12/07/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 3297.00:00:05 60318.
00:00:10 60318.
00:00:14 26319.
00:00:19 263.
Devon Stack
00:00:19 Replay.Numbers Lady
00:00:21 19.Devon Stack
00:00:22 The.Numbers Lady
00:00:23 37842.00:00:29 378-428-0120.
00:00:38 80120.
00:00:43 78362.
00:00:48 7.
00:00:49 8362.
00:00:53 37425.
00:00:57 37425.
00:01:02 97702.
00:01:07 97702.
00:01:23 70.
00:01:27 Group.
00:01:28 70.
00:01:32 62886.
00:01:37 Mr. Gore Al Gore.Mr. Garrison
00:01:42 That's the name I haven't heard.00:01:44 In a long time.
Al Gore
00:01:46 Call upon the powers of the darkness.00:01:48 I was almost President last week.
00:02:01 We call.
00:02:05 Upon the powers of darkness.
00:02:08 Do you something shaking?Mackey
00:02:10 Yeah, no toy.Al Gore
00:02:13 Power, we call upon the power of darkness.00:02:22 I command the Satan and I am all. I confess you boys better get to the grocery store because it's time to get serial.
00:02:39 I was almost president.
00:02:42 We crawl upon the power of.
00:03:00 Darkness.00:03:01 In it by.
Al Gore
00:03:02 We call upon the powers of darkness, darkness.00:03:08 Our war was right all along.
00:03:12 We should have a listen to Al Gore.
00:03:18 We should have taken out more cereal.
Member Berries
00:03:22 It is.Al Gore
00:03:37 Good morning.00:03:44 I was almost president.
Devon Stack
00:03:50 I.Al Gore
00:03:55 I.Korn
00:04:14 Well, this sure has been a wacky night, but me and the gang learned a lot and we hope you did.00:04:18 You all perceive this to be mean, evil people, but really we're just normal guys and we all perceive part goes to be real when actually they were just cotton swabs.
00:04:25 I guess the lesson is it's easy to perceive something some way.
00:04:27 And then be.
00:04:28 So we all need to learn to be a little less perceptive.
00:04:30 Yeah, the gang and I wrote a song about it, and it goes a little something like this and A1 and A2 and a.
Matt Stone
00:05:00 Hey, this song I'm here standing.00:05:03 Sometimes that's OK.
00:05:11 Away from me, I laying away from knife.
Al Gore
00:05:13 I.Matt Stone
00:05:26 That's when I insane. I feel it was suicide and sometimes.00:05:32 Killed the planning.
00:05:33 I can't always say it's going.
00:05:36 To be that.
00:05:38 From me, if I make a wife.
Member Berries
00:05:39 Way.Matt Stone
00:06:18 Yeah.00:06:27 Down.
Member Berries
00:06:49 I.00:06:53 The.
Matt Stone
00:07:15 I.00:07:18 Let's.
00:07:19 On the way so.
00:07:22 I.
00:07:23 It's falling away from.
00:07:27 Your eyes falling away from me.
Al Gore
00:08:01 Next game.00:08:07 Yeah.
Matt Stone
00:08:19 I.00:08:27 Regular regular.
Al Gore
00:08:32 The.00:08:38 I.
00:08:42 I.
Member Berries
00:08:46 The.Al Gore
00:08:51 I.Devon Stack
00:08:56 Welcome.00:08:58 To the insomnia stream.
00:09:02 South Park conservatives, Part 2.
00:09:07 It's gonna be probably another long one.
00:09:13 I'm your host, of course. Devin Stack, and I'm ready for the long haul.
00:09:17 Drinking coffee out of it, out of a new mug.
00:09:22 That looked fancy, but is awkward to hold.
00:09:29 Alright, it works. Kind of.
00:09:34 It was a gift.
00:09:36 So you know anyway.
00:09:41 Here's a novelty mug.
00:09:45 Like novelty mugs, I.
00:09:47 Thought I stopped working in cubicle world.
00:09:51 Anyway, yeah, so last stream we covered South Park's influence on the acceptance of homosexuality.
00:10:01 Within the the now I guess.
00:10:04 Kind of as the boomers begin to fade into the background, the people taking over the the Gen. Xers taking the reins, and I guess to some extent, increasingly even some millennials.
00:10:17 And their libertarian views are not just homosexuality, but literally everything I.
00:10:24 Again, you should probably watch the first stream. If you haven't, you don't need to watch it before you watch this one.
00:10:28 If you haven't seen it yet, you know, check it out. Maybe after.
00:10:31 Words.
00:10:32 But there was even a book.
00:10:33 Written called South Park conservatives.
00:10:37 Several year in.
00:10:38 I think like 20 years ago they described this phenomenon this.
00:10:45 Capture of of I guess, conservative young conservatives, edgy boy conservatives in the late 90s, early 2000s by the creators, creators of South Park as they injected libertarian.
00:11:01 Ideology.
00:11:02 Into their edgy show.
00:11:04 And it became.
00:11:07 Like extremely popular South Park, as I mentioned, last stream was probably the biggest moneymaker for Comedy Central.
00:11:16 And they, you know, they've well, there's almost 30 seasons of it now.
00:11:21 It's it's.
00:11:22 I mean, they have South Park merch, South Park video game, South Park.
00:11:28 It's. Yeah, I would say it's on par with The Simpsons at this point, which is kind of.
00:11:33 Amazing considering it was a cable show and when it started out as a cable show, it was competing with network television which was which had a much, much, much larger audience.
00:11:47 And this, you know, it's not just that there wasn't streaming back then.
00:11:51 Cable audiences were rather small. I think that the numbers, when it was on the first season of South Park of available viewers, it was only like 9 million subscribers or something like that.
00:12:02 So to give you an idea versus, I mean at the population, at the population that at the at that time was probably.
00:12:09 In the 200,000,000 for America.
00:12:13 But yeah, everyone's heard of South Park.
00:12:16 South Park still and in some way remains a little bit.
00:12:21 Not as not as much. These days. They don't make as many episodes.
00:12:25 Audiences are probably.
00:12:26 I don't know what the exact numbers are, but you still see people on the right.
00:12:31 Tweeting out clips and in fact, sometimes stupidly, because a lot of what South Park does is satire.
00:12:40 Often, Republicans are right.
00:12:42 People don't know when they're being made fun of.
00:12:46 I mentioned that there was a a show back in the late 90s early 2.
00:12:51 It was where Stephen Colbert? Well, first he was on The Daily Show, but then he had the Colbert report where he.
00:12:57 A parody.
00:12:58 He was a parody of Bill O'Reilly essentially, but his entire show was making fun of conservatives.
00:13:07 And you know Bill O'Reilly specifically.
00:13:10 And I'm it was obvious to anyone that wasn't ********, but unfortunately there's a lot of ******** conservatives out there that had no idea that it was parody.
00:13:20 They had no idea that they were the punchline, and this is I still see this like there was.
00:13:26 Specifically, there was a anti vaxxer guy that tweeted out. This was this was like like during COVID or right after COVID or something.
00:13:36 They said South Park gets it.
00:13:38 And then they tweeted out this clip.
00:13:41 Of South Park, making fun of people who didn't want to take the vaccine.
00:13:45 But they didn't get the.
00:13:46 They didn't get that. They were the joke, and sadly, that's just the way it is. Whenever there's parody, whenever there's satire.
00:13:56 Whenever there's sarcasm, it's an IQ.
00:13:59 It's an.
00:14:01 Test you see the the I I have noticed.
00:14:05 I have noticed that there are people that are very against this kind of humor not going to name names.
00:14:11 Because they don't get it.
00:14:13 They don't get it.
00:14:14 They don't know when you're joking and South Park is, you know, they created a lot of humor like that, which is a great way to weasel your their way into your brain.
00:14:26 Or or just the fact that they they ridiculed the left at all made them seem crazy, right wing extremist.
00:14:35 'Cause. Usually you watch Comedy Central because Comedy Central had The Daily Show and had the Colbert Report and just everything else that was on Comedy Central or literally anything else that was on cable. Whether it was a, you know, MTV or HBO, they were just broadcast. Nothing was.
00:14:52 Leaning at all.
00:14:53 Nothing ever made fun of left wing ideas ever.
00:14:57 And so just the fact that South Park occasionally would make fun of leftists. That was, that's all people needed.
00:15:06 That's all they needed.
00:15:08 That's all they need to feel like they.
00:15:10 A.
00:15:10 Oh, they, they they get it.
00:15:13 They get it. Those guys, they get it.
00:15:16 They're making fun of hippies.
00:15:18 They get it.
00:15:19 And then of course, I've also mentioned how Cartman, a lot of people think. Oh well, Cartman's base 'cause he's always talking about Jews and.
00:15:29 You know, he's always.
00:15:30 A racist and kind of funny.
00:15:32 And as I mentioned before, well, that's he is, but he's he's the same as Archie Bunker.
00:15:39 He's the same as Michael Scott. He's not someone you want to be.
00:15:43 And we'll have some examples of that tonight.
00:15:47 Of Cartman doing so-called based things.
00:15:50 At the end, he's the joke.
00:15:53 No one wants to be the fat kid.
00:15:55 The fat, stupid kid who ultimately always loses who ultimately is the **** of the jokes, who ultimately is just there to make people laugh. Just like Archie Bunker, because.
00:16:08 Ha ha ha, he said.
00:16:09 Or something like.
00:16:11 And so, anyway, let's let's well Speaking of.
00:16:20 Let's.
00:16:22 Let's start with this is the way I've been talking about the race relations.
00:16:25 Stream was.
00:16:27 This is going to be race relations now.
00:16:30 Funny thing is, is edgy.
00:16:34 As Matt stone.
00:16:35 Trey Parker thought that they.
00:16:38 And the audiences thought that they were in the 90s.
00:16:40 They did exactly what everyone in Hollywood would have done in the in the 90s, they had a magic *****.
00:16:49 That's.
00:16:50 They had a magic ***** that every every Stephen King novel, every well, not every movie, but a lot of movies and a lot of.
00:17:03 TV shows they always have the wise black man or wise old black woman.
00:17:10 Or yeah, think of the the Oracle and the matrix right? Or even just.
00:17:16 Whatever the black guy in the matrix like, all all the the YS, the Y sage types in in Hollywood movies and in television shows were always these old black people.
00:17:28 And they.
00:17:29 The exact same thing South Park.
00:17:32 In this.
00:17:33 To like, oh, we're going to film our nose up at Hollywood and make fun of all the tropes that they do. And.
00:17:39 Try to highlight the fact that they're just a bunch of lefty.
00:17:43 Well, they did exactly that. I mean, in addition to a lot of the other lefty stuff they did, they they started their show off with with Chef.
00:17:52 Chef, who was voiced by Isaac Hayes, the guy who did the the shaft.
00:17:59 Theme song.
00:18:00 He would always come in with some sage advice, telling the kids, you know, when the white adults, when their parents were acting crazy, they would go to see chef because he would.
00:18:13 Would know what was up.
00:18:14 He would be able to explain.
00:18:17 You know what was what? What? What was the the real deal? He never really got hysterical or caught up in the craziness that often engulfed the town.
00:18:28 He was always the voice of reason.
00:18:31 Umm, so this here's here's one example, and in fact this is a very apartment example you might say.
00:18:39 Children, that's not cool.00:18:41 You don't make fun of somebody because of their ethnicity.
00:18:44 You don't, but chef, you just ripped on Chinese people.Chef
00:18:47 No, no, no, no, no.00:18:48 Different.
00:18:49 I made fun of them because they are from.
00:18:51 You see, it's not OK to make fun of an American because they are black, brown or whatever, but it is OK to make fun of foreigners because they're from another country.
Devon Stack
00:19:01 And that's an important distinction there.00:19:06 What? What Chef is is literally describing is, unfortunately, the racial worldview of the creators of South Park and many of the much of the Republican Party, if not almost all of it.
00:19:21 And that is it's basically the magic dirt theory.
00:19:24 It's OK to make fun of the foreigners, but once they come here, then once they're Americans and then you can make fun of them.
00:19:31 'Cause. Then they're American.
00:19:33 They weren't American when they were standing 20 feet that way, but once they once they came over here now.
00:19:39 Now it's not cool to make fun of them.
00:19:43 Now you can't make fun of their race and ethnicity because they're American.
00:19:48 You can make fun of Chinese people when they're from China or when they're in China.
00:19:55 Or Japanese people or Africans or whatever.
00:19:59 But you can't make fun of people based on race and ethnicity.
00:20:04 It's the.
00:20:06 It is the libertarian view that we're all the same, you know, I don't see race kind of ********.
00:20:13 And of course, Chef goes around banging all the white women in town.
00:20:19 They make a.
00:20:20 Deal out of that. He I think he has sex with every white woman character like in in the show.
00:20:29 Or at least almost all of.
00:20:31 If there maybe there's a couple they missed out, but I don't think so.
00:20:37 But this also kind of goes along with.
00:20:40 The show that Trey Parker directed for Dennis Prager and Larry Elder, they were going to get into at the end.
00:20:46 The show to give you an idea of what.
00:20:50 We're in for.
00:20:53 We're we're going to go.
00:20:54 We're going to go over after some of these South Park clips, but.
00:20:57 Just to whet your appetite as to what to expect.
Dennis Prager
00:21:01 What would?00:21:02 Say are the most important things about you my values.
Man on the Street 1
00:21:06 My ability to recognize talent.Man on the Street 2
00:21:09 Honest with my family and friends, I'm intelligent.Woman on the Street 1
00:21:13 I'm attractive.Woman on the Street 2
00:21:14 My first child is very important.Man on the Street 3
00:21:17 I had no idea.Dennis Prager
00:21:20 Hello, I'm Dennis prager.Larry Elder
00:21:21 And I'm the elder.00:21:22 You notice that.
00:21:23 No one said anything about race or ethnicity.
Devon Stack
00:21:29 That means it doesn't matter.00:21:32 Just to give you an idea of what.
00:21:35 What we're in for and it's.
00:21:37 It's so horrible that that, that Trey Parker made this because.
00:21:42 It's so bad you think? Is it supposed to?
00:21:44 Be a parody.
00:21:46 Is it supposed to be a parody of a bad diversity training video, or is it just a? Is it really?
00:21:53 Is it just a bad diversity training video?
00:21:57 And I think the answer is the latter, but I'll let you judge as we get into that later in the stream tonight.
00:22:06 So anyway, occasionally you would see this where they would make fun of, you know, for example, that the starving Ethiopians.
00:22:13 But even when they would do that in these instances where they would make fun of other races.
00:22:19 The **** of.
00:22:20 Joke wasn't. Oh, look, this is the problem is there are a lot of low IQ right leaning people.
00:22:27 There are a lot of people that miss the *******.
00:22:30 And while they're laughing and giggling at the fact that there's a character named Starvin Marvin, what they don't realize?
00:22:37 Is the joke is it's the Christians doing.
00:22:39 To them, it's the white Christian missionaries that are going out there and helping them that are are somehow to blame for their their predicament.
00:22:48 Like you're you're still the bad. Like, look I.
00:22:51 Think you should be doing that.
00:22:55 I.
00:22:55 I really hate it when I hear about white Christian missionaries going to Africa or South America or whatever, and trying to help out these needy people when they should be working on the problems that white people have here in this country.
00:23:10 It really kind of ******* ****** me off.
00:23:12 Like a.
00:23:13 It ****** me off especially.
00:23:15 Come on, let's be real. A lot of times there's really no difference other than the the cross around your neck between you and the student.
00:23:24 Which is that like to post travel pictures on their?
00:23:28 Tinder profile of them like you know, with a water bottle handing a water bottle to like some starving black kid with flies on their eyeball. You know, it's like I.
00:23:39 To travel.
00:23:40 It's my gap.
00:23:41 Like it's there's no difference like it's.
00:23:44 They they have the the excuse of of of spreading Christianity or something like.
00:23:48 But ultimately, I kind of feel like there's no there's no actual difference between the two.
00:23:53 But that's not the.
00:23:54 The joke is that these white people that are going to these countries are actually.
00:24:00 Poverty by trying to help.
00:24:04 So anyway, let's get into this first episode.
00:24:08 The first episode really kind of highlights like we talked about in the first stream.
00:24:14 Libertarians have a hard time connecting the dots when it comes to conflicting.
00:24:21 Realities when within their worldview.
00:24:24 And last time we talked about the conflicting reality of on one hand trying to be accepting of of gay **** and then drawing drawing some arbitrary line.
00:24:39 On the slip, somewhere down the slippery slope where you want. Want everything to just stop like a certain amount of gayness is OK.
00:24:47 But then after that, it's too much gayness and you can't really define what it what does define that, right?
00:24:55 What is the definition of too gay?
00:25:00 Ask a libertarian.
00:25:01 Ask a.
00:25:02 Like what exactly is too gay? Like? Why?
00:25:06 Is.
00:25:06 Where is this line exactly and how?
00:25:09 Are you defining?
00:25:10 And they can't tell you.
00:25:12 And that's the same kind of problem that they have with with everything that they believe and there's there's all the this arbitrary. Oh, you should just know kind of ********.
00:25:21 Mind poison. And they're in their head.
00:25:23 And the same thing with the race stuff.
00:25:26 They go around talking about how there is no such thing as race, how we're all just.
00:25:33 Identical computers, or at least computer hardware just installed in different computer cases.
00:25:38 It's just, but it's, you know, once you open up the hood, it's all it's.
00:25:42 The same.
00:25:43 And the only thing that makes us sometimes not get along is we have different operating systems.
00:25:49 Installed and if if you come to America, we'll just you know, we'll install America on your on your hard drive which is a it's the same.
00:25:56 The same hard drive I got. You know, it's everything just as compat.
00:26:00 But now that's what they say.
00:26:02 And then they're surprised when that there's these different outcomes and their surprise when they have to come up with reasons why there's different outcomes and their surprise when people have grievances and their surprise when, because you can't admit that, you know, for example, that race and IQ is.
00:26:19 Real.
00:26:21 And that you should have a a a loyalty to your people and that your people have a different destiny, a distinct destiny from the destinies of other people's. And you should be have a duty to that destiny.
00:26:34 And you should want to protect that for your children. This all goes over the head of libertarians.
00:26:40 They're all hyper individualists and so they can't fathom this, and so they go and tell you that we're all the same.
00:26:47 Doesn't matter if you're black, white, orange or whatever.
00:26:50 I don't see race. A lot of that ******* ********.
00:26:53 And then their surprise when when problems pop up and they try to rationalize the problems away or project the way that white people think on to other races.
00:27:07 And that's exactly what they do in this.
00:27:09 It's season 4 Episode 2 called Cartman's Silly Hate Crime.
00:27:15 And the reason why this came up and this is often the way South Park would produce their shows, they would make their shows relevant to whatever was in the news that month.
00:27:26 Know the production time. Turn around time on these episodes was was pretty quick.
00:27:32 There's like a whole documentary about.
00:27:34 You might be able to see it on YouTube.
00:27:35 I forget the name, it's something like.
00:27:38 Like 7 days to air or something like that and it shows you that the process I mean because the you know the animation is.
00:27:45 Basic that most of it's just writing and then voicing the characters, which is all well, at least largely. Matt Stone and and Tre.
00:27:56 And so they.
00:27:56 You know, they don't have to coordinate a whole lot of.
00:28:01 Production or.
00:28:01 Maybe these days they do, but especially when they were starting up.
00:28:06 And so they would try to tackle whatever was relevant at the time, so they could always be in.
00:28:12 You know, they could always have the social commentary that would, that would be, it would be hot off the presses, right?
00:28:20 Would be exactly what was on everyone's minds, which is part of what made.
00:28:25 South Park, so popular, so hate crime legislation, was just beginning to be introduced.
00:28:32 Probably would have been right around 2000 season 4.
00:28:36 See here.
00:28:43 Let me look up season.
00:28:45 I know that they when they start airing like in 96 or something like that.
00:28:50 I usually have this here.
00:29:02 So season 4.
00:29:05 Would have been 2000.
00:29:08 2000.
00:29:10 So sometime in 2000 is when this aired and this is when they were first starting to talk about hate crime legislation.
00:29:19 The story is Cartman, of course.
00:29:22 The Archie.
00:29:23 He's the quote UN quote racist that that all the stupid.
00:29:28 Low IQ right wingers can.
00:29:31 Huh. I love cartman.
00:29:32 Oh, look at my cartman shirt.
00:29:34 Gonna be cartman for Halloween.
00:29:36 Oh, I want to select Cartman as the character on on the on the South Park video game that we play.
00:29:43 Cartman in in a non racial way, attacks token one of the other one of the only other black characters on the South Park Show token is.
00:29:55 A well, he's a he's the token black kid in that. Again, it was supposed to be.
00:30:00 Oh, we're so self aware. Even though we were totally not self aware when it comes to the Magic ***** character of of Chef, we're self aware about having token and going to call him token. But even that's kind of a joke about white people. It's not a joke.
00:30:16 Black.
00:30:17 It's a joke about white people putting black people in, just as a token.
00:30:22 And that's a leftist argument, right?
00:30:24 A leftist term.
00:30:26 No, it's the token black.
00:30:28 You know you're not putting him in there 'cause. You want him in there, you're putting him in there because of white guilt and all these other things. And in a way, that's.
00:30:35 They had token on the show.
00:30:38 Is he was kind of just the token black guy.
00:30:40 So anyway, token is they they get in a fight has nothing to do with race and.
00:30:48 Cartman assaults him.
00:30:49 Yeah, and with Cartman's enormously fat ***, the boys are sure to win.Cartman
00:30:53 You can't be fat one more time and smack you in the head with this rock. That *** that ohh.00:30:58 Hey Cortana.
00:31:01 And what you need to understand is that this is not appropriate behavior, young mind.Devon Stack
00:31:07 And at first, the administration is they treat it like they would any other kind of violence in the school.00:31:14 And that's because that's what Americans were used to for, for decades.
00:31:22 Until.
00:31:22 And by the way, also kind of.
00:31:24 Yeah, it's the white kid that attacks the black kid.
00:31:26 Not, you know, let's not gloss over that.
00:31:29 And then this happens.
00:31:31 Councillor Mackey? Yes. I'm agent sharp. And this is agent keen.00:31:35 With the FBI we're
00:31:36 Here to investigate the rock throwing incident.
00:31:40 OK, I've already taken care of.00:31:42 Eric Cartman here is going to be punished with two weeks of detention.
00:31:45 I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than that, Mister School.00:31:48 Well, you see, since the victim in this case is African American, this is considered.
00:31:52 Hate crime?
00:31:55 What the?00:31:56 Is a hate crime.
00:31:57 But I don't think this is this.Agent
00:31:58 New laws have been passed to make any crime based on race, ethnicity or sexual orientation of federal offense.00:32:05 No, we're sorry, Miss Cartman, but we must follow.
00:32:08 Your son will be taken into custody and then tried in the federal Court of Law.
00:32:14 Oh my goodness.Devon Stack
00:32:16 Now, of course, libertarians are very much against hate crime legislation because we're all the same and having hate crime legislation makes us sound as if we're different and which is precisely the argument that they use.00:32:31 Later in the show.
00:32:32 But of course they they they also have the the the opportunity to to who they blaming here?
00:32:41 Who are they blaming for this? This predicament that we're in?
00:32:44 They're not blaming black people for the existence of hate crime.
00:32:49 They're not blaming Jews for the existence of hate crime legislation again and again and again.
00:32:56 What you'll see in South Park and what you'll hear from conservatives today, it's white leftists.
00:33:03 Right. It's white leftists.
00:33:05 White leftists are the ones that do that are doing this.
00:33:08 Are all these white leftists doing this?
00:33:12 Mr. Cartman, do you know a boy by the name of token?00:33:15 Who is token?
00:33:16 He's a black kid that goes to.Stan
00:33:18 My school black.Lawyer
00:33:19 Did you say black?00:33:20 You call him black.
00:33:21 He is black.Lawyer
00:33:22 Ohh, he said it again.00:33:24 Ohh he is African.
00:33:26 And so you decided to pick him out of all three rage built and built inside your head until it became too much.
00:33:31 Because you hate African American.
Devon Stack
00:33:34 And you know it's it's see it's people like that.00:33:37 It's it's a problem we're creating for ourselves.
00:33:41 See, it's always blame yourself for the problems white people. You need to. You need to look inward and blame yourself.
00:33:49 Your.
00:33:50 You're the one that's doing this all. You. All you low IQ, anti Semites trying to say that Jews are up to anything or all you.
00:33:59 Low IQ racist trying to say that blacks are. It's all your fault.
00:34:02 All these over reactants before the word.
00:34:04 You know, Karen was out.
00:34:05 All these karens.
00:34:07 So they do a joke about, you know, it's kind of like the OJ pursuit, you know? Cartman, Cartman goes off on a power wheel.
00:34:14 Bronco and ends up in jail and the the B story is.
00:34:20 Cartman is supposed to help the boys win a sled race against the girls, and it's because he's fat. He's going to make the sled go faster.
00:34:31 Now that he's in prison, the boys are ****** ***.
00:34:35 Because they're not going to be able to.
00:34:36 The race.
00:34:37 So they decide to go and appeal to token.
00:34:43 And say, hey, you need to drop the charges.
00:34:45 We need Cartman to win the sled race, but once again, just like with the the uh gay episodes that we went over last stream where all the gays were were like, oh, this is, this is even too gay for me.
00:34:59 You know, it's kind of like.
00:35:00 What do?
00:35:01 See in in Maga today you have the gays against groomers, right?
00:35:05 Oh, I'm. I'm the right amount of gay.
00:35:08 I'm the right amount of gay like that arbitrary line somewhere.
00:35:12 Know what to draw it though.
00:35:15 You're on the acceptable amount of gay while it's the same kind of a thing where they say that, oh, yeah, it's not black people that are behind these laws or Jews or anyone else.
00:35:25 I mean, black people don't want it either.
00:35:27 Black people don't want to be treated special.
00:35:30 All know that, right?
00:35:32 They don't want any special.
00:35:34 Treatment.Cartman
00:35:34 Hello hi can token come out and play well?Tokens Mom
00:35:36 His head's still a little sore, but you can come in if.Kyle
00:35:38 You like killer.Cartman
00:35:40 Token you want to see us guys lose to girls tomorrow, do you?Stan
00:35:42 No. Well, then you've got to call the jail right now and tell them that you forgive Carmen for being a *******.Tokens Dad
00:35:47 Yeah, I'm afraid it's not that simple, boys.00:35:49 No. You see, the only person that can let Eric out of juvenile hall is the.
00:35:53 Damn it. *** ** * *****.
00:35:56 Sorry, no, I actually agree with you, huh?
00:35:59 Yeah, I have a real problem with hate crime legislation. In fact, I'd love to see you kids go down and give the governor a piece of my mind.
00:36:06 Well, why don't you tell the governor yourself?Tokens Dad
00:36:07 Oh, he wouldn't listen to me.Stan
00:36:09 Why not?Tokens Dad
00:36:09 Because I'm black. Ah.Devon Stack
00:36:12 And then the.00:36:13 It's still the White's fault.
00:36:16 The black people don't want hate crime.
00:36:18 It's it's white people. It's white leftists and they won't listen to them because they're racist, too.
00:36:25 That's a big joke haha. Funny.
00:36:30 That's the view.
00:36:31 That's the view, or at least that was, I think, increasingly people are are realizing that blacks actually do enjoy special treatment, believe it or.
00:36:39 Who wouldn't?
00:36:42 And it's it's a little ridiculous because they try the the other problem, libertarians.
00:36:48 Is they try to frame it like oh, we should all be treated the same. The **** we should.
00:36:53 The **** we should.
00:36:56 Now I've talked about this in the.
00:36:58 There needs to be in white countries, there needs to be white primacy.
00:37:03 White, not white supremacy.
00:37:05 Primacy.
00:37:06 It's like when you're in your house.
00:37:10 You get preferential treatment because it's your ******* house.
00:37:15 When the neighbor kids come over, they can't do all the things that your kids can do.
00:37:22 Because it's your ******* house.
00:37:26 And quite frankly, that's the way this country and any country that wants to remain White House to operate.
00:37:33 The second you start saying everyone's the same, the second you start saying, oh, it's gonna be fine and pouring all these pejets and everybody else. It's over.
00:37:44 It's over.
00:37:46 You will no longer be a white country.
00:37:48 Now, some people, like libertarians, will act as if that's not a big deal.
00:37:52 And then, of course, 10 years later, like we see in South Park, they'll be like, why is all this happening?
00:37:58 The why are all these things all these consequences to my worldview?
00:38:02 Are they only happening?
00:38:06 And that's just the truth. You need to.
00:38:08 Primacy. You need to have white primacy in white countries.
00:38:11 People do need to have special treatment.
00:38:16 White people should come first.
00:38:18 People should be prioritized.
00:38:24 So like the extent of white people should get first first pick at at jobs when they hire people. Federal employees, for example.
00:38:34 The only time if you're if you have a white country.
00:38:37 The only time a non white should get hired is if there's there's literally no one that's white that can do it for some reason, which is almost never.
00:38:48 White should get peripheral preferential treatment in education. Getting accepted into schools.
00:38:55 Everything's upside down right now.
00:38:59 Like what do you see happening in in white countries while they're becoming less white?
00:39:03 Why is that?
00:39:04 Well, because everyone that's not white is getting preferential treatment, huh?
00:39:08 I wonder if if the two are tied together.
00:39:12 I wonder if somehow giving preferential treatment to certain groups makes them more powerful.
00:39:21 I don't know. Go ask the Jews.
00:39:24 So this black guy? Of course. Not. Only. Yeah, he's, you know, he's he's wearing a suit and ties.
00:39:29 They they clearly have the nicest house in town which that we'll get into that in another episode and he's super reasonable.
00:39:37 Hates.
00:39:37 Oh yeah, I hate it too.Devon Stack
00:39:38 It's just these *******.00:39:40 White racists that won't listen to me.
00:39:42 That's why that's why we have hate crime legislation.
00:39:48 So they go to the governor and with his help, they've created.
00:39:53 Presentation.
00:39:55 Hello, Mr. Governor, and thank you for taking the time to hear our presentation on hate crime laws entitled hate crime laws, a savage hypocrisy.00:40:06 Yes. Over the past few years, our great country has been developing new hate crime laws.
00:40:10 Somebody kills somebody. It's a.
00:40:12 But if someone kills somebody of a different color, it's.
00:40:14 Hate crime?
00:40:14 And we think that that is a savage hypocrisy because all.00:40:18 Hate crimes. If a man beats another man because that man was sleeping with his wife, is that?
00:40:22 Not a hate crime if a person vandalizes a government building, is it not because of his?00:40:26 For the government.
00:40:27 The motivation for a crime shouldn't affect the sentencing.
00:40:30 There it is time to stop splitting people into groups.
00:40:34 All hate crime laws do is support the ideas that blacks are different from whites, that homosexuals need to be treated differently from non *****. That we aren't the same.
Devon Stack
00:40:42 Ah, there it is.00:40:47 Not just the same whites and blacks were the same **** and straight people.
00:40:55 Like saying straight, normal people.
00:41:01 See, that's the problem the libertarians have with it.
00:41:05 It's not the hey, we're.
00:41:06 Why are we getting punished in our own ******* countries?
00:41:09 Are we getting singled out?
00:41:13 And punished more.
00:41:15 In our own countries, no. It's like, oh, if you have different laws for black people, that's highlighting the fact that they're different.
00:41:24 Or for gay people, that they're different, they are different.
00:41:29 And quite frankly, we should have different laws for black people.
00:41:35 I don't mean like different laws, as in hate crime.
00:41:38 I mean black people for as an example, shouldn't be able to own a gun.
00:41:49 Oh, did he share that?
00:41:50 I said that.
00:41:51 There should be lots of laws like that where we should just be realistic about what the ****'* going on. If you know, if you take out black gun crime in America, America suddenly becomes as safe as as one of the well, I mean nowadays is maybe even.
00:42:07 Than these countries like Sweden.
00:42:10 And Norway?
00:42:12 Right, these these white utopias.
00:42:15 'S always.
00:42:16 Wow, they don't have any gun crime at all.
00:42:19 It's.
00:42:20 Like, well, you know, literally if you take away the gun crime, the Blacks commit in America.
00:42:25 We're at the same level.
00:42:29 All these statistics are ******* outta control almost entirely as a result of black gun crime.
00:42:39 So maybe blacks can't own guns.
00:42:46 I think we've all seen.
00:42:49 We've all seen the videos of blacks getting pulled over.
00:42:54 You and I have been pulled over.
00:42:56 And and I've never behaved in that way.
00:43:00 Which is probably why I've never been tased.
00:43:04 And I've never been shot while running away from cops or trying to take a cop's gun.
00:43:09 They're different.
00:43:11 There should be different rules.
00:43:14 It's like when I have Africanized hives and I do and I've got European hives. I don't treat them the same.
00:43:24 I can open up a European hive as long as I'm damn ******* sure it's a Europe 'cause. They can change that.
00:43:30 A European I can deal without any, any protection. No be sued at all.
00:43:35 Sometimes not even smoke, depending on.
00:43:39 On environment conditions, if they're in a good mood, I can open up a hive and dig through it.
00:43:45 Not a big deal.
00:43:48 I go to an Africanized hive. I have to be suited up from head to toe or I might die.
00:43:57 And so there are different rules that I use to stay alive and to be a productive bee keeper.
00:44:04 Different kinds of bees.
00:44:07 And if this country is going to insist on having different kinds of bees?
00:44:13 Then you need to have different rules.
00:44:17 Need to have different rules.
00:44:21 And this is the hard thing for the hyper individualist mind of a libertarian to accept.
00:44:27 They're always so focused on the exceptions.
00:44:30 I mean, ****, there's there are gentle. Or at least you know, relatively gentle Africanized hives.
00:44:39 Or sometimes it's like you don't know why there's like a Africanized hive. That's usually mean that one day isn't that bad.
00:44:47 You're not sure why, but generally speaking, unless I even with those hives, I don't roll a ******* dice.
00:44:54 Suit up from head to toe before I dig in there or I might die.
00:45:06 So anyway, they make it very clear that they don't want hate crime legislation because it implies that we're different and that is the problem with the the current Republican Party's thinking. Or I mean maybe not. The people at the top who I think are probably smarter than.
00:45:20 That but.
00:45:21 Certainly the voters, the the the average mega voter is is insistent that there is no difference.
00:45:28 There is no difference at all between black people and white people.
00:45:32 All an aesthetic difference.
00:45:34 So that's the problem with hate crime laws.
00:45:37 It's not because it's targeted at white people.
00:45:42 It's targeted at punishing white people.
00:45:45 It's it's equitable.
00:45:49 Prosecution.
00:45:51 As a man in in New York is learning, I know they they didn't convict on one of the charges, but he's he's not out of hot water yet.
00:46:01 Anyway, so a cartman gets out of jail.
00:46:06 And he's able to ride on the sled race.
00:46:11 And they win.
00:46:11 And that's, you know, that's the end.
00:46:17 The next episode.
00:46:19 Is actually the same.
00:46:22 Same season.
00:46:24 So this would have aired.
00:46:26 Just like a few months. Or maybe, yeah, maybe just a couple months later. It's season 4 Episode 7 Chef goes nanners.
00:46:35 Now this episode is about Chef, who's always the voice of reason.
00:46:41 Almost. I mean, if you're watching at home, you've watched four years of of Chef giving his sage advice.
00:46:47 He's the the reasonable voice.
00:46:50 And he goes, he gets very.
00:46:54 He goes crazy over something that a lot of lot of this was also in the news at the time.
00:47:00 Is around the year 2000.
00:47:02 A lot of.
00:47:05 Names of things were getting changed that were considered racist. A lot of flags.
00:47:11 I mean much later.
00:47:13 The Mississippi flag, which used to contain the rebel flag on it, was that was changed by a non white woman who became governor.
00:47:22 Uh, and that's that's the kind of thing that was happening in the north. I guess you could say earlier around the year 2000.
00:47:29 I mean my high school or not, my high school, the middle school I went to.
00:47:35 Their mascot was some tribe of Indian and it.
00:47:39 It wasn't like some Indian looking all, you know, ******** or like that it was.
00:47:45 Was like.
00:47:47 A iconic, you know, strong like Apache Indian kind of thing.
00:47:51 I forget.
00:47:51 Which one it was?
00:47:53 And they they changed it to.
00:47:58 I forgot what they changed it to, but they changed some stupid animal because they thought it was racially.
00:48:04 So this is the kind of thing that was going on in the country and this is what they wanted to address with this episode.
00:48:14 Gentlemen, I understand you are here to present both sides of an.00:48:17 I want to hear you both out and do this in a civil and constructive manner so that I can give you both the time and attention.
00:48:21 You deserve.
00:48:22 Why don't you begin there?
00:48:24 It's about the South Park flag.Mayor
00:48:25 Oh, Jesus Christ. Not this again.Jimbo
00:48:27 We cannot change the South Park flag.Chef
00:48:29 Mayor, as I've said before, I find that flag to be racist and insensitive.Jimbo
00:48:34 Jeff, I respect you very much, but you have to understand that this has been the South Park flag since some of our ancestors, like my great grandfather founded this land.Chef
00:48:42 That flag represents a time when blacks were persecuted by whites.00:48:46 Can a black.
00:48:47 Not be bothered by it.
00:48:48 All right.00:48:49 I'll have my assistants hold up the flag and you tell me what exactly you find racist about it.
Devon Stack
00:48:57 So obviously what they're trying to say here is, I mean, they're trying to imply that this was the level of obscenity when it came to a lot.00:49:06 These symbols.
00:49:07 You know my I mentioned my my middle school was just it was a tribe of Indians.
00:49:11 Wasn't something insulting?
00:49:13 It was just a name.
00:49:15 And you know, like a, it wasn't like some goofy.
00:49:18 It was just like an Indian guy, like on on the T-shirts and flags and stuff like that. And they're trying to make it sound as if, like, this is the.
00:49:29 Of of uh, racism that's being depicted in.
00:49:34 In all of these symbols, or even like the Mississippi flag, you could say with the the rebel flag on it, right?
00:49:41 So oh, it's it's so racist. And the fact that white, and again, who's who's in the wrong here in this situation? It's the white guy, right?
00:49:49 White guy who can't look at that and see what's clearly offensive about that.
00:49:54 Why is Jim, Bob or Jimbo or whatever?
00:49:57 ****, his name is.
00:49:58 Why is he be?
00:49:59 Know, he said.
00:50:00 He likes shafi's. You know, he's not a racist.
00:50:03 Why is?
00:50:03 Why can't he just bend like he's being unreasonable? Just because something's been a flag forever doesn't mean you need to have it. When it's when it's something this offensive.
00:50:15 So Chef gets mad and starts going around trying to get people to sign a petition to change the flag.
00:50:23 And he gets really upset with the white kids. Again, this is a a common scene in South Park shows where they would walk into the cafeteria and ask for his sage advice.
00:50:33 This is one of the rare occasions where instead of giving the sage advice, he's mad and calls them crackers.
00:50:40 Hello.Chef
00:50:41 My name isn't chef.00:50:43 Children I've converted to Islam Islam from now.
00:50:45 Is my.Chef
00:50:46 My name is Abdul Mohammed Jabarov, Kareem Ali, with everyone in town so insistent about.00:50:51 Flag. I find it no longer fitting to use my slave name.
00:50:54 Well, we need help with our debate.00:50:56 We have to explain why we think the flag should not be changed.
00:50:58 You.00:50:59 You don't think they should change the flag?
00:51:01 Not really.Cartman
00:51:01 Yeah, we don't see what the big deal is.Chef
00:51:03 Well, that figures.00:51:04 You don't.
00:51:04 Because your crack *** parents turn you to Luke cracker *** cracker racist.
00:51:09 I never thought I lived to see this minute of the people I considered friends turn against me.
00:51:13 But Chef, you know what you're talking about.Chef
00:51:16 But my ***. Kick your own damn food.Devon Stack
00:51:21 So again, he gets he flips.00:51:23 He becomes like this black power kind of guy.
00:51:26 And then you also have this observation where Jimbo and I don't know the guy with the voice box.
00:51:34 They decide that because the KKK rallies behind them and it's actually, this is one of these.
00:51:41 I guess Nuggets of truth in a way where the KKK aligns with the right wing group that want, for example, you. You could say like in Charlottesville, right? Like what was the big baggage when it came to Charlottesville?
00:51:55 Well, you go look at the footage of Charlottesville and it's the people wearing.
00:51:59 Raving the brand new with the crease, is still in it Nazi flag.
00:52:02 Flags and things like that, right?
00:52:05 And that's what created the problem is that you had people who weren't optical and so the same kind of a situation happens here. The KKK backs the move to keep the flag.
00:52:16 So you could say, look, this is in a way it's almost predicting Charlottesville.
00:52:21 And now people are automatically against it because all the opposition has to say now is will the KKK wants to keep the flag the same. And because white people are ******* ******** and they've been programmed by.
00:52:34 My Jewish media to equate the KKK or any kind of pro white group as.
00:52:41 The devil they instantly have to show how they're not racist and jump on the other side of the argument.
00:52:47 So Jimbo and whatever this guy is, they go and infiltrate the KKK and convince them to want to change the flag so they can actually convince white people to do what's in their own interest by preserving their own.
00:53:02 Because the KKK doesn't want them to do that.
00:53:05 They want to change them.
00:53:08 So let's do a big debate. The school about the pros and cons, and that's when this is another boomer thing.
00:53:15 I guess leaked into it kind of seeped into the minds of Gen. X.
00:53:18 In fact, I've actually discussed a similar situation in my own life.
00:53:24 Where my my broomer mom was was elated to discover that as a as a boy I I didn't.
00:53:34 I didn't see race in this in this moment. I've told this story before, but.
00:53:39 Here's a.
00:53:42 Here's basically a perfect example of this kind of thinking.
00:53:46 Our main point is that the flag shouldn't offend anyone because killing has been around since the beginning of time.00:53:51 Animals kill and the animals that don't kill are stupid ones like cows and turtles and stuff.
00:53:55 People should not be so upset about killing. Thank you.
00:53:59 Whoa, whoa, whoa.00:54:00 You just missed a part entirely, huh?
00:54:03 I'm not mad because the flag shows somebody getting killed.
00:54:06 It's because it's racist.
00:54:07 Racist.Chef
00:54:09 Children, don't you even know what this argument is about? That flag is racist because a black man is being.00:54:14 People.
00:54:17 We.
00:54:17 Didn't really see it that way.Chef
00:54:20 Black man up there.Stan
00:54:21 Yeah, but the color of someones skin doesn't matter.Chef
00:54:24 Well, of course it matters when.00:54:27 Oh my God.
00:54:28 Wait a minute. You children didn't even see the flag as a black man being hanged by white people, did you? No, no.
00:54:35 Why that is that is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.
00:54:40 What? What? Don't you see all this?
00:54:44 I thought these little crackers had turned racist when actually they were so not racist that they didn't even make a separation of black and white.
00:54:51 Begin with.
00:54:52 All they saw when they looked at that flag was 5 people.
00:54:58 Oh.00:54:59 Yeah.
00:54:59 I'm sorry, children.00:55:01 I was wrong about you, but I still think the flag needs to be changed.
00:55:05 But now I realize that I almost let racism turn me into a racist.
Tokens Mom
00:55:10 Oh, look at that.Devon Stack
00:55:12 The Boomer dream has come true. The little kids stop seeing race.00:55:18 Everything they wanted in the hate crime episode has come to pass.
00:55:23 Right. The reason why we can't have the hate crime legislation is because that acknowledges that there's differences between races and gay people and normal people.
00:55:34 The programming, the constant programming that races skin deep, we're all the same race. The human race over and over and over again.
00:55:41 It finally worked on these Gen. X imonial kids.
00:55:45 It's the most beautiful thing ever.
00:55:50 Finally, we can.
00:55:51 We can live in a post racial world, right?
00:55:54 And that's how people thought in the 90s.
00:55:56 Why all these ******* went?
00:55:58 Want to go back to the 90s?
00:56:03 They think that they see the 90s as the period when all we didn't have racial problems anymore.
00:56:09 ********. Ever hear the ******* LA riots for ***** sake?
00:56:15 We learned the Internet.
00:56:17 Even if you weren't alive back then, I mean, it's like none of that **** has ever changed.
00:56:22 Been like this.
00:56:23 It's just that's, that's what the way they depicted on TV, what you know about the 90s is is like sitcoms on from the 90s.
00:56:32 Where they were trying to mean that into existence, trying to pretend that that people don't see race. Well, the sad reality is look a.
00:56:39 Of white kids didn't.
00:56:43 It was only the white kids that didn't.
00:56:50 Kind of.
00:56:51 Kind of not working out for us right now, is it?
00:56:55 So you decide to change the flag to a more diverse flag, and it's supposed to be funny haha.
00:57:01 No, no, it's still a black guy getting hung.
00:57:03 Look, it's he's being hung by other people.
00:57:08 Including a black guy, so it's OK.
00:57:13 The next episode.
00:57:16 Is from season 5, so this would have been 2001 and this is supposed to make fun of.
00:57:23 A A.
00:57:24 It's it's a parody of white flight, if you will.
00:57:30 They they basically because.
00:57:33 Token The Black family as the only wealthy family in South Park.
00:57:39 They're again, they're so edgy that they they they follow. Exactly.
00:57:44 All of the.
00:57:45 The tropes all the Hollywood tropes when it comes to black people.
00:57:49 They've got the the wise magic ***** and the and the rich genius black family.
00:57:56 Because you know, so edgy.
00:57:57 So they make a joke about token getting crap at school, but it's not because he's black.
00:58:05 It's because his family's rich.
Miss Chokesondick
00:58:09 Took in.00:58:09 You're next.
00:58:12 Using my laptop, I hooked into the Internet and found a meteorology.00:58:15 I downloaded the data and with my dad's video projector I can show you the graph I made of predictable weather patterns over the next three months.
00:58:25 Ah, I also printed out the results on my color printer.
00:58:27 Here you are. Miss chokes on ****.
Miss Chokesondick
00:58:28 Very, very good token. You get a check plus.Token
00:58:32 Bye.Devon Stack
00:58:33 So the kids are.00:58:34 Not because he's black, but because he's a genius.
00:58:37 He's a genius and he's rich and they think it's not fair because he has access to all this new technology and they that they don't have. And it's also at the same time it's trying to make fun of white people who don't understand the plight of black people.
00:58:54 Of course they underperform.
00:58:56 This is how it.
00:58:57 We just, we flipped it around.
00:58:58 We flipped it around.
00:59:00 Clever like.
00:59:01 We flipped it around to put you in a.
00:59:04 To to know what it's like.
00:59:08 You see, what if black people were the smart, rich people?
00:59:13 Whoa, wow.
00:59:14 So edgy. Let's let's go with that.
00:59:18 So that's genius. That's genius.
00:59:22 And so all the white kids are mad and supposed to like plant this seed in your head that like, oh, well, maybe that's why black people underperform because they don't have color printers.
00:59:34 Don't.
00:59:35 They don't have the Internet.
00:59:38 You know, many people in in 2000 did.
00:59:41 Or yeah, this would be 2001 I guess, but still didn't have the Internet.
00:59:46 See, it's it's because black people don't have the Internet and computers.
00:59:49 Why they underperform?
00:59:53 And so they start picking on him. Not because he's black, but picking on him.
00:59:57 He's rich.
01:00:00 He goes home again to his super rich family to complain about being rich.
Tokens Mom
01:00:06 Hello token how?Token
01:00:06 Was school today. Mom, dad. Why?Cartman
01:00:08 Do we have a bigger house than everybody else in South Park?Tokens Dad
01:00:12 Well, because we have more money, son.Cartman
01:00:14 I know, but why?Tokens Dad
01:00:16 Well, because we went to Graduate School and therefore have more lucrative jobs than most people in town. For instance, your mother is a chemist for a pharmaceutical company, where, as your friend Eric Cartman S mother is a crack *****.Devon Stack
01:00:29 See the white people?01:00:32 They are crack ******.
01:00:35 White people are.
01:00:36 Trash the black people are doctors and engineers.
Tokens Mom
01:00:44 Why, sweetie?01:00:45 What's the matter?
01:00:45 All the kids at school today made fun of me because I'm rich.Token
01:00:48 Oh.Cartman
01:00:49 I don't want to be rich.01:00:50 I want to eat macaroni and cheese for dinner and and and wear.
01:00:53 From J Mart J. Mart. Son, you.
Tokens Dad
01:00:54 Don't know what you're saying.Cartman
01:00:55 I just want to be like all the other kids in South Park.01:00:58 Mom and dad, please.
Devon Stack
01:01:03 Though he has this.01:01:06 I guess identity crisis.
01:01:09 And they go to J.
01:01:10 To get.
01:01:11 Them some cheap.
01:01:12 And of course, what do you see?
01:01:14 Oh, it's morbidly obese. Trashy white people.
01:01:18 And the contrast is the black people are very smart and well dressed, and the white people are all trashy.
01:01:25 And they're looking at him because, oh, they don't belong here again.
01:01:28 And you know, the parody is obvious.
01:01:32 Then token decides that he wants more rich people.
01:01:35 Live there.
01:01:37 So what does he?
01:01:38 He puts an ad in Forbes magazine saying that if you move to South Park, the property values are really low and it's this great environment and so you should come here and build your mansion 'cause you get the land super cheap and whatever.
01:01:52 And of course, all the rich people that see the ad are black.
01:01:55 So you got Will Smith.
01:01:58 And so will Smith's family moves out there and his kids are all super.
01:02:03 This is before, I guess he started transiting his.
01:02:06 Or whatever the **** those maniacs are like at this point.
01:02:10 And Snoop Dogg sees the same ad. Because, you know, rich black people, and they start to move into the neighborhood.
01:02:20 And so they do this parody once again, of white people not liking black people move to the neighborhood only.
01:02:27 It's it's their rich people though.
Al Gore
01:02:30 0.Mr. Garrison
01:02:32 Look, there's more of them moving into our town.01:02:35 You know, Oprah Winfrey is building a house up on cannon and some Snoop doggy Doo Doo belt on a gigantic place on main.
01:02:42 Yep, there goes the neighborhood.Mr. Garrison
01:02:43 That's the fifth family of them that's moved.01:02:46 Seems like all of a sudden South Park is being overrun by those types.
Kyles Dad
01:02:50 Hey, what are you saying?01:02:51 Types.
Mr. Garrison
01:02:52 Mate, you know those types rich people?Kyles Dad
01:02:56 Oh, I don't take kindly to rich folk.01:03:00 Neither does.
01:03:01 Nope. I remember back in the day rich folk weren't allowed in South Park.
01:03:05 Now they're moving here in droves.Mr. Garrison
01:03:07 They're gonna be sending their kids to our schools and mixing them with our pure, non rich.01:03:13 Oh yeah, and it won't be long before they drive. All of us poor, underachieving people out of town.
Devon Stack
01:03:19 See and that's the. That's the commentary.01:03:23 The commentary is the white people are underachieving in.
01:03:26 White trash.
01:03:30 And then all the the reasons that white people typically have for not wanting blacks to move to their neighborhood are ridiculous.
01:03:38 Just as ridiculous as these people not wanting the rich people to move to their neighborhood.
01:03:50 They didn't warn little parodies like, for example, making the the rich black people sit at the front of the bus because they're fancy rich people.
01:04:00 There's like some weird bee.
01:04:02 Where Token decides to live with lions at the zoo because he doesn't already fits in.
01:04:07 Kind of stupid.
01:04:09 And then they decide that black people are afraid of ghosts.
01:04:13 And so if they dress up like ghosts, they'll be able to scare all the rich black people.
01:04:18 Or, I'm sorry, rich people don't say black people. I say rich people are afraid of ghosts.
01:04:24 So I'll dress up like ghosts and scare the rich people.
01:04:27 U.
01:04:28 And they go and scare the rich people away.
01:04:32 And at the end they have this.
01:04:34 Joke that made everyone laugh hysterically in the in the same way the Archie.
01:04:39 Used to.
Tokens Dad
01:04:40 That was it.Mr. Garrison
01:04:41 We just saw the last of them speeding away in a van, alright.Kyles Dad
01:04:45 They were so scared.01:04:46 I'm sure they'll never be back.
Mr. Garrison
01:04:47 That's great.01:04:49 And now we can sell their homes and become millionaires.
01:04:52 What? But then you had us do all that for nothing. Don't you see? If you get rich selling these homes, then there will still be rich people in South Park.Mr. Garrison
01:05:00 Yeah, you'd become what you hate.01:05:04 Well, yeah, but at least I got rid of all those damn Nick.
Devon Stack
01:05:08 I.01:05:10 And that was hilarious.
01:05:11 He almost.
01:05:12 They almost said on TV.
01:05:16 Oh, it's funny because it was a way when it comes, it really was about race. Oh, funny.
01:05:24 And that's what people remember.
01:05:26 People remember the joke at the end.
01:05:29 They don't remember all the the, the, the filling, all the filling in between the the bookends.
01:05:38 So the next South Park episode that we're going to go over talks about not just black people, but the cause.
01:05:45 This was a a hot button issue.
01:05:48 Because it's always been a hot button issue since 1965 and that is mass immigration, and this was season 8.
01:05:58 So this was you think this has been like a this is like a new issue or something like that?
01:06:03 No, this this aired in 2004.
01:06:08 2004.
01:06:12 So 20 years ago.
01:06:15 And you know really way before that too.
01:06:18 But 20 years ago, mass immigration into the country from the southern border was a big deal because it's been like again, it's been a big deal since 1965.
01:06:29 So they decide to do what they always do.
01:06:31 Let's it's it's and that's what it's.
01:06:34 But that's not really what it's about, because it's about this.
01:06:37 Well, we'll, we'll.
01:06:38 We'll just swap out a few things to make you think about it differently.
01:06:43 Right. Just like the last, you know. Instead of black people, it was rich people and all the sudden all this stuff started ridiculous to you, didn't it?
01:06:51 Didn't it sound ridiculous? The people didn't want to live around rich people.
01:06:56 Well, then, it's ridiculous not live around black people.
01:07:01 If what if?Devon Stack
01:07:04 What if, instead of Mexicans?Stan
01:07:09 What if?01:07:17 I.
Devon Stack
01:07:34 It's people from the future.01:07:38 And we'll make it like Terminator. So like all the people that that have, like this hard on for when we copy 80s movies.
01:07:46 Know they don't think it's super clever that we copied 80s movies.
01:07:51 Because.
01:07:51 That's that's clever or something.
01:07:54 So it's people from the future.
01:07:57 Crossing not the border, but coming through a time gate or something.
01:08:05 So meanwhile, back in town, you have the boys.
01:08:10 Wanting to shovel the snow in.
01:08:12 Of a woman's house.
01:08:14 And they they basically do a ****** job and they get paid too much.
01:08:20 So we'll see. See how that figures in, I think you're already, it's kind of obvious, right?
01:08:25 Then they go home and they watch the news about the the man from from the future that has arrived in town.
01:08:32 Aaron, the scientists have been able to communicate further and have uncovered that the man from 1000 years in the future has come to our time looking for work. He has said that the future is so overwhelmingly overpopulated that there are simply no jobs in his time and.
01:08:47 He built a time portal and has come back to 21st Century America.
01:08:50 To find a.
01:08:50 Here.
01:08:52 See, he's not from Mexico. He's from the future.
01:08:55 And he wants to come work. And because it's overpopulated and ****** in the future.
01:09:02 Like.
01:09:03 Yeah, I wonder how that happened.
01:09:06 And I found.
01:09:08 Some of these little tidbits a little interesting.
Mr. Garrison
01:09:11 It looks as if the job at Wendy's did work for the original immigrant. This second arrivi claims that man's family is now much better off and wishes the same for his family.Devon Stack
01:09:22 More more of.01:09:25 They just want to come here for a better life. That's all that they want to come here for a better life.
01:09:32 So more and more keep coming.
01:09:35 And then when the little boys go to shovel snow off of people's yards, they find out that they can't do it because of all the future people that are undercutting them in the job market.
01:09:47 Oh dear.Neighbor Lady
01:09:48 I'm sorry, boys, but I've already hired someone.Cartman
01:09:50 Else to do it, wait who?Neighbor Lady
01:09:52 One of those immigrants from the future, he said he would do it for.Stan
01:09:56 $0.25.01:09:57 But that's not even worth it.
01:09:59 Alright guys, come on. Let's go to the next house.Stan
01:10:03 Dude.Devon Stack
01:10:09 And this is the reason why they went with this is this is the low IQ immigration.01:10:14 This is not what's gonna happen when Trump starts bringing in all the the Indians and Asians into the country to do all the tech jobs.
01:10:21 This is why it was.
01:10:23 And you'll see further on here why it was even easier.
01:10:27 Only people that were, or at least that the the way it was framed, the only people that were affected were people that didn't manual labor. It was jobs that white kids would do. Teenagers would do, you know, like your fast food type jobs, the manual labor type jobs.
01:10:44 And so they were doing it for cheaper anyway.
01:10:49 And that's the libertarians dream libertarians want open.
01:10:53 They want prices and the economy to basically dictate everything that if a Mexican is going to come across the border and do a job for less money than you are.
01:11:06 Then, well, that's that's your fault.
01:11:07 That's on you.
01:11:09 That's called competition. That's called capitalism.
01:11:14 You should want to do the job for $0.25 an hour and live in a house full of 30 other people.
01:11:25 Because capitalism.
Mr. Garrison
01:11:32 Yes, there are incredible things we're learning about Americans in the future.01:11:36 It appears that in the future, Americans have evolved into a hairless, uniform mix of all races.
01:11:42 They are all one color which is a yellowy light, brownish, whitish color.
01:11:47 It seems race is no longer an issue in the future because all ethnicities have mixed into one.
Devon Stack
01:11:52 Oh good.01:11:54 So the clergy plan.
01:11:57 And this isn't presented as there's no punch line.
01:12:02 This is what they want.
01:12:05 This is what they've always wanted.
01:12:08 This is what you hear.
01:12:10 Boomers say all the.
01:12:12 Let's **** each other till we're all.
01:12:13 Same color.
01:12:16 There was.
01:12:16 Movie bulworth that we went over in a previous stream where.
01:12:19 Literally, he says that.
01:12:22 Because that was the popular narrative in the 90s and the early 2000s that eventually racism wasn't going to be a problem because we'd all just mix into like, this brownish goo.
01:12:38 There wouldn't be white people anymore, and that's a good thing.
01:12:52 Now here the other people affected by the immigration. Again, this is the low IQ immigrants coming from the future also known as Mexico and South of the border.
01:13:04 They're not displacing Ce OS.
01:13:06 Not displacing.
01:13:08 They're not displacing high IQ whites, in fact.
01:13:14 There the the whites. To the extent that they are replacing whites, they're the people with the least amount of political power or least power.
01:13:23 It's the lower IQ, blue collar white people who are the ones doing the manual labor jobs.
01:13:32 And now they're just getting no jobs because the illegal immigrants are doing it for half the pay, because it's under the table.
01:13:41 It's, you know, the employer saves money.
01:13:44 By not having to, you know, pay into the tax system and and just not having to provide the same kinds of.
01:13:53 I guess fringe benefits that they would have to provide for a white person because they they're illegal and so they kind of have them by the balls to some extent.
01:14:03 Can always say, well, you know, you either work here or you work nowhere because you're illegal.
01:14:09 Functionally, slave labor.
01:14:11 But it didn't really matter because the only people getting kicked out of their jobs were the white people that had zero political power and and teenagers.
01:14:21 It's funny, 'cause you see a lot of people lamenting that young white people don't seem to have any skills or have any real world experience.
01:14:31 Well, partially, that's because white young white people can't go work.
01:14:35 Mean it's not safe.
01:14:36 It's not safe to go work at like McDonald's or something like that.
01:14:41 I got a job, my first job.
01:14:46 Was like a paperboy, but I didn't like other my first like job job I guess was was in fast food.
01:14:53 And it was mostly with low IQ whites that were older and and teenagers.
01:15:01 And that's what it was.
01:15:03 But I guarantee you if you go, if you were to go to that, same if it's still there if.
01:15:06 To that same place today it.
01:15:09 Be entirely Mexican, especially cause of it's in Albuquerque.
01:15:15 So it almost definitely is.
01:15:18 And this is where this meme that you hear look for how right wing South Park is supposed to be.
01:15:26 Has become a left wing meme.
Tokens Mom
01:15:28 Took her jobs.Redneck
01:15:30 This is.01:15:32 Well, I ain't standing for this.
Mr. Garrison
01:15:34 Alright folks, my name is Darrell Weathers and I'm with the construction Workers Union.01:15:39 I work with a lot of fine men who have families to feed.
01:15:42 I don't know about you all, but we work long and hard to get our pay up to a level where we can make a decent living.
01:15:48 And now these people from the future showing up and offering to do the same work for next to nothing, they.
01:15:52 I.01:15:55 Took our jobs.
01:15:58 They did.Redneck
01:15:59 In the moving business 14 years we've been working our butts off.01:16:03 Now these future folk come in and we can't get work nowhere like the guardians it took.
01:16:11 What about us in the fast food business?
01:16:13 The restaurants are firing us because the future people work for.Redneck
01:16:21 Thank you.Cartman
01:16:22 You're. Yeah. It's affecting kids, too. Me and my friends start our own snow shoveling.01:16:27 We were trying to be responsible and make money, you know, but then the people from the future came along and and now we're out of work too.
01:16:34 Oh, they took our jobs.
01:16:36 They took our jobs.01:16:38 Hey, dude, your damn.
Devon Stack
01:16:43 ******* *******. And we don't deserve any kind of respect or any kind of dignity.01:16:54 This is beneath.
01:16:55 These are the kinds of white people that deserve to be replaced.
01:17:04 Lot of people still feel that way.
01:17:06 In fact, a lot of politicians at the time openly said they're doing the jobs that Americans won't do.
01:17:14 Well, I'm sorry if you live in Martha's Vineyard and you've never had a real job in your life, you might think that.
01:17:20 Because knowing that, you know, ever worked in one of these jobs, so you just and and everyone that you have working for you.
01:17:27 Your nanny.
01:17:29 Your maid.
01:17:32 They're all illegals.
01:17:34 So you just deserve them.
01:17:35 Oh yeah.
01:17:36 The jobs the white people aren't doing.
01:17:38 Who do you think did all these jobs before the Mexicans came?
01:17:42 You think just nothing was getting done.
01:17:49 It's not going to be so funny. This mean is it this dirty girl germs when all the sudden the job that's being taken? I don't know.
01:18:01 CEO of Google.
01:18:06 Maybe the presidency someday.
01:18:13 10s of thousands if not hundreds of thousands, if not eventually millions of people in the tech sector.
01:18:23 Uh oh.Devon Stack
01:18:25 Now all of a sudden the people being replaced aren't the people that are.01:18:29 Digging ditches for a living.
01:18:33 Now it's you.
01:18:34 Now it's coming to a cubicle near you.
01:18:39 And you voted for it when?
01:18:40 Voted for.
01:18:41 That's exactly what he wants.
01:18:45 I guess he wants to spread the love around, right?
01:18:48 Doesn't want.
01:18:49 Maybe. Maybe he. Maybe he is looking out.
01:18:51 The little guy.
01:18:52 Maybe he is saying, like, you know, we'll stop the Mexicans.
01:18:57 Or slow it.
01:18:58 I mean, they're not going to stop the Mexican.
01:19:02 Or mass deport.
01:19:02 Sorry guys, that's not happening.
01:19:04 It's just not, it's not happening.
01:19:08 It's not going to happen.
01:19:10 There's, there's going to be. They'll, they'll. They'll play with the numbers.
01:19:13 Say that because they're turning more people away at the border.
01:19:16 Count those deportations.
01:19:18 They'll deport criminal aliens and they'll make the numbers look like. All right, you know.
01:19:22 But if you.
01:19:24 Zoom out the graph. It'll be in line with the the general trend.
01:19:29 Not going to be buses rounding up, you know.
01:19:33 Thousands and thousands of.
01:19:36 Certainly not millions and driving them S the border and just kicking them out the door.
01:19:41 Not going to be operation *******.
01:19:44 It's just not.
01:19:45 It's not going to happen.
01:19:48 But a lot of people imagine that's what's gonna happen.
01:19:53 Maybe it's like the the the foggy brain of the maggotard.
01:19:59 Maybe that's what Trump is gonna do to make America great.
01:20:02 He's gonna give white people the ****** jobs again and then just replace the middle class white people.
01:20:09 Because that's better.
01:20:12 Isn't that better?
01:20:14 Yeah. Let let's replace.
01:20:16 Let let's stop replacing the people with no political power and just no power and no wealth and no influence.
01:20:24 And we'll stop replacing them.
01:20:27 Instead, we'll start replacing.
01:20:30 The ones that actually.
01:20:31 A little bit, I mean, still not much.
01:20:34 Because you know, because the country we live in right doesn't really matter unless your last name is. You know, unless it's.
01:20:44 Where's my oy vey?
01:20:46 Oy vey.Devon Stack
01:20:47 Unless it's oy vey inducing.01:20:54 You got no political power in this country.
01:20:57 But you're gonna have even less when everyone everyone at the in the middle class starts to really like cricket.
01:21:05 So the floodgates open. More and more, these future people start coming in because they know they can get jobs.
01:21:11 Joke is that they work for next to nothing and they deposit the money into an account.
01:21:16 And then, because they come from so far in the future, the account accrues interest. And eventually, when it hits their family, it has, like, it's worth a bunch of money or whatever.
01:21:25 So undercutting everybody again, it's, you know, it's obviously about Mexicans sending money to a depressed economy where the money is worth more.
01:21:37 Stan's family takes advantage of the low wages and they serve.
01:21:42 Acknowledge this.
01:21:43 You know the the fact that a lot of white people are employing nannies and maids and stuff like that at at these prices, that they wouldn't be able to afford.
01:21:55 If there was a a market full of white people.
01:21:59 Those go back to taking our jobs.Mr. Garrison
01:22:01 What? Oh, my God. Stan marsh. How dare you use that time bashing slur?Stan
01:22:07 Who taught you to talk like that?Cartman
01:22:09 Well, dude, they are taking people's jobs away.Mr. Garrison
01:22:11 They're only taking the small, menial jobs that nobody else really wants to do.Stan
01:22:14 I wanted my job.Mr. Garrison
01:22:16 Hey Stanley, you need to understand something.01:22:18 Those people from the future have had a hard life where they come from is dirty and overpopulated and poor.
01:22:24 You can't even imagine the kind of depression they come from. So for us who have everything so good to judge them is wrong. Do you understand?
01:22:31 Next time you think about calling them goo bags, you might want to just stop for a second and think about how crappy the future really is.
Stans Dad
01:22:37 That's right.Stan
01:22:38 We're not raising our son to be an ignorant time cyst.Cartman
01:22:40 Time cyst.Stan
01:22:41 You know a racist, but against people from.Cartman
01:22:43 From the future, right, got it.Stans Dad
01:22:45 All right, good.Devon Stack
01:22:47 Obviously there's supposed to be a little.01:22:48 Supposed to be tongue in cheek.
01:22:50 They are trying to acknowledge the preachiness of these people, saying that all you know you're but what they what they don't acknowledge is what the preachiness of this.
01:23:02 This lecture.
01:23:05 Is masking and that is they talk about how in the future they come from this horrific environment and they fail to even acknowledge anywhere in the episode that maybe by inviting everyone that's from this environment.
01:23:22 They might be inviting that environment.
01:23:26 They completely don't acknowledge.
01:23:29 That there that that is even like a a factor.
01:23:33 That's even a variable in the equation.
01:23:38 Why? Because libertarians don't have an answer for that.
01:23:42 So they pretend it doesn't exist.
01:23:45 It goes back to the idea that we're all the same, that once they arrive here, doesn't matter whether they come from.
01:23:55 Your past doesn't mean.
01:23:56 It's funny how that's blood into so many other aspects of life.
01:24:00 How many?
01:24:00 How many other aspects of like the 90s and 2000s thinking?
01:24:07 Everyone has a past.
01:24:09 You shouldn't judge.
01:24:10 For my past or the family that I come from.
01:24:15 Yeah.
01:24:18 Women have really run with that one, right?
01:24:23 Everyone has a.
01:24:24 I don't need to justify my past or the family that I come from.
01:24:30 But anyway, the they they they leave that out of the equation entirely.
01:24:35 That's even an issue.
01:24:39 Then they start to make fun of Bill O'Reilly.
01:24:41 Or.
01:24:43 More so, I think because they probably like Bill O'Reilly a little bit just because of the circles they ran and.
01:24:48 Would I would suspect.
01:24:50 That they at least had met him.
01:24:53 Maybe even socially.
01:24:56 Maybe even frequently for all I.
01:24:58 And again, I mean, if they're hanging out with Prager and and Larry Elder.
01:25:05 So this this makes fun of not.
01:25:08 Bill O'Reilly so much as the white trash that are against the mass immigration.
01:25:14 And they throw the right wing conservative audience a bone by also acknowledging that many of the people on the left are kind of **** and that they are.
01:25:26 They are overly sympathetic.
01:25:29 To the immigrants coming into the country.
01:25:33 But it.
01:25:34 See, that's The thing is white people and right wing conservative white people specifically are so starved for any kind of representation in media. Any kind.
01:25:45 It doesn't matter what kind of media just any like just an ounce of attention.
01:25:50 They're like the abuse dog that usually cows when their master raises hand because they think they're gonna get hit and then gets really excited and pees itself when it when the master throws them a treat.
01:26:03 That's basically what you have with the audience of South Park in this instance, where they totally are OK with the fact that they're ******** all over the low class white people because they throw them a little bit of a ******* bone by also making fun of boomer. Hi.
Bill O'Reilly
01:26:19 Welcome, welcome to the No Spin zone.01:26:22 And what we're talking about today are the immigrants from the future.
01:26:25 Most people are more than happy to give a helping hand to these people who obviously need it, but others are starting to say that the time portal should be closed off.
01:26:35 Right now I've got 2 guests with me tonight who have opposing views on the matter. On my right is ****** *** white trash, redneck conservative.
Mr. Garrison
01:26:43 Thanks for having me.Bill O'Reilly
01:26:44 Bill and on my left is aging hippie liberal douche. Hello now.01:26:49 Redneck, you say we shouldn't allow anyone else through the time portal.
01:26:52 Right.
Mr. Garrison
01:26:53 You're ******* right these people from the future taking all the work away from us. Decent present day Americans.Redneck
01:27:01 It guardians, they took our jobs.Mr. Garrison
01:27:05 Those jobs belong to people from the prison, all right.Bill O'Reilly
01:27:09 What say you, aging hippie liberal douche?aging hippie liberal douche
01:27:11 It's typical for conservative rednecks like these to view the immigrants as the problem. But really the problem is America.01:27:18 Is our greedy multinational corporations that keep everyone else in poverty.
01:27:22 Ancestors came to America as.
01:27:24 What right do you have to turn these people?
01:27:26 Hey.Bill O'Reilly
01:27:27 All right, redneck, your rebuttal.Redneck
01:27:30 They took their you.01:27:33 They took our you.
Devon Stack
01:27:39 OK, with being depicted as ******* that don't have any kind of actual reasoning behind why they don't want these people here, because a lot of those things weren't articulated, quite frankly, by anybody other than it's taking jobs. They were too afraid to make it in any other terms.01:27:56 Than economics, because you had boomer conservatives and that's how they cut talk about everything.
01:28:01 They can't just say we don't want Mexicans in this country because it's going to turn the country into Mexico.
01:28:06 We it is about race. We don't want Mexicans to be a substantial part of our population because we have a country just South of the border.
01:28:16 Not that.
01:28:17 That's really easy to see what exactly happens when Mexicans.
01:28:22 A substantial portion of the population and of course in Mexico, case 100% or near that right. We already know what happens. And so we know as as white people.
01:28:33 And looking around the world being in the position that we're in, where we have have conquered much of the world in the past and certainly traveled to much of the world and and we've seen all these other societies, many of which would still be in the Stone Age.
01:28:47 And we not drag them kicking and screaming into the the modern era.
01:28:52 We know what they these other people have produced and what kind of societies that they're they're capable of creating on their own.
01:28:59 Own, and quite frankly, I don't think that's a good fit.
01:29:02 I don't think it's a good idea to bring people that have never invented the wheel into our country or in the case of Mexico or even South of Mexico, people that have.
01:29:14 Drug cartels running the country, or people that have, you know, in the case of like El Salvador, you know well. I mean, that's drug cartels too, but also extremely low average. I QS, we don't want these people that are basically descended from Aztecs.
01:29:29 We don't want these people who are descended from people.
01:29:32 The the kinds of people that you see in Apocalypto, right, where they're just doing human sacrifices and throwing bodies down the ******* temple stairs.
01:29:40 We we don't want that.
01:29:42 We don't want the kinds of people that were so.
01:29:46 In awe of our technology. When we first showed up on this continent, they literally thought we were gods.
01:29:54 Why would we want these people in our countries?
01:29:58 But they can't make that argument because they're a bunch of *******.
01:30:01 I mean the the, the aging, liberal ***** that could apply to the the boomer right wingers too.
01:30:20 Then we get another problem that they they address sort of. They talk about how well the the go backs as they're called because they have goo when they on them, when they come to the time portal.
01:30:32 They.
01:30:33 They speak a different language, just like in the same way that they're all brown, because they've bred all the races together to make these mud people that we apparently end up like in the future.
01:30:45 Due to open borders.
01:30:47 They also don't speak English.
01:30:49 They speak this weird language that's a mix of English and and Spanish and. And you know all the languages of the world.
01:30:59 And because they have this unique language now all the sudden the education system is being impacted.
01:31:06 Now, not only is not only are are people getting replaced in the workplace, but teachers are not able to bring up white kids up to the the the academic level that they could previously because so much of their time is taken up by trying to educate the kids.
01:31:22 That don't even know the language and look that this was just a reality for most people.
01:31:27 That lived anywhere where there are a lot of immigrants. I grew up in, in, in California when I was.
01:31:34 I.
01:31:35 Think I left California?
01:31:36 Was like.
01:31:36 12 so for much of grade school, or actually all of grade school, I was in California and I was in bilingual classes.
01:31:46 Mean just or not. Maybe try your quad lingo.
01:31:49 Know what I mean?
01:31:50 Like you, you had every class.
01:31:53 Every class, every teacher I had, and then we moved around a lot.
01:31:57 I had this weird.
01:31:59 It was not.
01:32:00 It was, you know, Boomer parents chasing the dollar with would not get given a **** about the impact moving school every year would have on their kids.
01:32:09 I went to let's see here.
01:32:13 I went to one school for kindergarten. First grade.
01:32:17 I went to another school for 2nd grade.
01:32:20 Then I went to another school for 3rd grade and I went to another school for 4th grade and then I went to another school for 5th grade.
01:32:28 And then I stayed in that school for 6th grade.
01:32:33 Went to another school for 7th grade and another school for 8th grade.
01:32:38 Yeah. And then I stayed in the same high school, thank God.
01:32:43 But anyway, every one of those schools.
01:32:47 When my dad was bouncing around chasing those dollar signs.
01:32:51 It was all the same.
01:32:52 It just made it even.
01:32:53 It was one thing to have to start from scratch every time you change schools and have to like.
01:32:59 You know, make friends every every year with being the new kid every single ******* year. But it made me even more difficult when some of those schools were.
01:33:07 So great.
01:33:08 In fact, all of them were very diverse, but some of them were, like super diverse.
01:33:12 Was this thing at the time?
01:33:14 In California, called Overcrowd schools.
01:33:16 Was great.
01:33:17 One of the schools I went to it was, it was actually low income housing that they didn't have anyone living in yet and they just put a chain link fence around it and called it a school.
01:33:29 Because they didn't have enough schools for all the immigrant kids coming into the country.
01:33:34 And so it was just all these portables in the middle of the street that they like fenced off this street and then, like, these ****** houses that they turned into classrooms.
01:33:47 And I'd say, oh, I don't know. Like it was like 20% white.
01:33:54 Some of these classes.
01:33:57 Bunch of Laotians and Cambodians and all kinds of every kind of jungle. Asian you could ******* imagine.
01:34:06 Every kind of South of the border. ******* Mexican.
01:34:11 Weirdo. Yeah.
01:34:12 Not just normal black people.
01:34:15 But like the weirdo black people from Africa.
01:34:19 That just ******* sucked. It ******* sucked.
01:34:23 And that's that's an extreme example.
01:34:27 But that 'cause nothing got taught in those classes.
01:34:30 Your teacher was just sitting there.
01:34:32 You couldn't read from the textbook.
01:34:36 Unless they were doing it to occupy the English speakers while they went and spent time with the non-english speakers, they might say, hey, hey Billy, why don't you read Chapter 5 out loud to the class while I go talk to Jorge?
01:34:51 There was a ******* nightmare.
01:34:54 And even again like that.
01:34:55 That was one score in particular, but there was another score I went to where it was like mostly it was like, you know, 80% white or something like that.
01:35:04 And but that other 20% held the rest of us back.
01:35:11 Because they never knew what the **** was going on. They had to pass these kids.
01:35:15 Had to run them through the ******* system.
01:35:19 And a lot of the type, you know, the personality types of the teacher is what?
01:35:22 It's liberal white women that are trying to, you know, prove this diversity experiment's going to work so they can't have all their brown kids failing.
01:35:35 Those are ******* nightmare.
01:35:41 And so they tried to sort of address this.
01:35:45 But they make it seem like it's just incidental.
01:35:47 Really, that big of a deal?
01:35:50 They.
01:35:50 Talk about how all the other teachers having to spend all this time translating in everything into the future speak the weird gobbledygook that they ******* speak.
01:36:01 Meanwhile, the white trash they're they're upset because jobs, you know, they're just low IQ, unreasonable *******, that if they would just work harder or work for less than, then it wouldn't be a problem.
01:36:15 Crap standing for this.01:36:17 Up everybody.
Mr. Garrison
01:36:18 We've just received a reply from our congressman.01:36:22 Deer intolerant rednecks we sympathize with you all, losing your jobs.
01:36:28 However, we feel your solution of shooting everyone who crosses the time border is inhumane.
01:36:34 Work. That's ridiculous.01:36:36 And.
01:36:37 That was a good idea.
Devon Stack
01:36:38 Was a good idea.01:36:40 And that's the thing.
01:36:42 Is it's real easy to be a compassionate conservative white ****** when you're you're not being affected by this.
01:36:49 When?
01:36:49 You're not being affected by this, but what kind of ******* country are you if you're not doing exactly that when you have an invasion on your hands?
01:37:00 How is this any different than just letting people that that walk into your house? Ohio?
Tokens Mom
01:37:04 Yeah, why not.Devon Stack
01:37:05 Why not sleep on the couch now?01:37:07 My bed and **** my wife.
01:37:11 This is where conservative came from, because that was the response.
01:37:15 But then again, they're trying to make the right people that are losing their jobs sound reasonable for even offering that kind of a solution.
01:37:24 Oh, it's.
01:37:24 Crazy that they would want to open fire on invaders from a time ******* portal. I mean, that's almost.
01:37:31 I I would be more apt to shoot after we took a few of them to interrogate them, to shoot people coming from the future.
01:37:38 Out of a time ******* portal.
01:37:41 Sounds like a ******* crazy sci-fi invasion to.
01:37:44 Can't shoot.
01:37:45 Who can you shoot?
01:37:49 We don't have a border. If you can't shoot the people trying to come across it illegally.
01:37:57 Why is it that in a lot of states?
01:38:01 Well, I guess a shrinking number of states, right?
01:38:03 But at least there are still some states where someone breaks in your house.
01:38:07 Can shoot them.
01:38:09 But they break in your country.
01:38:10 Can't shoot them.
01:38:15 What if I tried to break into a place like one of the places that had the least for people to worry about?
01:38:21 What if I tried to break into a jail? They'd shoot me if I tried to break into a jail.
01:38:30 Cops would shoot me if I tried to.
01:38:32 Into most things.
01:38:34 Especially around these parts, they're pretty shooty out here.
01:38:43 You can say that the reason why I'm breaking into a store or a bank or whatever else that's it's for the same reason right for economic gain.
01:38:53 I don't money and I need my. I'm an economically depressed situation.
01:38:57 The salute. That's my only choice.
01:39:08 But the problem is.
01:39:11 They're not stealing from.
01:39:14 Rich people.
01:39:16 Stealing from you?
01:39:22 So it doesn't matter.
01:39:23 They do.
01:39:24 In fact, the rich people are getting richer.
01:39:30 Because these people are coming across the border.
01:39:35 You better ******* believe if the Mexicans coming across the border.
01:39:39 Or posing any kind of financial.
01:39:43 Problem for rich people the problem be solved.
01:39:52 The exact opposite is the reality.
01:40:01 Rich people can now not just pay that the illegal immigrants less than they would pay white people. They can start paying the the few of the handful of white people they do employ the same rate.
01:40:12 So everyone's wages go down.
01:40:22 There's a snowball effect that happens.
01:40:26 Everyone's wages go down well now. White people can't have as many kids.
01:40:30 Because they can't afford to have the kids and people.
01:40:33 Say.
01:40:34 You should just have kids anyway.
01:40:37 Well, if you are selected, maybe you'd have. You'd get a little more traction with that argument.
01:40:42 But for the case selected smart people.
01:40:47 It's in our DNA, quite literally.
01:40:50 That we need to provide.
01:40:51 There's a there's a standard.
01:40:55 We're coded.
01:40:56 We're hard coded.
01:40:57 To provide a a minimum standard for our offspring.
01:41:02 And when conditions are when we sense conditions are are dangerous and bad and overpopulated, we don't have as many kids.
01:41:11 Biological reality. You can try to reason your way out of it, but it's not going to help.
01:41:17 So people have fewer kids and then the boomers.
01:41:21 The name comes from Baby Boomer 'cause. There was a baby boom post World War 2. Bunch of kids.
01:41:28 Way, way more than normal were born.
01:41:32 And so even if you know if everything had had gone normally, everything, if everything hadn't gone to ****, you're going to have a a population dip.
01:41:44 And because the boomers gave themselves all kinds of social programs and and spent all kinds of money that that that wasn't theirs, it was the money of future generations.
01:41:58 So they could feel better about themselves.
01:42:01 Well, now all of a sudden there's a problem.
01:42:04 Now the sun. There's not enough people to pay for all these.
01:42:07 Social programs.
01:42:13 And because the boomer brain only works in terms of economics, that's the only argument they need to, specially if it came to, well, your your Social Security is going to go.
01:42:24 Social Security is going to go bankrupt unless we let in millions of ******* pejits and Mexicans to offset the the losses from your your kids not having as many kids as you did because you made America a giant steaming pile of ****.
01:42:43 Because much of A pile of **** you made.
01:42:45 It's still better than the pile of **** South of the border or the pile of **** in the subcontinent of India.
01:42:55 That's only because you no.
01:42:57 No matter how hard you tried, you wouldn't be able to make.
01:42:59 That ****** yet?
01:43:01 'Cause it was full of white people, and there's there's a there's a floor that you hit.
01:43:09 Floor gets lowered as you bring in more of the the people from these **** countries.
01:43:16 But you're going to hit that ******* floor. You can only make it so bad.
01:43:21 And so as bad as you made it.
01:43:24 Relative to white people, it was still miles above.
01:43:30 The expectations of brown people.
01:43:41 But you didn't think that was worth defending?
01:43:45 You wanted compassionate conservatism. You know, it's like a Glenn Beck.
01:43:49 Don't know if you guys remember this Glenn Beck.
01:43:55 Was this like was this during the? I feel like this was during the the Trump administration, the first one.
01:44:03 But the caravans.
01:44:05 Glenn Beck sent them teddy bears.
01:44:12 Glenn Beck raised money.
01:44:16 From his mega ****** audience.
01:44:20 To show how racist they weren't.
01:44:26 He spent money on ******* teddy bears for illegal immigrant children.
01:44:36 They should have been spending money on.
01:44:40 Brass and lead.
01:44:48 If you thought it was worth fighting for, that's.
01:44:50 You would have done.
01:44:54 When someone tries to break into your house, do you hand him a ******* teddy bear?
01:45:04 Quite frankly, I think anyone that's not willing to do what it takes to protect our.
01:45:07 Also needs to be deported or put in the ******* pin.
01:45:13 Again, they try to make this sound as if it's some kind of crazy solution that would never work.
01:45:20 Oh the.
01:45:21 It's not even.
01:45:23 We should open fire on anyone that tries to cross into our country illegally.
01:45:26 I feel like that's common sense. That's not cruelty.
01:45:30 But because that's not common sense anymore.
01:45:35 They decide because they're trying to make it sound as if, well, the conservatives have no realistic solutions to this problem.
01:45:45 They have no realistic solution to this problem.
01:45:48 Because Trey Parker is kind of gay.
01:45:51 They have to make a gay joke and they decide that, well, we're all going to get naked and start ******* each other and be gay and that way there won't be future people because we're not going to be having enough kids for the there to be future people.
01:46:06 And they'll disappear because.
01:46:08 We'll all turn into gay people.
01:46:13 Again, it's supposed to be this absurdity that, like, oh, conservatives don't actually have a solution other than shooting everybody, and that's stupid.
01:46:20 And they're all kind of **** anyway.
01:46:25 You get a little taste of maybe some of this white replacement extending into the middle Class A little bit, a little bit.
01:46:34 When Randy Moore sees that is it is actually affecting him.
01:46:39 To find all the copiers and printers in the next room over.
Mr. Garrison
01:46:41 And then, hey, Mr. Nelson.Chef
01:46:43 Oh.Devon Stack
01:46:43 Randy, I'm surprised to see you here.Bill O'Reilly
01:46:46 Why is my office?Devon Stack
01:46:48 Oh, boy, didn't you get my phone message?01:46:51 Oh, this is.
01:46:52 Well, The thing is, Randy, you've been replaced.
01:46:55 What? What? We found an immigrant from the future who knows geology and he offered to work for next to nothing.
01:47:00 This is Mr.
Bill O'Reilly
01:47:04 You can't be serious.Devon Stack
01:47:05 I'm sorry.01:47:06 It's just with all the budget cuts and all, we'll give you some time to clean out your desk.
01:47:11 I.
01:47:11 Follow me, Mr. go.
01:47:13 I'll show you to the coffee room.
Bill O'Reilly
01:47:17 Oh my.Devon Stack
01:47:18 God.Redneck
01:47:19 They took my job.Devon Stack
01:47:22 Yeah.01:47:23 I.
01:47:24 Now, at first blush, you might be thinking, oh, well, maybe they're gonna.
01:47:28 Good.
01:47:29 They're gonna address some of these.
01:47:31 You're talking about. They are going to say.
01:47:33 Look, see how his mind changed when it affects him now?
01:47:36 Maybe maybe that should be a lesson.
01:47:38 Maybe that should be rolled into this and and now it kind of softens the blow of some of the other stuff that they did previously, right?
01:47:45 And now they're going to actually address the problem and come up with a solution and actually crack down the immigration.
01:47:50 But they don't.
01:47:53 Randy Marsh decides to also strip down naked and become gay with all the other guys.
01:48:01 And then they have this weird speech where Stan says, actually.
01:48:07 We should just try to make the planet better, and if the planet's better, then they won't have all these people trying to come here.
01:48:14 Because where they are in the future, it'll be fine.
01:48:17 And so we just try to make.
01:48:18 Earth better now.
01:48:20 And of course, the implication is that.
01:48:23 We all we should just. Apparently. I guess if if you're to take the metaphor.
01:48:28 You.
01:48:29 Literally here that that would mean that you're supposed to make all these other countries better that were, you know, were supposed to.
01:48:38 Give endless economic aid to these other countries, or I don't know, right.
01:48:42 The why is this our?
01:48:45 Why is this having to do with us?
01:48:48 That's.
01:48:48 They don't even go too far with that because after a couple of examples that they show, like, oh look, we're.
01:48:53 To.
01:48:53 The world better. They then decide that this is just as gay as ******* each other, and they go back to just ******* each other and.
01:49:02 The end, there's no solution.
01:49:05 And that's kind of the message of the episode is that it's a complicated issue and there's no solution to it.
01:49:13 And the solution offered by the Democrats is is kind of douchey and gay, and the solution offered by the Republicans or the the conservative right wing people, it's too ********.
01:49:26 And as libertarians, we have no answers to any of these questions, because as libertarians, we're supposed to believe in open borders.
01:49:34 But now we've just acknowledged all these problems that it creates, and we have no solution to them.
01:49:39 So the episode's just over without a solution.
01:49:44 There's no resolution to the episode, it just boom goes the credit.
01:49:56 But not before telling you that you're a monster for wanting to actually secure your border, and that your lazy white trash and.
01:50:05 That's the kind of person that complaints about being replaced.
01:50:12 Want to be one of those?
01:50:13 I mean, look that like I said, leftist to this day could do the.
01:50:21 As a way of mocking people that are complaining about being replaced.
01:50:26 Because that meme.
01:50:29 Was very powerful.
01:50:32 I even knew right wing people at the time.
01:50:34 That would repeat it like it was funny. And I I I've always been kind of based at a minimum and I was always really ****** *** at at this episode because I was like, this is.
01:50:48 I lived it. I live.
01:50:50 I knew the problems that came with it and I was like this is this is ******* ********.
01:50:58 Now eventually it's kind of funny.
01:51:02 Eventually, oops, that guy.
01:51:04 I sized that up too big apparently.
01:51:09 Eventually Isaac Hayes.
01:51:14 Isaac Hayes, who did the voice of.
01:51:16 It's kind of funny because it's exactly the problem with with everything we've talked about. Libertarians not understanding how the universe works.
01:51:27 Isaac Hayes, even though South Park.
01:51:31 Relaunched his career.
01:51:32 He was basically a nobody at that.
01:51:34 I mean, he was, well, not a nobody, but he was a has been I.
01:51:38 Is a better way of putting it.
01:51:42 And I rescale all this stuff on the scale this stuff.
01:51:48 70s soul singer.
01:51:55 And he was completely irrelevant by the 1990s.
01:52:02 No one was buying his albums.
01:52:05 And in fact, one of his songs from South Park Chef's chocolate salty balls made it on the Billboard charts.
01:52:12 Was one of those first songs on the Billboard charts since, well, since like, the 70s?
01:52:23 But what happened was South Park did an episode about Scientology.
01:52:30 And Isaac Hayes was a Scientologist.
01:52:35 And because they made fun of Scientology.
01:52:39 This is this is what they did. They basically.
01:52:44 They laid out what Scientologists actually believe, and this is quite literally what this is. One of the one of the good things that South Park, I mean, South Park isn't like 100% bad.
01:52:54 I guess nothing is.
01:52:57 But this is I guess one of the one of the goods they did was they explained in a accurate way what scientists are Scientologists actually believe.
01:53:06 Most Americans had no idea until this episode aired.
Mr. Garrison
01:53:10 Usually, to hear the secret doctrine, you have to be in the church for several years.01:53:15 Are you ready to hear the truth?
01:53:18 I guess.Mr. Garrison
01:53:19 You see, Stan, there is a reason for people feeling sad and depressed.01:53:23 An alien reason it all began 75,000,000 years ago.
01:53:29 Back then, there was a galactic federation of planets which was ruled over by the evil Lord Zenu.
Lord Zenu
01:53:35 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.Mr. Garrison
01:53:36 Zenu.01:53:37 Thought his Galaxy was overpopulated and so he rounded up countless aliens from all different planets and then had those aliens frozen.
01:53:50 The frozen alien bodies were loaded onto Xeno's galactic cruisers, which looked like DC eights except with rocket engines.
01:53:56 The cruisers then took the frozen alien bodies to our planet Earth.
01:54:00 And dump them into the volcanoes of Hawaii.
01:54:04 The aliens were no longer frozen.
01:54:06 They were dead. The souls of those aliens, however, lived on.
01:54:10 And all floated up towards the sky.
01:54:13 But the evil Lord Zenu had prepared for this.
Lord Zenu
01:54:15 Whoa, whoa, whoa.Mr. Garrison
01:54:17 Zeno didn't want their souls to return, and so he built giant soul catchers in the sky.01:54:23 The souls were taken to a huge soul brainwashing facility, which Sinu had also built on Earth.
01:54:29 There, the souls were forced to watch days of brainwashing material which tricked them into believing a false reality.
01:54:35 Xenu then released the alien souls which roamed the Earth aimlessly in a fog of confusion.
01:54:41 At the dawn of man.
01:54:43 Found bodies which they could grab onto.
01:54:45 They attach themselves to all mankind, which still to this day, causes all our fears, our confusions and our problems.
01:54:48 Hey.
01:54:56 L Ron Hubbard did an amazing thing, telling the world this incredible truth.
01:55:00 Now all we're asking you to do is pick up where he left off.
Devon Stack
01:55:06 This is the episode where.01:55:09 Isaac Hays decided he couldn't work for South Park anymore.
01:55:13 And this is what's always been confusing to libertarians.
01:55:18 Libertarians think that that in a perfect world, just like communists, like they're just the other side of it.
01:55:25 Communists think they're like, oh, no, communism would work because everyone would would would adhere to it and when they wouldn't.
01:55:32 Not everyone would.
01:55:33 That's why it wouldn't work, because not everyone adhere to it and everyone has have to be like a robot program to adhere to it all the time for it to work.
01:55:43 And libertarianism is the same.
01:55:44 So they're they're just separate sides of the Jewish coin.
01:55:49 And So what happened was Isaac Hayes quit South Park quote, this is a.
01:55:54 There's a place in the world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins.
01:56:05 Religious beliefs are sacred to people and at all times should be respected and.
01:56:11 As a civil rights activist for the past 40 years, I cannot support a show that disrespects those beliefs and practices.
01:56:22 Matt's doing Trey Parker, like all libertarians, always.
01:56:25 Always shocked when people all the sudden act in their own interests and aren't just ******* robots programmed to believe.
01:56:32 The world works the way you want to work, and so they point out like they're right that Isaac never had a problem with the show, making fun of Christians, Muslims, Mormons or Jews.
01:56:43 He suddenly got a case of religious sensitivity when it was a religion featured on or when it was his religion featured on the show.
01:56:50 Yeah, but that's how the world works.
01:56:56 World doesn't work the way you want it to.
01:57:02 Other groups.
01:57:04 Work in their own interests.
01:57:10 Isaac Hayes was willing to make fun of.
01:57:13 Mormons, Jews, Muslims and Christians and white people.
01:57:18 He would have quit just as quickly if you had made an episode making fun of black people.
01:57:30 This all escapes the libertarian mind 'cause that's not how they want the world to be.
01:57:37 They want us to be all the same.
01:57:41 Just like the communists do.
01:57:46 They want everyone to to follow some atheist.
01:57:53 You know, value system like the NLP.
01:57:58 Or what is it the the the non the nap the non aggression principle. You know the Stephen Molyneu thing.
01:58:05 It's never gonna work.
01:58:12 You've even, let's say it was like the perfect theology, the non aggression principle.
01:58:19 Go to Africa and explain the nonaggression principle to everyone.
01:58:26 Go to India.
01:58:27 And try to explain the nonaggression principle to everyone.
01:58:34 Little projects never going to work.
01:58:36 Because people are different.
01:58:41 It's just libertarian whites that don't lookout for their own interests.
01:58:47 Because they're living in a fantasy world.
01:58:56 Every.
01:58:56 Every time it happens, they act shocked.
01:58:58 Oh, it's.
01:58:59 Wow, why is it all happening like this?
01:59:03 In fact, they extract again.
01:59:06 When a couple years later.
01:59:09 You had one of the stars of Seinfeld, Michael Richards, losing his job because he said in a in a couple times.
01:59:19 In a comedy club.
01:59:23 They couldn't understand why is everyone going gained so.
01:59:25 Why? Oh, didn't you watch the episode where we showed that black people don't want hate crime legislation?
01:59:31 You see that episode that we did?
01:59:34 We show.
01:59:35 Parents were against it, actually.
01:59:41 Don't you understand?
01:59:42 I mean doesn't make any sense.
01:59:46 How is this the reality?
Bill O'Reilly
01:59:48 I'm very, very sorry to the African American community.Devon Stack
01:59:49 I'm.Reporter
01:59:53 Perhaps most notable was Seinfeld actor Michael Richards, who, while performing a stand up comedy routine in 2006, shouted the N word multiple times at some hecklers who were black.02:00:03 The outrage that followed was fierce. Reverend Jesse Jackson called for a boycott of Seinfeld DV DS Richards later appeared alongside Jackson to Apolog.
Devon Stack
02:00:05 What?02:00:14 Doesn't make any sense. How's that happening?
02:00:18 Then they watch our South Park episode.
02:00:25 Well, if I thought we made it clear black people don't want hate crime legislation or to be treated differently because that makes it makes it seem like they're different than us.
02:00:40 So they made an episode about that. They made a parody of the Michael Richards situation.
aging hippie liberal douche
02:00:48 All right, Randy, congratulations on making it all the way to the bonus round.Mr. Garrison
02:00:52 Thanks pat.aging hippie liberal douche
02:00:53 You've got some family here watching tonight.Mr. Garrison
02:00:55 Yeah, they're all rooting for.Devon Stack
02:00:57 Me, and I'm sure you have lots of friends watching back home.Mr. Garrison
02:01:00 Yeah. Hi, everybody watching in South Park.Kyles Dad
02:01:02 That's us. Hey.Crowd
02:01:03 How are you?02:01:04 I'm gonna hang.
aging hippie liberal douche
02:01:06 Well, let's see if you can't make everyone proud.02:01:09 Category is people who annoy you, OK?
02:01:14 As always, we give you the letters.
02:01:17 RTSLNE.
02:01:19 We just need three more consonants and a.
Mr. Garrison
02:01:21 Vowel. OK, I'd like a.02:01:24 And N.
02:01:26 And AG and the vowel and. Oh, please. OK. Well, looks like you're going to get a lot of help here.
aging hippie liberal douche
02:01:32 Category is people who annoy you. Audience keep quiet please.Pat
02:01:41 Ah well. 10 seconds, Mr. Marsh.aging hippie liberal douche
02:01:41 I.Mr. Garrison
02:01:45 Well, I know it, but I don't think I should say it.aging hippie liberal douche
02:01:48 5 seconds, Mr. Marsh.Mr. Garrison
02:01:50 Alright, I'd like to solve the puzzle.02:01:53 niggers
Stans Dad
02:01:59 Huh.Mr. Garrison
02:02:06 Oh, oh, oh, naggers, of course. Naggers right.Devon Stack
02:02:15 Hey, look, that's a funny thing.02:02:17 It's a funny scene and it's good way to get the people who are openly racist and and like to.
02:02:26 Crack, you know, crack racist jokes and aren't really embarrassed by stuff like this. It it gets, it makes them think, oh, these guys get it.
02:02:32 On our side, they said on TV.
02:02:38 A joke. It was actually pretty funny.
02:02:44 Then it immediately starts spiraling because again, they can't understand. Why don't they?
02:02:50 Don't these non whites understand the concept of free speech?
02:02:54 Why don't?
02:02:55 I mean, when I was a kid, it was sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
02:02:59 Why does it seem like all these nonwhite seem to have a chip on their shoulder about this ****, and we don't understand.
02:03:06 We're all the same, I thought.
02:03:09 Right. They're supposed to just adopt our values.
02:03:11 All about values.
02:03:16 So immediately, Stan goes to school and starts cocking to the black kid, something that they do.
02:03:24 Later on in the in the in the show, with Cartman trying to apologize for his dad's slip of the tongue.
02:03:31 Hey token.02:03:33 Look, I don't know if you saw wheel of Fortune last night, but yeah, I was watching with my whole family and then we saw all the replays this morning on the.
02:03:40 Listen token. My dad isn't a racist.
02:03:43 Just stupid, alright?
02:03:44 He just blurted out the N word and it's no big deal.
02:03:47 Uh, well, actually it is kind of a big deal, Stan.
02:03:52 It may be a mistake, but you don't understand how it feels when that word comes up.
02:03:55 Don't say it isn't a big deal.
02:03:56 Oh ****, here we go.
02:03:58 It's own race war, race, war, race war, race wars on everybody.
02:04:05 It's going.
02:04:06 **** is going down.
02:04:09 Token my dad wasn't trying to be offensive.
02:04:11 Forget about.
02:04:11 That's easy for you to say.
02:04:13 Yeah, come on.
02:04:13 Here we.
02:04:14 Yeah, but he didn't say it in anger or anything like that.
02:04:17 Doesn't mean I can just be fine, Rachel.
02:04:19 Rachel, if you really think it's not a big deal, then you really are ignorant.
02:04:24 That's.
02:04:24 I'm not fighting anybody.
Devon Stack
02:04:28 Sam, just like in real life, right when you say black people are just disappointed in you.02:04:38 It.
02:04:39 It never, unless it's any kind of violent response.
02:04:44 They're just disappointed.
02:04:48 Understand it just really.
02:04:49 It just really hurts our feelings and I'm just. I'm just disappointed. You white people for for not being sensitive to this.
02:05:00 So of course, Randy goes to Jesse Jackson the same way Michael Richards did.
02:05:08 To apologize publicly and they make a joke about that, because, again, to them, this all seems ridiculous.
02:05:15 You should be able to say if you want to.
02:05:17 You know we got the 1st amendment.
Mr. Garrison
02:05:21 I want to apologize deeply and sincerely for using the N word on Wheel of Fortune.02:05:27 And I want to assure you that I am not a racist, Reverend Jackson.
02:05:35 The puzzle you were solving was people who annoy you.
02:05:40 Who, like anybody else, thought it was naggers.
02:05:42 I mean, right?
02:05:44 Mr. Marsh, you need to take time to understand African American culture.
02:05:48 Visit Black museum, see black performers and artists.
02:05:52 Oh, I will.
02:05:53 I'm really down with African Americans.
02:05:58 Do you really want to apologize?
02:06:00 Are you sure? Yes, absolutely.
02:06:03 Very well. If you want to apologize, I will accept.
Devon Stack
02:06:07 Ah.Mr. Garrison
02:06:07 Thank you, Mr. Jackson. Thank you.02:06:09 Get a picture of Mr. Marsh apologizing. Ready to go, Sir.
aging hippie liberal douche
02:06:17 Kiss it.Larry Elder
02:06:18 Huh.Mr. Garrison
02:06:19 Apologize. Kiss it.02:06:23 You want me to kiss your?
02:06:24 Right. Apologize.
02:06:28 Uh, OK, all.
Devon Stack
02:06:31 Sierra, apologize.02:06:41 See, again, we got worlds colliding here, don't we?
02:06:45 I thought blacks didn't care about this.
02:06:47 They were above it all. Didn't you see token?
02:06:49 Was just disappointed in white people.
02:06:51 Well, The thing is, a lot of people don't understand the context of Jesse Jackson.
02:06:55 Jesse Jackson was generally accepted as just a race hustler.
02:06:59 I mean, that was the term they used by.
02:07:02 Most people at that time, so it was safe to make fun of Jesse Jackson because they knew that he profited off these kinds of situations. That's why he had so much money.
02:07:12 In fact, you know, Al Sharpton would fit in the same category. They would often blackmail companies with, you know, either you pay us or we'll go pick it and call everyone you know, say your companies racist and do the sorts of things that really.
02:07:29 Work.
02:07:33 Sorts of things.
02:07:35 Seems distasteful to white people.
02:07:41 Do the sorts of things that are effective.
02:07:43 The sorts of things that white.
02:07:45 Think are beneath them.
02:07:49 They're above all.
02:07:50 Unfortunately, they're the only ones that are above all that.
02:07:55 Matt Stone, Trey Parker, and libertarians all around the world fail to understand this.
02:08:00 That just because maybe they have a black libertarian friend. And look, I know they exist.
02:08:03 I used to work for one.
02:08:07 Thanks to work black libertarian.
02:08:13 He.
02:08:13 He was the exception to the rule.
02:08:18 He was the Unicorn, high IQ rich black guy.
02:08:23 So yeah, they exist.
02:08:30 You can't design A society around the exceptions.
02:08:43 And it's funny because you would think that they would understand this because often libertarians will say that your ideas, your rules, your laws are silly or don't make sense if there are exceptions.
02:08:54 Quite frankly, they're they're not very self aware then because.
02:08:58 You're basing your entire ideology on the exceptions.
02:09:02 So that means.
02:09:05 There's more exceptions to your rule.
02:09:09 Than there are examples.
02:09:14 Of your rules working, your ideology working.
02:09:23 Now South Park also is you can imagine would have a interest in wanting to keep free speech.
02:09:29 That was their whole business. If if all of a sudden you started policing language well, South Park wouldn't exist.
02:09:39 You couldn't be the edgy comedy cartoon that talks about race and and and **** and all this other stuff. If all of a sudden people start policing your language.
02:09:59 So some of this was just self preservation.
02:10:07 Michael Richards was a comedian, by the way.
02:10:11 A comedian that said and got one of the first people. If not, well, real power. One of the first big people to get cancelled and it was terrifying.
02:10:20 Clarifying to other comedians like Matt Stone and Trey Parker, who also had said.
02:10:35 So they had to head that off as soon as possible.
02:10:43 But once again, what do they start doing?
02:10:47 They're not blaming.
02:10:48 Like I said, they ridicule Jesse Jackson because he's one.
02:10:51 The bad ones.
02:10:53 He's safe to make fun of because even lefties don't really take him that seriously, right?
02:10:59 Not the 1980s anymore.
02:11:03 When he was more relevant.
02:11:06 People kind of kind of get the the the game he's playing.
02:11:16 But the problem is white people.
02:11:17 Don't understand the reason.
02:11:19 In fact, it is actually kind of bad.
02:11:25 White people to say.
02:11:32 Maybe you should maybe not get cancelled, but maybe it is kind of a.
02:11:37 Kind of a thing that you should be sensitive about and look.
02:11:44 I like to keep things classy.
02:11:46 I like to be understanding of what's going on. The most effective way of communicating if sane not gonna help me communicate better. And in fact, it's gonna.
02:11:55 Hindrance and sometimes it.
02:11:56 It's not appropriate I get it.
02:12:01 Not a good example of one of those instances.
02:12:08 So they try to make the argument that white people just don't understand they can't get it.
02:12:12 They don't get what it's like.
02:12:14 The reason why there's a problem with this, the reason why.
02:12:20 They can square this this inconsistency with their ideology, where everyone's the.
02:12:25 So everyone therefore should have the same understanding of the 1st amendment and the whole thing with the sticks and stones and breaking the bones. That should make just as much sense to black people as it makes sense to white people.
02:12:36 The fairy.
02:12:37 How else do you explain why people can be called cracker and everything else under the sun and not it's not a big deal. White people never freak the **** out because of some kind of racial slur.
02:12:48 Especially not back then.
02:12:52 See how do you square this? If you're all ideology depends on everyone being exactly the same, and yet you seem to have a very consistent difference.
02:13:05 Well, you have to kind of to the left the explanation.
02:13:10 That white people just don't get it.
02:13:14 And so they try to make you get it.
02:13:16 By doing the South Park often.
02:13:18 They turn the tables.
02:13:21 Genius genius. They turn the tables.
02:13:26 The gene get genius trick.
02:13:27 Always do.
02:13:30 The exhaustingly repetitive trick they always do.
02:13:35 So now.
02:13:40 It's Randy Marsh that's getting.
02:13:46 Pariah treatment.
02:13:49 In society, people are treating him.
02:13:53 I guess this is how they're saying how black people get treated.
02:13:57 They're saying that, oh, well, this is what it's like to be black now. Now, maybe finally you'll understand.
02:14:07 So they give all these examples of Randy going around through society and being treated like a joke or being treated like a pariah.
02:14:19 He's supposed to be learning the lesson that this is what it's like.
02:14:25 Guy.
02:14:34 Instead of saying they're saying guy.
02:14:36 And we all know that like white kids on, skateboards are always skidding by the black guys and going.
02:14:44 And just like this because this imagine this always happens to black people too.
02:14:50 A.02:14:51 Hey, what do you think you're doing?
Mr. Garrison
02:14:54 I just need some aspirin.02:14:55 You aren't welcome in this store, guy.
Tokens Mom
02:15:01 5.Devon Stack
02:15:03 And that's the.02:15:05 Like, not only is that ridiculous, but yeah, that's the response the black people have, right?
02:15:11 They don't just destroy the store and then murder the people working there.
02:15:17 They say fine and just leave, right?
02:15:22 I think if there's someone that doesn't understand the black experience, it seems to be Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
02:15:31 The Randy Marsh is supposed to be learning his lesson and figuring out what it's like to be.
02:15:36 But again, white people are so thick that even when put in the situation where it gives them a taste, a little window into the black experience, they're still too full of themselves to really understand.
Mr. Garrison
02:15:48 And so it is my honor to announce today the Randy Marsh African American Scholarship Foundation.02:15:57 It is my hope that this foundation will prove my commitment to the education of African American students and erase once and for all my identity as the guy.
02:15:57 I.
02:16:12 You really?
02:16:14 Really.
02:16:14 Know how hard it is to be constantly reminded of something lame that happened in your past?
02:16:20 I mean, I just want to move on from what happened on Wheel of Fortune, you know, and when people call me guy, they're bringing up a painful chapter of my history and all the negativity that went along with it.
02:16:33 You just you can't imagine how that feels.
Devon Stack
02:16:40 See, you just can't connect with that.02:16:43 You can't understand the black experience.
02:16:47 That's why there's this inconsistency.
02:16:55 There's no acknowledgement that it look, and I'm not saying that that's even wrong.
02:17:01 I.
02:17:01 I really can't imagine what it would be like to look back at my ancestors and realize I come from people who never invented the ******* wheel.
02:17:10 And then we were so primitive. We got rounded up onto ships like ******* animals.
02:17:16 Taken to another country and and and used as farm equipment and that we never really ever accomplished anything and we have never exceeded in large numbers.
02:17:30 Anywhere in the world, you're right.
02:17:33 I can't.
02:17:35 And I'm not.
02:17:36 I'm trying to be.
02:17:36 I'm not being like a.
02:17:37 I'm not saying like haha. ******* black people.
02:17:40 I'm being serious here.
02:17:41 I can't relate to that.
02:17:43 I get that.
02:17:44 I understand that.
02:17:49 Just have an entirely different solution for this problem.
02:17:57 She did end us the promise. The right won't acknowledge that.
02:18:01 Not the point to try to make here.
02:18:04 The point?
02:18:04 They're trying to make here is that you should feel bad and be understanding of black people because you can't understand what it's like to hear that word.
02:18:11 Look, I can't.
02:18:15 Doesn't ******* matter.
02:18:22 For what?
02:18:32 So they keep.
02:18:34 Hammering this in, you know, beating it like a dead horse.
02:18:37 Rednecks call him the guy and chase him.
02:18:41 Eventually he tries to get the word guy.
02:18:46 Or the term guy band with Mark Furman and Michael Richards and some other guys. That said, I forget.
02:18:54 Who they were.
02:18:57 And because it's for white people now, of course, this is what they did. The other episode with with.
02:19:05 You know the hate crime stuff all of a sudden. Now it the government makes it illegal.
02:19:10 You can still say, but you can't say guy.
02:19:15 Stand.
02:19:15 Finally understands that he doesn't understand and he apologizes the token for not getting it. What it's like to be black and and that's that's the end.
02:19:27 You just don't get it.
02:19:28 Don't get it, ******.
02:19:30 You don't understand what it's like to be black.
02:19:33 You don't understand the.
02:19:35 I mean, they're basically in a way, they're almost saying that it's totally legit, that White's get assaulted when they say.
02:19:50 Simultaneously.
02:19:53 Like refusing to acknowledge that that's precisely what happens.
02:19:59 And then it's not just like this.
02:20:01 Oh, I'm so disappointed in you.
02:20:12 And this failure to grasp.
02:20:15 Race relations and race realities continues.
02:20:21 As I said, they like to do episodes based on whatever was in the news.
02:20:26 Well, this was season 11.
02:20:30 Back when they were talking about Michael Richards, which I guess the weather was like 2006, right?
02:20:37 So I think that episode might have. It might have aired in 2006 or 7.
02:20:41 On what time of the year it did.
02:20:43 But then you had a episode.
02:20:46 Many years later, season 17.
02:20:50 And 2013.
02:20:53 Why? Because race relations weren't magically getting better.
02:20:59 Like the episode of South Park, where they changed the South Park flag and all is beautiful because everyone just stop seeing race.
02:21:09 Race relations were getting worse.
02:21:15 And one of the examples of this was the hoax that was George Zimmerman.
02:21:22 George Zimmerman, a.
02:21:25 Some kind of Mexican I forgot.
02:21:26 He Cuban or.
02:21:27 I don't know some kind of brown guy with a Jewish last.
02:21:31 I think he was adopted or whatever, but anyway it doesn't matter. He wasn't white.
02:21:38 But he was attacked by Trayvon Martin.
02:21:42 Justifiably killed.
02:21:45 And was found not guilty.
02:21:49 And black people are freaking the **** out.
02:21:57 And because this was six years after that, the last episode, they used kind of the same.
02:22:03 Scenario only this time it's Cartman Cartman's, now afraid of the race.
02:22:06 He's afraid that black people are going to chimp out, and the idea is that that's kind of a ridiculous thing that white people are unduly afraid of. What black people might do when you have a situation like this.
02:22:19 That it's all coming from the imagination of a madman, that black people are going to chimp out.
02:22:31 Hey, talking.02:22:33 What's up?
02:22:34 Nothing. Nothing.
02:22:35 Me neither.
02:22:36 Nothing's going on, sex.
02:22:39 Everything good with you? Yeah, sweet.
02:22:42 Hey, Jimmy, what are you doing?
02:22:43 I'm just.
02:22:44 Yeah, I'm just hanging out with.
02:22:45 Did you know if it wasn't for African Americans, we wouldn't have rock'n'roll. So could we have a black president?
02:22:50 It's about time.
02:22:52 Is he doing it again?
02:22:53 He's doing it again, dude.Cartman
02:22:55 What are you doing after school token?02:22:56 Wanna hang out?
02:22:58 I have band practice.
02:22:59 You're so.
02:23:00 Alright bro, I'll catch you. Recess. Fist bump. Fist bump, bro.
Devon Stack
02:23:07 Who's doing it again is Matt Stone and Trey Parker. I mean, it's essentially the same scene.02:23:16 It's essentially the same thing, just a different way that white people are reacting, trying to be extra extra sensitive to black people 'cause they're afraid in this case, they make the the.
02:23:32 Story about Cartman is having nightmares.
02:23:36 About a race war.
02:23:39 They based on World War Z, the movie with Brad Pitt.
02:23:44 And so this is one of his nightmares. He's Brad Pitt with his family and they they, they're watching TV.
02:23:53 There's there's not white. George Zimmerman right there.
Mr. Garrison
02:23:55 Jordan.Devon Stack
02:23:58 The obviously not white George Zimmerman.02:24:01 And he sees that George Zimmerman, they they're gonna, it's gonna be a innocence or innocent verdict.
02:24:11 And then they do a parody of.
02:24:15 World War Z only with black people freaking out instead of zombies.
02:24:21 Is it bigger than a breadbox?Stan
02:24:23 What's a breadbox, dad?Cartman
02:24:25 He that is so key, you can say that again.02:24:29 Why aren't we moving? What's going on?
02:24:32 It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling.
02:24:37 We interrupt this cursor for a news bulletin.
02:24:40 A verdict has just been headed down in the case of George Zimmerman in a stocking turn of events, the jury has found Zimmerman.
Devon Stack
02:24:47 And.Cartman
02:24:47 Many African Americans are outraged by the verdicts, and they are most likely about to go totally naive.Mayor
02:24:55 ****.Cartman
02:24:59 **** you, *****.Crowd
02:25:05 Go.Devon Stack
02:25:14 I.02:25:15 And so they make it seem ridiculous that black people would behave like that.
02:25:19 Black people aren't gonna freak out.
02:25:23 That's like a zombie movie.
02:25:24 Insane to think?
02:25:26 This is before the George Floyd stuff.
02:25:29 I mean, can liberate libertarians ever be right about anything?
02:25:35 Can they ever be right about anything?
02:25:38 I mean, they're.
02:25:39 They're unintentionally predicting the George Floyd riots.
02:25:44 They're acting like this is some kind of like, crazy cooked up fantasy in the mind of some racist little kid.
02:25:55 And so at school, Cartman has to talk to the counselor about it, because he's having the nightmares.
02:26:02 He can't sleep.
02:26:05 And once again, what do you have?
02:26:08 You have token who doesn't care.
02:26:10 He doesn't care about the George Zimmerman verdict.
02:26:15 He's not upset by it at all.
02:26:18 He's just he's maybe a little bit.
02:26:21 In white people.
02:26:23 But he's not getting violent.
02:26:27 Token I've been talking with Eric and he's really upset that you 2 aren't getting along.02:26:31 You have some things you wanna say, Eric.
02:26:35 Token I wasn't on that jury, OK?02:26:41 What jury? This grudge that you're holding against an entire group of people should be directed at justice. A few not at me.
02:26:48 OK token. What are your feelings about that?Cartman
02:26:53 I don't know.02:26:53 To say I wrote a.
02:26:54 Is it OK if I read my poem?
02:26:57 It's called. I was not the bullet.
02:27:01 I was not the bullet.
02:27:02 I was not the gun. I was not the juror.
02:27:05 Set the shooter free.
02:27:06 I was not the trigger.
02:27:08 I was not the hate, nor was I the judge.
02:27:11 But still you judge me.
02:27:13 I was not the black family mourning for the death.
02:27:16 Oh, somebody shot our children.
02:27:17 Lord of what we do now, and I was not the verdict.
02:27:20 This isn't a poem.
02:27:21 Doesn't even rhyme.
02:27:21 It's going to rhyme token. Just hold on.
02:27:24 I was not the shooter.
02:27:25 I was not the gun so token you should be cool while we're all here at SKU.
02:27:33 I go back to class now.
Devon Stack
02:27:35 See, they make it.02:27:36 And that's how they that's how they they make this effective.
02:27:41 Is they pepper in? In a funny moments to where you just accept the rest.
02:27:44 The poison.
02:27:46 You the candy wrapper around the rat poison.
02:27:51 It's funny, the world wars he thing, it's actually kind of funny.
02:27:54 Is kind of funny, but what are they saying?
02:27:58 Token doesn't care.
02:28:00 It's just white people overreacting, thinking that it's going to be a problem.
02:28:05 In fact, it's token doesn't even get a little mad until Cartman keeps pushing it over and over and over again, decides to do like a rap version of that poem in front of the whole school.
02:28:18 That's not right, white people say.02:28:22 Black people say hey.
02:28:29 That people say, hey, hey, hey.
02:28:32 I think the white people are winning.
02:28:33 Got you. Be black people.
02:28:34 You better represent.
02:28:36 Let me hear.
02:28:36 Say I don't name white people, no.
02:28:39 No.
02:28:39 All right, that's enough.02:28:42 You think I should feel bad for you because of the Trayvon Martin verdict?
02:28:45 Token calm.
02:28:45 What the hell is wrong with?
02:28:46 Why are you all sitting here listening to this?
Devon Stack
02:28:54 See, it's again. It's white people.02:28:57 That's the problem.
02:28:58 Black people aren't going to to freak out.
02:29:01 So then they make it.
02:29:02 Know again, it's it's it's World War.
02:29:05 He dresses up like Brad Pitt gets a gun and decides that patient zero.
02:29:11 Is token and that he has to kill token to stop the the the black riots from happening.
02:29:21 He goes to well, that's that's the wrong one.
02:29:26 He goes to. All right. What the **** happened to that clip?
02:29:30 Clip got Miss Elon, let me get the clip here that's missing.
02:29:39 Which episode was this?
02:29:43 Or Z.
Bill O'Reilly
02:29:49 Ah, this is.Devon Stack
02:29:52 A lot of lot of ******* clips. Here we are.02:30:02 I.
02:30:03 The.
02:30:04 All right, that'll work.
02:30:05 Let.
02:30:06 Me just pop this in the timeline real quick.
02:30:22 So he feels like he has to kill token.
02:30:25 Meanwhile, over at George Zimmerman's house.
Mr. Garrison
02:30:30 Track down and measures are being taken to stop him.Stan
02:30:33 Are there reservations 0?Mr. Garrison
02:30:38 Hello, Mr. Zimmerman.02:30:39 Your country needs you.
02:30:40 What do you need from me? We.Mr. Garrison
02:30:44 Need you to shoot a young African American for us.Zimmerman
02:30:49 I gave that up.Bill O'Reilly
02:30:51 You're the best man.Mr. Garrison
02:30:53 We just need you to do it one more time for the security of the world.Zimmerman
02:30:55 Damn it, I have a wife and kids now.Mr. Garrison
02:30:57 Then do it for your family.02:30:59 This is about protecting people Zimmerman keeping our streets safe so that our children are free to go out and smell the pop.
02:31:05 Something's wrong. Look out.Mr. Garrison
02:31:11 Mark, God, I didn't even see him. Nice wax.02:31:14 Are you guys OK?
Zimmerman Daughter
02:31:16 What was that, daddy?Zimmerman
02:31:18 More needless violence.Mr. Garrison
02:31:19 Nonsense. You did what you had to.02:31:22 A hero.
02:31:23 That may be true, but I'll have to live with this the rest of my life, even though I'll be walking around a free man.Bill O'Reilly
02:31:29 Hey, wait a minute.Mr. Garrison
02:31:30 This kid isn't black, he's white.Zimmerman
02:31:33 Wait, what?Mr. Garrison
02:31:34 Guilty.Zimmerman
02:31:41 ****.Devon Stack
02:31:46 They make it funny, but what's the message here?02:31:50 Trayvon Martin had been white.
02:31:52 Mean they're saying?
02:31:54 The black people were saying how is this any different than than what?
02:31:58 Jackson has an example would be saying.
02:32:03 Trayvon Martin had been.
02:32:04 They would have given him the chair.
02:32:12 But all the people at home are going. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Ha ha ha.
02:32:15 Look at look at the black people like the zombie.
02:32:18 Funny 'cause like it's like zombie.
02:32:21 Like it's like World War.
02:32:35 So anyway.
02:32:39 Just in case you didn't get it.
02:32:42 They make it abundantly clear at the end.
02:32:48 By the way, using the exact same tactic, remember the cartman is Archie Bunker, but he's Archie Bunker for edgy Gen. Xers and millennials.
02:32:59 So he has to do more.
02:33:01 That just say them ********. Them colors is moving in.
02:33:10 Hey Cortana.02:33:12 How is it going dude?
02:33:15 I know how it feels now.
02:33:19 You made everyone think I'm a ******* patient. Zero, dude, I'm saying I'm sorry.
02:33:23 What?
02:33:31 Sound like you're still angry?
02:33:32 ****.
02:33:33 Alright, token, come on.
02:33:35 This is ridiculous.
02:33:36 I know you totally want to kick my *** right now. You'd like to walk right up and punch me in the face.
02:33:41 What's that going to solve?
02:33:42 I've got a way better idea.
02:33:45 Face bump.
02:33:49 Come on, dude. Face them.
02:33:52 Bump that ****, bro.
02:33:53 Be the bigger person.
02:34:03 I.
02:34:07 That was, he was on my ground.
02:34:10 You all saw that right?
02:34:11 Everything inside the red line is mine.
02:34:17 Inside the red line is. That's my ground.
02:34:20 He was on it.
Devon Stack
02:34:23 And all the dumb people are going.Chef
02:34:25 He shot the black kid.Devon Stack
02:34:26 Her. Her, her.02:34:27 Not realizing exactly what you're the joke.
02:34:31 You're the joke. They're making fun of stand your ground laws and they're calling them racist.
02:34:37 They're saying that this is what this is how white people are going to abuse that.
02:34:42 They're saying that white people are baiting black people into situations where they're being completely.
02:34:47 In fact, in this case being the bigger man, they're being baited and lured in the situations just so blight white people can kill them.
02:34:57 But the ******* the audience are all her.
02:34:59 Shut a black kid her or her.
02:35:09 Rat poison tastes good, doesn't it?
02:35:14 As promised.
02:35:19 I told you I would show just to.
02:35:21 At home.
02:35:23 A diversity training video made by Dennis Prager and the producer of his show, Alan Jewenstein.
02:35:31 Forget his last name, but he's.
02:35:33 Jew, the producer of his radio show.
02:35:36 He's a old Hollywood Jew.
02:35:39 They produce.
02:35:40 I don't know what year this.
02:35:43 It's in four by three, and just judging by everything, it's.
02:35:48 It's got to be 90s.
02:35:50 So this is.
02:35:52 This is probably either just before South Park got started.
02:35:57 Because Matt Stone, Trey Parker got some gigs prior to doing South Park, they got some gigs in Hollywood doing corporate video for a couple of people.
02:36:07 And this might have been one of them.
02:36:10 But I couldn't find the exact year.
02:36:11 But it's it's, you know mid to late 90s.
02:36:15 But this is.
02:36:17 If you want to know where like this is directed by Trey Parker.
02:36:21 So if you want to know where they stand on race, well, you're about to hear it.
02:36:25 What would you?Dennis Prager
02:36:26 Say are the most important things about you.Tokens Mom
02:36:29 My values, my ability to recognize talent.Larry Elder
02:36:33 Honest with my my family and friends.Reporter
02:36:36 I'm intelligent. I'm attractive.Stan
02:36:36 I have.Larry Elder
02:36:38 My first child is very important.Tokens Mom
02:36:41 No idea.Dennis Prager
02:36:43 Hello, I'm Dennis prager.Larry Elder
02:36:45 And I'm my elder.02:36:46 You notice that.
02:36:47 No one said anything about race or ethnicity.
02:36:51 Almost everything else, but not that.
Dennis Prager
02:36:53 That's because deep down, we all know.02:36:57 The color of our skin and where our ancestors were born.
02:37:00 Tell anyone anything important about us.
Alex Jones
02:37:03 Had a lot of black friends, by the way.02:37:05 And black football, everything.
Devon Stack
02:37:06 That's weird.02:37:08 It's weird to hear a.
02:37:08 Jew say that isn't it?
02:37:13 Knowing 100% he doesn't believe it.
02:37:19 It's it's.
02:37:20 It's weird to hear a Jew say that that race and ethnicity doesn't mean anything to him, huh?
02:37:27 Hmm.Devon Stack
02:37:29 Find a way of getting around that later on in the in the video.02:37:32 So this is this is literally this is the time again.
02:37:36 At first I was like, oh, I get it.
02:37:38 A parody of of corporate training.
02:37:41 No, I just think that that's how bad it was.
02:37:44 That's just how it came across 'cause. It was just that Shittyly put together with that much of A, you know.
02:37:52 Boomer Brain behind the that was the engine behind it, right?
02:37:57 In a way, it is parody, but unintentionally.
02:38:00 Here's here's Trey Parker and Matt Stone acting out exactly what they think it was like back in the past.
02:38:07 Why all this diversity? **** happens in the first place.
Mr. Garrison
02:38:12 Oh, these are fine credentials.02:38:13 Johnston just fine.
02:38:15 I see you graduated from the University of Illinois.
Devon Stack
02:38:18 Yes. And as you can also see also work for three years for a Smith aircraft.Mr. Garrison
02:38:23 Oh, that's that's fine, Miss Johnson.Bill O'Reilly
02:38:25 Just fine.Mr. Garrison
02:38:26 I'll think it over. Goodbye.Reporter
02:38:29 I know I could do the job, Sir.Matt Stone
02:38:30 I'm sure you could, little lady. Goodbye.Mr. Garrison
02:38:36 Oh, Miss Mcgillicuddy, send in the next applicant, please.Bill O'Reilly
02:38:43 Hello, young whippersnapper, where did you go to college?Zimmerman
02:38:46 I didn't.Bill O'Reilly
02:38:47 I see had.aging hippie liberal douche
02:38:49 No, but that's fine. Just fine.Bill O'Reilly
02:38:51 Just fine.Devon Stack
02:38:52 Fine.Mr. Garrison
02:38:54 Any reason you feel qualified for this job?Matt Stone
02:38:55 Well.aging hippie liberal douche
02:38:56 I'm White and I'm a male.Redneck
02:39:03 You just tucked yourself into a job.Larry Elder
02:39:05 Well.02:39:06 That's how it often was.
02:39:07 Racial and ethnic minorities were often denied promotions and jobs not because they weren't qualified, but because of their race, gender or ethnicity.
Devon Stack
02:39:15 See, that's how it was, guys.02:39:19 That's how it was.
02:39:24 You want to understand Matt Stone.
02:39:26 Parker's.
02:39:27 That's Matt Stone and Trey Parker, right behind Larry Elder there.
02:39:34 Telling you exactly how they thought the past was, apparently.
02:39:40 All the white people were just keeping everybody down.
02:39:46 Oh, you're totally under qualified and right. Well, you're hired.
02:39:53 You know what?
02:39:53 I don't give a ****. As I said earlier in the stream, I think white countries should have white primacy.
02:40:02 I think white people should hire white people, even if they're not as qualified.
02:40:10 Are you going to start helping the neighbors kid with his homework because he gets better grades?
02:40:27 That's.
02:40:27 How is it any different?
02:40:32 Why countries should give preferential treatment to white people?
02:40:38 Even in a scenario like this.
02:40:42 In fact, those of you listening there are in a position where you can do stuff like this. You should be doing stuff like this.
02:40:51 If you're in a position to help out white people.
02:40:55 Some nepotistic.
02:40:57 You should ******* do it.
02:41:00 Every chance you get.
02:41:09 Sure, it's not always going to work out.
02:41:15 Financially.
02:41:21 What do you care?
02:41:23 Do you care about your people?
02:41:27 Making a little extra money.
02:41:31 Boomers already answered that question for us.
02:41:36 And this is where you start to see, like I said, South Park conservatism is exactly what describes the current Trump.
02:41:42 All their all of their views on race, on a homosexuality and literally anything else you would be hard pressed to find a political or.
02:41:52 Theological or philosophical issue in that is described in South Park.
02:42:00 Promoted rather in South Park.
02:42:02 That doesn't align up perfectly with the current rendition of the Republican Party with.
02:42:10 The Trump's at the head.
02:42:14 With his, with his daughter-in-law running literally running the ******* party and him as president.
02:42:23 Janie Vance.
02:42:25 Vice President Peter Thiel, all these other people.
02:42:34 You're on.
02:42:35 I bet you I bet he loves South Park.
02:42:50 So here Dennis Prager starts to explain exactly what the Trump administration intends to do.
02:42:58 Because race doesn't matter.
02:43:02 I mean, it literally doesn't matter.
02:43:09 We need to have a race blind meritocracy.
02:43:13 And that's how we'll get the best products.
Dennis Prager
02:43:15 If you want to solve this problem, you have two.02:43:18 One replace the old racial, ethnic and gender considerations with new racial, ethnic and gender considerations, and that way end up with a diverse workplace.
02:43:30 Yeah.
Tokens Mom
02:43:36 Oh, look at that.Devon Stack
02:43:38 I wonder what the other option is.02:43:40 The first option is.
02:43:43 If you want to to fix the problem of white people being ******** and racists and and not hiring non whites cuz we all know that's, you know, that's our history apparently.
02:43:54 You.
02:43:54 You can either do what the those damn leftists want to do right and force racial quotas.
02:44:01 On companies or what's the other option? What's the magga option?
Larry Elder
02:44:09 Or two end all racial, ethnic and gender considerations and simply hire people of ability and good character, and that way end up with a diverse workplace.02:44:20 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:44:24 Yum Yum. That diversity lemonade sure tastes good.02:44:28 Yeah. So that's that's the no, actually there's a third choice.
02:44:32 There's third.
02:44:32 The third choice is don't have a diverse country in the 1st place that has.
02:44:38 Where you so much of.
02:44:39 Time.
02:44:40 Is tied up in dealing with this problem.
02:44:44 So much of your economy since you love those economic arguments so much. How much of the economy is lost just in dealing with racial issues?
02:44:53 How much money did you guys ******* spend making this ****** video?
02:44:58 And how many trillions of videos like this exist on both sides trying to brainwash people into believing that this problem is eventually going to go away one of these days?
02:45:12 One of these days.
02:45:20 But no, there's only two options one.
02:45:23 Racial quotas, which we're all against, or two importing infinite Indians to do jobs because they'll, they'll they'll be able to perform at the same level of whites, but at a cheaper price.
02:45:35 It makes more economic sense. Let's do that.
Dennis Prager
02:45:41 Would you say this is a diverse group?02:45:51 According to today's understanding of diversity, you would say yes. Now would you say this is a diverse group?
Devon Stack
02:45:56 Alright.Bill O'Reilly
02:46:03 $5 a day.Devon Stack
02:46:04 Yeah.Dennis Prager
02:46:05 According to today's understanding of diversity, you would say no.Devon Stack
02:46:09 How?02:46:10 And you're trying to use black people 'cause you.
02:46:12 Can never, not even a little bit.
02:46:14 Not even a little.
02:46:15 Make white people ever look good.
02:46:17 So you can't even use them as an example, but actually by today's definition, that is a diverse group, because diverse means non white.
02:46:27 How?
02:46:27 How quaint. In the mid to late 90s or whenever this was made, you could you could try to make the argument as, as they often libertarians try to do.
02:46:37 Everyone's.
02:46:37 It's not.
02:46:38 The the **** it's not.
02:46:44 That's diverse.
02:46:50 The only way it's not diverse is if it's all white.
02:46:53 You knew.
02:46:53 That's why you didn't put ******* white people in there, especially 'cause of this whole trick you're gonna do next.
Dennis Prager
02:46:59 Could you tell me where you went to law school?Kyle
02:47:02 Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Dartmouth.Dennis Prager
02:47:07 What's your background?Zimmerman
02:47:08 Urban middle class, urban middle class.Larry Elder
02:47:11 Urban middle class.Kyle
02:47:12 Urban middle class, urban middle class.Dennis Prager
02:47:15 What's your career ambition?Zimmerman
02:47:18 I'd like to make partner.aging hippie liberal douche
02:47:20 Make.Chef
02:47:20 Partner, I'd like to make partner.Devon Stack
02:47:22 Partner. Partner.Dennis Prager
02:47:24 One last.02:47:25 Who are you going to vote for in the next election?
Tokens Dad
02:47:27 Whoever's against tort reform.Mayor
02:47:29 Whoever's against tort reform, tort reform, whoever's.Reporter
02:47:32 Against tort reform.Dennis Prager
02:47:33 Now let's go back to the group which we thought.02:47:36 Not diverse.
02:47:37 Excuse me, I'm curious to know your backgrounds.
02:47:40 Cleveland suburbs.Devon Stack
02:47:41 Everywhere.Reporter
02:47:42 I'm an army brat.02:47:43 Nairobi, Kenya.
Devon Stack
02:47:44 Kingston, Jamaica.02:47:45 Jim.
02:47:45 The streets.
Dennis Prager
02:47:47 Now, what's your career ambition?Reporter
02:47:50 Business. Political.02:47:51 I want to open a restaurant.
02:47:54 I just want a job, man.Devon Stack
02:47:55 Survival.Dennis Prager
02:47:57 How about your religious beliefs?Reporter
02:47:59 I'm a non practicing.02:48:00 Muslim. I'm a Christian. The lion of Judah.
Mr. Garrison
02:48:05 My old lady goes.02:48:05 Church, not me.
Dennis Prager
02:48:07 And how are you going to vote in the next election?Reporter
02:48:10 Whoever is more.Devon Stack
02:48:10 'S.Reporter
02:48:11 Whoever is more liberal, I'm not a citizen yet.Chef
02:48:14 Well, I will see if the children.Tokens Mom
02:48:16 In a booth.Devon Stack
02:48:17 Wow, look at. Look at the, the, the all the diversity within this black group.02:48:24 See if they had used white people as an example that.
02:48:27 Be a problem, wouldn't it?
02:48:28 Wouldn't that be a problem?
02:48:30 So they had to use black people because really, what the message of this is, it has nothing to do with looking out for the interests of what whites Dennis Prager isn't here to try to make something that makes affirmative action look bad because it's bad for white people.
02:48:44 He's trying to make the argument that affirmative action's actually bad for black people.
02:48:49 Look how look how diverse black people are, everybody.
02:48:52 Black people aren't the same at all.
02:48:54 One's the same.
02:48:55 We're all.
02:48:56 We're all race and ethnicity don't have anything, any bearing whatsoever, unless you're Jewish and have any bearing whatsoever on behavior or on on anything.
02:49:06 Just it's it's just a an aesthetic thing.
Larry Elder
02:49:10 Those who believe in race based diversity believe that race reflects more than color. They believe people of different races and ethnicities not only look different, but they actually think different.Devon Stack
02:49:21 Yeah, they ******* do.02:49:23 And this is where you get the *******. Like James Lindsay trying to call anyone who disagrees with that.
02:49:29 The woke right.
02:49:31 Because they have determined and they have defined woke as people who don't agree with the with the idea that everyone's not the same.
02:49:43 Or did I say that right?
02:49:46 What people are people that that think that people are different, that there's a difference between races.
02:49:54 And they're using this weird mid to late 90s pragerism.
02:50:01 This because this is what they want to.
02:50:03 You back to.
02:50:05 This.
02:50:06 This was the comfy spot that Republicans were in before Trump came along.
02:50:11 Really, before what it was.
02:50:13 Obama came along.
02:50:16 A lot of people want to like credit Trump with somehow racially awakening all the white people.
02:50:22 **** that. That's *******.
02:50:24 It's people that are trying to romanticize Trump, people that support him the first time around and think that things have just now changed.
02:50:33 Trump was always a ******* ******.
02:50:37 Trump's not what woke people up, and the white people up. It was Obama.
02:50:43 It was white people having to actually face the reality of having a black president.
02:50:50 And noticing that they.
02:50:52 That he didn't operate the same way that a white president would.
02:50:58 And then he did play favoritism to black people that he did staff his administration with black people, that he did have the the, the, the, the statements that he did about about the Zimmerman case, about how Trayvon Martin could have been his son.
02:51:19 It was.
02:51:20 Years of Obama that fueled that fire.
02:51:23 It's just they latched on to Trump.
02:51:27 Because he sounded like the best.
02:51:29 For that rage, for that frustration for that realization.
02:51:34 And they were blinded by it.
02:51:36 Trump had nothing to ******* deal with that ****.
02:51:40 Sure, he might have parroted some things.
02:51:42 Might have spoke, spoke.
02:51:46 A little bit to those people, thanks to well, with the help of Cambridge Analytica, that's that brain raped all of your Facebook accounts to find out what you were.
02:51:55 White people were ****** about and what they wanted to hear.
02:52:01 So we just told you what you.
02:52:02 Well, rather ag by the name of Stephen Miller told him to tell you what to hear.
02:52:07 What you wanted to hear?
02:52:13 Trump was always a *******.
02:52:15 And this is where they want to get you back on the reservation.
02:52:18 They want to get you back to pre Obama conservatism.
02:52:24 You want to say forget all the evidence that you have. Forget the last 20 years, almost 30 years now happened.
02:52:35 They're the ones that want you to go back to the 90s because the 90s were the most philosophic decade in the ******* universe.
02:52:46 The 90s, everyone was slurping down the goy.
02:52:49 Both the the actual goy slop food, super sizing, everything as it were.
02:52:57 But also the Seinfeld, the Larry David, the Adam Sandler.
02:53:05 Go back to the 90s where all you do is eat goy slop and watch goy slop on TV.
02:53:12 And get your values from goy slop.
02:53:15 Dennis prager.
02:53:27 Come on, white man. Remember the 90s?
02:53:35 In fact, here's a clip I didn't put in here, but I think I've got it.
02:53:41 I do have it.
02:53:47 Let me just let me scrub in here. This is literally.
02:53:53 Forgot about this part of. Here we go.
02:53:58 South Park.
02:54:09 Flip when they were kind of right about something.
02:54:15 This is this and a lot of people this is this has gone over their ******* head.
02:54:18 Have no.
02:54:19 They have no idea.
02:54:22 Another joke, even though this makes it abundantly clear.
02:54:26 A lot of people talk about member berries.
02:54:30 Member berries.
02:54:33 This nostalgia that people have for Star Wars and things like.
02:54:37 But that's what they were trying to express is one of the reasons why Trump was being supported is because white people were having nostalgia for a time before.
02:54:47 World got more diverse.
Member Berries
02:54:58 Language bionic men.02:54:58 Ohh I remember.
02:55:01 Oh, I remember.Stan
02:55:02 I love bionic man.02:55:07 Chewbacca again.
Member Berries
02:55:12 OK.02:55:14 Remember when there weren't so many Mexicans?
02:55:18 You remember when marriage was just between a man and a woman?
Tokens Mom
02:55:18 What?Tokens Dad
02:55:25 Yeah, I remember that.02:55:28 Wait.
Member Berries
02:55:28 Remember feeling safe? And I know I'm safe in the rain.Tokens Dad
02:55:36 What the ***** going on with these member berries?Devon Stack
02:55:40 See.02:55:43 They picked up on the fact that they were just making fun of it, but they picked up on the fact that white people were nostalgic.
02:55:52 Time when there was a right majority, a clear white majority.
02:55:58 That's why Trump got elected.
02:56:10 And in a way, they're trying to use that nostalgia against people without being explicit about why things changed.
02:56:18 Saying, yeah, let's go back to the 90s when you could watch def comedy.
02:56:22 You could watch 2 hours of a black guy making fun of white people and laugh it up.
02:56:29 You can watch Seinfeld and laugh at the Silly New York Jews.
02:56:37 You could watch 24 show that told you.
02:56:41 The NSA spying on everyone and Homeland Security violating everyone's civil rights on a regular basis was good because they're going to catch the terrorists.
02:57:03 See this.
02:57:04 Why they want you to go?
02:57:05 This is why the South Park conservatives want you to go back to the 90s so hard.
Dennis Prager
02:57:12 Which of course is just another way of saying that people of the same racial or ethnic group think the same. All Blacks think alike. All whites think alike. All Hispanics think alike, and so.Larry Elder
02:57:22 On if that were so, we might see a scene like this one.Tokens Mom
02:57:28 It shows the existential dilemma of the modern psychiatry.Yuppies
02:57:34 It man's in your man and your.Kyle
02:57:34 No, it shows men's inhumanity to men and clearly admonishes the viewer to.Member Berries
02:57:37 Man.Kyle
02:57:40 In.Member Berries
02:57:40 Touch with you inner child.Kyle
02:57:41 The.Devon Stack
02:57:43 You know.Yuppies
02:57:44 No, is a representation of the artist uninvolved conflict with his father.Matt Stone
02:57:44 If the representation of the artists unresolved conflict with his father.Devon Stack
02:57:51 There's the libertarian viewpoint again.02:57:55 We'll take it to an extreme.
02:57:58 Groups can't think of similar ways of thinking, if there's exceptions.
02:58:05 It has to be everyone talking like in unison, like a robot for for that idea to be valid at all.
02:58:14 It's not possible to look at groups and see trends.
02:58:19 Unless they're all exactly like ******* robots. Speaking in unison like the Borg, it's either or.
02:58:25 Everyone's, everyone's totally different and unique and individual or everyone's like a robotic.
02:58:32 They're literally the Borg, like a hive mind.
Dennis Prager
02:58:40 Before we go on, we need to draw a very clear distinction between race and ethnicity. On the one hand, and culture on the other. When we say that your race and ethnicity aren't important in defining who you are, we're not saying that your culture isn't important in defin.02:58:56 You are.
02:58:57 Culture is important, but.
Devon Stack
02:59:01 That's of course I think put there for the Jews, but also to try.02:59:06 Make you think that there's a difference.
02:59:11 This is a talking point that they've been using since the mid.
02:59:14 That there is a difference between racing culture and that's how you can dislike other racism and blame it on culture.
02:59:20 My mom used to do that all the ******* time.
02:59:23 She had a problem with this.
02:59:26 Indian guy and instead of instead of saying that you know she didn't want to be racist she so she would she would she would frame it as just don't like how their culture treats women.
02:59:36 What?Devon Stack
02:59:42 Oh, it's their culture.02:59:44 You you just only got their culture there.
02:59:46 I I don't think cultures do things.
02:59:49 The people that do things.
02:59:53 And again, as I've said a million times, culture is a product of people.
02:59:59 There wasn't some outside force that came and installed.
03:00:04 Black culture onto black people.
03:00:07 That is something that emanated from black people.
03:00:13 Mexican culture emanated from.
03:00:16 White culture emanated from white people.
03:00:24 It wasn't some lottery and we lucked out.
03:00:26 We got a culture that's superior.
Tokens Mom
03:00:28 Oh, we're not even.Devon Stack
03:00:28 Allowed to say that.03:00:35 The real reason they're trying to make that distinction is so that you, if you have, if you notice a difference between people, especially groups of people, you can say, well, you know what?
03:00:44 The.
03:00:45 I have a problem with.
03:00:54 The implication, of course, is that culture can be changed.
03:00:57 Culture is just the software running on the.
03:01:00 It's not the hardware and so therefore if we accept mass immigration from all these places with different cultures, that culture is just a temporary residue that eventually will wash off in time.
03:01:15 It eventually will wash off in time and what will be revealed underneath is the true Americans. They they were all that they were.
03:01:23 Mean that?
03:01:24 They they they blossomed into by virtue of stepping on our magical soil.
03:01:34 That's what they're setting up.
03:01:37 In addition to also letting Jews still say or have that euthanasia. Oh no, you're still unique because of your Jewish culture.
03:01:48 So it gets. It gets pretty ******* ridiculous.
03:01:50 I mean, like I said, it's like it seems like a just a run-of-the-mill diversity training video.
Dennis Prager
03:01:58 You know, one of the worst consequences of race based thinking is that it pushes us toward people with whom we may share a little and cuts us off from people with whom we may share a great deal.03:02:13 You like.
Devon Stack
03:02:14 Her break it.Member Berries
03:02:16 I rub it.Mayor
03:02:17 I go car fishing every weekend.Mr. Garrison
03:02:20 Me too.03:02:21 Everybody seen this magazine before?
Matt Stone
03:02:24 Ever seen it?Mayor
03:02:25 I got every issue.aging hippie liberal douche
03:02:28 Me too.Devon Stack
03:02:28 I'm a member of the national Cops Fisherman Association.Matt Stone
03:02:31 I'm a member of Nasha too.03:02:42 I.
03:02:47 Oh my God.
Devon Stack
03:02:53 The libertarian brain, the simple mind.03:02:56 Look at it.
03:03:01 Black people like some black people like baseball and you like baseball.
Matt Stone
03:03:10 Lot of black friends, by the way, and.03:03:12 Football, everything.
Devon Stack
03:03:14 I mean, it's so ******* like. Yeah, it seems like a parody, but it's not.03:03:20 It's they're being serious.
Larry Elder
03:03:26 If you believe that ethnic and racial differences make people different from you, all you end up doing is depriving yourself of beautiful friendships.Dennis Prager
03:03:34 If you share our views of diversity, that what matters is the individual and his or her character. You have to act on it.Larry Elder
03:03:41 Open yourself up to people of all races and ethnicities, precisely because those are not the things that matter.Tokens Mom
03:03:48 It sounds terribly.Devon Stack
03:03:53 See look.03:03:55 A Jew and a black guy. And they're they're girl buddies.
Matt Stone
03:03:58 A lot of black friends, by the way, and black football, everything.Devon Stack
03:04:03 Think about race going.03:04:06 Stop thinking about race.
03:04:09 Race doesn't matter, boy.
03:04:12 Is he directed by by Trey Parker?
03:04:17 And then, because it is directed by Trey Parker.
03:04:21 Had to try to make it into a musical or something like it's.
Tokens Mom
03:04:26 You know, we've worked very hard to create some diversity in our company and.03:04:31 Here's example two of our very fine young Asian employees, ladies.
03:04:36 Right this way, gentlemen. The Latina female.
03:04:42 Morning and over here have one of our fine African American employees.
03:04:45 How you doing? I'm from.
03:04:47 Actually, yes. As a matter of fact, we have two Canadian African Americans.
03:04:52 Also, have African American from.
03:04:55 And one from.
03:04:57 We're very diversified. As a matter of fact, next month we're going over to Africa and try to recruit some actual African Americans in our.
Devon Stack
03:05:04 Notice how the obviously Jewish actor is trying to have a like a Texan accent.03:05:11 Because he's playing the dumb white guy.
03:05:15 That's not sensitive to race.
Tokens Mom
03:05:18 Africa.03:05:23 Hey, wait a minute.
03:05:24 I'm a hard working man and I'm tired of being reduced to just a colour.
Larry Elder
03:05:31 And if you hired me because of the color of my skin.Money Clip
03:05:37 I.Larry Elder
03:05:37 Then you put in a situation.03:05:42 That I can never.
03:05:46 Win.
03:05:49 I'd wake up in the morning thinking that I'm bleed when I look into the mirror, all I see is Jack.
03:05:56 Jack with two ties, two kids, a white pedicure.
Devon Stack
03:06:00 I am not method defect.Mayor
03:06:05 And I don't see why.Mental Defect
03:06:05 How can the doctor say that I am?Devon Stack
03:06:13 And I'm not going to make you sit through all that garbage.03:06:16 It goes on and on.
03:06:18 But it's it's the same message that you saw in South Park.
03:06:23 I'm not black.Devon Stack
03:06:26 In fact, I'm.03:06:27 How dare you call me African?
03:06:29 I'm Canadian and when I look in the mirror I don't see a black man. I see a man by the name of Jack.
03:06:35 I don't see race.
03:06:37 I don't see color and it's so ******* obnoxiously bloomer like it.
03:06:42 Like it reminded me of of the British office.
03:06:46 Ricky Gervais making fun of this like the fact that the British office, made by Ricky Gervais was more based because it was making fun of this kind of ******* ********.
03:06:59 About this.
03:06:59 I only play songs I've written myself.
03:07:02 He went home to get it.
Larry Elder
03:07:06 Spaceman came down to answer some things. The world gathered round from Bob's to kings.Matt Stone
03:07:13 I'll answer your questions.Larry Elder
03:07:15 I'll answer them true.Matt Stone
03:07:16 I'll show you the way.Larry Elder
03:07:17 You know what?Ricky Gervas
03:07:19 Do who is wrong and who is right?Redneck
03:07:23 Yellow, brown, black or white?Kyle
03:07:26 Space money answered.Devon Stack
03:07:27 You no longer mind.Kyle
03:07:29 I've opened your eyes.03:07:31 You now color blind.
Devon Stack
03:07:33 Racial. So.03:07:36 Yeah, we're all colour blind.
03:07:41 Like, that's basically the ******* song.
03:07:44 That's that's that's.
03:07:46 Song that they were doing that wasn't.
03:07:49 I mean, they were trying to be funny, but it wasn't.
03:07:52 It's it's horrific and so horrific I'm not even. I'm not gonna torture you guys with it.
Dennis Prager
03:07:59 Most people want to be known first by their individual character and abilities, rather than by their race or ethnicity.Larry Elder
03:08:05 So rather than pursuing diversity on the basis of race or ethnicity, why not pursue it on a basis of character and ability?03:08:11 I.
Dennis Prager
03:08:12 The irony is you'll end up with diversity anyway, because there were so many people of good character and ability in every group.Larry Elder
03:08:19 Strengthen your.03:08:21 Enrich your own life with a very diverse group from just one race. The race of decent human beings.
Devon Stack
03:08:29 It's it's literally the meme.03:08:31 It's literally there's only one race, the human race.
03:08:39 And that image right there, that's what they want to get back to.
03:08:43 A Jew with his arm around a black man smiling at you, telling you that there's no such thing as race.
03:08:49 The 90s, they want you to get back to.
03:08:56 Just hire all the pejats in the world if they're the most qualified, and we'll do it for the least amount of money.
03:09:03 There's no such thing as race.
03:09:09 That's the Republican Party. That's maga.
03:09:16 And that was directed by Trey Parker.
03:09:22 And that is South Park.
03:09:26 There were 3 / 3 hours in.
03:09:29 That is South Park on race.
03:09:35 I knew it was going to be a little long, a little long.
03:09:38 All right.
03:09:39 So yeah, let's let's do there.
03:09:42 It's hard to go after over three hours.
03:09:45 Let's do the let's do the hyper chats and.
03:09:50 And then get the **** out of here. I'm gonna be doing the the Cameron Film Festival on Monday.
03:09:56 Fact one of you guys, I forget who.
03:09:59 But I did put it.
03:10:00 Proof that I put your your things in my notes.
03:10:03 Just not always the names.
03:10:06 Why?
03:10:06 Why don't you recommended marathon man?
03:10:10 And so I I checked it out and it is.
03:10:15 It's perfect for the Decameron Film Festival, I'll tell you that much.
03:10:19 And so we'll be going over marathon man a Dustin Hoffman movie from also with with Laurence Olivier.
03:10:30 In 1976, I think was the year.
03:10:34 Super juy.
03:10:35 Oh my God.
03:10:36 But we'll be doing.
03:10:38 I'll be doing that Freudian in the morning.
03:10:40 I think I have to double check but it's got to be like it's got it's in the AM.
03:10:46 I think it's or it's maybe it's like at noon, it's around noon.
03:10:50 I'll. I'll, I'll post it, but I think it's gonna be like around noon.
03:10:52 A lot of guys will probably get the replay.
03:10:55 On Monday.
03:10:57 And then.
03:10:59 Something else is coming up too.
03:11:04 Forget when I.
03:11:05 I'll let you guys know.
03:11:08 And then Wednesday.
03:11:11 May or may not be a stream.
03:11:13 This is this is a real busy. Like I said, this month's gonna be real busy for me.
03:11:20 And so the Wednesday ones by default just assume there's not a Wednesday 1 until maybe.
03:11:27 When does Christmas?
03:11:33 Christmas Day is on a Wednesday.
03:11:36 I don't know.
03:11:36 I might may or may not do 'cause. I've got family things I gotta do, so I'm not sure if.
03:11:44 What that'll all entail New Year's Day is also on a Wednesday.
03:11:49 So maybe we'll do if not a Wednesday, maybe a Tuesday, or maybe we'll go on one day before or after the Wednesday and run there 'cause I do like I like the holiday ones.
03:11:59 Think you guys do too.
03:12:01 Alright.
03:12:04 Well, let's have a little look, see.
03:12:09 At the hyper chats.
03:12:14 This out here.
03:12:20 Alright, scroll up.
03:12:25 Alright, we got chosen, Jawah says respectfully.
03:12:28 Going to sit this one out.
03:12:29 I can't stand watching or listening to South Park of.
03:12:32 South Park is very relevant to our culture and must be studied, but I could.
03:12:37 Only stand listening to the voice acting and jokes for roughly 50% last.
03:12:41 Stream. I'm sorry. I'll catch next stream. That's not a problem.
03:12:45 And yes, growing up, I was the kid who always find an excuse to go home or do something else. Whenever friends gathered to watch South Park.
03:12:54 But still South Park played such a huge impact on our culture.
03:12:57 All my friends near the lines by heart and gradually accepted a lot of what was pushed in the show.
03:13:03 Yeah, I I look.
03:13:04 I liked the show and there are still parts I think that are comedically well executed.
03:13:10 I think they have good comic.
03:13:13 They have a good understanding of of humor.
03:13:16 That's why it's so rat poison has that tasty taste to it.
03:13:22 That's why it's so, so dangerous, really. And why it was so influential.
03:13:30 Then we got Jesse Po, holiday says.
03:13:33 Since government should be to its people, as fathers should be to their families or children, isn't the modern rights opinion of government?
03:13:44 Being inherently evil.
03:13:46 Nine. If a government, regardless of the type, is composed of homogeneous group who are who has their people's best interest in mind, then the government can be good. I think this really plays into the black and white thinking of boomers whose whole political view was shaped by.
03:14:06 Good versus evil of World War.
03:14:09 And their ability to detect NU wants in complex social and political issues.
03:14:15 I'm not sure what you're what you're saying.
03:14:18 Since government should be to its people, as fathers should be, as their families isn't the modern rights opinion of government being inherently evil, asinine.
03:14:31 Oh, you mean like the libertarian view? That pretty much more government's always bad?
03:14:38 Yeah, it only the only reason why it's so easy to sell.
03:14:43 Is for a long time.
03:14:45 Government hasn't served white people.
03:14:49 It's pretty easy to sell white people on the idea that government's bad when government is actively hostile to white people for since since the you know the 60s or since World War 2, you could say really.
03:15:02 So I think that's what you're asking, right?
03:15:05 That wasn't the case then I.
03:15:07 Yeah, I don't think white people would be so easily sold on this.
03:15:11 Why there's so many?
03:15:12 And by the way, this is also why that libertarian to Alt right pipeline ever existed.
03:15:18 Because it was white.
03:15:21 That's why they were sold on.
03:15:22 They saw government as a net negative to white people that they saw it as something that just took from you and gave us other people and then often kicked you.
03:15:30 The teeth for it.
03:15:32 And so that's that was honestly.
03:15:34 The appeal was.
03:15:37 And then once you realize that the answer wasn't just less government 'cause that didn't address the underlying problem, that that was the problem, I think is initially a lot of white people thought, oh, the government's the one doing this to me.
03:15:50 Therefore, they're the problem they didn't realize.
03:15:52 How did it get like this?
03:15:58 John Skywalker says.
03:16:00 You didn't mention the United Health CEO killing on Thursday with all the surveillance tech, I'm surprised the suspect hasn't been found yet.
03:16:08 You think the police feds are just incompetent due to diversity quotas or not?
03:16:14 Motived due to themselves also being screwed by health insurance.
03:16:21 No, I think they're trying to get him. I mean, anytime the guy was rich. So they're going to try to find the killer.
03:16:28 They did have.
03:16:29 They do have that mug shot now of the guy in Starbucks.
03:16:33 They may or may not find.
03:16:34 It depends on if the facial recognition software is able to get him.
03:16:38 They've got they've scraped everyone's Facebook. If you if anyones ever tagged you in a photo.
03:16:44 In Facebook, you're in a system that they can now use forever to identify you.
03:16:49 So if he's ever been tagged on Facebook, or you know or anything like that.
03:16:55 You know you.
03:16:57 You can't be caught on camera.
03:16:59 Doing something illegal like that.
03:17:03 Yeah, I don't know.
03:17:06 We don't.
03:17:06 Who this guy is, what his motive was.
03:17:11 So I'm kind of reserving judgment on all that until we know what the **** the situation is right now, it's just.
03:17:20 Assassination of someone I don't know enough about to know if he deserved it or not, but I will tell you this.
03:17:30 I can't.
03:17:34 You know, the only way I can I.
03:17:38 I mean, I'll tell you.
03:17:39 Let me let me express it this way.
03:17:44 I.
Money Clip
03:17:49 Ohh gosh.Tokens Mom
03:17:57 Those who know know.Devon Stack
03:18:00 John Skywalker.03:18:01 I get the anger over the health insurance used to work in outsourced call Center for Medicare just above minimum wage. Aside from being one of the only whites there, I was yelled at numerous times by customers and supervisors alike. Many of my black Co workers and.
03:18:18 Had been to prison and we were and were high on.
03:18:21 I experienced first hand how corrupt health insurance companies are in all the legal loopholes they use to avoid paying claims and screw over patients. I was getting ****** from all ends there.
03:18:33 It took a severe toll. My mental health for a year and I walked out. Understandable.
03:18:38 I I walked out a lot of jobs that were.
03:18:42 The problem is, that's really the only.
03:18:44 What happens is these companies don't chant up and buy the way I'm gonna tell.
03:18:49 Should stay for working.
03:18:51 The opposite actually.
03:18:53 You should leave.
03:18:54 You should work for a company where you feel like your work is immoral.
03:18:58 But that said, one of the side effects of of people doing that invariably. What what, what what's what's the result?
03:19:05 The only people working those companies are going to be people without morals.
03:19:09 So you're it just gets.
03:19:12 It gets worse. 'cause anyone with any kind of value system can't take it, and they leave and they're just left with a bunch of amoral *****.
03:19:21 And look, I don't know how long that's sustainable for, maybe longer than than we want it to be, but.
03:19:29 Yeah, that's that's typically what happens at those organizations. If they, if you're driving away good people, whether intentionally or not, eventually it's just going to be full of ****** people.
03:19:41 So is. Is this a situation where it's something like that where the guy has a personal beef?
03:19:48 Don't.
03:19:49 I don't know. No one.
03:19:50 Don't think anyone knows.
03:19:53 And so that's why, yeah, I I could theorize.
03:19:57 And like I said.
03:19:58 The grocery store thing, kind of, you know, it could.
03:20:02 That could be a.
03:20:04 Yeah. Can we related there?
03:20:06 **** House says replay gang strikes.
03:20:09 Keep up the good work and good night to all.
03:20:11 Good morning to many.
03:20:14 And thank you there, Sloth house Mark ESPY says a few weeks ago, someone talked about the movie blitz that was coming out.
03:20:21 The commenter meant the literal movie called Blitz for Apple TV. I think it's supposed to get black people to care about World War 2 Holocaust.
03:20:31 They are going to need plenty.
03:20:34 Propaganda. Well, that and they absolutely will do that.
03:20:38 They're gonna make a lot of diverse World War 2 Holocaust themed stuff.
03:20:43 Or or maybe, like Holocaust hunter stuff, you know, like or you, Nazi hunter type stuff.
03:20:49 They'll try to modernize it. They'll rewrite history.
03:20:51 That's.
03:20:52 Those are the historic.
03:20:53 They're going to have to really revisit if they want anyone to actually fight, and you know, die for Israel.
03:20:59 Pride assassin.
03:21:00 My pastor was based as **** last Bible study regarding degeneracy, vice, et cetera.
03:21:08 He named the Jew, tied it to the Pharisees in synagogue of Satan, then told our assembled group about the of.
03:21:16 About 50 people to be prepared for and to and accept wait to be prepared for the accepted history of World War 2 to change as new information comes to light coupled with Heinz's.
03:21:30 Well, I don't know. I only officially.
03:21:34 I don't think officially it's going to kind of delight, but yeah, I mean people, it's that information is available already, that's good to hear.
03:21:43 Mctasba says thanks for your work. If you are looking for a film to review this Christmas.
03:21:49 Season. Let it be the life and adventures of Santa Claus, a 1985 claymation fever dream based on a frank bum.
03:21:57 Sounds Jewish, but could be German book where Baby Santa is discovered by fairies and raised by Odin.
03:22:05 Or you could do a Bronx tale.
03:22:07 All right, well.
03:22:08 Tell you what I think I've seen that claymation like, I think I saw it when I was a kid.
03:22:13 It sounds vaguely familiar.
03:22:17 I don't know who made it though, or. I mean, who? Who's frank?
03:22:19 That bam steam? Or is it just bomb like a German guy?
03:22:28 Frank Baum.
03:22:31 That's not the right Frank Bon.
03:22:39 Is that him? No, that's not him.
03:22:45 Of course, there's there's some other Frank bond.
03:22:47 Maybe it?
03:22:47 Maybe this is the same one because he was an author, just that he died in 1919.
03:22:51 Maybe it's just a really old book.
03:22:58 Well, if it's this guy and I don't know it is there's a frank bond that was a Methodist who was who died in 1919.
03:23:10 Like he did die in Los Angeles.
03:23:12 So maybe there's just like an old old book that they they resurrected.
03:23:19 Yeah, yeah, I there's a lot of claymation ones.
03:23:21 They all kind of like.
03:23:23 Blur together in my in my memory.
03:23:28 Says as of yesterday. I'm officially mortgage free.
03:23:32 Well, that's.
03:23:33 That's that's. That's a that's a serious, serious.
03:23:39 Accomplishment, and that's something that it's so like once you get out from under that thumb, life is totally different.
03:23:46 I bought my house in 2006.
03:23:48 Now it's time to begin planning my escape from Washington.
03:23:52 Sounds nice, but which part? It does seem like anywhere in Wyoming, property taxes will be less than 10% of what?
03:23:59 Now, and I think Wyoming is much less evil than Washington.
03:24:04 Yeah, I've spent a little bit of time in Wyoming, but it not, not really.
03:24:09 You know, in, in, in the time that I did spend, I lived in Gillette, WY, for a a brief time.
03:24:17 Like back when I was like 14.
03:24:20 So.
03:24:23 And kind of homelessness.
03:24:26 But yeah, I mean, I don't know.
03:24:29 Never actually.
03:24:30 I don't really know anyone in Whome anymore.
03:24:32 I actually.
03:24:32 To Wyoming, a couple was it 1? I guess a couple years.
03:24:35 Now I actually drove from the pill box to.
03:24:40 What? What city was it?
03:24:44 I like drove to Wyoming back in like a matter of like a few days like it was.
03:24:48 Was one hell of a road trip.
03:24:53 Yeah, arming seems nice.
03:24:57 Occidental front says.
03:25:00 FYI, the Australian equivalent of all the family.
03:25:04 Is Kingswood country where the man is not happy to have a wag Italian son in?
03:25:11 I don't remember how subversive it is, but what stuck out to me as a kid was that they implied that he was captured by Italians in World War 2.
03:25:20 However, everyone knows that the Australians absolutely decimated the Italians and North Africa to Whit, Irwin, Rommel said.
03:25:28 If I quote, if I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it.
03:25:38 While I'm at it, the UK equivalent of all in the family is love thy.
03:25:43 From memory, he's appalled to have and and in quotes, a *** *** lived next to him, and he's always making banana jokes. Etcetera.
03:25:54 Yeah, that's the.
03:25:55 That all our joke, that's the.
03:25:57 Show that all the family that Norman Lear ripped off to make all the family at least. I'm pretty sure that was the one.
03:26:06 Flash on Phil.Devon Stack
03:26:09 With the big dono that is not.03:26:12 ****. My buttons are all broken.
03:26:17 Hold on, they're unplugged.
03:26:19 I forgot I was.
03:26:21 I had to use a CD-ROM.
03:26:25 I had to use a CD-ROM the other day so.
03:26:27 Had.
03:26:29 I had this like a USB1.
03:26:33 For their rare instances where I need to use a CD-ROM.
03:26:38 There we go.
03:26:41 Now I think this works.
Matt Stone
03:26:44 Out, Phil.Devon Stack
03:26:44 Oh.Member Berries
03:26:46 Today will be reading the best Christmas ever.03:26:49 I started.
Devon Stack
03:26:51 The magic *****.Stan
03:27:02 Where did the show men go?Member Berries
03:27:08 David.Money Clip
03:27:10 I.Kyle
03:27:15 The best Christmas ever.Devon Stack
03:27:19 All.03:27:19 Well, thank you, flatulent Phil.
03:27:21 Looking forward to the stream on the replay.
03:27:24 For all you do.
03:27:25 Well, I appreciate that and thank you for your support. It's.
03:27:28 It's all made possible by viewers like you.
03:27:33 And hello to you in the future.
03:27:35 Maybe next time say it is going to sound strange by never ever watch South Park. What's not that strange?
03:27:41 You might be the wrong age group or the wrong demo.
03:27:43 Everyone watched it.
03:27:45 It was.
03:27:45 It was edgy, mostly edgy white.
03:27:50 Young to teenage.
03:27:51 Well, I'd say going.
03:27:52 To college age, kids were in the South Park.
03:27:56 So it covers. Like I said, it covers everything from Gen. X to millennial.
03:28:02 But if you're not Gen. X or millennial.
03:28:06 Very easy.
03:28:07 Very easily missed.
03:28:08 I could see how you missed it, but most people, at least my friends, you know, maybe I had weird friends, but they were all into it.
03:28:20 Brody.
03:28:21 Hey, Devin, can we have an update on how things are going at the property repair wise?
03:28:27 Are you still working on Carl's place?
03:28:30 Yeah, still.
03:28:31 Carl's place is never going to end.
03:28:33 Be working on that forever.
03:28:34 It's just a constant.
03:28:39 Can quite wrap your head around how bad that place is.
03:28:43 The pill box is shaping up to be a little more livable.
03:28:49 I finally repaired.
03:28:51 Well, not all the not the roof all the way. But like I did like the the big stuff.
03:28:56 Fact I got some of the stuff I'm doing right now.
03:28:58 I'm waiting for some silicon to show up to seal up some stuff that needs sealing.
03:29:04 Then I have some masonry I gotta fix. I'm trying.
03:29:07 I got like and then like some foundation issues I got.
03:29:11 I know in theory what I gotta.
03:29:12 I gotta there's part of the foundation is kinda like sunk you.
03:29:16 And so I like dig out from underneath it and Jack it up and I'll do all that fun stuff, but do it slowly, 'cause.
03:29:23 I don't wanna break anything.
03:29:24 It's, you know, it's that's travelling into territory that I'm not familiar with, but it doesn't seem that hard. According to YouTube videos I've watched.
03:29:32 Which is how I that's how I learn how to fix everything basically.
03:29:37 But yeah, it's a never ending.
03:29:38 That's that's part of the problem is is never ending.
03:29:41 That.
03:29:42 That's one thing that sucks about getting a fixer upper is the whole fixing uppering.
03:29:51 Tomato. Potato.
Member Berries
03:30:01 I.Devon Stack
03:30:02 Thank you for your work.03:30:03 Well, thank you for your support there.
03:30:07 Watch the collapse, says lovely.
03:30:09 You are the man. I watched that out.
03:30:11 Or AII think you mean October 7th video that was commented in the last streams.
03:30:17 Very compelling stuff.
03:30:19 Crazy.
03:30:19 That guy is going.
03:30:21 We are setting up an interview.
03:30:23 It out.
03:30:25 If you find time.
03:30:28 Hail, my fellow black pill family. All right.
03:30:31 Maybe it's not crazy stuff then, huh? Maybe.
03:30:33 Maybe there is something?
03:30:35 Wacky going on.
03:30:37 I haven't had time to check it out, to be honest.
03:30:39 Been.
03:30:41 Between doing the house stuff, the family stuff and and some of the the guest appearance stuff it's been.
03:30:49 Been very.
03:30:50 I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately.
03:30:54 Any any strange the the last two South Park ones?
03:30:57 It's not easy.
03:30:59 To go over 30 years of any television show.
03:31:03 Now you.
03:31:03 Notice a lot of the I kind of stop after like season 20 something.
03:31:09 'Cause at that point, I'm.
03:31:10 Just like I don't have time for this ****.
03:31:12 Plus they.
03:31:13 Of changed formats like somewhere around season.
03:31:17 So I I don't remember. They they go from doing like individual episodes to like, the whole season is like a big long.
03:31:24 Serialized kind of story.
03:31:27 It's like now I can't just, you know, breeze through. I have to watch the whole ******* season and then that's not gonna time for that.
03:31:36 But yeah, good to know.
03:31:38 Look, maybe he's on to something.
03:31:42 Maybe he's on to something, I don't know.
03:31:46 Granada says hi. Do you have any chance we get a white history Part 2 stream?
03:31:53 White history.
03:31:54 Oh, you know what?
03:31:56 Probably.
03:31:56 So I watched the other available.
03:32:03 What he's talking about is we did that stream.
03:32:05 Was what was called the.
03:32:08 It was first error on, I think HBO or maybe it was Cinemax back in the 80's. The history of white people in America, I think it was called.
03:32:15 It was done by kind of like that same group that does.
03:32:21 Like this?
03:32:22 Dry.
03:32:24 Mockumentaries from the 90s like I think they did.
03:32:29 That one about the dog show.
03:32:31 I'm blanking on the name.
03:32:33 A group.
03:32:35 Blanket on the name. But anyway, this this comedy troop. Or at least this loosely connected group of actors, would do these things. They did a mockumentary about white people in America that was super anti white as you can imagine.
03:32:47 I went back and I I found the other ones that they didn't include in the ones that I covered.
03:32:54 And they they they really depart from.
03:32:57 The original premise, and they turn it more into.
03:33:01 I mean, there's some stuff. It's not stream worthy though.
03:33:04 There's some stuff like there.
03:33:08 'S still some anti white stuff.
03:33:10 There's some like anti.
03:33:13 Or Pro Jew stuff in it and and, but it's just not there.
03:33:17 Like.
03:33:17 Wasn't like the volume 1 where it was just like, holy ****, this is full of it.
03:33:23 I watched it and I.
03:33:25 I I just felt like it wasn't worth the whole stream.
03:33:28 So probably just be honest, probably not.
03:33:31 Because I was going to do that. But then I watched it was like, Nah.
03:33:35 Kind of boring. Like it's just it just it's just like it just turns into like regular.
03:33:41 I think I got lazy.
03:33:42 Think they got?
03:33:43 They made their point in their first one. They got super popular with it.
03:33:46 They got a bunch of mine to do more of them and then they kind of just phoned it in.
03:33:50 Reason, which is often the case with.
03:33:53 Of things, right?
03:33:54 Potato Mutt says Trey and Matt have literally said that Eric Cartman was intended to be an 8 year old Boy version.
03:34:02 Bunker. Well, there you go.
03:34:03 Theory is.
03:34:04 Is I wish I had that sound bite, but that my theory is justified there and eventually ended up befriending all the family creator Norman Lear.
03:34:13 Not surprised by that? He voices Ben Franklin in the 100th episode.
03:34:18 Didn't know that, but that's.
03:34:21 That's also interesting also in case you forgot, please cover a Bronx tale, maybe.
03:34:29 I might have to write. I might have to.
03:34:33 A lot of angry Italians, if I do that.
03:34:38 American night.
03:34:41 I.
03:34:52 I'm a young millennial, old Gen. Z and my friends and I all watched South Park religiously in middle and high school.
03:35:03 It has definitely done some damage on entire generations.
03:35:08 I cringe an embarrassment watching the things I used to laugh at.
03:35:11 Thank you for tearing it apart, Mr.
03:35:14 Well, like I said, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
03:35:18 It's.
03:35:20 Something I fell for too.
03:35:23 Again, part of the reason why at the time I'll just be like, I'm not trying to toot my own horn.
03:35:28 I still watched it and I still made excuses for it.
03:35:30 Why? I know how powerful it was.
03:35:34 I didn't like the the *** **** and I didn't like the anti white **** and I noticed it.
03:35:40 But yet I kept watching.
03:35:44 I kept watching because I thought it was funny and so I just tolerated.
03:35:47 Tolerated all the anti me stuff.
03:35:52 It's kind of like and this is kind of embarrassing, but it's true.
03:35:55 It's like if you liked rap music.
03:36:00 I guess still now it's probably the same way, but if you liked rap music back in the 90s.
03:36:07 Occasionally you'd be listening to a rap song and you'd catch a line making fun of white people.
03:36:13 Right. Or just making some kind of comment that was, you know it was a it was.
03:36:18 A.
03:36:19 Backhanded compliment about white people, or just an outright insult.
03:36:26 And you know, it would kind of **** you off or whatever, but sometimes you would, you know, you like the song.
03:36:33 It's kind of super gay, but that's just I think that's the truth for a lot of people. I mean, obviously, if it was over the top like back power of Black Power Rap.
03:36:41 You know, I wouldn't ******* do that.
03:36:42 But there's like Wu Tang songs, for example, that I like, where they'd make a comment where you'd be like, I kind of, I kind of get the sense you don't like white people when you say that and you know, and they don't.
03:36:55 So it is what it is.
03:36:57 Same sort of thing with South Park. I think a lot of people were just like, wow, I can't get the sense that you're promoting **** and telling me that I'm a racist, but.
03:37:07 Herder herter her. I like cartman.
03:37:12 Hunger War, Hogwa says.
03:37:17 Even though South Park is degenerate and pro LGBT, it still has a special place in my heart. The MPC and me love that show back in the day.
03:37:26 Look, that's.
03:37:30 You know just.
03:37:33 I don't know if that's the way to put. That's a good way to put it.
03:37:37 I don't.
03:37:37 Are you flexing that? It's a weird flex.
03:37:43 I don't know man like.
03:37:48 I'm not saying, look, I as I watched some of these episodes, like I said, there were moments where it's funny.
03:37:54 Can't say.
03:37:55 It's never funny or I mean, there's some people are going to find it funny, but.
03:38:00 You can't say they're not skilled comedians. Having a special place in your heart, though that's something different.
03:38:07 Examines the poison still there and still working on you.
03:38:12 Slavery to false God says Speaking of Primacy, Malaysia allows foreigners to purchase properties, but only 1,000,000 ringgits and above ensuring cheap stays cheap for locals.
03:38:25 Mexico don't allow foreigners to buy it all.
03:38:29 Enjoy the.
03:38:30 Don't spend it all at once.
03:38:32 I appreciate that.
03:38:34 And yeah, Mexico is.
03:38:37 Yeah, they you can still do it.
03:38:38 Just.
03:38:39 I mean it's.
03:38:40 You have to do it the Jew way. Like you get a Mexican lawyer.
03:38:44 Who buys it for you?
03:38:45 Then there's a.
03:38:46 It's like a loophole, but it's.
03:38:49 Yeah, I mean.
03:38:51 Don't even have the loophole thing here.
03:38:54 Terrace Nuts says I am getting the impression that all television is for *******. You know, they don't call it the electric Jew for nothing.
03:39:04 Crusade stomper.
Matt Stone
03:39:13 I.Devon Stack
03:39:17 I remember that South Park episode about immigrants from the future.03:39:21 That episode gave me anxiety because I knew our governments were working towards such a future. Miscegenation, slave wages and frustration because I was the **** of the joke. For having such concerns.
03:39:35 Yeah, I I that's why.
03:39:36 Honestly, that's why I brought that episode up is I didn't have to go rewatch.
03:39:39 Mean I did just to refresh my memory, but I hated that episode.
03:39:45 I knew what they were doing back then.
03:39:47 And I ******* hated.
03:39:48 And I was annoyed with my friends that were like going on go and it's like, dude, they're making fun of us.
03:39:55 They're making fun of us and they're basically saying white people are gonna stop existing.
03:40:01 Like is.
03:40:01 Is that not like bother you at all?
03:40:03 It it.
03:40:03 A lot of you know a.
03:40:05 Of white.
03:40:05 It still doesn't bother them.
03:40:10 Poo say Stopper says there took a job and now I no longer make fun of people who are scared to fly on planes. But it.
03:40:21 Abdullah and Shaniqua can't design ****.
03:40:25 That's dei for ya.
03:40:27 I call it D i.e.
03:40:30 Boeing is just the beginning.
03:40:33 That's.
03:40:34 It's going to.
03:40:35 And that the the service that you see when you go to?
03:40:41 Well, literally anytime you have to interact with companies where there's diversity is the.
03:40:46 The client facing.
03:40:49 The nightmare that is, you know that it's going to spread.
03:40:54 Beauforty.
03:40:54 What's up?
03:40:55 You're doing a fine.
03:40:56 Keep up the good work, I always.
03:40:58 Larry Elder was on our side, seeing him with Prager has me wondering. Is Elder a Shabbos *****?
03:41:06 Well, I don't, I don't know.
03:41:08 Maybe he's seen a light on some things or something.
03:41:12 Don't know.
03:41:13 I just look.
03:41:16 I don't look for magic ******.
03:41:19 I just.
03:41:20 I don't look for magic ******. If black people want to be helpful and quote UN quote, be an ally or whatever, right?
03:41:27 Whatever terminology, that's fine, but they're.
03:41:30 I'm never gonna look at a black person as a philosophical leader, ever.
03:41:35 That's just not gonna.
Matt Stone
03:41:36 Happen.Devon Stack
03:41:36 And you know that Thomas soul Larry.03:41:39 I don't care who it is. It's not gonna ******* happen.
03:41:45 And and or a leader at all. That's just that.
03:41:49 That's and that's the problem is when people.
03:41:52 You know.
03:41:55 What? He's one of the good ones or whatever it's like.
03:41:58 Maybe that?
03:42:00 Be might be a delightful person. Might be a person I would enjoy having lunch with and have lots of interesting topics of conversation and and might be delightful neighbors and whatever, but.
03:42:13 Just you can't have a pro white movement and then have black leaders in it. It's ******* stupid.
03:42:22 Let's see here, love and division.
03:42:25 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.Devon Stack
03:42:31 Love and division. Devon, what do you?03:42:33 Will whites go extinct or will they ever have primacy in their own nations? I I don't.
03:42:41 Mean they're not going to go extinct?
03:42:45 America might be done.
03:42:48 In terms of, you know, thinking of it, is it ever have been a a white country or at least in its current?
03:42:56 Configuration, right?
03:42:58 Things could happen that would change.
03:43:01 That would, you know, redraw lines and you know, you never know.
03:43:07 Never know, but look in its current.
03:43:11 Yeah, it's not going to magically what's going to happen, right?
03:43:14 Seriously, what would happen?
03:43:16 Yeah, it's it's only less and less white every year and it gets.
03:43:21 Less and less serious about.
03:43:24 White replacement every year and whites get more and more diluted every year about it.
03:43:30 Know I mean, the whole Trump thing is a perfect example of that.
03:43:35 And look it's.
03:43:35 I mean, it's just it's to be expected.
03:43:39 I mean, I said that before the election.
03:43:40 Was like Trump's going to win.
03:43:42 Said he was going to.
03:43:43 I just said that I'm not going to ******* vote for him.
03:43:46 Because.
03:43:49 He's going to put another nail in the coffin.
03:43:53 And I I think what'll happen is is.
03:44:00 It's just going to, it's going to drive us closer to a minority status if we're not already there, I think we're already there.
03:44:07 I think we're already.
03:44:10 At that point.
03:44:12 Like there's that quote from.
03:44:16 Joe Biden back in when he was vice president, where he says in 2017 will be whites will be in absolute minority in this country.
03:44:27 Well, just because the census data that they give you makes it sound like that he was jumping the gun doesn't mean that he didn't have access to different he was the vice ******* president.
03:44:36 And if they were projecting that whites would be in the minority minority in 2017?
03:44:42 Very good possibility. That's what it is.
03:44:46 It could be that right now we have no good. We have no accounting of how many ******* non whites are in this country.
03:44:53 Like I've brought this up a bunch of.
03:44:55 They they've been saying 11,000,000 illegals since the 90s.
03:44:58 There's no *******.
03:44:59 I mean, there's so many ******* non whites here.
03:45:04 It's ridiculous.
03:45:07 But we're not going extinct. And maybe maybe the European countries will be able to turn things around.
03:45:15 I don't.
03:45:16 It doesn't look good right now, but you never know.
03:45:20 You never know if there was like a clear winner, which there doesn't appear to be.
03:45:27 You know, a lot of us would probably move there.
03:45:30 But there just doesn't seem to be.
03:45:32 That just seems to be the.
03:45:34 The one ethnicity that doesn't, that's not allowed to have a country.
03:45:38 Age of anxiety.
03:45:39 I only know Isaac Hayes from playing chef the Duke in escape from New York and his soul music.
03:45:46 There you go. Speed of dei. They gave him his his acting. If you want to call that in.
03:45:54 Park.
03:45:55 Like he was reading lines and because he was.
03:45:58 Hello children.Devon Stack
03:46:00 You mean do you want to get my salty bowls like?03:46:03 Was just like they gave him a or they.
03:46:05 No.
03:46:05 I think they nominated him for an Emmy.
03:46:09 For his work on South Park and it's like, really?
03:46:13 Really. Yeah. OK.
03:46:16 But yeah, when it comes to, you know, funny how when it, when, when, when it's his group, he doesn't want to behave in a libertarian way and libertarians are surprised.
03:46:28 Bosnian mountain man.
03:46:29 And with the big dodo.
Larry Elder
03:46:31 Money is power.Tokens Mom
03:46:32 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.Devon Stack
03:46:37 Go jewy this *** is.03:46:52 I.
03:46:55 I discovered your channel a few months.
03:46:57 I'm currently watching streams from January 2023.
03:47:01 You've come a long way in two.
03:47:03 I envy your composure. With slightly offensive. He's a massive ******.
03:47:09 I wouldn't say that.
03:47:10 Laugh at my 6,000,000.
03:47:13 Jokes and ignore the fact that I go to dinner with ******* who rape our people.
03:47:19 Well, look, I'll just say this.
03:47:24 We all have different look. We talked about it on the, on his, on his show.
03:47:29 We all have different strengths and different strategies and different motivations, and I'm doing what I feel like.
03:47:39 Right. And I can only assume he's doing what he feels is right and he's willing to.
03:47:47 You know, people like me on on the show. He doesn't shy away from it.
03:47:51 Is it the worst thing to have someone who?
03:47:57 I mean, he says he he he said he.
03:48:01 I mean, he basically said he didn't disagree with me on it on anything.
03:48:06 I mean, it almost is many words, right?
03:48:08 Is it the worst thing to have someone like that?
03:48:13 In those those meetings in those situations.
03:48:18 You know.
03:48:20 It's not what I want to do.
03:48:23 It's not what I want to.
03:48:24 It's not the game I want to play.
03:48:26 Not what I'm cut out for.
03:48:30 You know, but yeah, like I wouldn't be able to do.
03:48:36 I mean I I.
03:48:37 I wasn't doing that when I lived in DCI was I was doing like much less than that, but just being being on the the borders of that, I couldn't ******* take it.
03:48:46 Just couldn't ******* handle it.
03:48:50 But you know.
03:48:52 I actually I think that.
03:48:57 I think that, yeah, I think we we we have different strategies and and I don't just don't like to, I don't like to talk **** about people, especially if they're people that have had the had the.
03:49:12 I don't know whether you want to say courtesy or balls to have me on their show.
03:49:15 Know even if we.
03:49:17 Even if you know even if he's wrong and we don't agree on everything.
03:49:23 I.
03:49:24 I don't see it as a net negative to.
03:49:28 At least get in front of another audience.
03:49:33 Let's see here.
03:49:36 But welcome to the show all the same Bosnian mountain man.
03:49:42 And yeah, thanks for. Yeah, there's a lot. There is a.
03:49:46 There's a long archive. If you're only two years back.
03:49:51 There's there's actually quite a few, but yeah, I appreciate you. Welcome aboard, Sir.
Tokens Mom
03:49:59 Mr. me.Devon Stack
03:50:02 Let's see here.03:50:05 Here's the buttons for like the.
03:50:09 Let's do this one.
03:50:10 Half $1,000,000.
03:50:17 I.Devon Stack
03:50:18 A year?03:50:20 Your supporters shouldn't be with the donations.
03:50:24 For continuing to produce great content.
03:50:28 Well, I appreciate that and.
03:50:32 It's a holiday season. People might be.
03:50:35 Little light on cash.
03:50:36 It's not a big.
03:50:36 I mean at the same time, pay up. Pay up, *******.
03:50:44 Yeah, you know.
03:50:47 Look, you are.
03:50:49 You are welcome to try to guilt people into doing any.
03:50:53 That always makes me feel weird, which is probably why I, you know, I don't have sponsors and I'm not not going to anyway.
03:51:03 Prior, but thank you very much, Mr. May. Pride assassin. I was raised by my great grandmother.
03:51:10 She was born in 1914.
03:51:13 She and her peer group, including Blacks, openly referred to black people as.
03:51:19 It wasn't a slur.
03:51:20 It was just a thing we probably lived in the South, I would guess, but yeah, that was that was just a thing.
03:51:27 But we're talking about over 100 years ago.
03:51:29 She was born over 100 years ago.
03:51:33 But yeah, that was the thing. At at a certain point, and I would say it stopped being a thing.
03:51:38 In the 60s, probably because, remember that movie?
03:51:46 But the British, the British bombing team that had the dog named that was like a normal it wasn't that it wasn't considered like.
03:51:56 Yeah, it was just like they were.
03:51:57 It was like calling them *****.
03:51:59 What I mean?
03:52:02 Let's see here.
03:52:05 Cannot, cannot.
03:52:06 Cash flow checkout.Devon Stack
03:52:11 I.Bill O'Reilly
03:52:14 Like to return this duck.Devon Stack
03:52:16 Great stream.03:52:17 Apparently Dennis Prager had a slip in the bathtub, sustained a spinal injury, then Mia for a month, perhaps with his exit.
03:52:27 You will implode.
03:52:29 And that means one less place for boomers to pump their money into.
03:52:33 I.
03:52:33 It'll never go away.
03:52:35 Even if he died, it would in fact it would almost.
03:52:39 You know, now he's a martyr, like in a way, right?
03:52:43 It'll be a foundation or something like there's a lot of money that's tied up in that, and I'm sure he's got a 501C3 and all this other stuff and there's like a, I'm sure, a a secession plan.
03:52:57 You know for when when he does bow out and he's got he's got to be getting pretty old now, right?
03:53:02 How old is? Let's, let's look it up.
03:53:08 He's got white hair in the in that 90s video.
03:53:19 He's not as old as I thought he was, but he's 76.
03:53:23 He's not a spring chicken. I don't think Jews.
03:53:27 Live super long.
03:53:30 Unless they're like.
03:53:33 Kissinger and they they literally, well, maybe Dennis Prager has the same baby blood dealer as Kissinger, so maybe he'll maybe he'll be around for another 25 years or so.
03:53:45 But yeah, it'll. I mean, it's not going anywhere. Even if he bows out.
03:53:50 Cat hugger.
03:53:50 I was in physical pain while you were on the show of the other guy. He and he stopped it to read about antibiotic kits and pillows.
03:54:00 That guy seemed cool, but ****, I felt bad that you had to endure.
03:54:05 Look, I I get.
03:54:06 Yeah, here's The thing is I used to work in broadcast and that's that's how it is in broadcast.
03:54:14 And that's just not a model that I.
03:54:17 Whatever wanna do? But it's.
03:54:20 You know, if you listen to old talk radio, or even actually if you listen to like Sean Hannity and stuff like that, that's what they do.
03:54:27 Know Sean Hannity is like and that's why we have to go die for Israel. Anyway, let me tell you about this new pillow.
03:54:34 Let me tell you about 1800 flowers.
03:54:36 Me tell you about Sherry's berries.
03:54:37 Me tell you about Ruth's?
03:54:38 Snakehouse, you know, like it's.
03:54:42 I've been listening to talk radio for so long, I think I'm I'm I'm used to it.
03:54:45 Get.
03:54:46 I I wouldn't feel comfortable.
03:54:48 Doing it for the reasons I said on the show and we talked about that on the show.
03:54:53 But again I you know, that's what he's decided to do and that's just not what how I I I if I ever got to a point where.
03:55:04 I had to make money.
03:55:05 I would do something else.
03:55:06 Would.
03:55:06 I'd find a different way of doing it if I if I ever did spot like there are. Look, there are some based people that if they want to run like an ad.
03:55:18 I would think of a way of doing it without having to like read copy during a strain like that.
03:55:23 Just can't.
03:55:24 I can't picture myself doing it.
03:55:25 That but I.
03:55:27 I maybe run an ad like a pre produced ad at some point.
03:55:31 Don't.
03:55:31 I mean, I feel cheesy doing that too.
03:55:34 I do it like maybe like after the stream, before the Super chats, you know, place somewhere where it's not going to interrupt the flow of the show or like maybe before the show starts.
03:55:45 You know, when I do something like that, I mean I.
03:55:47 I mean, if really pressed, maybe I would think about something like that.
03:55:51 But reading reading ad copy it's not just, it's not even that unusual. I think if you if you watch other podcasts, like if you watch big podcast, that's kinda what they do.
03:56:04 You know whether you're talking about.
03:56:06 I don't think Joe Rogan does that, you know, because he gets money from, well, he's got like the exclusive deal from Spotify and all that other ****. But.
03:56:16 Another big podcast would be like Tim Dylan, right on on YouTube.
03:56:20 He you know, he does like 4 ads.
03:56:24 In the middle of his they're pre recorded but or at least most of them.
03:56:28 But he'll.
03:56:29 He'll he'll run ads.
03:56:31 Lot of this comedy podcast right where there's comedians that are just sitting around.
03:56:37 Talking about nonsense, you know, usually they'll, they'll just. And Speaking of of Speaking of dumb *******, you know, I like this ***** like, they're all they're always providing something degenerate too.
03:56:50 The other annoying thing but.
03:56:53 Most podcasts, mainstream quote, UN quote podcasts.
03:56:58 Have sponsors and do that kind of.
03:57:01 And I think a lot of people just aren't used to it on when they listen to dissident right stuff because we.
03:57:07 We don't get sponsored, you know, so it hasn't created that environment because people that listen to my show as an example, you're probably not listening to the shows that do that like you're not listening to.
03:57:20 Like, you know, like I think.
03:57:24 What's his face does it?
03:57:28 I'm like.
03:57:28 Daily wire. Ben Shapiro, all those guys, they sell like sheets and gold and all that other ******* gay ****.
03:57:35 Even though Stu, what's his name?
03:57:38 Peters right.
03:57:40 He does.
03:57:40 I've seen him do stuff like that.
03:57:43 Alex Jones with Alex Jones it.
03:57:47 A little more.
03:57:48 Are a little different because he's showing stuff from the Infowars.
03:57:54 Actually, I don't know what's going to happen now, but like you know what I mean? It was always the Infowars store. But it's the same thing, right? He's not.
03:58:01 Not.
03:58:01 There's not like a Infowars factory making this stuff.
03:58:05 He's just slapping his label on other people's **** and then selling it.
03:58:09 And so it's like anytime you watch like a bigger show that has more money 'cause.
03:58:14 The way you get money.
03:58:15 Sadly, that's how you get money.
03:58:17 The reason why?
03:58:19 Well, I think they have Jewish investors or did have Jewish investors too. But you know, the way you get the big money in the studio and all that other stuff is you shield products at people.
03:58:30 And that's like I said that they do it because it works.
03:58:32 People buy that stuff.
03:58:34 I don't even like shill.
03:58:35 I don't show like my my shirts and and stuff like that or anything like that. Like I 'cause. Like I said, I think what it is I worked in advertising long enough to ******* hate it.
03:58:48 But yeah, you know, it is what it is.
03:58:53 Um.
03:58:55 Let's see here.
03:58:58 Gorilla hands.
03:59:06 Usually you have more Gorilla handy animation than gorilla.
03:59:09 What's going on with the Wookie with all this effort to make, all of us get along and be happy, little koalergy mutts, wouldn't it be better to stop all this diversity ******** and just let things work out naturally?
03:59:23 I know that they don't want that to happen or that they wait.
03:59:27 They don't want that to happen, but it would be easier, less painful.
03:59:34 No, they would like it if you just if everyone just got along and started ******* each other and turned and we just turned into, like, brown goo.
03:59:43 What they want?
03:59:44 They just. It's not gonna happen.
03:59:46 That's why they have to make this stuff.
03:59:49 It's it's like.
03:59:51 It's like there's in the beekeeping biz.
03:59:56 They say there's beekeepers and there's bee Havers and the difference, of course, is the beekeepers are actually manipulating the colonies to produce more honey and to be more productive.
04:00:07 Whatever. Whereas then, there's people that are lazy and they just have beehives and.
04:00:12 You know there's issues because they.
04:00:14 They don't treat them like livestock. They don't manage them right.
04:00:19 And that's that's kind of like how our government is, is they're, they're they they treat us like livestock.
04:00:26 Have to manage us for optimal.
04:00:28 Output and that's part of the management strategy is giving us.
04:00:33 Eons of propaganda telling us that eventually racism will go away.
04:00:38 And leave her alone.
04:00:41 Bessemer 72.
04:00:51 No.Devon Stack
04:00:54 Hi David, thanks for all your hard work pulling these streams together.04:00:57 Are the best.
04:00:59 Isn't it funny how white culture is attacked constantly?
04:01:03 But if you say anything about Jewish culture, then you are anti-Semitic.
04:01:07 Insane. Yeah, I think.
04:01:10 I think that whites will have to get into a. Unfortunately, they will have to be in quite the minority situation which we're trending towards.
04:01:21 I guess silver lining in order to get to where they defend themselves.
04:01:28 But yeah, thank you for the support.
04:01:29 Bessemer 72 Glock 23 I'm a former police officer of a Jew controlled city in Ohio and I must say that if ******* and Hispanics were not allowed to legally buy guns, gun crime would drop.
04:01:43 Dramatically.
04:01:44 It would be amazing.
04:01:45 They would still get their hands on guns, just not as easily.
04:01:53 Yeah, I mean that.
04:01:55 The.
04:01:55 And if the phantom of the gun you could just, you'd have legal reason to take it.
04:02:03 And look, I would have other laws changed.
04:02:05 It wouldn't just be like, oh, black people can't have guns.
04:02:07 I would do stop and frisk for black people.
04:02:11 I would.
04:02:12 I would allow officers to pull black people over if they seemed like they were in the wrong neighborhood.
04:02:18 Like normal common sense stuff.
04:02:22 And ultimately look, as a society, we would work towards having fewer black people.
04:02:26 You.
04:02:27 Know whether that meant repatriating them back to Africa or or, you know, some kind of eugenic solution where.
04:02:37 You offer sterilization and you know rewards for sterilization give you 50 grand.
04:02:45 To get sterilized, you know, have programs like that you could look if if white people.
04:02:53 We're all on the same page on this.
04:02:55 Could get it.
04:02:56 It's just that we're not all on.
04:02:57 Same page so.
04:02:59 It's not like it's impossible, it's just it's it's not feasible because white people are are not on the same page, which is why I do what I do. Trying to get people on the same page here.
04:03:13 Says hey.
04:03:14 Good stream as.
04:03:15 South Park is definitely a good example of beware of the Electric Jew. The amount of degeneracy they normalized, tray and map belong in the pit.
04:03:25 Yeah. I mean, yeah, they kind of do.
04:03:27 They kind of do.
04:03:30 You know, ultimately it's.
04:03:34 You know, do they make me laugh sometimes? Yeah.
04:03:40 But.
04:03:41 Ultimately, in that negative white cake, do you foresee in a Black Swan type of scenario where food trucks are no longer stocking stores that the spell will break and whites will organically band together?
04:03:59 And become fully racialized again.
04:04:03 No, I mean, I don't think do I foresee a Black Swan type event where food trucks no longer stocking stores.
04:04:10 No.
04:04:10 Not in America.
04:04:13 I think there'd be a very it would be a multicultural type.
04:04:18 Situation you'd have whites wanting to give to the poor black people and you know you'd have some whites that would band together, but they're probably the whites that would band together now, you know.
04:04:30 I think that you'd the only way that would happen is if the if the Black Swan event you're talking about was targeted at white people and it was dangerous for white people to interact with non whites in the current state of of things, the white people are just.
04:04:43 For whatever reason, they're just too interested.
04:04:46 In in helping non white.
04:04:52 Let's see here. And then white cake.
04:04:54 Imagine being so insecure that a magic word sends you into a homicidal rage they've got.
04:05:00 Or they they've yet to invent a racial slur for whites. That actually bothers us. Blacks being offended by the word proves that they are in fact.
04:05:11 Well, it's.
04:05:12 An insecurity thing? It's like I said, I don't know what it's like to be called a because.
04:05:20 Like you said, there's nothing that you can say about white people that will make me feel insecure racially because I can look back at history and be like we ******* rule and blacks can't do that.
04:05:32 I mean they can.
04:05:33 Some of them can delude themselves.
04:05:35 Into believing some fantasy, but not, you know, even those guys.
04:05:39 They really believe it.
04:05:42 You know what I mean? Do they? Do they know their?
04:05:45 I mean, you know, some of them may be their narcissistic enough to where they actually do believe it.
04:05:52 But you know, most blacks get.
04:05:54 You know, most deep down they get it.
04:05:58 I think they.
04:05:58 That's why they're so sensitive about it.
04:06:03 Uh. Let's see here.
04:06:08 Who?
04:06:08 Stopper says I paid $25.00 for you to use the grocery store or to return the duck as a Merry Christmas gift.
04:06:16 But you read someone else's super.
04:06:18 In my in my name, fraud. Wait, did I?
04:06:23 I'm contacting my big nose lawyer over this JK love you, Devin.
04:06:26 ***** sake. Return the duck to the grocery store this time.
04:06:30 I don't actually have a duck button.
04:06:32 That's just in the rotation.
04:06:39 Think at least.
04:06:43 Oh.
04:06:45 Everything's all. Everything's all screwing out.
04:06:48 I've.
04:06:49 I've got too many things loaded in here.
04:06:53 We are way too with ******* things loaded in here.
04:06:59 I.
04:07:00 I just had grocery.
04:07:01 Where the **** did it go?
04:07:02 So I have a grocery store button either that's the problem.
04:07:21 There.
04:07:23 How about just general ear rape?
04:07:26 Michael, 57, De says Hail Devan. Hail our volk. Hail our gods getting ready for work will catch the whole stream later.
04:07:37 Keep up the good work. Well, I appreciate that.
04:07:40 Monogamy, like Bill Monaghan, back from the dead, has seen you in a long time.
04:07:46 It feels like it.
Tokens Mom
04:07:49 Are we gonna get quirky?Matt Stone
04:07:56 No.Stan
04:07:59 He told me about the 1st.Devon Stack
04:08:01 Trying to replay gangster just.04:08:03 Up look at.
04:08:04 See what? Finally long enough one.
04:08:07 For Bill Monica to be awake for it is getting quite late.
04:08:15 We've done.
04:08:15 We're at the point now where Rumble isn't going to rewind all the way to the beginning.
04:08:21 Hate how it does that.
04:08:24 Rumble sucks because you go to the replay and it if it's longer than four hours.
04:08:29 It starts chopping off the beginning, at least for like a long time, like it takes like hours for it to like figure it out.
04:08:34 Don't.
04:08:35 And then the audio goes out of sync.
04:08:38 But you know, but yeah, let's get doctor disrespect and give him millions of dollars.
04:08:43 Instead of fixing the platform.
04:08:46 All right, let's take a look at.
04:08:51 Rum balls big of the devil.
04:08:54 See if the rant thing worked.
04:08:56 The ramp plugin is not always accurate.
04:09:00 Oh churro's here.
04:09:03 You guys can hear.
04:09:04 Let me rewind the chat and make sure loaded all of them because it's.
04:09:12 Kind of sucks.
04:09:17 Hey, Cheryl.
04:09:29 Go through the whole ******* chat.
04:09:30 So obnoxious, I think.
04:09:32 I think it might have got em all.
04:09:36 Words are words says best stream on the Internet.
04:09:40 I appreciate that.
04:09:44 Who's Joe?
04:09:45 I think that's who's Joe.
Member Berries
04:09:50 I.Devon Stack
04:09:53 Whose Joe says last South Park.04:09:55 You said it was Gen. X and a millennial show as a zoom, where I can say South Park is relevant to youth, probably more popular than Family Guy with my generation.
04:10:05 There you go.
04:10:06 Yeah, like I.
04:10:08 I mean, they're just.
04:10:12 Yeah, I guess.
04:10:13 I mean, they're still relevant, but I don't.
04:10:15 I don't think it's quite the same because there's so much more content now than there was then.
04:10:23 There.
04:10:23 It wasn't like, you know, there's no YouTube even back then. You know, there was nothing.
04:10:28 Was no streaming services at all.
04:10:29 It was just whatever was on TV.
04:10:32 Moment unless you have a TiVo or maybe rented videos from Blockbuster.
04:10:37 Know what I mean?
04:10:38 Like it?
04:10:39 It's a totally different world, but yeah, they do still make episodes.
04:10:44 Don't know what their ratings are like.
04:10:46 Maybe I can ask that.
04:10:50 See if I can find.
04:10:53 Ratings difference here.
04:11:08 Is that data available?
04:11:20 OK.
04:11:21 So according to Tran GPT.
04:11:25 Season 1 through 5 were highly rated.
04:11:28 Not gonna be exact.
04:11:29 This is what it's saying. Season 1 through 5 was highly rated, with some episodes achieving iconic status.
04:11:37 The show averaged over 3,000,000 viewers per episode during the early years.
04:11:42 Season 6 through 10 ratings remain strong as the show entered its golden era with classics like Make, Love, Not Warcraft.
04:11:49 Numbers range from 2.5 to 3,000,000 per episode, and that's a lot of where we're.
04:11:57 The the the episodes we cover tonight or from in that range, seasons 11 through 17 begin to dip slightly, hovering around 2 to 2.5 million viewers. However, seasons like 14 or were particularly praised for episodes 202 and one.
04:12:14 Seasons 18 through 21, viewership fell to about 1 to 1.5 million, as serialized storytelling was introduced.
04:12:22 That's when I stopped watching it for this thing because I was like.
04:12:26 While some appreciate the new format, others felt it lacked the charm of the earlier seasons or just it made it too impossible to follow because you had to watch the whole.
04:12:34 Season seasons 22 through 26 rains have to continue to decline with more recent season.
04:12:42 Below 1,000,000 viewers per episode, however, the pandemic.
04:12:47 Specials and streaming availability have kept the show culturally relevant, so yeah, it's it's it's like 25% or less than what it was in in its peak.
04:12:59 It's not the same, but yeah, I mean, obviously, yeah, people are still.
04:13:01 Mean there's still a million people watching per episode.
04:13:04 Wait, I'm going to put it this way.
04:13:06 Way more people are watching South Park than watching the insomnia stream.
04:13:10 So.
04:13:11 You know what I mean?
04:13:13 It is what it is.
04:13:15 Let's see here.
04:13:17 And then who's Joe again?
Member Berries
04:13:26 Hey Cortana.Devon Stack
04:13:31 I.04:13:34 Chad Corky as far as jobs that aren't moral. I say we go for the highest paying jobs we can get and investing in our dynasties.
04:13:44 I work for one of the gayest companies, but they can fund my investment plans.
04:13:50 Look, there's, there's, it's a gradient.
04:13:54 If you're, if you're able to stomach it, then you know and you're not actively hurting white people.
04:14:00 And it's just a matter of the environment sucks.
04:14:02 That, that's that's up to you.
04:14:05 I'm just saying if if you're actively hurting white people, obviously you got to, you got to stop.
04:14:10 Doing that you got to stop working for something like that.
04:14:13 If it's just like it ****** people, you have to work with. Hey, it's whatever you can tolerate. Like you said, it's you got to do that calculus. You got to figure out benefit, cost benefit. And there's a, you know.
04:14:25 I did.
04:14:26 Look, I did that for years.
04:14:28 I worked for people. I I found reprehensible and I hated working.
04:14:32 For, you know, to various degrees different, you know talking about different employers, but like, you know for probably about.
04:14:40 Probably about 10 years of my life before I decided to go.
04:14:45 Go solo because I just couldn't work for people that I I didn't have any respect for. And when people were actively trying to **** me over all the time.
04:14:54 Who's?
04:14:55 Says hey.
04:14:55 How much money do we got to throw at you to get you to do a stream on Bronx tale?
04:15:01 I don't know.
04:15:02 Let's find out.
04:15:07 Let's find out.
04:15:09 This could be a fun game.
04:15:11 Who's Joe again?
04:15:12 Hey, David, are you familiar with the Edward Dutton? Yeah.
04:15:17 I said thee I.
04:15:19 Well, I guess D, you know, I'm familiar with the Edward Dutton.
04:15:21 He's my favorite author and he said there will be a societal decay due to IQ decline.
04:15:28 Can't maintain society and those to inherit.
04:15:33 The future are the people having the most.
04:15:35 Conservative Christian whites. He also said there will be Neo byzantiums or whites.
04:15:45 Society holds up during a collapse like Croatia.
04:15:53 Society holds up holds out.
04:15:55 Wait, I didn't see that.
04:15:59 Oh, society holds. Do you mean holdouts or holds out?
04:16:06 I don't know.
04:16:06 I haven't read that book that you're talking.
04:16:08 I know Edward Dutton's work, though, and I find him to be.
04:16:13 Pretty smart guy.
04:16:16 But I'm not familiar with this specific.
04:16:20 Aspect of his theories I.
04:16:22 Look, I'm familiar with the IQ decline. That's yeah, that's absolutely going to happen.
04:16:27 It's already happening.
04:16:28 It's not just because of immigration. It is because of.
04:16:32 It's because there's low IQ, ******* ****** whites having more kids than smart whites.
04:16:37 Just the way it is.
04:16:39 That's the way it is. I'm not saying that if you have, by the way, I'm not saying if you you have a lot of kids, you're dumb.
04:16:44 Just saying the the majority of the people having the most kids.
04:16:50 In all groups, including whites.
04:16:53 Not not not the.
04:16:55 That's just that's the way it is.
04:16:57 The way it is.
04:17:01 That's the way it is, you know, Idiocracy as much as it was that part of the film is a little anti white by implying that's that's to blame that that that's what's behind all the IQ decline is whites having, you know, white trash having too many kids that.
04:17:17 But it's not.
04:17:19 Completely fake. I mean, there is just a lot of dumb white people having a lot of kids.
04:17:24 And there's a lot of smart white people around saying that 'cause I don't have any kids, but like, there are smart white kids or white people not having a lot of kids.
04:17:31 That's why they have that in the movie.
04:17:35 That's that's just how it is. You know, generally that's that's that's how it is because.
04:17:41 There are, in case election stuff, I mean, that's just the way it is.
04:17:47 Let's see.
04:17:48 Let me skip over one there because.
Matt Stone
04:17:54 Where did it go?Devon Stack
04:17:59 Here we go.04:18:00 Life sentence 2278.
Tokens Mom
04:18:04 When you're trying to save money.Chef
04:18:06 A good rule to follow is to.Tokens Mom
04:18:15 Take it from these young neighbors.04:18:16 Pay divide.
Devon Stack
04:18:19 Something on your getting.04:18:19 NDS.
04:18:20 A simple 2 episode art and the subversion inherent in those episodes.
04:18:26 I know the episode you're talking about.
04:18:29 But I don't remember enough I remember.
04:18:36 Stan gets old.
04:18:38 I skipped through I when I was going through these because again, there's almost 30 seasons I had to go through.
04:18:45 I didn't sit there and watch all of them.
04:18:47 I.
04:18:48 Really rapidly.
04:18:51 Skim through them on the timeline. If I didn't immediately know that there was something racial in that episode.
04:18:57 If I could tell by the I I I vaguely remembered a lot of these.
04:19:02 So I'd be like, oh, yeah, that one's not that, you know, this is about this or this about that. But I I still like.
04:19:08 Scrub through it.
04:19:11 So I haven't actually sat down and watched.
04:19:13 I know what you're talking.
04:19:15 I haven't sat down and watched those those episodes.
04:19:16 Maybe. Maybe there'll be a part 3I.
04:19:19 Of wanted to do.
04:19:21 I.
04:19:21 Like a lot of pedo jokes that I didn't notice when I was young, watching these shows.
04:19:28 As I was going over some of these, I was actually kind of surprised.
04:19:31 How pedoie it got sometimes?
04:19:35 And I and it was supposed to be like shock, pedo jokes. But in retrospect, it's kind of like.
04:19:41 What? What is this about?
04:19:43 You know, like 'cause, it wasn't just like it was a little much in, in a lot of places.
04:19:49 And so I think it's it's worth maybe not a whole stream, but maybe in a different stream. I'll, I'll highlight some of those things.
04:19:57 And maybe I'll take a look at those as well.
04:20:01 Based Dan.
04:20:03 What's your opinion of Johnny come lately? Grifters like the Hodge twins. Having people on their shows like David.
04:20:13 Well, look again, I I don't know much about them other than that they're black twins.
04:20:21 And it's interesting that they have.
04:20:23 They're having David Duke on.
04:20:26 I mean, I don't know they what I have seen of them, they don't seem.
04:20:33 Super smart.
04:20:36 I.
04:20:36 I haven't seen a lot of most what I'm picturing 'cause I honestly don't think I've seen much of them other than like they did a bunch of like 'cause. They've been around a while.
04:20:46 They were doing like pro Trump crap. I feel like the like back in.
04:20:51 Definitely in 2020, but I think as far back as 2016.
04:20:55 And so I I'm just I when I picture them, I'm I'm. I just think that I feel like it's like the Donald on Reddit.
04:21:04 'Cause I.
04:21:04 I've never watched their podcast. I've never.
04:21:09 Watched so I maybe I shouldn't call them dumb 'cause. I don't know if they're dumb or not, but like the the stuff that I saw that I remember that seeing at least on Twitter was.
04:21:17 Of just like you know.
04:21:21 Wasn't exactly the deepest ****. I I did hear that they had David Duke on and that's.
04:21:28 Fascinating. So maybe they're not dumb, you know, it's that's that's fascinating.
04:21:34 Don't.
04:21:35 I think that some people realize.
04:21:40 That.
04:21:43 Now, now, thanks to to some of us blazing a trail and and and I guess building up the tolerance of people for anti-Semitism over the last several years. Now suddenly there's the, the social and.
04:22:01 Price is not the same as it was, say, back.
04:22:05 When I was losing my YouTube channel and all that stuff, monetization.
04:22:11 Now that they're safely on these alternative platforms, maybe they're speaking up a little bit, I don't know.
04:22:16 I don't want to get mad.
04:22:18 The same.
04:22:18 I don't it look if they're going to spread as long.
04:22:22 It's not misinformation. As long as they're spreading stuff that is true and is relevant to our fight, then I whatever you know.
04:22:31 I'm not going to look at the Hodge twins as a leader to, you know, to look up to, but if they're going to reach people, I I'm not.
04:22:40 They're going to tell them things that are important to know for our survival.
04:22:46 Then I can't get mad about it, even if and I don't, I don't have grifty they are.
04:22:50 Know if they're selling gold or whatever.
04:22:52 I don't know.
04:22:53 I would imagine they probably are in a similar situation to a lot of these guys that a little more mainstream, they probably got sponsors and all that probably do ad reads and all that stuff.
04:23:04 Umm so.
04:23:06 You know, whatever.
04:23:09 If it's a.
04:23:10 If it's another, if, it's another voice reaching people I can't reach with a.
04:23:18 At least something that helps out as long as they're not gatekeeping. As long as they're not, you know, trying to de radicalize or, you know, pressure valve people, then I'm OK with it, honestly.
04:23:35 ***** spritzer.
04:23:38 Sometimes I call black.
04:23:40 I call blacks and sometimes I call Jews ***** similar to kayaks, but not that.
04:23:49 I.
04:23:49 Don't know what you mean by that.
04:23:53 Boatard says.
04:23:55 Hey Devin, just found your content the other day after seeing you on Elijah.
04:24:00 There you.
04:24:00 See there? There's. There you go.
04:24:03 On Elijah's show, I wish I'd found you.
04:24:05 This South Park series was great and I love how you break it all down.
04:24:09 See, there you go.
04:24:12 We got ******* boatard everybody.
04:24:14 We got ******* Boatard showed up. See. See, see.
04:24:19 So we it's always a good idea, you know, someone was ******** on Twitter and I'm and I just said look, if I got invited on Pierce ******* Morgan, I'd go on there.
04:24:29 You know, even if it was, if it was someone that I was completely opposed to in every way.
04:24:35 If it was going to reach people I wouldn't reach. Normally it would be kind of stupid.
04:24:38 Not, you know.
04:24:40 Unless it's like some kind of kind of like weird setup or something like that, then you know, I feel like it's a doesn't make any sense to not.
04:24:48 Not go on their show.
Tokens Mom
04:24:50 All right, we got one more.Redneck
04:24:51 Who's Joe?Devon Stack
04:24:53 Says, Oh no. We got two more. We got or no. We got a couple more on Odyssey.04:24:57 Bounce back 200 seconds. One more.
04:25:00 From who's?
04:25:01 Hey, Deb, I remember Jason Cone, the no white guilt guy mentioned in a previous stream, but his book Go free helps identify anti white sentiment in media like South Park. The point about bias spirit was good.
04:25:15 Excuse.
04:25:16 Me.Devon Stack
04:25:17 I've never read his book, so I don't know.04:25:21 If it's, you know if it if it look if it's. If you found it helpful, that's great.
04:25:28 I I.
04:25:29 Again I.
04:25:30 I don't like criticizing people if I feel like ultimately they're being helpful, but I do find it peculiar that he he's.
04:25:40 Well, a lot.
04:25:40 I guess there's a lot of people that avoid the jq for some reason that that irritates me 'cause. I feel like that is a that is something that.
04:25:50 That that I can't tolerate as much these days. Like I'll make I'll I will extend.
04:25:56 A lot of gravitas to people who like, don't necessarily agree with or agree with their strategy or whatever, right?
04:26:01 You were.Devon Stack
04:26:07 As long as I feel like they're.04:26:09 They're trying, you know.
04:26:12 That's good enough for me, but when they avoid the jq, it is kind of like a. It is kind of like a litmus test.
04:26:23 Have to say I mean it is.
04:26:24 Little.
04:26:24 Of like a 'cause that's such.
04:26:27 That's the.
04:26:28 Look, there's me have to focus on.
04:26:30 But if you deny that it's an issue or.
04:26:35 Especially if you fight against it being an issue then.
04:26:40 Sums up. I don't like that.
04:26:41 Like it?
04:26:44 It does not it?
04:26:45 It doesn't give me a lot of confidence in your in your motives. When I when I pick up on that.
04:26:52 Bill Monaghan over on Odyssey again says I didn't get out of Springfield before winter set in.
04:26:59 Have to see how things look come spring.
04:27:02 Homelessness ticked up by about 800 people kicked out of their rentals to make room for subsidized migrants.
04:27:11 At least two froze to death last.
04:27:13 Well, yeah, you guys got real winters there. That sucks.
04:27:18 Yeah, it's it's such ********.
04:27:20 It's such ******** that they are. They're extracting wealth from white people and giving it to the people who are here to replace you. It's.
04:27:34 Yeah, it's *******.
04:27:35 Look, I guess on the bright side, if it's if it's jacking up rent prices, that means your property values not tanking yet.
04:27:42 You know, maybe it won't.
04:27:43 I don't know.
04:27:43 It's hard to say.
04:27:46 With enough federal money pumped into it, maybe it won't.
04:27:50 But I'd still get the **** out of there.
04:27:53 And yeah, winter, winter out your way is is the real deal.
04:27:57 Out here, it's like spring.
04:27:59 I'm literally wearing flip flops right now.
04:28:05 Now, to be fair, I'm also I'm.
04:28:06 I'm wearing a long sleeve flannel, but I'm wearing shorts.
04:28:11 And flip flops and I don't have a heater so.
04:28:17 I mean, I have a space heater, but it's.
04:28:19 On it's.
04:28:23 That that whole ****** summer shit's done.
04:28:25 Love.
04:28:27 I kind of got it.
04:28:28 I I kind of get why people.
04:28:31 They they do the the snowbird thing, you know, they go to go to deserts for the winter, the boomers, with their Rv's, right, they, they, they go out to the the desert for.
04:28:41 For the.
04:28:42 Winter. I get it, I get it.
04:28:45 Still don't like it, but I get it.
04:28:50 But yeah, well, you know, good luck with that. When you when you're able to make your move, Aries says hi to Evan. I think for the great or thanks for the great stream. I don't remember hearing your thoughts on.
04:29:02 His death legacy and his thought process regarding blockchain tech. I've been watching some videos of his talking about Bitcoin going to 0 because the exchange market is ********.
04:29:14 And it was interesting to say the least.
04:29:17 Yeah, I never watched any of his stuff about blockchain stuff.
04:29:24 To be honest, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to him.
04:29:26 I mean I I think I watched there was a stream, there was a couple streams. When people are circles interviewed him and I think I watched those streams more as like 1/2 listening to it cuz it was new content and it was kind of a curiosity 'cause.
04:29:41 Was in the news.
04:29:42 Just before he got put in jail and and killed in prison.
04:29:48 Maybe faked his own death.
04:29:49 Knows right?
04:29:53 Think I like Keith Woods interviewed him.
04:29:56 Think I think I.
04:29:59 I listen to that, I think.
04:30:00 Interviewed him at some.
04:30:02 I think I listened to that, but like again I think it was one of those things where I was like doing.
04:30:07 Maybe even.
04:30:08 Or, you know, I was doing something and it was just on in the background.
04:30:11 Wasn't.
04:30:12 I I found him to be an interesting.
04:30:14 It's not that I didn't find him to be an interesting guy, but the whole like. I'm this super coked up psycho. That's.
04:30:22 Married to a black stripper, prostitute person that was hired to kill me or you know his whole thing. Just his whole vibe was kind of just like I get it, but you know.
04:30:35 You know, I just was not that impressed. You know, just like, you know, all right.
04:30:41 And yeah, was he smart?
04:30:43 He write McAfee.
04:30:46 Did he also write viruses so that people would need McAfee?
04:30:50 I mean, look, there's some insights that he had that were interesting, but he also just kind of came across as like this.
04:30:57 Hardy boomer that.
04:31:00 You know, like it was.
04:31:04 I don't know I.
04:31:05 I feel like I knew people like that in real.
04:31:07 You know that people that were in the tech sector that made too much money and just turned into, like drug addicts, and it was just kind of like, you know, you. Yeah, you're smart.
04:31:16 Why you made your money?
04:31:18 But you're also kind of just like a party out drug addict too, so.
04:31:25 You know, it is what it is.
04:31:29 Bill Monacan says I've joined a broader effort to help them by taking some of the OR my surplus supplies to homeless camp in the park nearby and perishables to a homeless shelter set up by a street preacher.
04:31:45 After the city closes its homeless shelter, they've opened a smaller one.
04:31:50 After a winter hit, kind of a dead end.
04:31:54 Well, you know, you saw you.
04:31:55 You know you like to get involved and you've got a a big heart out there, so you know, good luck with that and.
04:32:02 Yeah, it's a shame what happened.
04:32:04 Your to your small, your small your for your small, formerly white town.
Member Berries
04:32:10 And.Devon Stack
04:32:12 Poo, say Stopper, says wearing a weight weighted blanket.04:32:16 A warm dog and a flannel. Myself and my house is 58°.
04:32:23 USA near kami Canada.
04:32:25 There you go.
04:32:27 In here.
04:32:29 In the House it's I got them.
04:32:32 Right here.
04:32:32 It's 67.
04:32:36 So not not warm, but not cold.
04:32:39 Glock 23 says I wish I could tip more, but I live in a fixed income. A car accident permanently disabled me. I'm paralyzed well.
04:32:50 Hey, look, you know, you do what you can, I.
04:32:53 Yeah, that, that's.
04:32:55 I didn't know about you Glock 23, but we're we're glad that you've chosen to to join us on the streams and and that's good enough.
04:33:04 Don't have.
04:33:05 You don't have to feel bad for.
04:33:08 For not you know who should feel.
04:33:10 Glock 23 is all the non paralyzed people out there that that can't even give their.
04:33:20 Yeah. Look at Glock 23, over. He's ******* paralyzed.
04:33:23 Given 3 bucks and you guys.
04:33:29 No, but yeah, don't. Don't feel bad, man.
04:33:31 I appreciate what you what you do.
04:33:35 And then we got a couple more on the Roma. I'm in ping pong in here back all night.
04:33:40 We got ***** spritzer.
04:33:45 I think that's a lot, yeah.
04:33:47 Just says.
04:33:50 *****, OK.
04:33:52 Well, he.
04:33:54 Nggr, if you're not going to say it, I'm not going to say it.
04:33:59 Stomp her over on Odyssey says Goodnight, Black Pilled and Glock.
04:34:04 Three whites for the.
04:34:06 Well, I appreciate that and that is it.
04:34:11 Again, make sure to.
04:34:14 Join us on Monday if you can, or watch the replay Frodie's Decameron Film Festival.
04:34:22 He puts a lot of work into.
04:34:23 And so you guys can go support him over there on.
04:34:29 Like I said, I think it's at noon Pacific, but I'll find.
04:34:31 I'll I'll tweet it out and all that stuff. I think most people are going to work when it happens, but he's on the other side.
04:34:37 The planet. So.
04:34:40 That's what. That's what we got to do it.
04:34:42 Know I don't love it either.
04:34:44 And then we got a couple other streams coming up, little guest appearances to throughout the, you know, until the end of the year and another big one on Saturday, a week from now. I got another big one planned.
04:34:57 It's in the works, so oh we.
04:34:57 That's.
04:34:57 Works.
04:34:59 One last one over on Rumble.
04:35:01 Who's Joe?
04:35:03 Says here's another 5 bucks for Glock 23.
04:35:05 There you go. See. See. Look, look.
04:35:08 23 You're inspiring people already.
04:35:11 All right.
04:35:12 With that, I'm going to end this four and a half hour long stream.
04:35:19 So you guys all have a good rest of your evening or morning.
04:35:25 In the meantime, for Black Pilled, I am of course.
04:35:30 Debit stag.
04:36:17 Oh yeah.04:36:19 I.