
You Aren't Taking Our Guns.mp3

00:00:01 You're not taking away our guns.
00:00:03 Guns aren't for the.
00:00:04 People who acquiesce when asked nicely to give up their rights.
00:00:07 That's why they have guns.
00:00:08 Guns aren't for the people that one day think that the police are out shooting blacks for sport.
00:00:13 But then the very next.
00:00:14 Day want all guns to be owned by the police?
00:00:18 Guns aren't for people who, whether through a lack of lineage that goes back to the founding fathers or a complete disrespect for the rights outlined by them for their descendants.
00:00:27 Wish to diminish the power of the people in favor of the same kind of tyranny that existed in the lands of their ancestors.
00:00:33 The same kind of tyranny that has claimed the lives of hundreds of.
00:00:36 Millions lives that may have been saved if the people had been armed with guns.
00:00:42 Guns aren't for the people that stand idly by or seek to cover up an administration attempting A coup, A coup to subvert the will of the American people and the peaceful transfer of power that is the very bedrock of our free society.
00:00:54 Guns aren't for these people that just shrug their shoulders because they weren't told by their complicit media masters to do otherwise.
00:01:01 Guns aren't for the servile and obedient.
00:01:03 Masses, they don't have guns because they slavishly do as they're told anyway, and they were told to surrender.
00:01:09 Guns are for the Patriots.
00:01:11 That would rather live free, unafraid in the face of danger, than peacefully as a slave.
00:01:17 Guns are for the Patriots that know that sacrificing liberty for security is a bargain that results in having neither.
00:01:24 So maybe guns aren't the problem at all.
00:01:27 Maybe guns just aren't for you.
00:01:31 For Black pilled, I'm Devin stack.