12/28/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 20 80120.00:00:07 78362.
00:00:13 78362.
00:00:18 37425.
00:00:22 37425.
00:00:26 97702.
00:00:32 97702.
00:00:41 I.
00:00:42 I.
00:00:46 Good.
00:00:48 70.
00:00:52 Group.
00:00:53 70.
00:00:59 88662886.
00:01:06 13297.
00:01:22 I.
Mundian to Bach Ke - Panjabi MC
00:01:31 Meet me at the.00:01:35 You know.
00:01:40 Meet me at the.
00:01:45 Carina.
00:01:55 Rah.
00:01:58 I.
00:02:07 I.
00:02:21 I.
00:02:21 I.
00:02:36 I.
00:02:47 Rahi.
00:02:52 I.
00:03:01 Kamala.
00:03:15 I.
00:03:19 Sony.
00:03:25 Rahi.
00:03:28 I.
00:03:38 I.
00:03:40 I.
00:03:53 Galia vishani.
00:03:55 Oh.
00:04:18 I.
00:04:55 I.
Little Fluffy Clouds - The Orb
00:05:19 Over the past few years, to the traditional sounds of an English summer, a drone of lawnmowers, a smack of leather on Willow, has been added for new mourners.00:05:29 What are the skies like when you were young?
00:05:30 Skype.
00:05:33 They ran on forever. That when I we lived in Arizona and this guys always had little fluffy clouds.
00:05:39 We moved.
00:05:40 They were long.
00:05:43 Open.
00:05:43 There are lots of stars all night.
00:05:49 They were.
00:05:50 The most beautiful skies as.
00:05:52 Matter of fact.
00:05:54 How the sun South were.
00:05:59 Fired the clouds will.
00:06:01 Catch the tires everywhere.
00:06:03 That's it. Neat. I used to look at.
00:06:06 You don't see that.
00:06:19 I.
00:06:25 I.
00:06:31 I.
00:06:38 Different sound replicas.
00:06:39 I.
00:06:42 Layering different sound properties.
00:06:47 Play classical fluffy class.
00:06:58 Fluffy flats.
00:07:05 Disguise like when you were young.
00:07:05 I.
00:07:08 They weren't on camera, they.
00:07:10 They lived in Arizona, and the skies always had a little fluffy clouds, and they were long clear.
00:07:11 I.
00:07:18 Were lots of stars at night.
00:07:22 And when it would rain, it would alter.
Mundian to Bach Ke - Panjabi MC
00:07:24 I.Little Fluffy Clouds - The Orb
00:07:25 Were beautiful the most beautiful goddesses in.00:07:29 Some sense where.
00:07:32 Red, you know, green. The clouds would fetch the colors.
00:07:38 That's in neat. I used to look.
00:07:39 Them all the time.
00:07:41 You don't see that.
00:07:43 Little fluffy clouds.
00:07:51 Little fluffy clouds.
00:07:57 Little is.
00:08:00 When I.
00:08:00 Lived in Arizona and then guys always had little fluffy clouds that they were.
00:08:04 I.
00:08:08 There are lots of stars at night.
00:08:12 And.
00:08:13 Rain in Rudolph.
00:08:15 Were.
00:08:16 The most beautiful skies as a matter of fact.
00:08:20 Need a sunset for?
00:08:22 Purple.
00:08:26 The clouds will catch the sun.
00:08:28 That's.
00:08:29 Neat. They used to look at.
00:08:32 You don't see that.
00:08:33 He might still shoot in the desert.
00:08:38 I.
00:08:48 I.
00:09:03 The most beautiful God assignment.
00:09:10 Purple and red.
00:09:32 I.
00:09:40 I.
Devon Stack
00:09:47 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:09:52 I'm your host of.
00:09:53 Devin stack. This is the insomnia string, galactic geriatric.
00:09:59 That's a tongue twister I.
00:10:00 Even say edition.
00:10:03 Oh yes.
00:10:04 Oh, yes, geriatric. Geriatric. Why, why geriatric?
00:10:09 Why galactic for that matter?
00:10:11 Hope you guys all had a good Christmas.
00:10:15 Mine was right.
00:10:17 I guess that's the best you can.
00:10:20 Really ask for these days, right? As long as it's eight. It's, you know you're doing OK, I suppose, right?
00:10:29 We got New Year's Eve coming up here, I guess on Tuesday.
00:10:35 So I'm probably going to be doing a stream. I didn't do one at Christmas.
00:10:37 Just it just got.
00:10:40 I don't know. It was.
00:10:42 It was just I didn't.
00:10:44 I couldn't squeeze it in there and.
00:10:47 That's it. Is what it.
00:10:48 So but I I am going to try to do either New Year's Eve or New Year's Day, probably New Year's Eve maybe. Maybe I'll, I don't know.
00:10:57 We'll see.
00:10:58 We'll see what happens, but I'll I'll. I'll definitely do one and then we'll then after next week.
00:11:05 I think we're going to be going back to having the Wednesday, so it'll be Saturday and Wednesday.
00:11:11 To normal, back to the normal.
00:11:13 Schedule it was kind of nice having.
00:11:17 A little bit of the the breathing room that I've had, but we'll get back to get back to normal anyway.
00:11:24 Speaking of getting back to normal, it seems to be politics as usual, right?
00:11:32 Now, Speaking of Christmas and getting Christmas presents.
00:11:36 No. Yeah. Then all of a sudden, I guess we're we're gonna see like I'm. I'm gonna be nice here.
00:11:43 We're gonna see we're gonna be able to put to the test.
00:11:47 This theory that I heard from so many people when I explained to them why I.
00:11:53 Going to vote for Trump?
00:11:56 And in fact, I'm going to read a little bit of that.
00:11:59 From my telegram here just.
00:12:03 Just to remind people 'cause I know a lot of people seem.
00:12:05 Have a really short memory.
00:12:09 They seem to have a really short memory.
00:12:12 And a lot of people already are saying things like, well, we knew this was going to happen.
00:12:17 Like really?
00:12:17 Because you were telling me it wasn't.
00:12:20 You were telling me that it wasn't going to happen and that I was an asshole for implying that.
00:12:27 Well, this this was going to happen.
00:12:30 But yeah, let's see.
00:12:31 I'm having to scroll up, scroll up quite a bit here because it was it was quite a while ago when I said it.
00:12:38 Yeah, this was October 16th.
00:12:43 October 16th.
00:12:44 I.
00:12:45 Said it, you know, obviously many times in different ways before this, but.
00:12:49 This was.
00:12:50 My official statement, I guess on the election.
00:12:56 And I set a profound crisis may be the only catalyst strong enough to push whites toward a radical change.
00:13:03 History shows the moments of deep turmoil and suffering, often spark revolution and national revival.
00:13:12 Of course, all I meant by that is that things usually have to get really bad.
00:13:18 Especially for a decadent society to wake the fuck up and do something about the problem because they're all comfortable.
00:13:25 Just comfortable enough to just keep on.
00:13:28 Letting it happen to him just as long as I'm still getting my calories, my dopamine.
00:13:35 Then I'm good.
00:13:36 I'm good.
00:13:37 Can.
00:13:38 You know you can just keep poking me with the stick.
00:13:41 There's enough scar tissue there to where?
00:13:43 Don't really feel it that much.
00:13:46 Trump, though.
00:13:46 Paint this is back to the.
00:13:48 Trump, though, paint it as the lesser of two evil.
00:13:52 Is likely to perpetrate the same existential threats to whites, but in a more subtle and insidious matter.
00:14:00 His approach is not to halt or decline, but to manage it carefully, allowing cultural destruction and demographic replacement to continue.
00:14:09 All while disguising it under the banner of welcoming new and improved immig.
00:14:15 These upgraded immigrants, in addition to being just as foreign and genetically distant as the current crop, presents an even greater threat to our survival than the lower quality variety.
00:14:29 The latter, disastrous as they are for our society, lack the capacity to accumulate wealth and power that Trump's preferred immigrants will soon amass, positioning themselves more effectively for their unspoken purpose.
00:14:45 White replacement.
00:14:46 Course talking about how Pablo hanging out in front of Home Depot.
00:14:51 Believe it or not, is not as dangerous and not as much of A threat to white people. I mean, in the micro, he might drive drunk and run, run into a a, A minivan full of, you know, with a family and whatever, right?
00:15:03 But on the macro scale.
00:15:05 Pablo does not pose the same kind of threat that Habib does.
00:15:10 He just doesn't.
00:15:11 Because you're gonna have he's he's making nothing.
00:15:14 He's living in some house with a bunch of other Pablos who are making nothing.
00:15:19 And you know, obviously it's not good, right?
00:15:22 That's that's also bad.
00:15:25 But they're not competing for white jobs.
00:15:27 They're not getting.
00:15:29 Well, there's a very small percentage of them are getting elected into any kinds of consequential positions. They're certainly not taking over tech companies.
00:15:41 And they're certainly not taking over the Republican.
00:15:43 Whereas these new, improved immigrants, that's exactly what they have been doing and what they will continue to be doing, especially if we increase their numbers.
00:15:56 Back to the statement here. This rebranded replacement process is even more dangerous than the naked aggression of open.
00:16:04 As it lulls white Americans into acceptance and complacency.
00:16:08 Not only does it fail to address the issue of white replacement, it accelerates.
00:16:13 Leaders who offer partial solutions to a problem often have no intention of solving the problem, only delaying action long enough to ensure that a genuine solution is never implemented.
00:16:25 They would prefer us to passively accept a slow, calculated erasure of our power identity, and eventually our very existence.
00:16:34 And that's just the truth. If they wanted to stop white replacement.
00:16:39 Could do it.
00:16:40 They could do.
00:16:41 They could have done it. Every administration going back to Reagan.
00:16:46 They could do it and they don't, and they keep not doing it.
00:16:50 And we went over this in previous streams where every president.
00:16:53 Since Reagan has had some kind of big.
00:16:59 Plan to end illegal immigration and somehow magically.
00:17:06 And not by incompetence.
00:17:09 Every time it's backfired. Every time it doesn't work, and every time, illegal immigrants just keep going up and up and up.
00:17:19 And every every time, somehow the white share of the population.
00:17:23 Down and down and down.
00:17:27 And at first it was like, oh, we really got to stop this.
00:17:30 Fact in 1965, right?
00:17:32 Well, we're only going to.
00:17:33 We're going to change the immigration laws to stop favoring immigrants from Europe and start allowing all these third world country immigrants, including Indians.
00:17:44 And we promise it won't change the racial makeup of the country.
00:17:52 What I mean by when you don't actually ever do a real solution when you do a half measure that you're not actually trying to solve the problem you're trying to delay the problem long enough to where people can't do anything about it.
00:18:06 Listen to the way they talk about it.
00:18:08 In 1965, they were promising white people they weren't going to replace them.
00:18:12 Now they're saying, yeah, but it's cool.
00:18:15 They're not even.
00:18:15 They're not even making the.
00:18:17 They're, in fact, they're telling you that if you want that, you're evil.
00:18:23 Because they were able to delay the problem for so long.
00:18:27 And pump the white people that are remaining with so much propaganda. In the mean time that there's virtually 0 pushback now.
00:18:39 Back to the statement to compromise in the face of an existential threat is to accept defeat.
00:18:45 Incremental changes, especially as our numbers dwindle, will never reverse the damage caused by decades of mass immigration and a century of Jewish influence. As uncomfortable as it may seem.
00:18:59 There are times when the foundations upon which everything familiar stands must be reconsidered.
00:19:04 And history suggests that these kinds of changes are shift from appeasement to defiance, only occur when people feel the full weight of tyranny.
00:19:14 And that is true when there's decadence and a comfortable society, people who again.
00:19:21 It there's a reason why Pablo would rather hang out in front of Home Depot all day than live in El Salvador.
00:19:27 OK, because as shitty as America, as low as the bar has gone in America, it's still above a lot of the shit places.
00:19:36 That these people are coming from.
00:19:38 Yeah.
00:19:39 Including India, by the way.
00:19:42 And so people are kind of just like, it's not bad yet.
00:19:46 It's not bad, yet I don't.
00:19:49 I don't feel the boot on my fucking throat yet, so it's fine.
00:19:54 And people will tolerate a lot.
00:19:56 People will tolerate a lot before they freak the fuck out.
00:20:01 Back the statement if we were ever to survive, whites must be willing to endure immediate hardship for the sake of long term survival.
00:20:09 Our short term comfort is far less important than securing a future for our children. Regrettably, many are quick to criticize the failures of past generations while simultaneously indulging that same unwillingness to face harsh realities or delay gratification for their posterity, meaning they would.
00:20:29 Pretend that they won.
00:20:30 They owned the libs.
00:20:33 Than accept a minor short term defeat that wasn't going to end in Armageddon. 4 years of Kamala wasn't going to end with with Kamala death squads, tranny death squads going door to door, marching conservatives on to fucking buses and driving them into a volcano.
00:20:53 That was never going to fucking happen.
00:20:54 Like that was going to.
00:20:55 We knew it was going to happen because we already had four years of.
00:20:58 It was going to be more of the same and I've outlined again and again and again and again.
00:21:04 Now, essentially, virtually nothing has changed, aside from some economic realities.
00:21:10 And again, nothing, nothing.
00:21:13 They can't print more money to fix.
00:21:16 For four years.
00:21:18 And in that time, you would have Kamala, who would be an Indian woman who would be the target of everyone's angst.
00:21:25 Everyone would be mad. Anything they did with immigration that would fall short of completely stopping it, which they wouldn't do.
00:21:33 Would be seen as not enough, and they would blame her. And the mandate wouldn't be for this bullshit limp wristed.
00:21:41 Fag stuff. Trump's about to implement, but it would be for a total.
00:21:45 Of immigration anyway.
00:21:48 Voting for Trump rewards deception, and it does.
00:21:52 'S a.
00:21:52 He's lied. Often. Failure.
00:21:55 We had four years of Trump.
00:21:56 Failed on pretty.
00:21:58 Everything and fraternization with the enemies.
00:22:01 There we go again.
00:22:03 All about Israel.
00:22:04 Never even says white people.
00:22:07 The strong support he's received from Jewish power combined with his past disingenuous rhetoric and abysmal record, whether out of malice or incompetence, suggests that even if Trump does.
00:22:18 Some good in the short term, he will in the end strengthen the very system that undermines our survival.
00:22:24 All while providing the illusion required to keep it.
00:22:27 And exactly that has already happened. Prior to the election, there were the numbers of people who actually believed in the system. It was down to like 20%, and the system, as in the electoral process and everything else.
00:22:42 The last poll that was released that I saw from a couple weeks ago, all these people that thought the 2020 election was stolen, 990% of them now believe that the system works great now because Trump won exactly what I said would happen.
00:22:57 However, this all seems somewhat.
00:22:59 Trump appears to have already been chosen to guide us into decline, and many seem perfectly content to follow him there.
00:23:06 And that is how I ended it. And of course, a month later, Trump obviously was elected.
00:23:15 He hasn't even been sworn in.
00:23:18 He hasn't even been sworn in.
00:23:21 And already we are beginning to see.
00:23:25 Exactly the type of white replacement.
00:23:29 That.
00:23:30 We were warned of and I'm not.
00:23:32 I wasn't the only one ringing this fucking bell, by any means.
00:23:35 In fact, I think any.
00:23:36 Mean Trump was.
00:23:38 Saying this, we're playing play a clip that I've played often tonight.
00:23:44 So people acting surprised that all the sudden.
00:23:46 Do you mean what?
00:23:46 Why are we going to get these Indians these H1B1 visas?
00:23:49 Thought we hated those.
00:23:50 Well, that's not what Trump said prior to the election.
00:23:52 So what were you just not paying attention?
00:23:57 So what we're going to see what we're.
00:23:58 Going to see the the great gamble.
00:24:02 The great gamble that so many people eventually after.
00:24:06 Admitting that they were maybe a little high on on the magga supply.
00:24:12 Eventually, they were whittled down to just say wow.
00:24:16 What we need is Trump to get in there, and then we'll then we'll pressure him to do the right thing once he's already in there. And we're not, you know, multi $1,000,000 donors and we already voted.
00:24:28 Not running again, so he doesn't have to worry about reelection.
00:24:32 He's already in there for four years, no matter what you supporting. Him really doesn't make any difference at all.
00:24:40 He doesn't owe you anything, you know.
00:24:42 Certainly not in the same way he would owe people that would give him millions of dollars.
00:24:48 So it's it's kind of a.
00:24:51 You know what? What's what?
00:24:53 The motivation?
00:24:54 What's the like?
00:24:55 How exactly are you pressuring him?
00:24:57 By saying things expressing your displeasure on Twitter.
00:25:02 Which again, that's not gonna. I don't think that's gonna be allowed to even necessarily happen.
00:25:06 The way that.
00:25:07 A lot of people were thinking, as we've seen in recent days.
00:25:12 So, right around Christmas time, we suddenly had a bunch of tech.
00:25:17 The kinds of tech Bros that that magically embraced mega and when I pointed this out, people were always what would they say we've won?
00:25:26 We won the the argument.
00:25:29 Finally, woke is dead.
00:25:32 Finally, all these people that were never Trumpers forever and always talked about people like you and me as as if we were these unhinged, low IQ, anti-Semitic racist.
00:25:43 That we should be dismissed out of hand as trolls.
00:25:48 That our opinion doesn't even really matter.
00:25:51 Well, now all of a sudden they're.
00:25:52 On our side.
00:25:53 They've been convinced our superior rhetoric, our superior arguments, all of our charts and infographics.
00:26:02 They they.
00:26:03 They've they finally, you know, Elon Musk became a a fan of the insomnia stream.
00:26:12 And he's like, oh.
00:26:14 Now I get it.
00:26:16 Oh, I get.
00:26:18 I you know, it totally makes sense now.
00:26:23 Before, for generations I was a a rootless cosmopolitan.
00:26:29 I was.
00:26:29 I was.
00:26:30 I literally come from a long line of people who.
00:26:33 Have never fought and died in any kind of war to to protect a homeland. And we've kind of just been rootless cosmopolitans for generations.
00:26:46 And yet I now feel connected to the land.
00:26:50 And the people of America, in the same way that the founding stock Americans do.
00:26:54 And I finally get.
00:26:56 I know after all, as many people would point out, I'm from South Africa, a place that was overrun with Africans.
00:27:04 Now clearly you can look at my, my, my past and I can.
00:27:08 I can see the the the parallels between.
00:27:12 Happening in South Africa and what's maybe gonna happen in America and now I can I can.
00:27:19 You know I can't say it right.
00:27:20 That's always the that's always the special mind fuck of the of the average person that wants to believe.
00:27:28 That wants to believe in fairies that wants to clap.
00:27:30 So Tinkerbell doesn't.
00:27:32 Clap. You want to make sure you clap so that she she doesn't die.
00:27:35 Hi.
00:27:37 They always say, though they have to say.
00:27:40 They that thing that they're saying?
00:27:42 They're gonna do. That's totally counter to what we want to have.
00:27:46 They're just lying. You see, when I say things that I don't like, they're lying.
00:27:52 And when they say things that I like, then they're totally.
00:27:55 And on our side?
00:27:58 That is, unfortunately, that's the way a lot of people think they think. Like the person who has a girlfriend that cheats on them and all their friends know it, but they they they're just so deluded.
00:28:13 They think that's the best they'll ever be able to do they. So they cling on to this, this horrific bitch who is like, Oh yeah, why didn't why didn't you call last night? My friend said he saw you at A at this cocktail bar or some dude. Oh.
00:28:26 Wasn't.
00:28:26 That was my twin sister.
00:28:28 Never told you?
00:28:28 About oh, OK.
00:28:29 That makes sense.
00:28:34 And that's these people.
00:28:36 They're literally cucks. They're literally cucks.
00:28:40 Just in denial about it.
00:28:44 And so it should come as no surprise that again, this is not a change in rhetoric.
00:28:48 Are acting as if this is.
00:28:49 Oh, what?
00:28:50 All the sudden they've changed their tunes. You know this is.
00:28:53 Not what I voted for.
00:28:55 It's exactly what you voted for. They were saying this before the election.
00:28:58 Were just so full of.
00:29:00 The delusion this need to win this need to own the libs. This need to relive the glory days of the meme war of 2016.
00:29:11 You're like uncle fucking Rico, fantasizing about throwing a football.
00:29:15 Over a fucking mountain.
00:29:18 Well, reality sucks, doesn't it?
00:29:21 Reality is a hell of a.
00:29:24 And it's setting in for a lot of people.
00:29:27 Especially as they they are becoming maybe a little more explicit, again not changing their tune, just maybe playing the tune a little louder.
00:29:38 Just a couple of days ago, as many people have heard, Vivek, and this is a perfect example of again, I've said this time and time again, every time people get excited about a non white that's somehow going to.
00:29:50 The whites.
00:29:52 You can't do that.
00:29:54 Never gonna work.
00:29:56 You cannot have non wanting to include non white people to help you in your battle against diversity.
00:30:08 You're basically admitting diversity is our strength.
00:30:12 Understand like the the the retarded.
00:30:16 Illogical.
00:30:18 Mind messed, that is to say that in order to defeat diversity, we need diversity.
00:30:26 That the big problem here is white replacement and diversity.
00:30:29 Therefore, let's get all this diversity to help us to replace people who might otherwise have have been leaders who would have been white.
00:30:40 Because they're more.
00:30:41 I mean, you're basically saying what they're saying.
00:30:44 Saying a meritocracy.
00:30:46 Well, sure.
00:30:47 V VAX in.
00:30:48 But I'm not going to hold that against him.
00:30:49 He's a good speaker.
00:30:51 Let's have him speak for white.
00:30:52 Well, then, what's the problem with having his cousin work at a tech job?
00:30:58 You know you're making the same argument.
00:31:04 Sure, it's OK if people like that want to speak in favor of some of the things that we.
00:31:10 But to ever support them as a leader?
00:31:14 Or even as a peer is a huge mistake.
00:31:20 Because you can't use diversity to fight diversity for the same reason that you're trying to fight diversity.
00:31:29 They have different motives, they have different.
00:31:32 Sometimes those objectives might align, and in those moments, sure, they might be helpful.
00:31:39 But the moment those objectives don't align.
00:31:43 They're not going to be on your side.
00:31:45 Why would they be any more than you would be?
00:31:49 It's like when some people were trying to make alliances with Muslim groups that were against Israel over the October 7th stuff.
00:31:59 Right.
00:32:00 And it's like, OK.
00:32:01 That's good. If they're going to amplify some of our messages about the infiltration of the Israelis into the United States government.
00:32:09 But if you start.
00:32:10 Treat these people like they're your colleagues or your peers.
00:32:13 It's going to blow up in your fucking face. And it did, because at the end of the day, they hate white people just as much as Jews.
00:32:21 In fact, they think Jews are white people.
00:32:24 So there's that.
00:32:28 And they they're looking at you as a useful idiot for them.
00:32:33 They're looking at you as the stupid white white guy that's going to amplify their message.
00:32:39 So it just never works.
00:32:41 It never works and Vivek Ramaswamy is the same way.
00:32:46 It's like when Ann Coulter got all that shit for saying, you know, I like the way I like to cut your jib.
00:32:51 I like what you were saying in the primary? But I would never vote for you because you're an Indian.
00:32:57 And she said it as plainly as that.
00:33:00 People got mad.
00:33:01 Oh, that's so terrible.
00:33:02 No, that's exactly.
00:33:04 You should never never want to be led.
00:33:09 By a non white to help you in your battle against non whites doesn't make any fucking sense.
00:33:17 And Vivek Ramaswamy.
00:33:19 Mean just the.
00:33:20 Alone should be like a big red flag, right?
00:33:21 Bigger and more.
00:33:24 Made this really clear, he tweeted out on the 26th. They believe is that either the IT was either Christmas Late Christmas or.
00:33:31 Day after Christmas.
00:33:34 The.
00:33:34 Top tech companies often hire foreign born and 1st generation engineers over Native Americans.
00:33:43 Notice here he doesn't even by putting the scare quotes around Native Americans.
00:33:48 It's not because he's trying to differentiate you from Indians like as in the feather Indians.
00:33:53 This.
00:33:54 Is going to get confusing.
00:33:55 But because he's making the argument subtly that, hey, hey, white boy.
00:34:01 White boy, you're an immigrant too.
00:34:04 You're an immigrant too, white boy.
00:34:07 Is it because of an innate American IQ deficit?
00:34:11 That's a lazy and wrong explanation.
00:34:15 A key part of it comes down to the.
00:34:17 Word culture.
00:34:19 See, he's trying to make the argument already.
00:34:22 Is no differences between races.
00:34:24 Even when he's going to talk.
00:34:25 Shit about your race, which he's about to do. It's not because you're innately bad.
00:34:30 'Cause he needs to take.
00:34:31 Tool away from you.
00:34:32 He needs to take that off the table. That cannot be a a topic of discussion in this conversation.
00:34:38 Wants to have.
00:34:40 That.
00:34:40 There are any kind of innate differences between race is so already boom that's gone.
00:34:45 We can't talk about that.
00:34:47 It's the C word.
00:34:48 It's culture.
00:34:50 And didn't you know that all this time?
00:34:52 It's kind of funny all this time. The white boomers were saying that the problem with the immigrants coming across to America is they weren't assimilating to our culture.
00:35:00 Thought the culture of America was the good part.
00:35:03 Right, especially if it's not the genetics.
00:35:07 Right. If it wasn't the genetics, if, hey, white boy, you're an immigrant too.
00:35:12 Then what was the engine?
00:35:16 Driving our ingenuity in this country.
00:35:19 Well, obviously it was the American.
00:35:22 It was the American dream that anyone can adapt to and adopt.
00:35:28 But apparently that's that's that's actually the issue because he can't tell.
00:35:31 That it's white people.
00:35:33 Tough questions demand tough answers, and if we're really serious about fixing the problem, we have to confront the truth.
00:35:41 Arm our isn't that rich? Our American culture.
00:35:46 Really, Vivek Ramaswamy, our American culture.
00:35:53 Our see, again, he's trying to have his cake and eat it too.
00:35:57 He's a part of this culture.
00:36:00 You know, he's one of the good ones.
00:36:03 He's one of the ones that did adopt and adapt to our culture.
00:36:07 One of the ones that assimilated our American.
00:36:10 He has just as much ownership of the American culture as anyone.
00:36:16 He just does because he now lives in America and that's all it takes.
00:36:23 Our American culture has venerated mediocrity, really, more so than, say, Indian culture over excellence for way too long, at least since the 90s, and likely longer. That doesn't start in college.
00:36:39 It starts young, a culture that celebrates the prom queen over the Math Olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian will not produce the best engineers.
00:36:50 Well, you know what?
00:36:52 Asshole.
00:36:54 Your bitterness is starting to shine.
00:36:57 We're starting to see that Vivec was not one of the cool kids.
00:37:01 High.
00:37:01 And what did I?
00:37:03 And I've said many times in in strings.
00:37:06 For a lot of people, especially those in politics, high school never ends.
00:37:10 High school never ends.
00:37:12 They're looking at it's the case for a lot of people, even if you just think about.
00:37:16 Lot of.
00:37:17 Music stops for people and after high school.
00:37:20 School.
00:37:20 You know, they stop listening to new.
00:37:22 They stop paying attention to celebrities. They stop being up on the new cool fads or whatever. Fashion often stops, like my dad, dressed like it was like 1978.
00:37:32 Well, it still kind of does, you know.
00:37:35 That's just that's the way that it is.
00:37:39 And and here we are getting a little window into vivek's past little bitterness about the the prom queen. And you know the the Stacy's and Chad's and Chad's of the world.
00:37:52 And then we're not producing the best engineers.
00:37:55 Well, I would say to you first.
00:37:56 All that's not true at all.
00:37:59 That's not true at all.
00:38:00 There is a obvious a a a lack of of focus on academic achievement in America.
00:38:08 But to say that that's that that to to say that that is somehow the same as wanting to have athletics, wanting to have the CHADS and Stacy's of the world exist is is the IT sounds like.
00:38:23 The fantasies of someone who is really into the movie revenge of the nerds.
00:38:27 A culture that venerates Cory from boy meets World.
00:38:31 Now I have to admit I never watched the show so I don't know what the fuck he's talking about.
00:38:35 Zack and Slater over screech. OK, really screech the the insane by the belt. We've done. We've done streams on saved by the bell. Screech, by the way, was the annoying Jew in saved by the bell versus Zack and Slater. Like the the jocks who were not exactly academically.
00:38:51 retarded, at least in the show.
00:38:54 Or Stefan over Steve Urkel in.
00:38:57 Man, I don't know what the fuck he's talking about there.
00:38:59 Don't know who the.
00:38:59 Stefan is will not produce the best.
00:39:02 Someone watched entirely too much TV because I watched a lot and I don't even know how he's talking about there.
00:39:08 Fact I.
00:39:08 Multiple sets of immigrant parents in the 90s who actively limited how much their kids could watch those TV shows precisely because they promoted mediocrity and their kids went on to become wildly successful STEM graduates.
00:39:22 That's an entirely different topic. Yeah. I think TV rots your brain.
00:39:26 Shouldn't let your kids watch TV, but not because.
00:39:29 Mediocrity because it promotes degeneracy.
00:39:33 And let's not let's not discuss who was promote who.
00:39:35 Making all this.
00:39:37 Let's leave that out of the equation.
00:39:39 We vivac.
00:39:40 Shall we not mention the fact that all of these these intellectual properties were owned and operated by Jews?
00:39:49 Who were exactly trying to sieve Americans into being subservient and and feel guilty about their.
00:39:56 Something that you probably didn't never picked up on because it never had that message for you, vivac.
00:40:03 Never had that message for you because as much as you want to say our culture, you're not white.
00:40:09 And if you really were part of our culture and you really did have the hindsight that we have, you'd be able to look back at those these very television programs that you're talking about that we've we've extensively.
00:40:25 Dissected on the stream and you would know it's not mediocrity that they're promoting. It's anti white hatred.
00:40:33 It's the immigrants like you, Vivek, are the awesome kids that deserve the job over the white man because you should feel guilty forever over everything that you could even tangentially tie to your ancestors as a white person.
00:40:50 And that all of your success has been born on the backs of people like Vivek Ramaswamy.
00:40:58 So if anyone's been indoctrinated by this filth coming out of Hollywood, it sounds like it's you.
00:41:04 If anyone has embraced the messages that were in these TV shows, Vivek, it sounds like it was you.
00:41:11 Because you're echoing the sediment sentiments exactly.
00:41:15 You're saying that white people are a bunch of shallow?
00:41:19 Privileged faggots.
00:41:23 And that the the immigrant parents raising the Super smart kids are the ones that deserve to be in positions of power.
00:41:33 I don't see any difference between what you're saying here and what the average Hollywood television show or movie would have said in the 90s that you're talking about.
00:41:44 More movies like whiplash, fewer reruns of friends.
00:41:48 More math tutoring. Fewer sleepovers, more weekend science competitions?
00:41:53 Saturday morning cartoons.
00:41:55 Me.
00:41:57 More books.
00:41:58 TV more spelling bees.
00:41:59 This it just sounds like to me.
00:42:02 Vivac had lived in one of these households with these militant Indian parents.
00:42:08 And you know, making them go and and and compete and all the spelling bees and and be a good little insect person.
00:42:17 And he's baffled.
00:42:18 He's baffled and probably very frustrated that some of these chads and Stacy's they want went to the sleepovers and and didn't go to the science. You know that the weren't mathletes.
00:42:32 Wound up actually succeeding in life all the same.
00:42:38 Must have been that white privilege.
00:42:41 Most normal American parents look skeptically at those kinds of parents.
00:42:46 More normal American kids view such those kinds of kids with scorn. If you grow up aspiring to normalcy, normalcy is what you will achieve.
00:42:56 See.
00:42:57 He's bitter about the way he was raised.
00:42:59 Angry.
00:43:01 That he was raised to be a little spelling bee pajeet.
00:43:05 Now close your eyes and visualize which families you knew in the 90s or even now, who raised their kids according to one model versus the other.
00:43:13 Be brutally honest.
00:43:15 Normalcy doesn't cut into hyper competitive global market.
00:43:20 For technical talent, and if we pretend like it does, we'll have our asses handed to us by the Chinese, the Chi-Comms.
00:43:29 The Chi-Comms.
00:43:31 This can be our Sputnik moment when he's talking about is in the space race the Americans.
00:43:38 Were afraid of losing to the Russians because they put the first satellite into orbit, Sputnik and it as it.
00:43:47 In fact, Ham radio operators were able to tune in to listen to it as it flew over the United States and it spooked a bunch of people. And that's what.
00:43:56 Kicked us into gear to get the space program going.
00:43:59 We've awakened from, by the way.
00:44:02 This was all happening with no Indians around.
00:44:04 Let's just let's just be clear about that. The Sputnik moment that he's talking.
00:44:08 About zero Indians.
00:44:13 Zero Indians, 0 Indians at all, and then, in fact, to the extent that there were foreign workers, they were Nazis, OK.
00:44:22 They were operation paper clip Nazis.
00:44:23 Were Germans.
00:44:25 OK so.
00:44:27 No, no Indians to be seen.
00:44:29 Indians insight.
00:44:31 We've awakened from the slumber we before and can do it again again.
00:44:36 Trying to.
00:44:37 He's trying to adopt an appropriate your past.
00:44:42 Because why?
00:44:43 He lives in America now.
00:44:46 Trump's election hopefully marks the beginning of a new golden era in America.
00:44:50 But only if our culture fully wakes up a culture. Again, our culture that once again prioritizes achievement over normalcy, excellence over mediocrity. Nerdiness, overconformity.
00:45:04 Hard work over laziness.
00:45:06 That's the work we have cut out for us. Rather than wallowing in victimhood and justice, wishing or legislating alternative hiring practices into existence, I'm confident we can do it.
00:45:17 That's funny.
00:45:18 That's exactly what he wants to do.
00:45:20 He wants to legislate new hiring practices into existence.
00:45:25 And let's talk about the hard working Vivek.
00:45:28 Because. Right, he's he's a he's a lot of money, right?
00:45:31 Right.
00:45:31 He's very successful.
00:45:32 It must have been because of that upbringing.
00:45:36 Right, that must be why he's like this.
00:45:39 This guy you've heard of?
00:45:41 You know the self-made man. He was. He was hardworking.
00:45:44 Didn't watch friends.
00:45:46 I mean no one.
00:45:46 Only girls watch friends. Dude like.
00:45:50 Friends, really.
00:45:53 Saved by the.
00:45:54 Only chicks watch that too. Like I like how a lot of the shows he's listings. Like it's like it was chick shows.
00:45:59 Like where that.
00:46:00 Was that what you were watching when your mom wasn't watching?
00:46:03 Well, you know, keeping an eye on you.
00:46:06 Anyway.
00:46:08 Let's take a look here.
00:46:10 Is a tweet from.
00:46:12 Doctor Ben braddock. Here's Vivek Ramaswami in 2015, scamming the public on his Alzheimer drug that had already failed drug trials four times before he bought it for pennies, he rebranded it and took the company public in an IPO.
00:46:29 Then his family dumped $2 billion of stock before it failed again.
00:46:34 Oh, how Indian of you. A scam you say?
00:46:38 So let me give you a little.
00:46:41 Little background on.
00:46:43 Just, just so you know that, like the Galaxy brain Vivac could never watch friends.
00:46:48 And was never.
00:46:48 Invited to sleep overs and.
00:46:50 The prom queen didn't like him.
00:46:53 That that culture drove him to really succeed in the world.
00:46:59 The the IPO they're talking about was for axovance.
00:47:05 Axovant and we'll watch a little clip here.
00:47:09 They they it was a company that was formed by Vivec to buy up drugs that had failed, that other drug companies weren't going to use because.
00:47:21 They didn't work.
00:47:22 I mean, drug companies aren't.
00:47:24 They're not going to just throw away miracle drugs. They're throwing away drugs that that failed in trials and his company was going to buy them.
00:47:33 Up.
00:47:34 And then try, you know, test them again and hope that they actually worked.
00:47:40 Then.
00:47:41 Them or I don't know, but it was the biggest IPO in history.
00:47:45 The IPO is an initial public offering. It's.
00:47:49 It's like when a bunch of shit coin.
00:47:53 In in crypto terms, Imagine Hawk Tuah coin.
00:47:57 All right. Imagine your hawk to a girl and you want to make a bunch of money. And so.
00:48:05 You make hot to a coin.
00:48:08 And you release.
00:48:10 50% or some portion of the.
00:48:15 Available hot Tua coins.
00:48:18 The whole all the drama about talk to a coins, so this isn't going to be exactly right.
00:48:21 Maybe there's not.
00:48:22 I'll get lucky, but you'll get the idea.
00:48:26 The way a.
00:48:26 Shit Coin operates is.
00:48:28 You release a bunch of worthless coins onto the market while hanging on to a large portion of the coins.
00:48:35 A bunch of idiots buy the shit coin driving the price from zero.
00:48:41 It could be up to anything because let's say they drive the price of the the shit coin to $1.00 and you've got a million of those coins.
00:48:50 Well, then you just dump those million coins.
00:48:53 And you get 1,000,000.
00:48:54 And then you stop developing it or pretending like it was ever a real thing in the 1st.
00:49:00 And the price goes to 0 and everyone that you just sold that your million coins to is just left holding the bag.
00:49:08 That's what happens with IPOs sometimes that's what an IPO I mean. Hopefully if you're investing in IPO, you hope that's not what it is.
00:49:16 Hope that it's actually like.
00:49:17 Good.
00:49:18 A good asset that isn't going to just.
00:49:21 You're not going to be just left holding it back, but often.
00:49:24 Often that is not the case.
00:49:26 That's the.
00:49:27 That's the gambling of Wall Street and Axovant. Vivek Ramaswami's Company was the biggest IPO.
00:49:35 He founded it back in 2014.
00:49:40 This is from the.
00:49:43 Here, they focused on repurposing failed pharmaceutical drugs.
00:49:48 The company's flagship project was.
00:49:51 Interprodine or interprodine interprodine. It was an experimental Alzheimer's drug that was previously shelved by GlaxoSmithKline due to poor results.
00:50:04 It was a Alzheimer's drug that didn't work.
00:50:06 Work and Glaxo Smith Kline, a gigantic pharmaceutical company who likes making money, determined that it didn't work.
00:50:13 They weren't going to sell it.
00:50:13 You are.
00:50:15 So Axovant decided to buy it for nothing, and then went public and raised $315 million.
00:50:26 And reached a valuation of $3 billion.
00:50:31 At its peak.
00:50:33 Mostly because of the fast talking Vivek Ramaswamy.
00:50:36 Going on to TV shows and promoting this company, acting as if they were going to develop these drugs that have been thrown away in the trash by, you know, I mean they were shit coin drugs.
00:50:49 And he was going to make them awesome somehow.
00:50:52 And he aggressively marketed this product.
00:50:56 As a breakthrough, Alzheimer's dementia. You know, cure all drug for old people. And because there aren't any cures for that, lots of people invested in it thinking that it was going to, you know, pay off. Because if it, you know, if it did, if all if it worked.
00:51:13 Then the stock would skyrocket, just like a shit coin, like if suddenly.
00:51:18 A shit coin got adopted like you'd saw these scams back in.
00:51:22 Well, around the same time period really.
00:51:24 With shit coins.
00:51:25 Where shit coins would release and they would, they would. They release all these fake press, you know, reports saying that like, oh look.
00:51:33 You know, this banking institution is going to start using hawk tuah coin to to make money transfers international money.
00:51:40 You know it was all bullshit, right?
00:51:41 But the idiots would buy.
00:51:43 It.
00:51:43 I'm oh, that's crazy.
00:51:43 It's going to go up, you know, infinite amounts and then it.
00:51:46 They're left holding the bag.
00:51:49 Well, unfortunately in 2017.
00:51:54 They did clinical trials.
00:51:56 And.
00:51:58 It the this miracle drug that had already been thrown the trash.
00:52:03 Surprise surprise, it prefer performed as well as the placebo.
00:52:06 Other words, it did nothing.
00:52:08 It was garbage.
00:52:10 It.
00:52:10 It was a sugar pill.
00:52:13 And when the news came out of the results of the trial, well, the stock value plummeted 90%.
00:52:27 Wow, how did? How did Vivica make so much money then?
00:52:32 V Vickers and his family make so much money.
00:52:36 Unless he sold all of his stock off prior to the release of the news.
00:52:44 That the drug was bullshit.
00:52:48 I don't know.
00:52:48 I guess that is pretty high.
00:52:50 Right.
00:52:51 Isn't that? That's the kind of ingenuity we need more of in this country.
00:52:56 That's. That's the kind of of of of quick thinking that we need in the tech industry.
00:53:03 Here he is in 2015, pushing his his bullshit here.
Jim Cramer
00:53:11 Summa cum laude graduate. Congratulations.Vivek
00:53:13 Thank you.Jim Cramer
00:53:14 Good to be back, OK.00:53:16 Tell me why Glaxo kind of wrote this drug off and.
00:53:20 You have such.
00:53:21 Hopes for.
00:53:21 It so I obviously can't speak for other companies other than than than.00:53:26 But what I can tell you is that RV T101 is a unique drug that we actually think could help millions of patients.
00:53:32 Alzheimer's disease.
00:53:33 Our focus is actually on the trait on the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other forms of.
Jim Cramer
00:53:33 How's?Vivek
00:53:38 We've actually put together what have you as a top notch team in the industry involving the developer of the most widely used drug to treat Alzheimer's disease, who actually led our due diligence on this asset.00:53:49 And actually lead our development program going forward and actually on our Board of Directors is the former head of neurosciences from GSK that actually led the development of this drug who sits on our board right now. And all of those individuals are every bit as excited as we.
00:54:02 About the development.
Devon Stack
00:54:04 That is how he's saying nothing.00:54:07 Notice how he's not.
00:54:08 Well, we're excited that it's gonna work because we tried it out.
00:54:11 It worked.
00:54:13 No, he's saying, oh, wait, we got top notch people. We got top notch people.
00:54:19 That sounds eerily like the Tech Bros talking about wanting these Indian immigrants, doesn't it?
00:54:24 Sounds eerily like them, huh?
Jim Cramer
00:54:28 Seen so far because we know, as I said, there's a bunch of companies that have gone phase two and we get so excited.00:54:35 But then it doesn't workout.
00:54:37 Why do you think you're ahead of those other companies that have never been able to bring that to market?
00:54:41 That's a great question and and the thing in Alzheimer's disease to remember and we remember this all the time, it accident.00:54:46 Ally.
Devon Stack
00:54:50 That's a great question.00:54:51 Let me not answer it now and talk about just just say a bunch of words.
00:54:56 Underlying disease work, not just us at axiomat, but the field more generally. But the thing with RV 2101 is it's actually a neurotransmitter targeted therapy that actually in part works through the release of acetylcholine, which is already known to be an effective mechanism of action.00:55:10 That's actually very similar to how the currently approved drugs work, and so the way the drug works is it has been demonstrated in Clin.
00:55:18 In a large phase two study Phase 2B study with 684 patients, multinational double-blind placebo-controlled study and this is the key on the pre specified analysis, not some type of RE analysis or subgroup analysis but on the pre specified analysis the Drug Act.
00:55:35 Statistically significant improvements in both cognition and in function.
00:55:39 Out 24 weeks in a way that was maintained after a full year in.
00:55:43 So that's actually what we think makes this such an exciting opportunity. In addition to its safety and tolerability profile.
Devon Stack
00:55:49 Womp womp.00:55:52 Funny though.
00:55:52 Funny that because it was just as effective as placebo.
00:55:59 The clinical trials.
00:56:02 Weird that it showed all this promise and then it it worked exactly as well as placebos. For those who don't know placebos, a nothing pill.
00:56:13 They what they do is they they they get a group of people with Alzheimer's and they give half of them, you know, as an example, this shit coin pill and they give half of them nothing.
00:56:26 Well, it's a fake pill.
00:56:28 Well, it's a.
00:56:29 It's a shit coin pill that they know is a shit coin pill.
00:56:33 They look at the results.
00:56:37 And the results were the same.
00:56:43 So it's weird, huh?
00:56:43 Weird, it showed all this promise. Big Brained Ramaswami was was was selling people on it and he was so confident.
00:56:53 Because you didn't watch friends.
00:56:56 It's a really well tolerated drug and you take it as one pill.Devon Stack
00:57:00 You know, sugar pills are really well tolerated drug too.Vivek
00:57:04 Once a day and and we think that we're very excited about development going forward.Jim Cramer
00:57:05 Oh.00:57:08 Well, let's look at it.
00:57:10 Have to be.
00:57:11 You were former hedge fund.
00:57:12 I would always be nervous when I would see a stock that would be as hot as this one.
00:57:18 I don't believe you have anything else right now in the pipeline.
00:57:22 If you were hedge fund manager when you gotten shares in in in this stock and you just had seen accident and said, would you have run the register today?
00:57:30 So you know I can't.00:57:31 I can't comment exactly on my investor seat because right now I'm actually thinking about this as as the person who's developing this company and what I can tell you.
Jim Cramer
00:57:36 Of course, of course you know. And yeah, I'm not really trying to put you in a spot, but I I tell.00:57:39 I if I were hitchhi, got it, I would have.
00:57:42 Would have said Gee, that was a home run.
00:57:43 Yes.
00:57:44 So let me actually let me actually speak directly to it.00:57:47 OK, I actually think the potential opportunity here is is really tremendous for delivering value to.
00:57:54 There's over 5 million patients who suffer from Alzheimer's disease in this country alone. And if you think about it.
00:58:00 We own global rights to a drug that has already demonstrated in a large Phase 2B study efficacy in the two parameters that the FDA is historically.
00:58:08 Required for new Alzheimer's disease drugs and actually we're only one.
00:58:12 Believe we're only one additional.
00:58:14 Phase three study away.
Devon Stack
00:58:17 Oh yes, we're only that one study away. That one study that would show it it's as effective as placebo.00:58:24 So that's that's how he got his money.
00:58:28 That's how Vivek Ramaswamy and his family got loaded. Their big brained high IQ.
00:58:36 Immigrant.
00:58:38 Hard working, not friends watching grubby little.
00:58:44 That's how they got on all those grubby hands on those American dollars.
00:58:49 Anyway, so Vivek Ramaswami wasn't the only voice in this chorus of Tech Bros that pretended to be swayed by the superior arguments.
00:59:02 Of people like us, telling them that, you know. Oh, no, we can't have this unlimited immigration and we can't have, you know, the.
00:59:12 Woke the woke. The woke stuff is gone.
00:59:14 It's gone too far.
00:59:16 I didn't.
00:59:16 You know, this is what they would say.
00:59:17 Didn't leave the.
00:59:18 The left left me and it's like now.
00:59:21 Well, let's just say the left did leave you.
00:59:23 The right came to meet you.
00:59:27 The right by in terms of the mega right is by number means right wing at.
00:59:33 At this point.
00:59:37 So if you find yourself in the Maga tent, it's not just that you're homeless. It's not just that the left left you, and now you're just spinning around like a leaf on the surface of a pond.
00:59:52 No, the big maggot tent came.
00:59:53 Gobbled you up.
00:59:57 They had to move quite a ways. The left to get there.
01:00:02 And one of these people, of course.
01:00:03 Well, this is just Vivec showing that a lot of the the the usual suspects are were supportive of the.
01:00:13 That evac.
01:00:13 This is Jack Posobik trying again.
01:00:17 Hammer home that. Oh, it's.
01:00:18 We're what we're talking about when we talk about mass immigration of non whites into the country is it's really about getting rid of of affirmative action.
01:00:29 You guys hate affirmative action, right?
01:00:31 You know how for decades you've been complaining about affirmative action because it's disenfranchised white people for decades and that actually way more explains why there aren't as many white people in stem jobs than.
01:00:44 Watching friends.
01:00:47 The kind of stuff that even I saw when I was in high school and I went to go see my counselor when we got close to graduation, we had to go see the counselor to talk about what we wanted to do, what we wanted to go to school.
01:00:56 And I was waiting in the lobby and I picked up a pamphlet that.
01:01:00 In the lobby of, you know, the left out there for kids to try to excite them about different careers, and one of them.
01:01:06 From the NSA.
01:01:07 And I was like, a nerdy guy, a nerdy computer kid, and I watched that movie. Sneakers or.
01:01:12 And I, you know, I was like, oh, the NSA they, you know, computer stuff. I could be like a computer spy or something.
01:01:19 And I and I got that.
01:01:20 I looked at it and like in the first paragraph of that pamphlet, it said the NSA has lots of exciting opportunities, especially for if you're a woman or a minority.
01:01:33 It said that as I remember the exact wording, but it was.
01:01:36 Pretty fucking close.
01:01:38 We have a lot of exciting opportunities here at the NSA, specially if you're a woman or a minority.
01:01:45 And I was like, oh.
01:01:48 Though not for me, is what you're saying.
01:01:51 And that's just one little 1 little cut.
01:01:55 Of the death by 1000 cuts that white men in this country have been suffering.
01:02:02 And that's and you know this, you know this.
01:02:05 That's why you lean on this term affirmative action.
01:02:11 To explain why we actually need to replace them even harder.
01:02:16 Oh, we need to end. Affirmative.
01:02:17 That thing that bothered you so much in the 80s and 90s, that thing that made you get passed up for jobs, that you were more qualified for simply because you were white? Well, now.
01:02:27 Well, now we need to pass you up.
01:02:31 For brown people who are more qualified.
01:02:33 No matter how we do it, you get the shit out of the stick.
01:02:39 You see, if we favor race and ethnicity well, you get fucked.
01:02:43 And if we pretend to favor merit, you get fucked again.
01:02:49 No matter how we do this, you get fucked.
01:02:56 And affirmative action, he said.
01:02:57 America is the land of meritocracy.
01:03:03 That sounds good to the Boomers, who don't have to compete in the workplace anymore.
01:03:11 That sounds good for all the people who they want to import by the millions. All the tech Bros that want to hire those people they want.
01:03:19 Import by the millions.
01:03:25 Including people like Elon Musk.
01:03:31 Here's a tweet by.
01:03:32 Enough all says Valley's biggest limitation. Engineering talent shortage.
01:03:40 The US semiconductor industry alone needs over 160,000 engineers by 2032, driven by 250 billion in new investments.
01:03:52 For AI experts, has skyrocketed with Elon calling the talent war the craziest ever.
01:03:59 Meanwhile, STEM program struggled to produce enough graduates.
01:04:03 This shortage threatens innovation from AI to semiconductors, slow or slowing progress in global competitiveness, expanding STEM education, streamlining high skilled immigration and re skilling workers are urgent solutions. Investing in talent is.
01:04:20 Investing in the future?
01:04:23 To.
01:04:23 Which? Elon replied. No, we need more like double that number yesterday.
01:04:31 We don't have time.
01:04:32 Is he saying we don't have time to try to train Americans to do these?
01:04:35 That we've been disenfranchising them from. We don't have time to to train these white people that we've been excluding from graduate programs because they're white men.
01:04:44 We've already fucked them over once for being white.
01:04:47 Fuck them over again.
01:04:50 The number of people who are super talented engineers and super motivate in the US is far too low.
01:04:57 He doesn't explain.
01:04:57 He doesn't say because we've purposely excluded white people for generations from any of these programs, even if what he's saying is true, which I don't even think is true.
01:05:07 I don't think there is a shortage.
01:05:10 Think of this like a pro sports team.
01:05:12 Why?
01:05:13 I do that.
01:05:14 Why don't I think about my nation, my country, my people, as a pro sports team?
01:05:20 Why don't I do?
01:05:22 You know, everyone likes to to think about their nation.
01:05:26 As a group of of essentially overpaid slaves owned by a billionaire Jew, that's a great way to think of it.
01:05:34 Let's do.
01:05:36 Think of this like a pro sports team. If you want your team to win the championship, you need to recruit top talent wherever they might be.
01:05:45 Enables the whole team to win. Now that's what makes sports ball fucking gay and stupid.
01:05:50 The fact that no one on the New York Yankees is actually someone from maybe a couple of them, I don't.
01:05:55 Maybe a few of them are from New York, but let's not pretend like the the city in the names of these sports teams has anything to do with the origin of the players.
01:06:05 That's what makes it so fucking stupid.
01:06:07 Because it's.
01:06:08 Hey, let's get the best and brightest of the people of Las Vegas to go against the best and brightest or the most athletic, you know of the people in in Oakland and have them battle it out on on a on a field somewhere, and the best.
01:06:23 Of the of each community wins.
01:06:26 No, it's. It's what billionaire Jew had enough money to import players from all over the world, some of whom don't even speak English.
01:06:36 To play a meaningless game against some other team that was owned by Jews, where they did the exact same thing.
01:06:42 From all over the world to to play in this big, overhyped commercial event, so we.
01:06:47 Sell merch.
01:06:50 That's what you want to use as a metaphor for my country.
01:06:55 That's what you want to use as a metaphor, that's what.
01:06:57 How I'm supposed to view my nation?
01:07:07 And yeah, that's because that's how.
01:07:09 Views the nation.
01:07:11 'Cause he's one of the owners.
01:07:15 That's how team owners view teams.
01:07:22 See anything wrong with it? If they did, they wouldn't be recruiting people from all over the fucking world to play in their gay games.
01:07:29 To.
01:07:29 Them it is all about just how who can sell the most jerseys.
01:07:35 Most money from pay per.
01:07:38 Who can sell out the most tickets and sell?
01:07:40 Most $30 hot dogs.
01:07:45 A bunch of beer guzzling retards.
01:07:50 Pardon me if I don't want my fucking nation to be reduced to something like that.
01:07:56 Pardon me if I don't want my country to be a spectacle for rich people and morons.
01:08:09 I am.
01:08:10 Yes, you are now.
01:08:11 There are over 330 million people in America. Surely there must be enough among them to build your Ultimate Team.
01:08:18 Why would you deny real Americans that opportunity by bringing foreigners here?
01:08:27 Responded you're understanding the situation is upside down and backwards because we're all stupid.
01:08:34 We're all fucking stupid. Bottom line.
01:08:38 Of course.
01:08:39 My companies and I would prefer to hire Americans bullshit, and we do as much as it's just. It's easier than going to the incredibly painful and slow work of the visa process.
01:08:52 Goes on to say that basically there's just not enough Americans that it's doing the jobs.
01:08:56 Won't do it comes down to this.
01:08:58 You want America to win.
01:09:00 Or do you want America to?
01:09:02 Lose sight.
01:09:03 You want your team to win. Of course. We have to go to Guatemala and get that short stop and then go to Cuba to get that guy that can hit the home runs.
01:09:12 It doesn't matter that it's no, you know this team doesn't represent anyone in the community that's on.
01:09:17 The name.
01:09:19 We're going to win.
01:09:19 It's all about winning, so we can sell more jerseys.
01:09:25 If you force the world's best talent to play for the other side, Americans will lose.
01:09:29 Of story to which I replied.
01:09:33 What does it matter if America wins if nobody in America is American?
01:09:40 I know he saw it because we got 15,000 likes last time I looked.
01:09:45 So I know I'm not just screaming into.
01:09:48 Void here.
01:09:50 What does it matter?
01:09:53 What does it matter if America wins?
01:09:57 If it's not made-up of Americans.
01:10:01 It's like I've said before, they've kind of reduced our country to a an apartment complex or a hotel chain.
01:10:11 Do you care what happens to the hotel chain if there's a fire in the hotel that you're staying at?
01:10:19 Do you have?
01:10:20 Do you run out and try to put the fire out, or do you just get your suitcase and walk out and be like, wow, that that was crazy and go find another hotel room?
01:10:28 Because.
01:10:28 That's what you're headed for.
01:10:31 If that's all this is.
01:10:32 If they all.
01:10:33 If this country is just another company.
01:10:36 If it's just another economic zone, why the fuck would?
01:10:39 I risk my life for it?
01:10:46 If I'm just a customer and not a citizen.
01:10:51 Why the fuck would I risk my?
01:10:53 For it.
01:10:57 People like Elon don't even understand this because.
01:11:00 He's never had to risk his life for a country he doesn't have one.
01:11:08 He's a rootless cosmopolitan.
01:11:12 The only reason why he's in America in the 1st place is.
01:11:15 It was more economically viable for him to be here.
01:11:18 He would just as soon as be be anywhere else.
01:11:22 If it made more economic sense.
01:11:25 In fact, that's the kind of thinking that a lot of Maga people applaud when they hear people like Elon say, hey, it's not economically viable for me to do my business in California anymore.
01:11:34 Going to move to Texas, people say.
01:11:37 Bravo, Elon. Bravo.
01:11:41 What they don't realize is that's what he did when he came to America.
01:11:46 It's not that he likes Texas because he likes cowboy boots.
01:11:51 He likes BBQ.
01:11:54 No, it's because he's going to have to pay fewer taxes.
01:12:00 It's just a business decision.
01:12:06 He can probably pay people a lot less, pay a lot less in taxes.
01:12:13 And that's as far as his loyalty.
01:12:15 The second, there's another opportunity somewhere else. It doesn't have to be another state.
01:12:19 Could be another country.
01:12:22 Elon will pack his bags and move. Why wouldn't he?
01:12:26 He's not American.
01:12:30 And either are people like Vivek.
01:12:35 More will be the millions of people they want to bring in.
01:12:40 Because they're they're coming here for the same reason.
01:12:42 Why Elon is able to relate to these?
01:12:44 So profoundly.
01:12:50 Say that there's something wrong with what they're doing.
01:12:54 Would be to.
01:12:56 Say there's something wrong with what he did.
01:12:59 Point out that they're not real Americans, that they're simply here for economic opportunities.
01:13:07 Be to point out that that's exactly.
01:13:08 Elon has done.
01:13:11 Maybe there's something wrong with that.
01:13:20 Same thing with V.
01:13:21 That's why these people can't be your allies.
01:13:26 We don't have the same history that you have.
01:13:31 They can't trace their ancestors back to the founding, or even to like the Civil War or.
01:13:37 Even the 1950s.
01:13:41 They just showed up.
01:13:47 They showed up to take advantage of the largesse that your white ancestors created in the same way that they seek to do that for others.
01:13:59 Elon and these others are attempting to facilitate for millions of immigrants from.
01:14:03 Over the world.
01:14:06 It's just they're just.
01:14:07 Doing what they did.
01:14:08 They're.
01:14:09 Just amplifying the.
01:14:10 Problem and they'll continue to do so.
01:14:13 There won't be no end to it.
01:14:17 Here's one of the faggots Speaking of shit coins that made Dogecoin.
01:14:24 He tweeted.
01:14:25 If you're anti skilled immigration, it just means you're insecure because you're bad at stuff, and competition makes you scared.
01:14:35 And you want Danny government to come save you.
01:14:43 You hear that? Hear that, McFly?
01:14:45 What are you, chicken?
01:14:49 You're just.
01:14:50 You want Danny government to come save you?
01:14:57 I replied to him.
01:14:59 People that don't want to defund the police.
01:15:04 They're just doing that because they're bad at violence and they're scared.
01:15:08 Want Daddy government to come save them?
01:15:13 IQ libertarian.
01:15:19 So I got blocked and he deleted the tweet because it was fucking stupid.
01:15:27 Another example of someone who obviously knows how important it is to be clever and big brained.
01:15:34 Let's make a shit coin.
01:15:37 Let's you know his big claim to fame is he literally got a he didn't even write the code.
01:15:42 Basically copied Litecoin.
01:15:45 That's what they did.
01:15:46 I can.
01:15:47 I can make Dogecoin, I've made a cryptocurrency cuz all this stuff's open source. It's not hard.
01:15:53 You can just get the the open source code for Litecoin and then just change a couple things.
01:16:01 Now you've got Dogecoin, which is what?
01:16:02 Basically what they did.
01:16:07 That's basically what they did.
01:16:09 Then get my my tech friends to think it's funny and use it to RIP off a bunch of redditors.
01:16:15 Which is also what they did very.
01:16:17 You know, it's kind of, you know, it's a little one could maybe point out some parallels between how, how that money was made and and how Vivek made his money.
01:16:20 Use.
01:16:33 You ever wonder how much money?
01:16:36 Elon Musk has maybe made by buying a bunch of shit coins and and Bitcoin and then tweeting about it, pumping it up and then selling a bunch of it and rug pulling people.
01:16:47 You'll never know that answer to that question.
01:16:52 You'll never know the answer to that question.
01:16:54 Guarantee it would be infuriating.
01:16:59 And again, people on the MAGA voters are saying, well, this is our big gamble. Now's our chance. OK, we get it.
01:17:07 The tech pros they are now being extra loud about what they want to do.
01:17:12 We we now know that they're they're actually serious. Before we were delusional, we.
01:17:17 They they had.
01:17:18 Say that for some I don't. Why?
01:17:21 Now we can pressure Trump.
01:17:25 We can pressure Trump.
01:17:28 Who's already been elected and doesn't ever have to get reelected ever again.
01:17:32 Who owes a lot of favors to a lot of these people?
01:17:37 And who, in June of of this year, that's almost over, said this.
Donald Trump
01:17:44 But what I want to do and what I will do, is you graduate from a college.01:17:48 I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma a green card to be able to stay in this country, and that includes junior colleges too.
01:17:56 Anybody graduates from 8 college you go in there for two years or four years.
01:18:00 If you graduate or you get a doctorate degree from college, you should be able to stay in this country.
Devon Stack
01:18:05 Folks, it makes absolutely no sense by the way, that we send home 40,000 engineers and scientists who are in a pH. D in.01:18:11 University of a.
01:18:12 And we send them back.
01:18:13 We should be stapling a green card to each and every one of those degrees as they walk across the stage.
01:18:21 Basically the same.
01:18:24 Basically the same.
01:18:31 Again, almost as if they don't want.
01:18:33 Solve the problem.
01:18:35 I don't know how you pressure Trump when that's what he was saying back in June, I guess, I guess it's he had.
01:18:41 Say that right?
01:18:42 He had to say.
01:18:43 He was just lying because I didn't like what he said. He was lying.
01:18:52 There's no way he'll approve.
01:18:53 That's just these tech Bros running their mouth.
01:18:56 Doesn't agree with.
01:18:57 That's why he's been so silent.
01:19:01 Now a lot of things.
01:19:02 Something else you guys got to think?
01:19:04 It's not just the millions of people they'll bring into the country.
01:19:08 You'll have the chain migration. You'll have all of their families. They will bring in all of their immediate families, their their.
01:19:17 Well, to the degree that they can get even their their friends hired with other visas with fake diplomas, because that's another thing that people don't realize happens and to great degree there's a lot of fraud.
01:19:31 A lot of fraud surprise.
01:19:34 There's a lot of fraud in fucking India, home of the the the scam calls that people get where they scam old people out of their money all day long.
01:19:44 Who would have thought there'd be, like, fake degrees being handed out to Indians to get visas to come to the country and be dead weight at these tech companies?
01:19:53 But in addition to that, all these people that they bring in, they're going to bring their families in, and then they're going to have kids.
01:20:03 So it's going to be these millions of people plus their families, plus all of the children of these millions of people and their families.
01:20:14 And once again, these aren't people that are coming and hanging out in front of Home Depot to get $5.00 an hour to retile your bathroom.
01:20:21 These are people making $100,000 a year.
01:20:25 These are the kinds of people that will start determining elections.
01:20:28 The people that will form super PAC.
01:20:30 These are the people that will run for office, like Vivek Ramaswamy.
01:20:40 Because we know they're not going to make their kids watch friends.
01:20:49 This is just.
01:20:49 Reiterating what I said earlier that hey, Donald Trump of Americans of America is just a company.
01:20:56 We are just employees. Once people figure out the updated terms of service of the social contract, don't expect them to die in your wars or have any more loyalty to you than the average Taco Bell cashier has for the CEO of Yum Brands. For those who don't know.
01:21:10 That's the parent company of Taco Bell.
01:21:17 And that's precisely what you're going to have.
01:21:19 You think that there's there isn't any social cohesion now?
01:21:22 Till people figure it out.
01:21:25 Wait till people figure out that oh, so it's not really a country.
01:21:31 It's not really a country.
01:21:34 I'm just staying here.
01:21:39 I'm just staying here and buying your products and working for you, but that's it's just a hotel room that anyone can come and stay at.
01:21:49 That if I leave this hotel room, you'll just book it for someone else.
01:21:54 Don't get my name on the door even.
01:21:57 It's just a number. I don't get to decorate the hotel room the way I want.
01:22:04 It's just there for me to sleep.
01:22:10 You know, made the point here. The current insane view of the Trump administration and its advisors is that everyone on Earth.
01:22:19 Is an American that just hasn't been hired yet.
01:22:24 Everyone on earth.
01:22:26 Is an American that hasn't been hired and that's.
01:22:29 The truth.
01:22:32 I want to put it another way.
01:22:33 Literally everyone on Earth is an undocumented immigrant who hasn't arrived.
01:22:41 How? How?
01:22:42 Tell me how I'm wrong.
01:22:52 Scott Adams echoing a lot.
01:22:55 You know, this is the response they have to really take that off the.
01:22:58 The race thing really has to get off the table. You have all these people, these fucking robots. These people like Scott Adams trying to say. It's not about race. Identity politics is bad, you know, with Scott Adams. Part of me thinks that he's just behind.
01:23:13 Five to 10 years on everything and eventually comes around and part of me is just like, no, he's just, yeah, you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
01:23:21 Don't know, but all the same.
01:23:23 Scott Adams.
01:23:26 Tweets out this video saying identity politics means you can't change your situation. Meritocracy means you can.
01:23:33 Which one makes you sad? And it comes with this video that he plays where they're talking. Oh, leftist people are so sad and it's because they do identity politics.
01:23:42 Ten years ago, you wrote conservative women are particularly seem to be particularly blissful.01:23:47 40% say they're very.
01:23:49 That makes them slightly happier than conservative men, and significantly happier than liberal women.
01:23:54 Unhappiest of all are liberal.
01:23:57 Only about a fifth consider themselves very.
Arthur Brooks
01:23:59 Happy. That was true 10 years ago.01:24:02 Liberal women have overtaken liberal men as the unhappiest group. You find that particularly young women very interesting. New data show that white, liberal women under 30 have almost a six and ten chance of having been diagnosed with a mental illness.
Devon Stack
01:24:17 Well, actually the real problem isn't identity.01:24:20 All politics is identity politics, as I said in the reply where we did ratio him, which is good.
01:24:25 I'm always surprised that every time I ratio him him, I always thank them.
01:24:30 This is the time he'll block me, and he hasn't yet, so.
01:24:32 Kudos. Kudos to Scott for.
01:24:35 And as I said, all politics is identity politics. The people who are truly sad or the people with no identity.
01:24:41 That's.
01:24:42 Why do you think leftist white women would?
01:24:44 Be sad.
01:24:45 Because they don't have an identity other than that.
01:24:47 Bad for being white.
01:24:49 Their entire identity is they're shitty, they're shit, they're trash, they're garbage, and everyone else is better than them. They've swallowed at wholesale.
01:24:59 The only reason why the conservative women or men for that matter, are any different is as much as they might in rhetoric say they don't believe in identity politics, they they have an.
01:25:08 Idea of who they are.
01:25:13 And they don't buy that we're somehow guilty of all this shit the Jews have been shoving down.
01:25:17 Our throat forever.
01:25:19 All politics is identity politics.
01:25:23 What's making people depressed is they don't have an identity. The people, the white people, that feel disconnected and lost and feel shitty, and depressed. It's because they're not allowed to have identity and identity as a white person.
01:25:43 Because of bullshit like this.
01:25:47 So they called President Trump a racist.01:25:55 You think Joe Biden could view this?
01:25:58 I don't think so.
01:26:03 All Americans love President Trump.
01:26:10 Maybe the Democrats are the racist.
Devon Stack
01:26:14 Yes, maybe the.01:26:21 Ah.
01:26:26 Oh, good Lord.
01:26:29 Do you see people backing up Elon?
01:26:30 In fact, hilariously, Alex Jones Alex Jones is is as much as he talks about globalist is being a globalist, Elon says.
01:26:43 This is helpful clarification referring to bringing.
01:26:45 The the.
01:26:46 Immigration, the top .1% of engineering.
01:26:49 Make excuse.
01:26:50 Wanting to bring people into the country.
01:26:52 To which Alex Jones says this is globalist.
01:26:55 Is definitionally.
01:26:57 What he's saying, he.
01:26:58 It's a classic American policy to brain drain the best from across the planet.
01:27:03 Globalism and bring them here. Musk has always advocated for this policy, which he.
01:27:09 Has by the way.
01:27:10 Everyone bitching that Elon has flip-flopped are either ignorant or lying.
01:27:14 Now they believe the lie and or I think.
01:27:17 Most of.
01:27:17 Just believe the lie they lie to themselves.
01:27:20 Elon, to a great extent is the poster child for this program working.
01:27:24 Globalism working.
01:27:26 Elon is the poster child for globalism working.
01:27:32 He's finally lived long enough to see.
01:27:34 Become the enemy.
01:27:36 And then he got James Lindsay. Of course, getting mad at me.
01:27:39 Posting a screenshot where I wanted to put it to people in a way that would make them at least think about it.
01:27:47 In terms that are racial.
01:27:50 By saying is it about time you grew?
01:27:53 Parent admitted that yes, you did mean make America White again this whole time.
01:27:58 Because I think a lot of people secretly did a lot of people not so secretly did. But a lot of people secretly did.
01:28:05 A lot of people, when they would say, make America great again in their minds, what were they imagining?
01:28:10 Were they imagining a bunch of Indians working tech jobs?
01:28:13 They weren't.
01:28:15 Were they imagining a time in the past when America?
01:28:18 The implication? Right? You're making America America great again.
01:28:22 The implication is America was once great before and it didn't get crap overnight.
01:28:27 That.
01:28:28 Is a time that's decades in the past.
01:28:31 And what was America decades in the?
01:28:32 It was wider.
01:28:35 And so if you're talking about make America great again, you're talking about making.
01:28:39 White.
01:28:40 And in fact, the left, who is sometimes curiously more honest than the right, that's exactly what they said back in 2016, when Trump was running.
01:28:48 Said that he was dog whistling to the racists, saying that, oh, all these races are going to hear that and what he's saying is.
01:28:56 Go back to when it was a white country again and everyone swore up and down.
01:28:59 No, you're you're the real racist.
01:29:01 I'm Charlie Kirk.
01:29:02 I'm a faggot. Now.
01:29:05 What they were saying was true. That is what was resonating with lots of racists. Lots of white people who were afraid to be called racists, but deep down missed the country that they grew up in that was white.
01:29:21 And yes, that was telling them if you're going to make it great again, you're going to make it back how it was when.
01:29:27 Was a kid.
01:29:29 That part of that part of that deal was making it demographically great again.
01:29:38 Philosophy cat or Phil philosophy. Cat people always say philosophy cat. I don't know says well, we certainly didn't mean make it America or make America brown again.
01:29:51 James Lindsay, of course, like these are the people.
01:29:53 Are the people Elon's talking about?
01:29:57 Yeah, I bet he is.
01:29:59 And.
01:29:59 What? That's a reference to is Elon is deboousting people who disagree with this.
01:30:05 Turns out he doesn't care about free speech.
01:30:07 Out this was never about free.
01:30:09 This was about pushing a message that was advantageous to Elon.
01:30:14 In the second, the agenda shifted the second that, as I said before, when you have these people who are not you and you, prop them up as leaders and you act as if they're somehow going to save the day like Superman. And at the time in those moments.
01:30:29 You know you're your, your your goals seem to align. There seems to be a lot of intersection.
01:30:33 What you guys want? And so you feel nice and comfy.
01:30:36 One day, those.
01:30:37 Those paths hit a.
01:30:39 There's a fork in that road.
01:30:44 Paths separate.
01:30:48 Now you're the useful.
01:30:50 He's not Elon's not the useful idiot.
01:30:52 The one that owns Twitter.
01:30:57 So you've seen lots of accounts lose their verification.
01:31:00 People ask me.
01:31:01 You know, Devin, you, you know you've you've had these.
01:31:04 Some of these tweets are good, like millions and millions of.
01:31:06 You could probably make some money if you paid for that stupid check mark.
01:31:12 No, no, no, thanks.
01:31:16 If I had right, it'd begun already.
01:31:20 Begun. It's funny because people ask well, how much money do you make?
01:31:24 Like zero, I've never.
01:31:27 I'm not engagement farming. It doesn't.
01:31:28 I.
01:31:28 I don't get paid. That's.
01:31:31 I don't want.
01:31:32 I don't be influenced by that.
01:31:37 Get sad.
01:31:38 Sad Elon retweeted this and said yes 'cause, you know Elon's in addition to suppressing the accounts he doesn't like, he likes to boost the accounts of usually run by Jews.
01:31:49 Like, I mean, Leather Apron Club needs to do that analysis, but I guarantee you it's like super.
01:31:56 He has.
01:31:57 But it has to be crazy lopsided.
01:32:00 A huge percentage.
01:32:04 A definite majority a super majority.
01:32:08 Of the tweets and the accounts that Elon Musk did, all oak tree Elon, whose name is that weird name, Elon.
01:32:17 Oak tree in Hebrew.
01:32:20 He went to a Hebrew school when he was younger.
01:32:23 These accounts are often Jewish. Gadsat, of course, is Jewish he.
01:32:27 I've made roughly as much money on X this year than I did in in 10 years on YouTube.
01:32:33 It's amazing how far you know how superior this platform is to all others combined. If your goal is to discuss and spread ideas.
01:32:43 Which I said only if Elon likes your ideas.
01:32:50 Because that's the truth.
01:32:51 You'll lose your verification or you won't like he just. He's just Susan Wojcicki on on, you know, on a different platform.
01:33:02 Maybe you get away with it for like the first couple months. Like I got away with it on YouTube, right for a couple months. I was like, damn, I'm gonna. I can actually make some money doing these videos I'm doing and then.
01:33:14 Boom. Not anymore. Goy.
01:33:19 And the same fate is.
01:33:23 Is is being faced by a lot of these people on that. Basically some of these people that was their.
01:33:30 Business model is making money on Twitter now. I'll tell you what. It's not all bad news necessarily, and the reason I say this I'm going to give you a tiny fraction.
01:33:44 Of a white.
01:33:45 Just keep in mind that we haven't tested this white pill yet, and it might.
01:33:48 It might work as well as the placebo when we actually go to the the the clinical trials.
01:33:55 I'm just.
01:33:56 I'm just unlike feedback. I'm gonna disclose this to you.
01:33:59 That this white pill may not be effective.
01:34:06 It may just be a.
01:34:08 I don't know, but I'm going to tell you this.
01:34:10 There have been.
01:34:13 Some very boomer E mega accounts like Tom Fenton.
01:34:20 Tom Fitton is.
01:34:23 From.
01:34:24 Oh, what's the name of that? That law thing that he runs.
01:34:29 That's going to drive me crazy.
01:34:30 I forgot the name of it.
01:34:31 Used to.
01:34:31 I used to socialize.
01:34:32 With a couple of people that work there, when I lived in DC.
01:34:35 See, they don't work there now, but this was years ago.
01:34:39 Judicial Watch. That's what it was.
01:34:41 So he's from Judicial Watch and he's, but he's not what you would call like a based, you know, race pill kind of guy. You know, I don't think he he's ever mentioned like the JQ or anything like that. He's.
01:34:58 As establishment as you know, in terms of.
01:35:01 Yeah, he he lives in.
01:35:03 He works in DC, he has for a long.
01:35:07 His organization has existed off the, you know, the donations of boomers and Jews and and you know it.
01:35:15 Know we're talking.
01:35:16 Very controversial.
01:35:18 In terms of, you know, he's not a dissident by any means.
01:35:22 And he's.
01:35:23 He's just one of many examples of this.
01:35:26 I have noticed that some of these more mainstream accounts are taking out hard line again a.
01:35:31 I think it's a little late for this, but all the same you have Tom Fent who tweeted and then retweeted, apparently.
01:35:38 The federal government is incapable of managing immigration flows. We should consider an immigration moratorium for a period of time.
01:35:46 So he's actually discussing a moratorium on immigration.
01:35:50 This isn't the only example I was doing. A lot of traveling driving around the last couple of days, and as I've mentioned in the past, I will often.
01:35:59 Find my cell.
01:36:00 Listening to AM radio in these situations AM radio and I picked up some radio show that I've never really heard before.
01:36:11 It was called the Jesse Kelly show.
01:36:15 And there was some guy who was subbing for him because it was the holidays and I think he was a senator.
01:36:21 Actually, he was some.
01:36:22 I forget who it was, but he was friends with.
01:36:27 That guy with the Jerusalem cross that they nominated for DoD was Pete Hegseth or whatever.
01:36:35 Forget how you say his last name, but you know what I'm talking about.
01:36:38 And the guest that he had on was literally acia agent.
01:36:44 As.
01:36:44 Is often the case I'm discovering with a lot of these mainstream AM radio boomer propaganda shows.
01:36:53 And I tuned in, and I was like, I just.
01:36:56 To know with all this going on.
01:36:58 What's the boomer propaganda machine telling boomers about it? Because.
01:37:04 Vlad got enough pushback and Elon was getting enough pushback.
01:37:08 Where it was, it was exiting Twitter.
01:37:11 It was breaking away from the orbit of Twitter and and entering the rest of the Solar system, and that's when these people.
01:37:20 Often have to at least comment on it and and and and put a spin on.
01:37:25 So the boomers who maybe their son or nephew, or whoever mentions something about, you know, Vivek, saying something crazy.
01:37:35 They have to be told what to think about it because they don't know and you know they're.
01:37:38 On Twitter or whatever.
01:37:39 And so I'm expecting like, oh, let's see.
01:37:43 And.
01:37:45 I wish I recorded, but the the the IT was not.
01:37:49 I mean, they didn't say put a moratorium on on immigration, but they did say, well, this is what the tech guys want.
01:37:57 You know, I and they were very diplomatic.
01:38:00 I like Vivek and he's a good guy. Whatever. But I have to disagree. And I I think that, you know, there are people in America.
01:38:06 Do it and I just. I don't think we need.
01:38:07 We should have any of these these visas anymore.
01:38:11 So look, I don't know why you said this was the big gamble.
01:38:15 This is the big gamble of Trump voters. They said that well, even though, you know.
01:38:22 We don't really have any leverage at all.
01:38:25 We're pressure Trump after after the election.
01:38:27 And look, he's not even sworn in.
01:38:29 So you know, I guess I guess where the wait and see?
01:38:33 I'm just telling it it's not looking good. It's not looking good because Trump, like I said back in June and repeatedly afterwards, I mean.
01:38:42 It didn't stop in June.
01:38:44 As said over.
01:38:45 Over and over again that that's exactly what he intends to do.
01:38:51 He's been that convinced by.
01:38:54 I mean, he's old.
01:38:55 Even if look, even if Trump wasn't shit, which I kind of, you know, his first term was shit.
01:39:01 I.
01:39:02 Mean it was good in ways just.
01:39:05 From a policy perspective or results really you know, but like, you know, culturally it was good.
01:39:11 It.
01:39:11 It was good culturally.
01:39:13 I don't.
01:39:13 That it'll be culturally good this time around.
01:39:18 Because I think it's gonna have the negative effect and turn, it's gonna put people to sleep in the same way a lot of people were put to sleep towards the end of his first term.
01:39:25 But and I and I and I think he's gonna deliver on these.
01:39:28 He's he's gonna expand these visas.
01:39:29 He's gonna deliver on this stuff and the and the difference is gonna be.
01:39:34 Had had.
01:39:37 Camelot done it.
01:39:39 The Tom Fittons of the world, who will probably clam.
01:39:43 Or, you know, maybe they'll see a little bit if Trump starts to do it, they'll complain on Twitter for a little bit ban, and then they'll move on.
01:39:52 A lot of Maga will just accept it.
01:39:54 They'll accept this colour blind meritocracy that they keep saying over and over again. You know you want to get rid of affirmative action, don't you, goy?
01:40:04 If it was gamela, all these people would be at volume 11 screaming about it.
01:40:12 People that are making excuses for Vivek and Elon right now because they're terrified of losing their verification.
01:40:18 Mark and their Twitter checks.
01:40:21 They.
01:40:22 Or they would be much louder if it was Camilla talking about it.
01:40:28 And they'd be very upset with.
01:40:30 And the and look, it wouldn't be lost on them that she's a woman and in India.
01:40:37 So instead of trying to make excuses for Indians like Vivek.
01:40:44 They would be joining in all of our.
01:40:48 Our shit talking of the pajeetos.
01:40:53 But anyway, that's what's been going on, that's.
01:40:58 We'll.
01:40:59 Like I said, these Trump hasn't even sworn in yet. It's been.
01:41:03 It's been a black Pilling, but predictably so.
01:41:07 A black Pilling, but predictably.
01:41:09 Few months since the election, and I just, I suspect it's just gonna be more of the same.
01:41:16 That's why I said back in October and before that.
01:41:19 And that's why, you know, have continued to say it's funny because I was when I was on millennial.
01:41:28 Which, by the way, we've blown away the numbers.
01:41:30 We're definitely number one on that one.
01:41:34 I went on a.
01:41:35 This is before you know the Elon Vivek stuff like just a couple days before went on a big long rant about exactly this as this was going to happen.
01:41:47 And.
01:41:49 This is what's happening.
01:41:51 So, which isn't to say like you know, I wasn't buying not by number means was the only one saying that.
01:41:58 As I.
01:41:59 To the growing Trump himself was saying it.
01:42:01 It's just a lot of people were blind to it. A lot of people were believing what they wanted to believe. And so often that's the case. And by the way, that's why things have to get worse before they get better.
01:42:10 It has to get so bad that even the people that want to be cheerleaders.
01:42:15 Are fucking black pilled the reason why it's important to black people isn't to.
01:42:19 Oh, you want to just throw people?
01:42:21 Into despair in.
01:42:22 No, I want people to give up on this fucking building. That needs to be fucking torn down and rebuilt.
01:42:28 And I want you to stop trying to get the duct tape out and tape, you know, tape around the foundation.
01:42:34 Want you to put down.
01:42:36 The great stuff, expanding foam, trying to fill in all the little fucking cracks and crevices.
01:42:41 Don't you just stop painting over the the crack paint?
01:42:45 I want you to stop pretending like this building shouldn't be condemned.
01:42:52 I want you to be.
01:42:55 In an emotional spot where you're comfortable tearing it.
01:42:57 The fuck down and building something better.
01:43:00 Because.
01:43:01 That's what has to happen. You cannot fix this.
01:43:08 You certainly can't fix it by inviting a bunch of Indians over to help you with the duct tape.
01:43:17 All right, well, let's say.
01:43:22 With that, let's take a look.
01:43:23 At Hyper chats, all right.
01:43:33 Ah.
01:43:35 My throats, you can tell my voice is not doing great.
01:43:40 Not losing the voice yet.
01:43:43 I might be coming down with something.
01:43:45 Trying to mega dose vitamin C.
01:43:49 I've been around sick people, so we'll see what happens here.
01:43:54 Let's take a look here.
01:43:57 A real Uber bench.
01:44:00 A real ubermensch with a real big donut.
01:44:15 A real Overman says, was hoping to give.
01:44:18 But my wife just told me we're having a third white child.
01:44:21 Well, that's awesome.
01:44:22 So I'm back to saving mode.
01:44:25 You had a great year. Keep it up.
01:44:26 Appreciate.
01:44:27 And yeah, well, I mean no reason to apologize.
01:44:30 Generous of you.
01:44:32 I appreciate that real ubermensch.
01:44:36 Ram playing game says the scorn against mosque on.
01:44:39 Since Christmas has been pretty keeno Sam Hyde had a few good posts about it.
01:44:44 Think it's a good?
01:44:45 Maybe this shows that people aren't going to sleep with a Trump presidency. Hopefully.
01:44:49 Well, again, there's no.
01:44:50 It doesn't matter I and look, I I think that's true of some people.
01:44:55 I think that's true of some of the people who are deluding themselves into into believing that wasn't going to be like this.
01:45:02 There's a lot of.
01:45:02 Who don't care that it's like this.
01:45:04 There's a lot of Scott Adams for the, you know, in other words, there's a lot of.
01:45:09 Civic nationalists that that are totally fine with this.
01:45:14 There aren't.
01:45:15 Believe it or not.
01:45:16 Are people that agree with James Lindsay?
01:45:19 And it's easy for us to get into this.
01:45:23 This perception that that we are a louder voice.
01:45:31 Because of the digital ghettos that we sometimes find ourselves in.
01:45:37 But you gotta remember, like a lot of a lot.
01:45:39 People still.
01:45:41 Look, I think we're making progress.
01:45:43 If I didn't, then you know this would be kind of pointless, but I think that we are.
01:45:47 Are kind of, you know, we are spreading our ideas are spreading to more people.
01:45:53 But I I don't think that you know, I don't think people are waking up. I don't.
01:45:58 In fact, I don't think they ever do.
01:46:00 I think generally people.
01:46:02 Side with whoever they think is more.
01:46:05 And we are not more powerful.
01:46:07 We don't appear more powerful.
01:46:10 You know, Elon appears more powerful.
01:46:13 Trump appears more.
01:46:14 Vivek appears more powerful and that's so that's who most people are like. Oh, well, that they probably have it figured out first of money.
01:46:23 Occidental front says.
01:46:24 I went back and watched the Big Bear Flat Earth, Antarctica video. I feel I should defend his honor after.
01:46:31 No, don't defend his honor.
01:46:33 He's a lying faggot.
01:46:34 He he lied and said that I I doxxxed him.
01:46:37 After after on video threatening to Dox me and the creepiest fucking way possible. After all, he caught a beer falling off a piano while playing at once.
01:46:48 He obviously has a ridiculously high IQ, first of all.
01:46:52 You misinterpreted his.
01:46:53 Argument like I see you're using satire already being sarcastic.
01:46:57 What what he said was models are gay. If you need a working model, you're gay.
01:47:02 Secondly, we don't know what the shape is, but we do know it's not round.
01:47:07 Closed.
01:47:08 Yeah, he's uh, he's he's a real.
01:47:13 You know, mind to be reckoned with, isn't he?
01:47:17 Yeah, yeah, he's look, he's become a.
01:47:19 Cow at this point, as far as I can tell.
01:47:22 Graham playing games says there's there is this tech guy AI and crypto futurist named Ed.
01:47:30 You know, one of those guys, Jewish outright talks about how white people will be mixed out of existence.
01:47:36 And it's a good thing, says it's just evolution.
01:47:39 I hate that argument and mass immigration is just natural.
01:47:42 As if it.
01:47:43 Facilitated intentional.
01:47:45 Yeah, I mean, look breeding programs in captivity are not natural.
01:47:52 They're just not.
01:47:53 I mean, they're.
01:47:54 I guess their natural in that the act itself.
01:47:58 Not even actually a lot of times.
01:47:59 Artificial insemination.
01:48:00 You know, some of these instances.
01:48:03 What we're experiencing is no different than a breeding program that's done in a controlled environment. In captivity, we're in captivity.
01:48:11 We're clearly a captive audience. We don't have any say over the direction of our country.
01:48:17 Are just along for the ride or for the hotel stay.
01:48:20 I guess you might say.
01:48:23 Rock paladin.
01:48:29 I.
01:48:30 Rock Paladin says at least some of the MAGA base is revolting against the H1B visa push by Elon and Vivek.
01:48:38 Personally, I think it's a small shimmer of hope.
01:48:42 In an otherwise grim picture of the next four years, another worthless senile old man who is letting his government be run by other more switched on individuals.
01:48:52 There you go, grand playing games.
01:48:54 Wait.
01:48:55 Oh that. Oh OK.
01:48:56 Is different.
01:48:57 Crap is a friend of.
01:48:58 He also gets very pissed when people call out the Jews.
01:49:02 But also, I just really loathe his dishonest idea and its natural evolution.
01:49:07 The races will mix, so they just updated where to go.
01:49:11 And Europeans will be dissolved for some reason. It's not happening to Indians or Asians like the Chinese.
01:49:16 Because they have like entire continents to themselves and they don't have open Bord.
01:49:20 And they're not inviting the third world to come hang out with them.
01:49:25 Only white countries seem to be doing that.
01:49:26 Volga German says what a?
01:49:30 Accidental fun is why would why would you say that?
01:49:33 All right, I think you probably misunderstood that he was being he was being facetious.
01:49:39 Gorilla hands.
Money Clip
01:49:41 With.Devon Stack
01:49:42 The sand gorilla.Amy
01:49:42 How are Amy? I. Amy.01:49:47 What you need me?
Devon Stack
01:49:56 All right, it looks like the cat is out of the bag and it isn't even Inauguration Day.01:50:01 I would say Elon of Evac sold us out, but they were never one of us to begin with.
01:50:06 With Trump.
01:50:07 They're billionaires and most certainly don't don't see us as their equals.
01:50:11 We need to grow up and realize we're on our own.
01:50:14 Exactly. They don't see you as their equals. They see you as.
01:50:17 Uh, peasants, and they are handing down dictates from above.
01:50:23 Uh. And then you say with all of us waking up to this betrayal and realizing that we were sold out, I think you might have gotten a Christmas present.
01:50:32 Hopefully we don't let it go to waste.
01:50:35 Yeah, I think there are some people that are that are coming around a little bit quicker than they would have previously.
01:50:41 And look at.
01:50:41 It helps the the the not with my credibility, but with the credibility of the ideas that we're trying to spread.
01:50:48 And so that people will understand, like, wow, maybe maybe it's not smart to trust these guys.
01:50:56 Next time around, but who?
01:50:57 Again, people seem to have very short memories, but thank you for the support.
01:51:02 Gorilla hands both of these says hey, Dev, have you seen the CNN interview with George Floyd 2nd grade teacher?
01:51:10 Waynell Sexton. If you want a good laugh, Google that name and watch the video.
01:51:15 She saved his 2nd grade project where he says he wanted to be a Supreme Court Justice when he grew up.
01:51:21 It's so fake and cringe.
01:51:22 There you go.
01:51:23 There's another one of our great Americans.
01:51:26 Zazzy mctaze.
01:51:28 I'm sure you get asked how much honey you get from a hive, but how much wax do you get from a hive?
01:51:36 That all depends.
01:51:38 On I mean.
01:51:40 Really.
01:51:40 Zero unless.
01:51:45 Unless you take the.
01:51:46 Uh. The wax from your bees?
01:51:48 I don't know really 'cause I've it's been 0 for me. 'cause I'm expanding.
01:51:53 So any wax I get goes back to the bees immediately.
01:51:57 In fact, I've had to buy wax to wax my frames.
01:52:02 Because, you know, even the ones that come wax pre wax, it's not.
01:52:05 Never enough and.
01:52:08 So if you wanted to drop the the comb, you have to, you just have to put another coat on there from the to want to do it.
01:52:15 So I'll let you know when I get to a a point where I'm actually I actually have a surplus of it right now.
01:52:20 Like I'm always behind, so I don't know it.
01:52:22 I mean, you probably look up what, what, what would be typical?
01:52:27 I.
01:52:27 I mean I.
01:52:28 I don't know how they would.
01:52:29 Maybe they do it by frame or something 'cause you could say a honey super is about 40 lbs of.
01:52:35 Or I mean a hive can do about.
01:52:39 Not one honey super, but well, I don't know.
01:52:40 I.
01:52:41 Don't know that yet either cause.
01:52:42 Lot of my honeycombs too.
01:52:44 I'll.
01:52:45 I'll probably have better answers to these questions next year. Hopefully if we get some rain this time.
01:52:52 Zazz Mctaggart but again, I'm glad no one showed up to my cult's Christmas party.
01:52:56 Someone spiked the punch Jonestown.
01:52:58 But being a bit of a perfectionist, he tasted it first and inadvertently saving us all.
01:53:03 Oh well, you live and.
01:53:05 I guess you will be missed #22.
01:53:07 And that was the unfortunate end to your your cold Christmas party.
01:53:12 Maybe that was the Fed in your organization.
01:53:15 Chosen Jawah says the oak tree.
01:53:18 Let the masks.
01:53:19 Didn't he?
01:53:20 Well, he.
01:53:20 He was always kind of saying this.
01:53:23 He's just saying it louder now, or I don't know, maybe more.
01:53:26 More people are believing him when he says it, but he's.
01:53:29 Been he was saying this during the first Trump administration.
01:53:33 There, it's funny.
01:53:34 There was a guy who before he realized the date on the tweet, tried to say that I was that I was wrong about Trump because he had a tweet from 20.
01:53:47 2020 back when Trump was against H1B1 visas and it was Elon saying, oh, you know, we can't shut this down. And like Trump was like, oh, we need to get rid of these visas.
01:53:59 And then I was like, oh, maybe Trump is pushing back. And I looked at the days like, oh, it's from 2020. Never mind.
01:54:04 And and, but yeah, it just Elon has been.
01:54:06 This shit forever.
01:54:08 Watch the collapse, says Devon. Vindicated again thanks to.
01:54:13 You made a post about people who are truly sad, having no identity so true.
01:54:17 Maybe Trump getting in a replacement, getting ramped.
01:54:20 Whites may just get radicalized, like some parts of Europe.
01:54:24 Love you.
01:54:25 Hope your holiday was good brother.
01:54:27 Well it it's so far so good and I appreciate that.
01:54:30 And yeah, I think that that's that's a that'll necessarily happen is things get worse and look I'm not.
01:54:39 When I say when things get worse for whites, it's a necessary evil. I'm not saying that because like, I'm looking forward to it.
01:54:46 Don't like that? That's going to.
01:54:48 I'm not like excited that it's going to happen.
01:54:51 I just. It's a necessary step in to get to where we need to be because people don't feel the pain they're in.
01:54:57 So drugged up on their, you know, their cushy nerfy middles, lower middle class life that they, you know.
01:55:07 They they don't feel the pain enough to get out of their fucking couch. And that's that's kind of what's going on.
01:55:11 It needs to.
01:55:12 The you know the heat needs to be turned up a little bit for people to notice.
01:55:20 Something. Something Uber. I'm gonna have it, you know, read by.
01:55:27 Eric. CHES. Uber.Devon Stack
01:55:28 Levin, there we go.01:55:29 We go.
01:55:30 Hey Dev and I have been an avid fan.
01:55:32 Nice, until we're not and really got into your content with defiant, which I saw a day or two after its.
01:55:39 This is my first time done anything and long overdue. I don't have or make much money, but I'm proud to donate money to an awesome cause.
01:55:46 I appreciate that and.
01:55:48 Yeah, yeah, whatever you can do. That's that's awesome.
01:55:51 And yeah, look, if everyone.
01:55:54 Donate what you donate like that would be insane actually.
01:56:01 So yeah, you did a good job. Thank you.
01:56:06 Chosen Jawah says with MLK Day on horizon.
01:56:10 Would you consider an MLK stream a lot of subversion to discuss regarding King and his handlers?
01:56:16 I believe talked about a little.
01:56:17 I don't know if I've done like a full.
01:56:18 MLK Stream but that might not be a bad idea.
01:56:21 Talk about, you know, who was writing his speeches and and maybe some of the more controversial aspects to MLK and.
01:56:29 The.
01:56:30 The FBI had.
01:56:31 Him in the archives that we're not allowed to listen to.
01:56:33 You.
01:56:36 And then your name again.
01:56:40 Can't say.
01:56:42 And you say I miss retarded faggot.
01:56:43 Think we all do.
01:56:47 And you say you can't agree with everyone or with everything everyone says, except for Devin staying.
01:56:54 I appreciate.
01:56:54 Maybe maybe that is true of some people, but I'm sure there's even people in the audience that think that that I'm wrong on at least some things.
01:57:02 Mark ESPY says I randomly watched an unsolved mystery mysteries with wanted man Joseph.
01:57:09 Prussianowski.
01:57:11 Was like watching an episode of the Insomnia.
01:57:14 Spoiler alert, he conned banks out a $200 million and fled to Israel, where he was arrested.
01:57:21 I might have done an insomnia stream on that on that guy.
01:57:28 That sounds.
01:57:29 I don't know if that's the right.
01:57:32 Maybe there's some that's the problem is there are so.
01:57:34 Of these fucking guys.
01:57:35 I.
01:57:36 Don't know if that was if it was that guy or another guy just like him.
01:57:40 But there was there was a Jew from unsolved mysteries that I did a stream on.
01:57:44 Almost positive, like a couple years ago.
01:57:47 Hikaru with the big Christmas dono.
Money Clip
01:57:52 Children today will be reading the best Christmas ever.01:57:56 I started to.
Devon Stack
01:57:59 The magic negro.Money Clip
01:58:09 Where did the show men go?Devon Stack
01:58:26 All right, long time.01:58:28 First time listener replay gang since the YouTube days.
01:58:33 Well, Merry Christmas to you, hakuru, and welcome to the the the chat, I guess and thank you very much for the very generous support.
01:58:43 Hammer thorazine.
01:58:53 This morning in Portland, Portland suburb, I saw new graffiti that appeared overnight, saying deny, defend, oppose this area cleans graffiti.
01:59:03 A week.
01:59:04 By noon it was painted over. It seems to be a oyva. Shut it down moment.
01:59:09 As someone in medicine insurance is that bad?
01:59:12 Healthcare shouldn't be free, but it also shouldn't be a full or be full of bloat.
01:59:18 Pharmacies are bad.
01:59:19 They drive up cost charging insurance. Hundreds for what you can buy.
01:59:23 Cheap bureaucracy is the enemy as it exists to insulate its members from responsibility while leaching money from its prey.
01:59:32 I'll tell you one thing. One thing that libertarians are not totally wrong about is if you want to deregulate to to some degree.
01:59:41 You don't.
01:59:41 You wouldn't want to be like a Wild West necessarily.
01:59:44 But if you were to deregulate to some degree a lot of this health care shit would just it would be the same prices, you know, buying a lot of medicine would be the same price as buying M&M's.
01:59:54 Because the demand is around the same and it's not that much more to manufacture. Some of the you know look is there R and.
02:00:03 And other.
02:00:03 Sure. But I mean, they're making so much fucking money.
02:00:08 Already with the fucked up system, the way that it is and having competition, I mean the fact that you can go to Mexico and buy these same same medications for nothing and a lot of people do like it's cheaper for people to go to Mexico from sometimes a.
02:00:22 They'll go all the way and just stock up on fucking meds and then come back across.
02:00:26 There's lots of old people that do.
02:00:28 Do that and or get procedures done down there.
02:00:31 Mean that's.
02:00:32 People act like, oh, America's Got the best fucking health care in the world.
02:00:35 It's like well, then why is?
02:00:37 Why? Why do some people go to Mexico to get, you know, some of these things that should just be normal, like, like LASIK surgery, right, like,
02:00:45 Getting your eyes done or something like that.
02:00:48 You know, just the kinds of procedures that aren't.
02:00:53 At this point, they're not cutting edge.
02:00:55 They almost almost feel like they should have a drive through for some of this stuff, but they're still really expensive.
02:01:03 Of all the red tape.
02:01:05 Maybe next time says there was a Cold War, black pillings A or black pills saying if you're an optimist, learn Russian. If you're a pessimist, learn Chinese.
02:01:15 For some reason Hindi was not mentioned. Oh.
02:01:19 Oh, there was a Cold War black pilled saying. If you're an optimist, learn Russian. If you're a pessimist, learn Chinese.
02:01:24 Yeah, well.
02:01:27 Actually, isn't India that they?
02:01:30 There's more people that because you know colonialism, they.
02:01:34 They a lot of them speak English and I I think this is a a real statistic, more people.
02:01:41 Speak English in India than the rest of the world or it's like.
02:01:45 It's something crazy like that. The country with the most English speakers is is India.
02:01:52 Which is more about.
02:01:53 How many fucking people live in India than anything else?
02:01:57 Endless war.
02:02:11 Endless War, Devon, as a fan of downtempo and trip up, I always dig your intro music.
02:02:19 I want to know where do you stand on the band tool.
02:02:23 I don't listen to.
02:02:24 I I had one of their albums like in the 90s.
02:02:27 Had, like ACD, of.
02:02:31 I think it was.
02:02:32 And it was all right back.
02:02:34 I haven't listened to that kind of music in a long time, but I had.
02:02:39 I remember.
02:02:40 I think I've even played one of their songs is one of the intro songs before.
02:02:46 But yeah, I'm not like a expert on tool or anything like that.
02:02:50 Sure, sure. It's degenerate like most music.
02:02:54 There's no getting around it.
02:02:57 Pride Assassin says parenting tip single father of two.
02:03:01 I hate.
02:03:02 Hate screaming brats in the grocery store.
02:03:05 Even more, to prevent that, I devised a plan.
02:03:08 Number one routine inconsistency #2.
02:03:12 Make them part of the.
02:03:13 Sit them down and make a list. 3 we only get what is on the list.
02:03:18 What do you want?
02:03:19 Power.
02:03:21 Right then and there for if you see something you want, put it on the list for the next trip.
02:03:27 Five again only getting what is on the list.
02:03:30 Six as they get older, I have them.
02:03:33 Uh, I gave them their own lists and had them race to see who could get or finish it faster for a small reward. And it got me out faster.
02:03:43 I'll tell you what. That's that's.
02:03:45 But one thing that stuck out to me is in a in a way.
02:03:50 The some of these first.
02:03:53 Steps would actually apply to how the ruling class could keep the public.
02:03:58 From scrap being screaming brats as it were right now, make them part of the process.
02:04:04 Sit them.
02:04:05 Have them make a list you know, and then they still they still have veto power, you know. But they feel like they're part of the process.
02:04:12 So in a way, it pacifies as matter what.
02:04:14 Age is.
02:04:16 It pacifies humans to make them think, Oh no, you're part of a process, guys. No, that's why they don't want.
02:04:20 Why they want you to vote, by the way.
02:04:22 This is when people, when they get mad at me for when I said I was going to vote. It's like, no that you're you can't complain now for the next 4 years.
02:04:30 For this, and you believed in the process, I didn't vote for.
02:04:34 But that's that's a a way to pacify. I think people of all.
02:04:39 But there, there, you.
02:04:40 Good dad advice as well. Hammerhead cow says hello, Devin.
02:04:45 Culture that venerates.
02:04:47 Our culture produces probably isn't venerating excellence over mediocracy or mediocrity. Rather either.
02:04:54 Otherwise, places like India wouldn't be shit holes that they are.
02:04:57 Well, last thing, if Indian culture was, so if if that if it was the C word it was.
02:05:02 It was all about culture.
02:05:03 And that's what determined things that India wouldn't be a giant fucking hell hellscape.
02:05:08 Granada says.
02:05:09 I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I wish you a happy New Year 2025.
02:05:14 I know links are gay, but here's a funny rendition on the beaner Christmas song being blast on every mall in America for you to enjoy. If you feel down.
02:05:27 If I wasn't losing my voice out, maybe I'm trying to power through these, but people can check that if they want.
02:05:32 I won't gay link you though.
02:05:34 Goy Boy, 1488, with the big dono.
02:05:38 Money is power.
02:05:39 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with look how Jewy this fag is.
02:05:59 I.
02:06:01 Alright. And simply said, look how Jewy this fag is.
02:06:08 I wonder.
02:06:09 What?
02:06:09 Which account on Twitter you're talking about there?
02:06:12 Hammerhead cow.
02:06:14 Like, hasn't this faggot Vivek ever taken a gander at the shit films and Music India produces?
02:06:22 Well, like most non whites, Vivek suffers from a undeserved racial narcissism.
02:06:32 As you'll notice, a lot of the Indians on Twitter were responding to the pushback with.
02:06:38 Naked aggression that made it obvious that we're not the same. We're not the same and they don't.
02:06:42 Don't.
02:06:43 They they they have not quote UN quote, assimilated and ever will.
02:06:48 Glory Boy 1488 says for retarded faggot.
02:06:51 I appreciate that. And so does retarded faggot.
02:06:53 I'm sure if he's out there somewhere, American knight.
Money Clip
02:06:58 Why is money management?Devon Stack
02:06:58 Why?Money Clip
02:07:02 Where's the rest?Devon Stack
02:07:04 Thank you.02:07:05 I want to believe the massive pushback against Elon on X is a good sign, but unfortunately I think this is going to be like every other massive problem that gets forgotten in a week I.
02:07:16 I don't.
02:07:17 That'll be forgotten totally in a week because it is such a big issue.
02:07:21 But I do think once Trump.
02:07:25 Should he decide to go through with it?
02:07:27 Will be forgotten because.
02:07:29 He's the guy, you know, he's the.
02:07:32 He's the head.
02:07:33 He's the head of the the snake.
02:07:35 As it were.
02:07:37 Doctor Weeb says I'm incredibly.
02:07:41 And frustrated with new with plan trusters naivete is bottomless.
02:07:46 Yeah, the the Copium supplies are unlimited unfortunately.
02:07:50 Lots, you know? Yet white pills are free, you know. And. And by the way, the reason why they're free.
02:07:58 Is that it pays better to white pill people.
02:08:00 People would.
02:08:01 Rather hear what they want to hear.
02:08:03 You know the reason why.
02:08:06 You know.
02:08:07 There's there's a bigger market for white pills is that's who wants a black pill.
02:08:11 If we want to.
02:08:12 That makes me uncomfortable.
02:08:15 Brody says I am concerned about Elon pushing H1B visas as well as Vivek calling Americans lazy and mediocre.
02:08:22 Is not.
02:08:22 They are not America first.
02:08:24 They're not.
02:08:25 Neither one of them.
02:08:27 Man of low moral fiber, do you think the Jews overplayed their hand a little bit with the rapid shift to the Indians instead of the Mexicans they gave the blacks and Mexicans a sob story, but outside of the British, there's less white guilt towards Indians. Indian hate seems.
02:08:42 Common and acceptable among Normans.
02:08:45 Well.
02:08:48 On Twitter, maybe.
02:08:49 I don't think that in real life it's.
02:08:53 I mean, I don't think, look, I think that it's not about a.
02:08:58 That's why they're that. If you listen, they're not talking about like, oh, we need to let them in because.
02:09:03 Of some past wrong. They're saying that it's not about race, it's all about we have to let people in, you know, regardless of race.
02:09:11 It's all about merit, and that appeals to people 'cause they'll say, well, what?
02:09:15 Know like 'cause at that point.
02:09:18 The only I.
02:09:19 Here's the good thing. At that point, the only argument you can make is a racial.
02:09:25 If you were accepted, I mean, I don't accept their premise, but if you accept their premise, which the right always does the right.
02:09:33 The right can never just say I reject your premise.
02:09:35 They always have to, like, accept the premise and argue within the the premise that the false premise is given to them. But in this case it actually is kind of good.
02:09:43 What will happen is what's left.
02:09:46 If if you have a.
02:09:48 Let's say you work in an industry where you have to work with Indians and you kind of get it and you're like, I don't know, this doesn't make sense and or, you know, maybe some of that racial solidarity is starting to wake up a little bit inside you.
02:10:01 Just don't have a name for it yet.
02:10:03 Can't put your finger on.
02:10:04 You just reacting to some kind of instinctual feeling that you've got.
02:10:08 What's left?
02:10:10 You.
02:10:10 The only argument you can make if they say that this is all merit based and.
02:10:16 You only don't want people to come in, be out of some kind of racial issue.
02:10:21 Well, I mean, you kind of have to say you're right.
02:10:25 I don't want to.
02:10:26 Them in because of a racial issue.
02:10:29 And that's we need more white people to get there.
02:10:31 So I I.
02:10:33 Of think you know this is.
02:10:35 That the I think that's it's going to bring some people there some people and the more we can get there in that in that place is and that that's that's number one we I mean if nothing else if we can accomplish anything else in our lifetimes if we.
02:10:50 Just get white people to think racially.
02:10:52 Would be.
02:10:53 I mean, just imagine that what that's an accomplishment would be undoing decades of of World War 2. Propaganda maybe.
02:11:00 Great. And I think it's achievable honestly.
02:11:05 Landon Faye come of the gay says that Penguins 0 YouTube streamer lamented earlier this year that his Aussie gaming team members were stopped by US immigration.
02:11:17 The US Federal government is thoroughly anti white, plain and simple.
02:11:22 Yeah, I've known a lot of Europeans that get hassled and have to follow rules to the tee when they come to America.
02:11:31 And whereas apparently, if they were to be brown and show up at the southern border, they'd be given a free plane ticket to the interior and a visa prepaid visa card. Hammerhead Cow says US elections have always been corrupt and nothing has changed or has been changed.
02:11:49 So they are probably worse.
02:11:51 Why should there be more faith in the system?
02:11:53 Well, because Trump.
02:11:54 They'll tell you so clearly. There was no cheating. Slut house.
02:12:09 The.
02:12:15 Slut House says movie suggestions Harrisons or Harrison Bergeron, a movie about enforced equity by brain inhibitor device, and what, really.
02:12:28 And TV propaganda.
02:12:30 And lucky number Slevin, which is basically a white revenge fantasy against Jews or against Jews and blacks.
02:12:38 As always, keep it up.
02:12:39 I'll add that to the I don't have seen any of those.
02:12:49 All.
02:12:50 Well, thank you very much for the support, Sloth House Lich Lord Godfrey says Indians are amongst the lowest of civilizations. Every great accomplishment of theirs was done by foreign invaders.
02:13:03 The Aryans developing their religion, the.
02:13:06 Mughals building the Taj Mahal.
02:13:08 The British actually uniting them into a single cohesive country.
02:13:12 They are a cross between blacks and Jews.
02:13:16 Y'all all I'm going to say is I never see footage of.
02:13:20 Of India, that is.
02:13:22 In fact, I see non right wing travel bloggers on YouTube that if you look up, you know, India travel bloggers, the titles are even like India never again.
02:13:36 The shithole that is India.
02:13:38 Wow, India sucks like it and we're talking like, you know, like hipster looking like the millennials that got, like, the the Pringles can mustache guy, you know, like, we're talking like people that should not agree with us.
02:13:52 And and they're in Indiana, just like God, it sucks here.
02:13:59 So yeah, I mean, you don't really hear.
02:14:01 A lot about how awesome.
02:14:04 India is ever.
02:14:07 Hammerhead Cow says I'm not founding stock, but I'm more supportive of white people than most Americans.
02:14:12 The identity of whites has to be has to be expanded to include all of us whose ancestors were fighting each other for centuries.
02:14:21 I'm a bit a bit swarthy, but I'm still white.
02:14:24 Fuck. You're not white faggots.
02:14:27 Well, you know, like I said, we joke around.
02:14:29 But you know, I think that if you look.
02:14:34 Is the test in America at this point to me, is if you look white, you're white to me. You know, unless you're a Jew.
02:14:43 No. Then no, no, no. I don't care how white you look.
02:14:49 FOMFG says replay.
02:14:52 I just wanted to mention I'm here since the YouTube days regarding SP. The episode with the Negro Plasty is peak subversion just a short on that episode alone.
02:15:06 Thank you all for all your time South Park.
02:15:10 I know we talked about.
02:15:11 That's in the last South Park stream where Kyle.
02:15:18 Turns black.
02:15:19 He gets like the black surgery. I didn't like, focus hardcore on it, but like that that's in there. That one's in there.
02:15:29 Let's Lord Godfrey.
02:15:30 I would rather 5 billion white trash immigrants over a single non white of any race. Of all the races. The Indian is the most disturbing, including Pakis, genetically.
02:15:39 The same they are a race of liars and rapists. While everyone has a homeland, nobody.
02:15:47 Would miss any. Well, come on.
02:15:51 So sounds like let's Lord Godfrey is not a.
02:15:53 Of the Indians.
02:15:56 Look, not only they have a homeland, there's like they have like the most populated homeland of out of any group, opera Commodore says.
02:16:03 Devin, I hope you had a good Christmas currently at a business trip till the beginning of January.
02:16:08 Some stream ago I mentioned I got in a relationship with a blonde German FRA line.
02:16:13 She bought me a new phone for Christmas.
02:16:16 Even though I earned three times more than her now dropping hints about ring size.
02:16:22 Good, very.
02:16:23 Yeah, it's. Yeah, I the thing about rings though, and I know it's not all girls.
02:16:29 Down with this.
02:16:30 The real the real test is can you get them to take the the the Jewish diamond pill?
02:16:36 That's always a good one.
02:16:38 And it saves a lot of money.
02:16:39 Money. Money.
02:16:39 Donald duck, tater. Some people are actually skipping the H1B visa schism of 2020.
02:16:45 Or to stay monetized on Twitter, imagine that you can make money naming the Jew, but you're too afraid to name the poo.
02:16:52 I don't even.
02:16:53 I don't.
02:16:53 I don't think they can make a whole lot of money if their name in the gym.
02:16:56 But what do I know?
02:16:58 Man of low moral fiber says fuck Jim Cramer.
02:17:00 That's an exceedingly disgusting heeb that guy is always a chilling, horrific shit.
02:17:07 Ryan.
02:17:09 Ryan with the big Dono and.
02:17:13 I still don't have a fucking button for that.
02:17:15 Don't have a button for that.
02:17:19 There'd it go.
02:17:21 We need to have a button for that.
02:17:25 Heil Hitler, bitch.
02:17:27 There we go.
02:17:30 Heil Hitler, bitch.
02:17:32 Hey girl, you're hungry. Fuck you nigger.
02:17:48 All right, Ryan, with the big Dono and simply says.
Money Clip
02:17:53 Heil Hitler.Devon Stack
02:17:55 Opera Commandant says also mention that we should get a bigger car to be prepared for family expansion and how she can't wait to have children. At least some good news in these bleak times, she mentioned when we started dating that she used to be racist.02:18:11 Now, she definitely is.
02:18:12 Don't trust Jews, blacks and Asians.
02:18:15 What about Jewish blasians?
02:18:20 Hammered cow says acetylcholine is a common part of human metabolism, summa cum laude.
02:18:30 It's really stupid what he's saying and he is outright lying about the efficacy of that drug and fuck Jim Cramer. He was telling people to buy Lehman Brothers the day before it went from 80 to 0.
02:18:42 Yeah, big scam, big scam.
02:18:46 Lampshade denier says Vivek's mother, doctor Greta Ramaswamy, conducted a new face to trial in 2015 involving 684 subjects.
02:18:56 This trial conveniently claimed to demonstrate I didn't know his mom was the one doing it makes it so much worse.
02:19:03 So I'd clear my throat there, you know, my voice is gone out, guys. Sorry.
02:19:08 I let's see here sufficiently improve it to the support phase three trials.
02:19:13 I was just not a conflict of interest.
02:19:15 I didn't know his mom.
02:19:16 That's that makes it.
02:19:18 Makes it worse.
02:19:20 So his mom did the some of the tests.
02:19:22 Well, amazing then that they did so well before hitting clinical trials and and being no more effective than placebo, Fubar nation.
Money Clip
02:19:33 Wise money management?Devon Stack
02:19:36 Where's the rest?02:19:40 You're a man, and I appreciate that love and a vision with the big dono.
02:19:45 Money is power.
02:19:46 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
02:19:51 Look how Jewy this fag is.
02:20:06 I.
02:20:10 Devon, have you seen the Indian Moon mission?
02:20:12 Did it look real by the?
02:20:14 Have you covered the TV series designated Survivor or the TV series? The man in the high castle?
02:20:24 No to all of those.
02:20:27 Sorry my throat there.
02:20:30 Let's see here.
02:20:34 No, I haven't seen.
02:20:34 Not all those.
02:20:36 I will.
02:20:37 I will.
02:20:37 I will check those.
02:20:39 My guess is usually when people are like, oh look, this looks fake. What they're talking about is usually it's like some simulation.
02:20:46 Not actually footage because they forget that if you're laying in a probe on the moon.
02:20:51 You you don't have another probe with a camera following it, you know, and So what they'll do is they'll play an animation to visualize where it's at. And then these moon, you know, these flat Earthers usually will find it and be like.
02:21:06 Look, it looks totally fake.
02:21:07 Like, well, yeah.
02:21:09 It's fake.
02:21:10 Like now.
02:21:11 No one said it was real, you know.
02:21:14 And so usually it's stuff like that out of context. In fact, I've seen.
02:21:17 I've caught them doing this where they even it says simulation at the bottom of the screen.
02:21:22 And they crop it out.
02:21:24 They crop like they so you know they're lying.
02:21:27 Oh, they must have.
02:21:28 They must have thought this was real.
02:21:30 It's they cropped it.
02:21:33 So you know that they they're lying.
02:21:37 I never I.
02:21:38 I think I saw like a couple episodes of Man High Castle, but I never finished it and I've never seen designated survivor.
02:21:44 Maybe I'll check those out.
02:21:46 But thank you for the big support there.
02:21:48 Kozlovska rocks this is not.
02:21:52 A miscegenation endorsement. My half Jewish nephew has kids with a half Mexican woman. Will their kids have enough non white blood to survive the cold?
02:22:04 I'm not sure what you're asking to survive. What call?
02:22:09 They'll be.
02:22:12 I mean, if they're, if they're, there'll be 1/4 Mexican and a quarter Jew and what, half white? I don't know.
02:22:21 Again, I guess what I like I said.
02:22:24 By having the Jew, for me, at least, it's.
02:22:29 That's a disqualifier.
02:22:32 And you know, as far as you know, whether they look white or not, I don't know.
02:22:38 Not sure I understand what you mean though, but thank you for the support wolf supremacist.
02:22:53 No.
02:22:55 Get some Corky in there eventually.
02:22:57 Hi, Mr.
02:22:58 I'm sorry I have an hyper chat in forever and I know this is very late, but I'm terribly sorry about classified cat.
02:23:04 It's great you have churro, but God, you are. But God, you are real.
02:23:09 Find this man a.
02:23:11 Well, I appreciate.
02:23:13 And yeah, Churro was he's out there. You know, I let him out before the.
02:23:17 I think I heard him meowing during the show, but I was on a rant so he probably he's probably still out there.
02:23:22 He's chunked up.
02:23:24 He chunks up in the winter.
02:23:26 It's funny, 'cause. He goes from, like, really skinny in the summer.
02:23:30 To.
02:23:30 Like you wonder, like, are you getting enough food?
Money Clip
02:23:32 Man too.Devon Stack
02:23:33 He turns into like he goes full like chunk mode and he's he's full chunk mode right now.02:23:39 Looks like a beast.
02:23:41 Grenade says the Jewish nerd meme ham fisted in movies and TV shows needs to die.
02:23:48 Being nerd only works in Jewish culture. A feminine culture obsessed with money.
02:23:53 I was a nerd and there's nothing glorious about it.
02:23:56 You're physically weak, introverted, creepy and ostracized. Nerd culture will turn you into a tranny. Well, and.
02:24:03 That's the thing.
02:24:03 You can't be a leader.
02:24:04 You can be like really smart and and get, you know, a lot of expertise in a very maybe.
02:24:13 You know, like a obscure field.
02:24:15 And you know it's not.
02:24:16 Like there's no advantages to to the nerd path, but that's not that. Shouldn't be like the. That's not what we should be holding up as the ideal.
02:24:28 And look, you can be athletic and be a nerd. You know you can be a Chad nerd.
02:24:34 It or not?
02:24:36 Look, I mean, you can't be.
02:24:38 At least I don't think I've ever met someone who's well. I guess what? The guy with the highest IQ.
02:24:42 Supposedly that guy's got, like, he's like a bodybuilder.
02:24:46 So I guess you know you could be a bodybuilder, but I feel like the people that focus a lot on the physical lot and neglect the mental and vice versa.
02:24:56 So it's it's better to find a balance I think.
02:24:59 But you're.
02:25:00 We're we're we're not a people that.
02:25:03 When I read that tweet, all I saw.
02:25:05 A.
02:25:06 Of high school bitterness from a a weak, unpopular Indian kid in high school.
02:25:13 Blue cord with a big dono.
Money Clip
02:25:17 Donut. Today we'll be reading the best Christmas ever.02:25:20 I started to use this.
Devon Stack
02:25:23 The magic negro.Money Clip
02:25:29 I.02:25:34 Where did the show men go?
Devon Stack
02:25:44 Hey.Money Clip
02:25:47 The best Christmas ever.02:25:54 Blue cord.
Devon Stack
02:25:55 Good evening, Devin.02:25:56 I showed one of my closest friends your video about the liberty tonight.
02:26:00 Jay Pilling, the people I care about, continues.
02:26:03 Don't stop spreading the.
02:26:04 Thank you for doing what you do.
02:26:06 It might not always seem like it's appreciated, but it is more than you know.
02:26:11 You.
02:26:11 Well, I you know, I I do feel like it's appreciated and I think.
02:26:15 Large part because you guys so.
02:26:18 But thank you for the kind words and yeah it's it's.
02:26:23 That's one of the Evergreen videos that liberty, and that's the gift that keeps on giving.
02:26:27 And thankfully, those guys are getting more.
02:26:31 Play on bigger platforms, you know like.
02:26:35 I think that's a story that that really.
02:26:40 For me moved it.
02:26:42 It moved my internal Overton window, I guess because I realized that.
02:26:48 Wow, like in researching that video is like if.
02:26:51 If it's this much of A lie in the United States government, is is lying about this big of a thing for Israel?
02:26:59 I mean, that's what. What? What's off the table?
02:27:03 You know 'cause like.
02:27:06 It's obvious that it happened.
02:27:08 It's it's obscenely documented.
02:27:12 And it's impossible to deny.
02:27:15 That's the.
02:27:16 That's another good litmus.
02:27:17 Anyone who denies the Liberty incident, you automatically knows a shill like automatically.
02:27:22 Get Jewish money. Period.
02:27:24 Period. End of story.
02:27:26 Or they're retarded and they can't be trusted.
02:27:31 But yeah, thank you very much for the support there. Blue Cord. Grunad says it wasn't nerds that put a man on the moon.
02:27:38 Was Nazis.
02:27:39 This is why the media has for a long has for long pictured the Hitler Youth as a brainwashed cult of death.
02:27:47 The Hitler Youth experience was all about Aryan spirit loyalty to.
02:27:51 Fitness and resourcefulness.
02:27:53 A strong mind and a healthy body.
02:27:55 Yeah, exactly.
02:27:57 You need to focus on both.
02:28:01 And and it was honestly you're.
02:28:03 Whoever I forget, there was a couple chats about calling it a Jewish meme. A lot of the actors, it's no coincidence that a lot of the actors that played the nerds in 80s and 90s movies were like Super Jewy.
02:28:17 Know they weren't just like kind of Jewish.
02:28:19 Were like the Jewish. That's why they.
02:28:22 In those roles, because they were like the weak, you know, nerd that. And that's why I think Holly was promoting that. Like, no, we're good.
02:28:31 Want to? We're actually cooler than the.
02:28:34 That beat us up.
02:28:37 Man of Llamal Fiber says PayPal 1 of Ilan's first things and they were.
02:28:44 Wait, is this part of another one?
02:28:48 He was like you're missing part of a sentence here.
02:28:51 Read anyway.
02:28:53 Hey. Oh, I'm. I missed a.
02:28:54 PayPal was one of Elon's first things, and they were banning white.
02:28:59 All the way back in early days of eBay, despite them not technically breaking ebay's rules at the time, but the payment processor ban was a de facto ban.
02:29:09 Early Internet censorship.
02:29:11 Always has been, I believe.
02:29:14 Absolutely. I believe it.
02:29:18 Bloodstained says from a Twitter.
02:29:19 Cap, honey. I replaced our kids with some Indian immigrants who supposedly do better at mathematics. This household must win at any cost.
02:29:28 And that's the thing too.
02:29:30 Another reason why that makes.
02:29:33 Like Elon, can't think of it like that is he has outsourced all of his parenting. What he doesn't have like fucking like 8 kids by like 8 different women. I mean, he just.
02:29:42 He's not exactly the model Father. One of his kids is trans now, so he doesn't understand the investment that you make in your family.
02:29:50 Him I would.
02:29:51 Don't.
02:29:52 I don't know him personally, but just based on his views on other things, I don't think it would be.
02:29:58 Out of character for him to view his children as as dispassionately and impersonally as he does our country.
02:30:08 Grenade says as a cure and vaccine against Jewish nerd culture, mandatory service should be instated.
02:30:14 Unfortunately, the white man has no nation homeland.
02:30:17 Or that would be worth it as long as Jews are in power in the West. Exactly.
02:30:22 I would be OK with me of the Tory military service if we were not in an occupied country.
02:30:27 Jerry Nixon and he once says Trump. Trump can trace his history back. Unlike Vivek or oak tree.
02:30:32 But he's a fucking traitor.
02:30:34 And that's been our Achilles heel.
02:30:36 Besides Jewish parasitical history, but it goes hand in hand.
02:30:40 Yeah, I mean, I don't know that he can trace his family back to the family.
02:30:46 I think that I don't know actually.
02:30:50 I don't know beyond Fred Trump.
02:30:54 I thought his I thought his.
02:30:57 His grandparents immigrated, but I'm not.
02:31:00 Not.
02:31:01 I could be wrong about.
02:31:02 I forget the back story of that.
02:31:04 You know.
02:31:05 Let's find out. I don't.
02:31:06 I'm very.
02:31:09 Doubtful that he goes back to the founding though.
02:31:13 Let's see here.
02:31:31 Yeah. No, it's not even that.
02:31:33 Dad was an immigrant.
02:31:35 So Frederick Trump was from Karlstadt, Germany.
02:31:41 And his mom, Elizabeth Crist.
02:31:45 Was also I think from.
02:31:48 Germany.
02:31:50 Let's see here. Yeah, so his parents.
02:31:57 Run away, it says on his maternal side, his mother, Mary Anne McLeod, immigrated the United States from Scotland in 1930.
02:32:06 Yeah. So he's he's he's a child of immigrants.
02:32:12 So, you know, like their recent arrivals too.
02:32:16 I mean, so yeah, he doesn't go back to the founding.
02:32:21 That seemed impossible, and it apparently is not the case.
02:32:27 Yeah, I I.
02:32:27 And honestly, I don't think Trump would act the same if if his family went back to the founding, it just hits different.
02:32:33 When when you're talking like when?
02:32:36 The the whole.
02:32:37 Of America is like your family history, like it's different.
02:32:43 Let's see, where do we go?
02:32:46 White noise says. I've been watching your uncle on syndicated cable the last week and I have to say that the show was entertaining and still is. The phone room and the hot female reporter with updates occasionally.
02:32:58 Did you ever make crazy ait shirts?
02:33:02 The New York electronics Jew.
02:33:05 The New York electronics.
02:33:08 The Crazy Eddie T-shirts.
02:33:12 That's not a bad idea, although I feel like the crazy Eddie Jews would sue me, so I'd have to be clever with it.
02:33:19 But maybe we could do something like that.
02:33:21 I do.
02:33:21 Miss.
02:33:22 I miss unsolved mysteries I actually have.
02:33:25 I have a bunch of the episodes stored somewhere.
02:33:31 I planned on like I had this.
02:33:35 I set up like this analog TV station just as a project. Once that I have like in my in the in the pill box that actually broadcast. Not very far like a few feet.
02:33:46 Well, like you know, like 100 feet or something like that.
02:33:49 To like tube TV.
02:33:50 So if I like an old vintage, tvi can actually TuneIn and watch whatever I want on it. You know, off like ausb stick. And so I was going to have it just like looping.
02:34:02 Old vintage stuff like.
02:34:03 And I never got around to doing that.
02:34:05 I got busy with other stuff, but I do have those episodes.
02:34:12 Bessemer 72.
02:34:19 Good show, Mr.
02:34:20 I'm glad you're on our.
02:34:22 Well, I appreciate that and I always will because I'm actually white.
02:34:27 And my.
02:34:27 Been here forever and I don't have any other home or any other agenda I'm here for.
02:34:33 And that's it.
02:34:35 And draw and thanks for thanks for the support Bessemer, Andromeda says.
02:34:39 Show Devin you nailed.
02:34:40 Well, I appreciate that, Mister, Charlie says.
02:34:43 Evening.
02:34:43 Are you doing any streams for?
02:34:45 Years New Year's Eve.
02:34:46 Rootless cosmopolitans have to get in the pit.
02:34:50 Yeah.
02:34:51 It depends on how I'm.
02:34:53 Like I said, I'm I've been exposed to illness.
02:34:56 Was exposed to sick people.
02:34:58 And my my voices not doing great right now, but.
02:35:04 I'm powering through vitamins.
02:35:07 So I've got a pretty good immune system, so maybe I'll be fine.
02:35:12 And if I am fine, I'll I'll do a stream.
02:35:17 Either for New Year's Eve or New Year's.
02:35:18 Not sure, but we'll do like a retrospective I think or something like that.
02:35:23 I got some ideas but yeah. And then we're going to go back to having Wednesday ones.
02:35:28 Man of Rome or fiber says the most ironic thing about shit skins decrying white supremacy and nationalism is that they want the exact same thing that white supremacist want to live around more white people.
02:35:42 And fewer brown people.
02:35:46 No. Well, I mean, wait, hold on.
02:35:50 No, no, that I think Vivek wants more brown people.
02:35:55 I don't think he wants to deliver on more white people.
02:35:58 I mean, maybe in practice, right?
02:36:01 But I don't know, I feel like.
02:36:04 Indians have, like, a real racial solidarity and and a lot of nepotism and and racial narcissism. And I don't think he would mind living in an entire Indian neighborhood if they were the right cast.
02:36:14 Know what I mean?
02:36:16 Excuse me? Pride assassin.
02:36:19 Happy New Year after dot R is.
02:36:23 Maybe make a horror movie about the Crazy Dei hire who utterly destroyed the International Space Station.
02:36:30 True story.
02:36:31 Utter horror show I get a stream about.
02:36:33 Actually.
02:36:34 And that would it.
02:36:35 It'd be funny to make a fictional version of that and and like, just write it like like kind of in the style of Douglas Adams.
02:36:41 Know where it's just like this.
02:36:44 This comedy of errors.
02:36:49 And maybe you can even put it in the future a little bit and make it make it.
02:36:53 You know, just make it like a like a young adults novel that high school kids could read, and it'd be funny, you know.
02:37:01 And it teach a lesson about.
02:37:04 Diversity. That'd be kind of fun.
02:37:07 Man of low moral fibre.
02:37:09 We need a mount nigmore with George Floyd, Rodney King, Trayvon Martin and Michelle Obama.
02:37:16 Oh, I it's that's a possible future.
02:37:22 Antonio ve.
02:37:28 Something tells me that a lot of magazines are going to be very mad and disappointed in 2025.
02:37:35 Smart ones, that is.
02:37:36 Oh, and the honey has good medicinal quality, but I'm sure you knew that.
02:37:41 Now I got.
02:37:42 I got honey tea.
02:37:44 Ready to go?
02:37:45 I got I do have.
02:37:47 I don't have honey to sell, but I do have more. A larger personal supply of honey than I've ever had in.
02:37:53 Life for sure.
02:37:55 I've.
02:37:55 I've got a few gallons laying around and it's it is good stuff Kanak.
02:38:01 Polling suggests the Jeep Hive has some of the most favorable views of Israel compared to most other countries, with enough zogbots in our government. Perhaps they are being groomed to become the next major.
02:38:14 Migrant wave to the West.
02:38:15 Yeah, I mean, that is obviously figuring heavily into the decision.
02:38:19 They realize that the run-of-the-mill brown people, that they've moved into this place, whites are not as favorable to Israel.
02:38:30 You'd be crazy to think that that's not a major factor in all of this.
02:38:35 Antonov A.
02:38:36 Says. Then again, pretty dumb. If you vote Trump, so I'll withdraw the comment on the smart Trump errs. While there were some well meaning people that voted for Trump that were just kind of rolling the dice and hoping.
02:38:47 The.
02:38:48 And I get it. It's tough to.
02:38:50 Go of that dream.
02:38:52 The no fun zone with the big dono.
Money Clip
02:38:55 Children today will be reading the best Christmas ever.02:38:59 Are starting to you.
Devon Stack
02:39:01 The magic negro.02:39:06 Addition.
02:39:08 I.
Money Clip
02:39:12 Where did the soul men go?Devon Stack
02:39:20 I.02:39:20 I.
Money Clip
02:39:26 Best Christmas ever.Interviewer
02:39:29 Oh.Devon Stack
02:39:30 All right.02:39:32 No fun zone, says Banger stream.
02:39:36 Devon knew it was going to be good after this week.
02:39:40 For all you do.
02:39:42 You are an inspiration.
02:39:44 And then you said.
02:39:47 There's another one I I'm surprised I keep forgetting to do the buttons.
02:39:50 Get done with the show and I'm just like so.
02:39:53 It worries.
02:39:54 Outgoing alright, the show is.
02:39:56 It's not like exhausting somewhat.
02:39:58 Nights it is.
02:39:59 And you know, I just step away for a forget to, like, settle these stupid bun things to set, like the button for this.
02:40:07 I.
02:40:10 But thank you for the support.
02:40:11 No fun zone. A man of low moral fiber vet supplies in Mexico are pennies on the dollar.
02:40:18 Cow vaccines, dewormer, etcetera. When I was working on a ranch in New Mexico, we take a horse trailer full of refrigerators down to Juarez.
02:40:26 And stock up on livestock medicines. Cheaper to send 3 Ranch hands to another country than buy local. Absolutely.
02:40:33 Absolutely I.
02:40:34 Now, how safe is Juarez these days?
02:40:37 Last time I went to Juarez it was pre 911.
02:40:42 And you could just walk across the border like literally across the bridge. And if you looked white, they just let you do it.
02:40:49 They didn't check anything.
02:40:51 Now, now they find you know, torsos.
02:40:58 Disembodied heads and things, you know, like, I don't know if that's still going on, but there I know there was like for a while.
02:41:03 Juarez was not a nice play.
02:41:05 It was never a nice place.
02:41:09 But it got like a lot worse somehow.
02:41:13 But yeah, I guess I guess it's still cheaper.
02:41:15 Maybe it's if you send that the ranch hands right.
02:41:20 Hopefully they come back with their hands.
02:41:22 Slavery to false gods.
02:41:24 Why do you think Mangione is a leftist?
02:41:28 I mean he wrote.
02:41:28 Praise for police, for fucks sake.
02:41:31 A leftist is someone who views politics from a place of economic class.
02:41:35 The police state is no friend of the working class.
02:41:38 Also, my hometown has had mass immigration all my life and we still have skill shortages.
02:41:44 Well, I think it's because he was a.
02:41:47 Like he was literally a a gay dude. That was in the black guys.
02:41:51 So you know.
02:41:54 He wasn't a sane.
02:41:57 That's why he was probably a.
02:41:59 Man of low moral fiber says.
02:42:01 Was a bleeding heart liberal way back in the 1980s and has moved left since then.
02:42:07 Republican Party just happened to have.
02:42:10 Pole vaulted to the left over a New York bisexual who was raised by Jews, and he's considered far right now to Reddit fangs.
02:42:17 Well, the whole country has moved, has lurched to the left and so just not wanting to have trans kids, which is increasingly accepted by the right.
02:42:28 Is considered right wing Andromeda.
02:42:32 So watching friends and saved by the bell with my kids was a bad idea.
02:42:36 Oh, the horror, the.
02:42:38 Well, I think it was actually a bad idea.
02:42:40 Not for the Racings, Vivek said.
02:42:43 I I.
02:42:44 You know, friends, was was Jew cancer and saved by the bell. Might have been somewhat harmless, but we did that.
02:42:50 They did a whole white guilt episode that we've covered here.
02:42:53 Mean every everything in the 90s.
02:42:55 I don't think you like scarred your children for life by doing that, but.
02:42:59 You know, I think in retrospect, we could agree that, you know, TV was cancer, just not for the reasons he, you know, outlined.
02:43:07 Man of low moral fiber says.
02:43:10 But the German exchange students in my high school in Arizona were absolutely appalled at the beaners and how they got to waltz over the border illegally. While the German exchange students would have their Christmas cookies sent by grandma confiscated.
02:43:25 Or confiscated. I know I said that word weird sometimes by customs.
02:43:32 Yeah, I mean.
02:43:35 Yeah, that every European I've ever talked to that's had to do things legally in London, European.
02:43:42 Like Asians, you know, I had a friend that was Korean and she was always really fucking annoyed by all, you know, she was.
02:43:49 She went to.
02:43:50 College out here.
02:43:51 And.
02:43:53 She had to jump through a lot of hoops, and in fact, she liked Trump.
02:43:57 Is back in like the 2016 era because.
02:44:02 She thought he was going to actually build the wall.
02:44:04 And she hated Mexicans.
02:44:05 So you know.
02:44:09 Andromeda.
02:44:12 And we're in this one over and over and over again.
02:44:15 I'm like my least favorite was.
02:44:21 Favorite.
02:44:22 But it's not one of my favorites.
02:44:24 I hope you had a wonderful Christmas wishing you and the audience a happy New Year.
02:44:31 Well, happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you, Andromeda.
02:44:34 And thank you for the support.
02:44:37 Maybe next time says.
02:44:39 Please do as the previous commenter suggested. Some work on Harrison.
02:44:43 Bergeron, the story's only a few pages long.
02:44:46 Perfect for the times we are living.
02:44:48 Alright, well I've got that. Add to my notes there.
02:44:51 Another vote for Harrison Bergeron.
02:44:56 Antonio says my uncle almost shit himself to death in India when travelling there. Pretty sure he doesn't want to go back. I hear that from almost everyone that has.
02:45:06 To India.
02:45:08 Man of low moral fiber says reminder Gandhi strategy for getting rid of the British was literally, hey, just sit around and be stinky and annoying. They will eventually get tired of us.
02:45:20 That seemed to be a easy strategy.
02:45:24 Wolf supremacist.
02:45:25 Sorry, I just noticed I did not say God. If you are real.
02:45:31 Anyway, I hope you and your family had and are having a wonderful Christmas.
02:45:38 Season. OK, a little typo there, not a problem.
02:45:44 And thank you for the support again there, wolf supremacist. And then we got synchromancer.
02:45:51 Need that black peeled coffee mug?
02:45:53 How do you like your coffee? Black peeled, please.
02:45:56 Yeah, I do. Like my coffee black. Most of the time.
02:45:59 I have been drinking a little bit of the the Creamer over the last couple days 'cause it was.
02:46:04 Festive I.
02:46:05 Little little whole milk is is actually all I need. Just little, just little dab, you know, little dab.
02:46:13 You know, little flavor Flav in there.
02:46:16 But yeah, the the real dark coffee too, like the.
02:46:21 Not not this like, you know, like the the medium.
02:46:24 Yeah, you have like the dark stuff. If you're gonna go blank.
02:46:28 Litch, Lord Godfrey.
02:46:28 Yes, I do not like.
02:46:30 I dislike Jews more. My racialism has been.
02:46:34 Winnowed. I think you meant whittled down to loving white people, warts and all, and not minding non whites if they remain in their homelands reading non white literature.
02:46:45 Cemented this further, but views must be Wanderers again.
02:46:50 Well, they got Homeland now, technically if they just go there.
02:46:53 Man of low moral.
02:46:55 Bench your body weight for 10 reps should be required to graduate high school.
02:47:01 Yeah. Yeah, I guess so.
02:47:03 Something like.
02:47:04 They they used to have stuff like that.
02:47:05 Used to have.
02:47:08 A.
02:47:10 I mean, you know, they had.
02:47:11 Requirements. Physical requirements.
02:47:14 I'm almost positive that they had that in public schools at and that would be interesting to see when they.
02:47:19 Rid.
02:47:19 That and to what extent it existed because.
02:47:24 I'm not old enough to have experienced that, but I'm pick I think I feel like I've seen in old movies or old shows that like that was a thing.
02:47:31 That's totally made-up. I'll. I'll find out.
02:47:35 Rock, 23, says Trump's pick for attorney general is a Zionist anti gun cunt.
02:47:40 She wants a national red flag.
02:47:43 Yep, we've covered that and so does.
02:47:45 Well, he bump stocks and it would got unbanned under Biden.
02:47:48 Know Biden, do it. But just to go.
02:47:50 Show doesn't really matter.
02:47:51 Know who's president?
02:47:53 She also wants to ban the sale of rifles and shotguns to those under the age.
02:47:57 21.
02:48:00 Or. Yeah, and people would.
02:48:03 Have their guns confiscated by law enforcement? If an allegation was made against them?
02:48:09 No.
02:48:10 And Trump was sitting right next to.
02:48:12 She explained it and he was saying what an awesome idea was.
02:48:15 That's entirely possibly in the.
02:48:17 And there's going to be a lot of two way Pro Trump Maga people who.
02:48:21 Going to be like what?
02:48:22 And it's like, yeah, he said that before the election.
02:48:26 Antonov.
02:48:27 Says racism is actually rampant in India.
02:48:30 First, there is the caste system. Also, light brown Indians tend to be racist against dark brown Indians. So don't ever let an Indian race blame you.
02:48:38 I know there's their whole society is based on racial differences.
02:48:42 Mark Twain Forever says thanks for all your work over the years.
02:48:46 It up.
02:48:46 Here's a small payment for what I consume.
02:48:48 I appreciate that Mark Twain and.
02:48:50 Merry Christmas and.
02:48:51 Happy New Year to you and the rest of people in Odyssey. When I flip over to.
02:48:57 Rumble and to do what I always have to do and make sure that plugin is not great.
02:49:05 And often forgets.
02:49:08 At so I just got to double check it before we go.
02:49:12 Room here, uncle Ted.
02:49:13 Thanks for the stream Devin replay game.
02:49:16 That uncle Ted.
02:49:19 Umm. And that did get picked up by.
02:49:21 The.
02:49:22 The things that's good.
02:49:24 I don't know why rumble just doesn't add that functionality. I mean, they're spending, they got, didn't they just get like $700 million invested in them?
02:49:33 Tyler Wo 5.
Money Clip
02:49:39 I want angry courgett.Devon Stack
02:49:41 Can we get an angry court?Money Clip
02:49:43 I think we got one more chance.Devon Stack
02:49:46 That's just frightened.02:49:47 We I think we need at least one of the angry Corky.
02:49:50 I think biker.
02:49:51 Angry Corky's the best or one of them?
02:49:54 Tyler WR5.
02:49:56 Looking forward to the replay.
02:49:57 Merry late Christmas.
02:49:59 Take this and get something you enjoy, buddy. If I was a millionaire, you'd be one too. Well.
02:50:04 Appreciate that.
02:50:05 And yeah, that would that be great if we, I think you know, I think eventually.
02:50:12 You got to realize we are kind of pioneering even just this this format, right?
02:50:18 You know, there was no such thing as.
02:50:21 Is live streaming, you know, in the way that we do it today, this didn't exist not that long ago.
02:50:26 A very new thing.
02:50:29 And so that's part of it. And I think another part of it is we, you know, more people need to get black pilled and stop giving money to the institutions that are selling us out because that money's there and and I think that.
02:50:44 I think that we, like I said, we're going to go through the, we're going to go through the fire a little bit and we're going to get burned a little bit, but we're going to come out stronger on the other side.
02:50:53 And in the meantime, you guys are doing.
02:50:56 I really appreciate the support that you're giving me, so.
02:50:59 Yeah, really appreciate that.
02:51:01 And let's see here. Scroll down.
02:51:05 Scroll.
02:51:06 Keep scrolling down.
02:51:07 We go.
02:51:09 Phrc.
02:51:10 Let's see.
02:51:11 Are we going to get it?
02:51:13 Are we going to get?
02:51:13 The.
02:51:14 The right quirky or or just something fun.
02:51:19 I'll settle for Devil dog.
02:51:24 We got, we got evil dog.
02:51:28 I.
02:51:28 I'm. I'm down with that.
02:51:29 Right.
02:51:31 Hey, Dan. I'm looking forward to the replay.
02:51:34 Time I've caught you live from Australia.
02:51:37 We know the noticing on Axis manufactured, but to serve what purpose? 40 chance?
02:51:42 I.
02:51:43 Don't know that it's totally manufactured.
02:51:46 I think that there is a lot of people.
02:51:48 Took advantage of the initial.
02:51:52 The initial offering of free speech before.
02:51:57 Elon really had his grip on things.
02:52:01 And I suspect that that will change.
02:52:05 And I think that maybe to some extent they thought well, some of this.
02:52:09 Just bottled up.
02:52:11 Like we've been censoring these fucks everywhere they go, and they just need to get it out of their let them just yell about the Jews for like a little bit. They'll get it out of their system and then they'll get bored and.
02:52:22 Talk about something else.
02:52:25 And that didn't happen.
02:52:31 I kind of wonder if that was maybe, you know, like if you're, if you're trying to game this out, that that's one possibility. That is because that's something they used to say when they were first doing the censorship. The people that were pro censorship but like were pro.
02:52:46 Or thoughtful.
02:52:48 Censorship like they were the kinds of people that were like, well, here's how we could bite us in the ass like they were.
02:52:52 Were the people that weren't just like wanna like slam the ban hammer around?
02:52:57 Without thinking about the consequences, they wanted to swing the banana around, but they wanted to think like, well, maybe this. What could possibly go wrong here?
02:53:05 One of the things they would say is they they said, well, no, this will further radicalize them because it'll put them in this.
02:53:11 It'll isolate them into these little echo chambers, and then they'll just hyper radicalize and and because.
02:53:18 Any pushback or whatever, and if you remember when Elon first you know was talking about, you know, when he first got the platform was first doing like, oh free speech and no, sorry, doesn't really talk about that.
02:53:29 These days.
02:53:31 He was saying things like, you know, like the typical bad ideas need to be fought with, with good ideas. You know, that kind of nonsense shit with the expectation perhaps that as I said that people would would get out of their little radicalized.
02:53:46 Echo Chamber and get into the the marketplace of ideas and they would find their ideas were bad. I think maybe they there was some sense that that would happen.
02:53:57 Then it didn't happen, and now they're.
02:54:00 You know, recalibrating, I don't know.
02:54:02 A possibility.
02:54:05 Uh.
02:54:05 All right. Let's see here.
02:54:08 And of course, it would not be the insomnia strain without negro spritzer.
02:54:14 Expressing his displeasure.
02:54:19 For various groups.
02:54:25 Including.
02:54:27 But not limited to, I'm sure, the Jeeps, the blacks and the Jews.
02:54:33 All right, let's scroll through here and make sure that that's it.
02:54:38 Then we'll double back over to Odyssey.
02:54:43 And make sure that no last minute ones popped up. I think we did get a last one here.
02:54:51 No, I think that was actually, I think I did that one.
02:54:54 All right guys.
02:54:57 I think that's it. Perfect.
02:55:00 Well, I really appreciate it.
02:55:01 Generous guys.
02:55:02 That's going to.
02:55:02 And like I said, I'll probably either do a New Year's Eve.
02:55:09 Countdown kind of a stream. If I'm filling up to it.
02:55:12 Like I said, I'm.
02:55:13 I'm hoping I'm going to wake up tomorrow and I feel good, but I I there's the possibility that that's not the case.
02:55:19 Ready for that possibility?
02:55:21 In which case we'll probably do.
02:55:22 A shorter one on New Year's Day and do like.
02:55:26 A Raptor 1.
02:55:26 You know one thing I thought would be fun.
02:55:31 I wonder well.
02:55:31 Wonder how we would do that.
02:55:33 I.
02:55:33 Was thinking if we could somehow take predictions and then like next year when we do the stream, you know?
02:55:41 And I am stealing that idea from.
02:55:44 Art Bell cause like I was listening to some old art bell episodes and I know. Yeah, he was a Freemason race mixing boomer.
02:55:53 But sometimes it's fun.
02:55:54 To listen to him talk about ghosts and shit, but.
02:56:00 But he would do these end of the year prediction shows and I don't know how he set that up. But you know, maybe we do it like take it through Twitter or telegram or something.
02:56:11 Don't know. Anyway. All right guys.
02:56:14 I'm going to hit the sack.
02:56:15 So you guys all have a good rest of your.
02:56:18 Hope your holiday season and by holiday I mean Christmas and New Year's has been bright and beautiful. And with your family's and I will see you soon.
02:56:30 For black pilled.
02:56:32 I am of course Devon Stack
02:56:45 I.
Vivek's Uncle
02:56:52 Could you tell me the?02:57:02 I.
02:57:21 Hey.
02:57:27 I.