has nipped the ground. Gotta believe he's he's a dude.
00:06:52 With the Allen's got the glory. Got the power. Ronnie can communicate the cast and wrath. I even let Nancy sit on Mr. T's lap loves the needy and loves him dearly. Love to read graffiti. They'd only predict you.
00:07:06 He can break. He be trying to make the big box beat.
00:07:14 Trying to get those voters on their feet death their consent. All I need is 10% say we what? Eyes pure sex. Who signs your motherly welfare checks?
Speaker 7
00:07:35 Lonnie's, the boss, he wears the.Speaker 6
00:07:37 Pants that nano minds too, and loves to dance.Speaker 4
00:07:39 Got an open mind on civil right?Speaker 6
00:07:42 My youngest son grew up in Tigers. He's heavy. He's fooled. Lord have mercy on this centipede in fear.00:07:51 Hard to even punch in with such mystiques.
00:07:56 He gets down, loves to take to town most dancing scene.
00:08:03 He be getting brothers off the street. Hey, at least I've tried. If only more were qualified. They we can swing.
00:08:15 He's he's often seen at Burger King.
Speaker 8
00:08:17 Man.Speaker 3
00:08:26 Air.Speaker 6
00:08:29 YouTube.00:08:33 Baby boom gave me that album personally.
00:08:36 Hey, Ed. Everybody's.
00:08:41 Scratching.Speaker 4
00:08:46 On the one hand.Reporter
00:08:53 And.Speaker 6
00:08:58 OK, full ease on through wrap and Ron Reagan.00:09:01 Got cheese for?
00:09:02 You got a big civil service that'll hire your best and a volunteer army that'll take the red fighter. Ronnie will defend.
00:09:10 Bob Goodman is a personal friend. Don't need cardboard for my shoulder.
00:09:19 He can freeze. He be trying to save those suckers souls.
00:09:26 Trying to get those mothers who the polls get their consent, I'll settle for just 2%. Say we want the cat. Ohh. Hey, the man who's got more Judas than Jesse J.
00:09:42 One more time.
00:09:46 Bring it on home, Sir.
00:09:48 OK, like mine? Fire black people, white finish mine. Give me your sweet turn on your love life. Papa got a brand new safety net for you. Afraid.
00:10:02 Chilly that be all.
Devon Stack
00:10:19 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:10:24 Yes, Sir. Robin edition.
00:10:29 Ah, what fun. What fun.
00:10:33 This is the back I ended up not using this background. I was using this background for.
00:10:38 A stream and then.
00:10:41 Apparently there was problems with the video so.
00:10:46 It just no one saw it but me.
00:10:51 There's a cozy background, right? Cozy little.
00:10:55 Little fire little fireplace.
00:10:59 There's pumpkins. There's like, that's kind of.
00:11:01 Got the autumn.
00:11:03 Got the autumn feel.
00:11:07 You know, got got the ham radio stuff a little bit.
00:11:12 Maybe a beef lies by occasionally.
00:11:14 I don't know. Maybe.
00:11:17 These aren't doing much flying these days because it's getting cold.
00:11:22 But anyway.
00:11:25 Kevin Stack here.
00:11:28 Your your host for this evening's festivities.
00:11:35 Ah, ah, yes. Ah yes.
00:11:41 Was it Black Friday?
00:11:43 Yesterday I don't even know.
00:11:46 I don't even know. I see all these ads ever does. Even they they've turned Black Friday into like a month. It's kind of like, you know, all holidays. It's like the second they start taking down the Halloween crap in the stores, they start putting up Christmas crap.
00:12:02 And the second they take down the Christmas crap, they start putting up Valentine's Day crap. It's just, you know.
00:12:08 It it it's it's.
00:12:10 Just like everything just bleeds into the next crap. It's just crap. It's like a.
00:12:17 America round of crap.
00:12:22 But anyway.
00:12:24 The only thing that was good about these these stupid sales is I have to use.
00:12:29 A survey I I don't know if it's even. There's not very many that deal. It's it's not like I guess it's not that big of a secret, but I have to use a service that that splits up the streams to other, you know, to the different platforms or whatever and it's ridiculously expensive for some reason or at least for what it is, it's not like super expensive but.
00:12:49 For some reason, it's like half off this time of year, which is when I signed up. So like every year I just sign up when it's half off again and get get it for half off.
00:12:59 All these suckers that have to renew their subscription not in November are ******.
00:13:06 But anyway, save me a little bit.
00:13:08 Of money, I guess.
00:13:10 UM, yeah.
00:13:13 I guess the reason why we're going to be talking about.
00:13:16 A dead Jew.
00:13:18 By the name of Yitzhak Rabin.
00:13:23 And many of you probably have never heard of.
00:13:26 Is it's very relevant to what's going on.
00:13:29 Today.
00:13:31 Very relevant to what's going on today.
00:13:34 See I posted on Twitter. Well, we talked about this last dream.
00:13:39 But I found some more examples and I posted on Twitter that Arthur Finkelstein had come up with the term make America great again.
00:13:51 In 1980.
00:13:53 To use for Ronald Reagan.
00:13:55 To get elected, you know, and also an ex actor, TV and and film star to some extent be less celebrity.
00:14:03 Yeah.
00:14:05 Get them elected as a Republican president.
00:14:10 Because back in 1980, believe it or not.
00:14:14 Back in 1980, all Americans white Americans were already saying America is going to ****.
00:14:22 America is going to hell in a hand basket. We better turn this this ship around. This isn't good.
00:14:28 They were just beginning to feel the effects of the 1965 Immigration Act and.
00:14:35 And just the the, I guess the hangover after the.
00:14:41 The **** of the 70s.
00:14:44 The Gates of hell being wide open for an entire decade.
00:14:49 And people were starting to go like.
00:14:51 Oh, this is ******* this is nuts.
00:14:55 Not unlike today, you could say it was very similar.
00:14:59 And mood.
00:15:02 There was, believe it or not, maybe not to the same degree, but there was ****** stuff in the 1970s.
00:15:09 Early 80s.
00:15:12 Someone on Twitter mentioned the the the series soap.
00:15:17 And I think I've covered that in the stream where they had Billy Crystal.
00:15:22 Billy Crystal, a Jew playing a transsexual on on prime time TV.
00:15:32 We had other examples in in very popular television shows. They were.
00:15:36 They were. They were starting to push it.
00:15:39 Again, not to the degree that we see it now, but that's how it always works, right? It it always it's erosion.
00:15:46 It's erosion.
00:15:48 You see what happens is the tide comes in.
00:15:53 The tide comes in.
00:15:55 People start to freak the truck out.
00:15:58 They start to think.
00:15:59 Ohh Waters got a little bit close.
00:16:03 And then, as the tide rolls out.
00:16:07 People relax, even though what's happened is it's worn away. Part of the shore.
00:16:13 And because it's the tide, inevitably it's coming back.
00:16:17 It's coming back only this.
00:16:19 Time it's going to come.
00:16:20 In a little bit further, because you didn't actually do anything to fix it, you didn't actually do.
00:16:25 Anything that to pull it back?
00:16:26 Yeah.
00:16:28 You didn't do anything to actually stop the tide.
00:16:33 And so it will return.
00:16:36 And each time it'll it'll recede back into the ocean and.
00:16:40 It'll.
00:16:41 You rode some of the shoreline away little by little. Keep doing that.
00:16:47 And tell your flock unless you do.
00:16:48 Something about it?
00:16:52 But anyway.
00:16:54 The around this time in this very similar situation.
00:17:00 They came up with a slogan again. I've talked about this last last stream, so come as no surprise to to some people I got to fix my monitor keeps.
00:17:11 I got 3 monitors here.
00:17:13 Which is a requirement.
00:17:16 And I don't know if like this HDMI cable is going bad or what, but this one keeps blinking out.
00:17:21 Could be the video card.
00:17:22 Too.
00:17:24 Anyway, hopefully it's not the video card that's always annoying.
00:17:28 Having to change that hardware.
00:17:31 Where was I? Oh.
00:17:32 Yeah. So I came up with.
00:17:33 This they came up with this slogan.
00:17:38 That you should all be very familiar with by now, because that's all anyone's heard for the last, well, eight years. It seems like and and and and that's all you'll hear again for the next 4 most likely. And of course, like I said, last string, that slogan was.
00:17:59 Make America great again.
00:18:03 It was everywhere.
00:18:07 I decided to find, like I said, I decided just to to do a search.
00:18:10 And.
00:18:12 And it's funny because I had some people say, oh, well, that's that's So what? Who cares? Who cares? That's a common phrase. Actually, it's not doesn't appear in newspapers until 1980. Actually, that's wrong. I think there was 1 from 1976 or something like that. But like literally didn't exist. Didn't exist.
00:18:33 It was not a phrase. It wouldn't make sense to most Americans.
00:18:37 Up until that point, they didn't think it had to be made great again.
00:18:42 They thought it was always getting great. It was always on the the, the, the, the, the, the precipice of greatness.
00:18:50 And then.
00:18:52 Then the boomers happened. There's.
00:18:57 And things all went to ****.
00:19:01 And so it had to be made great again.
00:19:10 And I've been pointing this out.
00:19:13 That what you're seeing now with Trump?
00:19:16 And his.
00:19:20 Administration the Zionist administration incoming.
00:19:26 Is that it's not the first time we've seen this movie. It's not even the second time we've seen this movie.
00:19:33 Because what? What happened? When when Reagan got elected, he got elected and he and the low estimate is 3 million. The high estimate is 8 million people amnesty to to three to 8 million. So it's probably 8 because it's. Look, I don't think they ever they ever they ever overestimate.
00:19:52 The amount of illegal immigrants are in the country.
00:19:56 Especially given the fact that we've heard the exact same #11 they.
00:20:00 Must have done some study.
00:20:02 Some time, at some point they must have done a study where they realized, well, 11 sounds like a lot, but it doesn't sound like too many like, it sounds like a lot.
00:20:13 But it's like it's enough for people that like it's, I mean, cause the real number is like 60 million or I don't know it really is you know, but it's more than 11.
00:20:21 And so they're like, well, love and sounds like, you know, it could be accurate. It's enough to where people will think, well, that's probably accurate, but it doesn't sound as as, like terrifying as the real number.
00:20:30 Because since the 1990s they've been using.
00:20:34 11,000,000.
00:20:36 Oh, we got 11,000,000 illegals. That's weird because I just heard that we had five million come out of the country this year and we had 11,000,000 last year. So we had 11,000,000 last year and 5 million came in this year. How is it 11,000,000 this year? Yeah, that never makes any sense. Never makes any sense.
00:20:54 But anyway.
00:20:56 So a lot of people think that.
00:21:00 Oh Oh well.
00:21:02 It's OK. It's OK. We're gonna mass deportations real.
00:21:07 Really. Are we going to have mass?
00:21:08 Deportations.
00:21:10 And they'll say, well, you know, it's OK that we're going to have these Zionists in charge. This is this other thing that that cracks me up. This is.
00:21:20 Now this is now the COPE.
00:21:23 The Cope the Cope has gone from Ah, Trump's not a Zionist controlled by Jews to be like, OK, so he's a Zionist controlled by Jews.
00:21:37 Who cares? Who cares?
00:21:41 He's gonna do mass deportations. Alright. Well, anyway, well, we're gonna tell the nasty deportation stuff. Let. Let's talk about the Zionist stuff. OK. I I hope he does. I hope he does to the best deportation stuff.
00:21:56 Suspect he won't.
00:21:58 I suspect what will happen is they'll they'll.
00:22:00 Yeah, they'll they'll deport.
00:22:02 People who are the criminals, right? Like they'll like. They keep saying in interviews. Oh, well, this. Yeah, all the violent criminals that are getting incarcerated anyway, they'll just deport those people. Like they've always done.
00:22:12 They'll make it. They'll they'll try to estimate the number up.
00:22:17 See, I learned this trick a long time ago. I used to do. I've mentioned like corporate video for different companies and agencies and things like that. Right? And so you'd you'd see a lot of inside, like manipulation of data because you were the one that was, that was putting the data on the screen for shareholders or stakeholders or whoever, right. And you knew that the data was being.
00:22:37 ****** with because you know you were in the room while they ****** with it. And I remember one time there was a a power company who had sworn that they were going to use renewable energy.
00:22:50 X amount like something like 30%.
00:22:54 I'm I'm kind of making up numbers here, but it was like we'll just say 30% of our.
00:23:00 Of our electrical output.
00:23:03 Which was mostly, you know, they had a lot of coal, they had some hydroelectric, they had some other ****, but it was, you know, it was.
00:23:12 There wasn't a whole lot of solar. There was. No, there wasn't any windmills or like that. There really wasn't much of any of this green energy stuff that they had promised. They were going to produce. They said they're going to be up to like 30% by some year. And that year was vastly approaching or not vastly as quickly approaching.
00:23:31 I'm thinking vastly approach anything that sounds right, but I don't think it's right.
00:23:36 Anyway.
00:23:37 As that year.
00:23:40 Got nearer.
00:23:41 They got a little funny with how they how they calculated, how much of their energy was produced by green energy.
00:23:49 And one of the ways that they.
00:23:51 They decided to **** with the numbers.
00:23:55 As they sent out little pamphlets with electric bills.
00:24:00 When they sent out People's Electric Bill, they sent you a little pamphlet. And in the pamphlet it would tell you different ways you could save energy.
00:24:07 You know like.
00:24:08 Hey, don't don't forget to turn turn.
00:24:10 The light off when you go to bed and hey, don't. No, don't leave this running. And don't do this and maybe get get a more efficient thermostat and oh, you know, maybe maybe use this instead of it. It was just like, you know, the normal, everyone's seeing these kinds of stupid pamphlets or you've gotten this e-mail.
00:24:27 Or whatever right from your power company.
00:24:32 They then calculated well we sent out.
00:24:37 Like 100.
00:24:38 Thousand of these ******* things. He was at. Well, it's probably even more than that.
00:24:42 And we can assume.
00:24:45 That by sending that that out, the expected savings economic the the, the, the, the, the the energy.
00:24:55 Economics of the customer has increased by X amount just based on literally nothing, just because someone in our marketing department decided that's how effective it was.
00:25:06 And because we've decided that each, let's just say every customer used 10% less energy.
00:25:12 Me every month.
00:25:15 That now is figured into our numbers of of how much green energy we produced.
00:25:23 You see the the customers not using energy.
00:25:27 As a result of our pamphlet that we sent out with your electric bill.
00:25:33 We are just going to say because there's no data that actually proves this.
00:25:40 Gets rolled into the figures.
00:25:43 In our green energy products.
00:25:48 It was that it was that level of ******* ********. It was that level of ******** and they just went with it and they just ******* went.
00:25:55 With.
00:25:55 It OK, government agencies do this all the time. This is why you hear it, especially the federal government. This is why you always hear about revised numbers, right, they'll say.
00:26:06 Ohh look.
00:26:07 Look, we had.
00:26:08 We had five million new jobs, 5 million new.
00:26:12 Jobs. And then like after, it's no longer in the news and six months later like actually.
00:26:19 Actually, the revised numbers are it's it was 10,010 thousand jobs. I know that's that's a lot less than 5 million but we yeah we just did the math wrong I guess.
00:26:33 After going through the math though, it turns out it was so that's you'll probably get something like that. You'll get some kind of situation where the Trump administration is like, oh, we deported a million people, which still isn't like a lot, but.
00:26:49 But you know they'll they'll say that maybe I'll say 2 million, I don't know. And then you look at the numbers and realize that kind of like what Obama did, for example, was they, any, anyone they turned away at the border. So if you were a Mexican and you showed up at the border and they said you can't come in.
00:27:09 They counted that as a deportation.
00:27:12 Even though they that's not, that's not going. That's not getting someone who's in the country already.
00:27:19 And putting them on a bus and then shipping them back to wherever they came.
00:27:23 From.
00:27:24 It's someone who never got in in the 1st place, so you'll have maybe something like that where the Trump administration starts to to play with numbers with that sort of a thing or they will play with numbers in terms of.
00:27:40 Set.
00:27:41 Deportation estimates, right, they'll say. Kind of like the electric company, they'll say well.
00:27:48 You know we we've we've created these regulations.
00:27:52 That makes it harder for illegals to get employment or to rent housing. Or, you know, whatever.
00:28:01 And based on these things that we've imposed, which I don't even have a whole lot of confidence that they'll be able.
00:28:09 To pull that off just because.
00:28:11 It only has that has to go through the House, the Senate, and then of course, you know Trump. I would assume if they don't pack it.
00:28:19 Full of poison.
00:28:21 Would sign it, but then it has to go to the courts because you know that La Raza and and.
00:28:26 The Jews and everybody else is going to.
00:28:29 To present legal challenges and.
00:28:33 That will go all the way up to the Supreme Court and then you know who ******* knows, right? If it'll in the meantime, some federal judge, just like with the Muslim ban, some federal judge will say, you know, no, we have to put a stop to this and tell we can rule on this. And so, you know, it it. Meanwhile it's not happening. Right. So but anyway, let's let's just let's live in fantasy world for a little bit.
00:28:54 Uh, where a lot of these people are and just and just pretend that that Trump's a dictator and he just says something and it happens and there's no process or anything.
00:29:05 And and and and and then what they'll do is they'll say, well, based on.
00:29:10 On these things that we've these, these hardships we've imposed on illegal immigrants, we're going to estimate we're going to estimate without any real data that a million people left.
00:29:24 And that will count is.
00:29:25 Our is our deportation numbers.
00:29:29 I'm telling you that's that's most likely.
00:29:32 What you're going to?
00:29:33 See if and. That's the and that's if they.
00:29:35 Even care enough?
00:29:36 To to try to like make it sound like they're doing their job.
00:29:41 But anyway, back to the Zionism thing.
00:29:46 The reason why it matters.
00:29:49 Is.
00:29:52 You have you have religious extremists.
00:29:58 And and in any other context, people would be worried about that, right? Like how worried were people in the 90s or the early 2000s when you said, oh, these, these Muslim extremists, they're crazy. They're willing to do anything because they're going to get their 72 virgins. And that made sense to people, right. You were imagining there's this primitive, you know, caveman style person.
00:30:19 Who has nothing that it's it's all poverty and their life is kind of **** and.
00:30:27 You know, maybe maybe they're their leaders are manipulating them and don't even really believe it. Or maybe they're they believe it too. But the people that do, you know, like the real, they have real believers, true believers, and they're willing to strap a bomb to themselves.
00:30:43 And and go.
00:30:44 Blow themselves up on a bus or.
00:30:47 The discotheque or you know, whatever the ****, right?
00:30:51 And they're willing to do this.
00:30:54 Because they have this this real, this actual belief.
00:30:59 They believe as hard as, as as anyone else believes in their religion.
00:31:05 That if they do this thing and a lot of these are young men, young men who have not been, maybe popular with the ladies.
00:31:13 They go blow themselves up.
00:31:15 And they're going to get 7272, a variety pack.
00:31:22 An almost endless variety pack of of virgins.
00:31:26 In this afterlife, this paradise.
00:31:29 So they're going to go from, like, some ******.
00:31:32 No air conditioner? Desert sandy.
00:31:36 Hellhole.
00:31:38 But just everything smells like goat **** and uh.
00:31:43 You know, half your half your family's been blown up by a cruise. Must missile at some.
00:31:47 Point.
00:31:48 Maybe you know some Israeli soldiers shot one of your test testicles off. You know, like you're you're exactly things aren't great. OK? You're not having the best life.
00:32:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then these guys that you believe tell you, hey, hey.
00:32:06 This is going to be awesome.
00:32:08 You all you have to do is flip this switch and then it's.
00:32:11 Going to be like changing the channel.
00:32:13 It's gonna be like you're watching, like, the the most boring thing in the world right now. You click this button and it's like the.
00:32:18 Most exciting movie you've ever seen.
00:32:22 And people could wrap their head around that. They can understand that they could be like, OK, well, I mean that's crazy, but still, at least I get it. I get why I get it, why they're doing it.
00:32:32 You know it makes sense. It makes a kind of sense to me and it's scary. It's a little bit scary to know that there's all these people out there that are willing to do stupid, ****** ** **** because they actually believe this.
00:32:46 But for some reason.
00:32:51 They think that this is this is just something that's limited to 80 IQ goat ******* sand people.
00:33:02 They think that that religious delusions.
00:33:06 Don't affect anyone else.
00:33:09 And don't have the same kind of of motivating powers.
00:33:16 That somehow you're not going to have the same kinds.
00:33:20 Of.
00:33:21 Craziness.
00:33:24 Being executed, in fact, more, far more devastating.
00:33:30 That a man strapping a bomb to himself and blowing himself inside of a, you know up in.
00:33:34 A in a bus.
00:33:40 Maybe even more devastating or as?
00:33:42 Devastating.
00:33:44 As flying airplanes into a building.
00:33:51 Maybe starting a war and killing 200,000 children.
00:33:59 All because you think you are doing God's will.
00:34:05 You are putting yourself.
00:34:10 In in in into.
00:34:12 The like basically into the modern equivalent of the Bible.
00:34:17 You're putting yourself in the story.
00:34:20 You're going to be a main character.
00:34:26 And when you die and go to heaven, I mean, you're, I mean, you're going to want a God's. You might not be one even if you're not one of God's chosen people here on Earth, you're gonna be 1 of God's favorite.
00:34:35 People.
00:34:35 In the answer life.
00:34:36 Right, because you helped out God's chosen people.
00:34:42 This is the kind of psychotic **** that you have to worry about. If if people that have.
00:34:50 Extremist ideas, and they're also in power.
00:34:55 For example, Trump's pick for the the head of the most the the largest military that the Earth has ever seen, that people think he's based because he has a bunch.
00:35:05 Of dues vault.
00:35:08 Tattoos and Jerusalem across on his chest.
00:35:14 This is him speaking at the the King David Hotel. You know, the hotel that the Israeli, the Jewish. This is even before Israel existed, I guess.
00:35:24 Or.
00:35:26 The the the Jewish terrorists.
00:35:31 They bombed the King David Hotel.
00:35:34 Killing British soldiers.
00:35:38 When they were trying to, when you know when they were inventing modern day terrorism.
00:35:43 Trying to get Israel.
00:35:47 Recognized by the West anyway. Yes, that King David hotel.
00:35:53 Well, this is what this is what he had to say. This is gonna be the guy in charge of the world's most.
00:35:59 Advanced and powerful military since, well ever.
Pete Hegseth
00:36:05 Muslim is the capital was a miracle, and there's no reason why the miracle of the reestablishment of the temple on the Temple Mount is not possible. I don't know how it would happen. You don't know how it would happen, but I know that it could happen.00:36:26 That's all I know.
Devon Stack
00:36:30 Now, if you're not a a religious extremist, you might not know what the **** he's talking about when he said Third Temple, a lot of lot of Christians have no idea what that even means.00:36:42 But a lot of Christians do.
00:36:45 And including this guy. So here's the deal. I'm going to make it as simple as possible. For those of you who might not understand what's going on here.
00:36:55 You have a mosque in Israel called Allah Alaska Mosque. In fact on October 7th.
00:37:04 The.
00:37:06 Invasion.
00:37:07 The Hamas called it Operation Alaska flood. They claimed it was in retaliation for the Jews preventing Muslims from going into Alaska Mosque.
00:37:20 Now Loska Mosque is built on a sacred site.
00:37:26 A sacred site that the Jews believe.
00:37:30 Must be cleared now the mosque must has to be demolished.
00:37:35 Because it's the only site on the planet where they can build a magical third temple.
00:37:41 And when they build this magical third temple.
00:37:45 It will make their Messiah come.
00:37:48 That's part of their prophecy. They have to fulfill it.
00:37:52 And they've been trying to reach that objective. Well, I guess you could say for.
00:37:59 2000 years.
00:38:01 A lot of Christian Zionists.
00:38:04 Also want this to happen.
00:38:06 Because they think this will help usher in the Antichrist.
00:38:14 Bring about the end of the world and force Jesus to come back. So you have a lot of Christians who also want.
00:38:23 This to happen.
00:38:25 Including now possibly the next.
00:38:29 Secretary of Defense.
00:38:31 And including now possibly much of Trump's incoming.
00:38:36 Cabinet.
00:38:38 Which is why I tweeted out never trusted Zionist, never supported Zionist and for God's sake, never accept the leadership of a Zionist.
00:38:49 Because it's not always the Jews.
00:38:53 OK. And it's funny because in response, a bunch of ******* double digit IQ ******* the kinds of people we need to either purge or ignore or something.
00:39:06 Ohh, just say Jews, man, it's Jews. It's like.
00:39:14 I get. I get it that right that you that you're used to people that can't just say Jews.
00:39:20 I'm not one of those people and there is a difference if I say Zionist. I don't mean like haha. Tee Hee I I really mean Jews. No, I mean Zionist.
00:39:30 I mean Zionist. There is a difference. Not all Zionists are Jews.
00:39:34 A lot of Zionists are Christians.
00:39:37 And a lot of them are going to be occupying the White House in.
00:39:40 Just a matter of weeks.
00:39:44 That's just the truth. And these are messianic, you know? Third Temple, crazy Zionists.
00:39:53 But of course that that doesn't. That's not too catchy.
00:39:57 This is what drives me crazy. This isn't so catchy, right?
00:40:01 Right it it.
00:40:01 Almost gets 3000 likes, but then I pop this up and it gets and 23,000 likes.
00:40:07 Uh.
00:40:11 What the ****? What the ****'* going on for those of?
00:40:14 You just listening.
00:40:15 I just retweeted an article from the Daily Mail asking what a power lesbian was because he used the term power lesbian.
00:40:24 And their.
00:40:25 In their headline.
00:40:27 And that gets that gets 123,000 likes.
00:40:33 Almost 6 million views 5.9 almost there. We almost got it. We almost did it, boys.
00:40:39 That gets all the attention. I I mentioned power lesbian and that get that's see. That's right there that shows you where. How we're ****** right now.
00:40:49 No one cares about this.
00:40:51 No one cares about the Zionist problem. Oh, it's not a big deal. It's solid Zionist. Not a big deal.
00:40:58 Not a big deal and then?
00:41:01 Something that you'll also see from people.
00:41:04 Is, they'll say well.
00:41:06 You know the problem you've been talking about.
00:41:11 Is, you know, the by administration is is close to 70% Jewish. Well, how would you explain Trump being controlled by Jews if all the people that he's nominating for positions in his cabinet?
00:41:27 A lot of them are Christian. The vast majority are Christian. In fact, there's one I think there's only one one Jew, really Stephen Miller so far.
00:41:37 And people are saying he's.
00:41:38 One of the good ones.
00:41:41 So I don't get it, what's your deal? And obviously he's not controlled by Jews because 86% of Jews voted for Kamala. At least that was the women. I think the men was it was tracking a little bit less than that, but.
00:41:56 In the in the same you know same.
00:41:59 Ballpark, we'll just say 80% of Jews.
00:42:04 80% of Jews or or thereabouts, didn't vote for.
00:42:07 For Trump, so.
00:42:09 How how can you say that the Jews are somehow influencing Trump?
00:42:16 With it. What and why are you saying Zionist?
00:42:19 Oh.
00:42:21 And as I've tried to explain.
00:42:25 The Jews are not a.
00:42:26 The Borg, they're not a hive mind with a queen.
00:42:30 It's not like it's not like a a the hive.
00:42:33 Of bees. Right. Right. It's there that, that's.
00:42:36 The.
00:42:37 I know that some people like to oversimplify and over meme this stuff to get it, you know, to forget people understand.
00:42:46 The friend foe distinction understand that yes, generally speaking.
00:42:52 That the Jews behave XY or Z ways, and this is but it's we're doing that to simplify a complex problem.
00:43:03 And it doesn't mean that the problem is not complex.
00:43:07 Well, the issue wasn't complex.
00:43:09 And so I thought it would be worth.
00:43:12 Going over tonight.
00:43:14 And an example.
00:43:16 Of how it's complex.
00:43:19 And how Zionism is different.
00:43:24 Than just the Jews.
00:43:27 Although it is obviously.
00:43:30 Very related to the Jews.
00:43:34 And how there might?
00:43:35 Be.
00:43:35 Jews who are not Zionists.
00:43:38 And how there might be Zionists who aren't Jews?
00:43:42 And this is something you need to understand, especially moving forward with the Trump administration because.
00:43:49 You're going to have a whole lot of Zionists and positions of power, and if you want to understand why, maybe they're doing some of the things that they're doing.
00:43:58 Or maybe predict the sort of things they might start doing.
00:44:02 Then this is a very important.
00:44:05 Thing you need to understand.
00:44:08 Now one way one way I thought would be a good way of wrapping your head around this.
00:44:15 Is by telling the story.
00:44:19 That involves.
00:44:21 People that no one could argue weren't part of the Jews, people that that were very much.
00:44:32 Key players and quote UN quote the Jews.
00:44:36 Israeli Jews specifically.
00:44:39 And that is.
00:44:41 Yitzhak Rabin.
00:44:45 Now, Yitzhak Rabin.
00:44:50 Was born in Palestine.
00:44:53 In 1922.
00:44:59 He was uh. Went to a.
00:45:02 Agricultural School where he.
00:45:05 He met Yigal Alan.
00:45:08 Now you'll you'll go all along.
00:45:11 Was the head of basically a.
00:45:16 A Zionist militia?
00:45:18 Basically, Zionist terrorists.
00:45:21 And so he was. He was one of the leaders and the Zionist terrorists that would.
00:45:26 Later.
00:45:28 Bomb well, bomb places like the.
00:45:30 King David Hotel, that sort of a thing.
00:45:36 In 1941.
00:45:40 He would join in with the.
00:45:42 Jewish terrorists that were going to war with not only the British troops in the area, but also.
00:45:53 Beginning the, I guess the beginnings of the Nakba, right? Where they were going in and and wiping out Palestinians and trying to expand their settlements into areas that Palestinians had been.
00:46:06 You know, living in and for generations.
00:46:10 So they were just terrorizing people and trying to expand the.
00:46:14 The this is post World War 2 that expand the territory of for Jews as Post World War 2 Jew Jewish refugees from from Europe.
00:46:25 And elsewhere, we're beginning to flood into the region.
00:46:30 So that's that's.
00:46:33 That's him right there. So again.
00:46:36 No art. This guy is uh.
00:46:39 Obviously you know, Super Drew. He's been there since the beginning. He was born born in.
00:46:46 In Palestine, he's not even from, you know, he's not even one of these refugees.
00:46:53 He was involved in Jewish terrorist operations against the British and on June 29th, 1946.
00:47:03 He was rounded up and arrested.
00:47:08 And sign on on a day that the Jews called Black Saturday, but it was basically a day.
00:47:15 When the British got fed up with.
00:47:19 All these Jewish terrorists and rounded them up and put them in jail until they can figure out what.
00:47:24 The ****?
00:47:25 They were going to do that didn't last.
00:47:27 Very long, of course, because of the.
00:47:29 Yeah, the Rothschilds influence in London and eventually the Balfour Declaration. And, you know, eventually the British troops leaving the region and letting the Jews just stomp all over the the native inhabitants and and build their country. He was released.
00:47:50 1947.
00:47:53 And he was appointed Chief of operations.
00:47:58 For the, I guess the the early version of the IDF.
00:48:06 So this would be the the Israeli military and it in its very infant stage.
00:48:14 He was the the chief of operations.
00:48:19 In fact, in 1948.
00:48:22 He was a a key figure in the Arab Israeli War.
00:48:29 He directed operations for the IDF in Jerusalem.
00:48:35 And he also fought against the Egyptians.
00:48:41 And in fact, in 1964.
00:48:47 He became the IDF's chief of staff.
00:48:53 So this is a, you know this is a.
00:48:56 Like I said, he was. He was born there. He was, he helped the revolution.
00:49:02 He helped fight all the wars. He's, you know, very, very.
00:49:06 Hawkish I guess you could say very militant man to some degree, in fact.
00:49:13 This would be the man that was in charge of growing the Israeli Air Force and also in a position of power during the attack on the USS Liberty.
00:49:29 He also led the preemptive strikes against the Egyptian air bases.
00:49:35 When Israel attacked Egypt.
00:49:40 And.
00:49:42 So he served under this, or served as the IDF Chief of Staff for.
00:49:50 Several years until eventually.
00:49:53 He moved to Washington, DC in 1974.
00:50:02 To become or. I'm sorry, not 1974.
00:50:07 Sorry, where do I where I lost my ******* place on my notes here.
00:50:13 Prior 1974. So sometime after after 64, but before 74 I I don't I I forgot to write down the exact years doesn't really matter. He he served in Washington DC as the ambassador to the US.
00:50:25 So he was.
00:50:26 The the Israeli ambassador to the US.
00:50:30 That looks like, uh. Who's that? Ford.
00:50:34 I don't know who that is. Looks like Ford.
00:50:38 And then in 1974?
00:50:43 He became Prime Minister of Israel.
00:50:51 So he was the Prime Minister of Israel.
00:50:56 But the one problem.
00:51:00 The one problem?
00:51:02 With this guy, who again?
00:51:05 Not it it. It's really tough to argue that this guy isn't part of the Jews, right? And he's definitely part of the Jews.
00:51:14 He's committing terrorism for the Jews. He's.
00:51:19 The chief of staff for the IDF, he's an ambassador of Israel to the United States, where he's rubbing lots of elbows, raising lots of money, a a big part of what he was there for was to raise more money for more arms. I mean, this guy is is.
00:51:37 You know, one of the most powerful Jews.
00:51:39 In the world.
00:51:41 He becomes the Prime Minister.
00:51:45 Of Israel.
00:51:48 So he's also one of the most popular Jews, at least to the Jews.
00:51:53 In the world.
00:51:55 He's definitely the Jews.
00:52:01 The problem though was.
00:52:07 He was not a religious Jew.
00:52:10 He was not a Zionist Jew.
00:52:15 And.
00:52:17 He did not agree.
00:52:20 With the right wing this year thing, I think people don't understand in in Israel.
00:52:25 Just like in the United States.
00:52:28 There's a left wing and a right wing. Is it the same? It's not the same.
00:52:34 But it's just like, it's not like the same even between the United States and the UK.
00:52:40 But just to make it easier to understand.
00:52:44 There's like a Democrats and Republicans.
00:52:47 In in Israel.
00:52:49 And the Republicans?
00:52:52 Are the Likud party?
00:52:54 And they're the Ultra Zionists. They're the religious fanatics.
00:53:00 They're the ones that Netanyahu is.
00:53:04 The head of the party, because he's the Prime Minister now.
00:53:08 And he's been the Prime Minister.
00:53:13 Before which we'll go over here in a moment.
00:53:17 But.
00:53:18 There's also like a left. There's also like the Democrats.
00:53:24 And.
00:53:27 Yitzhak Rabin was essentially like the leftist party head.
00:53:35 And he believes that the Bible is. This is a quote from him. For me, the Bible is not a Land Registry.
00:53:41 Of the Middle East.
00:53:43 It is a book that provides education and values and its purposes are different, so he didn't think that the Bible was.
00:53:53 You know 100%, you know true that it was a interesting piece of the Jewish story.
00:54:04 And that there were things you could learn from it. But it wasn't. You know, it certainly wasn't a instruction manual about what kind of territory you should hold and where those borders should be held. He was less, in fact, this guy, this turbo Jew.
00:54:24 Was less of a Zionist than pretty much all of Trump's cabinet.
00:54:30 This is what I'm trying.
00:54:31 To get this this.
00:54:32 Is what you need to understand. This former Prime Minister.
00:54:37 Of Israel.
00:54:39 Is in this way less of a Jew than everyone in Trump's administration.
00:54:49 OK.
00:54:52 Now this was a problem.
00:54:55 This was a problem for the.
00:54:58 The Likud party.
00:55:01 Because they have a religious fervor, they have the same kind of drive within them that these Muslim extremists who think that they're going to get 72 virgins have.
00:55:13 When they go blow themselves up inside of a bus.
00:55:20 They think not in terms of politics, not in terms of pragmatism, but in terms of.
00:55:29 God told us to do this and so therefore it has to be done.
00:55:34 Doesn't matter if it sounds irrational or or whatever.
00:55:38 We have to do it because that's what God commands and we're just, therefore we're just going to do it, reason be damned.
00:55:47 And because they 1000% believe this **** when you have the Prime Minister.
00:55:55 Say that he's doesn't really believe that your book.
00:56:00 Is should define the borders.
00:56:03 Then you got a problem. You got a problem.
00:56:10 So of course, a scandal was kind of, uh, manufactured.
00:56:15 It was. It was.
00:56:17 It really it was a blown out proportion scandal because he and his wife had a bank account in the United States, a joint bank account when they lived in the United States when he was the Ambassador for Israel and it broke some kind of currency law that the the Israelis had. It wasn't like, you know, it wasn't the biggest deal in the world, but.
00:56:38 It was enough of something for them to get them on and make, you know, just like the Jewish press does in the United States. You know, they they know what they.
00:56:46 Point they make a mountain out of a molehill and he ends up having to step down.
00:56:52 And uh.
00:56:55 He is replaced by a Likud party member.
00:57:00 But he serves in the Knesset.
00:57:03 He serves in the Knesset, and this is from.
00:57:08 Uh. Let's see here.
00:57:12 Until about 1984.
00:57:16 In 1984, he's appointed the Minister of Defense.
00:57:22 It's organic, still still a turbo Jew. Still very much. You know, even though.
00:57:28 He wasn't. It's not. He wasn't totally shunned by Jewish power.
00:57:33 They gave him, you know, the position of Minister of Defense from 1984 to 1990.
00:57:40 In fact, he was pretty brutal.
00:57:43 He was so brutal that they ended up giving him the Palestinians gave him the nickname of Rabin Rabin, the Bone breaker.
00:57:53 Rebend, the bone breaker and the reason why they call them rebend. The bone Breakers. He quite literally ordered the troops.
00:58:03 When encountering Palestinian protesters, he ordered them to break their bones to break their legs or to shoot, you know, shoot their their legs and try to cripple.
00:58:14 As a way to prevent them from from rioting in the future and and and, you know, wouldn't they wouldn't be that way. He I think he thought it was more humane than instead of killing them, he would.
00:58:27 Just.
00:58:28 Name them or cripple them, not realizing that that's just going to make them really ******.
00:58:33 But.
00:58:34 So that, but that's they gave an idea. He was pretty ******* ******** though.
00:58:41 In 1992.
00:58:45 He ran for Prime Minister again and was reelected.
00:58:51 But again, because he wasn't a a believer in Zionism because he didn't think that God had gifted the Jews all this magic land that God needed them to have, he didn't think that the Bible was some kind of literal Land Registry as.
00:59:10 He put it.
00:59:12 That the Jews were entitled to this land regardless of the situation, because God.
00:59:18 Had given it to him.
00:59:21 And he'd worked in the military. His his whole life. He'd seen a lot of of brutality, some of which was.
00:59:29 Coming from himself.
00:59:31 He wanted to work.
00:59:32 With the PLO, Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian.
00:59:41 Uh.
00:59:44 I guess the not government, but I mean they they wanted to be, they wanted to be the the government of Palestine, they wanted A2 state solution. They didn't want to be a constant like an open air concentration camp as they say, which is basically what it was. It was land the Jews claimed.
01:00:05 I guess jurisdiction over and would often terrorize and, you know, maim the the people who lived there. And there was obviously fights that would go back and forth between.
01:00:20 The residents of Gaza and the West Bank and the.
01:00:25 Israelis that were spreading throughout the region, settling more and more the land persecuting, often murdering the people who lived there and displacing them and pushing them into smaller and smaller parts of the.
01:00:42 So you had Yasser Arafat, who was willing to.
01:00:48 Work out a peace deal. He was no Angel either. He had committed terrorism. I mean, I guess that's that's the rules, right? The Israelis, kind of. You know, if that's if that's how they're going to play. I mean, I guess that's the way the way you got to respond.
01:01:04 So there was there was terrorism coming up, you know, from both sides there.
01:01:09 UM.
01:01:10 And you had a lot of, uh.
01:01:13 Zion is really ****** ***.
01:01:15 That they over talked to Yasser Arafat and you had a lot of people.
01:01:19 In the you.
01:01:20 Know a lot of these Zionists in positions of power and this is when Hamas.
01:01:26 This is when Hamas came about.
01:01:29 Because people like Benjamin Netanyahu and his buddies in the Likud party didn't want any kind of deal to look legitimate and they didn't want the people to accept any kind of peace deal that would, that would end the two state solution because they believed a Zionist.
01:01:49 Not as Jews, but as Zionists.
01:01:51 That they had to own the entire region because God had given them the entire region and the only way the Moshiach was going to come back is if they, which is their Messiah, is if they were to have jurisdiction over the entire area they were able to knock down Alaska mosque and build the Third Temple.
01:02:11 What are you know, soon to be possibly Secretary of Defense was was alluding to possibly happening soon.
01:02:20 The only way they were going to be able to reach these these goals, the only way they were going to be the kinds of people that were written about in, in the religious texts that they.
01:02:28 So.
01:02:29 Believed the only way they want to.
01:02:31 Be characters in the new.
01:02:33 The new chapters of the Bible that they were living is if they were able to do accomplish these things that that God wanted them to accomplish, and they believed.
01:02:42 It.
01:02:43 With a religious fervor that is more motivating and more, unfortunately, I think successful at at driving men to accomplish things.
01:02:55 Than pragmatism and reason.
01:02:59 And So what they did is they funded more radical groups like Hamas, who didn't want to negotiate with Israelis. They were often the children of of some of the men that have been murdered and maimed over the years by Israelis. They were the.
01:03:17 Children and grandchildren of people that have been murdered and and wiped out during the knock bond during the Israeli expansion, as the Israelis were murdering their way through the desert, taking over lands again that were occupied by the Palestinians and their ancestors for generations.
01:03:36 And so you had a lot of really ****** ***, very militant people and the Israelis.
01:03:46 Like Benjamin, Netanyahu funneled money to these groups to compete with Yasser Arafat, who was more reasonable, who again wasn't, you know, he also trafficked and terrorism. It's not like he was an Angel. But in these kinds of situations.
01:04:04 What are you supposed to do? I guess.
01:04:07 But Hamas was willing to be more spergy.
01:04:11 They're willing to to have bad optics.
01:04:15 They're willing to be brash and stupid.
01:04:20 And they were willing to.
01:04:24 Uh.Devon Stack
01:04:25 Do so do so in such a way that.01:04:30 The Israeli media could easily paint the Palestinians as these unreasonable psychos that were going around blowing themselves up and and just, you know, shooting random people.
01:04:42 On on buses or or kidnapping IDF soldiers walking home at night and murdering them and leaving their bodies up, you know, wherever and look, some of these things might even just been false flags. Some of these things might have been the Jews themselves committing atrocities and blaming it on.
01:05:00 On groups like Hamas.
01:05:02 But they absolutely were terrified of an actual deal being recognized by the UN and by the United States, because then you'd have sovereignty if you worked out a deal with Palestine, where you actually, you know, agree.
01:05:17 Said that they were a state, a legitimate state. They were a country. Well then, in the future, if you wanted to knock down Alaska Mosque or if you wanted to expand into the Golan Heights or if you wanted to expand into the Gaza Strip, or if you wanted to expand into the West Bank, then you'd have a problem. Then you'd have an international incident.
01:05:38 And the UN would get involved, the US would get involved because then they would just be unprovoked attacking a recognized state.
01:05:48 Uh.Devon Stack
01:05:52 And so Israel had to avoid that at all costs, because at the at the time being and still today, Palestine didn't really wasn't really recognized, at least not by the Western countries as a legitimate state.01:06:06 And so you had the Likud party, the right wing, extremist Zionist, you know, right wing for Jews like it's it's it's not, it's not don't get don't get your panties in a bunch because I I described them as right wing.
01:06:22 Uh, they were funding Hamas in order to make the Palestinians look unreasonable and violent.
01:06:31 And to undermine the Yasser Arafat and give him also some political competition in the area, because there were some people that were like, you know what, **** these Jews, why are we? Why are we even negotiating with these people in the first place?
01:06:43 They shouldn't even be here, which is.
01:06:49 But at the same time it's, you know.
01:06:51 And Yasser, if I was trying to be a pragmatist and saying, yeah, I know. But, you know, they're they. It doesn't matter. They are here. And so we can either war with them forever or we can at.
01:07:01 Least, you know, keep we.
01:07:04 We can stop. We can stop the expansion and just keep what? What we have left.
01:07:09 Right.
01:07:12 But again, the a lot of the Jews were freaking out. A lot of the Zionist Jews, they were protesting, they were they were calling.
01:07:19 They were calling Yitzhak Rabin.
01:07:22 The Jewish Prime Minister, they were calling him Hitler. He doesn't change Jews even when they're talking to other Jews. It doesn't change.
01:07:32 They were calling him Hitler because he was going to get involved in the Oslo Accords. Now the Oslo accords. It was a a peace deal.
01:07:43 That was brokered in part by the Clinton White House.
01:07:48 And they were going to agree to the basically a 2 state solution. Israel would stop expanding and you have this real famous moment in front of the White House in 1993, I believe it was.
01:08:03 Where you had Yasser Arafat shaking hands with Yitzhak Rabin.
01:08:09 And which was like this big.
01:08:12 You know, no, no situation in terms of optics, because Yasser Arafat was depicted by the Israeli media. Is basically Hitler, if not worse than Hitler. In fact, at the time, or actually this was even recently, I think Benjamin Netanyahu said that Hitler not.
01:08:32 Hitler wasn't even going to kill all the Jews until a Muslim convinced him to do it.
01:08:37 Like I I'll either find that clip I think, but I think that's hold on. I'm not actually find that clip.
01:08:45 Oh.Devon Stack
01:08:50 Then Yahoo.01:08:52 Hitler, or is it Arab?
01:08:58 Yeah. OK.
01:08:59 I'm just gonna play. You'll. You'll hear the audio, but this is.
01:09:04 Netanyahu here.
01:09:08 Nope, Nope. I guess I was watching things on double speed.
01:09:08 Stuff.
01:09:13 Let me let me slow that. Let me slow that down.
01:09:15 A little bit.
01:09:17 Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews of the time. He wanted to expel the Jews and hardening of the same. He went out and said if you expel them, they'll all come here. So what should I do with them? He asked he.
01:09:31 Said burn them.
01:09:37 So there you go.
01:09:38 So Netanyahu.
01:09:42 According to him.
01:09:44 Not even not even Hitler.
01:09:46 Wanted to kill all the Jews.
01:09:49 It was a it was a Muslim that came to him and said, well, you better kill them all. Otherwise they're all going to come, which they did.
01:09:57 Anyway, so that was kind of like the that that's that's the the view of Netanyahu and the Likud party.
01:10:05 Is that they need to wipe out all these people. They're they're, I mean, not only are they, they're not just golem, which that's already an issue, right? They're already. They're already dehumanized from a Jewish Jewish point of view. A religious Jew views non Jews as closer to animals than they are to Jews. And so you're basically.
01:10:24 Not even human. And so killing you, especially if if it's for survival, because that is another rule in Judaism. If you suspect even that someone is presenting a danger to the Jews, then it's your duty to preemptively kill them.
01:10:45 So all this rhetoric is getting heated in the country. There's talking about how Rabin is, is a traitor and how he just shook hands with the devil. He's going to create another Holocaust. He's preventing the moshiach from coming back.
01:11:03 Again, this is a Jew who's been, you know, no one can argue that this guy is not like one of the fewest of Jews, right? Been around a long time. In fact, he was the 1st Prime Minister. That was actually even born there.
01:11:15 So he was he was born in Palestine, you know, back when it was still called Palestine.
01:11:22 In 1922, he was he didn't have. I mean, he was. He spoke, spoke the the language. He fought the wars he, you know, he wasn't religious though he was. He just wasn't into the Zionism stuff.
01:11:38 And he was supporting a plan that would provide again for this two state solution, where you'd have the West Bank and Gaza would be run by Palestine.
01:11:49 And that would include like part of Jerusalem, like like half of Jerusalem would would also be included as part of Palestine.
01:12:00 And that was unacceptable.
01:12:02 That was unacceptable. So they had mass protests.
01:12:06 You had a also all of a sudden wouldn't.
01:12:10 You know it.
01:12:11 Hamas.
01:12:13 A Moss out of nowhere starts doing all kinds of terrorism right as they're going to get.
01:12:19 A peace deal.
01:12:23 So I think it's.
01:12:24 I think it's safe to say.
01:12:27 It it there exist at least the good possibility that that's that's either false flags because Mossad's actually doing it themselves, or they are manipulating Hamas or allowing Hamas to do it in the same way that they allowed Hamas to do their attack on October 7th.
01:12:48 And for basically the exact same reason.
01:12:53 So all of a sudden you have. It's something crazy that you have to have like 40 terrorist attacks.
01:12:59 In a in like a couple of years. And so the entire countries on edge.
01:13:06 Everyone's kind of freaking out, and they're really ****** *** because they've elected Hitler. Apparently the Jewish Hitler.
01:13:13 As Prime Minister and here he is shaking hands with the devil and he's going to make peace with these animals that you obviously can't make peace with because they're committing all these terrorist attacks on our country. So there's no way we can have peace with these people.
01:13:28 Where are you? You're you're gonna. You're gonna kill us all. It's gonna happen again. It's gonna, it's happening again.
01:13:36 It's happening to get the Golem are gonna come and kill us all. It's gonna, it's happening again.
01:13:45 There he is. This is a they they photoshopped him like, well, I guess probably this is 95. So. Well, I guess Photoshop kind of exist at 95.
01:13:53 They photoshopped his head on Hitler.
01:13:58 Say that they've been saying this since, since it doesn't matter who it is, it could be the the Israeli Prime Minister they're calling Hitler.
01:14:11 But they he still had relatively a lot of of support, a high level of support.
01:14:20 There were some people that were still very optimistic about the peace deal.
01:14:25 They had a massive rally.
01:14:29 Estimated 100,000 people.
01:14:34 At that rally.
01:14:40 Right. Which clip is this?
01:14:43 The other one click.
01:14:44 Here. No, that's the right clip.
01:14:48 There we go.
01:14:50 And then.
01:14:53 At this rally with 100,000 people.
Bob Schieffer
01:14:57 This is the CBS Evening News.01:15:03 And this is Bob Schieffer reporting good evening. Truly shocking news from the Middle East tonight. Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin has been assassinated. The White House announced just a while ago that President Clinton will attend the funeral. The 73 year old Rabin was shot three times after addressing a huge peace rally in Tel Aviv.
01:15:23 He died of his wounds a short time later during emergency surgery. The alleged assassin is in custody, described as a Jewish law student, active and right wing causes.
Devon Stack
01:15:35 So he's assassinated by a right wing Zionist.01:15:40 See, This is why it's not as.
01:15:42 Simple as the Jews.
01:15:46 OK, This is why you can have a good portion of the Jews in the United States not supporting Donald Trump.
01:15:56 Because if you were to.
01:15:58 Paul.
01:15:59 Those Jews who didn't support Donald Trump, they're not. Most likely they're not. They're religious Zionist Jews.
01:16:09 In fact, the reason why there's so many of the other kind in the United States is most of the religious Zionist Jews.
01:16:16 Live in Israel.
01:16:18 Because they're Zionist Jews. That's why. Why wouldn't they live in Israel?
01:16:24 And the ones that remain in the United States?
01:16:27 Are here to keep America.
01:16:31 Doing what Israel wants so people like Ben Shapiro, people like Dennis Prager.
01:16:38 The the All these right wing pundits who just happen to be Jewish, whether they're, you know, the the head of Rebel Media in Canada or you know, the OR Breitbart.
01:16:51 Art or you know well formerly.
01:16:55 Used to be drudge.
01:16:57 Or the The Weekly Standard, or you know the reason why you have all these right wing Zionist publications in the United States run by right wing Jewish common commentators and influencers today is they're here to make sure the money and the military support.
01:17:18 Keeps going to Israel, but the remaining Jews they while they are still Jews.
01:17:25 They are not the same kind of Jews. They're not all, like I said, they're not all part of an Ant colony. OK, they're not all like, just automatons working for some hive mind. OK, there are differences between the Jews. Now, there are behaviors that are universal.
01:17:45 And there is still such a thing as the Jews.
01:17:48 But within the Jews, they they don't have like some kind of.
01:17:54 Monolithic worldview that with no disagreements.
01:17:59 And so this is one example of this.
01:18:02 Yatsa Yitzak Rabin was assassinated by a Likud party right wing Zionist Jew. Here is Yasser Arafat, commenting on the assassination.
Yasser Arafat
01:18:20 I am very sad.01:18:23 And very shocked.
01:18:25 For this awful and terrible crime against one of the brave leaders of Israel.
Devon Stack
01:18:39 So that's, that's actually kind of.01:18:44 Not even that optical for him to be calling Israeli leader, or even to say that there are such things as, as there's Israel recognizing there's Israel and he's a brave leader of Israel.
01:18:55 Shows it shows you that the.
01:18:58 The diplomatic process had had really gone to a point where there was very quite possibly going to be this two state solution through the Oslo Accords.
01:19:09 Meanwhile, in Israel, some people were celebrating the assassination because, again, they thought he was basically Hitler.
01:19:17 Roman's extremist Jewish settlers and their supporters have been whipping themselves into an anti rubbing frenzy, calling him a Nazi. Picturing him in s s uniform for his willingness to trade.01:19:28 West Bank land for peace. He'd been attacked.
01:19:31 Before, though not.
01:19:32 With weapons, tonight's security on stage was light. The results were fatal.
Devon Stack
01:19:39 So they had disagreements that were getting violent.01:19:43 By the way.
01:19:46 A lot of you probably aren't aware of this. A lot of these same divisions.
01:19:51 And same uh friction exist today. Or at least it did prior to October 7th.
01:19:58 You had a lot of the same kind of polarization happening in Israel between the Likud party and the, you know, the the.
01:20:06 The Israeli version of the the Democrats, basically.
01:20:10 And so, yeah, Netanyahu, who was becoming increasingly.
01:20:16 Unpopular.
01:20:19 And the country was starting to shift left. Prior to October 7th. So just, you know, keep that in mind. You also have some some oddities when it comes to the assassination.
01:20:31 So the Prime Minister was standing here and speaking from here.Amir Oren
01:20:34 They stood here.01:20:36 In front of probably 100,000 people in the rally, all called by hundreds.
01:20:43 Of security guards.
01:20:44 Police and others, both uniformed and plainclothes.
01:20:48 How many men would have been guarding like being in the inner circle?Amir Oren
01:20:51 In the inner circle, some 15, perhaps too many, because when there are too many guards, each of the forces at some time was sure that the other was minding the store.01:21:05 There was probably a big sigh of relief as the rally was supposed to end. We can all go home now. Of course, we still have to go. The last yard, the last probably yard. But what could happen?
01:21:22 So here are the stairs where beans walking down the stairs. There was some security men in front.Amir Oren
01:21:26 Of him, this is the last staircase you Robin going down the stairs. The bodyguards trying to protect him.Reporter
01:21:35 So in fact, what we're seeing here now.Amir Oren
01:21:38 What we.Reporter
01:21:38 See, not unrealistic because there are a lot of people here then too.Amir Oren
01:21:41 A lot of people, a lot of goodwill. It was an actual globe, both from the light and from the feeling of well-being. But the rally evoked few feet from the car. In a moment the door will open. But.01:21:59 All of a sudden.
01:22:00 He stops and then his back is exposed. Enough time for the assassin to dart from behind. From around this world to get his gun.
01:22:11 To put it out.
01:22:12 To pull the trigger, three shots and is.
01:22:14 Done. We spoke about the system of protective circles. 1 Circle was around the Prime Minister. Presumably another circle would have been surrounding his car.Amir Oren
01:22:23 Position. Well, apparently not, and this is the fatal flow and the tragic collapse here. The the perpetrator obviously knew that eventually Rabin, he would have to get to the car, and the bodyguards apparently looked for the penny under the lights. They didn't look in the darkness.01:22:40 Very.
01:22:53 The bodyguards apparently looked for the penny under the light. They didn't look.
01:22:57 In the.
Devon Stack
01:23:03 Jewish proverb.Amir Oren
01:23:05 The bodyguards apparently looked for the penny under the lights.Devon Stack
01:23:15 That's hilarious.01:23:25 They look for the penny under.
01:23:30 Anyway.
01:23:32 So.
01:23:35 This is the the the assassin.
01:23:42 I was so this was this was really.
01:23:44 ******* annoying to me is if this is the clip.
01:23:50 This might be the one. Hold on, let.
01:23:52 Me. See the man who took our leave.
01:23:54 Yeah, this this really ****** me off knowing what we know now. This was, I think this is CBS News, CBS News, talking about the assassination, and just the ******* balls, the balls on.
01:24:10 On them to to to intro the piece this way.
01:24:13 Say well, I don't know the probably the people producing it weren't in the know, but still, you know, hindsight being what it is, it's really infuriating to hear them open the piece this way.
01:24:25 The man who took our leader from us with a gun in 1963 was a loner, a shadowy figure not much illuminated, even by two decades of the spotlights of inquiry, Lee Harvey Oswald never did see one of us, really.Devon Stack
01:24:41 Yeah, yeah, it's just weird, you know, actually, guess what, it is kind of just like when JFK got killed, actually.01:24:49 Actually.
01:24:52 It it actually kind of is exactly like.
01:24:56 Exactly like.
01:25:00 Hmm, that's weird.
01:25:02 Yeah, so now the The thing is, it's his point is it's so like I said, hindsight being what it is. It's so infuriating to hear him intro it this way. His point is, he's like, oh, yeah, you know, Jews, they all the, the poor Jews, they always have it the worst, no matter what, no matter what happens, it always has to be framed, like somehow they're the victims.
01:25:21 No matter how you love, you have to, you can't frame it in any way other than that. If you talk about Jews, especially when it comes to American.
01:25:30 And that's just the way that it is. And so the way he's describing, oh, yeah, you might think it's bad when when JFK got shot because this is kind of like, just like October 7th was like, 1,000,009 elevens for Israel. You know, this was like a million JFK's. Well, even worse because, you know, at least with JFK, we didn't think that. Lee.
01:25:50 Harvey Oswald was kind of like us but with, but with this, like, you know, the assassin, he's a he's a respected Zionist Jew that. And so it's really mentally difficult for them to wrap their heads around the situation because he is one of them and it's just like.
01:26:05 Dude uh, it was Zionist Jews that killed JFK too. So shut the ****. You ******* bow tie wearing ******.
01:26:14 Uh, but anyway, so.
01:26:17 Yeah, that was that was that was that.
01:26:19 Was just kind of really.
01:26:21 Really tough for me to listen to knowing what I know. So here they are. They marched them out to the the location, the the assassin to reenact what had happened during the investigations. This is footage of them doing that.
01:26:42 He was a good student. He was a good soldier. He was a good friend.
01:26:48 See.
01:26:50 He was a normal Jew.
01:26:52 He was a it wasn't. He wasn't some kind of psychopath that, you know, blew a fuse and just randomly killed the guy he represented. A lot of Jews, a lot of Jews were very happy.
01:27:05 That he had been assassinated just like I mean, look, if just like, if if Obama had been assassinated during, you know, his administration.
01:27:17 You know, probably not openly in the streets. There wouldn't be people dancing and **** like that, but yeah, there'd be a lot of guys out there. They'd be.
01:27:25 Like. Oh no, that's so not too bad.
01:27:31 But with with.
01:27:33 With this it was, it was. It was dancing in the street. It was people who were very supportive of the assassination.
01:27:42 Are they talking about one of the best and the brightest about the boy headed by teachers and friends as most likely to succeed? Yes, they're talking about Egal, Amir.01:27:52 Rabin's assassin is no wild weed growing on the fringes of the West Bank settler movement he comes from.
01:27:59 The heart of.
01:27:59 The Country Italia, a middle class Tel Aviv suburb and from the heart of the Religious Zionist movement.
Devon Stack
01:28:08 Yeah. So he was just a turbo Zionist. He was a turbo Zionist. That represented a lot of other Turbo Zionists who are currently in charge of the country today.01:28:19 Who, especially since October 7?
01:28:22 Since Hamas were, they were allowed to do their attack, have whipped the country up into another frenzy.
01:28:32 No, not never. Forget not again. It's happening again. It's happening. We're going to get genocide and it's happening again.
01:28:43 At a time when Netanyahu was actually facing criminal charges, but anyway, this is this is before, right before Netanyahu got in power the first time.
01:28:55 And you spent five years at the.01:28:57 Cream of Israel.
01:28:57 'S religious academies, the school that routinely churns out generals, judges, doctors, rabbis.
01:29:06 He did his military service in the elite Golani Brigade, in a company that proudly called itself the Cool Ones, a mere loved the army. He enrolled in the last school of Barland University, which accepts one out of 450 applicants, his extracurricular activities.
01:29:25 Courses in the Computer Science school and in the Institute, who advanced tourist studies.
01:29:30 No Floridian analysis will help here. This is not an aberration. This is not a kid who's a monster who grew up with violence. This is a kid who was educated with the best of the Jewish tradition.Devon Stack
01:29:43 So there you.01:29:44 Go.
01:29:45 He was he was a normal, like, again he wasn't some kind of psychopath.
01:29:50 He wasn't uh, uh, you know it, it was, it was. It was a normal guy that a lot of people like that a lot of people related to. And it wasn't, it was, you know, there's some people that they get on camera that act very shocked. Ohh. I seemed like a good guy. But uh this is.
01:30:06 It it's really shocking to me and I'll tell you one thing it it actually kind of was for maybe some of the same reasons that I think a lot of non Jews in America who are trying to figure out the JQ, a lot of them are struggling to understand that there's more. Yeah, it's it's more complex than just the Jews that there is, you know, inner.
01:30:26 Inner turmoil when it comes to the Jews, that there is, you know, different.
01:30:32 Power grabs going on between different factions and whatnot. Just like with any other group, right? But one thing that the Jews do have, and I I guess it was turbocharged after World War 2, is they do have nepotism and they do have in Group preference to an extreme level and that was.
01:30:52 Psychologically damaging to a lot of the people in Iraq.
01:30:56 Well, they were very shocked to find out that it was a Jew that assassinated the first Israeli politician to ever be assassinated because they saw it as just. It was a shocking thing that a a Jew would kill a Jew regardless of what the disagreement might be. Again, not every Jew thought that because a lot of Zionist.
01:31:17 Yes, we're very excited that that the Prime Minister had been killed.
01:31:22 But there were some Jews that were that was psychologically hard for them to wrap their heads around because yes, Jews do have extreme and group preference and this was in a way an anomaly you could say.
01:31:38 Yall Amir may come from Israel's heartland, but the heart of the problem is here on the West Bank of the Jordan, the Biblical Judea and Sami.01:31:46 Marium when Israel conquered the territory in 1967, Religious Zionists believed the victory was engineered less by Itzhak Rabin's army than by the Hand of God.
01:32:02 But was for secular Israelis a stunning military triumph became, for many observant Jews, a sign that redemption was at hand. The Messiah on his way.
01:32:11 This was, after all, the place where Abraham made his covenant with God. What day the sons of Abraham had to do was settle the land, Revere it, hold on to.
01:32:21 It.
01:32:22 Their theme song, this land is my land. This land is my land.
Jewish Lady
01:32:27 Look, doll.01:32:28 My family, my grandfathers and great grandfathers and.
01:32:31 The great, great grandfathers lived here much before Fatimas and John Meals, I'll.
01:32:36 Tell you that much.
Devon Stack
01:32:41 Oh yes.01:32:43 Boy, they is broken. I'm going to fix Roy big and ******* the reason why I had that mute issue where I muted and I actually cause it's anytime I hit olivay.
01:32:53 There we got fixed it.
01:32:55 It puts the volume for olivey right where my mic volume is.
01:32:59 So what happened was I went to unmute my mic and I muted olivette cause it was still on the tail end of it. I gotta make it so it doesn't do that anymore.
01:33:08 Or just get. I'm gonna get buttons. I'm gonna get buttons like a mic mute button instead of like having to go into BS.
01:33:15 Anyway.
01:33:17 Anyway. Ohh yeah, we're we're much more Israeli than the brown people. The brown desert people, us pale skinned Jews over here.
Jewish Lady
01:33:27 Much before Fatimas and John Mills, I'll tell you that much.Devon Stack
01:33:30 I'll tell you that much right now. Oh.01:33:36 Look at her husband. He's just like.
01:33:39 Can you imagine being married to that?
01:33:46 I almost felt bad for him. I I almost feel bad for him. Almost.
01:33:52 He's he's got, like, the boomer pain look on his face, doesn't he?
01:34:03 It's almost exact. It's it's the Jew version of the the boomer pane face.
01:34:13 But yeah, but that's the that's the problem is you have these Zionist Jews who are increasing in number in Israel and the United States and some of them are Christians and not actually Jews, which makes it even cockier and ******* stupider and more dangerous.
01:34:32 Because think about that. Think like it'd be one thing, right? It would be one thing if we had religious zealots.
01:34:40 In powerful positions in the United States.
01:34:44 That maybe they believe some kooky thing, but it was ultimately in the interests of their own people, which is by extension, would also be our people, right?
01:34:57 Right, like.
01:34:58 Where?
01:35:00 I'm trying to think of like what would be analogous to that, but I mean it it would be.
01:35:06 Way better. Way better to have religious zealots.
01:35:11 Regardless of of what the theology was, if what they believed in was ultimately going to benefit Americans specifically white Americans. But I would even just settle for Americans, right?
01:35:28 It's way worse.
01:35:30 It's way worse.
01:35:32 When you have people who religiously **** to another people, because what's the psychological profile for that **** and what is someone that that's who's that ******* cut. What are they willing to to to do?
01:35:48 I can't. I honestly, I cannot imagine. I seriously can't. I've never in my life had any kind of I I'm. I'm trying to think of any kind of situation I've ever been in where it would even make it somewhat relatable to me for to to have some kind of mindset.
01:36:09 That would include, oh, and these people over here.
01:36:12 Are better than me.
01:36:16 Because God thinks so.
01:36:19 And so they come first, because if I don't take care of, them's gonna curse me. This is what Christian Zionists believe.
01:36:30 If I don't do what the State of Israel wants me to do.
01:36:35 As the Secretary of Defense, as the Secretary of State.
01:36:41 If I don't do.
01:36:44 What's in the interest of a foreign country?
01:36:48 As a senator.
01:36:50 As a governor.
01:36:52 As a president.
01:36:54 As a vice president.
01:36:58 God is going to curse me.
01:37:04 Because.
01:37:06 These other people who are not my people.
01:37:09 Are God's favorite people.
01:37:14 And I exist only to serve them.
01:37:19 And not only that.
01:37:20 This isn't like some weird secret.
01:37:22 Fetish. I happily tell people this.
01:37:30 And in fact, it's so normal to me.
01:37:35 I look down on people who don't **** to these foreign people.
01:37:41 And call them evil.
01:37:45 And I think that if I'm able to generate the conditions necessary for the Antichrist to come, this is the level of crazy you're dealing with. You don't understand it. This is actually worse than if they were just Jews. Is what I'm getting at. It's actually worse.
01:38:06 To have Christian Zionists in charge than it is to have leftist Jews it.
01:38:13 Civilization ending both ways in just different directions.
01:38:21 But it's crazy town when you're dealing with Christian Zionists.
01:38:27 Because, at least with the Jews on the left, you can understand where they're coming from. Yeah. I mean, it's still evil. And you don't want them to be there, but you. Yeah, you can understand it, right? I can at least understand it. In fact, in some instances.
01:38:42 I can be like.
01:38:44 That's bravo. I mean, I guess, I mean, **** **** you, but also you pulled one over on the the go him again. But when it's the actual dumb going proving the Jews right about the dumb ******* goyim Jesus Christ.
01:39:02 No pun intended.
01:39:07 It's it's ******* madding. And that's what we've got. That's what we've got. We've got a bunch of people who think that they're trying to execute God's plan.
01:39:19 And they're just as motivated as some ******* sand monkey with a stick of dynamite in his mouth.
01:39:28 They're just as willing to light the ******* fuse. Why? Because they think that they will get. Maybe it's not 72 virgins in paradise, but it's their version of that. In fact, it's almost better because it's just. It's heaven, whatever that means.
01:39:45 And and they'll never even have to sit if they start World War three. Guess what, they get raptured. They've invented something that allows them to not have to have any anxiety whatsoever about starting World War three. And they called it the rapture.
01:40:02 It's this magical thing that happens that if you happen to start World War 3.
01:40:08 Because God wanted you to start World War 3 for the Jews because he likes them more.
01:40:14 Well, then you get magicked up to heaven.
01:40:18 And then all the people who didn't want to serve the Jews.
01:40:23 They get stuck here.
01:40:25 To deal with the.
01:40:26 World War Three that you started.
01:40:29 That's what they think.
01:40:31 You might look, you need to understand. That's what a lot of ******* powerful people think right now.
01:40:40 I've seen some people over the last couple of days from other countries in the Anglosphere express disbelief or trying to minimize this Zionist issue because you don't ******* get it.
01:40:55 You don't ******* get it.
01:40:57 And I'm sorry, I don't pretend to understand the inner workings of the politics from other countries that I haven't lived in.
01:41:06 Because I'm going to miss out on some nuance, I'm not going to get the culture on it, even if you know, even if it's English, speaking country and whatever. And we have similar backgrounds to some degree. I'm not going to get it.
01:41:20 I'm not going to get it, but I'm American and I ******* get it.
01:41:24 I get. I get Americans and I get the ******* Zionist poison that's they've been in the well for a long time. You might even say since the founding.
01:41:35 You forget, you know, like Australia, for example, was a penal colony. OK, that's that's that's the origin story. That's the kinds of people that were there. I mean, that's not the only kinds of people that were there, but like the kinds of people that started in the United States were Protestants.
01:41:51 Zionist many, many of them name their kids Jewish names and ****.
01:41:59 That's that's. That's what you're dealing with.
01:42:02 And in an environment of religious freedom.
01:42:07 A lot of different interpretations were allowed to spring up and flourish.
01:42:14 You know, some didn't last very long. Some lasted a long time and some of them were super ******* Zionist.
01:42:24 And just like the Jews were that were happy to give Hamas a bunch of money.
01:42:30 Because they thought it was in the best interest of Israel to undermine the negotiations going on between the PLO and RABINE.
01:42:44 You better ******* believe Jews are more than happy to fund Zionist churches and organizations for the exact same reason.
01:42:54 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:42:56 And we're not the Zionist churches and and and organizations are going to produce people that end up just sending money, bunch of money back to Israel anyway. So it it kind of.01:43:05 Pays off.
01:43:10 In a sick, ****** ** way, it super pays.
01:43:12 Off.
01:43:13 Why wouldn't you? I mean, I can't just imagine you probably can't even calculate how much Zionist Christians, either directly or indirectly, have said, like how much? How many trillions of dollars.
01:43:27 They've sent either directly or indirectly to Israel.
01:43:33 In support of their their military and infrastructure and everything else.
01:43:40 Why wouldn't you throw a few million?
01:43:43 At some of these gay *** ******* mega churches.
01:43:48 Never. Now you might produce some kind of ******* nut case with a Jerusalem cross on his chest. Who ends up being the the head of the military someday.
01:43:58 And thinks he's gonna get raptured. If he helps you start World War 3.
01:44:04 Sounds like a good deal to me. Sounds like a good investment.
01:44:12 See, this is the stupid **** that a lot of people don't realize. It's not like it doesn't. It don't care if it sounds crazy to you. It sounds crazy to me. I don't believe this ****.
01:44:23 But they do.
01:44:29 The majority, if not almost the the the, the, the like.
01:44:36 I'm trying to think right now who's not, who's not a Zionist, and out of all the.
01:44:40 The Trump picks.
01:44:45 I'm ask chat chat.
01:44:49 Can you think of a single?
01:44:51 Single.
01:44:54 Trump's nominee?
01:45:00 That's not a Zionist.
01:45:13 I'm waiting.
01:45:19 People are saying Tom Holman is that the is that the is that the guy they're like, oh, he's going to be the immigration czar, which is like a made-up.
01:45:30 Where he has zero budget, zero staff and 0 authority to do anything is that the guy?
01:45:36 Yeah, there's that.
01:45:37 Guy, so oh, it's it's it's a guy who's he's basically like a got a made-up position with the zero ability. And I you know what? I'm I'm guessing he's a Zionist.
01:45:51 I wonder if I can find any info on him.
01:45:58 Let's see here, Tom Holman.
01:46:02 I don't know where you. I don't.
01:46:03 Think he's?
01:46:06 He's public enough then, to for us to know whether he is or not.
01:46:11 I'd be really surprised. You'd be surprised how many ******* people are signing this. I mean, all the all the Christians that I've recently talked to.
01:46:20 About the the Trump thing have been Zionist.
01:46:29 IRL, the people that live in this area that I've talked to about the election.
01:46:33 They're all.
01:46:34 Well, it's great because because Jews are awesome.
01:46:41 I'm I'm I'm just looking to see if I can find this religion.
01:46:50 Yeah, he's not. He hasn't been around long enough for us to actually know.
01:46:55 Yeah. So there's literally nobody, people, someone said RFK. No, RFK is a Zionist.
01:47:02 He absolutely is a Zionist.
01:47:05 So this is what I'm talking about. There's there's literally.
01:47:09 100%.
01:47:11 Or thereabouts of Trump's administration is going to believe in this psycho nonsense.
01:47:20 That aligns them perfectly with then Yahoo's Likud party, who is currently in power and and and and and because of October 7th, and will remain in power until this war cools off, in which case there's some investigations that will that will.
01:47:41 Be allowed to continue in the Netanyahu, which could result in jail time, but anyway this was the this was the moment though.
01:47:49 This was the moment that this was that this was the the nail.
01:47:53 In the coffin.
01:47:55 But then three years ago.01:47:56 Israelis voted in the government willing.
01:47:58 To trade sacred land.
01:48:00 For peace, all of a.
01:48:01 Sudden the enemy was no longer the Arab, but the Jew, and not just any Jew, but the man elected to lead the country.
01:48:09 And if you were educated in that perspective and to see all of the future of history hanging on your own sovereignty, on the whole land, and here comes a man who says I'm offering peace, a way of living with the Arab world, but it's going to require a territorial compromise, it's going to require giving up the grandiose ideas that have.01:48:28 Shaped you in the.
01:48:29 West, can you live with this?
01:48:32 No you can't. Not if you believe your salvation is tied up in the land. You can't.Devon Stack
01:48:38 No you can't.01:48:41 And these are the people.
01:48:44 That support Trump. These are the Jews, the Jews in America that support Trump are these kinds of Jews.
01:48:50 And the Jews that are currently in power in Israel are these kinds of Jews.
01:48:59 Like, here's what I was saying about the.
01:49:03 They just support it openly.
Religious Jew
01:49:05 I think he is a righteous man.Devon Stack
01:49:05 Uh.Religious Jew
01:49:08 I think he didn't want. He believed in. I think he did what?01:49:12 The total or demanded that needed to be done.
Devon Stack
01:49:15 He's talking about the assassin. Not the not, not the PM. He's saying that the assassin did what needed to be done with it was what the Torah demanded.01:49:27 That's what the average.
01:49:30 Likud Party Zionist believes.
01:49:36 He was cheered when they were marching him around town. There were people that cheered him.
01:49:43 Because he was doing what God required.
01:49:48 And then I found this clip. I mean, I don't know. I'm sure there's conspiracy theories and whatever this was his lawyer, I believe his. I think it was his quote, a court appointed lawyer or one of his lawyers that seemed to think that.
01:50:07 While he was happy to take responsibility for the crime and while he was definitely involved to some degree, he believed the lawyer believed that Yigal Amir, the assassin.
01:50:24 Was simply the smokescreen to a a more methodical and premeditated assassination that would take that, that that would take place actually in the car after they loaded the.
01:50:44 The Prime Minister into the car after.
01:50:48 Yigal Amir.
01:50:51 Fired fired his gun that they actually finished the job in the car.
Yigal Amir's Lawyer
01:50:55 The Prime Minister and the the bodyguard were on the ground. Eagle Amir was shooting straight. There's no way he could possibly hit the Prime Minister. Even the the order of the bullets and the number of bullets that were different. There should have been 5 bullets left. But according to the evidence.01:51:10 The when they discovered the gun and then looked.
01:51:12 At all the bullets there, there were.
01:51:14 There are a lot more than that. There's a lot of controversy over the evidence and and what exactly happened. There's other things that show that according to three doctors, when the Prime Minister first came in, they said that the person that really shot you stop grabbing shot 4 or 5 minutes beforehand.
01:51:35 He got to the hospital at 952 four or five minutes before that. That's 940-7948. They were already in the car. They already gone.
01:51:42 There is no way possibly that Eagle Amir was the one that that shot the Prime Minister. It's true that he shot him, but they were blank bullets and he was basically camouflaged for the for the.
01:51:51 Real murderer.
01:51:52 In other words, the mother might have shot him on the way to the hospital.Yigal Amir's Lawyer
01:51:56 Exactly, exactly. That's one thing.01:51:58 That.
01:51:58 It's.Yigal Amir's Lawyer
01:51:59 That's exactly what I'm saying. That's in fact, that's the thing that the that the the lower court couldn't understand. Lower courts thought that our only argument was that the real murder was actually there and shot at the same time the elimination. Now it's not necessarily true. We're saying that the real murderer could.01:52:13 Have been.
01:52:15 That you're not grabbing the Prime Minister was killed on the way to the hospital.
01:52:20 Even the body cuts drives his son. He will drive only afterwards, he says, drive to the hospital. He didn't say drive to the hospital at the very beginning, only after they already in motion says drive to the hospital.
01:52:31 And.
01:52:32 By the way, he said it only took. It took a minute and a half to get the hospital. That's that's a lie. It it. It took him 22 minutes to get to the hospital. What happened those 22 minutes?
01:52:41 A minute and a half, you.
01:52:42 Can get to the hospital by by, by.
01:52:45 By walking, so I think there's a lot of controversies.
Religious Jew
01:52:47 In this speech that was given at the end of this.01:52:48 Reaction to.
Yigal Amir's Lawyer
01:52:51 I think that that definitely supports what I'm saying here that Eagle Amir wants to take responsibility for everything he wants to be the one that did it.01:53:00 And that's why.
01:53:02 He wants to take claim for that. He unfortunately is taking claim for for some what someone else really did.
Devon Stack
01:53:09 So I don't know is that just like hysterical schizophrenia Jew brain or is that, you know, possibly?01:53:20 Hinting that it was a a more you know.
01:53:26 I guess bulletproof type of operation or they didn't want to leave it all up to chance. They didn't want to leave it all up to just.
01:53:33 One guy with a pistol make you know they wanted to make sure that it it succeeded. So they they planned it, planned it in such a way that it looked like, oh, he's getting shot at hurry quick load him in the car and then they finished the job while he's in the car. Or who or who knows, right.
01:53:50 But it doesn't really matter. Doesn't really matter because you got. You got Amir is taking responsibility for either way and whether it was just him by himself or whether it was.
01:54:04 You know Mossad or whoever it it bottom line is Zionists killed them and Zionists were, you know, at large, we're OK with the.
01:54:13 Fact that he was killed.
John Roberts
01:54:16 The passing of time has done little to dull the pain of many Israelis that the killer of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is a fellow Jew. That the enemy lurks within not only within Israel but in the United States. As Richard Threlkeld reports in tonight's eye on America.Devon Stack
01:54:35 And a lot of these, these Zionist Jews that were celebrating.01:54:40 In Israel, remember I told you a lot of it. The Jews that support.
01:54:45 Donald Trump are these kinds of Jews. Well, they were these exact kinds of Jews were in America back then, too.
Richard Threlkeld
01:54:52 It came as a shock to many Israelis that there were among them Jews, so full of hate and anger, they'd applaud the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Ravine. Yet the shocking fact is you can hear the same sentiments right here in America.Jewish TV Show
01:55:07 Yeah.01:55:07 He was ready to give it.
01:55:08 All up.
01:55:10 And thank God you got. Amir took him out before he.
Richard Threlkeld
01:55:13 Yeah, yeah. Excerpts from a cable TV show, regularly seen in New York City. Victor Vancier, who helped produce the shows once, led the Jewish Defense League and was convicted for a string of terrorist bombings in New York in the 1980s.Devon Stack
01:55:30 So we've talked about the JDL before you. You've had a lot of people don't that's that's a part of history to get too into that. But I just wanted to.01:55:37 Mention that the JDL.
01:55:40 Which was a Jewish terrorist group in America during the 80s and 90s. People don't even realize that that that was a thing. But yes, there were Jewish terrorist groups.
01:55:50 Operating, actually committing, you know, doing bombings and and assassinations in.
01:55:56 Zionist Jews doing that in America in the 80s and 90s? Of course there's no there's no movies about that. There's no books about that. There's no references in the media about that. And so most people don't even know that it happened unless you were watching it on on, on TV at the time or or happened to, you know, research it like I have.
01:56:15 I didn't realize that that had happened was going on in the 80s and 90s until I I researched this ****, but they had Israeli Zionist terrorist training camps in a.
01:56:24 Erika.
Richard Threlkeld
01:56:25 And it's not just TV talk. It's action. As recently as two years ago at this camp in New York's Catskill Mountains, ex Israeli soldiers taught paramilitary courses to Jewish trainees. And Israeli journalist Sadat Jacques Scali was there.Religious Jew
01:56:41 All the studied about rifles about machine guns. They got even theoretical lessons about bombs in Brunei.Richard Threlkeld
01:56:51 The camp was set up by followers of the radical Rabbi Meyer Kahana, who was assassinated in New York in 1990.01:56:57 The rock would begin all the rest.
Devon Stack
01:57:00 So you had a lot of that **** going on. They were raising money here in America.01:57:05 So it's this.
01:57:07 This is what I'm saying that they they've always had the left wing Jews and the right wing Jews.
01:57:13 Who have who have always disagreed with each other and they're always squabbling by the end of the day, especially when Jews are under attack, like what happened. And, you know, after October 7th, all of a sudden they get.
01:57:23 On the same page really quick.
Richard Threlkeld
01:57:25 And there are those who believe some American Jews are practicing a dangerous double standard.Gary Rubin
01:57:31 Who very same principles which will use successfully to defeat.01:57:35 Anti-Semitic extremists. We failed to apply to Jewish extremists and that's why Jewish extremists have become such a threat and that's why they continue to do their work.
Devon Stack
01:57:43 Because of that reason right there, because the left wing Jews, while they were happy to try to go after right wing extremists, go after militia groups go after racists, they wouldn't go after right wing Zionist Jewish groups because.01:58:00 They were Jews.
01:58:02 They would disagree with them.
01:58:04 They would get upset and have little squabbles and fights by the end of the day, they were Jews.
01:58:11 So that's what I'm saying. There is Jews.
01:58:14 But it's not just it's not as simple as just Jews.
01:58:18 There's some nuance and hopefully now you understand some of that nuance.
01:58:22 And after and look at it worked after.
01:58:24 They killed the.
01:58:25 Rabin the Oslo Accords were never fully ratified. Obviously you know 2 state solution never ******* happened.
01:58:33 You had Netanyahu was brought elected to office almost immediately afterwards.
01:58:41 I think like in 1996, so you know he was Assassin 9596, Netanyahu gets in charge.
01:58:48 And look, in fact, in a way it it kind of explains, you can even say.
01:58:55 See Clinton. You know, obviously we we're not fans of Clinton here, but Clinton, the Clinton administration, was successfully brokering brokering the Oslo Accords. They were going to bring peace to the Middle East. Or at least that was the that was the two state solution that they were hoping.
01:59:11 To.
01:59:12 Get and that's why they did the big.
01:59:16 You know photo op in front of the White House with air threat and with Robin.
01:59:23 And that was the.
01:59:26 That was the administration that was responsible for almost selling out the Jews and and stopping the Moshiach from coming. So once. And then Yahoo got into power. They were very icy cold when it came to the Clinton administration. In fact, almost all of the the newspaper.
01:59:46 Reporting you can find about that era. It's all just article after article talking about you know how the Clintons are snubbing Netanyahu and Netanyahu is being, you know, I see or chilly towards the administration and.
02:00:02 Netanyahu's ignoring all of the administration's requests because then Yahoo starts doing the opposite of what the Oslo Accords were asking the Jews to do. He's increasing the size of the settlements he's going into further and further into Palestinian territory and and just taking the territory and and persecuting and murdering the people who are living there.
02:00:24 And here's one article.
02:00:27 Right here. That, that, uh, kind of.
02:00:30 Talks about a little bit of this Netanyahu and Clinton growing apart, embittered relations between Israel and the United States have degenerated into a personal feud between President Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a climate of unusual animosity between Israel and its principal ally officials in Jerusalem.
02:00:51 Complained Israel was being treated like a Banana Republic. Clinton apparently unconvinced that Israel is pursuing peace with the Palestinians, refused to meet Netanyahu during.
02:01:03 Visit to the United States last week. The extraordinary snub was plain to see when the president found time to meet Shimon Perez, Netanyahu's predecessor, and King Hussein of Jordan. Asked whether he felt humiliated, Netanyahu told CNN on Wednesday all insults are directed to the office.
02:01:23 Of the Prime Minister of the State of Israel and the entire Jewish state feels humiliated by such actions against us.
02:01:32 Netanyahu said a meeting was certainly not something that Israel has to pay for and added its unbecoming. It doesn't benefit nations who are allies. It doesn't or other benefit. It doesn't benefit nations who are not allies, and I believe the United States probably would agree with me if they thought about it.
02:01:54 In a private conversation with the American Jewish leader, Netanyahu recently said he was being treated like Saddam Hussein.
02:02:01 Clinton one reason for the rift is the failing peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, which has made it more difficult for Clinton to muster Arab support in the conference's confrontation with Iraq, senior American officials say they have lost trust in Netanyahu.
02:02:21 Hello.Devon Stack
02:02:21 They accuse him of breaking the tested promise to suspend and construct a Jewish settlement.02:02:27 Or settlements. Similar complaints are frequently echoed by Arab leaders and even members of the ruling Likud party. Clinton was clearly behind Perez and his Labour government during the last years or during last year's Israeli general election. The victorious Netanyahu then got off to a bad start.
02:02:49 By addressing Clinton informally as Bill on his first meeting with him, Israeli officials recognized Denya, whose cocksure and paranoid personality gives offense and have advised him to avoid long meetings with other leaders.
02:03:04 So.
02:03:05 You had Netanyahu very upset with the Clinton administration. The Clinton administration basically treating him like ****. And wouldn't you know it, less than a year later?
02:03:19 Engage you a secretive gay Jew.
02:03:23 Who ran a a website? You might have heard of called Drudge Report less than a year later when all this was going down.
02:03:34 He drops a story.
02:03:37 About Bill Clinton having a sexual relationship.
02:03:43 With a Jewish intern named Monica Lewinsky.
02:03:49 That's right.
02:03:53 Interesting timing, right. Interesting timing. There's Monica Lewinsky, right? There comes from a wealthy Jewish family from Beverly Hills and became a a White House intern.
02:04:08 And.
02:04:10 Seduced Clinton, which wouldn't exactly be hard to do given his.
02:04:15 His weakness is as a man, you.
02:04:17 Might say.
02:04:20 And so they were embroiled in controversy and all of a sudden it became this big thing in the news.
02:04:31 With Dan rather reporting tonight from Washington.
Dan Rather
02:04:36 Good evening. Here at the White House, the president's new counterattack went beyond the Court of public opinion to actual court in Little Rock. This included a blistering attack all but directly accusing special Prosecutor Republican Ken Starr of being out to get the president in new motions in the Paula Jones case, former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.02:04:57 Has reportedly told all talk.
02:05:00 But still does not have a deal for immunity from Kenneth Starr and Hillary Clinton stands by her husband at the White House, then heads to a planned appearance in New York. Our coverage begins with CBS News White House correspondent Scott Pelley. Scott Dan tonight, Monica Lewinsky's attorneys tell us that she has told prosecutors.
Scott Pelley
02:05:20 All she knows, they describe what they call a complete account of her relationship with President Clinton.02:05:27 But that account was given over the telephone today and was not written down. Prosecutors are trying, still trying to decide whether they will offer immunity. This new threat came on the same day that the President finally rallied to his own defense.
02:05:44 The president had been silent three days. His lawyers wanted it that way, but the political damage was rising much too fast. Today drawn and bleary eyed, Mr. Clinton joined the battle to save his presidency.
Bill Clinton
02:05:52 Available.02:05:58 But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again.
02:06:05 I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie. Not a single time, never. These allegations are false and I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you.
Devon Stack
02:06:24 But it wouldn't go away. It wouldn't go away, which is weird for a controversy involving a Democrat, right? Again, people will say, well, I thought Jews like the Democrats.02:06:37 Well, the Jews and the press did.
02:06:40 The left wing Jews and the press they they covered as long they covered for this story along for like as long as they possibly could. Drudge Report now is is like not even it's not even run by Drudge anymore. He sold it some time after Trump was elected the first time, sometime in 2016. We don't know.
02:06:58 Even know who runs it anymore?
02:07:00 Right and in 19/19/96?
02:07:05 Or I'm sorry, 98 when this was going on, most people didn't have the ******* Internet yet, so Drudge Report was a very niche kind of news outlet because a most people didn't have the Internet and even the people that have the Internet, they were still getting their news from the newspapers and from TV.
02:07:25 And it took a really, really, really long time for this story that Drudge, who previously most people have never ******* heard it before, was just like, again, this weird secret of Jew who still to this day is a weird, secretive gay Jew who who also is a Zionist. I might want to.
02:07:46 Add.
02:07:48 Until he broke this story about about another Jew.
02:07:53 Who comes from a wealthy Zionist Jewish family?
02:07:57 Accusing the President of of having sex with her in the Oval Office.
02:08:04 And it was covered up by the.
02:08:08 Left wing Jews.
02:08:10 In the media for a long for as long as they could and tell that story had spread.
02:08:17 To enough smaller outlets that were starting to report it to where they.
02:08:21 Felt like they would be.
02:08:23 They'd look ridiculous if they didn't ******* report on it, and so they ended up reporting on it. Cause again, yes, there is the Jews, but there's also different kinds of Jews.
02:08:35 And it all depends on what we're talking about is in terms of how they're going to react. Like, look, there's.
02:08:39 White people.
02:08:41 Right. But there's different kinds of white people just just in the right wing, right? There's different kinds of what there. There's pagans and Christians as an example, and they're going to approach the same thing in totally different ways as we, as we all see.
02:08:55 Very often. So look, Jews are no different.
02:08:58 But anyway, that so eventually of course.
Tom Brokav
02:09:01 Over the years, they're having the dramatic late night speeches from the White House, national tragedies and national triumphs.02:09:08 But nothing like the speech that we're about to hear from there tonight.
Bill Clinton
02:09:12 Indeed, I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part, for which I am solely and completely responsible. I misled people, including even my wife.02:09:34 I deeply regret that.
Devon Stack
02:09:37 And just like that, you know, I mean, not that it mattered because at this point it was after the election. This is the kind of thing that would have been great for Israel to throw out there.02:09:48 Prior to an election, but hey, you might as well try to humiliate him as much as possible and make sure there's nothing he can get done and just cause trouble for him politically and mentally and in every other way, right? So it's it's not hard to imagine.
02:10:04 It's not hard to imagine that Zionist Israeli Jews who are cheering the assassination of their own Prime Minister.
02:10:14 Because he was getting in the way of their Zionist plans, because what matters more than being a Jew doing what God wants, cause what matters more than doing what God wants? Literally nothing.
02:10:29 So it's not hard to imagine that these same kinds of people wouldn't mind basically derailing Clintons up until that point, well oiled administration.
02:10:47 As much as luck, I hate the Clintons, and politically they were a well oiled machine.
02:10:53 They were. They were able to maneuver out of well. I mean, the whole Vince Foster thing as an example like, that wasn't. That wasn't an easy trick to pull off, but they did.
02:11:09 And now, what do people remember about Bill Clinton? Monica Lewinsky?
02:11:15 That's what people remember now when they think about Bill Clinton.
02:11:22 So anyway.
02:11:25 I hope we're not going to get too deep into all this stuff, and again, mostly because I'm not Israeli. I'm sure there's a lot of nuance I'm missing out on. There's a lot of other, you know, intricacies I don't really quite understand and and whatever, but that's not really the point. The point tonight is to.
02:11:44 Demonstrate to you that the Jews are not a hive mind. They're not the Borg, they're not a monolith. And the fact and in fact Christian Zionists are equally as in terms of how it pertains to.
02:12:00 Getting us into bad situations or being beholden to the State of Israel are actually worse than Jews in many cases that they in and you know again, specifically when it comes to doing what Israel wants and that you know, militarily or or otherwise.
02:12:19 That they are worse than the left wing Jews, or at least until you know, October 7th. I think a lot of left wing Jews, as we saw in terms of the left wing Jews that started supporting Trump financially for this election.
02:12:32 Jews have circled the wagons again, because why they fell under a tank, they fell under attack and a lot of these divisions that they had prior to October 7th that they've had in the past, like we went over tonight, a lot of those, those differences have been put aside.
02:12:51 A good example of this would be kind of what happened in the United States after 9.
02:12:57 Even when all of a sudden, every you know all the lefties that have been making fun of George Bush, non-stop where everything you know there was so many like you couldn't it's any any Republican president. Right is basically the devil when it comes to the the the press back in the in that era and you know George Bush was no different.
02:13:18 But the second 9/11 happened. All those jokes on Saturday Night Live went away.
02:13:23 May all those editorial pieces and New York Times went away. All of the criticism of him on the nightly news went away and all instead, you got you got Fluff piece after fluff piece. He looks very presidential. Oh, look at him on the, you know, standing on.
02:13:43 On that pile of rubble at Ground Zero with the megaphone. Ohh I I feel really patriotic today.
02:13:51 It's it's the same kind of a thing times a million because Jews are also they they don't just share a nationality, they share an ethnicity and to some degree, even if you're talking about the non religious Jews, they still have their religious history. So yeah, they're not. They don't believe in it necessarily.
02:14:12 That maybe their atheist Jews, but their ancestors believed in it, and so it's still meaningful because it's still informs a lot of their values. It still informs a lot of their traditions and they still relate to it, and many of them become religious later in the.
02:14:26 Life. And so that's just the way that it is is October 7th happened and you've got a lot of the left wing Jews on board with the Zionists and.
02:14:38 Now we have Christian Zionists, or.
02:14:40 At least, well, the.
02:14:41 Other thing people need to realize is.
02:14:44 There is a confirmation process that takes place. Trump can't just say these are the people that are in charge now of all these departments, they have to get confirmed and that confirmation process we can sort of get around it with.
02:15:03 Recess appointments and Democrats have done that in years past to get around the confirmation process. Obama did it.
02:15:12 I'm pretty sure Clinton did it. Republicans are always *******, and so they they rarely, if ever, do it. I don't know that they'll do it this time. And and to be. And to be honest, I'm not sure with all the technicalities, like how you know to do it are. So I don't know if there's something that would get in the way of them even being able to do it.
02:15:33 But my understanding is is during like Christmas break for example.
02:15:37 That could happen, but, but then that doesn't really make sense because.
02:15:42 But Trump isn't president until.
02:15:45 He's sworn in on the 20th, so he can't appoint people.
02:15:50 Until he's, you know, until he's sworn out. So in effect, he would have to almost go a full year without any of these people, if that's what they're going to do, or at least wait until you know Congress recesses. I don't know, maybe they maybe they're still recessed in January. I I don't, I don't know. So there's probably some ways they can.
02:16:10 Try to get around the confirmation process, but just again, Republicans have never been politically.
02:16:19 Uh, sneaky enough to get things like that done, whether whether or not it's been on purpose in the past. You could argue about that, but there is a process you have to so these people are there who are being, quote UN quote, nominated by Trump. It doesn't really mean.
02:16:39 Anything until they're actually confirmed anyway, so a lot of these people probably will change between now and that confirmation process.
02:16:51 And so it's really not. He's look, he's not even again. He's not president until he sworn on the 20th. So it's, you know, to me it's it's kind of pointless to sit there and try to.
02:17:05 Predict you know what? What, what? So and so gonna do when he's this or what? So, but it's what? What's not useless to do is to predict what Zionists will do.
02:17:15 Because it doesn't matter which Zionist it is.
02:17:20 You know, it doesn't. It doesn't matter if the Zionist is a a Jew or a or a Christian, or what flavor of Christian is a Zionist is a Zionist, is a Zionist. If he's a Likud party Zionist or if he's an evangelical Zionist, when it comes to Israel and Iran.
02:17:39 And and and all those things that everyone's concerned about in the Middle East right now it Zionist is a Zionist, is a Zionist.
02:17:48 And so that's why I said Zionist not because I'm afraid of saying Jew, you **** *****, you dumb ******* ***** out of out of out of everyone that you know, I I would be afraid of of saying to you, really. I mean. Come on dude.
02:18:05 And that hopefully.
02:18:07 Hopefully that is.
02:18:10 That's enough. That's enough information for people who might not have understood.
02:18:16 The complexities, the inner workings.
02:18:19 Of Israeli politics, enough to to realize they're not just like the Borg.
02:18:27 All right.
02:18:29 And with that, let's take.
02:18:30 A look at Hyper Chance, shall we?
02:18:35 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, ah, cozy fire. The cozy fire got covered up. We couldn't see the cozy fire all strain.
02:18:49 Now we got the cozy fire going.
02:18:52 That's an interesting name. **** house.
02:18:57 I don't think I've seen Sloth house before.
02:19:00 Are you new slutt house?
02:19:16 Yeah.
02:19:17 Slot house. I'll catch the replay. We aren't even here.
02:19:21 Just want to thank you for all the of the for those just listening moments I drive for work and don't usually get to see the video contexts. Well. There you go. You got to. I did that today for the.
02:19:34 For the tweets, I think or something I remember saying that.
02:19:39 Uh, but uh, well, drive.
02:19:40 Safely, I guess I should say.
02:19:43 And thank you for the support there. **** House gorilla hands.
02:19:56 Gorilla Hands says.
02:20:00 Good morning. Devin, saw you on Jeremy McKenzie stream, the two of you did an excellent show. I also listened to Vincent James and Rebecca's podcast. Oops and updated this morning. Everyone on the show made a reference to your content. The world needs you to stream with those guys.
02:20:22 And then.
02:20:24 Is this the same thought or Nope?
02:20:27 Well, say what? I yeah, I would, pop. I mean, I like all those guys. I like Dave Riley and like Vincent and Rebecca. So yeah, we're.
02:20:39 We've all we've.
02:20:40 All spoken before behind the scenes at one point or another and.
02:20:46 Have been friendly, so you know I don't I.
02:20:49 I wouldn't mind popping on in fact.
02:20:53 Maybe they all live out in Idaho.
02:20:57 And I've talked about.
02:21:00 At, at the very least, maybe visiting there at some point, but not in the winter. That's the one time. It's it's. I would much rather be here.
02:21:13 But I'll tell you what. Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe.
02:21:18 Maybe after the winter, maybe this summer. Sometime I'll.
02:21:22 I'll head up north and and who knows? Maybe I'll I'll visit them, but yeah, they're all good people.
02:21:33 And so and as is as is Jeremy.
02:21:37 Gorilla hands again.
Money Clip
02:21:43 I'm turning.Devon Stack
02:21:48 Roast very gorilla handy.02:21:52 And and they're random. I don't get. I don't choose what plays.
02:21:57 I'm a huge fan of the classic science fiction player tapes, free the 60s and the 70s.
02:22:05 Free the 60s and 70s.
02:22:09 Watch it now. I think. I don't think you meant free. I don't know where I'm trying to think about what would would have been like free, though. It feels like the humans are white people and the apes are diversity, especially how the humans are treated. What is your opinion and can I get a?
02:22:29 Where'd it go?
02:22:33 There it.
02:22:33 Half $1,000,000.
02:22:38 Yeah. You know, I haven't seen him in such a long time. I watched him when I was a kid and other than like and when I even I was a kid, I.
02:22:47 Was really my whole.
02:22:50 Goal was to I wanted to work in special effects. That's what I was excited about. And so I focused mostly on those crappy.
02:23:00 Monkey costumes.
02:23:04 I I was, I was mostly just like, well, I guess that's the best thing to do. You know, they actually got the mouth to move kind of, I guess, you know, for that, that era, it's kind of.
02:23:18 Kind of impressed, is it though?
02:23:24 Yeah, I'd have to. I'd have to rewatch it again. I I doubt that was the intention.
02:23:28 Just because, as you said, they were made in the 60s and 70s and if anything the the message would be the opposite of that.
02:23:37 But yeah, I don't know who wrote that.
02:23:40 Book because wasn't it a book first?
02:23:49 Plenty of.
02:23:50 Tapes.
02:23:52 Original work.
02:23:57 It is French.
02:24:00 I don't know. It was a French, not it was a French novel called LA.
02:24:07 Planet dancing gas, which I guess I mean, I know I said that wrong. Oh, here. We'll we'll have it. Say it for us. Let's see.
02:24:18 La planet disingenuous.
02:24:20 Well, I'm sure that said it wrong too.
02:24:22 But I yeah, I guess you know, I don't know.
02:24:24 I didn't realize it was French.
02:24:29 And the author was Pierre Boulet.
02:24:34 Life and career. It was Catholic.
02:24:39 Although it says later in life he became agnostic.
02:24:48 Not much about his politics.
02:24:52 Wrote a lot of novels, though.
02:24:55 Hmm.
02:24:56 Yeah, I'm not.Devon Stack
02:24:57 I you know, I I feel like this is probably one of these things I should have known. I should probably know his work because I'm. I'm looking through his stuff here and I'm guessing.02:25:05 At least a lot of this. Well, I don't know, maybe not.
02:25:09 It's all French.
02:25:11 Not all of it was translating English. I'm trying to see.
02:25:16 If there's one anything else that sticks out like.
02:25:18 Planet of the.
02:25:19 Apes. Maybe that was like his big thing.
02:25:23 I think that's like his big claim to fame. Planet of the Apes.
02:25:29 Yeah, but anyway, it doesn't matter it the Hollywood version of it was never going to be. I guarantee it was not pro wine even even if this was what I, I wouldn't guess that it would be.
02:25:41 Even at the original book was like, oh, Pro Civilization. In fact, in a way, it's kind of a condemnation, right? It's kind of like if we keep going now because, you know, it's like that the end scene where he sees the.
02:25:53 Because that's the moral of the story, right where he sees the Statue of Liberty in the sand. Then he realizes, Oh my God, I'm not on the.
02:26:00 Planet of the.
02:26:01 Apes. I'm. I'm in a in, in in America? What have.
02:26:05 You done? And he has that mental breakdown. Like, that's the twist at the end that basically says that Western civilization is going to kill itself and and that's why apes are going to take over.
02:26:15 Because humans are going to wipe themselves out. So in a way, it's kind of a condemnation of Western civilization in that way.
02:26:24 But yeah, I haven't seen a long time, so I don't know.
02:26:27 Slug House again says have you ever heard?
02:26:31 Two heard the thing. The speculation on race being originally from Noah's three sons giving us the three skeletal archetypes, which explains the differences within a young Earth Christian view of microevolution.
02:26:51 Well, I don't have a younger view of microevolution, I think that's.
02:26:55 Dumb I think that that it's a very old earth and it it's the the evolutional or evolutionary differences between the races. It's something that separates us by 10s of thousands of years.
02:27:14 So I don't, I don't think it's like, then this guy had these three radically different looking children.
02:27:21 So much so that they're they're all descendants became like ohh look, one of my kids is black, and one of them's Chinese.
02:27:31 You know what I mean? Like, sorry, I just can't. But I can't get behind it. Like, but yeah, it is what it is. Just a good old boy.
02:27:34 OK.
02:27:49 Like I haven't seen that one in AW.
02:27:51 I had suggested a parable before Amazon would promote it as long as the story is about the mulatto sons of white slave masters victimizing a prosperous African country, Oprah will love it when the movie premieres. You **** **** everyone by revealing.
02:28:10 It's based on.
02:28:12 What the Jews did to America?
02:28:16 Not sure I get what you're saying here.
02:28:19 Uh.
02:28:22 Mulatto sons of white slave masters.
02:28:26 Victimized, prosperous African countries.
02:28:30 I'm not not sure what you're getting at. Good old boy, but if.
02:28:35 Do you think that you can get a?
02:28:38 A story published and featured well is Oprah, even a thing.
02:28:44 You you'd have to.
02:28:44 Maybe rethink the the marketing if you think that Oprah is.
02:28:47 Going.
02:28:47 To going to skyrocket your book to the top, but yeah, maybe.
02:28:54 Yeah. If you look, if you have an idea.
02:28:56 For a story, go for.
02:28:57 It go for it.
02:29:00 The northern heretic says Insome. Yep, it's 345 here, but I can hardly wait all day Sunday to recover, though 3:45 AM or PM though. Or are you one of these people that has 24 hour time?
02:29:15 Occidental front says.
02:29:18 High well for a dollar donation, you deserve a mega pit. No. For dollar donation. You you exactly don't deserve a mega pit.
02:29:31 Both of these says. I find it a bit ironic that the Ponzi scheme is named after an Italian named Charles Ponzi, yet every damn time I hear about someone running a Ponzi scheme, it's always a Jew. I say we officially rename the Ponzi scheme.
02:29:49 To something like the show Meister scheme or the SCHENKELBERG scheme, well, that's why it's important to have control over media, because then you can actually make those changes culturally, but unfortunately we do not have.
02:30:06 Access there. Uh Gorilla Hand says the link is on Devil's Telegram channel or check out Jeremy Mckenzie's on rumble. I think you're asking, apparently asking about the string we did.
02:30:19 Brody says here's some shekels. My friend will appreciate that.
02:30:23 Simba says we need some right wing oriented content media available. I have a project idea and I'm having trouble finding pixel artists for the kind of inverse Wolfenstein 3 project. I hope you don't mind me asking a hyper chat, but if there are any pixel artists listening.
02:30:41 Please reach out to me. Well, there you.
02:30:43 Go. Yeah. I wonder how hard it would be.
02:30:47 I mean, especially with stuff like unity and everything else like that these days.
02:30:52 Making retro E games is probably.
02:30:57 Easy lifting, you know, to like. In fact, you could I I would guess, I don't know, but unity had like a unity store back in last time. I was using it, which was like a million years ago, but I'm sure there's still something like that.
02:31:09 Where you could buy, you know, here's like a first person shooter and and just like it's a generic first person shooter already made and you just go in and like, swap out the assets and things like that and and then you've got a first person.
02:31:22 Shooter.
02:31:23 I wonder how hard it would be to. I wonder if there's like a doom or a Wolfenstein.
02:31:29 Or something like that already made that you can basically buy and then you can just reskin it to be whatever you want and then put it on steam.
02:31:40 Again, without, without doing the predictable low IQ thing and just make it called like Jew Kill.
02:31:48 With the game, he's just going around and shooting like the merchant meme or something like that. Or or Holocaust fun, you know, like you gotta be smarter than that, right? You gotta make it, actually, you know, like, make it like a first of all, it has to be fun like that. Should be, that has to be the number one priority or it won't matter.
02:32:07 What you put in it cause no one's going to ******* play it, so it has to be fun. Whatever it is, it has to actually be a good game.
02:32:14 Yeah.
02:32:15 At least as good as the game you're parroting, even if, like, maybe you pretty much copy it like you know and and you gotta keep in mind a game like Wolfenstein was fun in the 90s, is it still going to be fun? Today I gave me. I've got nostalgia for some of these games, but I would never want to sit and play them.
02:32:35 Now I mean, I play old arcade games that like very occasionally and I get bored of them real fast, you know, so it's, I don't know. It's not a bad idea to do something like that. I just. I think it's a lot more work than people.
02:32:52 Probably think because you get you has to be has to actually be good. You know it's like it's like right wing movies, it's not enough.
02:32:58 To make a movie.
02:32:59 If if no one wants to watch it, it's like you might as well not made it. You just you just wasting money. You didn't actually make a movie. In fact, it has the negative effect, right? If you make, if you make some kind of movie or video game.
02:33:12 And you make it.
02:33:15 Obviously right wing and it sucks.
02:33:18 Then you actually have the negative effect you actually have. In the same way, I'm sure you've seen people making fun of these really ****** video games that the that some lefty has, they've exploited the government grants or whatever available by making some **** **** game that is, you know, work.
02:33:38 Look, this character is a ****** and this character is whatever and the game sucks and everyone makes fun of it because oh, it's like a woke.
02:33:46 But that's what you're going to make if you make a ****** right wing game that you know everyone's going to laugh at your stupid Nazi game. So it has to actually be good. It has to actually be fun, and it has, you know, it's it's something if it doesn't matter if it's music or a movie or a video game, it has to be something.
02:34:03 That even if you weren't right.
02:34:05 Thing you would like it?
02:34:07 Because there's look, there's plenty. That's that's the problem is there's lots of leftist propaganda that lots of people that are right wing like.
02:34:16 You know, there's there's leftist movies and music and video games that.
02:34:22 Lot of right wing people grudgingly, like.
02:34:26 You know, minus the message.
02:34:29 And so that's what you.
02:34:30 Have to keep in mind.
02:34:34 So good luck to you there, Simba, on that project. Tomato. Potato.
02:34:40 Never touch my sister.Corky's Sister
02:34:50 Corky, you're turning into a monster.Devon Stack
02:34:53 I love. I love that. That's my favorite Corky or one.02:34:56 Of them a.
02:34:56 Lot of them. I liked a lot of the Corky 1.
02:34:59 Thank you for your work, brother. Well, I appreciate that white cake says HI, Devin Canada, bro here. I enjoyed your guest appearance on rage cast with Jeremy McKenzie. I met him twice on his national tour this summer. Great guy. Thanks for your fantastic content. Well, I.
02:35:14 Appreciate that. And yeah, he's a he's a.
02:35:17 Seems like a good guy and he's he's.
02:35:21 Yeah. I mean, he's had to deal with a lot of ****. He's uh, had to actually pay, pay some legal prices, some financial prices and.
02:35:32 Well and and some blood blood prices when it comes to.
02:35:38 You know the the military sacrifices he and and people his he was close to have had to make for a country that now hates him blue chord.
02:35:50 What?Devon Stack
02:35:56 Blue core. Getting them, Mr. Stack. I hope all is well at the pill box. Thanks for what you do. I appreciate that. A private Weeb says. Hey, Devin, hope you're having a nice night. I know you've said that white flight is the only option right now, and I would agree. But do you think it's better for whites to flee certain regions and states?02:36:16 Like California and Texas, in my opinion, any state bordering Mexico is a lost cause at this point.
02:36:23 Yeah, I.
02:36:23 Mean.
02:36:23 Northern states are probably probably better, but I mean there's other factors you gotta put into it. Like, you know, where's my family and.
02:36:33 And because that's important to a lot of people.
02:36:36 Or at least.
02:36:36 It should be.
02:36:38 And so there's other other things other than just the political climate of the state. You also need to look at stuff like.
02:36:47 Gun laws.
02:36:50 Homeschooling laws is important.
02:36:53 UM, because there are some states that.
02:36:57 You know are are are actually pretty restrictive on that.
02:37:00 There, there's just a lot of different like just you want if.
02:37:04 If you want to try to detach from.
02:37:07 The state and not meaning like the state like as in the the 50 states, but like as in the state as a as the government. Then you define a state that has very little state.
02:37:21 State tentacles going into its citizens lives so.
02:37:28 That's something I would think about more than almost anything else is just what what's my potential for freedom and to live the way that I want to.
02:37:37 Or at least at the very least, live safely because there's some northern states.
02:37:42 Like Maine is probably really cocked, right, but it's probably really white.
02:37:48 I mean for now.
02:37:49 For now, I mean they're shipping, they're shipping illegals all the way up into Maine.
02:37:54 And but yeah, I mean, there's it all depends on what you're looking for. There's a lot of things. That's why I can never say like, let's all go here because there's so many other factors that go into it.
02:38:06 Let's see here. A lowly scribe in God's army.
Money Clip
02:38:10 Cash flow checkout.Duck Returner
02:38:17 I'd like to return this duck.Devon Stack
02:38:21 RIP ADR.02:38:24 Who's ADR?
02:38:27 Who am I?
02:38:29 Do I look like an ******* for not knowing who ADR is? Who?
02:38:31 Died.
02:38:34 Look it up now.
02:38:47 I don't see anything.
02:38:50 About ADR.
02:38:53 Recently.
02:38:59 See 80. Art of me is a.
02:39:03 It's a it's a production term, meaning that you're recording the audio for a scene in post, basically so.
02:39:13 I don't know what that is exactly, but uh, hopefully not. Nothing too. Crazy Reaver says. Hey, Devin, what are your thoughts on active clubs? Yeah. I mean, look, just be careful. Just.
02:39:26 Anything on your wall you have to worry about?
02:39:30 A little bit, you know, feds but like.
02:39:35 I I don't.
02:39:36 Worry too much about stuff like that if you're not going to do any illegal.
02:39:39 It's like So what? Right? Like even if it was all feds, right, like.
02:39:44 If let's say.
02:39:44 You showed up to an active club and it was like 80% feds, but all you're doing is like working out.
02:39:52 You're just training with Feds then you know, like, as long as you're not planning like some kind of terrorist attack or something like that, then it's what, what's the problem? Right. Like, if all you're doing is look, I, that's all I would say is if you go to something like that and then you hear people talk.
02:40:12 About illegal ****. Then get the **** out of there right then leave.
02:40:16 But if you're.
02:40:16 Just working out and hanging out and stuff and.
02:40:20 And not do.
02:40:21 Anything that's gonna get you arrested then?
02:40:23 What?Devon Stack
02:40:24 What? What's the what's to worry about? There's nothing to worry about.02:40:27 So I think that's fine.
02:40:30 But you know and then also depends on where you are in the world too. In America, it's less of a problem, at least for right now. Maybe when these anti-Semitism laws that Trump.
02:40:40 Is likely to.
02:40:42 I don't know. I don't know.
02:40:44 We, we're we've yet to see it where that's going to go, but that's the.
02:40:48 It's one of the dangers, right? That's one of the dangers of of a Zionist administration is anti-Semitic, you know, anti-Semitism laws. One of the many dangers of a of a Zionist government.
02:41:02 But yeah, you might be in a country where I I saw. I don't know how true it is. I saw a headline the other day saying that they were going to try to have punishments for people in the UK that simply just consume right wing content.
02:41:17 On the Internet.
02:41:19 So.
02:41:21 There's other people.
02:41:22 I mean, you gotta be you gotta be aware.
02:41:23 Of your local laws.
02:41:26 Because there might be, there might be places where.
02:41:31 They criminalize even just.
02:41:34 Getting together and talking about right wing stuff with people you know, I don't know.
02:41:38 So just be careful. Look, just use your best judgment and be careful and just be aware. Just be aware of the possible downsides to that, but you know.
02:41:50 I'm not one of these.
02:41:50 Guys, they'll be like, oh, it's.
02:41:52 Everything's a fed up. It's like.
02:41:53 No, not everything is blue and Biden.
Money Clip
02:41:57 Why is money management? Thank you.Devon Stack
02:42:05 Can someone tell me if or why JF stopped streaming?02:42:11 UM.
02:42:14 Yeah, I guess he has hasn't.
02:42:15 He.
02:42:17 I haven't seen him.
02:42:17 My I.
02:42:18 Thought I streamed the other day though.
02:42:21 I haven't seen his stuff in my feet in a while now I'm thinking about it.
02:42:25 Let me look.
02:42:27 It was the last time.
02:42:28 I mean, I don't talk.
02:42:29 To him. So I'm not going to know.
02:42:31 Either way.
02:42:33 But I thought that he it's been.
02:42:35 A little bit.
02:42:38 Maybe someone in the chat knows I'm trying. I'm looking to see when the last time was but.
02:42:44 My feet is full of so much stuff.
02:42:48 It's at least been a little while.
02:42:51 I thought for sure, like within a week or so I'd seen something from him.
02:42:59 Uh.Devon Stack
02:43:12 I guess it is about a while, huh?02:43:18 Yeah. I don't know. Maybe someone in chat knows.
02:43:21 I don't.
02:43:24 He might just be taking a break. I mean, he's got a bunch of crypto and crypto's doing good, so maybe he he's got a bunch of crypto.
02:43:31 Money.
02:43:32 Or maybe.
02:43:35 I don't know. Maybe he's making some babies with his new girlfriend.
02:43:41 Loosen up. 187 says, Hey, Devin, I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work and dedication you've put in. Overtime. I've been watching you since the YouTube days and have seen everything you have done. I never miss a stream. We are very lucky to have you on our side. Well, I appreciate that.
02:43:59 And and it makes me that makes.
02:44:02 Me feel motivated.
02:44:03 To keep going when I get stuff like that.
02:44:05 So I appreciate that Lucina.
02:44:09 My fat little ******** toe.
02:44:18 I was waiting for a flight when I overheard a male stewardess next to me talking about his husband.
02:44:26 Great, to my shame, I realized that he could have said he was a Peto and I would have shut up and ignored him so I could go home. I think this phenomenon extends to everyone, but could be cope. Any thoughts you talking about? You mean just ignoring it? Because it's like you're so desensitized to it.
02:44:47 Well, I mean what?
02:44:47 Were you supposed to do in that situation anyway? Like like start screaming ****** at him? I mean, would have been funny. It would have been funny, but it, like you probably banned from the the the airline and maybe maybe just put on a list.
02:45:04 You got to pick your battles. You got to figure out, like, not not everyone's born to wear a Burger King crown. You know what I mean? It's.
02:45:13 You gotta you gotta pick your battles.
02:45:17 But yeah, I think that a lot of people are just desensitized. A lot of that stuff. A lot of this stuff would have been really shocking to me as as a younger person, I remember being.
02:45:30 So in disbelief.
02:45:33 About just the existence of ******** right the the first one I met.
02:45:40 In real life.
02:45:42 I thought was just like a really ugly chick. Like like with just really unfortunate ugly, you know, I didn't. I didn't think that they were like, real real. And, you know, I mean and tell someone was like that's a.
02:45:54 Dude and I was like, really?
02:45:56 I mean it, it looked like a dude. Like what? But it was just like I had that mental.
02:46:01 You know, like this mental like Ohh wow. I didn't. Yeah, they're.
02:46:05 Real I guess.
02:46:09 And and that I think that's now and.
02:46:11 Now, of course there's.
02:46:14 The opposite of that's kind of going on, you have now you got like, people who are all so ****** ** about that that they now they think everyone's a ******* train.
02:46:23 But yeah, now you always have to wonder, right? Like, I mean, look, I I I don't think any training really passes, especially not in person like you can maybe maybe you can gussy up with filters like a photo that makes it questionable on the Internet, right? But I'm sorry.
02:46:41 I I I refuse to believe that a a ****** IRL is ever going to look like anything other than a a a ******* psycho dude in a dress.
02:46:53 But yeah, it's being desensitized.
02:46:57 To that **** is uh.
02:47:01 Sadly, it's normal. It's normal, but again, like what were you supposed to do in that situation? Look, if they said they were a Peter, then yeah, I'd be like, I would probably do something because that's still that's still illegal for now.
02:47:16 So I would go and tell law enforcement or you know, something.
02:47:21 But there's not much you can do because the you know. Unfortunately sodomies not like it was up until not that long ago, ****** was still legal up until I think the, you know, 2000 or something like that.
02:47:32 They're not enforced really, since like the 60s or 70s, but yeah.
02:47:39 Let's see here, Jay Ray 1981 says Trump says if you're not a gay Jew, you're an anti-Semitic.
02:47:46 Racist. That is true.
02:47:49 Pebble in the pond.
02:48:03 Pebble in the pond says.
02:48:05 Shout out to replay gang.
02:48:09 Watch the collapse, says love you, Devin, touching on the Christian Zionism is much needed. Met a guy who delivers stuff to my work, who is fully 1488. So I showed him my rabbi compilation. I mentioned black pill. Then he knew who you were. Well, that's kind of cool.
02:48:25 We are everywhere. I was so stoked and another white pill to meet another black Pilled fan. Yeah, it's I my uh that I've never met one in the wild before so.
02:48:39 Yes, I don't think so.
02:48:42 Well, I mean beyond.
02:48:44 Not recently. I'll put that.
02:48:47 I haven't met really a lot of people recently.
02:48:54 I don't know. I got a little. I'm a little cabin fevery right now. That's why. That's why I'm doing some traveling. These, these, these, these next two months. I'm I'm. I am going to be socializing. I've been a little little little segregated too segregated lately.
02:49:13 Polar Bear Odyssey says the first Christian churches are being bombed and Christians are being killed. Palestinian Orthodox Archbishop condemning Trump administration today.
02:49:25 X link for those who want to.
02:49:26 Read it. Well, there you go.
02:49:29 There you go, a lot of.
02:49:31 A lot of.
02:49:33 Well, yeah. I mean I I can't see how anyone who's Palestinian would.
02:49:37 Or has any kind of connection to Palestine would?
02:49:40 Would be anything but really disgusted by.
02:49:44 By Trump's administration, the Ministry of Truth, you should look into the Jews who funded the American Revolution. Hamilton studied in a synagogue and the narrative doesn't add up. Why form a strong government here when the British Government was fairly hands off?
02:50:04 And only charged indirect taxes, which soon changed after the founding.
02:50:11 UM, yeah. I don't know. I'd have to look into that.
02:50:16 Hello spaghetti.
02:50:28 European Jews are genetically identical to southern Europeans, and particularly southern Italians, Western Greeks, the inbred. For about 1000 years they are just late Roman Empire citizens that chose Judaism, which was only Pagan religion tolerated by Christians.
02:50:49 Well, I don't know if that's that's 100% accurate, but I've heard that.
02:50:54 There's some crossover there, but I don't I think that.
02:50:59 That even Sephardic and and Ashkenazis are.
02:51:05 Are distinct from.
02:51:08 From southern Italians and stuff. And again, there's probably some crossover. I I'm not an expert on the the.
02:51:15 Genetics of.
02:51:18 Of Greeks and Italians. But I do know that they are distinct from from any other group. Jews are.
02:51:26 Especially urinalysis. They they have a a bottleneck of 350 people at one point.
02:51:32 Friendly neighborhood fascist.
02:51:35 Says. Can you imagine how abysmal the religious underground of Israel must be? The types that make the Likud shudder? It must be very easy to make people disappear there. Arab kids, Eastern European women, beyond our imaginations.
02:51:51 When it went on, Can you imagine that blah blah blah?
02:51:55 The religious underground Israel types that make it would be very easy.
02:52:03 Not sure what you mean by the religious underground.
02:52:07 I don't think it's underground. I think it's just, uh.
02:52:10 You know, I think they're just, they're very openly Jewish.
02:52:16 I I'm not. I don't know you.
02:52:18 Talk about like.
02:52:20 Like tunnels like like Tunnel, Jews with, with kidnapped kids. I mean, I don't know. I'm sure stuff like that, but again, I don't even think that's all that.
02:52:28 Underground out there either.
02:52:30 Bessemer 72.
02:52:45 Hi Devin, great stream. I've been reading Martin Luther's book on Jews and their lies. Martin Luther is pretty much the father of Protestant Protestantism. And look at where we are now. Unbelievable. Thanks for all you do. Yeah. I I don't know exactly. And it's not just the the like, people like to say, oh, it's the.
02:53:07 The what you would call it by Bible the.
02:53:10 Uh, no. The Jewish Zionism Bible. And that's part of it. But like there, there was a lot of.
02:53:17 Israel worship in the in the early.
02:53:19 Protestants that came to America too, to some degree.
02:53:23 The Ministry of Truth.
02:53:26 Says I also want to ask what plugin are you using to make your logo and specializer change with the size of your voice? That's.
02:53:35 A trade secret.
02:53:37 That's a train, it's, you know.
02:53:44 Occidental front.
02:53:46 Speaking of Australia, did you know Australians burned down San Francisco? Wait. Australians burned down San Francisco.
02:53:57 Did you know Australians burnt down San Francisco in 1849? Also in the early colony, the troopers were such scumbags that Governor Phillip often had to rely on royalty and integrity of the convicts to maintain the well on.
02:54:14 Spain of Australia, did you know that Australians burned down? How do they how would Australians burn down San Francisco in 1949? Ohh, I'm a I'm a Fact Check that never heard.
02:54:26 This.
02:54:38 UM.
02:54:40 Yeah, I don't. I don't see anything about Australians burning down San Francisco in 1849.
02:54:47 Or, or even San Francisco burning down in 1849 is there, unless there's a San Francisco in Australia.
02:54:56 Which I don't.
02:54:58 Seeing it, yeah, I don't know what? I don't know. What you what you mean by the Australians in San Francisco in 1849, also in the early colony, the troopers were such scumbags that the Governor Phillip often had to rely on the loyalty integrity of the convicts to maintain the.
02:55:16 Yeah, that you're.
02:55:17 You know, like Australian history stuff that I don't even I don't know. This is why This is why.
02:55:22 I.
02:55:22 Don't talk about the politics of other countries that much. I mean, tell you it was necessary to at least talk about some of the Israeli stuff, because unfortunately we're we're we're joined at the hip now.
02:55:34 But I mean, I don't know anything about Australian history. If you look at Australian museum, you can see the skill of the average convict in the 1700s exceeds the average full-time artists of the day. They're also were skilled at stonework, metallurgy and farming, and poor soil. All this without even lime for.
02:55:53 Some men, well, they were. They were. They were whites after all, they.
02:55:58 They weren't. They weren't going to be there were. There were no ******* abbos I'll tell you that much, convicts or not.
02:56:06 Flood.
02:56:08 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.
02:56:14 Flood says sometimes we fail to come up with a simple solution to to to complex problems. So we simplify the problem instead. I appreciate your deeper level of research. Yeah, that's The thing is it's it's important to simplify.
02:56:31 The Jewish question for mass consumption.
02:56:36 In order for people to.
02:56:38 To realize that, yes, Jews in Western civilization.
02:56:44 It's a problem.
02:56:46 But that's not the problem. There's a reason why the culture of critique is.
02:56:50 A thick book.
02:56:51 It's not just like a page one page long that says it's the Jews.
02:56:58 It's a lot more complex than that, and Jews are a complex and diverse people. Believe it or not.
02:57:06 And and so it is. It's more complicated than just.
02:57:10 It's the Jews.
02:57:12 And so when people think ohh no it can't, Trump can't be influenced by Israel and the Jews, because Jews in American then.
02:57:20 Vote for him.
02:57:22 To it, to the degree they voted for Camel on Camp, and Biden had more Jews in his cat. It's like, well again.
02:57:30 You're talking about there's, it's.
02:57:34 There there were lefty Jews in Biden's cabinet. And then there's zero lefty Jews in Trump's cabinet. But there's lots of Zionists in Trump's cabinet. And so functionally, when it comes to Israel, it's actually worse if you're talking about how it's going to affect.
02:57:53 Israel and Iran and all that stuff, you almost want the lefty Jews that don't like Netanyahu over the Christian Koch Zionists like it's as hard to believe as that might be. Now look, the Christian Church Zionists, you might agree with them on some other ****.
02:58:10 Right. Like they might be good on immigration, or at least they'll they'll pay lip service to that and they might, you know, just like your neighborhood boomer, be on your side more than a Communist Jew.
02:58:29 To some degree.
02:58:31 As long as it doesn't conflict with the interests of Jews.
02:58:38 But that's, you know, that's they're not based. They're definitely not based.
02:58:45 Alright, let's see here.
02:58:47 Love and division.
Money Clip
02:58:49 Why is money management?02:58:53 Here's the rest.
02:58:55 Thank you.
Devon Stack
02:58:56 Good. Or Devon, in addition, the Jews can be divided into Zionists and globalists. I was a Christian Zionist up until recently, money Masters loose change in Europa, the last battle changed my mind. I stayed a Zionist because of a global program. Will be easier if they had.02:59:16 Israel. But I'm open to no Jews option.
02:59:20 Uh, well, look.
02:59:22 I.
02:59:24 As far as I think, that's why a lot of people supported the idea of Israel in in the beginning is the understanding was well, if we give them Israel, they'll ******* go to Israel. You know, I think there are a lot of people that kind of thought that way.
02:59:39 And and maybe there were even people.
02:59:42 Well.
02:59:43 That were maybe they were even Zionists in the beginning where that was kind of the the logic behind it was well, you know.
02:59:52 So why they wipe out some Palestinians? Who cares?
02:59:55 We don't. Yeah, whatever.
03:00:01 I'm not. It's no one I know, right, you know, whatever. And they're gone. They're gone. There's someone else's problem, you know. Let let the ******* Arabs deal with them. They're *******.
03:00:09 Gone.
03:00:10 And look, they're, they're like I said, there's probably some people that that thought that it's but that's not how it's unfolded. It's just become kind of like their their little.
03:00:22 Their little tree house, you know, it's it's their little clubhouse.
03:00:27 It's where they can go flee if they and they where they can launder money and traffic, women and children and organs. I mean it. It's not. It's not really.
03:00:39 It's not really working out that way. If that was the motivation.
03:00:45 ****** McGee says either way for everyone, it really won't matter about those. Sky Daddies is more superior or who has a bigger ****** as well. 2 When World War three Civil War 2.0 kicks off and the Jews and the Zionist Christians start launching nukes globally.
03:01:05 And play the how long can you survive for radiation poison and cannibals game?
03:01:12 Well, it's gonna look, I I don't think it's ever gonna get to that point.
03:01:17 I don't people, there's there's a lot of people. I'm not. Tonight's stream was not. So to scare you into thinking it's going to turn to Mad Max with Trump in charge.
03:01:28 While that exists as a possibility, I don't think.
03:01:32 I don't think that's where it's going to go.
03:01:35 I I just don't think that.
03:01:39 I don't think that's where it's going to go, but it could. I mean it's it, could it really it it could.
03:01:46 It's definitely.
03:01:48 It's definitely a realistic possibility.
03:01:51 And and I don't really have any real reason other than just my my intuition. I just, I don't think it's going to go that way.
03:01:59 Which I know is not really comforting anyone. Ohh your intuition, huh? Comforts me? I guess I don't.
03:02:08 I I don't feel like it's going to happen. I know I'm not really convincing, but.
03:02:14 I don't I.
03:02:15 Don't feel like it's going to happen.
03:02:17 My cute little ******, if if for no other reason that nothing ever happened, my cute little friend says. Maybe if he gets shot before well.
03:02:28 We can't really.
03:02:29 Can't really go there. Can't really go there. Can't want to see what's really showing up.
03:02:35 Let me like hypothetically, if there was a a situation where.
03:02:40 Something happened to to Trump. You'd have. I don't know what? Well, actually, what would happen, like technically what happens is.
03:02:48 Because he he's not sworn in yet.
03:02:52 Does Vance become?
03:02:53 Pret let me. Well, let me see.
03:02:58 Because it was Vance, it's this, you know, it's just it's the same, if not words, but.
03:03:30 Let's see here. Weirdly, there's a couple different answers. All right, so here's the answer I'm getting.
03:03:38 If a US president-elect is assassinated after winning the election but before being inaugurated, the process for determining who would become President depends on the timing and the constitutional framework. If it's before the Electoral College votes.
03:03:55 So that's, that's when they go and vote in the Senate, right?
03:04:02 Then electors would vote.
03:04:05 For someone else, and likely it would be Vance, right? So the electors who are.
03:04:13 Because officially.
03:04:15 Trump's not.
03:04:17 Like they haven't. You know they haven't certified.
03:04:20 You know January 6th is when they, you know, they certify the.
03:04:26 The votes and so, because that hasn't happened yet, then it would be, they would just change the votes, I guess to Vance. And so then or whoever, I mean, like technically, I guess they could be anyone.
03:04:36 After the Electoral College votes but before the inauguration. So if it happened between January 6 and January 20th.
03:04:44 UM, the 20th Amendment to the Constitution states that if the president-elect dies before taking office, the vice president-elect becomes president.
03:04:52 So it probably it.
03:04:55 Probably advancing their way.
03:04:57 If.
03:04:58 If no vice, president-elect is designated, or let's say they, I don't know. Somehow both died at the same time like a plane crash.
03:05:08 The Presidential Succession Act applies, and the Speaker of House would or the House, so it would just be like if it, you know, if if it happened when they were in office, they'd have.
03:05:21 Umm.
03:05:25 I guess who would be?
03:05:26 This because they're gonna have a new speaker.
03:05:27 Right.
03:05:29 I don't know when that happens though. Alright, well, whatever. It's all hypothetical. Trump's gonna be president. Deal with it.
03:05:38 Interesting to know that I guess.
03:05:39 I never I you know.
03:05:41 I mean, it's not that interesting. He just goes to the vice president as the short version.
03:05:46 Ah, let's see here. Iron Pill says. Did you get a chance to look into the mod bit after last stream the mod bit?
03:05:56 Anyway, your stream with the Canadian was great, also excited finally.
03:06:01 For you to.
03:06:02 Be on no more news, the mod bit.
03:06:07 I don't know what the mod bit is.
03:06:10 I don't know if is that something, I I I haven't looked into anything really, so if it was like a recommendation I put in my notes, I it's not ringing any bells, but I I would say probably not. And yeah, I should be on with Adam Green.
03:06:26 Tuesday, I think is what it was. Don't let you guys know on telegram and stuff.
03:06:33 Bloodstain says. Read the book called Paradox of anti-Semitism before streaming with Adam Green. Not a long read.
03:06:42 Uh.
03:06:44 Why?
03:06:45 What is that?
03:06:47 What's the paradox of anti-Semitism?
03:07:02 Well, I I know what this is.
03:07:04 About.
03:07:07 I mean that it's the, it's the idea that anti-Semitism can be good and bad for Jews. I get it.
03:07:16 My line I says I make dirt cookies in the USA sent to Haiti. Will Trump's tariffs affect me?
03:07:24 You make dirt cookies in the USA sent to Haiti. I don't know. Under Trump, does it cost less to send ******* overseas? I got a shipping container.
03:07:35 I I don't know.
03:07:40 You got you got to work on your.
03:07:42 On your if.
03:07:43 You're trying to crack jokes, man. Yeah, they work on a little bit. A little bit Twitch says do one on the poison of Christian Zion. Wait, do one on the poison of Christian Zionism and how pervasive it is.
03:07:58 Like I did like like I did, like just a couple weeks ago.
03:08:03 I hope to see you on Adam Green's show. He has it figured out well, like I I I I wouldn't say I 100% agree with everything he he, he says and I know people say all the time about everybody. But you know it's true. But look.
03:08:22 A lot of the third temple stuff that I think sounded maybe a little outlandish to a lot of people, maybe a couple of years ago.
03:08:28 Not so much these days.
03:08:30 Yeah.
03:08:31 Not so much these days, right? I think there's a lot of people that thought, well, clearly these clips that he's fighting with these rabbis, these are like.
03:08:39 Fringe.
03:08:41 Rabbis. You could probably find fringe crazy clips of.
03:08:44 Every village in and.
03:08:46 And you know, this is this part doesn't represents the the normative, you know, Jewish view of things and.
03:08:57 Increasingly, I mean, look, obviously it's as we've just discussed tonight, Jews are not a monolith and it doesn't describe the religious interpretation of maybe all Jews, but certainly.
03:09:07 A lot of.
03:09:08 Them or a lot more than I think people previously thought.
03:09:12 Mr. choley.
03:09:15 Good evening, Devin, and thanks for the excellent content. Well, I appreciate that.
03:09:20 The angry welder says enjoy the show tonight. I am slowly working through old episodes and spreading the links good or keep up the good work and thanks for all the black pills. I think you mean? Yes, well, I appreciate you.
03:09:38 You join the join the the pill.
03:09:40 Poppers or I don't know, whatever.
03:09:42 Uh, welcome one of us, one of us.
03:09:46 Man of low moral fiber. I don't understand. Necessarily the impulse to make a game where you kill Jews. They already did that. It's called doom. Most of the enemies are literally Chuck Schumer. There you go. There's a whomp. I don't have the home button anymore. Wait, do I?
03:10:08 White Tiger Kingdom.
03:10:11 With the sad gorilla.
03:10:12 Hi, Amy.Devon Stack
03:10:27 My lying eyes says I heard BP is Puerto Rican B.03:10:37 I'm not Puerto Rican. I don't. I don't know if that's what you're getting at.
03:10:42 Man, imagine being Puerto Rican.
03:10:47 Now try it. Try not to.
03:10:50 Try not to imagine being Puerto Rican.
03:10:53 Alright, we got.
03:10:56 One over on rumble.
03:11:01 At least I'm pretty sure that's the one we got on rumble. I just no just want to make sure I can never trust this plugin.
03:11:11 JA Quinn. Jack Quinn, 623. I am on a final warning for voicing my negative opinion of customers that refuse to speak English. My boss told me that we're in a melting pot and I need to tolerate diversity more my lips.
03:11:31 Sealed.
03:11:33 Well, you know, you got to do what's best for you. I look, if if you're in a situation like that, look for other employment.
03:11:43 Yeah. No, no, no need to make a scene until you've got.
03:11:47 New employment set up, but once you've got that then then you can do your.
03:11:52 Your big moment and then you.
03:11:55 Can do your go.
03:11:55 Off.
03:11:56 But don't don't do your go off moment until until you've got.
03:12:01 New employment lined up. That's my advice at least.
03:12:05 But yeah, I would.
Amir Oren
03:12:06 Hate.Devon Stack
03:12:08 I'm trying to think if I've ever worked for a leftist. I mean, when I was a kid, I I had to work for a Jew for a while and that was super. It's funny because at the time I didn't realize that he was just. That's just how Jews were. I just thought ohh he's he's just like a really weird, neurotic Jew not knowing that.03:12:25 No, he was just like a really jewy Jew. And. But anyway, the I'm trying to think like I don't even think he was a lefty Jew.
03:12:35 I don't know. It was. That was a long time. It was like one of my first jobs.
03:12:38 UM.
03:12:40 Trying to think if I ever worked with someone.
03:12:42 Who I knew.
03:12:44 Was like insufferably leftist, and I I don't think that I ever have. I don't think that I would be able to.
03:12:50 Even when I worked in television, surprisingly, I mean, I worked there. There were people there that were leftists. But even when I worked in television.
03:12:59 UM.
03:13:04 Pretty apolitical, like the the management. The other people I had to work directly under that. I never. I never once thought like ***. **** these ******* commies. I I don't think I'd be able to survive in a place like that. In fact, I don't know. They would. They would have hired me.
03:13:20 So maybe that's maybe I was selected out of any kind of situation like.
03:13:24 That before it had to happen to me. Alright, we got one last one from based in space regarding the Third Temple. Turns out the wailing wall is actually part of the Roman Fort that was made. There's a great documentary on it which I can't remember the name of. Everything Jews do is based on lies.
03:13:44 Yeah, that I don't. I haven't done enough research on all that stuff to really know. I I have a surface level understanding of the Third temple stuff. I mean, I know the basic storyline and why the Zionists want it and all, but I don't know any of the.
03:13:57 The specifics about like what you know, like the, the the GPS coordinates of exactly where it needs to be built or you know the archaeological findings of the area or yeah, I don't know any of that stuff. You know, I just, I know that Zionists believe that they need to have it where Alaska Mosque is and I know that.
03:14:18 Uh.
03:14:19 Zionist. That may very well be in very.
03:14:23 Important positions and who believe in the Rapture and believe that.
03:14:32 You know, the Jews really are God's chosen people, and if we don't do what Israel needs, then we'll be cursed. The the believe all the worst stuff, like the worst stuff, that those are the people that are going to be in positions of power.
03:14:45 And that's all you really need to know. You know, you don't need.
03:14:48 To know all.
03:14:49 The little it's like you don't have to know all the Harry Potter **** that goes along with how they, you know, although weird Jew magic stuff that they believe in about. Like, you know what Temple has to be built, where and how, you know, I'm sure they're. I'm sure I'm sure.
03:15:05 It's really specific, you know, I'm sure it gets really specific and.
03:15:09 And yeah, I could totally see the wailing wall just being some random ******* ******** wall. They're.
Scott Pelley
03:15:14 God, it's it's part of Solomon's.Devon Stack
03:15:15 Temple, you know.03:15:18 You know that would make sense, but yeah, all the same. Doesn't really ******* matter to me at the end of the day, you just can't trust those ******* people, whether they're Christians or Jews, you can't ******* trust Zionists because they're chunks, but, well, they're either. They're their *****. If they're not Jews and if they're Jews, they ******* hate you.
03:15:37 And by the way, if they're Jews, they think that you're going to be turned into their slave, like, that's part of the Jewish messianic, you know.
03:15:48 No.
03:15:49 End game story. You know, that's part of the last chapter is, you know, at the end when they're when their most shot comes, you become their slave. Like you're basically like they're.
03:16:00 They're well, I mean, not you are. You're their slave.
03:16:04 The Golem become their slaves.
03:16:07 And so imagine, imagine, and look. The Zionists know that they that they, or at least a lot of them, know they have to.
03:16:18 They have to mentally get past that and they're not care that.
03:16:22 I I just can't. I can't. I can't understand.
03:16:27 I can't understand. I really can't understand like how you could be that much of * **** ******* ****** like I I just, I can't.
03:16:36 I can't respect anyone that's like that and. And so it's not Even so much. That's the thing about people need to understand. It's not Even so much the the very real dangers that presents to us in terms of anti-Semitism laws war with Iran.
03:16:52 Just generally being cucks having those people in the cabinet, I just don't respect them as humans. They're just not serious people if.
03:17:01 They believe that.
03:17:03 I mean, imagine being that tricked.
03:17:05 Into being like subservient little *******.
03:17:09 For another foreign people and imagine what that's going to mean for Israel's ability to do operations in America. You know, operations like, oh, I don't know. JFK's assassination. You don't think that there weren't Zionist Christians in charge at the when at the time?
03:17:29 When that took place that.
03:17:30 If if, then. If not, not just knew about it, but participated on some level like Bush senior for example, who was very likely in Dallas on that day working for the CIA.
03:17:45 You know, like a lot of this stuff that.
03:17:48 That it doesn't just happen like with with all the guys totally.
03:17:56 You know, unaware of of of the Massad operations going on, you know it's not like no one, no one, the CIA or FBI knew about Epstein. I just think there's Zionists that kind of let the Jews do whatever they want. It's like we arrested the dancing Israelis, right.
03:18:14 We arrested the dancing Israelis and and where where are they today? Well, they're in Israel.
03:18:20 Why aren't? Why aren't they under the ******* prison?
03:18:23 Well, because there was Christian Zionists in the government along with Jews.
03:18:30 But Bush was a, you know, a Christian Zionist.
03:18:34 And.
03:18:37 That's it. It's it's just it. I can't.
03:18:41 I can't understand anyone being excited that that's that's what we that's what we got now in.
03:18:46 The White House.
03:18:48 Anyway, all right. And then last but not least, we got Nick my lying eye, says Black pill for press secretary. And I don't know, would never accept that position. But thanks for popping in everybody.
03:19:02 Probably no. Again, like I said, because holiday hours probably no stream Wednesday, definitely stream Saturday and then I'll be streaming with Adam. I think on Tuesday there's also the.
03:19:17 I can never say it right. Was it the camera on Frodo Freddy's Film Festival thing is coming up? I got to respond to him. He asked me to pick a movie. I can't. I gotta think of a good movie for that, but that's coming up. And then there's money rule coming up.
03:19:36 And then there's also a couple other people I gotta get back to. I'll probably pop on with.
03:19:46 If well, I I haven't been invited, but I I I suspect.
03:19:51 I'll I'll probably pop in with Rebecca and those guys and at least say hello and and.
03:19:59 And whatnot that in in coming weeks or months. So I'll be on a bunch of stuff and I'll let everyone know what's going on throughout going through into the the new year and stuff. We'll probably also have streams on.
03:20:13 Well, what about Thanksgiving?
03:20:16 I have plans for Thanksgiving, kind of, but they're not. They don't go all night long. Let me see.
03:20:23 That's going to be the 20.
03:20:26 Was it the 28th is Thanksgiving?
03:20:31 Yeah, it's one of those late Thanksgivings, huh?
03:20:34 Maybe we'll do a Thanksgiving one.
03:20:39 And then Christmas.
03:20:42 Is a Wednesday night. Might have a Christmas dream.
03:20:48 Might have a Christmas dream. I don't know. We'll have to see. But anyway, in the meantime, make sure you hurry up. You know, I guess. What is it? Cyber Monday or whatever.
03:20:59 Get all your Christmas gifts and time is running out with with diversity delivering these things to get them on time, so make sure you get all your Christmas gifts. Be a good consumer in the meantime.
03:21:12 For black pills.
03:21:15 I am of course.
03:21:17 Devon Stang.
Little Girl
03:21:20 Let's go, mom. We're gonna be late. Hi, Mr. Tony's mom. What's that?Mother
03:21:29 Nothing. Just get in the car.Little Girl
03:21:31 Let's go. Who did that come on.Mother
03:21:33 Right now in get in right now, let's.Little Girl
03:21:35 Go. Did you paint it or something? Move it.Mother
03:21:39 You fell on, right?03:21:40 Now put your seat belt on.
03:22:01 Kind of journey.