12/14/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 0120.00:00:05 80120.
00:00:10 78362.
00:00:14 7-8.
00:00:16 362.
00:00:19 37425.
00:00:24 37425.
00:00:28 97702.
00:00:34 97702.
1960 Dodge Dart Commercial
00:01:02 Thank you.00:01:22 Christmas tree is burning like the family is battle for the night and have a claw like all of us beneath the tree.
00:01:25 I.
00:01:31 We're here for.
00:01:32 She's here for Jill and Mom and Dad are going to, when they see what St.
00:01:38 Has lots of fun.
00:01:40 Let's listen.
00:01:43 Look at the new dark look at the new dark shiny.
00:01:47 New dark, beautiful new dark cheerleaders that are sidekilling.
00:01:53 This really part of wonderful new life.
00:01:57 Bye.
00:02:02 Also shiny and so bright, never a new car, never a new car.
00:02:07 The 1960 dark.
Astronaut 1
00:02:07 993635.1960 Dodge Dart Commercial
00:02:09 Totally different.00:02:10 Totally different beers that are. That's really smart.
00:02:14 Wait the morning without a warning, right before that. Very.
00:02:18 Very I they will be this new gods.
00:02:21 Is Santa Claus a big surprise?
00:02:26 Begin.
00:02:28 Look at the styling. Beautiful styling.
00:02:31 See the way they cut the spin.
00:02:34 It be.
00:02:34 Wouldn't it be fun?
00:02:36 Here we all could make the spin room wider.
00:02:39 Widen and wider.
00:02:41 Saw such luxury.
00:02:44 Wait until they see what's that?
00:02:48 Left beneath the Christmas tree.
00:02:59 Oh.
00:03:48 I.
00:04:25 I.
00:05:13 I.
Devon Stack
00:05:20 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:05:26 It's a very special time of year, isn't it? It's.
00:05:31 Or just 10 days away from Christmas Eve.
00:05:35 I'm your host, of course, Devon.
00:05:36 Stack it's this.
00:05:38 Wonderful time of year, getting together with family.
00:05:43 Lights up. I've got.
00:05:44 Up.
00:05:46 I got lights.
00:05:46 I got AI, have a Christmas tree.
00:05:50 I've got the smell of of coffee in the air.
00:05:56 Don't know.
00:05:57 It's it's a bit Christmassy here.
00:06:00 A little bit Christmassy.
00:06:03 So hope you're in a similar environment.
00:06:07 Always. It's I. I like Christmas lights.
00:06:10 I I'm I'm a fan of the Christmas lights. I kind of wish.
00:06:15 People had Christmas lights up all year.
00:06:19 I think it offers a nice ambience.
00:06:23 Something I.
00:06:23 To.
00:06:24 Like about New Mexico, I hated it at first 'cause it just seemed like a fire hazard.
00:06:30 Well 'cause it was.
00:06:31 I remember when my family first moved to New Mexico.
00:06:36 We were like, what the ****, Christmas time happened and we were like, what are all these?
00:06:41 Why are people putting?
00:06:43 Lunch sacks in front of their house.
00:06:46 With canned like paper lunch sacks in front of their houses with with candles inside.
00:06:54 That just sounds like it just seems like that's gonna in the desert. Especially. That's gonna burn everything down.
00:07:00 And they were called luminaries.
00:07:03 I guess it's a Mexican thing or I don't know if it's even a Mexican thing so much as a new Mexican thing.
00:07:11 But now they're now they're all electric.
00:07:13 I hated.
00:07:13 At first I thought they look stupid and a lot of them did burn down. You know, you'd have little, little, you know, I'm talking about the, you know, the brown paper sacks that you got your lunch in when you were a kid.
00:07:23 They put sand at the bottom like a little bit of sand at the bottom and then drop like a little.
00:07:30 Candle inside. Inevitably, some of those would go up in flames.
00:07:36 But now they're.
00:07:37 You can get electric ones.
00:07:40 I was thinking about getting them. Then I was like, Nah.
00:07:44 Nah, they do look kinda cool.
00:07:46 They look cool when they now that they're electric, you can put them in hard reach places. When you look at these old Spanish missions like the the kinds of the architecture you see up and down the El Camino real.
00:08:00 In in California, right.
00:08:01 Like the really old Spanish missions from when the Spaniards were out here.
00:08:07 Genociding.
00:08:10 The inhabitants and forcing them to convert and that sort of thing.
00:08:14 Really cool.
00:08:16 Adobe architecture in a way you know it's.
00:08:19 Got its charm.
00:08:20 It's not my favorite, but they they.
00:08:24 You know they do what they could with what they had making those missions and some of them are pretty old.
00:08:30 Some of them are pretty.
00:08:31 And when they get those luminaries all across.
00:08:35 The tops of them and when they do it right, it actually looks kind of Christmassy.
00:08:40 And in a way, European in a way.
00:08:43 I mean the Spaniards, in a way, were European.
00:08:49 You know, so yeah, it's got its charm, its got its look. I like it.
00:08:55 But yeah.
00:08:56 Not something that's really you don't really see that outside of out of outside of New Mexico.
00:09:01 Mexico is.
00:09:02 It's like its own little country, in a way.
00:09:07 You know, like I guess that's why.
00:09:08 Do you ever watch unsolved mysteries from the 90s that it seemed like half the time they would find the people?
00:09:16 At the end of the at the show.
00:09:19 They would always say, oh, if you if you if you've seen this guy.
00:09:24 This mass murderer, this guy who had eight families or, you know, whoever you know, call this number.
00:09:31 And occasionally you'd get that animation that.
00:09:34 Would pop up update we.
00:09:36 Found the crazy child molester and.
00:09:37 Find.
00:09:39 They would almost all it.
00:09:40 Well, not always, but like I'd say, about 50% of the time they would find him in New Mexico.
00:09:47 And it's because people would just forget that that was a state.
00:09:54 Like I wasn't a dumb kid by any means, but when I.
00:09:58 Out we.
00:09:59 Were moving to New Mexico.
00:10:02 I had.
00:10:03 My first question was do I have to learn Spanish?
00:10:05 I guess I kind of.
00:10:06 Would have been helpful.
00:10:11 Yeah, that was a. That was a weird state, especially back then.
00:10:15 Know in the 90s, before the Internet was really.
00:10:19 Fully.
00:10:21 Accessible.
00:10:23 It was really cut off from the world.
00:10:27 And there's a reason why they tested atomic bombs.
00:10:31 In New Mexico.
00:10:34 And there's I.
00:10:35 Guess the reason why the UFO crashed in Roswell.
00:10:41 That's The thing is, it's very it's a very weird vibe that state.
00:10:45 Very weird vibe.
00:10:46 It's all Route 66 and UFOs and.
00:10:52 Secret government testing facilities.
00:10:56 It's where Bob Lazar lived.
00:10:59 Sandia Labs, Los Alamos.
00:11:05 Weird state. I miss it sometimes.
00:11:08 Mostly because of the Hatch green chili.
00:11:11 Another and yet another thing you do not find outside of the state of New Mexico.
00:11:17 I've actually had it with special. I lived in the East Coast.
00:11:22 I used to have it overnighted to me.
00:11:26 At great expense, it was still worth it.
00:11:29 Not not all the time.
00:11:31 It was nice. Every once in awhile.
00:11:34 Anyway, enough of all that.
00:11:39 Oh, by the way, Gallup ruins the whole state anyway.
00:11:42 I don't miss the state. I guess that much.
00:11:48 Tonight.
00:11:50 I've got a Christmas tale for you, I suppose.
00:11:54 A Christmas story.
00:11:57 It's not in New Mexico, but it takes place mostly in the southwest, the southwest of the United States.
00:12:06 Kind of a Southwest Christmas story, if you will.
00:12:14 Story begins with this.
00:12:17 Young lady here on the left.
00:12:20 Featured here with her sister and her father.
00:12:22 Name was iris.
00:12:26 Lady grew up in a.
00:12:30 Somewhat progressive household from what I can gather.
00:12:36 And I think that'd be kind of hard to argue once once we get more into the story.
00:12:41 Don't know too.
00:12:42 Much about her, her younger years, her, her family life. But what we do know.
00:12:50 Is that in 2009?
00:12:52 She went to some kind of seminar.
00:12:57 And she met this man.
00:13:01 This man by the name of Milan or Milan Ross.
00:13:10 Not much of a looker.
00:13:12 Especially compared to her, it seems.
00:13:14 Of an odd couple.
00:13:17 For whatever reason they they hit it off.
00:13:22 And uh got married.
00:13:25 Rather quickly.
00:13:28 Again, doesn't seem to really add.
00:13:30 You look at this and you're just kind of scratching your head.
00:13:33 I know I.
00:13:34 I was doing the research.
00:13:38 But she made a lot of money.
00:13:39 She worked in the healthcare industry.
00:13:43 I think in cancer.
00:13:46 And so it didn't really matter too much to her that he didn't really have a job.
00:13:54 So not only did he look like that.
00:13:56 You didn't have any money.
00:13:59 He didn't have.
00:14:02 A job, really to speak of.
00:14:05 I mean, he did odd jobs.
00:14:06 He.
00:14:07 Didn't have a nice.
00:14:09 He didn't have a nice car.
00:14:12 Who knows, right? Who knows?
00:14:16 Because she was the breadwinner, she didn't care.
00:14:19 She.Devon Stack
00:14:20 Was going to take care of.00:14:21 She was going to be the sugar Mama.
00:14:25 And he kind of walked.
00:14:27 He looked out big time because he.
00:14:30 She was not only going to pay for him, but she was going to pay for him to live in one of the fanciest.
00:14:38 Suburbs in America.
00:14:42 One of the fanciest suburbs in America, they got married in Houston, TX, and she said, you know what?
00:14:48 I'm going to move us.
00:14:50 To Highlands Ranch, Co.
00:14:54 Highlands Ranch Co, which seems to be from what I've looked into, it's probably the most.
00:15:00 Concentrated ****** *** millennial neighborhood in America.
00:15:07 I and I say this because when I tried to look up the neighborhood, well, this is the kind of stuff that that popped up when I was just doing some basic research.
00:15:16 And then it will look at the statistics that that kind of confirm this.
Destination Colorado
00:15:20 How are we doing?00:15:21 How we doing this is destination Denver, Co and today living in Highlands Ranch, Co.
00:15:26 The good, the bad, the ugly.
00:15:28 We're covering it starting right now.
00:15:30 Now.
Real Estate Guy
00:15:31 Hey guys. We are here in Highlands Ranch.00:15:33 We're gonna go over shopping, schools, recreation activities, really excited about this video, guys. 'cause, you're probably sick of my awkwardness. We have some special guest today to tell us why they love.
00:15:47 Living here in Highlands Ranch.
Real Estate Girl
00:15:51 Have you considered making the move to Highlands Ranch Co?00:15:55 Well, you will not be. The first person is a very, very popular neighborhood to move here in the Colorado Denver metro area.
00:16:02 If that's something that you're interested in today, we're going over.
00:16:05 Anything and everything. And I'm really breaking it down on a full map tour here in just a second, so keep on watching.
Real Estate Guy 2
00:16:16 Highlands Ranch is one of the most searched for cities around the Denver Metro area that people are considering moving to.00:16:22 So in this video today, we're going to take a deep dive through everything that you want to know about Highlands Ranch.
00:16:28 If you've been thinking about moving here or you want to relocate around the Denver area, this video is for you.
Real Estate Guy 3
00:16:35 What is going on?00:16:36 I hope you all having a fantastic day.
00:16:38 It is a beautiful day out here in Colorado.
00:16:41 Have a nice blue clear skies today.
00:16:44 And a little snow on the.
00:16:46 We had a little snow ***** on Monday.
Real Estate Girl
00:16:48 Chuck it.Real Estate Guy 3
00:16:48 Think it's Tuesday?00:16:50 Actually, you know, it was completely clear, like 7:00 in the morning and then it just snowed like crazy for like 2 hours. And by the afternoon sun came out pretty much everything else was melted by the end of the night. So you can still see a.
00:17:02 Bit of snow left over, but sometimes it happens in Colorado.
00:17:04 Today we are in the beautiful Highlands Ranch Co.
Real Estate Guy 4
00:17:08 Hi.00:17:08 Right behind me. Right back here.
00:17:11 This street right here is university.
00:17:14 And that is where Colorado Blvd. Basically turns in to Highlands Ranch Blvd.
00:17:21 Just scared the crap out.
00:17:22 The.
00:17:22 And this spot right here is very much like the commercial hub of the Highlands Ranch neighborhood.
00:17:27 If you've been watching these videos, you may know that I love the Whole Foods.
00:17:31 I love access to a Starbucks if I'm living in the.
00:17:34 Give me.
00:17:35 Give me Starbucks.
Devon Stack
00:17:39 So it's *********, millennial central.00:17:42 In fact, let's take a look at some of the statistics.
00:17:47 It's a population of Highlands Ranch is predominantly white, and when I say predominantly white and this might sound not as high as it is it should.
00:17:58 But it's it's for if this is now OK. This is right now.
00:18:02 It's 84% white.
00:18:06 It's 84% white.
00:18:09 It's about 7% Asian.
00:18:11 It's more Asian than it is Mexican.
00:18:17 Which is only 6% Mexican and it's 1% black.
00:18:24 So yes, is it super douchey? Absolutely.
00:18:28 Is a super gay and lefty absolutely.
00:18:33 Is it full of **** that love going to Starbucks and Whole Foods and?
00:18:38 Complain about racial injustice while living in a 84% white neighborhood? Absolutely.
00:18:48 The worst?
00:18:48 Kind of white people, but it's still white people.
00:18:52 So the crime is crazy low.
00:18:57 In the median income is insanely high. In fact, the median income.
00:19:03 This is the.
00:19:04 This means that on the bell curve, the average.
00:19:09 Is 132.
00:19:11 Dollars a year.
00:19:14 That's the average income.
00:19:18 In Highlands Ranch. So it's a fairly wealthy neighborhood outside of Denver, Co.
00:19:27 Now this is.
00:19:28 This was like I said, this is like a dream come true for for Mile and Ross Mile and Ross finds this white chick who's going to pay for him to live in this white utopia that's only 1% black, and in fact.
00:19:43 Him living there might have been what made it.
00:19:45 Percent black when they did it.
00:19:48 He.
00:19:49 Didn't have any skills though.
00:19:52 And didn't have a job or bringing to the table so, well, there's a Whole Foods right there. He got a job at the Whole Foods. He decided to work at Whole Foods and.
00:20:06 Brag to his fellow employees.
00:20:10 That, hey, you know, this is. I actually live in this neighborhood because most of the employees, obviously the average income.
00:20:17 Is 132. Oh oh, oh. Dollars a year. So you're not making that kind of money at whole?
00:20:22 So if you work at Whole Foods, you're either like a kid who lives at their parents house in the neighborhood, or you're driving across town to go work at the fancy schmancy Whole Foods.
00:20:33 In Highlands Ranch.
00:20:37 They decide to settle.
00:20:39 They have a kid and hilariously named him, Nigel.
00:20:49 Interesting choice I guess.
00:20:53 And.
00:20:55 He he would often bring his his wife and son into the Whole Foods.
00:21:03 And this is, you know, Mylan, Ross were talking about would bring in little Nigel and and Iris into the Whole Foods.
00:21:10 And on his days off, they said that he would go.
00:21:12 There for hours sometimes.
00:21:16 And to the other employees, it seemed.
00:21:17 They said that it almost seemed like he was trying to show off the fact that he had this beautiful, wealthy white woman.
00:21:28 And despite him bragging about his income and his ability to live in this neighborhood and bringing his fancy white woman into the store.
00:21:40 His manager said that his his.
00:21:44 Till his register.
00:21:45 Was.
00:21:46 Still short.
00:21:48 On a regular enough basis to where they had to, uh, they had disciplinary actions against him.
00:21:55 Yeah, I guess it's hard to to shake old habits, right?
00:21:58 Even when everything's nice and and and taken care.
00:22:03 For you.
00:22:06 Would also invite lots of the other employees.
00:22:09 Younger employees, especially over to the home.
00:22:15 The employees that used to work with him said that it was a little bit strange because he would invite every all the employees over to a party.
00:22:25 'D show.
00:22:25 Everyone's getting high and drinking.
00:22:28 And he just seemed to be there at once again, showing off like, look where I live.
00:22:33 Look at my.
00:22:35 Look at my white woman in that he actually wouldn't party that much or have a good.
00:22:40 He seemed to not actually enjoy it so much as he enjoyed the fact that people could see his house.
00:22:50 That is not biggie Smalls, that is.
00:22:55 That is Milan Ross.
00:22:58 Now Milan Ross as he got fatter and fatter.
00:23:04 Because he would now, he'd snag the the perfect situation with this woman.
00:23:11 Begin to worry about his weight.
00:23:15 When, according to a story.
00:23:17 That he tells in a documentary. Later on, he went to a theme park. I think it was Disneyland.
00:23:26 Or maybe as Universal Studios or something with his wife and son, Nigel.
00:23:32 And they went to go on a Harry Potter ride, and after they waited in line and they finally got to the front of the ride.
00:23:40 They wouldn't let him on because he was too fat.
00:23:44 And that's when he decided he had to make a change because he was too fat to go on a a amusement park ride with his, with his son.
00:23:55 Now lucky for him.
00:23:57 Whole Foods would offer.
00:24:02 Seminars for free. They had like a or. I guess they do have a book section.
00:24:08 Where they sell vegan recipes and vegan lifestyle books and all kinds of healthy eating guru books and that sort of a thing.
00:24:21 And one of the, I guess benefits.
00:24:24 Of being a Whole Foods employee is when some of these authors would come to town and offer seminars or whatever.
00:24:31 Whole Foods.
00:24:34 For you to go to the seminars, if you wanted to go to one of these seminars.
00:24:40 And so that is how he would meet.
00:24:44 Doctor stole.
00:24:46 In October of 2013.
00:24:50 So in October 2013, he went to one of these seminars.
00:24:54 Went to the doctor stole immersion program.
00:24:59 And in fact, this one wasn't even local.
00:25:02 It was in Naples, FL. So he got kind of a whole.
00:25:04 Out of it.
00:25:06 They flew him out to Florida.
00:25:08 And he learned about vegan eating.
00:25:12 And plant in a plant based diet.
00:25:16 He decided that that would be the way to go.
00:25:20 And weighing in at north of £500.
00:25:24 This is going to sound realistic until you realize he weighed more than £500 in the first week. He lost 30 lbs, which again if you weigh over £500, that's actually mostly water weight because you know.
00:25:40 Your 500 ******* pounds.
00:25:42 That's you.
00:25:43 You got a lot of.
00:25:44 Got a.
00:25:44 Of water weight there to deal with.
00:25:48 When he lost.
00:25:48 £30 though he was so stunned.
00:25:52 Then he decided to stick with it.
00:25:55 This is a when he's about halfway through it.
00:26:00 And then he eventually loses.
00:26:04 Over half of his body weight.
00:26:06 Gets all the way down to 200 lbs.
00:26:11 And just about over a year, which is insane.
00:26:16 That's almost like.
00:26:19 You know it's over a pound a day, I think for like a full year.
00:26:22 So he really went for it.
00:26:26 Really, really went for it.
00:26:29 Now of course, because of this success.
00:26:33 Doctor Stoll had now had exactly what he wanted, right?
00:26:35 Had a success story.
00:26:38 Here's this guy that went to one of his seminars and followed his program and and, you know, went from this to this.
00:26:46 That's pretty.
00:26:47 That's a good selling point.
00:26:50 So they partnered up and wrote a book.
00:26:54 Which really means probably the doctor still wrote a book and slapped Mylan Ross's name on it.
00:27:01 Or neither one of them wrote the book and a ghost writer wrote the book.
00:27:06 So things started to look up for for Mylan.
00:27:10 His wife Iris.
00:27:13 Got a job in Phoenix, AZ.
00:27:16 Working at a hospital as an administrator.
00:27:21 For again, I think it had something to do with cancer.
00:27:26 Mylan was starting to become a little bit of a celebrity for losing all the weight.
00:27:34 The book did quite.
00:27:35 Here's a crappy little video I found of the the release party.
00:27:40 Can tell that's in Phoenix 'cause they got the.
00:27:45 Palo Verde tree in the background.
00:27:50 Look at that.
00:27:54 Really fancy Milan Ross launch party and book release.
00:28:01 Oh.
00:28:01 I.
00:28:07 Fancy fancy.
00:28:11 So anyway.
00:28:14 Fact you can still get his book. It's on Amazon.
00:28:17 It's.
00:28:18 Fairly.
00:28:20 Decently rated I guess.
00:28:24 Change transforming yourself and your body into the person.
00:28:30 You want to be.
00:28:37 He also wrote another book.
00:28:40 A recipe book that kind of went over the different recipes he would use in his vegan diet.
00:28:48 To satisfy his cravings because he said he was really a big foodie.
00:28:52 Liked things like.
00:28:53 Like hamburgers and?
00:28:57 And you know things that had meat in.
00:28:59 So he was really big on pushing like these meat substitutes, these soy based products, these, you know, I can't believe it's not burgers or.
00:29:13 Whatever these you know, bug meat probably or maybe not. Bug meat, right?
00:29:17 He's a vegan.
00:29:21 And so everything was looking good.
00:29:23 Everything was looking good. Nigel was growing up.
00:29:28 And to be a a gay drama kid and.
00:29:34 You know, they had the nice little progressive mixed race family with the wife, you know, the the wife wearing the pants, making all the money. But the token black husband.
00:29:46 Charismatic and now becoming.
00:29:50 You know, lower case celebrity, little bit famous.
00:29:54 He.
00:29:55 He launched a website.
00:29:57 To sell his book, this is website from I think 2016.
00:30:04 Started doing seminars.
00:30:07 Started doing motivational speaking.
00:30:11 Here he is pushing one of his books.
00:30:14 He was even featured in a documentary from 2016.
00:30:20 Made by James Cameron featuring people like Penn Jillette.
00:30:26 And Samuel L Jackson.
00:30:29 Talking about eating vegan and plant based diets and how there's poison in the foods, I'm sure JFK junior would fully approve of this documentary.
00:30:42 Called eating you alive.
00:30:45 Here he is featured in this documentary.
Milan Ross
00:30:51 In June of 2013, my wife Iris and I decided to take my then six year old son for his birthday to Florida two weeks prior to the trip, my son and I went through online and looked at all the rides and he decided that the har.00:30:58 Yeah.
00:31:05 Ride.
00:31:06 Was the most epic ride in the history of rides and he wanted me to ride it with him. And if you've ever been on a ride, they have a sample of the ceiling as you approach the ride platform.
00:31:16 And the people who worked me to step out of line to try to see as soon as I sat down, it was apparent that this wasn't going to happen.
00:31:24 The.
00:31:25 With his birthday.
00:31:32 Sorry, he, he begged.
00:31:39 He cried.
00:31:43 And I couldn't.
00:31:44 My wife practically dread them onto the ride.
00:31:49 And in that moment, I realized that.
00:31:53 I.
00:31:54 I couldn't live like that anymore.
Devon Stack
00:31:59 He was too fat.00:32:02 Too fat for Harry Potter, and that was the.
00:32:07 Impetus. That was the the trigger moment, I guess for him made him change his life.
00:32:13 And so he did.
00:32:16 Also got featured in lots of local news now that he was in Phoenix. He's featured in this James Cameron documentary.
00:32:23 Starting to get, you know, somewhat of a little bit of a local.
00:32:27 Celebrity status as a result of his dramatic weight gain.
00:32:31 Like those kinds of stories, you.
00:32:33 That's why you have shows like the biggest loser and and just, you know, America's super fat so.
00:32:41 So Americans like fat people stories if they have a happy ending especially.
00:32:46 Look, he was perfect for the propaganda machine.
00:32:50 Not only was he a success story when it came to being Biggie Smalls getting down to, you know, a skinny level, but you know, he's got this interracial family and they're kind of lefty and everything.
00:33:03 I mean, he's *******.
00:33:05 It's weight loss. Wednesday, An inspirational story about how a valley man changed his life. Literally.
News Anchor Woman
00:33:11 His heaviest, Mylan Ross, was 518 lbs. Turned to a vegan lifestyle, has lost more than £300.News Anchor Man
00:33:15 What?00:33:20 Not only did.
News Anchor Woman
00:33:21 He improve his personal health, but he strengthened and improved his relationship with his own family.00:33:26 Rachel Cole caught up with him to learn how he.
00:33:30 Very.
Rachel Cole
00:33:31 Life is looking good for Mylan Ross these days. At 45, he's never felt better.Milan Ross
00:33:37 I've.00:33:37 Lost more weight than I weigh now, which is crazy.
Rachel Cole
00:33:39 3 1/2 years ago, Mylan tipped the scales at more than £500.Milan Ross
00:33:45 I ate a lot of junk food.Rachel Cole
00:33:46 The turning point came during a family trip to Universal Studios, when Milan was told he was too big to fit on the Harry Potter ride. His son so desperately wanted to enjoy for his birthday.Milan Ross
00:33:59 Brian, in that moment, I learned that the decisions I was making.00:34:03 Didn't just affect me.
Rachel Cole
00:34:04 So he took an immersion program offered to Whole Foods employees where for a week, he learned how a plant based vegan diet could change his life.00:34:13 Today he's 200 lbs and has shed more than half his body weight.
Devon Stack
00:34:19 Whoa, amazing story.00:34:22 And he sounds like he's a good dad. That's what. That's what motivates him, right?
00:34:27 He's this great father.
00:34:29 He's driven.
00:34:31 And again like this started to lead to more and more media outlets wanting to interview him and promote his book and promote his his lifestyle, his vegan lifestyle.
Rachel Cole
00:34:43 The picture says it.00:34:44 His old waistline large enough to fit him, and his son Mylan's weight loss success has led to magazine covers, syndicated shows 2, best selling books, and he travels the country, inspiring others. Mylan says he feels like he's won the lottery.
00:35:01 He has his health back and.
00:35:04 His relationship with his son.
Milan Ross
00:35:06 I used to have to sit in a chair in.00:35:08 Middle of our yard.
00:35:10 Sorry.
00:35:12 To play catch with my son because I couldn't stand or walk for more than 5 or 10 minutes, I coached my son's teams now.
00:35:22 The freedom.
Rachel Cole
00:35:23 The freedom.00:35:24 Live life to the fullest and take.
00:35:27 Harry Potter.
00:35:27 With his son, that changed their lives.
Milan Ross
00:35:30 Buddy, how was that?Milan Ross's son
00:35:32 That was amazing.Milan Ross
00:35:33 Was it worth 4 years buddy?Devon Stack
00:35:35 It's amazing. Then they went back and and they wrote on that Harry Potter ride to show the world that you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.00:35:47 Anything you want.
00:35:50 Well, the problem was he really wasn't getting as successful as he wanted to, but he was getting just a taste.
00:35:59 He was getting this taste of fame.
00:36:02 But despite his charisma, despite his interesting story.
00:36:08 People don't want to hear about the same story about the guy who got skinny over and over and over again.
00:36:14 Mean they want different.
00:36:16 They want to show different transformations the before and after.
00:36:21 Is a spectacle, but it's it's a spectacle only for a few moments.
00:36:29 It's really only for a few moments when you look at the before and after picture and say, wow, holy ****, he went from that to that.
00:36:39 That's crazy.
00:36:41 But that can't.
00:36:41 Continue to be your identity forever, unless you. I mean, that'll get you your foot in the door.
00:36:49 Right. That that'll launch your career.
00:36:52 But you have to have something more than that to offer people for them to want to, to keep caring.
00:37:00 And unfortunately, myelin, again, despite his apparent charisma and his.
00:37:09 Interesting story and his connections that he made with people who were established in the vegan community like Doctor Stole or his connections he made in Hollywood working with James Cameron and Samuel Jackson.
00:37:27 And handful of other celebrities who produced.
00:37:31 The documentary he was featured in 2016.
00:37:36 He was struggling to really, to grow beyond that.
00:37:40 And even though he put off this.
00:37:43 This image of success.
00:37:46 His wife was still the breadwinner.
00:37:51 His wife was still bringing home the majority.
00:37:55 Of the money.
00:37:59 Would make a YouTube channel.
00:38:01 And try to push.
00:38:04 His ideas with these cringy like this is one of the this is from his YouTube channel cringy trailer he made for for the because he wanted to produce his own show and syndicate his own show.
00:38:54 Yeah.
00:39:16 I.
00:39:17 And as you see, if there's a lot of narcissism, right?
00:39:22 One thing I noticed in researching this guy is obviously look, if you're, if you're selling the idea that there you went under some transformation, I get it.
00:39:32 You can have lots of pictures of yourself, 'cause you're trying to sell the idea that.
00:39:37 You got skinny and look at me now, right?
00:39:39 Get it? OK.
00:39:42 But a lot of it kind of came across as you know, a little douchey.
00:39:48 Which I guess all that kind of stuff kind of does, but.
00:39:52 This seemed to have like an extra layer of douche to it, and this trailer is a good example of that.
00:39:57 Another thing I noticed was a lot of the images that he would use in his media talking about, you know, oh, I'm doing this life coaching stuff.
00:40:07 And I'm doing these seminars or whatever he was recycling, like the same four to five pictures over and over and over again.
00:40:16 So again it it.
00:40:18 I just don't think that he really did a lot of speaking engagements.
00:40:21 Hard to really.
00:40:24 Figure out exactly how much he was doing.
00:40:27 But I think that he did a couple and then.
00:40:32 Really went a over the top with trying to sell this idea. This image that he was the successful health guru and.
00:40:40 This is all.
00:40:41 Happening in a relatively short period of time.
00:40:45 We're talking. We went when he went to go for that ride when he was when he was fat.
00:40:52 He.
00:40:53 I think this was 20.
00:40:56 What they say in the IT was like 2013.
00:41:00 Or 2013's when he started the diet.
00:41:04 And all this stuff is just three years.
00:41:06 So it took like a year and a half for him to get skinny. So he's only been skinny for like a year and.
00:41:12 Half and he's pushing this idea these, you know, this this kind of health guru.
00:41:18 When it really.
00:41:19 Is, you know, he's just a fat.
00:41:20 Guy that lost a lot of weight about a year ago.
00:41:26 So the idea that he's out there doing all this motivational speaking stuff, I think was.
00:41:32 A little bit exaggerated.
00:41:37 But all the same, the local news didn't care.
00:41:39 It's not like you know, he lived in.
00:41:41 He didn't live in like New York or LA, so it's not like it was that hard to get on local TV and.
00:41:48 And get featured again.
00:41:50 The same.
00:41:51 Good story over and over and over.
00:41:53 My son wanted us to go on this ride and I was too ******* fat.
00:41:57 And then I got skinny.
00:41:59 Four years ago, Mylon Ross was turned away from the same Universal Studios Harry Potter ride on his sons birthday.00:42:09 The reason being too big, humiliated and crushed when he disappointed his son Nigel, he decided to change his ways.
00:42:18 Now he's 300 lbs lighter and.
00:42:20 Son's here.
Rachel Cole
00:42:21 How did it feel to finally go on that?00:42:23 Potter, ride with your dad.
Milan Ross
00:42:26 Wow, I just remember feeling almost.00:42:29 Both of us were were in tears. Almost.
Nigel Ross
00:42:31 Oh, Daddy, this is this.Milan Ross
00:42:33 This is amazing.Devon Stack
00:42:36 It was amazing.00:42:38 But again, it's just that's his whole story.
00:42:44 He can try to make it sound really big and inspirational.
Milan Ross
00:42:47 I'm just one person, but there's millions of me out there.Devon Stack
00:42:52 But it you know, unless you have anything more than just this.00:42:57 This feel good story, it's.
00:43:00 You're gonna kind of.
00:43:01 Be dead in the.
00:43:03 You're not gonna really be able to capitalize on anything unless you have more you can bring to the table now.
00:43:10 He got some endorsement deals.
00:43:13 He was.
00:43:14 He became the official spokesman for some vegan brands. I'd I'd never heard of before.
00:43:22 So it's not as.
00:43:24 He didn't make a little bit of money, but he did make a ton of money.
00:43:30 And then trouble. Trouble came his way.
News Woman
00:43:38 The two women say Anthony Mylon Ross abandoned a previous family in Missouri and kept them a secret from his children and his wife right here in Phoenix.News Man
00:43:47 They tell them that tell Team 12 Jessica Denova that they endured a monstrous childhood. Jessica.Devon Stack
00:43:54 Uh oh.00:43:59 Secret.
00:44:00 That's never good.
00:44:08 So.
00:44:10 Turns out.
00:44:12 He was married to a woman in Georgia.
00:44:17 And had four kids.
00:44:19 It was a black woman in Georgia, had 4 black kids.
00:44:24 When he met Iris.
00:44:27 And when he met Iris, he just up and abandoned the family, pretended like they never existed.
00:44:36 Is ex-wife unable to find him? Eventually legally divorced him, conveniently enough for him.
00:44:44 Just like I think months before he married legally, Iris.
00:44:49 But they did.
00:44:49 They just didn't know where he went.
00:44:53 He just disappeared.
00:44:57 Now this news story came out way after the fact.
00:45:02 Way way after Iris found out that this it wasn't, you know, it wasn't in the news that Iris found out.
00:45:09 Iris found out because one of his daughters reached.
00:45:13 To him.
00:45:15 And said, hey, that's you're married to my dad.
00:45:19 Iris had no idea that he had a previous marriage.
00:45:23 Iris had no idea that he had four kids.
00:45:27 And it was kind of a shock to her to hear these these stories.
00:45:33 Counseling and therapy. That's how these sisters say they moved past the abuse they claim they suffered at the hands of Anthony Milan Ross, though he ran from his past and perhaps oppressed an evil inside him. His daughter say it's clear his mental and behavioral issues came back to.00:45:49 Him and the family he lied to for years.
Nichole Ross
00:45:52 Get this a secret.Nichole Ros
00:45:55 dirty secrets.Jessica
00:45:56 That.00:45:57 Four girls and a wife abandoned in Missouri back in 2003, court documents show. Their mother, Nicole Ross, filing for divorce in St.
00:46:06 Five years later, her earnest, diligent attempts to locate him.
00:46:10 Unsuccessful Anthony Mylan Ross would go on to marry Iris Sutherland in 2009.
Iris's Room Mate
00:46:17 Seven years into their marriage, Iris discovered that Milan had a previous marriage.00:46:24 That he had abandoned.
00:46:27 And to be with Iris.
00:46:30 And iris?
00:46:30 Felt the beach was that she didn't have a choice.
Devon Stack
00:46:37 Iris was very upset.00:46:40 And this is what happened.
00:46:42 But at first it didn't seem to really rock the marriage. To the extent that you would think.
00:46:50 You would think most women would find that out about their husband.
00:46:56 Would be like holy ****.
00:46:59 That's kind of a big deal.
00:47:00 This is.
00:47:01 I don't know how it's gonna work.
00:47:04 But Iris really wanted to work things out.
00:47:07 Now, I mean think of the context.
00:47:10 Is around 2017.
00:47:14 Have the BLM stuff starting to happen.
00:47:16 You know, like she can't divorce a black man.
00:47:22 This is one of Mylan Ross's daughters, the one that said that.
00:47:29 It's weird that he's famous for food.
00:47:32 Because he used to starve us.
00:47:35 In fact, he saw the pictures of him being looking like Biggie Smalls back when he was married to her mother.
00:47:44 And he looked like Biggie Smalls, apparently one of the ways in which he would torture his kids is he would starve them for days.
00:47:52 And then eat chili dogs in front of them and blow the scent of the chili dog in their face.
00:48:03 I don't know. I just.
00:48:04 Trying to picture that.
00:48:07 I'm trying to picture him like you know this. Biggie Smalls looking ************ with a bag full of chili dogs.
00:48:17 Blowing chilly dog aroma into the face of of his kids.
00:48:26 He also apparently was very physically abusive.
00:48:30 Beat them severely.
00:48:32 In fact, they had to stay home from school for days, waiting for some of the more apparent wounds to heal so they would not raise.
00:48:41 Any suspicions with the teachers?
00:48:42 He was.
00:48:43 He was a monster.
00:48:44 He was a monster that met a white woman.
00:48:48 Felt like he hit the lottery and you know, look, if you see the rest, you know what happened later.
00:48:54 He kind of did.
00:48:56 Right, he kinda did.
00:49:00 So she got into contact with Iris.
00:49:03 Again, they kept.
00:49:04 I in fact Iris got pregnant with another.
00:49:08 Child.
00:49:11 Not.
00:49:11 Too far I.
00:49:13 Guess in urban 2016, so kind of while all this is going on.
00:49:19 Maybe this?
00:49:20 I mean, I don't know the exact.
00:49:21 It's kind of hard to get an exact timeline on all of these things.
00:49:26 But it might have been a you could even say maybe this was myron's way, or Mylan, malign Milan.
00:49:34 Don't.
00:49:35 It's spelled like Milan, but I think they keep saying Milan. Maybe this was Milan's way of like, you know, it's almost like the opposite of sperm jacking.
00:49:44 Know he's he's planting that seed to keep the white woman around.
00:49:49 Again featured here in these vegan magazines.
00:49:55 But unfortunately once the.
00:49:58 Yeah.
00:49:58 Beautiful, baby.
00:50:01 Was born.
00:50:05 She filed for divorce.
00:50:09 She filed for divorce.
00:50:12 In February of 2017, and I think this is where it got finalized in September of 2017.
00:50:22 Or it you know, that's the rough timeline, 2017 will say mid 2017 to into late 2017.
00:50:29 This right here says September 2017.
00:50:35 Now, at first the divorce seemed kind of friendly.
00:50:40 In fact, because even though.
00:50:43 Mylan was trying to push this career of being a wonderful food guru and speech, or, you know, speech giver, this motivational speaker, this life coach.
00:50:58 He also wasn't again making a whole lot of money. In fact, at the time of the divorce.
00:51:03 She was making over $130,000 a month, I think close to $200,000 a month.
00:51:11 And he was only making 30.
00:51:14 Dollars a month.
00:51:15 I'm sorry. She was making a.
00:51:17 She was making, I think around $200,000 a year and he was making $30,000 a year and which is like nothing and you can in fact, he might have made that when.
00:51:28 Was working at.
00:51:29 Foods you know you can make 30 grand.
00:51:31 A year at Whole Foods.
00:51:32 Especially now I mean.
00:51:34 I mean, you could have done that years ago.
00:51:37 With inflation, everything is probably even easier.
00:51:41 The bearish or the the divorce?
00:51:45 In fact included.
00:51:48 She had to pay him.
00:51:50 She had to pay him $750 a month.
00:51:54 In spousal support.
00:51:56 After the divorce, because the income was so uneven.
00:52:05 On its face, it was very friendly.
00:52:09 They seemed to get along.
00:52:12 They didn't go through any kind of weird legal struggle when it came to the custody. They were very.
00:52:20 I guess casual about it dropping the kids off.
00:52:24 She wanted, you know, he'd been, you know, despite the story she'd heard about his previous secret family.
00:52:30 He'd been a good father. He was now, you know, again like his image was of this very positive guy, this very.
00:52:40 You know motivational guy, and he seemed to really love his son when, you know, that's the whole his origin story, right.
00:52:46 That his.
00:52:47 His the love of his son is what drove him to improve himself.
00:52:52 So he had this image, at least publicly, that might have also have existed privately.
00:52:59 Of being this this guy who was a good.
00:53:02 So they they were very casual about how they they they separated things up and and how they shared custody with their kids.
00:53:12 Everything seemed relatively happy, even with.
00:53:15 You know, she's now. She's a single mom.
00:53:20 But again, she's kind of like the quintessential.
00:53:25 Liberal white woman.
00:53:29 Doesn't have any of the support.
00:53:32 Of a religious community she doesn't believe in.
00:53:37 And so therefore, she doesn't have any of the support of a.
00:53:40 A patriarchy that probably would have warned her against marrying him in the first place.
00:53:45 And you can kind of see this lack of a theology or or any kind of connection to meaning in her life. If you look at some of her.
00:53:59 Facebook posts.
00:54:01 You know, for example, it's very basic ***** stuff, but this is I think it's because this is kind of.
00:54:09 Pandemic, if you will, among white women.
00:54:13 There's there's a.
00:54:13 Lot of white women that are kind of just rudderless.
00:54:18 Because they reject the patriarchy, and because the patriarchy when effect because of the rejection for decades sort of ceased to exist you.
Real Estate Girl
00:54:28 Know.Devon Stack
00:54:29 It kind of dissolved.00:54:30 You know, if if people stop coming.
00:54:33 And buying what you're selling. Eventually the company goes out of business and that's kind of what happened with the patriarchy. The patriarchy was there in place to serve both men and women.
00:54:44 Society at large keeps everything under control and regulate certain things, but as they lost.
00:54:54 The.
00:54:56 Kind of justice evaporated like a blockbuster video.
00:55:01 So that's kind of what happened with the patriarchy. She didn't have any kind of religious connection.
00:55:06 And so she started to embrace stupid Internet gurus, which might have been the kind of thing that that attracted to her or her to.
00:55:16 Mylan, in the 1st place, the fact that he had like a similar personality that he was kind of like this self help guru even when she first met him.
00:55:24 And that's, you know, that's what he turned into.
00:55:26 Soon as he lost all the weight.
00:55:27 Because that's maybe who he was.
00:55:30 Here's someone just like the kind of it's like the total basic *****.
00:55:36 Instagram kind of a post, she posted.
00:55:39 The example we set for our kids how to act when things don't go our way.
00:55:43 In fact, this is like total single mom ****.
00:55:47 Is much, much.
00:55:48 Important than the rules we set for.
00:55:50 Yeah, like rules don't matter. Don't set rules. Rules.
00:55:53 Just you know, just.
00:55:55 Be be chill when things are.
00:55:57 I mean, it's the perfect, you know, mind poison for single moms to give you an idea of of who this is. I looked them up.
00:56:03 This is Leo.
00:56:05 It's another non white, you know, Internet ***.
00:56:08 Just sitting there like selling self help to white women.
Liv Barta
00:56:13 Hi, I'm Liv Barta, and this is my YouTube channel. So I started Zen habits back in 2007. Quite a long time ago and the blog was meant to share my thoughts, share my learnings on my progress.00:56:28 On this journey that I'm on.
Devon Stack
00:56:29 On my journey I'm on this journey.00:56:33 I'm going to help you on your journey, girls.
00:56:36 Get ready for the journey.
00:56:38 Why is everything a ******* journey with these people?
00:56:41 It's it's anyway so.
00:56:45 That again, it's like I feel like there's a factory out there somewhere mass producing these kinds of white women where they just get sucked up by stupid Internet life coach gurus.
00:57:00 Selling Zen, Zen coaching and whatever the **** this guy is selling.
00:57:06 One-on-one.
00:57:08 And it's not like it's crazy because she's making good ******* money.
00:57:13 It also make it kind of terrifies you, right, because?
00:57:18 I have a hard time believing.
00:57:21 Yes, she.
00:57:22 She was a high achiever, right?
00:57:24 But this is high.
00:57:25 This is a perfect example of female high achieving midwit.
00:57:31 This is a perfect ******* example of.
00:57:35 She was able to go to the right school and get the right degree, and she knows exactly what answers to regurgitate.
00:57:43 She knows exactly what the authority wants from her and how to give it to her.
00:57:48 It to them.
00:57:50 She knows exactly what what boxes to check.
00:57:56 And she doesn't.
00:57:59 And she's rewarded.
00:58:00 And those are the kinds of people that they put into places of.
00:58:06 Of a power dissipation power in her situation. It's power at a hospital, but it kind of terrifies you because you know there's like millions of other white women just like her working in HR departments working on the boards of companies.
00:58:23 And they're they're they're not deep thinkers.
00:58:28 They're not stupid.
00:58:32 They probably learned.
00:58:36 They memorized, you know, a way of of behaving in the corporate world that will lead to success. A way of keeping your head down, not rocking the boat, not pushing back on authority and and a way of enforcing, you know, like these diversity things.
00:58:51 Reason why that spread, I think so quickly like a cancer.
00:58:55 And why there wasn't a whole lot of pushback is that's that's who you got running the show.
00:59:01 When I worked as a a contractor in in Washington DC, one of the first things that struck me was was just the percentage of women, just like, just like Iris Ross.
00:59:15 That were my clients in positions I was not expecting for clients. I was not expecting, you know, for example, we have clients that were like at the DoD.
00:59:27 And I'm saying all the do D it's Department of Defense. For those of you who are not American, I guess.
00:59:34 You expect it to be dudes.
00:59:38 I expected to go into these meetings and you know, some square jawed, grizzled old man.
00:59:44 Know like old white boomer guy.
00:59:47 Calling the shots and it was not that at all.
00:59:50 It was.
00:59:51 It was like blue haired feminist. It was a roomful. There were meetings I went to.
00:59:55 That was.
00:59:56 It was exclusively female.
00:59:59 It was mostly white women, a couple Asians, and you know, some randos or whatever. But it was a lot of ******* women at DoD and not just DoD. All the federal agencies.
01:00:04 A.
01:00:09 It's bureaucrats that I'm dealing with.
01:00:11 Like I'm making some stupid video for whatever initiative they're trying to push.
01:00:16 Whatever.
01:00:17 Like it's just I'm promoting some stupid.
01:00:19 HR initiative, that like that was my job basically.
01:00:22 Is that I'm making some corporate, you know, the the equivalent of a corporate video for a federal agency.
01:00:30 And it's just the room full of.
01:00:33 You know these these ******* midwt.
01:00:36 Highly educated women who.
01:00:40 Would be interchangeable.
01:00:43 With Iris Ross, who probably, if you look at their Facebook feeds or their Instagram feeds again, you could you could swap them around.
01:00:53 And you wouldn't even notice a difference.
01:00:55 Where they just had some surface level.
01:01:01 You know, spirituality in terms of how they interfaced with with the world and and philosophy, you know they they all went to yoga religiously.
01:01:14 I'm sure Iris went to yoga religiously.
01:01:18 And that's that's basically unfortunately that's the state of a lot of, you know, millennial white women specifically, I guess I should put that in there.
01:01:26 Was the other thing is I was expecting these people I'd be meeting at meeting with at at these agencies to be.
01:01:33 You know.
01:01:35 Stuff like older people.
01:01:36 And I was shocked at how a lot of times there'd be like.
01:01:39 But they went the boomers.
01:01:41 The funny thing?
01:01:44 The boomers.
01:01:44 Yeah, they would technically be the heads of these departments, but that's not who shows up to these meetings.
01:01:51 That's who goes and plays golf with the other boomers who were also heads of other departments, you know, and they call it networking.
01:01:59 While these these millennial midwt women run everything like that's essentially that was my experience.
01:02:07 In Washington, a big part of it.
01:02:10 But again after the divorce.
01:02:14 Mylan's still trying to push this image.
01:02:18 He's a little bit broken though now, because part of his image was the white woman family. Part of this image was having this basic ***** yoga going, lady.
01:02:31 Right. I mean, he just became even less interesting.
01:02:36 And it's bad enough when you don't have a whole lot you can offer beyond. Hey, I'm a vegan now, and I lost a lot of weight.
01:02:46 But also that family that I was pushing as part of my image.
01:02:52 Sun that I use as an obvious prop.
01:02:56 Like an obvious prop that I'm constantly when I'm posting on social media on my feeds for this endeavor that I have to become some health guru, I'm always oh, and here's my son.
01:03:07 Everyone look at my mixed race son.
01:03:11 Well, now it's not so cool.
01:03:13 Because now he's he's got a.
01:03:15 He's got a secret family that people are probably going to find out about.
01:03:19 He's got, you know, he's got problems and he's not making any.
01:03:24 He's making $30,000 a year and he's supposed to be this successful guru.
01:03:29 So right around the same time his divorce is finalized, he's featured on the doctors, which is another. Again, this is.
01:03:38 It's another show that's made exactly for these midwit stupid women.
01:03:43 It's it's exactly the kind of of of content that's mass produced for midwit white women that go to yoga.
01:03:53 And so he goes to be featured on the doctors. Here he is again using his as a prop.
01:03:59 This is September of 2017.
Milan Ross
01:04:04 Hey, guys. This is Mylan and Nigel.01:04:06 Are backstage at the.
01:04:10 TV show.
01:04:11 Doctors, we're so excited. You're excited this morning.
Nigel Ross
01:04:13 I'm Incredibly excited.Milan Ross
01:04:14 Man, you are hanging out in the back lot of Hollywood Paramount Studios and we have the best guide ever to be on the face of the planet.01:04:28 She just giving us a walk around. Neither you excited to be hanging out.
Devon Stack
01:04:34 So his feet is a lot of these videos with him and his.01:04:38 And a lot of kind of forced laughter and him telling his son to say hi to the folks out there.
01:04:44 There's there's not like a whole lot of people.
01:04:47 These videos you.
01:04:48 Know even now, years later.
01:04:51 Like some of these videos from 2017 or whatever during this this time period they don't even they haven't even broken 1000 views.
01:04:58 I.
01:04:58 Mean we have several times over. In fact, the people watching this stream have probably quadruple the amount of people that have seen some of these videos already.
01:05:09 As we'll get into it some.
01:05:11 There's a reason you might not have heard of this guy.
01:05:15 So later in that in 2017 September, he wants to.
01:05:22 Take matters in his own hands. He wants to push a syndicated show called the Mylan Ross Show.
01:05:29 And he he shoots a pilot. He's in talks with some producers. The people who did the biggest loser. I think it was.
01:05:39 Maybe it's my 600 LB.
01:05:40 Or one of these stupid weight loss shows.
01:05:44 Trying to pitch another show, but it's not exactly.
01:05:49 People aren't really biting. In fact, Speaking of videos with not a whole lot of views.
01:05:56 Here's just one of his YouTube like, you know, also thing obviously. But like, here's one of his YouTube videos from around that same era.
01:06:04 I think this had like 200 views or something like that. When I when I checked it out.
Milan Ross
01:06:08 Good morning. This Marlin, Ross and I'm about to get my morning workout in.01:06:12 Here in my home gym.
Devon Stack
01:06:16 So he's not really.01:06:19 You know, it's not really working out for them.
01:06:23 His wife's leaving him.
01:06:26 He's not getting the.
01:06:27 He thinks he deserves. He's not getting any money.
01:06:33 But again, things are still kind of.
01:06:35 Think you know she still has lots of opportunity.
01:06:37 Maybe things will workout.
01:06:41 Then Christmas rolls around Christmas 2017.
01:06:46 He posts this.
01:06:47 On Christmas Day.
01:06:50 Where he has his kids over, he not only has his his son who.
01:06:55 I believe is like 11 or something like that at this time.
01:06:58 He also has his daughter, who is less than a year old. I think she's.
01:07:04 Like 11 months or 10 months old.
01:07:07 So he's got his infant daughter for Christmas Eve into Christmas and he's got his son. And this worked out for Iris because Iris was hosting a big Christmas dinner.
01:07:20 On Christmas Day, that was going to have over 20 guests, and so she was like, yeah, take the kids. This will actually work out for me because then I can prepare for this big Christmas dinner I'm putting on.
01:07:35 For a lot of other douche people, I'm sure.
01:07:38 And so Christmas morning rolls around and this is what gets post posted to.
01:07:46 My clinic Ross's Facebook feed.
01:07:50 Ah, smiling.
Milan Ross
01:07:51 And I'm hanging out with Nigel on Christmas Eve and.01:07:56 We're about to embarrass ourselves for going to.
01:07:59 You ready?
01:08:02 Me. You better watch out.
Nigel Ross
01:08:08 You better not cry.01:08:10 You better not pop.
01:08:12 I'm telling you why 10 no clauses coming.
01:08:15 Why Santa Claus is.
Milan Ross
01:08:19 To town.Nigel Ross
01:08:20 To tell dope dope.01:08:23 He sees you in your sleeping.
01:08:23 When you're sleeping.Nigel Ross
01:08:27 In.01:08:28 He knows when you're awake.
01:08:31 He knows if battered.
01:08:32 You've been better than so because for goodness sake.
01:08:40 Poop.
01:08:41 Santa Claus is coming.
01:08:47 To.
01:08:53 Merry.
01:08:53 Merry Christmas everybody.
Devon Stack
01:08:56 Yeah. So very, very happy.01:08:59 Hours. Just two hours after that video got posted.
01:09:04 His ex-wife virus.
01:09:07 Calls him.
01:09:07 Up.
01:09:08 And says she's going to go pick up the kids. And this is around 3:00 PM.
01:09:14 On Christmas Day.
01:09:17 Some of the gas had already began to arrive for her big party.
01:09:22 The guests in attendance that heard her call.
01:09:26 Mylan.
01:09:27 It sounded kind of normal.
01:09:30 There wasn't any kind of argument she sounded.
01:09:33 She wasn't worried at all, or or anxious she.
01:09:38 I'm going to go pick up the kids and we'll get this party started.
01:09:42 Be back in a moment.
01:09:44 Run.
Anchor Woman
01:09:54 Pretty stunning moments caught on video as a man opens fire on police from a third story apartment after spending hours held up inside with his family.01:10:04 Standoff, though ending in Tragedy 3 dead, including two children.
01:10:09 That investigation, underway at an apartment complex off 16th St. in Highland.
01:10:13 ABC15 Katie Conner joining us live from the scene this morning.
01:10:17 This is just so.
01:10:19 What have you been able to learn?
01:10:21 Far.
01:10:22 Yeah, it's absolutely heartbreaking. Family friends tell me that the mom was actually going here to pick up her two kids from her ex.01:10:30 Something a lot of families did yesterday on Christmas, but neighbors here actually reported hearing gunshots around 3:45 in the afternoon, and when officers got here, they found the moms body in the parking lot.
01:10:43 Officers quickly made contact with the suspect and that's when they discovered at least one of the children had also been killed. They continue negotiating, though, for hours.
01:10:52 Going to find the other one alive.
01:10:56 The suspect began firing shots at the officers at that time, still looking for the 11 year old.
01:11:01 Officers forced entry into the house.01:11:03 They engaged the suspect in a shootout and took him into custody. That 11 year old was located.
01:11:09 Is also deceased inside the home.
Devon Stack
01:11:12 It wasn't a she, was he.01:11:15 But again.
01:11:17 They misidentified it as a as a Sheik 'cause. She was a little, I don't know how they they would know he was feminine when he was dead, but anyway.
01:11:26 So yeah.
Milan Ross
01:11:29 I'm just one person, but there's millions.Newscaster
01:11:30 OK.Milan Ross
01:11:31 Of me out there.Devon Stack
01:11:35 Yeah.01:11:40 So what happened was, according to people that.
01:11:45 Are on.
01:11:46 Scene or were on the scene and according to police.
01:11:51 Is Iris Ross showed up?
01:11:55 To gather her children.
01:11:59 And she was met with.
01:12:03 Milan Ross in the parking.
01:12:04 People heard a scream and then gunshots.
01:12:09 When the neighbors and this is, this was a fancy neighborhood. They both lived in, in fancy neighborhoods. He was still trying to keep up this image of a fancy boy, even though he was now living off of the.
01:12:22 30 grand and A and the 700 and.
01:12:25 Dollars a month from.
01:12:27 Iris.
01:12:29 Little gated community, little gated apartment complex.
01:12:33 They ran out and saw him over the body of his deceased wife.
01:12:41 Rummaging through her things.
01:12:44 They didn't think that he was the killer.
01:12:48 They said, oh, is she OK to need some help.
01:12:51 He pointed the gun at them and said no, she's not OK and they ran away.
01:12:57 He then went into the house, barricaded himself inside.
01:13:02 And police showed.
01:13:03 There was a standoff for about 6 hours.
01:13:08 And he was contacted by negotiators because they understood that there were children in the house.
01:13:17 He well, actually, first, before we get to that, he took his wife's dead wife's cell phone.
01:13:25 And then texted his ex sister-in-law. So Iris's sister, I killed Iris and the kids with.
01:13:36 Told the negotiator that he was going to kill the kids and they weren't dead if they tried entering the home.
01:13:43 Eventually, the Phoenix police sent in a SWAT robot of some sort.
01:13:49 I couldn't find any.
01:13:51 Any forage or pictures of this?
01:13:53 Just read that it was some kind of robot that determined that the baby had been killed.
01:13:59 And so the assumption was, well, if he killed the baby, he probably killed the other kid too.
01:14:05 They stormed the apartment.
01:14:07 One officer was injured in a shootout. They took him.
01:14:12 Without killing him.
01:14:14 And brought him into custody.
Fox News Lady
01:14:19 Mother and her two children shot dead and a police officer injured in a series of shooting yesterday at a Phoenix apartment complex.01:14:27 Police are clearing the area after finding the woman dead outside.
01:14:32 We went around the block to try from the other side, and every entrance was just blocked off by tons of cop cars. And then we saw some police like holding guns and rifles.01:14:42 Never seen anything like this before, like all of our neighbors seem really normal and nice and.
01:14:47 We've never.
01:14:48 Had a problem with anybody here.
Fox News Lady
01:14:51 Well, the suspect barricaded.Milan Ross
01:14:51 I'm just one person.01:14:52 But there's millions of me out.
Fox News Lady
01:14:54 There, inside an apartment for several.01:14:57 He was finally taken into custody after a brief exchange of gunfire. Officers finding the bodies of a 10 month old and an 11 year old inside the suspect uninjured.
01:15:06 One officer was wounded by shrapnel.
News Woman
01:15:15 The sound of gunfire and explosions giving way to unthinkable tragedy at a valley apartment complex in tonight. Police say this is the man behind it, all accused of gunning down his own family on Christmas Day tonight.01:15:29 Ross sitting behind bars, his ex-wife and their two kids dead.
01:15:33 And that woman's family, speaking only to ABC15 Sun.
01:15:36 I know they're understandably just heartbroken.
01:15:41 Yeah, this family is just devastated to hear about this tragedy, many of them on their way to Phoenix right now, as I speak now, just a couple minutes ago, Phoenix police did release the name of the victims involved in this terrible tragedy, and they are 38 year.01:15:54 Iris Ross.
01:15:56 11 year old Nigel Ross and 10 month old baby Anora Ross all gunned down at the Highlands apartment complex on 16th St. and Highland on Christmas Day.
01:16:06 The suspect is their father, irises, ex-husband Anthony Milan Ross. But family members tell me they just know him as Mylan. This is video of him facing a judge for the first time, now charged with three counts of first degree murder.
01:16:19 Also, 19 counts of aggravated assault against police officers for allegedly firing at them during.
01:16:26 The six hour standoff yesterday, we are told one officer was hit by shrapnel, but he is doing OK, the victim's family tells me that.
01:16:34 Ross is a well known motivational speaker who wrote a book about losing weight with the vegan lifestyle.
01:16:39 But the picture you see of him smiling.
01:16:42 Very different face from what the family saw. The Milan that this family knew was very different, very depressed after his divorce and.
01:16:50 That divorce, we are told, was finalized in June.
Iris's Room Mate
01:16:54 But he was making subtle threats that.01:16:58 You know, he would take full custody of the kids, so that next 2018 was going to be a year to remember.
Devon Stack
01:17:07 In a year to remember.01:17:09 I guess is a weird way of putting it 'cause it's a year that we'll never remember 'cause they were never.
01:17:14 Alive in 2018.
01:17:16 Is the roommate.
01:17:19 The wife decided to move in with she to give an idea, again expanding on this idea that she was this basic ***** white woman she went to on a spiritual retreat or retreat.
01:17:31 Whatever the **** that means and met this woman.
01:17:35 And decided to be roommates after the divorce, so she was living with this woman as after meeting at a spiritual retreat.
News Woman
01:17:48 Father sitting in jail for killing his own children and their mother, that woman's family getting chilling text messages just moments after the crime on Christmas Day.Sister in law
01:17:59 I received the text yesterday at 2:52 PM my time.01:18:03 I received 2.
01:18:04 I received the first one that said I just killed Iris and the kids second.
01:18:08 Second message was with a gun.
News Woman
01:18:10 And sadly, those were not just empty.01:18:12 Phoenix police in a standoff with the suspect for hours before discovering the heartbreaking reality.
Milan Ross
01:18:18 I'm just one person.01:18:19 But there's millions of me out there.
Devon Stack
01:18:23 So.01:18:25 That's what happened. Toll paid.
01:18:27 I suppose that was the Christmas call.
01:18:32 This was the the toll that was paid by all these Jingle Bells.
01:18:37 And it's weird because there's not.
01:18:38 You would think there would be a.
01:18:39 Lot more on this.
01:18:43 There's almost no reporting on this. In fact, even though this took place on Christmas of 2017.
01:18:50 It's hard to figure out what, where what even like the the legal.
01:18:56 Situation is.
01:18:59 I couldn't find a single news report talking about his trial.
01:19:06 I in fact I found news reports from 2022 saying that his trial was scheduled for 2023, but then no news reports from 2023 talking about his trial having begun.
01:19:22 I searched newspapers thinking well, OK, well, they have to at least mention it.
01:19:27 This is like the Christmas massacre.
01:19:32 And all I came up with is something that made me believe that he really still hasn't even gone to trial yet.
01:19:40 And that was there was this weird study done by Jewish lawyers.
01:19:46 I'm.
01:19:46 I'm not kidding you.
01:19:48 That determined that Arizona.
01:19:52 Disproportionately puts black men to death, like gives them the death penalty when they've killed white women.
01:20:03 And I guess that's a bad thing.
01:20:06 I guess that's a bad thing. This Jewish legal group determined that.
01:20:12 Arizona.
01:20:15 Give the death penalty to black people that that kill white women.
01:20:19 Too.
01:20:22 And so the article that I found that was referencing his case.
01:20:28 Was a group of lawyers.
01:20:32 Including the lawyer representing him. And this is in 2023. So I presume by 2023 he still hadn't really gotten the trial.
01:20:41 But the idea was they were going to try him for capital murder.
01:20:46 And the death penalty certainly would be on the table for this kind of a crime in Arizona, at least for right now.
01:20:52 Sure, that'll all change as the demographics change, a lot of people don't realize stuff like that.
01:20:56 They act like, oh, Mexicans, they're like they're natural conservatives or whatever.
01:21:01 Now in Mexico, they don't have the death.
01:21:03 In fact, there's a lot of Latin American countries where if you face a death penalty in America.
01:21:08 Extradite you there.
01:21:10 Their own extradite, extradite you back to America because they're against the death penalty and they think that it's inhumane.
01:21:17 So they they you qualify for asylum.
01:21:22 And so, yeah, the the death penalty will not stick around. The death penalty that we need to increase.
01:21:29 We need to broaden the application of. I mean there should be a. There should be a a speed speed lane like a. There should be like a carpool lane.
01:21:39 For.
01:21:41 Death penalty.
01:21:43 And we should just.
01:21:44 And the fact that like, again, this guy's trial hasn't even started as far as I can tell, his trial hasn't even started.
01:21:50 Was in 2017.
01:21:51 Here we are in 2024 it.
01:21:54 Open and shut right?
01:21:56 There's it's not like he.
01:21:58 Did plead not guilty at?
01:21:59 His hearing, but come on.
01:22:02 It's open and shut, he.
01:22:04 He admitted to the sister that he killed his family.
01:22:09 There's witnesses with him holding a gun, brandishing the gun, running back in the house, he told police negotiators he was going to kill the kids.
01:22:22 And then they go in there and they're dead.
01:22:25 There's no way he's not guilty.
01:22:27 There's no possible way.
01:22:29 It's the perfect candidate for the death penalty.
01:22:33 It's the perfect candidate for the death penalty because there's no wiggle room.
01:22:38 Well, maybe we executed the wrong guy.
01:22:40 This is the right guy.
01:22:43 This is 100% the right guy.
01:22:46 And if any.
01:22:47 Crime qualifies you for the death penalty.
01:22:53 Half of this crime.
01:22:56 Should get you.
01:22:57 I mean, even like, you know, 30% of.
01:22:59 Crime gets you the death penalty.
01:23:04 The reference I found was an article in the Arizona Republic from 2023 where a group of lawyers armed with this study by this Jewish lawyer group saying that the Arizona State of Arizona executes too many black guys that kill white women.
01:23:20 Went to a judge.
01:23:23 Demanding that.
01:23:26 They they, their clients.
01:23:29 Aren't subjected to racism during their trials.
01:23:34 As a you know, because the evidence we don't want to even want to go to.
01:23:38 We we want them to their charges to be lowered from capital murder to, you know, whatever, because we think they're going to be unfairly tried again.
01:23:47 Couldn't find the results of that.
01:23:50 I found.
01:23:51 Articles talking about this hearing.
01:23:54 I found articles talking about the hearing.
01:23:58 And being denied for one of the people wasn't this guy.
01:24:02 I don't know if you know the judge was Jewish or last name, was Cohen.
01:24:08 So who knows with that, right?
01:24:11 Surprise, surprise, right? A Jewish judge.
01:24:14 If nothing else, honestly, if you were to make that change in America, just imagine.
01:24:20 Just imagine if you were just a bar Jews from being judges.
01:24:26 And why shouldn't you?
01:24:27 They have a completely different moral framework.
01:24:29 Why would you want people like that adjudicating the law?
01:24:33 Why would you want people who believe that you can trick God with a wire around the the city?
01:24:42 Why? Why would you want people like that adjudicating the law?
01:24:48 Makes no ******* sense.
01:24:51 Anyway, as far as I can tell, his trial hasn't even started all these years later.
01:25:00 So he's still alive and kicking.
01:25:03 And I can't like again. I couldn't find anything about.
01:25:09 Not a sentencing, but just even a trial.
01:25:12 Don't even think he's he's even.
01:25:13 That's.
01:25:14 That process is even gone.
01:25:15 You could say, well, maybe it's because COVID. You know, the court got backed up during COVID and I don't know what their excuse is, but.
01:25:24 You know, who knows?
01:25:25 What the Hell's going on with that?
01:25:27 One thing I did find interesting.
01:25:30 Is that the the responses?
01:25:35 That I would randomly come across when researching this horrific crime.
01:25:42 And for example, just like the again this is.
01:25:45 It's not just a story about the toll being paid. It's a story about douchey ******* white people.
01:25:53 Yeah, this is her brother.
01:25:55 And he lives in Texas and is kind of using his sister's murder as a way of promoting himself.
01:26:06 He's.
01:26:08 Doing some food donation charity in Texas and and somehow.
01:26:14 Something completely disconnected from what happened in this situation to promote like his thing and you know, look, just look at him.
01:26:21 Yeah, I don't.
01:26:24 Douche vibe ******** on this guy and it just it just seems wrong to do that. Like I'm going to use my sister's murder in Arizona to promote myself and my connection to some, you know, charity for food, for homeless black kids, probably.
01:26:43 And that's, I think no one mentions the racial element of this.
01:26:47 No one mentions the racial element of this.
01:26:50 It's like that doesn't even exist.
01:26:53 You know, they have a bunch of these, these progressive white people remembering the death.
01:27:00 Know the the the Ross family Iris and her mixed race kids.
Ross family friend
01:27:05 It was very caring, outgoing, you know, she was someone that easily broke down barriers.News Woman
01:27:12 And her children, the love of her life.Mary Wojas
01:27:15 If you ever saw Nigel onstage, he was in performing arts and he was so talented. If you had a chance to look into that.Devon Stack
01:27:23 That's the sister you know.01:27:25 Again, surprise, these people don't live in in Highlands Ranch in Colorado.
Mary Wojas
01:27:32 Baby girl's eyes and see them sparkle and see what a beautiful, joyous child she was.Reporter
01:27:37 To honor the family and the gentle spirit, Iris was.Milan Ross
01:27:42 I'm just one person, but there's millions of me out there.Devon Stack
01:27:46 And of course, got to have the drum circle.01:27:51 God, if my family had a ******* drum circle to honor my.
01:27:56 Oh God.
01:27:59 Then it ranges.
01:28:00 It ranges from this to just like you guys didn't learn anything, you didn't ******* learn anything, did you?
01:28:07 Like there's a.
01:28:08 Reason why this happened?
01:28:10 There's a reason why this all could have been prevented.
01:28:15 This all could have been prevented and instead of trying to actually raise awareness and try instead of actually trying to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, you're almost ensuring that it's going to happen again by glossing over the the actual reason this happened.
01:28:35 This whole vegan health community, it's that's it's full of such ******* ****.
01:28:42 Like, here's another video I.
01:28:43 Like it's like it's it's literally it's the worst kind of white.
01:28:48 It's the kind of white people.
01:28:50 Yeah, I'd rather live in their neighborhood than than a black neighborhood, because it's gonna. This is why when people say would you rather live in a Christian neighborhood or a white neighborhood that's all atheist? It's like, well, still, the white atheist.
01:29:02 Neighborhood don't wrong. They're all ****** ****.
01:29:05 And they all suck. Like this guy.
01:29:09 But at least they're not committing crime.
01:29:12 Sadly, it's because they're *******. But you know.
Vegan Fag
01:29:15 Suck compassion.01:29:16 Welcome Vegan News, and we're starting the year off with a sad.
01:29:20 I want to start with a kind of disclaimer before I go into this. This may be triggering.
01:29:25 Some.
01:29:26 And also, I never personally liked Anthony Miller Ross.
01:29:31 He claimed to be.
01:29:32 He was actually plant based and.
01:29:35 He had some views on animals that weren't exactly aligning with.
Devon Stack
01:29:39 Target.Vegan Fag
01:29:40 With that said, let's move into the story and what happened with him pictured here.01:29:45 He was famous for losing hundreds of pounds and creating a diet basically, and he treated veganism that way. And that is a big sticking point that is going to matter later in this story as I go into it on Christmas Day, Anthony posted him and his son sing.
01:30:00 Christmas song together it was pre recorded a few days prior and a few hours after that upload he.
01:30:06 Actually killed.
Devon Stack
01:30:10 Oh yeah, the fake tears make myself the center of the ******* story.01:30:14 Make this somehow about veganism like this.
01:30:17 This is the kind of ****** white people we have to worry about.
01:30:20 Are the ******* that are making.
01:30:22 ******* die out.
01:30:24 This ******* ****** right here.
01:30:26 Where his response to this?
01:30:28 His response to this is let's not make this look bad about it's not a vegan issue, but he wasn't really.
01:30:34 He was.
01:30:34 It doesn't have anything to do.
01:30:36 With veganism you ******* ******.
01:30:39 It doesn't.
01:30:41 Let's not talk about what it does have to deal with, right?
01:30:45 I mean, for **** sake, I mean, this was just, like, astonishing to me that this ******* video existed like.
01:30:50 How to make this video? How to make this about me and tell you about how like he's not a real vegan?
01:30:56 Think the vegans are murderers? Just becoming just for ***** sake.
01:31:01 We can't even get them to admit that there's a pattern with black people.
01:31:04 Trying to like stop you from thinking there's a pattern of vegan people.
01:31:08 For ***** sake.
01:31:09 And then you go from that to. I found again like this is.
01:31:12 I was just looking for responses.
01:31:15 Or not looking for response. I was finding responses while I was looking for other video of this guy and I came across this weird black.
01:31:24 I guess pod show or Pod podcast where.
01:31:28 They're basically making like this shows the difference.
01:31:33 This shows you the difference.
01:31:36 All right.
01:31:36 Yep, Yep. The white guy.
01:31:38 Do you have?
01:31:39 The white people find out their ******* sister gets killed.
01:31:44 This guy tries to capitalize on it and says how open minded she was and how ******* beautiful it is.
01:31:51 Again, not talking about like why it happened or anything. Let's just all forget about that. This guy's talking about how you know, Mylan's not a real vegan and whatever.
01:32:01 Mean, just like the most inane ******* ******** ******* ****.
01:32:05 Coming from the white people.
01:32:08 And black people hear about this case. These people don't even have a connection to either one of these people and their their response is, well, I wonder what she did to deserve it.
Random Black Guy 1
01:32:18 Like like you say, you being objective, what's that?01:32:21 She said she was being compliant or, you know, allowing him to do certain things, but still in all it was certain things that.
01:32:29 He wasn't allowed to do and it was affecting him.
Random Black Guy 2
01:32:32 We don't know the details.01:32:33 Is how it goes.
Random Black Guy 1
01:32:34 Even even if it was court, he probably wanted sex.01:32:36 She probably wasn't giving him do that.
Random Black Guy 2
01:32:38 But that's a great is points.01:32:39 But they would get him divorced like she ain't want to be in the in the relationship anymore. And in his crazy mind.
01:32:47 Her.
Random Black Guy 1
01:32:47 But we talked about.Milan Ross
01:32:48 I'm just one person, but there's.01:32:49 Millions of me out there.
Devon Stack
01:32:53 I mean.01:32:56 So the black, the random black guy responses.
01:33:00 But he he probably killed her because she was killed. His whole family. 'cause. She won't give him the *****. That power is is we don't know.
01:33:07 Don't.
01:33:09 Giving up the ***** and so like more. I can't blame him, you know, killing his.
01:33:15 ******* family.
01:33:16 For ***** sake.
01:33:19 And unfortunately, that's this is a perfect metaphor for what the ****'* been going on in this country.
01:33:25 You got a bunch of *****, ****** white people wearing about ******* veganism, getting a bad name, let alone ******* black people.
01:33:34 Totally avoiding the the obvious, well, black people are just ******* life has no value.
01:33:42 You probably wasn't given the *****.
01:33:44 The problem wasn't given to *****, that's why.
01:33:48 Why? Yeah, the the proud deserved to die.
01:33:51 Actually won't give him the *****.
01:33:57 I mean, it's so ******* insane.
01:33:59 It's so ******* insane.
01:34:02 But this is unfortunately these are the.
01:34:05 Christmas carols in America these days.
01:34:07 Days.
01:34:10 Got this guy.
01:34:13 Murdering his whole family.
01:34:17 Rarely, it comes down to this guy.
01:34:22 This is Iris, father.
01:34:27 This mixed race grandchild, who I'm sure he was, he.
01:34:31 Super excited to have.
01:34:37 Right. I mean, he raised her.
01:34:42 Look, patriarchy or not, that's one thing that's your responsibility.
01:34:50 If there is a right man that is to blame in this story, it's her father.
01:34:58 Because, sure. While they weren't the mechanisms the society around there to.
01:35:04 To reinforce the idea that that was probably a bad idea.
01:35:11 It was probably a really bad idea to meet some guy.
01:35:18 A guy who looks like ******* Doctor Dre after he gained the weight.
01:35:26 Probably got knocked.
01:35:27 That's probably why they got married so fast, I don't know.
01:35:32 And then B is sugar Mama.
01:35:35 I mean, that doesn't happen in a vacuum.
01:35:41 Happen in a.
01:35:42 You know, it does happen, though. If your dad sitting there hooting and hollering at the TV when there's sports ball on and wearing jerseys with a black man's name printed on the back.
01:35:53 Talking about this, the stats of his of his favorite sports ball.
01:35:59 I don't know if that's how her dad was, but a lot of dads out there are like that.
01:36:05 Why wouldn't you want to?
01:36:07 Mean dad. Dad seems infatuated with black men.
01:36:10 Why shouldn't I be?
01:36:19 This only turns into this.
01:36:22 Because of the failure of that Father.
01:36:29 That's the only reason why that happens.
01:36:36 See, that's another reason why libertarianism is a ******* cancer on our society.
01:36:43 'Cause it takes away your sense of duty.
01:36:46 It's why boomers love it so much.
01:36:50 'Cause they have no sense of duty.
01:36:53 And it's why millennials embraced it so much.
01:36:57 Because they're all about being individuals.
01:37:01 And look, it's just spider control people and act like, oh, yeah, like, you know, people got you trying to tell me people have gotten less individualistic since the boomers give me a ******* break.
01:37:14 It's just, it's just. It's just an unbelievable level now with cutting off your ******* ****.
01:37:22 Because you feel like something else individualism has.
01:37:26 It might have started with the Boomers, but.
01:37:30 It's not like somehow tapered off in any way at all. It's increased.
01:37:37 100 fold.
01:37:42 No sense of ******* duty.
01:37:48 I would in fact.
01:37:51 I know boomers who've had their daughters get mixed up with non whites who on a personal level were unhappy with it.
01:38:03 But determined that they're their own person, they have to make their own decisions. Who am I to tell them how to live their life?
01:38:12 You're their ******* parents.
01:38:16 And not just the parents.
01:38:18 The family.
01:38:22 Where was her sister?
01:38:24 Where's the mother?
01:38:25 Don't know.
01:38:26 Mother doesn't seem to even exist in this story that I can tell.
01:38:32 Resolve a liberal friends in Highlands Ranch saying.
01:38:37 Why are you the sugar Mama for some useless black guy who works at Whole Foods?
01:38:43 None of that existed.
01:38:46 So yes, obviously there's some personal responsibility with this empty headed hoe that decided to live her life this way.
01:38:51 **** everybody failed.
01:38:56 Everybody failed.
01:39:01 There's a lot of people.
01:39:03 That think that they need to somehow keep their mouth shut to maintain relationships with people when they see them doing horrible things, making these big mistakes.
01:39:18 You're not doing them any favors.
01:39:32 All the people that kept their mouth shut about.
01:39:36 Mylan Ross being a bad idea.
01:39:41 Weren't doing Iris any favors.
01:39:47 But at least no one called them a racist.
01:39:50 Oh.
Milan Ross
01:39:52 I'm just one person, but there's.01:39:54 Millions of me out there.
Devon Stack
01:39:56 So that's our Christmas story.01:40:00 We're not doing a big long, you know, 5 hour ******* stream tonight.
01:40:04 I found that story and I just thought it was fascinating. 'cause. It's like again, you would think it would be more reported on. You would think that it's got a guy who's like, not famous, but he's.
01:40:14 On TV.
01:40:15 He's been in a James Cameron.
01:40:16 I mean, it's not like he's nobody. And and it wasn't and it was recent. Like all of this was his.
01:40:22 Whole career was.
01:40:23 Up months, like literally months before, before he, he killed his entire family and nothing like there's all these. I found all these news reports of like it happening cuz you kind of have you have to report like the Christmas Day massacre where there was a six hour stand.
01:40:41 With police like you can't just not report that, but then there's nothing.
01:40:45 There's literally nothing.
01:40:47 I mean they they do a little bit of digging. They find out who it was and they kind of, you know, and you know, the the secret Family News report I found that was like when they found out that the secret family, this is all within like a.
01:40:58 Of the incident.
01:41:00 And then there's just.
01:41:02 No newspaper articles about it, no TV local news, you know, certainly no national news coverage of it.
01:41:12 And this is the kind of thing that happened. I I I think that one of the reasons why.
01:41:17 This story went away is because you did have the Black Lives Matter ******** happening.
01:41:22 And this is a bad story to have.
01:41:26 This black guy who's who's as good, I mean as good of an example as you could come up with for a black guy, right?
01:41:33 Very white. Presenting black. A vegan ******* black guy wiping out his whole family. Just just chimping out and killing his white woman and his whole family.
01:41:44 Kind of goes against the narrative.
01:41:46 So I think they hushed it up.
01:41:47 I think that's why they don't talk about it.
01:41:49 Think that's why it's not.
01:41:50 I think that's why none of you guys ever heard of.
01:41:52 Maybe you know if you maybe if you're local in Phoenix, maybe you heard of.
01:41:55 Or something. But you know this, this beyond that little breaking news thing from Fox News that I played like, I think that was the extent of it.
01:42:03 Think they?
01:42:04 I think she got 30 seconds.
01:42:08 30 seconds on Fox News was the national coverage.
01:42:12 There's an article in the Daily Mail that covered, you know, some of the stuff.
01:42:15 Now, was it you know?
01:42:18 That was it.
01:42:18 Just a couple bullet points.
01:42:20 It was.
01:42:20 You know, it was a catchy headline.
01:42:21 Know Christmas Day massacre.
01:42:25 And again, stripped of all of its racial.
01:42:29 Politics just oh, just you know this this cup Arizona couple, right?
01:42:35 And Arizona man Arizona man kills his family.
01:42:44 Anyway, let's take a look at hyperchance.
01:42:53 Bump, Bump, bump, bump. Here we go.
01:42:57 All right, we got purple sage.
01:43:02 Oh.
01:43:07 Sage hi.
01:43:08 I found your stream a few months ago, and I think it's great. Thank you.
01:43:11 I think it's great.
01:43:13 So look at that we have.
01:43:14 We've got that in common now.
01:43:16 You for the.
01:43:17 I appreciate you guys coming here and in fact, some people will say occasionally.
01:43:22 You.
01:43:23 Know.
01:43:23 Like like if I.
01:43:26 If I repeat some of the same themes, or repeat some of the same stories like they're like, wow, you already said that like four years ago. It's like, yeah, but.
01:43:35 Not. Not everyone's watching every.
01:43:37 Yeah, every stream for four years. You know, like there's new people coming all the.
01:43:42 And it's important to keep up with, especially look.
01:43:47 I I am black filled on a lot of things, but I'm honest and it's not like I'm. I'm not trying.
01:43:52 Not like some not like a brand I'm trying to maintain.
01:43:56 One of the things that I am white pilled on to some extent is there does seem to be a growing.
01:44:04 Noticing, I think there is a, it's not.
01:44:07 Hasn't penetrated beyond.
01:44:10 You know the Twittersphere or, you know, to some extent, the online world.
01:44:16 Increasingly, that's what a lot of people exist.
01:44:17 For.
01:44:18 It's.
01:44:20 It's not even that bad that you know, if you're, if you're able to make the Internet world more aware of Jews, or at least the white people in the Internet world, it will filter out in the real world.
01:44:31 Quite frankly, it's.
01:44:32 Thing.
01:44:33 It matters more.
01:44:35 I mean who's who? What white people aren't on the Internet at this point. If you're a white person and you're completely oblivious to, like, what's going on the Internet, really. What? Doesn't matter what you think?
01:44:46 Seriously. Like.
01:44:47 What does it really matter what you think?
01:44:48 I like how they try to flip that around.
01:44:50 They try to flip it around like, you know, go touch grass and you know, like, oh, you're on your you're terminally online all these time and look, yeah, you don't want like 100% be online and not be in the real world.
01:45:02 But let's you're.
01:45:03 You're kind of doing. You're you're doing the satanic inversion.
01:45:08 'Cause, if you are never online, if all you are doing is frolicking in the ******* Meadow and picking wildflowers, what good?
01:45:16 You anyway.
01:45:17 Like you might as well not exist.
01:45:20 You might as well be a gazelle. You know, just just frolicking somewhere in in the the Savannah. You know it like you're sure you're alive, I guess.
01:45:31 What? But what point are you there?
01:45:33 You.
01:45:34 You have no influence whatsoever on society.
01:45:38 And it's a shame your vote counts.
01:45:41 So yeah, I am white pilled on that.
01:45:43 Good that new people are coming in.
01:45:45 It's good that people are are starting to figure some of this stuff out, but there is a long, long rough road ahead for us and it's, you know, we're nowhere near like winning.
01:45:57 In fact, if anything has been black Pilling as I've been doing work around the house still.
01:46:04 That's one thing I'm trying to do.
01:46:07 Is.
01:46:09 Well, you know, just it's just normal maintenance stuff. Like there's I'm trying to somewhat permanently fix some of these problems. I've been like patching for, you know.
01:46:18 That'll hold it.
01:46:18 That'll hold for a.
01:46:19 Few months and then you know the the.
01:46:21 Springs again trying to permanently fix some of this stuff.
01:46:25 But.
01:46:25 I've been listening to, like, listen to like the first couple days of millennial and the the weird optimism about Trump that I've heard so far from some of these people. I'm just like.
01:46:39 Well, now I'm.
01:46:41 I feel like I I I have.
01:46:44 Have.
01:46:44 I have more meaning.
01:46:47 I I feel like there's there's more of a reason for me to exist. Hearing some of this **** from people who are otherwise intelligent and and understand the problem, but for some reason are weirdly misunderstanding the current situation.
01:47:04 But anyway, that's another topic entirely.
01:47:07 Speaking of which, I believe.
01:47:11 I believe I'm on on the 18th.
01:47:14 Not to look at the thing again.
01:47:17 In fact, let me look now. I think I'm on the 18th on. Let's see.
01:47:26 And make sure we do.
01:47:27 We're always I I think we're almost.
01:47:30 I think we're always either the, the OR always the top three, but I think we're almost always the number one viewed appearance.
01:47:40 So let's let's try to keep that going.
01:47:42 Where is it?
01:47:44 Where is it?
01:47:53 Yeah, I think it'll be.
01:48:04 I'll double check.
01:48:05 It's in the evening, but I think it's like the 18th.
01:48:11 Let me click.
01:48:12 Let me see. I got a link.
01:48:16 Notes the 16TH, so it's Monday.
01:48:21 It's Monday.
01:48:24 At.
01:48:27 I think 6:00 PM Pacific Time.
01:48:34 The Monday 6:00 PM Pacific Time.
01:48:38 I'll be on millennial, which is 9:00 PM Eastern standard.
01:48:41 I think so.
01:48:42 I think that's the right time, OK?
01:48:46 OK.
01:48:46 Let's see here, Gorilla hands.
Money Clip
01:48:56 The.01:49:04 That.
01:49:09 Hello.Money Clip
01:49:13 I.Milan Ross
01:49:16 I'm just.01:49:17 There's millions of.
Money Clip
01:49:19 That will keep him busy for a while.Devon Stack
01:49:24 Oh, the angry.01:49:25 The angry Christmas wookie guerilla.
01:49:28 Hey, Devin, I'm surprised that the drones haven't abducted you and brought you to their mother.
01:49:32 Off the coast of New Jersey.
01:49:34 Maybe the aliens don't want to be too black pilled on a more serious note, this seems to be.
01:49:41 A preparation for brother blue beams. Fake and gay alien invasion.
01:49:45 I don't.
01:49:45 I don't think that's what it is. I think because too many people say that's what it is. So it would be.
01:49:52 I I have never thought that project Bluebeam would be that convincing to a lot of people.
01:49:59 And maybe that doesn't matter, right? 'cause. Look, there are a lot of people that were against the lockdowns and they still just did that.
01:50:04 And it just worked.
01:50:06 So maybe, maybe, maybe that is, you know, in fact.
Milan Ross
01:50:09 If you wanted.Devon Stack
01:50:10 To get look if you want to get all conspiratorial and and have the the.01:50:15 The tinfoil hat on you could say COVID.
01:50:19 Lies like a trial.
01:50:21 Can we lock everyone up? And even if they don't like it, it's really our push backs. Pretty minimal.
01:50:27 And then you could say like what would be more lock upable.
01:50:30 You could say alien invasion. You know, of course we have to lock you up for the alien invasion.
01:50:35 Can't be just running around.
01:50:38 We got aliens out there.
01:50:41 So I I don't.
01:50:41 I don't think that's what's happening, but you never know these days, right?
01:50:45 You never ******* know.
01:50:48 I just think it's some kind of drone.
01:50:51 I think the military's doing or some kind of, you know, intelligence agencies is testing some drones.
01:50:58 I don't think it's it's.
01:50:59 It's definitely not.
01:51:00 It's definitely not spy drones.
01:51:03 Because they have landing lights and they have lights on them.
01:51:07 Lights and you don't put lights.
01:51:12 On a.
01:51:12 A.
01:51:14 Spy drone.
01:51:15 It's ********.
01:51:17 It's the opposite of what you would do, and to some extent you'd have to say that's true about aliens too.
01:51:24 Are you trying to tell me that there's an alien life form that has the ability to travel to Earth from some other planet and they don't have instruments that work in low light that are at least on par with what our spy drones have? Like somehow they need?
01:51:41 Have lights on them like what would be the point of having lights?
01:51:45 On the the alien probe thing. You know, whatever the **** they're saying it is.
01:51:51 I just think it's something more.
01:51:52 I think it's yet another example of nothing ever happens.
01:51:59 Chosen jawah.
01:52:13 Chosen jawah with the angry.
01:52:16 Why is it backwards?
01:52:18 There we go. A few weeks ago I mentioned that my church was voting on a new preacher who was not a Zionist.
01:52:25 I'm glad to report that he has officially been voted in and will be the pastor starting January 1st.
01:52:31 He is very aware of the JQ and has much to say concerning the poison of Zionism. He and I have had several in depth discussions about these topics and he.
01:52:42 He also introduced me to Chuck Baldwin on YouTube. If any Christians are watching, check out the Liberty Fellowship Mt on YouTube. Pastor Baldwin refutes Zionism, rapture, theology, Dispensationalism, and Schofield. Darby ISM.
01:52:59 I've only just started listening to Baldwin over the last couple weeks.
01:53:03 His sermon on YouTube, titled The Destruction of Jerusalem Message by Chuck Baldwin on August 25th, 2019, is very fascinating.
01:53:12 He's the preacher version of Devon Stack.
01:53:15 Oh, and the ADL hates him too.
01:53:17 Recommend OK.
01:53:18 Well, I've never heard of him, but.
01:53:20 Those all sound like good things.
01:53:23 For those of you who might be interested.
01:53:26 Chosen Java then says, well, I do not trust Candace Owens.
01:53:29 Her interview with the USS Liberty Survivor this past week was very well put together and is reaching a lot of people who otherwise never knew about it.
01:53:38 Coincidentally, Chuck Baldwin was actually brought.
01:53:42 Up towards the end of the interview as well.
01:53:44 Good.
01:53:44 You know, I I should have.
01:53:47 I did a whole video way back.
01:53:51 Probably like around 20. Maybe when this chick was still alive. You know, honestly, it was a long time ago.
01:53:58 And it did get it was when I was still on YouTube, so it did get a lot of views back then, but I probably should have tweeted that out back when all the Candice stuff was trending.
01:54:10 Got more eyeballs, but I have yet to see.
01:54:13 A explanation of events.
01:54:16 I mean, obviously the the interviewing, the guys that were there is very useful.
01:54:21 And it's helpful but.
01:54:25 I not to toot my own horn, but I have yet to see a concise explanation with all the receipts of exactly what happened with the Liberty attack.
01:54:36 That's any better than the video I produced.
01:54:39 So that again it's, it's weirdly still on YouTube.
01:54:43 I think it might.
01:54:45 They've been taking, I get emails every couple months like we took down this video South.
01:54:50 They're one by one. They're taking down the ones.
01:54:52 Are.
01:54:52 Up there. But even if it's not on YouTube, it's on Odyssey, probably on rumble, maybe.
01:55:00 It's not. Maybe I should upload it.
01:55:01 Just doing.
01:55:02 Maybe a lot of people would see it 'cause it would show up in their feed.
01:55:05 I should just do that.
01:55:07 Upload it to rumble.
01:55:10 But yeah, that's a that's a story that really they don't want.
01:55:14 Talking about.
01:55:15 That's a story that really kind of shatters this.
01:55:20 Boomer image that Israel has always been our greatest ally, and in the video that I did I have on camera the former Secretary of Defense talking about it, I have.
01:55:35 You know the people.
01:55:36 You know the when they were younger, you know, like talking about the incident.
01:55:41 In fact, I I I think that my video covering it.
01:55:46 Did kind of spur a little bit of a resurgence back then? Not what's going on now, but like after I posted my video, I noticed that a bunch of the survivors within a few months of me posting were on some dissident channels getting.
01:56:02 Interviewed again that was years.
01:56:04 That has nothing to do with. Maybe what happened?
01:56:05 Unless.
01:56:06 Unless Candace saw the video or something, it's like it's been like a it's not like I'm. I didn't come up with the liberty thing like people. The time in the USS Liberty is a talking point since it.
01:56:16 Well, yeah, I guess not. Since it happened 'cause they they they basically threatened the people that were there.
01:56:21 Like after they stopped being afraid of, you know, repercussions.
01:56:26 But they've been trying to get the word out on this since the 70s. Eighties, at least 'cause. I was finding old documentaries that were on VHS and **** like that when I was making my video.
01:56:38 And it just sadly, because I guess the Internet didn't exist and hasn't really penetrated. But now that the internet's here, you know, a lot of people are find, find out about it.
01:56:46 Yeah. Maybe I'll just maybe I'll repost it on my rumble and maybe even tweet it out or something like that, although it's too.
01:56:53 For me to.
01:56:55 Tweet out with my unverified account.
01:56:59 And then chosen Java again.
Milan Ross
01:57:02 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
01:57:07 Stringing some coffee there.01:57:09 A few streams ago, someone mentioned creating indie games to use as propaganda tools.
01:57:15 That's a great.
01:57:16 The modding ROM hacking community for existing titles is already well established and a good place to start.
01:57:24 Without all the risk and overhead. Just a thought.
01:57:27 Yeah, I'm not too familiar with the.
01:57:29 Mean I.
01:57:30 I think I know what you're talking about with people modding existing games.
01:57:34 It's actually pretty easy to pump out a unit, or at least it was. I can only guess it got easier, especially with ChatGPT and stuff like that.
01:57:41 Got to be like ******* ridiculously easy now.
01:57:43 I mean, I was.
01:57:44 I've made first person shooters basically in unity. It's not.
01:57:49 It's. I'm not like a coder by any means.
01:57:52 I was just.
01:57:53 It was just that easy to do.
01:57:56 There's enough existing assets and some of them are a lot of them are free.
01:58:02 In fact, Unity again, I don't.
01:58:04 This is changed.
01:58:05 It was free to use until you got. In fact, even though Unreal Engine, I'm pretty sure it's free.
01:58:10 Or at least it was until you get like past a certain point.
01:58:14 You have to pay for it and then it's really expensive.
01:58:17 But by that time you've made your you know your they charge you once you start making money. They just want people using their engines.
01:58:22 Make it easy to access until you start making money with it.
01:58:27 There's ways of doing it.
01:58:28 I don't know.
01:58:29 I've got mixed feelings about it. I know video games are never going away.
01:58:33 And I know that.
01:58:37 It's just that, you know, it's just a reality and I get it. 'cause. I was a big gamer.
01:58:42 I mean, a big ******* I was.
01:58:44 I mean, I don't even want to know the total hours I spent gaming in my lifetime, 'cause. I'm sure I'd start just throwing up all over the place.
01:58:52 And it's it's, I'm sure it's obscene.
01:58:54 So I get it.
01:58:55 Totally get it.
01:58:58 But you know, I I.
01:59:01 I hate to see white men channeling.
01:59:03 It's I I view it in the same way that I view sports ball.
01:59:07 Where?
01:59:08 Maybe it's a little better because at least you're doing something you're not just staring at a screen and you know guzzling bud light and.
01:59:18 And and cheering for black people like so I guess it is better on some level, but you are kind of just locked into a chair doing meaningless **** and channeling all your competition and your aggression and your.
01:59:32 Hand eye coordination your athleticism into a useless activity.
01:59:38 And I tried to justify it when I was younger because I was a 3D modeler and animator.
01:59:43 I'd be like, whoa. It's kind of like getting better at my job.
01:59:46 By interacting in three.
01:59:47 Shooters you know, and it wasn't I.
01:59:50 It was an excuse I used to waste time.
01:59:54 But yeah, that said, I think that it's you really know getting around it, so.
01:59:59 You know, maybe.
02:00:02 If there's that, that's, I guess the other good thing about this is because the tools are so easily accessible.
02:00:12 While you certainly won't be able to produce something as.
02:00:17 You know, like you wouldn't be able to make like.
02:00:20 Like a new GTA, you know that level that, that, that deep of a a world with is, you know, like all the the mechanics and models and textures and stuff like you wouldn't be able to maybe produce something.
02:00:35 That, like a big company, could produce with years of production thousands of people working on it.
02:00:41 But you.
02:00:41 At least just it's like the the same like an indie indie movie.
02:00:45 You won't be able to make like a big you know you can't make Lord of the Rings.
02:00:50 But you could make a film that people would still go and watch in a theater and still enjoy it. Just have to be a different.
02:00:56 Genre and I feel like if you were to produce a video game, it would be the same thing, like OK, you're not going to make, you know, like the the next big.
02:01:07 You know, talked about game that's on the front page of of IGN or whatever the **** they I'm so out of touch with the video game stuff now.
02:01:16 But like, yeah, you can make some of that.
02:01:18 Might do OK on steam.
02:01:19 Know you.
02:01:20 You might actually make something that has.
02:01:22 Has like a little bit of a following.
02:01:24 But you have to do a good.
02:01:25 It can't just be like, oh, we're going to shoot Jews in, in, in this game, you know, it's got to be like now.
02:01:30 Got to be a fun game.
02:01:31 It's got to be a game that a leftist would play grudgingly, like they would be annoyed.
02:01:36 At the right wing stuff in the same way that right wing people will play.
02:01:41 Like.
02:01:42 Know a?
02:01:45 Game.
02:01:46 Any video game has has left has left this propaganda in it and they're just kind of like ignore it or they think that's what's happening. It's it's getting in their head.
02:01:55 You need to make something that's good enough to where leftist would would play it and be like, well, it's just whatever. Just a little right wing.
02:02:05 Gorilla hands again.
02:02:08 I.
02:02:17 I met Project Blue being the I know what you're talking.
02:02:20 The autocorrect is brutal on Odyssey, I'm helping my coworker notice more of the JQ. I answered his questions about the ADL, APAC the USS Liberty and Trump's Zionist background.
02:02:30 I am confident that he will be black pilled very soon.
Milan Ross
02:02:33 Very good.Devon Stack
02:02:35 All right. Zazzy. Mctazva. Thanks for the show.02:02:40 I hope I get Cole this Christmas. I'm a blacksmith.
02:02:44 Also, that claymation acid flashback I mentioned last stream the life and adventure of.
02:02:52 Sans Claws was based on a book by the man who wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L Frank Baum.
02:02:59 There you go.
02:03:01 Yeah, I haven't had a chance to take a look at that yet. But, you know, we still got.
02:03:06 Still got a couple streams before Christmas. Right now we got.
02:03:11 Yeah, we got one more stream then we'll maybe do a stream on Christmas or Christmas Eve.
02:03:16 Of the.
02:03:17 I haven't decided.
02:03:18 I gotta figure out what's going on.
02:03:19 Gotta figure out the family stuff.
02:03:22 1st, which is still up in the air.
02:03:24 Occidental Front says Merry Christmas to you, Devin, and to my fat little ******** friend Glock, 23andMe, man of low moral fibromyalgia, and everyone else Gloria.
02:03:38 In excelsius deo.
02:03:41 Corn pop. The bad dude.
02:03:43 Do not binge black pill.
02:03:45 Oh, that's heresy.
02:03:46 I repeat, do not binge black pilled.
02:03:48 It will make you want to support tank assisted police brutality.
02:03:53 Know what you're talking about.
Milan Ross
02:03:55 I'm just one person.02:03:56 That there's millions of me out there.
Nigel Ross
02:03:57 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:03:59 Corn pop. The bad dude.02:04:01 Heard you talk about Buddhism on previous streams and say it's not a religion for the white man since it comes from the east.
02:04:08 Wondering if you've ever heard of the notion that Buddha was a blue eyed ginger white guy.
02:04:14 Also, have you heard of the?
02:04:16 Minoan and Phoenician tablets.
02:04:21 No.
02:04:21 Well, I've.
02:04:22 I've heard people say mention the thing about Buddha before, but even all the same it's just not.
02:04:30 It's an eastern religion.
02:04:31 It's it's very.
02:04:34 Pacifist and I don't know.
02:04:37 I just.
02:04:38 I don't see it as being.
02:04:40 It's for white.
02:04:41 I don't think it's for white people and it's just it's not true.
02:04:44 Know it's.
02:04:45 It's just not.
02:04:47 I don't know about the Minoan and Phoenician tablets, though I don't know. Sure what that is.
02:04:51 John Skywalker says seems this Luigi Mangione situation has the ruling class spooked.
02:04:59 They arrested a mother of three in Florida for alleged threats against a health insurance company.
02:05:05 Seems like an overreaction.
02:05:08 The momentum and popularity may keep going and the system may crack down more.
02:05:13 How will this go?
02:05:15 Don't.
02:05:16 I don't know and.
02:05:22 All I said on Twitter was look, it's.
02:05:26 I hear a lot of people who are shocked and appalled that some people would would think that violence would solve anything and that it's barbaric and low IQ and stupid.
02:05:39 This guy's a *** anyway, which he is. I'm pretty.
02:05:42 Like he's a total ***. Fact. I think he was a ***. That was into black.
02:05:45 And what?
02:05:47 Right now, like, it's not about him or it's not even about the guy that he shot.
02:05:55 It's more about that it happened.
02:06:00 Right, it happened.
02:06:07 Happen and and there's a lot of people that aren't even that not upset by it.
02:06:11 So yeah, so the shift it's a shift.
02:06:17 In the zeitgeist, I guess.
02:06:19 That that, anyone that nobody or you know, some people call them a rich kid or whatever, I don't know.
02:06:26 He's, you know, he's not like, not that rich.
02:06:29 Just like a you know.
02:06:32 Just a guy.
02:06:35 Who are instead of going?
02:06:38 Instead of going to a grocery.
02:06:39 Store, you know we.
02:06:43 Precise about his anger, I guess in a way that.
02:06:55 Yeah, it's, it's it's an interesting shift.
02:06:58 It's an interesting shift, isn't it? Interesting shift.
02:07:04 I don't know that it's.
02:07:07 It's gonna you know that it's.
02:07:11 That it's a long lasting shift or dramatic shift, but it is something you don't see much of.
02:07:18 It is something you don't see much.
02:07:20 You know people.
02:07:23 Used to say.
02:07:25 When they would see Muslim terrorism in the West.
02:07:29 But don't they understand this is just going to make people hate Muslims even more?
02:07:34 This is going to make them hate the may even.
02:07:37 We're going to keep them out of our countries if they keep like they're the opposite of what they want, is what's going to happen.
02:07:45 Was it?
02:07:50 Were the people that said that.
02:07:51 Were they right about that? Were they right about?
02:07:55 The results, I mean, did Muslims.
02:07:59 Get banned from Europe?
02:08:00 Did.
02:08:01 They.
02:08:02 They stopped letting Muslims in to Europe because of the the terrorist attacks.
02:08:10 Did they?
02:08:11 Did.
02:08:12 They lose political power in the West.
02:08:15 Did Muslims.
02:08:18 Lose a.
02:08:22 Any kind of anything really.
02:08:27 Are people less afraid to criticize?
02:08:31 Muslims now.
02:08:34 It's an observation I you see a lot of people who would look at this terrorism and say this doesn't make any sense, that they would do this because it's going to have the opposite effect.
02:08:45 Going to blow up in their faces, no pun intended, and people are going to they're going to want to get rid of the Muslims and they're not going to be able.
02:08:53 Going to be seen as violent and.
02:08:56 And just is that what happened?
02:09:02 I don't. I I I don't know.
02:09:03 Just don't think that's what happened.
02:09:06 Watch the collapse says burn the coal.
02:09:10 Pay the toll.
02:09:11 Lovi, Devon can't wait for the stream.
02:09:14 You are the man. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays. Been loving the streams and to corn pop. I personally don't think it's a religion for white people or for white men. Is what you said.
02:09:26 But I think it has an applicable wisdom and stories to offer.
02:09:29 People hail.
02:09:31 Yes, I would say that's true of almost anything though.
02:09:35 Even even Islam, I'm sure, has wisdom in it.
02:09:39 I'm not aware of anything specific, but I'm sure there's, you know, it's not just all.
02:09:43 Let's strap bombs to ourselves, you know, and I think everything everything, you know, anything with wide appeal.
02:09:49 Me. Rephrase.
02:09:49 Anything with, I'm sure, Scientology, even some somewhere. There's something in there that's that's not horrible.
02:09:57 Corn pop. The bad dude says movie recommendation Moonfall from 2022.
02:10:03 The amount of agendas shoved in two hours turn this movie into a comedy.
02:10:09 The guy I suspected was a Jew turned out to be 1 and the dot dot dot dot.
02:10:15 Don't want to spoil the rest if you decide to watch it.
02:10:17 Right.
02:10:18 I have not seen.
02:10:19 I haven't seen really anything that's made beyond 2020.
02:10:23 Think I have seen.
02:10:25 I haven't seen, like, super recent movie.
02:10:27 Haven't seen any movies recently, really.
02:10:29 Unless I'm specifically.
02:10:32 Doing a video on them or something like that.
02:10:34 Just don't have time for movies.
02:10:35 Movies you gotta you gotta.
02:10:36 You can't. Just like listen to in the.
02:10:38 You have to like you have to sit down and lock in for two hours.
02:10:42 It's it's a little more of an investment for me than I've.
02:10:46 I I really.
02:10:47 A specialist last month and a half, if I'm not working on the stream or working on.
02:10:53 You know the the bees or the pill box or.
02:10:58 I'm. I'm sleeping like, that's all my life has been for. Like the last month and 1/2.
02:11:04 John Skywalker, also Mangione, just hired a Jewish high profile lawyer.
02:11:09 This case may resemble OJ Simpson in that Mangione could walk free, the difference being the ruling class actually favored Simpson while they write smear pieces for Mangione.
02:11:21 What a what are the chances America will get health care reform out of this?
02:11:25 Do you still think, oh, that's a different question.
02:11:28 Thought that was Part 2.
02:11:30 Don't.
02:11:30 I don't think it's actually going to go anywhere.
02:11:33 Like I said, I don't, I suspect.
02:11:36 Because the victim.
02:11:38 I don't know how ruling class he is, but if you're the CEO of a a insurer, you're not exactly small potatoes, I suspect.
02:11:47 And look, it's on video and he kind of admitted to doing it.
02:11:50 I don't think he'll walk.
02:11:51 I think that he'll become a martyr for some fringe people.
02:11:55 And it'll be confusing for a lot of leftists because.
02:12:00 He's. I mean, he's a lefty.
02:12:02 He's gay.
02:12:03 He's into black dudes. He's going after insurance companies.
02:12:08 You know it's it's a better narrative for left.
02:12:14 To pop off would be for anyone on the right like it's a. If you in terms of people being inspired by this kind of a thing, it's I don't think it's really inspiring to right wing people, which to me isn't really the point of what I was what?
02:12:29 Was what?
02:12:29 Was alluding to earlier. That's not really the point of what?
02:12:32 Not what I was getting at.
02:12:34 It's just the whole.
02:12:36 You know the the fabric, if you will, coming to pieces.
02:12:39 You know coming undone is more what I'm getting at, but the you know.
02:12:46 I don't think he's going to get off.
02:12:48 I I he'll go to jail.
02:12:51 Part.
02:12:51 You still think the Greater Israel project will happen?
02:12:54 Listen to war strike and they said with Syria falling, it could complicate that. Israel also wants to strike Iran's nuke facilities even if Jews are successful, won't that have negative long term consequences for them, such as being globally hated? I don't think Jews care about being.
02:13:12 They haven't cared for the last several thousand years, so I don't think they're going to start now.
02:13:17 I think the Syria thing actually helps.
02:13:19 They're already going into Syria and taking land from Syria, so I don't know how that makes it worse for them.
02:13:27 So yeah, that said, I'm not.
02:13:29 I'm not some kind of geopolitical genius by any means, but just based on what I see and what I've read, I don't see how this is a problem at all for them.
02:13:38 Seems to actually work out quite nicely.
02:13:41 And in fact, if you look at the interviews from the people who I guess, did the did the Civil War or what, you know, whatever you want to call that what happened?
02:13:54 They.
02:13:54 They're not exactly talking **** about Israel, are they?
02:13:57 So you know I I think it's going to be whatever comes out of Syria.
02:14:01 Don't think it's going to be bad for Israel?
02:14:03 Maybe it will.
02:14:04 It just doesn't seem like that for right now.
02:14:08 Tomato, potato. Nic.
02:14:24 Thank you for your work brother.
02:14:25 I appreciate that.
02:14:28 Bloot and Biden.
02:14:31 With a good sized.
02:14:35 Don't know.
02:14:35 Let's do.
02:14:41 I don't know where are my buttons. My buttons look different.
02:14:47 I don't.
02:14:48 Let's just do the normal 1.
Money Clip
02:15:02 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
02:15:07 If you are going on millennial, can you ask Wozni photo with him and Lauren Southern?02:15:11 Need it for a project I'm working on. The photo of him with Lauren Southern.
02:15:19 Why don't you?
02:15:19 I'm not going to ask him for that because I don't know if.
02:15:21 Means something rude.
02:15:28 Just tweet at him.
02:15:31 I don't know anything about a photo with him and Lauren Southern, but.
02:15:35 Yeah.
02:15:38 Yeah, just or I'll tell you what. Since I'm going to be on there send. Send that as a question when you're when I'm on there with him as a super chat.
02:15:46 Hyper chat or whatever.
02:15:47 Just give him like a buck.
02:15:48 He'll he'll read.
02:15:49 At least I think he will.
02:15:55 But yeah, I look.
02:15:56 I know there's people that want me to be.
02:16:00 Aggressively angry with with anyone that has maybe been different than me on anything. When I go on their shows, it's like, you know, it's not.
02:16:09 It's not.
02:16:11 It's not how you get your message out, man.
02:16:14 And.
02:16:16 I'm not gonna.
02:16:17 I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna be like * **** to people who are having me on their on their platform.
02:16:23 Maybe what you're saying's not even that, but maybe it's like a totally innocent question, but I don't know what that means. So just just ask him during the stream. Mr. Trolley says goodnight.
02:16:35 Thank you, Devin.
02:16:37 Well, I appreciate that.
02:16:39 Love and division.
02:16:41 Again.
02:16:43 I.
02:16:54 Wow, Devin, I feel like I just got a Christmas stocking.
02:16:57 Full of coal.
02:16:57 Merry Christmas nonetheless.
02:16:59 Well, hopefully you didn't get it.
02:17:01 People could read into that meaning something else.
02:17:06 But I appreciate that.
02:17:08 Jay Ray, 1980.
02:17:09 What's interesting is a lot of women more often kill all their kids and themselves.
02:17:17 I don't know what the statistic on that is.
02:17:19 But I you know, I guess that.
02:17:23 I mean, just anecdotally, I I can think of more cases of that happening with women, but.
02:17:27 Don't know what the what the.
02:17:29 What the actual numbers are on that?
02:17:32 Tennis knot says.
02:17:33 I like to hear a good story of a black man who takes out his own trash.
02:17:37 I hope all these situations go this way so things can change.
02:17:41 Well, I don't think we have much of A choice in the matter.
02:17:43 Think a lot of these things go this way.
02:17:45 Slavery to false God says he may not have been as open and shut guilty as you think. Just because he killed some people, they might have insulted him before you scorn me one hour ago. You're advocating a death penalty.
02:17:58 Lane is the death penalty.
02:18:01 Unjust. If the crime wasn't violent, I'm referring to their insults.
02:18:07 I don't what do you mean by that but.
02:18:11 Look, I don't think that.
02:18:13 I don't.
02:18:13 I mean, look, will he not get the death penalty?
02:18:18 Because he'll say, well, she called me a.
02:18:19 I mean, I doubt. First of all, I don't think it's going to be his defense.
02:18:23 And I doubt that. That's yeah, that I doubt that's going to be what's going to happen.
02:18:28 Fact matter is, it is an open and shut case. He should be.
02:18:31 You know, electrocuted a long time ago. I.
02:18:34 Lots of nonviolent crimes should get the electric chair. I think that, you know, all these Ponzi scheme Jews as a perfect example.
02:18:42 A non violent crime. They should get the chair.
02:18:46 And we should get to watch.
02:18:48 Brody says.
02:18:49 Good to see you my friend.
02:18:50 How is churro?
02:18:52 Well, he, he.
02:18:53 Was meowing at the door during the stream and I couldn't get to.
02:18:56 So he's either asleep in his little side room, which I can't see from here.
02:19:01 Or he is out frolicking in the freezing desert.
02:19:06 'Cause it is.
02:19:07 It's getting cold at night.
02:19:10 But not like, you know, not like bad cold.
02:19:12 Yeah, so far so good.
02:19:16 Lucky Larry Silverstein. I can't.
02:19:19 Read all.
02:19:20 Come on, we gotta class it.
02:19:22 But I appreciate that all the same Bessemer.
02:19:28 What is weather?
02:19:29 The same one every time.
02:19:32 Every time.
02:19:35 Like the creepy one too.
02:19:39 Thank you.
02:19:41 Devon, the black student that recently murdered his white roommate at University of Colorado.
02:19:48 Why? Why is just a mystery. They did a 92 page research doc trying to figure it out, but they decided it was just a mystery.
02:19:55 Thanks for the stream and work you do helping to bring the truth. I haven't heard of this case.
02:20:01 Look into that.
02:20:03 But thank you for the support and Merry Christmas.
02:20:06 Love and division in Highland Ranch, the black 1% committed 100% of them are, well, technically the murder took place in Phoenix so.
02:20:16 I don't think there's murder in Highland Ranch.
02:20:19 Like it's when I was looking at it.
02:20:22 It's it's really just ****** *** millennials.
02:20:26 It's just ********* millennials who got their bag.
02:20:30 You know, they, they, they, it's, they've either followed the same track that that this woman did.
02:20:36 Where they were just basic ***** HR ladies that made you know they did the they. They followed all the right rules and so they got rewarded.
02:20:43 Now they're making big money or, you know, upper middle class.
02:20:48 Not like it's big, big money.
02:20:50 And now they live in their little ********* bubble.
02:20:52 And that's what it is.
02:20:54 That's all it is.
02:20:55 They're so I didn't even show you. Like, that's that was just a.
02:20:58 There's so many YouTube videos 'cause you know what a ****** *** millennials want to do?
02:21:02 They all.
02:21:02 They all want to like make like these travel hipster.
02:21:07 Videos and so that.
02:21:08 They.
02:21:09 There's like, a million of these videos about, like, look.
02:21:11 My neighborhood.
02:21:12 Look how cool it is.
02:21:13 I'm a ****** *** millennial.
02:21:15 Here's some music I'm I got a selfie stick and I'm walking around in my ****** ***. ******* yeah.
02:21:21 Obviously I just did. I did.
02:21:24 Two strings about South Park.
02:21:26 I bet I did mention they're not wrong with everything and all.
02:21:28 Could all I could think of is the soda SOPA.
02:21:31 It's like soda.
02:21:33 In fact, it's probably exact because that's, you know, they were talking about Colorado.
02:21:36 So it's probably exactly neighbourhoods like that that that inspired those episodes because it was a planned community that they built.
02:21:48 And you know, just outside of Denver to be like a soda SOPA.
02:21:56 Opera Commandant says, hey, Devin, Burn Nicole, pay the tall. When will these ******* learn? Answer never, *****.
02:22:03 What? She deserves some good.
02:22:05 I'm 32. Found a woman who is 21, five foot 3.
02:22:09 Blonde, green eyes, good body saying she loves me and wants 5 kids.
02:22:15 Real homemaker accepts my ethno nationalist views.
02:22:19 Is.
02:22:20 Well, put a ring on that ****.
02:22:23 Put a ring on it.
02:22:25 Put a ring on it and a.
02:22:26 In it and.
02:22:28 Then we're good.
02:22:29 But congratulations. Hopefully, like you said, make that.
02:22:33 It happen.
02:22:34 Don't dilly dally.
02:22:35 A lowly scribe in God's army.
02:22:38 Excellent episode. Just a small donation to help stretch the runtime. Well, I appreciate it.
02:22:43 Then man of Lomalifer says all of our neighbors seemed normal, said the white woman, who knew she lived next to a mixed race kit.
02:22:53 Yeah, like the and. I bet if you were to look at the other people that lived in that apartment complex.
02:22:58 It would just be white people like.
02:23:00 Because it was.
02:23:01 It was in a fancy part of well, you know, fancy Ish. Part of Phoenix. And it was, you know, it was.
02:23:10 Was aspiring upper middle.
02:23:11 It's an apartment complex, so it's like aspiring upper middle class people.
02:23:15 Mostly white.
02:23:18 Bessemer 72.
Money Clip
02:23:21 Voicemail.Real Estate Girl
02:23:26 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:23:33 Hey, Devon.02:23:35 Have you watched the documentary Israelism?
02:23:39 Not sure if it is stream worthy, but it's interesting what is revealed on how Jewish students in the US are brainwashed about Israel.
02:23:46 I feel like I've.
02:23:49 I feel like I've seen that or I feel like that's come up.
02:23:55 I'll have to look that up. I feel like that's.
02:24:00 Let me look it up right now.
02:24:03 Let's do a quick search.
02:24:05 That sounds familiar.
02:24:14 Oh, no, maybe I haven't cuz from 2023.
02:24:19 Yeah, I don't know.
02:24:20 I have not seen that.
02:24:21 Maybe I'll take a look at it.
02:24:24 Andromeda says hopefully the prosecutor will dismantle the legal argument that more black men who kill white women face the death penalty.
02:24:34 Give oh wait.
02:24:35 Hopefully, the prosecutor dispensed the legal argument that more that more black women who kill white women face the death penalty.
02:24:42 Given the fact that they are killed, two of his own half black children.
02:24:48 Are not sure we.
02:24:49 Hold on. You phrased this weird given the fact that he killed two of his own half black children.
02:24:55 Well, I.
02:24:55 The idea was it didn't.
02:24:57 It meant that any black person who was currently being tried.
02:25:02 For capital.
02:25:03 For killing a white woman in Arizona, Jews were trying to keep from being executed. That alone should tell you a lot about why you don't want Jews in your legal system.
02:25:12 The idea that Jews went out of their way and spent their own money pro bono when you know how expensive ******* lawyers are, you can't afford a lawyer for things that when you get in trouble for things that.
02:25:21 Just and yet you've got these ******* scumbag lawyers using up their time.
02:25:26 They scumbag Jewish lawyers using up their time and their energy and their and their treasure to try to make sure that black men who have murdered white women don't go.
02:25:37 Don't get executed.
02:25:38 What the **** is that about?
02:25:40 What the **** is that about?
02:25:43 I think we all know what that's about, but that's a ******* that.
02:25:47 That alone.
02:25:49 It should be worth the stream is knowing there's a Jewish group that is trying to prevent black men who have murdered violently murdered white women from being executed. Why?
02:26:00 Why exactly?
02:26:03 Andromeda says hopefully the prosecutor.
02:26:07 Mighty Crone.
02:26:23 With no.
02:26:24 That's thank you very much for the support there.
02:26:26 Krone, Duke Duke, 1911.
02:26:37 There are repetition the night on these.
02:26:40 ******.
02:26:49 Yeah.
02:26:52 QSLQSL.
02:26:54 Both of these says. Does your mom listen to the show?
02:26:59 What does she think about?
02:27:02 I don't think she's actually ever listened to a.
02:27:04 To be honest.
02:27:05 I think she's afraid to.
02:27:10 I think I think she's afraid to.
02:27:13 I I think she's maybe listened to parts of it at certain times, but I don't think she listens like I.
02:27:19 She definitely doesn't listen regularly 'cause there was a there was. I didn't call her for like a while like because I was just so busy with things. I don't mean like forever, but maybe like a month or something.
02:27:29 And she thought I was dead and I was streaming the whole.
02:27:32 You know.
02:27:32 So it's like I was like I existed online.
02:27:36 And she's like, please text me back.
02:27:38 Want to make sure you're OK?
02:27:39 Like.
02:27:41 I streamed last night.
02:27:43 I might not be OK.
02:27:45 So yeah, that told me that.
02:27:47 Oh.
02:27:47 That means you.
02:27:48 At least the last month you haven't watched the show. But yeah, I don't think she.
02:27:54 I know she's seen parts of it, but I don't think she watches.
02:27:59 Other family members might.
02:28:00 Don't.
02:28:01 It's not. I don't.
02:28:02 I don't talk to him about.
02:28:03 I act like it's just, you know, like just.
02:28:08 My job.
02:28:12 My line eye says I just posted a video of a mixed black teen killing her white mother because she heard voices coming from her.
02:28:21 I.
02:28:21 I was gonna play that clip.
02:28:23 I know you're talking.
02:28:24 I was gonna play that clip.
02:28:26 It's.
02:28:27 I was gonna know exactly what you're talking about.
02:28:30 I was gonna clip that and play.
02:28:32 I'll probably still do that for the Kwanzaa episode.
02:28:38 I know exactly what you're talking about, and I I just started laughing my *** off.
02:28:44 I know, I know what you're talking about, yes.
02:28:48 Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about.
02:28:49 I'll probably.
02:28:50 That up chosen Jawah says regarding the Candace USS Liberty Video.
02:28:56 The survivors said in the interview that a DC judge was a few days away from ruling whether or not to grant his.
02:29:06 Broad.
02:29:06 Request concerning what happened on the liberty.
02:29:15 A judge was a few days away from ruling on oh, so that you think that they did the interview to politically pressure the judge, huh?
02:29:24 I'd be somewhat surprised if.
02:29:29 The unredacted stuff that we want gets unredacted.
02:29:33 Who knows? Maybe. Maybe.
02:29:36 I'll tell you what I feel like that you'll have more luck doing it now than you would once Trump's in there.
02:29:42 You know, I mean, oh, look, I mean, I don't know.
02:29:44 On the judge.
02:29:45 Judges are somewhat independent of that, but.
02:29:51 Out. But Trump can also, you know, nominate his own federal judges and stuff.
02:29:56 I.
02:29:56 I don't.
02:29:56 I don't who's who actually makes that decision.
02:30:00 But we'll.
02:30:01 Corn pop. The bad dude says.
02:30:02 What did you like to?
02:30:04 Do when you played Battlefield.
02:30:06 I used to rape in the AH with a good gun.
02:30:12 Well, depends on what?
02:30:13 Which battlefield you're talking about?
02:30:16 I was pretty good at just regular on the ground stuff like I was I was.
02:30:24 Almost always number one on the server. I was always top three, but I was almost always number by a significant margin like I would join a server and it would kill the server like.
02:30:33 That.
02:30:34 I would get on the server and.
02:30:35 And.
02:30:37 People would get.
02:30:39 Really tired of losing and then start quitting and then they'd get auto.
02:30:43 You know, like people, my team that were loving it would get auto balance to the other other team because they were so many people were quitting on the other team and then they'd get mad. They'd quit.
02:30:51 Then eventually, I'm like by myself basically.
02:30:54 I.
02:30:55 I was really, really. I was. I was.
02:30:59 Easily top ten in the world and.
02:31:03 That's that's just the way it is.
02:31:06 But yeah, not not a braggy thing 'cause, you know, it's kind of pathetic if you think about it like.
02:31:11 I could have been doing so many other things that were actually worthwhile.
02:31:15 My point?
02:31:17 But yeah, I.
02:31:19 I was really good at.
02:31:20 I was really good at Battlefield 1942.
02:31:22 Was good at desert.
02:31:23 I was good at Battlefield Vietnam.
02:31:25 I was good at Battlefield 2.
02:31:26 Was good at Battlefield 3.
02:31:29 And then that's kind of when I stopped.
02:31:33 Bad company I played.
02:31:36 The first one.
02:31:39 I mean that was with the.
02:31:40 I just played the show every new release that came out. I would just you know, that would be what I played with my friends until.
02:31:47 One came out and that's just what we did for years, unfortunately.
02:31:53 I.
02:31:53 I played in some tournaments and stuff and we did OK.
02:31:58 My line eyes says black people entertainment for whites.
02:32:03 I figured it.
02:32:04 Whites need to need crime to make white life more entertaining. Without their BS there be, we'd be on Mars. Deporting ******* to Uranus.
02:32:17 Well, I mean, that's going to be the problem too, right is.
02:32:23 We're.
02:32:25 I don't know. Like I I I feel like.
02:32:27 You.
02:32:27 To calculate how much money has gone into multiracialism in the West, you know whether you're talking about the.
02:32:38 Expense to education.
02:32:40 The expense to law enforcement.
02:32:42 The expense to incarceration.
02:32:45 The expense to the health care system, the expense to all the social programs.
02:32:53 Like the welfare system, the expense to all the anti racism, education camp ********, the expense to.
02:33:04 The loss of human capital like as the black people are murdering your white people or their displacing them in the like it's it. The cost of having non whites and white.
02:33:18 Has just got to be off the ******* like in the same way. I don't want to know how many hours I spent playing Battlefield.
02:33:25 I like people, don't want to know how.
02:33:27 That number is because it is.
02:33:29 It is the kind of number that would have we would have, we would be living on Mars already.
02:33:34 We would have Mars bases.
02:33:36 There would.
02:33:37 AI mean we'd be.
02:33:39 Be talking about leaving the solar system right now.
02:33:42 Wouldn't be talking about leaving Earth orbit?
02:33:46 And it's the the cost has been just so.
02:33:50 So egregious.
02:33:54 In the fact that.
02:33:57 That people act as if we still owe them more and just, you know, at this point it should be clear to everyone.
02:34:03 Never win with these people and the only answer is to not have them.
02:34:10 Cat hugger.
02:34:11 I think nobody mentioned it so far, but the biggest white pill around the CEO shooting situation is that other health care CEO's remove their pictures from their websites.
02:34:21 Act shows we are moving in the right direction.
02:34:25 Oh, that shows that.
02:34:25 Just shows that.
02:34:28 You know, you got some people in the ruling class who are probably nervous about security.
02:34:36 That can have multiple.
02:34:38 We'll see. We'll see which ones.
02:34:41 You know, materialize lamp, shade denier.
02:34:45 You should do an episode on Nick Hillary.
02:34:48 All evidence points to the black soccer coach murdering his white girlfriend's 12 year old son.
02:34:54 Happened in New York.
02:34:55 He was found not guilty because of white guilt.
02:34:59 Nick. Hilary, I'm not sure who that is, but yeah, I.
02:35:04 Will.
02:35:07 Paste that over here.
02:35:10 Russell Mcclintock.
02:35:13 I will watch your USS Liberty video at work tomorrow. As far as I know, the most comprehensive testimony of the USS Liberty attack is the film sacrificing Liberty, featuring 18 of the survivors recounting the attack and the cover up, it remains the most damning and coherent indictment.
02:35:31 That might be something I borrow.
02:35:32 I I borrowed from like 3 or 4 existing documentaries. When I put mine together again, it was for a YouTube audience, so it's only.
02:35:41 I think it's less than 20 minutes long, but it's it's very.
02:35:44 Boom. Boom.
02:35:45 Here's the in fact, it includes the recordings of the pilots radioing in and saying they're.
02:35:52 I mean it's it's got all the receipts that you need for people who pretend like it didn't happen.
02:35:56 Lampshade.
02:35:58 Do you remember the Lacey Peterson, the pregnant woman who murdered her or was murdered by her husband, Scott Peterson, in 2002?
02:36:06 Her stepfather, Ron Gransky, was a survivor of the USS Liberty.
02:36:11 I didn't know.
02:36:12 I did not know that.
02:36:13 Remember the.
02:36:13 The Scott Peterson case, but I do not.
02:36:16 I do not know that that she was related to that.
02:36:21 Art Stanton.
02:36:22 I'm guessing you were thinking of Greg Johnson on millennial when you mentioned that Trump optimism.
02:36:28 I get where you're coming from, but I think he made good points about how goals can only be reached if people believe they're possible, all celebrities Survivor said that he.
02:36:38 And other remaining survivors are organized or organizing a rational speaking tour to tell their story. He.
02:36:44 They feel a sense of urgency because many of them are dying off and that they want people to know the truth no matter what the cost.
02:36:51 Pretty old now.
02:36:53 I'm not just specifically Greg.
02:36:55 There's a few people that are echoing some of his thoughts about the optimism and and and no, I don't think it's a good point that you are.
02:37:08 That, I mean, it's this isn't the ******* we're not.
02:37:10 We're not a guest on Oprah, and this isn't the ******* secret.
02:37:13 Not going to manifest it because you feel good about something.
02:37:17 And and there's nothing that's going to motivate.
02:37:20 It's in fact it's quite the opposite.
02:37:23 You don't revolutionary change when people think they're winning.
02:37:26 It's the exact opposite.
02:37:29 It's only when they think they're ******* losing and we have so much we have just in, in, in terms of, you realize that we were down to something like 20% when it comes to people having faith in the electoral process.
02:37:43 Prior to the election and that numbers up to 90% now.
02:37:47 Is that good?
02:37:50 Is it? Who is that good for?
02:37:56 Who was it good for?
02:37:57 Who was it good for that that you had people getting radicalized?
02:38:02 During the Trump administration, you didn't.
02:38:04 Weren't getting radicalized under Trump.
Milan Ross
02:38:06 They.Devon Stack
02:38:06 Might have gotten radicalized during the the.02:38:11 Campaign.
02:38:13 In 2016, but then it turned into defence mode.
02:38:20 They got radicalized under.
02:38:22 They got radicalized when they didn't feel like they were in charge when they felt that they were powerless, that they thought that the electoral process was all phony. They thought the government was illegitimate.
02:38:38 Just that's just not.
02:38:39 Yeah, I mean, being optimistic about the future just isn't what you want. If you, if you, if you're revolutionary, that's that's the last thing you want.
02:38:48 The people. What the what's the point?
02:38:50 Know why?
02:38:51 Why not protect the status quo? If everything's not so bad right now?
02:38:56 Right.
02:38:57 So it's the exact opposite of.
02:38:59 It's ******* ********, actually. And there's a lot of lot of ******* ******** people that have that view.
02:39:06 Or there's there's. There's well meaning people. I'm not going to call them.
02:39:11 There's well meaning people who just seem to not be able to grasp this, and I don't understand why, because it's just so obvious.
02:39:19 Just so obvious.
02:39:21 And.
Vegan Fag
02:39:23 That's.Devon Stack
02:39:26 It's like a.02:39:31 It's like the story that is ********. But the story that you hear about the Holocaust, right where they say like, oh, they told us we were going to the showers and then they would they would gas us.
02:39:42 Well, the reason why they told the story like that is psychologically that makes sense.
02:39:45 If you're going to lead people to a extermination chamber, you don't say, hey, get in line for the gas chamber. Right, they.
02:39:52 Of the shower because that doesn't sound so bad.
02:39:55 Well, not that I'm not looking.
02:39:57 That's I'm just giving that example 'cause everyone's heard that example, right?
02:40:00 Because that's what happened. You the story makes sense, right?
02:40:05 And not that they're.
02:40:06 They're going to gas us okay, but I'm just saying you, if you want people to be led to their their destruction, you don't tell them that's where they're going.
02:40:16 Know.
02:40:17 You tell them it's. Oh, no. It's somewhere nice, you know.
02:40:21 It's like you tell your kid. No, we're going to take a little puppy or, you know, the dog. That's sick.
02:40:26 We're not taking to the vet to be put on to sleep. We're taking them to.
02:40:30 A farmer, he can run free, you know, or whatever, right?
02:40:34 If little white lies like that.
02:40:37 Are not.
02:40:39 I mean, that's never been helpful.
02:40:41 It's like the people that tried to justify Q Anon.
02:40:45 It's like when when Vox Day was trying to say Q Anon was was good because it it gave people hope when that was clearly the exact opposite was true.
02:40:56 Clearly the exact the last thing you wanted were people believing that Trump was was somehow doing all this ******* ninja **** behind the scenes.
02:41:05 Because that meant that no one was going to hold his feet to the fire and no one was going to be upset enough to do it.
02:41:10 Were just going to go along for the ride because.
02:41:12 Thought everything was handled.
02:41:13 Don't want that.
02:41:14 You don't want that on no level. Do you want that?
02:41:18 And it's really again it's.
02:41:21 It's stupid to think that like it's genuinely it's ******* stupid.
02:41:25 And there just seems to be a lot of people who have a really stupid.
02:41:28 Take on that and I don't know why because historically give me the example.
02:41:33 Give me the example historically of of when.
02:41:38 Great.
02:41:39 Political upheaval and change took place when everyone was relatively OK with things.
02:41:47 That's right, it never happens.
02:41:49 It never happens because why would you?
02:41:51 Why? You realize people are already kind of too comfortable, even when things are bad?
02:41:58 Like notice how for many years I've been years I've been saying things that have to get a lot worse to actually motivate people to do anything.
02:42:07 O things, getting marginally better. Marginally.
02:42:12 Or maybe not even marginally.
02:42:14 Imaginarily better.
02:42:18 Not great.
02:42:19 Not great, is it?
02:42:20 Not great.
02:42:21 It's great for people who are afraid of radical change, who actually do quite well under the status quo.
02:42:31 Who are perfectly happy with moderate.
02:42:35 Or maybe imaginary improvement?
02:42:38 But not for anyone who actually wants the real problems solved.
02:42:47 Chosen jawah all celebrity survivor.
02:42:49 Oh wait, you already did. Oh, wait.
02:42:52 We already did that one.
02:42:54 Yeah, they they are getting old art.
02:42:57 I know Trump isn't coming to save us, but the positive thing is that the troops are reinvigorated.
02:43:03 Just trying to find positives here that that's also not positive.
02:43:07 Troops are reinvigorated.
02:43:10 Like for what?
02:43:14 To vote Republican again.
02:43:17 You know, I mean, reinvigorated.
02:43:21 No, they're they're back asleep.
02:43:24 They're asleep at the ******* wheel now. Everything's handled.
02:43:29 Yeah, you guys.
02:43:29 Just fundamentally misunderstand human nature.
02:43:31 Just what it is.
02:43:33 Russell Mcclintock. Hello again, Sir.
02:43:35 I've been learning a lot from your show and would like to encourage everyone listening to share their shows. They listen to you with their friends and family.
02:43:44 This show and red eyes have really become what I learned the most from, and I think I would.
02:43:48 Think it would be good if more people listen to them.
02:43:52 Yeah, red eyes.
02:43:53 Guys are.
02:43:54 They're good people.
02:43:55 And.
02:43:56 You're right, no one can find out about the show.
02:44:01 On with the algorithm.
02:44:03 In fact, you can even search for this show in instances. It will not pop up so.
02:44:09 Word of mouth is the only way this this thing gets out.
02:44:13 Man of low, low moral fibre. I sent your USS Liberty video to several of my.
02:44:17 Back when you released it, a couple of them told me they didn't want to watch it because of your channel name.
02:44:24 And then those.
02:44:26 Same dude sent me the Candice video years later.
02:44:30 Some people cannot be reached.
02:44:31 That's The thing is, you got people that have to hear it from a mainstream thing, to believe it.
02:44:37 And yeah, there's people that are that are pathologically white pilled, and they're the worst types.
02:44:44 They're the worst types because they're the people that are always trying to find a an excuse to not have to do anything.
02:44:51 The they're the ones.
02:44:52 Everything's.
02:44:53 Everything's they're they're literally the dog in that meme where everything's on fire.
02:44:59 The shizzle found a movie you might.
02:45:02 Look who's back. A 2016 German film about the magical return of a certain German leader.
02:45:09 Based and some funny moments, I saw that movie.
02:45:13 Maybe back in 20 it was a long time ago. I'd have to. I or no. Maybe I have.
02:45:17 There's two Hitler movies that are like.
02:45:20 I don't know if I saw that one, but I definitely saw AI think the one I saw was older than 2016.
02:45:28 Maybe I'll check it out. Both of these says, hey, Devin.
02:45:31 Preceding message was from my wife.
02:45:33 How much would I have to pay to find out what the grocery store reference means?
02:45:39 I've brought it up before.
02:45:45 You have to pay, I'm sure, someone.
Real Estate Guy 2
02:45:49 I'll I'll tell you.Devon Stack
02:45:50 What someone in chat will tell?02:45:51 It's it's kind of a long story, but the.
02:45:55 It has to indirectly. It has to do with kind of what has happened recently with that.
02:46:02 That gay spaghetti nag.
02:46:04 Hammer thorazine.
02:46:08 Well, it's. It's like the same 3 ones over and over again.
02:46:16 Very pain.Devon Stack
02:46:18 Hey.02:46:20 The electric chair should be used liberally with executions streamed on pay-per-view.
02:46:26 I hate gambling, but why not allow prop betting on things like number of jolts or if he fights being strapped in or not all profit would go to the victims and?
02:46:36 Families of restitution.
02:46:37 All of one.
02:46:37 I don't want to get maybe morbid about it, but I think.
02:46:41 If profiting on it would be great, but I think it would just it should just be.
02:46:47 Public domain. I think it should be broadcast on all screens everywhere when it.
02:46:52 So everyone, because it is a deterrent to some extent, that's not why I necessarily want to do it.
02:46:58 I want to do.
02:46:58 I think it's just and it's and it's eugenic. But it's also a deterrent.
02:47:03 May I have a little more fibre regarding the death penalty? Like most nice parts of society has been on its way out. As soon as women got the franchise women's are women's suffrage has been an unmitigated disaster that has caused irreparable damage to this country.
02:47:19 Anyone arguing otherwise has lost the plot. This is correct.
Milan Ross
02:47:22 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:47:23 Corn pop. The bad dude says.02:47:25 You find your.
02:47:26 Hand coordination is better than the average person.
02:47:29 At least that's one benefit. I think there is with video gaming. Yeah, but there's other ways you could do that.
02:47:35 Mean. Look, I've got like I I was when I was doing 3D modeling and animating I was.
02:47:41 Lightning fast compared to a lot of the people.
02:47:44 Worked with.
02:47:45 But how much of that was just, you know, innate? You know, I would have been like that anyway, or.
02:47:52 Would have gotten that way by doing the.
02:47:54 I don't know that video gaming helped out with.
02:47:57 There's other ways you could do that and and how? How helpful is it 'cause it's a very specific kind of eye hand coordination.
02:48:05 Very specific to like you moving your mouse or your thumbs on a controller like.
02:48:10 It doesn't.
02:48:10 I mean, you can be really good at video games and then go and suck at archery in real life and shut it and suck at Target practice in real life.
02:48:18 It's more practical to go do things in real.
02:48:21 That are gonna.
02:48:22 That way you get the right kind of muscle memory.
02:48:26 Rabbit hole says.
02:48:27 You've answered my questions at.
02:48:29 Sometimes you're holding your show to a higher standard is endearing and inspiring.
02:48:34 Also, I've just plain had a lot of fun here.
02:48:37 Doing all.
02:48:38 Beef, avocado, bacon, egg, cheese, etcetera. Diet for a while.
02:48:42 Feels good.
02:48:43 Merry Christmas, love y'all.
02:48:46 Well, sounds.
02:48:47 I don't know about the avocado part.
02:48:48 A plant, yeah.
02:48:53 But yeah, avocado is good.
02:48:54 Love avocado but.
02:48:57 Is there?
02:48:57 There's got to be carbs in avocado, right?
02:49:02 Felt ********, not knowing that it's not just.
02:49:04 Know it's a lot of fat.
02:49:07 How many carbs are in an avocado?
02:49:15 Yeah, I mean it's it's.
02:49:19 17 grams of.
Money Clip
02:49:22 Of cars.Devon Stack
02:49:23 But it's a lot of fiber.02:49:25 So I guess if you're doing like the net carb thing, right?
02:49:30 Because 13.4 of it is dietary fiber, so there's not a whole lot of sugars.
02:49:35 Maybe avocado is fine.
02:49:37 Tell you what.
02:49:39 Carne asada with avocado is like.
02:49:44 So good.
02:49:46 So good. It's like one of the best things in the world.
02:49:49 Oh my God.
02:49:51 It can.
02:49:52 It can be prepared really bad for you, but like if you know if you make it.
02:49:56 If you make it yourself and you're not like putting sugar in with like the marinade, and yeah, you can make that, you can make that really tasty.
02:50:05 And and and good for you.
02:50:07 Man of low moral fiber is someone whoops in an updated. As someone who has won multiple video game tournaments and had a YouTube channel with subscribers in the six figures, you don't want to be a video game player.
02:50:20 Grow up *******.
02:50:21 You go.
02:50:22 See, there's someone that is achieved even more video game fame than I have because video game fame didn't even really exist when I was doing all this.
02:50:29 It was pre video game streamer.
02:50:31 I probably would have ended up being one honestly, like the amount I played and just my interest in video and everything. That's probably what I've.
02:50:39 What have end up?
02:50:40 You know, if I if I if I would just spend like, you know, five years younger even.
02:50:49 Probably made a lot of money, I guess, right?
02:50:52 I don't know.
02:50:53 Some of these guys make a lot of money, which sucks, but that's what happens.
02:50:59 A chosen Chao or chosen Jawah can't even ******* say your name, right?
02:51:04 Simply says.
02:51:06 Thought I had a non button for that.
02:51:10 I need.
02:51:12 To sit down.
02:51:14 And program all these ******* buttons because I now have. I do have a stream deck and it's it's still mostly the default buttons because I haven't.
02:51:23 Programmed it just enough to because I I had the little mini stream deck, I thought that would be enough.
02:51:28 And I filled it.
02:51:30 And so I I got the normal 1 and I've only put like 3 buttons on it.
02:51:38 But yeah, I need a button.
02:51:41 Let's see here.
02:51:42 Is it?
02:51:43 It's my long this one.
Rachel Cole
02:51:44 I am not method defect.02:51:48 And I don't see why.
Milan Ross
02:51:49 How can a doctor say that I am?Devon Stack
02:51:55 There you go.02:51:56 Sounds like I slept through.
02:51:57 Another good one.
02:51:58 Is it dumb to help homeless people?
02:52:00 I feel like I'm doing.
02:52:03 It for the wrong reasons like rage, charity, because much of it this misery is caused by the cities white replacement policy.
02:52:11 But it's getting people used to help their own kind.
02:52:15 Is it worthwhile?
02:52:16 I don't think it's a case by case.
02:52:18 There's some homeless people that don't deserve it that are just kind of useless just because they're white doesn't mean they're not garbage.
02:52:24 There's just garbage people out there of every color.
02:52:28 That if you help it's.
02:52:29 It's just hurting you and it's hurting the people who are deserving of help. But I think that you, you can determine that you're the one that's on the ground dealing with those people so you can figure out if they're worth worth it or not.
02:52:43 Yes. And and yeah, doing service is something that's that's under.
02:52:50 It's it's. It's not something people are in the habit of doing, like you said and.
02:52:55 Doing that and setting a good example for other people that's not not a bad idea. Making an organization that would maybe focused on focus on and only helping based white people would.
02:53:05 Good.
02:53:06 Or, you know, trying to get white people back on their feet and then but have, like, a ideological element to it.
02:53:14 It's like Scientology.
02:53:16 They've got that Narconon and they got.
02:53:20 Alkanond, which is like it's like Alcoholics Anonymous. It's.
02:53:24 Of it or narcotics anonymous.
02:53:26 And then they just sprinkle in enough Scientology to try to scoop them up. Once they go through the program.
02:53:33 Something like that would be kind of cool.
02:53:36 Make something that turns them into white nationalists as they get helped out.
02:53:42 The other thing is, oh, I forgot to mention, Speaking of your part of the world in Haitians, one thing is I forgot to mention about our our guy.
02:53:52 Mylan Ross, one of the things I found, it was just like this offhanded thing and I read, is his sister told police that in the months leading up to the murder.
02:54:07 He claimed to be working with a voodoo priest to put a hex on his wife.
02:54:15 So.
02:54:18 Well, a little bonus.
02:54:19 Fun fact about about mile in there that has a little tide of hate. Haiti.
02:54:27 Fashi says why do you name your?
02:54:28 What you do it makes it hard to find a video about a certain topic.
02:54:33 It took me forever to find your video about Obama killing people and exposing all the other ****. For example, because it was called something like Killer Odisha with no tags.
02:54:43 I don't.
02:54:44 I just do what I do.
02:54:45 It's what I've always done.
02:54:47 It makes it more fun for me.
02:54:52 It's not always about you fashy, but yeah, it makes it difficult for me to find this stuff too.
02:54:58 You can go to Symbios website.
02:55:00 Got a.
02:55:02 Search.
Milan Ross
02:55:02 I.Devon Stack
02:55:03 Don't know if he has it updated, but I I actually used it not that long ago.02:55:07 And it still.
02:55:08 I think it's like pill and you can search at least some of the streams for keywords and.
Milan Ross
02:55:15 That.Devon Stack
02:55:15 Can help you find some.02:55:17 Maybe I should try to get something like that set up for every stream, or I don't know. I just feel like I for me it's it's more about. It's like a broadcast to me, right?
02:55:30 It's more about.
02:55:32 The live and the immediate replay than it is about not that like I know a lot of the stuff's Evergreen and if I was more of like a, you know, how can I squeeze more money out of this? Like, I would probably think more like that getting.
02:55:45 To go back and listen to like.
02:55:47 Streams that are a year 'cause a lot of this stuff. It it it, like you said, it's Evergreen.
02:55:51 It's not stuff that has.
02:55:52 I'm not just sitting there giving you hot takes about what's on Twitter that day.
02:55:58 So maybe I should make a list like a catalogue that has a a. A quick rundown of each episode. Maybe. Maybe I'll, maybe. Maybe I'll look into an easier way of doing that and I'll update it for extreme as I go.
02:56:13 I know it's it.
02:56:16 I'd love to do that 'cause I already I.
02:56:18 I kind of like the way things are, but you're not the first one to mention it, so maybe I should consider it cannot.
02:56:30 Devon, your South Park episode reminds me of how humor can be subversive.
02:56:35 A gifted speaker can turn opponents to unwitting allies if they are able to unhitch their better judgment by dopamine hits through comedy.
02:56:44 Hence the Juy 90s TV.
02:56:47 That's also how.
02:56:50 That's how, like The Daily Show worked.
02:56:53 How Comedy Central worked.
02:56:57 That's.
02:56:58 Because even Comedy Central, when it wasn't explicitly political, it was always pushing leftist ideas.
02:57:05 So I mean in fact you could say literally all television comedy did that.
02:57:10 Yeah. So it's very it's very successful and the right has really struggled to understand that and that's always been a frustration of mine.
02:57:20 Bosnian mountain man says hi, we'll.
02:57:22 Right back at.
02:57:23 Merry Christmas, chosen jawah.
02:57:25 How do you spell the simbi website the way you did with ay at the end?
02:57:32 Let's go to rumble.
02:57:37 So we got rumble wise.
02:57:40 Maybe.
02:57:40 Maybe not on.
02:57:41 Might be dead over on rumble.
02:57:43 Oh, wait, no, we got rumble.
02:57:45 That stupid plugin doesn't work.
02:57:48 O I'm going to have to just rewind all of the chats.
02:57:52 Because Rumble doesn't just do it for you.
02:57:55 Which was.
02:57:56 A little bit odd.
02:57:58 I like how they have money to get doctor disrespect on the platform.
02:58:03 They can't just fix like the normal things that everyone needs.
02:58:08 To have working that Odyssey somehow figured out.
02:58:13 Who's Joe?
02:58:22 Got the evil dog fighting the dinosaur.
02:58:25 Hey, Devin, I've been listening to your old streams and one on brain games edition about AI. Seems worrying.
02:58:33 Did you hear about Google Quantum chip that allegedly?
02:58:37 Proves multiverse theory. I have not looked into that or heard about that.
02:58:42 I don't know I.
02:58:45 I could see how they could make they can make the.
02:58:47 I don't know how they could actually say that it it proves multiverses exist.
02:58:52 A little much.
02:58:55 A lot of stuff gets theoretical and relies a lot of those. I'm sure they're saying look, it proved that it's theoretically possible and likely, but they can't prove that it's real until you actually.
02:59:09 You know can measure it and they can't measure it, but.
02:59:14 It's not totally outside the the realm of possibility. I've never thought that there can't be multiverses.
02:59:21 But yeah, you.
02:59:22 You get pretty theoretical at that point.
02:59:26 Who's Joe again?
02:59:28 I.Devon Stack
02:59:34 I.02:59:34 Love the streams going to catch the.
02:59:37 I have a 32 hour shift starting in six hours. I'm trying to live up to the insomnia stream namesake.
02:59:44 Yeah, well, try to get some sleep. I know what that's like. I.
02:59:50 I I used to work.
02:59:51 I used to work 2 full time jobs.
02:59:56 One television and then one as a bouncer. And you can do that when you're younger.
03:00:04 It takes its toll now. Like if, like the my insomnia that I've got now is a little self-inflicted.
03:00:11 And and it kills me if I go a couple days without sleep.
03:00:14 It's it hurts.
03:00:17 Thank you for the support there, fancy pants and MP fives.
03:00:31 Get yourself some chili dogs to eat in front of some loved ones.
03:00:35 Christmas, you know.
03:00:40 Yeah, I just I I'm.
03:00:43 The Super fat picture of him.
03:00:50 Just imagine this guy with a bag full of chili dogs blowing chili dogs scent on on little black girls going.
03:00:56 That's right. That's right.
03:00:58 Daddy gets to eat them chili dogs.
03:01:04 So I I I think the last time I had a chili dog, it was at a Wiener Schnitzel, which I don't even know if those things exist anymore. I haven't seen one in many years.
03:01:17 Because it would have been, I think it would have been.
03:01:19 California, like in the 90s, I think.
03:01:22 Was the last time I had a ******* chili dog.
03:01:27 Let's see here scrolling down.
03:01:28 Down scroll.
03:01:29 Scrolling down, scrolling down.
03:01:33 Ghost Dog Man says David Burke murdered 43 people on Flight 1771. Completely unknown.
03:01:41 I bet they were at least 90% white, as it happened in 1987 in California.
03:01:48 Slaughter of whites since the Haitian Revolution.
03:01:53 I'm vague, I've heard that.
03:01:58 Fact I heard it referenced recently in.
03:02:01 A completely unrelated video.
03:02:06 It's not the first search.
03:02:08 A chef comes up all looking at later.
03:02:11 But yeah, I think I remember someone was talking about.
03:02:15 That incident, recently in a that sounds familiar for some reason.
03:02:21 Ghost Dog Man says I mentioned David Burke Flight 1771 massacre once before.
03:02:26 Would love to see you make a historically famous Merry Christmas, Devon and chant.
03:02:32 Elle, I'll definitely look into.
03:02:33 It sounds vaguely familiar, but I don't have. I've looked it up fully.
03:02:39 Cipher 01 says.
03:02:41 Hello Devin. I'm on a deep Usering Jew history arc at the moment.
03:02:45 Are you familiar with the collapse of the American Dream animation?
03:02:50 Want to make a similar one for the history of my focus and the ideas? I don't think I have seen that.
Liv Barta
03:02:58 Let me look.Devon Stack
03:03:03 Lapse of the American dream.03:03:10 Kind of South.
03:03:11 Is that what I'm looking at?
03:03:19 Long it's like 1/2 hour long.
03:03:28 I've never been good at at 2D character animation.
03:03:34 But I would imagine just like everything else, that's another thing that's gotten a lot easier since I did it all.
03:03:39 Animated all the time.
03:03:42 I don't know what software people would be using these days, but I I would guess a lot of this.
03:03:50 The last stuff I used to do manually is probably automated now.
03:03:55 Yeah. Unfortunately I haven't done done.
03:03:59 Think of it this.
03:04:00 A lot of my, a lot of my animation work.
03:04:05 Died as I started doing.
03:04:06 Kind of work and I started doing this kind of work like 8 years ago, so I'm really kind of increasingly I'm more and more out of the loop with all the software 'cause, you know, things have changed so quickly.
03:04:19 So I I when I would have been doing this, it would have been with after.
03:04:23 And because there were other programs like Toon Boom and some other weird like small ones.
03:04:31 But I yeah, I'm not sure what.
03:04:32 Would deal with this and and I preferred when I was doing character.
03:04:36 I preferred to do it in cinema 4D and do 3D animation anyway.
03:04:41 In fact, Spain, South Park, I'm pretty sure they did that in Maya when they did it in like a three da 3D program if I, if I remember correctly, which was surprising to me.
03:04:52 I guess not really. 'cause, once you set up, I mean, it's such simple animation even though it's 2D, you just set a camera. You know, basically you're just faking.
03:05:01 You're faking construction paper. Stop motion. Which I guess that does make sense that you would do it in Maya or something like that.
03:05:08 So you can even think about doing it in the 3D program.
03:05:10 Don't know.
03:05:12 But yeah, look, the good thing is there's tons of.
03:05:16 There's tons of YouTube tutorials on anything like that that you'd want to do, so I'll just look up 2D character animation on YouTube and you'll probably find a bunch of stuff.
03:05:27 Let's see.
03:05:28 Scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll, scroll scroll.
03:05:33 ***** Spritzer says **** blacks and Jews all right.
03:05:37 And scroll scroll scroll scroll.
Milan Ross
03:05:39 What is this scroll?Devon Stack
03:05:42 Is that?03:05:43 I think that's it.
03:05:44 It's hard to know because of the stupid if I missed yours on rumble guys, I apologize if they just make it so.
03:05:52 I'm going to double check 'cause. It looks like it I have to refresh that.
03:05:59 Uh, I got that one.
03:06:08 And.
03:06:11 One move.
03:06:12 That one.
03:06:15 Those. OK, I think we're.
03:06:18 Let me just double check back on Odyssey before we close things down.
03:06:23 OK, we got Bill Mott again saying, yeah, getting more selective would be a good idea.
03:06:30 I'm getting a feel for who deserve.
03:06:32 Help and most of them don't need help for long and they need and they turn right around and help others and finding other people who are doing it for the wrong reason.
03:06:42 Thanks for inspiration as always.
03:06:45 I appreciate.
03:06:45 And yeah, like I said, I feel like, you know, you can.
03:06:49 Can.
03:06:50 Usually tell. It's like when I was a bouncer, I I had interacted a lot of homeless people and and some of them weren't horrible like some of them.
03:06:59 Just kind of felt bad for and some of them are.
03:07:00 Like, good Lord, yeah.
03:07:02 There's some.
03:07:02 A lot of it's mental illness.
03:07:04 And you can't fix crazy.
03:07:06 You know you can't.
03:07:07 Can't fix crazy.
03:07:10 And and so you have to weigh whether or not it's. It's even worth, you know, trying to.
03:07:16 I mean, I think having sympathy for those people isn't the worst thing, but it's also sometimes it's not.
03:07:25 There's a reason you know there's a.
03:07:26 Why uncle?
03:07:28 Uncle A had a place for those people.
03:07:33 Because sometimes it's not worth it.
03:07:36 Canuck says for the church, folks also check out the convo between Calvin Robinson and Pastor Joel Webb, and the post rumor generations are waking up to the crazy amount of Judaism and Zionism and influence on the church, and it's encouraging.
03:07:50 Well, it's encouraging.
03:07:52 That is something that Christians need to become very aware of because it is a.
03:08:00 It's a big part of the problem.
03:08:02 It's a big part of the problem, if not almost exclusively.
03:08:06 Not.
03:08:06 It's a big part of the problem from a neighborhood fascist, says last string.
03:08:10 Joked about some universal Collargy language for all those aliens.
03:08:14 You won't be surprised to find out that Eastern European Jew invented one at the turn of the oh, yeah, that's right, I.
03:08:21 Before my I had an uncle that spoke Esperanto and gave me Esperanto tapes to learn Esperanto.
03:08:28 I got this, uncle. That's like this ****** genius guy where he speaks.
03:08:34 Like I forget if it's one or the.
03:08:37 Either speaks 11 languages and plays seven instruments, or the other way around.
03:08:42 But he he's like this total.
03:08:46 Genius guy. And he's also kind of nuts and thinks that God wants him to do things sometimes.
03:08:58 And I don't mean like, you know, the like, normal people that think you know, oh, I ask God for help. And he no like he thinks like God is like calling him up on the phone.
03:09:07 Kind of stuff and.
03:09:10 Yeah, you know, I.
03:09:10 Think he got into Kabbalah at some?
03:09:13 Like, it's just like, oh boy, smart that side of the family has, like, has has really smart, kind of weird people in it.
03:09:23 Guess I got part of that.
03:09:25 I'm a little weird.
03:09:27 But.
03:09:29 But yeah, I know all about Esperanto because him he gave me Esperanto tapes that he that he used to learn when I was a kid, and I learned Yani, Amando, Yeni, Amanda.
03:09:41 What that means now?
03:09:43 It meant something.
03:09:45 But I learned like I went to like.
03:09:47 First 3 and that's why I had kid Brain, right.
03:09:49 Went to like the first 3.
03:09:51 And so some of it's still in there a little bit, but it's like Spanish.
03:09:57 I like Spanish, but yeah, yeah.
03:10:01 Chosen, Jawah says.
03:10:02 Two streams ago you mentioned you made a video a long time ago about the sinking of the loose Lusitania.
03:10:09 Can I find?
03:10:10 I think that one's called.
03:10:18 Has the word stolen it?
03:10:20 It's on YouTube.
03:10:24 It's like the future they stole from us or something like that.
03:10:44 It is.
03:10:54 I'm taking it down.
03:11:01 They've taken a lot of videos down.
03:11:07 Take more down every.
03:11:10 He said every month I get like another notification like, oh, hate speech.
03:11:14 We took this down.
03:11:15 I'm like, great.
03:11:20 Not that one.
03:11:22 Of that one.
03:11:25 They might have taken it down.
03:11:41 Forgot how many of these I had.
03:11:43 There's a lot of these.
03:11:50 Let me look into that.
03:11:53 I don't.
03:11:53 I don't see it.
03:11:56 I thought it would have been.
03:12:01 Because.
03:12:10 No, no, it's there. It's there.
03:12:11 Yeah, it's got half a million views on it.
03:12:13 Well, it's got more than that.
03:12:15 It's called how your future was stolen 100 years ago.
03:12:20 I'll drop the link in the chat.
03:12:30 There we go.
03:12:34 Yeah, that's that's back. When I got big, *** **** views because I wasn't.
03:12:39 Weren't shutting me down yet, but then they shut me.
03:12:43 Pretty quick after that.
03:12:46 In fact, I think I. Yeah, you can look at the view counts.
03:12:49 It's like 2 videos later the view the views go from like in the hundreds of thousands to like 50,000.
03:13:00 Yeah.
03:13:02 Yeah. Anyway, let's see here.
03:13:05 Art Stanton says.
03:13:07 I think when you hear optimism, you think complacency, which is not what I mean.
03:13:12 They're related.
03:13:13 Just saying that apparent shift to right gives some level of hope, doesn't.
03:13:19 And if people feel there's no hope, they tend to give up, is all I'm saying.
03:13:22 I don't give up.
03:13:24 I would.
03:13:25 And no one's saying there's no hope.
03:13:28 What you're saying? You gotta dial it back. If you think everything's fine, you're not gonna. It's if it's. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
03:13:36 Most people have that mentality, period about everything.
03:13:39 If it's not broke, don't fix.
03:13:41 The squeaky wheel gets the grease and if you think that you're even, if you don't think you're winning.
03:13:47 But you don't think it's getting.
03:13:49 You're gonna probably lower the priority on it.
03:13:51 It's this is.
03:13:52 I don't have to keep explaining it it.
03:13:56 Give me. There is no example in the history of ever anything.
03:14:00 Where everyone thought everything was great and so they decided to throw it all in the trash and start over.
03:14:06 Like, why would you do that?
03:14:08 You know, and that's honestly what has to be done.
03:14:10 We need to throw all this in the trash and start over, and you're not going to do it if you think that you can fix it.
03:14:17 All right, people need to knock this ******* building down and build a new one, and instead they're like, no, look, we're, you know, it's it's OK that the buildings crumbling, Trump's going to put.
03:14:26 Curtains up.
03:14:28 Look at the pretty new curtains on this crumbling ******* building.
03:14:34 From neighborhood fascists again says you've been an important part of my journey.
03:14:38 You and happy 2025.
03:14:40 Obviously I'm not one to afford it, but would you ever let yourself be commissioned if an Anon donated like $1000 for an idea you'd personally like to actually do?
03:14:51 Like defiant Part 2.
03:14:52 Thanks for the previous answer.
03:14:54 No, I mean, if people want to.
03:14:58 You know, sponsor the show or.
03:15:00 I'm fine with that, but I don't want.
03:15:03 Yeah, I wouldn't work on Commission.
03:15:05 That's, in fact, that's really why I do what I do now or why I find it better than what I used to do is I used to exclusively do things on Commission like that was my job is I was making propaganda for other people on it.
03:15:18 And it sucked the life out of me.
03:15:19 And I know it's not the same thing. What you're talking about. 'cause, you are saying that I'd want to do the same thing, but you'd you'd still feel like creatively owed the person something.
03:15:28 And.
03:15:31 I don't like that dynamic.
03:15:33 I would much prefer to just.
03:15:35 I keep doing what I'm doing if people like it, then you know.
03:15:39 You support it.
03:15:41 A defiant part.
03:15:42 I mean, it might be worth it to do that again.
03:15:47 Or something like that.
03:15:49 We'll see.
03:15:50 I think it was. I think that if we have, I'll tell you what. If we have more.
03:15:56 More of these race riot type things happen once Trump is in.
03:16:00 And a lot of people are are commenting on how there's a complete lack of them now, and they're surprised by it that.
03:16:07 The.
03:16:08 Thing, by the way that that annoyed me when I'm hearing people that are optimistic about Trump, for example, they're like, yeah, it seems.
03:16:14 Everyone.
03:16:15 Is coming around, you know and and like the powerful people that used to hate Trump are are now they're being amenable and it's like.
03:16:23 Doesn't that tell you anything?
03:16:25 You think you red pilled the Jewish billionaires now that that that suddenly like Trump, that you think they're on our side? I mean, come on, I ******* anyway.
03:16:36 Ah, corn pop. The bad dude threw another one here. You heard this since you mentioned Genius musical player.
03:16:45 Umm.
03:16:48 Let me say.
03:16:50 Give me a.
03:16:51 You gave me a link.
03:16:53 Yes.
03:16:56 I.
03:17:08 I.
03:17:12 I.
03:17:15 This is about a mummified Japanese chick.
03:17:17 Who does this have to deal with music anyway?
03:17:21 Bet.
03:17:22 Maybe I'll take a look at this other show after the show. All right, guys.
03:17:25 We're going to shut it down.
03:17:26 So Merry Christmas to.
03:17:28 All and to all a good night.
03:17:31 Thank you for all for your support for spending your evening with me and we'll be back here on Saturday again.
03:17:37 Be on millennial on Monday.
03:17:40 I believe 6:00 Pacific Time, 9:00 eastern standard. I'll remind you all on Telegram.
03:17:48 Gab and Twitter.
03:17:51 In the meantime, I am of course.
03:17:56 Devon Stack.
03:18:14 I.
Astronaut 1
03:18:16 Roger, you've been in Germany 7. This is Jimmy 6. We have an object. Looks like the satellite void from March 2000 polar orbit.03:18:19 Repl.
03:18:28 He's in a very low temperature from north to South.
03:18:29 Repl.
03:18:33 And has a very high finance rate that looks.
03:18:35 The fundamentally a.
03:18:38 Very low equity stiff.
03:18:42 Ener but I wanted to let you guys know that.
03:19:07 We got up to six.
03:19:12 That was 57.
03:19:15 You're to much 6.