12/21/2024Numbers Lady
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00:02:48 And I've noticed something far.
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00:03:30 I pray my brothers.
00:03:36 Hi.
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00:04:04 The.Chorusmen
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00:04:40 The.Chorusmen
00:05:00 Yeah.00:05:01 YouTube.
00:05:06 Thank you.Chorusmen
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Devon Stack
00:09:18 Welcome.00:09:20 To the insomnia stream.
00:09:24 Now it's almost Christmas.
00:09:25 It's getting pretty close.
00:09:27 Couple days few days was like on Wednesday or something was.
00:09:33 So didn't look at my old daily here.
00:09:34 It's Wednesday.
00:09:35 So.
00:09:37 Yeah, Christmas is.
00:09:39 Christmas is coming. I guess that's why this is the insomnia stream. Quirky Christmas edition.
00:09:46 I'm your host, of course. Devin stack.
00:09:51 What we're going to talk about?
00:09:54 Is, I guess, the the rise, the rise of quirkiness as a as a virtue.
00:10:02 The rise of neuroticism as a virtue is something that makes up it's part of the spice of life, right?
00:10:13 It's part of the spice of life.
00:10:18 What kind of brought this?
00:10:21 The mind recently.
00:10:25 Was.
00:10:27 As many of you might have seen, I pointed out.
00:10:33 On on Twitter now that we've seen now that the the flat Earthers have been.
00:10:40 Delivered a blow. I wish. You know it doesn't matter to them, right?
00:10:43 It's just as you can't talk people out of their religion, or at least very. It's not very often that.
00:10:49 Can do this.
00:10:51 And it's a religion for these psychos, and as many of you may or may not be aware of, there was an experiment.
00:11:01 Experiment.
00:11:02 Conducted.
00:11:05 Earlier this this last week.
00:11:08 Now what this was was a lot of flat Earthers.
00:11:12 Had to concede that it wouldn't make sense if the earth.
00:11:15 Round.
00:11:15 We're not going to focus on Flat Earth. This is.
00:11:19 Hear people groaning from here.
00:11:23 Trust me, I'm I ******* hate these people too.
00:11:26 But you gotta hear the back story.
00:11:30 They had to concede that if the you went to the South Pole or as they sought the ice wall.
00:11:39 Then it wouldn't make any sense.
00:11:40 You would have a 24 hour sun.
00:11:43 Which is what happens at the South Pole at this time of year.
00:11:49 Because the earth is tilted on its axis in such a way that as it rotates, the sun is is still visible.
00:12:00 At all times during the day.
00:12:03 Well, on the Flat Earth ******** map, the Earth is a pancake.
00:12:10 And the in the sun flies around in circles.
00:12:15 For some unknown reason over the pancake.
00:12:21 And because the Earth is a pancake, Antarctica doesn't even exist, really.
00:12:26 OK.
00:12:27 It's a ice wall that is surrounding the pancake.
00:12:32 And that's why no matter where you are on that ice wall, you could never see a sun circling over.
00:12:38 This was always a big problem for flat Earthers.
00:12:44 Flat Earthers would say that you couldn't go to.
00:12:46 It was impossible, even though you could take a tour there, it wasn't cheap, but you could do it. They would say that all if you if you try going to Antarctica, you'd be intercepted by the military.
00:13:01 All these crazy theories about Antarctica possibly being the gateway to to other worlds. If you believe Flat Earth Dave the Turbo Jew that pushes Flat Earth the most.
00:13:13 Who? Who hilariously sells a Flat Earth app in.
00:13:17 App Store.
00:13:18 That's allowed in the App Store and makes lots of money.
00:13:22 Lots of money, like people, think that flat Earther is a fringe thing, and it is to some extent.
00:13:27 This I mean someones buying this ********.
00:13:31 And because he did a **** job writing the code, or, you know, he didn't write the code. Obviously he paid someone to do it.
00:13:38 They it was easily decompiled and people noticed that in his app that he sells his Flat Earth map.
00:13:48 It uses globe earth telemetry to work.
00:13:53 Because part of the Flat Earth app is, if you want to find other psychos and make like super, it's like the most dysgenic app in the world.
00:14:01 It because it connects ******** psychos with other ******** psychos and some of these ******* might breed and make.
00:14:11 I don't know abominations. Really. Abominations that despite my pro-life stance. Perhaps I would make exceptions for.
00:14:23 But it uses telemetry.
00:14:25 Telemetry to locate the other people. If you want to.
00:14:28 There a flat Earther in my neighborhood.
00:14:33 Well, not if you ever want to find.
00:14:37 With that.
00:14:37 So, uh, you know it's.
00:14:39 It's gotta use the globe worth stuff, but he's a lying Jew like many of the foot people that push Flat Earth. He doesn't actually believe it.
00:14:49 Which is why when a rich person who apparently was tired of hearing flat Earthers.
00:14:55 Go on and on about ******** **** all the time.
00:14:59 Went to some of the big, Flat Earthers of.
00:15:02 Flat Earth, Dave being one of them and said all right, fine, I will pay.
00:15:08 For you to go down to Antarctica because you can go there again, very expensive, but it I will fund the trip you and and a couple other flat Earthers, and then I'll you know, some of the skeptics on YouTube, right.
00:15:25 And.
00:15:27 Together you can observe.
00:15:30 Because that's the big thing, right?
00:15:31 With flat earthers.
00:15:32 All right. The shield with my own eyes to believe it.
00:15:35 All.
00:15:36 Well, you'll see it with your own eyes.
00:15:40 Your inability to comprehend mathematical anything will be overcome by the fact that you can actually see with your own.
00:15:49 That there is a sun in the sky for 24 hours.
00:15:52 Never goes down.
00:15:55 And all of a sudden.
00:15:59 Other celestial bodies will look different because you'll you'll be in the Southern hemisphere.
00:16:05 So even before you get down to the South Pole, you know when you stop in Argentina you can look up at the sky and notice that everything.
00:16:12 Upside down, weirdly.
00:16:16 Hmm, explain that one.
00:16:20 Better, Dave, I mean.
00:16:22 Offered a free trip to a.
00:16:23 Yeah.
00:16:25 That's a that's an opportunity of a.
00:16:27 That's not going to happen again, offered a free trip to Antarctica. Turned it down.
00:16:33 It down because.
00:16:36 Well, flat Earthers are like child molesters.
00:16:40 Flat Earthers are like child.
00:16:42 People push back on this. When I said this, but I'm going to this is that. That's basically the thesis for tonight in a way.
00:16:50 Flat Earthers are like child.
00:16:52 Because what they do is they find people who are not as mentally capable as they are.
00:16:59 Clearly. And they take advantage of them for their own personal gratification.
00:17:08 Often leaving a mark, a permanent scar on the people, they're taken advantage of.
00:17:14 All for their selfish personal gratification, exactly like a child molester.
00:17:19 Exactly like a child molester.
00:17:26 The thing is, if a child molester knows that the invitation they're getting is to Chris Hansen's house, they're not going to show up.
00:17:37 Not going to show up because they know the second they walk through that door. Chris Hanson is going to come out and say, why don't you have a seat there Flat Earth, Dave.
00:17:45 Once you have a seat, tell us all why?
00:17:47 You're here.
00:17:50 And he knew that if he went to the South Pole, that's what he would see. He knew it.
00:17:55 Knew that he wouldn't be able to sell his well. The thing is, he probably still could have.
00:18:00 Because as as we all, as many of us predicted.
00:18:03 Despite flatter Dave declining this invitation and saying, well, it's 'cause, it's, you know, NASA or or big globe or, you know whoever with someone.
00:18:14 Know the Satanist, the the enemies of Qi, don't know.
00:18:21 Demons.
00:18:25 They were all tricking him.
00:18:27 And that if he were to go down there, they wouldn't really be taking him to Antarctica.
00:18:32 In fact, maybe.
00:18:33 Maybe they would kidnap him.
00:18:35 Maybe he would disappear.
00:18:37 He'd be dangerous.
00:18:39 Or they would somehow drug him.
00:18:42 They maybe they give him a bunch of LSD and stick him in some weird chamber where he'd think that he saw.
00:18:50 A son for 24 hour. I don't know, doesn't.
00:18:52 He didn't believe me that he believed that if he went down there, he knew exactly what he would see.
00:18:59 And the to be damaging to, he wouldn't stop, but it'd be damaging to his brand because that's all it is for this, these people.
00:19:08 For it's for profit.
00:19:13 It's for profit, and so for him and for everyone that promotes him.
00:19:21 Handful of flat Earthers decided to go.
00:19:25 And of course they went down there. And what did they see?
00:19:30 A 24 hour sun, you know like.
00:19:33 Big ******* waste of money.
00:19:36 Big ******* waste of resources.
00:19:38 A big ******* waste of money.
00:19:42 And what happens when they get down?
00:19:44 A bunch of flat Earthers, even other streaming it as it happens.
00:19:49 Belief has nothing to do with science at all or observation.
00:19:55 Lots of flat Earthers instantly began calling them shills, saying that they were they they were being bribed by NASA.
00:20:03 Were being blackmailed by Big Earth or whatever the ****, right?
00:20:10 Some of them started to say, well, it doesn't prove the Earth is round. It just proves that maybe we don't understand things.
00:20:19 Oh oh, and a ******. Benjamin was.
00:20:22 Of those.
00:20:22 Oh that.
00:20:23 Doesn't mean you're.
00:20:24 We already know it's not wrong.
00:20:25 Just means that we.
00:20:26 Get it? Because I would look like.
00:20:28 A ******* moron.
00:20:31 That would look like a ******* moron who was doubled and tripled and quadrupled down for years on the dumbest thing ever.
00:20:40 Looking like a complete ******* ******.
00:20:43 Telling everyone how smart I am with my bajillion IQ.
00:20:46 No matter how often I get tricked, whether it's by Flat Earth, my gay dad or a stolen valor, I'm just always getting tricked.
00:20:57 I can see through the lies.
00:21:01 ******* ******.
00:21:05 I'll get back to that in a second.
00:21:13 This happens and of course all the flat Earthers are. They can't just admit.
00:21:19 Were wrong.
00:21:21 As as predicted.
00:21:22 They'll never. You can fly them up.
00:21:24 ******* space.
00:21:26 Show them the earth and they would just tell you that they were.
00:21:29 A simulator or or whatever they.
00:21:32 Nothing will ever be good enough for these people, which is why they all need to be shunned.
00:21:38 And shamed and mocked.
00:21:41 And hopefully.
00:21:43 It would.
00:21:44 The round world a favor if they quite frankly killed themselves.
00:21:49 I do not want those genes moving on.
00:21:53 Those people do not deserve to live those people.
00:21:56 That's bad genetics in the white gene pool, and that's why I say if you're a flat earther, you're not.
00:22:03 You are not white because white people figured out that the Earth was round.
00:22:09 In in Ancient Greek times, without the use of all the technology that you have access to today.
00:22:15 So if you.
00:22:16 Can't figure it out. You're not white.
00:22:22 Speaking of not being white.
00:22:26 Owen Benjamin.
00:22:29 Such a he's such a lying **** ***.
00:22:32 Such a piece of ******* ****.
00:22:35 Such a such a scammy little ******* Jew, this Michelin.
00:22:39 As you all know by now.
00:22:44 There was an attempt made on Nick Fuentes his life.
00:22:49 By the way some.
00:22:50 Y'all got a gotta chill the **** out.
00:22:52 I get that not everyone likes him.
00:22:55 I get why?
00:22:56 Lot of people don't like him.
00:22:59 But the fact that.
00:23:00 That someone, it's clear, tried to kill him.
00:23:05 And on Twitter, I just simply said, hey, good job, you know, not dying. Something like those lines, right?
00:23:10 Open this.
00:23:12 And people were mad at me for for, for wishing him well.
00:23:18 Saying saying good job not getting assassinated apparently was was outside the the the spiral of purity.
00:23:27 Some of you guys got a ******* chill the **** out.
00:23:33 I mean, Jesus Christ.
00:23:35 Oh, if. Unless you wish death.
00:23:38 On Nick Fuentes
00:23:40 You're not based. It's like *** ****, you want. You wonder why we're not getting anywhere.
00:23:50 But anyway, in one of the in the replies to that to my, you know, just simply saying hey, good job not dying buddy, you know.
00:24:01 Some some spurg
00:24:02 Start going off in that direction like.
00:24:06 You know, I can't believe you.
00:24:07 Would.
00:24:08 You would not wish death upon him.
00:24:11 And for some reason I don't know why, Owen Benjamin replied.
00:24:16 Oh, Devin doxed me.
00:24:19 Literally doxed me.
00:24:21 These people are all liars.
00:24:24 I literally doxed him.
00:24:28 I literally doxed.
00:24:29 Now look. If I was Owen Benjamin.
00:24:33 The way I to react.
00:24:34 That is, he's trying to get me killed.
00:24:37 My God, he's.
00:24:39 He's trying to get me killed.
00:24:41 He's trying to get me killed because I said I doxed him.
00:24:45 I said.
00:24:46 He said I doxed him, which means people who try to kill me.
00:24:52 Doing their own Benjamin voice is hard on the throat.
00:24:57 Excuse me, sorry.
00:25:00 Trying to sound like a panic gay Jew is. It's tough.
00:25:05 I guess it's not tough for him because of all the ******* *** that's dribbling down his throat at all times.
00:25:12 So he says this to which I've obviously retweeted and said. All right, well, show me when show me when I said this, you lying **** and or so I don't. I don't.
00:25:20 Said that, I'll call him a **** ****, I think.
00:25:24 Doing intercourse, he never responded 'cause. He's full of ******* ****.
00:25:28 In fact, last time we interacted, he was on video threatening to dox me.
00:25:35 So I'm. I'm sorry, Owen Benjamin, but letting everyone know that you live on a globe earth.
00:25:44 Is not Daxing you.
00:25:47 Let everyone know that you exist.
00:25:50 You live on the intersection of narcissism and severe learning disabilities.
00:25:56 It's not Daxing you.
00:25:58 It's not what Daxing means.
00:26:00 But way to try to be the victim like a little.
00:26:03 Jew.
00:26:03 You are like, disgusting, rabid ***** ** **** schizophrenic Jew.
00:26:11 Anyway, now that that's out of the way, you ******* ******.
00:26:16 You line.
00:26:18 Only a Jew would do that.
00:26:19 Only a Jew would would lie and then a word later.
00:26:25 Not even a the next sentence.
00:26:27 Call the people they lied about liars.
00:26:31 Like.
00:26:34 Oh, good Lord.
00:26:36 Oh, you ******* disgusting little.
00:26:39 Piece pea brained. ******* ***** ** ****.
00:26:42 Yeah.
00:26:46 So this little ******. Anyway, I'm done.
00:26:48 Done with that.
00:26:49 I just had to.
00:26:49 Get that out of the.
00:26:50 Look, I I I'm. I'm done with it until you come at me. You come at me.
00:26:56 I'm going to Swatch you down like the ***** ** **** fly that you are.
00:27:02 So anyway.
00:27:05 All this got me thinking, not the the.
00:27:08 Stuff, but the response to me.
00:27:13 Well, kind.
00:27:13 I guess the Owen stuff, the response to me comparing flat Earthers to child molesters.
00:27:21 And in some cases, the response to me talking about Owen being a Micheline ******.
00:27:28 Who is a a proto Koalergy plan participant?
00:27:33 Talking about how these people are dangerous and bad for our people and should be bullied.
00:27:41 Until they eventually.
00:27:44 Remove themselves.
00:27:47 People would say things like oh.
00:27:50 Oh, I think that's a little bit harsh.
00:27:53 Comparing flat Earthers to child.
00:27:56 Oh, that's minimizing child molesters. No, it's not.
00:28:02 It's maximalizing what needs to be maximalized.
00:28:07 You see the problem is at a certain point.
00:28:12 White people started to think it was funny and cute to be neurotic and quirky and eccentric.
00:28:21 They were taught this through Hollywood films.
00:28:25 For decades.
00:28:27 To the point where, well, now we have people chopping off their ***** and trying.
00:28:31 Be different.
00:28:33 We had entire generations.
00:28:34 90s.
00:28:35 The joke was of the Alterno teens trying so hard to be different. They all ended up the same, just like the hipsters that would follow.
00:28:47 And that.
00:28:49 Is dangerous.
00:28:50 That is what you're participating in. When you say **** like, oh, the flat Earthers, they're just silly.
00:28:57 They're just funny.
00:29:00 They're just, you know, they just.
00:29:01 They just.
00:29:02 I had a little spice to life.
00:29:05 What would the world be like with without ******* ******* yammering on about ******** and lying to people?
00:29:12 All the time.
00:29:13 We got to.
00:29:13 Have we have to have some schizoid *******?
00:29:17 Life would be boring.
00:29:18 Without the ****** and *******. Oh.
00:29:24 Love will be bought.
00:29:24 Oh, that's this is Uncle Jimmy.
00:29:26 He wears a dress.
00:29:28 It's.
00:29:29 It's harmless, they say.
00:29:32 He's just a little bit different.
00:29:37 Don't worry about him.
00:29:38 Oh, that's just Uncle Jimmy.
00:29:41 Sometimes he ***** boys. It's harmless.
00:29:47 It's the same stupid ****.
00:29:51 Your tolerance for people who are demonstrably insane.
00:29:57 Lowering the bar.
00:29:58 That low, lowering the bar that low.
00:30:01 Oh, it's no, it's cute. It's cute.
00:30:05 That their ability.
00:30:06 Observe and understand the world around us is so ******* out of whack and.
00:30:11 And.
00:30:12 They're so impressionable that they're just believing the dumbest **** ever.
00:30:17 The bar is so low that it that's fine.
00:30:19 It's cute. It's funny.
00:30:21 Yeah, maybe it's cute and funny if they're three ******* years old.
00:30:25 If you're a grown man, you think the world's flat. You're a ******* ******.
00:30:32 You're a ******* ******.
00:30:33 Have no business.
00:30:36 Breathing my air.
00:30:39 You're in the way ****** ******.
00:30:47 And I started wondering why did this happen?
00:30:51 When did this happen?
00:30:55 And there's a couple of things that came to mind.
00:30:59 As I mentioned in the 1990s, even going back to the 80s, it was it was beginning.
00:31:04 It was beginning you can see.
00:31:08 In the 80s, you know, like the the Revenge of the Nerds movie.
00:31:15 Examples where Oh no, the quirky losers are actually the cool kids.
00:31:21 This was like a new concept.
00:31:24 The Chad Aryan jocks in this high school there were the bad ones.
00:31:30 The good ones were the losers.
00:31:39 Now you could say, well, hold on a second. This sort of this.
00:31:42 Of of.
00:31:45 Being entertained by the eccentric old man or the, you know, the quirky girl or whatever. That's not. That's not completely new.
00:31:56 And you're right, it's not completely new.
00:32:00 But there's a reason why it's.
00:32:02 The way that it's been consumed in the last few decades, it is completely new and the effect that it's having on on white people is completely ******* cancer.
00:32:18 Now I remember.
00:32:19 When trying to think of quirky movies, there was a movie that popped in my head.
00:32:25 From.
00:32:27 The 90s, I think it was 1994 that it came out.
00:32:32 It was a Steve Martin.
00:32:33 Well, he was the headliner. Steve Martin who?
00:32:39 Is not Jewish himself, although if you.
00:32:42 ChatGPT, which is not always to be trusted in these instant, you know in these moments.
00:32:48 His last name? Martin.
00:32:50 Is. I mean, there's a lot of Jewish Martins might be because he has a paternal grandfather that's Jewish.
00:32:57 Don't know if that's that's real or not, but he's not.
00:33:01 Not as Jewish as the rest of.
00:33:03 People involved in the film.
00:33:05 Like the writer and director Nora Ephron.
00:33:10 And her sister.
00:33:13 Delia Ephron, who helped out with the script.
00:33:18 So it's anora Ephron film.
00:33:21 Called mixed nuts.
00:33:25 It also features a lot of other Jews, like a lot of lot of Christmas movies made in Hollywood, of course.
00:33:32 Because this is a Christmas movie.
00:33:37 This and being really put off by it.
00:33:40 When I was younger.
00:33:42 And so I decided to check it out again.
00:33:46 And it was actually such a hot mess.
00:33:48 Not going to go through.
00:33:50 The way that we usually go through these things because part of the way that they are trying to.
00:34:00 Transmit.
00:34:02 The.
00:34:04 The the chaotic minds of the people in the film.
00:34:08 The neuroticism of the the characters in the situation is by having the film.
00:34:18 Put together in such a way to where it it is kind of a chaotic jumbled mess.
00:34:22 It's.
00:34:23 You can't follow it.
00:34:24 Easy to follow.
00:34:25 It's just not easy to retell in a traditional sense. You know there is no real.
00:34:33 You know, and then this happened, which led to this, which led to this. I mean there is.
00:34:37 But it's more of a.
00:34:39 Of.
00:34:40 **** constantly happening and it never like it, never stops. And again it's it's it's written by a chaotic Jewish mind and and.
00:34:53 Acted on many of the roles are by chaotic Jewish actors and actresses.
00:34:59 But it's very.
00:35:02 You know, again, the movie itself is structured like the mind of a neurotic woman. So.
00:35:07 We'll kind of go over some aspects of it a little bit.
00:35:10 Just wanna highlight some of the.
00:35:13 The most important aspects, which thankfully some of them are right at the beginning.
00:35:20 But the this is just.
00:35:22 Example of many, many, many films from the 1990s.
00:35:28 That would go on to push this idea of the oh, it's the quirky girl.
00:35:33 Oh, it's the quirky girl with the glasses.
00:35:36 Don't you want to be the the quirky girl?
00:35:38 It's the quirky guy.
00:35:41 Oh, the quirky guy usually played by Johnny Depp or some other person that girls like, so that when guys watch the movie and they know that girls are low girls.
00:35:50 That guy.
00:35:51 I should be like that guy.
00:35:53 That's what girls like.
00:35:56 I I should act like an insane person.
00:35:59 Even though, like I don't look like Johnny Depp and I don't have millions of dollars, I.
00:36:02 Act like an insane person.
00:36:05 Even though I don't have a director that's reframing all of my insanity to to be.
00:36:12 Viewed in a sympathetic light to the women watching me in real life.
00:36:17 I should.
00:36:17 Just be an insane person, you know.
00:36:21 Anyway, we'll get into.
00:36:22 We'll get into that in a moment.
00:36:27 So the movie starts out.
00:36:28 I believe it's Venice Beach in California.
00:36:33 Some beach in California, but I think it's Venice Beach.
00:36:38 And you've got Steve Martin riding his bike.
00:36:43 And you see there's there's Jewish made Christmas carols or songs. Not really. Carols playing in the background.
00:36:53 Steve Martin's riding his bike through all these very non Christmassy looking.
00:36:58 Situations, because of course in California on the beach, it still looks somewhat tropical.
00:37:06 So there's people in shorts and you know, this is the.
00:37:09 So they're like roller blading on the on the path there. And, you know, looking rather non Christmassy.
00:37:20 Then we get to this man in a Santa suit who's being chased out of.
00:37:26 A little shop.
00:37:29 By his girlfriend that he's knocked.
00:37:31 So this unwed couple being chased out by his pregnant wife? Girlfriend.
00:37:41 And they have an encounter with these two guys or this girl and a guy rollerblading with a Christmas tree.
00:38:02 You just you really don't need the treatment. Absolutely symmetrical.
00:38:07 Two hours to find it.
00:38:08 It was perfect. Something.
00:38:10 Perfect Ukraine.
00:38:12 There you go.
00:38:14 And that's the message of the film.
00:38:18 All of a sudden.
00:38:20 They're upset. She was upset with her baby daddy, but now she's more upset by the idea that he has has somehow ruined perfection.
00:38:34 'S.
00:38:34 And that's that's the opening line really of the movie.
00:38:38 Nothing's perfect, you creep.
00:38:41 And that's the message of this movie. And and several other movies of this exact same genre all throughout the 90s and bleeding into, you know, today.
00:38:52 That nothing's perfect. Stop trying to make things that are perfect.
00:38:58 Your little symmetrical Christmas tree.
00:39:03 Now it's funny to note that lots of the people in this scene here are, well, they're probably gay too, but they're Jews.
00:39:10 It's hard to tell with this.
00:39:12 Version of the movie The the Resolution's not Great. It's pretty crappy.
00:39:17 Copy I could find.
00:39:19 But the the mayor of the roller blades is actually John.
00:39:25 Leibowitz, also known as Jon Stewart and a woman, is Parker Posey.
00:39:35 Who supposedly has Jewish ancestry on her father's side?
00:39:38 I couldn't confirm that, but potentially is Jewish.
00:39:46 But as Jon Stewart, the one the the right there.
00:39:51 So they get in this fight, yell at the people who they just destroyed the Christmas tree of Steve Martin shows up.
00:40:00 And he tries to mediate the situation.
00:40:04 Find out that his.
00:40:07 Job his career is that of conflict management.
00:40:13 Then he excuse me, I stood.
00:40:15 That Jew throat.
00:40:19 It'll resolve itself.
00:40:21 Anyway, so he's or you get the idea that he works in some kind of social services and he's unable to to resolve the situation because everyone in this film is a loser.
00:40:36 Everyone in the movie is a loser in some way.
00:40:41 So they yell at him.
00:40:42 Turn on him.
00:40:45 And walk off and he picks up the damaged Christmas tree.
00:40:49 And continues on his way to work and where he works.
00:40:54 A suicide hotline.
00:40:57 And they make jokes about the suicide hotline not being very effective. The people working there again, everyone's a loser in this movie.
00:41:08 They're very ineffectual.
00:41:11 Often times, in some situations even driving people to be more suicidal.
00:41:18 As far as again, this is information coming from ChatGPT.
00:41:23 Both these actresses are are Jewish or have some Jewish heritage. This is Madeleine Kahn. And Madeleine Kahn was born as Madeleine Gell Wolfson.
00:41:38 At least according to this.
00:41:41 And let's see here.
00:41:45 This woman here is Rita Wilson, I believe.
00:41:49 And it says Rita Wilson has Jewish heritage on her maternal side.
00:41:55 Her mother was Dorothy.
00:41:59 Or, Dorothea, it just says her.
00:42:02 Dorothea was of Greek Jewish descent, but again, I don't know.
00:42:09 There's a lot of actual like for sure Jews like John Lebowitz, as you'll see.
00:42:15 Like Gary Garry, Shandling so Garry Shandling.
00:42:22 Is the the evil landlord?
00:42:26 Garry Shandling, who they they portray as they often do, is is like a turbo going a wasp.
00:42:34 He's kind of got that again that this the quality of this copy is really bad.
00:42:39 It's hard for you to see, but he's wearing like.
00:42:42 A white blazer.
00:42:45 And on the blazer there is this Insignia of like a elite.
00:42:51 Club and the kind of club that would probably ban Jews from from walking onto the premises.
00:42:58 And he walks out and encounters Steve Martin's character, who is the head of this suicide hotline and says you're you guys are getting evicted.
00:43:07 I'm selling off this building to make luxury apartments.
00:43:11 You're behind on your rent.
00:43:13 And so here's an eviction notice.
00:43:17 And he has no heart.
00:43:19 Very cruel.
00:43:20 About it, and he doesn't care about the good work that the suicide hotline is doing, which in all honesty is kind of non existent. They're not doing good work, at least not in the examples they show.
00:43:33 They all appear to be losers that are.
00:43:35 Terrible at it.
00:43:38 You're then reintroduced to the Santa Claus and his knocked up girlfriend characters.
00:43:46 The Santa Claus character is a.
00:43:49 He's a a violent ex-con. He can't get a job.
00:43:56 He.
00:43:57 Fancies himself an artist.
00:44:00 And even though he has made a woman pregnant.
00:44:03 And with that comes lots of responsibilities, many of which are financial.
00:44:09 He is shirking all these responsibilities because he is an artist.
00:44:14 Is neuroticism is that he's an artist that can't be trusted to work your real job?
00:44:21 Instead, he is only going to wait for the perfect opportunity. These the situation where he can be paid to do his artistry.
00:44:30 The woman who is knocked up is also very neurotic and crazy.
00:44:35 She very well, well aware of his violent, you know, ex-con past and his inability to get a job. And while she likes to fight with him in these violent arguments all the time, she makes excuses for him.
00:44:52 And while she'll pretend to leave him on a regular basis and storm away, she's just really kind of in the drama.
00:44:58 So she's kind of a psycho.
00:45:01 So Steve Martin's character is kind of a loser.
00:45:04 Bad at at conflict resolution.
00:45:08 This woman who works the the suicide hotline. She's neurotic because she actually is very cold and bitter.
00:45:16 And doesn't like the people who are calling.
00:45:18 This woman is basically just as suicidal as the people calling the suicide hotline.
00:45:25 Everyone that you see in this movie so far is certifiable.
00:45:31 And that's part of the joke.
00:45:37 So Steve Martin finds out that his ex-wife.
00:45:42 Is not able to help him financially and also drops the bomb on him that she's been banging some guy for four months and that she's moved on.
00:45:51 He is destroyed by this once again kind of hammering home that he's he's a loser.
00:45:57 He's a complete loser.
00:46:01 The suicidal woman at the job actually seems to like him, though she seems to have this affinity for him that he's completely unaware of.
00:46:15 Even though, again, once again she's bad at her.
00:46:17 More people call up. I believe this is a Jewish comedian named.
00:46:23 Right, not positively.
00:46:25 I'm just like like 99% sure. I'm sort of remember him from his stand up days, but he kills himself because she does a **** job.
00:46:35 The stuck up cold hearted ***** gets stuck in the elevator.
00:46:40 Again, there's there's, there's **** constantly going on that it's it. We're going to leave out a lot of it. Just.
00:46:45 It's.
00:46:47 It's just a chaotic mess.
00:46:50 And then you.
00:46:52 Get let's.
00:46:53 Here's an example of one of the calls.
Steve Martin
00:47:03 Line.00:47:04 1.
00:47:07 Hello, this is lifesavers. Merry Christmas.
00:47:10 Am I disturbing you?Steve Martin
00:47:11 No, no, no, not at all.Tranny
00:47:13 I'm very lonely tonight.00:47:15 Is there any chance I could stop by and talk?
Steve Martin
00:47:19 Well, it's not in the rules, but if you are willing to make a small donation, say perhaps 5 grand. I kidding.00:47:24 I'm.
00:47:25 Everyone makes fun of me.00:47:27 I'm.
00:47:27 I'm sorry. Please can't I come by?
00:47:28 Please.
00:47:30 I don't want to be alone.
Steve Martin
00:47:31 No, no, no, no, no.00:47:32 We have rules, but but we're listening.
00:47:35 At Lifesavers is with you.
00:47:38 Talk to us.
00:47:40 So alone is there.Catherine
00:47:41 Hello.Steve Martin
00:47:42 Anyone in your family you could.Catherine
00:47:44 Call. They hate me.Steve Martin
00:47:46 What about church?Tranny
00:47:47 Please can I stop by?00:47:50 I'll only stay a minute.
00:47:52 I need to see someone.
00:47:54 Please just give me the address.
Steve Martin
00:47:59 I cannot give out the address.Tranny
00:48:02 It's Christmas.Steve Martin
00:48:11 It's 17 pair St.00:48:13 Thank you.
00:48:13 I'll.00:48:14 Be right over.
00:48:19 I.Devon Stack
00:48:23 What? It's a ****** in 1990?00:48:25 Yes, it is a ****** and a movie in 1994.
00:48:29 Wonder if they'll be sympathetically.
00:48:32 Portrayed this is Lev Schreiber, the.
00:48:35 Also, I believe his kids in real life are trans.
00:48:42 Doesn't he have a trans?
00:48:43 He trans his son.
00:48:48 Pretty sure he did.
00:48:49 Me.
00:48:50 Let me see if I.
00:48:50 Find a photo here.
00:48:54 Yeah, he has transned his son in real life, so I guess I guess this is an example of never get high on your own supply.
00:48:59 What?
00:49:05 On one of the hard drives is spinning up. There we go.
00:49:11 I hate how occasionally that happens if I have it's ausb Dr. that I have plugged in occasionally will like, oh, I have to spin up even though you're not accessing me because.
00:49:20 You're.
00:49:21 Trying to save something.
00:49:24 This is a.
00:49:28 This is.
00:49:29 This is him back. You know, in the night in.
00:49:31 94.
00:49:32 This is. That's his son.
00:49:34 That's him and his son today.
00:49:38 Isn't that interesting?
00:49:41 More evidence of the gay 90s, right, the gay 90s, creeping on in creeping on a come up.
00:49:50 This is when it was just beginning.
00:49:53 This is when he was just fantasizing about about ******** instead of training his.
00:49:59 Troops.
00:50:02 You've got.
00:50:05 A ****** calling up the hotline.
00:50:09 And asking to come over and Steve Martin finally again has to breaks the rules because out of empathy and sympathy for for losers.
00:50:23 You then see a little window into the ******** life.
00:50:28 And look.
00:50:30 It looks like a 1950s Christmas. This movie's from 1994.
00:50:36 This looks interchangeable with the 8mm film that we find of of Christmases from 1950. Whatever.
00:50:47 Now down to like the the Red Ranger Beanie rifle, right, the the little boy dressed as a cowboy.
00:50:54 Know it's it's every once in a they're ******** on traditional normal Christmas.
00:51:01 Something that they did over and over and over again in the 19.
00:51:04 Always constantly ******** on this. Leave it to Beaver. Pass that no one would ever get to taste.
00:51:11 'Cause, they had already dismantled it.
00:51:19 On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me.Jewy Dad
00:51:23 Hey, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Come on, hang some tinsel.Tranny
00:51:29 Dad, I hate it when you call me that.Devon Stack
00:51:41 You like how the father had, like, the Jewish the Jewiest accent.00:51:46 Hey, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
00:51:47 Yeah. Hey.
00:51:49 Oh, hey, you're not sweet.
00:51:52 I was like, yeah, that doesn't sound.
00:51:54 At all.
00:51:56 There's.
00:51:57 So many Jews in this Christmas film, I wonder why.
00:52:02 Wonder why that is.
00:52:04 Oh.
00:52:06 Kind of.
00:52:06 This is the why aren't Christians making degenerate Hanukkah movies? They really should.
00:52:12 They really should.
00:52:16 So he leaves this.
00:52:18 You know, these are the bad people in this movie.
00:52:21 You know it's.
00:52:22 Bad to have your family over.
00:52:26 Having a good time singing Christmas songs with the kids eating popcorn.
00:52:34 No, the good. The good one in this story is the ****** dressed like a prostitute.
00:52:47 So then you get the you come to discover that this woman that works at the hotline who is dead inside because she's aging. And this was. This is funny because this really kind of shows you.
00:53:05 How far they have been able?
00:53:07 Move these norms.
00:53:10 In 1994.
00:53:12 They could still portray women.
00:53:15 As as being worried about hitting the wall and being alone forever and and really having the only thing they had to show for it.
00:53:23 Their career.
00:53:25 This was something that was understood.
00:53:28 This is something that they.
00:53:30 They.
00:53:31 They could portray the fact that she doesn't have a family because at the time in the 90s that what the selling point wasn't.
00:53:38 Don't need a family.
00:53:39 The selling point was you can do both.
00:53:42 You can do both.
00:53:45 You can be this career woman and still have a family because in the 1990s, women still wanted to have a family. They still wanted to have a husband.
00:53:55 They still wanted to have a father of their children.
00:53:58 They still wanted to have kids.
00:54:00 It was a normal instinct.
00:54:04 So even though they're portraying hers, is kind of depressed or whatever. It's interesting that the, you know, his degenerate as this movie is.
00:54:14 The source of her discomfort.
00:54:16 The source of her sadness is the fact that she isn't married and doesn't have children.
00:54:22 And she's eternally pining after Steve Martin's character.
00:54:27 Who doesn't know that? She's she's into him because he's so distracted by by trying to run this suicide hotline.
00:54:41 Lifesavers. Hello, I'm so upset.00:54:44 I'm.
00:54:45 I was in the supermarket and everyone was buying big turkeys and I was standing in the 10 items and underline with a boneless chicken breast. I know.
00:54:53 I.
00:54:55 I suddenly realized I was going to be in the 10 items and underline the rest of my life.
Steve Martin
00:55:11 Catherine, what's wrong?00:55:15 Let me handle this.
00:55:19 May I help you?
00:55:21 Yeah, should be right.
00:55:22 Just so sympathetic.
00:55:23 May I put you?
00:55:24 On hold while I run to my desk.
00:55:26 You're not calling from a bridge or holding a weapon.
00:55:28 No.00:55:39 Catherine O'Shaughnessy get ahold yourself.
00:55:41 Okay so the only person you got is from your mother.
00:55:45 So you have nothing to do.
00:55:46 On New Year's for the 10th.
00:55:48 Here you're very lucky.
00:55:50 You have a wonderful job and you have a wonderful job.
00:55:54 So there so there.
Devon Stack
00:56:03 See, she's a loser.00:56:07 But you see, it's movies like this that that kind of made it sound like all these kinds of people.
00:56:12 Losers. But it's actually not so bad.
00:56:15 Things work out for people like this.
00:56:19 Just thought I was really interesting that they they decided to go this direction. This would be insane that a that.
00:56:24 Be that would. That's like a conservative character now, because that's how little we've conserved.
00:56:34 Anyway, so she's depressed because she doesn't have a.
00:56:38 She doesn't have a family, and all she has is a job.
00:56:43 Then there's some shenanigans that take.
00:56:45 It's again, like I said, it's kind of.
00:56:47 Hot mess?
00:56:48 Rob Reiner makes an appearance he plays.
00:56:53 A vet veterinary veterinarian that that has to go see the the Santa Claus guy 'cause he gets.
00:57:01 It's ******* ********.
00:57:03 Really matter.
00:57:06 And then the ****** shows up.
00:57:08 ****** that called up.
00:57:12 And asked to to visit with them because he was having a meltdown shows up.
00:57:19 At the hotline place while Steve Martin's away.
00:57:23 And the woman that works there.
00:57:25 Pregnant.
00:57:26 The single mom.
00:57:27 Well, quasi single mom.
00:57:31 Is of course very sympathetic, isn't shocked.
00:57:35 By the presence of a ******, something that would be highly unusual in 1994, something that was still mocked by leftist movies and by leftist audiences for that matter.
00:57:48 This was not something that was accepted.
00:57:51 In until the late 90s, when you started to have movies like.
00:57:57 Like Mrs. Doubtfire, I would say it was kind of the one of the first dominoes to fall when it comes to ****** ****.
00:58:06 Steve Martin is an example of this kind of behavior. While he is kind of a lefty and and wants to help all people, even the losers of the world.
00:58:17 Is uncomfortable around the ******, but he is normalizing the behavior by in the same way that you would have 80s and 90s sitcom movies.
00:58:28 Or sitcom shows.
00:58:31 Featuring a gay character, you would have the straight.
00:58:34 Maybe grossed out or weirded out by the presence of the gay person, but ultimately they would accept them because the IT would be weird for the audience if the actors were not responding to the presence of the gay character.
00:58:50 In with with some form of revulsion because they themselves went in those moments when they encountered gay people.
00:58:58 In the 90s would have a sense of revulsion.
00:59:02 So it would.
00:59:04 Really weird. To the extent it would take you out of it, would it?
00:59:08 It would.
00:59:09 It would cancel the suspension of your of your disbelief if the characters were just nonchalant about a gay character at least.
00:59:17 In the early 90s and in the.
00:59:20 As you get in the late 90s, you know with Allen and all those things.
00:59:23 We've covered before.
00:59:25 Then all of a sudden, you know it gets less and less weird.
00:59:28 First lesbians.
00:59:30 1st, it's lesbians, and then you.
00:59:32 Gay people are are suddenly fine once you have will and grace kind of normalizing that stuff.
00:59:39 So Steve Martin is is kind of weird around the ******, doesn't know how to react, but at the same time.
00:59:47 He values losers and neurotic people.
00:59:55 My voice puts you off, doesn't it?Steve Martin
00:59:59 Not at all.Tranny
01:00:00 It doesn't suit me.01:00:02 In that sense, I am exactly like Kissinger.
01:00:05 Henry Kissinger, haven't you noticed he has this odd little nasal voice in a pompous fat body? Must upset the Russians terribly. I met him once.
Steve Martin
01:00:15 How fascinating.Tranny
01:00:20 Not that he would Remember Me.01:00:23 No one does.
Steve Martin
01:00:25 I'm sure that's not true.Tranny
01:00:29 Thank you.01:00:31 You're very kind.
Porn Jew
01:00:34 FAGGOTSDevon Stack
01:00:36 So again, it's OK for him to be squirming and weird at first.01:00:41 He'll get used to it.
01:00:42 Warm up to.
01:00:43 Don't. Don't you worry, 'cause. The audience would be supremely grossed out and weirded out by this because this is before people like this actor were parading around their trans kids for the whole world to see and normalizing that **** decades later.
01:01:00 So Steve Martin, his character talks about how you don't need to worry about being different.
01:01:09 Don't have to.
01:01:09 About what people think about you.
01:01:13 You should just be yourself.
01:01:16 Another message that was hammered at home in the 80s and 90s.
01:01:21 This hyper individualism that we're all victims of today and still permeates throughout, even people on the right, like I said.
01:01:28 People on the right, they're like, oh, don't worry that he thinks the world's flat. Then he's just being quirky or funny.
01:01:34 Worry that he's a schizophrenic ******* mess screaming at the moon.
01:01:38 He's just, you know, he's just a little flavor to the personality. That's all it is.
01:01:46 That's all it is.
01:01:49 You should be.
01:01:51 Tolerant.
01:01:53 Of these abnormalities.
01:01:58 That's always worked out for us, hasn't it?
01:02:01 No such thing as a slippery slope, am I right?
01:02:07 Tolerant.
01:02:10 Devin, why aren't you tolerant?
01:02:12 Should be.
01:02:14 Come on, God be tolerant.
01:02:18 Little spice of life are.
01:02:19 Going to be tolerant.
01:02:24 So Steve Martin becomes tolerant.
01:02:29 He decides he needs to own up to what he's got to.
01:02:31 His money, where his mouth is.
01:02:34 He can't be freaked out and grossed out by the ******.
01:02:37 But then also tell the ****** that it doesn't matter what other people think and that people need to be tolerant.
01:02:43 He decides to embrace.
01:02:45 This interaction.
01:02:48 And dance with the ******.
01:02:52 And there's this super cringe, revolting. Really, scene.
01:02:59 Dancing with the ******. The length of the scene.
01:03:03 Again.
01:03:05 Meant to simultaneously wear you down while occasionally showing.
01:03:11 Steve Martin in an uncomfortable position, realizing that he's dancing with a man and his uncomfortable by that fact. But then?
01:03:21 Loses himself in the dance.
01:03:22 That's what they want the audience to to do as.
01:03:25 They want the audience to watch this scene of them dancing, be grossed out by the fact that because you can't get around that grossed out by the fact that they're watching these two men dance.
01:03:36 But then eventually get over it, maybe find some some funny in it.
01:03:43 Eventually, Steve Martin accidentally.
01:03:47 Yells at thee the ****** and ****** the ****** off.
01:03:52 Much of other nonsense happens that doesn't.
01:03:54 Again, it's like there's a whole lot of nonsense.
01:03:58 We we have some of the other characters come back to the home.
01:04:03 You've got the pregnant woman.
01:04:06 Who's?
01:04:07 She's a kind of a psycho.
01:04:08 She's always pushing around this this stroller without a kit in it, but full of weird.
01:04:14 Almost like she's a homeless bag lady. You see a very another Jew, a very young Adam Sandler.
01:04:22 Very young Adam Sandler playing a ukulele.
01:04:25 Fresh off the the set of a Sarah live he basically plays.
01:04:31 Yeah, it's. It's like he's a Saturday Night Live character.
01:04:34 Not.
01:04:34 You know.
01:04:35 Not a lot of range coming from Adam Sandler.
01:04:38 Just say.
01:04:39 Especially back then it's he's his acting abilities have since, you know, since this movie came out, have.
01:04:47 Have increased 'cause. This was a it was.
01:04:50 It was hard to watch just how.
01:04:52 How so?
01:04:53 You want about the other about the movie itself and the other characters and just everything else.
01:04:58 At least they're professional actors.
01:05:01 And his acting was just like, why is he here?
01:05:03 Oh yeah, 'cause he's Jewish.
01:05:06 So Adam Sandler is in there playing ukulele. The woman that's in love with Steve Martin has gone to a dress shop and is now wearing a a night or an evening gown or, I don't know, whatever this is.
01:05:22 And is now suddenly noticed by Steve Martin's character as a possible love interest. Because she's not just wearing the frumpy cat lady clothes that she's usually wearing.
01:05:34 But then the the unemployed artist, Santa Claus loser.
01:05:39 Because he's.
01:05:42 Hopped up on animal tranquilizers because of some that scene with Rob Reiner that again, I'd skipped over 'cause. It's too much nonsense.
01:05:53 Shows up and is mad because.
01:05:56 His woman is is not going to or doesn't accept the fact that he's unemployed, loser and wants him to get a job.
01:06:06 This cascades into, you know, this crazy. It's a madness. Saying the ****** saves the day, sort of by hitting him with his purse and get shot in the foot.
01:06:20 And and then you get this madness to give you an idea like this, the pace at which this scene is moving that I'm about to play.
01:06:30 Is well until it gets real slow toward the second-half of the.
01:06:34 But the first half of this scene, the pace is just. It's basically the pace of the entire movie.
01:06:40 That's why we're not going over it and we're skipping over a whole bunch of it because just like constant constant, constant constant constant.
01:06:47 It's just folly after folly, after folly, after folly, with a lot of you know, physical comedy mixed in with it.
01:06:53 It's it's. It's folly.
01:06:55 Sometimes actual fall.
01:06:58 Folly, folly, folly.
01:07:00 Stop putting that gun at me.Steve Martin
01:07:03 Felix.Catherine
01:07:03 We have to stop playing with guns now.Steve Martin
01:07:05 Don't just take it.Catherine
01:07:06 You have to empty it.Pregnant Woman
01:07:18 I get about it.01:07:20 Us from him.
Steve Martin
01:07:50 I.Devon Stack
01:07:54 So she is accidentally murdered the landlord.01:07:59 The landlord that was going to evict them.
01:08:03 Again, you saw their interactions where they were very chaotic, yelling at each other and crazy.
01:08:08 Just how that every scene is basically that it's just constant madness, constant chaos.
01:08:15 They're not sure what to do about this.
01:08:18 They need to hide his body or call the police.
01:08:23 Before they can really make a decision.
01:08:26 The woman in the red dress.
01:08:29 Starts to.
01:08:29 Out.
01:08:30 Steve Martin carries her off into the bathroom and they end up having sex in the bathroom meanwhile.
01:08:38 Bye.
01:08:39 Adam Sandler's characters character becomes enamored with the the ******.
01:08:45 And starts serenading the ******.
01:08:48 Further normalizing the the idea that these people are are to be at minimum tolerated and at maximum, maybe even romantically engaged.
01:09:02 So meanwhile, while Adam Sandler is trying to bang a ****** and Steve Martin is banging the cat lady.
01:09:10 The Psycho Santa Claus and his baby Mama come up with a harebrained scheme to hide the body of the dead Jew dressed as a wasp in a Christmas tree and carry him out into the.
01:09:25 Out to the beach to dump the body to get him out of the the office.
01:09:32 As they do this, you start to see that the pregnant woman is slowly morphing into a character that looks very similar to the Virgin Mary and your gears start turning like Geo. Wonder what they're going to do with this.
01:09:47 Have a pregnant woman on Christmas Eve who's you know who now who has just murdered a Jew?
01:09:56 Who is now starting to look out of left field like Virgin Mary the way she's depicted in in art.
01:10:06 They get out to the the boardwalk, I guess to go dump the body and before they can dump the body they encounter.
01:10:17 Jon Liebowitz, it's easier to tell that it's him here on the right there with Parker Posey, the evil perfectionist, roller bladers who smash into them.
01:10:30 And that's when everyone notices.
01:10:33 There is a body hidden in the in the tree and the cop show up.
01:10:38 Again, it's all very ridiculous. Everything about this movie, it's, you know, just nonsense.
01:10:43 Nonsense.
01:10:46 They start to arrest the Santa Claus guy because he's an ex-con, but then his Virgin Mary baby Mama pulls out the gun and says, actually, I did it. The Santa Claus character climbs up onto a building.
01:11:02 And says he's going to commit suicide.
01:11:04 But then Steve Martin gets his Christmas wish by talking him down and saving his life and proving that yes, he actually is good at saving suicidal people.
01:11:17 And then while they're all waiting for the police to take him down to the station, and because there is no point to this movie at all, there's no actual way to get out of this situation without being ridiculous.
01:11:29 The cops find the bag of.
01:11:32 Garry Shandling, the the landlord, and discover that he's actually a serial killer that's been wanted.
01:11:39 And so it's OK that she murdered him on accident. Because he's a serial killer. That the cops were looking for.
01:11:45 And not only that, they're going to give her a quarter of $1,000,000 because there's an award for the capture and and they say this counts.
01:11:54 And so everyone's excited and she's going to pay for the the suicide hotline not being shut down and whatever. And then, of course, she goes into labor and deprove your theory that you had when you saw her dressed as the Virgin Mary, correct.
01:12:10 She then.
01:12:13 Under the Christmas tree in a nativity scene.
01:12:16 And that is the movie.
01:12:20 That is the film.
01:12:22 All these quirky, crazy people, everything works out exactly perfect for them.
01:12:28 All the people that were normal.
01:12:31 Everything works out ****** for them.
01:12:37 And this is just one of many movies.
01:12:41 You know, there's lots of movies in the 90s that were the big like, for example, Benny and June.
01:12:47 You know, hey, look, be the crazy girl that that walks around the the town square again.
01:12:52 Movie. That's it's white.
01:12:54 It's this small town, white America.
01:12:58 Where everyone in the town has to put up with this psycho ***** that walks around with a ******* ping pong paddle and a in scuba gear because she's quirky and funny.
01:13:10 And that's why Johnny Depp, who's also kind of a weird autistic kid that can't read.
01:13:15 That's why they make a great couple.
01:13:17 It's it's. Oh, it's awesome.
01:13:20 It's a great way.
01:13:21 It's a wonderful love story.
01:13:23 Another Johnny Depp movie that would be like this from the same era would be Edward Scissorhands, right?
01:13:28 Oh, look, he's different. He's different.
01:13:31 Weird and different.
01:13:32 Likes it.
01:13:36 You can say like, well, what's wrong with?
01:13:38 You know, it seems like white culture has always had stories like this, right, like the ugly duckling.
01:13:46 You know, we always.
01:13:48 We've always had lore where it's OK to be different. It's OK to be different.
01:13:55 The ugly.
01:13:56 You're the odd man out.
01:13:57 And then eventually, you know, you turn into a swan.
01:14:03 That's that's the problem.
01:14:05 That's not exactly how these these stories have been re imagined, if you will, in the modern era, the ugly duckling wasn't about being different is OK.
01:14:16 The Ugly duckling was about a swan.
01:14:19 A baby swan that was mistaken as a a duckling, and for some reason, because they didn't look.
01:14:26 The ducks.
01:14:27 The Ducks thought the swan was ugly until it grew up.
01:14:33 Ended up growing up and becoming a beautiful swan.
01:14:38 It didn't stay ugly.
01:14:39 And that was somehow the. There's something virtuous about staying.
01:14:44 It grew up and became a swan. You know, the modern version, Shrek.
01:14:49 It's the exact opposite, right?
01:14:53 In Shrek?
01:14:55 He doesn't become.
01:14:56 In fact, there's in the Shrek, I don't know.
01:15:00 Did a stream of this at one point.
01:15:03 The Princess.
01:15:05 That he saves decides to stay ugly like Shrek wants to be an ugly troll and not a beautiful Princess.
01:15:15 Because the virtue was in being ugly.
01:15:18 The virtue was in being the weird monster.
01:15:24 Rather than turning Shrek into a beautiful Prince.
01:15:28 To be with the beautiful Princess.
01:15:31 And to be this beautiful couple with a beautiful family.
01:15:35 Now they decided to be ugly monsters with ugly monster babies in the swamp.
01:15:42 Because that was what was virtuous.
01:15:47 The other problem with this kind of fiction.
01:15:52 It appeals to a lot of people.
01:15:55 And it's not entirely.
01:15:57 Genetic in a way.
01:15:58 In a way that it was used for thousands of years before mass media.
01:16:05 If you had a character who was neurotic.
01:16:09 A character who was was.
01:16:13 Eccentric.
01:16:15 Well, first of all, oftentimes in classical literature, there was always a a consequence.
01:16:23 A negative consequence to their neuroticism.
01:16:26 Right.
01:16:28 There was always some kind of of fatal flaw, in fact, that was kind of the IT was teaching you a lesson. You know, that it might make them interesting. These characters that have these, these quirks about them because it makes them unpredictable.
01:16:45 Makes them unpredictable and maybe you can see part of yourself in them.
01:16:50 And in this, in this moment of reading this book.
01:16:54 You can relate to these characters, and it might even be a healthy outlet.
01:16:59 For you, because it's a way for you to experience vicariously the neuroticism and the excitation of this character. This fictional character in a in a world of imagination.
01:17:14 Outside the real world, where you exist 99.9% of your time.
01:17:20 In a way that doesn't actually have the same kinds of consequences than it would if you try to indulge in Eroticism while you were out in public.
01:17:31 And so.
01:17:31 A way it maybe it was like a neurotic pressure valve that you could turn on when you read these books featuring these neurotic characters.
01:17:39 But it was in small doses.
01:17:42 At a time.
01:17:45 When people were not experiencing the fictional world more often, they were experiencing the real world.
01:17:52 I would argue that that is not the case today.
01:17:56 It used to be that you didn't have access to. I mean, you certainly didn't have access to any movies.
01:18:03 Go 100 years ago.
01:18:05 100 years ago your your experience with neurotic fictional characters is very limited.
01:18:12 How many books a a year do you think the average white American or European?
01:18:19 How many books a year do they read?
01:18:21 How many fictional neurotic characters in a year do they?
01:18:25 They read about or hear.
01:18:27 Maybe in in folklore, whether a wasn't a consequence either.
01:18:33 A consequence to their neuroticism? Or.
01:18:37 A positive consequence to their neuroticism.
01:18:41 Right. Usually you know again in today's world, in today's fiction, they're being.
01:18:46 For it.
01:18:48 They're being rewarded for their eccentricities.
01:18:55 And so not only is your exposure very limited, just like 100 years ago, which isn't that long ago in terms of how people's evolve.
01:19:07 Have very little access to these ideas that, oh, look, it's a weirdo.
01:19:12 It's a ******* weirdo and everything works out great for them.
01:19:16 That never happens in real life. In your day-to-day real life and your experience in the public with your community that never ******* happens.
01:19:24 Or, very rarely, ******* happens.
01:19:27 And in the fiction that you read, they very rarely ******* happens, and you're not reading a whole lot of.
01:19:34 A very small percentage of the of the public is even even has access to fiction, and when they do, there's a moral to the story that does not.
01:19:43 Being weird is good.
01:19:47 So you go from that.
01:19:49 To a situation that we have today.
01:19:54 Where people are bombarded.
01:19:57 By this idea.
01:20:00 They're binge watching entire seasons.
01:20:04 About characters where.
01:20:05 Being weird is great, and they're all.
01:20:08 For it.
01:20:10 They're surrounded by it.
01:20:11 It's not just oh, I read a book once a year. It's you read the equivalent of a book, maybe once every other day where this happens.
01:20:22 The amount of of media people the average person person is consuming and what.
01:20:28 If you think about children.
01:20:33 Children whose parents increasingly rely on media to babysit their kids to raise their kids, to instill morals in their kids in households that don't have any kind of religious.
01:20:47 Influence don't have any kind of value system with any kind of structure or community attached to it.
01:20:55 Well.
01:20:57 Where are they getting that from?
01:21:01 They're getting that from fiction.
01:21:04 These children are watching the.
01:21:06 That's their community. The other kids watching the same fiction with the same characters that they can all bond about that, right?
01:21:18 They're not bonding about.
01:21:21 You know, Bible stories or.
01:21:25 Even like esop's fables or anything like that, they're bonding over.
01:21:31 Jewish nonsense.
01:21:37 And it preoccupies the mind well beyond just the experience of of indulging in the the.
01:21:46 Fictional characters in the form of the entertainment that they come in.
01:21:51 In other words, when you are reading books, let's say 100 years ago, about a neurotic character, about a psychotic character, about a weird character who's adding the spice to the life.
01:22:04 I didn't have.
01:22:05 They didn't have figurines or birthday wrapping paper.
01:22:12 We're cartoons and commercials, and and every little thing that you can imagine that you can sell to kids and parents.
01:22:25 So now these children are bombarded, including you and I. We all went through this.
01:22:31 Bombarded with.
01:22:33 These fictional characters, who are quirky and fun.
01:22:37 And they add, they make things interesting.
01:22:41 By the way, is why they're included in fiction. In some instances, it doesn't have to be anything nefarious.
01:22:46 Could just say, well, this is the kind of character that sells fiction.
01:22:50 Because what makes it interesting is it's unpredictable.
01:22:55 If their behavior was predictable, people wouldn't like the characters.
01:22:59 Wouldn't like the fiction.
01:23:00 Wouldn't be.
01:23:01 It would resemble real life too much.
01:23:06 And so just by virtue of wanting to attract more eyeballs, we have to make things unpredictable and strange.
01:23:17 So even if it wasn't nefarious, which I would say that a lot of the Jewish authors of a lot of this fiction of course, were trying to desensitize people.
01:23:26 Who you know from, from the the outsider, the the person who is a little bit different.
01:23:32 Normalize these people because it's not like these things were immediately.
01:23:38 Injected into fiction the moment we had the technology for the motion picture.
01:23:45 Mostly because these ideas took a long time to develop.
01:23:51 If you go back and watch movies from the 1940s and 50s, every once in awhile.
01:23:56 You might get a hint of like the headstrong girl who's a little bit quirky, but it's not the way that.
01:24:02 That a 90s movie would portray a quirky girl.
01:24:07 A.
01:24:07 Quirky girl in a movie in the 1940s or 50s is is maybe a girl who's headstrong and and and maybe is is clever.
01:24:17 And shows up a.
01:24:18 That's just feminism really seeping through.
01:24:24 It's not about her being a weirdo.
01:24:27 In fact, that's actually seen as like a big red flag.
01:24:34 That's actually quite a scary thing.
01:24:37 But just like in this movie where they had to make a woman have a essentially a mental breakdown because she wasn't married and didn't have a family yet.
01:24:48 They had to slow walk it.
01:24:51 They had to slow walk these themes of no.
01:24:54 The quirky outsider, people. The weirdos.
01:24:57 That's what makes life interesting.
01:25:00 Right. Don't you want to be like Benny and June? Ha ha ha.
01:25:04 Look, she's like the perfect girl.
01:25:08 Oh, look, look. The funny little autistic girl with the ping pong paddle and the scuba gear. Oh.
01:25:16 She's so ******* quirky.
01:25:24 When in reality, dating someone like that would be a ******* nightmare.
01:25:29 Be a living hell.
01:25:37 And so when I start to tell people.
01:25:41 That, yes, flat Earthers are just as bad as child molesters.
01:25:47 The people that push this stuff.
01:25:51 They re offend and they spread it just like the people that are child molesters.
01:25:56 When they molested kids, laughter and these kids grow up to be child molesters themselves. The people pushing Flat Earth often spread that virus.
01:26:07 When you say to yourself, oh, it's harmless. Oh, you're just being funny. You're just funny. Being funny being the other. The funny mind virus spreader. Damaging people mentally.
01:26:20 I just being.
01:26:21 Oh, that's just. Oh, that's just him being him. Sometimes Uncle Billy likes to wear a dress.
01:26:26 It's harmless.
01:26:30 This is what you've grown to tolerate.
01:26:34 This is how low you have.
01:26:35 Have lowered that bar.
01:26:39 You've embraced this idea that it's interesting and fun and cool, and not just acceptable, but maybe something to aspire to, to be a weirdo, neurotic psycho.
01:26:51 And then you ask yourself, you look around and you say how?
01:26:54 Everything get so bad.
01:26:58 Oh, indeed.
01:27:01 Now indeed.
01:27:05 How much did you tolerate before it started to to hurt? Too bad.
01:27:13 How close did that lip flame get to your arm while you sat there grinning your teeth?
01:27:24 The arm hair was singing off of your arm.
01:27:34 Before you cried out in pain and said that's ******* hot.
01:27:39 What am I?
01:27:40 Why am I burning my ******* arm?
01:27:47 Was fine when it was only mildly uncomfortable.
01:27:50 Fact it made things interesting.
01:27:53 Oh, what's that little tingly tingle I feel?
01:28:08 There have been study after study after study done.
01:28:12 In media psychology.
01:28:16 Shows that often times, especially when people do not have real world.
01:28:24 People to look like mentors or heroes.
01:28:28 Positive male role models in their own life.
01:28:32 Lot of times these people will cling on to fictional characters and start to emulate them and mimic them.
01:28:40 How often have you known, for example, some Rick and Morty fan that obsessively quotes the show?
01:28:56 Obsessively quotes the show or as constantly comparing themselves.
01:29:03 To fictional characters like Bojack Horseman or you know some other degenerate fictional character.
01:29:20 This is a very new phenomenon.
01:29:26 Like I said 100 years ago.
01:29:28 Maybe maybe you would read about a character not to that degree, but there was eccentric and neurotic.
01:29:35 In a book.
01:29:37 Once a year maximum.
01:29:41 Usually things ended poorly for those characters.
01:29:48 It would be unheard of.
01:29:52 For back then to read a book about some a character like that, where as in the case of of Rick and Morty.
01:30:01 Where the neurotic psycho is rewarded.
01:30:05 For being a neurotic psycho over and over and over and over again.
01:30:11 Reading a book like this every couple of days, having a room decorated with depictions of this character.
01:30:20 Wearing pictures of this character on T-shirts when you go out in public.
01:30:25 Quoting this character to friends who also.
01:30:27 This character.
01:30:32 Now, something that amplifies this.
01:30:35 Is that you can even say.
01:30:40 That if someone got too obsessive about fiction like this.
01:30:45 Then when they walked into the real world.
01:30:49 Is increasingly.
01:30:52 Situation that a lot of these people are not in.
01:30:56 Increasingly, as diversity pours into our nations, people are becoming isolated and losing themselves in these fictional worlds.
01:31:07 But in those moments when they would go out into the real world, interact with real people, and they acted like spurge, quoting psychopaths that they watched on the Internet.
01:31:23 Rick, from Rick and Morty or Owen Benjamin.
01:31:28 To their friends.
01:31:32 Or Flat Earth Dave to their friends.
01:31:34 They would get bullied.
01:31:37 Their friends would say you sound like.
01:31:39 ******* moron.
01:31:41 You sound like a psycho.
01:31:43 Stop. You're not fun to be around when you do this ****.
01:31:48 When you, when you're sitting here quoting psychos from the Internet, it's not.
01:31:53 That's not cool.
01:31:56 You know, this is just neurotic crazy talk.
01:31:59 World's not flat.
01:32:03 Not extra smart because you you you like a joke that with a punchline is quantum physics or string theory.
01:32:16 And they would get bullied into not being such a ******* spurg weirdo.
01:32:22 About these fictional and sometimes not fictional psychos on the Internet.
01:32:32 Well, the problem is of course. Increasingly, these people don't have those.
01:32:37 They replace those interactions with discord servers full of other people who are just as ******* crazy as they are.
01:32:49 That have found solace in in these fictional characters.
01:32:59 Who also fill their room up with Funko Pops.
01:33:03 Another weirdo ****.
01:33:06 We constantly reminding them and reinforcing them of the presence of this fictional Psycho.
01:33:15 That way they can recite.
01:33:17 At each other all day long.
01:33:21 On the Internet.
01:33:23 And get this false sense that this is normal.
01:33:31 Further amplifying their psychosis.
01:33:38 This is a relatively new thing.
01:33:42 Talking just decades.
01:33:47 Want to know why people in the West are ******* crazy?
01:33:52 And they're tolerant of of the crazies.
01:33:56 Even the ones who aren't have taken it to the level of being the crazy themselves.
01:34:04 The people who are upset by the craziness are still tolerant of the crazy.
01:34:10 Who still think it's it's harmless.
01:34:14 In small doses because they have been taking doses of that poison themselves.
01:34:23 Just small doses.
01:34:30 And what they don't realize is just like, not everyone can hold their liquor.
01:34:39 Not everyone can keep.
01:34:41 That.
01:34:42 Psycho.
01:34:46 Cordoned off.
01:34:50 The real world.
01:34:58 And so, yes, the people that push fantasy.
01:35:02 As if it's reality.
01:35:05 Just as bad as ****** child molesters, and they're damaging our people in the same exact ******* way.
01:35:20 Filling people's heads with nonsense.
01:35:27 And making them feel like they're special and part of some kind of ******* bear club.
01:35:33 In some instances.
01:35:37 If they believe the nonsense you belong here in our nonsense club.
01:35:54 So that's the problem.
01:35:55 That's the problem that we've got going on right now. You have a lot of ******* people.
01:36:01 Who are?
01:36:03 Totally. OK.
01:36:06 With.
01:36:07 Acting psycho because unlike 100 years ago, they're surrounded by fictional characters.
01:36:15 Acting psycho and being rewarded for it.
01:36:18 And you really saw this kind of blossom in the 90s going into the 2000s, and it just, you know it.
01:36:24 It's just amplifying, right?
01:36:26 More and more, this is just what it is.
01:36:31 This is just what it is.
01:36:36 And I think that was a good example of one of these instances. So anyway.
01:36:41 That's just. It's what came to mind when I when I was getting pushed back, when I was, when I was, when I discovered there were people.
01:36:51 Who?
01:36:51 Who would excuse this kind of behavior?
01:36:53 They didn't get.
01:36:54 I don't think they get it.
01:36:55 They don't understand the danger.
01:36:56 Don't.
01:36:56 They're the people who didn't understand the slippery slope when they were they were finally, they said, yeah, OK, let him get married. Let the **** get married.
01:37:08 Why not let the **** get married?
01:37:11 The worst thing that could happen.
01:37:13 Because they imagine that's where it would stop.
01:37:17 That's where the nonsense would stop.
01:37:26 Never stops.
01:37:30 Never stops.
01:37:33 The natural state of things is chaos.
01:37:43 The only way to stop everything from breaking down and disintegrating it or disintegrating is to always be fighting against the chaos.
01:37:57 If you see a leak spring in the in the.
01:38:00 And you ignore it.
01:38:04 Will eventually get bigger.
01:38:08 You.
01:38:08 Maybe prioritize it and say, well, this leak.
01:38:11 Here is a lot.
01:38:12 I'm I need to fix this first but.
01:38:15 It doesn't stop the process and doesn't stop the other cancer from spreading.
01:38:22 It continues on.
01:38:26 Anyway.
01:38:29 That's.
01:38:30 That's my evaluation of the quirky Christmas.
01:38:36 Quirky Christmas.
01:38:40 I got a little bit shorter tonight. Not not the big three hour long thing.
01:38:45 I'm doing a lot of spin at Christmas.
01:38:46 Doing a lot of Christmassy stuff.
01:38:48 I still don't know if I can stream on Christmas Eve or Christmas I'm working on.
01:38:54 Trying to like it's I have family things that we're doing and it's like.
01:38:59 Not a lot of. There's not a lot of concrete plans when it surprise.
01:39:04 When it comes to my family and so.
01:39:06 Lot of.
01:39:07 Are still up in the air and I'm, you know, I don't know where I have to be at what time.
01:39:11 It's. I'm kind of just winging.
01:39:13 And but as soon as I know.
01:39:16 I'll, you know, provided I can fulfill my family obligations and and still do a stream, I'd like to do it.
01:39:24 I like doing the holiday ones.
01:39:26 I was on I hypocrites holiday stream earlier.
01:39:31 Morning.
01:39:34 Lot of interesting people.
01:39:36 It was kind of funny.
01:39:38 There was.
01:39:41 I mean, I get.
01:39:41 But Keith Woods popped on, like while while Gypsy crusader was.
01:39:49 I think we were on YouTube, which was which made it even funnier was.
01:39:54 Well-being gypsy crusader.
01:39:57 The no filter and you know, he quietly popped off the street.
01:40:05 After like the third N bomb.
01:40:09 What's?
01:40:11 But yeah, it was a it was interesting.
01:40:15 There was a lot of people on there, so I popped on there.
01:40:20 I might be on some other streams this week.
01:40:22 I'm not sure that there's some other things up in the air, but.
01:40:28 But yeah, that's that's what I did today.
01:40:31 Earlier today, if you're interested in checking that out, I don't.
01:40:34 I wonder if he took it down.
01:40:35 Don't.
01:40:35 He might have taken it.
01:40:37 I can't imagine him keeping it up on YouTube if if it's still up, it's probably not on YouTube, I would guess.
01:40:43 But you know, I guess it's still possible.
01:40:47 Anyway, let's take a look at.
01:40:51 An hyper chats. Pop this out.
01:40:58 Wow, you guys have been.
01:41:00 Apparently you guys are the Christmas spirit.
01:41:03 I appreciate that Zazi, mctaggot.
01:41:06 Merry Christmas. Happy jewel. My cult. Not a militia for tax and legal reasons. And I are having a party on Christmas Eve.
01:41:15 All are welcome drinks provided.
01:41:19 Just go to.
01:41:19 And then there's some coordinates. If you want to check out.
01:41:24 The coordinates there, or maybe should I read the coordinates? I guess I'll read the I don't know how great this is to go to.
01:41:33 This is. You're totally on your own. If you do this.
01:41:37 I'll I'll go and read.
01:41:38 It's. Yeah, I'll have the robot read it.
01:41:41 About that.
01:41:41 So I'm off the hook. The robot will tell you.
Text to speech
01:41:48 N 463808 W 89211.01:41:52 8.
Devon Stack
01:41:53 There you go.01:41:55 And there's there's other instructions there.
01:42:01 I don't know how realistic that is.
01:42:05 But also says what is the most durable?
01:42:09 You have ever got for durable. That's an odd description. Got for Christmas, one that has lasted the longest. Or perhaps one that has given a long lasting gift. I gave someone a cast iron pan.
01:42:23 I'm sure it will last them.
01:42:25 Thanks for the show.
01:42:25 I hope you have a nice one this year.
01:42:27 That's.
01:42:28 Cast iron Pan will last a lifetime and beyond. If you take care of it.
01:42:38 I don't know. You know, I.
01:42:43 I'll be honest, I haven't received a lot of Christmas presents in the last several decades.
01:42:49 Well, I was a kid. I did.
01:42:51 Well, not several.
01:42:52 That makes me sell like a million years old.
01:42:56 When I the second I got to the house.
01:42:59 That was really like in in many ways my last real traditional Christmas where I got gifts and stuff because.
01:43:08 I purposely in order to move up in the corporate ladder in the place you know or what you know, wherever I was working, I would be the guy that would work on Christmas. And I often work jobs where they were open on Christmas, like when I worked on.
01:43:21 You know, for example, there's TV on Christmas, so people got to be there, but no one wants to be there.
01:43:26 So you get like holiday pay and plus you really get, you know, you're the go getter that would work on Christmas.
01:43:32 And when I was a contractor, it was great 'cause. I knew that for like a few weeks sometimes I wouldn't hear from clients and you get so much done.
01:43:41 And then ask for forgiveness instead of permission on a lot of your projects, right? So.
01:43:47 You know, you'd get this project before Christmas and then try to get it as much done as.
01:43:51 So by the time they they emailed you after the new year, you could be like look, it's already done.
01:43:56 And.
01:43:56 Then they couldn't really tell you what they didn't like about it because it was already done.
01:44:00 So I I worked a lot of the time and didn't really.
01:44:03 The Christmas thing.
01:44:06 For as I got older I I started when I could spend it with family and stuff and then.
01:44:15 You know, in terms of having a significant other around Christmas?
01:44:18 It would always workout that for some reason either we would break up before the holidays or.
01:44:26 It'd be on again, off again and that would be the off again.
01:44:29 Or it would be they were doing family Christmas night.
01:44:36 Kennedy would rather work, you know.
01:44:39 Think of their family Christmas.
01:44:42 So I just, you know this year will, like I said, this year I'm going.
01:44:46 Be spending it with.
01:44:47 So that'll be different a little bit.
01:44:51 But I told everyone not to get me anything, so it's. I don't know.
01:44:55 I I'm trying to think about the last Christmas gift. I even got really.
01:45:00 I mean beyond, just like, you know, like a normal. Like, if you work someplace, you know, here's some here's a blanket with the company name on it.
01:45:10 I don't.
01:45:11 I I I'm really having a hard time.
01:45:14 Obviously.
01:45:15 Nothing that durable I I don't think I have anything today that.
01:45:19 That I received as a Christmas present.
01:45:22 Which is fine.
01:45:24 But yeah, stuff like stuff like. I guess that's something to think about when you get someone something, right?
01:45:29 Cast iron pans, always a good one. If you think they're gonna use.
01:45:33 For someone who likes to camp, it's heavy as ****, so not if they like to backpack in.
01:45:39 But.
01:45:40 You know, if they're a car camper, that's that's a perfect gift, I guess.
01:45:45 Let's see here.
01:45:48 Luca Luca with a big dono.
Money Clip
01:45:52 Show.01:45:53 Today, we'll be reading the best Christmas Eve.
01:45:55 I started.
Devon Stack
01:45:58 The magic *****.Money Clip
01:46:00 They are pure.Devon Stack
01:46:06 What?Money Clip
01:46:09 Where did the show men go?01:46:15 Yeah.
01:46:19 Hey.
01:46:24 Ever. All right.
Devon Stack
01:46:28 Luke at Merry Christmas and a Blessed Yule to you and yours, Devin and everyone in chat.01:46:32 There you go.
01:46:33 Thank you very much.
01:46:35 Appreciate.
01:46:36 And yeah, I hope everyone out there is having a good Christmas or you'll.
01:46:44 Jessie Poe holiday. Thanks for an incredible year, brother.
01:46:48 Hope you have a good 2025.
01:46:50 I appreciate that.
01:46:52 Corn pop. The bad dude.
01:46:54 Need an idea to meet B PS in your area.
01:46:58 One do your best to put out black pill logo on drinking cup.
01:47:02 Visit local European churches, no matter what the denomination.
01:47:06 Hold the cup in prominent position to be noticed while walking through the crowd.
01:47:10 Scan the room and see if you meet any bulging eyeballs.
01:47:15 Maybe I should sell a mug.
01:47:17 Maybe or one of those like coffee cups?
01:47:21 So you could do something like that, or actually make a Flat Earth app you know, like here's the that's The funny thing is the App Store would shut that **** down.
01:47:31 Right. Makes you wonder who's allowed to have apps in the App Store.
01:47:36 Weird. Weird that they allow that.
01:47:40 But yeah, I guess that's I I I don't know.
01:47:44 There enough people to where you think that would even work.
01:47:48 I don't know. Maybe it would.
01:47:50 Maybe it would.
01:47:53 Rock paladin.
01:48:05 I.
01:48:07 Rock Paladin says Merry Christmas to Devon and.
01:48:10 Are you considering doing anything with the downfall of Assad?
01:48:14 I know it's not really relevant to us, but a wider view of US foreign policy in the Middle East and the role of Israel or of Israel.
01:48:23 Has played.
01:48:24 In the policy might make for interesting string things.
01:48:28 I maybe once we get more of the facts in, it's still somewhat the fog of war.
01:48:35 And there's different theories about who's behind.
01:48:38 It's increasingly obvious that the new administration is going to be pro Western.
01:48:43 And is going to educate their women and have diplomatic relations with Israel and, you know.
01:48:50 And and is allowing Israel for whatever reason. You know whatever reason to acquire more of their their territory.
01:48:59 Which is an odd thing to be totally fine with I guess.
01:49:04 So yeah, I, you know, I think I think a lot of people can imagine who could be behind this totally organic uprising that took place in Syria. But all the same, I'd rather.
01:49:18 I think we have fatter fish to fry, and I'd rather wait and see.
01:49:23 What? What? You know, let some of the dust settle before we we get into that. Or at least for me. I mean, look, maybe I'm sure there are people that want.
01:49:31 Has to be people that that actually know what the Hell's going on?
01:49:33 Just not one of them.
01:49:35 And don't have access to them. So a lot of what I would be talking about would just be kind of umm.
01:49:43 Theory and not.
01:49:44 Probably not even that great of a theory, because that's not my expertise.
01:49:49 Hammerhead cow.
01:49:51 I'll say it again. One thing I hate about Christmas is the disgusting, maudlin puss music that you hear everywhere, every, or even the music. All right.
01:50:02 The rare stuff that isn't made by Jews.
01:50:06 Is pretty.
01:50:06 Otherwise, Christmas is really nice.
01:50:08 Christmas maudlin puss.
01:50:11 What's the maudlin puss?
01:50:16 Look, I I'm just being honest.
01:50:17 I actually kind of like Christmas carols. Like I hate.
01:50:21 I hate that the.
01:50:24 Oh, OK.
01:50:26 Oh, that's.
01:50:27 I learned a new.
01:50:28 Look at you expanding my vocabulary.
01:50:30 It it means tearful, easily moved to tears.
01:50:34 Exciting to tears, excessively sentimental, weak and silly.
01:50:38 I don't know.
01:50:39 I and part of its nostalgia, I guess, for when I was a kid having Christmas with my family.
01:50:47 Even the Jewish songs I look, I now know that they're Jewish and I don't seek these songs.
01:50:52 But if I'm in a store, I hear these kinds of, you know, Sinatra, Dean Martin, kind of, you know, the 1950s and 60s.
01:51:02 Christmas songs I'm reminded of. That's the kind of music my mom listened to around Christmas and it reminds me of Christmas with my family and.
01:51:13 You know, it is what it is.
01:51:15 I don't think that that's the music that we should be listening to going forward or in creating those associations in the minds of our children.
01:51:23 But you know.
01:51:27 That said.
01:51:30 They're.
01:51:31 Look, the Jews know how to make songs.
01:51:36 Yeah, look, part of it is they cord the market.
01:51:40 But you can't say.
01:51:43 That they were bad at it. Either you know. I mean, look, there's clearly instances where they're bad at it and it doesn't work out for them even with the the the monopoly that they have.
01:51:55 But you got to admit, you know, and often times they've got guys.
01:52:00 Singing the songs and and you know they make it work.
01:52:06 So I don't know.
01:52:06 I don't know if I agree with that, I would say.
01:52:09 There's some Christmas music that's a little annoying, and I think that I'd want to kill myself.
01:52:15 I remember when I when I worked way back when I was a kid and I'd work in like, you know, like a food service or something like that.
01:52:25 And you had, you know, the the overhead speakers that were playing Christmas music to the lobby is what you would hear.
01:52:32 So you would just be 24 hour or you know, as long as you worked. I was the kind of guy that worked overtime. Like I said during the holidays.
01:52:39 So it seemed like 24/7, you're just hearing.
01:52:42 Yeah, all these Christmas songs. And in fact, you're there so long.
01:52:46 You hear the loop.
01:52:48 Like you get to the end of the playlist and and and you're like, oh, no, they played this one.
01:52:51 Means forever for the rest of the day, it's going to be.
01:52:54 Not even going to be a new.
01:52:55 It's going to be a song I've already heard.
01:52:58 I think we had like satellite radio back then and it was just, you know it was commercial satellite radio.
01:53:04 Meaning you know for for businesses.
01:53:06 So, but it was just like this, you know, probably this this focus group tested music that.
01:53:14 Specifically chosen to increase the appetites of of the customers.
01:53:19 Know.
01:53:21 But yeah, I I get it.
01:53:22 But also I I hear.
01:53:23 I don't hear it very often now.
01:53:25 Not surrounded by it.
01:53:29 To the degree that I go out in public, it's I'm not going into.
Money Clip
01:53:34 You.Devon Stack
01:53:35 Know retail stores very often I'm I'm and when I do it's I guess the frequency is is it's it's so infrequent that it it it's not.01:53:45 Doesn't bother.
01:53:46 It doesn't elicit some nostalgia.
01:53:48 I have to admit it.
01:53:51 But I.
01:53:51 It and thank you for the support there.
01:53:55 Pride assassin.
01:53:56 Oh no. Pride assassin, pride assassin.
01:54:01 Pride Assassin, did you did.
01:54:05 Pride assassin.
01:54:10 On Jesus birthday actually it's not.
01:54:15 Not yet.
01:54:19 I can't find the button.
01:54:21 Where's the button?
01:54:24 Yes.
01:54:45 I.
01:54:46 And they say oops, that link is to a podcast doing a rundown of a book called The Money Kings, written by a Jew named naming 19th Century.
01:54:58 Jew naming 19th century Jews who literally open the gates to all those Eastern European Jews who came out here around the turn of the century.
01:55:07 It out working around the pillbox.
01:55:10 Well, I'll tell you what that actually does sound of interest to me, so.
01:55:13 Despite the gate link, I will copy that into my notes.
01:55:19 Umm.
01:55:21 Maybe when I'm?
01:55:24 Weirdly, there's a lot of stuff to catch up on right now, and there's a lot of **** happening.
01:55:30 Despite the Christmas.
01:55:31 But I'll I'll pop that in there.
01:55:35 Let's see.
01:55:36 Oh yeah, they're.
01:55:37 Dodo mo money fodm pogroms.
01:55:43 Money is power.01:55:44 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
01:55:48 Look.Devon Stack
01:55:49 How? Julie this *** is.01:55:56 I.
01:56:06 All right.
01:56:07 Merry.
01:56:08 Thank you as always for your outstanding work.
01:56:11 I appreciate that.
01:56:13 And thank you for the support.
01:56:15 A it Christmas miracle.
01:56:18 Actually it kind of is a Christmas miracle. You guys are being very generous and I appreciate that.
01:56:23 Is.
01:56:26 Makes it all worth it.
01:56:27 It makes it all worth it.
01:56:28 Actually, it makes it worth it.
01:56:29 Just doing it you.
01:56:31 Are. Yeah, you guys are showing up. Really makes it worth it. 'cause. You know why else I'm not doing this to talk to a brick wall?
01:56:40 Frankly, neighborhood.
01:56:41 Which, by the way is I noticed when I was on millennial and actually when I've watched other millennial interviews when you've.
01:56:51 Hyper charred. You know, I think it's hyper chatting into Blanco that uh.
01:56:57 Rose does he'll.
01:56:58 Friendly neighborhood. Something he'll he'll censor out. Fascist which, you know, people might be like. Oh, that's cringe order. I think it's 'cause. He lives in the UK and you can't even. It's that censorious. Where?
01:57:13 I don't know that you can even really, you know, say the the F word.
01:57:20 But I noticed that and I was like really.
01:57:22 I get it.
01:57:24 I'm not.
01:57:25 Made me.
01:57:26 Bad 'cause. When I was on when I was on, I think I said ****** like.
01:57:30 Bunch of times.
01:57:33 Which I was trying to be good. Like I I relatively I was until I I said ****** like a like I think like 4 times when I was annoyed by someone.
01:57:44 I shouldn't let it get under my skin, but.
01:57:49 Yeah, but yeah.
01:57:51 Anyway, you said merry.
01:57:53 Here's a cool little gift for everyone.
01:57:57 George Lincoln Rockwell's White Power Audio book read by the man himself. Courtesy of AI.
01:58:03 You have another.
01:58:04 Well, I'll tell you what. I already played the link thing.
01:58:09 People can check that out if they want.
01:58:11 Lamb Shank denier.
01:58:12 Do an episode on Mitford sisters.
01:58:16 Diana Medford was beautiful and married Oswald Mosley. She and her sister Unity, became fascist. Her fat ugly sister Jessica became a communist. No surprise.
01:58:29 Those aren't those.
01:58:35 Me. Look this up, I feel like.
01:58:41 Has been recommended before.
01:58:47 Arno is this the same people?
01:58:51 These people are British, right?
01:58:58 Were they American and they moved?
01:58:59 I don't know.
01:59:00 I'll have to.
01:59:01 I feel like someone has recommended that before.
01:59:05 It might already be in my notes, but I'll add it all the same.
01:59:10 It sounds familiar though.
01:59:13 Funny how that works out, right?
01:59:15 Funny how the.
01:59:17 The dysgenic communists.
01:59:19 Yeah, that seems to be a running theme.
01:59:24 In fact, I bet those are the people who are also most attracted to.
01:59:29 These these fictional neurotic characters that never are punished for their neuroticism because they want to.
01:59:37 They don't want to think.
01:59:39 Perhaps the bad things in their life are a product of their neuroticism.
01:59:45 Mr. Charlie.
01:59:47 Merry Christmas, Devon, and thank you for all that you do.
01:59:50 Bless it is our savior, Jesus Christ.
01:59:53 Please remember that a lot of Christians are based and many if not most Christians are not Zionists or evangelical types.
02:00:02 Well, there you go and look, you know, we're not going to get into it because it's it's Christmas, by the way. It's.
02:00:09 I understand there's a lot of division on that topic right now and I understand and sympathize to some degree on on on both sides.
02:00:19 But yes, Christian, there's a.
02:00:20 There's plenty of Christians who are based, and I think that often gets forgotten.
02:00:25 By by some people who who see the the ones that are not, and possibly the origins of of why they're not and but this right now, this is the Christmas season and it's part of it.
02:00:40 Buddy, you like?
02:00:40 Or not at this point.
02:00:42 It is part of the European tradition has been.
02:00:46 And it's just the way that it is and it's not something that you can you can just.
02:00:55 Dispose.
02:00:55 Nor maybe should you want to.
02:00:58 So yes, Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Trolley. Watch the collapse says.
02:01:04 Love you.
02:01:05 Merry Christmas, you'll miss.
02:01:06 I found a copy of Dotr on for 110 bucks on eBay. Wow.
02:01:13 They were going for that. I guess that makes.
02:01:14 Makes.
02:01:16 I had to read it on archive when I did.
02:01:18 Well, you got that is a rare copy though.
02:01:22 There's only there's two editions.
02:01:23 I wonder if you have the 1st or the 2nd.
02:01:26 There's very, very.
02:01:27 It was mostly just fixing some grammar errors, so it's not like substantively different.
02:01:34 And then there, but there's different. I think the first one is slightly bigger.
02:01:38 Like not in length, but like you know this the size. The print is slightly bigger.
02:01:43 So if you get the bigger, the small one.
02:01:48 I'd read it on Arkham.
02:01:49 Did.
02:01:50 Will you be releasing sooner than?
02:01:52 So I can buy it from you? Or should I support the Rando Blackpilled fan?
02:01:58 Hil, victory.
02:01:59 Look, if you want to get it.
02:02:00 Think it's too much?
02:02:03 I wouldn't.
02:02:03 I wouldn't spend.
02:02:05 I wouldn't spend 110 bucks on it.
02:02:08 But I mean, you know.
02:02:11 Look.
02:02:13 I I will.
02:02:14 I'll tell you what, definitely in 2025 I will make Part 1 available again.
02:02:23 And I will find a publisher that's just me procrastinating. And because I was kind of wanting to release it when I I was like, oh, I'm going to have Part 2 done and I'll just release them at the same time. And then we all know how that worked.
02:02:35 And it's silly to not have Part 1 out.
02:02:38 And there are publishers that are right wing that have offered to publish it.
02:02:43 And it's so it's maybe something I'll look into and it'll motivate me to get Part 2 out knowing that more people are reading Part 1.
02:02:52 So.
02:02:55 I don't know, not.
02:02:56 Not to screw a black pill fan, I guess. Out of 1-10 bucks, but.
02:03:02 I think that's too much.
02:03:05 I wouldn't pay that much for it.
02:03:08 But yeah, again.
02:03:09 Unless you're a collector of books, some people.
02:03:12 Some people are a collector of first edition books and that's.
02:03:17 50% chance it's a first edition.
02:03:18 I don't know that there's any way to tell any other than if unless you have both.
02:03:23 Because like I said, I think the second one's slightly smaller.
02:03:26 But yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll I'll look into getting the first one out as soon as I can.
02:03:34 And and also trying to get the second one out.
02:03:37 As soon as like I I I know that you have no reason to believe me. 'cause. I've been saying it for years. Literally years.
02:03:43 More can all get to.
02:03:44 But I'm going to try to get it out.
02:03:48 And then look and then you can indulge in my my neurotic fictional characters, right?
02:03:53 So although that's The thing is, I don't think that I give you neurotic fictional characters where nothing bad happens to them.
02:04:01 I think that that's the thing that I think that you need to understand.
02:04:05 Fiction in of itself is not bad fiction.
02:04:09 Fact it can be a powerful tool.
02:04:11 There's lots of fiction that can teach you great lessons.
02:04:15 And it's not even.
02:04:16 I'll tell you.
02:04:17 Even so, I would say too much fiction.
02:04:22 Like if you live.
02:04:23 A. Whether it's good, quote UN quote good fiction or not.
02:04:25 If you live more in the fictional world than you do in the real world, that's probably bad no matter what.
02:04:30 If you're like, obsessive, if you're like, one of these people that you know, obsessed, like in the same way some people obsess about Star Wars, you know.
02:04:40 You go into their bedroom and it's like a life-size cardboard cut out of ******* Leia in the slave bikini and and that, you know, the shelves full of, you know, Star Wars ********. And you know, they.
02:04:54 If it's if.
02:04:55 Stupid **** like that, that there's something.
02:04:57 With you.
02:04:58 There's something wrong with you and you should be bullied until you stop being a ****** about that stuff.
02:05:07 That aside.
02:05:10 And that again and that's that's that's what the assumption there is nothing may be super wrong with Star Wars.
02:05:16 The way that it is now, of course it's got off the rails and it's really ******.
02:05:21 The first 3 movies, I mean you can make the argument that some of it's bad and you know you can make everything. You can point out the bad and literally anything if you want.
02:05:30 But if that was like your jam, I.
02:05:31 You know there's way, way worse. Things you could be into.
02:05:35 But once you obsess about fiction of any kind like it, you know, even if you're obsessed with day of the rope, right?
02:05:41 If I walked into your bedroom and it was like, you know, day of.
02:05:44 Rope posters everywhere and day of the rope Funko pops and you know, like you were wearing day of the rope, you know shirts every day. And you know what I mean? And qu?
02:05:54 The book all the time.
02:05:56 It would be weird.
02:06:03 But it's not bad the like. I like fiction.
02:06:06 I have a real fondness for fiction.
02:06:08 That was, I wanted to get into the business of telling stories that I liked.
02:06:13 I think storytelling is part of the European tradition, but you should do so in in a way that.
02:06:21 You're you're trying to.
02:06:23 Impress good themes and good storylines and good morals. Like that's the whole reason for it.
02:06:28 Fact. That's why a lot of that's why folklore typically exists.
02:06:32 It exists to transmit values to the next generation.
02:06:37 It in fact, that's another reason why, when there's all this fiction about these neurotic characters, when nothing bad happens to them, that's bad because humans have evolved to listen to fiction and internalize it and and and use it in their own life as a lesson. Because that.
02:06:54 Humans did for thousands of years. That's how you learn. I mean, if you think about whether you believe the Bible or not, that's essentially what the Bible is.
02:07:02 You know, it's a it's a collection of stories. And in the stories, there's a lesson to be learned about each story.
02:07:08 You know, like it's not like a historical record that you're supposed to like.
02:07:11 You know, like learn from from a, you know, historical standpoint where you know these net, it's not about names and dates and things like that.
02:07:19 About.
02:07:21 What is the moral of this story?
02:07:22 Know that's why you know when.
02:07:25 Jesus has described and he talks to groups of people. He talks in parables. He tells stories because that's how humans are designed to take in these these value systems.
02:07:38 An easier way.
02:07:39 Like, what's easier to do, especially when you're dealing with with.
02:07:43 The average norming right are you.
02:07:45 Can you sit down and?
02:07:48 And explain all the complex intricacies of of some value system and the you know the philosophy behind it. And you know all the all the complexities of of.
02:08:04 A you know?
02:08:07 A something like a A, a value or a value system that should be practiced.
02:08:13 Is it easier just to tell a story?
02:08:17 That that kind of illustrates it kind of summarizes it in in you know in a.
02:08:23 In a parable.
02:08:24 And obviously it's it's a parable, like a the average person.
02:08:29 You start getting into philosophical language and it starts to sound like legalese, and you lose them just like you know, if you were to try to explain a law to the average person using just very precise legal terminology, they'd be like, I don't get it, but if you.
02:08:45 Well.
02:08:46 The reason why we have a speed limit is there's a story about this guy who was going 90 miles an hour and then some kid ran in front of the.
02:08:54 The car and he couldn't.
02:08:56 And so he hit the brakes and ran over the kid and. And so they decided that, you know, in residential areas, you can only drive 25 mph because that's a speed slow enough to where there wouldn't be any more kids getting run over.
02:09:10 And then, oh, OK, that makes sense.
02:09:11 And so that's, that's basically why there's value in this and in telling.
02:09:17 So I'm not saying fictions bad. I'm saying subversive fiction is bad and subversive fiction where you have neurotic characters who.
02:09:28 Are never pay the price for their dysgenic.
02:09:33 Attributes and in fact are rewarded for them. Is a relatively new phenomenon.
02:09:38 It's it's saturation. Is, is.
02:09:43 You know also a relatively not.
02:09:46 It's a brand new to the world phenomenon.
02:09:51 Ah, let's take a look here.
02:09:54 Both of these says money for ammunition. Merry.
02:09:57 Yeah, I haven't looked at prices on ammunition a long time.
02:10:00 Don't know if they're still crazy high or whatever.
02:10:04 Do you think Trump going into office that's gonna make yammunishin prices lower or higher, you know, or or is it less about that, more about some of these?
02:10:16 You know, global, you know, geopolitical realities that might dictate the the price of ammo.
02:10:21 Don't know.
02:10:22 I guess we'll find out.
02:10:25 Salty Linus with a big Christmas donut.
Money Clip
02:10:27 Children today will be reading the.02:10:30 Best Christmas ever are starting to see youth.
Devon Stack
02:10:34 The magic *****.Money Clip
02:10:35 I'm sure.02:10:37 Yeah.
02:10:44 Where did the soul man go?
02:10:50 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:10:53 I.Money Clip
02:10:58 The best Christmas ever.Devon Stack
02:11:02 All right, salty, Linus.02:11:05 Thank you for all the research and hard work you do for the.
02:11:08 I always catch the replays. I wish I could catch them live, but I'm usually waking up as you are signing off.
02:11:15 Here are my yearly dues. Thank you.
02:11:18 Bless and merry.
02:11:19 Well, Merry Christmas to you, salty Linus.
02:11:21 Appreciate that.
02:11:23 And yeah, lots of people on on replay.
02:11:25 In fact, I would say probably the majority of the people are on replay gang.
02:11:30 We have like a billion people listening live and it would be.
02:11:35 That would be kind of.
02:11:36 Maybe I often wonder like, what would it?
02:11:39 Would it change?
02:11:40 Because I'd lose probably some of you guys for some of you guys. This is like the normal time of day, right?
02:11:45 You have a night job or. Or maybe you're in a different part of the planet. So it's a different time of day so.
02:11:53 You never know, but I appreciate that.
02:11:56 Uh Pebble in the pond.
Money Clip
02:12:12 Stop.02:12:21 I.
02:12:22 Well, that's not.
02:12:27 That will keep him busy for a while.Devon Stack
02:12:29 Speaking of Christmas, in fact the Wookies all came from we did the the horrible Star Wars Christmas special.02:12:36 When that was all that stuff was born.
02:12:41 Oh, no. Then we got.
02:12:45 Pebble the pond.
02:12:46 Happy you old Devon. Even though I wasn't able to catch all your appearances live this month, I have enjoyed those shows, particularly the no more news appearance.
02:12:56 Well, appreciate that Pebble in the pond and.
02:13:00 Merry. Merry Christmas or Happy Yule to you.
02:13:04 Salty Linus again, says $1.00 for ********.
02:13:08 Trackers.
02:13:10 For the first six months, whenever Devon would read his name, I would start.
02:13:14 It's got to be one of the best Internet handles ever. I think I speak for everyone when I and and hope you are doing well.
02:13:21 We miss.
02:13:22 Hopefully you're busy being married and making white babies.
02:13:26 Exactly. Or maybe. Maybe he's. He's now. He's awoken.
02:13:31 Maybe, maybe ******** ****** literally was a ********.
02:13:34 And now he's just out there being a ******** ******. We don't know.
02:13:40 Corn pop. The bad dude.
02:13:41 Did you come across the background info on what specifically happened with Matt Gaetz and the sex and extortion situation?
02:13:50 Let me know if anyone wants to see it.
02:13:52 Got my or got the.
02:13:55 Jimmy Dore did a segment on it.
02:13:57 And guess what?
02:13:58 The stories main character is a bird.
02:14:02 I I know I I don't.
02:14:04 I I did look into it and I'm.
02:14:07 And it didn't seem like it was worth hanging on to because he's now in the rearview. But like the I remember correctly, like the basics were he was banging like, I think like 17 year old prostitutes or something.
02:14:20 Yeah, maybe this is wrong.
02:14:22 This is how I remember it.
02:14:23 Don't remember this.
02:14:24 What it was, and you're right, I think some Jew had arranged for it.
02:14:28 And then they kind of blackmailed him or something and in fact, didn't, if I remember correctly, that Jew, I think went to jail.
02:14:37 And.
02:14:39 I don't know.
02:14:40 I guess we'll find out more because my from what I heard at least last was the Ethics Committee was going to release their report so.
02:14:48 Maybe we'll find out more, but that's what I heard is.
02:14:53 It was, yeah. Sex, blackmail from Jews. Surprise, surprise.
02:14:57 Would have.
02:14:57 Thought. See, this is the.
02:14:59 This is why when people are like, it's OK that he's flawed, he's on our side.
02:15:04 Look, there's a difference.
02:15:05 Purity, spiraling and wanting strong people. Principal people.
02:15:11 In in in your, in the positions, right.
02:15:13 'Cause, there are strong, principled people that I disagree with on things who I would probably who would not? Who would be subpar, right?
02:15:23 Would not do things the.
02:15:25 I would do it, but it's it's.
02:15:28 I would be OK with them, or at least not OK with them.
02:15:30 Would be less.
02:15:32 Upset by them being ordered into some degree. OK with them being in positions of power because I know that they are principled people and they wouldn't be the kinds of people that would get Jewish blackmailed.
02:15:44 And so, yeah, maybe.
02:15:45 Would get a little bit of what I wanted.
02:15:48 The the That's that's the problem though, is the people that were sending to Washington that you think you're going to agree with you on maybe a few things.
02:15:56 Typically, they're not principled people.
02:15:59 Typically these are people who are.
02:16:02 That's the kind of people those are the people that go into the the political game because they want fame, they want power, and those are the kinds of people that.
02:16:12 Donors seek out to back because they want people they can influence.
02:16:16 You know, if you're a donor and you hand some a principled guy, a bunch of money, and then he doesn't do what you want, you're me kind of ****** ***. You're going to feel like you wasted a lot of money.
02:16:27 And so they need to find people that they at least think that they can.
02:16:32 They can influence what their donations and so already you're kind of left with people who have demonstrated, or at least given the impression to donors that they're the kinds of people that are.
02:16:43 Easily or easily to manipulate to some degree.
02:16:47 And that's really the problem is we're sending people there that, I mean, it's not about purity spiraling when when I say that.
02:16:54 I don't want some of these people in.
02:16:57 You know what I'm talking about, Trump, when I'm talking about the people that Trump wants in his administration. It's it's not about like, oh, he's not perfect.
02:17:05 No, it's.
02:17:06 I know that they're not principled people, or at least they don't. Even they don't have the same values that I do and.
02:17:14 Moreover, to the degree that they do, they prioritize Israel above America, or they prioritize, you know, their their Russian Jewish mafia friends or or whatever.
02:17:26 Above white Americans.
02:17:28 So it's it's not that they're not perfect, it's just that fundamentally different.
02:17:32 I am.
02:17:33 And this is another example of that. When you have someone who on on, you know to some degree was good on some.
02:17:39 Matt Gaetz and is now no longer there because he was, you know, Jews were able to sex blackmail him because he went off banging 17 year old prostitutes.
02:17:50 Volga German says Mariah Merry Ewell to you as well, Mr. Charlie says. $1.00 for retired ******.
02:17:57 Always laughed at his name.
02:17:58 Well, there you go. ******** ******. If you if you're not out being a ******** ****** and you hear this.
02:18:03 Then you'll know that you're missed.
02:18:06 Watched defiant calm.
02:18:10 Please.
02:18:21 Watchdefiii.com says it's been a while since I've caught the show live.
02:18:26 I'm looking forward to.
02:18:27 I catch all the replays. We are blessed to have you. Your work is the reason I never lose a debate. We appreciate you.
02:18:34 Everyone else use the link and share defiant and pack on well that that way I've obviously I will allow that.
02:18:43 Yeah, that.
02:18:45 Unfortunately that that's a video that's that's, you know, remains relevant even today.
02:18:51 Are asking me if I would.
02:18:52 A A Part 2 to.
02:18:54 I'm just like, well, I don't think we need it yet.
02:18:57 You know, I feel like it's it's still got some mileage left in it.
02:19:01 And it it works on people that don't know to the degree that things have gotten Nancy White.
02:19:08 And Pat Kahn as.
02:19:09 Pat Kahn is relatively Evergreen and I you know, it's.
02:19:15 It's. I honestly had no idea it was going to.
02:19:19 That's why I do what I do.
02:19:20 I.
02:19:20 You ever.
02:19:21 What's what people are going to find useful.
02:19:24 You never know what's going to resonate with people, and so the best I can do is just find stuff that.
02:19:28 Find interesting that helps me understand the problems we face.
02:19:34 And then relay them to other white people and hope that it it, you know, does something for them.
02:19:41 So yeah, thank you for the support there, Kyle.
02:19:45 Renegade says watched many of your shows, but first time catching a live stream.
02:19:50 Well, Merry Christmas to you.
02:19:53 And yeah, thanks for coming and being here live decimal threat.
02:20:00 Again, you know we are.
02:20:02 I.
02:20:03 I'm going to stop this one.
02:20:04 Ones too long. It's forever.
02:20:06 Oh God.
02:20:09 I gotta take it out of the let's give you another.
02:20:12 See what happens this time.
02:20:15 Much shorter there we.
02:20:22 Here we go.
02:20:24 Decimal dress says I'm having trouble getting my hands on a Belka receiver.
02:20:29 You mentioned a comparable model, but couldn't remember the name of a previous stream and I was hoping you could recall it or recommend another one for me.
02:20:39 Thanks for the great streams, by the way.
02:20:41 I mention a comparable 1.
02:20:47 I mean, I I can't think of a comparable one, honestly.
02:20:53 Look, that's not the only one. I'll tell you what the the one that a lot of people use and I've never used 1, so I don't know if they're.
02:21:02 But there's one that what he's talking about is there's a.
02:21:06 It's a Belarusian.
02:21:08 Radio.
02:21:09 It's a little pocket.
02:21:10 It's a. It's great. It's amazing.
02:21:14 Hard to get because it's made by a guy in Belarus.
02:21:17 But if you can get one, they're good, but it really excels where a lot of these fall short on single side band and it is generally a good receiver. In fact it if you have the right antenna for it, it's as good as a receiver as anything.
02:21:35 Like a a new A/C or icon really.
02:21:37 But even with its little stupid WIP antenna I pick up.
02:21:41 Stuff on 204080 even.
02:21:44 Which you which is surprising, you know, for like a whip antenna.
02:21:47 But I would say, yeah, there's a lot of Texans out there, you know, tech sun, I think.
02:21:52 TECSUNI think it is Chinese companies are what?
02:21:56 Limited to.
02:21:57 If.
02:21:59 If you get a new radio 'cause that, that's who's making all the the shortwave radios.
02:22:05 But there's one that was made by.
02:22:10 It's made by Texan, but like it's rebranded by.
02:22:15 Some prepper company, like it's called like country time or something stupid like.
02:22:20 I don't remember, but I the the key features you want to look for it's it's first of all you know you want the bandwidth, right?
02:22:27 You want to know that you can get the lower.
02:22:30 AM radio broadcast stuff which if we're being realistic in an emergency, that's really where a lot of local information is going to be coming from. The ability to pick up, am broadcast, which might go away like some of the stuff's going away, a lot of shortwave stuff.
02:22:45 'S going away.
02:22:47 And so it's not like I don't think that, you know, you're crazy to not have one of these if you have the money, you're crazy not to have one.
02:22:53 Why not?
02:22:54 And it's more for me. It's more fun, like when I'm out doing hikes.
02:22:58 It's fun for me to dial around on a radio and listen to.
02:23:02 You know, pick.
02:23:02 Oh, this guy's here's a ham radio operator out in ******* New Hampshire or whatever.
02:23:07 And so for me, and that's not fun for everybody, but that's.
02:23:09 For me, but you want to see that you can get at least the full, you know, like spectrum from 500 kilohertz, all the way up to 30 megahertz. You want to make sure that it can do am as well as single side bands upper and lower side.
02:23:28 And you want to make sure that the batteries.
02:23:31 Going to last and that it's compact and so, you know, if you look for those features.
02:23:39 A compact form.
02:23:41 There's there's actually. Like I said, there's lot of.
02:23:43 Think Texan gets the I think that's the name of the company.
02:23:47 Me look it up.
02:23:49 I actually have one of their radios, but I never use it now because I've got.
02:23:53 Belkin thing. Yeah, it's taxon.
02:23:53 Yeah.
02:23:55 So they got they. It's like I think they.
02:23:58 The PL.
02:23:59 And these are bigger, significantly bigger.
02:24:04 They got like the.
02:24:06 Let me find if I can find the one that has the country time or whatever the stupid one is.
02:24:22 Is this it?
02:24:32 Yeah, it is.
02:24:34 I would like again, I would.
02:24:35 I would look up taxon and then look up SSB. Make sure it can do single sideband and make sure it in fact the Texan ones will have a I mean they're bigger, but they'll have an advantage over the Belkin in that they also do FM.
02:24:49 Radio broadcast so and and some of them will do. Not that I've I've. I've actually never been able to pick up airplanes traffic, but someone will do airplane traffic or they'll do weather. Which also is, you know, it's iffy. The usefulness of that's limited to like where you.
02:25:07 But you know.
02:25:08 It's that's I would look for a single side band, 500 kilohertz to 30 megahertz. And and then the rest is up. It's just preference.
02:25:17 What kind of batteries and and look at the reviews.
02:25:22 But there's I think that there that the go to that they're making I I this could be outdated, but the Texan PL-880 is like less than two.
02:25:31 Bucks right now.
02:25:33 Anyway.
02:25:37 Relative relative.
02:25:53 I.
02:25:55 Well, there says this isn't quite enough for all the information I've gained from you, but it's a start.
02:26:01 Also, I'm not 100 percent, 100% convinced you aren't.
02:26:06 McDonald's altered ego.
02:26:08 Christmas.
02:26:10 I could be I could be.
02:26:13 People say that a lot and I know people like Norm, but I.
02:26:15 Know he's kind of a weirdo.
02:26:17 I like that sound like a weirdo, but.
02:26:23 It's.
02:26:23 I guess it is what it is.
02:26:25 But I appreciate that and.
02:26:28 I I know people are saying as a.
02:26:30 Despite the the weird onus and his and his untimely death.
02:26:37 I guess that's.
02:26:38 I don't like. Hopefully I'm not too much like him.
02:26:43 But yeah.
02:26:45 All right. Super Daphne, with the big, big, generous donor. Big time Christmas donut.
Money Clip
02:26:55 Will be reading the best Christmas ever.02:26:57 I start the cute with.
Devon Stack
02:27:00 The magic *****.Money Clip
02:27:11 Where did the show men go?02:27:25 Ever.
02:27:26 Half $1,000,000.
Devon Stack
02:27:31 All right.02:27:33 Very generous from Super Daphne.
02:27:35 Know the name Daphne.
02:27:37 I always think of.
02:27:41 This is kind of a weird reference.
02:27:44 But Daphne, the emulation software.
02:27:49 That is made.
02:27:49 For playing old laserdisc arcade games like Dragon's Lair.
02:27:57 That's named after a character that's.
02:27:58 This makes me sound super video game nerdy, but like I've told, I've been honest about my sordid past.
02:28:07 There was a time when I was.
02:28:10 Into arcade emulation. And yeah, trying to get that software to work with such a pain in the *** because laser discs are not digital.
02:28:20 Blew my.
02:28:21 Like when I first was like I I thought.
02:28:25 It's like a.
02:28:26 Big.
02:28:27 CD.
02:28:27 I thought like, oh, a laser disc is like just a giant CD.
02:28:31 Going to be ones and zeros, but it's not.
02:28:35 Analog signal on a big.
02:28:38 CD.
02:28:39 Which blew my mind.
02:28:40 Was like, really.
02:28:42 You mean it's really?
02:28:45 So the laser is reading a analog signal off of a optical.
02:28:53 Mean that's pretty crazy.
02:28:55 That's pretty ******* Cos they didn't have video compression yet.
02:29:00 So it was just so emulating that was really difficult.
02:29:06 And the Laserdisc games are they're really kind of.
02:29:08 Stupid and it's more just like, in fact, if anything, it was more about the challenge of emulating them was more fun than actually playing them because it was just like it was basically like a DVD menu.
02:29:20 The game itself was essentially, it really was essentially ADVD menu.
02:29:24 But that was really high tech in the.
02:29:27 And so it was really fascinating to people, I think in real life, I think I saw a Dragon's lair machine once when I was like, a real little kid.
02:29:37 I don't think I ever really played one, but there's people that love those ******* games.
02:29:40 That's what I think of when I see Daffy Daphny. Some people think scooby-doo.
02:29:45 Right.
02:29:47 Not me.
02:29:48 Thank you very much.
02:29:50 Super, Daphne says thank you for the work you do, Devin.
02:29:53 Well, Merry Christmas to you and I appreciate the the very generous support there.
02:29:59 Daphne.
02:30:01 I.
02:30:03 Yeah. And hopefully you know.
02:30:05 I'm talking about. I didn't sound like a madman there.
02:30:08 Salty Linus with a big dono money is power.
02:30:12 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
02:30:17 Oh, Julie, this *** is.
02:30:34 All right, salty.
02:30:37 Linus, regarding the last election, they were signaling Trump was going.
02:30:42 Be.
02:30:43 I assume Trump would overcome that ballot harvesting this time. However, there wasn't that much compared to 2020 and 2022.
02:30:52 I've heard rumors of why.
02:30:54 What have you heard?
02:30:55 Thoughts.
02:30:56 There wasn't very much ballot harvesting.
02:31:01 I well, I mean.
02:31:03 You could say.
02:31:06 People would say that like, you know, covad facilitated a lot of of that sort of thing.
02:31:14 And they'll, in fact, that's how a lot of people are kind of trying to make excuses about the vote count being so much lower than it was in in 2020.
02:31:25 But I think the way to read that is clearly, yeah, 2020 was obviously ********. It was.
02:31:31 Was a lot of.
02:31:33 Fraudulent votes in 2020.
02:31:36 And there wasn't in 2022.
02:31:40 And not because all of the sudden, you know, the Republicans were wise to it. You know, because they weren't.
02:31:46 Had less power in 2022.
02:31:50 And none of the lawsuits were.
02:31:53 And obviously they weren't the ones in charge.
02:31:59 And so.
02:32:01 The the the.
02:32:02 Of fraud, I think, was because they, as you say, I think Trump was their guy and it became kind of obvious early on that that was going to be the case, or at least it became hard to imagine a scenario in which Biden.
02:32:19 And then Kamala would defeat Trump.
02:32:23 I kind of hope that it would. I I my my wishful thinking or you know 11 happy scenario in my mind.
02:32:32 As as someone who often.
02:32:36 Dreams of acceleration.
02:32:41 One scenario was like, well, I don't think it'll happen, but it'd be great if he had like basically a repeat right in the same kind of a thing.
02:32:51 All the shady stuff and then people would have.
02:32:54 No, they'd have no faith in the system at all.
02:32:58 Trump couldn't run again.
02:32:59 He.
02:33:00 He wouldn't run again another 4.
02:33:01 He's already kind of too old to be running to be, you know, President now, so you wouldn't have to worry about Trump getting back in and being.
02:33:11 But also Maggie would have no faith in the system.
02:33:18 The cue cards would have to stop trusting the plan. At that point, you know, and I don't mean like the the the really.
02:33:25 ******** Q *****. But the people who you know are Q **** adjacent, I guess you could say would stop trusting the plan even if they wouldn't phrase it that way.
02:33:34 Mean think psychologically, they all kind of are trusting a plan and they would just kind of be like this.
02:33:40 Be a.
02:33:40 They'd feel a little more defeated about this.
02:33:42 That and contrary to people who disagree with me, I I would.
02:33:48 I would say that that would radicalize them and not not make them all feel hopeless in the way that they think that that means that that.
02:33:56 That would push them.
02:33:58 To inaction.
02:34:00 Whereas I feel like a cornered animal seems to react quite in quite a different fashion than in action.
02:34:09 But yeah, I think this time around it was just it wasn't necessary.
02:34:13 Were going to get what they.
02:34:15 The people.
02:34:17 In the opportunity wasn't quite as easy without without COVID.
02:34:24 They for the big.
02:34:24 They're salty. Linus, Cabbage, bandit with another big dono.
Money Clip
02:34:30 Children today will be reading the best Christmas ever.02:34:34 I started to.
Devon Stack
02:34:37 The magic *****.Money Clip
02:34:47 Where did the show men go?02:34:55 Thank you.
02:34:56 I.
02:35:00 The best Christmas ever.
Devon Stack
02:35:04 All right.02:35:07 Cabbage bandit.
02:35:08 Merry Christmas to you, Devon, and to all my black pilled brethren.
02:35:12 Thank you very much for the support there.
02:35:16 And the insomnia stream is made possible by.
02:35:21 Generous donations from viewers like you and I appreciate that.
02:35:26 Merry Christmas to you as well.
02:35:29 John, so may I say that wrong?
02:35:33 So beeski.
02:35:34 So beeski one of those.
02:35:38 Hit it.
02:35:44 Merry.
02:35:45 Thank you for your content.
02:35:47 I have only been listening about 5.
02:35:49 My buddy is having an ongoing argument with his boomer dad about Jews in the **** industry.
02:35:55 Do you have any previous shows that covers this topic?
02:35:59 Well, actually sort of.
02:36:03 I think, ironically, I think it's called **** Jew edition.
02:36:09 It's it's where this guy comes from.
02:36:10 Wait, no, I'm.
02:36:10 Target.
02:36:11 Sorry, that's.
02:36:13 It's where this guy comes from.
02:36:18 It's about that.
02:36:19 I I think it's called Pornju edition.
02:36:22 It's about ape ****, Jew.
02:36:26 And the role that Jews play to some degree. Look, it's a lot bigger than that, though.
02:36:31 The thing is, I could do.
02:36:33 I mean, really the majority of the big **** names are Jewish.
02:36:38 There are a few that aren't, but the majority are.
02:36:42 So.
02:36:44 I mean, I don't know how. What was his?
02:36:46 What could he be disagreeing about? Like what?
02:36:50 The dad's argument.
02:36:51 Don't understand.
02:36:54 Like.
02:36:57 Rabbi owns *******, you know.
02:36:58 What I mean?
02:36:59 Like like a rabbi, I think a rabbi owns only fans, right?
02:37:05 Or Jew does.
02:37:06 I don't know if it's a rabbi, but I know a rabbi owns *******, so I would.
02:37:12 What's the?
02:37:13 You know, like it's not.
02:37:15 Does a priest own a?
02:37:19 There's a priest on anything like that. Obviously not.
02:37:22 Look, it's just not.
02:37:24 Don't look at *********** the same.
02:37:26 Tell him about how Dennis Prager, who's supposed to be one of the good ones. Right? Dennis prager.
02:37:32 Was arguing in favor of AI child ****. That's on.
02:37:37 You can find that in fact you can probably find it just on Twitter if you just look up.
02:37:43 Prager AI child *****.
02:37:44 Don't know that.
02:37:45 I don't.Devon Stack
02:37:46 Know if you want to be writing typing that.02:37:49 But you'll find that there is a video of him.
02:37:51 Was.
02:37:52 It's been spread enough, though. You can find it where he makes the argument in favor of AI child ****.
02:37:58 And says that it's not a sin to indulge, to whack up to ***** *** the AI child ****. So for one of the good ones, one of the Jews on our side, it has. It's not a moral.
02:38:12 Problem for him.
02:38:17 To know.
02:38:17 People are ******** *** to AI job. That's not an issue for him.
02:38:22 And that.
02:38:24 If the boomer dad.
02:38:27 Can understand.
02:38:28 That's again, that's one of the good.
02:38:31 So imagine that whether the headspace of the bad ones.
02:38:37 How that can possibly not be a problem for your society and that I don't know.
02:38:44 I.
02:38:44 Don't know what you deal with that, but that's look, that's a good talking point, so.
02:38:49 So check that out find.
02:38:50 Clip. It's not hard to find someone in chat, might even know what it is, and post a link to you in chat.
02:38:57 Regular chat there.
02:39:00 Let's see.
02:39:00 We got cod fish killer.
02:39:04 It's not happening, but it's a good thing that it is.
02:39:09 It's not happening, but that's. But it's a good thing that it is.
02:39:13 Oh, yeah, well, that's that does seem to be.
02:39:16 It does seem to be a frequent refrain from our enemies.
02:39:21 Salty. Linus says what happened with your Twitter accounts?
02:39:24 Subscriber count? Stop wildly fluctuating.
02:39:29 I don't know what you mean by that.
02:39:32 I think it's it's been fairly, let me look, did something weird happen?
02:39:41 Hmm.
02:39:43 It's slowly been slowly growing as normal.
02:39:48 I don't know.
02:39:49 I don't know.
02:39:50 You mean my? Well, I don't have any subscribe.
02:39:51 I don't have like subscriptions on on.
02:39:55 On Twitter or X or whatever.
02:39:58 It so you can't really subscribe to like.
02:40:01 It's just been pretty normal, so I don't know what you mean.
02:40:05 But hopefully nothing weird's happening. If it is, it's not that something I've seen.
02:40:10 Flood.
02:40:26 Flood, says merry.
02:40:28 Thanks for keeping me black pilled.
02:40:30 I appreciate that.
02:40:31 And again, like black pill should not mean depressed or feeling hopeless or any like that.
02:40:37 It's just being realistic about things. In fact, the reason why it's better to stay black pill this so you're not on the emotional roller coaster that most people are on.
02:40:46 Like if you ever notice Speaking of Twitter, you look at Twitter and it's like this bipolar, you know, schizophrenic.
02:40:53 We're winning.
02:40:54 We're winning. All we're winning.
02:40:55 It's over. It's over.
02:40:58 Oh, we're winning in next week.
02:41:00 It's up and down, up and down and that is is *******.
02:41:05 That is intolerable and and being blackmailed doesn't mean you're all the time going.
02:41:10 Over.
02:41:11 We're so done.
02:41:12 It's just that you you you realize.
02:41:15 You realize that you don't have to be on that emotional roller coaster.
02:41:18 You can go on and have a good.
02:41:20 It's just that you can have that good life and with and make informed decisions.
02:41:25 Instead of, instead of trusting the plan, you can actually plan your life with a real understanding of what's going on out there and realize that you know Trump's not going to save the day. There's not going to be, as an example, there's not going to be mass.
02:41:39 The way people.
02:41:40 Are imagining things that there's not going to be mass deportations, and so if you're making a decision about how your life's going to be and you think that there's going to be mass deportations, like let's say you live in a a city.
02:41:55 Lots of illegal immigrants that are causing problems and you think that that's going to be solved for you by Trump. That's it's not.
02:42:04 So plan accordingly.
02:42:07 Yeah. Thank you very.
02:42:08 Flood J Ray 1981 says Merry Christmas death.
02:42:11 So I appreciate that.
02:42:13 4 Chan anyone says it's also probably not the first, but Woody Allen's Annie Hall had the quirky, manic Pixie archetype Allen and his movies are the quintessence of.
02:42:28 Hollywood.
02:42:29 The rest aspire to be.
02:42:32 Trivia Allen's Co writer, Marshall Brickman suggested suggested titles, including me and my goy.
02:42:41 Well, that is.
02:42:42 I don't think I've actually seen any hall.
02:42:44 But a lot of his movies involve him with some woman that he could never actually pull in real life, which is why he's a disgusting Jew that ended up ******* his stepdaughter or his adopted Asian daughter who he's with today.
02:42:58 Who also, by the way, Dennis Prager has ex.
02:43:02 That was one of the things back when I was relatively blue pilled and listened to Dennis Prager's radio show.
02:43:10 That was something that really put me off.
02:43:14 Listening to him on moral issues was the fact that he I listened to an an episode of his radio show where he essentially was making excuses for the fellow Jew Woody Allen for having begun a relationship with his adopted Asian daughter.
02:43:32 While she was underage.
02:43:35 And then ditching his wife for the adoption daughter.
02:43:40 And some of the other things he might have done wrong and calling it just a weakness that men have.
02:43:44 Look, you can tell just by the way Dennis Prager talks about men and women issues and and male sexuality that he's kind of a ******* ***** perv in real life.
02:43:53 He's he's got some skeletons, that guy.
02:43:56 Garren *******.
02:43:57 He's not on his first marriage, by the way.
02:44:01 But yeah, good information there.
02:44:03 My fat little ******** toe with another big dotto children.
Money Clip
02:44:08 Today, we'll be reading the.02:44:10 Best Christmas ever I started.
Devon Stack
02:44:14 The magic *****.Money Clip
02:44:25 Where did the show men go?02:44:38 The best Christmas ever.
Devon Stack
02:44:42 All right.02:44:44 My favorite target toe as a hypothetical. How would you feel about an all expenses paid wedding invitation along with a lakeside vacation this summer?
02:44:53 My family and fiance both approve the idea. I'd be able to give you a hard timeline.
02:45:00 Three months beforehand.
02:45:03 I thought I'd offer, since you've made a huge impact in my life.
02:45:07 Well, I'm very I'm very.
02:45:11 Flattered by the by the suggestion.
02:45:14 However, I do think that I will be doing my show especially.
02:45:21 Especially for like any kind of long vacation.
02:45:23 And I not that I don't trust.
02:45:25 You.
02:45:26 Little ******** toe.
02:45:31 But I I I.
02:45:31 I'm still a man of mystery.
02:45:35 I'm still a man of mystery. I'll tell you what I I feel weird about people paying for things, but.
02:45:43 There is the.
02:45:44 There is the possibility possibility that.
02:45:49 I do reveal myself.
02:45:52 In a way I don't.
02:45:53 I don't know if that will happen, but there's there. I've I've thought about that. If it's better to do that or not.
02:46:00 And perhaps we're all excited that you're getting married though.
02:46:05 And we are very stoked that you're that you're able to do that with someone who's based and.
02:46:12 Leave your mom.
02:46:13 Isn't your mom also based as well?
02:46:16 I do appreciate the offer.
02:46:18 Probably unlikely though, and not because of anything personal.
02:46:21 Just that I've I've got, especially if it's in the summer, man. I mean, as much as I'd love to get away from this place in the summer.
02:46:30 Unless you're some.
02:46:31 Unless somehow you're somewhere even hotter.
02:46:34 Which I don't think is possible.
02:46:37 I still have.
02:46:38 I have lots of stuff that.
02:46:40 To get done.
02:46:42 And I don't know, probably unlikely.
02:46:44 I.
02:46:45 Appreciate the the invite and like if we lived in different circumstances, maybe maybe I would do that.
02:46:53 I don't think you guys are weirdos.
02:46:55 Guys sound seem pretty cool.
02:46:58 And but yeah also I I am a.
02:47:04 Am a reclusive hermit.
02:47:05 There's that.
02:47:09 Not.
02:47:09 I kind of exaggerated that aspect, that that part of my image, I guess I'm actually kind of social somewhat somewhat.
02:47:17 I will.
02:47:17 I will go several days without actually seeing human up close.
02:47:22 Sometimes I don't know.
02:47:23 It's.
02:47:24 Sometimes it happens, but yeah, thank you very much and congratulations again on your, on your, your wedding there. That is something that we all aspire to.
02:47:35 And Merry Christmas as well.
02:47:37 May have low moral fiber.
02:47:38 Says this movie is gay.
02:47:42 Yes, yes, it is super gay.
02:47:45 **** knuckle again.
02:47:47 You know, I'd like to play the Super long animation for everybody, but I don't want it to get super repetitive. We usually don't have so many of these and you guys are being really kind of cool, but I don't want to feel like I'm cheating you.
02:48:01 So, but I'd like to mix it.
02:48:03 A little bit.
02:48:05 Let's mix it up a little bit.
02:48:07 Let's see if we can do.
02:48:12 Mm.
02:48:13 Me just mix it up.
02:48:14 Just gonna.
02:48:14 I'm just gonna hit buttons.
02:48:16 See what happens.
02:48:18 Anti-Semitism intensified.02:48:23 I.
Devon Stack
02:48:36 There you.02:48:36 I think that worked out.
02:48:38 Merry Christmas.
02:48:39 Thank you for all your hard work now and into the future.
02:48:43 Hail Christ, hail Hitler and **** bear topia.
02:48:47 There you go.
02:48:48 Thank you for the support.
02:48:50 **** knuckle.
02:48:52 Appreciate that.
02:48:54 And yes, Merry Christmas to all.
02:48:58 Your white says.
02:48:59 Ever seeing some like it hot? That ****** **** goes way back.
02:49:08 I feel.
02:49:10 Like I have, I'm I know that's an old.
02:49:15 Let me look this up.
02:49:24 Oh, OK. Marilyn Monroe movie, right?
02:49:34 Yeah. OK.
02:49:34 Yeah, yeah, I did a stream on this, I think.
02:49:40 I feel like I did a stream on this.
02:49:44 Either I didn't know. I had to have done a stream on.
02:49:47 Either I did a stream on this, or I prepared to do a stream on it and then didn't.
02:49:53 Did a stream on this like a couple years ago or?
02:49:56 I definitely watched this in. I'm pretty sure I get a stream on this.
02:50:02 But it was it.
02:50:04 I think it was a while back like it was over a.
02:50:06 Ago, like maybe a couple years ago.
02:50:10 Yeah, that **** goes way.
02:50:11 They've been pushing this, pushing this **** for a long time.
02:50:17 Ryan, we all know what one you're going to get.
02:50:22 I.
02:50:23 It's too.
02:50:23 I wish it worked the way that a normal soundboard did.
02:50:26 It wasn't like all jacked up through.
02:50:30 Through obs.
02:50:32 So I could just hit it a bunch of times and it would do like the Casio keyboard thing and just do repeat.
02:50:39 Thought I had a button for you.
02:50:44 I don't have a button.
02:50:45 Me see.
02:50:48 Where is it I need to set the. I need to set up a lot of buttons.
02:50:52 I still haven't done it.
02:50:54 Doing so many Christmases thingies.
02:50:56 I'll Hitler, *****.
02:50:58 There we go.
02:51:00 So with some of this.
02:51:02 There's there's another random bummer.
02:51:06 Run.
02:51:09 There's a random button there for you, Ryan says.
02:51:14 Well, we all know what he says, he says.
02:51:19 All Hitler *****.Devon Stack
02:51:20 So there we go.02:51:21 Appreciate the big donor, Ryan.
02:51:25 Always a pleasure to see you here.
02:51:28 Alright, we have.
02:51:33 We got a punish Kramer.
02:51:43 Parish Cramer finally caught you.
02:51:46 Here's some money for the for the well having a homestead myself, I know how expensive it is. If you had to have it replaced or or had oh the well.
02:51:59 OK, money for the well, I get it.
02:52:01 Having a homestead, I know my son.
02:52:03 How expensive it is? You had to have it replaced or re drilled.
02:52:06 Thanks for the many hours of work.
02:52:09 Christmas to our guys out there.
02:52:14 Even the the Pekingese.
02:52:17 Yeah, it was. It wasn't cheap.
02:52:19 But you know, it also wasn't the end of the world.
02:52:21 So, but I appreciate that and hopefully it'll work for their 20 years at least.
02:52:27 You know those are you start to wonder, right, with the quality of everything going down.
02:52:33 Know the the well that the pump that was down there. I think it lasted like you.
02:52:36 I think it was about 20 years.
02:52:40 Pretty sure it was American made. I forget the brand, but almost positive was American made.
02:52:48 Yeah, and went back when that meant something.
02:52:52 It.
02:52:52 Kind of does in really small areas.
02:52:56 We're pretty much as meaningless now, right?
02:52:58 In.
02:52:59 Fact a lot of.
02:53:00 It's almost better if it's Chinese made at this point.
02:53:02 Check.Devon Stack
02:53:04 Because if it's American made, it's a lot of times it's made by some illegal immigrant.02:53:09 But yeah, thank.
02:53:10 Thank you for the support, punished Kramer.
02:53:14 Nation, his family says.
02:53:16 Being so stupid.
02:53:18 You can read the New Testament and come out of it thinking Jews today were God's chosen people.
02:53:25 Not sure what's ambiguous about ye are of your father the devil, contrary to all men or synagogue of Satan. But here we are.
02:53:35 PS God hates rabbis, ******* and Rabbi *******.
02:53:40 There you go.
02:53:41 And yeah, I think I could be wrong.
02:53:44 I I don't know.
02:53:45 I would look at this probably.
02:53:47 Instances where this is not true because there are different kinds of Jews, but there are certainly instances where it is true where you can be a gay rabbi and not a big deal.
02:53:57 But I guess at this point too, just because the degradation of Christianity in America, at least in the West, you could probably be well, I know you can be.
02:54:07 A gay preacher.
02:54:08 So I guess it's not much of an own these days.
02:54:12 But yeah, thank you very.
02:54:14 And yeah, not every Christian is a Zionist, that is for sure.
02:54:20 Love and division.
02:54:22 All right, we're going to do the random.
02:54:25 Oh, we haven't done this one in a while.
02:54:28 Let's do this one.
Money Clip
02:54:31 Hey girl, you're hungry. **** you.Devon Stack
02:54:36 There we go.02:54:41 Alright love and.
02:54:43 The normalization of destructive behavior.
02:54:46 Hitting all time low with the Mr. Robot TV series.
02:54:51 Everyone in it was either a drug addict, sex pervert or criminal.
02:54:56 All portrayed as normal graphic scenes of ******, served up as normal television viewing fare.
02:55:03 Oddly, Mr. Robot was created by an Egyptian Muslim, yet someone told me to watch that back when it was still. I mean, I think it's off now, back when it was still a thing.
02:55:14 And I 'cause. Oh, you're a nerd. You're you are you like, computer stuff you'll like.
02:55:18 About hacking and stuff. And I was like, oh, that's weird.
02:55:21 And the second that I saw that the main character, the hacker guy, wasn't a white guy. I was like, yeah, no, thanks. Already unbelievable.
02:55:30 Already don't believe.
02:55:31 I already know, like just the fact that you did that. You know, it's stupid.
02:55:35 It it it just it's already dumb, so I'm not going to watch it.
02:55:40 I couldn't even make it through an.
02:55:41 I was just so distracted by, like, how obvious Reddit ******** it was.
02:55:46 I was like, no.
02:55:46 Thanks.
02:55:49 No.
02:55:49 So I've never. I've beyond watching part of one episode. I've never seen it.
02:55:54 I'll just take your word for it.
02:55:57 But yeah, thank you for the the big support there, love and division.
02:56:02 Nation is family, says also Merry Christmas from Australia mate.
02:56:06 Will catch the replay.
02:56:08 I appreciate.
02:56:09 Merry Christmas to you.
02:56:10 Under is Australian.
02:56:14 They're ahead of us on the international date line, right?
02:56:17 Going to have Christmas first.
02:56:18 I'm trying to remember.
02:56:21 I kind of feel like when you're watching like New Year's on TV, right?
02:56:25 Sydney, like first or do I have it backwards or they last?
02:56:29 Anyway, I think they're.
02:56:30 I think it'll get Christmas before us.
02:56:35 Bessemer 72.
02:56:46 I.
02:56:50 I certainly get a quirky there since we talked about flat Earthers 72.
02:56:55 Christmas.
02:56:56 Well, I appreciate that.
02:56:57 Christmas to you.
02:57:02 Because lofgar rocks. Why? It's not a new.
02:57:05 Why? Why do I struggle with your name for a?
02:57:07 Kaslov ska rocks.
02:57:13 We got to wear the Rosen.
02:57:23 I.Devon Stack
02:57:24 Lobster rocks. The biggest freak they're normalizing today is that chick who killed her mom and now has a reality show.02:57:33 Books appearances. She is dysgenic, but they push her at at they push her as a beauty influencer.
02:57:42 In the day, she would have been a freak in the circus, the normalizing.
02:57:47 Parent side and.
02:57:49 I don't even know how you're talking about.
02:57:55 I'm going to just look up Chick who killed her mom, who now has a reality show.
02:58:00 Is that going to come up with it?
02:58:01 Don't.
02:58:01 I don't know what you're talking about.
02:58:13 Does not immediately come up.
02:58:20 So they're not more.
02:58:21 Almost more horrific shows up. It just says it's a story from September 23rd of this year.
02:58:27 Teenage girl killed her mom and invited friend to go see the corpse.
02:58:35 About a 15 year old chick who was undoubtedly obsessed with.
02:58:41 Neurotic fictional character.
02:58:45 Who killed her mom and I guess invited her friends to come see the body.
02:58:52 Yeah, I I don't know who you're talking.
02:58:53 But that sounds like par for the course.
02:58:56 And let's look. It's another example of what I'm talking.
02:58:58 There's the fact that that someone like that is being pushed as an influencer.
02:59:02 Are going to they think it's quirky, they tolerate it.
02:59:05 It's.
02:59:05 She killed her mom.
02:59:07 You know.Devon Stack
02:59:10 Guitar dude 1356. I know you mostly review movies, but have you looked into modern music?02:59:18 Look at.
02:59:18 Songs Heather by Conan Gray and good luck babe by Chappelle, Rhone, etcetera.
02:59:26 Both gaze with Super gay songs that are currently very popular.
02:59:30 Yeah, I think I if I was, if that was my background, if I was more of an expert in that, that would be something I would do more often.
02:59:40 Talked about music.
02:59:41 4 But that's not my expertise, and so I would fill.
02:59:48 Like I was getting outside my. I mean, obviously there's some stuff that I don't like.
02:59:54 An.
02:59:54 Like, it's not like I don't understand music or something, but I don't understand the same way that maybe someone who has more musical talent than I do might.
03:00:05 So that's really been what I focused on now.
03:00:08 Like it's it is.
03:00:09 Look, it's.
03:00:10 You know, it's a in some ways it can be more subversive than movies, right, because.
03:00:17 You.
03:00:18 Who will find yourself sitting around by yourself, humming a tune or singing a song when you're like alone in your car?
03:00:25 Whatever. Whereas you don't really do that. Movies like you're not sitting by yourself, replaying movies in your head.
03:00:33 You know, like whereas that and a song will stick to you way, way beyond when a movie would have, right.
03:00:40 There's movies.
03:00:42 I.
03:00:42 Guess there's songs I forget about too.
03:00:45 There I would say far more songs.
03:00:48 That many years after hearing them, I can still sing.
03:00:54 I'm not a good singer poorly, but I could still sing.
03:00:58 I know the tune or whatever part that's repetition though too, because I think maybe that's another reason why it's more subversive or in ways, right, 'cause you'll hear a song.
03:01:09 You know, 1000 times or more on the radio or in your car commercials or whatever. Whereas a movie, typically you have to go out of your way.
03:01:19 Watch more than a couple times, right?
03:01:22 So yeah, I would like music's very influential.
03:01:25 Just not my.
03:01:27 My expertise so I kinda kinda don't focus on that all that too much.
03:01:34 Granada says you are absolutely right about the nefarious pushing of quirkiness. As a teen, I was a nerd and a ****** because I identified as those nerds getting their revenge in Jewish media such as The Simpsons and Revenge of the Nerds.
03:01:49 I didn't understand why I was being bullied at school.
03:01:53 Then it goes on because for me I was only being quirky with my obsession with Japanese video games, anime, and manga.
03:02:02 I didn't have much of a father figure growing up and I was raised by a mother, big sister and aunt.
03:02:09 Therefore, those feminine traits of tolerance, acceptance, and compassion really rubbed off on me.
03:02:14 So the immune system was accurately ad.
03:02:19 Apted me as being a conduit of Jewish nerd influence.
03:02:22 And Japanese fagotry if only a strong male figure could have explained and showed to me my high school experience would have been much.
03:02:31 Better.
03:02:32 Yeah.
03:02:33 And it's and then you got a little more here.
03:02:37 So yes, being a nerd not to be confused about having my knowledge of a particular topic.
03:02:45 Anime fan and playing video games.
03:02:48 Does tremendously harm or does tremendous harm to your Aryan spirit.
03:02:52 Yes, it tastes good, but so does every poison.
03:02:58 Yeah. And that's that's really what's happening. Is a lot of people are. They're replacing that positive.
03:03:04 The lack of a positive male role model with this these fictional characters, you know like X-Men or or whatever stupid shit's popular right now. A lot of people are doing that.
03:03:16 In your case, it's anime for a lot of people get obsessed about.
03:03:20 Know anime and we'll quote anime and and we'll obsess about anime and you know it's good that you were able to recognize that and get out of it.
03:03:29 Look, I I think everyone.
03:03:32 Maybe it's to some degree geeks out about something.
03:03:35 And I.
03:03:36 Out when I was a kid kid about Star Wars stuff I, you know, I had Star Wars action figures when I was a little kid. Not not as an adult, but you know, I mean.
03:03:46 And there's just some people that never grow out of it.
03:03:48 Think it's somewhat.
03:03:49 It shouldn't be right. Like you, you're your action figures shouldn't be based.
03:03:55 Not again.
03:03:56 Not that the first Star Wars movies were like Super Bad.
03:04:01 You know like.
03:04:02 Tolerably evil or anything like that.
03:04:04 And when you're a kid and you're just, you know, you're playing around like little action figures, it's not like.
03:04:10 That's.
03:04:11 I don't think that's anything super crazy bad, but.
03:04:16 There's there's, there's better. There's better things that that little boys can obsess about in in being a man is one of those things, and that's hard to do if you're raised by women. And increasingly many men.
03:04:29 Throughout the West are being raised by women who?
03:04:33 Unfortunately.
03:04:35 Create situations like the one.
03:04:37 Were in.
03:04:38 The good thing that.
03:04:39 You found your way out of it, granad.
03:04:42 Explicit X says Merry Christmas.
03:04:46 Well, Merry Christmas to you and thank you for the support there.
03:04:51 Beach Boys.
03:04:54 Beach gooys with another big.
03:04:56 We're going to figure out where to mix it up with some oldies but goodies here.
03:05:05 Girl, Whitey's ******* FB.Devon Stack
03:05:07 Haven't seen that one in a while, right?03:05:10 I feel like we need one more.
03:05:14 There we go.
03:05:19 Beachgoer, I says.
03:05:21 Christmas.
03:05:22 Best stream on the Internet. Where's the honey?
03:05:25 Yeah, not a lot this year. Not a lot this year because of the the ****** weather we had.
03:05:33 And are still having.
03:05:36 We usually would get like a second spring.
03:05:40 This time of year.
03:05:41 And 0 rainfall basically has made that impossible.
03:05:46 So a lot of that honey is in the hive.
03:05:49 That they the bees don't starve to death.
03:05:52 There's, there's just.
03:05:54 It's been a dearth year.
03:05:58 So I was able to get a little bit out, but not enough to unfortunately not enough to sell.
03:06:04 I mean there, there is still 1 yard.
03:06:06 One yard that's actually not small.
03:06:10 Got.
03:06:10 A few hives that I haven't gone out to yet.
03:06:13 That it does have access to more.
03:06:17 Flora, I guess you could.
03:06:20 Maybe in a very limited way, just to maybe just to kind.
03:06:24 Like maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing either.
03:06:26 I could do a very limited edition release.
03:06:31 And if not, maybe this spring right? When once things once I know that no one's gonna know.
03:06:35 Of.
03:06:36 None of the bees are going to starve to death.
03:06:37 I can steal some of their food in the spring.
03:06:41 Maybe I can do it then and then I can get like a handle on because.
03:06:45 I've never done it before. I've never.
03:06:48 At scale, harvest harvested honey, packaged honey, and then sold and delivered it.
03:06:54 Know like. So there's there's a lot that goes into that, that.
03:06:57 Going to have to.
03:06:59 About to figure out, so maybe it would be good that it's not big right now and I could just do like a real small.
03:07:05 You know, like here's here's just like there's only, like, a few gallons for sale and, you know, just make it really.
03:07:14 You can buy 12 ounces or 16 ounces or something like that, right? And then.
03:07:19 See how that goes, but.
03:07:23 Yeah, unfortunately just it wasn't there this year.
03:07:25 It was a rough year.
03:07:27 Lost a few hives because of it.
03:07:29 In fact, I'm losing hives now.
03:07:31 Getting robbed.
03:07:33 There's a couple hives I thought were like, oh, well, you didn't die out. But, you know, I made some splits late in the year.
03:07:38 Was like excited 'cause. I was like, oh good.
03:07:40 Know they're actually going to make.
03:07:42 Because they were doing good, but because of the dearth, and because the extreme deer situations.
03:07:50 Too are for sure dead because I went out to check on them.
03:07:53 Just the other day and they've been robbed out and their their hives were empty, so they were attacked by maybe my hives, but other hives went after them because there's just nothing to eat right now.
03:08:06 And so even though.
03:08:10 I try not to have Robbie B's. There's no way around it.
03:08:13 Just what they do.
03:08:14 They kill the weak.
03:08:15 It's part of a, you know, it's probably probably a good thing, evolutionarily, that they do it. They go off.
03:08:21 And attack the weaker hives. So yeah, it.
03:08:25 'S not a lot of production this year, sadly.
03:08:30 Yeah. Thank you for the the big support there, beachgoers, Renard says.
03:08:36 Yes, being a nerd, not to be confused.
03:08:39 Oh wait, we already did that.
03:08:42 Growing out of being a nerd, or at least going out of the the cringe part of it.
Money Clip
03:08:48 Beach Boys.Devon Stack
03:08:53 Why the button not doing anything?03:09:10 Beach Grove says just make us a straight black pill T.
03:09:15 Opposed to a gay.
03:09:18 Black pail or black pilled T?
03:09:24 Get it 'cause like.
03:09:27 Like straight?
03:09:30 Yeah. If I did that, I feel like just 'cause. Like, I feel like I'm on thin ice. Not getting my the the shirt company kicking me off.
03:09:37 Maybe I'd use like a different company just for the black pill stuff.
03:09:42 They boot me.
03:09:43 It's fine.
03:09:45 I don't.
03:09:45 Yeah, people have been asking for that for a long.
03:09:47 There's no reason to not do it really, other than I'm trying to stay under the radar.
03:09:54 Because I used.
03:09:55 I mean, there's some of them out.
03:09:57 I I I ordered one of them once. I have one somewhere.
03:10:01 I have a black a black belt T-shirt that's probably seen better days like it's like 5 years old now. I think because I've had that.
03:10:10 I got that one before I got to the pill box, so I've had it for a long time, so maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll do that.
03:10:17 Kozlovska Rock says they're erasing us by replacing the Merry Christmas greeting with happy holidays.
03:10:24 I rebuke this Merry Christmas, Devon and chat, by the way, I like to revisit my youth by listening to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert.
03:10:36 Yeah, always a good.
03:10:38 A good source of traditional Christmas carols, even if you're not Mormon, like you know, it's not like there's like Mormon versions of the the Christmas carols they're singing.
03:10:48 All traditional Christmas songs.
03:10:52 And yeah, the happy holidays thing that's been that's been around a long time.
03:10:56 Have been.
03:10:57 Noticing that since the 90s you know that used to be big.
03:11:02 That's one of Bill O'reilly's big crusades, right?
03:11:06 It's the war on Christmas.
03:11:09 Check elector says Merry Christmas, Devon and chant and merry, merry HH to a Jewish listeners.
03:11:18 Hanukkah.
03:11:19 Wow, I don't.
03:11:21 Think that's what happy Hanukkah or that's what HH means.
03:11:27 Serbian Bull says money tree publishing would sell your books.
03:11:32 You have a link to there.
03:11:33 Yeah.
03:11:33 I don't know.
03:11:34 I've never heard of them, but maybe that will be one of the ones I consider.
03:11:41 Friendly neighborhood fascist says Marc. Coat is in the UK and reads my name in full.
03:11:47 Had to had a phase in life where he got ****** in the *** and come on, let's not be too crazy about it.
03:11:54 So despite his recovery, still has moments with.
03:11:57 With. All right, I've I've heard people say this and.
03:12:04 If that someone's past and I don't know if that is, if that's someone's past, they've left it in the past.
03:12:12 I can't understand.
03:12:14 It's nothing I can relate to, but it is as long as it's firmly in the past.
03:12:20 Then it's the past I've done.
03:12:22 Not that.
03:12:24 I've done ****** things in my past and if people kept bringing up how I used to, you know, if I was, that was a big pothead all the time and drinking all the time.
03:12:33 It's like all right. Yeah, it was.
03:12:35 That's, you know, I'm not.
03:12:37 Not still doing.
03:12:38 I'm telling people not to do that.
03:12:40 You know, you don't have to throw up my ******* face all the time.
03:12:46 But yeah, look, I I don't know.
03:12:47 Don't live in the.
03:12:48 I don't know what it's like to have to deal with that hanging over your head.
03:12:55 If people were were getting thrown into jail for years just for posting naughty things on the Internet, I'd be look it. It would be nerve wracking, I think.
03:13:10 Corn pop. The bad dude says.
03:13:13 Know what you.
03:13:14 If it makes any, if it makes any better.
03:13:18 He was honey potted with the 17 year old ***** off an escort site.
03:13:22 All them.
03:13:23 Matt Gaetz, I think also likely part of the honey pot op.
03:13:26 He's apparently the one of the few who isn't getting APAC money, so I guess that's why they sent underage ****** with fake IDs after him.
03:13:36 Made by Greenberg. Well, there you go.
03:13:41 That's why you need to have people who aren't going to fall for the the prostitution ring grift.
03:13:48 Hammerhead cow says hello.
03:13:50 Love the work you do, Devon.
03:13:52 Also, love your response when people send you links. Here's a link.
03:13:57 Well, we already did that.
03:13:58 Tonight we're trying to try not to be too repetitive tonight, but what is this? A link to it?
03:14:06 It's a Wikipedia link.
03:14:09 You know, I'll, I'll. I'll humor you and see what it.
03:14:14 If it's super gay, you might get the Galen thing.
03:14:16 What is this?
03:14:19 Nap of hoar.
03:14:23 An island in Scotland.
03:14:28 The oldest preserved stone house in northern Europe.
03:14:35 Occupied.
03:14:37 From 3700 BC to 2800 BC.
03:14:42 Earlier than the similar houses in the settlement.
03:14:47 From the mainland. So there you go.
03:14:50 Ancient European peoples fun fact, I suppose.
03:14:55 Man of low moral fiber. I've had success recently at some Christmas parties.
03:15:01 The Holocaust is just the new Book of Genesis for Jews, even if they claim to be secular and not religious, to believe in the Holocaust.
03:15:12 Is no different than fundamentalist, more or Christians.
03:15:17 Like, it's them too.
03:15:18 Who believe the world is 6000 years old.
03:15:23 Yeah. I guess to some degree.
03:15:25 Men of low moral fiber.
03:15:27 Thanks for that.
03:15:29 It's very effective, especially on people who lean towards atheist tendencies. Merry Christmas.
03:15:37 Merry Christmas to you.
03:15:40 1488 VID collection says.
03:15:43 Lean, lean, Leonid.
03:15:45 Leonid Robinsky is the Jew that owns only fans.
03:15:50 The top donor to APAC, literally a Jewish cyber pimp cycling the money he extracts, pimping out of white women online back into Jewish power groups.
03:16:01 There you go.
03:16:01 Where he can make sure that white men die for Israel.
03:16:05 Man of.
03:16:06 More of fiber says with Prager, Pelosi and McConnell all taking tumbles recently.
03:16:12 Do you think there was an interruption in supply of baby blood?
03:16:15 That's what Q would would say, I suppose, but no.
03:16:20 I just think they're all they're all these people are getting old as ****, especially, you know, Pelosi and McConnell, for ****'* sake.
03:16:27 I mean, I'm shocked they're still running.
03:16:31 It's pretty is not as old, but he's getting up there too.
03:16:35 But he's not nearly as old.
03:16:37 Don't think any.
03:16:38 He's probably like at least 10 years younger than those guys.
03:16:41 Funk Android says, wishing you and all those watching a Merry Christmas.
03:16:47 I appreciate that.
03:16:51 A lying friend with a big donut.
03:16:53 Let's see.
03:16:54 We're going to get a little creative here.
03:16:59 Ah, let's do this.
03:17:02 I'm gonna put you in a hospital. Stop you from having more kids.
03:17:10 There we go, canine friend.
03:17:13 Merry Christmas and have a blessed New Year.
03:17:17 Well, I appreciate that canine friend and Merry Christmas to you and a happy New Year and a basen year to you and yours as well.
03:17:26 Dirty White boy says people need to stop over.
03:17:31 Specifying the situation anytime we get a stochastic, non white violence, it doesn't matter if it's a Syrian Islamist doing a jihad, it's just a non white violence against whites. If we over specify and are wrong, our mistake is.
03:17:50 What gets latched onto and amplified.
03:17:53 **** the details.
03:17:54 Well, like I said, the reason why I think it's it it.
03:17:59 It's important to note that the non white who.
03:18:03 Mass murdered people at the Christmas market to specify that he's not Muslim is just to show to these SIV Nats.
03:18:12 Will tell you that it's not about them being non white, it's about them being Muslim that they're wrong.
03:18:17 It is about them being brown.
03:18:21 It's about them being brown.
03:18:22 So you're right.
03:18:24 But every once in a specific details to make a point like that.
03:18:30 4 Chan, anyone?
03:18:33 Buttons not working the night.
03:18:35 Going on.
Money Clip
03:18:36 How to say hello in?03:18:49 Ignore Google.
Devon Stack
03:18:52 The more annoying ones I guess.03:18:54 Stiff competition this year, but personally the most Jewish thing I stumbled upon.
03:19:00 Was the Church of euthanasia same as Flat Earth Ernest with plausible deniability?
03:19:06 Surely subversive mixing **** in 9/11 could make a good stream.
03:19:11 Merry Christmas gay link. Alright, I'll.
03:19:16 I'll copy it into my sounds if nothing else very interesting.
03:19:23 That'll go in the.
03:19:26 The notes there.
03:19:28 Thank you very.
03:19:29 There for Cheney, one kozlovska rocks Gypsy Rose Blanchard is the ugly freak who killed her mom.
03:19:37 Cut a plea deal did 8 years and is now celebrated.
03:19:42 Gypsy rose Blanchard.
03:19:45 Oh, that's the the influencer.
03:19:51 Had to sneeze there.
03:19:53 Maybe, maybe.
03:19:56 The name is cursed.
03:19:58 Out of curiosity, I'm going to look that up.
03:20:00 Rose.
03:20:01 What does this freak look like?
03:20:05 I don't.Devon Stack
03:20:06 This.03:20:06 This person does not look familiar.
03:20:09 Why are they cross eyed and weird looking?
03:20:14 Beauty influencer somehow.
03:20:19 Cross eyed and weird looking.
03:20:23 And missing teeth, right?
03:20:28 There you go, a lowering of the bar, right, I guess.
03:20:33 People, I guess she adds to the spice of life.
03:20:37 Men love little more fiber, echoing what dirty white boy just said.
03:20:42 No such thing as an ex Muslim.
03:20:44 That's the same thing as an ex *****. Muslim and Arab are interchangeable.
03:20:50 They mean the same thing like Mexican and Colombian.
03:20:54 Or Mexican Guatemalan, etcetera.
03:20:56 They're just brown.
03:20:58 Because Lobster Rock says Gypsy Rose black turtleneck.
03:21:02 Just said.
03:21:03 Why did you say it twice?
03:21:07 Have more to it. I guess this time.
03:21:10 Is the dyes genetic chick who killed her mom due to political shenanigans?
03:21:13 A.
03:21:14 Abuse. Excuse story. She was able to cut a plea and serve eight years. The kicker is that her defense attorney is now her entertainment manager.
03:21:26 Well, look at that.
03:21:27 To.
03:21:28 Good to know.
03:21:31 Granada will 2025 be the year of some black pilled merchant honey.
03:21:40 I don't know.
03:21:41 Maybe I will.
03:21:42 I'll try to do the honey thing, and yeah, maybe we'll do the.
03:21:47 Maybe we'll try to make some.
03:21:50 Like mugs or shirts or something with a logo on it, maybe we'll see.
03:21:57 We'll see. As you guys know, I'm not like.
03:22:00 I'm not a big merch pusher.
03:22:04 But maybe I don't.
03:22:05 Maybe that's a mistake on my part.
03:22:07 I should.
03:22:08 Because like you know, you've you made the case for a way.
03:22:11 It could be.
03:22:13 Not necessarily to me, to to people like yourself trying to find fellow based people in your congregation, etcetera.
03:22:21 All right, we're going to take a look.
03:22:22 Rumble.
03:22:25 Alright, rumble.
03:22:28 It's always a fun time going through rumble just because of the way it sucks with.
03:22:34 With the the way that the plugin doesn't work half the time and it didn't work tonight.
03:22:42 Who's Joe?
03:22:43 Who's Joe?
03:22:56 Who's Joe?
03:22:57 Says hey, Devin wanted to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
03:23:01 I can't catch the stream tonight, so I have to catch the.
03:23:05 I just worked 36 hours straight and I have a 22 hour shift in seven hours.
03:23:10 There's.
03:23:12 You're doing the grind.
03:23:14 See this my man here.
03:23:15 He knows what it's like.
03:23:17 That's exactly what I get around the hall when everyone else was taking time off.
03:23:22 I was cashing in.
03:23:24 I was cashing.
03:23:25 I was doing the grind and getting that.
03:23:29 There is a time of life that's actually not not a bad way of doing things.
03:23:33 Regret it like I was talking about that.
03:23:37 Wasn't like, oh, so lonely on Christmas.
03:23:39 I I had a good time.
03:23:41 'Cause it was like because everyone else was on.
03:23:43 It was actually kind of work. Was kind of nice, like all the all the annoying people who don't do anything are the ones that take vacation.
03:23:50 And so they are. All the ones that were gone.
03:23:54 Yeah, doing the.
03:23:55 Well, hopefully we help you pass some of that time with these replays, but thank you very much for the support we got, of course obviously.
03:24:05 A big donor from unreconstructed rebel. Always.
03:24:08 Big.
03:24:09 Here we're going to. Let's see if we can do.
03:24:12 Some.
03:24:13 Randos here to spice.
03:24:14 Maybe someones we haven't done enough of this year.
Money Clip
03:24:17 I am not method defect.03:24:21 And I don't see why.
03:24:22 How can the doctor say that I am?
Devon Stack
03:24:26 Play.03:24:27 *** ****** if the.
03:24:30 On reconstruct, the rebel says, hey, Devil wanted to say Merry Christmas and.
03:24:34 New year.
03:24:35 I can't catch the stream tonight, so I have to catch the replay.
03:24:38 Oh wait, we just did that one.
03:24:41 Oh yeah. You, you.
03:24:44 Had the exact same one from.
03:24:49 Guess you have two accounts. Who's Joe?
03:24:53 Or your is there a bot giving me money?
03:24:54 I don't think so.
03:24:56 You said six hours.
03:24:57 That was the big difference though. You have to work or or. No, you're. I guess you're doing a joke. 'cause. You have to work 37 hours in six hours. So there you go.
03:25:11 Oh no, you just worked 37 hours and you have a 23 hour shift.
03:25:16 In six hours. So you're simply 1 upping, 1 upping.
03:25:20 Joe.
03:25:22 There we.
03:25:23 I was like, what the hell?
03:25:24 Going on here.
03:25:24 AM.
03:25:25 Am I getting AI money?
03:25:28 That's that's concerning.
03:25:30 Well, who's behind this? What? Who?
03:25:34 AM.
03:25:34 Am I am I playing?
03:25:36 I being manipulated?
03:25:38 No, I I I get it.
03:25:40 And I appreciate.
03:25:41 Always a big supporter here on unreconstruct.
03:25:44 Rebel.
03:25:45 And then again with the artistic.
03:25:49 Artistic with a jobs question.
03:25:51 What does he think about someone trying to kill Nick Fuentes?
03:25:55 I said I mentioned this before.
03:25:59 I I think that we're going to.
03:26:00 More of this.
03:26:03 People. And it's funny because there was someone that was trying to act like I was being inconsistent by saying, hey, you know, good job not being murdered, Nick and.
03:26:15 Weren't you just the other day?
03:26:18 Haha, we've caught you.
03:26:20 Weren't you just the other day?
03:26:22 Kind of a kind of maybe not celebrating the increase in violence, but kind of kind of saying you didn't have a problem with it. And now here you are saying that you you don't wish death upon.
03:26:35 Nick, it's like.
03:26:38 If you think the two are inconsistent, there's, you know you got a problem with with.
03:26:45 Well, first of all, what I'm what I'm.
03:26:47 Second of all, logic but third of all, that's just that goes with the territory.
03:26:54 If if things are going to get more violent and more kinetic in this country, yeah, people who are involved in politics on the left and the right, whether they're influencers, whether they're politicians, whether they're donors.
03:27:09 We are going to have a more risky environment in which we live in.
03:27:16 That is part of it and I'm well, I'm not immune to it.
03:27:21 I'm probably more immune to it than people like Nick. Who are, you know, more well known and more hated.
03:27:29 But yeah, none of us are immune to it.
03:27:32 That's something that.
03:27:35 I don't take lightly and I fully understand when I say still, when it comes to.
03:27:42 Achieving what I feel.
03:27:45 Are solutions for our people.
03:27:48 Is a necessary?
03:27:49 I'm not saying it's a good thing.
03:27:51 I'm not saying it's great that the world's going to get more.
03:27:55 I'm just not one of these ******* that are that are trying to preserve the status quo because they're afraid of it.
03:28:03 And so yeah, it's going to get more violent.
03:28:06 Obviously, some psycho that responded to a DOX.
03:28:11 A Dox that was allowed to be on Twitter for days and days, and.
03:28:16 In fact, it's my understanding that Twitter just now, after the assassination attempt, took it down.
03:28:25 Despite the docs being reported to Twitter since the day it was posted by, I'm sure an army of drapers right over and over and over again.
03:28:36 And Elon Musk dodging that whole situation.
03:28:39 He's out there retweeting lots of.
03:28:44 Clearly, Jewish accounts.
03:28:47 All day long.
03:28:50 And going full MAGA brain all the time.
03:28:54 It's.
03:28:57 Again, and I know there's lots of you guys who probably hate Nick and I and I, and I understand some of your reasons.
03:29:09 I think, however.
03:29:11 A lot of it's a little overboard I.
03:29:13 I think some people professionally hate him and I think that's a little much.
03:29:20 I think it's a little much. In fact, it kind of makes makes you look a little like a fan like it does.
03:29:27 Makes you look like you're kind of his.
03:29:30 I know you don't see it that way, but from the outside looking in it, you kind of look like his biggest fan.
03:29:36 You know, it's like.
03:29:40 You know, like a lot of times stockers who end up killing the girl, they're stocking 'cause they have this very confusing love, hate view of them.
03:29:50 You know, it kind of little bit like kind of little bit comes across like that a little bit.
03:29:59 And yeah.
03:30:00 Think it's a little weird?
03:30:03 So and this is this is probably and that's people on the right, on the left, it's it's murderous rage apparently.
03:30:11 You know.
03:30:12 All of us to some degree.
03:30:14 And again, I think he, you know, his experience, a unique level of it.
03:30:20 All of us, to some degree, experienced that, though, and it is dangerous not just for us, but for our families.
03:30:27 And we have we all take you know, we all take different precautions.
03:30:32 To kind of try to insulate ourselves or our family from that, you know, like I'm I'm a very private person as as a result of I, I've received many death threats over the years. Probably not probably most of them are not credible.
03:30:47 I know people who have attempted to stalk me.
03:30:52 RLI don't talk about it.
03:30:53 I don't want to.
03:30:55 Yeah, because that's what sets off a lot of these crazies, right?
03:30:58 Then now.
03:30:59 Now they're part of the.
03:31:01 Cuz again, some of these guys are.
03:31:02 Just deranged.
03:31:03 They're just, they're people that fall in love with you and then they feel rejected and so they turn to like crazy stalkers. Like, that's what a lot of that.
03:31:12 How it is for a lot of these people, not all of them, but that's a lot of them.
03:31:15 And so if you start talking about what they're doing to **** with you, then it's like they're getting what they want.
03:31:21 But a.
03:31:22 Of people that are that are public.
03:31:26 You encounter some of this stuff, especially as the mental health of the of the country and the world goes down the.
03:31:33 There's just crazier people out there, and it's not like. And look, I'm saying things that really freak people out sometimes. Not always, but you know.
03:31:44 People are very, you know, and then if obviously there's the Jewish component to it, it'd be crazy to think that there's not.
03:31:54 There's Jewish.
03:31:56 Some of it might just be independently crazy ****** Jews reacting to you in a crazy ****** Jew way.
03:32:05 And some of it could be organized coming from Israel or, you know, some Jewish non profit 'cause they think that you're an.
03:32:12 So you have to you have to deal with that and it's not fun. And even if you don't like.
03:32:20 A particular streamer or influencer or whatever.
03:32:24 And even if you think your reasons are good and valid, and maybe they are.
03:32:29 You have to understand that that's many of them are still taking risks.
03:32:34 To say what they want to say.
03:32:36 And you.
03:32:37 At least I think.
03:32:39 That.
03:32:40 I mean the fact that, look, there's a lot of people who aren't the alternative.
03:32:43 People that are taking 0 risks.
03:32:46 Who? Who never have to worry about a crazy person showing up.
03:32:50 And doing something like that, and in fact the irony is those are often the people who make enough money to make sure that even if they did it wouldn't, you know, they have.
03:32:58 Have security or they live in a gated community or or whatever, so they're playing it safe on, you know.
03:33:06 A whole new level. So look, it's.
03:33:09 Uh.
03:33:11 That's just the way it is. We have to.
03:33:12 There's there's just ******* the world's crazy, and I think a crazy person went to go kill him and failed.
03:33:20 So then, there's probably gonna be more things. I'm not not saying more attempts on his life, maybe, but not that I'm not, like, wishing that on him. Certainly. But like, it could happen. And not just him. Like I said, like all of us could.
03:33:35 And it doesn't have.
03:33:36 Be crazy people.
03:33:38 It could be just state persecution, especially once Trump.
03:33:41 It was announced today.
03:33:44 I think today that Trump's playing Dershowitz in charge of anti-Semitism at the federal.
03:33:51 I have.
03:33:51 I haven't read up on it, but that's something that came up today.
03:33:55 And that's not Greg. You know that's not Greg.
03:34:01 So it could be something, you know, like it could be something having to do with the state coming after people in people you like, people you don't.
03:34:09 But just people who criticize Jews could end up facing consequences.
03:34:15 That involve firearms, whether the other.
03:34:18 Those firearms are being held by crazy people or.
03:34:23 Or federal employees. You know, we never know.
03:34:28 All right, scrolling through rumble here. 'cause. That's how I have to do it.
03:34:31 Apologize if it misses.
03:34:32 I don't think that it it.
03:34:35 I think 'cause I turn on as a backup, I turn on.
03:34:39 Long chat history, which I think saves all of it, so I think that we're good, but I'm scrolling down here.
03:34:48 Rebel again, is there a?
03:34:55 We haven't used this one in a while.
03:34:58 Right, you.
03:34:59 Guys are calling yourself.
03:35:04 Craig J Spence might be worth a stream.
03:35:08 He was a CIA asset and connected to a pedo ring.
03:35:13 Wiki shows that Trump's Roy Cohn was a frequent guest to his lavish parties.
03:35:19 Very.
03:35:19 Yeah. Well, there you go.
03:35:21 Roy Cohn was very much involved in Epstein like.
03:35:25 That's why I think it's insane. One of the many reasons it's insane to think.
03:35:30 Think that Trump was not involved with Epstein any?
03:35:35 He.
03:35:35 He obviously 100% was.
03:35:38 It's just cope to say that he wasn't.
03:35:40 I'm going to paste that in my notes.
03:35:45 Because I don't.
03:35:46 I've heard of him before.
03:35:50 But thank you very much, as always, on reconstructed rebel and once again, unreconstructed Rebel again, obligatory Southern pride.
03:36:01 Worldwide, while unconstructed unreconstructed rebel.
Money Clip
03:36:07 I'm your density.Devon Stack
03:36:11 Oh yeah, let's get let's do better than that.Dwight
03:36:13 My Grandpa Mannheim is 103 and still puttering around down in Argentina.03:36:19 I tried to go visit him once, but my travel visa was protested by the Shoah Foundation.
Devon Stack
03:36:24 There we go.03:36:25 Alright, scrolling.
03:36:27 Scrolling down still scrolling down.
03:36:32 Ah, I wish Rumble had a nice tidy.
03:36:35 They.
03:36:35 They just got the investment from tether some insane amount.
03:36:39 Saw that in the in the news it was.
03:36:44 I want to say $700 million from Tether, which I don't know about. That part of it.
03:36:49 Don't like that?
03:36:50 But maybe they're gonna. They're gonna, you know, put some kind of crypto aspect to rumble.
03:36:55 Don't know how that's gonna work, but we'll see ***** spritzer.
03:37:00 Says. Well, I mean, come on. It's the. It's the holiday season ***** spritzer.
03:37:07 Suffice it to say, he is expressing his dislike.
03:37:17 Dislike of ******* and.
03:37:23 Hebes. I'll just put it that way.
03:37:29 ***** sprinter.
03:37:31 See what I saw?
03:37:34 902 says Merry Christmas, getting up early to blow snow, something you probably don't miss.
03:37:41 I'll.
03:37:41 You what? I don't miss icy sidewalks.
03:37:44 You know what I hate? The I lived in Maryland for a bit.
03:37:47 They it was such it was wet, you know, like snow.
03:37:51 And so you got icy everything. And I busted my *** 'cause I had. I had to dress up for work.
03:37:57 To wear like a ******* suit. And so I'm wearing, like fancy shoes.
03:38:01 On slippery ******* sidewalks and I ******* I biffed it so many times, like and it's embarrassing, right?
03:38:07 Like you're not the only one doing.
03:38:09 You know, it's like everyone's ******* around biffing it around on, you know, all these, all these people in pea coats getting their, you know, busting their ***** on the ******* concrete. Nice.
03:38:19 Man, I do not miss that **** at all.
03:38:23 All right. I'm gonna take one extra look back at Odyssey, see if we got any last minute ones.
03:38:31 Before we close her down.
03:38:32 We.
03:38:32 We got one more.
03:38:33 We got Michael 57 de.
03:38:38 Devin Hale, our folk.
03:38:41 Gal, our gods, I think it's.
03:38:46 Gal are.
03:38:46 I don't know if that's a typo or if that's something I don't know what that means, gal are.
03:38:51 X can't remove a dox for days, but they can put up posts of mine that just speak historical truth in limited state half a second after I hit the send button.
03:39:02 Go.
03:39:03 Exactly. Elon is not on our side.
03:39:06 And everyone should be well aware that.
03:39:10 And yeah, so alright guys.
03:39:13 Just for good old time sake, right?
03:39:15 Let me give you one more, let's do this.
03:39:30 Yeah.
03:39:38 And with that.
03:39:41 For Black Pilled have a.
03:39:43 Very Merry Christmas, everyone, and I'll probably, honestly, I think I will see you guys before Christmas or on.
03:39:49 But if I don't have a very Merry Christmas for black pill, I am of course.
03:39:55 Devonstagg.
03:39:58 Are you merely a Christmas gift?Interviewee
03:40:00 No. Say yes anyhow, for camera, I'm Jewish.03:40:03 I celebrate Hanukkah.
03:40:03 Are you OK? Hanukkah is over.03:40:14 Was over.
03:40:15 A Queens man is recovering tonight after being rescued from a house fire that was caused by a menorah left unattended.
03:40:27 You.
03:40:27 Well.
03:40:29 The box.
03:40:29 Of a Jewish family from Brooklyn are being flown back to Israel for boil following a horrific, horrific tragedy.
03:40:35 Local fire authorities confirmed the fatal blaze was sparked by the families Hanukkah Menorah.
03:40:40 I'm George.
03:40:41 How?
03:40:42 You doing?
Jewish Guy
03:40:44 Is older.