01/04/2025Indian Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Cortana echo.00:00:12 Cortana, Echo Cortana, Echo Cortana.
00:00:19 Make sure.
00:00:24 7.
00:00:26 90.
Tears for Fears - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
00:00:43 I.00:00:52 I.
00:01:09 We were.
00:01:22 The.
00:01:45 To the.
00:01:47 I.
00:01:47 Help me make.
00:01:51 Friday.
00:02:12 Repl.
00:02:20 So.
00:04:27 I.
00:04:31 Play.
Babylon Zoo - Spaceman
00:04:50 I.00:04:56 I.
00:05:03 2.
00:05:08 Gentlemen, they've gone some.
00:05:14 Yeah, the black life.
00:05:17 Trying to take control.
00:05:21 Sing.
00:05:21 My gal, she shepher.
00:05:27 The sun is in pricing trying to take us all.
00:05:35 I.
00:05:35 To meet at house.
00:05:38 It's your guy.
00:05:41 There's fire between us.
00:05:53 Replay.
00:05:55 Hey Siri.
00:06:00 I.
00:06:01 The.
00:06:05 I.
00:06:34 I.
00:06:43 I'm to Terminator.
00:06:43 I.
00:06:45 Great wide world.
00:06:49 I wanted fascination. Television takes control.
00:06:57 Different races.
00:07:03 Trying to information.
00:07:07 Downloads media song there's a fire.
00:07:08 I want to.
00:07:13 It's your.
00:07:16 Fire.
00:07:19 Give you.
00:07:30 I.
00:07:35 I.
00:07:36 I.
00:07:46 Thank you.
00:08:00 I.
00:08:26 I.
00:08:31 I.
00:08:35 Repl.
Devon Stack
00:08:39 Welcome.00:08:41 To the insomnia stream.
00:08:45 Conflict avoidant edition.
00:08:49 I'm your host, of course, Dev and stank.
00:08:52 You know, it's often said.
00:08:56 That history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. It rhymes.
00:09:02 But actually sometimes it just repeats itself.
00:09:07 It's hard to.
00:09:08 It's hard to win when has the cycle.
00:09:12 Ceased and begin anew and or how much of it is.
00:09:16 One long.
00:09:20 Ass fucking.
00:09:24 Let me let me elaborate.
00:09:29 You know, there's a lot of talk lately.
00:09:32 A lot of talk lately.
00:09:35 About the uh.
00:09:38 No, I don't know the endless number of pajeets requested by the ruling class.
00:09:45 Must have more pajeets.
00:09:49 The Never ending trail of pajeets leading into the Western countries.
00:09:56 And people say to themselves, especially from parts of the West, that maybe haven't been subjected to.
00:10:06 I don't know chronic levels of pajeetism they say to themselves. Well, I don't know.
00:10:13 Sounds a lot better than these fucking El Salvador gangster MS13.
00:10:20 Mexican drug Lord narco, whatever.
00:10:25 It's just a different it's a different flavor of shit sandwich.
00:10:31 And they say to themselves, oh, maybe this isn't so bad.
00:10:36 Lots of smart people.
00:10:39 In Silicon Valley seem to want these guys and and usually.
00:10:44 Usually we don't want these guys because when the the ruling class wants illegal immigrants, it's 'cause they want slaves to mow their lawns.
00:10:55 Or clean their pools.
00:10:57 Or raise their kids.
00:11:00 That's not what they want the pejots.
00:11:02 They just want them for slave labor in other ways.
00:11:05 High IQ slave labor.
00:11:09 How bad could it be?
00:11:14 How bad could it be?
00:11:19 It's funny because.
00:11:22 Race realist, who I've been calling bigots and and shortsighted nihilist.
00:11:35 Been talking about race and IQ. I remember back in the, you know, the Stephen Molyneux he used to talk about race and IQ.
00:11:45 And we told them, oh, you're you're full of shit.
00:11:49 Everyone's the same, but then some Jews said that that we're not all the same.
00:11:54 Race and IQ actually. Now I believe it.
00:11:59 It's the only thing I believe that there's a difference with.
00:12:04 But you know, so we take these hot these slightly higher IQ immigrants.
00:12:09 It'll be better. It'll all be better.
00:12:15 And people in the last.
00:12:16 Well, America specifically because that's basically what we're talking about, right.
00:12:19 We're talking about Elon Musk and the other tech Bros requesting infinite pajeets and Donald Trump saying that sounds like a great idea.
00:12:35 And this different flavored shit.
00:12:37 It's a new item on the menu so.
00:12:40 People.
00:12:42 Let me try it.
00:12:44 At least try. Maybe maybe.
00:12:46 Maybe it's not as bad as they say.
00:12:51 It's funny, 'cause. They, they they don't realize.
00:12:54 You don't have to.
00:12:55 Don't have.
00:12:55 I mean, they act as if it's it's a binary.
00:12:59 Have to either have unlimited illegal immigrants coming from South of the border or you have to have.
00:13:07 Unlimited immigrants coming from Southeast Asia and and the subcontinent of India.
00:13:15 In northeast Asia.
00:13:18 You have to do.
00:13:19 There's got. Who's gonna work at all the places?
00:13:25 Who's gonna work at the places we all know Americans can't work at places.
00:13:32 Anyway, a lot of people who live in other parts of the world, who have been subjected to this, this, this is a familiar song.
00:13:39 Yeah, that.
00:13:40 Sandwich has been on their menu for a long.
00:13:42 It's like, you know, for a long time, Americans, we got to to revel in the the fact that we were the only ones that had to Mcrib at McDonald's the whole rest of the world. They were like, they got the fucking Mcrib.
00:13:54 They finally got the Mcrib. I'm sure they were very disappointed.
00:14:00 Now it's our turn to get the Mcrib.
00:14:05 Yeah.
00:14:07 The shitty thing is.
00:14:11 It's it's it's exact like I was talking about how history doesn't doesn't repeat itself or rhyme and maybe it just keeps going like nothing changes.
00:14:19 Just seems like it's rhyming or that it's repeating.
00:14:22 Is it?
00:14:23 Repeating though, if it's like like if it's a record that's skipping.
00:14:28 But like, that's the whole record.
00:14:30 Yeah, it's not actually that.
00:14:31 It's.
00:14:32 It's just that there's only one groove.
00:14:36 An infinite loop.
00:14:37 That.
00:14:38 Repeating so much as it's just the way that it is, the way things are.
00:14:42 And I say this not to be cryptic.
00:14:45 I'm.
00:14:46 About to play a bunch of stuff that's going to explain all this stuff.
00:14:50 I'm a little bit in shock.
00:14:52 I'm a little bit in shock from time to time. I do research on something and I'm just I'm. I'm kind of surprised at like how exactly.
00:15:02 You know, I don't know.
00:15:05 Don't. I'm speechless.
00:15:07 I'm a little bit speechless if I'm sounding a little bit.
00:15:11 Mysterious. It's because I don't know how to really put this into words.
00:15:16 This discovery of mine.
00:15:20 So I guess instead.
00:15:23 We'll just.
00:15:24 I'm going to play a clip here.
00:15:27 From a time long ago.
00:15:31 You know, people acting like this is all a new problem.
00:15:33 Pajeets entering the West and fucking everything up.
00:15:37 Or at least the possibility of that happening, right?
00:15:41 It's almost like that everyone thinks on Twitter that this is like a new conversation that we're having. This conversation's never been had before.
00:15:47 Talking points that you're hearing all the time, these are all relatively new.
00:15:54 Then.
00:15:58 Then you watch a video from 1973.
00:16:02 So 50 years ago.
00:16:05 50 fucking years ago.
00:16:09 50 fucking years ago.
00:16:14 And you play this video, this documentary.
00:16:19 And it's like.
00:16:21 Twitter with.
00:16:24 With a video filter to make everything look like the 70s.
00:16:30 Without further ado.
Brit with Mutton Chops
00:16:35 It's a tragedy for Britain, for tragedy, for the British people and in particular, a tragedy for pounds like Southall.00:16:43 The reason for this is in the future.
00:16:46 The IT was hoped that these people would.
00:16:48 With.
00:16:48 British but there's no hope of that at all.
00:16:51 And this can only result in the future that ghettos will set up all over the country.
Devon Stack
00:16:57 50 fucking years ago. Now what?00:16:59 Talking about.
00:17:02 Is, well, England is subjected itself to the same poison that we are being fed by Elon Musk.
00:17:12 We don't have to imagine what would happen if we took on infinite pejits, apparently.
00:17:17 England beat.
00:17:18 To it. So we just look and see what happened there.
00:17:20 What happened after World War 2?
00:17:21 Same exact arguments, by the way.
00:17:24 Exact across the board.
00:17:26 After World War 20, there's a labor shortage.
00:17:29 Oh my God. We got to have more people to work at. All these factories after the war.
00:17:37 Well, we got a severe labor shortage, guys, you know, especially in in manufacturing.
00:17:43 You know in construction.
00:17:46 You know our industrial base has taken, hey, we got to rebuild after World War 2.
00:17:55 There's a little town, I guess, like a suburb of London or part of London.
00:18:00 Mean it's kind of molded together, right?
00:18:03 Southall.
00:18:06 A lot of industry in Southall, it was very white.
00:18:11 Blue collar for the most part.
00:18:16 And well, you know, they needed workers.
00:18:19 I guess it was jobs that white people weren't capable of doing. You know, jobs like working in textiles, you know, real easy jobs.
00:18:26 Know blue collar type jobs.
00:18:29 So what they.
00:18:30 Is they recruited people from South Asia?
00:18:35 India and Pakistan specifically.
00:18:39 To fill in these labor gaps.
00:18:43 To fill in the labor gaps.
00:18:46 And this happened fairly quickly after after World War 2, around 1948, when they basically open up the floodgates.
00:18:55 And so, lots of people from India and Pakistan, Bangladesh, a little bit later on.
00:19:02 Begin to flood into the UK.
00:19:05 They had a big gas works.
00:19:09 Factory in Southall that employed a lot of these people. Lot of metal works and you know, manufacturing type stuff.
00:19:18 I said a lot of textile type stuff.
00:19:23 There was same arguments, same exact arguments. A lot of higher wages in the.
00:19:29 UK.
00:19:30 And unfortunately, a lot of the same problems that go along with that there the remittances, meaning that a lot of the people from.
00:19:38 India, that would come, you know from, well, they're coming from.
00:19:40 They're coming from a shit hole and they're going to London essentially, and getting, you know, slave labor wages for London, which is like.
00:19:53 Real lot of money if you for India.
00:19:55 So the same kind of thing would happen. Instead of a bunch of pajitas packing into a house that they rented for a ridiculous amount of money and Palo Alto.
00:20:06 And sending their money back to their families in.
00:20:09 And slowly bringing them, you know, 1 by 1, back to America.
00:20:13 As you.
00:20:14 Similar, in fact exactly the same.
00:20:16 It was a bunch of Indians that would pack themselves in a flat in London, Southall and.
00:20:22 Would send their money back to India and slowly bring their family.
00:20:25 To to England.
00:20:30 And so you had this same was exact the exact same thing, the exact same thing in fact.
00:20:38 Even idea of the demographic shift that took place in Southall. Here's a graph here.
00:20:45 You'll see that in 1945.
00:20:49 Basically that's graph the.
00:20:51 I wish they were a lot different, so I'm just going to tell you by where they are that first line.
00:20:57 Is total population.
00:21:00 That top line, that's total.
00:21:01 So that's why it goes from a looks like about maybe maybe like 45,000 back in 1945.
00:21:10 To close to 90 ish thousand in 2020, right?
00:21:15 And the next line below.
00:21:17 The one that's going well straight down, that's the share of white people.
00:21:25 In that total population.
00:21:27 So as you see in 1945.
00:21:29 The share of white people is 100% of the population.
00:21:34 Why they begin at the same point?
00:21:37 And then it slowly starts to drift down around 1960, it really starts to take a hit.
00:21:43 And by 2020?
00:21:46 Well, you're, you're you're a tiny percentage.
00:21:49 You're a little you're way down at the bottom there.
00:21:53 Now the next line that scary Red line that goes straight up. Uh, that's the.
00:21:59 Percentage of basically that's.
00:22:02 Think of that's the peg line. That's the red line.
00:22:06 And yeah, it's kind of the opposite thing, right?
00:22:09 In 1945 zero pajeets.
00:22:14 But by 1970, you're you've got over 20,000.
00:22:20 At a time when the population of the town was 60,000.
00:22:25 So that shot up pretty fucking quick and you'll see that there's a little intersection right when the pajeets outpace the whites.
00:22:34 And it's right around 19.
00:22:36 We'll just say 1973 because a lot of our clips tonight are from 1973 and so and it looks like that's about right.
00:22:46 So starting in 1973 / 50 years ago, Pejetz were outnumbering whites.
00:22:56 In Southall.
00:22:58 So this isn't like a new oh.
00:23:00 My God, did you hear?
00:23:01 The number one name in in England, the baby name is it's Mohammed.
00:23:10 You hear that in 1973?
00:23:14 There are more, more Indians than whites in Southall.
00:23:21 So that number starts to shoot up and you know, like it's a, it's a big chunk of the population. By 2020, the last line.
00:23:31 That's a other. So who knows what they.
00:23:33 But funny enough, other overtook whites around 2010.
00:23:39 So even other just randos outnumber the whites.
00:23:45 In 2010.
00:23:50 So this guy here in this clip I just played, he's talking about that intersection in 1973.
00:23:58 When whites are just apparently noticing that, wow, holy shit.
00:24:06 We're outnumbered.
00:24:09 Pretty quick too, because while this all kind of sounds like ancient history to a lot of us 1973, I mean, if this guy like he looks like he's, I don't know, maybe in his 40s and 1973, right.
00:24:22 So this guy potentially was born in the 1930s.
00:24:29 So when he was a kid, it was 0% pajeet.
00:24:36 In fact, a decade prior to this footage.
00:24:41 It was, you know, rising at an.
00:24:43 Rate but.
00:24:44 Was it might have seemed manageable.
00:24:49 So he's grown up in a white town that is now where you know where he's outnumbered in 1973 / 50 fucking years ago.
00:25:02 Let's see what maybe some of the other residents might have to say about this.
British Numbers Guy
00:25:08 The simple fact of the matter is that we do not have sufficient houses, jobs and schools for our own people, let alone immigrants, be they black, brown, yellow or green.00:25:17 It simply boils down to a question of numbers.
Devon Stack
00:25:20 Ah yes, that that old argument that seems to have worked so well. That's why.00:25:25 Hey.
00:25:27 That's why we use it.
00:25:29 Because it works so well the, the, the implication that I'm not.
00:25:32 That's why I threw in all the different colors of the rainbow and describing the people that could be moving here, and it wouldn't matter to me. They could be purple, green, yellow or or chartreuse. It doesn't fucking matter.
00:25:46 Oh, it's.
00:25:46 About housing, it's about.
00:25:49 Resources.
00:25:53 See, I can't make the argument for whatever reason based on the the fact that we're not the same people.
00:26:00 I've I have to come up with other reasons.
00:26:04 That's an economic problem.
00:26:09 And that doesn't seem to have swayed anyone.
00:26:14 Doesn't seem to have swayed anyone. That graph didn't seem to be affected by him making an argument about economics.
00:26:23 About how you know the housing housing is going to get really.
00:26:27 We let all these these Indians in and all the houses are going to be taken up.
00:26:33 Housing prices are gonna go up, I mean.
00:26:35 You hear this exact argument from people in America, right?
00:26:41 Oh, like you know.
00:26:43 Bringing all these people, it's gonna drive all the price of the house.
00:26:46 Look, that's all true.
00:26:50 Doesn't seem to bother anybody.
00:26:51 Apparently that's not a big deal, especially if you've got an entire generation of people who their retirement plan is their real estate.
00:27:00 Yeah, their house doubling in price.
00:27:02 Oh no.
00:27:06 I wish that didn't happen.
00:27:10 Let's let's see what else.
00:27:12 Surely there's other people that have.
00:27:15 Something to say about this. Again, this is all entire town that was entirely white. As of, you know, just 15 or so years prior to this footage.
British Woman
00:27:24 Well, of course.00:27:25 Are far too many immigrants in this.
00:27:28 When will the public wake up to the fact that you cannot put a cork into a pint bottle?
Devon Stack
00:27:35 That's again.00:27:36 It sounds like she's she seems very pleased with herself coming up with this line.
00:27:42 That you know, there's there's just not enough room.
00:27:46 There's just not enough room.
00:27:49 That's not the kind of argument that would really work in America because, you know, like endless space in every direction, basically.
00:27:55 Yeah, I guess.
00:27:56 Maybe it plays a little bit better when you live on an island.
00:28:00 But again, it doesn't seem to really.
00:28:03 Doesn't seem to really.
00:28:05 Changed anyone's mind, right?
00:28:06 There's not enough room.
00:28:09 Oh, quick, everybody stop the mass immigration. This lady says there's not enough room.
00:28:16 We better.
00:28:17 We we've we've made some severe miscalculations.
00:28:19 Apparently there's not enough room for all these people.
00:28:23 There's just simply not enough room.
00:28:24 Better.
00:28:26 Someone. Someone shut down the border right now. Apparently we're gonna run out of room.
00:28:36 So that didn't seem to have.
00:28:38 Very persuasive to people.
00:28:41 Who are this couple?
00:28:43 They seem to.
00:28:45 You know, they're like a nice older couple.
00:28:47 They've they've probably lived a long time in this area.
00:28:51 Probably watched their children grow up.
00:28:53 In South Elm.
00:28:56 Right. They probably live their whole lives.
00:29:00 In this part of England.
00:29:02 I mean, there's much a part of Southall as as the.
00:29:07 The pubs, the monuments, the the streets.
Older British Gentleman
00:29:19 About 12 or so years ago, there was very, very few people in Southall who were prejudice.00:29:26 Did everything we possibly.
00:29:27 Could to make these people welcome and help them when they first came here, but as there's been more and more come into the town, we've set the authorities.
00:29:35 No.
00:29:36 We're full up.
00:29:37 They keep coming in by the 100.
00:29:40 Today, there's very few people in Southport who are not prejudice and unless something is done about this quick, that previous is going to be sheer blood, blood, blood.
Older British Gentlemans Based Wife
00:29:44 We hate them.Older British Gentleman
00:29:48 Good.Devon Stack
00:29:50 Well, it sounds like for your wife it already is sheer bloody hatred. I do like how.00:29:54 Like we hate them.
00:29:57 Just. Yeah. See, she gets it.
00:30:00 She gets.
00:30:01 Let's not beat around the Bush. We hate them.
00:30:07 Once again, it's it's you're arguing with the people doing it to you.
00:30:16 You're arguing with the people who?
00:30:21 This is their plan.
00:30:23 They anticipated you not liking it.
00:30:29 It's not that they're unaware.
00:30:33 If they gave a fuck about what you thought.
00:30:35 About it.
00:30:36 They would have put it to a vote.
00:30:42 You know, it's like you hear a lot of, you know, the English nationalists say, you know, we were never asked.
00:30:46 That's true across the.
00:30:47 That's the true across the entire West.
00:30:50 And the reason you were never asked is because every white person would feel as these people did, or at least enough to wear, it would never.
00:30:58 You know you'd never get a majority to be like.
00:31:00 That's great. Let's.
00:31:02 Why not?
00:31:02 Why?
00:31:03 Why not fuck up a good thing?
00:31:09 Sure, let's invite a bunch of non whites into our countries.
00:31:15 That.
00:31:16 That sounds exciting.
00:31:18 I'm getting really bored of everywhere I look. There's white people.
00:31:23 Try to spice things up.
00:31:27 Now, very few people would.
00:31:29 And there probably some people like that. In fact, if I, you know, if I was Emperor, I would, I would. I would ask the public just so that when there were people that said yes, we should do that, we could throw them in the pit, we would know.
00:31:41 So you're the.
00:31:42 You need to go in the pit.
00:31:44 But even with the subversives.
00:31:47 The vast majority of the people would be like no fuck that I've seen India.
00:31:52 I've seen it on the BBC.
00:31:55 Doesn't look great.
00:31:57 Don't want it here.
00:32:04 So they're talking to the the authorities as if, like, this is something that they're they're just unaware of.
00:32:11 As if it's just this accident.
00:32:15 This oversight.
00:32:18 Oh, you mean the the citizens of England aren't on board with this?
00:32:23 Fuck, we really made a miscalculation there, Nigel.
00:32:31 Should probably.
00:32:32 We need to.
00:32:33 We need to rethink this whole thing, turns out.
00:32:37 People don't don't want this to happen.
00:32:45 Now something to pay attention to also is just like look, just the attitude.
00:32:49 Do you think that if you were, I mean, even even if this is still in the genetic memories of people living out there, even if this is still like a an instinct that you can't get around?
00:33:05 You think that if you were to get man on the street?
00:33:08 Like this?
00:33:09 Even if you were to find like that that 5% remaining whites in Southall or the, you know, or maybe the neighboring areas and ask them, even the ones that did that felt as.
00:33:20 People did.
00:33:23 They won't even say it on camera now.
00:33:29 They won't even say it out loud.
00:33:34 Part of.
00:33:34 Sphere of retribution, obviously, if you're in England.
00:33:42 Right, there's there's very real consequences.
00:33:46 To just saying something negative about mass immigration on social media.
00:33:53 Prison time.
00:33:57 You'd have the same hesitation from a lot of Americans who?
00:34:02 You wouldn't go to jail.
00:34:07 Would you maybe lose a job?
00:34:09 Don't know, maybe.
00:34:11 I guess it depends.
00:34:14 Would you want to work at a place where you had to pretend to like getting demographically raped?
00:34:23 Would you want to work for a company that would, that would fire you for protesting your your genocide?
00:34:30 Is that is that really a?
00:34:31 Is that a machine you want to be a part of?
00:34:33 Is that a machine you want to be a cog in?
00:34:36 Don't know.
00:34:39 I guess to some people, right?
00:34:45 This is a film about race that does not mean that this is a film about hatred for the word. Discrimination does not mean that since the war the people of this land have seen it change almost out of recognition.00:34:46 Oh.
00:34:57 One of the biggest changes has been the massive inflow of hundreds of thousands of colored immigrants.
00:35:02 With them, they have brought new and widely incompatible cultures, social customs and habits, sometimes prompted by particular circumstances, large numbers of them have arrived at once.
00:35:14 Strangely enough, no.
00:35:15 Not even the government either knows or is prepared to admit the precise number of immigrants who are here, or how fast their numbers are growing. There would seem to be about two and a half million immigrants currently in the country, and one prediction for the year 2TH.
00:35:29 That one in 18 of us will be a colored immigrant.
Devon Stack
00:35:33 Oh, you, you starry eyed optimist, you.00:35:39 He said that, oh, some predictions.
00:35:43 Some productions say in year 2001 and 18.
00:35:47 Well, that works out to be. I did the math here.
00:35:54 That works out to be about 5.6% of the population, when actually by the year 2000 the number was 7.9%.
00:36:08 So yeah, you underestimated the.
00:36:11 You underestimated the issue and notice how a lot of the same sort of things, right, the government doesn't really want to, doesn't want to get put a number to it. They don't want to admit exactly how many people are here.
00:36:23 Same thing in the United States. They've been saying there's an 11,000,000 illegal immigrants in this country since I've been alive.
00:36:30 That's we all know that's impossible.
00:36:36 And in fact, the United States is actually way easier to get demographic data than it is in England.
00:36:42 That's always anytime I've tried to research that it's.
00:36:45 I mean, they don't break things up by race like we do in America.
00:36:50 There, Canada is even worse. But you know, they get a little tricky with that shit 'cause. They don't want you to know. And which, again, if they gave a fuck about what you thought.
00:37:04 You know.
00:37:08 Why are they hiding it?
00:37:09 Because they don't give a fuck what you think.
00:37:12 It's not up to you.
00:37:16 It's not up to you. Never was.
00:37:24 See, you're still playing as if there's a social contract.
00:37:30 You're playing this game as if they're upholding their end of the deal. They're not.
00:37:35 You're a sucker.
00:37:38 You're a sucker.
00:37:47 You're a guy who's being loyal.
00:37:52 Woman who cheats on him three times a day.
00:37:58 Out of some misplaced sense of honor.
00:38:08 That oath has been broken.
00:38:10 That contract is null and void.
00:38:18 You're just operating off of muscle memory or sleep walking. One of the two.
00:38:26 Now, if the dispersal were as follows as this perhaps?00:38:29 Wouldn't look so dismal.
00:38:30 But even now it is not thorough at all.
00:38:33 The people of the City of Nottingham know that their city map shows large villages of coloured people, solid areas where discrimination is mutual through total geographical segregation.
00:38:44 Now protected by laws under which it seems, the immigrant may not win but can't lose, this alien population thrives and prospers. And all this to the bewilderment of those whose sons and daughters fought and died for a land.
00:38:56 Thought their own.
Devon Stack
00:38:58 Same arguments, right?00:39:01 Well, if my grandparents in World War 2 and they were storming the beaches of Normandy.
00:39:08 If they had known about this is how I was going to, they wouldn't.
00:39:11 It's the same thing they were saying this 50 fucking years ago.
00:39:15 50 fucking years ago they were saying this is bewildering to people who fought and died this in fact, this is their grandparents.
00:39:23 Is the.
00:39:24 This is the actual people that stormed those beaches.
00:39:29 Who are bewildered.
00:39:34 These are the actual people.
00:39:37 Who are dodging rockets in Southall during the during the war?
00:39:44 Thought they were doing this out of some kind of ethnic interest loyalty.
00:39:56 And as you see on these this newspaper here on the screen, let's look after our own first.
00:40:03 Same argument.
00:40:05 What do you mean first?
00:40:09 Is again, there's this implication that we're responsible for the the the welfare of others at some point, as long as we take care of ourselves first. No, fuck them.
00:40:21 About.
00:40:22 How about fuck you?
00:40:25 How about fuck you?
00:40:30 How about? Let's take care of our own period.
00:40:35 No, first.
00:40:41 In fact, that's why America first is kind of a a bullshit line, isn't it?
00:40:45 It should be America only.
00:40:52 Does the same thing.
00:40:53 It implies that, oh, once we take care of our problems, which who's defining that?
00:41:00 Libertarians that tell you that your life is actually way better than the royalty of 100 years ago because you have a 50 inch fucking TV.
00:41:09 Is that is that who's defining like, you know what's acceptable living conditions for us to.
00:41:15 Like OK.
00:41:17 Well, you've got an Xbox.
00:41:22 You got an Xbox, so we can.
00:41:23 Die for Israel now.
00:41:32 Look, I understand strategic.
00:41:35 I understand having close relationships with with other nations and.
00:41:42 I mean, fuck the show here. White people in general. I think the pro White community online.
00:41:49 It's.
00:41:49 It has to be.
00:41:52 It has to be because none of our governments are backing us up and we're just we're in this alone.
00:42:02 World.
00:42:05 We would have our own nations and sure, there'd be again there'd be relationships and and cooperation.
00:42:12 That fun stuff, but.
00:42:16 So that's where the obligations really end.
00:42:21 Especially these obligations that that for some reason, never never cease to the third world.
00:42:31 They're.
00:42:31 Not countries that are that are partners, not countries that are peers.
00:42:37 Not countries where there's any kind of equal exchange of anything.
00:42:45 Bottomless pits.
00:42:58 No matter how much money you throw into these pits.
00:43:03 People keep crawling out of them.
00:43:06 Into our countries.
00:43:16 Southall is part of the London Borough of.00:43:18 The area has a large immigrant population, so large they bus children to other parts of the borough to preserve racial balance in the schools so large that on a sunny day it's difficult to remember just where you are.
Devon Stack
00:43:31 Again 50 years ago.00:43:34 They were doing busing just like they we did here in America.
00:43:41 They wanted to spread that diversity around.
00:43:48 Diversity is our strength.
00:43:49 I mean, you might as well.
00:43:51 That puff, puff, pass.
00:43:58 Don't be greedy with all that. Divert, get send those pajites over here.
00:44:12 1973 on a sunny day, it was hard to know what continent you were on.
00:44:18 When you were in this part of London.
00:44:25 Isn't that nice? Isn't that nice?
00:44:30 It's.
00:44:30 Look at the footage.
00:44:32 This is 1973.
00:44:37 1973 taking a nice little walk through Southall and this is what you see.
Older British Lady
00:44:53 If we are obliged to have these, why can't they be dispersed to other areas, especially to the areas that these M PS and the people that welcome them to this country?Devon Stack
00:45:04 You know, again same kind of an argument, but you're not obliged, first of all.00:45:08 It's a false premise.
00:45:09 Stop playing on the fucking premise that they give you.
00:45:13 You don't have to take these immigrants. You don't.
00:45:20 And and trying to be cute and saying haha, well, I bet if we were to send these immigrants to the neighborhoods of the people forcing these immigrants on us, they wouldn't like it very much.
00:45:29 Of course they.
00:45:30 That's why they're not going to send to their own neighborhoods.
00:45:34 Like some big own, obviously.
00:45:36 Yeah, right.
00:45:37 That's why they're not there.
00:45:41 Because they're they're lying.
00:45:46 I get it, I get it.
00:45:47 Not comfortable again, there's this.
00:45:49 There's this layer of civility.
00:45:54 Layer of civility that's been slathered all over fucking white people.
00:46:00 This slippery, slimy goo of civility.
00:46:13 They still think they can win battles with rhetoric, rhetoric and ideas and charts.
00:46:19 And.
00:46:22 Rationality and arguments.
00:46:30 The ruling class, they're.
00:46:32 They're just not aware of what they're doing.
00:46:34 They just don't.
00:46:35 They're just they got in over their heads.
00:46:42 They don't know what they've done.
00:46:49 Again, you won't. Even. You wouldn't even hear these sentiments coming out of the mouths.
00:46:55 Of most people.
00:46:57 In these areas today.
00:47:01 You know those those areas still, I mean they look more like this.
00:47:15 I.
00:47:18 Yep.
00:47:18 I.
00:47:22 Yeah.
00:47:24 Jolly old England.
Older British Gentleman
00:47:30 Well, as a small shopkeeper, the shops inspector tells me the.00:47:34 I'm breaking the law because I don't ever notice as to my early closing day and when we asked him what about these Indian shops, they break in the law all the time, he publicly stated.
00:47:45 I know these people are breaking the law, but I'm afraid to take action against them in case I'm accused of racial prejudice.
Devon Stack
00:47:52 Look at that.00:47:55 More things change the more they stay the same.
00:48:05 Now the cops are afraid to bust child rapists.
00:48:10 Out of fear of confrontation.
00:48:17 Conflict avoidant.
00:48:26 I don't know if it's uniquely Anglo, but it's it's certainly pronounced.
00:48:31 In the Anglo.
00:48:34 This.
00:48:36 Avoiding conflict.
00:48:47 More formal term for this.
00:48:50 That's too long to put in. The title is conflict avoidant. Martyrdom.
00:48:59 It's not a.
00:49:00 It's not like a official psychological term, but it.
00:49:07 It effectively describes what's going on here.
00:49:17 People.
00:49:18 They're they're coded in this civility.
00:49:23 This disgusting, sticky civility.
00:49:30 In the past, they were rewarded.
00:49:33 For avoiding conflict.
00:49:38 They come from a long line of people who avoided conflict.
00:49:43 Unless ordered to engage in conflict.
00:49:47 By the state.
00:49:52 So they've been avoiding confrontation.
00:49:56 For generations, these people.
00:50:00 To the extent that they will make significant.
00:50:04 Personal sacrifices.
00:50:07 Often of their own detriment to avoid getting into a confrontational situation.
00:50:16 This is where you get the extreme politeness.
00:50:21 Over accommodating.
00:50:25 Self censoring never. You know, not saying the obvious thing that everyone's thinking.
00:50:31 And that's again, this is without the.
00:50:34 The gun to the head, you know that, which you also have in England, you.
00:50:37 Of have you also have a Big Brother hanging out over you?
00:50:42 But even with with, if you were to strip that away.
00:50:45 And it's not limited to England. Like I said, just it seems to be very pronounced in the Anglo, which many of us look, myself included. We are descended from that.
00:50:56 And you see it in America, you see it all throughout the Anglosphere.
00:51:03 This self.
00:51:07 Ishness.
00:51:07 Referring to politeness.
00:51:10 When really assertiveness.
00:51:15 Be more appropriate.
00:51:19 You know this, this avoiding disagreement.
00:51:24 Avoiding anger and look you.
00:51:26 You can go back and think about all the way going all the way back to when you were a child.
00:51:31 You know that the conflict resolution.
00:51:35 You know that whole generation of.
00:51:38 Social engineering that began, I would say, post boomer or or peak boomer in the 70s and 80s.
00:51:45 Engineering your children to, you know.
00:51:49 Go through these overly complicated conflict resolution.
00:51:55 You know, farcical diplomacy bullshit.
00:51:59 You know, this eradication of bullying.
00:52:09 Avoiding negative emotions at all costs.
00:52:19 Beating you into submission so that you're more than willing to agree to unfair demands.
00:52:30 Because you don't want to rock the boat.
00:52:37 Overly deferential.
00:52:48 Now eventually what happens?
00:52:54 Because a certain level of this again in.
00:52:58 A.
00:52:59 Homogeneous Society of other people who are just like this.
00:53:03 Yeah, there's, there's. There's obviously a dark side to it, but.
00:53:08 No one's taken advantage because everyone's.
00:53:10 Kind of a pussy.
00:53:11 No one's no one's walking all over you except for the.
00:53:15 Which has its own.
00:53:16 You know that's that's an issue, but.
00:53:19 Most people aren't taking advantage of you like you're a sucker because everyone else is just as much of A pussy.
00:53:25 And so they're everyone's just being, everyone's avoiding the truth.
00:53:28 Everyone's avoiding the elephant in the room.
00:53:33 When you import a bunch of people who don't play by the same rules.
00:53:37 Eventually it takes a toll.
00:53:42 Eventually it starts to build up resentment in a people.
00:53:52 Eventually, the only thing keeping them in check is the fear of repercussions.
00:53:59 Starts out maybe a fear of rejection.
00:54:03 A fear of disapproval.
00:54:06 Disappointing someone.
00:54:11 It almost feels like you're you're. You are the better person because you're willing to make the sacrifice.
00:54:19 You're you're willing to suffer in silence.
00:54:25 And be the bigger person to maintain this civility.
00:54:32 This goo that's.
00:54:33 Stuck to your fingers.
00:54:41 But when you realize it's not being reciprocated.
00:54:48 This perception of taking the moral high ground, it kind of kind of wears a little bit thin, doesn't it?
00:54:57 Because now you start to feel like, no, you're just you're the mark.
00:55:03 You're the sucker.
00:55:08 You see, it might not be obvious.
00:55:14 But in a situation where everyone else is again avoiding the elephant in the room, there actually is a reward system for that. You do avoid some unpleasantness again.
00:55:23 Causes other problems but.
00:55:26 It's workable.
00:55:29 There is no reward.
00:55:32 When you're the only one playing by these rules, you're the sucker.
00:55:35 You're there's.
00:55:36 Lots of punishments, but no rewards.
00:55:43 And these cultural expectations?
00:55:47 Did you have?
00:55:49 From your elders, from your peers, because of generations of this kind of behavior.
00:55:56 Those start to wear down as everyone else starts to feel like a fucking sucker.
00:56:07 Unfortunately, a lot of people start to feel.
00:56:10 You know, as they be, they feel like a sucker.
00:56:12 It almost feeds into it a little bit, right?
00:56:18 Because they it affects their their self-image.
00:56:20 The sucker.
00:56:23 So it drives them to seek free, you know, even harder for approval from these people.
00:56:29 These people taking it.
00:56:32 'S, like the Stockholm syndrome.
00:56:37 You feel so abused by these people that you you desperately want their approval. You see that you see in America.
00:56:45 See, this is where boomers.
00:56:48 Essentially ejaculate when they encounter a based black guy.
00:56:56 It's that validation they've always wanted.
00:57:10 Only force people into stress positions for so long before they start to lose their shit.
00:57:18 Resentment will build and build and build.
00:57:23 Until it has nowhere else to go.
00:57:53 Happy music.
00:57:57 Starts to sound real artificial, doesn't it?
00:58:08 Ha ha.
Older British Lady
00:58:12 My grandparents were married here in 1867 and six generations of my family have lived here. But now I'm being driven out.00:58:21 The the local cemetery.
00:58:24 From all my people are buried, all my family is was used for gambling and drinking and a lot of the even the tombstones have been done is the one next to my mothers was.
00:58:35 And there's gambling in the Nana House grounds and in the park, something which was we never was never allowed himself years ago.
Devon Stack
00:58:47 Oh.00:58:48 So they're just shitting up the place. Imagine that.
00:58:56 Look, they're feeding the fish right next to a sign that says.
00:59:01 Don't feed the fish.
00:59:02 At least they're not shitting on the streets though, right?
00:59:05 We all know they're shitting on the streets.
00:59:09 Ba, Ba, ba, ba ba da, Papa diddly DD.
British Guy
00:59:17 Immigration. There are too many immigrants in Southall, and the government have taken very little action in easing the situation or directing the immigrant should be dispersed from this area. The housing problem, of course, is terrific.00:59:27 I.
Devon Stack
00:59:33 Oh yes, the government.00:59:34 They just know there's not.
00:59:34 Addressing it 'cause, they're the ones doing it.
00:59:40 Yeah.
00:59:41 It's like instead of calling the police, you're you're calling the rapist's cell phone that's in his pocket as he's raping you.
00:59:49 I'm getting raped.
00:59:51 It's like, oh, really?
00:59:55 Have you heard this song?
00:59:56 Sounds very happy.
01:00:04 Dark dark.
01:00:12 That's my.
01:00:13 Look at the kid playing with trash.
01:00:17 No, I can't figure out this broom works.
01:00:22 It's kind of nice.
British Lady
01:00:25 My mother got married a couple of years.01:00:27 I wouldn't have a bury themselves well, because I hate the idea of an Indian temple being built over her grave in years to come.
Devon Stack
01:00:36 Well, and it was 50 years ago, so really good chance that happened.01:00:42 But you know.
01:00:46 And that's.01:00:46 Misguided emotion.
01:00:48 The Southall already has a large and flourishing Asian religious community with its own temples.
01:00:53 So what of the future for the whites who are left?
Older British Gentleman
01:00:57 Only hope is to be able to get away from South all away from it all like everybody else.01:01:03 Our friends have.
01:01:04 There's nothing left for English people in this town anymore.
01:01:07 I would like to say this. My wife and I used to like to go out weekends, but down to the local, have a couple of drinks, meet friends in there.
01:01:15 We can't go into the locals.
01:01:16 They're full up with noisy foreigners, and we don't like it.
Older British Gentlemans Based Wife
01:01:20 We don't.Older British Gentleman
01:01:20 We haven't got a place left where we, the English people, can go and enjoy ourselves in this.Older British Gentlemans Based Wife
01:01:20 Like it?01:01:25 Town after going through two world wars, we should at least have the dignity of being allowed to live with our own kind.
Devon Stack
01:01:34 Yeah, you should be. You should be.01:01:40 But there's another problem too, and just the way she phrased that, we should be allowed because she's asking for permission. And you know the powers that they're just saying.
01:01:50 No.
01:01:54 You might as well be a little kid saying I should be allowed to stay up all night.
01:01:58 Oreo cookies.
01:02:00 No.
01:02:04 You don't get to.
01:02:10 So really what you're left with is. Yeah, you have to leave.
01:02:16 If you're unable to confront the problem.
01:02:23 If you're if you're unable to weather the conflict, the inevitable conflict, you have to leave.
01:02:36 You have to leave.
01:02:54 OK.
01:02:59 You have been conquered.
01:03:01 You've been conquered, and if you can't fight off the conquerors, then yeah, that's you're a refugee.
01:03:09 Another way to put it is you're a refugee.
01:03:20 Smithy, just outside Birmingham, one of those places that look like the cornerstone of the industrial revolution here in his home ground, meet local businessman John Wass.John Wass
01:03:31 About 10 years ago, I came into Smatic to open this cutting tool business.01:03:39 And during this time I have seen a great change take place in the population of this area.
01:03:46 Because when we first came here, there were almost no colored immigrants in the area.
01:03:53 But he falls a prosperous white working class area.
01:03:58 And that unskilled and semi skilled jobs were available W Indians started to move in to take these jobs and then we had the classic pattern that they have in the United States.
01:04:12 Where one coloured family moves into a street.
01:04:17 The white start to move out.
Devon Stack
01:04:19 Go girl.John Wass
01:04:19 More colored immigrants come in to take their place, and over a period of fast 10 years, we've seen many of the streets around this area become predominantly black. But as these areas do become black, we get a situation.01:04:36 Where in more.
01:04:36 Recent years, Asians have also moved in with the West Indians.
01:04:41 And these Asians have opened shops, which in turn have taken trade away from the wide own shop.
01:04:48 Which has resulted in many wide owned businesses closing down and the place has either been taken with Asian traders of various sorts or as today in hands with Soho Rd. You see many of these shops standing empty.
Devon Stack
01:05:08 There you go.01:05:13 A lot of that's because of a.
01:05:15 Of in Group.
01:05:16 A lot of that's because the whites are on their own.
01:05:22 They are.
01:05:23 They don't have their government on their.
01:05:25 They don't have community groups really on their side and to the degree that they do collectivize, they're always shut down, usually by their own people.
01:05:35 As we will see here in a moment.
01:05:39 People that do have the power to stop at other people doing it to you.
01:05:49 You know, we often will talk about like, why don't we have our George Soros right?
01:05:54 Why isn't there a pro white George Soros?
01:05:56 Why isn't there a billionaire like, oh, I don't know, like Elon Musk, for as an example. Who's who's throwing money at this problem on the other end of it?
01:06:09 Worse than that, it's people like Elon. Not. It'd be. In fact, it would be infinitely better if if all he was doing was not throwing money at it.
01:06:19 He's on the.
01:06:20 He's the one doing it to you.
01:06:26 The right billionaires that you want to have on your side.
01:06:30 Are doing it to you.
01:06:32 People like Trump are doing it to you.
01:06:41 They've been doing it a long time.
01:06:42 They've been doing it since World War 2.
01:06:46 All across the West, so using the same tactics, like I said, a lot of this, not only.
01:06:50 Eerie because it sounds exactly like what's going on in, or at least the conversations that are going on in America today. But it it also sounds exactly like the.
01:07:00 Post World War 2 racial desegregation bullshit that was happening in America.
01:07:08 And the bus ain't and.
01:07:10 All across the.
01:07:12 You had this bullshit going on.
01:07:18 It's almost like we lost World War 2.
John Wass
01:07:24 Almost.01:07:25 The smug is with these Asian traders.
01:07:29 They don't make any genuine contribution to the community as a whole because the money that they earn from these businesses.
01:07:38 In many cases, is transmitted back to India and Pakistan and the like.
01:07:42 This, of course is bad from the.
01:07:44 Andrea as a whole, since it upsets the balance of payments, and I understand that these remittances at the moment are running at the rate of about £40 million a year.
Devon Stack
01:07:50 OK, let's.01:07:59 So same thing, remittances, but also just the fact that they are taking advantage of.
01:08:04 Not just robbing you of your current neighborhoods, they're robbing you of generations.
01:08:10 Generations of the proceeds of your ancestors human capital.
01:08:18 To put in a in a very in a way that I guess even the economically obsessed boomers would understand.
01:08:33 Nation.
01:08:36 Your nation is the the the the output.
01:08:41 Of your people going back as long as record history goes.
01:08:50 There's a reason.
01:08:54 You can look at America or or England or or New Zealand or Australia, or even, you know, Romania or Lithuania.
01:09:07 Italy or you know, anywhere, anywhere.
01:09:13 Where there's white people.
01:09:16 And you can compare that to what you see when you go to a plate anywhere in Africa where there's not white people.
01:09:25 Well, you know, you'll have anthropologists tell you that the places in Africa.
John Wass
01:09:28 Are far, far older.Devon Stack
01:09:32 More ancient human beings, as they say, as they define it, have inhabited those areas.01:09:40 Since the dawn of time.
01:09:44 And yet.
01:09:47 Wouldn't know it.
01:09:51 Looking at the environment, would you?
01:10:02 With seeing there are no relics.
01:10:06 Are no.
01:10:07 There are no two-story fucking buildings.
01:10:10 Are no wheel.
01:10:14 There's no literature, there's no written language.
01:10:19 When these people come from there, third world countries and come to your neighborhood, they are not just robbing you.
01:10:30 Of your current environment, they're robbing your birthright right from out, out from under you.
01:10:35 They're leapfrogging 50 fucking thousand years.
01:10:41 Of evolution.
01:10:44 And because they can't quite make the jump, they're grabbing you and dragging you to the bottom where they do land.
John Wass
01:11:11 These colored people coming into the area are creating black ghettos, and this is affecting the whole the urban area.01:11:21 Including education and social services.
01:11:25 For example, in this area today, it is difficult for a white woman to get a bed in a maternity hospital because these beds are now taken up by colored women. And I think this is particularly immoral because.
01:11:40 It is the white community at large.
01:11:42 That have paid for these beds over the years by by taxation, and particularly by their National Health contributions and when their wives now want the services of the maternity hospital, they find it is denied to them.
01:11:43 Replay.John Wass
01:11:57 And yet, at the same time being given.01:12:00 To coloured women who may only have just arrived in this country.
01:12:04 The official reason given for this.
01:12:07 Is that white women live in far better conditions than the colored women.
01:12:11 So white women can stay at home to have their children in sanitary conditions, where the colored women cannot apparently stay at home to have their children in insanity conditions.
Devon Stack
01:12:25 See, it's your responsibility.01:12:30 If they can't be raised up to your level and they can't, then you must.
01:12:34 Dragged down to theirs.
01:12:42 It's like I've said a million times before, you can't even calculate it.
01:12:48 We wouldn't just be on Mars. We'd we'd fucking.
01:12:51 We'd be on fucking Jupiter.
01:12:54 Yeah.
01:12:55 We would, we would.
01:12:56 We would have cracked the code to.
01:12:57 On on Jupiter.
01:13:00 If we didn't have to spend money.
01:13:03 On other races.
01:13:06 Just think of the amount of money just the United States. Think of the amount of money the United States has spent not just on incarcerating non whites, not just in the the policing of non whites, not just the judicial system required for non whites.
01:13:24 The all the the segregation, all of the the.
01:13:31 Education.
01:13:33 All of the diversity training.
01:13:36 All of the diversity hires, all of the lawsuits that have gone on like just imagine the wealth that has just been sapped out of your fucking heritage.
01:13:53 Just from having black people.
01:13:54 Just one group.
01:14:02 You can't even calculate it.
01:14:04 You can't even calculate it. I I might try someday. Now that we have AI have to be very clever with the way that I word it for it to give me accurate numbers.
01:14:15 But It'd be nice to maybe have a low estimate because it's in the fucking trillions.
01:14:24 And that's just the economic cost.
01:14:31 You can't calculate what.
01:14:33 Yeah, the the whites that have been murdered.
01:14:36 Contribution they might have had gone.
01:14:42 Never know what what impact that has.
01:14:50 Degradation of the culture.
01:14:52 You'll.
01:14:53 You'll never be able to calculate that.
01:14:55 What kind of influence that's had on white behavior?
01:15:03 You'll never really calculate just the time wasted in educating white people because you have to lower the standards of education across the board in order to accommodate the non whites.
01:15:18 You can't calculate what the effects of that the entire population of your nation lowering dramatically, lowering education standards to accommodate.
01:15:32 An incompatible group or several really several incompatible groups.
01:15:43 Never be able to calculate.
01:15:46 What was lost when you were giving people who?
01:15:50 Wildly unqualified to attend higher education, you were giving them those.
01:15:57 Those seats?
01:16:00 Instead of the white people whose family for generations.
01:16:09 With their blood.
01:16:12 That those institutions could exist.
01:16:21 Never be able to calculate.
01:16:26 Wound that's been inflicted.
John Wass
01:16:42 For the people of this country have got to make up his mind. What sort of a country Britain is going to be in 100 years time.01:16:51 If we allow.
01:16:53 The immigration take place on the scale that is taking place today, coupled with the birth rate of colours that's rapidly out stripping that of white.
01:17:03 Then we're going to have a black state.
01:17:06 The history of this country for the past thousand years has been 1 of repelling or preventing invasions of one sort and another.
01:17:17 And yet here we have a situation where an unarmed invasion is taking place before.
01:17:23 Our very eyes.
01:17:24 And it's not outside the bounds of possibility, but future generations will look back on the British of today like we look back on the ancient Egyptians.
Devon Stack
01:17:38 Well, he.01:17:39 100 years. It's already been half that.
01:17:40 Been over over half that.
01:17:48 And I don't think that doesn't look as if they've changed course, does it?
01:17:54 So maybe the other, maybe the other part of his prediction will come true also.
01:17:58 It'll be like that meme, right?
01:18:00 That meme with the.
01:18:03 Rotting Launchpad in the space shuttle.
01:18:08 Falling apart covered in vines.
01:18:16 The primitive caveman.
01:18:20 Dark skinned caveman looking up, they added in wonder.
01:18:27 The same way lots of people look at the pyramids in Egypt.
01:18:32 How did they build that?
01:18:37 What was it used for?
01:18:41 The greatest irony of all?
01:18:44 The man most interested in space travel.
01:18:48 Is front and center.
01:18:53 Of the problem.
01:19:02 Redford, a great rule town of the north, but it's a long time since the White Rose flowered in these streets.British Guy
01:19:03 I.Narrator
01:19:08 It takes a lot to make yorkshiremen March in October 1972.01:19:12 They did.
01:19:22 Immigration Reaper kryoga immigration.Devon Stack
01:19:31 I just want you to take note that this is exactly the same thing that that the same response that you had in the 70s. Immigration, no repatriation, yes.01:19:43 They're saying reimagination now basically.
01:19:46 And they're carrying signs that looked in greater numbers, and they're more explicit about it.
01:19:54 That workout in 1972.
01:20:03 I want you to watch this montage.
01:20:05 Gonna back it.
01:20:06 I want you to watch this montage.
01:20:08 This is 1972.
01:20:10 Pay careful attention to the words they're using, that arguments that they're using, and then ask yourself what was the end result.
01:20:20 How did it work out?
01:20:22 Bradford.01:20:22 Great wooltown of the north, but it's a long time since the White Rose flowered in these streets.
01:20:28 It takes a lot to make Yorkshire and March. In October 1972, they do.
01:20:43 Reaper creation, immigration.British Lady
01:20:53 Come from Manchester to support its native because we want our country to be.01:20:59 Not have so many immigrants with no room, with no jobs.
01:21:03 And now, Paula surprise him. In Ireland, our own country being invaded.
Brit with a stash
01:21:08 I mean the situation we've got now is that you can't find jobs accommodation in your own towns.Background Protestor
01:21:13 Xbox.Brit with a stash
01:21:13 I don't come from Bradham here today to support the Bradford people because they've been left out.01:21:18 They don't get the same. What's going on?
01:21:21 They're pushed up here.
01:21:22 People are the coloured people and put into overcrowded situation and it's just leaving chaos behind.
01:21:28 And we're going to try and salvage something from that.
Background Protestor
01:21:29 Yeah.British Lady
01:21:33 I'm accommodating them with job long hours and somebody needs them ourselves. Help them by all means. You know, after we help ourselves a bit and a lot of the factories around here then playing approximately.British Guy
01:21:46 12 black to one whiteScottsman
01:21:49 Right.Protestor
01:21:50 I.Scottsman
01:21:55 Was it published? I'm a Scotsman.01:21:56 I.
01:21:57 I'm living in.
01:21:58 I've come all the way from London, but I'm a britisher and I am here and I feel there is a great problem here in Bradford.
01:22:05 Not a politician on the working class, man.
01:22:08 I'm a member of the British.
01:22:09 I spent 11 1/2 years in the British force I spent in the airborne and s s and I'm here now.
01:22:16 For these people, because to me we have been solder all the way along the lane by Heath Wilson and everybody else, and I am not a.
01:22:27 And I don't want to be interested in politics, just a member of British politics, British public, that's all.
Brit with a stash
01:22:37 There's too many people in the country, yet the key laying these immigrants knowing very well that the vast majority of the British people against this immigration, we've got enough of that. But let's keep them out. We've got enough here.01:22:40 On.
01:22:49 We've got enough over here.
01:22:50 I.Brit with a stash
01:22:51 We've already got unemployment around this area and we want to see them get kept out, the rest of them so much.01:22:58 Track.
01:23:00 We have stand for.
01:23:01 We're going to fight against it.
Devon Stack
01:23:02 I.Scottsman
01:23:09 Go.British working man
01:23:11 A British working mum.01:23:13 That's how I describe myself, a British working mum no less.
British Lady
01:23:18 That's all.British working man
01:23:19 I'm just fed up and tired of being pushed from Philadelphia.Protestor
01:23:19 I.British working man
01:23:22 The British people can't get away in where the immigrants can.01:23:26 They get everything laid on the plate for them to get the money laid out for them.
01:23:29 Just when they want it and we get nothing.
01:23:32 Sweet and.
01:23:33 Nothing. All I want is the best for my children and my family and my people.
01:23:39 All I want.
01:23:39 Just the best for my people in my country.
01:23:40 I.Devon Stack
01:23:48 Then again, I'm going to pop up this graph.01:23:57 Those protests took place.
01:24:00 Where that red line at Orange Line intersect in the middle there.
01:24:06 And yet.
01:24:09 Nothing changed.
01:24:16 Nothing changed when you had more people, more support, you weren't worried about going to jail because you said the wrong thing on social media.
01:24:22 And in fact, the cops to some degree might have agreed with you.
01:24:31 The general public to some degree.
01:24:34 Supported this.
01:24:39 The cops weren't going around arresting the people holding those signs like.
01:24:42 Would be today.
01:24:59 So you had a bunch of different protests in this area?
01:25:06 Going throughout the 70s.
01:25:10 One famous one.
01:25:12 I guess that was considered like a turning point.
01:25:16 Was called the the mangrove.
01:25:20 The mangrove where you had a bunch of protesters coming from, a lot of lefty whites showed up to.
01:25:33 A.Devon Stack
01:25:33 Lot of Lefty White showed up. I'm sure a lot of fellow whites helped put this together.01:25:41 Lot of echoes of Antifa sounds very much like Antifa rioting because a black-owned business.
01:25:52 Couldn't couldn't.
01:25:56 Couldn't keep up with the health code, essentially.
01:25:59 So cops kept shutting it down because they were like rats and shit all over the place.
01:26:06 They they. Oh, that, that must be racist.
01:26:10 Because he was Caribbean, blacks can't be expected to to live up to the health code.
01:26:16 Notting Hill Gate and N Kensington in the Heart of London.01:26:19 Areas of trendy attraction and yet ghettos in embryo.
01:26:23 This is Geoffrey Baber, local councillor.
Geoffrey Baber
01:26:26 The interesting thing.01:26:28 And where it differs so much from the other main immigrant areas is that it doesn't have the real problems that other Community areas such as Smethwick or Brixton have. Thanks to the boroughs work, there's no more real housing problems or educational problems in Notting Hill Gate.
01:26:44 However, Notting Hill Gate is for a long time been the real political focus centre for immigrant troubles and reaction.
01:26:52 And this is largely centered around a restaurant in All Saints Rd. called.
01:26:56 Mangrove, now a mangrove restaurant, has been seen by many immigrants as a focal point for black influence, black culture and unfortunately black power.
01:27:06 The owner has tried to run it in a reasonable manner, but he is a weak man who's been able to be influenced by the anarchists in Notting Hill Gate area, some of whom are white.
01:27:16 The minority of whom are black.
Devon Stack
01:27:19 Oh, it's it's it's it sounds all like the the Democrats are the real racists, white Antifa.01:27:25 Remember that white Antifa during the BLM riots, it's white Antifa.
01:27:31 All the usual suspects, all the people that are very much. It's the same accounts, by the way, the same accounts on on Twitter, who are very much for the H1B1 visas are the same ones that that love to say white Antifa.
01:27:47 White antifa. They're taking advantage of all these poor, stupid fucking niggers.
01:27:51 I mean.
01:27:51 They might as well just say it that way.
01:27:56 These fucking primitive retards that can't think for themselves. They're being attacked.
01:28:01 It's like they.
01:28:03 White Antifa's tricking them? Tricking them into rioting?
01:28:11 I mean, they say they say it's literally the same rhetoric.
01:28:15 Because like I said, I don't think it's so much a repeat.
01:28:20 Or a rhyming of history. I just think it's just one long ass rape that hasn't finished yet.
01:28:28 It seems these people exploited the inability of the owner of the mangrove restaurant to keep him with the requirements of the borough and the police about hygiene and the normal management of a restaurant.01:28:38 And they've seen every attempt by the police to keep the running of the restaurant within the law as an attack on black people.
01:28:45 Or to use a common phrase, police harassment.
Devon Stack
01:28:48 And again, it's it's even more ridiculous than George Floyd.01:28:53 But it's the same kind of a thing.
01:28:55 Black people.
01:28:55 Not actually victims of anything in this case, he just needs to live up to the fucking health code that everyone else has to live up to in order to run his restaurant.
01:29:04 It's not even like it. Like I said, at least with George Floyd, someone had to die.
01:29:08 You know, like even if he deserved it, if someone had to die.
01:29:14 With this, it's like they, it's just you just need to not have rats in the kitchen.
01:29:19 With this, it's just like have a clean restaurant.
01:29:23 But that was too much.
01:29:24 Was all racism.
01:29:27 No, no one had to die.
01:29:32 And they, they rioted.
01:29:35 As a consequence, following a police raid on the mangrove to investigate a licensing problem, the anarchists in the area organized a March to take place as a protest about this alleged police harassment. Thousands of people met outside the restaurant and marched through the area.01:29:50 The police asked the organizers of the March to let them know its route.
01:29:53 Organizers refused.
01:29:56 The March was deliberately led into a small St. which contained a number of building skips full of broken bricks.
01:30:02 Needless to say it.
Devon Stack
01:30:03 I couldn't count but notice Goldsmith's, I don't know.01:30:06 Don't.
01:30:06 I don't know. I don't know.
01:30:09 Goldsmiths, I don't know. Maybe that's.
01:30:20 I don't have.
01:30:20 I don't know.
01:30:21 I don't know.
01:30:22 I don't know.
01:30:23 Bricks. Needless to say, at the first opportunity, the marches through the bricks of the police and full scale riot erupted.01:30:31 What is interesting about these photographs is that most of the marches are white.
01:30:35 In Councilor Babas opinion, the area is a prime example of exploitation of a minority group by those who intake it not.
Devon Stack
01:30:41 Say the blacks, they're the real victims.01:30:44 They're being exploited by the white Antifa.
01:30:49 It's the same fucking retarded bullshit.
01:30:51 The same fucking retarded bullshit.
01:30:56 So anyway, you had this kind of riot shit going on. As the demographics continue to shift the mangrove thing by the way, that was considered a turning point because all the people that were charged in this riot.
01:31:09 Were let go.
01:31:13 They were let go.
01:31:22 They used what ended up being called the Black Power Defense.
01:31:27 Which was that to not try to actually defend yourself and say you didn't do it, but to say oh, no, of course I did it because we were oppressed by Whitey.
01:31:36 And they were let go.
01:31:38 This was kind of a cultural shift.
01:31:40 You couldn't even.
01:31:43 Old non whites to any kind of standard at that point. Just like with the BLM riots.
01:31:50 You had lots of involvement later on in the late 90s or sorry, late 70s and early 80s with the National Front, which was kind of the response to this.
01:32:06 You had some riots.
01:32:07 One in particular was the National Front, decided to hold a meeting in the town hall.
01:32:17 Was in the Southall.
01:32:19 And the pejet's went wild and preventing them from entering the.
01:32:25 The town hall building.
01:32:29 'Cause you know, they showed up in the thousands and rioted.
01:32:32 I think a cop, even.
01:32:34 I don't know if he got killed, but.
01:32:35 Was he might have.
01:32:37 Either a cop got killed or severely injured.
01:32:39 This is from 1979.
01:32:42 Campaign.01:32:43 It must be one of the biggest yet at.
01:32:44 100 National Fund supporters, 3 1/2 thousand police and thousands of Asian demonstrators.
01:32:49 Finish off.
01:32:52 The Troubles began early as many of Southalle 30,000 nations, 1/5 of the towns population blocked off every road to the town hall.
01:33:05 By night was a town under siege. There was no access to the centre. Queues of policemen and police horses guarded each alleyway.
01:33:12 Shop was closed or boarded up.
01:33:15 The demonstrators were told they had one minute to move off the streets or face arrest.
01:33:21 1st floor dressing and telling that they are forcing obstruction and if they remain here they're gonna be liable to arrest.Indian
01:33:23 Yes.01:33:30 People.
Devon Stack
01:33:38 Lost there.01:33:39 Imagine the cops threatening to arrest.
01:33:43 Muslim protesters, or just any non white protesters?
01:33:49 Doesn't happen. Doesn't fucking happen.
01:33:51 Well, unless unless they're saying something.
01:33:53 Jews, I guess, right?
01:33:55 Why are you sitting across the road like this?Indian
01:33:56 Where where complain.01:34:06 This is the main reason that the unnecessarily they arrested our men.
01:34:12 They refused to leave and the police moved in.Bobby
01:34:17 Move along now.01:34:20 Move no.
British Lady
01:34:21 Thanks.Protestor
01:34:22 Where?Bobby
01:34:22 Are you mate?Brit with Mutton Chops
01:34:33 No.British Lady
01:34:35 Right.Protestor
01:34:49 I.Narrator
01:34:53 At the end of the day, there were more than 300.01:34:57 And many were injured.
01:35:00 Among those injured were several policemen.
01:35:12 Relax, Dennis.Scottsman
01:35:15 The.Devon Stack
01:35:16 Yep.Narrator
01:35:17 National Front was smuggled into the town hall through a back street, but no one apart from the party faithful were allowed inside with them.01:35:30 Keith Hartfield News at 10 in Ealing.
Devon Stack
01:35:39 You know, obviously.01:35:42 Their political objectives were not met.
01:35:46 Obviously the National Front.
British Lady
01:35:50 Failed.Devon Stack
01:35:52 To even slow down.01:35:55 The immigration that was.
01:35:58 Turbo charged in Southall.
01:36:02 This continued for a few more.
01:36:04 The Pejet's burned down a pub because they allowed a a like a Skinhead band to play there.
01:36:13 Again, this is when you start after that trial that I mentioned before.
01:36:20 They they didn't really fear any kind of legal precautions. In fact, during this.
01:36:26 This right here.
01:36:28 I found AI thought I had the clip here, but I think I forgot.
01:36:31 There I found a clip from this Indian Channel that was bragging about these demonstrations because they said that they had arrested three of their guys. Three of their organizers and that they.
01:36:43 Sat in front of the police station and demanded that they release those three people and they wouldn't leave unless they released them and they only had to wait 2 hours before the cops released them.
01:36:54 Hours.
01:36:59 But this became a.
01:37:00 There were riots. The fall. This was in the 80s, even though it's in black and white, it's I think it's a couple years later.
01:37:08 And you had, you know.
01:37:11 Similar riots, similar confrontations.
01:37:30 Boarding up shops, just like during the Black Lives Matter riots.
01:37:32 I.
01:37:42 The.Devon Stack
01:38:00 Look, everybody, it's our strength.01:38:05 I.
01:38:08 I.
01:38:12 So what was the response from the your leaders?
01:38:17 The white people that actually had power.
01:38:20 White people that you are told that you need to.
01:38:23 Vote harder for.
01:38:26 White people, who at the time were considered right wing like Margaret Thatcher.
British Politician
01:38:33 We must accept that the doctrines of the National Front are pernicious.01:38:38 They are provocative.
01:38:40 They are too reminiscent of the Nazis to be comfortable for this country.
British working man
01:38:44 Hey, babe.British Politician
01:38:44 No one would deny that when they talk about festival, excluding.01:38:48 Citizens of this country, from the vote and then secondly, sending them back where some of them came from, reminiscent of Hitler and the.
01:38:57 And I hope I believe, I'm sure all parties would unite in condemning that and in deploying their policies.
Margrat Thatcher
01:39:05 We totally condemn the racial policies of the National Front and we have no sympathy whatsoever with any extremist group, but the way to deal with them is by the ballot box and not by bricks or by bombs.Devon Stack
01:39:22 Vote harder going.01:39:26 It's worked so far.
01:39:36 Right.
01:39:39 It worked back when you were still half of the population, so of course it'll work. Now that you're 5% of the population.
01:39:51 You see, none of this is new.
01:39:55 What we're experiencing now, the United States is just the the newest chapter of the same fucking story.
01:40:04 Same genocidal fucking story.
01:40:10 Either white people have a right to exist or they don't.
01:40:17 Leaders are saying they don't.
01:40:26 It doesn't seem to matter what leaders you install using the mechanisms that they've given you.
01:40:43 Imagine that.
01:40:47 Imagine that.
01:40:52 Imagine imagine your country actually just being a walled garden.
01:40:58 A sandbox.
01:41:02 You're allowed to play in the sandbox.
01:41:09 Don't go outside the sandbox.
01:41:15 Anyway, I just found a very interesting that, like I said, this is exactly you're hearing the exact same arguments.
01:41:22 I.Devon Stack
01:41:23 Mean literally the exact same arguments worded the same way.01:41:27 About the exact same kind of.
01:41:28 Problem 50 fucking years ago, that has just expanded to.
01:41:33 I mean it's the same. They call it little India. Now Southall is called little India.
01:41:47 So it didn't.
01:41:48 It's not like and then the normies woke up.
01:41:54 So that's all we need to do.
01:41:55 We just, we just need the normies to wake up.
01:42:00 Sure, it took 50 years, but then the normies woke up.
01:42:07 And then and then we all you know, we got reimagin trending on Twitter.
01:42:14 Now we got Elon Musk to stop talking about Indians and start talking about rape gangs and Tommy Robinson.
01:42:27 We shifted the.
01:42:28 We moved the Overton window.
01:42:32 Sure, it took 50 years, but now we're winning.
01:42:42 Right, aren't we?
01:42:43 I keep hearing that we're winning.
01:42:51 This is South Hall today.
01:42:59 You could I.
01:43:00 I don't.
01:43:02 I I I don't see how you could tell except for the architecture.
01:43:09 That you're not in India.
01:43:11 You know, and The funny thing is.
01:43:18 You look at a country like like England or the United States.
01:43:22 You look at these neighborhoods that were established and built up by white people and you look at these neighborhoods now as they're inhabited by, inhabited by these.
01:43:34 Non whites and you get a sense that something has degraded. Something has been lost.
01:43:46 And it's funny because.
01:43:49 This is not a universal.
01:43:51 It's not, you know, something seems like it's lost because you can tell that the people who created this built environment, right?
01:43:59 The architecture the the the layout of the city.
01:44:05 You know.
01:44:05 You can tell it's it's mismatched, right?
01:44:07 The demographics don't quite match up.
01:44:12 These little shops, these little.
01:44:17 Some of these buildings are probably hundreds of years old, right?
01:44:25 So you would think that you know the same would be.
01:44:29 You'd have the maybe a similar feeling.
01:44:34 When you looked at, say, footage of India.
01:44:40 When the whites were occupying India.
01:44:44 Right. You would think that that you'd have the same sense of like, oh, this doesn't fit that. You know, there's there's.
01:44:52 A A loss here.
01:44:53 Like all these, all these white people walking around, these really clean, beautifully designed, you know, streets.
01:45:02 But it's the exact opposite.
01:45:07 In fact, if anything.
01:45:08 You see it's you see, you have a sense of loss when you see these old buildings of the British Empire built.
01:45:17 In the colonies in 3rd world countries, when now that they're occupied by the native people.
01:45:26 Is the.
01:45:27 You get the same sense of loss that you see while looking at this footage.
01:45:39 Something's got to.
01:45:41 People need to stop being afraid of.
01:45:45 Oh really?
01:45:48 I guess what boils down to is.
01:45:53 What are you willing to do?
01:45:57 What price are you willing to pay?
01:45:59 You really want it?
01:46:03 Maybe they just want this more than you do.
01:46:19 Isn't that usually who gets it?
01:46:21 Whoever wants it more.
01:46:40 I just think that it's it's. It's hard to listen to people that think that.
01:46:45 I mean, I I don't know how many times I have to say it.
01:46:47 Have to zoom out the graph.
01:46:49 People really don't know their.
01:46:51 They don't understand that the situation that we're in right now didn't start in the 90s.
01:46:57 It.
01:46:57 It didn't start last week.
01:46:59 Didn't start in.
01:47:00 I mean, it didn't even start in the 70s in the 70s, in in this particular instance it it was already fucked.
01:47:08 White's are already outnumbered in the early 70s.
01:47:17 Same is true in in the 60s in America.
01:47:22 In certain places, suburbs of LA.
01:47:28 Suburbs of Chicago.
01:47:33 Detroit.
01:47:38 This isn't like a new thing.
01:47:40 Isn't a new problem.
01:47:44 So not only are people ill equipped to solve the problem because they they just don't even understand the nature of the problem. They don't understand the history of the problem.
01:47:54 But they're also damned to repeat the same mistakes of the people that before them that tried to solve it because they don't even know that that it was ever anyone ever tried to solve in the first place.
01:48:05 Using those same fucking arguments over and over and over again in getting the same results.
01:48:17 At a certain point, you have to get over this, this conflict avoidance.
01:48:27 You have to stop being polite.
01:48:29 You have to wipe off this slimy civility.
01:48:37 Stop thinking that you have to come up with some mental gymnastics that doesn't involve race.
01:48:51 White people deserve white countries.
01:48:55 But no one's going.
01:48:56 Give them to you.
01:49:01 Anything worth having? You have to fucking earn it.
01:49:16 Or the people that want it more will take it.
01:49:22 And yeah, it sucks 'cause you can't rely on a ruling.
01:49:25 In fact, I mean, it's not even that you have a ruling class that's asleep at the wheel and doesn't know what's going on or they're making mistakes.
01:49:30 They're.
01:49:31 They're actively trying to fucking kill you, so act like it.
01:49:37 Stop acting like, oh, they just don't get it.
01:49:39 Oh, those politicians.
01:49:41 They're fucking stupid.
01:49:42 No. Act like no. They're trying to kill us.
01:49:48 They want us dead.
01:49:57 How much?
01:49:59 How clear do they have to be on this issue?
01:50:04 You can't even get them to say the words white people.
01:50:11 Can't even court.
01:50:13 They're not going to say you have a right to exist.
01:50:15 Can't even acknowledge that you do exist.
01:50:35 So stop fucking voting for him.
01:50:44 Stop acting like that any any day now. Any day now, the normies are going to wake up and that'll change things somehow.
01:50:53 The 19 fucking 70s.
01:50:55 All the normies were wide awake and look how that worked out.
01:51:00 In the 1960s in America, during the race riots all the normies were wide fucking awake.
01:51:07 And look how that worked out.
01:51:23 Alright anyway.
01:51:28 I made my point.
01:51:34 Look at.
01:51:36 Hyperchlat see what you guys think of all this.
01:51:47 Ah.
01:51:51 Now we got chosen, Jawahar.
01:51:53 New book recommendation the heirs of Abraham by Mark Time.
01:51:57 It's $8 on Amazon. Given how effective it is improving.
01:52:03 Awakening Zionist Christians to the JQ and the danger of Zionism.
01:52:07 Probably won't be on Amazon Long.
01:52:09 It was published in 2024 and it's it is rich in theology which combats Zionism.
01:52:15 You go for those of you.
01:52:18 Interested in that?
01:52:21 Slut House says thanks for informative and entertaining year.
01:52:27 Or excited for the next one as Emma.
01:52:29 20.
01:52:31 Then slit out says missed your Wednesday quote of the year that lives that lives rent free in my head.
01:52:39 He said negro, the naughty way.
01:52:41 Don't remember saying that, but.
01:52:46 Glad that that that tickled you.
01:52:52 Let's see here.
01:52:55 Antonov A.
01:53:03 Antonova.
01:53:05 I've got some good stuff for you.
01:53:07 Enough for an entire stream if you will check out Abraham Saffron and Luna Park Ghost train fire.
01:53:15 Saffron was a Jewish mobster in Australia.
01:53:20 Who had his eye on a property?
01:53:23 Hold on.
01:53:25 It jumped there.
01:53:27 And I had a property that that an amusement park was built on.
01:53:30 Make note on the crooked cop, last name, Allen.
01:53:36 And the judge named Murphy Saffron burned kids alive for money.
01:53:41 Just wanted to show that it's not only in the USA that Jews use these types of methods for wealth and power.
01:53:48 The octopus is not a mythical creature.
01:53:54 I am like ABC Australia red between the lines.
01:53:58 Saffron had a cousin named Goldstein working for him.
01:54:02 He had a cop, last name. Allen on the payroll.
01:54:06 I read between the.
01:54:07 I've been awake a long time.
01:54:09 Back to before David Duke had plastic surgery, which probably I helped that ******* pay for.
01:54:16 I don't.
01:54:16 I like David Duke.
01:54:19 But I'll take a look at that.
01:54:23 See, here's adding that to my notes.
01:54:24 Income.
01:54:30 Here we go.
01:54:34 But thank you very much, Antonio Wein, a hungry Howie.
01:54:47 Hungry, Howie?
01:54:48 Happy New year.
01:54:49 I shared your recent neural link electrocution meme around a work and it got a good response from everyone.
01:54:57 I love the Capitol policeman screaming meme that you edited for the PATCON series.
01:55:02 The one where there's a bunch of them screaming at the same time.
01:55:05 Yeah, the.
01:55:07 The which one is that?
01:55:09 Do I even have it here?
01:55:10 I don't think I have that one you're talking.
01:55:13 But.
01:55:15 Then I make a button for them.
01:55:18 The oh, I'm getting crushed.
01:55:22 Somewhere in here.
01:55:24 They got way too many things right now.
01:55:33 It's a mess. It's mess.
01:55:38 Yeah, I don't have.
01:55:39 I'm sure it's somewhere in here, but I don't.
01:55:42 Don't have it right now.
01:55:44 I know.
01:55:44 Oh.
01:55:46 All right. Let's see here.
01:55:51 Antonio.
01:55:53 So go check it out. The Abraham saffron burn.
01:55:55 Wait, where you got that one?
01:55:58 Simbey.
01:55:58 Back in mid November, I mentioned having an idea for an inverse Wolfenstein project.
01:56:05 It's been progressing nicely since then.
01:56:08 An artist from Slovenia is drawing the sprites and I'm using Eleven Labs AI for the voice acting.
01:56:15 Now I wonder would anyone from this community like to create a few maps?
01:56:20 There you go.
01:56:21 Everyone can contact Simbey if you would like to make some maps, which I'm not sure how hard that would be.
01:56:28 It's like, I mean if you're using like Wolfenstein type technology, my guess is there's map editors that exist, and it's probably not that hard.
01:56:34 But I don't know what what what strategy you're using there.
01:56:38 But good luck for that. Chosen Jawah says the Jews were so insufferable that Moses asked God to kill him.
01:56:45 Numbers 11 14 through 15, I'm not able to.
01:56:50 I'm not able to bear all this people alone because it is too heavy for me.
01:56:55 And if thou deal thus with me, kill me.
01:56:58 I pray thee out of hand if I have found favor in thy sight, and let me not see my wretchedness.
01:57:07 There you go, Gorilla hands.
British Lady
01:57:11 What?Devon Stack
01:57:17 Hands with the 24 hour news cycle and everything happening so crazy and fast.01:57:22 Do you feel that we are in some sort of simulation similar to the matrix? I personally don't believe in this to be true, but I would understand someone feeling this way.
01:57:31 Was wondering what you thought of that.
01:57:32 No, I don't think we're in a simulation. But I mean, there's no way to prove that you're not.
01:57:37 Simulation theory, of course, is impossible to disprove because.
01:57:40 Because the idea is that it would be.
01:57:43 Be able to discern the difference.
01:57:45 And the idea is, of course if you look.
01:57:49 Where you know video games from Pong.
01:57:53 To you know, whatever the new video games are today, if you look at the progress in just a few decades on a long enough timeline, you would be able to create a virtual reality that you would not be able to differentiate from reality, especially if you were.
01:58:08 Born in it, you wouldn't know the difference.
01:58:11 So is it possible?
01:58:12 I mean.
01:58:13 It's one of those, well, anything's possible. Kind of a thing, but I don't actually think that.
01:58:17 And to the extent that, let's say, it was true, well at that point it is reality then.
01:58:23 It just means the reality is simulated you know.
01:58:25 But at that point, how is it not just reality? It's just.
01:58:31 Reality, not the way we think of it, but it's still reality.
01:58:34 You know what I mean?
01:58:35 So it doesn't really matter to.
01:58:37 I don't think we're in a simulation, though.
01:58:40 Watch the collapse, says love you Devon and all my black pilled friends listening.
01:58:43 Hit the gym.
01:58:44 Eat healthy tribe and train your descendants are counting on you when your ancestors were across the Atlantic. Assuming they died before they got any benefit, they were thinking of you. They were thinking of the future.
01:58:59 Watch the collapse, says T-shirt.
01:59:01 I went to blackpilled dot com and all I got was a magic negro in this lousy retarded faggot.
01:59:08 There you go.
01:59:09 Except for that of course.
01:59:10 Obviously, that shirt would not last long in any kind of store.
01:59:18 And then we got vulgar German.
01:59:21 Vulgar German, who well, simply says, let's see here. Do I have a button for that?
01:59:32 I don't know, sort of.
01:59:35 Sort of this sort.
01:59:38 Of the magic negro.
01:59:42 Snake oil politics also.
01:59:47 Sorta says.
Brit with a stash
01:59:51 Girl, you hungry.Black lady
01:59:53 fuck you nigger.Devon Stack
01:59:56 And fashy BBQ says faggot.02:00:02 Not so secret, says.
02:00:11 It's been a long time since I caught a live stream.
02:00:14 Been on the replay.
02:00:15 Amazing work on 25 edition.
02:00:17 It's insane to see how rapidly shit has been rolling downhill. I love you and your work, and you put it or the work you put in to keep us well informed.
02:00:28 Hail, Hail, victory and.
02:00:32 WP WordPress is that what you mean by that?
02:00:37 Replay.
02:00:37 Thank.
02:00:38 Not so secret.
02:00:39 And yeah, things are accelerating for sure in terms of.
02:00:44 Decline here stateside. You know as much as some things haven't changed. Some things have.
02:00:52 Mr. me, with the big dono.
02:00:53 Money is power, money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
02:00:59 Look how Jewy this fag is.
02:01:15 I.
02:01:17 All right, Mr. Me says Dayvon how would I go about finding an IRL community of white minded folk in urban suburban areas? I'm stuck living in the DMV for five more years and want to build my community.
02:01:32 And happy New Year. Honestly for me, I would just do it IRL.
02:01:35 The whole time I don't.
02:01:36 Don't. I'm not.
02:01:39 I don't think it's that hard these days, honestly to.
02:01:44 To find, I mean I don't know what your personal environment's like.
02:01:49 In terms of work and stuff like that, but I I would.
02:01:51 Just finding people who are already near you.
02:01:56 And don't do it backwards. I think people get caught up in it backwards, where they've tried to find people who are already red pilled.
02:02:02 Or however you want it.
02:02:03 Black Pilled.
02:02:03 And then meet up and it's like, well, I mean, why just find people who are already in your environment and and try to black pill them and do it that way and preferably start with family members who cause blood's thicker than water and people are always worried about Feds and.
02:02:18 All this other shit.
02:02:19 I mean.
02:02:20 That's another reason why you'd want to start with people that you already know and and family members, so that would be my advice.
02:02:26 And there's other people that would say, you know, there's active clubs and stuff like that. And I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with that.
02:02:33 Think trying to avoid IRL stuff.
02:02:37 At a fear of feds is is dumb. Unless you plan on doing something illegal, you know like like that's the only time you have to worry about shit if you're stupid.
02:02:46 And you you do something IRL and the guy who may or may not be a fed says hey, let's go blow this up and you're like, OK.
02:02:53 Yeah, you'll get. You'll get in trouble.
02:02:56 So just don't do that.
02:02:58 Says, hey, let's blow this up. Just like. All right, I gotta.
02:03:00 Go. Yeah. I don't know what's so hard about that.
02:03:03 Act like they'll entrap you.
02:03:05 Trick.
02:03:05 No, the people that the FBI have entrapped have done things right. You know, you can say like, well, the FBI tricked them into accepting the bomb and driving it to the mosque.
02:03:16 You know, whatever the fuck, right?
02:03:17 It's like, yeah, but they still did it.
02:03:19 Know. Just don't do that.
02:03:21 Like if someone walks up to you and they're like, oh, hey, I have a good idea. Let's blow this up or kidnap this person.
02:03:26 Be like no thanks, you know.
02:03:29 So I don't know why that's so hard.
02:03:31 Real easy to not get busted when you do.
02:03:34 Blue cord.
02:03:52 Mr. Stack replay gang checking in.
02:03:55 And I skipped one thank.
02:03:56 Also Blue Court, but I actually skipped Justin Sama.
02:04:08 Justin Sama says hi.
02:04:10 First time catch you live since I got to know you on no more news been going over your video since and I thought it was hard to watch new or old movie series.
02:04:20 Now it's just unbearable.
02:04:22 One thing is for sure.
02:04:25 Is that I no longer want to go back to the 90s, keep up the good work.
02:04:28 Well, let's.
02:04:29 We're making some.
02:04:30 Look, obviously we don't, we.
02:04:32 We don't want to go back to 90s when this problem was was is much older than that. Much older than that.
02:04:38 We're talking about fucking 50 years ago. It's it's it's literally.
02:04:43 Exactly the same as today.
02:04:45 They've been trying to kill us a long time.
02:04:47 We're just, I guess, if anything's if there's a silver lining. Apparently we're hard to kill because it's taking, it's taking a while.
02:04:57 But yeah, well, welcome.
02:04:58 Welcome to the the insomnia stream.
02:05:03 Lucky Larry Silverstein.
02:05:04 I was in the Navy many years ago and in our history book I noticed that John McCain dropped bombs on the deck to cause the USS Forrestal disaster.
02:05:16 Now I've noticed the system has redacted that they now say it was from an uncaused fire.
02:05:22 That happened for no reason.
02:05:24 It was John McCain.
02:05:26 Don't you all forget John McCain fucked up, but his daddy bailed him out on that one?
02:05:33 Don't think he did.
02:05:34 I think he just was a fuck up.
02:05:36 Yeah, with a powerful dad.
02:05:40 Pebble in the pond.
02:05:44 Now.
02:05:47 On the pond, keep up the great work.
02:05:49 New.
02:05:50 Well, I appreciate that.
02:05:52 Ohio.
Geoffrey Baber
02:06:05 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:06:09 Ohio, it's blank, I think.02:06:12 At least I don't see anything.
02:06:13 It's like a weird blocking. When I highlighted it doesn't bring anything up so.
02:06:19 Secret code from Ohio.
02:06:23 Not so secret sass.
02:06:24 Love the natural, healthy kind is indeed.
02:06:29 What makes the world go round and is the most beautiful holy miracle we ever see here on this earth, but without a deadly hate of that which threatens what we love. Love is an empty word.
02:06:40 A catchword for hippies, queers and cowards George Lincoln Rockwell. Well, that is the truth.
02:06:46 Wise words from a wise man. Love and division.
02:06:53 Hello.02:06:56 Hi.
02:06:59 Cortana.
02:07:01 I. Amy. Good, good, good Amy.
Devon Stack
02:07:08 The first problematic immigrants in Britain were the Jews.02:07:12 No self respecting nation can let Jews in until the Western nations rid themselves of all their Jews. They cannot address their immigrant problems.
02:07:22 The Jews control the immigration policies and.
02:07:25 It's a problem England has had a long time. If you saw the Jack the Ripper episode.
02:07:33 Well, and the Rothschilds, obviously. That's kind of a big thing, right?
02:07:39 Glock 23 says if only the British knew they helped defeat the good guys for the Jews and that's why their country is flooded with the Third World invaders now raping their kids.
02:07:50 It's too bad Churchill can't see merry Old England now that he's that he caused well and one might even say that he intentionally did that.
02:07:59 I think it's ironic that that Elon Musk would would somehow advocate for a policy for weeks, and then his shiny object that he would wave in front of everyone to great effect.
02:08:15 Would be the results of said policy.
02:08:19 Oh yeah, let's let him all his third worlders.
02:08:21 Gonna be great for.
02:08:22 They might rape your kids, though.
02:08:26 It's like.
02:08:27 All right, thanks. I guess.
02:08:29 But you know, unfortunately, a lot of the normies can't.
02:08:32 Know they can't do the math.
02:08:33 Like.
02:08:35 No, he's based. He likes Tommy Robinson.
02:08:39 All right, Ryan, with a big dono.
02:08:41 Money is power.
02:08:44 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
02:08:48 Look how Jewy this fag is.
Money Clip
02:08:51 I.02:08:58 I.
02:09:06 *****.
Devon Stack
02:09:07 Alright, thank you very much Ryan.02:09:12 Sebastian says.
02:09:13 Happy New year.
02:09:14 I recently played a black pilled video for my mother. When she came to visit me, she asked me why you sounded so angry.
02:09:21 Oh no, I'm not that mad.
02:09:22 I sound.
02:09:23 I was a little angry tonight.
02:09:25 Anyways, it got me thinking that women hear how the message is said and men listen to what is said.
02:09:31 She did find the denial edition I showed her months ago on.
02:09:37 Watched before you link fag me. It'll make you laugh.
02:09:42 Don't.
02:09:43 I don't.
02:09:44 I don't know mystery YouTube link.
02:09:53 I don't know. I'll tell you what.
02:09:58 I don't know.
02:09:59 All right, I'll click it.
02:10:01 Am I going to regret this?
02:10:05 A minute long, we don't have time for this shit.
02:10:14 Play this.
02:10:16 Play up like. I mean I not not 'cause bad.
02:10:19 I can't.
02:10:19 I can't play 'cause I.
02:10:20 I don't have the ability to play it right now, but I won't link fag you. I'll maybe I'll check it out for next time.
02:10:26 Alrighty. And tell your mom to chill out.
02:10:29 Bessemer 72, says Hey, Devin growing up two books really impacted me at wrinkle in time in 1984.
02:10:37 I read them over and over thinking about ways to make sure they never happened.
02:10:41 Did these impact you or what books really affected you? I think DOTR would fit into this category too. Same impact.
02:10:49 Love you, kiddo.
02:10:54 Wrinkle in time.
02:10:57 I feel like I read that when I was really young.
02:10:59 Like is there like a Centaur in there or something like that?
02:11:02 I mean, I was really young when I read that.
02:11:04 Me. Look this up.
02:11:07 I I was a early reader and I read.
02:11:11 I had an older brother that was a reader.
02:11:14 And as like a way.
02:11:16 Trying to compete with him, I would try to read what he was reading.
02:11:21 I wouldn't always understand it very well, but I would still read it.
02:11:25 I would physically read the book.
02:11:28 But the problem was I'd be like in second grade and he's in 6th grade, right?
02:11:32 So like I remember like the first time I read The Hobbit.
02:11:36 I think I was like in second grade or something like that and.
02:11:41 He didn't.
02:11:41 I couldn't follow it, especially cause of how you know, it's poetically written.
02:11:46 I couldn't follow as well as my brother, obviously, who was much older and I had to read it again, for I knew it held like before.
02:11:53 Really understood the story and I feel like this was one of those books that I read 'cause he was reading.
02:11:59 Is I only remember.
02:12:03 Not much about it.
02:12:04 I remember the book cover more than anything else.
02:12:08 Yeah, as far as books that influenced me, I mean, I don't know.
02:12:14 I don't.
02:12:15 Like I I mostly read fiction that wasn't too deep, to be honest, like.
02:12:23 There wasn't, like.
02:12:24 Oh, this is, you know, this really shaped my world view.
02:12:27 I don't think I really had books like that so much.
02:12:29 Maybe I'm you kind of put me on the.
02:12:32 I'm sure I'll think of something, but I can't think of anything right off the top of my head.
02:12:37 Serbian wait, where is that one?
02:12:40 Man of low moral fiber.
02:12:44 Oh wait, Sebastian.
02:12:46 I mixed you up with Serbian bull.
02:12:48 Thought that was Part 2.
02:12:52 I saw the S.
02:12:54 They're actually two different people.
02:12:56 OK, wow, there we go. Serbian Bull is the one that sent me the YouTube link, not Sebastian.
02:13:06 Man of low moral fiber says, for whatever it's worth, 1 anecdotal or one anecdote I have about Browns attending school is that in New Mexico.
02:13:16 With a like F Plus average gets the lottery scholarship to go to.
02:13:21 An in State University, so a very large percentage, very likely most of the brown kids at College in New Mexico are illiterate.
02:13:29 Got a scarier thing for you for New Mexico?
02:13:33 In New Mexico.
02:13:36 60% of high school graduates.
02:13:41 Can't pass the GED.
02:13:45 60%.
02:13:50 Well, if you have another. Oh, this is you want anecdote speaking of anecdotes. When I moved there, I never studied New Mexico anything.
02:13:59 Right.
02:13:59 And they had the the competency exam and part of it was like New Mexico history.
02:14:04 Was like oh.
02:14:05 Well, I never studied New Mexico history.
02:14:06 Not from here.
02:14:08 And.
02:14:11 You could just infer what the answer it was multiple choice.
02:14:14 And you can you can. You know what the answer was because it was so obvious.
02:14:17 Every question it was like.
02:14:20 You know, New Mexico was originally settled by A the Spaniards B the Martians.
02:14:28 C Mickey Mouse or D nobody?
02:14:32 It was like well.
02:14:36 You know that that's not obviously A and so, but I remember I took the that test and aced that section and it was just like holy shit.
02:14:46 I mean the education.
02:14:48 Level across the board in New Mexico.
02:14:53 Is.
02:14:53 Well, for the reasons we discussed tonight, you have to lower the standards.
02:14:58 Of the white kids because they are in New Mexico, you were going to school with a lot of Native Americans who are really low IQ and Mexicans who are, you know, subpar and so.
02:15:13 Like I moved it. I moved there from California, which, even though it was more diverse, I was in a gate school.
02:15:18 A little different. And so I was like, you know, like a curriculum that.
02:15:25 Maybe, maybe unconventional, but it wasn't totally stupid.
02:15:30 And then I stopped learning. Immediately upon entering the state of New Mexico.
02:15:35 So yeah, New Mexico is well that's that's how everywhere is.
02:15:36 Yeah.
02:15:40 I would imagine today.
02:15:42 Beaufort, he says.
02:15:43 Up.
02:15:43 For years now, they've been building 5000 square foot track homes near me. Nice looking neighborhoods. I own a pool service and recently got some clients in those places.
02:15:55 And to my surprise, it is nothing but pajeets.
02:15:59 Course these aren't cheap palms either.
02:16:01 Where do they get their money from?
02:16:02 Well, because they get the H1B1 visa jobs they are.
02:16:07 This is what I was telling you guys years ago when I lived on the East Coast, my friend encountered this same thing around Northern Virginia, which is like a little mini.
02:16:18 Silicon Valley, in its own way.
02:16:20 And they all of the model homes at all of the new developments were catered towards Indian buyers because everyone that was buying homes or at least enough to where the home builders were catering to Indian buyers.
02:16:34 You know, they were Indians and that's what it was.
02:16:37 It was big companies like Oracle that have these big government contracts that would just hire Indians.
02:16:46 Because yeah, you could.
02:16:48 You could say, well, these aren't cheap homes or whatever.
02:16:50 They're not.
02:16:51 These aren't cheap jobs either.
02:16:53 Some of them are like.
02:16:55 I think people are making a mistake by trying to make that you see some people on Twitter saying, well, look, how come this $50,000 a year job?
02:17:03 That's not the best and brightest.
02:17:05 Why did you need the H1B visa for this guy?
02:17:07 Yeah, I get it.
02:17:08 It doesn't fucking matter.
02:17:09 They shouldn't be here doesn't.
02:17:11 They could be fucking a million IQ. They could be like the smartest fucking pajeet ever.
02:17:15 Lived.
02:17:16 I don't want them here.
02:17:17 That's not the point.
02:17:19 We want white countries for white people.
02:17:24 It doesn't matter if they would make it better in some economic way or some academic way, or you know, whatever you know, like, that's not how that shouldn't even be a metric that fucking matters.
02:17:36 That's like saying you're going to trade in your kid because.
02:17:40 Some Indian kid scored higher on their math test.
02:17:46 You know you don't fucking do that.
02:17:48 You don't fucking do that.
02:17:51 But our, you know, our ruling class does unfortunately and so.
02:17:57 Again, the the the contract's been broken. The social contract's been broken.
02:18:00 Holding up your end.
02:18:03 Independent of their of them holding up theirs is is retarded, I think.
02:18:10 Grenade says. Have you heard about the recent 8.7 million year old fossil?
02:18:16 In Turkey.
02:18:17 This pretty much disproved the out of Africa Jewish theory and implies that Europe was settled millions of years ago.
02:18:25 So it is not 50,000 years that separate us from them. It's more like 5 million.
02:18:29 I mean, I don't know all the anthropological.
02:18:34 Data, but I mean it's at least when I when I threw out the number 50,000.
02:18:37 Not trying to be.
02:18:39 On the nose with that number, I'm just saying like it's at least that like, people need to realize that what separates sub-saharan Africans.
02:18:50 And and Western Europeans is not something that you can you can quickly fix.
02:18:56 It's not just some.
02:19:00 Environmental issue that if you resolve, they will suddenly be at your level.
02:19:06 You know, I mean, I guess you could say it's environmental if by environmental you mean?
02:19:12 Environmental for.
02:19:14 Thousands of years or in your as you're saying, millions even.
02:19:18 But it kind of, you know, I'm not trying to get like an exact number.
02:19:21 Just making the point.
02:19:23 This is not even if look, even if it was only 4000.
02:19:27 You wanna?
02:19:27 4000 you wanna damn your your descendants.
02:19:31 For 4000 years.
02:19:34 To for this problem to to resolve itself.
02:19:37 Wanna wait that long?
02:19:41 Why? Like, what's the point of that?
02:19:45 Yeah. Even because I I presume that if it if it took 5000 or 4000 or 1000 years.
02:19:54 For our differences to emerge, it would take that for our differences.
02:20:00 To disappear.
02:20:03 And I don't want to damn even one generation of white children.
02:20:09 This experiment.
02:20:12 This meaningless experiment that has no benefit to you.
02:20:15 It only has benefits for people like Elon Musk and Donald Trump.
02:20:24 Well, and Jonathan Greenblatt.
02:20:33 Grenade says budget deficits are driven by non whites taking in more than they chip in. If you total up all the deficits since 1965 plus all the money stolen by Jews in financial crisis, the sum would be more than enough to finance Project Starshot, a feasible project.
02:20:50 To send probes to Alpha Proxima.
02:20:53 Well, yeah, we would be able to look.
02:20:55 There's so many I don't even like making the financial argument, but like.
02:21:00 There's so many financial losses.
02:21:03 Diversity is just a it's just bleeding you of. Diversity is never a benefit to us. It's never.
02:21:10 It's never. You can just all you have to do is what direction is it happening.
02:21:14 Immigration. What direction is it happening?
02:21:15 OK.
02:21:17 Well then, now you know.
02:21:18 Now you know who it's who it's benefiting.
02:21:20 Right, like it's called white flight. White people are leaving the diversity and the diversity is coming to white neighborhoods.
02:21:27 That tells you.
02:21:28 That's all the math you need to figure out.
02:21:32 Obviously it does not benefit us and never has and never will.
02:21:38 Man of low moral fiber says. I think the George Floyd thing is a good litmus test to see if someone is completely controlled.
02:21:44 Anyone who is even a fraction of a freethinker can admit that George Floyd overdosed.
02:21:50 Well, and that he was just a fucking scumbag anyway.
02:21:55 Then you say these Indians are visibly stinky, even over half a century later.
02:22:00 Yeah, there's there's a little little, there's some revulsion.
02:22:06 That takes place when you look at some of this footage, isn't there?
02:22:13 There we go.
02:22:17 The Black Robin says.
02:22:19 It wouldn't hurt to do a deep dive on the sad situation of New Zealand.
02:22:23 It's become a lawless shithole due to ever growing Pacific Island gangs living in Auckland for 10 years. I saw some terrible things. If you think blacks are violent, wait until you read about the New Zealand.
02:22:37 Natives.
02:22:38 I've heard bad things definitely.
02:22:41 Guitar Dude 1356 says there have been a lot of Asians calling out Indians and Jews recently.
02:22:47 The reason is that we assimilate best of all minority groups.
02:22:51 We change our names, adopt Christianity, speak English well.
02:22:56 And intermarry with whites more than any other group.
02:22:58 Chinese also literally built the West Coast, while big disagree on that, Chinese built some of the railroads to the West Coast.
02:23:10 Part 2. I hate the low IQ pajeets who don't assimilate and have contributed nothing to the country's history, are also called Asian. In the US, Chinese Americans in particular.
02:23:24 Have way more clang to this country than any straight shooter.
02:23:27 Chinese have been.
02:23:28 In the United States for a while.
02:23:32 And calling them Asian is just what British people do when they're talking about.
02:23:35 Anyone from the continent of Asia?
02:23:40 Which?
02:23:42 Indians are technically.
02:23:47 My lying eyes.
02:24:00 I never donated to Devon make up for it. Project 2025. Nuke Mexico.
02:24:04 He says all right.
02:24:08 Judy Stroyer says hi, Devin.
02:24:10 New.
02:24:10 This is why kindness is being pushed so hard in school.
02:24:15 Now they are countering any ideas of us rising up over this issue and the trans global homo degeneracy also.
02:24:23 Got to keep lubing up our kindness.
02:24:25 Yeah, they've been going full on make everyone get along little pussies since I've been alive.
02:24:34 I can only imagine what it's like now. My lying eyes says FYI, Rosemary on steak.
02:24:41 Is fucking amazing.
02:24:43 Who knew? I don't think I've ever had Rosemary on steak.
02:24:48 You know, I almost did.
02:24:49 I almost started. I almost.
02:24:51 I almost invested in one of these 'cause. They got cheap, but then I thought it's too much work.
02:24:57 These. What's it called like suvita?
02:24:59 It's really like This is why it's too much work.
02:25:02 You get the steak and you put it in like a vacuum bag.
02:25:07 Tank and he dropped this suit Vita machine into the water tank.
02:25:12 And then you cook the steak over like a long period of time, like a matter of hours 'cause it has, like this precise temperature.
02:25:22 System I don't pretend to understand all of it.
02:25:24 And then after it's broken down the fats and turns it like the meat into like this real tender.
02:25:31 Perfectly cooked meat you cut.
02:25:33 Then have.
02:25:33 This is why it's too much work.
02:25:35 You cut it out of the vacuum bag and then you sear it on either side so that it doesn't seem like it's cooked in a bag, I guess.
02:25:46 And then it's supposed to be amazing.
02:25:48 I've never had it.
02:25:50 I almost bought the. I'm almost bought one. These little stupid machines and I was like, I'm never gonna do that.
02:25:57 I'm never going to take the time to do all that.
02:25:59 That I'm.
02:26:00 I'm just going to fucking cook my meat.
02:26:03 Friendly neighborhood fascist says at least they aren't speaking German.
02:26:07 Enoch Powell warned of rivers of blood.
02:26:09 Seems inevitable at this point.
02:26:12 Future is bright.
02:26:14 Oh, we'll see you.
02:26:15 I'll tell you what in this.
02:26:17 In this little doco they they they bring up Enoch Powell but the the I I was never able to find the audio for the last part of the last part of it.
02:26:26 The audio is all fucked up.
02:26:28 So I don't know what they were saying about him.
02:26:31 Tony Ravioli says great stream tonight. IRL activism is only is the only way to go.
02:26:37 Side note, I was reading about Patriot front today and found 500 pages of investigations on different members for protesting.
02:26:45 Won't bother with a link since I'm not gay boomers will.
02:26:48 Still, call them Feds, regardless of the blatant harassment.
02:26:51 Well, it's because boomers are the kings of of voting or vooting.
02:26:57 They'll.
02:26:58 They'll never lift a finger.
02:26:59 They're. Look, they're they don't care. As long as everything holds together for a few more years, that's all they need.
02:27:06 Just need to ride it out for a few more years and then it's our problem.
02:27:09 It's already our problem, but you know what I mean.
02:27:13 Jazzy Mctasbot says thanks for the show.
02:27:15 Would you please do a deep dive on AIDS and the involvement of everyone's favorite? Totally not a Jew.
02:27:21 Doctor Fauci also exposed the lies they told us, like normal teenage virgins are just as likely to get AIDS as a gay porn star.
02:27:30 In San Francisco.
02:27:32 Yeah, that was a big thing that they they were like, oh, yeah, look, I remember there was an after school special at one point.
02:27:37 Like, oh, he got it from a blood transfusion.
02:27:41 This high school kid.
02:27:44 I don't know. Maybe.
02:27:46 You know, I've thought about it before.
02:27:47 Family neighborhood Fascist says the last episode of the last season of Black Mirror is set in 1979 England.
02:27:54 All about a paki woman needing to or needing to kill a white, or needing to kill white people.
02:27:59 Specifically, the National Front leader to prevent the end of the world.
02:28:04 The end of the world framed as preferable to a racist future.
02:28:08 Yes. Yeah. Well, one, one man's utopia, right?
02:28:14 Man of low moral fiber says it frustrates me that the cops had to throw out plenty of arrests using bait cars, trucks for blacks.
02:28:22 Enough to try to loot them after pressure from Jews systemic racism.
02:28:27 But then the Jewish DoD is entrapping similarly stupid white men.
02:28:32 And then burying them in federal charges.
02:28:35 Not the DOD.
02:28:36 Think you mean the DOJ, but yes.
02:28:39 Well, the DoD is literally burying white people.
02:28:44 Like in a grave.
02:28:47 Amos Burton says some of Hitler's speeches being translated to English with AI on YouTube getting a lot of views.
02:28:53 It's amazing how reasonable he sounded, but the best part is the literal flood of comments with people agreeing with him and understanding why his speeches never had subtitles.
02:29:04 People are waking up I why? I found instances where the subtitles were lies.
02:29:10 Chosen Jawah says Deuteronomy chapter 28, written in 700 BC, accurately predicts the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
02:29:19 Interestingly, verses 65 through 67 predicts that Jews would forever be a diaspora.
02:29:27 It describes how that.
02:29:28 That describes how that because of their evil ways, chaos would follow them wherever they go.
02:29:36 Are we surprised?
02:29:37 Well, it sounds like you subscribe at least to some extent to the.
02:29:42 Revolutionary spirit theory.
02:29:46 Man of low moral fiber says on the subject of Indians. Have you ever seen the phenomenon they call bulldozer justice?
02:29:54 They had a political leader who was bulldozing the homes of criminals and opposition Indians have a strange obsession with crushing.
02:30:02 Deep in their souls, causing their reverence for cows and elephants also echoing.
02:30:08 Grids, a grids stream. Cover the gift. A document about the butt flu in total sincerity.
02:30:18 I watched this video when I was still younger and more sensitive and it literally made me throw up because it was so disgusting and depraved.
02:30:27 Not sure what you mean.
02:30:28 By that.
02:30:30 The gift? I don't know what that is.
02:30:34 That's like my.
02:30:37 Notes, though, and then we'll take a look at Rumble.
02:30:45 See how rumble's doing?
02:30:52 Rumble.
02:30:54 Rewind all your all of your an entire history of your chat with Rumble. Cause rumble sucks.
02:31:02 At least.
02:31:02 With it sucks how it does this.
02:31:08 Uncle Ted 88, says replay gang thanks to him for all the hard work, waking our people up.
02:31:13 Appreciate that.
02:31:16 And.
02:31:19 Scroll down awhile.
02:31:24 Keep.
02:31:25 There we go.
02:31:27 Unreconstructed rebel.
02:31:41 On reconstructed Rebel says great stream as always, Devon. Cheers.
02:31:45 I appreciate that.
02:31:47 And then on reconstruct the rebel again.
Money Clip
02:31:58 Half a million dollars.02:31:59 I.
Devon Stack
02:32:02 With a big dono and obligatory southern pride worldwide.02:32:08 Well, thank you, Unreconstruct Rebel and.
02:32:12 We really appreciate the support as always.
02:32:16 And yes, definitely Southern pride worldwide.
02:32:20 The English could use a little southern pride, right? Southall. It's called after all right.
02:32:27 Unreconstructed rebel again.
Older British Lady
02:32:39 I.Devon Stack
02:32:44 I feel bad for the Secret Service agent who asked to carry doggie bags 24/7 for Vance's kids.02:32:54 Is when you have Womp right.
02:32:58 Yeah.
02:33:00 Alright, Scroll down some more.
02:33:04 And some more.
02:33:07 And some more.
02:33:11 Let's make me want s'mores.
02:33:13 I'm saying s'mores.
02:33:14 I.
02:33:15 Haven't had the s'mores since I was like a Boy Scout, I don't think.
02:33:20 Cipher says book recommendation. A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind.
02:33:27 Excellent book on the history of money and.
02:33:29 I think I have a copy of that book actually.
02:33:32 Wasn't the guy that wrote that, did he die of?
02:33:37 Stomach cancer or something like that. Fairly young.
02:33:40 If I think that's the book.
02:33:43 That I'm thinking of.
02:33:46 And then Cypher says.
02:33:47 And I was looking for the don't Waco me bro stream and it was gone from Odyssey and Rumble.
02:33:53 Re uploaded on Rumble for you on another account.
02:33:58 Are you sure it's called something else?
02:34:02 Like, isn't it called Jamaica edition?
02:34:07 I think I I I mean I unless I don't.
02:34:09 And maybe they took it down, but I think it's called Jamaica or Something Edition, but it should still be there.
02:34:17 Then cipher.
02:34:18 Dev, what are your views on active clubs?
02:34:20 They seem like a safer avenue than patriot front to start organizing young white men.
02:34:25 Yeah, I mean like like I said, obviously proceed with caution as you would with anything IRL. And like we've already talked about in terms of if any at the first hint.
02:34:36 Of someone trying some IRL fed post. Did you get the fuck out of there?
02:34:41 Like people don't realize this. Look in America.
02:34:44 Can understand you're not.
02:34:45 Maybe it's a different story in America.
02:34:48 You can have militias.
02:34:50 And people did.
02:34:51 And in fact, the only thing that changed that was the Oklahoma City bombing.
02:34:54 We had fucking hardcore militias up until that.
02:34:58 And then they passed a bunch of laws.
02:35:00 Not about, you know, being allowed to have militias, but about surveillance and things like.
02:35:05 But people used to fed post the reason why boomers fed post IRL is they grew up in an environment where you could do that.
02:35:11 People did do that.
02:35:12 They they.
02:35:13 They weren't in a surveillance state like we are now.
02:35:16 So you just have to be smarter about.
02:35:18 You have to realize that any communications are probably being listened to.
02:35:22 Don't talk about doing illegal shit and you'll be fine.
02:35:24 Like what are?
02:35:26 Oh, you're you're under arrest.
02:35:29 Why for lifting weights, you know like what are they gonna do even if there's? If there are feds in your in your group like.
02:35:39 What? What are they doing exactly?
02:35:40 Right. Like I don't.
02:35:41 I honestly don't get what the big fear is. I don't.
02:35:45 Don't.
02:35:45 Like, what do you what?
02:35:46 What?
02:35:47 'Cause you have to be precise what exactly are you afraid of?
02:35:52 Because if it's, if you're afraid of going to jail, don't do things that will put you in jail. If you're afraid of getting your name on a list, guess what, buddy? You're. You think they need you to show up somewhere? I mean, that's harder for them to do.
02:36:04 It's harder for them to get your name on a list when you show up somewhere IRL than it is for them to just look at your account information.
02:36:12 On social media.
02:36:14 You know, like Palantir already has. You already doxxed like you're already doxxed.
02:36:21 You know, like anything that that allows a fed to stay at home or work remotely to do his job, that's way easier.
02:36:28 And they have the tools to do it.
02:36:30 It's harder for them to go show up to your like weightlifting club or whatever the fuck and then like.
02:36:36 Try to trick you into like you know what exactly? You know what I mean.
02:36:40 If they don't say, hey, let's do this illegal shit.
02:36:44 Who cares that they're a fed?
02:36:45 Maybe you'll black pill him?
02:36:48 I'm probably.
02:36:49 But you know what I mean.
02:36:50 What's the big deal?
02:36:52 I don't understand like the only the only time it's gonna be a problem.
02:36:56 Is if you.
02:36:58 Agree to do something stupid.
02:37:01 Which a lot of people do you know? And that's who gets busted.
02:37:04 So just don't do that.
02:37:09 And just be aware, just be aware that pretty much anyone you talk to could be offend.
02:37:14 And and you know, that's all it takes.
02:37:18 All right, we got negro spritzer.
02:37:20 Of course.
02:37:23 Expresses his.
02:37:25 His chronic displeasure of, of all things, non white.
Money Clip
02:37:32 Hey girl, you hungry? Fuck You, nigger.Devon Stack
02:37:37 And we got cipher again.Scottsman
02:37:44 I.Narrator
02:37:48 When you're trying to save money.02:37:50 A good rule to follow is to.
Brit with a stash
02:37:59 Take it from me, Jim Neighbors.Older British Gentleman
02:38:00 It'll pay dividends.Devon Stack
02:38:02 OK, now the way you ask, this could be misinterpreted cipher. So I'm going to reword what you're asking.02:38:11 You're asking if.
02:38:14 Perhaps people need to be subjected to some kind of.
02:38:21 Hardship or difficult environment?
02:38:26 In order to keep an edge to them.
02:38:30 And to avoid becoming soft and I would say absolutely that's true.
02:38:35 That is part of that slime of civility.
02:38:39 That nerfy coating that ever all the white people in the anglosphere have.
02:38:43 I mean, look, that it's inevitable when you stomp all over the fucking world and and own it for over a century. You know, like when you, when you everywhere you go you're like.
02:38:57 Centuries ahead technologically and everything else everywhere you go. And so you just sort of like, you know, you.
02:39:03 You know, it was a mistake, but you kind of take advantage of everything and and you know, to some degree, you know.
02:39:10 Stomp all over everything and take what you want.
02:39:14 Yeah, I think that's kind of biting us in the ass now, but like.
02:39:17 You're gonna when you view all other peoples as primitive. I think you underestimate the threat that they pose and the people back home.
02:39:27 They are are enjoying the especially over the last since post World War 2.
02:39:33 They're enjoying the relative peace that we've enjoyed in the last several decades, and yeah, it's made people soft.
02:39:42 It's made people soft.
02:39:44 There's that.
02:39:45 A big part of what's going on.
02:39:47 Cipher again, Devan, Steven Mitford Goodson supposedly died.
02:39:53 A.
02:39:53 That sounds like a serial killer name Steven Minford Goodson supposedly died of a heart attack at home in 2018. Who?
02:39:59 I don't know who that is.
02:40:04 Who is this?
02:40:19 It's oh, this is the author of the book your time. OK, you know, I made this mistake. I think you've recommended this before. And I made the same mistake.
02:40:28 Yeah, it's a different author then I was thinking of.
02:40:31 There's this guy that wrote about.
02:40:34 The Federal Reserve or I have some banking book where the author died like in his 30s of stomach cancer.
02:40:42 So yeah, I've made this mistake before.
02:40:47 But yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll add that to.
02:40:48 Book list there.
02:40:50 Alright, going back to Odyssey real quick.
02:40:56 We got.
02:41:02 Man of low moral fiber says sorry, the gift 2003 is the documentary about bug chasers. People looking to acquire HIV grids is what AIDS used to be called.
02:41:14 And then we got the screen age says.
02:41:17 I'm still on.
02:41:18 Israel did 9/11 thing throw it into everyday.
02:41:22 Well, if you can convince people of that, then you know that would be. That would certainly shift their opinion of Israel. I would think, right.
02:41:31 Judy Stroyer says pakis are very inbred.
02:41:34 Incest is a big part of their culture.
02:41:37 They have very disabled children as a result.
02:41:41 Who need a lot of care in special education.
02:41:44 Another big cost on our societies.
02:41:48 Yeah, something crazy like.
02:41:51 Indians a shocking number of them are raped by family members by age 12 or in the women.
02:41:59 I hate commander.
02:42:02 Says glad the Wednesday shows are back on.
02:42:04 Well, as am I.
02:42:05 I.
02:42:06 And then we got 1488, says Odyssey is a blockchain.
02:42:11 So everyone's comments are here are here are permanent. Somehow everyone's afraid of the Fed overlook shit like this.
02:42:19 The comments can be looked up after the fact at anytime.
02:42:22 Something to think.
02:42:23 Yeah, just any electronic communications whatsoever.
02:42:27 Blockchain just assume that they they have access to that and they know who's saying it.
02:42:34 That's all I've said that since I've been.
02:42:36 I assume that right when I talk to you guys that there's.
02:42:42 They're they're keeping, they're keeping track of what I'm tell what I'm saying online and they're keeping track of what everyone's saying online.
02:42:49 And it's not even just federal governments.
02:42:52 It's private organizations, you know that are doing the same thing so.
02:42:59 Just no.
02:42:59 Never assume that any kind of communications are private, unfortunately, unless they are.
02:43:05 In person and you 1000% know that the other person that you're talking to is.
02:43:12 You know, like, you know, if it's like your brother or something.
02:43:14 Like that you.
02:43:15 Know again, blood is thicker than water.
02:43:19 So alright guys.
02:43:21 With that.
02:43:23 I'm gonna bid you all a good evening.
02:43:25 Appreciate you guys coming out here, of course for this.
02:43:29 This. Oh, we got one more. One more here at the end.
02:43:34 My cute little friend says.
02:43:35 If only we could delete India.
02:43:39 Metaphorically, of course, right from the Earth.
02:43:43 Well, I don't know.
02:43:44 I then they would all they'd have nowhere to live.
02:43:50 They'd have nowhere to live.
02:43:52 They got to have a place to be if we just left them alone, they would have deleted themselves through disease and everything else.
02:44:01 I got one more chosen Java says HR 8445.
02:44:05 This is a bill that was introduced several months ago to Congress and has not passed yet.
02:44:10 It would guarantee military benefits to U.S. citizens who enlist to serve in the IDF.
02:44:17 All paid for by U.S. tax.
02:44:19 Of course they are so desperate for war that it's unreal.
02:44:23 Remember them talking about that and I.
02:44:25 You know, like if you're one of these senators, I would, I would imagine many of them.
02:44:30 Will will still vote for it.
02:44:32 All right, we got another one.
02:44:33 Art Stanton of all the faggots defending H1B visas.
02:44:39 The grossest is Scott Adams, he said countless times on his podcast that he's been passed over for promotion in corporate in the corporate world for being a white male.
02:44:49 Yeah, well.
02:44:52 I don't.
02:44:53 Yeah, I don't understand his cuckery sometimes.
02:44:56 I think that it's.
02:44:59 Anyone who who makes as much money as he does and chooses to live.
02:45:05 In Napa Valley.
02:45:06 Or at least that's the area, right? That he lives in, doesn't he?
02:45:10 That says a lot.
02:45:12 You know, like done it.
02:45:12 It's a beautiful area, but I mean.
02:45:16 I'd want to kill someone at least three or four times a day, or at least anytime I went out in public, right?
02:45:21 Just be like 'cause. I've lived in that area and it's fucking horrific.
02:45:25 Like everyone you meet, you just you hate them all.
02:45:28 Or at least a good portion of them.
02:45:31 And for him to want to live there when he has them, the resources to live anywhere in the world.
02:45:35 Yeah. Look, maybe he's just one of these guys where he just wants to let it burn.
02:45:40 Or maybe he genuinely doesn't see race.
02:45:43 You know, maybe that.
02:45:44 Can't teach an old dog new tricks.
02:45:47 New tricks, as they say.
02:45:50 All right.
02:45:50 Well, with that, I'm going to bid you all good evening.
02:45:55 Black pilled. I am of course.
02:45:58 Devon Stack.
Racist British Guy
02:46:02 Do you want something on how many people have been knock?02:46:11 This government, the Conservatives and every state is stinking cancer.
02:46:19 Who speaks up for the nigger?
02:46:19 Everything.
02:46:21 And I'll stand by my words because I don't like these people. Never will be.