08/12/2021Speaker 1
00:00:00 Everyone standing by for departure.Speaker 2
00:00:04 Hold hold on with me for a second.Devon
00:00:07 Right 070 first welcome.00:00:09 Final runway 1/6 right?
Speaker 3
00:00:10 Welcome man, I'm.Speaker 4
00:00:11 A ground service.00:00:12 Don't know what that is.
00:00:15 7017.Speaker 4
00:00:18 Start it up and get it to go.00:00:22 Couple of hours I guess, but.
00:00:24 Yeah, I wouldn't know how to land.
00:00:25 It I wasn't really planning on landing it.
00:00:27 99 the above over demand subtypes of set off.Speaker 1
00:00:31 To fly one of those aircraft, but we'll.00:00:32 See what we can do and get you.
00:00:34 In contact with somebody.
Speaker 4
00:00:37 All right.00:00:39 I just kind of want to do a couple maneuvers, see what it can do before I put it down, you know.
00:00:45 Send departure boy 464.Speaker 1
00:00:48 And so I can.00:00:49 Reach out to you a.
00:00:50 Little easier, little bit.
00:00:53 I'm sorry. Say that again.
Speaker 4
00:00:54 Sorry, I might get came off.00:00:56 I threw.
00:00:57 Up a little bit.
00:00:59 You know.
00:01:01 I oh, you, man.
00:01:05 I'm sorry about this.
00:01:06 I hope this doesn't ruin your day.
Speaker 1
00:01:07 It's 22, cross around six left contact.00:01:10 Just flying the plane around you seem comfortable with that.
Speaker 4
00:01:14 Ohh hell yeah, it's a blast man I play.00:01:16 Video games before, so I you.
00:01:19 Know I know what I'm doing a little bit.
Speaker 1
00:01:22 OK.00:01:22 And and you can see all the terrain around you, you've got no issue with visibility or anything?
Speaker 4
00:01:28 Now everything's peachy. Peachy clean just did a little circle around Rainier. It's beautiful. I think I got some gas to go. Check out the Olympics.00:01:39 And yeah.
Speaker 1
00:01:42 OK. And rich Dino.00:01:45 Are you able to tell what altitude?
00:01:46 You're at only.
00:01:47 16 left to kind of calculate landing clearance.
Speaker 4
00:01:52 Inside of it, it's best.Devon
00:01:54 You'll be released when you when you text.Speaker
00:01:57 600.Speaker 4
00:01:58 Fast to join, I was thinking.00:01:59 About it and then.
00:02:01 Probably good thing I did.
Speaker 1
00:02:04 494 monitor.Speaker 4
00:02:08 Yeah, that's all mumbo jumbo.00:02:09 I have no idea what all that means.
00:02:10 I wouldn't know how to punch it in.
00:02:13 I'm I'm off autopilot.
00:02:15 OK. Yeah.
Speaker 2
00:02:16 Make a right.00:02:17 Turn on Broadway, 5500.
Speaker 1
00:02:20 No, I'm not taking it to any jets.00:02:22 I'm actually keeping you away from aircraft.
00:02:24 They're trying to land at Seatac.
Speaker 4
00:02:26 Oh, OK.00:02:27 Yeah, yeah.
00:02:27 I don't want to screw with that.
00:02:28 I'm glad.
00:02:30 Glad you're not.
00:02:33 You know, screwing up everyone else's day.
00:02:37 On account of me.
Speaker 2
00:02:38 All the traffic in frontier make today's chain up around onto alpha.00:02:41 We're going to keep faithful clear this.
Speaker 1
00:02:42 Running for 10446 can.Speaker
00:02:44 We just shut down.Speaker 4
00:02:46 I'm down to 2100. I started.00:02:48 Like 30 something.
Speaker 1
00:02:52 You said you had 2100 pounds of fuel left.Speaker 4
00:02:57 Yeah, I don't know what the burn burn edge burnout is like on on take off, but yeah, it's burned quite a bit faster than I expected.Speaker 1
00:03:11 OK.Speaker 2
00:03:14 Yes, Sir, we have.Speaker 1
00:03:17 There is the the runway just off your right side in about a mile.00:03:21 Do you see that?
00:03:21 That's the.
00:03:24 That's the that's McCord field.
Speaker 4
00:03:27 Oh man, those guys were roughing me up.00:03:29 If I tried landing there, I think I I think I might mess something up there too.
00:03:33 I wouldn't want to do that hopefully.
00:03:36 Ohh they probably got anti aircraft.
Speaker 1
00:03:38 Now they don't have any of that stuff.00:03:40 We're just trying to find a place for you to land safely.
Speaker 4
00:03:45 Yeah, not quite ready to bring it.00:03:46 Down just yet?
00:03:47 But holy smokes, I.
00:03:49 Got to.
00:03:49 I got to stop looking at the field cause it's going.
00:03:51 Down quick.
Speaker 1
00:03:54 OK, rich, if you could, could you?00:03:56 Start a left hand turn and.
00:03:59 We'll, we'll take you down to the southeast, please.
Speaker 4
00:04:03 This is probably like jail time for life, huh?00:04:06 I mean, I would hope it is for a.
00:04:08 Guy like me.
Speaker 1
00:04:09 Well, right, you're not.00:04:09 We're not going to worry or think about that, but could.
00:04:11 You start a.
00:04:12 Left hand.
00:04:12 Turn, please.
00:04:14 Two right then.
00:04:18 And he's going to try and help you out here.
00:04:20 A little bit, OK.Speaker 4
00:04:25 You're ending a 070.Speaker 1
00:04:27 And I think you might have some questions, rich.00:04:29 I've got a pilot on with us.
00:04:32 And if you got any questions, you can ask him now.
Speaker 4
00:04:37 Well, First off, you're a little little breaking up a bit, maybe I'm too far away with the distance on this frequency.Devon
00:04:45 At 5261 heavy.00:04:46 Roger might be a little bit flying.
Speaker 4
00:04:51 You are very calm.00:04:53 Collect boys.
Speaker 2
00:04:55 Another 1316.Speaker 4
00:04:58 OK, Crossing 16 center holster 1.Speaker 2
00:05:00 6 W Alaska 589.Speaker 1
00:05:02 Just send me like that.Speaker 2
00:05:03 In about two to three months.Speaker 1
00:05:05 400 apparently is the grounds crewman with the with the horizon, I guess, and OK. Right now he's just flying around and he just needs some help controlling his aircraft.Devon
00:05:23 Very good.Speaker 4
00:05:23 Yeah, I'll be.00:05:25 I'll be that much help.
00:05:26 I played some video games before.
00:05:27 I would like to figure out how to get this cabin out to like I know where the box is, I would like.
00:05:33 To get some.
00:05:35 Make it.
00:05:37 Make it pressurized or something, so I'm not so.
00:05:39 Light headed.
00:05:41 What's your altitudes?Speaker 2
00:05:43 Across 1-6 hundred across, 165 to 4:30. Do you know how long it's gonna be? No idea. We have no idea right now. So if you just hold on alpha.00:05:55 All those aircrafts were in sequence, so we'll get you going as soon as.
00:06:00 We know. OK. Thanks.
Speaker 4
00:06:02 Yeah, I don't know anything.00:06:04 I don't know anything about the autopilot.
00:06:06 I'm just kind of hand flying right now.
00:06:09 OK, you know how fast you're going.Speaker 2
00:06:11 The holes behind.Speaker
00:06:13 There are 2021.Speaker 4
00:06:15 Minimum wage, we'll.00:06:17 We'll chalk it up to that.
00:06:19 Maybe that will increase the years little bit with the higher up maybe.
Speaker 2
00:06:26 Yeah, that's 52.Speaker 4
00:06:28 I think a lot.00:06:29 Of shaving some metals a little.
00:06:30 Bit I'm coming back though.
Speaker 2
00:06:31 After 7/18, I believe so. Still working on an issue I don't really have an estimate on how long that may be.Speaker 6
00:06:38 OK. Thank you.Speaker 2
00:06:40 165 the.Speaker 1
00:06:41 American 7, Alaska 691.Speaker 4
00:06:47 People's lives are at stake here.Speaker 1
00:06:50 Eric, don't say stuff like that.Speaker 4
00:06:53 I told you I don't want her to work.00:06:56 I just want you to whisper sweet nothings into my ear.
00:06:58 And 600, Roger, that's going to be a while.Speaker 1
00:07:01 We get into cargo.Speaker 4
00:07:04 That'd be better than trying to land it like I know how to put the landing gear down.Speaker 1
00:07:07 1000 check by Level 4101.Devon
00:07:11 But your your power, that's probably 50% would be the two top gauges right in the center on that.00:07:20 Glass display there and then press. So tell me, do your power at 50% or tell me what you got.
Speaker 4
00:07:29 Yeah, I got it like 20.Devon
00:07:32 Well, that's too slow.00:07:33 Bring it up to like 50.
Speaker 4
00:07:35 80 of your browsing ramps have been 20 years.00:07:41 Alright, no problem.
00:07:41 Yeah, because I just wanted to.
00:07:51 Their side on the bottom.00:07:53 It says HCG and I've got a.
00:07:55 Little Blue M on it.
00:07:57 You can.Devon
00:07:58 Crank that around and.00:08:03 And you know, tell you what, let's just do the.
00:08:08 But you see the HDG button right for that little thumb wheel.
Speaker 1
00:08:15 On paper crossword center crossword.Devon
00:08:17 What's all the airplanes doing?Speaker 2
00:08:18 On alpha to maintain 8000.00:08:20 4/20.
Speaker 4
00:08:21 You could do that with these things.00:08:23 So what would if you were to do it, how would you do it?
00:08:28 Well, I'd try to figure out how to use.00:08:29 The autopilot first and read your text spots 80.
Speaker 2
00:08:32 8 your problem.Devon
00:08:34 88 and.00:08:38 Not concentrate so much on flying airplanes.
Speaker 4
00:08:41 Hey, you think about laying this successfully allowed to give me a?00:08:44 Job as a pilot.
00:08:47 You know, I think they would give you a job doing anything if.00:08:49 You could pull this off.
00:08:51 Yeah, right.
Speaker 4
00:08:54 Now I'm a white guy.Speaker 1
00:08:56 Actually making 104 better so far. My final contact point found out for this 1/2.Speaker 4
00:09:00 0.6.Speaker
00:09:01 We'll do that with Steven.00:09:02 We're going to.
Speaker 2
00:09:02 Go to talking to that aircraft at this time.00:09:06 If they need your assistance, I will.
00:09:07 I will let you know what they are talking aircraft.
00:09:12 22 more.Speaker 4
00:09:13 Yeah, you do.00:09:13 You man like, hey, you got.
Speaker 1
00:09:16 Yeah, I'm still here, rich.Speaker 2
00:09:18 Can now maintain one zero 10,000.Speaker 4
00:09:21 But kind of not either.Speaker 1
00:09:23 Perfect.00:09:26 If you wanted to land, probably the best bet is that the runway just ahead and to your left.
00:09:32 Again, that's the McCord field.
00:09:36 If you wanted to try, that might be the best way to.
00:09:38 Set up and see.
00:09:38 If you can land there or just like the pilot suggests, another option would be over Puget Sound into the water.
Speaker 4
00:09:46 Saying you talked to McCord yet, because I don't think I'd be happy with you telling me I could land like that, cause I could mess some stuff up.Speaker 1
00:09:55 Well, they cherry talked to him and.00:09:59 Just like me, what we want to see is you not get hurt or anybody else.
00:10:03 Get hurt.
00:10:04 So like I said, if you want to try to land, that's probably the best place to go.
Speaker 4
00:10:10 Hey I want the coordinates of that orca with the you know, the Mama orca with the.00:10:14 Baby, I want to go.
00:10:16 See that guy?
00:10:17 35116.Speaker 1
00:10:19 Behind you, there is another aircraft.00:10:22 Would you be willing to talk to them if they're on the frequency and maybe they can?
00:10:25 Help you land.
00:10:28 Let me check for.
00:10:29 You hang on, that's.
Speaker 2
00:10:29 Right, you guys that we got one.Speaker
00:10:31 Going just in case.Speaker 2
00:10:32 OK. Thank you, water.Speaker 4
00:10:37 Hey, what's the what's that?00:10:38 Four right there behind me, like to my left.
Speaker 1
00:10:42 OK, rich.00:10:42 Well, first of all, we we just.
00:10:44 Need to keep.
00:10:44 Flying the aircraft.
00:10:46 And so if you could just stay there and keep flying the aircraft the the.
00:10:50 The airport you just passed over on your left.
00:10:53 That's the Tacoma Narrows airport.
00:10:56 I mean, that's also an option if you want to try going there.
00:11:00 But like I said earlier, McCord, that's the, that's the bigger runway.
00:11:05 If you wanted to try to.
00:11:06 Land there 446, we're going to.
00:11:07 Go ahead and shut down, OK?
00:11:14 Mayor inches as Captain Bill here.00:11:15 We're still listening.
00:11:17 Flyer planes doing just fine.
00:11:19 How's yours?
Speaker 1
00:11:20 By 25 after November, holds for every.00:11:21 Once they said it.
00:11:22 Would be a better option I think if you try to land it or even land it on the water.
Speaker 4
00:11:31 Hey, is that pilot on?00:11:32 Want to know what this weather is going to be like in the Olympics?
00:11:37 If you can see the Olympics, the weather is good.00:11:39 I can see the Olympics from my window and it looks pretty good over there.
Speaker 4
00:11:44 Because I I hit my.00:11:46 Felt like turbulence around right near, but there was no clouds.
00:11:51 That's just the the wind blowing over all the bumpy surfaces there.00:12:01 All right, well, cut off.
00:12:02 I thought I.
00:12:02 Was going to have all the way.
00:12:03 To the end.
00:12:03 But that was what I had.
00:12:07 Sky king.
00:12:10 Sky King is 3 years ago, three years ago.
00:12:15 Which is crazy.
00:12:18 Now, for those of you who don't know about Sky King, I don't know how you wouldn't know, but I guess maybe there's some people that don't know.
00:12:25 Uh, let's see.
00:12:29 Let's see what the New York Times.
00:12:32 Now let's not see what the New York Times said to say about it.
00:12:35 By the way, Devin Stack here insomnia stream.
00:12:39 Live from the pillbox.
00:12:45 Let's see what Time magazine had to say.
00:12:48 How about that?
00:12:51 Before we do that, though.
00:12:52 You might have heard.
00:12:54 We'll get it in a second, actually.
00:12:59 After a 29.
00:13:01 Year old airline employee Richard B Russell stole on a plane at Seattle Tacoma International Airport on Friday night and crashed it into Ketron Island in Puget Sound.
00:13:14 Questions remain about why and how he undertook the ultimately fatal flight. Russell, who was a ground service employee for Horizon Air and did not have a pilot's license. How dare he?
00:13:31 Took the twin engine.Devon
00:13:33 Turboprop plane from a maintenance area where it was parked at the airport.00:13:37 He then flew around the area for about an hour, speaking at times with air traffic controllers and apologizing to loved ones.
00:13:45 Yeah, I don't know why it left out some of those clips.
00:13:49 It's that was.
00:13:49 Supposed to be the full audio.
00:13:50 So whatever.
00:13:52 For what he was.
00:13:53 About to do Russell, the sole occupant during the flight did not survive.
00:13:58 I imagine that he nose dived into the ground into into the forest too, so it's not like he was going for like a a clearing.
00:14:08 Uh, let's see.Devon
00:14:09 I'm turning that fan off always ***** about.Speaker
00:14:14 Uh hum.Devon
00:14:17 Who was Richard Russell?00:14:19 Let's bring up a picture of Russell Richard Russell.
00:14:22 Why not?
00:14:23 Show you Sky king.
00:14:56 This is.
00:15:00 Richard Russell if this would ever come on, wake up.
00:15:08 There we go.
00:15:10 You got to love it when those hard drives got.
00:15:12 To spin up.
00:15:18 There we go.
00:15:23 You like dogs?
00:15:29 OK.
00:15:30 Known as Bebo.
00:15:33 To his family and friends, Russell was in his youth, a gregarious outgoing star athlete at Wasilla High School in Alaska.
00:15:43 According to the Anchorage Daily News, running track and wrestling, although he was born in Key West, FL, he moved to Wasilla when he was 7, according to a website he made in 2017.
00:15:57 So pretty typical of Americans, right?
00:15:59 We're born in one place and then our family, you know, gets a job, some other place.
00:16:03 Then we're moving.
00:16:04 I lived all over the the the country.
00:16:06 By the time I was.
00:16:07 An adult.
00:16:08 You know, because just like, you know this whole not having.
00:16:11 A community thing.
00:16:13 And it starts when you're.
00:16:15 It starts when you're young.
00:16:16 You know the.
00:16:17 Boomers generation and the generations before them because there wasn't really the transportation options or it certainly wasn't.
00:16:25 As as cheap.
00:16:28 You know, you largely stayed.
00:16:30 I mean, there are.
00:16:30 There are people that were born and died in the state and never left the state.
00:16:35 And this whole thing where everyone's moving all over the place that you know, that's part of what creates this atomization that's been going on.
00:16:44 He met his wife.
00:16:44 Hannah in 2010 in Coos Bay. OR.
00:16:49 While we were.
00:16:50 Both going to.
00:16:50 School, UN quote. And the couple wed one year later.
00:16:56 Russell wrote.
00:16:57 On his website, they opened.
00:16:59 A bakery.
00:17:01 And ran it for three years before selling.
00:17:03 It in 2015.
00:17:05 To be closer to Hannah's.
00:17:08 So again, he's still moving all over the place.
00:17:11 The couple settled in Sumner, WA, where Russell got a job at Horizon Air, a subsidiary of the Alaska Air Group, so he could easily fly back to Alaska to see his own family.
00:17:23 Russell wrote that he was pursuing his Bachelor of Science.
00:17:27 Of social sciences and hope to work his way up to a management position at Horizon Air or join the military or law enforcement.
00:17:37 In this season of life, we enjoy exploring as much as possible, whether it's a day trip to or or a day or so trip to one of the Alaska Airlines destinations, or visiting a new area of Washington, Russell wrote about himself and his wife online.
00:17:54 We consider ourselves bakery connoisseurs and.
00:17:57 Have to try a new one or a new one.
00:17:59 Every place we go.
00:18:01 His website is filled with photos and videos of his travels and was previously linked to his Instagram account.
00:18:08 A lot of that stuff has been, of course, taken down.
00:18:11 Russell was active in his local community, serving as a leader at Young Life, a Christian youth ministry.
00:18:18 He was very friendly, automatically willing to bring everyone in.
00:18:23 Hannah Holmes, who was also also participated in young Life, told Seattle Times a lot of the people he was helping were troubled kids.
00:18:31 So you've got this.
00:18:33 You know this Christian Baker.
00:18:38 Someone, I mean, it seems like you would have this.
00:18:40 Whole life.
00:18:41 Ahead of him, he had to shut down his base.
00:18:43 You know, we don't know the whole story about the bakery, but he sold the bakery and moved to Washington to live closer to his wife's family. He got a.
00:18:50 Job at a.
00:18:53 Alaska Airlines so he could easily fly home to see his family.
00:18:58 He was volunteering at his local church.
00:19:02 Helping troubled kids.
00:19:07 He was well liked by his coworkers, according to the Seattle Times family friend Mike Matthews read a statement from Russell's family that said the incident was a complete shock to them.
00:19:17 He was a faithful husband, a loving son and a good friend, Mike Matthews read from the statement at the press conference.
00:19:24 Bebo was loved by everyone because he was kind and gentle to every person.
00:19:30 As the voice recording shows, Bebo's intent was not to harm anyone and he was right in saying that there were so many people.
Speaker 4
00:19:38 Who loved him?Devon
00:19:40 Rick Christensen, who was previously an operational supervisor with Horizon Air and who watched Russell's flight over Puget Sound, described Russell to the times as a quiet.00:19:51 Guy, it seemed like he was well liked by.
00:19:53 The other workers.
00:19:57 So then they go on to talk about how he would have known how to fly the plane and blah blah.
00:20:00 But I mean he I mean, he explained that himself by.
00:20:03 Saying he knew.
00:20:04 It you know, he played video games, he knew how to fly a plane.
00:20:08 I'm still convinced that I could fly helicopter thanks to Battlefield.
00:20:16 Desert combat and Battlefield Vietnam.
00:20:21 I know I could land.
00:20:21 A Huey on a.
00:20:24 On the top of a Volkswagen.
00:20:28 See, it's been three years.
00:20:32 And the one thing that the the the audio.
00:20:36 Recording didn't clip out.
00:20:38 Thankfully, A portion of the conversation that CNN did clip out.
00:20:45 Was when he.
00:20:46 Said hey, do you think if I?
00:20:48 Was able to land this plane that they'd give me a job.
00:20:53 And the air traffic controller said, well, I.
00:20:56 Think if you could you.
00:20:57 Know land, that plan, they'll let.
00:20:59 You do whatever you want.
00:21:01 Don't give you any job.
00:21:03 And his reply was Nah.
00:21:07 I'm a white guy.
00:21:11 And I think that right there.
00:21:15 Sums up.
00:21:18 Very succinctly.
00:21:21 Why Richard Russell did what he did?
00:21:24 And also why all the mainstream outlets?
00:21:27 That covered this.
00:21:29 Went with this I.
00:21:30 Don't know. It was just.Devon
00:21:31 Out of nowhere, it was crazy.00:21:34 We cannot.
00:21:35 We can't understand it and what led, obviously CNN.
00:21:38 To they play that, he said this.
00:21:40 Is the ******.
00:21:40 Thing CNN played that part of the Air traffic control conversation and literally just cut.
00:21:46 Out that one part.
00:21:50 They literally cut out just his response that, Nah.
00:21:55 I'm white.
00:22:03 That's the one thing they didn't that they did.
00:22:05 Not want people talking about.
00:22:09 That maybe his motivations were feeling like he was disconnected.
00:22:16 And living in a society like ****, this was three years ago.
00:22:23 This was before the Black Lives Matter kneeling.
00:22:31 This was before the the everyone's a white supremacist terrorist.
00:22:38 In fact, fight the gas.
00:22:40 I bet there's agencies that count this as a white supremacist domestic terror event.
00:22:48 In their statistics, because they gotta pad those numbers.
00:22:54 I mean, the country has been anti white my entire life.
00:22:57 I've I've often talked about the time when I was.
00:22:59 In high school.
00:23:01 And I went to they they would make us go talk to the counselors.
00:23:06 And try to plan like what are you going to do?
Speaker 3
00:23:08 After high school.Devon
00:23:11 And while I was sitting waiting to go talk to the counselor, they had these pamphlets.00:23:17 And one of them was for the NSA.
00:23:20 And I was like, oh, that.
00:23:21 Sounds like kind of cool.
00:23:23 Like I'm into computers.
00:23:25 You know, I could be fighting the bad guys.
00:23:29 So I grabbed one of the pamphlets and opened it up and like.
00:23:33 The first paragraph.
00:23:36 Like it starts talking.
00:23:37 About how awesome the NSA is.
00:23:39 And then it says.
00:23:41 The NSA and I don't remember this is the exact wording, but it's pretty close.
00:23:46 The NSA has many exciting opportunities in technology.
00:23:54 Especially like this part is was is.
00:23:56 Word for word.
00:23:57 Especially if you're a minority or a woman.
00:24:05 There it was in writing.
00:24:08 Before I.
00:24:08 Even get out.
00:24:09 Of high school.
00:24:10 The first time.
00:24:11 I actually because I'd never.
00:24:13 I mean, I'd thought.
00:24:13 About it, you know a little bit like what am.
00:24:15 I going to do when I got out of high school.
00:24:18 You know, I don't know.
00:24:19 Am I going to join the military?
00:24:20 Am I?
00:24:21 Am I going to go try to get a job at one of these new computer companies that are springing up everywhere?
00:24:27 You know, like, what am I going to?
00:24:28 Do and the first time like in the in that moment of my life, what I'm actually thinking to myself seriously about the the the answer to this question.
00:24:39 And I grab the propaganda.
00:24:42 The information produced by my society, paid for by my tax dollars or I guess not mine, but my parents.
00:24:52 The first thing.
00:24:53 I read.
00:24:55 Is that they don't want me.
00:25:02 That sticks with you.
00:25:08 It's it's and it's a million times.
00:25:09 Worse than it was then.
00:25:21 And so anyway, I thought it was appropriate to.
00:25:27 Play a little bit of the.
00:25:29 I kind of wish it had like it went.
00:25:31 All the way to the end but.
00:25:33 You know, whatever it is, what it is, we all know how it ends.
00:25:39 He seemed like a normal nice guy.
00:25:47 But again, this is another reason why I think that.
00:25:52 When I say stuff like get out of the city, you know disconnect from the society before it disconnects from you.
00:25:59 A lot of this is setting expectations.
00:26:03 You know, when I say homeschool your kids?
00:26:04 Same thing.
Speaker 4
00:26:10 You have to.Devon
00:26:10 Realize that there are some things that are inevitable.00:26:19 There are some trends that aren't like, and if they like, the kinds of trends that take a long time to to change course.
00:26:28 So even if you do everything.
00:26:30 Right in your lifetime, they're not going to change.
00:26:40 And so you need to set expectations, you know, like when you were it's kind of like if you're the kid that's being told in your government schools that one of the great things about our democracy.
00:26:53 Is that anyone can become president?
00:27:03 That's right, kids.
00:27:04 That's why it's totally fair.
00:27:07 The system that we have.
00:27:10 Because if you want to be president.
00:27:14 And you really put your mind to it.
00:27:17 You pull yourself up by.
00:27:18 Your bootstraps, you know anyone some ghetto?
00:27:23 White trash kid with no no a background, no money.
00:27:28 If you're high IQ.
00:27:29 If you luck out you genetically for whatever reason, you know, even though your parents, it just becomes the sometimes that happens, right you.
00:27:36 Mix these these.
00:27:37 Two genetic genetically, I'll say inferior, but let's say underwhelming.
00:27:46 And sometimes you get a surprising result.
00:27:51 And let's say you're one of those people.
00:27:54 And you're like, wow, I lucked out with this high IQ of mine and this ability to excel at everything that I try hard at and and they're telling me that if if I just study hard enough and I put in the time, I can be president someday.
00:28:13 If you believe that lie.
00:28:16 You're never going to.
00:28:17 Be happy.
00:28:22 And it doesn't have to be president.
00:28:26 If you believe any of.
00:28:27 These stories about the American dream.
00:28:30 Oh yeah.
00:28:31 You know Mark Zuckerberg.
00:28:33 He was just some guy.
00:28:34 He was just some.
00:28:35 Guy and he and he.
00:28:36 Made this website and now he's a bajillion Baire.
00:28:39 See all it takes is that.
00:28:40 One good idea.
00:28:43 That one good idea you can.
00:28:44 Be like Bill Gates.
00:28:47 Bill Gates was just some guy.
00:28:49 He started Microsoft in his garage.
00:28:57 You just have that one good idea.
00:29:00 And you can.
00:29:01 Be like Bill Gates.
00:29:08 And when you're young, you.
00:29:09 Want to believe in these sorts of things?
00:29:12 I mean, in some ways, I mean this is the reason they tell you these stories are these are.
00:29:15 The kind of stories that gets you up in the morning.
00:29:20 Well, I'll tolerate this now because later on in life, it pays off.
00:29:28 I'll put up with this for 20-30, forty years.
00:29:34 Because after that.
00:29:38 I'll be one of those.
00:29:39 I'll be.
00:29:39 I'll be Bill Gates.
00:29:45 I'll be I'll.
00:29:45 Be the next Reagan.
00:29:46 I'll be you know, whatever.
00:29:53 But it's an illusion.
00:29:59 And it's an illusion.
00:29:59 They need you to believe.
00:30:01 So that you accept the.
00:30:04 The authority of the ruling class, you know, it's why I talk about generational wealth being so damaging to our.
00:30:08 Society and everyone hates that because they've been, they've been programmed to.
00:30:13 Someday they'll be a millionaire too.
00:30:17 They get very upset with that, like.
Speaker 3
00:30:19 Oh, what are you talking?Devon
00:30:20 About getting rid of generational wealth.00:30:23 You know it's it's like.
00:30:25 How how? Libertarians.
00:30:27 And by the.Devon
00:30:28 Libertarian movement is totally funded by billionaires.00:30:32 It's in their interest.
00:30:34 To have you believe.
00:30:36 No, no, no.
00:30:37 You need to stand up for the rights of billionaires because one day you.
00:30:40 Could be a billionaire.
00:30:44 You don't want to take away the rights of billionaires.
00:30:49 Because that's going to be you someday.
00:30:57 But not if you let these these ******* socialists.
00:31:00 Have their way, then you'll never be a billionaire.
00:31:05 You have to support capitalism or one day.
00:31:09 One day your dream of being a billionaire, it's going to be.
00:31:12 Taken away by the Socialists.
00:31:22 But eventually, if you're in the system long enough and you start to see things, I mean, even if you don't do any research, you just start to see.
00:31:32 That's not really the way the world works.
00:31:40 There might be a couple anomalies here and there that pop up.
00:31:45 But that's not the way the system is designed.
00:31:49 Or maybe it is maybe.
00:31:50 Maybe it's designed to have to allow for just enough new money every once in a while.
00:31:57 To where it does reinforce this dream.
00:32:08 But certainly with politicians.
00:32:12 Certainly with politicians, there's a pedigree involved.
00:32:20 You know, same thing with Trump.
00:32:21 Trump, I bring I.
00:32:22 Bring this up from time to time when Trump to give you an idea.
00:32:29 Of the kind of money Trump came from, I mean, he's he's, uh.
00:32:33 I think he was.
00:32:33 Doing a speech.
00:32:35 And he was trying to brag about how, oh, yeah, I came from nothing.
00:32:39 And I made this empire with billions.
00:32:42 And in, in describing his experience.
00:32:46 He said I got a small.
00:32:48 Loan of $100 million from my dad.
00:32:56 A small loan of 100 million.
00:32:58 Dollars from my dad.
00:33:10 Romney wouldn't even exist if it wasn't.
00:33:13 For generational wealth.
00:33:16 In fact most.
00:33:17 People in the power structure that you've heard of.
00:33:21 And again, there's a couple of anomalies here and there, but for the most.
Speaker 3
00:33:24 Part not so much.Devon
00:33:33 So Bebo.00:33:38 You know, he had.
00:33:38 His dream? He.
00:33:39 Wanted him to.
00:33:40 Have a bakery.
00:33:41 I don't know why that didn't workout but.
00:33:45 I doubt he ended up with a golden parachute.
00:33:47 If he's ended up working basically as a baggage handler.
00:33:53 Those guys don't get paid a whole lot.
00:34:05 Nah, I'm white.
00:34:16 Now the mistake is the mistake is.
00:34:20 To realize this truth.
00:34:25 And then to say, whoa, well, I guess.
00:34:28 I guess if the society is against me.
00:34:34 I should just pack it in.
00:34:38 I should just give up.
00:34:41 Why even try?
00:34:50 I'm just going to stay in my parents basement and play video games and smoke pot.
00:34:57 Until they die.
00:34:59 And then who knows?
00:35:01 I'll, you know.
00:35:02 Hopefully I'll get enough inheritance to.
00:35:05 To live.
00:35:06 Really cheap until I die, and then that's it.
00:35:22 If you can't, if the door is locked.
00:35:25 You start looking at Windows.
00:35:33 Just because the American dream.
00:35:38 Is a lie or it's, you know, it's a dream and dreams.
00:35:41 All dreams are lies.
00:35:46 Doesn't mean you can't be happy.
00:35:47 Doesn't mean you can't be successful.
00:35:49 It just means you have to redefine it.
00:35:55 Because it wasn't just the means of achieving your goals.
00:36:01 That were a false promise.
00:36:03 It's the goals.
00:36:14 You know it.
00:36:14 Doesn't matter if.
00:36:15 It's because you're watching movies or sitcoms, or commercials, or.
00:36:20 Listening to.
00:36:21 Your parents?
00:36:25 Or looking at what some of your friends might be doing or looking at Instagram, the people that are.
00:36:29 Doing it there.
00:36:38 Happiness is not a Mcmansion.
00:36:42 With a three car garage.
00:36:46 With a grocery getter.
00:36:49 An SUV and a sports car.
00:36:59 With a swimming pool.
00:37:06 With a.
00:37:07 Chipotle within walking distance.
00:37:15 A daycare nearby so that you can drop your kids off and your wife.
00:37:19 Can go to work.
00:37:26 An HOA.
00:37:29 So that you know that all the Mcmansions.
00:37:32 Will stay within a.
00:37:35 An acceptable range of shades of tan.
00:37:42 And that everyone's lawn will be mowed.
00:37:51 So your property value.
00:37:54 Will never go down because that's your big nest egg, right?
00:38:01 You pay the mortgage mortgage.
00:38:05 A word that literally means death agreement.
00:38:10 So what mortgage means death agreement?
00:38:18 You pay your mortgage until you're almost dead.
00:38:23 So you're basically working for the bank?
00:38:29 A substantial, if not the majority of all of your money going to a bank.
00:38:42 A bank who?
00:38:46 Is profiting by literally doing nothing.
00:38:56 A bank that that that is only.
00:38:58 Getting your money.
00:39:00 Because of generational wealth.
00:39:03 The people running the bank.
00:39:05 Were born with money that you were born with.
00:39:08 See, this is the system.
00:39:09 This is how the system works.
00:39:14 You have people that are born with a.
00:39:16 Big pile of money.
00:39:18 And then you have people that.
00:39:19 Aren't born with a big pile of money.
00:39:22 And the people that aren't born with.
00:39:24 A big pile of money.
00:39:25 They need a place to live.
00:39:28 So you've got.
00:39:28 A couple options.
00:39:31 They can rent a place.
00:39:35 Which is that's increasingly where it's going.
00:39:38 And if you rent a place.
00:39:41 You're paying people.
00:39:44 Who were born with a.
00:39:45 Big pile of money.
00:39:51 Amount of money.
00:39:54 That outweighs any costs involved with owning that property.
00:40:02 Buy enough to where they can have.
00:40:04 They don't, they don't.
00:40:04 They literally don't.
00:40:05 They don't have to show up.
00:40:06 To a work, there's.
00:40:07 No such thing as that for them.
00:40:10 You because you're also paying for the management.
00:40:12 You know the the property manager you're paying for The Who, by the way, the property manager who's also paying a bank.
00:40:19 You know, so the money that they're paying the property manager to manage the property, a big portion of that money is going right back into the bank.
00:40:29 For his mortgage or his rent.
00:40:37 And then after 30 years.
00:40:43 You know, maybe he'll maybe.
00:40:44 He'll own it for like, a decade.
00:40:46 Or two before he has to sell it.
00:40:50 But you either pay the rent.
00:40:55 You give a damage deposit, so if you know if you **** ** the property, there's still not.
00:41:00 Out any money.
00:41:01 There's like literally no way to lose.
00:41:06 Especially if you're a company like Black Rock.
00:41:08 Like, let's say you, you you have a horribly mismanaged property somehow and you lose, you lose money on.
00:41:14 One who cares?
00:41:16 Your ball of money is so big.
00:41:18 It absorbs it.
00:41:32 And if you buy a house, it's it's the same thing.
00:41:34 You're basically renting it.
00:41:35 From the bank.
00:41:38 Until you finally own it, maybe maybe 30 years later.
00:41:45 And then in most states, you're still renting it from.
00:41:47 The government.
00:41:49 With property taxes.
00:42:02 It's a system of slavery that we live in.
00:42:08 And increasingly.
00:42:12 They're going to make it so where?
00:42:13 You're renting literally everything.
00:42:18 You will owe nothing and you'll be happy and.
00:42:20 Is this continues to go down this road?
00:42:24 You know owning property is going to become a.
00:42:26 Weird thing.
00:42:28 It's not going to be a normal thing.
00:42:37 And in fact, I tweeted this out today.
00:42:39 I think some of you guys have seen it.
00:42:43 Here's a good indication.
00:42:45 Of where we're at as a society.
00:42:49 When it comes to.
00:42:52 Owning property.
00:42:54 And knowing what that's like.
00:44:01 More and more, we're having these simulation games.
00:44:05 Well, it's just normal tasks.
00:44:09 Like mowing a lawn.
00:44:17 It's it's an, it's.
00:44:19 Insane that that has become a sedative.
00:44:21 It used to be that video games were like, oh, well, you know, I like this video game because it lets me, you know, jump.
00:44:26 Out of airplanes.
00:44:27 And you know, shoot a a tank and and you know or do backflips into a a a ******* ancient tomb.
00:44:36 Or or whatever the.
00:44:37 **** things.
00:44:38 You that weren't practical to do.
00:44:43 Well, now apparently mowing a lawn.
00:44:46 Is is becoming not practical.
00:44:58 Blair said the way to look at this isn't OK.
00:45:01 Well, I guess I'm just gonna stay in my ******* parents basement and play lawn mower all day.
00:45:08 No, it's just you gotta redefine it.
00:45:09 It's time for us to say, like, you know what?
00:45:11 OK, this this American dream is is obviously ********, this idea that I'm going to go wage slave for 40 years of my life, you know, or at least 30 years of my life.
00:45:25 And then at the end of it or more like.
00:45:27 40 years of your life.
00:45:29 And then at the end of it, and that's that's if you don't have the student loan debt.
00:45:34 There's some people that wage slave almost that long.
00:45:36 And they still owe like 100.
00:45:37 $1000 and they're still loans.
00:45:44 But it's this Usery system where you're you're constantly paying people that were just because they.
00:45:50 Were born with money.
00:45:53 That's it.
00:45:54 That's why they get money.
00:45:56 Because they had it already.
00:45:58 That's it.
00:46:01 And so you spend your whole life.
00:46:04 Making more money for them.
00:46:07 Because they already had some.
00:46:10 In the hopes that maybe, maybe.
00:46:13 If you're lucky, Devin.
00:46:17 If you try real hard, maybe you'll.
00:46:18 Get a ball of money big enough.
00:46:21 To where you can exploit people yourself.
00:46:34 So you can have a big TV so you can have a.
00:46:39 A cool gaming computer so you can have.
00:46:41 A fancy car.
00:46:43 So you can sit in first class when you I mean I guess now.
00:46:46 Right in that.
00:46:48 Not exactly a thing, but.
00:46:51 No, it's it's we got to start redefining this.
00:46:55 This well, like what success means?
00:46:57 I kind of talked about this last stream.
00:46:59 I I feel like I got a little too black pilled.
00:47:01 Though I.
00:47:01 Think I got a little dark.
00:47:02 Just cause I was.
00:47:03 In that in the mood.
00:47:05 I think.Devon
00:47:05 I was just like in a in a mood.00:47:08 I'm kind of, you know.
00:47:09 Fighting this today all day.
00:47:11 I was thinking.
00:47:12 Alright Devin.
00:47:13 You got to be a.
00:47:13 Little more white pill on this stream because I feel like you took it too dark last time and you don't want to be a bummer.
00:47:19 You know, like you.
00:47:20 Want to be real with people and sometimes.
00:47:22 You gotta be, you know.
00:47:23 A bummer, I guess, to be real with people.
00:47:25 But you know, maybe man, let's.
00:47:27 Try to be a little happier this time I.
00:47:29 Was thinking that to.
00:47:29 Myself all day long.
00:47:31 And then like something put me in the.
00:47:33 And this is just bad mood.
00:47:35 Today I end up having to I.
00:47:38 I don't know express myself loudly with someone is a.
00:47:43 Nice way to put.
00:47:44 And it it just, yeah, it just kind of got me back into anyway.
00:47:49 But I work.
00:47:50 This is going to be a positive stream and you know, obviously there's a little bit of melancholy associated with what we covered in the very beginning here to talk about Sky King.
00:47:58 But let's let's make the rest of this stream a A.
00:48:04 White pill.
00:48:05 A little little bit of a white pill.
00:48:09 Alright, this is.
00:48:10 Going to be a.
00:48:10 White pill stream from here on out.
00:48:14 Or as much as it can be.
00:48:17 There I go.
00:48:18 I'm not gonna do that.
00:48:18 I'm not going to play that game.
00:48:21 Not as much as it can be.
00:48:22 It can be and it's going to be.
00:48:26 So phase one, like that's The thing is the reason why I go so hard with the black pill sometimes.
00:48:31 Is it you really?
00:48:32 Do need to.Devon
00:48:32 Wake people up there really are a lot.00:48:35 Of people that live in a.
00:48:36 Messy land and it.
00:48:37 Whether it's because they believe in this, you know the the American dream still, why wouldn't you you spend your entire life being told that's exactly how the world works.
00:48:45 Your parents probably believe it.
00:48:47 I mean, cause it's for them at.
00:48:48 Least it was a little more believable.
00:48:50 And so it's it's it.
00:48:52 Feels like well, this is just the way.
00:48:54 It is this.
00:48:54 Is the way it.
00:48:55 Works and what you want to avoid is getting into a situation where you're like Sky King and you start to realize **** this is this isn't.
00:49:02 This doesn't work.
00:49:04 This doesn't work, and there's no one insight. And you know and and you know, you end up doing what Sky King did and off yourself.
00:49:15 There's a lot of people that do that.
00:49:16 Suicide rates among the white male population.
00:49:19 It's through.
00:49:19 The roof.
00:49:22 And this is a big part of why.
00:49:25 And look, some of these expectations that need to be lowered, it's the same thing with, you know, the relationship stuff, right?
00:49:32 Like the, I mean, ****, it's it's rough out there.
00:49:39 You know, you definitely want to have goals and stuff like that, but you need to just be like, look, the dating market is different now.
00:49:45 It's not like it was when before feminism and and it's not like it was before there was like a a loosely regulated sexual marketplace.
00:49:59 So you just need to adjust your expectations and think of solutions.
00:50:06 I think a lot.
00:50:07 Of times and maybe I'm guilty.
00:50:09 Of this too, a lot of times.
00:50:11 You take the black.
00:50:12 Pill and realize, oh ****, we are ******.
00:50:15 But then you just focus.
00:50:17 On that part of it.
00:50:21 Because it's it's kind of a shocking thing, right?
00:50:24 To go from like, living in the fantasy world.
00:50:28 I mean, it's kind of like.
00:50:29 The I mean, I hate I.
00:50:30 It's obviously super played out this metaphor, but it is kind of like the matrix.
00:50:34 There's a reason why people relate to that so much.
00:50:38 Even though, like I said, it's it's beyond played out.
00:50:41 But it is like living in some you're living in some weird simulation.
00:50:45 Then one day you're like, what the ****?
00:50:47 I mean, I'm just.
00:50:47 Like a.
00:50:48 Battery I'm just like plugged into this.
00:50:50 You know giant.
00:50:51 Machine that's just using sucking my life force out of me and just just, you know, like I and I really just everything that I believed in is a lie.
00:51:01 And it's hard to to.
00:51:02 Go from.
00:51:03 From realizing that to to readjusting and saying.
00:51:07 OK, well then what?
00:51:08 Now what?
00:51:14 What do I do now?
00:51:15 What do I?
00:51:15 Do with all this information.
00:51:18 And the temptation is, you know, for me it it it, it will continue to be in a lot of ways.
00:51:23 It's not a temptation.
00:51:24 I guess.
00:51:24 I just feel like this is part of what I need to do is now that I realize all this.
00:51:29 It's part of my job to get as many other people.
00:51:32 See it too.
00:51:33 And not because Misery loves company.
00:51:35 Although I think there's a lot of people.
00:51:37 Like that.
00:51:37 Right.
00:51:38 There's a lot of people that they, they hear these hard truths, they understand how the world is and it's shocking and appalling to them.
00:51:46 And they they really are.
00:51:47 They get stuck in a mode of their their motives are no longer if they, and then maybe they never were.
00:51:54 Hey, wake up guys.
00:51:55 We need to do something about this, but more.
00:51:58 It's more like, oh, my God, this is so soul crushing.
00:52:01 I need everyone else to feel this too.
00:52:09 And that's that's not, that's not.
00:52:10 The right way to go about it?
00:52:16 So tonight's stream is going to.
00:52:18 Be about and then what?
00:52:20 And then one.
00:52:24 And that's a tough thing because it's it's we find ourselves thrown into these situations where we need to come up with solutions to problems that seem bigger than us.
00:52:36 You know, there's a lot of people out there that are in this sphere that talk about including myself, that talk about, you know, we need to do community building.
00:52:43 It's just, that's not.
00:52:45 That's not something I ever thought found myself or thought of myself doing in my life.
00:52:49 No, not at all.
00:52:51 I mean, in fact, I was attracted that jobs were like.
00:52:53 And people were like laughing the **** alone.
00:52:56 You know, when I when I was an animator, that meant I I went well, I would walk into the office, I'd socialize a little bit and walk into a little tiny dark room in the back.
00:53:06 Close the door and no one.
00:53:08 And everyone left me the **** alone.
00:53:10 Until lunch.
00:53:11 Then we go out and have lunch, socialize some more, then you.
00:53:13 Go back into the dark room by yourself.
00:53:16 And that is.
00:53:16 The normal day there's there's a lot of jobs like that, right?
00:53:19 A lot of.
00:53:19 People that are coders, a lot of people that are a lot of technology jobs.
00:53:24 Are like that.
00:53:32 So there's a lot of different things working against community building being something that's easy to do.
00:53:37 I mean couple that with the fact that, yeah, there has been a force working against or or working towards crushing any kind of community that starts to form that is significantly white and right wing.
00:53:53 Right.
00:53:54 I mean the entire system at this point is is almost designed specifically for crushing anything like that.
00:54:06 And that's been demonized your whole life anyway.
00:54:10 I mean, you're supposed to feel guilty even just for wanting that.
00:54:17 So it's real hard.
00:54:18 You could try to come up with, well, what do I do and?
00:54:20 You know are.
00:54:21 There examples of this.
00:54:23 Like where?
00:54:24 Where is there an example in history of of someone in my situation that I can emulate and there's not even really a.
00:54:30 Lot of that.
00:54:34 Because you know prior to, you know the the huge demographic shift in all the Western countries, this wasn't.
Speaker 3
00:54:42 A problem, and there were other problems.Devon
00:54:45 But this.00:54:45 Wasn't one of them.
00:54:48 You know, if you're a white guy in.
00:54:49 A white society.
00:54:54 There are communities that but that.
00:54:56 Wasn't one of them.
00:54:57 Right there wasn't.
00:54:58 There was not like a demographically specific.
00:55:02 Community or even like a need for that, because that was just.
00:55:05 The default of the larger community.
00:55:09 All across the West, we are having to try to adjust to the reality.
00:55:15 And again, like I said, these trend lines are just, they're just even if you do everything right, you're not turning this around in your lifetime.
00:55:22 The trend lines are we are going to become minorities in pretty much, you know, in several of our own countries.
00:55:30 And and I suspect honestly in America, it's already happened.
00:55:37 So what do you do with that?
00:55:41 You know, you go back to my family, family tree.
00:55:43 That's never been a situation my family had to deal with.
00:55:49 A lot of my genetics are from Scotland and England and Ireland.
00:55:54 A little bit of German in there.
00:56:03 But these were all European people.
00:56:05 Living in European societies, you know, you go back into genealogy.
00:56:09 Mormons are big in the genealogy.
00:56:12 So my parents have traced like our family tree, you.
00:56:14 Know like 1000 years or whatever.
00:56:16 You know.
00:56:18 As far back as records go.
00:56:23 And we were not a people that would go travel.
00:56:25 To Africa and and you know, like we were, we were always white people and white countries.
00:56:31 And when we came to America, it was the same story.
00:56:33 We were white people in a in a new, you know, white country, but.
00:56:41 So this is the first time and literally maybe like 1000 years.
00:56:46 That my genetic line is faced with this challenge.
00:56:56 And at the same time it just so happens.
00:57:01 That at the exact moment that this is the first time in 1000 years my genetic line has to grapple with this problem.
00:57:09 It's also the first time in maybe ever.
00:57:14 That our society is actively.
00:57:17 Against us in this way.
00:57:21 So that's a whole new.
00:57:22 Set of problems you know like.
00:57:25 It used to be that the reason why you lived in a society in the first place.
00:57:30 Was to pool resources and you know, you help you bail you out.
00:57:34 If there was a an enemy, foreign or domestic, right?
00:57:38 You could lean on the the.
00:57:40 The local government saying hey, look this.
00:57:43 Is a problem.
00:57:45 Well, what?
00:57:45 Happens when the government is the problem.
00:57:52 And while that's not an entirely new situation for our people, it's a fairly recent one.
00:58:03 So there's not really a blueprint.
00:58:05 It's real difficult.
00:58:06 I was talking to someone there today.
00:58:07 And I watched the movie Gandhi.
00:58:11 A really long movie.
00:58:14 Probably not historically accurate at all.
00:58:18 And it leaves out well, kind of like what I was saying with, you know, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, stuff like that, even with people like Gandhi.
00:58:26 Right when you peel back even a few layers, you realize ohh well, you know, these people are always bankrolled or there's always someone pulling some strings behind some curtain somewhere.
00:58:42 But that aside.
00:58:44 If you just look at the movie and take it at face value.
00:58:51 It at least gets your mind thinking.
00:58:54 That OK, like again, this is fantasyland.
00:58:57 But you know, so is all propaganda.
00:59:01 That look at this is a guy that's it's he's against all odds.
00:59:05 He's against the British Empire.
00:59:09 And he manages to gain independence for India.
00:59:18 And again, you know, not historically accurate, there's a lot of other things going on, but.
00:59:23 It's just something that gets you thinking like, OK, well, how?
00:59:27 How do we do something like that?
00:59:29 And the problem with the American situation as I was watching this movie, I was thinking what makes us this entirely new problem and a very unique problem.
00:59:41 Is that even in Gandhi's case, right?
00:59:45 You had, like, a bajillion ******* Indians.
00:59:48 I mean India is it wasn't like it was like, oh, it's 50% British and 50% Indians.
00:59:56 And what was the the the maximum amount of British at any given moment?
01:00:00 I think like I don't even know if.
01:00:01 They made it into the millions at all.
01:00:04 And you had 10s of millions of Indians.
01:00:18 And if you look at my family history, you know, I've talked about how they they the reason I, you know, live on.
01:00:23 This continent in the first place.
01:00:27 Was that was their way of affecting change.
01:00:29 Oh, we'll just, we'll go to we'll.
01:00:31 Go to America.
01:00:34 And we'll build something new.
01:00:35 Well, there's.
01:00:35 No new world to go to now.
01:00:44 All right, so now that we kind of understand.
01:00:50 That we are this this unique situation that we're in and spent.
01:00:53 Like I said, it's going to be a little bit different.
01:00:55 For all the different Western countries, and when I talk about this stuff, I'm talking specifically about America.
01:01:02 And that's just because I live in America.
01:01:04 So, and I don't have a solution for everybody.
01:01:08 I don't even think I have a solution for America, but I have at least ways.
01:01:16 Of surviving and being happy.
01:01:23 So once you realize that.
01:01:26 We're in this unique position where really it would take.
01:01:29 A power player even to get any kind of ball rolling.
01:01:32 And even if you got.
01:01:33 A ball rolling.
01:01:34 It would be a generational kind of a fix.
01:01:42 What is it that you can do on a personal level?
01:01:45 Since you're not, you know you're not a billionaire.
01:01:49 You probably have very limited resources as Sky King was describing, you're having shrinking access to to resources.
01:02:01 You have companies that instead of now just having to deal with affirmative action quotas.
01:02:08 You know they're actively.
01:02:10 Excluding whites, especially white men.
01:02:14 From any kind of positions on their own.
01:02:17 It's not even government mandated.
01:02:20 I think a few streams back I had that document there where they there was like pretty much every company.
01:02:25 That you could work for.
01:02:27 Was sign on to this pledge to essentially make sure that their executive level positions were not filled in by white people.
01:02:45 So it's time for you to realize running in the hamster wheel.
01:02:51 For most people, again, maybe you get lucky.
01:02:53 Maybe you slip through the cracks.
01:02:55 Maybe you have generational wealth that you can leverage to get yourself in a position where you can help.
01:02:59 Us but that's not the case.
01:03:01 That's not the reality for most people.
01:03:07 And if you're just the average guy.
01:03:11 And you want to try to make as many white children as possible and make sure they don't end up like Desmond is amazing.
01:03:20 You're going to have to say goodbye to this dream.
01:03:24 And start looking at alternative ways that we can start living.
01:03:29 Now the first thing again, like I said, let's.
01:03:31 Talk about positive solutions.
01:03:34 The first thing.
01:03:39 That you want to do is get out of the Usery.
01:03:41 System as quickly as possible.
01:03:44 A lot of people listening, you've got car loans, you've got mortgages, you've got student loans, you got loans.
01:03:51 You owe money to the people that were born with the big.
01:03:54 Ball of money.
01:03:55 And that amounts to slavery.
01:03:57 So before you do anything else before you start, you know.
01:04:02 Thinking about how I'm going to takedown the system or whatever.
01:04:07 You need to stop being a slave.
01:04:11 Now you can do that in tandem with other things, but like.
01:04:13 That needs to be a priority.
01:04:19 Have you got credit card debt?
01:04:20 Doesn't matter all these.
01:04:22 Any debt that you might have.
01:04:26 You should not be buying anything unnecessary.
01:04:31 Until your debt is paid off.
01:04:36 Because every time you do, every time you buy, every time you eat out, you know, like, oh, well, I'm going to just eat out.
01:04:43 I'm worth it.
01:04:45 I'm going to instead of spending like a dollar.
01:04:48 And yes, you can make you can live on a dollar a day of food.
01:04:52 It's not fun.
01:04:54 I've done it.
01:04:54 I kind of do it now sometimes.
01:04:59 You buy stuff in bulk.
01:05:01 And plan out your meals.
01:05:06 But if instead you're like, I'm going.
01:05:07 To spend you.
01:05:08 Know 40 bucks on getting like uh.
01:05:11 Door dash or you know whatever.
01:05:13 I don't know what they are anymore or.
01:05:15 If that's Uber eats.
01:05:18 Let me get this delivered to me because.
01:05:20 I'm worth it.
01:05:22 I'm going to spend, you know, maybe.
01:05:25 50 bucks to the barn.
01:05:29 I'm going to spend money on movie tickets.
01:05:33 I'm going to spend money on gas driving unnecessary places.
01:05:37 All these little things add up.
01:05:41 And every time you spend money on one of those things, instead of paying off your debts, you're essentially agreeing to be a slave.
01:05:48 You're saying my priority?
01:05:51 Is consuming.
01:05:57 My priority is consuming over freedom.
01:06:00 I talk a big game.
01:06:01 About my freedom.
01:06:04 And how I don't want to be a slave of the ruling class, but at the end of the day, I take the carrot.
01:06:13 And I run from the stick.
01:06:20 Now that's the.
01:06:20 So that's the first thing you got to focus on.
01:06:22 Look, there's some people have dug themselves.
01:06:24 Pretty deep, I get it.
01:06:29 And it and it.
01:06:30 Seems like something that's just impossible.
01:06:34 I'm never going to be able to dig myself out of that.
01:06:38 You'd be again.
01:06:39 You'd be surprised at how much money you really make when you stop spending it on consuming.
01:06:50 And like I was saying with the health channel or challenge.
01:06:56 It's a good excuse to to.
01:06:58 You know, eat cheap.
01:07:03 No one has to know why.
01:07:04 I mean, you can still go.
01:07:05 Look, if you work in an environment where people are always going out like I have.
01:07:08 You know, people always go out to lunch.
01:07:10 It's like a socializing thing and you feel like you have to do it in order to to network and all this other stuff.
01:07:16 You can still go.
01:07:20 But you're on a diet.
01:07:21 Just tell them that.
01:07:22 I'm on a specialized diet.
01:07:25 That's why I'm not spending 60 bucks on ******* hot wings and beer.
01:07:39 So the first thing you need to do is get out of the Usery system.
01:07:41 You need a place to live.
01:07:45 And the place to, you know, to, to live outside the Usery system.
01:07:54 And again, that's going to change expectations.
01:07:57 But you can do it.
01:08:01 You can absolutely do it.
01:08:03 I keep seeing all these people talk about like, Oh my God, look at this.
01:08:07 It's a one bedroom house. It's like 900 square feet. It's this tiny ******* house and it's like $1,000,000.
01:08:15 It's like yeah, it's like $1,000,000 in Burlingame.
01:08:20 Don't live in ******* Burlingame.
01:08:22 Don't live in *******, you know, like Manhattan.
01:08:28 Don't live in Tysons Corner.
01:08:31 Don't live in Scottsdale.
01:08:41 A lot of people have jobs that can be done remotely.
01:08:47 And if you don't, maybe if that's something that like that's, that's the hang up, right?
01:08:51 Well, the job that I do.
01:08:54 Is I'm stuck.
01:08:57 At this location, maybe you've got the wrong job.
01:09:12 I mean, if you're.
01:09:14 If the job that you have pays really well, but all your expenses are really high, do you really get paid that well?
01:09:28 No, I'm sorry I used.
01:09:29 To make a ton of money, I thought.
01:09:32 But even when I was making a ton of money, I really was making.
01:09:34 About the same as I ever was.
01:09:38 Because a lot of that was optional, a lot of that was me because I wanted to have, like the best computer and I wanted to have the best this and the best.
01:09:45 That and the ******* expensive clothes and.
01:09:49 The expensive liquor and expensive weed strains and.
01:09:54 All that stupid ****.
01:10:01 And it sucks because you're not going.
01:10:03 To get, you're not.
01:10:04 Going to, it's going to be tough.
01:10:06 It's one of those things.
01:10:07 It's like you plant the tree.
01:10:08 Not so that you can enjoy the tree so that the future generations can.
01:10:14 And it's the same thing like you're one of the reasons why you don't get an inheritance right.
01:10:19 But these people, the generational wealth, get the big ball of money.
01:10:23 Is because your parents are kind of stuck in the same slavery system too.
01:10:30 You know, like it's designed so that you can even if you sell your house and you retire and all that stuff, by the time you know, you've had all the surgeries to keep you alive till you're 90.
01:10:41 That ball of money is shrunk significantly, so it really amounts to like a Christmas bonus for.
01:10:46 Your kids when you die.
01:10:48 It covers the expenses or you know like if just you know obviously if you die and your wife survives, then it's gotta keep her alive for until she dies and just, you know what I mean.
01:10:59 And it's because everyone's plugged into this Usery system.
01:11:05 So you want to disconnect from that as soon as humanly possible.
01:11:18 So that's one thing that you can be doing.
01:11:23 Already talked about.
01:11:24 Another thing you can start applying for literally every single government program.
01:11:30 Possible why not?
01:11:33 Your family's been paying into it for generations.
01:11:37 Maybe you look.
01:11:38 You might not qualify for anything.
01:11:39 Who knows, maybe you won't.
01:11:42 But it's still worth it.
01:11:43 Apply for ******* everything.
01:11:45 Every kind of assistance imaginable.
01:11:50 And grants apply for grants.
01:12:00 Just try to suck money out of the system as much as you possibly can.
01:12:11 Homeschool your kids.
01:12:12 That's really cheap.
01:12:15 I mean, if you've got the money, I guess you can send a private school, but most people don't.
01:12:18 Again, don't have the money for that.
01:12:26 And start raising them.
01:12:30 So that they don't have to deal or unlearn all this stuff you had to unlearn.
01:12:35 Teach them early on.
01:12:36 Like, look, this is what the usury system is.
01:12:38 It's a slavery system.
01:12:43 Don't get a credit card.
01:12:46 Don't get student loans.
01:12:51 Don't get a mortgage.
01:12:54 Certainly don't get a car loan.
01:13:09 Yeah, like I said, this is I'm in a real position because I feel like we need to start focusing on this, the positive aspects and like what to do next.
01:13:18 And I'm learning like everybody else.
01:13:19 Like I don't.
01:13:20 I don't know what.
01:13:20 I'm ******* doing.
01:13:22 You know what?
Speaker 6
01:13:22 Mean like?Devon
01:13:24 Like I I'm trying to.01:13:25 Figure this out too.
01:13:28 I'm trying to figure this out too.
01:13:31 I wanted to make movies like that was my big plan.
01:13:34 My big plan was.
01:13:34 Like I I was going.
01:13:36 To make movies.
01:13:38 I was.
01:13:39 I really liked star.
01:13:40 Wars when I.
01:13:41 Was a little kid.
01:13:43 And I liked Jim Henson.
01:13:45 Like all the Muppet stuff.
01:13:46 And I liked special effects and I wanted to make special effects and and make movies.
01:13:51 That was my big thing.
01:13:53 And I was going to the American dream, right?
01:13:55 I was going to have the white picket fence and the big mansion and the.
01:13:58 And the and the SUV and the pool and all that stuff.
01:14:02 And that was going to be totally happy with all that.
01:14:04 Well, everything's changed. Everything's changed.
01:14:08 And there's no instruction manual for this.
01:14:09 We're kind of just figuring this.
01:14:10 Out as we go.
01:14:21 But it can be done.
01:14:26 It can be done it just you need to adjust expectations.
01:14:29 You need to redefine.
01:14:31 What success is?
01:14:34 And you to break yourself of all the addictions of the modern world.
01:14:38 We all have them.
01:14:39 We all have those guilty pleasures.
01:14:41 We all have those unnecessary expenses.
01:14:53 And I think that, yeah, yeah, we are going to win.
01:14:56 But the people that are going to win are going to be the people that have discipline.
01:15:01 Right now what's happening is.
01:15:05 Well, I mean.
01:15:06 Because the evolutionary pressures of our on our people have drastically changed than they have in a relatively short order.
01:15:14 You're we have what's taking place right now is a selection event.
01:15:18 You can.
01:15:18 See it all around you.
01:15:23 You know, that's part of why the birth rates have crashed.
01:15:25 Those are all people getting selected out and.
01:15:27 Look, I might.
01:15:27 Be one of them.
01:15:28 I don't know.
01:15:31 And so I'm just telling you if.
01:15:33 You don't want to.
01:15:34 Be one of them.
01:15:36 Don't make a lot of these mistakes.
01:15:38 You're gonna.
01:15:38 It's gonna take discipline.
01:15:43 It's going to take financial discipline.
01:15:46 Mental discipline, physical discipline and justice foregoing.
01:15:53 All the these the dopamine that you could easily acquire.
01:16:00 But you would leave your children with nothing.
01:16:03 Or be in a position where you can't even have children.
01:16:09 Because you're chasing that dopamine rush.
01:16:19 Anyway, I'm gonna go to chat right now just because, like I said, I I don't know the I don't know the solution.
01:16:25 I just know that.
01:16:25 We are going to get through it.
01:16:28 But we're going to it's going to be there's going to be a lot of losses and we're going.
01:16:31 To take a lot of losses.
01:16:33 And you can be selected out very easily in this environment.
01:16:38 And so now is the time for you to think about it and ask yourself, do I want to be?
01:16:41 One of the ones that gets selected out.
01:16:47 You know, it's kind of like what's happening in my Cactus farm a little bit.
01:16:50 You know, we've had some more storms that have have taken out more stuff.
01:16:54 And in fact, I got some epic footage of one of these storms that I was.
01:16:59 Gonna play, but I think it might dox the pillbox a little bit too much.
01:17:04 I know.
01:17:04 There's like, autistic people that look at mountain ranges and.
01:17:07 You know all that stuff.
01:17:09 So it's like, you know, but just trust me on this.
01:17:12 There's been some crazy ******* storms and you know, that's kind of what's happening.
01:17:16 I've got a about 50 varieties of cactus.
01:17:20 Growing on the farm.
01:17:22 Or a homestead.
01:17:23 It's not big enough to be a farm.
01:17:25 It's, you know, my little homestead.
01:17:29 And this has been happening since I got here like the first year I was here.
01:17:34 I planted a bunch of.
01:17:35 Cactuses and tropical plants and succulents.
01:17:38 I know what I was.
01:17:38 I had no idea what I was doing.
01:17:40 I was just planting all kinds of crazy **** and the first year, like a bunch of stuff, was annihilated.
01:17:47 The second it got cold.
01:17:51 Because I had chosen a lot of the plants I picked were like tropical plants that then they grew like crazy during the summer and I was all excited.
01:17:58 Like, wow, look at this *******.
01:17:59 Thing this was like a 2 inch like cutting of a succulent and now it's like a Bush.
01:18:04 This is insane one.
01:18:05 Night it gets cold and it's dead.
01:18:08 Like completely ******* gone, never growing back, just dead.
01:18:13 I have like a.
01:18:14 Lot of stuff.
01:18:16 And so I was like, oh, well, that sucks.
01:18:18 So I had to readjust.
01:18:20 And focus on genetics that handle the cold.
01:18:26 And then I had the opposite problem. You know, you get a lot of these cold, hearty plants that, oh, they they survived the winter and that first day it's like 110, you know, they get bleached and and die in the sun.
01:18:40 So it's like.
01:18:41 Alright, so now I gotta get.
01:18:43 I gotta.
01:18:43 Get I have to have plants that can survive both in the winter and the summer.
01:18:48 But luck, luckily at that point, that's what I was, you know, that's what I was.
01:18:51 Down to cause all the plants that couldn't.
01:18:54 Survive the winter died off and all the plants that couldn't survive.
01:18:57 The summer died off.
01:18:59 Well, now the new challenge, apparently, is they have.
01:19:02 They'll also be able to handle the storms.
01:19:05 You know, they have to have good root systems.
01:19:08 They can keep them upright.
01:19:12 And they have to have and like some of these cactuses with the rain, they actually just start rotting.
01:19:20 Like they can't handle it being humid.
01:19:21 For like a week straight.
01:19:23 They just start rotting away and dying.
01:19:30 And so you have to deal with that or or just it was very.
01:19:33 Dry this year.
01:19:35 And so there are plants that could survive the heat and they could survive the cold, but they can't survive the lack of water.
01:19:42 Because I'm.
01:19:43 I'm trying to make again.
01:19:45 I'm trying to have plants that I don't have to baby.
01:19:48 And that's what you want to be, not a plant.
01:19:50 You don't want to be, baby.
01:19:51 You don't want to be.
01:19:52 You don't want to have to be.
01:19:53 Holding the hand of of Daddy government.
01:19:59 And some of us aren't going to survive it.
01:20:03 Some of us are going to have to be put in the greenhouse in the winter.
01:20:08 Because we can't handle the cold.
01:20:12 Or put in the shade in the summer.
01:20:15 And you're any Gaddy government to do that for you in order to stay alive?
01:20:23 But if you want to be able to survive the elements, if you want to be able to survive what's going on?
01:20:27 And just like those, those plants, I'm down to like, like I said, I'm down the genetics now with these plants to where I'm fairly confident.
01:20:35 I know what's going to survive, and in fact they'll they'll just get better now, right?
01:20:40 So now that they're relatively established, they've survived the hot, the cold, the the storm.
01:20:47 They're going to start producing seed.
01:20:50 In fact, The funny thing is, I don't know why I never thought about this.
01:20:53 I mean, cause the I was showing you how a lot of these cactuses were creating fruit.
01:20:59 And the fruit.
01:21:01 It's just chock full of seeds and the birds come because there's not like a whole lot of food sources out here in the desert.
01:21:08 So the birds love love, love, love the.
01:21:11 Fruit I've it.
01:21:12 Was surprised to how long they waited before they started eating them though, which is good.
01:21:15 That means I can harvest them before they go at them, but they do eventually go at them.
01:21:21 And I've been noticing because every cactus I have with well, with one exception, there is one that I grew from a seed.
01:21:30 But every other cactus that I have.
01:21:31 I grew from a cutting.
01:21:37 So for whatever reason, I.
01:21:38 Just have it in my.
01:21:39 Head the ohh the way that you know.
01:21:40 This is the way it propagates, but I now have just randomly in my.
01:21:45 In my homestead, I've got little cactus pets coming out of the ground.
01:21:49 And I'm like where the what?
01:21:50 What the ****?
01:21:50 Where'd this come from?
01:21:51 And it's seeds, I think.
01:21:52 I think it's just, you know, and those will be like the ******** genetics.
01:21:58 Because not only did they survive the, you know, the winter and the summer and the storms, I mean, they weren't even getting watered at all.
01:22:06 They were just drop somewhere at random.
01:22:10 And they're surviving 100% on their own.
01:22:13 And that's what your kids are.
01:22:14 Going to be like.
01:22:17 If you have the discipline.
01:22:19 To survive the winter and the summer and the storm.
01:22:26 Just like the cactuses that survive, all those environmental factors.
01:22:31 They reproduce.
01:22:33 And their offspring will be tougher than they are.
01:22:37 And that will continue now that I've established.
01:22:40 This new.
01:22:44 I don't know biosphere.
01:22:47 On the homestead, all these new species that are not native to this area, but you know that I've narrowed it down to still a pretty wide variety.
01:22:56 I'm surprised at how many of these things are doing OK.
01:22:59 They're now reproducing on their own.
01:23:01 In fact, I've got one plant that would probably get invasive if I let it like.
01:23:07 In fact, it's it's obnoxiously productive out here because I do have to keep killing all of its babies, cause it's just getting out of hand.
01:23:16 Like at first it was cool.
01:23:17 I was.
01:23:17 Like oh, so it's.
01:23:18 It's what's it called.
01:23:20 It's like the the pride.
01:23:21 I think it's called.
01:23:22 It's got a funny name.
01:23:23 It's like it's called the pride of Barbados.
01:23:29 Also known as the Mexican Bird of Paradise, and that ******* thing is just.
01:23:37 It's like a weed, a big, beautiful weed.
01:23:47 So I guess.
01:23:47 That's what it comes down to.
01:23:49 Is is exercising the discipline.
01:23:52 It's going to take.
01:23:53 To make it to the environment.
01:23:57 And produce.
01:24:00 Children that are going to survive.
01:24:03 And not just survive, thrive.
01:24:07 They'll grow wherever they're planted.
01:24:10 And they'll reproduce.
01:24:16 Otherwise you get selected out.
01:24:20 You either get selected out or you require the.
01:24:25 Assistance of the.
01:24:29 The slavers.
01:24:34 You know you have to be the baby plant that needs to be taken into the greenhouse or taken inside and or fed some special food or, you know.
01:24:46 But that makes you a slave.
01:24:47 It makes you.
01:24:50 Dependent on them.
01:24:54 Which is what they want.
01:24:55 That's why they want you renting everything.
01:24:58 Because if you're renting, everything you.
01:24:59 Have to be dependent on everybody on them for everything.
01:25:04 All right anyway.
01:25:07 Walden Pond, I am looking to purchase my own undeveloped land out of state in the next couple of years.
01:25:14 How did you go about finding your own plot?
01:25:16 Also, do you think there's a still a good three to four years to do this?
01:25:20 I don't know.
01:25:20 Like I I hate making time predictions.
01:25:23 I feel like there's probably a little bit of time.
01:25:26 I don't think it's going to come to blows right away.
01:25:30 It always takes a little bit longer than, I don't know.
01:25:33 It's because like I used to, I used to think I've said this before.
01:25:36 I used to think.
01:25:38 Well, I don't even know if it'll be in my lifetime, but eventually, you know, if you look at these trend lines.
01:25:44 America is, you know, as we think of it.
01:25:47 Is it's it's on the way out.
01:25:50 And it will reach a point where the the divisions will reach a point where it's it.
01:25:54 Necessarily, there'll be some kind of conflict and and splitting up or or at least an attempt at that, right?
01:26:02 And that's not as much as I always thought that even before.
01:26:04 I was like black pillar, I thought.
01:26:05 This one was a teenager.
01:26:07 I mean, you could see this stuff coming.
01:26:11 Especially as a teenager that watched a lot of black and white movies, because that's what my my mom liked.
01:26:17 And you know, because we were Mormons, we couldn't watch rated our movies.
01:26:21 And so we ended up.
01:26:21 Watching all these?
01:26:22 Old movies and it just seemed like a foreign society.
01:26:25 Like it is, it was so different than like the nihilistic society that I was, you know, in as a kid.
01:26:32 And so you could just contrast that and it was easier.
01:26:36 Well, if we've gone from, you know, this to.
01:26:38 To where I'm at now.
01:26:42 You know, like I know where this is headed.
01:26:44 You know?
01:26:44 Like, this isn't.
01:26:46 But I went from that to thinking like, wow, this could happen any day now.
01:26:51 And it could really, it could cause we're we're in that danger zone now where the the Tinder is very dry and it it would only it just takes a spark and just.
01:27:03 Who knows what that's like, just as an example, Trump could have started this, like, who knows, maybe he's controlled.
01:27:09 Whatever I don't.
01:27:11 But if if right, even if he is controlled actually doesn't matter, Trump as a as a charismatic personality, that enough people, even now.
01:27:24 Are not letting go like with Mike Lindell's three day long, you know symposium. I don't know if you guys been watching that. It's a ******* nightmare. We'll talk.
01:27:33 About that in a second, but.
01:27:37 You know you have a lot of people that are still.
01:27:40 I mean, there's so much in love with this guy.
01:27:41 They really.
01:27:42 I mean, there's you look at the top videos, top videos on bit shoot and I think it like yesterday the top video or it was at least in the top five the title it was in the title that Trump was still president.
01:27:58 So you you had an environment and this it's not just because of Trump, it's because the environment.
01:28:04 But one.
01:28:06 Of the reasons.
01:28:08 I had no idea where things were going to go around the 6th.
01:28:12 Like I didn't think he was going to cross the Rubicon or whatever like that, but that we were in a weird spot, right where all it would have taken really, is for Trump to say **** these guys.
01:28:24 We're going to get them.
01:28:25 Or something like. Yeah, obviously.
01:28:28 Something more complicated than that, but, and it would have been a thing like it would have been like civil war time.
01:28:35 Like the sixth was was a.
01:28:37 It was a rowdy protest.
01:28:39 It really was.
01:28:39 And everyone knows it.
01:28:41 If Trump had just said like.
01:28:44 2 words get em.
01:28:47 If that's all he'd said, if if he had said we're going to go down to the capital, get him.
01:28:54 Then it would have been an insurrection, even though, like no one had any ******* guns or like that.
01:28:58 It wouldn't have mattered.
01:28:59 There was.
01:28:59 There was enough overwhelming because like that energy is is, it's there.
01:29:05 It's just there.
01:29:07 And building.
01:29:09 Now, it's obviously being directed in the stupid **** in their masters and getting that tied up and they're going nowhere but it's.
01:29:18 It's there and it's building and it's impossible to predict how long you have and that's why that's why you know, years ago I bailed because I was like, OK, I don't I I don't know when, but I know, I know it's not as not as far off as I used to think and I'd rather be safe than sorry.
01:29:37 So I got the ****.
01:29:38 Listen is I let me put.
01:29:40 That way you should do it as soon.
01:29:42 As you can.
01:29:46 Because I feel.Devon
01:29:46 Like you have to do it anyway, and if you don't do it, your.01:29:49 Kids are going to have to do it.
01:29:52 So why not start getting established and maybe this community building stuff?
01:29:56 It is generational, right?
01:29:58 I mean, how much of A community did the?
01:30:00 The the people.
01:30:02 The Pioneers going West have.
01:30:04 You had a lot of these guys that.
01:30:07 Well, you know, I don't know if you guys have seen, I'm sure you've seen like far and away with Tom Cruise and Nicole.
01:30:12 Kidman, where they go and do the.
01:30:16 Hang on a second.
01:30:16 My throat's killing me here.
01:30:26 They have that land rush thing.
01:30:28 They had, stuff like that going on, right, because they wanted to get, they wanted to fill in.
01:30:32 The continent.
01:30:34 From coast to coast.
01:30:35 You know the manifest destiny, all that stuff.
01:30:37 So they're just giving away land, but and and just.
01:30:40 And you had, like, just homesteaders, just.
01:30:43 Wagon, you know, taking their wagons West and justice, claiming some land.
01:30:48 But at first you didn't.
01:30:49 Have like a whole lot of community.
01:30:53 You know, I got my I've I've been to my.
01:30:55 I don't remember how many greats it is at this point, but several great grandpas I've been to like this cabin that he grew up.
01:31:02 In as a kid and like they had dirt floors, it was just and it's the middle of ******* nowhere.
01:31:07 Like still it's in the middle of nowhere.
01:31:10 So certainly in 18, whatever it was, middle of nowhere and they didn't have like, a a big community.
01:31:22 You know, like at least not physically.
01:31:24 So that's something you got to think about, too.
01:31:27 Is is your community should be your family and it's harder because it seems like it's a more unusual thing, especially because, again, the the sexual marketplace has has been deregulated.
01:31:40 And so you don't have as much.
01:31:42 Control over female behavior.
01:31:45 It's and there's not a lot of women that just want to.
01:31:47 I mean, just because it goes against their nature, it's there's not a lot of women that are going to say, yeah, I.
01:31:52 Want to go out and you know do.
01:31:55 A homestead with you?
01:31:59 Ah, but they exist.
01:32:00 They exist.
01:32:04 And I think the younger the younger you are, the easier it's going to be to get someone that's going to want.
01:32:09 To do.
01:32:10 That just because, especially if they're older, they're going to start, you know, they have a career, you know, like an older woman, the, the that's got that's been working at some, you know working trying to be the.
01:32:22 The the CEO of some stupid company that where she makes PowerPoints and spreadsheets.
01:32:29 She's not going to want to to do that.
01:32:32 And a lot of you know, just a lot of just, you know, a lot of men don't want it for the same reasons, right?
01:32:38 So it is different, but it's doable, especially if you're younger.
01:32:43 I think it's going to be.
01:32:44 Easier, but I don't think it's necessary to have like a a physical community right off the bat.
01:32:50 I think you might have to be the new pioneers.
01:32:55 There's a whole.
01:32:55 Lot of land out there that's cheap.
01:32:58 This is why I'm focusing so much on that is, that's the other part of the problem.
01:33:03 There's a lot of expensive land where there's a community already, you know, but that's not.
01:33:08 That's not what most people can do.
01:33:10 Especially if you're younger and you have, you know, you.
01:33:12 Don't have the generational.
01:33:13 Wealth, right?
01:33:15 And so if that's what you want to do.
01:33:19 If I've talked about this a couple streams ago, if you have the ability to live at home.
01:33:25 With your parents, there's no shame in that.
01:33:28 I would do that while you saved up.
01:33:30 And that'll get you a probably a better place than trying to, like work and pay rent.
01:33:35 You know, you're you're paying like a.
01:33:36 1000 or more a month.
01:33:39 To the people you're trying to escape. I mean, that's 12,000 minimum a year. That's not. I mean, 12,000. There's properties. They're like 12,000 and that's.
01:33:51 You know, live with live with your parents for a year and then we'll get you some of these properties.
01:34:00 Another thing to think about is what?
01:34:04 It would cost to make it livable.
01:34:08 Because the number one things is the only big thing really is water.
01:34:13 You need to make sure you have access to water on the land that you get.
01:34:17 Everything else is is easy to get, like you can get or or you know it's not easy, but it's way more doable, like you can get a solar panel on your roof and have electricity and it'll be subpar.
01:34:28 Maybe in certain environments, but at least it's there, right?
01:34:31 You can't get some magic water machine, you know that's going to magic water into your house.
01:34:37 Digging wells is really expensive.
01:34:40 And it's like in the desert.
01:34:41 Like, you got to go down pretty deep before you hit that aquifer.
01:34:46 So, and because they charge you by how far they have to go down, it can get really expensive.
01:34:54 Well, and plus just the the kind of pumps and stuff you'll need if you know the further down you go, the more powerful the pump has to be and stuff like that, so.
01:35:03 Those are things I would take into account.
01:35:08 If you have a natural source of water, like a stream or a river, I mean, I don't know.
01:35:13 I've never had.
01:35:14 I've looked into that little bit, but I'm not sure how easy it is to rely on something like that.
01:35:22 Some people haul water.
01:35:24 I wouldn't want to do that.
01:35:26 But it's it's doable.
01:35:27 There's lots of people you basically get like a giant water tank on a trailer.
01:35:32 And then ever so often, you know, you go and go into town somewhere and.
01:35:37 Fill it.Devon
01:35:37 Up and drive it back to your place and pump it into some tank you got there.01:35:43 There's people that do that, not even that far from me because they're wells dried up.
01:35:49 So it's, you know, it's doable.
01:35:51 You can do.
01:35:51 It, But it kind of sucks.
01:35:55 But like I said, these are the sacrifices that you need to make and then and get established.
01:36:02 And then you know if you can workout the having kids thing.
01:36:07 Or maybe you already have kids.
01:36:10 It's going to be way easier for them, but even for them it might not be super easy.
01:36:14 It's still not going to be like a community, yet it took it takes you think that.
01:36:17 I mean, what's the cliche?
01:36:19 Rome wasn't built in a day.
01:36:23 These communities aren't going to.
01:36:25 Be built in a day.
01:36:30 I think a lot of people get frustrated and they get impatient like they think that somehow we're going to have, like some establishment or some club or some society or some, you know, something for them to join up.
01:36:44 You know, by the end of the year or whatever and it's like, no, this could take like our whole lives.
01:36:49 And beyond.
01:36:55 There's a lot of stuff that could.
01:36:57 Speed it up.
01:36:57 If, just like with a community like like, if you think about like there were cities that were built because they were bankrolled by people that were building big factories or whatever, and they, you know, there's entire towns that only exist because there was like a coal mine or something like that, but those.
01:37:13 Are all bankrolled.
01:37:14 By someone that had a ton of ******* money.
01:37:19 And so yeah, if we had a ton of ******* money, we could be creating these clubs and societies and whatever, right?
01:37:24 A lot faster.
01:37:27 But we don't have access to those kinds of resources, at least not right now.
01:37:31 I mean, let me know if you.
01:37:31 Do if you if you got millions.
01:37:33 Of dollars laying around.
01:37:34 Let's talk right.
01:37:36 But most people, that's not a thing.
01:37:45 So yeah, I I still think you have time, I don't know.
01:37:48 But like I said, it's at the same time.
01:37:50 It's like, who knows?
01:37:52 Who knows, like the way that.
01:37:55 The rhetoric is getting ratcheted up and.
01:37:56 It's getting, I mean it's.
01:37:58 It's going parabolic, right?
01:38:00 You look at that graph of white hostility, it's going parabolic.
01:38:05 I think that's pretty easy to to say.
01:38:08 And so who knows it it could.
01:38:14 It could get real bad real fast, I don't know.
01:38:18 And again, I'm talking specifically to America.
01:38:24 There's so many different ways this could go and that's why I think just you just.
01:38:28 Prepare for some of the worst.
01:38:34 And then you won't have to.
01:38:35 Worry about it so much.
01:38:39 Again, you got to.
01:38:40 Be white pilled about this in a way.
01:38:42 In a way.
01:38:44 You have to be aware of the danger.
01:38:47 But what the reason why I don't sit here and ring?
01:38:49 You know, like, I'm not just in the fetal position in the corner over here in the pill box, like ringing my hands or whatever is is uncomfortable as as this summer has been.
01:38:59 In a lot of ways.
01:39:03 If it all.
01:39:04 Comes apart of the seams.
01:39:06 I feel like I'm I'm OK.
01:39:07 Like I'm going to make it.
01:39:10 And that's once you have that.
01:39:13 It takes a load off.
01:39:16 A lot of this stuff becomes more academic, you know, because it's not as much of an existential threat to you personally.
01:39:24 So that kind of takes off the.
01:39:27 A little bit of the.
01:39:27 Doom and gloom.
01:39:34 Let's take a look here.
01:39:41 Museums, nature and forests are dirt cheap.
01:39:46 Buy your kids a bug catcher and a magnifying glass.
01:39:51 This is from COVID patient zero, by the way.
01:39:54 I played years doing this.
01:39:57 Yeah, there's so much free entertainment for kids and kids.
01:40:02 Don't ******* know.
01:40:04 They have no idea.
01:40:06 Most kids you don't know you're poor until you meet kids that that aren't poor.
01:40:12 Like I had no idea that we were poor until my my parents because they wanted us to again they were.
01:40:19 They were chasing the American dream, and so when they sold their ghetto house in California, because of the the property different, the price differences, they were able to move us into like the nicest.
01:40:32 ******* neighborhood.
01:40:34 In New Mexico.
01:40:36 And so all of a sudden, I went from being.
01:40:40 Like everybody else, poor like is the school I went to like.
01:40:43 Everyone was poor, you know?
01:40:45 It was.
01:40:45 It was a poor area.
01:40:47 And and so I just felt normal to till now.
01:40:51 All of a sudden.
01:40:51 I felt poor cause.
01:40:54 I didn't have the expensive clothes people's parents were buying them. Brand new cars like not like expensive cars, you know like.
01:41:04 Beamers and Dodge Rams and stuff like that for their their their 16th birthday.
01:41:10 And you know, I didn't get anything like that.
01:41:13 I got like, a slinky for my 16th birthday, you know.
01:41:17 And so.
01:41:18 But kids don't know.
01:41:20 You don't know until you're you're putting these environments where it's shoving your face all the time.
01:41:27 And if that's what you know, that's what.
01:41:29 That's what's happened to adults, too.
01:41:31 Adults would be so much more satisfied if they weren't surrounded by, you know, the social media stuff like having to constantly look at the the cause.
01:41:41 What are the pictures that people are posting?
01:41:43 Like when your friends, when you look at your friends social, social media?
01:41:46 Close. It's all.
01:41:47 Very contrived.
01:41:48 You know, it's none of.
01:41:49 It's like it's not real, like they don't post the pictures of them having an argument with their wife.
01:41:55 You know they don't post the pictures of the things that go wrong.
01:41:57 It's always like the things it's a boasting machine.
01:42:00 It's what it is.
01:42:01 And so everyone's looking at everyone else is best version of themselves.
01:42:07 And trying to compete with it and it's making everybody miserable.
01:42:13 It's making everybody miserable.
01:42:19 And that's, you know, kids, if you just don't give them access to the the misery machine, they're going to be happy, they'll be totally fine.
01:42:31 Ignorance is bliss.
01:42:39 And what are you really depriving?
01:42:40 Them of.
01:42:42 You know the lawn mower machine game.
01:42:47 Is that really?
01:42:48 Is that going to stunt their their mental growth, their mental development?
01:42:52 You wouldn't let them play the lawnmower video game?
01:43:00 Now this thing went to the.
01:43:03 Why this do this?
01:43:21 Bought doctor or diversity Doctor, says Lint Lichter.
01:43:28 I don't know. I think they're both dangerous for different reasons with the robot doctor, you're going to get, you know, one-size-fits-all. And with diversity docked, you're.
01:43:39 Going to get.
01:43:41 Maybe the wrong diagnosis.
01:43:44 Ish 2288 people who work over 70 hours a week think that makes them respectable. It makes them suckers.
01:43:52 Well, I mean, like there might be a time and a place for that if you're make.
01:43:55 If you can make.
01:43:56 A ton of money doing that and you're saving up money for the property.
01:44:01 Or like, look, maybe it's not even for a paycheck.
01:44:04 Like I there's I.
01:44:05 Work more than that every week.
01:44:08 Out here at the pillbox doing stuff that I'm not getting paid for.
01:44:13 And so it's.
01:44:15 It doesn't always make you a sucker.
01:44:17 It makes you a sucker if you're you're just treading water.
01:44:21 If you're not going anywhere, which isn't the case for a lot of people, there's a lot of people that they're literally just working all these hours, just they can keep making the minimum payments and all their credit cards and.
01:44:32 Loans and stuff.
01:44:34 Those people are suckers.
01:44:41 One out of many.
01:44:43 Poor is a.
01:44:44 State of mind.
01:44:45 If you have the right mindset and there's lots of things you can do without having to participate so heavily in the monetary system, you have to to some extent right now.
01:44:58 I mean the I I.
01:45:00 I participate in monetary system very little these days.
01:45:06 Best soccer.
01:45:09 Problem we don't have funding solution make our own money, a white nationalist cryptocurrency, let's call it demark.
01:45:19 Pros can't be platformed.
01:45:21 We make business with our own kind distributors.
01:45:25 Well, I mean, like, look, I don't.
01:45:27 That's that's the solution, but you wouldn't really control.
01:45:32 You'd control it, just you might as well use another current cryptocurrency that exist because you would control it as it would be just as easy for the someone else to come in and step in.
01:45:41 And you know, like a whale to step in and buy it all up.
01:45:44 And manipulate it as it would in fact be easier.
01:45:46 For some of the manipulate coming and manipulate the price that way.
01:45:53 That it would be for like.
01:45:54 One of these bigger cryptos, but yeah.
01:45:56 I mean, I don't know.
01:45:57 It's interesting to see what happens with cryptocurrency.
01:45:59 They're they're going to regulate it and so that's going to make a big.
01:46:04 There's way and and yeah, there's ways you could deal exclusively in crypto to where you're you can avoid some of the regulation.
01:46:12 But I mean that's.
01:46:15 You know, maybe that's a long term solution, but it's not a short term solution.
01:46:22 That might be something that your kids.
01:46:23 End up figuring out and right now we're it's just so early even with cryptocurrencies in general, we're still just barely like none of them have operated like currencies, yet none of them.
01:46:36 In order for it to be a currency, it has to be somewhat stable in value.
01:46:41 And it has to be easy to exchange for goods.
01:46:45 And that's just not, that's not real.
01:46:47 I mean, you know, all the all the crypto Nazis are going to start telling me I'm wrong.
01:46:53 But like practically speaking.
01:46:56 I'm I'm not wrong.
01:46:57 You know, like you need to have for it to be a currency.
01:47:01 Because right now it's not.
01:47:02 It's it's.
01:47:03 I don't.
01:47:03 It's like an asset or I don't know what you would call it, but it's not really a currency for it to be.
01:47:08 A currency.
01:47:08 It's got to be something that.
01:47:10 Maintains A relatively steady value and is easily exchange for goods.
01:47:23 Table stopper of 22 or table Topper. Sorry, move this my old eyes.
01:47:31 My old eyes, I actually.
01:47:32 Got like.
01:47:33 Sand that pretty ******** in my eyes today there was a.
01:47:38 A little bit of a sandstorm again today.
01:47:41 That sand stuff gets in.
01:47:42 Everything gets into your cooler and it.
01:47:45 Just gets in everything.
01:47:48 Table Topper 22. I had that poor kid in a rich school. Fun times.
01:47:53 Yeah, I mean, it sucks.
01:47:55 It kind of sucks.
01:47:56 And like you said, you or like I said earlier, I I didn't realize that I was a poor kid until we went to the rich school.
01:48:01 Then I felt like the poor kid and the only reason why I felt like a poor kid is the.
01:48:04 Rich kid seemed to like love, pointing that out because it makes them feel.
01:48:08 You know superior, so you get, you get **** for it all the time.
01:48:14 And and plus you just get excluded from other things like, hey, we're gonna go on.
01:48:19 We're gonna go on.
01:48:20 This ski trip to Colorado or.
01:48:22 We're all going to go to to, you know, Cancun for.
01:48:26 A week at this resort or.
01:48:28 And you can't.
01:48:29 You know you can't.
01:48:29 Participate you know any.
01:48:31 So you get excluded from things like that.
01:48:34 It's just whatever.
01:48:35 It just sucks a little bit.
01:48:37 But if you're homeschooling your kids.
01:48:42 With other people that are doing the same kind of thing, same kind of lifestyle, they're not going to.
01:48:46 Notice it?
01:48:47 Because they're they're they're interacting with kids that kind of have the same deal.
01:48:54 And there's lots of ways you can.
01:48:55 Do that.
01:48:56 So they can, because social interaction is important, but so is so especially.
01:49:03 These days, the way.
01:49:04 Some of these parents are raising their kids.
01:49:06 You want to have.
01:49:08 You want to hold the keys to that you don't want to have like a you don't want.
01:49:12 I would never.
01:49:13 I mean, even when I was in, I remember thinking this when I was in public school was thinking like, man, if my mom knew what the hell went on here, she would like.
01:49:20 Never want me coming here.
01:49:22 I mean, we were smoking pot like in classrooms.
01:49:27 In classrooms.
01:49:30 There's no way like it at the time I thought, like we were getting away with something because we were blowing the smoke into a backpack and like that would somehow stop the smell of smoking pot in a classroom.
01:49:41 Like there's no way.
01:49:43 There's no way that the.
01:49:44 Teacher. Was that ********?
01:49:46 Right.
01:49:47 I mean maybe, but like and and.
01:49:48 And if she was or she was drugged out or whatever, just she didn't notice.
01:49:52 ******* kids smoking pot in a classroom.
01:49:55 I mean, it was bad.
01:49:56 There was people having sex at school like it was, I mean.
01:50:00 That was then. It's like.
01:50:02 A million times worse now.
01:50:04 Plus you got like all the the designer drugs you got vape pens where it doesn't even smell like pot, you know and.
01:50:13 It's just you got the trans kids stuff that was the other thing too is like.
01:50:16 All the gay ****.
01:50:18 I mean, there, there were gay people, but it was they were all in the closet, and it wasn't like, acceptable.
01:50:25 And now it.
01:50:25 Makes you cool.
01:50:29 And kids will do a.
01:50:30 Lot of things.
01:50:30 To be cool.
01:50:37 Can you review the movie The?
01:50:38 Joneses I'm not familiar with that.
01:50:41 Let's take a look.
01:50:42 Do we have the see if we can find the trailer?
01:50:49 The Joneses.
01:50:58 Well, this looks relatively new.
01:51:03 Alright, let's watch this.
01:51:10 Bring this up here.
01:51:34 We are going to do some damage in this.Devon
01:51:36 Town. I'm Steve Jobs.Speaker
01:51:39 Meet the Joneses.01:51:41 Hi, this is Jen.
01:51:42 And Mick and I'm Kate.
01:51:43 They're beautiful.
01:51:44 That's hot.Speaker
01:51:45 Ohh I love this.Devon
01:51:46 Ohh, the phone was great, but I was talking about.Speaker
01:51:48 The husband.01:51:48 They're popular.
Speaker 7
01:51:53 They're not just living the American dream.01:51:57 They're selling it.
01:52:00 These are delicious.01:52:02 What does your catering ship?
01:52:04 I didn't know if he was.
01:52:05 Doing frozen food.
01:52:06 Can you believe it?
01:52:07 So the clients know how this.Speaker 6
01:52:08 Works first, not.01:52:09 That's why it's called self marketing.
01:52:11 If people want you.
01:52:16 Have you seen these new MP52 irons? Just added 40 yards to my drive.Speaker
01:52:19 Very nice.Devon
01:52:20 Right by the way.Speaker
01:52:21 Under Armour sporting goods up 16%.01:52:25 You get their shoes.
01:52:26 What you going to create?Speaker
01:52:27 Is a ripple effect.01:52:29 I could dive for that dining set.
Speaker 6
01:52:31 Nice. Filthy, yeah.Speaker
01:52:32 You showing off your new torrents?Devon
01:52:38 This really wasn't covered in my orientation.Speaker
01:52:40 But keeping up appearances.01:52:42 I have to ensure that my unit is selling their products.
01:52:45 Give the unit and that explains why we're in separate bedrooms perhaps.
Speaker 7
01:52:49 Is a full time job.Speaker
01:52:50 I'm your boss.01:52:51 I don't need to be.
Speaker 6
01:52:53 So this is just business, huh?Speaker
01:52:54 The numbers are looking good.Speaker 6
01:52:55 Thanks, boss.Speaker
01:52:57 Part is pretending.Speaker 6
01:52:57 This partner you don't realize the effect you have on people.Speaker
01:53:02 You're a charismatic guy and.01:53:03 If you don't apply yourself.
01:53:04 And that's all you're going.
Speaker 6
01:53:05 To be honey, I am.Speaker
01:53:07 Home well hurt you.01:53:08 How are?
Speaker 6
01:53:11 What was?Speaker
01:53:11 That just apply.Speaker 6
01:53:12 Buying myself.Devon
01:53:21 And it seems like a girl movie.Speaker 7
01:53:24 Bigger than.01:53:25 Holla at the player yo.
Speaker 6
01:53:26 This whole act just gets.01:53:28 To me, talk to your fake mother.
01:53:28 You know you can always just.01:53:34 Alright, so it's from 2010.
01:53:40 All right, that's actually that's not.
01:53:42 A bad one to do.
01:53:50 Ah, I don't know.
01:53:56 How do I turn that off?
01:54:00 There we go.
01:54:02 Sorry about that.
01:54:06 Well, we almost.
01:54:07 Had to wash the lawn mower video game again.
01:54:14 That wouldn't be.
01:54:15 A bad one.
01:54:21 A high priest, King Terry COVID, has caused a movement of people being more self-sufficient to more rural or semi rural.
01:54:30 Increasingly, the idea of an American identity is fading.
01:54:34 I remember when Americans cared about the Olympics, now they don't.
01:54:38 People are far.
01:54:39 More focused locally now country is is fracturing well and that's exactly right.
01:54:45 They said that the the Olympics, the ratings and and.
01:54:50 You know, like they were something like 49% lower than than last time and that's substantial, especially when you figure in the fact that everyone was stuck at home.
01:54:59 So they did.
01:55:00 They almost had like nothing.
01:55:01 Better to do than to watch the Olympics and they still didn't give.
01:55:04 A **** and.
01:55:05 Like literally, no one gives a ****.
01:55:09 In fact, that was it was kind of.
01:55:10 Honey, I I've you know I've talked from time to time.
01:55:13 That I hear these.
01:55:14 Infuriating boomers on on ham radio every once in a while and there was this infuriating boomer that I got a chuckle out of because.
01:55:22 He was he was so mad.
01:55:24 How come no one cares about?
Speaker 3
01:55:25 The Olympics anymore? I was.Devon
01:55:27 Just laughing like.Speaker
01:55:29 Oh God.Devon
01:55:31 Hurry up and die.01:55:35 But yeah, like that.
01:55:36 That's yeah.
01:55:38 When patriotism dies like that because you got to think that the only people that were really holding the torch of patriotism in the.
01:55:44 1st place are.
01:55:45 The people that the state has now defined as domestic terrorists, what did you expect that would *******?
01:55:52 Right when the.
01:55:53 You know it's.
01:55:54 All just the same thing with like the all the guys, the only people waving the blue line flags right?
01:56:00 Like back the blue.
01:56:01 All those people, those are the people that the cops are ******* over now on a regular basis.
01:56:06 When you see Antifa attacking them and they just stand there with.
01:56:09 Their hands folded.
01:56:10 Or when?
01:56:11 You know, they go.
01:56:12 After people on the right, they.
01:56:14 The the system has been actively hostile to the only people that have been then cheerleading the system.
01:56:25 And that's bad news for the system and.
01:56:27 That to me.
01:56:29 Is a big indicator that we're on the way out even faster that, you know, that's just one more indicator out of many.
01:56:35 So it's kind of like that's why.
01:56:37 I said like, it's impossible to know.
01:56:39 When this?
01:56:41 When things escalate, but it's just, you know.
01:56:45 It's bad and and the and I.
01:56:47 Think the movement to go?
01:56:50 And and kind of do you like the homesteading thing?
01:56:53 That's been a growing.
01:56:54 Movement for a long time it started out, I think, as a response to.
01:56:58 The financial crisis in 2008, remember? Like, remember how like tiny Homes was.
01:57:03 Like a big.
01:57:03 Deal or living the van life and all this other stuff and.
01:57:07 And so for like in fact that's you know that's when I started building my Earth ship out in the desert, kind of, you know, like way back not not like 2008, but it was when that had built up enough.
01:57:19 Steam and I had like enough money and I was in a situation.
01:57:22 I got laid off.
01:57:23 I had like, all of a sudden, I found myself living in this place that cost like more than, you know, God's neighborhood.
01:57:30 And I got laid off out of left field.
01:57:34 And so it's kind of like well.
01:57:37 One of my choices, and so I think that's that's kind of what's been happening is is the financial situation in America has just gotten worse.
01:57:45 And the especially white people because, you know, white people are OK with doing like, it's funny because for white people, they're doing homesteading.
01:57:58 And doing the van life for tiny homes and all this stuff, that sounds cool to us because white people are the only ones to go camping.
01:58:07 Like we like going out into the wilderness and doing it's in our blood, especially if you're founding stock, right?
01:58:12 Like that's basically what your ancestors did.
01:58:15 So it's like you've almost been selected for this.
01:58:18 Whereas you don't see other groups just naturally, they don't.
01:58:21 They they see that as lower class.
01:58:27 You know they they see that as they want to live in the big city.
01:58:32 I mean, you think consumer consumerism affects white people pretty bad, but I mean, you want to see it real bad.
01:58:38 Look at black people like their entire.
01:58:39 Culture like it?
01:58:40 Could be worse.
01:58:41 In fact, one of the reasons why white culture has become so consumerist is it adopted a lot of black culture.
01:58:50 You know?
01:58:50 And so it's it's the black culture is like, it's all about, you know, wearing the most expensive outfit.
01:58:59 Humanly possible with an expiration date of.
01:59:01 Like 2.
01:59:02 Weeks, you know like.
01:59:03 You have to keep.
01:59:04 Buying the new flavor of of whatever that is.
01:59:08 And like you have you.
01:59:09 Can only wear sneakers that.
01:59:11 Are blindingly white.
01:59:13 You know, like the second you scuff them or get a little bit of dirt on them.
01:59:16 You you basically have to throw them away.
01:59:18 OK, it's it's insane.
01:59:22 But white people have a lot of that, but not not nearly as much.
01:59:26 And they're willing to get their hands dirty and live, you know, and go build.
01:59:30 I mean, it's in our blood, it's in our blood to go build.
01:59:33 We built this country.
01:59:35 It's not just the thing that you say so that you feel justified in living here or.
01:59:39 Or that you somehow, you know, feel justified in complaining about what's going on.
01:59:44 You have to realize what that means.
01:59:46 You know, this is this is the whole white pill of this stream that I've been trying to explain.
01:59:50 It is.
01:59:50 Yeah, we survive it.
01:59:51 Just that we got it.
01:59:52 We have it in us to do it.
01:59:54 Not all of us.
01:59:55 Some of us will be selected out, and that's just the way it goes, and it might not even be fair, you know, like some of you might get selected out and.
02:00:02 Not because of anything you.
02:00:03 Did wrong or just, you know, at a circumstance?
02:00:06 And it's like I had going back to the plant analogy again.
02:00:11 Like I've had plants that would have survived all these environmental factors if.
02:00:15 If something.
02:00:17 Hadn't happened that that had nothing to do with its ability to survive, you know, like a rabbit just comes and eats.
02:00:22 It in half one day.
02:00:24 Well, I mean.
02:00:25 The genetics were fine like it would have survived.
02:00:27 It was.
02:00:28 It was like I've had plants that are like some of.
02:00:29 My fastest growers.
02:00:31 And they're really thriving and doing well.
02:00:32 And they just got annihilated one day by something just totally random, and that's going to happen to.
02:00:37 Some of us.
02:00:39 And especially because, you know, keep, I'll keep the plant that this is one of the reasons why you don't want to play ******* video games about mowing lawns and instead you should start gardening and you've learned so much about how the world works just by using your hands and doing stuff like this.
02:00:54 But just like the, you know, a lot of these plants that would survive if you had a a caretaker, right?
02:01:03 Like if you.
02:01:04 If the system was actually not trying to kill you, if the system wasn't actively trying to replace you with different plants and it wanted to take.
02:01:13 Care of you?
02:01:14 There's there's people that would survive this selection event, no problem.
02:01:18 If they just have a little bit of help from the the power structure because you know some.
02:01:23 So there's some people that on their own might not make it, but but could still add value to the society to have them around.
02:01:32 Right.
02:01:33 Like I've said before, diversity is good in certain situations like we had diversity before.
02:01:40 We had diversity TM, you know, I mean, like there was diversity among the kinds of Europeans we had.
02:01:46 And and even if you had a a town that was all.
02:01:49 Let's just say you had a town.
02:01:50 It was all Swedish people.
02:01:52 There be diversity among that community, right?
02:01:55 Like you don't want to have a a town of just everyone's exactly the ******* same robot.
02:02:00 You know, you have some variation.
02:02:05 And some of these people that that in, in harsh environments will be selected out would survive if we had just like some of the plants.
02:02:14 If I took the time to there's plants.
02:02:16 They're beautiful like they're I.
02:02:17 Would love them.
02:02:18 Or even like.
02:02:20 Maybe they produce like a, like a fruit that maybe it's not like a a big thing that's going to sustain me, but it's like a nice to.
02:02:28 Have right like.
02:02:28 Oh well, it's good to have a little bit of.
02:02:31 You know these strawberries or whatever, right?
02:02:34 In order for them to.
02:02:35 Be around.
02:02:36 I have to put in the time to make sure that because they won't survive just in the natural environment.
02:02:41 Well, the same thing is happening to our people.
02:02:44 We have people that would be nice to have around if you know.
02:02:50 We have the resources to put into keeping them around, but because all of our resources have been drained and redirected into, you know, funding our our.
02:03:02 We're going to lose some people.
02:03:03 Some people like that too.
02:03:05 You know, we're going to lose people that would otherwise be a a benefit to our our people and our society.
02:03:11 And that's a shame.
02:03:12 But it is what it is.
02:03:17 I forget where what the.
02:03:18 Question was.
02:03:22 What was it?
02:03:27 Now I don't know if I'm still talking.
02:03:29 About the.
02:03:30 The the country fracturing, I don't know.
02:03:35 Like, yeah, who knows what's going to happen?
02:03:39 All I'm saying is just try not to get selected out during this.
02:03:43 This bumpy right?
02:03:44 Do you have any states you recommend to look at for properties?
02:03:48 I don't know.
02:03:49 Everyone's got their own thing and keep in mind stuff like too there there's there's.
02:03:53 It's not just about where can I get the property.
02:03:56 You might have like something of a community.
02:03:58 Already right?
02:03:59 Like, if you're gonna have a family and there's a way you can buy property close to your parents, that could help you raise your kids or or, you know, whatever.
02:04:07 One of the things that sucks about where I'm at is I'm and I never thought I would really miss this just because, you know, living in a house full of that many kids and just whatever, it's chaos.
02:04:18 You kind of want to get the **** out and.
02:04:19 Never look back and that's that's.
02:04:21 You know, it felt, but as you get older, it's like you kind of feel like it sucks that I've I've got nieces and nephews I've never met.
02:04:29 You know that live because my family is all over the globe, not just all over the country.
02:04:34 They're all over the ******* planet.
02:04:36 And there's people I in my in my family.
02:04:39 I don't.
02:04:39 I've never met.
02:04:40 Him and that kind of sucks.
02:04:44 There are concentrations of my family in, in certain states, but those are very far away.
02:04:50 And and there there's a benefit to living close by to your family.
02:04:53 I mean, not to everybody, but for a.
02:04:55 Lot of people.
02:04:57 So there's it's just, it's too, too much to there's no like, oh, yeah, definitely check this state.
02:05:03 There's some states I would avoid like obviously I I would avoid California unless you can find some way to avoid.
02:05:10 I mean, I don't.
02:05:11 Maybe there's some, I don't know how the property taxes are in California, but I would imagine they're pretty high.
02:05:16 If you can somehow avoid that and make it look like on paper.
02:05:18 You don't make any money.
02:05:19 Then maybe you'll be fine.
02:05:21 I don't know.
02:05:21 You know, if you get far enough away from some of this stuff.
02:05:25 So you can find it all depends.
02:05:27 On what you want, you can find something anywhere.
02:05:29 I would just try to stay in a place that's not like downstream from an urban center.
02:05:35 Right.
02:05:35 Like I don't think everything is going to just totally devolve into ******* Mad Max or anything like that, but you never know what could happen in, in any kind of conflict.
02:05:45 It can get bad.
02:05:46 And and you're going to be.
02:05:48 You don't want to be in proximity to people that are they have no means of like, people will do anything when you take away their food.
02:05:57 And if you get if we're in a conflict where somehow you have all these people who used to be able to just hit tap their phone.
02:06:05 A couple places and food.
02:06:07 This shows up magically at the doorstep, and now all of a sudden that's not happening.
02:06:11 You're going to get people acting crazy.
02:06:13 And you don't want to be anywhere.
02:06:14 Near that.
02:06:16 So I would just say wherever you go, you got to find that happy medium.
02:06:20 You know like.
02:06:20 That far enough.
02:06:21 Away when you're away from everything but not so far to where it's like a huge pain in the ***.
02:06:26 You know, unless you're into that, unless your plan is to like, not really have to.
02:06:29 Go into town very often, but it does suck.
02:06:33 There's there's time.
02:06:34 So like, it sucks.
02:06:35 I have to drive like 2 hours to get to a place, you know, like.
02:06:38 Any kind of place?
02:06:39 That that isn't just like a like a little tiny corner store.
02:06:44 But yeah, I don't have any.
02:06:45 And look, you might not like some people like the desert.
02:06:49 Some people like the forest.
02:06:50 Some people like the plains.
02:06:51 Some people like the whatever, right.
02:06:53 The the beach.
02:06:55 So it's it's.
02:06:56 All up to you.
02:06:57 There's there's.
02:06:58 That's the great thing about this.
02:07:00 This country is, you know, anyone that's ever gone on a road trip can tell you this.
02:07:04 There's just a lot of ******* empty space.
02:07:07 Don't let them tell you that there's not like, oh, we need to like lower population because there's not enough room.
02:07:12 There's so much ******* empty space in this country.
02:07:15 There's so much empty space and.
02:07:17 A lot of it's for sale a.
02:07:17 Lot of it's cheap.
02:07:21 Let's take a look.
02:07:29 COVID patient zero.
02:07:31 Any thoughts on Nick getting his bank account rated by the FBI and taking half a mil for literally no reason?
02:07:39 Well, that's why.
02:07:40 That's why you want to separate it from the monetary system too.
02:07:44 There are things you can hold assets that aren't cash.
02:07:48 And I don't even mean like I mean property is certainly one of them.
02:07:52 But like there's there you could buy just as an example.
02:07:56 I don't know how practical this is for everybody, or or anyone for that matter, just cause to change it back in the money would be difficult, I would imagine, or maybe it's not.
02:08:05 But the **** you?
02:08:06 Can do physical gold.
02:08:08 You could do physical gold you can do.
02:08:10 Crypto there's lots.
02:08:11 Of things you can do.
02:08:13 And uh.
02:08:14 Keep it out.
02:08:15 You know, keep it in forms.
02:08:17 Of wealth that.
02:08:17 Aren't easily seasonable because yeah, I've always thought about that, that if they ever really wanted to come at me hard, that would be part of the deal.
02:08:27 We know that there people are going to be platform from banks.
02:08:30 And states do it all the time.
02:08:33 You know, states can reach into your bank account and and take money.
02:08:37 California does that if you don't pay your taxes, your state tax.
02:08:41 You'll Pam, you'll just one day.
02:08:45 That money just won't be in your account.
02:08:48 And so it's they, they have the power to do that and.
02:08:55 So just I would try to just focus if that's something worried about.
02:08:58 I don't think that's something that most people to worry about.
02:09:01 That's the kind of thing that people that speak out against the system and and and put a target on our you know some.
02:09:08 Of us we like.
02:09:09 Most of the people in the audience don't have to deal with the kind of shift I have the you know, because I'm on this side of the microphone.
02:09:15 We I have to deal with different stuff.
02:09:18 I don't think that they're gonna.
02:09:20 In fact, in a way I could be like a Canary in the coal mine.
02:09:23 Like if.
02:09:23 They start going after me.
02:09:25 Then you worry about it.
02:09:26 So far, so good.
02:09:28 But that could change.
02:09:34 OK, I'm going to Fast forward to the very beginning or to the end here because I feel like it's I'm behind.
02:09:46 No, it's still not.
02:09:47 How does this?
02:09:48 How far?
02:09:49 Behind him I Jesus.
02:09:53 Here we are.
02:09:56 Coal says you should look into the Pole St.
02:10:00 They are making some interesting stuff.
02:10:03 Yeah, I don't know that guy like splurged out on me once.
02:10:07 So I kind of don't have a whole lot.
02:10:09 Of interest in it.
02:10:11 I mean, there's there's people that they want you to be involved in, their projects and stuff like that and they get spergy on you.
02:10:21 And look, I wish them luck.
02:10:23 Hopefully it works out.
02:10:23 I I looked at it once, but he legit was like he got spergy with me out of nowhere.
02:10:29 Like I've never talked to the guy before.
02:10:31 And and and I.
02:10:34 One day, because I never check like Facebook's. Actually I don't think I have Facebook access anymore. So this was a while back. Well, I don't want to get into it. Let's.
02:10:43 Just say like good luck to him.
02:10:47 UM, and if that's something that works for?
02:10:51 You then it works.
02:10:57 But I just.
02:10:57 Think that we.
02:10:59 I think that it's.
02:11:04 It's, I don't know.
02:11:06 Good luck, Tim.
02:11:10 Patriot of the North thoughts on the Mike Lindell thing.
02:11:14 All right, so let's talk about.
02:11:15 That I watched a huge portion.
02:11:18 Of that yesterday.
02:11:19 Because it it's, it's going on still it's going on.
02:11:23 Still, I was live tweeting it as.
02:11:24 I was watching.
02:11:25 It the so it's a.
02:11:27 So for those who don't know, Mike Lindell.
02:11:30 The CEO of Mypillow has told everyone for months and months and months that you know, like, oh, Trump's going to be president again in August. And you've probably heard me make fun of him because everyone knows that's ********. He believes a lot of this cute stuff.
02:11:47 He was saying back in January that Biden was never going to be president.
02:11:51 He's kind of a buffoon.
02:11:53 He's he's literally like, I mean, he's not just, like, a ******** boomer as like, a an insult.
02:11:59 He's like a ******** boomer.
02:12:01 Like he.
02:12:01 I don't know how he's the CEO of anything because he he reminds me of when I was a bouncer.
02:12:07 And you would have to like there'd be like a the old guy that would sit by himself and no one wanted to talk to.
02:12:13 Because he would just tell you like the same four things over and over and over again.
02:12:18 And you know, it just was unpleasant and.
02:12:21 And you know, that's how he sounds like when he talks about some of this stuff.
02:12:27 And he used to be a crack head and now he's not.
02:12:30 Now he owns.
02:12:31 I don't.
02:12:31 Know how that whole?
02:12:32 All the how how that worked out.
02:12:33 Now he's got the millions of dollars like look.
02:12:36 Like I said, there's.
02:12:37 There's always the outliers.
02:12:38 There's the exception.
02:12:39 Of the rule.
02:12:40 And so who knows how he ended up how he.
02:12:43 Ended up but.
02:12:45 He's got millions of dollars.
02:12:47 He's pouring into this idea.
02:12:49 And honestly, you kind of get well.
02:12:51 I kind of get the sense.
02:12:53 That he.
02:12:56 It almost seems like elder abuse.
02:12:59 So like he put million.
02:13:01 All right.
02:13:01 So he put millions of dollars paying these mathematicians and all these other computer researchers and stuff.
02:13:09 Some of them honestly, especially after watching this cyber symposium, some of them seem legit, but some of them seem kind of drifty like they're taking.
02:13:18 Advantage of this guy?
02:13:21 His hearts.
02:13:21 The right place seem.
02:13:24 But he's just bad optics.
02:13:26 He doesn't communicate well.
02:13:29 He doesn't.
02:13:30 He doesn't grasp the technical aspects of the very evidence he's trying to present to people.
02:13:37 And so it just comes across, is terrible, a lot of the evidence that they're presenting at this three day Long symposium.
02:13:44 So basically what they're doing is they're streaming.
02:13:46 24/7 or not 24/7, I guess 24 three. So for three days.
02:13:51 Their streaming, they have the stage set up and you've got all kinds of randos.
02:13:57 Everyone like Steve Bannon was on there for a while.
02:14:00 I I'd be surprised if I don't know if I haven't watched every second of it, but I'd be surprised if General Flynn or someone like that didn't make an appearance.
02:14:10 Bolsonaro's son.
02:14:11 Was there like yesterday or something and he has these mathematicians and like I said, these so-called cyber experts and what they're doing is trying to lay out their best evidence that the election was.
02:14:27 And look, the statistical evidence I have said since the very beginning is it's like you're going to have, you can, it's always OK to have a few statistical anomalies.
02:14:36 But there's like every statistical anomaly, the statistical evidence alone strongly, strongly.
02:14:43 You can't say prove, but like it pretty much proves.
02:14:47 That there was a lot of shenanigans like nothing adds up with this.
02:14:51 If you look at this and I've always said that you don't have to prove it's kind of like with the COVID shot thing, it's like for me, I don't care if there's like magnetic nano robots in it.
02:15:01 That's not part of my reasoning.
02:15:03 Same thing with this, like with the voter fraud.
02:15:06 It's just the just the statistical evidence alone.
02:15:11 As someone that can grasp that kind of data.
02:15:15 I understand that like this, some things just don't happen.
02:15:19 And the the the election as told did not happen.
02:15:24 And so he's trying to make this case, but he's doing it with these guys, some of whom are OK at presenting the data, but even the guys that are OK at presenting the data, Mike Lindell comes, like, lumbering on stage, like sometimes right in the middle of their ******* presentation and just starts, like yelling about China and how China hacked our election.
02:15:43 And how China is trying to hack Israel like it's so cringe it's, it's.
02:15:48 And every time he does it like, because you know that he's paying for it.
02:15:51 It's I I think I said on Twitter that it reminds me of when you're watching like the documentary of of how they made episode one and and and George Lucas is all excited about Jar Jar and everyone in the room is too afraid to tell him that Jar Jar Binks is ******* super gay and.
02:16:06 He shouldn't do.
02:16:07 That because he's George Lucas, right?
02:16:10 And it's the same kind of a thing.
02:16:12 Like Mike Lindell comes lumbering on stage and sounding like a coked up ****** that has no charisma and it's just like anyone who because normies are going to have almost an I was going to say hard time, but like pretty much impossible time understanding a lot of the statistical evidence I.
02:16:28 Mean just people are dumb.
02:16:29 Right now and so trying to win people over by presenting information that requires an above average IQ, you're not going to get away with it the way you're going to get away with it.
02:16:41 You need to do that part of it, right?
02:16:43 Just so that you get the higher IQ people that understand it and on your side too, but really.
02:16:48 What he should have done is hire.
02:16:49 Or find some kind of spokesperson to MC this thing. That's not him because he's terrible, because the second he starts talking, it sounds like a **** show. It just sounds like, wow, this guy's like a ******* cartoon character. It's so bad.
02:17:05 And and it's it's like next level cringe.
02:17:09 And so anyone that I would say almost almost anyone who doesn't.
02:17:14 Already? Believe it.
02:17:17 Is going to be turned off by this because I believe it and I'm turned off by it.
02:17:24 And like, it's hard to watch.
02:17:26 I tried.
02:17:27 I recorded like hours and hours and hours.
02:17:30 In fact.
02:17:30 Look, maybe I can even play.
02:17:33 A clip of this guy just being him.
02:17:35 I mean, I don't have to, like find like a specific clip because it's just it's it's so.
02:17:40 Constant during the entire time that he's that he's doing this.
02:17:45 Let's see because I was.
02:17:47 I was.
02:17:48 I captured hours now because.
02:17:50 I was just capturing the whole stream.
02:17:53 In low quality I had to, you know, look good for him. He made it so you could you could stream it in 1/28.
02:18:00 Which is what?
02:18:02 So the quality is gonna be really low.
02:18:05 Let's see here.Speaker 6
02:18:08 Sort by date.Devon
02:18:15 OK, so I think this.02:18:16 Is probably going to be it.
Speaker 7
02:18:20 First, we're working with the.Devon
02:18:23 Alright, let me resize this.02:18:26 All right, so you've got this guy.
02:18:32 He's like the math geek that talks about some of the the statistical analysis.
02:18:38 And, you know, he actually is pretty good.
02:18:40 He seems to know he's talking.
02:18:42 He makes some really good points.
02:18:44 You know, show some of these curves and stuff like that.
02:18:47 But then let's see if I.
02:18:50 And then here comes Mike Lindell.
Speaker 7
02:18:52 Yes, that's right.02:18:53 One of them was called the bind appointments.
02:18:55 And the other one was.
02:18:57 By the way.Speaker 7
02:18:59 Ross Smith. She's another.02:19:00 Matthew Carrier why isn't she here?
02:19:06 She's in the situation room, pounding out the data with the.
02:19:12 Since gay stuff like that, like, uh, like like Mike Lindell keeps talking about, like, oh, it's the red team.02:19:19 I got the red team in the back working in the situation room, and it's just like.
02:19:24 And I get what you're trying to do.
02:19:25 I think you're trying to appeal to the queue people, and you probably are, but to everyone else that.
02:19:30 Just sounds kind of ******* gay.
Speaker 7
02:19:31 Other Red Hat, Red team and.Devon
02:19:35 Red Hat red.02:19:36 It's just like, no, you meant to say white hat and the red team means nothing.
Speaker 7
02:19:41 It's a lot of work.02:19:42 So anyway, we got it before she needs to have be on this stage at some point or another, cause she's cool.
02:19:48 There are other mathematicians that have been doing great work across the country.
02:19:52 It's not just me and what's so been so fun for me is that all of it has come together.
02:19:57 You know my predictions that.
02:19:58 See this thing?02:19:59 A lot of these guys, they're just kind of winging it and that's fine, like, especially this guy did a real like the presentation that he's that this is at.
02:20:06 The end of he did a good enough job where like it's not bad and and tell Mike Lindell starts talking.
Speaker 7
02:20:11 Predictions my algorithms, their algorithms, it all leads to the same.02:20:16 Undeniable conclusion.
02:20:18 So even if there had never been a cyber symposium, even if.
02:20:22 All right, let's Fast forward.02:20:23 I didn't think he was gonna keep talking like that.
02:20:25 Here we go.
Speaker 7
02:20:29 Thank you. Yes.Speaker 3
02:20:32 And like we said, it's the same thing.02:20:35 It all is the same cyber attack.
02:20:37 And I just wanted to interrupt that for a second before we talk about his.
02:20:42 He he even sounds like he sounds.02:20:45 Like a ******* Muppet.
Speaker 3
02:20:46 Simple, I don't know if you know this.02:20:48 This is just in for.
02:20:49 The news we, by the way, we're going to talk about two things, but this is today's the first coordinated China attack cyber attack on Israel.
02:21:00 They think fit Israel, the government and private organizations were targeted.
02:21:04 Ohh no, it's the first large scale Chinese cyber attack on Israel.
02:21:10 Ohh my.
02:21:10 It was reported by fire, ice, cyber, cyber security firm and it's Israeli paper reported today, August 10th.
02:21:19 Scary. So it's happening.
02:21:25 All around the world, everybody.
02:21:27 And they're probably trying wear a race here, but Doctor Frank just said is you have you have math petitions.
02:21:35 We got another one coming tomorrow. We got another one coming tomorrow. We've got we've got all this. We're going to show you all the cyber evidence that's rolling now,, if you go Scroll down.
02:21:42 The cyber evidence.Speaker 3
02:21:46 It's rolling and it's rolling and it's going to keep rolling and we have six states up there. That's data from the 2020 election where the cyber forensic experts are in all the breakout rooms and they're breaking it down.02:21:58 And they're going to see this from the 2020 election. This is real and it happened and it's they're taking our country.
02:22:05 I want to tell you what they did, though, because we always want to call.
02:22:07 Out the fake news here.
02:22:09 Oh, oh, God. See and.Speaker 3
02:22:09 Horrible, horrible meeting.Devon
02:22:11 Someone should have told him.02:22:12 This was a bad idea.
02:22:14 Like he self owns like and he keeps.
02:22:17 So that's The thing is, it's like a constant like he'll have like a good speaker.
02:22:22 Look, I just.
02:22:22 I'm randomly just playing part of a stream from yesterday.
02:22:26 Like it's this bad for three days straight.
02:22:29 Yeah, it's like I had to keep.
02:22:30 Muting it because I just couldn't keep.
02:22:32 Listening to this ******* Muppet talk and it's.
02:22:35 Like again like I feel bad because.
02:22:38 You watch this.
02:22:40 And he you can tell he.
02:22:41 Can't you can tell how easy it would be to to hoodwink this guy out of out of, you know, like the millions of dollars that he's spending on this?
02:22:52 That's gonna and this things going to go nowhere, right?
02:22:54 And it's it feels like elder abuse.
02:22:56 Like, because he seems like a confused old man half the time.
02:22:59 But like, look at this, this is what I'm talking about.
02:23:01 And he keeps doing **** like this.
Speaker 3
02:23:02 That we have in our country and around.02:23:04 The world, but the reason.
02:23:06 I say around.Speaker 3
02:23:06 The world is because we have the president's son, Edward Eduardo.02:23:12 Coming here I should not.
02:23:14 If I say it right, bar.
02:23:15 He can't. And does he listen? He can't pronounce anyone's name. He can't say both like he's and he keeps forgetting that he's from Brazil, so it keeps. So it's just like, it's like, I swear to God, it's like watching a ****** a drunken ******.Speaker 3
02:23:30 Oh, Sir, December scenario.02:23:36 OK Bolsonaro, he's going to be.
02:23:39 I mean, you should not be the face of this.02:23:41 If you want to be taken seriously, you should have had like a spokesperson.
Speaker 3
02:23:45 Coming here to speak a couple of hours, but they're the same things going on in their country.02:23:51 OK. But.
02:23:53 We're going to first call out the media's this morning. So we all know what happened. They attacked our media, had three backups here.
02:24:00 They don't want the word out.
02:24:02 This is the fight.
02:24:03 The fight is you can have all the best.
02:24:06 We've got a physicist here with the smartest.
02:24:08 People in the country.
02:24:10 The the stuff he's won and awards is a beyond belief.
02:24:13 He was not a.
02:24:13 He wasn't into elections.
02:24:15 You just heard his story.
02:24:16 He went into elections.
02:24:18 It's just like me.
02:24:19 I wasn't into election.
02:24:20 I was into pillows, he was into teaching classes.
Speaker 7
02:24:23 He's an old softie, but.Speaker 3
02:24:23 Yeah, yeah.02:24:26 But he did figure out.
02:24:27 That they said those you just seen those algorithms?
02:24:30 See, he doesn't he just seem like he's just.02:24:33 He's like a lost old man.
02:24:35 And the two guys at the desk are just like, oh, God, just can you can you just like?
02:24:40 Like they keep trying to humor him a little bit and and but he doesn't he.
02:24:44 Just keeps going the machine.
Speaker 3
02:24:45 It's machines when him and I first met, I had all this data, all the stuff for the election, and he's going how do I explain this?02:24:52 This had to be done by machines.
02:24:54 It could only do that by machine.
02:24:56 So when I met him, it was like a perfect match.
02:24:59 You know what here's explained I you know, how did they set that algorithm? Remember when we all went to bed 11:00 or wherever?
02:25:06 We seen Donald Trump would.
02:25:07 And then all of a sudden, 3:00 in the morning, everything stopped, flipped, flipped over on his head.
02:25:14 Well, that could have been done.
02:25:15 It had to be done by machine.
02:25:16 He's not even like he.02:25:18 He's not even forming sentences that you can follow, like it's just like he literally sounds like a drunk old man trying to explain something he doesn't understand.
02:25:29 And there's three days of this ****.
02:25:32 And I'm not.
02:25:32 I'm not exaggerating.
02:25:33 Like what happens is.
02:25:35 So I've watched.
02:25:36 I've watched like hours and hours of this stuff.
02:25:39 Believe it or.
02:25:39 Not and.
02:25:41 Because here's the thing he keeps promising.
02:25:44 Oh, there's going to be this big reveal tonight.
02:25:46 Like this is the first day there's gonna be this big reveal is going this big reveal.
02:25:50 Watch out.
02:25:51 Big reveal.
02:25:52 And then when it was time for.
02:25:54 The big reveal it it kept getting delayed and.
02:25:57 It was like.
02:25:57 It was like ******* watching Q and.
02:25:59 On Fast forward.
02:26:00 It where like and you know, trust the plan.
02:26:02 This is going to happen and.
02:26:03 Then it doesn't happen.
02:26:04 O2 more weeks, you know, but.
02:26:05 It was just it.Devon
02:26:06 Was like speed up, right?02:26:07 But it was literally like QQ sign up and Fast forward.
02:26:12 And then he's like, oh, you know, the the person that came out here and flew out on my private.
02:26:18 Jet like look.
02:26:18 I'm sure you spend all this *******.
02:26:20 But like I said, it sounds like.
02:26:22 It seems like.
02:26:22 Elder abuse and so they, they they he spent all this money flying some lady out from Colorado like she's some election election official from some tiny.
02:26:33 That doesn't ******* matter.
02:26:34 Uh, so that she can say that she and then there was number big reveal her big reveal was that she believed that maybe there was election interference that was it like she didn't have any new evidence.
02:26:48 Like there was number reveal, the reveal was, hey, look, here's this.
02:26:53 We found one election official in a small county in Colorado.
02:27:00 To say that she kind of believes us and like that.
02:27:03 Was the reveal.
02:27:05 That was the reveal.
02:27:10 So he's like overselling under delivering, talking like this today.
02:27:15 I just watched part of it.
02:27:17 He had like Doctor Shiva on.
02:27:19 And I'm sorry that ************ drives me crazy.
02:27:22 Just like the the I invented e-mail thing.
02:27:26 You know, it just.
02:27:30 And he's like, it's just.
02:27:35 It's so bad.
02:27:36 Like it's so he'll have like, a speaker, some of whom are OK, like the bow tie guy, the math guy, he's actually pretty good.
02:27:43 He made a compelling argument.
02:27:45 It was.
02:27:46 It was definitely easy to follow.
02:27:49 His slides were good people like that.
02:27:51 That's good.
02:27:52 That's the kind of people.
02:27:53 He should have.
02:27:54 But then in in between.
02:27:55 All these guys.
02:27:57 And over these guys, because he'll walk you on stage like he just did, right.
02:28:01 And now he's going, he rambles like this for, like, ever like it just it's like never ending.
02:28:06 And then he'll have the next guy on, or he'll try to do like a discussion like, oh, let's have a round table and we'll talk about what we just want.
02:28:14 But instead of talking about it intelligently, because I'm Mike.
02:28:17 Blundell and I'm basically a ******** Muppet.
02:28:19 I'm going to sit here and and keep repeating the same three things about the cyber hacker, the cyber hacker and the China with the Israel.
02:28:30 The same three things that are irrelevant to what we just.
02:28:33 Watched and have nothing to do with even the expertise of the people sitting here next to me while they kind of just smile and nod uncomfortably and try to get through it like it's just it's bad.
Speaker 3
02:28:46 And but I just want.02:28:48 To say that it like.
02:28:49 And here's all right, so here's the.02:28:50 Self owned thing you.
02:28:51 Gotta watch.
02:28:52 So the other thing he keeps doing, because this is such a **** show.
02:28:57 The the leftist media is having.
02:28:59 A field day with this.
02:29:00 And like, why wouldn't you?
02:29:02 I mean, this is just a target rich environment for this kind of a thing.
02:29:07 And so what's happening is they're writing articles or live tweeting or whatever, like what a **** show this is.
02:29:13 And so he's going on his phone and then, like, reading the articles they're writing and like.
02:29:20 In his Muppet Voice, and it's just it's like I all I can do is I want, I feel.
02:29:25 I legitimately feel bad for this guy.
02:29:28 Because he has.Devon
02:29:28 No idea how this is being perceived.Speaker 3
02:29:31 This is this way this is.02:29:32 The big the.
02:29:33 Big Lie is the big lie.
02:29:35 And you had.
02:29:36 Newsweek did this hit job here?
02:29:38 And and see if you can.
02:29:40 Read between the lines here.
02:29:41 Mike Lindell delays Cyber Symposium after saying he was hacked.
02:29:48 OK, now let me tell you that there's two things wrong with that.
02:29:51 Statement one is delays, it doesn't it sound like we're putting it off right.
Speaker 7
02:29:56 We didn't delete it.Speaker 3
02:29:56 There could be weeks, right?02:29:59 Could be weeks, could be miles hit, you know.
02:30:02 After saying he was hacked.
02:30:06 What's that?
02:30:06 You know, I just said it.
02:30:08 We were hacked.
02:30:09 Not once, but twice.
02:30:10 Just found out.
02:30:11 40 million either bounce or people came in at once.
02:30:17 40 million.
02:30:18 I was just up as the cyber forensic expert.
02:30:21 So a lot of them were attacked, whatever they did, but that's a lot of people that.
02:30:23 You know what it you know what it is?02:30:24 About his delivery.
Speaker 3
02:30:25 Hey I'm there.Devon
02:30:25 That drives me nuts.02:30:26 He's like Trump.
02:30:28 If you if you sucked every ounce of charisma out of him and all you were left with was the the buffoonish boomer act.
02:30:37 But with 0 charisma.
Speaker 3
02:30:39 You know.02:30:41 And now we're going to this will be our whole thing of this and the 72 hour streaming.
02:30:47 We're going to be streaming live the whole time.
02:30:49 They tried to take a commercial.
02:30:50 Do you see that for the breakout rooms?
02:30:52 That ain't happening on my watch. We're extremely. We're going 72 hours because this is going to get out there. You never know it. And plus, I want to keep calling these guys.
02:31:01 For these these what they've done to our country, the the whole technology was attacked Lindale announced to a live crowd gathered in Sioux Falls, SD, we need to get the word out here because they blocked the thing.
02:31:17 Is that why we need to get the word out?
02:31:19 We need to get the word out because.
02:31:20 We've been under.
02:31:21 Attack by China.
02:31:23 Oh my God, so it's it's.02:31:25 Three days of non like it's just streaming nonstop for three days this.
02:31:34 Like I'm not.
02:31:35 I'm not even.
02:31:35 I'm not exaggerating.
02:31:36 Like they have like I.
02:31:38 Said they do have speakers that come on and some of them.
02:31:40 Are better than others and I.
02:31:43 None of this is.
02:31:44 New to me, so like it's.
02:31:46 You know, like all I can tell you is.
02:31:48 Like how good of a job they do in.
02:31:49 Presenting the data and.
02:31:51 Some of them do.
02:31:51 An OK job, but then it gets *******.
02:31:54 Just like then this.
02:31:55 Guy comes lumbering on stage and go.
Speaker 3
02:31:57 Dubba Dubba dub the cyber with the hacking and the red team in China.Devon
02:32:02 And it's just like God shut.02:32:03 The **** **, dude?
02:32:05 Like it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about, and then you start like, that's not even like the worst ones.
02:32:11 Like there's some.
02:32:11 Where he's like.
02:32:13 It's bad, it's just bad.
02:32:15 And then he keeps interrupting people.
02:32:17 When, when Bannon was on, like, you could tell, like Bannon was just like, God, shut the **** **, dude.
02:32:23 Like it was just, in fact, because you know how much Bannon likes to talk and lyndell.
02:32:28 Was like over.
02:32:29 Like talking over banning to the point where Bannon just stopped talking, just like shut up and like, didn't say anything for like the rest of the time.
02:32:36 It was up there, it.
02:32:36 Was it was kind of it.
02:32:38 Was kind of funny.
02:32:39 And and it was like so it's it's.
02:32:42 It's a train wreck in the in you.
02:32:44 You knew it was going to be.
02:32:45 Bad because you know Trump's not attaching himself to this a lot.
02:32:50 All the people that he's able to find, it's literally just the kind of people that it's.
02:32:54 Just mega grifters.
02:32:57 And so it is what it is.
02:32:58 But again, like some of these guys, the science, the, the mathematicians and the science, the the statisticians and some.
02:33:04 Of them, not all of them.
02:33:06 Are legit.
02:33:08 They make good points, but they're points that they made like months and months and months ago.
02:33:13 Like there's been nothing new.
02:33:15 And so you never want to do that.
02:33:17 You never want.
02:33:18 To hype a.
02:33:19 Up up an event like that and spend that the kind of money he's spending million like I think he said something like I swear to God, he said.
02:33:26 That he was spending like 15,000,000 ******* dollars.
02:33:31 $15 million.
02:33:33 I don't know if.
02:33:34 That meant just that event or like you.
02:33:36 Know the related cost.
02:33:37 To it.
02:33:38 But 15 ******* $1,000,000 and this isn't going to go anywhere.
02:33:43 There's not even.
02:33:44 Really a mechanism to get Trump back in?
02:33:48 So, like if let's say, let's say he did have some big he, well he doesn't.
02:33:52 That's the other problem, too, is he shouldn't sell like this event.
02:33:56 Like you've got some kind of big Earth shattering news and that and then present nothing new.
02:34:03 Or no smoking gun.
02:34:05 Because that's where we're at.
02:34:06 We're we're he's got to understand everyone who's going to believe you already believes you.
02:34:12 In fact, if anything, you're kind of.
02:34:14 Making probably some of those people.
02:34:15 Believe you less.
02:34:17 Because you don't seem like.
02:34:18 A credible person when you're talking.
02:34:21 Like you seem like you don't know.
02:34:22 What you're.
02:34:22 Talking about and because this statistical evidence is hard for the average person to understand, they're going to react to it emotionally.
02:34:31 Just as much, if not more than, then they're going to react to it on a rational level, because if it's, if it's data that the average person isn't able to like.
02:34:42 Really soak up and think critically about it, and I would say that would probably be the case.
02:34:49 I think the average person, certainly the average Trump supporter, you know who's still a Trump supporter now, right?
02:34:56 Those people are not going to be able to adequately understand all of your data.
02:35:02 And so they're going to run off of fields.
02:35:06 Right. They're going, they're going.
02:35:07 To listen to.
02:35:09 How you it's.
02:35:09 Going to be about presentation at that point and you are the equivalent of going to a French restaurant that's been, you know, it's been completely, you know, meticulously this dish has been like, the chef has been working on.
02:35:26 All day long.
02:35:27 That mathematician guy.
02:35:29 And he's got it meticulously arranged on this silver platter.
02:35:34 And it gets put on your your table and right before you're about to start eating it, Mike Lindell comes in and just ******* plops a a sloppy Joe on the top and then pours like, an entire bottle of ketchup over it.
02:35:50 I mean that.
02:35:50 That's that's essentially what what's going on in this place.
02:35:53 And it's just like it's non ******* stuff and and some of the people are not Even so critical or credible.
02:36:00 And they keep doing massive ******* like you.
02:36:03 It it just seems like none of them know what they're doing and not like, oh, well, this is live.
02:36:08 And you know it, you know, anytime.
02:36:10 Trust me.
02:36:11 You need live stuff all the time. Anytime you do stuff that's live, you're gonna **** things up and no one's gonna get 100% right.
02:36:16 I get it.
02:36:17 And like they're not professionals, they're not like broadcasters or like, this isn't what they do.
02:36:21 So they're gonna **** it up, too.
02:36:23 They're gonna get some things wrong.
02:36:25 You know, they're mathematicians and they're, you know, engineers.
02:36:28 Or whatever, but it it doesn't even come across like that where it's like, oh, I can forgive.
02:36:34 I'm doing that.
02:36:34 It just seems like heads up their ***** type **** like the kind of stuff that like.
02:36:40 Really indicates to me.
02:36:42 These are not.
02:36:43 High performing people just generally speaking, right and so it it throws into doubt and and it comes across and not just not just to me like this, that's how they're going to be perceived by a lot of people.
02:36:56 And really the I again, like I said, I think the only people that were that where.
02:36:59 They're missing that.
02:37:01 Is because they already believe this.
02:37:02 They want it to be good.
02:37:03 It's the same people that that couldn't see, that cube was ********.
02:37:06 You know what I mean?
02:37:08 So it's.
02:37:09 It's been a **** show, an absolute ******* **** show.
02:37:17 Obviously you know it's not going to lead to the, you know, Trump being president in August.
02:37:23 We're already like, what a third of the way through the month, so.
02:37:27 Almost half.
02:37:29 So it's it's not going to ******* happen.
02:37:33 Anyway, I mean we can play.
02:37:35 I it's hard.
02:37:37 If you read, I'll play.
02:37:38 A little bit more just cause I wanted.
02:37:39 To read this article, he starts it just.
02:37:42 It just shows you cause he thinks because you know that as you watch this, he thinks this shows you how how off his perception or his.
02:37:58 Of how he's being perceived as because he thinks that what he's doing is like this big, you know, stick it to the media kind of gesture, you know, like, this is the kind of thing and and that it's going to go over well and.
02:38:13 Like the you?
02:38:14 Know the the the journalists that he's.
02:38:16 Reading from are going to be like Oh well, he got me.
02:38:18 Like it's it's like.
02:38:22 You know it.
02:38:22 It's it's like I've talked about, like this kind of a personality type before, where you you have a friend who agrees with you on stuff and but then when you get into a debate with someone else, they, like, jump in and try to help you win the debate.
02:38:36 But they're just so bad at persuasion and just everything that you just wish they'd shut the **** ** because they're not helping.
02:38:43 But they think they're helping.
02:38:45 So it's like he puts you in this.
02:38:47 Weird awkward position.
02:38:49 You know like.
02:38:51 The only way to make them stop?
02:38:52 It is to.
02:38:54 Publicly humiliate them and so you don't want to do that.
02:38:57 But at the same time, they're making you lose, so you know.
02:39:01 And so that's and.
02:39:01 So that awkward.
02:39:04 That awkward tension is just constantly on the stage because the people that do understand who are the higher IQ people that you know the the data crunchers and all these guys and the guy, the guy on the left is actually very, you know, he's got a very good delivery and he should have been the guy I'm seeing or someone.
02:39:22 Like him.
02:39:23 But you can just tell they're just sitting there in that, that.
02:39:26 ******* you can cut it with a knife.
02:39:28 It's so thick.
02:39:29 This this *******.
02:39:32 Urge like they must have, just like all of their self-control. It's just they're not like just ******* shove them off that that stage and start beating them over the head with that with that ******* podium.
Speaker 3
02:39:43 Hello I mean.02:39:46 You know Newsweek?
02:39:47 Let's see who wrote this.
02:39:50 John John Jackson for Newsweek, John Jackson, everybody.
02:39:56 Is that a journalist?
02:39:57 Does he care about our country he got?
02:39:59 He doesn't care about our country.
02:40:01 He watched that 18 minute movie.
02:40:04 I would hope he did, but I'll bet he did.
02:40:07 I'll bet he did.
02:40:08 If he did, how could he write this?
02:40:12 It's it's, it's terrible and this is what we're going to do all week and we're calling their names out by name.
02:40:18 That was John Jackson, you know?
02:40:20 So anybody know that Google my name?
02:40:23 Because they just Google my name.
02:40:24 You guys want to see what's going all day, all day, all day.
02:40:27 Google, Mike Lindell.
02:40:29 Or suppose him and then hit the news button.
02:40:31 If any of you.
02:40:33 If any of you see some hit job, go report it at the front desk out there and we're going to.
02:40:38 Call him out.
02:40:39 We're going to come up.
02:40:40 Do please do he.02:40:44 It's the thing he has no idea if you're a journalist writing a hit piece about him right now that this is like you're giving them everything they want.
02:40:55 This is ******* music to your ears.
02:40:58 I mean, you're just like.
02:40:59 Holy ****, really.
02:41:01 Ohh good Lord, please.
02:41:04 Mikey, please read mine.
Speaker 3
02:41:06 They're enemies of our country.02:41:08 All of them are.
02:41:09 They're enemies.
02:41:11 Anyone who's trying to?
02:41:11 Be part of this is horrible.
02:41:14 We have to get this out. We have three days to do it. I'm going to tell you tonight at 7:00.
02:41:20 You need to tell everyone if you're watching around the world to be on here if you may. If you seen one thing of this, you better be on your 7:00 PM Tonight 7.
02:41:29 That was the big reveal that went nowhere.02:41:31 That was the look we have this Colorado election official from a small county that I flew in on my jet.
02:41:42 Blink, blink crickets and that's it.
02:41:50 Like there.
02:41:51 Like there was no reveal.
02:41:52 It was just like.
02:41:53 Look, she we have her.
02:41:56 And like that was it.
02:41:57 And then they also, apparently.
02:41:58 So I looked into this.
02:42:00 So they tried to tease that a little bit before they they trotted her out on stage.
02:42:04 That was late, and then he comes on stage.
02:42:07 I wish I I I have no idea this recording so long.
02:42:10 It's like, you know, 8 hours long and I don't know.
02:42:12 Where it's at but.
02:42:14 Before he trots her out on stage, he's like.
02:42:18 Oh, I don't know.
02:42:19 I don't know if we can do the big reveal because you know the.
02:42:24 Red team is.
02:42:24 Telling me that they rated her office.
02:42:27 They rated her office and you know, it's just like you try to fight them and then, like, you know, they raided your office.
02:42:34 And they and they kept saying that over.
02:42:36 And I'm like, what the ****?
02:42:37 Who rated who, what?
02:42:39 And so it it turns out what happened is.
02:42:42 Apparently the passwords to the elector or the the election system in this small county in Colorado got leaked online, but they're not passwords that were valid before the election.
02:42:58 They recently did, like an upgrade or who knows.
02:43:02 Probably a cover up right, but when they did that, like in May or March, I figure what it was one of the M months.
02:43:09 They updated the passwords and apparently those passwords when they got shared with people at that time when they were, you know, updating it got leaked onto the Internet and then that official that the.
02:43:24 The the Colorado election official lady they accused her of leaking it so that she, you know, she was basically saying to the cute people look, you can find our passwords on the Internet.
02:43:36 That's how secure it is here.
02:43:38 Now, like, I don't know if they really.
02:43:39 If she really did that or what.
02:43:41 But like, that's why they raided her office.
02:43:44 So they could go through her computers and see if she was the leaker of these password.
02:43:48 So anyway, so they they make it sound like it's something crazy, I don't know, whatever.
02:43:54 And then she gets on the stage and literally doesn't give us any information at all.
02:43:59 And then Mike Lindell starts talking like, you know Mike Lindell, but that's what he's that's what he's promoting right here.
02:44:07 He's saying if you see anything.
02:44:09 About these three.
02:44:10 That's what you see.
02:44:11 And it was a literal nothing.
Speaker 3
02:44:13 Central time.02:44:15 Everyone's got to be on for this, everyone.
02:44:18 You're you're in.
02:44:22 We got.
02:44:23 I'm going to see if there's any other ones here.
02:44:24 I think we're.
02:44:25 I think we're good for now, but we're going to call every single terrible journalists out, Jim.
02:44:31 Jim Acosta, why would you?
02:44:32 Like and he can't, he keeps mispronouncing everyone, like, literally everyone's name.02:44:33 And he.
02:44:37 Can't say Jim Acosta and he and Jim Acosta just ******* interviewed him.
Speaker 3
02:44:43 To call me, I'll take your call direct, OK.02:44:48 So you all seen Doctor Frank's?
02:44:51 And the thing because of his.02:44:54 Look, look, he would be like a charming uncle, right?
02:44:59 I'm not saying.
02:44:59 I hate the guy.
02:45:01 Like I said, I feel bad for.
02:45:03 He's totally ill suited for this.
02:45:06 And he right now is giving off.
02:45:11 Like if you're a leftist and you watch this, and that's presumably who he wants to convince, right?
02:45:17 The right already believes.
02:45:18 It by and large like this isn't going to like make any big gains in the in on the right.
02:45:25 But the left is going to watch this.
02:45:29 And he's a caricature of a Trump supporter, you know, like, he just seems like, you know, the the, the dumb hillbilly white guy.
02:45:38 I mean, he's from where is he from?
02:45:39 Like, Minnesota or one of those northern M states?
02:45:44 No, he's Minnesota, right?
02:45:46 Isn't that where the my pillow place is?
02:45:48 One of his employees got beheaded by like a, like a migrant or something.
02:45:53 Anyway, just like a couple.
02:45:55 Of weeks ago the.
02:45:57 But he sounds, you know, like he, he sounds like the caricature of a Trump supporter like this is.
02:46:04 All he's doing.
02:46:06 If you're like a a mid wit left wing person and you come into contact with.
02:46:11 This this just reinforces everything CNN is saying about him.
Speaker 3
02:46:17 Algorithms now.Devon
02:46:20 That should just be like on my soundboard.02:46:22 Uh, algorithms.
Speaker 3
02:46:24 Scare you when you could go do it yourself in every single state and every single county, you check the first county the same percentage of 25 year olds voter picking 7 year olds or 50 year olds.02:46:40 That's the that's how they set the algorithm.
02:46:42 They said it.
02:46:42 That's why I told you earlier on.
02:46:44 That's why when you had this is one of the things when I met him it.
02:46:47 Was the answer.
02:46:48 But wow, that's why when he told us that the 2010 Census report, that's why when you had your Arizona.
02:46:57 Or your or your.
02:46:59 Nevada. Let's take Nevada. I don't know how many people don't have the number right now, but they'll say there's 15,020 thousand non residents have voted.
02:47:08 I thought to myself like it kept bothering me through November and December.
02:47:12 People are good people.
02:47:13 That's just they didn't just.
02:47:15 Imagine I just had three days of this.02:47:20 And it just all.
02:47:21 It does is.
02:47:23 It's it. It just.
02:47:25 Discredits everything that the guy.
02:47:27 Who did the presentation just said.
02:47:36 Let's say you watched that and you're like starting to get convinced by the data, and then this ******* buffoon walks on and you find ohh that's.
02:47:44 This is the guy putting this whole thing on.
02:47:46 Oh, ****.
02:47:49 I don't know.
02:47:49 I just.
02:47:50 I can't.
02:47:51 I don't know who this is could possibly be working for.
02:47:55 Like, I don't see who could possibly be watching this and think to themselves like oh.
02:48:01 Yeah, this is great.
02:48:03 Good job, Mike Lindell, and I doubt you like because it was exactly the same today I.
02:48:08 Don't think anyone told them.
02:48:09 You know, so.
02:48:11 It's been, and it wasn't even just it's.
02:48:13 It's not just me like I.
02:48:14 Think yes or.
02:48:16 I guess it was today or technically yesterday.
02:48:18 Now I was watching.
02:48:23 True news or someone restreaming this and they were saying some of the same ****.
02:48:28 Like wow this guy.
02:48:29 Just won't shut the **** **.
02:48:32 You know just.
02:48:32 I don't know.
02:48:34 So that was that's.
02:48:34 The big, you know, Trump's going to be president again.
02:48:37 Thing, see this.
02:48:39 Is the problem.
02:48:40 Right, the.
02:48:41 We have the.
02:48:42 Guys that have money like this guy. I mean, he spent ******* $15 million on this.
02:48:48 $15 million. You know, I could deal with 15 ******* million dollars.
02:48:53 And not just me.
02:48:53 There's lots of people that could.
02:48:54 Do a lot more.
02:48:55 Than ******* like it'd be hard to do hard, be hard to do worse.
02:49:02 And so we're not just up against the Soros money, we're up against like this guys money. And and Trump's $80 million.
02:49:17 So anyway, anyway, all right.
02:49:21 I'm going to wrap it up just because it looks like we are now over three hours and just timing wise.
02:49:28 Another for me to rerender this and get it uploaded before the Internet stops working, I got.
02:49:33 To wrap it up, because.
02:49:34 I was a little bit late Internet.
02:49:37 Does not work awesome when I get weird weather.
02:49:41 Like it's worse than usual.
02:49:43 So that's why it was late today.
02:49:46 But anyway, hopefully it'll work better on Saturday and we're going to be going over Saturday.
02:49:52 I'm going to have a A we're going to take a look at a a show from the late 80s.
02:50:00 About a Jew who marries a shiksa.
02:50:04 And he convinces her to not have Christmas for her, their baby, but to light the menorah, even though he's he's basically an atheist Jew.
02:50:14 He's like not a practicing Jew.
02:50:16 He decides that his culture is more important and should be dominant, and that his kids should be raised with it.
02:50:25 And that in the Christmas makes him uncomfortable.
02:50:28 He doesn't like it.
02:50:29 And there's another episode where they have their.
02:50:35 Their second baby.
02:50:37 And he convinces her to do a bris and have the kid circumcised.
02:50:43 Again, even though he's like, basically an atheist, Jew doesn't go to temple or anything like he.
02:50:49 You know, he's not.
02:50:49 Religious at all.
02:50:51 He just does it because it's part of being Jewish and it's part of his ethnicity.
02:50:58 And and so like, there's a whole episode basically.
02:51:02 Struggling with that and the show itself.
02:51:07 It's so it's just so bad.
02:51:10 It's so bad.
02:51:13 So we'll talk.
02:51:13 A little bit about the show itself and and how it inspired a lot of the philosemitic 90 shows shows like Seinfeld.
02:51:23 Even shows like, you know, Curb Your Enthusiasm and stuff like that.
02:51:27 It was it was.
02:51:29 It was.
02:51:29 There's some shows I can tell you as someone that work in the industry.
02:51:33 There's some shows that are, like every show has like an audience, but there's some shows they design specifically for industry people to watch because they know that.
02:51:43 Like if that's your job, right?
02:51:44 One of the reasons why I've seen so many *******.
02:51:46 Movies and TV shows is that's.
02:51:48 What I wanted to do?
02:51:49 And so in preparation for, you know, doing that and and learning how to do.
02:51:54 It you end.
02:51:54 Up watching like a lot of stuff.
02:51:56 So a lot of industry people, I mean, they watch they can.
02:51:58 Boom a lot, a lot, a lot.
02:52:00 A lot.
02:52:01 A lot of movies and TV shows and stuff like that, because you're always trying to see, like, what's, you know, what's the new technique.
02:52:09 What are people doing and who's the new hot actress or whatever you want to stay plugged in and so like people are always.
02:52:19 Always watching this stuff and this show, I think was specifically designed.
02:52:24 In that way, because even the setting it's kind of like an industry setting and the way that it ends also you know it ends in the industry, in Hollywood and stuff like that.
02:52:34 So it just seems like it was targeted at Hollywood Jews honestly and and trying to show because.
02:52:44 The main characters are Jewish, but they have relationship with the Golem and so in a lot of ways.
02:52:52 And of course the Jews are very we'll get, we'll get into it later, we'll get into it on Saturday, but it's just it's very.
02:52:59 It's, you know, make.
02:53:01 You hate boomers a little more, too, because it's about yuppies like and that's.
02:53:05 The point of the.
02:53:06 Show is supposed to be them grappling with becoming yuppies, but it's there's a lot more to.
02:53:10 It anyway, so I hope you guys had a good evening and stay safe out there and try to take the try to take the white pill.
02:53:19 I think of all these challenges we're facing.
02:53:23 Realize that it's not going to be smooth, but if you don't want to be selected out.
02:53:29 Don't get selected out.
02:53:32 It really is as simple as all that.
02:53:35 The choice really is yours.
02:53:39 It's just that the universe makes it a lot easy or way easier for you to make the to take the easy way out.
02:53:46 That's why it's called the easy way out and to not have the discipline and not face the challenges and not make the sacrifices that you might not personally benefit from.
02:53:55 And it's really difficult and it takes a great people to make their sacrifices for their descendants and for their people.
02:54:04 And so you have to ask yourself, are you part of that?
02:54:07 Do you want?
02:54:07 To be a part of that.
02:54:11 Yeah, let's make it happen, Captain.
02:54:15 All right guys.
02:54:17 For black pilled.
02:54:19 I am of course.
02:54:22 Devon stag.
Speaker 6
02:54:23 One SEC democracy is falling.02:54:26 See you, daddy.
02:54:27 Hi, my name is Cooper and this is a day in my life as a White House intern.
02:54:33 We did a joke.Speaker 6
02:54:35 Hey everyone's foe.02:54:37 Usually I start off with a big coffee.
02:54:41 They're like, really.
02:54:41 Straight in here.
02:54:42 Hey Jenny, I booked you a.02:54:43 Nail appointment, love. Yeah.
02:54:44 I didn't tell.
Speaker 3
02:54:45 You to do that.Speaker 6
02:54:46 It's called initiative.02:54:47 White House is super.
02:54:49 I don't think so.
02:54:52 This is actually The West Wing.
02:54:55 This is so fun.
02:54:56 It's really prestigious.