01/08/2025Indian Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Echo.00:00:03 Echo Cortana echo Cortana.
00:00:09 Cortana.
00:00:20 Echo Cortana.
00:00:23 Echo.
00:00:24 Echo Cortana echo.
Mouth & MacNeal - How Do You Do?
00:00:39 What's the sale on a shoes?00:00:42 I don't remember.
00:00:45 I wonder if it's true that you could make me cry.
00:00:47 Yeah.
00:00:53 I love you too.
00:00:54 But I got the one solution that we're going to start a new.
00:01:00 How do you?
00:01:06 Not just me and you.
00:01:08 And then we can Nana Nana, just like before.
00:01:14 And you will say.
00:01:16 I.
00:01:17 Give me more and you will think Nana Nana. Hey, that's what I'm leaving.
00:01:40 Please.
00:01:42 I.
00:01:42 00:04:55
BTO - Taking Care of Business
00:04:58 The 815 into.00:05:02 There's a whistle up above the people pushing, people shoving and the girls who tried to look pretty. And if the trees on time you can get to work by 9 and stop and jump, you get OK.
00:05:17 If you ever.
00:05:18 Get annoyed. Come get me yourself. And boy, I love to work it. Nothing all day.
00:05:21 I.
00:05:24 Then I'll get taken care of business everyday.
00:05:59 With fake sounds. Buttermilk.
00:06:03 Get a second hand.
00:06:04 Chances are you don't find if you get in with the right bunch of pillows, people feel as if they're just lying in the sun.
00:06:13 Tell them that you like it this way.
00:06:17 It's the work that bears all self-employed.
00:06:20 We love to work if nothing all day.
00:06:23 Henry.
00:06:38 I.
00:06:57 Hey.
00:06:57 All right.
00:07:08 Say good.
00:07:11 When I'm away.
00:07:13 Everyday.
00:07:27 She.
00:07:32 Clocks warning take the 8:15 to the city. There's a.
00:07:39 People, fucking people. Shopping at the girls who try to look pretty and between.
00:07:49 Job.
00:07:52 If you ever get annoyed.
00:07:56 I'll up for.
00:07:56 Work and nothing all day and I've been taking.
00:08:22 Taking care of business.
00:08:25 Woo taking care of business.
00:08:29 Take.
00:08:29 Taking care of business.
00:08:33 Taking care of business.
00:08:37 Taking care of business every day.
00:08:40 Taking care of business every way.
00:08:44 Taking care of business.
00:08:46 Go.
00:08:46 It's all mine. Taking care of business, working overtime.
00:09:02 We.
00:09:15 I.
Devon Stack
00:09:24 Welcome.00:09:26 To the insomnia stream.
00:09:29 How we do business edition?
00:09:32 How we do business edition?
00:09:36 We're about to find out exactly.
00:09:39 How we do business?
00:09:42 And I guess how we also how we don't do business, how things don't get done.
00:09:48 Kind of like last stream last.
00:09:49 If you missed it, I highly recommend.
00:09:51 Not just because I made it, but because I think it's very relevant.
00:09:57 Extremely relevant when it comes to understanding our situation today and how it really hasn't changed in the least the last 50 years in respect to white white replacement.
00:10:09 Now, we haven't really moved the the needle in any kind of direction other than the direction leading to our well ultimate demise.
00:10:19 And how a lot of the reason for that is this inability for people on the right, white people on the right to be confrontational or they get.
00:10:31 This idea that.
00:10:32 Somehow they're they're using this 5D chess strategy by not actually pointing out the problem.
00:10:41 By not actually being honest about the issue, because either they are afraid of being called a racist, they're afraid of maybe the in some instances very real consequences of being called a racist.
00:10:55 Or worse yet, because they think there's some kind of strategy.
00:11:01 You know basically the the qtard version of this would be saving Israel for last.
00:11:09 We have to ignore the opposite or the the obvious rather.
00:11:13 And just sort of.
00:11:17 Pretend that once we get to see, we'll ignore.
00:11:20 We'll.
00:11:21 We'll try to get to Step 3.
00:11:22 Step.
00:11:23 We're going to Step 3, but we have to.
00:11:25 Have to not do Step 2.
00:11:29 We have to not do Step 2, even though Step 2 is necessary to get to Step 3.
00:11:34 We're going to try to accomplish Step 3 without.
00:11:37 Accomplishing Step 2 now.
00:11:39 Let me explain a little bit how what I mean by this.
00:11:44 By let's go over.
00:11:47 A debate.
00:11:49 From the from 1995, in fact.
00:11:53 1995 the United States, there was a debate brewing.
00:11:58 About possibly putting a hold on immigration, possibly rolling back immigration. You know, the debate that never ends in this country.
00:12:09 Because white people can't be honest about it.
00:12:13 Never ends in this country.
00:12:19 And let's see the kinds of arguments that were used the 1995 because clearly they weren't effective.
00:12:27 Clearly they weren't effective at all, because the situation's much worse here in 2025 than it was in 1995.
00:12:39 Man, sounds like I'm fucking.
00:12:40 Well, there's a my shower head. Just all of a sudden started leaking water.
00:12:45 You guys can hear.
00:12:46 I was like, what the fuck is that?
00:12:50 I think it's done.
00:12:51 Was interesting.
00:12:52 Well, this this place is always, I think it's haunted. This place is haunted.
00:12:58 Is it?
00:12:59 OK, it's done.
00:13:02 So what is this? No.
00:13:03 That's fine.
00:13:04 Anyway.
00:13:06 We're.
00:13:07 Going to go back.
00:13:09 We go back to the 90s now.
00:13:12 And we're taking a look at this debate.
00:13:15 Where of course, unfortunately you have people trying to use strategies to avoid being called racist and kind of beating around the Bush, the, the the elephant.
00:13:25 The room that actually, yes.
00:13:29 Actually yes, it is about race.
00:13:31 Actually yes.
00:13:33 The reason why the immigrants of today and in 1995, they are worse than the immigrants of of 1850 or 1895.
00:13:45 We're talking about the Jewish immigrants.
00:13:46 That's a whole nother thing.
00:13:48 Is because the immigrants after the Immigration Act of 1965, which they love to talk about, even in this this debate here, made it so that the immigration was coming from non white countries.
00:14:00 Yes, that matters.
00:14:03 And yes, that is why immigrants from Europe were more easily assimilated.
00:14:08 Magic. Were they like to throw around?
00:14:13 Because they were white.
00:14:15 And they couldn't just say that.
00:14:17 So they had to come up.
00:14:18 Not only did they come up with all these fucking reasons.
00:14:23 Other than race.
00:14:26 There aren't nearly as true, often or or compelling. Even if they were like an economic reasons, as an example.
00:14:35 And because they they they they were only using these reasons to kind of distract from the real reason, which is race, and their opponents knew this. The audience is left with a a spectacle of.
00:14:50 Of Bad liars being browbeaten by Jews.
00:14:57 When you watch this debate, what you're gonna see is people who are bad at lying about why they don't want immigration.
00:15:06 Being browbeaten by a pack of Jews who are delighted, delighted that they won't just say it.
00:15:17 They won't just say it because the audience knows the Jews know.
00:15:23 Everyone knows why they don't want brown and black immigrants.
00:15:29 And because they won't say it, they look dishonest.
00:15:32 Look weasily.
00:15:36 And they've lost before they've even started because they're lying.
00:15:41 Now look.
00:15:44 Some of these people that are going to be in this debate on our side are still active.
00:15:51 And.
00:15:53 Have done, I would say some good. And I'm not judging them as.
00:15:59 You know their their full contribution to the fight against white replacement, for example.
00:16:05 Notably, you will see that that Peter Brimlow is on this panel.
00:16:10 He's the the founder of VDARE Vdair that went.
00:16:15 Belly up last year.
00:16:17 As a result of law fair from the state of New York.
00:16:22 You'll see.
00:16:25 Dan Stein of of Fair.
00:16:30 Which is the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
00:16:36 Again, who may or may not have done some good work?
00:16:40 Back in, say, the 90s or so.
00:16:44 And so I'm not judging them as as people necessarily, but I am going to judge them based on this performance, this moment in time.
00:16:54 And I am also going to mention that if you look up these people.
00:17:02 Along.
00:17:02 With the other panellists, which one of them might surprise you on the the on the side of wind it closed.
00:17:10 I'll go over it in a second.
00:17:12 Let's let's let's first before we get into that, before we go over who's all in this thing.
00:17:17 Let's let's take a look at at who funded this this this spectacle.
00:17:24 We talk a lot about how, why isn't there like a millionaire or a billionaire or, you know.
00:17:29 Would be better.
00:17:31 Funding some of this this pro white stuff.
00:17:35 And to the extent that there are billionaires like, why does the money seem to go to ineffectual?
00:17:42 Methods.
00:17:45 In fact, you could say to some degree these organizations that these, these men have have been the heads of and and have have worked at over for decades and apparently not really not a whole.
00:17:56 To show for it results wise.
00:17:58 I mean, just let's just be honest, right?
00:18:01 Is is immigration worse or or better since the founding of of VDARE or fair IDE?
00:18:07 Just let's just be honest, right?
00:18:12 So the first, the first donation that's listed in this presentation is the John M Olan Foundation. I looked into that.
00:18:25 Basically, John John M Olan was like this military industrial complex guy who who basically got rich making ammunition. Now, among other things, but that he was like this industrialist billionaire.
00:18:40 The foundation no longer exists.
00:18:43 The way it was structured.
00:18:46 Was he wanted it to be all spent out and spent down and wound down instead of perpetuating forever.
00:18:56 So I think in 2006.
00:18:59 They.
00:19:00 Were out of.
00:19:00 And so you know that was that.
00:19:03 But this is that's.
00:19:05 That's John M Olan, who was a, again, a billionaire that had.
00:19:13 Tons of money to throw at this sort of thing and.
00:19:17 You could probably.
00:19:19 I mean, look, it's all different these days.
00:19:21 The the definitions even of right and left, seem to to shift dramatically at times.
00:19:27 You would, I guess, consider him right wing to some extent.
00:19:33 Next up, you have the Amberg Foundation.
00:19:37 The Annenberg Foundation was the foundation of Walter Annenberg, and before you ask, yes, he's Jewish.
00:19:44 Was a Jewish billionaire that worked in the Nixon administration also published?
00:19:50 I believe that the TV Guide and some other.
00:19:53 Magazines back in the the like 70s and 80s, but you know, had billions of dollars.
00:20:01 He went a different way with his foundation, even though he was, you know.
00:20:07 Some might say to some degree controlled opposition right wing.
00:20:10 That.
00:20:11 The right wing.
00:20:12 I mean, how right Wing is a Jew ever, right?
00:20:16 At least on the surface, you know he was funding conservative causes.
00:20:24 Say right?
00:20:25 Well, now that he's dead and his family has taken over all that money from the foundation is now going.
00:20:32 To trans rights and social justice and all that fun stuff.
00:20:38 Next up, we have the the Laurel Foundation.
00:20:42 I couldn't find anything about.
00:20:43 There is a Laurel foundation, but it's literally it's been a trans rights.
00:20:47 It's for trans kids and kids with AIDS.
00:20:50 Don't think it's the same Laurel Foundation?
00:20:55 But I I couldn't find what this Laurel Foundation was.
00:20:59 So I don't know who these people were.
00:21:04 The debate is hosted by Michael Kinsley, who is a left wing Jew.
00:21:14 And so he's you're you're again.
00:21:17 This is something that's I don't think I've ever seen a debate of this sort that's been moderated by a right wing person ever.
00:21:27 So of course just agreeing to these terms already to, I don't know, to try to show that you're you're you can hang out the fancy Jews.
00:21:36 Don't know if that's. You know what?
00:21:38 Would you even agree to?
00:21:39 Because not only is the moderator a lefty Jew, Michael Kinsley.
00:21:44 It's at Bard College, a lefty liberal arts college with a Jewish president who's on the other side of the debate panel.
00:21:54 So you know you have that and.
00:21:58 Production itself.
00:22:01 The producer, director is another liberal Jew, Warren.
00:22:06 So you're basically an enemy territory from the very beginning.
00:22:09 A lot of things.
00:22:09 Are going to be wrong with the.
00:22:11 So for example, the people arguing in favor of limiting immigration.
00:22:19 You know you got William F Buckley junior.
00:22:21 Course it's the.
00:22:22 He's not as popular then, but like at that point, he's kind of like.
00:22:27 Considered conservative?
00:22:29 You know, he's William F Buckley junior.
00:22:31 He's a very, very well respected and sounds very waspy in his delivery and and and whatnot. We've talked about him in previous streams.
00:22:43 For example, the Shockley edition where he invited Doctor Shockley, the inventor of the transistor, on to essentially make fun of his views on race and IQ.
00:22:56 So already William Buckley is certainly not a race realist, or at least has made attempts to.
00:23:04 At the very least, muddy the waters when it comes to race realism.
00:23:08 But also notably has no problem with Jews whatsoever. That's going to be a common thread with the people arguing on the side of limiting immigration. They're not going to touch the Jewish question with a with a 10 foot pole and.
00:23:22 In fact, they'll often do quite the opposite.
00:23:25 So then you also have Arianna Huffington.
00:23:28 Well, that's a joke just to start.
00:23:30 Yes, that is Arianna Huffington of the Huffington.
00:23:33 Many of you might not know this, but Arianna Huffington at one point was considered a Republican, was considered a conservative.
00:23:41 And then, like her husband died, or I don't know what the fuck happened.
00:23:45 She turned into like, a total lefty.
00:23:48 But look, just from a optics point of view, she's Greek.
00:23:52 She has a very noticeable Greek accent, and so here you have a panel of people arguing against immigration, legal or illegal.
00:24:03 And two of them have foreign accents.
00:24:08 Arianna Huffington.
00:24:10 Which her accent is basically comical.
00:24:13 So thick.
00:24:15 And she'd only been in the country.
00:24:17 I mean, I think she arrived in the United States in the late 1960s and then you had Peter Brimley.
00:24:24 Who has a British accent?
00:24:27 But foreign nonetheless.
00:24:29 And so and he obviously is also a immigrant himself.
00:24:34 It doesn't.
00:24:35 Look, it doesn't matter.
00:24:38 That intellectually you can make you can square this right, like you can say, oh, well, you know.
00:24:45 In the context of this of this debate, that's not really that relevant.
00:24:49 Optically it looks really bad that half of your panel arguing against the.
00:24:54 Immigration are literally immigrants.
00:24:57 Then you have Dan Stein, who I mentioned is the I think he's still a present affair, but this is the thing that they always shy away from the the, you know, these these individuals shy away from the Jewish question, whether you're talking about Peter Brimlow, Dan Stein, a.
00:25:15 Certainly.
00:25:16 William F Buckley junior.
00:25:18 But even when it comes to accusations of racism of any kind, you've got, you get this, this cowering away from the accusation.
00:25:28 In the case of of of.
00:25:30 Fair. I was looking into 'cause I look, I felt like for a organization which according to the data I found has a operating budget of 11,000,000 fucking dollars a year.
00:25:41 Kind of thought I would have heard of them by now, or at least seen their work.
00:25:45 I thought when I went to their Twitter profile that their their tweets would have more than like 5 retweets.
00:25:51 Thought that there when I went to their YouTube channel their YouTube videos.
00:25:54 Have more than 200 views.
00:25:56 I just thought, you know, like if you're spending 11,000,000 fucking dollars a year.
00:26:01 You know, I would have known who you are or none of your work in some way. I just thought, I don't know. I just thought.
00:26:10 And maybe I'm the idiot.
00:26:12 I'm the idiot, right?
00:26:13 Because I've never heard.
00:26:16 I look, I'm sure I've heard of it.
00:26:18 Like.
00:26:20 What I can't think of like, Oh yeah. Oh, have you seen that great thing?
00:26:22 Fair came.
00:26:23 No, that's never happened in my life.
00:26:27 Now fair and doesn't matter if they act like they're not racist.
00:26:33 And as a matter.
00:26:36 From the Southern Poverty Law Center as an example, as a hate group, as a white supremacist group, just like, you know, the the other people.
00:26:50 Well, maybe not Arianna Huffington anymore.
00:26:53 Yeah. The fair before Dan Stein, this is from Wikipedia. Just as again, I didn't know who the fuck they are.
00:26:59 Had to read up a little bit on these guys.
00:27:02 Apparently they they had a a A scandal involving their previous. I don't know if he was the president or just an associate.
00:27:14 His name was John.
00:27:15 Anyway, this is just something to blurb from there.
00:27:18 Let's see.
00:27:19 Fair become the most important organization in the United States, fuelling the backlash against immigration.
00:27:26 Well really that's that's.
00:27:28 Again, I've never heard of.
00:27:29 And Tanton was perceived as the leader.
00:27:32 As a result, liberal groups who opposed fair focused on Tanton, who was at the time in his 32nd year on the board.
00:27:39 I guess he was just a board member.
00:27:41 Was concerned that the US birth rates had dropped below replacement levels.
00:27:45 He actually sounds like he's kind of.
00:27:47 He kind of gets it in 1986, Tanton wrote memos to fair colleagues, which became known as the Whiten memos predicting a Latin onslaught. Well.
00:27:58 Accurately predicted, I guess, and worried that high Latino birth rates and low US birth rates would lead to quote, the present majority to hand over its political power to a group that is simply more fertile.
00:28:11 Again, accurately prediction.
00:28:15 It sounds like he was concerned that Latinos would, quote, bring with them the tradition of the mordida, the bribe, the lack of involvement in public affairs? He asked.
00:28:26 Are the differences.
00:28:28 And educatability between Hispanics and Asiatics with their excellent school records and long tradition of scholarship.
00:28:36 The memos, which became known as the Whiten memos, were leaked to the press.
00:28:41 In 1988, he warned that unless Latino immigration was restricted, it would ultimately lead to a linguistic, economic, racial and religious apartheid United States.
00:28:52 Again, a lot of that sort of has come true.
00:28:54 I've come to a quote. I've covered the point of view that for European American Society and culture to persist requires a European American majority and a clear one at that.
00:29:07 Well, because this memo got leaked where he's just again, This is why I'm saying the people on this panel, they might believe as you and I do.
00:29:16 They might believe that immigration is an issue because of racial reasons privately, but it doesn't help if they are afraid to say it. In the case of the former president or board member, I guess of of Fair.
00:29:30 These memos got leaked and he was forced to.
00:29:33 He wasn't.
00:29:34 No one's forced right to apologize, but he apologized.
00:29:39 He apologized and and and then denied that he said it. Which?
00:29:42 Come on, he probably did.
00:29:46 But because he didn't want to be called a racist.
00:29:50 That's.
00:29:53 You know, he had this.
00:29:54 He was just admitting that race realism is a major factor.
00:29:59 Why we need to oppose immigration?
00:30:02 And look, I think it's impossible to imagine that.
00:30:08 Know maybe with the exception of Ariana Huffington.
00:30:11 That the other end well and maybe William F Buckley, who seems to be more of like one of these, Thomas soul fucking, or at least on the surface, where he thinks that, like, you know, content of character, all this fucking nonsense.
00:30:23 I kind of get the idea that Peter Brimloe and Dan Stein are, you know, privately.
00:30:28 Pro White, and that's that's what's driving them.
00:30:33 But they can't say that.
00:30:36 They can't say.
00:30:37 And So what happens is they get toyed with like a cat toy with a dead mouse.
00:30:43 By Ira Glasser.
00:30:46 See this and this. What's more madding. OK, these guys can't mention the JQ, even though when they go to argue their their their arch nemesis, they go to argue the the, the, the biggest thing that the biggest problem facing America.
00:31:01 And they go on the stage to argue this thing against the enemies of America.
00:31:07 The people that are, they're poisoning the well and and who is it?
00:31:12 It's Jews.
00:31:13 It's Ira Glasser, Leon Botstein, Ed Koch and then a a spaghetti Jew, Frank Sherry.
00:31:22 So it's like, come on, come on. And they can't.
00:31:26 They can't.
00:31:27 They can't point this out, is it?
00:31:29 And they have several.
00:31:30 Opportunities, believe me, even just in this debate alone.
00:31:34 But let's go over these guys, right?
00:31:36 So you've got Ira Glasser.
00:31:39 Now, Ira glasser. Hey, guess what?
00:31:42 What?
00:31:43 Surprise, surprise, he's descended from Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century Poland.
00:31:52 He was born in 1938.
00:31:55 He was head of the.
00:31:58 Well.
00:31:58 Essentially, he was.
00:31:59 He was the executive director of the ACLU.
00:32:01 So he was the head of the ACLU through well from like 1978 through 2001.
00:32:08 So obviously this is the middle of his in the middle of his tenure.
00:32:13 Leon Botstein, who also is a descendant of Jewish immigrants who didn't come here around the turn of the century.
00:32:23 Recently they came after World War 2.
00:32:26 His parents were Holocaust survivors.
00:32:30 And he became the youngest university president at the university. That they're, they're here at Bard College at age 28.
00:32:39 He became the president.
00:32:42 Of Bard College at age 28.
00:32:45 Bard College, who, by the way, received money from Jeffrey Epstein.
00:32:49 But you know, I don't know something.
00:32:52 Probably.
00:32:53 No, probably no big deal.
00:32:55 His. Yeah, but his family came to the United States in 1949, and so he was even born here.
00:33:00 He was three years old.
00:33:02 So he's an immigrant, a Jewish immigrant, and then, of course, Ed Koch, America's mayor.
00:33:10 And you know, former former New York City mayor, he was. And basically in terms of likeability at the time that he would have been here and he wasn't.
00:33:23 Mean he was like a in a way, he was like a Donald Trump type figure or, you know, prior to.
00:33:28 Rudy Giuliani's involvement with Donald Trump the way Rudy Giuliani used to be, loved by America, too. Before he, you know, decided to work with Trump.
00:33:39 And then you have Frank Sherry.
00:33:43 Frank Sherry, who's a Italian Catholic who works for a woman at the time he worked for a immigration a pro immigration, or actually the biggest pro immigration.
00:33:59 NGO in United.
00:34:01 I don't have the name handy here, but it doesn't really matter.
00:34:06 So these guys are the obvious the Pro immigration people versus the anti immigration.
00:34:14 Now the way it starts out is you get William F Buckley doing his opening statement.
00:34:20 Let's let's have a little listen, let's have a little listen because again, you kind of got your hands tied.
00:34:26 You kind of get your got your hands tied if you're trying to make the argument that as the argument is essentially that the 1965 Immigration Act has.
00:34:35 Changed America in a bad way.
00:34:39 It's.
00:34:40 You know this very, you know, it's hard to really kind of define what that means exactly, but it 'cause if you're not talking about race, right?
00:34:47 And so they got their hands tied because they have to make the argument that it's changed America in some kind of bad way.
00:34:54 And but they it's it's going to be hard to articulate that without mentioning the racial component and the opponents.
00:35:01 Going to.
00:35:03 Seize on that and point out that there is a racial component and now not only do you look like a racist, you look like a secret racist, which is even worse, at least if you are a racist and open about it. The the crowd in 1995.
00:35:15 Have been slightly less appalled.
00:35:17 By the whole thing.
William F. Buckley Jr.
00:35:21 Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, the subject we're debating tonight begs to be mishandled by the affirmative. Those of us who believe immigration should be curbed and poisoned by the negative, those who urge no changes in immigration policy.00:35:36 Reason this is so.
00:35:38 Is that we have here before the House, a question of public policy in which the great intimacies of ethnic pride are involved.
00:35:46 So if the subject under discussion, or whether the lesson, the tariff barriers or raise them, we would only marginally touch on human sensitivities, the great shadow that looms menacingly over one side is rank nativism to stumble into saying.
00:36:01 That man who wants to get into the United States is black, brown or yellow.
00:36:03 Have enough of them.
Devon Stack
00:36:06 See he? So he starts off his argument, trying to already.00:36:10 On his back heels.
00:36:14 Instead of proactively saying yeah, we don't, we do have enough of them.
00:36:21 This is a white country.
00:36:23 The reasons why America is is a place that non whites want to come to in the 1st place is directly tied to the percentage of whites that that created this country.
00:36:33 No, he has.
00:36:34 Start off by saying, oh, we're gonna we have to talk about this issue, but let me assure you.
00:36:41 That, you know, let's, let's let's not let's not degrade ourselves.
00:36:43 Let's not lower.
00:36:44 Ourselves to this level of calling each other racist.
00:36:47 Let me it's not about race.
00:36:50 Then why'd you have to fucking say it?
00:36:53 Because everyone in the audience obviously already knows it.
00:36:57 So already you're.
00:36:58 You're already on the defense.
00:37:00 You're already working within the frame.
00:37:03 Across the table from you are licking their fucking lips. 'cause. There's blood in the fucking water because you can't just say it.
00:37:12 You can't just say yes. Yes, actually there are biological differences between European peoples and other peoples, and there's biological differences are important enough to where it ends up manifesting in the kinds of societies that were able to create and maintain.
00:37:30 And when you start to dilute the gene pool, you would start to fuck with the demographics, with people who don't come from countries that were, or even regions that have ever been able to create or maintain civilizations or things that we recognize as great civilizations.
00:37:43 You start fucking pumping them into our countries. It's gonna ruin the mix.
00:37:49 It's going to ruin the fucking mix.
00:37:52 No.
00:37:52 Instead, you're already making, you've already taken.
00:37:55 Your only fucking weapon.
00:37:59 And you're taking it out of the game, you're taking it off the table.
00:38:05 To avoid being called a racist to avoid some kind of.
00:38:08 You know what everyone of these guys, every one of these intellectuals, they are in a financial position where they could be fucking, you know, dragged to the press and called racist all day long.
00:38:21 William F Buckley Junior is not going to be dying in in some kind of homosexual.
William F. Buckley Jr.
00:38:30 On the other side, the Illuminati, a composite.00:38:35 They are the libertarians who say anybody who wants to do anything should be permitted to do so, and if one of the things people want to do is come to live in the United States, why not?
00:38:43 That is one of the great disabling rhetorical limbs that get him the way of clear thought.
00:38:48 Another holds that in as much as everyone in America is a child or a great grandchild of an immigrant, what reason can there be for adopting different policies from those that let us or are forbidden?
Devon Stack
00:39:02 See again. He he he puts his. He does point out there. Libertarians think that libertarians think that we should just let everyone in. If you want to come in, come in.00:39:11 And then he addresses the argument that a lot of people are either the trial or grandchild of an immigrant.
00:39:15 That's not even really true.
00:39:18 I.
00:39:18 I'm certainly not the the child or grandchild of an immigrant.
00:39:21 Go back all the way. The 16 fucking hundreds, buddy.
00:39:24 And I'm sorry your family showed up later.
00:39:26 Don't even think his.
00:39:27 Though I think his been well.
00:39:28 Hear.
00:39:28 I don't know, but the look up his his family tree.
00:39:33 But he has to head that off too, because the bad optics of two of the members of his panel or on his side, he's got to be like you're going to, you're going to make fun of that.
00:39:41 You know, it's like, well, then maybe you shouldn't have those guys.
00:39:44 On if if that because you've taken the race because you could, you don't have to worry about that. If the questions about race you don't have to worry about the fact that Arianna Huffington sounds like a fucking cartoon character and then Peter Brimloe sounds like an English profess.
00:39:59 Because they're white.
00:40:02 And if the if the argument is.
00:40:06 White immigrants, good non white, bad.
00:40:10 They don't have that.
00:40:11 They can't use that weapon against you.
00:40:13 It doesn't fucking matter.
00:40:15 You can have someone that that, that barely speaks English, that gets German.
00:40:22 And if your argument is race based, it doesn't matter.
00:40:27 But you've decided to, like, lie about the actual problem.
Michael Kinsley
00:40:31 And now you're fucked.William F. Buckley Jr.
00:40:34 There will be data given on these points as they arise. For instance, it is simply not the case that immigration on the scale in which it now proceeds is conventional in American history, and it isn't the case that the EV flow of human beings into or for that.00:40:49 Of one country into another.
00:40:51 Or mechanical questions to be governed simply by the laws of arbitrage.
00:40:55 Are these particulars? My colleagues will confront as required in the discussion.
Devon Stack
00:41:00 So again, just talk about the sheer numbers, which is it's it's a poor argument anyway, as you'll see it does. It's effective.00:41:07 Doesn't.
00:41:07 People don't care about fucking numbers.
00:41:10 Don't care about fucking numbers.
00:41:12 Numbers at the I mean most people here it's you hear a statistic and it's like So what?
00:41:18 Yeah. As I said a million times, you know, you have, you have people thinking that, you know, facts don't care about your feelings. Like Ben Shapiro would say, when the reality is feelings don't care about your facts.
William F. Buckley Jr.
00:41:34 I mean to touch on the touchiest of all questions in the hope probably fruitless that polemical opportunism will be restrained.00:41:45 I think it is a legitimate concern of a country. Ours especially, we have been taking in year after year, 50% of all immigrants in the entire world to give thought to the culture and ethos we hope to preserve.
00:41:58 But this comes down to the question of assimilation.
00:42:01 The idea of immigration is not alone to provide shelter or even economic opportunity, but to create another American now to say any such thing these days in the firestorm of multiculturalism, Mr. Court criticism that can be mortal, especially in academic salons.
00:42:16 But recall that it was not so long ago taken for granted that anyone coming to America would need to learn something about American institutions and would need, if he hoped to vote, to read and write in English.
00:42:28 Isn't the case anymore.
00:42:30 In New York City schools, we learn courses are taught in 100 languages, and there's a sort of teachers who can speak Albanian.
Devon Stack
00:42:37 See and there you.00:42:37 You've got the proxy, you got the proxy.
00:42:41 Can't talk about.
00:42:42 So what does he talk?
00:42:43 He talks about race in a matter of speaking by talking about language.
00:42:46 He says that they're not assimilating.
00:42:48 Well, guess what, buddy? You can make an argument that they're not assimilating, and whoever is going to oppose you can tell you how maybe they are assimilating.
00:42:55 Maybe they it'll take a little bit longer to assim.
00:42:57 You'll hear later on in this debate. They'll mention well Germans when they first came to America, they didn't speak English, and now you know, two generations later that the German, you know, the grandchildren, the German immigrants, they speak English.
00:43:09 What do you worry about?
00:43:09 If that's all you're worried about is some kind of language barrier, then you're just being a little.
00:43:13 Nervous Nancy over there.
00:43:15 It's going to work itself out.
00:43:20 But at no time will these non-english speaking you know E Indians as an example magically turn white 3 generations later.
00:43:31 See if you make it about what it's really about when you make it about race instead of assimilation because no amount of assimilation will ever turn them white.
00:43:42 No amount of assimilation of Haitian immigrants is ever going to make them light.
00:44:00 But they were either too embarrassed to say this, or they thought they were being clever by using these proxies like language.
00:44:11 Trying to use words like assimilation.
00:44:16 'Cause, now all your opponent has to do is point out the exception.
00:44:21 Well, you say they're not assimilating.
00:44:22 But what about Pablo over there?
00:44:24 He's got his own.
00:44:25 He speaks English and he's doing successful.
00:44:28 A.
00:44:29 He's an embodiment of the American spirit.
00:44:32 A model immigrant.
00:44:35 See if your argument was was racial. You could say yeah, but he's not.
00:44:39 Is he?
00:44:45 It's like you show up on the battlefield and instantly take all the ammunition out of your guns.
00:44:51 And then charge the enemy.
00:44:55 I.
William F. Buckley Jr.
00:44:55 The questions that were brought on the presses that were brought on immigrants, so to speak, pressures to Americanize them were so direct that during the last half of the 19th century, 1/3 of immigrants of immigrants simply gave up.00:45:11 And after a while travelled back home, immigrants were required just to begin with, to make their own way economically, that is no longer true under the welfare state, and were required to learn the language of American English.
00:45:22 Longer required.
00:45:23 Those were the most conspicuous forces of socialization.
00:45:28 But there were others designed to communicate an ethos.
Devon Stack
00:45:33 There you go again.00:45:34 Acting as if the reason why they're not assimilating post 1965 isn't because of some kind of racial differences between the immigrants that were coming here in 1965 and 1865, but rather these other pressures that sure might have contributed a little bit like.
00:45:51 Mentions the welfare state, right?
00:45:53 So he says that if you came here in 1865.
00:45:56 And then you had trouble making.
00:45:58 You would go back to your your country of origin.
00:46:01 Because there weren't all these safety Nets and all this welfare state stuff set up to provide for you if you were to fail and you could say that you you can look at Europe, right?
00:46:13 And that is obviously true that these immigrants that come to Europe.
00:46:17 Are staying there regardless of their ability to quote UN quote assimilate, which they can never do. But regardless of their ability to succeed, even economically in these countries.
00:46:27 Because they they basically they're parasitically sucking off the.
00:46:31 The uh, the natives.
00:46:34 And yeah, that is a change. That is something that's making immigration go into hyperdrive.
00:46:39 That is speeding things up.
00:46:41 That is deteriorating the the fabric of the society at A at an alarming rate.
00:46:48 But that's not ultimately the problem.
00:46:52 That's just an accelerant.
00:46:54 That's not the fire. That's the gasoline being poured on the fire.
00:47:06 The fire is there, not us.
00:47:10 And they never will be.
William F. Buckley Jr.
00:47:16 One of them, of course, was the discipline of self.00:47:18 Self government is very rare and in the 19th century something of eccentricity and then to the ethos in America presumed religious convictions. 98% of America at the time of Revolutionary War was Protestants.
Devon Stack
00:47:32 Yes, they were also white.00:47:37 They were also white.
00:47:41 You have no problem pointing out their religion.
00:47:47 And you act as if their religion.
00:47:50 And more to do.
00:47:53 With their behavior, or as you say, their their ability to even fathom self government.
00:48:01 This thing that was a novelty in the world, where did this novelty come from?
00:48:07 Did it come out of Asia?
00:48:11 Did it come out of Africa?
00:48:18 Or was it the product of European biology?
William F. Buckley Jr.
00:48:38 It is our contention that America, the most successful engine of assimilation in the history of the world, hasn't got the steam needed to handle immigration at the current level, and that the burden of assimilation became more acute when, in 1965, the qualifications for immigration changed so.00:48:57 Does this mean that it is more difficult to assimilate Haitians and Mexicans and British and Italians? Yes.
00:49:04 We're prepared to go that far westerly, hoping that this is not to earn a denunciation as racists.
Devon Stack
00:49:11 See you again.00:49:13 He recognizes that Haitians are harder to assimilate.
00:49:17 But then immediately.
00:49:17 Follows with but not because we're racist.
00:49:22 Well, then what is it?
00:49:23 What is it exactly?
00:49:27 What is it about this magical ethos?
00:49:31 The Europeans were so quick to take up that the Haitians just seemed to struggle with what is. What's this?
00:49:38 What's the problem then?
00:49:41 Clearly your argument is racist.
00:49:46 And that's OK.
00:49:51 Strip it.
00:49:52 Strip away the pejorative nature of that term.
00:49:55 It's it's totally fine to be a racist.
00:50:02 It's actually.
00:50:04 It's not just OK.
00:50:05 Good.
00:50:07 It's good for white people in a white country to remain that way.
00:50:16 To not view their people as just interchangeable with anyone.
00:50:28 Imagine a family.
00:50:31 Imagine a family quick to discard their children.
00:50:36 Because it was like they found out. Oh, there's these kids over here.
00:50:43 The.
00:50:43 His kids over here that they, they're better at math.
00:50:46 So I'm going to throw a little Jimmy in the fucking dumpster and bring in this other kid.
00:50:54 The moment your.
00:50:55 Nation stops operating like a family with those kinds of family ties and bonds.
00:51:03 A nation's meaningless.
00:51:06 At that.
00:51:07 You become an economic zone and that point there is no argument that can be made against immigration.
00:51:15 Because you're just.
00:51:16 A business. You're not running the country.
00:51:19 And unfortunately, that's how conservatives on the right in America have viewed America for.
00:51:26 Well, several decades.
William F. Buckley Jr.
00:51:30 We really should be permitted to speak about such matters without risking the charge of UN Americanism.00:51:35 Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a colony of aliens who will shortly be so numerous as to germanize us instead of our ancestors? Them the person who spoke those words of Benjamin Franklin?
00:51:49 And Mr. Chairman, we will bear bravely any charge levelled against us.
00:51:53 Could also be levelled against Benjamin Franklin.
00:51:57 He thought it entirely civilized to speak about the ethnic characteristics of other.
00:52:01 We do believe that there is something there when we speak of American exceptionalism. This doesn't bind us to disdain the cultural claims of others. We listen with respect.
00:52:12 To someone asserting about of achievements of the first of the Spanish or the Swiss, though, we might get restless listening to the claims of some nationalists best quarantined in the United Nations. We no need here tonight to document American exceptionalism.
00:52:27 We need only to document.
00:52:29 That more is being expected of this country than it can reasonably expected to finish, while still surviving as the country to whose health and prosperity we are committed. Ladies and gentlemen, let's drink of that.
Devon Stack
00:52:43 So that is the opening.00:52:44 Again, trying to deflect by saying, look, even Benjamin Franklin had concerns about the ethnic identity of some of the immigrants he uses. An example of Germans going to Pennsylvania and saying that, oh, look, even.
00:52:59 Even a Benjamin Franklin had an issue with the Germans Germanicizing the the Anglo-Saxon Pennsylvania instead of the other way around seats.
00:53:08 But the Germans, you know, they they eventually assimilated.
00:53:11 Pennsylvania is not a a state that speaks German.
00:53:14 So it's a stupid argument because you're basically saying that you're worried about nothing.
00:53:19 That Benjamin Franklin was worried about nothing.
00:53:23 Because clearly it worked itself out.
00:53:28 So I can just say, well, you're being an alarmist, as was Benjamin Franklin.
00:53:34 Here he was freaking out about the Germans in Pennsylvania, just like you're freaking out about the Cubans in Florida.
00:53:43 Or the Mexicans in Southern California.
00:53:46 For the Haitians everywhere.
00:53:51 Or the Indians everywhere.
00:53:55 When clearly it worked itself out, didn't it?
00:53:58 Everything turned out OK.
00:54:11 Obviously, to refute this, we now have Leon Botstein.
00:54:17 Leon botstein.
00:54:21 Like I said, he's the.
00:54:24 He's the the president of the college that they're speaking at, so they're in enemy territory.
00:54:30 With an enemy director with the enemy.
00:54:35 Moderator.
00:54:39 Just like I don't know.
00:54:44 Let's see what Botstein has to say.
Leon Botstein
00:54:47 Today's debate is an experience in deja vu.00:54:50 We've heard the same refrains.
00:54:52 Too many bad, different new immigrants as opposed to fewer good old style immigrants.
Devon Stack
00:54:58 Well, that didn't take long.00:55:02 With his opening line, he basically points out the obvious.
00:55:07 You guys are being a little vague about this.
00:55:11 You don't like these new immigrants? You don't like these people?
00:55:15 Do you mean by these people?
00:55:19 You like the old immigrants, but not the new immigrants?
00:55:22 Do you mean by that?
00:55:23 And because you can't just fucking say it now, you look like a Weasley weasel.
Leon Botstein
00:55:28 That we can't afford immigration altogether. Is this any different from the predictions of Doom expressed by yes, Ben Franklin, about Germans in Pennsylvania, Republicans in 1896 who wanted a literacy test?00:55:41 Henry Cabot lodges derision of Italians as worse than the Irish.
00:55:46 And the misguided Immigration Commission of 1911, when immigration reached an all time high, which predicted that new immigrants would either compete for jobs.
00:55:53 Or ruin the fabric of America.
Devon Stack
00:55:56 Well.00:56:00 Hindsight 2020 there buddy. And again this guy was not born in America.
00:56:04 He's a Jewish immigrant who came here at the age 3 and by 25 years later was running this college. Sure, that was all.
00:56:14 All based on merit, I'm sure that was some of that merit based shit. We're always hearing about.
Leon Botstein
00:56:19 They were wrong.00:56:21 So why are today's naysayers with the same arguments suddenly right?
Devon Stack
00:56:26 Exactly. And that's the problem.00:56:30 Without the racial component to your argument, you've got nothing because it is a racial problem.
00:56:38 And you sound like a liar when you can't just say it.
00:56:48 And there it's going to be easy for the high verbal Iq's to make you look fucking stupid.
00:56:55 And make you squirm.
00:56:57 And make you uncomfortable.
00:56:59 It doesn't even matter what you're saying.
00:57:02 It doesn't matter if everything you say is true. If all the statistics that you pull out of your ass are good, and if all of the arguments you're making, economic and otherwise, are also.
00:57:15 Real arguments to be made and maybe even like the secondary factors of why this is immigration stuff's bad.
00:57:25 Used to look like like your lying.
00:57:31 And the audience is going to pick up on that.
00:57:35 And what's a debate for if it's?
00:57:36 Look, you're not going to persuade the people you're debating against.
00:57:39 It's never about that.
00:57:40 It's to persuade the people in the audience.
00:57:43 At least I. I presume that's why you would go on national television and subject yourself to this.
00:57:50 Because you hope that the people at home watching this debate are going to be swayed one way or the other.
00:57:55 So it's about persuasion.
00:58:04 And if you look like you're lying.
00:58:08 It's not very persuasive.
Leon Botstein
00:58:11 Immigration our past have been more significant than it is now. Almost 15% of the population in 1910 was foreign born.00:58:20 Today, only 8% is since the first census in 7090, the percent of immigrants has been unusually high.
00:58:27 And America flourished, economically and culturally.
Devon Stack
00:58:30 See what he's able to do 'cause you can't bring up race if you had open with race none of these, none of none of this would make any sense.00:58:38 He'd be backing you up.
00:58:42 He would be saying, yeah, look at. We had all this immigration back when it was all white people and.
00:58:46 Wasn't a problem.
00:58:52 In fact, here's the numbers.
00:58:56 Speaking of useless graphs that don't convince anyone, but just for visualization here, here's what he's talking about.
00:59:03 Here's the argument you take away from him.
00:59:06 This is the percentage of immigrants who are white.
00:59:11 And up until.
00:59:13 Just around World War Two, it was really close to 100%.
00:59:18 And then it takes a nosedive.
00:59:21 To almost.
00:59:22 Well, not almost.
00:59:24 That's that's a little.
00:59:25 This this graph where it looks like 0. If you can't see it on the screen, that's where like like 70% or whatever.
00:59:35 That's that stops that stop and it goes. It's much. It's lower now, but that's the data.
00:59:41 The graph I can find.
Leon Botstein
00:59:48 And there.00:59:48 Only one million immigrants coming in the year, not 2.
Devon Stack
00:59:52 So again, you try to make it about numbers.00:59:55 Statistics don't really sell people.
01:00:00 The number of illegal immigrants is never changed officially, like they lie about it.
01:00:07 No one really knows. I mean, you could, if you wanted to be like, super generous. You could say, well, they're illegal.
01:00:12 Are we going to know there be ways of estimating at the time that this?
01:00:16 Aired there was already 5 like this.
01:00:18 This is, according to Pew Research, at least I don't know how accurate it was. But according to Pew Research, they're saying there's only 5.7 illegal immigrants in 1995, at the time that this aired.
01:00:29 My guess is it was much higher than that.
01:00:33 But again, it's just.
01:00:34 That's numbers aren't compelling to.
01:00:37 No one even knows what that means. Once you start talking about millions of this and millions of that and hundreds of thousands of this, it's just fucking numbers.
Leon Botstein
01:00:46 Today's immigrants won't behave any differently from our forefathers and for mothers.Devon Stack
01:00:52 See, because you can't talk about.01:00:54 What's the big difference between today's immigrants and our forefathers? And by the way, our forefathers?
01:01:01 Bitch, you just showed up.
01:01:05 You just fucking showed up. Our forefathers? Get the fuck out of here.
01:01:14 It's not our forefathers.
01:01:16 You weren't even born here.
01:01:23 See, this is another reason why you can't be silent about Jews and the role that they have played because they come here and they start talking about our forefathers.
01:01:35 This mother fucker is just as much related to George Washington as I'm related to the fucking.
01:01:43 Shah of Iran.
01:01:45 Actually.
01:01:46 Probably even less.
01:01:50 This mother fucker.
01:01:53 And they do that.
McDonalds Employee
01:01:53 And.Devon Stack
01:01:54 It's not just.01:01:55 Every Jew on this panel.
01:01:59 They'll come up and they'll start talking about our forefathers.
01:02:02 And our founding fathers that.
01:02:06 When we know for a fact this guy hasn't even been here one generation and the other two have only been here.
01:02:12 One literally one generation.
01:02:17 They're not connected to these fucking people, which is why exactly why there's a problem with immigration.
01:02:22 Because they're not connected to the founding fathers, they're not connected to the the our forefathers.
01:02:30 They have no problem blowing the whole fucking thing up.
01:02:38 And because the people arguing the because the people arguing in in favor of us, I guess our representatives at this table.
01:02:46 Are too afraid to point this shit out.
01:02:50 It just goes unsaid.
01:02:52 It goes unmentioned. Everyone. Just.
01:02:55 For whatever reason that it. Yeah, it's totally legitimate for a a Jew who moved here when he was three to talk about our forefathers.
01:03:05 And what they meant?
01:03:07 It's perfect.
01:03:08 Legitimate to have these Jewish immigrants, many of whose family came around the turn of the century or after World War 2.
01:03:13 It's totally legitimate to have these Jews, not just that, are educational institutions, but as.
01:03:21 Federal judges interpreting what our forefathers meant.
01:03:36 You see, when you can't talk about Jews and you can't talk about race, you can't talk about when they're demonstrating the problem right in front of you.
01:03:51 You're useless.
01:03:52 You're fucking useless.
01:04:03 But you really wanted to get invited to those. Those fucking dinner parties.
Leon Botstein
01:04:10 A century ago, there were public and private schools in the rural Midwest teaching only German. Yet by the 2nd and 3rd generation, English triumphed.Devon Stack
01:04:18 See again because.01:04:19 They were white because they were white.
01:04:23 Everyone of their arguments got like, goes in the fucking trash. If you can just say the real reason.
01:04:28 Every single one of them, there's not a single one of their arguments that makes any sense. If you start talking about race.
Leon Botstein
01:04:35 Second generation Spanish speakers in Florida are showing the same pattern loss of ancestral language toward proficiency in English.Devon Stack
01:04:43 Oh yeah, all.01:04:43 All the Spanish, the model citizens in in Florida.
Leon Botstein
01:04:50 Even at your marriage rates show their classic upward trend.Devon Stack
01:04:54 Again, this is an argument against immigration. If you talk about race.01:05:00 Intermarriage is no longer a benefit.
01:05:03 It's that's a bad thing.
01:05:05 Can use against this.
01:05:06 See again. If you're just honest.
01:05:09 If you're not.
01:05:10 You can say yeah, actually that's that's that's horrible.
01:05:12 Thanks for bringing that up, buddy.
01:05:16 Thanks for bringing up the the the dilution of our gene pool.
01:05:23 See everything that he lists is basically a negative. If you can talk about race.
Leon Botstein
01:05:30 All previous generations of immigrants and their children at high rates of school dropout, illness, poverty and crime, we were warned that the masses of foreigners on the Lower East Side would never enter the mainstream and would corrupt American mores.01:05:44 And yet the transition to the middle.
01:05:46 Took.
01:05:46 So today, just look at the Korean grocery markets in New York.
Devon Stack
01:05:52 Interesting how he had to.01:05:54 He has to use race too.
01:05:57 Oh no, it's fine.
01:05:58 Lots of immigrants are successful when they come to America, just like like Korean grocery store owners.
01:06:07 Well, that's.
01:06:08 Why? Why are the Koreans specifically?
01:06:11 More, notice how you didn't talk about the the African grocery store owners.
01:06:16 Yeah, the Africans have been here for 100 years. That still haven't assimilated somehow.
01:06:25 You had to. You had to specify Korean.
01:06:31 Hmm.
01:06:33 And again, this would perfect example of of if you were able to talk about race, you could say well, I'm glad you brought the Koreans. As it happens, Koreans are higher IQ. That's why they're more successful in the in the business world.
01:06:46 These other immigrants.
01:06:48 Doesn't mean we want them.
01:06:51 But you're demonstrating a. This is a perfect example of of the realities of race.
Leon Botstein
01:06:59 Do our opponents really believe that our global economy, with its ease and speed of travel, that we can stop immigration?01:07:04 We get 19 million visitors a year, even Britain, a more homogeneous and traditional island culture has an immigration problem. Sealing the border is is a pipe dream.
Devon Stack
01:07:14 Oh, it's just too hard.01:07:16 It's like the libertarian argument, the libertarian argument that it's just too we can't ban things that it's it's too hard.
01:07:24 Let's legalize heroin because people are gonna be doing heroin anyway.
01:07:29 Why have any?
01:07:30 Because people are going to do the things you make laws against.
01:07:33 Just laws are stupid.
Leon Botstein
01:07:35 So the question is rather how we can manage immigration better, simplify it, encourage legal rather than illegal immigration.01:07:41 Are not the French and not the Japanese.
01:07:43 Our culture.
01:07:44 Our language is the evolving consequence of sustained immigration.
Devon Stack
01:07:48 Because you took race out of the equation.01:07:51 You took race out of the equation, so now he's able to neuter.
01:07:54 He's able to head off and say you can't use Japan as an example because the Japanese are an ethnicity. The Japanese are a race and you keep telling us it's not about race that Americans have.
01:08:06 They are part of the melting.
01:08:08 They are this multicultural example in the world.
01:08:11 You know, you people on the.
01:08:12 You're the ones that keep saying it's your objections to this are not about race. It's about assimilation. Assimilating to this, you know, nebulous thing called American.
01:08:21 That anyone can do and it.
01:08:23 There's no connection to race to it whatsoever, and so that's what he's saying.
01:08:26 Saying we're not the Japanese.
01:08:28 For America, anyone can become an America.
01:08:32 Just a set of ideas.
Leon Botstein
01:08:34 Our opponents, proud conservatives, seem to favor free trade and markets without regulation for everything.01:08:41 But people, why should we not be able to hire the best engineer from anywhere, just as we're free to buy the best TV set, even if it's for him?
01:08:48 Look how much American science industry and our universities profited from the intellectual migration of the 1930s.
01:08:54 The poor from over the Mexican border come because they will work where and when others won't.
01:08:59 Sure, immigrants cost money, but they also fill jobs and their fuel the economy.
01:09:04 The Zoe Baird problem is a matter of demand.
Devon Stack
01:09:08 And ironically, the Pro immigration Republicans of today have adopted exactly what he's saying.01:09:16 Because if you can't use race in your argument.
01:09:22 What he's saying is the logical conclusion.
01:09:25 Of free market capitalism.
01:09:29 As he look when you take race, when you take the the real reason why there's a problem out of the argument.
01:09:36 I mean not to sound repetitive, but like I I I feel like I have to bang this into some people's heads.
01:09:43 The logical conclusion is look, if you're going to be this free market capitalist, this libertarian type that that believes in the free market and the free market of ideas and all those other stuff, then yeah, what what is the difference between someone from Mexico or someone from?
01:09:58 Africa, or you know what?
01:09:59 It matter.
01:10:02 At that point, it really is just a matter of dollars, dollars and cents. If you're going to tell me as a Republican that it's just as patriotic as an example to buy a television that was manufactured in Taiwan, as it is to buy a television that was Manu.
01:10:15 In the Rust Belt somewhere.
01:10:16 Mean then, then what's?
01:10:19 What's the difference?
01:10:20 Mean.
01:10:20 All just market.
01:10:22 Free market pressures price.
01:10:28 Supply and demand. If that's if that's the world we're living in. What's the what does it matter where they come from?
01:10:36 If they're willing to do the same job at a lower price than clearly, that's, that's what the market is signaling.
01:10:43 Are the people that we should bring into the country if there's nothing else that we can look at, is a a variable in this equation?
01:10:50 I don't know, like race.
01:10:54 And unfortunately, like I said, there's the boomer boomer conservatives of today agree with this guy now.
01:11:06 Because you have to.
01:11:11 This is what happens when you can't be honest.
Leon Botstein
01:11:16 We should encourage.01:11:18 Immigration regulate unskilled immigration according to demand.
01:11:21 And preserve America as a refuge from political and religious persecution.
01:11:25 Immigration will remain the unique factor behind America's greatness.
01:11:28 As a competitive and different nation not characterized by rigid jingoist and racist view of itself.
Devon Stack
01:11:36 See, America is.01:11:38 It's just a set of ideas.
01:11:41 It's a refuge.
01:11:44 For, for for political dissidents around the world, apparently.
01:11:49 Obviously, we know who he's talking about.
01:11:53 It's it's a, it's a.
01:11:54 It's a safe zone for for persecuted peoples we know who who he's talking about and he'll get more specific about that. And make no mistake.
01:12:04 The man who, who his entire identity is that he is the the son of Holocaust survivors who are almost exterminated by.
01:12:13 Pro white nationalists.
01:12:19 Who had to come to America in order to live to survive?
01:12:23 His entire identity.
01:12:28 He's allowed to say it. He doesn't, and he didn't. Look, he doesn't beat around the Bush.
01:12:32 Very explicit about this. You know, as the debate goes on.
01:12:43 So Next up you've got Peter.
01:12:46 Now the problem with with this is again.
01:12:50 Apparently one of his books had recently come out around the time that they did this debate.
01:12:59 And so a lot of the the rhetoric.
01:13:03 It's about his book, Alien Nation, which I have not read.
01:13:08 I have not read so I don't know.
01:13:13 If he's explicitly pro white in this book, I do know that he's talked about the great replacement. You know, at least within, you know, the last few years or so, I think that he is probably, if I had to put like a based O meter on these people.
01:13:30 He's probably like the most based on this panel, OK.
01:13:34 But that said, I'm not gonna judge these people on the the body of their work.
01:13:41 Or, you know prior or after this event.
01:13:44 I am judging their performance in this debate the way that it was broadcast.
01:13:52 And I will tell you, regardless of what his book seems to at least imply to the opponents on the other side of the table.
01:14:03 The despite the the racial implications that apparently they they saw in this book that they keep bringing up.
01:14:10 Peter Brimlow, at least in this performance, seems uncomfortable with just saying. Yeah, it's about fucking white people.
01:14:18 He seems uncomfortable. Just.
01:14:21 You know, just stating the obvious.
01:14:24 And he certainly doesn't bring up anything about Jewish.
01:14:26 And I again, I don't know everything about Peter Brimelow.
01:14:31 He's the founder of VDARE. People still, you know, know who he still to some degree relevant today.
01:14:38 But my understanding is there's not a whole lot of naming the Jew over at Vde.
01:14:44 Me. Just put it that way.
01:14:48 So you know that's that's an issue.
01:14:52 That's that's a blind spot you can't have.
01:14:55 Especially in a situation like this where almost all of his opponents are Jews.
01:15:01 Who are making Jewish arguments?
01:15:05 Who their entire identity is wrapped up in their opposition to his worldview.
01:15:10 Their identity as Jews.
01:15:13 And your inability to at least point this out.
01:15:17 Makes you ineffectual, just as ineffectual as it makes you when you can't say that, yes, this is about European people having a right to a homeland and that homeland specifically being the United States, Canada and all the other countries in the Anglosphere.
01:15:36 And that's by the way, why it doesn't matter that I've got an English accent and that I myself am an immigrant because.
01:15:43 I'm of those people.
01:15:48 I could have come here last week and it wouldn't matter.
01:15:53 And again.
01:15:55 Before, during, or after this period, he was more explicit about race, but in this.
01:16:02 In this debate, and he seems to be avoiding the the issue.
Peter Brimelow
01:16:08 So immigration is is typically a policy where A and B get together. We have A and B&C here and decide what C should do for D and and DC in this case is our children. Our children have been asked to decide.01:16:20 Been asked to handle the consequence of these decisions, which have been made now. Immigration is out of control both.
01:16:27 Illegal immigration and legal immigration.
01:16:29 Legal immigration because of the peculiar workings of the 1965 act.
01:16:33 We must never forget that this is a policy, a government policy, and it works in very paradoxical ways.
01:16:38 The the US is being transformed.
01:16:43 Against its will, as measured by opinion polls by accident to no economic advantage. Whatever. A fact, a thing which I spent a great deal of time on alien nation and the American people haven't been asked.
01:16:54 There has never been a transformation like this in the in the history of the world. We're not saying that it won't necessarily work, but we're saying that it's a risk and the American people should be asked whether they want.
01:17:04 That risk.
Devon Stack
01:17:06 Now this is a point that he makes.01:17:09 That is a point that you hear a lot of nationalist make again.
01:17:13 Specifically, you hear a lot of the the UK nationalists say we were never asked and it's just it's just a truism that the native populations of all of the white countries that are being flooded with immigrants were never asked. And if they would have been.
01:17:28 Would have opposed it.
01:17:30 With that exception, just because no people want, no one wants to be replaced.
01:17:35 By immigrants.
01:17:37 And so that is a a valid.
01:17:40 That is something you should bring up, and it does, because this is a valid point.
01:17:46 It does 'cause the mask to slip later on.
01:17:52 In the debate which we'll which you'll see shortly, but the.
01:17:59 It's still, you can tell that he's he's low dimension things other than the the idea.
01:18:06 You didn't ask.
01:18:07 It's a risk if you're going to. If you're going to ask the the your grandchildren, or if you're if you're going to have a society, take a gamble and the people that are going to have to pay the price of this gamble, your grandchildren.
01:18:19 Then you should be really fucking sure it's going to work because you're otherwise you're damning your grandchildren to a fate.
01:18:28 That they had no no part in they had.
01:18:32 You're going to basically make them pay for the sins of the father is another way to put it.
01:18:37 And look, they I wish just that alone was a concept that a lot of boomers understood.
01:18:43 And they seemed to completely unaware of this way of thinking.
01:18:48 Not just when it comes to immigration, but to a great deal.
01:18:53 When it comes to policy and governing white, Western countries.
01:18:59 But that, that said, he still seems to want to focus on this economic argument.
01:19:06 That a lot of the the problems are going to be economic in nature, at least as of the way he's arguing now.
01:19:13 And that's that's unfortunately you can argue all day long about economics and it's just not compelling and it's obviously there's other problems with that because.
01:19:23 Economics is kind of like voodoo.
01:19:27 You know, economics can be manipulated.
01:19:30 And economics is not what.
01:19:32 A nation's about.
Peter Brimelow
01:19:36 We should have a pause in immigration precisely to allow that great debate to take take place and to allow the immigration party to be reformed on some rational basis.Devon Stack
01:19:47 Now that's the.01:19:50 That's kind of like the big thing that they're they're trying to push in 95 or at least this.
01:19:54 I mean, obviously it went nowhere, but the idea was let's have a complete immigration pies so that we can work it out.
01:20:02 Well, here's the problem with that.
01:20:05 A.
01:20:05 Everyone knows what you're doing.
01:20:08 They know that you're saying.
01:20:09 Pause.
01:20:09 But you really want to hit the stop button.
01:20:15 You know, everyone knows this.
01:20:17 Everyone knows this.
01:20:20 And everyone knows that like.
01:20:21 Well, what's this debate that you want to have that we have to hit?
01:20:24 Stop button first.
01:20:25 Why don't we just have it now?
01:20:27 Are you so embarrassed?
01:20:28 And it is the racial component.
01:20:33 The problem with what's going on today with the same people, the Republican Party here, people say, oh, let's just let's hit the pause button until we get a.
01:20:40 On shit.
01:20:41 Well.
01:20:41 You're never.
01:20:42 To be able to get a handle on shit if you can't talk about the racial component because that is the problem.
Frank Sherry
01:20:48 In your book Alien Nation, you.01:20:52 Make the statement that race is destiny.
Devon Stack
01:20:56 So this is the the Italian guy.01:21:00 And again, they keep making references to this book. It sounds like the books may be kind of.
01:21:06 I haven't read it, but they because it's kind of based, they seem to focus more on his book than the actual topic at hand, which might have been again if.
01:21:17 No half measures.
01:21:18 If you're going to write a book like that, then you can't shy away from these accusations when you're on TV.
01:21:24 Have.
01:21:24 You have to double down and say, yeah.
01:21:27 Race is destiny, if that's indeed what the book says. I don't.
01:21:30 I haven't read it.
01:21:32 Then you shouldn't be embarrassed by it.
Frank Sherry
01:21:35 Can you explain what you mean by that?Peter Brimelow
01:21:37 Yes, I didn't make that statement, Frank. As you probably well know, because we've been through this many times before.01:21:41 What I said was racist destiny in American politics and that that that goes to a difference between American politics and European politics.
01:21:50 Politics. Political allegiance is determined by class.
01:21:54 And American politics. Political allegiance is determined by race.
Devon Stack
01:21:58 So he dances around it.01:22:00 What he's saying is there are biological differences in the voting patterns of Americans.
01:22:05 And you know the follow lines of race.
01:22:10 That certain racial groups vote in certain ways.
01:22:14 That's just one of many ethnic problems.
01:22:18 But he seems uncomfortable with just embracing that.
01:22:21 Yes, I did say that.
01:22:23 And what I meant by that was that if you change the race of America to, you know, 100% Mexican America, be Mexico.
01:22:35 You know.
01:22:35 Why? Why get uncomfortable with it?
01:22:38 Why try to say, oh, no, you're you're putting words in my.
01:22:41 Actually, what I said was and then just sort of say the same thing and like a more convoluted way.
Frank Sherry
01:22:46 In fact, the Asian community is very supportive of the Republican Party. In fact, most foreign born Asians vote more Asian born Asian born immigrants vote Republican than Democrats.01:22:57 How can you say that race is destiny?
01:22:59 And it uploads a 40% of Hispanics vote Republican as well. He seems to me that both of those major new groups of immigrants are up for grabs politically.
01:23:07 How can?
Peter Brimelow
01:23:07 You say his to me in front about 60% of Hispanics vote Democratic.Frank Sherry
01:23:07 Nave.01:23:11 That's also true, but the fact is that how can race be destined in American politics if two major groups are up for?
Peter Brimelow
01:23:12 A. That's a substantial number.Peter Brimlow
01:23:15 Well.Peter Brimelow
01:23:17 Grabs. I don't agree that they.01:23:19 I mean, it's quite clear Hispanics are predominantly a democratic group, although of course, as you know, as you know, it's a very, very gated category.
Frank Sherry
01:23:22 The cuties in Miami, for example.Peter Brimelow
01:23:26 It's not really.01:23:27 True, a very good analytical category. Asians, we just don't have any numbers on less than 1% of them voted in the presidential election.
01:23:34 Last year, so we just do.
01:23:36 Don't know what they're going to do, but of course what you're doing here is conceding my point, which is that.
01:23:42 These groups do differ systematically from the rest of the population according to ethnicity, and therefore by controlling the ethnic inflow in one way or another, you are going to alter the future of American politics.
01:23:51 The question is why?
Devon Stack
01:23:53 Yeah. The question is actually why? If you're able to establish this, that different racial groups vote in different ways that they wouldn't be different in a number of ways that would extend to all aspects of life and not just voting patterns.01:24:13 And what he's talking about when he comes, when he's talking about the Hispanics and the way they're categorizing it it, he's talking about the the Cuban immigrants because they are fresh from Castro's Cuba. When they came to Florida, typically would vote more Republican.
01:24:31 Because they were anti communist because they fled communist Cuba.
01:24:37 And So what that that that made the numbers a little squishy because you've got all these immigrants from South of the border, Mexico and and Central America, who voted much more Democrat.
01:24:51 And then you had these Cubans, that kind of, you know, screwed the numbers up a little bit and or skewed them.
01:24:57 Increasingly, you're seeing that that's not even.
01:25:01 The well, now we're in this tricky situation, right?
01:25:04 Because what was happening was.
01:25:06 The children and grandchildren of these Cuban immigrants were voting more and more left.
01:25:12 Well, what do you use to hear about this last election?
01:25:16 Oh, all these Hispanics.
01:25:17 Voted for.
01:25:18 All these oh, it's it's.
01:25:20 It's up for grabs as they just said.
01:25:26 So I guess the problem solved right?
01:25:30 Well, it is if all you do is reduce it to political parties. If you act as if the Republican Party of 1995 is identical to the Republican Party of 2025.
01:25:42 And not not not that the Republican Party of 2025 is to the left of the Democrat Party in 1995, which it is.
01:25:51 Trump's Republican Party is to the left of the Democrat Party.
01:25:57 In 1995, precisely because they wanted to attract non white votes.
01:26:05 So in everyone that's, that's what happens.
01:26:06 Not that.
01:26:07 Oh, finally we knew it would pay off eventually, eventually if we held out long enough, Hispanics would would finally be able to wrap their head around this shit and start voting for Republicans.
01:26:17 Good little fucking spics.
01:26:22 It's because just like Elon loves, saying I didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat Party left me.
01:26:31 Now the Republican Party came and met the Mexicans in the Indians and Elon Musk.
01:26:45 But it's it's a lost opportunity when you can't talk about you got your opponent to admit.
01:26:50 There are racial differences.
01:26:53 In.
01:26:54 In a measurable way.
01:26:57 You know, voting patterns.
01:26:58 Why would that be the why would that be the end of it?
01:27:01 Oh, we're, we're we're all identical.
01:27:03 We're all empty.
01:27:05 We're all like these, you know.
01:27:07 We're all exactly the same, except for voting patterns.
01:27:10 It's fucking stupid.
Frank Sherry
01:27:11 In your book, you mentioned that we are attracting most immigrants from the third.01:27:16 That they are, quote, visible minorities, that ins waiting rooms look like New York subways, and that you seem to be disturbed by the skin color of.
01:27:26 Immigrants, rather than the content of their character.
01:27:28 And I was wondering if you.
Peter Brimelow
01:27:29 Could respond to that, I said repeatedly in the.01:27:32 I don't know if I have to tattoo it on my head that I'm confident that that the American assimilated mechanism can assimilate anybody.
01:27:38 Could assimilate Martians here.
01:27:40 But they can't do it without a pause.
01:27:42 It also helps if the Martians are skilled and one of the key criticisms of the 1965 Immigration Act is that it skewed the skill levels.
01:27:51 So for the first time we see an immigrant inflow which is less skilled than the American native born on average, which in turn is why immigrants are 9% on welfare as opposed to Americans.
01:28:01 American 7%.
01:28:03 And native born American rights 5%.
Devon Stack
01:28:07 See and there you had the huge lost opportunity.01:28:11 You had this buffoonish, low IQ content of your.
01:28:16 Let's let's let's let's bring up Martin Luther. fucking king. fucking grade school argument.
01:28:23 And instead of just confronting that and saying.
01:28:28 Race is not skin deep.
01:28:30 There are much bigger.
01:28:31 Differences between Africans and Europeans than just the color of their skin.
01:28:37 City says that we could fucking assimilate Martians.
01:28:42 As long as they're skilled.
01:28:45 So I guess that means all this mass immigration that Elon Musk wants to have with these E Indians. That's.
01:28:51 What?
01:28:52 What's wrong with that?
01:28:57 He says that he thinks the Americans can assimilate anyone. There just has to be.
01:29:02 Pause first.
01:29:05 Why?
01:29:09 Is this machine, this machine, this assimilation machine?
01:29:13 Does it just need to have the the batteries need to get recharged?
01:29:20 This doesn't make any sense at all.
01:29:25 See, it's frustrating because you'll hear the opponents say they'll characterize his book as as though it said something kind of based, right?
01:29:33 He's oh, you mentioned in your book that they got these visible minorities.
01:29:38 And you know essentially.
01:29:41 Implying that there's that you know it is about non whites.
01:29:47 And when given the opportunity to say, yeah.
01:29:51 He shrinks away from it.
01:29:54 And in fact makes his opponents argument for them saying that, Oh no, we can assemble it, anyone.
01:29:59 Then what's the point?
01:30:00 The.
01:30:01 Why do we need a pause?
01:30:04 I I I don't see a sense of urgency here for a.
01:30:06 If if we can assimilate Martians, as long as they're skilled, I mean, I don't see what's so urgent about about hitting the pause button.
01:30:17 It doesn't sound like there's really going to be a big problem, really. If we can get anyone to assimilate and become American.
Frank Sherry
01:30:23 We are tracking a tremendous number of skilled immigrants, 40% of the engineers in Valley, one of the most high growth areas in.01:30:30 United States.
01:30:31 Are foreign born.
01:30:32 Many, many small businesses, which is the engine of growth in this country, are immigrant entrepreneurs.
01:30:38 Of the foreign trade and export oriented industries that are such a.
Peter Brimelow
01:30:41 If there's a question.Frank Sherry
01:30:42 Yes, it is. So given those facts in your study, have you?01:30:46 Fact concluded that immigration does not create economic growth does not boost the economy of the United States.
Peter Brimelow
01:30:52 Sure, the the the first of all is a consensus in my economist that immigration is not necessary for economic growth.Frank Sherry
01:30:53 Of us.Peter Brimelow
01:30:58 It does nothing that Americans couldn't do for themselves by other institutional means. Economic growth has actually slowed down since the since before the.01:31:08 15 years before 1965, immigration was economic growth was faster than it was afterwards.
Michael Kinsley
01:31:14 You can go on the offensive when you're through.Devon Stack
01:31:17 And they said the Jewish moderator shut it down, even though it was just he was making another stupid, you know, economic argument when this is not about economics.Frank Sherry
01:31:26 Economists from across the spectrum of Nobel laureates in this century, they were asked, is immigration a benefit or not 80?01:31:32 Percent said yes and the other 19% said somewhat not one of them said.
Peter Brimelow
01:31:38 But you must realise that the bell Laura economists often vote Democratic.Devon Stack
01:31:42 And they are often Jewish.01:31:44 In fact, they were at the time of this airing 33% Jewish.
01:31:54 1% of the population, or actually less than that, cause Nobel laureates that's worldwide.
01:32:04 33% of the the.
01:32:08 The Nobel laureates for economics from the time they started. They added that to the Nobel Prize, which was in the 1960s to 1995.
01:32:19 A third of them were Jewish.
01:32:23 But you know, I guess that's that's an irrelevant figure, huh?
01:32:29 What's more important are these figures that have nothing to do with that race at all, or ethnicity. When the entire issue you're debating is race and ethnicity.
01:32:40 Let's talk about all these nonsense.
01:32:44 Foggy economic statistics that no one really gives a shit about.
Peter Brimelow
01:32:50 Now the question is, why shouldn't the American people be allowed to to have their way on this if they want immigration reform, why can't they have it?Frank Sherry
01:32:58 Let me address the proposition you like to talk about how legal immigration needs to be reduced, and I fundamentally reject that.01:33:04 Do believe that illegal immigration needs to be reduced?
01:33:06 Is a big difference about the American people.
Leon Botstein
01:33:07 What a.Peter Brimelow
01:33:08 No opinions.Frank Sherry
01:33:09 The American people believe that most immigrants are coming in illegally, and they're badly misinformed.01:33:13 I believe too many have read your book.
01:33:14 As a result, they are misinformed.
01:33:15 Hi.
Devon Stack
01:33:17 And you'll hear this repeated.01:33:19 It doesn't matter what the Americans think or want. They're fucking idiots.
01:33:26 They don't know what's good for them.
01:33:28 And they say it not just this guy, not this. This Italian fuck here, but every single one of the uh, his Jewish uh buddies.
01:33:38 Will say the exact same thing.
01:33:41 They just phrase it differently, and sometimes a little more harshly.
01:33:46 So Next up you get Arianna.
01:33:49 Like I said, who's whose accent is so thick it's comical.
01:33:54 There's no reason to have her there except to look stupid.
01:34:00 You automatically look stupid if she wasn't blowing like that.
01:34:04 The other.
01:34:05 I don't know why she was there.
01:34:08 There's no reason for her to be.
01:34:10 She's not retarded even back then, when she was a Republican. She's even way less retarded than the rest of the the the panel.
01:34:18 And she again she comes across as like, a joke because she's clearly foreign.
Arianna Huffington
01:34:24 I want to begin by addressing the apparent irony of somebody with my clear immigrant accent being on this side of the debate.Devon Stack
01:34:34 They're laughing.01:34:36 She.
01:34:36 That's the first thing she had to say cuz it was so fucking obvious.
01:34:42 She added nothing to this debate. It just made her mad. People look stupid.
Arianna Huffington
01:34:47 I remember talking to a couple a black couple near Santiago.01:34:51 They're making together less than $30,000 a year and they were wondering why should they be paying?
01:34:58 Should that hard earned taxpayer dollars go to pay for illegal immigrants on welfare?
Devon Stack
01:35:04 Oh.01:35:05 Good job.
01:35:05 The real victims are the black people.
01:35:09 We've all heard this argument.
01:35:12 See, they're so they're so adverse to just talking about what the actual problem is. They go so far as to take it to a ridiculous extreme.
01:35:21 The real victims, the real victims of mass immigration to America, are the black people.
01:35:27 And maggot has the same fucking stupid shit. They freak out and have little little high five parties when they see a black mayor.
01:35:37 Say that now we can't handle all these immigrants.
01:35:40 In New York.
01:35:43 Based based Black Eye said it.
01:35:47 Yeah, based black Guy said it.
01:35:51 The same fucking stupid shit was happening in 1995.
01:35:55 Well, the real victims of mass immigration in America, it's the fucking blacks.
Arianna Huffington
01:36:00 The America into which the immigrants arrived today is a very different America than the.01:36:06 Last the last 30 years of bankrupt welfare.
01:36:11 The tragedy of bilingual education and multicultural experiments have turned America into a nation in crisis incapable of absorbing and assimilating.
01:36:22 High numbers of immigrants, wherever they come from.
01:36:25 My problem is not where they come from, Peter. Whether they are white or black or Asian.
01:36:30 My problem is that the explosive mixture today is the welfare society together with high levels of immigration.
Devon Stack
01:36:38 See, it doesn't matter where they come from.01:36:43 The only problem is the mixture of having a welfare state and immigration. So mass immigration in and of itself is not even an issue.
01:36:51 Not even a problem.
01:36:52 It's only a problem when you also have a welfare state and you've seen people try to do the same exact arguments when it comes to, you know, European immigration.
01:37:01 Well.
01:37:01 We can't take all these immigrants because it's a it's a drain. Our system, as if the racial component is is non existent.
01:37:12 These are losing.
01:37:13 That's why they've lost for the last 40.
01:37:15 fucking years.
01:37:21 This is.
01:37:24 Ira Glasser, ira.
01:37:28 Ira glasser.
01:37:30 Of the ACLU.
Ira Glasser
01:37:33 Than some people on your side, notably Mr. Brimelow, would support the re imposition of of national origin quotas to restore our population balance to what he and his book calls the pre 1965 levels around 90% white.01:37:52 It is impossible.
01:37:53 I notice him nodding now, but that's because the people in the audience can't read his book.
01:37:58 But it is impossible to.
01:38:00 Read that book without repeatedly seeing it. Once you hand it to me and I'll get you the page.
01:38:05 What I wanted to know from you is, do you support the re imposition of national origin quarters?
01:38:10 Would change the composition of who comes into the country as distinct from the absolute numbers.
Arianna Huffington
01:38:16 No.01:38:16 I don't support it and BI think it has nothing to do with the resolution today.
01:38:20 The resolution is about drastic reductions to the numbers of immigrants coming to this country.
01:38:25 Resolution says nothing about ethnic origin, nothing about.
01:38:28 And this is just a red herring on your side of the debate.
Devon Stack
01:38:31 See, it doesn't matter.01:38:33 It's just a distraction that you, you fucking liberals, you fucking liberals, make it about race when it's not about race.
01:38:40 The real racist, like it's fucking retarded.
01:38:44 It's fucking retarded, but she's just she's retarded enough to where that probably is.
01:38:47 She thinks there's I.
01:38:50 No reason for it to be.
01:38:51 I have no idea why the fuck she's there, 'cause. She basically agrees with the opposition almost 100%.
01:38:59 So it's a fucking joke to even have her there.
Arianna Huffington
01:39:04 Whether there should be drastic reductions in immigration.Ira Glasser
01:39:04 Question is, the question is whether or not whether or not the calls for the drastic reduction of size are a pretext for the change in composition.01:39:14 Now you want to talk about that. We keep being told by your side.
01:39:18 We want to talk about.
01:39:19 We want to put it on the table and we don't want to be called racist for doing so.
01:39:23 I'm not calling anybody a racist. I'm just.
01:39:25 On the table you put it there.
01:39:27 You don't want.
Arianna Huffington
01:39:28 To talk about no, I want to talk about the resolution on the table today and what I'm saying is.Frank Sherry
01:39:29 It.Arianna Huffington
01:39:33 Is that there is such a thing as an American identity where it has nothing to do with ethnic origin and nothing to do with color. But there is such a thing as an American identity, and that's why it's important to assimilate immigrants so that they become part of.01:39:46 American identity.
01:39:47 I don't care.
01:39:49 What Americans are going?
01:39:50 Look like in the year 2050, I don't.
01:39:53 If they look, I don't.
Ira Glasser
01:39:53 Come over on this side.Devon Stack
01:39:56 Exactly. Maybe she should go to the other side of the table, because just like Ben Shapiro, she doesn't give a God damn about the Browning of America.01:40:06 These were the people arguing for you.
01:40:13 Now, again, she's probably she's the worst example on on that side of the table.
01:40:22 But Jesus Christ. That's that's how you had arguing for you.
01:40:32 And then of course, we got Leon Leon Botstein.
01:40:37 So Botstein has to say.
Leon Botstein
01:40:41 Are you aware of the fact that in the 19th century the American identity was shaped by very gradual loss of language and that that that loss of language is happening now by studies done about the shift from ancestral language to card language?01:40:55 Make the assertion without any factual basis at all, that in fact.
01:40:59 Act there is no assimilation happening when there in fact is enormous assimilation, not to speak of the fact that American identity today. Look at the advertising language is a result of immigration. Jewish, Italian and Irish.
01:41:10 It's a fluctuating identity to begin with.
Devon Stack
01:41:13 See if you can't say it. American identity has nothing to do with race. You can define it. However, this fucking Jew wants to.01:41:22 It can be about the loss of your native language and the assimilation just linguistically.
01:41:30 To American English.
01:41:33 Apparently that's all it.
01:41:34 That's why he, even though he was born outside the country, that's why he's just as American as anyone else.
01:41:44 If you can't be explicit.
01:41:47 About the racial component.
01:41:50 To mass immigration, you will fucking lose and you will be replaced and you'll be genocided.
01:41:57 And people like this fucker will do it with a smile on his fucking face.
Leon Botstein
01:42:04 Relation be part of the.01:42:06 Being deprived, in fact, immigrating populations for generations were taught German, Polish today and this day in Chicago, you can go to Polish neighborhoods in Chicago and see the level of Polish.
Arianna Huffington
01:42:06 They are.Leon Botstein
01:42:16 Not that admirable, the continuing.01:42:18 Use of.
01:42:19 What I'm suggesting is that there were newspapers and schools in the history of America doing exactly what's happening now.
Arianna Huffington
01:42:19 Yes, but.01:42:24 Now they were being taught by their parents, by their school.
Leon Botstein
01:42:27 No by public schools.Arianna Huffington
01:42:27 Not being taught by taxpayer money.Leon Botstein
01:42:28 By public schools in rural Midwest in the 19th century, there was exclusively German taught.Arianna Huffington
01:42:30 You know.01:42:33 You need to go to Los Angeles and talk to the people who are leading the movement against bilingual education.
Leon Botstein
01:42:38 Because there's been a racism against immigrants in this country from the very beginning.Arianna Huffington
01:42:39 Come on. It has nothing to do with writing.Devon Stack
01:42:44 And you're going to be called a racist anyway, sweetheart.01:42:48 You're gonna be called a racist anyway.
01:42:55 Look, and if it's about language, he's not wrong.
01:42:58 If it's just about language, the German immigrants that came to America didn't speak English.
01:43:05 And it might have taken a generation or two to pick up English.
01:43:08 And they might have had schools that taught German. In fact, we know that's a little bit true. When I did the.
01:43:16 The stream about Postville, a small town in the Midwest that was destroyed by Jews with multiracialism bringing in.
01:43:28 Mass numbers of illegal immigrants from South the border.
01:43:32 They talked about how just generations prior.
01:43:35 That there were schools and churches that spoke only German because it was a German.
01:43:40 Was a rural German farming town in America.
01:43:46 So why if if that's the only difference?
01:43:49 If if assimilation is so dependent on language as as it seems to be.
01:43:55 Well, you didn't have a problem with the Germans.
01:43:59 You see, you come across as inconsistent.
01:44:03 You come across as not knowing what the fuck you're talking about.
01:44:07 You come across this kind of shady and shifty.
01:44:15 And these guys look like they're they're they're they're exposing you.
01:44:25 Is not just racist secret racist, which is worse.
Ira Glasser
01:44:30 To talk about numbers is pretextual.01:44:32 It is over exaggerated in the extreme. The number of immigrants who come in, including illegals each year now, is at about a million. If the present commissions recommendations has its way, it'll be cut by about 1/3.
01:44:47 That's a million against some 258 million people.
01:44:51 A very small percentage.
01:44:53 We had a million coming in in 1910. That was against the population of 90 million, a much larger percentage.
01:45:00 The numbers are simply not that big.
Devon Stack
01:45:04 Again, the million coming in 1910 were almost exclusively white.01:45:11 Well, in comparison to the numbers in 1995.
01:45:16 And it doesn't matter if it's a small percentage.
01:45:19 All it takes is a small percentage to poison the well.
01:45:23 You know here.
01:45:23 Here's a large beaker full of water.
01:45:27 Watch as they drop less than 1% of green food coloring.
01:45:34 It doesn't take a large percentage to alter the makeup of a substance or a people.
01:45:49 It's fucking fucking.
01:45:52 But that's what you end up.
01:45:53 You end up in these little gangs, these little fucking gangs about percentages and numbers that no one gives a shit about.
01:45:59 When you can't just be honest about the problem.
Ira Glasser
01:46:02 Most economists, including the conservative Julian Simon, says that if we have fewer immigrants, we will be poorer.01:46:11 We will have a larger federal.
01:46:14 We will have a worse position of of international competition, he says flatly, and said so to Mr. Brimelow, in a debate recently that if we can reduce the number of immigrants, if we want, but we will, we will make American citizens poorer, that the higher level is better.
01:46:30 For us economically.
01:46:32 Even Professor Borjas, who is your sides favorite, says that the economic issues are at best indecisive. Mr. Burnello says that repeatedly in his book and says we have to go to something else. The something else is the nature of the American character, and we want to keep it.
01:46:51 Way it was before.
01:46:53 Five. Now what does that mean exactly? If it doesn't mean numbers and it doesn't mean economic consequences, what does it mean?
Devon Stack
01:47:01 It means race and because you can't say it, you guys look like you're hiding something because you are.01:47:09 He looks like he's exposing an evil that you're ashamed of.
01:47:17 And he's got you by the balls because you are ashamed of it or something's preventing you from saying it.
Ira Glasser
01:47:24 Hear about about dueling economists, all of whom agree that the differences are small.01:47:30 Why is this big debate?
01:47:32 What is?
01:47:32 Big debate about and the big debate about which you want to run away from is.
Leon Botstein
01:47:33 If no one's thank you for your job.Ira Glasser
01:47:36 We're doing.01:47:37 We did something in.
01:47:38 65 But it was more than just a.
01:47:40 Numbers because the 65 legislation left the numbers where they were at the.
01:47:45 What it did is it changed the American character and I would like somebody on this side of the panel to tell me what do you mean by.
Devon Stack
01:47:52 That yeah, exactly.01:47:55 What do you mean by that?
01:47:59 If you are honest, this, this this whole debate would have been over in like 5 seconds.
01:48:02 See, that's all they've got.
01:48:06 That's that's all I had to.
01:48:07 All they had to do was keep pointing out that you're too much of A pussy to point to admit that it's about race.
01:48:20 And when you start, you start to bring up these other things about economics. You can always argue that to, oh, it's insignificant.
01:48:26 People are gonna their eyes are gonna glaze over anyway.
01:48:28 Give a fuck.
01:48:35 You can even try to make the argument. Well, we were never asked.
Arianna Huffington
01:48:39 Every poll, every poll taken shows 2/3 of the American people in favor of reducing illegal immigration, and it did legal immigration.01:48:48 At the results of propositional 187.
Ira Glasser
01:48:49 Let me tell you.01:48:50 Let me tell you something about the American.
Arianna Huffington
01:48:51 4 million people in the half voted in favor.Ira Glasser
01:48:52 Since.01:48:53 Are an immigrant yourself? Let me tell you something about the American people and polls in 1950.
01:48:58 The polls show that they were in favor of segregation too, didn't they?
01:49:02 The American people, in terms of what their what the polls show is not the way we do business in this country.
Devon Stack
01:49:08 It's not the way we do business in this country.01:49:12 The mask is off.
01:49:16 We were never asked.
01:49:17 Doesn't fucking matter.
01:49:19 That's not how we do.
01:49:21 That's not how we decide things. What you want?
01:49:29 What you want has never mattered.
01:49:34 Because you're gonna show up and vote every every election season anyway.
01:49:39 Gonna just keep taking it.
01:49:40 There is no repercussions for these people when when they fuck you over, so why would they care?
01:49:48 Why would they give a fuck?
01:49:51 You haven't done anything yet.
01:50:08 The white people didn't want to end segregation either.
01:50:14 And look how that went is what he's saying.
01:50:18 That's not how we fucking.
01:50:20 Business in this country.
01:50:25 We will drag you kicking and screaming.
01:50:35 And you know.
01:50:36 You're not even going to do that much kicking or screaming.
01:50:38 You're so embarrassed.
01:50:40 You're so ashamed into.
01:50:43 Into submission in the first place.
01:50:47 There's not a whole lot of squeak.
01:50:50 And they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
01:50:52 Not a whole lot of squeak, is there?
01:51:05 'Cause, you're all terrified of being called a racist.
Peter Brimelow
01:51:09 Mr. glassy, you must realize that you've walked into dance trap here.01:51:12 Was asking you about the the.
Devon Stack
01:51:15 He's referencing.01:51:17 Earlier it was kind of messy, so I didn't put the that clip in there 'cause it's just too long for them to get around to it.
01:51:25 Dan Stein mentions that immigration for this argument too.
01:51:28 Immigration wasn't good for Native Americans.
01:51:33 Mass immigration was not.
01:51:34 It was not a good outcome for for Native Americans again.
01:51:39 Racial component. Right. Racial component to that.
01:51:45 You had one racial group come in and demographically replace the the the other.
01:51:51 But they couldn't speak about it in those terms.
01:51:54 They could just simply stay without explaining why that immigration, mass immigration.
01:52:03 You know of Europeans into North America was not great.
01:52:07 For Native Americans, that's what he's referencing there.
Peter Brimelow
01:52:11 Mr. Costa, you must realize that you've walked into Dan's trap.01:52:14 He was asking you about the the immigrant, the effect of immigration on the native born Americans.
01:52:18 Point there is precisely, surely that if it can radically alter a society.
01:52:23 I did all.
Ira Glasser
01:52:24 Mall, that's true.01:52:25 I that's true if you, however, if you let them open.
Peter Brimelow
01:52:25 I see so.Ira Glasser
01:52:29 And have economic mobility.01:52:31 It's less true, as most of us in this room are evidenced.
Peter Brimelow
01:52:34 Are you aware that immigrants on average are less likely to open up businesses than than the native born?Ira Glasser
01:52:40 I am not aware.01:52:41 That because it is the truth.
Peter Brimelow
01:52:41 Good. Are you aware of the fictitious true shows up in the sensor?Ira Glasser
01:52:42 It isn't.01:52:44 No, it is not true.
Peter Brimelow
01:52:45 Really must read my book.01:52:46 May have.
Ira Glasser
01:52:46 All I've had I have and I used up all my supply of ALCO seltzer after I did.Peter Brimelow
01:52:47 Random power $24.00.01:52:51 And.
Ira Glasser
01:52:53 Your book, Mr. dimmelow.Peter Brimelow
01:52:54 I'd be like you look me to death.Ira Glasser
01:52:56 Your book was characterized by your favorite economist, Julian Simon, as suffused by race.01:53:02 Your book and every other page worries about your little son Alexander. Growing up in a world which is non white.
01:53:08 Book characterizes non white immigrants as typified by Colin Ferguson.
01:53:12 Your book worries about.
William F. Buckley Jr.
01:53:14 Hey Cortana.Ira Glasser
01:53:14 Into the subway. Where is it?01:53:16 People are almost entirely colored.
Peter Brimelow
01:53:18 Let me ask you.Michael Kinsley
01:53:18 I showed that my.Devon Stack
01:53:19 Let me ask the kid to use the what? What? What is your? What is your? What is your what is what is?Ira Glasser
01:53:20 Subway every day, and they actually.01:53:22 Has he ever did in the subway?
Peter Brimelow
01:53:24 Your agenda here?Michael Kinsley
01:53:25 Why do you want to transform America?Ira Glasser
01:53:25 My agenda is exposing.Peter Brimelow
01:53:27 Why do you want to transform America?Devon Stack
01:53:30 My agenda is exposing you.01:53:33 And a rhetorical win for the opposition because he couldn't just own up to. If indeed again, I haven't read the book, but the apparently the layers language in there at the very least that implies that he's worried about his children growing up in a non white America and.
01:53:49 He should be worried about that, especially now, right?
01:53:53 So why not just say it?
01:53:58 Because when you don't say it, you leave yourself open to looking like you've been, quote, UN quote, exposed.
01:54:05 By the clever Jew who has caught you up.
Leon Botstein
01:54:10 Let me.01:54:10 You another question?
01:54:12 About the attitude of America in 1933, if you had given a poll of Americans whether they should open the doors or in the late 30s nineteen 38 to the Jews of Europe, would you have thought that was an?
01:54:25 Answer that they didn't want more Jews in the United States and.
Devon Stack
01:54:28 See what once again once again not.01:54:32 Not only is this obviously a a massive.
01:54:40 But it's also Americans can't be trusted with their destiny.
01:54:46 Americans often choose the path of racism.
01:54:50 Americans, which he now magically understands by the way to mean white people.
01:54:58 They're inherently.
01:54:59 They're inherently racist if we allow them to do what they wanted to.
01:55:03 Then.
01:55:03 Would have been complicit in the genocide of Jews.
01:55:08 Wiping out the Indians.
01:55:13 Perpetuating the evil of segregation.
01:55:17 It doesn't matter the reason why we did ask them is 'cause we knew what the answer would be.
01:55:22 fuck them.
01:55:23 That's not how we do business in this country.
Leon Botstein
01:55:26 Let me ask you another question. Talking about the attitude of America in 1933, if you had given a poll of Americans whether they should open the doors or in the late 30s nineteen 38 to the Jews of Europe, would you have thought that was an?01:55:41 Answer that they didn't want more Jews in the United States and therefore our restrictive quota policy led indirectly to.
01:55:47 Millions of Jews. What would you say about this?
Michael Kinsley
01:55:48 This is what we call me.01:55:49 Is called the Saint Louis.
Leon Botstein
01:55:51 It's not a single gamble.Michael Kinsley
01:55:51 This the suggestion is that we should have moved 60 million people well, but the point is that at that point in time or even today, we cannot accept everyone who wants to.Leon Botstein
01:55:53 I'm a descendant of one of the few survivors.Michael Kinsley
01:55:59 To come here and if you have to have a totally cavalier attitude about what the public thinks on this issue or any issue or to say, well, democracy doesn't matter, polls don't.01:56:08 There is a very clear increase in intensity of public concern about this issue and if you let the ivory tower inside the Beltway eggheads decide how many people come in without regard to its impact on schools and hospitals in the labor market.
01:56:20 Highly impacted areas. You're asking for trouble.
Devon Stack
01:56:23 I don't know if they are.01:56:25 This is Dan Stein.
01:56:28 Of affair, pointing out that the pro immigration side again repeatedly seems to state that what Americans want doesn't matter.
01:56:40 Again, they seem to have no problem with the concept that in at least.
01:56:45 In in in these, in this context that Americans means white people.
01:56:53 And white people apparently keep choosing the race the wrong way.
01:56:58 And so it's up to these Jews who have recently arrived.
01:57:03 Despite the racist roadblocks that the whites put up in front of them.
01:57:10 It's up to them to smash those roadblocks and open the floodgates.
01:57:18 And Dan Stein seems to imply that, well, if you keep ignoring what the American people, which again I think.
01:57:24 Whether he's explicit about it or not, and he's not.
01:57:28 He also remains white people.
01:57:31 There's going to be a problem.
01:57:34 Well, I don't know.
01:57:37 We're we're way less white today, 30 years later.
01:57:48 So I don't know what was the problem exactly for these eggheads in Washington.
Frank Sherry
01:57:57 Mr. Stein, your.01:57:58 Calls for a moratorium on.
01:58:00 Sure.
01:58:00 Essentially, 0 immigration policies, as I understand it, much like the far right parties in in Europe. How?
Michael Kinsley
01:58:03 Several billion congressmen.Frank Sherry
01:58:08 Under your, since immigration policy is based on reunifying husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters.Michael Kinsley
01:58:13 Brothers, sisters, uncle's aunt, on and on and on, called Chain Migration.Frank Sherry
01:58:15 That's not true.01:58:15 Know.
01:58:16 You know that's not.
01:58:17 Don't, don't. Don't misinform the American people.
Michael Kinsley
01:58:18 A problem?Frank Sherry
01:58:19 Does.01:58:20 It the siblings is, the is the most extended category and it waiting lists are 18 years.
Michael Kinsley
01:58:24 What's the question?01:58:25 You're eating out my time friend.
Frank Sherry
01:58:26 You know, let's just Get the facts straight so we can have a sensible debate. Now, families won't be.01:58:31 United refugees won't be rescued and American businesses won't be able to attract the kind of skilled international personnel they need.
01:58:37 Does that serve American National interest?
William F. Buckley Jr.
01:58:39 Look that that is.Michael Kinsley
01:58:40 That's not a characterization of what our immigration policy is. About 90% of immigrants come simply because a relative came earlier, and many relatives who come today are relatives of relatives through the petitioning.01:58:50 Look, if you look at our chromosomes, hey, we're all related. If you go back far enough and it's like at some point you have to use a rationale, we've got to ask the basic what's the purpose of immigration?
Frank Sherry
01:58:55 You're saying that closed family members should be reunited.Michael Kinsley
01:58:59 Are we trying to fill?01:59:00 We underpopulated, other as they're not enough traffic, not enough congestion.
01:59:04 I mean, we don't have immigration as a national need.
01:59:07 In the way that we once did as a young, thriving nation, immigration is not serving any key and major national interest objectives and that's why we're going to have this, this extraordinarily important national debate.
01:59:17 Strength.
01:59:18 Let's have the.
01:59:19 Mr. Koh.
Devon Stack
01:59:20 See and this would be a perfect opportunity for you to then say what the need that it is addressing is the need to replace white Americans.01:59:30 The need.
01:59:31 The reason?
01:59:32 Oh, it's it's so puzzling.
01:59:34 Well, it doesn't make any sense. Again, if you take the racial component out of it.
01:59:40 At least he does have an opportunity to clarify.
01:59:42 Yes, the chain migration, despite what this guy said, it does mean that aunts and uncles.
Ed Koch
01:59:50 When you said a moment ago, uncles and aunts and you know that that's not true and then you don't respond to his inquiry on that. Isn't that why the people in?Devon Stack
02:00:02 This is a Polish Jew, Ed.02:00:03 By the.
02:00:04 If you don't know.
Ed Koch
02:00:06 In this country believe that immigration is out of control because people like you have given them false information.Michael Kinsley
02:00:13 I have given nothing.02:00:17 Let me answer the question.
02:00:19 Because.
02:00:20 Yeah.
02:00:22 If I bring in it, if I come in as an immigrant, I can bring in immediately my spouse and my minor children.
02:00:27 After I become a citizen, I can bring my parent and my married brothers and.
02:00:31 This is what the Commission is looking at, my married brothers and sisters and my married adult sons and daughters.
02:00:35 When my parent comes in, he or she. When she becomes a citizen, can bring in her brother or sister.
02:00:39 That's my uncle and aunt.
02:00:40 And why you telling me that? That's not the case when it is Ed.
Devon Stack
02:00:46 That is exactly how the chain migration works, and that's how it'll be accelerated under H1B1 visa stuff. A lot of people don't understand this. Then when you talk about skilled immigrants, you're literally talking about their entire family fucking tree.02:00:59 That is how it.
02:01:00 That's how it's worked for decades, and none of that has changed.
02:01:05 And they've all lied about it over and over and over again.
02:01:07 Like, just like in the case of Ed Koch.
02:01:09 And the spaghetti guy that's on his team.
Ed Koch
02:01:13 And I am simply saying that to say that the public wants this the public wants, regrettably, on many occasions that which the demagogues have urged them to demand.02:01:26 It's wonderful when people stand up and say this. I will do this.
02:01:30 Will not if.
02:01:31 Don't like it? Throw me.
02:01:33 Aye.
Devon Stack
02:01:34 And there's Ed Koch agreeing with the rest of the people on his side of the table.02:01:39 The people want doesn't fucking matter.
02:01:45 The people often want things that are bad.
02:01:51 And that's really the difference. If you think about it, that's the difference between the.
02:01:57 The people who win.
02:01:59 And the people who lose?
02:02:04 There's, there's chur over there.
02:02:08 The people who who lose always expected the people that they.
02:02:11 To Washington are going to do what they want.
Ed Koch
02:02:15 So my parents were immigrants.02:02:16 They came here in the early 1900s and they had three children and one of them became the mayor of the city of New York.
02:02:25 I think that we all congratulate Peter Brimlow on the fact that his wife is gone and he are going to have a child momentarily to be born and I hope.
02:02:36 Child someday could be the mayor or the governor of whatever town you're living in.
Leon Botstein
02:02:42 In whatever country living in the bad for.Ed Koch
02:02:42 I went and but I say I say to myself.02:02:47 It's a travesty.
02:02:49 Here you are.
02:02:50 You came here as an immigrant.
02:02:54 Your wife came here as an immigrant.
02:02:55 Your son or daughter is going to have all of the what this country can give, and you have the effrontery in your book.
02:03:06 Say not only that this has got to stop, but there was, I believe, a statement saying that Hitler got his revenge in this period through the immigration situation that we have in the United States.
02:03:18 Hey.
Devon Stack
02:03:18 There.Ed Koch
02:03:23 I think that's a.02:03:24 That's an outrage to suggest that what we have in the United States and having brought in the millions from.
02:03:33 Southern Europe as well as Northern Europe, that that's a.
02:03:36 Then finally, as I said to you, Ariana, I'm a great admirer, but they wanted to keep out the Greeks in 1924 and had.
02:03:42 Play.
02:03:46 Come at at that earlier time. We wouldn't have had the privilege and pleasure of meeting you.
Devon Stack
02:03:55 And there you go, he points out the hypocrisy that if you're going to just make this about, you know, race doesn't matter.02:04:04 And now you look.
02:04:05 You know, if race doesn't matter, it's all about just immigration numbers. Then you immigrants shouldn't even be here.
02:04:11 It doesn't matter you.
02:04:12 Look, you can make that the you can make an intellectual argument that that shows us to be kind of fallacious.
02:04:18 Doesn't really matter.
02:04:20 When it comes to to persuasion.
02:04:23 This.
02:04:24 The kind of rhetoric that makes you look fucking fucking.
Peter Brimelow
02:04:28 Sure, you recognise that the reason why I describe the 1965 act as Hitler's revenge is because it's the hysteria, the anti racist hysteria that prevailed since then, as we see exemplified by Leon and IRA here.02:04:40 Yes.
02:04:40 Is so great that we can't have a rational discussion on the question.
Ed Koch
02:04:43 You see, Peter, when you say you can't have rational discussion, it is because you know that it's just unacceptable to take.02:04:51 Position that the reason that you don't want our immigration lawyers that is bringing in too many blacks is bringing in too many Hispanics.
02:04:58 Bringing in too many Asians, and in fact, that is the argument that you give that these people will not be.
02:05:08 They.
02:05:08 They they in fact will if you give them.
02:05:11 The opportunity opportunity.
Peter Brimelow
02:05:12 And the pause and the pause.Ed Koch
02:05:14 No, I don't think the pause has any effect.02:05:16 Is balancing what I am saying.
Devon Stack
02:05:18 OK.02:05:19 But I am.
02:05:21 Looking is baloney. If all it takes is a pause to get all these people to suddenly become just like European Americans, then it is kind of stupid.
02:05:31 What's? What's what? Again, where's the urgency?
02:05:34 If indeed he's arguing that he doesn't want more of these brown and black people in the country, that should be his argument.
02:05:42 And he can't. Simultaneously. He's trying to say this is what sucks simultaneously.
02:05:48 You'd think that first when when Hitler's mentioned like, oh, Peter Bromler must be base, he's talking about fucking Hitler now.
02:05:55 What he simultaneously saying is that Hitler has created a environment that is so anti racist, which by the way this is true post World War 2 Western countries were so afraid of being called racist because of the vast amount of you know.
02:06:11 Anti Hitler War propaganda they were subjected to and plus all the influence of the Jews coming to their countries after World War 2.
02:06:17 Course he's gonna leave that part of it out.
02:06:19 The role they had in changing attitudes in America and other Western countries in terms of racial solidarity and and racial purity and and accepting other races is just, you know, everyone's the same.
02:06:31 Kind of fucking fucking. He's saying that.
02:06:34 Because of this, this residue, this post World War 2 residue that we can't have these rational conversations about immigration because everyone's so afraid of being called the racist.
02:06:44 Then he's afraid of being called a racist.
02:06:49 It blows the fucking mind.
02:06:52 And again, I don't know, maybe his book was way more based than he was, way more direct and and less evasive about these topics.
02:07:00 But it doesn't matter.
02:07:01 I'm judging the performance of this debate and it's horrendous.
02:07:06 It's horrendous.
02:07:07 It makes you look like schizophrenic.
02:07:11 To simultaneously say that you're so worried about all this anti racist rhetoric driving people to hysteria, then you yourself are afraid of being called a racist.
02:07:21 It doesn't make any fucking.
02:07:23 And so all it takes is some some charismatic Polish Jew to say, oh, that's baloney and the whole crowd laughs.
Ira Glasser
02:07:34 The question of why you think that it is going to be more difficult for today's immigrants to assimilate into the American political culture than it was.02:07:49 For the Irish, for the Spanish, for the Italians, for the Jews, for the Greeks, for.
02:07:55 Whom? All of whom?
02:07:56 Were were were said at the time to be impossible to assimilate.
William F. Buckley Jr.
02:08:01 For two reasons, both of which I adamantly remarks.02:08:05 One, we permit bilingual education.
02:08:08 Whereas the great universalizing experience during the preceding 150 years was, you have to speak the language that you spoke.
02:08:15 #2.
02:08:16 #2, we have a welfare system which reduces those economic pressures to conform to a system or in which one has to make ones own way.
02:08:27 This is no longer the case now that pressure for so many years.
02:08:30 Did two things.
02:08:32 On the one hand, it put pressure on the immigrant to make his way economically and also it it galvanized the philanthropic instincts of people in his community who helped him or her during hard times.
02:08:47 That is no longer here, and those are critical differences.
Ira Glasser
02:08:49 Both of those.William F. Buckley Jr.
02:08:49 Question.Ira Glasser
02:08:50 Both of those regions seem to me unpersuasive for this reason.02:08:54 One is is that there was a lot more bilingual education, as Professor Botstein has said.
02:08:59 Then you are admitting and the difference is not bilingual education back then and the differences are simply not a sharp.
Frank Sherry
02:09:01 Hello what?Ira Glasser
02:09:05 As you say, second of all, immigrant populations today are generation generationally. Learning English at at least as fast a rate, and most of the studies show at a faster rate than previous generations #3 if your problem is bilingual education, work to get rid of it, even if.02:09:22 Wrong about the other two facts, but why you would want to keep other people from coming?
02:09:27 Because of that, I don't understand.
Devon Stack
02:09:29 Again, it's just more more, you know, more of the nonsense 'cause. You can't just say race.Frank Sherry
02:09:34 I don't understand, given the intermarriage rates now one out of three immigrants marries outside their Group One out of two of their children marries outside of their group.02:09:43 Don't you have confidence that this intermarriage and assimilation process is so strong that it can even supersede the power of the welfare state, multiculturalism?
William F. Buckley Jr.
02:09:50 No, not 100.02:09:51 Because the divorce rate has written by risen by 400% during the same period.
02:09:56 Maybe some of these things aren't working quite.
02:09:58 The Jewish community is frightened of death by the number of hate marriage, which would, if you projected, would mean there'd be no Jews left.
Devon Stack
02:10:05 And there you see the hypocrisy of the person who can't be pro white.02:10:10 He can be pro Jewish.
02:10:13 It's OK for him to say that Jews are worried about interracial marriages breeding them out.
02:10:23 But for whatever reason.
02:10:26 Buckley cannot talk about the same problem affecting whites.
02:10:33 He can't use that as part of his argument.
02:10:38 So really what he's saying just seems kind of random and anecdotal.
02:10:41 Seems like a problem for Jews.
02:10:45 The white people in the audience watching this at home.
02:10:49 Aren't going to connect to that.
02:10:51 So I guess Jews are worried about assimilating to some, you know.
02:10:58 I mean, you mentioned that there's an increase in divorce rates and possibly it has something.
02:11:02 Do.
02:11:03 You know the intermingling of people and maybe it does, but I mean again, it's it's just a number.
02:11:13 It certainly isn't as persuasive as saying, yeah, actually, these intermarriings that you're talking about this inbreeding that you're talking about or interbreeding rather.
02:11:23 You're talking about the destruction of our people in the same way that you know you're you're using this Jewish example. You can't say the same thing about whites, and that's why you've lost the argument because you have none.
Arianna Huffington
02:11:38 Would you agree that this is a very different America into which immigrants arrive than the America of opportunities where hard work was rewarded either by success or at least by a decent living? The America they come into now is the America of rights, entitlements. The welfare state wouldn?02:11:55 See a great difference.
02:11:57 That therefore requires different immigration policies.
Leon Botstein
02:12:00 No.Devon Stack
02:12:05 Literally the the Chad no meme.02:12:13 Because you're you're being.
02:12:14 You're that's how easy it is to defeat you.
02:12:19 And she's stuck there with a stupid, embarrassed grin on her face.
Arianna Huffington
02:12:25 Are you saying that America is not different after the Great Society efforts of the last 30?02:12:31 The fact that they can come here and whether they succeed or not, whether they can make a living or not, they can stay on welfare.
02:12:36 Is what drives the Americans not, and your side may not like that.
Ed Koch
02:12:38 I.Arianna Huffington
02:12:41 You may may your court.02:12:42 Call them a mob.
02:12:43 Somebody else here here said. These are just Paul numbers that we don't believe in.
02:12:48 Look at the fact that 187, one by 4,700,000 Americans voting against illegal immigrants being on welfare and receiving.
02:12:59 Free education and free health.
Devon Stack
02:13:02 Now The funny thing about this.02:13:05 She's talking about Prop 187.
02:13:07 And it's something I've mentioned before in California.
02:13:11 And look.
02:13:12 Just it bolsters the argument that the Jews here are using that it really doesn't matter what the people.
02:13:17 Because the American people in California, of all places, were able to get a ballot measure that would.
02:13:23 Bar illegal immigrants from using social services. This is her big thing.
02:13:26 Complaining about that.
02:13:28 Oh, I don't care about legal.
02:13:30 It's just, I don't think that we should have illegal immigrants coming and using up all of our welfare services, economic problem, whatever.
02:13:39 And she points out that there was this referendum here and it passed, which proves that that that's how. That's how the American people think about this issue.
02:13:48 Because even in California, it passed.
02:13:53 Well, The funny thing is.
02:13:56 Is just after this. Uh.
02:13:58 This aired a Jewish federal judge.
02:14:04 By the name of Marianna Felzer.
02:14:08 Issued a an injunction halting the enforcement of Prop 187.
02:14:15 And then by 1997, she ruled that unconstitutional.
02:14:21 Because that's not how we do business in America.
02:14:26 It doesn't matter what the goys want.
02:14:31 They all said loud and clear, using the political process. They did not want illegal immigrants using.
02:14:41 Welfare services in the state of California.
02:14:47 And the Jew said. Who cares?
02:14:50 Who cares what you think, Goi.
02:14:55 I'm a foreigner from Eastern Europe.
02:15:01 Who has barely been here a generation and I've interpreted your Constitution, your founding father. I'm sorry.
02:15:07 Our founding fathers.
02:15:10 I know what they meant by this and I've decided it's unconstitutional as this foreigner.
02:15:17 And now it's law.
02:15:26 It doesn't matter what you want going.
02:15:30 You can vote harder all you.
02:15:32 That's not how we do business in this country.
02:15:35 Need a reminder?
Arianna Huffington
02:15:38 Every poll, every poll taken shows 2/3 of the American people in favor of reducing illegal immigration, and it did legal immigration.02:15:46 At the results of propositional 187, four million people in the House voted in favor.
Ira Glasser
02:15:47 Let me tell you.02:15:48 Let me tell you something about the American people. Since you were an immigrant yourself, let me tell you something about the American people and polls in 1950.
02:15:56 The polls show that they were in.
02:15:57 Of segregation too.
02:15:59 Didn't.
02:16:00 The American people, in terms of what their what the polls show is not the way we do business in this country.
Leon Botstein
02:16:05 Let me ask you another question. Talking about the attitude of America in 1933, if you had given a poll of Americans whether they should open the doors.02:16:15 Or in the late 30s, nineteen 38 to the jewels of Europe. Would you have thought that was an adequate answer that they didn't want more Jews in the?
02:16:24 Policy led indirectly to the death of millions of Jews.
William F. Buckley Jr.
02:16:28 As.Ed Koch
02:16:28 And I am simply saying that to say that the public wants this the public wants, regrettably, on many occasions that which the demagogues have urged them to demand.02:16:40 And it's wonderful when people stand up and say this. I will do this. I will.
02:16:46 If you don't like it.
02:16:48 Me out, aye.
Devon Stack
02:16:50 That's.02:16:50 It's wonderful when District Judge Mariana felzer.
02:16:56 Strikes down. What the?
02:16:58 The American people wanted with Proposition 187 or literally anything else.
02:17:05 It's wonderful when Jews say fuck you, goy, and just do it anyway, because what are you going to do about it?
02:17:11 What are you going to do about it?
02:17:12 Cares.
02:17:13 What? You know, what were the repercussions?
02:17:19 Literally nothing.
William F. Buckley Jr.
02:17:22 They are caught the the floor manager in 1965.02:17:28 Advocating passage of the Immigration Bill, which we're talking about.
Devon Stack
02:17:32 OK.02:17:33 This part's great.
02:17:36 So William William F Buckley here points out.
02:17:40 That and you hear this point all the time too.
02:17:43 That Kennedy Kennedy would always say that.
02:17:46 You know it's it's never.
02:17:47 It's not gonna change the the Immigration Immigration Act of 1965.
02:17:52 Not gonna.
02:17:52 Change the racial makeup.
02:17:54 Of the country.
02:17:55 It's not going to fundamentally change the the even like the kinds of immigrants we get and that it was obviously that that was all a lie.
02:18:05 And if I just plain wasn't proof enough that the Jews don't give a shit with the Goi think.
02:18:11 Listen to this.
William F. Buckley Jr.
02:18:14 The floor manager in 1965.02:18:18 Advocating passage of the Immigration Bill, which we're talking about.
02:18:22 Gave the following assurances.
02:18:25 First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually, and they will.
02:18:32 Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset answer. In fact it was.
02:18:38 And finally, contrary to the charges of some quarters, the bill will not inundate America with immigrants from anyone, country or area. In fact, it has, for instance, Miami.
02:18:47 That was Senator Kennedy.
02:18:49 Our point is not that the processes of democracy weren't observed in 1965.
02:18:55 As was tossed into the discussion motions.
02:18:57 But that the implications of that act were sufficiently measured is that a fair, fair thing to say?
02:18:58 Replay.
Ed Koch
02:19:03 Well, I think it's fair to point out that Senator Kennedy misled. If that's the quote, and I'm sure.02:19:11 That it.
02:19:11 But everybody knew what they were doing.
02:19:13 Everybody knew what they were doing and my judgment and Harry Truman said. Everybody knew.
02:19:18 Doing when they pass this legislation.
Devon Stack
02:19:22 Everyone knew what they were doing.02:19:25 With a shed eating grin on his face.
02:19:32 Of course, we lied to you, goy.
02:19:38 Of course, we lied to you.
02:19:46 What are you going to do about it?
02:19:49 Oh, that's right. Nothing. Literally nothing.
Leon Botstein
02:19:57 Aren't you really concerned about the consequence that a 65 act having to do with the racial distribution?02:20:02 Comes to the United States and not the numbers.
Peter Brimelow
02:20:05 No, I think numbers of the essence, if the numbers could have brought down.02:20:09 Then all these other problems would even skill levels would go.
02:20:12 And I actually say that in the book, which is why I'm astonished to find Ira Glasser arguing that I'm in favor of quotas.
Ira Glasser
02:20:18 Hi, thanks.02:20:18 Thank you, Mr. Bernal.
Devon Stack
02:20:20 See and when it has to clarify once again.02:20:26 Don't you really mean that you're worried about the racial makeup and not just the numbers?
02:20:32 If the numbers came down, we'd be able to assimilate Martians.
02:20:38 Well, this just sounds like weird, irrational, alarmist rhetoric then.
02:20:45 You're just.
02:20:45 You're not worried about being replaced, you're just worried about it going too fast.
02:20:50 Doesn't make any sense.
Michael Kinsley
02:20:54 And you got Ford Foundation in there, right?Frank Sherry
02:20:56 The Ford foundation.Michael Kinsley
02:20:58 And you had and and you have church groups.Frank Sherry
02:21:00 And church groups.02:21:01 Right.
02:21:01 Religious. Yeah, the Catholic.
02:21:03 I wonder if Mr. Buckley knows.
02:21:04 The Catholic Church, an immigrant church traditionally and and currently does very much support immigration.
02:21:11 Believe that immigration makes America strong, and I agree with them.
Devon Stack
02:21:14 And just added that just as a reminder when he was asking the groups that support his immigration agenda, he was quick to point out that the Catholic Church.02:21:25 Has always supported immigration to America.
02:21:29 Why won't?
02:21:30 You know, one of the things they mentioned was that in the the beginnings of our country, it was 98% Protestant.
02:21:37 You know, just a little fun fact throwing that in there. But in conclusion, because they're unable to mention the racial component.
02:21:47 After two this, this debate raged on for two hours, got very repetitive.
02:21:52 Apologize for.
02:21:53 I just thought you have to be repetitive because it's just it's just, you know, it's just.
02:21:58 It was well, if you can't, if you can't. If you can't talk about race, you have nothing to talk about.
02:22:06 And because they're so afraid to mention the racial component.
02:22:11 They lost the debate.
02:22:13 No question that they looked they looked like.
02:22:16 By the end of it.
02:22:20 It was taking candy from a baby.
Ira Glasser
02:22:24 Now the fact is, is that when Mr. Botstein asked Mr. Bimalo, aren't you really concerned about the ethnic and racial makeup?02:22:33 Of the pot of the immigrants, not the size he.
02:22:35 No. If you reduce the size enough, that'll be taken care of.
02:22:39 I suppose.
02:22:40 True. But on page 61 of his book, he says the effect of the 1965 act was not merely on the size of the flow.
Ed Koch
02:22:48 But that it?Ira Glasser
02:22:48 Quote dramatically skewed the sources.02:22:52 He goes on to say they're coming not from Europe, the common homeland.
02:22:56 And across ignoring the fact that we all came from common homelands that were that were berated for being racist, we were. The Italians were different.
02:23:05 Were.
02:23:05 The Germans were different.
02:23:07 Irish were different.
02:23:08 We came from a common homeland and.
02:23:11 And now they're coming from quote, completely different, arguably incompatible, cultural to traditions. He goes on to say, quote, an ethnic and racial transformation without precedent in history.
02:23:24 He worries on virtually every other page about his son growing up in a world that is no longer predominantly.
02:23:32 White now, the fact is, is that he doesn't want to be called a racist. And I think that's legitimate argument to make if you're.
02:23:40 About that.
02:23:41 But I urge liberals and conservatives alike to distance themselves from the darkest and the worst, and the and the most ugly traditions that this country has had. The 1924 Act was a racist act. The 1965 Act was a Civil Rights Act that got rid.
02:23:52 I've made.
02:23:59 National origin discrimination, the 1924 act.
02:24:02 At a time when bridal racism in this country.
02:24:06 It was racist against every immigration group.
02:24:08 We do not need to restore that tradition in order to decide how many immigrants to have and what mix of skills we need. Thank you.
Devon Stack
02:24:17 And that was it.02:24:19 Now to clarify, one of the things he's talking about is this is kind of funny. They mentioned early on in the, the the debate.
02:24:28 The Immigration Commission of 1911.
02:24:31 Botstein mentioned it.
02:24:33 And then obviously.
02:24:37 It was mentioned again here by.
02:24:40 What's his face?
02:24:42 Julie mcdew.
02:24:45 He.
02:24:46 Oh, the racist history of America.
02:24:48 Let's.
02:24:48 Take a look and see what what exactly he was talking about.
02:24:51 The Immigration Commission of 1911 was known as the Dillingham Commission.
02:24:55 It was Aus Congressional Commission established in 1907 to study and report on immigration trends.
02:25:02 Their impact on the United States and potential policy recommendations. It was named after Senator William P Dillingham, who chaired the Commission.
02:25:10 Commission released its final report.
02:25:11 In 1911, which significantly influenced US immigration policy in the early 20th century.
02:25:17 Here are the findings that maybe.
02:25:20 There's a racial reason these Jews have a problem with it.
02:25:26 The report divided immigrants into old and new groups.
02:25:31 So again, kind of the same way that these guys have been kind of talking about it where you have old immigrants, meaning largely immigrants from, you know, England and from Germany.
02:25:42 Versus the new groups, which would be the Eastern European Jews. Old immigrants are from northern and western European England, Germany, Ireland were considered more assimilated.
02:25:54 New immigrants, those from Southern Eastern Europe, Italy, Poland, Russia were portrayed as less desirable and less able to assimilate into American Society.
02:26:05 You know the Polish Jews on the panel might take it.
02:26:09 A take up issue with that. The Commission expressed concern about the growing number of new immigrants claiming they posed economic, social and cultural challenges.
02:26:20 The recommendations were that they restrict immigration policies to reduce the influx of new immigrants.
02:26:27 So E European Jews, namely, they proposed literacy tests as a method to filter immigrants.
02:26:34 Believing this would favor desirable immigrants from northern and western.
02:26:37 So in other words, if you had an Easter European Jew that showed up and they couldn't read in English, then they wouldn't be allowed in.
02:26:43 The impact of it was that they they drastically reduced the immigration from the places really the the Jews, Eastern European Jews were coming from.
02:26:53 And that was rolled into the act of 1917, which included the literary literary.
02:26:58 Then they had quota acts in the 1920s, which again limited the the influx of Jews from East Eastern European countries.
02:27:08 In the.
02:27:08 In the Commission, here's some quotes from the Commission.
02:27:14 Quote the Hebrew.
02:27:17 Is distinctively of a more nervous temperament.
02:27:20 Than other races.
02:27:22 Here's another.
02:27:23 The Hebrew is less easily assimilated than other races and is a persistent foreigner.
02:27:31 Here's another quote. The Hebrew immigrant tends to crowd into certain occupations, particularly trade and commerce, and often becomes a competitor of native workers.
02:27:42 Here's another quote. The customs and habits of the Hebrew.
02:27:46 Are so different from those of the native born that they are often objectionable.
02:27:51 Here's another quote.
02:27:52 There is a noticeable tendency among certain groups of Hebrews toward moral laxity, and particularly in urban centres. And, of course, what that's talking about is all the Jewish immigrants that came into New York.
02:28:07 And created the modern mob.
02:28:09 Created organized crime in America for the first time. That was largely because of the immigrants coming from Eastern Europe and, you know, and some Italians as well. So yes.
02:28:20 These Jews that are on the panel arguing against the goys knowing what's best for them.
02:28:27 Have a racial reason for their point of view and they don't shy away from it.
02:28:35 But the whites?
02:28:36 The Goy's did, and so they lost the argument.
02:28:40 And it's as simple as that.
02:28:42 And that's why we'll continue to lose and tell people on our side of the fence can be explicitly pro white and talk about these things in racial terms and not talk about these things in terms of IQ, although that's not, you know, irrelevant.
02:28:56 It's certainly relevant.
02:28:58 Part of why we need to talk about these things in racial terms. But if you can't talk about these things in racial terms, you will lose.
02:29:05 You'll lose over and over and over again because you're lying. You're lying.
02:29:13 And that's why we've lost.
02:29:16 Every every one of these these this style of debate for decades.
02:29:21 And in fact, This is why you've had magga, for example, has had to concede and just say, oh, yeah, well we, you know, we need, you know, a million Indians.
02:29:29 Because there's no racial component, and that's why America is is not a white country anymore.
02:29:35 And unless you can turn that ship around it, it never will be.
02:29:40 So anyway, I just thought this was.
02:29:43 Important to bring up the video actually was sent to me by Rebecca the, you know, blonde from, you know, formerly of Blonde in the belly of the beast. And now she has that show.
02:29:56 Called the.
02:29:57 She's never mad because I forgot.
02:30:00 It I told her I would.
02:30:01 Would.
02:30:02 I would let you guys know that she's doing stuff on rumble.
02:30:05 Called the.
02:30:08 I not that I haven't watched it.
02:30:09 Just forget the name.
02:30:11 The.
02:30:11 Backlash.
02:30:14 So she's got Vincent James and Dave Riley on the show.
02:30:18 And so anyway, I I said as a thank you for sending me the video I said I would.
02:30:24 Would promote the.
02:30:25 Their new show there.
02:30:26 So anyway, you guys can take a look at that.
02:30:29 Anyway, let's take a look at hyperchance.
02:30:35 Now that we've been going for 2 1/2 hours here.
02:30:40 All right.
02:30:43 Troy, 87, says. I know this has nothing to do with tonight's.
02:30:46 Today I watched we got your money, the tender swindler, and then turbo simp the killing Weeb.
02:30:53 It's shocking how much the Disney Princess and the Weeb killer have in common.
02:30:59 The Disney Princess and the weave killer.
02:31:01 Know you're talking.
02:31:02 I know the. I know, I know. Streamer time.
02:31:03 I'm trying to think of I'm not 100% getting what you mean by.
02:31:09 I guess in a way you could say it's like the male version, right? Where he's kind of like this worthless guy.
02:31:15 That has no, you know.
02:31:18 But he still expects to get like this. Perfect. You know, I guess.
02:31:20 I guess it's like the opposite of the the Disney Princess, right?
02:31:25 Channel 0124957 says I would love to see you show your subscribe star more frequently.
02:31:33 It's good to remind people that it exists.
02:31:35 People would like to support you.
02:31:37 Lots of Youtubers will include a screen at the end of the video.
02:31:41 Where they shout out their Patreon and I think it's effective.
02:31:44 Yeah you can.
02:31:44 To subscribe star forward Slash black pill. If you want to do that.
02:31:50 Some people do support me that way and I really appreciate that.
02:31:53 The way you can do it and set it up regularly.
02:31:57 I I'm.
02:31:57 I'm not very good at showing my own stuff as people know.
02:32:02 But maybe I should I do put it like it's in the the crawl in the intro.
02:32:07 It tells you about the subscribe star, but probably most people aren't reading that, so maybe I should bring it up more often.
02:32:14 And then you say a friendly reminder to my white brothers out there that the.
02:32:20 I'm gonna say that wrong.
02:32:22 As sutra or.
02:32:25 As a true assetrue folk.
02:32:27 Assembly is a whites only church with physical congregations that you can visit and join.
02:32:34 Community is the way forward.
02:32:36 Come out and meet good people. Well, there you go.
02:32:40 Again and and.
02:32:42 Kudos for being explicitly per.
02:32:43 Because that's what we have to do.
02:32:47 Gorilla hands.
Leon Botstein
02:33:00 I'm just a weekend photographer.Devon Stack
02:33:02 Gorilla Hand says oy.02:33:04 I hope that you're not being anti-Semitic, Mr. Stack. Never forget.
02:33:08 The good guys won the war well and that's the problem with these. A lot of these, these pro white people in the past and look, I get that it was a different time.
02:33:17 Different context they had.
02:33:19 They were in closer proximity to World War 2. I understand that that maybe it seemed.
02:33:26 Impossible to be pro white in in that kind of environment.
02:33:29 Environment and so look.
02:33:33 Hindsight is 2020, all that stuff.
02:33:36 And and maybe some of these people did a lot of good, or at least the good that they thought they could. And look is better than a lot of people did, right.
02:33:44 But at the same time, we have to be explicitly pro white running away from that.
02:33:50 Out of either cowardice because you're afraid of being called a racist or whatever, or just out of just discomfort of being pro white. Personally because you you've.
02:33:59 Internalize some of this anti.
02:34:02 fucking. It's it's. It's the pathway to.
02:34:07 To death. I mean, there's no other way to put it.
02:34:09 It's it's gonna kill us.
02:34:11 It's gonna kill us.
02:34:16 That's we need to stop.
02:34:18 We stop fucking playing around.
02:34:22 Striker.
02:34:27 I.
Leon Botstein
02:34:29 Hey cork.Devon Stack
02:34:39 Striker says along the lines of your last show.02:34:43 The Clinton chronicles 1994 here on Odyssey is an informative documentary.
02:34:48 Billy Boy followed the Jewish playbook to at.
02:34:52 And he and Hillary's rise to power.
02:34:55 New.
02:34:55 I think I might have seen.
02:34:58 That along like I my I've mentioned before, my mom used to get these Clinton documentaries on VHS when I was a kid.
02:35:06 It might have been one of them.
02:35:10 So I might have seen that when I was very, very young, I might be worth checking out again.
02:35:15 Jake's channel says.
02:35:16 Happy New Year, Devin.
02:35:17 Have you?
02:35:18 Watched the planet of the Apes TV series.
02:35:20 There's an episode called The Good Seeds. Apparently the first one they filmed, but not the first one they showed, which could be the subject of a good stream. If you're talking about the one that was back in like the.
02:35:31 What, like the 60s or 70s?
02:35:34 I might have seen a rerun at one point. I'm aware of it existing, but I haven't really paid close attention to it, so I'll.
02:35:42 I'll add that to my notes.
02:35:43 Let's see.
02:35:46 They got passed all my I got like a lot of fucking notes from tonight. So.
02:35:52 Get to my regular notes.
02:35:54 We go, OK.
02:35:58 Gorilla hand says.
02:35:59 What do you think of the Dei hires running emergency services in LA?
02:36:03 It's ironic that these girl bosses are going to burn down Hollywood due to their horrible decisions and man hating Karma is a bitch sometimes.
02:36:11 I get a womp womp.
02:36:13 No, I just think that.
02:36:14 Know that's a.
02:36:16 That's going to be the case. Increasingly. Sure, it's a womp womp now, but we're all going to be.
02:36:21 The victims of this at some point right as the country becomes increasingly less white.
02:36:27 And his white males, and particularly in particular have less and less power as a direct result of not asserting themselves, quite frankly.
02:36:35 We are going to.
02:36:36 More and more on the shit end of that stick.
02:36:41 Gorilla hand says.
02:36:42 Right.
02:36:42 We just did that Zazzy Mctas bought says a few months ago, you did a stream that involved Springfield, OH, Ohio, eating cats and dogs.
02:36:50 A clip of one of your listeners on the news.
02:36:53 They took him out of context. If you are from one of the places that have been mentioned in the past, give us a little update over the next few streams I'm thinking about.
02:37:03 Places like Gallup, Bessemer, East Palestine, Maui, Oklahoma City, Waco, Postville and East St.
02:37:11 Atlanta.
02:37:12 Salfa et.
02:37:13 Give us a chat and fill us in.
02:37:15 Are things.
02:37:16 I think you're talking about Bill Monaghan and.
02:37:18 He is.
02:37:19 From what I understand, he's he's playing on on leaving that area because it's doesn't appear to be getting any better.
02:37:27 Graham playing games says you mentioned the language Esperanto. There is a movie with William Shatner called Incubus from 1966 that is made in Esperanto for some reason.
02:37:38 The reason was they were trying to make it a thing. A man goes to an island of demons or something.
02:37:42 Noticed it because it's on a list of newly released 4K remaster Blu Rays.
02:37:47 Yeah, it was an effort to popularize the, you know, the international language that would deanglify the world order, if you will.
02:37:56 It was a way of undermining white power and to promote globalism and it just it it went nowhere because it's kind of a dumb idea.
02:38:04 Uh, but yeah, there is a movie starring William Shatner, the entire movies in Esperanto.
02:38:08 Kind of fucking silly.
02:38:10 Blue chord.
Money Clip
02:38:12 Why is money management?02:38:18 Thank you.
Devon Stack
02:38:19 Good evening, Mr.02:38:20 Another small token of appreciation for your.
02:38:22 Thanks for what you do. Shout out to the mods, willing to stay up and keep order. You won't get this, but red pants should be banned and Mick is still an fucking.
02:38:33 Yeah, I.
02:38:34 I don't get that.
02:38:35 There you go.
02:38:36 I appreciate the support.
02:38:37 Blue corn, Evergreen dream. I'm curious about Trump's sudden interest in Greenland and how it will benefit.
02:38:45 Maybe it'll be a good place to install.
02:38:48 Anti Semite camps, I don't know.
02:38:50 I.
02:38:51 I don't.
02:38:52 I haven't really kept close watch on that.
02:38:56 I think it's entirely possible there's some kind of natural resource or military.
02:39:02 You know, strategic advantage.
02:39:04 Tied to that one of the.
02:39:06 Beach Boys.
02:39:17 Beachgoer shackles for Mr.
02:39:19 Well, I appreciate that, Brody.
02:39:21 Hi Devon, I'm a bit behind in watching these.
02:39:24 Have you shared your thoughts on the US possibly taking over Greenland, Canada and Pamela Canal?
02:39:29 Yeah.
02:39:30 No, not really.
02:39:31 I I think that.
02:39:33 Greenland's a question mark.
02:39:35 The Panama Canal. Lots of.
02:39:38 Have 'cause it.
02:39:39 It was retarded to give it.
02:39:40 We we built the Panama Canal and I think it was Jimmy Carter that gave it away.
02:39:47 Canada, we're never going to take over.
02:39:48 I mean, I at least I don't seem realistic to me.
02:39:51 Greenland, that's more of a question mark, but we'll see what happens with that.
02:39:58 Clever name says RIP retarded faggot.
02:40:01 We go.
02:40:02 Yeah, it's been a long time.
02:40:05 Panzer Division, Murdoch.
02:40:18 Have you ever watched Jude Sus?
02:40:20 If not, you need to ASAP and if.
02:40:23 Would you?
02:40:23 Willing to do a watch party for such an important and truly great motion picture.
02:40:28 It's the antithesis of goy programming.
02:40:32 I think that.
02:40:36 I think that.
02:40:38 If it's the one I'm thinking of, I have seen that there is one that is actually dubbed pretty well because subtitles for things like that kind of suck.
02:40:49 But yeah, maybe maybe we could check it out.
02:40:53 You can find it, I think, on
02:40:55 There's a bunch of different versions. If you can find the one that's dubbed, there is one version that's dubbed where it actually is pretty decent.
02:41:04 If it's one I'm thinking of.
02:41:07 Jack, the Savant says not opening the stream with we didn't start the fires near criminal. Also near uniformity of the right wing grifter, space flooding Trump for shooting on Americans is incredible.
02:41:18 Well, yeah, a.
02:41:18 Lot of people have a lot of hope wrapped up in Trump and.
02:41:22 Look, I just think that just like last time, by the end of his, by the end of his second term, there'll be people just as.
02:41:31 Black pilled. But they were at the end of his first term.
02:41:35 People have their very short memories.
02:41:38 Sleepy.
Money Clip
02:41:41 Why is money management?02:41:44 The rest.
02:41:46 Thank you.
Devon Stack
02:41:48 Sleepy says hey, Dev, big fan, first time sending in. I was wondering if you ever consider doing a stream on the Boston busing fiasco from the 1970s and 80s?02:41:58 Whites were bussed into black schools and they tried and they tried to fight it.
02:42:03 Love you.
02:42:03 Keep up the great work and I loved your book.
02:42:07 Yeah, well.
02:42:07 Talked about that on a few different streams and.
02:42:12 One of them is, I think test Subject Edition is kind of talking about the some of the results of that experiment.
02:42:21 But yeah, well, thank.
02:42:22 Thanks for thanks for the support there sleepy welcome.
02:42:26 To the the pillbox Reinhart.
02:42:30 Looking forward to the replay meta has a great deal on free personal FBI agents for which Mark Zuckerberg.
02:42:37 Has recently run an ad in his most recent PSA, it was announced that free speech will be reinstated on his platform.
02:42:44 Yeah, we'll.
02:42:45 Well, I believe it when I see it.
02:42:46 Think Mark Zuckerberg knows that Facebook.
02:42:49 Isn't cool, and that Elon made a faux pas. Very public faux pas.
02:42:56 And he's going to try to cash in on the the fallout.
02:43:01 Bloat and Biden.
Money Clip
02:43:04 What?Devon Stack
02:43:09 Luton Biden says.02:43:12 Trudeau, the fucking son of Fidel Castro, says he will step down after a leadership convention.
02:43:17 He was so easy and fun to hate.
02:43:20 I will be sorry to see him go.
02:43:21 I'm talking about Canadian politics at the federal level, for those who are wondering. Yeah. And he I I AM 100.
02:43:28 I'm 100.
02:43:29 Not everyone's convinced. I'm 100% convinced that he's Castro, son, and I have been for years.
02:43:34 Tomato. Potato.
02:43:37 Oh, I got a lot of repeats tonight.
02:43:44 Thank you for your work brother.
02:43:46 I appreciate that and thank.
02:43:48 For the support.
02:43:50 The Ministry of Truth says I mentioned a while back that I was working on a series on the likely origins and evolution of the Jew.
02:43:58 Would like to have you on to discuss this and the adaptation of their propaganda for those interested here is Part 1.
02:44:05 I'll take a look at that.
02:44:08 Let me copy the link here.
02:44:12 Normally I would link fag but.
02:44:14 I'm feeling nice.
02:44:18 Feeling nice?
02:44:24 Reinhart says the National Organization for the vital Action recently held a ground action in Texas, shedding some light on Trump's broken campaign promises with respect to January 6th and mass deportations.
02:44:37 Good to see men pushing back on the complacency from the right as the God Emperor slithers his way back.
02:44:44 In novanow org. Well there you go.
02:44:50 But yeah, Trump is.
02:44:52 Yeah, Trump, Trump's.
02:44:53 Don't.
02:44:53 He's he's behaving exactly as expected as far as I'm concerned.
02:44:57 Mayor of low moral fiber.
02:45:00 I've noticed chat is a little sad that you've been going too easy on the gay links lately.
02:45:06 So I've included the gayest link.
02:45:08 To.
02:45:11 Well, I guess if you're asking for it, right?
Link fag
02:45:15 Yes.02:45:15 You are gay. Whoa.
Devon Stack
02:45:36 There you go.02:45:37 I I guess.
02:45:38 I guess I need to go back to my authoritarian roots.
02:45:42 fuck knuckle with the big dono.
02:45:45 Money's Pennsylvania money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
02:45:51 Jewy, this fag is.
02:46:09 fuck knuckle.
02:46:10 Good evening, Mr.
02:46:11 Have you done a stream on Robert Clark Graham?
02:46:15 I don't think so.
02:46:17 He was the founder of the repository for Germinal Choice, a sperm bank for geniuses.
02:46:23 It had 19 high IQ repeat donors, including the one and only William Buckley.
02:46:29 PS hit that fire button, fucking.
02:46:32 No, I have not.
02:46:36 I wanna is there more to it than that?
02:46:40 Well, maybe look into.
02:46:41 Maybe there's more to it than that.
02:46:43 But yeah, thank you for the the big donto front knuckle.
02:46:48 Terrace, Tarantula says, was there.
02:46:50 Was there a global welcome memo that went out at the turn of the century to east European Jews to flood America, or what? Sure, seems like something popped off to push them all here at the specific time in history.
02:47:03 That's you had the Russian Revolution kind of brewing.
02:47:06 And a lot of pogroms and stuff like that. So.
02:47:11 You know, we we yay. We got the Jews.
02:47:15 That's when they came here.
02:47:19 And we're never the same. Since slavery to false God says America is a young country.
02:47:25 But its system of government is quite old.
02:47:27 Those tend to change more frequently in the old world, however.
02:47:31 Personal claim on the American.
02:47:32 Continent that you trace to the Mayflower is quite inconsiderable to most people.
02:47:37 It was literally yesterday, historically speaking.
02:47:40 Why do you feel?
02:47:41 The cultural or the culture is a product of biology.
02:47:44 Germany has absolutely no democratic tradition.
02:47:48 Yet today it is.
02:47:50 Yet today it is most of Europe now has culture and government imposed on them by the USA. We stopped chopping heads, albeit biologically.
02:47:59 We're the same as the ancestors that did just 200 years ago.
02:48:03 Look, if you can't understand why there is a biological.
02:48:09 Consistency.
02:48:11 That differentiates the behavior and the outcomes of countries all across the world.
02:48:15 Like.
02:48:16 You can see that there's a different output whether you want to measure that in economic or economics or culture or civilization between European countries.
02:48:28 Regardless of the form of government, no one's saying that the democracy is the end all be all.
02:48:32 It's just the civilization generally, and that that can be measured well beyond just the the type of government.
02:48:38 That it is.
02:48:39 That you can't expect a sub-saharan African, for example, that comes from a part of the world and a people that have never produced anything, including a written language without the help of whites.
02:48:53 To be able to assemble it into the societies that we create for ourselves.
02:48:57 That's, I mean, I don't know why this would be difficult for anyone to to understand unless you're being purposely obtuse because apparently maybe some component of this applies to you.
02:49:07 But you know, thank you all the same.
02:49:10 Leo the dangler.
Weekend Photographer
02:49:18 The.02:49:24 I'm just a weekend photographer.
Devon Stack
02:49:26 We are just getting repeats tonight.02:49:28 The magic whites just take advantage of magic soil.
02:49:31 Yeah, that's.
02:49:33 That's kind of what the last guy was.
02:49:37 That you know, there's there's nothing.
02:49:39 About us at.
02:49:39 It's just the magic dirt of America that we somehow lucked out and got.
02:49:46 Nazi dice.
02:49:58 I.
02:49:59 I.
02:50:01 I repeatedly asked one of my best friends, who is still under Trump spell, to tell me one thing that makes Trump good for America.
02:50:07 And after two weeks, he finally came up with an answer.
02:50:10 And the only thing he could come up with is that Trump will lower the prices of his beloved goy slot Big Macs.
02:50:17 Well, sadly, there's a lot of people for which that is a good enough reason for. In fact, the economic argument is what a lot of people ended.
02:50:25 You know, reverting to when they were unable to come up with anything.
02:50:29 At least gas will be.
02:50:30 However, in radical, you know, in terms of radicalization, that's the opposite of what you want when, because that's when when the Gois slop gets cheap, that's when everyone goes back to sleep.
02:50:42 Lea the Dangler says darkie cost.
02:50:46 No, no information beyond that man of moral fiber says. That's not the way we do business in this country.
02:50:53 I sincerely don't understand how anyone tolerates these Jews.
02:50:57 Yeah, that the fact that.
02:51:00 The idea is why they are the way that they are.
02:51:03 The screen age.
02:51:07 I.
Monkey Girl
02:51:12 The only thing I can figure out is if they are dying race and they want to reproduce for their own kind.Devon Stack
02:51:18 How horrible.02:51:21 Another idea I've been playing with using social media to compile lists of people who've publicly admitted to voting for Kamala Harris. Such lists can help determine who's first in line for the conscription taxes and penalties related to the war efforts, etc.
02:51:36 Trial well. In a perfect world, right. In a perfect world.
02:51:41 Bessemer, 72, says hi.
02:51:43 Watch the UK addressing the E petition asking for another general election due to Labour Party not delivering on promises prior to last election.
02:51:52 My favorite line was APM saying we don't have elections just because the citizens want one.
02:51:58 That isn't a democracy.
02:51:59 Million signed it.
02:52:01 Well, again, it doesn't really matter.
02:52:03 You guys say and it's not like to be.
02:52:05 It's never been a democracy.
02:52:07 That's just a way of making you feel like you're you're helping.
02:52:10 It's a way of making you feel like you're participating in some way and so that you think that you have some kind of control over your lives or the future of your nations when you don't.
02:52:18 That's what it.
02:52:19 It's really it literally is. That's what these elections are.
02:52:22 It's to make you feel like you.
02:52:24 It's an.
02:52:25 It's an outlet for your your.
02:52:27 Dissatisfaction for?
02:52:28 How things are going 'cause at least it gives you some ownership if like well, you know I I did my part, I'm somehow participating.
02:52:36 I I I have some ownership of of what's going on when you don't, you really.
02:52:40 And they've made that abundantly clear.
02:52:44 Leah the dangler just says Knight Nation review smooth like Nick.
02:52:47 Sure, what that means?
02:52:50 Uh, so there you go.
02:52:53 We got Serbian, Bull says 10.
02:52:57 One beat 100 Hearts, one beat 10,000 hearts, one beat.
02:53:02 We are born to fight and die and to continue the flow, the flow of our people onward. We will go.
02:53:08 Onward to the stars high above the mud, the mud of yellow, black and brown rob Matthews.
02:53:14 There we go.
02:53:15 Quote from Rob Matthews.
02:53:18 Hammerhead cow says hello Devin.
02:53:21 What you do?
02:53:22 Give me a link.
02:53:23 We have to send a link to get one of those.
02:53:29 Senol senolito I think senolito. What was your heart rate when you watched this for the first time?
02:53:38 I've been raging all day.
02:53:40 All day long as I as I cut little snippets out of this and as you can imagine I got really pissed off.
02:53:48 Especially when he said our founding fathers, I about lost it.
02:53:53 But yeah, then we got Penelope Maynard with a big tonal back from the dead.
02:54:01 With a.
02:54:02 With a very yeah, we're going to do.
02:54:05 It's a little late for Christmas.
02:54:06 A Christmas don't know.
Money Clip
02:54:08 Children today will be reading the best Christmas ever are starting to you.Devon Stack
02:54:14 The magic negro.Money Clip
02:54:17 Replay.02:54:22 I'm going to.
Devon Stack
02:54:24 Hello.Money Clip
02:54:25 Where did the show men go?02:54:30 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:54:33 I.Money Clip
02:54:38 The best Christmas ever.Devon Stack
02:54:47 All right.02:54:50 Penalty, Maynard says.
02:54:51 What a cluster fuck on our side. Drunk Judas. Buckley founded his Rag National Review with a Jew, Willie Schlum.
02:55:02 William F Buckley was a despicable.
02:55:06 No, you're using words.
02:55:07 I can't even say let's.
02:55:12 Who's elanimous?
02:55:14 Husseinimus white trader.
02:55:17 Regardless, happy New Year Devon for your fiery, happy, racist Penelope.
02:55:22 I appreciate.
02:55:23 And yeah, yeah, he was basically let's.
02:55:28 Well, probably either Y or at least related to why he never mentioned Jews.
02:55:33 Is he had the National Review, which was basically run and operated by Trotskyite Jews.
02:55:41 And they as they took over the the Conservatives in America.
02:55:46 He was instrumental in that, but none of these guys mentioned Jews.
02:55:49 Fact, it's kind of funny.
02:55:50 Would look.
02:55:51 I tried to look up any of the people on that.
02:55:53 I would just look up their name and anti-Semitism and you'd get almost no results and I even asked like.
02:56:02 A is like, oh, you know, can you give me examples of them saying something that might be perceived as anti-Semitic? Nothing.
02:56:11 And that's. Yeah, that's a that's a major piece of the puzzle to be missing.
02:56:16 Unless you're controlled opposition.
02:56:18 Serbian thank you very much, Penelope.
02:56:22 For the the big big support there.
02:56:25 Serbian bull you you should look into
02:56:31 It's the most stable and secure stream platform in white.
02:56:35 They actually give a fuck about their streamers and want to see them succeed and take 0% of your cut.
02:56:41 They have white superior admins with white superior tech well.
02:56:46 You know I'm. I'm happy with where we're at right now, but that might be where we have look, if we have problems.
02:56:54 It's good to know there are alt tech platforms popping up, although the name might be a little weird if it's and I'm so.
02:57:05 But there's a there's another platform. People can check that out.
02:57:08 Like Scottish American jerk.
Money Clip
02:57:11 I hear the noise.02:57:14 Smell the Muffy water.
02:57:20 Rush.
Devon Stack
02:57:22 Hey.02:57:23 Pagan revivalism on telegram says that Pagan revivalism is inevitable and the only way to save us Doctor William Luther Pierce said.
02:57:32 Shouldn't divide our race along religious lines, as a recent convert to Celtic?
02:57:40 Paganism, or Celtic, depending on how you want to pronounce that Eileen. Towards the former stance. Thoughts.
02:57:47 The former stance on so you think that the only way forward is Pagan revivalism.
02:57:51 I I don't think that that's a viable path forward at this time.
02:57:59 And maybe never.
02:58:00 I don't think that going back to paganism is is realistic on a on a grand scale, certainly not in America.
02:58:07 Maybe, maybe more so in in European countries, but.
02:58:11 It's I think it's AI mean it's a non starter in America and look at maybe who knows, maybe there'll be some big Pagan religious revival in America.
02:58:20 Just.
02:58:20 I don't see that coming and I think that race blood is thicker than water race is is more important to me.
02:58:28 Than you know your religion and and. And so that's again, we can't afford to make these kinds of divisions right now.
02:58:37 In in.
02:58:39 Especially right now.
02:58:41 Men have low moral fibre, says. Have you already done a stream on the Rodney King riots?
02:58:46 I found a documentary called Let it fall, Los Angeles, and they actually interview the dumb fucking apes who beat Reginald Denny.
02:58:53 Rodney King was given millions by the city to do PCP for the rest of his life.
02:58:58 He was given nothing.
02:59:02 We've we've covered it.
02:59:05 I haven't seen that documentary, so maybe I'll add that.
02:59:09 And maybe we can.
02:59:11 Maybe we can take a look at that, but I have covered it before.
02:59:15 Uh, my line, I says.
02:59:17 I have a 2 step glow or geopolitical policy nuke Mexico nuke. Israel equals World Peace.
02:59:23 Well, I don't know that would that would equal World Peace.
02:59:26 Hey, at least you're you're being assertive, I guess, right?
02:59:31 Belmont, again speaking the devil.
Money Clip
02:59:35 Hello. I'm Amy. I'm Amy. Good.02:59:40 One moment.
Devon Stack
02:59:49 Bill Monacan says things aren't much different here other than a lot of people have convinced themselves that Trump is going to start deporting Haitians in 11 days.02:59:59 Some are getting increasingly abusive and delusional. When you express skepticism.
03:00:03 Others are realizing that it's not going to happen.
03:00:06 You know what? Look, I.
03:00:09 I guess the silver lining is.
03:00:12 The you know, you only have to wait 11 days.
03:00:16 For them to be disappointed.
03:00:19 Yeah, I mean look, who knows?
03:00:22 There might be some adjustments made to that program in terms of at least stopping more of them coming in.
03:00:29 I don't even know if that'll happen, but I think that that's at least possible.
03:00:33 Not going to kick the ones that are here out though.
03:00:35 But you know, yeah, that's.
03:00:39 Most people do not live in reality.
03:00:42 Unfortunately.
03:00:44 Let's see here, man of Romo, Fiber says.
03:00:48 Oklahoma City is a mega gay, or is Mega gay today?
03:00:52 The state recently gave the Red fucking special rights after a red negro raped whites and said that it was all that it was OK.
03:01:02 Because it was on the planes.
03:01:05 Mexican land and the Supreme Court agreed not only the FBI can arrest them and obvious.
03:01:10 All the details are we talking about? But I think we're getting at is Oklahoma basically gave a lot of the state away to the Indians and which has made jurisdictions all stupid.
03:01:23 So I don't the case you're talking about, but I can see how that could be a problem.
03:01:27 And then going to say, what is the tune that is playing in the sky are falling down bumper?
03:01:34 I'm not sure which one you're talking about, although the ski are falling down.
03:01:37 Skier it's late, it's late.
03:01:41 Oh, that's.
03:01:43 That's a system of the down song. I forget that I think it's.
03:01:47 I forget the name of.
03:01:48 That's a system of a down song.
03:01:51 My lying eyes says Hitler stash 25.
03:01:54 Bringing it back, bro.
03:01:56 That would be interesting if people actually started wearing those out in.
03:02:00 I wonder how wonder if you could bring them. Eventually you'll be able to bring it back, but you got.
03:02:05 Think of it this way.
03:02:06 The Hitler Stash was even weird in Hitler's time.
03:02:08 Kind of why he did it.
03:02:09 It was a very unique mustache and then he wanted to look unique.
03:02:13 Wanted to set himself apart from the others.
03:02:15 Because, you know, there was in a time when there was no.
03:02:19 You know no real access to marketing yet. You had to like look unique so that you stuck in people's minds when they say, oh, it's that guy with the mustache. It's not like it was a super popular mustache then, though. And so I don't know if it.
03:02:31 Really come back because I don't know that it ever really was.
03:02:34 Popular in the 1st place but.
03:02:37 More power to you, I guess.
03:02:38 Privateweb says hi.
03:02:40 I was wondering if you've seen the dear Elon video by Sam Hyde. I'm very pleased with the largely positive online response to the video.
03:02:48 He directly mentions the replacement of whites and the realities of.
03:02:52 Genetics. It's very well worded and very funny at times.
03:02:55 Truly our guy.
03:02:56 My my.
03:02:58 You know, my only issue is and I think this was intentional is it's obviously.
03:03:05 It's cues normie.
03:03:07 And it also kind of, it's almost like telling Elon.
03:03:11 Don't worry. You know just.
03:03:14 We'll forgive you this.
03:03:16 You know, it'll be fine and say I'm tired of fucking forgiving these fucking people when they show you who they really are.
03:03:22 And I feel like Elon, if he took any of that advice, that's what he did, is he'd start talking about rape gangs and Tommy Robinson and and and sure enough, so many people like, oh, it's forgiven. All is forgiven.
03:03:36 He's.
03:03:36 He's based Elon again because he's talking about.
03:03:40 Dissident.
03:03:40 Talking points from 10 years ago.
03:03:44 Now, now that nothing can be done.
03:03:45 It right.
Michael Kinsley
03:03:47 So.Devon Stack
03:03:48 But anyway.03:03:50 Let's take a look at Rumble.
03:03:56 All right, rumble.
03:03:59 And as always, I got to rewind all of rumble.
03:04:07 Partially it's my fault I didn't open up the plug in this time when I should have.
03:04:14 It looks like we got a short list on rumble.
03:04:16 It's fancy pants and MP, fives says. Nuts.
03:04:24 I'm not sure what you're referring to, but indeed.
03:04:28 Unreconstructed Rebel with the big dono.
03:04:32 Money is power.
03:04:33 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
03:04:37 Look how jewy this guy is.
Ed Koch
03:04:55 When you're trying to save money.William F. Buckley Jr.
03:04:57 A good rule to follow is to.Peter Brimelow
03:05:06 Take it from me, Jim. Neighbors.Ed Koch
03:05:07 It'll pay dividends.Devon Stack
03:05:09 On reconstructed rebel.03:05:11 Says obligatory southern pride worldwide. Exactly. Exactly.
03:05:20 Scrolling.
03:05:21 Scrolling down, thank you for the support there. As always, your you're always the big dick dono on on rumble there.
03:05:29 Scrolling down, scrolling down.
03:05:31 We got.
03:05:32 Well, we got negro spritzer.
03:05:36 It says just so you're aware, Rumble does not process hyper chats with certain slurs.
03:05:44 So there you go.
03:05:47 And then he lists all the slurs.
03:05:52 Well, there you go.
03:05:53 I'm not.
03:05:55 Rumbo is not exactly a free speech platform.
03:05:57 Neither is.
03:05:58 I don't think Odyssey, if I think if I wasn't.
03:06:04 I I think that Odyssey wouldn't be much of A.
03:06:07 I think we're a big portion of Odyssey's platform, just being honest here. I think with without the insomnia stream, what is Odyssey really?
03:06:17 And so that might.
03:06:19 Someday they might get someone.
03:06:21 And no, we don't need this racist anymore.
03:06:24 And as As for rumble, I don't know.
03:06:26 I think we're we're.
03:06:27 I think it's we're constantly skating on thin ice when it comes to rumble.
03:06:31 But we shall see. We shall see.
03:06:35 It's only like we we got to remain nimble.
03:06:38 I think that we've been navigating this.
03:06:42 For years, you know, get kicked off this platform.
03:06:45 Go to that platform and you know it is. It's just part comes the territory. It'll probably always be like that.
03:06:51 But good to know. Good to know that that is official.
03:06:53 And then we got a couple more on Odyssey real quick we got.
03:06:58 Pride, Assassin's happy new.
03:07:00 Appreciate that man of Lomol Fiber, says Michael Jordan, while a black fella is on our side regarding the Hitler stash.
03:07:08 Izzy though.
03:07:10 Izzy.
03:07:12 Spina, Michael Jordan.
03:07:20 Wait, do I have that here?
03:07:25 Let me see.
03:07:27 He reminded me of something.
03:07:30 That I may or may not have.
03:07:35 Easily.
03:07:36 Well, guess I don't have an easily accessible. I already don't have it up here. Let's see.
03:07:44 Is.
03:07:45 I thought it would be right here.
Money Clip
03:07:47 Hmm.Devon Stack
03:07:49 We have an oldie but Goodie.03:07:57 Oh, here we go.
03:08:04 See if that downloads fast enough to play it.
03:08:11 My.
03:08:11 Come on Internet.
03:08:19 It's still downloading.
03:08:22 This is disappointingly slow, and it ruined the whole flow. I try to go on a limb.
03:08:27 Was going to play.
03:08:29 A.
03:08:29 A video here and now. It might not be worth it if it's not actually going to download.
03:08:33 Me. See if I have it somewhere else while it's trying to.
03:08:36 Oh, maybe I do have it.
03:08:39 Yeah.
03:08:40 I already have it downloaded here. Let's do it.
03:08:47 This is always going to be one of my favorite Michael Jordan videos.
Money Clip
03:08:59 When you put on your McDonald's uniform, your customers want more than just quick service with the smile, they expect to be treated as a.03:09:06 In your home.
Devon Stack
03:09:07 I.Money Clip
03:09:07 If you had had the greatest of days, except to you to put on a show.03:09:10 And do whatever it takes to satisfy your custom.
McDonalds Employee
03:09:14 Ers at McDonald's like you're our own personal guest.03:09:18 And treat them that way too.
03:09:19 College.
03:09:20 But you know, it's a shame you don't even get to see the real stars of this scene.
Ira Glasser
03:09:26 What are you talking about?McDonalds Employee
03:09:27 The grill team.03:09:28 We're the ones who got that grill are out there so fast.
Devon Stack
03:09:32 What is the grill?03:09:33 Team have to do a service.
McDonalds Employee
03:09:34 Oh, the grill team has everything to do.03:09:36 Customer service.
03:09:37 You see, if they don't respond quickly in all situations, especially grill orders, then the counter people could never deliver the customer satisfaction.
03:09:45 Shooting for?
03:09:46 Everyone in the store has to do their person.
Devon Stack
03:09:48 I.McDonalds Employee
03:09:49 It's the teamwork that gets the job done.03:09:52 Let me.
03:09:58 I.
Devon Stack
03:09:59 OK, everybody.Ed Koch
03:09:59 This is the final scene, and let's make it good.Money Clip
03:10:02 This is the perfect service scene.03:10:04 Everybody know their business, OK, places, everyone roll tape.
McDonalds Employee
03:10:10 And action.03:10:13 I.
03:10:13 I.
03:10:22 Feet.
03:10:31 Yes, people come.
Money Clip
03:10:34 On if we rated what you just saw as a service, we're shooting for a plus service.03:10:39 The smiles the.
03:10:41 Treat them as guest gestures.
03:10:43 Our goal is to make our guests think, hey, these McDonald's people really care about me.
03:10:47 You know what?
03:10:49 Really. Do.
03:10:50 When you notice a guest not getting that great McDonald's service, help them.
03:10:54 Quickly get the shit.
03:10:56 Let's take another look at that last scene, even though it may have been good service, there are always ways to improve on customer satisfaction.
McDonalds Employee
03:10:57 Hello.Money Clip
03:11:07 Look for ways in which you would improve our service.03:11:11 It's okay to do whatever it takes.
Devon Stack
03:11:16 So that's my favorite Michael Jordan.03:11:19 And then real quick, at the end we got.
03:11:22 Manalo Fiber says Michael Jordan actually did wear a Hitler mustache for a while in 2018.
03:11:27 The Jews flipped out about.
03:11:29 I actually didn't know Silver will pop up a picture and land with that.
03:11:33 Michael Jordan. Hitler stash.
03:11:42 It's. I mean it's it's kind of Hitler stashy I guess, but it's, you know this is I think this is just hysteria hysterical Jew.
03:11:51 Then it well as as usual, it's hysterical due more than it's based Michael Jordan here.
03:11:58 There it is.
03:12:00 All right guys.
03:12:01 Well, thanks for coming out and we'll be back here on Saturday.
03:12:06 Same bad time, same bad channel in the meantime.
03:12:12 For Black pilled, I am, of course, Devin Stag.
McDonalds Employee
03:12:18 Tell Mickey Dawn how rim keeps going on about me not having a proper school uniform.03:12:25 It's not your fault though.
03:12:26 Your dad sick, isn't he?
03:12:28 Wish I could wear jeans instead of this stupid thing. Stephen, when you have to do it.
03:12:34 Yeah, I suppose.
03:12:35 So Nick, you'd calling me?
03:12:37 What's 9 * 10?
03:12:40 Then it sometimes helps to tell someone.
03:12:43 Just use.
03:12:44 Golly gee chocolate and he keeps doing chimpanzee noises.
03:12:53 Anyway, it's not your fault.
03:12:54 Ignorance is.
03:12:57 I'm 100%.