

00:00:00 On my way.
00:02:36 Searching, I have never seen.
Speaker 1
00:02:43 Turning from DC.
Speaker 4
00:03:12 Because I'm still feeling lonely.
Speaker 5
00:04:16 This secret.
00:04:20 The sad silence.
Speaker 2
00:04:26 The world.
00:05:55 Google Home.
Speaker 6
00:08:47 And you.
00:09:42 Just going to call it that.
00:09:46 OK.
00:09:47 Can you hear the you guys can hear me now?
00:09:49 Right.
00:09:50 Well, that's crazy.
00:09:53 I don't know what happened.
00:09:53 There just uh.
00:09:56 They are, yeah.
00:09:58 Guys are behind.
00:09:59 You guys are behind.
00:10:00 I know.
00:10:01 I know you guys are.
00:10:02 All same yet.
00:10:02 It's not Dan Boomer by.
00:10:04 The way it's I didn't change.
00:10:07 Anything OBS had the the microphone turned on and I had to add a new microphone. So I'm.
00:10:13 Not sure what's up.
00:10:14 With that, but whatever.
00:10:15 Who cares?
Speaker 7
00:10:17 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:10:21 I'm your host, Devin Stack.
00:10:25 This is the.
00:10:25 Ambush edition.
00:10:26 Maybe I got ambushed.
00:10:28 The the audio.
00:10:29 Gremlins came and disabled my microphone.
00:10:33 I'm still not sure what's up with that because the mic, the.
00:10:36 Mics was obviously working the.
00:10:38 The little Mikey.
00:10:40 Sound ideally where I don't know, whatever cares.
Speaker 7
00:10:44 Who cares?
00:10:45 At least I I.
00:10:45 Was Eagle Eye make eagle on the I'm catching that, so that's good.
00:10:49 Alright, so.
00:10:52 All right.
00:10:53 No patriot Moat, huh?
00:10:55 Little ****** *** we didn't get our patriot Moat.
00:10:59 Trump not arrested no patriot Moat.
00:11:03 No Trump. Uh.
00:11:06 Fingerprinting now Trump mug shot.
00:11:10 They're now saying maybe it's it's like it's like ******* queuing on all over again now they're like, oh, and next week, next week it's gonna happen next.
00:11:21 And you know, Speaking of Q.
00:11:23 Anon people, I I I I want like people.
00:11:26 Think I'm exaggerating when I say there's actually a lot of people that believe this nonsense still.
00:11:31 I know people in real life that are like this.
00:11:34 I just do.
00:11:35 I don't.
00:11:36 I wish I didn't.
00:11:37 But you know they mean well some of them.
00:11:40 But look, this was this is a little post from a PQ channel, OK.
00:11:48 The arrest of Donald Trump would cause the Supreme Court to disclose their decision that Trump is president of the USA and therefore cannot be indicted while he's in office.
00:12:00 This would probably trigger the military to explain through an emergency broadcast that Trump.
00:12:06 Is president of the of the United States.
00:12:08 Because of massive fraud in 20.
00:12:16 There are cute tardes that are say wow.
00:12:18 Of course they interest him today because then they have they'd have, they would ruin the plan.
00:12:25 The big complicated plan where Trump is just pretending not to be president and for some reason.
Speaker 7
00:12:32 Biden is I I none.
00:12:35 Of it makes any sense.
00:12:37 None of it make any oh.
00:12:38 Wait, wait, hold on, hold on.
00:12:40 They have.
00:12:41 There's an in-depth explanation.
00:12:44 So because because to me this doesn't.
00:12:47 This just sounds like nonsense, right?
00:12:50 It just sounds like nonsense, but turns out I'm the crazy one.
00:12:54 They're not crazy.
00:12:56 I'm the crazy one.
00:12:57 And so let's go ahead and let's.
00:13:00 Let's pop up there.
00:13:01 Really complicated, you know, cause, you know, apparently I didn't do enough research.
00:13:06 I didn't do the research required to understand what the Hell's going on here, so here's the.
00:13:12 Here's the Super complicated reason why you guys.
Speaker 7
00:13:18 Probably can't even read.
00:13:19 That can, you know, it doesn't matter.
Speaker 7
00:13:20 It's it's, it's.
00:13:22 Like it's something that like, it's not meaningless.
Speaker 2
00:13:28 But I'll read.
00:13:29 It for you anyway.
00:13:31 Check out this sweet piece from the Supreme Court dated March 4th, 2020. Key date. This piece shows that a sitting president cannot be indicted.
Speaker 7
00:13:42 And it's the key piece that holds the key for the Supreme Court to reveal everything to the lead, to lead to the tribunals and reveal everything.
00:13:55 March 4th is the original inauguration date in the United States, and March 2020 is the same month and year. See alright. You know the difference between crazy people.
00:14:08 And smart people.
00:14:10 And sometimes it's a it's a fine line sometimes.
00:14:13 You get a little.
00:14:13 Bit of both because of this.
00:14:16 You see, smart people excel.
00:14:20 At pattern recognition.
00:14:23 They see patterns.
00:14:27 Crazy people.
00:14:28 They also see patterns.
00:14:30 But they're patterns that don't exist, they lack the discernment to to separate what's not a pattern.
00:14:39 And and what?
00:14:40 What's, what's just simply a coincidence?
00:14:42 Or sometimes not?
00:14:42 Even really a coincidence?
00:14:44 You know, like, but it's just like a normal thing that doesn't qualify as a pattern.
00:14:51 Or at least not a significant pattern.
00:14:54 You know, like if you see two people.
00:14:57 Walk by and they're both wearing shoes.
00:15:01 I mean, I guess it's a pattern, right?
00:15:03 They're both wearing shoes.
00:15:05 But it's not a significant pattern.
00:15:08 It's not out of the ordinary.
Speaker 7
00:15:10 It's something you would expect.
00:15:13 That's really the only thing, not the only thing, but a big thing that separates crazy people from smart people.
00:15:20 Is crazy people.
00:15:22 Who can be very smart, by the way?
00:15:25 They don't know.
00:15:26 Where to, where to turn off?
00:15:28 The patterns and I honestly I think a lot of it's.
00:15:30 People who don't.
00:15:33 They don't go out and and and and exist in public or in the real world enough.
00:15:39 To know what?
Speaker 7
00:15:39 What is normal anyway?
Speaker 11
00:15:41 Anyway, and in and in the.
00:15:42 Case of queue people usually one of.
00:15:44 The big hang ups.
Speaker 7
00:15:46 These are people.
00:15:48 Who didn't pay attention whatsoever to politics or anything?
00:15:53 Prior to to, you know, Donald Trump.
00:15:56 They were voting for a celebrity, Donald Trump.
00:15:59 What's brought is what brought them into politics.
00:16:02 And so they have no idea how any of this **** works.
00:16:04 They have no idea how any of this **** works, and they're usually pretty low class.
00:16:08 And look, I'm not ******** on low class people.
00:16:10 It's just that when you have a significant distance between you and anyone with any actual real power.
00:16:17 You're left to your imagination.
00:16:19 You know you're you're just, you're going to have to just imagine what it's like to have power.
00:16:26 Right.
00:16:26 And and and and whatever you don't know because you haven't been, you know, researched this researching this stuff.
00:16:33 You're not educated.
Speaker 7
00:16:34 A lot of.
00:16:35 Times you fill in the blanks with **** that's in movies or TV.
00:16:40 So anyway, the.
00:16:44 Back to the back to the the the wonderful explanation.
00:16:48 March 4th is the original inauguration date.
00:16:51 So, and that's the other thing too is they think a lot of these guys, they think that somehow.
00:16:57 That would make any.
00:16:59 That you know that that.
00:17:01 Crazy people.
00:17:02 Not only do they see patterns where patterns don't exist, they think things have to have patterns.
00:17:07 Like it has to have pattern, it has to have some kind of synchronicity with this or it can't happen.
00:17:13 And and in fact, the more powerful someone is, the more patterns have to be involved in everything that they do.
00:17:21 Like, imagine if you had.
00:17:22 To like somehow.
00:17:24 Plan anything in your life where you'd.
00:17:27 Have to do stuff like you'd.
00:17:28 You'd never get anything done if you were like, OK?
00:17:31 I'm going to go to Burg.
Speaker 7
00:17:32 OK.
00:17:33 But what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna.
00:17:37 I'm gonna make sure that when I go to Burger King.
00:17:42 I I have to so I can't even think of.
00:17:45 Anything like I?
Speaker 7
00:17:46 Was I was trying to think of, like have.
00:17:47 It your way.
00:17:48 The king maybe.
00:17:50 Ohh, that sort of is.
00:17:51 You have to drive down Martin Luther King Street to go to Burger King.
00:17:55 I don't know.
00:17:56 But you get what I'm saying.
00:17:57 Like if you had to come up with all these like weird tie INS with everything you've ever ******* did all the time.
00:18:03 You'd never get anything done.
00:18:04 Who do you think?
00:18:04 'S planning all this stuff.
00:18:07 Who do they think is?
00:18:08 Just sitting there.
00:18:09 In a room like alright.
00:18:10 I guess that's where it is.
00:18:11 Like they're they're most of their.
00:18:13 Their perception of reality is, you know, I'm reminded of there was that documentary called The Wolf Pack about those weirdo that weirdo guy that that forced his family like, there were this welfare family in in New York.
00:18:28 And he had like 8 kids or something like that.
00:18:31 And he and he made his wife and his eight kids stay in the house.
00:18:36 And and I mean, like this little tiny apartment.
00:18:38 And they lived off like like for their entire lives.
00:18:41 They didn't.
00:18:42 They never left the apartment.
00:18:43 These kids.
00:18:43 And they're like, you know.
Speaker 7
00:18:44 18 years old, some of them.
00:18:46 And so, because they never left the house, all of their their perceptions of reality were based on movies.
00:18:56 And they would reenact movies because, again, that's just how they thought the world was was it was like movies.
00:19:02 So they would put on these, like really weird home movie versions of like, Pulp Fiction and just, you know, whatever movies they liked at the time.
00:19:13 And one of the kids that was you.
00:19:14 Know these abuse victims.
00:19:17 They were locked in this apartment.
00:19:20 One day, I guess the dad left the door unlocked and he snuck out and he was in the real world for like a few hours and got freaked out and going home, and they were interviewing him and asking about, you know, ohh, what was it like?
00:19:33 And he said the first thing that he.
00:19:35 Noticed that was weird.
00:19:37 Was that he thought everyone would talk like they talk in movies, like someone's writing some kind of dialogue for them.
00:19:44 And when he was shocked to find that that most people are.
00:19:46 Boring and have.
Speaker 7
00:19:47 Nothing to say.
00:19:48 And that not that not.
00:19:50 Everyone is like going to say this really clever thing.
00:19:53 Every time you talk like, hey, excuse me, Sir.
00:19:57 You're not going to get like this.
00:19:59 You know this this.
00:20:00 Dialogue that that would that would.
00:20:01 Be from a movie script.
00:20:04 And I think that's kind of what's going on here too.
00:20:07 A lot of these custards they because they, they they live vicariously through movie characters and TV characters.
00:20:15 They just expect that everything has.
00:20:17 To be like that.
00:20:18 Like everything has to be like super interesting and complex and and like a movie, it's got and and in their life.
00:20:24 In fact, has to be like that too.
00:20:26 There has to be a a beginning, a middle.
00:20:29 And an end, right?
00:20:30 And I think a lot of people think like that.
00:20:33 Like they don't like.
Speaker 7
00:20:33 To think that.
00:20:35 The portion of history that they are currently existing in might not be like have a resolution to.
00:20:42 It right, like you might die halfway through the quote.
Speaker 12
00:20:46 UN quote movie.
00:20:48 That just because it's your lifespan doesn't have to somehow correlate with some mystical narrative.
00:20:57 So they expect these, that's why they expect things to unfold in this this movie, like what?
00:21:03 Anyway, the only person who can federalize the National Guard to active duty is the president.
00:21:11 The only person who can terminate a national emergency is the president, who declared it found in 50 states code 34. The queue clock is at 9.
00:21:22 On QG dot news CIC, Trump's attorney say, and arraignment will be in nine days. QQ posted a long time back that there would be a Q&A for crimes against humanity in spring of 2023.
00:21:38 That would lead to the tribunals guess who's been on the Q&A's at the end of their speeches.
00:21:44 Who hasn't been taking Q&A's and?
Speaker 7
00:21:45 Theirs. That's right.
00:21:47 Brandon, let's go, Brandon.
00:21:49 Cause he's the fake.
00:21:50 Anyway, it's ******* embarrassing.
00:21:52 It's ******* embarrassing.
00:21:54 These ******* *******.
00:21:55 And you would expect it to be.
00:21:59 Oh, did I just lose connection?
00:22:00 I can never tell.
00:22:01 It went down to 0, but that's coming back up.
00:22:05 I'll have to move some **** around just to see if it's if it's actually back.
00:22:09 And the Q ***** are now attacking my connection.
00:22:13 I think it's back.
00:22:14 I don't.
00:22:14 Think I have to reset anything.
00:22:16 Ohh but yeah, it's it's driving me ******* nuts.
00:22:19 It's driving me ******* nuts.
00:22:20 These people still exist and and.
00:22:22 And look it's, it's.
00:22:23 Not because of any other reason other than a shocking number of them exist.
00:22:28 A shocking number of them exist.
00:22:32 Anyway, so here we go.
00:22:34 One of the things we're going to talk about tonight.
00:22:37 Is why?
00:22:38 Another reason why a lot of people are very hesitant to protest.
00:22:44 A lot of people on the right are very hesitant to protest, and they always think Feds are involved and and look, I think a lot of that is paranoia, but I think a lot of that's just, yeah.
00:22:56 Smart thinking, you know like.
00:23:00 And we're going, maybe even talking about a possible solution at the.
00:23:04 Uh, we're going to go over a, a a fairly well known case at this point, but I think there's a lot of.
00:23:10 People in the audience that.
00:23:11 Might not know and uh, look, that might be because a lot of people, I don't think started again.
00:23:17 It wasn't just cute cards. They were pulled into politics in 2016 by Trump. There was a lot of people who.
00:23:24 Just never thought.
00:23:25 It was that important to pay attention to because you're talking about the difference between ******* John Kerry and George Bush.
00:23:32 Both school and bonds members who, you know, six of 1/2, a dozen of another, and it didn't matter who you wanted.
00:23:40 None of the candidates you ever wanted were ever gonna get anywhere close to the White House, right, like.
00:23:46 None of the candidates in any of the primaries ever in my entire life got anywhere near the White House until Trump came along.
00:23:52 And I.
00:23:52 Was like, I don't know.
00:23:55 This guy might do something.
00:23:56 I was wrong.
Speaker 11
00:23:59 But I was like, oh.
00:24:01 This guy, my ideas and look I was.
00:24:03 I was.
00:24:03 Uh, I was professionally involved with politics at the time, but even I didn't really pay a whole lot.
00:24:09 Of attention to some of this stuff.
00:24:12 Now this is going to be tangentially tied to the Bundys.
00:24:18 People have probably heard, you know, oh, Ammon Bundy, Clive Bundy.
00:24:22 You know something about cows and and Nevada or whatever, but especially if you're not in the country, if you're not in the United States, it's going.
00:24:31 To sound weird, you're going to be like.
00:24:32 I don't understand like there's.
00:24:33 Like you know, there's BLM.
00:24:35 BLM, is that like?
00:24:37 Black Lives Matter what? Why?
00:24:39 Why does the government care about cows?
00:24:41 Or like what the feds were killing their cows?
00:24:43 I don't understand any of this stuff and then there was a protest.
00:24:46 And then like they won or something.
00:24:49 I understand it's can be confusing, especially if you're not an American, and especially even if you're an American, you don't live on the West Coast or not West Coast, the western half of the country, where you've got these huge plots of land that the federal government just owns.
00:25:05 So we're going to kind of go over that.
00:25:07 But not that specifically, maybe briefly, just so you can understand, but more more specifically about another incident that that's tied to that.
Speaker 7
00:25:17 So anyway.
00:25:22 This is this is going to go over briefly kind of explaining the the situation with with BLM, which is not Black Lives Matter, it's the Bureau of Land Management.
00:25:37 The Bureau of Land Management is the, I guess, the Bureau, the agency that oversees the land that's in the western half a lot, almost well, really almost like 90% of the the land in the western half, the United States.
00:25:58 When they started settling, the United States and they wanted people to move out West, you know, encourage people like, if you've just, you've seen the movie with Tom Cruise.
00:26:10 Far and away.
00:26:12 You know where they had the big land race at the end and you know they're, you know, he and Nicole Kidman are trying to find, like, the plot of land because they're just giving it away to pretty much like, there were lots of, excuse me, things like that.
00:26:26 And in deals where you got like lots of land for relatively cheap because they wanted to encourage people to move West and start filling in the country.
00:26:37 Otherwise it was just, you know, it was your country on paper on the maps.
00:26:42 But it was just inhabited, inhabited by, you know, warring.
00:26:46 Indian tribes and.
00:26:48 And Buffalo and just, you know, people.
00:26:51 And because of, you know, manifest destiny, they wanted to fill in, you know, all the the entire map with white Christians.
00:27:02 That was part of the way they would they would kind of entice people to go out there by having these land deals.
00:27:09 So what would happen is.
00:27:12 The well here.
00:27:14 I'll, I'll play it and they'll they'll.
00:27:15 Kind of explain it a little bit here.
Speaker 14
00:27:19 Coming in, though, there was.
00:27:21 No, hold on.
00:27:23 Alright, and it tries again.
Speaker 14
00:27:24 When there were new states coming in, there was what?
00:27:28 Hold on. What?
Speaker 2
00:27:30 Is one of the you know.
00:27:31 What happened is I think I did a Windows Update Windows Update ***** with every audio thing.
00:27:37 And and I don't know why.
00:27:40 Like it shouldn't.
00:27:42 But it does.
00:27:43 It definitely does, and I don't see well, whatever.
00:27:47 Let me.
Speaker 15
00:27:47 Just do it this way.
Speaker 16
00:27:53 This will be a quick way of doing it.
00:27:58 Here we go.
Speaker 14
00:28:00 What was called public land?
00:28:03 Now it meant something.
00:28:04 In those days it doesn't anymore.
00:28:06 But what it meant then was it was for sale to the public.
00:28:10 Come to Ohio and buy this section of land and pay us.
00:28:15 Not much and it's yours.
00:28:17 We need the population.
00:28:19 We need to settle this new state.
00:28:21 They made it easy, but there was a.
00:28:25 Every new state had to sign a compact in what's called an enabling act that would enable you to vote and become a state with the federal government that all of the citizens of this new state, now and forever disclaim, all right and title to the Unappropriated lands.
00:28:46 Of this new state.
00:28:48 That meant that the states didn't own the land except for the part that had already been bought.
00:28:55 If it was private property already, the federal government didn't bother about that.
00:29:00 They did bother about the stuff that was left the meaning of public land had changed.
00:29:05 It just meant not something you could buy.
00:29:07 As time went on.
00:29:09 It meant something that the federal government owned.
00:29:13 So all that red on that map, so most of Alaska and again most of the western half of the United States.
00:29:23 I mean, look at Nevada.
00:29:24 That's that's how they were able to just blow up atomic bombs with no big deal.
00:29:29 Because they owned all that ****.
00:29:32 And the federal government owns.
00:29:35 The majority of of well, I mean all of.
00:29:39 That red stuff, OK.
00:29:41 And and there's nothing you can do about it.
00:29:44 There's nothing you can do about it.
00:29:46 Now initially when we had a federal government that had the peoples interest at heart, when you, it was before the IT was, it was before the the the, the failed, the failed American experiment had had really started failing.
00:30:03 When BLM was first introduced, the federal government wanted them to use this land to to help out the people that could use it.
00:30:17 So for example.
00:30:19 One of the.
00:30:20 The uses you.
00:30:21 Could use for a lot of this land that people didn't really want because it was.
00:30:25 Kind of.
00:30:26 You know it it wasn't good for farming.
00:30:28 It was too hot and it was too dry.
00:30:31 It was too remote.
00:30:33 There was there, you know, there was no people around.
00:30:36 I mean, the the West has a whole lot of nothing in it.
00:30:39 OK.
00:30:40 So they're well, what?
00:30:41 What can we do with this?
00:30:42 Oh, what we could do is, is we could let ranchers.
00:30:46 Use it for grazing land.
Speaker 7
00:30:49 It's not the best, but it's, you know.
00:30:51 You can use it right.
00:30:52 And you could also have mining, you know, whole lot of mining goes on and Nevada, Arizona, Utah, you know, I think even Idaho to some extent maybe southern Idaho.
00:31:04 So, but there's a whole lot of mining, because there's a whole lot of minerals, you know, you got the Grand Canyon right there.
00:31:13 And so the BLM, when it was first founded, it was there to help facilitate those people that would use the land that would use it for mining, would use it for, for cattle grazing and and whatnot.
00:31:29 And they would set up these deals.
00:31:32 In fact, you can still find them now.
00:31:34 They've been kind of grandfathered in.
00:31:36 You can still buy these old mining claims on BLM land and it's kind of weird because it's like you don't own it, but like you can go on eBay and just look up mining claim.
00:31:49 And what it usually is, it's the mining rights that to sometimes like a huge amount of land for not that much now it it's.
00:32:00 It's there's restrictions in terms of like how you can use it.
00:32:03 Obviously it's you're supposed to.
00:32:05 Mine on it.
00:32:06 You can't exactly just build a cabin on it and go camping, but you also kind of can, as long as you're sort of mining in that on that land.
00:32:14 And there's some.
00:32:15 Yeah, it.
00:32:16 It's again, you.
00:32:16 You don't own it.
00:32:17 But the cool thing is that means because you don't own it, you don't pay property taxes on it.
00:32:22 And you're not liable for anyone falling down a mine shaft, because that's federal land.
00:32:27 It's not.
00:32:27 It's not your land.
00:32:29 So there's weird.
00:32:30 Things like that, but there's also deals where you know you would have cattle rights or and and which would usually be rolled up in water rights.
00:32:41 So if you're a cattle rancher and I don't mean like the big time.
00:32:47 You know, factory farmer types, but like, yeah, the old what people.
00:32:50 You know what?
00:32:51 What, what, what people think.
00:32:53 Think about in their head when you hear.
00:32:55 Ohh cattle rancher.
00:32:56 You know it's it's literally Cowboys.
00:32:58 It's guys out in the Old West who are driving herds of cattle across the the the desert and you know like it's like an old Western.
00:33:06 Movie that they still do.
00:33:07 Do that to this.
00:33:08 OK.
00:33:08 And so they they graze and and they they're allowed to have access to the water and they have a deal set up with BLM to facilitate that.
Speaker 8
00:33:22 The southwest might seem a lonely place.
00:33:26 Big and barren.
00:33:30 Of not much use an empty wasteland.
00:33:35 But it does grow grass and from that grass flows one of America's greatest production lines, the cattle of the beef industry.
Speaker 1
00:33:44 They began to see that some of this land was not going to be used by settlers.
00:33:49 It was too arid, it was not fertile, and so the tailor grazing.
00:33:54 Act allowed for ranchers to go on public lands, raise their cattle or sheep, and pay the federal government some minimum amount.
00:34:07 So that's that's basically where the Bundys.
00:34:12 Come in right so.
00:34:14 The bundys.
00:34:15 They had for generations cause this was, you know, this goes back a really long time.
00:34:21 They had been issued one of these, I guess, permits you could say that allowed them to graze or use their cattle on the land and and graze.
00:34:32 The forage and and use the water and such.
00:34:36 Well, sometime in the 70s, because everything, it seems like that went wrong with this country, went wrong in the 70s.
00:34:43 Sometime in the 70s we had a shift, BLM.
00:34:51 A shift away from using the this land for mining and for cattle ranchers to environmental purposes.
00:35:03 And look, I don't.
00:35:04 I don't hate.
00:35:05 I'm not.
00:35:06 I I wouldn't call myself an environmentalist, but I I like nature.
00:35:10 I like preserving species and and land and and I understand that that some of the old ways of of looking at our.
00:35:23 Or ecosystems was very.
00:35:27 Narrow minded to some extent, like people looking at a desert as an example and thinking like.
00:35:33 Why shouldn't we?
00:35:33 Set off atomic bombs here.
00:35:35 It's just a wasteland.
00:35:36 It's like.
00:35:36 Well, I mean.
00:35:40 I mean, sure, it's a wasteland compared to maybe your your image of like you know the with the boomer green lawn that's, you know finally clipped and whatever.
00:35:50 But it's.
Speaker 7
00:35:51 There's like a.
00:35:51 Whole lot of life going on there, a lot of very unique animals and plants and things like that.
00:35:56 Maybe we shouldn't just be blowing it all to hell, I don't know.
00:35:58 And radio.
00:35:59 Doing it and so, but you can do both, right?
00:36:03 You can do both.
00:36:04 You can do mining and cattle ranching in a way that's responsible, but that's not really what was going on.
00:36:11 What was really going on was a bunch of environmentalist wackos slowly getting making their way into BLM and trying to.
00:36:20 Shut down any land use that they possibly could.
00:36:25 In fact, now you know a lot of people if you're older and you might remember people making jokes about the spotted.
00:36:34 Like the spotted owl, right, that was one of the first campaigns they were.
00:36:39 That's a real thing, like one of the first campaigns were environmentalists were able to shut down logging industries that were or or a logging or part of the logging industry rather that that was using.
00:36:54 This BLM deal to harvest trees and they said, oh, it's going to get rid of the spotted owl.
00:37:01 You know, if you do.
00:37:02 This we need the spotted owl.
00:37:06 It turned out to be mostly ********, but they were able to accomplish shutting down the lumber industry that was used or, you know, again, a part of the lumber industry that was using one of.
00:37:17 These permits, I guess you could say from BLM.
00:37:21 So anyway, in the in.
00:37:22 The case of the Bundys.
00:37:25 Well, let me hold on.
00:37:26 I might.
00:37:27 Be getting ahead of myself here.
00:37:28 Let me see.
Speaker 14
00:37:29 They, like most ranchers, have a grazing permit, which means they have prime.
00:37:34 OK, so the Bundys basically had.
00:37:38 Have these permits, but we're going we're.
00:37:40 Going to move ahead now.
00:37:43 Because we're not actually.
00:37:44 The bunnies will get involved, but like I'll give.
00:37:46 You like the very short version.
00:37:48 So Clive Bundy and Ann and Bundy, they had these permits and BLM wanted to to to basically shut them down and we're trying to apply these ridiculous fines, saying that they owed them you.
00:38:06 Know millions of dollars.
00:38:09 And and they wanted to confiscate the cattle they actually flew around in helicopters, shooting their cows from helicopters.
00:38:23 So naturally, this ****** them off.
00:38:26 And so they got a bunch of their their rancher friends cause the people were other ranchers getting a little nervous, like, oh, ****.
00:38:33 Like they're they're flying around, killing your, your they're they're sniping your cows out of helicopters.
00:38:43 No, I don't like the way where this is going.
00:38:46 And so they they did a protest where they basically tried to blockade BLM from entering.
00:38:56 A part of this land and, you know, told me this is the footage a lot of people have seen on the bridge.
00:39:05 And told BLM, you know, hey, if you want to cross this bridge and go into this area that that we have our cattle on, you're going.
00:39:14 To have to go through us first.
00:39:16 And BLM actually stood down, and the Bundys.
00:39:20 Kind of.
00:39:21 In a way, had and and a political win.
00:39:25 Fast forward a couple years.
00:39:28 You have a similar situation that's taking place in, in Oregon.
00:39:35 Now in Oregon, you had a lot of the same stuff like that map.
00:39:41 You know, organs covered in red too, right?
00:39:43 So you have this a lot of that same stuff.
00:39:46 And you had the Hammond family.
00:39:49 They came out in the 60s.
00:39:52 From Northern California, because California was starting to get too developed, they were already cattle ranchers.
00:39:59 And they were putting in all these freeways.
00:40:02 And they said, you know what, let's.
00:40:04 Move out, you.
00:40:05 Know further out into Oregon and they got one of these permits to to have their cattle grazing.
00:40:14 They they had a ranch out there.
00:40:15 They they, you know, owned some of the property they had permits for other parts of the property.
00:40:21 And they they ran into some problems because of the same kind of a thing where BLM decided.
00:40:28 That actually they don't want people raising cattle in America and don't think that this isn't doesn't.
00:40:35 It's not just, you know, the environmentalists want to save a spotted owl, a lot of it.
00:40:39 It's communists want to shut down industry.
00:40:42 But it's also they don't want you eating meat.
00:40:47 Simple as they don't want you eating.
00:40:49 They want you eating the bug.
00:40:51 And this is one way they could one by one, attack these ranchers and stop them from producing meat, therefore driving the price of meat higher and and and eventually making it you.
00:41:04 Know have the market sort it all out so that you can't afford to buy meat and then, you know, maybe the.
00:41:10 Maybe this fake meat or these these bugs aren't so bad.
Speaker 14
00:41:17 Like most ranchers have a grazing permit, which means they have private base commensurable property that's their own and it has been and they own the water on that.
Speaker 4
00:41:29 What's known as the Dust Bowl, which is the Hammond's property. There's a drainage that comes off of the mountain that actually has quite a bit of water.
Speaker 17
00:41:40 Our ranch is special in that the water comes up on our ranch.
00:41:44 The laws are in the state of Oregon.
00:41:46 If it comes up on your ranch, you can use it until it goes off.
00:41:49 You use the water or you lose it.
Speaker 4
00:41:54 Adjacent to the Hammond property on three sides is the National Wildlife Refuge.
Speaker 18
00:42:01 Now your National Wildlife Refuge is 90,000 acres in the middle of Harney County.
Speaker 19
00:42:08 It used to be all private land ranches and through the Antiquities Act, President Roosevelt determined that there would be a bird refuge there.
Speaker 14
00:42:20 The Fish and Wildlife Service decided that they were going to manage it so that all of the resources went to the wildlife.
00:42:29 Water rights that they didn't own.
Speaker 4
00:42:33 Even though that the National Wildlife Refuge has water, the Hammond property has a good deal of water.
00:42:42 The ham and property would augment the National Wildlife Refuge land greatly.
Speaker 18
00:42:49 The refuge system made a decision to survey their property lines and move their fences, created all kinds of issues for access for the Hammonds, access to their home.
Speaker 14
00:43:02 The Fish and Wildlife Service built a fence or tried to build a fence around the Hammonton water.
00:43:13 So the BLM wanted wanted access to the water.
00:43:18 That with that.
00:43:20 With that was included in their permits.
00:43:22 They had permits, they were grandfathered in, so they had these permits that allowed them to use all this water.
00:43:30 For their cow.
00:43:33 When, when grazing on that, on that land.
00:43:36 And BLM was like, well, first of all, **** **** ranchers and **** cows.
00:43:42 We wanted in this wildlife preserve, so they went in there and illegally started erecting a fence.
00:43:50 So, like illegally on their not on their land, on on the Hammond's property.
00:43:57 And that they they did they.
00:43:58 Did that after first they sent survey surveyors in there hoping they could, like, move the land the the property boundaries like hopefully hoping that like, well, now that we have, you know, GPS or whatever, we will have more accurate, you know survey lines so we can or property.
00:44:17 Lines and so maybe, hopefully we can go in there and and and it'll turn out that the water is actually not on their property.
00:44:23 Well, that didn't.
00:44:24 That didn't work.
00:44:25 And so they're like, well, **** it, we're just going to illegally start building a fence on their property around the water so they can't access.
Speaker 14
00:44:40 And somebody got an old antique Rd.
00:44:44 grater and put it in the way of the construction equipment.
Speaker 17
00:44:51 Dwight had parked a piece of machinery down there because we had a bunch of cattle in there. There was 1100 acres in that field.
00:44:57 If they came in and built the fence and we didn't know it, the cattle would die from lack of water.
Speaker 4
00:45:05 In 1994, there was an altercation that occurred where federal agents had come on to Hammond's property and handcuffed Dwight and dragged him off to prison.
Speaker 14
00:45:17 And so the feds had to come take him up to Portland and put him in jail in a federal holding cell.
00:45:22 And they stayed there for longer than they should.
Speaker 17
00:45:26 We took it to court.
00:45:27 It was a big long trial and we ended up winning.
00:45:33 And then they did nothing to remove the fence or to make it accessible to us.
00:45:38 And we knew that if we removed the fence, or if we did anything, we would be charged with destruction of federal property or whatever.
00:45:47 So get this.
00:45:49 This is just so you know who you're dealing with.
00:45:51 These are.
00:45:52 These are like old people.
00:45:53 These are.
00:45:54 This is supposed to be what America is, right?
00:45:57 These are the kinds of people like this woman right here, right.
00:46:00 This is the kind of person they stick in, like every campaign ad, right?
00:46:05 Nice old white lady.
00:46:07 Just an old farmer.
00:46:09 It's a nice old cattle rancher lady.
00:46:12 Obviously not hurting anybody living in the middle of nowhere, growing, grow and providing a service for Americans.
00:46:22 Not doing anything wrong.
00:46:25 The feds build illegally, illegally start building a fence on their property.
00:46:32 To block them off from their own water, that would kill off their cows.
00:46:38 So her husband, Dwight Hammond, goes and parks like this big *** tractor in the way of of the fence.
00:46:48 They get ****** *** the feds.
00:46:51 Even though they're on his land, building a fence illegally.
00:46:55 They go and arrest him.
00:46:59 They arrest him, they take him down to the city, they leave, they leave him rotting in jail in a holding cell forever, like not charging with anything.
00:47:08 Because they. Because what?
00:47:09 Are they going to charge him with right?
00:47:15 They end up going to court about it and the judge says, yeah, that's your land.
00:47:20 You you you can't build a fence on this guys land.
00:47:26 So the feds get ****** and justice leave the fence.
00:47:31 Knowing that if they start taking the fence down, even though it's on their property.
00:47:38 They can charge them with destruction of federal property.
00:47:43 Remember this is this is your government.
00:47:45 Remember, this is your government that that's supposed to be serving you.
00:47:50 Like who's whose interests are they serving with this?
00:47:55 Cause a lot of you might be though this just sounds insane.
00:47:57 This just sounds like some vindictive stuff, no?
00:48:02 This is 1 tiny piece of a much larger puzzle.
00:48:06 If they want.
Speaker 7
00:48:06 You to eat the bugs.
00:48:09 They're going to play hardball.
00:48:15 This isn't.
00:48:15 This isn't about like some.
00:48:16 Power tripping.
00:48:17 Blue haired ******* ****** that hates cattle ranchers.
00:48:22 When they're wrong, that's who they employ.
00:48:24 So this it goes a little bit smoother.
00:48:29 But this is this.
00:48:30 Is part of a bigger agenda.
00:48:33 And these nice old farmers just got.
00:48:36 Kind of caught up in it.
00:48:40 So they tell the.
00:48:41 Judge like, look, they're not.
00:48:42 We don't.
00:48:42 Want to destroy the fence?
00:48:45 Because we don't want to get in.
00:48:47 And they're not taking it down.
00:48:50 What do we do?
00:48:52 The judge says he he subpoenas.
00:48:55 He subpoenaed people that are part of that agency and they're just not showing up and there's nothing he can do.
00:49:04 So they're just told that.
00:49:05 No, sorry.
00:49:06 Nothing you can do.
00:49:11 So they they still are able to get a, you know, thanks to putting that piece of machinery there, they can still access a lot of their water and they're just, they just keep going along.
00:49:19 As if you know not not a big deal.
00:49:23 But the federal governments pest their pest because they lost in court.
00:49:28 And they're going, they're not going.
Speaker 7
00:49:29 To lose.
00:49:31 You know you're ******* with.
00:49:33 The feds?
00:49:33 The feds don't like to lose.
00:49:39 So what do they do?
00:49:41 2006 rolls around.
00:49:44 There's a massive lightning storm.
00:49:47 There's a massive lightning storm that starts a fire.
00:49:53 And this fire is going to endanger.
00:49:57 Dwight Hammond's grazing land.
00:50:01 He calls up the BLM and he's like there's a fire.
00:50:05 You guys gotta come put it out.
00:50:07 It's coming for like, the my land.
00:50:10 And if it if it eats up my land, you know it's going to burn up my cows.
00:50:13 And if it doesn't?
00:50:13 Burn up.
00:50:14 The cows.
00:50:14 It'll burn up their.
00:50:15 Food and be.
00:50:16 All I'm just goes, eh?
00:50:18 There's no fire.
00:50:21 So he goes out with his son.
00:50:24 I believe his name is Steven.
00:50:27 And they do a controlled.
00:50:29 Burn ahead of the fire.
00:50:31 To make a fire break.
00:50:35 And the controlled burn that they do.
00:50:38 Burns, a tiny little piece of BLM land.
Speaker 7
00:50:42 Tiny little piece.
Speaker 4
00:50:48 Steve calls the BLM to find out if there was a fire burning up on Moon Hill.
00:50:52 Sure enough, there is a fire.
00:50:54 Well, that's where all their winter feed is.
00:50:58 So what Steve did was start a back burn.
00:51:02 You have a fire that's moving towards you and what you try to do is if you can get in front of the fire enough, you burn a section, you burn some land to remove the fuel.
00:51:15 He lit the back, burn burned his own.
00:51:18 Property and then it burned one acre, one acre of BLM land and the fire didn't go any further.
00:51:28 Ah, burn an acre of Beal and land, you say, huh?
00:51:33 Well then I guess that makes you a terrorist.
00:51:38 You're burning federal land.
00:51:40 You're an arsonist and a terrorist.
00:51:47 No, that's not.
00:51:48 Then they couldn't.
00:51:50 Oh yes they did.
Speaker 4
00:51:54 What they charged them with was the 1996 anti terrorism and death penalty law of arson.
00:52:04 So remember, Oklahoma City bombing?
00:52:06 Remember when they did the streams talking about how there were a lot of laws that Biden, for example, wanted to pass and he couldn't get it passed because too many Republicans were were afraid of their constituents.
00:52:19 And so, oh, look at this magically, there's this Oklahoma City.
00:52:24 Thing and now you know because the, the, the poor dead kids right now everyone you know the nation in mourning is all about.
00:52:33 Yeah, **** it.
00:52:34 Let's just let's just sign whatever crazy **** you guys.
00:52:37 Want to do?
00:52:40 Well, that law.
00:52:43 Or the part of those laws that they passed after the Oklahoma City bombing.
00:52:48 They use that.
00:52:50 To arrest.
00:52:54 The Hammonds for terrorism?
00:53:04 See how this works.
00:53:05 You see how this works.
00:53:10 You see, see how all these all these little laws that they pass, all these little freedoms, they take away?
00:53:18 How how far?
00:53:19 That that that Ripple can extend.
00:53:24 Who would have thought, right?
00:53:25 Who would have thought?
00:53:27 When they were passing this this bill down to crack down on domestic terrorists.
00:53:34 That would be used to throw a old rancher and his son in jail for preventing a fire.
00:53:45 But it was.
Speaker 17
00:53:49 Our family members are not terrorists.
00:53:52 I don't know how you could put a charge like terrorism when you look at the things that are going on in the world and compare that to ranch life in Eastern Oregon.
Speaker 4
00:54:04 Why did they charge him with an anti terrorism statute?
00:54:08 The only reason I could think of was to put him in jail as long as they possibly could.
00:54:17 That's right.
00:54:19 And they got convicted and because.
00:54:21 It's the feds.
00:54:23 And the feds again, that it's the the game is rigged.
00:54:28 The game is rigged.
00:54:31 A lot of people probably don't know this.
00:54:34 So in addition to the feds.
00:54:37 With laws like this.
00:54:40 Being able to, you know, take.
00:54:42 Away the whole the.
00:54:44 Whole point of a judge, right?
00:54:46 Is to have the ability to use his personal discernment and apply the law in a way that makes sense for the the whatever case, the particular case that's.
00:55:00 Before him, right?
00:55:02 And in this case, obviously the judge is like, well, you guys aren't ******* terrorists, obviously are not terrorists, right?
00:55:11 Well, the feds not wanting judges to be able to say that had minimum sentencing requirements.
00:55:21 And in addition to that.
00:55:24 The jury was not allowed to know this.
00:55:28 That's right, the jury and the federal case.
00:55:33 As far as they knew.
00:55:36 If they if they were to to rule in favor of of the government and say, yeah, well, looks like they did start this fire and it did kind of go into federal land, right?
00:55:49 I mean, so technically, right?
00:55:51 Technically they did start the fire.
00:55:53 I guess they're, you know, I guess that's my job here as a as a jurist to to.
00:55:57 Just say yeah.
Speaker 20
00:55:59 They were not allowed to know.
00:56:02 That by saying, yeah.
00:56:04 This guy who's 74.
00:56:08 And his son would be required to serve five years in federal prison.
00:56:18 So the judge gets the guilty verdict.
00:56:23 And, says the judge says, look, this is insane.
00:56:28 Like I you're serving.
00:56:29 I'm not sending you to prison for that's basically, it's cruel and unusual punishment.
00:56:35 I know that you know, the Statute states that there's a minimum sentencing requirement to five years, but I'm I'm going to defy that law.
00:56:47 And he gave the father one month.
00:56:51 And the sun one year.
00:56:58 So they serve.
00:56:59 Their time, you know, the son included.
00:57:03 He does an entire year in prison.
00:57:08 They're both released. They're both at home and BLM's like.
00:57:15 Now **** you.
00:57:19 Think of think.
00:57:20 Of everything, by the way, with everything we know, like think of all the resources.
00:57:25 Now how much money is being spent on on on trying to basically put the, you know, destroy the lives of these people.
00:57:34 When there's all these other things that your government.
00:57:36 Is supposed to be doing, right?
00:57:41 So the prosecutors, federal prosecutors go after them again.
00:57:49 And say well, no, the judge didn't follow.
00:57:53 The letter of the law he has, he doesn't have.
00:57:57 It's it's it's not within his his his jurisdiction.
Speaker 11
00:58:02 Yeah, he he's.
00:58:03 Not or his authority.
00:58:04 He's not allowed to.
00:58:06 To sentence you with less.
00:58:08 Then this the statute requires.
00:58:13 So they get.
00:58:14 Sent to uh.
00:58:20 They get sent to court again.
00:58:23 And or sent to prison again.
00:58:28 Now at this point.
00:58:32 The words start to.
00:58:33 Get out that like, what the hell?
00:58:34 'S going on.
00:58:36 Right.
00:58:36 There's people that are like, what the ****?
00:58:40 You know, this is this is really ****** **.
Speaker 19
00:58:47 So when the judge sentenced them, he said it would be cruel and unusual if I demanded that they spend the five year minimum in prison for a.
00:58:57 140.
00:58:58 He said that so he sentenced Dwight to three months and Steven to one year and one day.
00:59:05 Dwight and Steven did their time.
00:59:07 They came home.
00:59:08 After they came home, the US federal government decided to pursue the mandatory minimum.
00:59:17 Alright, so then let's see here.
00:59:24 Not only did they do that because the bill right, the bill I just.
00:59:30 Wanted to destroy these ******* people.
00:59:34 The BLM then sued them in a civil case.
00:59:39 And remember, the at most at most.
00:59:43 What the BLM could have lost from at most this and this.
00:59:47 Has been like.
00:59:49 Crazy optimistic at most, the BLM would have lost something along the lines of $400.
00:59:58 For that, that acre of land that was burned up.
01:00:02 And not not even really that because they could claim that, well, because it's burned up, we can't sell the rights to for to another rancher right to to graze on that land because it's burned up and like the permit was like it's like so it's like it was.
01:00:20 It was nothing.
01:00:23 But they go they.
01:00:24 They take him to civil court.
01:00:27 They win again.
01:00:30 And, you know, cause our justice system right.
01:00:33 It's so perfect.
01:00:34 It's so great.
01:00:35 And I'm sure the Hammonds could, like, really afford a top notch attorneys.
01:00:40 They they're ordered to pay a fine of $400,000.
01:00:46 $400,000.
01:00:49 Again for stopping a fire.
01:00:56 And and not only $400,000 within the ruling, if the Hammonds decided to sell their land.
01:01:05 To try to pay the $400,000.
01:01:10 The court ordered that they would have to sell it to the that they would have to offer it to the federal government for sale 1st.
01:01:20 And that tells you everything you need to know.
01:01:22 It wasn't about, you know, damages.
01:01:25 It was about they were trying.
01:01:27 To steal their land.
01:01:30 They were trying to just ******* shut him down and steal their land.
01:01:36 So the bundys.
01:01:37 This is the that image, the lot, or one of the images.
01:01:40 A lot of people are are familiar with underneath that overpass in Nevada, where you had a bunch of people on horseback facing off with the BLM, the Bundys caught wind of this and and and Bundy went down.
01:01:54 There and said, well, you know we we were successful in getting the federal government to back down.
01:02:02 We're going to, we're going to organize a protest.
01:02:05 With you, they went to go talk to the sheriff and this is where a lot of people, a lot of these patriots, right.
01:02:14 They get it wrong.
01:02:17 They're they're under the impression that because sheriffs have the authority to act in certain ways that they will act in certain ways and that they're not at the end of the day, political monsters who want nothing else than to suck *** **** of the federal government because.
01:02:36 That will make their life and their political ambitions easier.
01:02:42 So they went to the local sheriff, Sheriff David Ward, and said, hey, you have the authority to to tell the federal government.
01:02:58 That they are not allowed to, you know, basically take take these people away and look, there's there's legal arguments for this.
01:03:07 And there's been literal cases where that's.
01:03:10 That's how it's gone down, where you have the sheriff that in fact you might remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
01:03:19 Conducting his own investigation into Obama's birth certificate and issuing, I think, at one point a warrant for Obama's arrest, and technically they would have the jurisdiction if Obama had gone to Arizona, Sheriff Joe and his posse.
01:03:39 Or whatever it could have.
01:03:41 You know, technically I don't.
01:03:42 I don't know what would have you know how it would have gone down.
01:03:44 Right.
01:03:45 Like, what what really would happen?
01:03:47 But legally speaking, he'd have the jurisdiction to to arrest Obama.
01:03:53 Sheriffs have a lot more power than people think.
01:03:56 A lot more power than even sheriffs usually think.
01:04:00 But this guy, he wasn't going to play along, he said.
01:04:03 In fact, he called the feds.
01:04:07 Because he was like, well, this is like a A.
01:04:09 This is like a a federal matter.
Speaker 21
01:04:15 Hey, guys.
01:04:16 What's up, Blaine Cooper, I'm in burns OR and we're here to support the Hammonds.
01:04:20 Now Joe's gonna give you a little information about what's going.
01:04:22 On out here, Joe.
Speaker 22
01:04:23 Basically, where we're standing right now, this is a call out an alert to all Patriots, constitutionalist militias, and good Americans who believe in the Constitution.
01:04:32 We are doing a patriot convoy in Burns OR.
01:04:38 So again, kind of a lot of what you've seen recently, right, with the trucker convoys and all this other stuff.
01:04:45 Oh, yeah, if if, see.
01:04:47 Here's the problem.
01:04:49 A lot of people, a lot of boomers especially, are still under the impression that that, that.
01:04:54 That first of all, that the right to protest applies to them.
01:04:58 You know, like they they, they they think that, Oh well, BLM can walk, you know the other BLM.
01:05:05 Can walk around burning down entire cities, and Antifa can do all this ****, and no one seems to ever get arrested.
01:05:12 Hey, we can we can peacefully protest.
01:05:14 Then it'll be fine.
01:05:17 It will be fine.
01:05:18 No, this is not the.
01:05:19 Country you grew up in?
01:05:21 This is not the country you grew up in and and a lot of boomers haven't figured that.
01:05:25 I never will.
01:05:26 A lot of.
01:05:26 Them won't ever figure that out.
01:05:29 So a lot of these patriot groups decide to get together for obvious reasons, like it's a travesty, right?
01:05:34 Like this is this the the amount of injustice going on in this scenario is, like, off the charts.
01:05:40 You, I mean, you just have, like, normal, good Americans being, you know, abused by the federal government in a way that's.
01:05:49 Pretty outrageous.
01:05:51 And so, sure enough, people showed up to support.
01:05:57 The the hammonds.
Speaker 15
01:05:59 I believe there is roughly around 400 people they call themselves patriot groups. Idaho 3% was involved, the Central Oregon Constitutional guard. There's an umbrella group called the Pacific Patriots.
Speaker 1
01:06:12 I was concerned that these people were going to come in here and they were gonna ransack downtown and tear things up.
Speaker 16
01:06:20 The rally was put on very professionally.
01:06:22 We were told right off the bat there will be no radical behavior.
01:06:26 You know, they were gonna throw pennies out on the sidewalk at the Sheriff's Office.
Speaker 23
01:06:31 Some protesters also blamed the Harney County sheriff for not protecting the residents of the county from the federal government.
01:06:38 They threw pennies onto the sidewalk in front of Sheriff David Ward's office.
Speaker 15
01:06:42 Through I don't know how many dollars worth of pennies at my windows and doors out here and I read somewhere on the Internet that was to signify the sheriff selling out his citizens.
01:06:56 And it obviously did no good and didn't make you know it didn't change anything.
01:07:02 The sheriff didn't want to act.
01:07:05 And the federal government wasn't going to be swayed by a bunch of patriots in the same way the trucker convoys did nothing.
Speaker 23
01:07:17 More than 100 carrying signs and flags. Yeah. Marching in a convoy to the ranchers home to show their support.
Speaker 12
01:07:27 The most humbling experience that anybody could have.
01:07:37 So that's, that's the guy that the.
01:07:38 Feds right there.
01:07:42 That's the guy the feds are trying to destroy.
01:07:47 Nice old white guy.
01:07:50 74 year old man.
01:07:54 Could be your grandpa.
01:08:02 But they wanted his ******* land.
01:08:05 And they are willing.
01:08:05 To stop at nothing to get it.
Speaker 23
01:08:09 Dwight says it feels like a life sentence at his age.
Speaker 12
01:08:12 This makes it over for me.
01:08:15 Not not very happy about that.
01:08:16 OK.
01:08:20 Spending your last years in federal prison because they want your ******* land.
01:08:42 So and and Bundy.
01:08:43 Then tells people you know what.
01:08:47 We are going to go protest.
01:08:51 On some of this public land, right.
01:08:54 It's supposed to be for public use.
01:08:58 So we are going to.
01:08:59 Go there and occupy this land it.
01:09:01 Will do like.
01:09:02 It's going to be like a sit in.
01:09:04 We're just going to sit there and we're not going to leave until we get.
01:09:08 Some attention on this.
01:09:11 And someone high up, you know, maybe, maybe or maybe we start getting national attention, we get like.
01:09:16 Fox News and.
01:09:17 And maybe, you know, Hannity and stuff.
01:09:22 We'll twist some arms and the feds will finally, once the story gets out, we'll realize.
01:09:28 Oh, this is a bad look.
01:09:29 Let's leave this old man alone.
01:09:35 And because you know it's it's the Bundys.
01:09:37 It's this.
01:09:38 It's the militia types.
01:09:41 They were going to do it armed now.
01:09:42 They weren't going to do it like.
01:09:44 They weren't, you know, storming some federal building and and, you know, taking it over and and, you know, like setting up a perimeter or.
01:09:55 Anything like that?
01:09:56 But they were going to show up to a unoccupied facility that was closed down, but it was again, it was supposed to be.
01:10:04 It was unlocked.
01:10:05 It was open to the public.
01:10:07 But it was on that federal land, and they were going to be armed.
01:10:11 And they were very specific.
01:10:12 That, hey, we're not going to leave.
01:10:15 Until we we get what we want.
01:10:17 And again, I think there's a little naive.
01:10:18 I think it was a little naive.
01:10:20 But they had had success facing down the BLM.
01:10:25 In in Nevada and we're optimistic that they could, they could do the same thing.
Speaker 11
01:10:33 But those that understand that they came to make a hard stand.
01:10:37 Those that know what's going on here and have seen it for many, many, many, many years, those who are ready to actually do something about it.
01:10:45 I'm asking you to follow me and go to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
01:10:51 And we're gonna make a hard stand now.
01:10:53 There are already agents on the roads that are blocked the road and they.
01:10:58 Do not want.
01:10:59 Us to go out there and we're going to go out there anyway.
01:11:03 Now I don't know that the the road was actually blocked and in fact I I'm pretty sure it wasn't.
01:11:09 I don't know.
01:11:09 I I I it might might have been now I couldn't finding that said that.
01:11:14 There was, but there was no altercation on the.
01:11:17 Way there so.
01:11:18 The the wildlife.
01:11:20 Refuge like not like headquarters, but like they're one of their facility buildings.
01:11:26 So in other words, the actual people behind trying to steal the land they had this little outpost with, like an observation tower that was supposed to be.
01:11:35 Used for looking for fires and stuff like that like you see like Forest Service has like the same sort of thing.
01:11:42 And it was just like this little outpost.
01:11:44 That was where the, you know, the the BLM employees would would not during the winter because it was closed during the winter.
01:11:53 But during the I guess the the seat the on on season they would operate and maintain and manage the the wildlife preserve.
01:12:02 From that facility.
01:12:04 So they're like, OK, we're going to go there and occupy it.
01:12:07 And so this is that that facility, that's the the fire watch tower I was talking about.
01:12:15 And so they, you know, went over there and put American flag on over the sign.
01:12:20 And it wasn't like a bunch of guys like it was literally only like these guys.
01:12:25 Because a lot of people were scared.
01:12:29 And a lot of people and and as we'll find out, maybe for good reason.
01:12:35 Now one of the guys.
01:12:38 That decided to go up there.
01:12:43 Was Lavoy Finicum from Arizona.
01:12:48 Lavoie was a rancher from Northern Arizona.
01:12:55 He first started paying attention to the BLM stuff cause look, he was also this affected him too.
01:13:02 He was a cattle rancher and he was, you know, had had just as many things to worry about as as these other ranchers.
01:13:10 And so when the stuff went down with the Bundys in Nevada, he.
01:13:14 Saw it on.
01:13:15 On the Internet and on TV and was like, you know what, I'm going to go down there and and support.
Speaker 13
01:13:23 It's September 2014. I'm out here on my my ranch.
01:13:28 Great out here the.
01:13:29 The rains have come this summer and the grass is tall.
01:13:33 It's still green.
01:13:34 My cows are fat, just feeling really grateful for all the blessings that I'm enjoying right now.
01:13:42 He's a white Christian, super nice guy.
01:13:47 You know, like all.
01:13:47 These guys, right?
01:13:50 Salt of the earth.
01:13:52 Doesn't mean anyone any harm.
Speaker 13
01:13:57 Hello everyone, this is boyfriend.
01:14:00 I think I'm pretty upset this evening.
01:14:02 I've been going since 5:00 this morning and.
01:14:05 Headed out?
01:14:05 Take the load of cows out to my.
01:14:08 Winter range.
01:14:10 I'll be back sometime tonight in the dark, but I've been following.
01:14:14 What's happening over in bend OR with that ranching family over there, the Hammond family and I'm pretty upset with what the bill has done to them.
01:14:23 Actually, I'm really angry.
01:14:24 They threw him in jail.
01:14:26 They find him.
01:14:28 Tremendous amount of fines and now it looks like they're facing five more years in prison.
01:14:35 These are real lives.
01:14:36 These are real people.
01:14:38 And by Dang, I'm angry.
01:14:43 I mean, he doesn't even swear by Dang.
01:14:45 I'm angry about this.
01:14:49 So that's him in the middle there with the camo pants, and like the the white.
01:14:56 Under shirt thing.
01:15:01 So CNN and all the reporters show up.
01:15:04 And what do they do?
01:15:05 Well, we've all seen the coverage of January 6.
01:15:08 That's what they did.
01:15:10 They said that a crazy group of of armed militia men had taken over a federal building and were were doing having a stand off with with the local authorities and when again.
01:15:24 It was these guys.
01:15:27 Again, they were.
01:15:27 They were armed, but they weren't.
01:15:29 There was no standoff.
01:15:30 They didn't.
01:15:31 They didn't take over the the building.
01:15:33 There was no one there.
01:15:34 It was closed.
01:15:34 It was unlocked, it was unlocked.
01:15:36 And there's a sign on the outside that said open to the public.
01:15:39 So it's supposed to be public land.
01:15:41 Right.
01:15:43 So they were just occupying the the facility, they had a campfire up front.
01:15:49 Local people were bringing them food.
01:15:51 Again, they they were being they weren't threatening anybody.
01:15:57 But CNN?
01:15:59 Went crazy with it, as did all the other outlets and again, just like we've seen with other protests, there eventually ended up being more media than protesters.
01:16:13 So there was more media making this sound like this armed insurrection.
01:16:18 Than there were actual guys hanging out over a campfire with guns, doing interviews with the media, telling them what was going on like this is what they wanted.
01:16:28 They wanted to generate media interest.
01:16:30 They got what they wanted.
01:16:32 They got him in front of these cameras and and tried to explain the situation.
Speaker 13
01:16:40 It's very important that each of you know this is intended to be a peaceful occupation.
01:16:47 If so, be.
01:16:48 If you want to use those words, this is intended to be peaceful.
01:16:51 We want all people to be safe.
01:16:54 We want all law enforcement lives to be safe.
01:16:58 We want our.
01:16:59 Lives to be safe.
01:17:01 The only reason that we have guns here is for our own personal protection and safety.
01:17:09 And with a track record like the federal government has.
01:17:13 In situations like this.
01:17:16 It might have sounded like a good idea to have be armed, especially after things like Ruby Ridge, Waco, et cetera.
01:17:29 So the sheriff calls in the FBI.
01:17:34 Because he he kind of pulls a pilot, he doesn't want any blame for it, so he washes his hands of it.
01:17:42 And calls in the.
01:17:43 People who we know, he knows what they'll do.
01:17:47 Sure enough, the FBI shows up.
01:17:51 Lots of SUV's and.
01:17:54 People armed to the teeth.
01:17:56 Show up.
01:17:58 They start setting up blockades.
01:18:01 They start shutting down government offices, claiming that there's a danger of a terrorist attack.
01:18:10 Well, there the the this outpost where they were at this outpost here is 30 miles away from the town.
01:18:18 So it's nowhere near the town at all.
01:18:21 And it's again, it's like 8 guys hanging out.
01:18:25 And they posed no threat.
01:18:28 They're they're.
01:18:29 They're constantly saying, yeah, you know, we're not going to fire anyone less fired upon.
Speaker 24
01:18:42 When I grew up.
Speaker 13
01:18:43 I never got how to lie.
01:18:44 I never spoke out of turn, you know, I was one of those kids when they when I walked from in class in Sunday school.
01:18:50 I was a little kid.
01:18:50 All other kids were rowdy and I always fold my arms and trying to get it.
01:18:53 Came natural to me to.
01:18:55 To be in line and so this is very.
01:18:59 Out of character for me because I've always tried to follow the rules.
01:19:02 And and do you know I don't have a speeding ticket today?
01:19:06 I I do have one.
01:19:08 Warning, this choice is solely mine.
01:19:11 Nobody asked me to do this.
01:19:13 Bundys didn't ask me to do this.
01:19:16 They didn't.
01:19:17 They didn't stop me.
01:19:17 They respected my choice.
01:19:19 But this, this choice, this decision is, is mine and mine alone.
01:19:22 And I will live with it.
01:19:23 And I'll bear the consequences, whatever they may be.
01:19:29 Well, turns out they might be.
01:19:32 More than he thought they would be.
01:19:36 But again, he keeps stressing.
01:19:38 Look, we're good people.
01:19:39 We don't have any criminal records.
01:19:41 We haven't done anything wrong.
01:19:42 Compare that to the kinds of people who are in Antifa.
01:19:46 Compare that to the kinds of people who are in Black Lives Matter.
01:19:51 Compare that to the kinds of people who work for the federal government.
01:19:58 Every chance he gets.
01:20:00 He talks about how.
01:20:04 They're they're they're not there to to, to shoot people.
01:20:06 They're not there to cause any problems.
01:20:08 They're just exercising their constitutional right that he would never aim his gun at a person.
Speaker 13
01:20:14 We in this land, we grow up plink and tin cans with 20 twos hunting Jack rabbits and the first thing we're taught is what do not.
01:20:22 Guns at.
01:20:23 And so I have never in my life pointed a gun at a person and I never intend to.
01:20:29 You know, they should never point a gun at me, and I shall not point a gun back and and we shall leave it at that.
01:20:36 But but I will live under a clear sky.
01:20:40 Till the day I die.
01:20:45 Now I think that's where.
01:20:48 And look we.
01:20:48 Got to be careful how we talk.
01:20:49 About this, I guess a little bit.
01:20:52 But I think that was a big that was a big.
01:20:54 Part that was one of the mistakes.
01:20:58 That's something that I think a lot of people need to understand.
01:21:05 You only bring guns.
01:21:10 If you intend to use them.
01:21:20 Because why else would you have them?
01:21:28 Right when it's cold outside, you bring a jacket with you to keep yourself warm.
01:21:34 If you don't, if it's not.
01:21:37 Why are you bringing a jacket?
01:21:49 Now there there's a case that can be made for like I like Virginia had that big Second Amendment protest all those years ago.
01:21:56 Well, actually not, I don't know.
01:21:58 Handful of years ago.
01:22:02 Where they had a lot of armed people.
01:22:08 But again, I think what happens is these boomers see footage.
01:22:13 Of like those those black protesters marching in the streets with AR fifteens like an army.
01:22:22 And not not.
01:22:23 The cops don't even show up.
01:22:30 The no ******* around crew or whatever the.
01:22:32 ****. It was called right?
01:22:35 And white boomers think ohh the same rules have to apply to me.
01:22:41 They don't.
01:22:45 They don't.
01:22:52 Because the feds aren't afraid of putting down a a white militia member, in fact they they crave it.
01:23:01 They've lived for that.
Speaker 3
01:23:21 Yeah, the donations are coming from all over the United States.
01:23:25 A lot of them have come straight from the ranchers that live in the town.
01:23:29 They appreciate everything we're doing.
01:23:31 And it makes me feel good.
01:23:33 It makes me feel like I'm doing something for a good cause.
01:23:36 I'm a terrorist, obviously we are all terrorists here and anybody that comes on his property is a terrorist and the media coming in here, I don't really want to talk to him anymore because they're going out and telling everybody that we're not doing the right thing and we are doing the right thing.
01:23:52 You know, we all have families, we have children, we have jobs.
01:23:56 We stepped away from that life.
01:23:58 Come over here and and do some good.
01:24:03 You're the infection now.
01:24:08 See, this is white America trying to grapple?
01:24:13 With the new reality.
01:24:17 There is no white America.
01:24:22 The white Americans watching this stream right now, listening to the sound of my voice.
01:24:28 Can all sympathize with these people.
01:24:34 But we're not in the majority anymore.
01:24:37 This is the kind this is the exact kind of protest that actually not that long ago would have had lots of popular support.
01:24:48 The FADS would have backed down immediately.
01:24:51 The second, the first article.
01:24:53 Got written about this.
01:24:57 That's not the America you live in anymore.
01:25:00 That America is gone and it's not coming back.
01:25:03 The rules have changed.
01:25:08 You said it yourself, you are a terrorist now.
01:25:13 The FBI's been very clear about this, where DVD's now, right?
01:25:20 Domestic violent extremists.
01:25:30 Doesn't matter if you think you're doing good by by cooking for eight guys hanging out in front of.
01:25:36 A federal building.
01:25:39 In the snow.
01:25:45 Doing interviews and trying to get.
01:25:47 The word.
01:25:47 Out that the.
01:25:48 Federal government is trying to destroy a 70 year old man who didn't.
01:25:51 Do anything wrong?
Speaker 13
01:26:02 Father is pretty healthy.
01:26:04 He can saddle up his horse and ride with me.
01:26:06 Helps me when I need some help.
01:26:09 You know how.
01:26:09 Many more years when you're 75, are you going to be able to continue to get out there and and chase those cows at a full run?
01:26:16 You know, I'm so grateful for those few years that I still have.
01:26:19 With my father, where's the white?
01:26:21 Where's Dwight Hammond?
01:26:24 Where is he spending those five years?
01:26:26 Dad commit if we don't get him out of prison, that's why I am sitting here on this place.
01:26:32 Call me and occupier call me a terrorist.
01:26:35 Call me a dead gum.
01:26:37 Ignorant redneck.
01:26:38 I don't care.
01:26:39 I am here for Dwight Hammond and his.
01:26:41 Family and they had better get out of that prison.
01:26:45 They need to be pardoned.
01:26:48 Obama, you and I don't see eye to eye and probably anything.
01:26:52 But I am appealing to your humanity, Mr.
01:26:55 President Obama, to pardon them that it is unjust.
01:27:00 Let them go home to their families.
01:27:02 Let them go home to their families.
01:27:04 I want to get the heck out of Dodge.
01:27:05 I want to go back home to Arizona.
01:27:07 I don't want to be here.
01:27:08 On this place, but I.
01:27:10 I'm here because of the actions of this federal government and by Dang, if you wanna, if you wanna, you wanna give me a warrant to come after me?
01:27:19 And with the FBI, so be it.
01:27:21 I don't care.
01:27:22 But you better.
01:27:22 Well, let those.
01:27:23 Those having families out of prison.
01:27:29 You can tell he's a.
01:27:30 Sweet old man.
01:27:37 Just from that clip alone, I would trust him to to babysit my kids.
01:27:47 He cares about what's right.
01:27:54 And you know what he's aware of the dangers.
01:28:00 But he believes in his God.
01:28:11 By the way.
01:28:14 Beware of people who claim to believe in God.
01:28:19 But then say they.
01:28:21 Don't like principles.
01:28:28 This man believes that if he dies or he's arrested or whatever happens.
01:28:34 It'll workout fine because.
01:28:38 He was doing what God would have him do.
01:28:47 And if more people believed in God, you know what?
01:28:52 It probably wouldn't have come to this.
01:29:01 Meanwhile, the FBI diversity hires continue to show up.
01:29:09 And then one fateful day.
01:29:13 Because if there's anything the federal government doesn't like.
01:29:17 Is when you.
01:29:18 Show them up.
01:29:23 They were not going to allow.
01:29:26 Another Bundy standoff situation to take place.
01:29:50 Now Lavoy Finicum here.
01:29:52 The guy that we've been this guy.
01:29:57 At a meeting or had a scheduled meeting to meet with a County Sheriff.
01:30:04 Trying to gain support for what they were doing.
01:30:10 And with other members of the, I guess supporters, but not necessarily people that were that were protesting, there were just other people like there was a woman.
01:30:20 I think that was bringing them food that was in the.
01:30:23 He was given a ride to another girl who was barely 18, who had come there with her family to to to sing because they were this Christian singing family that had showed up to the Bundy.
01:30:38 Protest and thought they would go to this.
01:30:40 Thing and then.
01:30:43 Two other I think two other guys, I think it was two other guys.
01:30:49 They leave the property to go meet with the sheriff.
01:30:57 Get chased down by two black SUV's.
01:31:06 And this is what?
Speaker 25
01:31:17 So we just saw vehicles coming up behind us.
01:31:20 We could hear their sirens and see their lights and we could see.
01:31:25 Them pull the Jeep over.
Speaker 6
01:31:27 And the boy kept saying we've got to get to the sheriff.
01:31:29 We gotta get to the sheriff.
01:31:31 And that's in Grant County.
01:31:32 We knew that he would protect us.
Speaker 25
01:31:36 They started shouting to turn the vehicle off and put your hands out the window, and Lavoie didn't turn the vehicle off, but he put his hands out the window in his head and he said are are you police?
01:31:44 He said.
01:31:45 We're going to.
01:31:45 The next county to talk to the sheriff.
Speaker 13
01:31:48 I'm going to meet.
01:31:48 The sheriff the sheriff is waiting for.
01:31:50 Us so you do as you damn well.
01:31:52 Please, but I'm not going anywhere here.
01:31:55 I am right there.
Speaker 10
01:31:57 Right there.
01:31:58 Put a bullet through.
Speaker 13
01:31:59 It you understand, I'm going.
Speaker 26
01:32:02 To go meet the shirt you back down.
Speaker 13
01:32:04 Or you kill me.
01:32:07 Go ahead.
01:32:08 But the ball through me.
Speaker 6
01:32:09 I can see on top of his hat is a red laser.
01:32:13 I'm worried that he's going to they're going to shoot him.
Speaker 27
01:32:15 All right.
01:32:16 Send the woman out now.
Speaker 11
01:32:19 Ask them if they want to.
Speaker 13
01:32:20 Go out.
Speaker 25
01:32:22 I was like, OK, I'm not getting out of the vehicle.
01:32:24 I was afraid that I'd be shot if I moved too fast or if anybody did anything.
Speaker 6
01:32:29 Victoria says I'm not getting out.
01:32:31 Then I'm not getting out either.
01:32:33 All right.
Speaker 13
01:32:33 I'm not turning over.
01:32:35 I'm going into Dade County.
Speaker 20
01:32:38 Well, if.
Speaker 13
01:32:38 Going into Grant County, you see the sheriff.
Speaker 10
01:32:40 Well, if we duck.
01:32:42 And you drive.
Speaker 10
01:32:44 What are they gonna do?
01:32:45 Try knock.
Speaker 2
01:32:45 How much does this?
Speaker 10
01:32:46 We gotta go.
Speaker 13
01:32:47 We got about 50 mile.
Speaker 27
01:32:49 Should never have stopped.
Speaker 13
01:32:51 I'm going to keep going.
Speaker 27
01:32:53 And now we'll get featured.
Speaker 3
01:32:57 Shoot, shoot your tires out.
Speaker 27
01:32:59 Most likely just because, well, where's those?
Speaker 19
01:33:00 Ryan Hammond.
Speaker 27
01:33:07 Where's the guns?
Speaker 13
01:33:07 They got him stopped.
01:33:08 He can't.
01:33:08 Around it.
01:33:09 I'm gonna go.
Speaker 26
01:33:11 Can get get down.
Speaker 28
01:33:12 Then you give me that.
Speaker 10
01:33:14 OK, give me this camera.
Speaker 25
01:33:23 Then I looked out and I could see one vehicle behind us pursuing.
Speaker 24
01:33:28 Keep going.
Speaker 26
01:33:29 So what about Amon and those guys?
01:33:31 Can't we can't.
Speaker 13
01:33:31 Get around him.
01:33:32 I'm going to go get help.
Speaker 26
01:33:34 OK.
Speaker 6
01:33:38 And then all of a sudden, he said something about a roadblock.
Speaker 10
01:33:45 Hey, hey, hey.
Speaker 2
01:33:46 OK, so they shouldn't.
01:33:52 Go ahead, shoot me.
Speaker 10
01:33:57 Stay down.
01:33:58 Stay down.
01:33:59 Stay down.
01:34:07 Are they shooting him?
01:34:08 Did they shoot him?
01:34:10 You *******.
Speaker 25
01:34:14 I just hear a bunch of shots all at once and he fell.
01:34:18 I started shouting that I was an EMT.
01:34:20 I was trying to get up trying.
01:34:21 To get out.
Speaker 10
01:34:23 Don't get out.
Speaker 26
01:34:31 No. Hold on, hold.
Speaker 10
01:34:32 On don't don't do anything.
01:34:35 Where the hell is?
01:34:36 The boy.
Speaker 27
01:34:39 I can't see shut up.
Speaker 28
01:34:43 Stay down.
01:34:45 Stay down.
01:34:47 Stay down.
Speaker 2
01:34:50 Oh yeah.
Speaker 25
01:34:52 They didn't want us to get out.
01:34:53 Whoever was shooting at us, then the next thing we knew, this blue smoke stuff started coming from the front seats towards us and it hit my nose and I couldn't breathe.
01:35:06 I felt like I was choking.
Speaker 2
01:35:07 You taking some?
Speaker 10
01:35:09 Keep going.
01:35:09 Oh, ****.
01:35:12 Please stop, please.
Speaker 28
01:35:18 Because you're stupid.
Speaker 10
01:35:18 Just do.
01:35:22 I can kill all this.
01:35:24 Water please.
Speaker 2
01:35:30 Look it.
01:35:35 Go ahead.
Speaker 26
01:35:37 OK, there.
Speaker 2
01:35:37 OK.
01:35:39 They got lasers still on us.
Speaker 26
01:35:40 We've got lasers still on us, Lavoy got out.
01:35:43 I think they've killed Lavoy.
01:35:45 They just shot gas around into the car.
01:35:49 Hunker down in here trying not to.
Speaker 25
01:35:55 Right then I think was the scariest moment for me because I thought that we were all going to die.
01:36:02 I thought about my family and I thought about.
01:36:05 The things that mattered in life to me.
01:36:08 And it just how?
01:36:09 We were all going to die.
Speaker 26
01:36:10 This location.
Speaker 2
01:36:13 Can we just surrender?
01:36:16 OK.
01:36:18 OK, that's you, Ryan.
01:36:20 I don't know if.
01:36:20 You could get.
01:36:21 Up you get up first in first out.
01:36:23 First you go first.
Speaker 10
01:36:24 You go first.
Speaker 25
01:36:26 I started shouting.
01:36:26 We surrender, we surrender.
01:36:28 And I finally heard someone shout back, send out the mail first.
01:36:32 So Ryan got out and while I was standing there, they said.
01:36:35 Stay right there.
01:36:36 Stay with your hands where we can see them and I could see.
01:36:40 The boy's laying in the snow and I could just tell that he was dead.
01:36:47 I guess see men in camouflage and in black, standing between the trees.
01:36:52 And it seemed like so many of them.
Speaker 6
01:36:57 They yell at me to come and I'm getting out of the car with your hands up.
01:37:00 Of course.
01:37:01 They're all dressed in military gear or whatever these green outfits, when they and they are like snipers, they have all these long guns, all these guns, they have all these rifles.
01:37:13 Victoria and I were yelling at the men.
01:37:16 You guys are all part of murder.
01:37:17 You just murdered a.
01:37:18 Man in cold blood.
01:37:22 And because it's the federal government, there's never any consequences for what happened, in fact.
01:37:31 So if you lied to the FBI.
01:37:35 You can get in a lot of.
01:37:36 ******* trouble a.
01:37:38 Lot of ******* trouble, one of the FBI agents.
01:37:42 That was present.
01:37:44 Start opening fire.
01:37:47 Just randomly just started shooting.
01:37:50 He's the first one that started shooting.
01:37:53 And I'm going to bring up a picture of him.
01:37:55 It's not the best picture.
01:37:56 Kind of like when you try to find a picture of the person that shot Mandy Weaver, right?
01:38:01 You know, that's to be expected.
01:38:04 So this is.
01:38:14 Move that up.
01:38:16 I know, I know, but that's that's that's that's the best photo you can get of this guy.
01:38:23 That's W Joseph Astar estelita.
01:38:28 That's right, diversity hired Joseph Astarita.
01:38:35 Joseph astarita.
01:38:37 Started firing upon them with and then when he made his report to his superiors at the FBI, lied and said that he didn't.
01:38:49 Again, if you.
01:38:50 Or I lie to the FBI.
01:38:51 A big deal.
01:38:52 You can go to jail for a long time.
01:38:56 But if you cause a man to to get murdered.
01:38:59 No, no, no big deal.
01:39:02 So you know they they they tried to take him to court, but those court cases went about as well as you might expect considering all these other court cases we've discussed tonight.
01:39:12 And he's of course.
01:39:14 You know, no one will ever, no.
01:39:16 One will ever see.
01:39:16 This guy again?
01:39:19 Sure, he's in in deep cover now.
01:39:23 The guy who actually killed Lavoy.
01:39:31 KC coating.
01:39:34 He was a cop.
01:39:39 Shot the man in the back with his hands up.
01:39:48 He had his hands up.
01:39:51 Running away from the truck, the truck.
01:39:55 To draw fire away from the people in his truck.
01:39:59 That's what he was doing.
01:40:02 That's why you were saying if you're.
01:40:03 Gonna shoot?
01:40:04 Shoot me.
01:40:04 Shoot me.
01:40:06 And they did.
01:40:09 He did shot him right in the back, killed him.
01:40:16 What happened to him?
01:40:20 Casey coating.
01:40:23 He got promoted.
01:40:32 Casey coating.
01:40:40 Coding a 27 year veteran of Oregon State Police shot Robert Lavoy Finicum in the back after Finnicum speed his truck towards.
01:40:47 A road block.
01:40:49 And he got promoted to.
01:40:53 Let's see here where he's still in this position, actually.
01:40:58 I had that tab up and hang on, I'll find it again.
01:41:08 Yeah, he's.
01:41:08 He's now the Oregon State Police Superintendent.
01:41:15 Thanks to the the the lesbian Governor of Oregon appointing him.
01:41:23 Again, this isn't your country anymore.
01:41:26 This isn't your country anymore.
01:41:38 But he's now Superintendent.
01:41:45 You want to see a **** eating grin.
01:41:52 They they they make sure.
01:41:53 Not to give you good photos of these people.
01:41:58 For obvious reasons.
01:42:01 But here he is. Oh, this one's.
01:42:03 Actually way higher res than I thought it was.
01:42:15 Shot him in the back.
01:42:19 Now The funny thing is, the feds.
01:42:24 They knew they'd done funked up, they knew they'd.
01:42:26 Done. ****** **.
01:42:30 They didn't know that the people inside the car.
01:42:34 Had a footage of what happened.
01:42:43 They went straight to the press.
01:42:46 Now, here's CBS Morning News, right?
01:42:50 For damage control, they released the video.
01:42:55 And tried to make it look like that he was reaching for a gun.
01:42:58 He wasn't reaching.
01:42:59 When you see his hand go down and this came out in, in subsequent court cases, that's where they shot him.
01:43:08 He was reaching down where he shot him.
01:43:10 His gun was on the other side.
01:43:12 I decides to lie.
01:43:17 By surprise and be like, look, see, he was reaching for his gun.
01:43:20 His gun that was on the other side.
Speaker 29
01:43:22 In Oregon, newly released video shows the moment officers opened fire on a protester during a traffic stop.
01:43:28 He was among the people who seized a federal Wildlife Refuge.
01:43:31 Carter Evans is in Burns, where several protesters are still holding out.
01:43:36 Good morning.
Speaker 31
01:43:37 Good morning. It's extremely rare for the FBI to release this kind of video just 48 hours after a.
01:43:43 Shooting, but they're trying.
01:43:44 To dispel rumors that Lavoie Finnicum was on his knees when he was shot, and I want to warn you, the video you're about to see.
01:43:51 May be disturbing.
01:43:53 Video from an FBI airplane shows Oregon State police and federal agents with their weapons drawn on the white truck driven by the group's spokesman Lavoy Finicum.
01:44:02 Ammon Bundy, the leader of the armed group, surrenders to police from a separate vehicle, but the truck carrying Finicum along with Ammons brother Ryan did not.
Speaker 30
01:44:11 For a period of almost 4 minutes, while commands were being.
01:44:15 Given the occupants of that vehicle refused to comply with those commands.
Speaker 31
01:44:19 Finicum takes off speeding down the highway.
01:44:22 He swerves to avoid a police roadblock and nearly hits an FBI agent.
01:44:26 He exits the truck with his hands up, but moments later he's seen reaching toward his jacket.
01:44:31 A state trooper opens fire, killing him.
01:44:39 The the FBI lies, of course, obviously.
01:44:46 He had his hands up.
01:44:48 He was reaching down to.
01:44:50 Where they they shot him.
01:44:55 But you'll never see those people again.
01:45:02 In court, they'll never be.
01:45:03 They'll never.
01:45:04 There's no oversight.
01:45:05 They'll no want to be held responsible.
01:45:06 They got people like Bill Barr.
01:45:08 Bill Barr, who hit the sniper that killed Mandy Weaver.
01:45:11 It's the same ****.
Speaker 32
01:45:13 David Frye, Jeff Banta and Sean and Sandy Anderson are the last four remaining at the refuge, 40 days after armed protesters took it over.
Speaker 20
01:45:21 The FBI, local and state police cleared out after a stand up the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge came to an end.
01:45:29 About 9:40 this morning, 3 occupiers surrendered to police and were taken into custody. A fourth, the final protester, refused to leave, but supporters, including evangelist Franklin Graham.
01:45:40 And a Nevada.
01:45:41 Lawmaker convinced him to surrender.
01:45:43 And he did.
01:45:44 After a simple request.
01:45:46 He had a cookie, asked everyone to say Hallelujah when they said Hallelujah.
Speaker 24
01:45:50 No, Megan's coming.
Speaker 12
01:45:50 He came out.
01:45:54 Sounds like a dangerous terrorist.
01:46:02 So that's why.
Speaker 11
01:46:07 A lot of people on the right.
01:46:10 Don't protest and I guess it's up to you to decide whether or not you think Lavoie did the right thing.
01:46:19 Whether having principles are important.
01:46:22 Whether or not a belief in God that if you do get killed by the federal government doing something that you think God would command you to do, that you'd be safe in heaven, so why wouldn't?
01:46:31 You do it.
01:46:33 And that, in fact, expressing a fear of such a thing happening, you're expressing that you don't actually believe in God.
01:46:43 Because if you.
01:46:44 Actually believed in God.
01:46:46 If you actually believed that you would end up.
01:46:49 In his Kingdom in heaven.
01:46:52 Why? Why wouldn't you do?
01:46:55 Something in support of principle.
01:46:59 Even if it was dangerous.
01:47:03 A lot of what you're seeing on the right, this fear is it's not unfounded.
01:47:08 It's just that it's.
01:47:10 It comes across as kind of.
01:47:14 Cowardly for that very reason.
01:47:20 It means that most people aren't willing to die for what they believe in, because deep down, let's face it, a lot of.
01:47:25 Them while they like to LARP as Christians and they like to say that like, oh Christ is king or whatever.
01:47:31 Deep down, they.
01:47:32 Don't really believe it.
01:47:36 They see it as a convenient tool.
01:47:41 Perhaps a camouflage and look, there's a pragmatic argument for that.
01:47:47 We've discussed some of that in previous streams when we've talked about the the armor that religion gives you in this country.
01:47:55 In respects to the way you know, these religious cults have been treated in the past.
01:48:01 Unfortunately, very low on that totem pole is Christianity.
01:48:08 Christianity does not protect you in the same way that all this, well, Judge Judaism would, right?
01:48:15 Or even Hinduism.
01:48:20 Or Islam or anything like that.
01:48:23 Christianity is a liability more than it is a a shield.
01:48:37 Now, just so we don't end on a downer.
01:48:44 There's another case that went a totally different way.
01:48:48 That I think it is is.
01:48:50 Entertaining enough.
01:48:54 For us to at least take a look at it at at it, like I said, just to kind of lighten the mood after what we just saw.
01:49:05 Before we do, of course, though.
01:49:06 I want to reiterate.
01:49:08 I think Lavoie did the right thing.
01:49:10 It's easy to look at him.
01:49:11 And and call him foolish.
01:49:15 But I think he was doing what he thought his God had commanded him to do.
01:49:26 All right.
01:49:32 There was another standoff that.
01:49:34 Started around the year 2000.
01:49:39 And went until 2015. Wow, that's right.
01:49:48 That's right.
01:49:53 John, I think it was named John Joe Gray.
01:49:55 Oh, we'll see here in a second.
01:50:01 He was riding with some friends.
01:50:05 In their car.
01:50:07 And he.
01:50:07 Had a gun on him.
01:50:09 The guy was speeding, got pulled over.
01:50:13 State Trooper asked him if he was armed.
01:50:15 He said yes.
01:50:19 State Trooper drew his weapon on him and he said, why you he was a passenger in this car.
01:50:23 He's like, why are you drawing your weapon on me?
01:50:26 I'm within my constitutional right to.
01:50:29 Carry a gun.
01:50:31 I'm not doing anything wrong, I just happen to be in.
01:50:33 A car that was spitting.
01:50:36 The other cop that was, you know, with with you know, the other state trooper jumped in the car and and put.
01:50:43 Him in a headlock.
01:50:46 He bit the state trooper and was arrested for assaulting.
01:50:54 A state trooper.
01:50:58 They then threw him in jail.
01:51:02 And he decided.
01:51:04 That he didn't do anything wrong.
01:51:08 After he posted bail, he went on his 40 acre ranch.
01:51:15 And never left.
01:51:17 Telling the cops that if they went anywhere near his 40 acre ranch.
01:51:22 They'd be living in a body bag.
01:51:26 He and his family armed up and for 15 ******* years.
01:51:33 They didn't leave the ranch. They were self-sufficient, which is pretty amazing. They were totally self-sufficient, unlike just shy of 50 acres.
Speaker 5
01:51:43 We drove nearly 60 miles South of Dallas into the Sun Baked Ranch lands of East Texas.
01:51:49 It is here, literally off the beaten path that we come face to face with an armed camp.
01:51:55 Since the standoff began more than six months ago, few people have been allowed past the rifles and pistols.
Speaker 27
01:52:01 Just keep going.
Speaker 5
01:52:03 Past the locked steel gates and barbed wire into this compound, we are the first television journalists allowed inside.
Speaker 12
01:52:10 Hi, Joe. Nice to meet.
01:52:12 You thank.
Speaker 24
01:52:12 This is not.
Speaker 5
01:52:13 You, their leader, is John. Joe Gray. How you doing? A 51 year old self-proclaimed freedom fighter.
01:52:19 So we're sitting here surrounded by armed guards, barbed wire, sandbags and the bunker.
01:52:25 What's what's going?
Speaker 24
01:52:25 On here?
01:52:26 Well, the harassment from the County Sheriff's Department and the feds is what's going on there.
01:52:35 They had threatened to come in.
01:52:36 On us.
01:52:37 Here a few weeks ago.
Speaker 5
01:52:41 He's a wanted man, indicted for the assault on two state troopers, A felony.
01:52:46 But Grace says those are trumped up charges, and he's not surrendering.
01:52:50 Now as you can see in this home video, Joe, his wife Alicia, his children and a few supporters, 17 of them and all are thumbing their noses.
01:53:00 The authorities.
01:53:01 What will happen if they try to raid this place?
Speaker 24
01:53:04 We're defended.
01:53:05 That's all of this too.
01:53:06 And you come out after us, bring X-ray body bags.
01:53:16 And his wife?
01:53:17 Here's the thing.
01:53:19 His wife was totally down.
01:53:22 See, this is the thing.
01:53:23 If you get a woman, you need to get a.
01:53:25 Woman, that's right.
01:53:26 Or die like this.
Speaker 5
01:53:27 Joe Grey's family, especially Alicia, his wife of more than 30 years, feels the same way.
Speaker 1
01:53:34 You're going to stand behind your.
Speaker 28
01:53:35 Not sure I'll stand beside my husband.
01:53:39 With him all the way.
01:53:41 Prepared to die.
01:53:44 You find a woman like.
Speaker 5
01:53:45 That who are these people and why are they?
01:53:54 No, we got disconnected.
01:53:56 Are we going to come back?
01:54:01 Are we coming back here?
01:54:03 I hope we come back.
01:54:07 I think we're back.
01:54:08 We're out to sea.
01:54:10 It froze up there for a second.
01:54:12 It might start looping.
01:54:13 I got to wait.
01:54:14 I got to wait now and no, I'm not going to edit this out.
01:54:17 OK, we're back, it looks like.
01:54:19 All right, good.
Speaker 5
01:54:25 Who are these people and why are they so defiant, risking their lives on principle?
01:54:32 Why would you risk your life?
01:54:35 On principle.
01:54:43 Why would?
01:54:44 Why would you do that?
01:54:49 And again, like I said.
01:54:50 You would risk your life on principle.
01:54:54 If you believed in God.
01:54:57 If you really believed in God.
01:55:01 You wouldn't worry about losing your life.
01:55:05 Right.
01:55:09 Now some people are saying that we're looping here.
01:55:16 I don't think we're looping.
01:55:19 I think we're good now.
01:55:22 I'll do this to make sure.
01:55:24 If I see him in the water, I'll know that it's back.
01:55:29 So in the mean time.
01:55:30 I'm going to tell you guys a joke.
01:55:33 I had to think of a joke now.
01:55:38 I actually don't know any jokes.
01:55:45 Say Google a joke.
01:55:48 I don't know.
01:55:49 It depends on how long how delayed I am.
01:55:51 I hate this.
01:55:52 I hate this.
01:55:52 I hate the not knowing hate the not knowing if I'm live anymore or not.
01:55:57 Alright, I'm keeping one eye on here.
01:55:59 Let's see if I can find a really good joke.
01:56:02 I'm going to do joke about.
01:56:07 Ohh it looks like.
01:56:08 We are back, but I'm still to the joke about white people.
01:56:12 What's the funny joke about white people?
01:56:15 Here we are ready.
01:56:17 First joke.
01:56:21 Ah, that's just a what.
01:56:25 Come on, give me a list of jokes.
01:56:29 It's hard to find like a white people joke.
01:56:32 It is literally just articles saying are white people jokes racist.
01:56:36 Anyway, there's no good joke.
01:56:38 There's there's.
01:56:39 I've never heard a good white people joke.
01:56:40 I've tried.
01:56:41 I've asked black people their jokes.
01:56:43 Never make any sense.
01:56:44 They're always, like backhanded compliments.
Speaker 7
01:56:50 A lot of people so polite.
01:56:51 It's like, well, is that the bad thing anyway?
Speaker 5
01:56:54 Who are these people and why are they so defiant, risking their lives on principle?
01:56:59 Ohh yeah.
Speaker 5
01:57:00 John Joe Gray is a Colonel in a paramilitary group called the Texas Militia, and for years Gray has been seen wearing camouflage outfits.
01:57:09 Distributing anti government propaganda sometimes to none other than the sheriff's deputies themselves.
Speaker 24
01:57:17 What's going on?
01:57:19 And I've done that for years.
01:57:22 I think I'd upset a few people.
01:57:24 They didn't like it.
Speaker 5
01:57:26 Gray believes that government has taken away too many of his God-given rights. There's a new world order out there, he says, conspiring to deprive Americans of their freedom.
01:57:38 Ohh yes, if only if only they had understood who was behind the new World order, right?
01:57:44 Maybe some of this stuff wouldn't have gone down the way that it did.
01:57:47 Right.
01:57:48 But at least I think, well, more people are starting to get it now and that's what's important.
Speaker 5
01:57:54 And guns are what got Joe Gray in trouble in the first place.
01:57:58 His problems with the law began last spring when a car he was riding in was stopped for speeding.
01:58:03 Gray was packing a pistol illegally, according to the state trooper who pulled him over.
Speaker 24
01:58:08 He said he got a permit. I said no, Sir, it's my God-given right to carry.
01:58:13 And so he stepped back and pulled his gun out.
01:58:15 He said no, it's not.
01:58:16 I said yes there.
Speaker 5
01:58:17 It is and that's when a scuffle began.
Speaker 24
01:58:21 So I felt something hit me upside the face.
01:58:24 I don't know if you're trying to get a headlock or hit me.
01:58:26 I don't ain't gonna say did it.
01:58:27 But it wound up.
01:58:28 My mouth and you bit him.
01:58:29 I bit him.
01:58:30 I hung on to him.
Speaker 5
01:58:31 Joe Gray says that incident in this county.
01:58:35 I'm just picturing him just like lock jawing on the guys arm, you know?
01:58:43 Just like Oh yeah.
01:58:46 It reminds me of, oh, this is this is probably not gonna play cause the the I still haven't changed it.
01:58:50 Over to.
01:58:52 The right hard drive.
01:58:53 Hold on.
01:58:53 Wait for the spin up.
01:58:55 The spin up up.
01:58:59 Nope. Start spin up.
01:59:01 Come on.
01:59:04 There we go.
01:59:05 I'm just picturing that guy biting the state trooper and the state trooper going.
Speaker 5
01:59:15 But he was all in self-defense, and even though he was indicted, he refuses to appear in court. He says the judges, and in fact the entire judicial system, is corrupt and conspiring against him because of those beliefs, he refuses to obey the law.
01:59:30 What if everyone felt that way?
Speaker 24
01:59:32 Wouldn't be a free society then, wouldn't it?
01:59:35 You'd be a free nation again, like we used to be.
Speaker 5
01:59:43 Here in this exclusive video obtained by 2020, you can see that adults and children live in a strange world where the American flag is flown upside down. The little building with the initials of federal law enforcement agencies.
01:59:45 You could you could stop.
Speaker 21
01:59:46 The batteries.
Speaker 5
02:00:00 Is the family outhouse.
02:00:02 And the vehicles here sport license plates issued by a church called the Kingdom of Heaven.
Speaker 24
02:00:08 So last night, I don't know what to bring.
Speaker 27
02:00:10 Even all year.
Speaker 5
02:00:10 Throughout the compound, the adults all carry weapons.
02:00:14 Men wear their pistols tucked inside their boots.
02:00:17 Women coddled their rifles and their babies around the same shoulder.
Speaker 28
02:00:22 We had six children and we were having them there growing up there, I said.
02:00:26 Why do you have so many children?
02:00:28 We're building an army for God.
02:00:30 But we never knew it might turn into a literal army.
02:00:33 But they're ready.
02:00:34 They're all at peace with God.
Speaker 5
02:00:39 For now, at least, the Grays are winning their little war against government and the law.
Speaker 16
02:00:46 If they try to take the kids by force.
Speaker 28
02:00:49 We'll protect those children as their own.
Speaker 5
02:00:52 To the death.
Speaker 28
02:00:53 To the death of maybe that's all.
02:00:58 Find yourself a woman like that.
02:01:04 Now I think, uh, I hope I downloaded it so because like I said, for 15 years they stayed on there and what eventually ended up happening was the the DA that was in office during that time where they charged him on his last day when he was leaving, he was just like, you know what?
02:01:25 It's been 15 years.
02:01:27 We're never going to go like it's not worth it, you know?
02:01:30 Let's just.
02:01:31 I'm just going to drop the charges.
02:01:34 And so they dropped.
02:01:35 They just dropped the charges.
02:01:38 And that was that.
02:01:46 Let's see if I can find the.
02:01:47 I didn't.
02:01:48 I guess I didn't download it.
02:01:50 Well, that's too bad.
02:01:51 So National Geographic did a a follow up, I think like 10 years in, but it was quite a ways in because those kids are a lot more grown up like you know the kids couldn't leave either.
02:02:03 They were all hanging out in that same 40 acres.
02:02:05 And why are things that cracked me up.
02:02:07 Up was they didn't have any electricity.
02:02:11 They were, you know, they just, they grew their own food.
02:02:13 They had some farm animals.
02:02:16 They had water from the stream that went to their property.
02:02:20 They they had like kind of a ghetto generator kind of going from the stream.
02:02:24 But it really wasn't enough to do anything.
02:02:27 And their kid wanted, you know, a radio.
02:02:31 So what they did was they got like a wheelbarrow and rigged up a a like a Dynamo generator to the wheel.
02:02:43 And wired that.
02:02:43 Through a capacitor to kind of at least sort of smooth it out a little.
02:02:47 Bit the electricity hook that.
02:02:49 Up to a a old boom box, so he had to push this wheelbarrow around through the field for it to be on.
02:02:59 So they have this footage of the kid like pushing the wheelbarrow thing around and listening.
Speaker 7
02:03:03 To the radio.
02:03:05 And they ask his dad.
02:03:06 Well, that's pretty ingenious.
02:03:08 Do you guys call that he's like?
02:03:09 We call it the Walkman.
02:03:12 There's, there's your joke.
02:03:18 And it was pretty basic.
02:03:19 He's like, what do you guys listen to when he's like, well, we only get country music and Christian music.
02:03:24 And I was like, oh, that's so fitting.
02:03:27 So there you go.
02:03:31 We call it the Walkman.
02:03:33 Now I wish I'd I thought I'd downloaded that.
02:03:35 I wish I had.
02:03:36 Anyway, so there's a little, you know, we end on a slightly happier, slightly happier note.
02:03:44 John Joe Gray.
02:03:48 In fact, even Chuck Norris came and visited him and tried to get him to leave.
02:03:53 It was kind of funny.
02:03:54 He's like, oh.
02:03:55 Chuck Norris is like I know everybody in Texas.
02:03:57 I'll make sure you get a fair shake and he's just like, **** you.
02:04:01 I'm not leaving.
02:04:07 So yeah.
02:04:12 All right, let's take a look at Hyper chats.
02:04:20 Chuck Norris has decreed that we must look at.
02:04:23 And hyper chats.
02:04:27 They pop out the hyper chance.
02:04:35 OK.
02:04:40 Graham playing games know of Enoch Powell.
02:04:43 He was a great British man with a history of putting himself into the firing line for his people.
02:04:49 He wanted to implement repatriation of the non ethnic British back and their homelands. This is an interview from 1976.
02:04:59 With a snaky British Journal, I think I've seen this, but I'll I'll download it for later.
02:05:09 Let me see if uh.
02:05:15 Well, I was thinking it was if it's not super long.
02:05:17 Can voluntary.
02:05:17 Yeah, it's.
02:05:19 Ohh yeah no.
02:05:19 I've I've I've definitely seen this, but it's might be good to check out for a A later.
02:05:25 I think Eric Powell is a great example of a man that is of upstanding moral character that happened to be a politician for the sake of his nation and not for the sake of a career.
02:05:35 He was pushed out of the Conservative Party of Britain after his famous speech in 1968 against immigration.
02:05:43 Also, Devin something I'd recommend listening to while you work is the audiobook for Pat Buchanan's Churchill, Hitler and unnecessary war, narrated by Don Leslie, who does an outstanding job. It's kind of like a or kind of a hunting book lamenting the needless mass death of generations.
02:06:03 Of Europeans.
02:06:06 Yeah, I I actually I could use a new audio book, so maybe I'll maybe I'll grab that one.
02:06:14 Harmless GA follow up to the grand playing games comments about in Enid or on Enoch Powell, the Conservative Party leader dismissed him.
02:06:23 Edward Heath was a homosexual.
02:06:26 You can't trust faggs.
02:06:27 Well, there you go.
02:06:28 See anytime you let faggs in charge of your.
02:06:32 Organizations ***** thing, why are people?
02:06:36 Why do people get surprised when faggs do ***** things?
02:06:43 Don't don't trust ****.
02:06:46 ****** pants.
02:06:48 You had mentioned in your Patton series how, year after year the same people in charge were killing U.S.
02:06:55 Why do you think it is the that?
02:06:58 Why do you think it is that these people in charge are still walking around?
02:07:03 I'm sure there are citizens out there with the skills to straighten things out.
02:07:07 Why do you think they haven't?
02:07:09 Because most people are.
02:07:13 Are honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with our lack of of cohesion.
02:07:19 Our lack of a sense of responsibility to our fellow citizens, that's one of the things that diversity does in the same way that diversity makes it impossible for for working places to unionize.
02:07:31 As I often talk about, you know, with the Amazon e-mail that got leaked or just people just know that or just if you've lived in a diverse neighborhood, you know that you don't.
02:07:38 Know your ******* neighbors.
02:07:40 If someone had killed a family member of yours, you you know, you might go on a vendetta or something like that.
02:07:47 But most people just don't have any kind of sense of kinship with their fellow Americans, at least because.
02:07:54 There's just not any kind of glue that holds us together and the other than the, you know, there's the racial element for white people, but I don't think that's enough.
02:08:07 I think there needs to be a religious element to it as well.
02:08:10 I I think that you need that combination in order to get.
02:08:15 The kind of backing from your your group that other groups enjoy.
02:08:22 And I don't think that whites will get that kind of they might.
02:08:26 It is look as as it gets more dangerous to be white, as white people are more openly and viciously persecuted, you're probably going to start seeing instances where white people start sticking together.
02:08:38 Because there will be a survival instinct at play.
02:08:42 And look, when people get, it's like prisons.
02:08:46 Why do you think prisons are segregated by race?
02:08:49 It's a survival instinct that kicks in.
02:08:52 You know that's not something that was enforced by anyone.
02:08:56 It was that white people in the area nation was was created by white people that were tired of being abused by black inmates.
02:09:06 Right.
02:09:06 So that's that's why you have the different racial groups in prisons, because that's when you boil it all down.
02:09:14 That's what you have is your kin.
02:09:17 And so as things become more like an actual prison.
02:09:21 In out, in public, you'll probably start to see a lot of the same ****.
02:09:27 Zazi makes Taz bot.
02:09:30 Hi Devin.
02:09:31 I work.
02:09:32 At a grocery.
02:09:32 Store and the people that come in are unbelievable.
02:09:36 I think they are told.
02:09:38 I think they are void.
02:09:40 Wait, I think they are the void, Nietzsche warned about your shows.
02:09:45 Give me hope that I am indeed a same man living in an insane world.
02:09:50 Thank you for doing the hard work that you do.
02:09:53 Well, you know what, I long ago, many, many years ago, I also worked at a.
Speaker 7
02:10:00 Wesley studi.
02:10:02 And that's the.
02:10:04 Only one tonight.
02:10:04 I'm not going to do anymore.
02:10:07 That that was one of the worst jobs I ever had.
02:10:09 I was I was a bad boy when I was younger.
02:10:13 I used to like try to amuse myself by by faking weird personalities and accents with the old ladies that who?
02:10:21 I had to.
02:10:21 Bring bring their their groceries out to their car and I usually couldn't.
02:10:25 I usually broke character and and then it just got made it weirder.
02:10:32 But yeah, that was a that was a long time ago.
02:10:39 Grant playing games one last thing tonight if you want to play part of the Powell video.
02:10:46 This timestamp is one of the more poignant parts.
02:10:49 If not, recommend watching it on your own and look into Powell.
02:10:53 Men like him would be the leaders in a healthy society.
02:10:57 Thanks, Devin.
02:10:58 Well, there you go for everyone.
02:11:00 There's the link and like I said, I'll I'll maybe bring it up on a on a future stream.
02:11:06 Homeland last streamed. Evan. You spoke about World War 2 and blacks in England, and Stephen Ambrose's book about D-Day. It was the male sensor that got D-Day rolling CGI letters complaint. They're complaining that if think that.
02:11:24 Think they are going to talk to white women back home like they do in the UK?
02:11:28 They've got another thing coming.
02:11:32 Wait. Stephen Ambrose's book about D-Day? It was the male sensor they got D-Day rolling.
02:11:39 I'm not sure.
02:11:40 I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that.
02:11:42 The male sensor got I'm.
02:11:44 I'm assuming that means that there were.
02:11:49 People censoring the mail, I don't know, but I don't know.
02:11:52 How that has?
02:11:52 To do with D-Day going and the chat just.
02:11:54 Crashed, so I had to bring it back.
02:11:58 Good job, Odyssey Way, way to go.
02:12:01 OK.
02:12:06 Veruca salts.
02:12:08 Goyish somethin?
Speaker 24
02:12:14 Easy money.
02:12:16 Hi devan.
02:12:17 You reviewed the John Irving Movie Cider House rules.
02:12:20 What about taking a look at the world according to GARP?
02:12:24 It's from the early 80s and both the book and film were very popular.
02:12:29 The movie won Oscars.
02:12:30 It's about feminism and has a ****** and other.
02:12:33 Anti family degenerate stuff.
02:12:36 Oh yeah, I will check it out.
02:12:38 I was actually think I'd like to do another movie review because it's been a while.
02:12:43 I've never heard of that movie and I've never seen it, so that I like.
02:12:47 I like going into films, not knowing really anything about.
02:12:51 And you haven't revealed much, so maybe maybe that'll be something for me to, you know, try to find after the show because, yeah, I'd like to get back into that.
02:13:04 Handler authorizing sources say that something really big will happen precisely at the immediate point between one and three weeks from now anyway.
02:13:13 Here's 350 for the custards, yet two more weeks, two more weeks.
02:13:21 And then when they can't arrest them, it will be because the Supreme Court specifically prevented it from happening, because if they arrested him, then the military would have to.
02:13:30 Yeah, I know I can't handle.
02:13:31 It either lack of creativity.
02:13:34 You review old film for old, or you review old film for old propaganda.
02:13:41 When you apply your skills to warn us about how the normies will be primed for future event.
02:13:46 The build up for war and how it's shaped needs to be adjusted by carrying whites.
02:13:53 I stray into crazy smart.
02:13:56 Need your voice to verify the patterns.
02:14:00 UM.
02:14:04 Are you mean?
02:14:05 Like, are they trying to prepare the public to be OK?
02:14:10 With a war that's coming up, I mean I I.
02:14:14 I don't know that that's happening just yet, but I haven't I I mean I I'm not aware of any any new propaganda that's trying.
02:14:23 I'll tell you what I get I get.
02:14:25 A little like when people start talking about pre programming and that sort.
02:14:28 Of thing I'm.
02:14:29 Not saying it doesn't happen, it's just it's so hard to predict that sort of a thing.
02:14:34 And there's like, think of all the crazy movies that exist, and how many of them aren't pre programming, right?
02:14:43 So if you start assuming that some of them are pre programming.
02:14:47 You're really it's.
02:14:49 It's what's informing that isn't the fact that they made a movie about a topic.
02:14:54 It's you're just going with your assumption that.
02:14:57 That, that, that you're already.
02:14:59 You're just it's almost like.
02:15:03 Confirmation bias.
02:15:05 You're just confirming something that you already think is going to happen.
02:15:08 Like, I don't know if in your case, but let's just assume for a moment you think there's a warrant happening, right?
02:15:13 So you're looking for pre programming of saying that the war is going to happen.
02:15:18 I don't know that a war is.
02:15:19 Going to happen, I think that it would, it wouldn't really serve anyone's interests to have.
02:15:25 A war happen.
02:15:26 I mean, there's obviously not.
02:15:28 There's some people that would benefit, right?
02:15:31 But I don't know that.
02:15:34 I don't see any indication that that's on the immediate horizon.
02:15:38 If that changes, I'll let you know.
02:15:43 Uh Microsoft homes?
02:15:54 In regards to socialization, look up the main hermit.
02:15:59 The main hermit, similar to Q bubbles.
02:16:04 What are Q bubbles?
02:16:08 The main hermit.
02:16:11 Let's see what the main Christopher Thomas knight.
02:16:15 Also known as the North Pond Hermit.
02:16:18 Is a former recluse and burglar who lived without human contact for 27 years. Between 1986 and 2013. I kind of feel like that sometime.
02:16:29 In the North Pond area of Maine's Belgrade Lakes, during his seclusion, knight lived within a mile of a of summer cabins in a crude campy built in a well drained woodland woodland. Obscured within a cluster of glacial erratic boulders.
02:16:48 Having entered the wards with almost no possessions, he set up a camp composed entirely of items stolen from nearby cabins and camps.
02:16:57 He survived by committing around 1000 burglaries against houses in the area at a rate of roughly 40 per year to be able to survive during the harsh winters of May.
02:17:08 Apart from the fear and notoriety his many burglars created in the local area, Knights and usual life also attracted widespread international media reports upon his capture, journalist Michael Finkel wrote an in-depth story about the incident for GQ and later wrote a book called The Stranger in the Woods.
02:17:27 Well, that's interesting.
02:17:28 Maybe I'll look into that guy at some point.
02:17:30 I don't know what has to do with Q though.
02:17:34 Romel just says *******.
02:17:41 Hey goy on the Internet.
02:17:48 In regards to social oh wait, yeah.
02:17:52 Wait, no, I'm that's already to that one going there.
02:17:54 All this queue talk make my brain hurt.
02:17:58 Yeah, well.
02:18:01 Yeah, I guess that's one problem, cuz people don't have to.
02:18:03 Worry about hello.
02:18:08 Ronald, thank you for your work, Devin.
02:18:11 I appreciate it.
02:18:12 Nazi dice getting the guitar.
02:18:14 I asked for my birthday in the early 90s is what stopped me from playing video games all day.
02:18:20 I started playing guitar nonstop instead of instead and made it into my second language.
02:18:26 But no matter how well I can.
02:18:27 Sling these strings around and play anything I hear the ever quest of creativity never ends.
02:18:35 Yeah, that's a much more healthy pastime.
02:18:38 Music than playing video games.
02:18:42 However, I would suggest that if it's consuming your life and it's not going to be a profession.
02:18:47 It might likewise.
02:18:50 Begin to be a childish thing that as a man you put aside.
02:18:55 I I I, but I still get it.
02:18:57 I myself have hobbies that I sometimes indulge too much.
02:19:05 Jay Ray, 1981.
02:19:14 Target is.
Speaker 12
02:19:19 OK.
02:19:22 Have you seen the documentary?
02:19:24 Everything is a rich man's trick.
02:19:27 The rave reviews in in the YouTube comments section is astounding.
02:19:31 Be ashamed if some Chads gave their two cents.
02:19:34 Thanks, Deb.
02:19:36 Yeah, I started watching that like a million years ago.
02:19:38 I just barely.
02:19:39 I know.
02:19:40 It's like an if it's the same thing.
02:19:41 I'm I'm thinking.
02:19:42 I think it is.
02:19:43 It was like old school VHS style.
02:19:46 UMI kind of feel like though the reason I stopped watching it and and maybe I'm wrong. I I'd have to. I'll look at. I'll look for it again.
02:19:55 Was I remember watching it and they kept blaming.
02:20:01 Banks and rich people without, you know, naming the obvious.
02:20:06 The obvious people behind those things, and it was just starting to irritate me.
02:20:13 Harmless. Gee, Daniel. Day Lewis's performance, and there will be blood, and in his other movies too are so good I can almost overlook that his grandfather was an Eastern European Jew who is one of Britain's equivalents of America's Hollywood Jews. Almost. Yeah, that's that's one reason I can't.
02:20:34 Fully celebrate his abilities.
02:20:37 But such is life.
02:20:40 Damn, Bigfoot.
02:20:41 Do you believe that the California Gold Rush was a scheme to make Americans move West like the gold mines were exaggerated, but the settlers couldn't move back once they found out?
02:20:52 I don't think so.
02:20:53 I grew up in, in, and at least in grade school in California.
02:20:59 And we went, we went to a.
02:21:02 They took as a field for a field trip is elementary school.
02:21:05 It took us to some river and we panned for gold and.
02:21:11 I found some gold. It wasn't much. It was. It was probably like I think it was worth, like $7.00 or something.
02:21:16 It was worth nothing but everyone kind of found a little bit of gold and you know, they were like, yeah, there's still gold here, but it's not like it was, you know, but I found a little piece of gold.
02:21:25 Well, and you know, unless they, unless they.
02:21:29 Stalked the river with gold.
02:21:30 I think there really was, like a lot of gold.
02:21:32 There's a lot of gold in.
02:21:33 The West just in general.
02:21:36 You got to remember this.
02:21:38 This is land that had never been.
02:21:41 Never been mined, so I don't know, but at the same time, maybe I'm sure that it wasn't.
02:21:47 I mean that certainly wouldn't be a bad thing to promote if you were trying to get people to go West.
02:21:53 Same thing with.
02:21:54 I mean there's a lot of people that had a lot of not just the government, but lots of companies would have an interest in getting people out there.
02:22:01 So I'm sure it was exact.
02:22:02 Look, I know, I know, I know it was exaggerated you.
02:22:06 In fact, that was part of when we learned about the gold rush when I.
02:22:09 Was a kid.
02:22:10 Was the fact that they made it sound like, you know, like they're they're solid gold?
02:22:14 Buildings and you know the roads are made of gold and everything's.
02:22:18 And then people would show up and find out that like.
02:22:20 No, it's it's.
02:22:22 You know, it's it's hard work and you know it's not.
02:22:25 It's not like is is gold.
02:22:28 There's not gold everywhere, but at the same time, there was a lot of gold.
02:22:31 The Spanish extracted a lot of gold out of California.
02:22:35 There's a lot of famous missing missing treasures.
02:22:38 You know, a lot of people that move gold.
02:22:40 There's, like, some crazy story.
02:22:42 I actually kind of want to get into it at some point.
02:22:44 There was an old unsolved mysteries episode about this guy in New Mexico.
02:22:50 I think it was.
02:22:52 And he was walking around on some BLM land, actually, and he found this cave and he went inside The Cave and found a bunch of like, a **** ton of gold.
02:23:07 And so he went and got a mining claim for so that he would own the.
02:23:12 Own the gold and then he started trying to move the gold out of the K.
02:23:16 But then the Fed, because the you know, the federal government sucks.
02:23:20 The feds caught wind that there was some guy that found a bunch of ******* gold.
02:23:24 So the military came and claimed that he couldn't.
02:23:27 He couldn't be there anymore because they were going to be doing military.
02:23:32 Experiments or I don't know.
02:23:33 It was like what excuse they used, but they kicked him out and then when they left, he came back and.
02:23:38 The gold was all gone.
02:23:40 But he still managed to get some of the gold, and there's evidence that he actually did have some of the gold because, uh, some of it ended up turning up at some point.
02:23:49 And then I think he got shot like like someone I don't remember.
02:23:52 Like I kind of like that.
02:23:54 That could be fun to go over sometime.
02:23:57 Skeeter Mcpeters or $25.
02:24:02 I just did that one.
02:24:07 Tranquilla hawk slaps your woman on the asks what you do.
02:24:11 Also, are we ever going to get another secret message?
02:24:15 Yeah, well, tranquilla Hawks, those are that is like the the most painful sting of any Hornet like creature.
02:24:23 Maybe out of any bug.
02:24:25 I think it might be, but they're really cool and they almost never sting you.
02:24:32 The secret message.
02:24:35 I mean, I have.
02:24:35 I actually.
02:24:36 I know where.
02:24:36 The files are to.
02:24:37 Do those now I just haven't done it.
02:24:41 I've been pretty busy.
02:24:43 I'm I'm basically.
02:24:46 I'm basically working like 3 jobs right now, like actual jobs.
02:24:49 If you include this.
02:24:53 So it is, you know.
02:24:55 I I I I try as hard as I can to to.
02:24:59 It's just a lot of this stuff is pretty time consuming.
02:25:01 But yeah, we should.
02:25:03 We should have secret messages again.
02:25:06 I kind of want to do a secret message.
02:25:07 Just do it like a tie in maybe with like, geocaching.
02:25:11 I've always wanted to do something like that, like a secret message that that reveals some GPS coordinates and you can like go out and I don't know, maybe I go stash something.
02:25:22 Somewhere I don't know what it would be.
02:25:24 Maybe like a A signed copy of the book or I don't know, something cool.
02:25:29 Maybe a gold bar, a solid gold bar?
02:25:33 John Connor, nearly every generation was given the opportunity to either be given or by land cheaply to make a life, especially after fighting the two banker world wars, boomers and older Gen.
02:25:46 X essentially got their land for nothing.
02:25:48 The conditions we are experiencing now are unprecedented in civilization.
02:25:53 Yeah, it's it's really difficult to look.
02:25:57 You can still do it, but it's not good and it's not lots of acreage.
02:26:04 And the the the restrictions are are like the kinds that we've we covered in the stream that night.
02:26:11 Where BLM and other federal agencies try to restrict your water rights and stuff like that, that's only growing.
02:26:20 Nazi dice.
02:26:21 Thanks, Jews.
02:26:22 Well, there you.
02:26:23 Go. Thank you, Jews.
02:26:26 I don't know what what are.
02:26:27 We thanking them for they.
02:26:30 We'll thank them anyway.
02:26:32 Only mere Devon, Speaking of nuclear bomb tests in the desert.
02:26:37 Have you ever been to or driven past Cuervo, New Mexico?
02:26:41 It's a click east of Santa Rosa.
02:26:44 Talk about the hills.
02:26:45 Have eyes.
02:26:49 Cuervo, NM.
Speaker 16
02:26:52 Let me look where that's at.
02:26:58 There's a lot of creepy places in in New Mexico.
02:27:04 Mexico is just like a really weird.
02:27:07 Really weird state span of of unsolved mysteries.
02:27:10 They used to crack me up.
02:27:12 How often.
02:27:16 When they would do like the this scam, artists scammed all these old ladies out of their money and then murdered them.
02:27:22 They'd always find them in New Mexico when they were, like, update.
02:27:25 We found the scam artist guy.
02:27:28 OK, it's on the way to to compare.
02:27:29 I I know I've been there.
02:27:31 I've, I'm sure driven through because I've been through two Tucumcari it's off the 40 and I've driven through the 40 like million times.
02:27:39 So yeah, I've never stopped there though.
02:27:42 It looks looks very small.
02:27:46 Like very small.
02:27:48 That could be fun.
02:27:51 Uh, Nazi dice.
02:27:54 When you here's a I guess a meme with an Indian.
02:27:58 When you lost your land because you sold half of it for booze and rifles and the other half was taken because of the wars you kept starting while you were drunk and using the rifles you bought.
02:28:08 So you tell everyone the white man stole it all.
02:28:11 There you go.
02:28:13 There you go.
02:28:15 Veruca salt.
02:28:19 Let's see here.
02:28:24 I don't know.
02:28:25 I just we haven't played that.
02:28:26 In a while.
02:28:28 Seems like the movie contagion was predictive programming for COVID might be worth reviewing.
02:28:34 I did.
02:28:35 I did a whole video on that.
02:28:36 Isn't that I think right?
02:28:39 Isn't that the one in my video called viral video contagion?
02:28:43 Is is that the title?
02:28:44 Let me let me.
02:28:45 Let me just make sure that's the right one.
02:28:51 Right.
02:28:53 No, I I did a whole video on that.
02:28:56 That's one of my highest.
02:28:57 That's one of.
02:28:57 My top viewed videos.
02:29:00 It's called viral video.
02:29:02 It's on bit shoot, it's on Odyssey.
02:29:05 It's probably easiest to find on bit shoot, cause or no.
02:29:08 Yeah cause I if you go to bit shoot I think it comes up on the right.
02:29:11 Hand side is one of the top videos.
02:29:14 It's just called viral video and yeah, yeah, I'll tell you what, if there is predictive programming, that is a good example of predictive programming.
02:29:23 I would have to say because of the people involved with the making of it, and I played lots of examples of senators.
02:29:35 And other power players referencing the movie in the in the years leading up to COVID.
02:29:41 So yeah, and you, as you say Sanjay Gupta is in.
02:29:46 Went but the guy who who was behind the movie, Larry Brilliant.
02:29:52 And yeah, I did a whole I did a whole.
02:29:54 Video on that.
02:29:56 So if there, if there's, I'll tell you what I'll give you that.
02:29:59 If if if predictive programming is a thing, then I can't think of a better example.
02:30:05 Harmless, geez.
02:30:06 Since we are talking about ranchers, here is an actual line from the show Yellowstone by the ultimate tough guy cowboy character and to the girl boss **** character.
02:30:17 Quote, I don't care how many men you ****, I care about you.
02:30:21 Yeah, that's very masculine of him.
02:30:24 Very masculine of him, you know that cowboy chic is coming back or coming into fashion with the the, the soy crowd.
02:30:32 From what I understand, because of that ******* show, I'm so glad that I I I don't have Netflix and I don't watching this gay stuff.
02:30:42 Uh hammer of Thorazine.
02:30:51 In October, a woman was drinking and watching baseball in her home in New Hampshire.
02:30:56 Another woman crashed a car into her yard.
02:30:59 Cops knocked at the door and accused the homeowner of drinking not a crime. They made her do a breath test. Uh .086 and arrested.
02:31:09 Or for protective custody of a drunk person. They then went through her home without a warrant because it was messy. She's suing the police chief, Catherine Moan, resigning with nearly $100,000 in salary and several.
02:31:26 There is no justice.
02:31:27 Cops are never your friends.
02:31:29 Never talk to them.
02:31:30 There is no limit to their evil.
02:31:34 Quote UN quote, our government. Yeah, you know, and I haven't watched it yet. I saw that Andrew Torba gabbed out is it?
02:31:43 Is that the right term?
02:31:44 I never.
02:31:44 I hate that there's not like a a fancy word for tweet on gab, I guess gabbed out, right.
02:31:52 He gabbed it out.
02:31:53 He tweeted out again.
02:31:54 I don't.
02:31:55 But he he gabbed out a Vince James video talking about the mass exodus of police from the police force.
02:32:06 Look, here's here's actually, here's here's kind of what I forgot to to to tie into this, but it kind of goes along.
02:32:13 I'm glad you you.
02:32:14 Sent that in there.
02:32:17 Hammer authorizing.
02:32:19 Because here's the thing.
02:32:22 And I maybe I should.
02:32:24 Do a whole stream about just this.
02:32:28 We talk a lot about Midtown.
02:32:31 Sometimes there's people that they're they're fed.
02:32:33 Up with the.
02:32:34 The the dating.
02:32:37 The sexual marketplace that exists in the West now, and they're like, you know what?
02:32:41 **** women.
02:32:42 I'm just going to go and and and enjoy life and have a bunch of money, you know, and and not worry about having a family or whatever.
02:32:52 I'll just, you know, maybe have.
02:32:54 A minimalist life.
02:32:56 Go travel.
02:32:57 Look, I don't.
02:32:57 I'm not particularly fond of that way of viewing the world and I think most men that do that will end up eventually being sorry that they did when they're much older.
02:33:08 While but while.
02:33:11 To be fair, we'll probably have a lot of fun in, you know, before that if they die soon, maybe they won't, you know, and they'll.
02:33:18 They'll never come to.
Speaker 7
02:33:19 That but.
02:33:22 Instead of Mig Tau.
02:33:25 I think we should have wig towel.
02:33:28 For hoyts.
02:33:30 Going their own way.
02:33:33 And I mean that exactly how it sounds.
02:33:35 I mean that exactly how, Meg, how people mean it, I mean White saying you know what?
02:33:41 You don't like us, you hate us.
02:33:45 You're you're dangerous to be around, like, for all the same reasons, right?
02:33:50 All right, **** it.
02:33:51 We're gone.
02:33:53 Wig Tao.
02:33:56 That means if if you're a white cop.
02:33:58 You leave. **** him.
02:34:02 If if you're a white soldier or you shouldn't be, but if you know you get out of the army.
02:34:10 Get out.
02:34:10 Get out of global corporations.
02:34:15 Get out.
02:34:16 Get out of the system.
02:34:17 Stop giving the system access to your whiteness.
02:34:21 They say they don't want it anyway.
02:34:30 I think we should have a Wigtown movement.
02:34:35 I don't know what do you what do you what do you guys think?
02:34:40 And people are saying if we do that, you know will follow, I don't know, like in a way but like.
02:34:49 You know, they don't fall in the big tower people.
02:34:52 You'll have that.
02:34:55 You know the women that.
02:34:57 I don't know.
02:34:57 Women aren't really following the the big, I don't know.
02:35:00 I guess it's a little bit different, but yeah.
02:35:04 Wig Tao, wig, Tao.
02:35:07 I think wig Tao could be cool anyway.
02:35:10 Uh, let's see here.
02:35:15 Uh, it updated and screwed it all up again.
Speaker 14
02:35:24 Where'd it go?
02:35:29 OK, here we are.
02:35:32 Microsoft homes.
02:35:33 And that's just a YouTube link.
02:35:37 Alright, let's see what this is.
02:35:39 Let's see what this is.
02:35:46 This is a clip of a movie called Serenity.
02:35:49 I've never seen this.
02:35:51 Why would I watch this?
02:35:53 Well, it's short ish.
02:35:56 I'll start watching it and then if it's.
02:35:59 If it's, if the gay, the the gay meter is too high, then we'll I'll put a stop to it.
02:36:05 Alright, that means I gotta make.
02:36:08 Make this work again.
Speaker 15
02:36:11 Because it breaks every time.
02:36:39 Why are we watching this?
02:36:47 I don't get it.
Speaker 1
02:36:47 You said.
02:36:54 Is it because of that part?
02:37:03 Yeah, well, I'm known for that.
02:37:13 I don't get it.
02:37:14 I'm bored.
02:37:15 Alright, well, I don't understand your link.
02:37:20 And we're theorizing.
02:37:25 Ah, ******* drives. Never mind.
Speaker 15
02:37:28 How about this?
Speaker 16
02:37:32 There we go.
02:37:34 In the video, they threw pennies at Harney County, but today Harney is why Oregon hasn't fallen into California gun control.
02:37:44 A local judge there issued an injunction evenly marks the state Supreme Court, refuses to intervene.
02:37:51 Portland and Salem are seething.
02:37:53 Yeah, it's not.
02:37:54 I don't think, like the community was was supportive of the Hammonds.
02:37:57 It wasn't the community and look, I don't even think that the sheriff was super unpopular.
02:38:02 He tried to, in his own way.
02:38:06 Try to diffuse the situation I think, but he he just like most sheriffs in his position.
02:38:14 Not all, but most refuse to stick his neck out and try to exert the power that sheriffs have that most sheriffs don't understand that they have.
02:38:25 When it comes to jurisdiction and the federal government.
02:38:31 So I think that's why they were doing it.
02:38:33 The Bundys are very big on on working with sheriff's because of, like I said, they the sheriff's really do have a lot more power than even most of them understand.
02:38:44 I wish I could remember the name of this guy.
02:38:46 There's an ex sheriff that actually goes around and does.
02:38:52 Like basically like workshops for for new sheriff's to try to explain to them that the the actual powers they have available when it comes to thwarting the federal government, it's actually pretty, pretty extensive.
02:39:11 But yeah, he, he.
02:39:12 When they when the bunnies went, that went to to explain that to him, he wasn't having it.
02:39:16 That's why they they were passed.
02:39:18 Off of him.
02:39:19 Damn Bigfoot.
02:39:20 Still think.
02:39:21 Looks like we go as a convoy.
02:39:24 None of them even block up major highways and make a Suez Canal style blockade.
02:39:30 They just drive and have kids.
02:39:32 Wave flags like it's a ******* parade.
02:39:35 And in fact, that's the problem too is they think, well, if we cooperate, we don't cause a problem, that'll be good.
02:39:41 It's like when the Canadian truckers were like, like they were honking their horns and and driving around.
02:39:46 But the second the cops started, like, telling them to that they couldn't block off the the roads.
02:39:52 They kind of got out.
02:39:53 Of the way and.
02:39:54 Yeah, there, there, there is this.
02:39:58 They don't understand.
02:39:59 It's kind of like what I was saying with.
02:40:01 Well, I don't want to say that again, but you know about about guns and and whether you should bring them places or not.
02:40:08 It's it's like if you're going to do it.
02:40:13 Yeah, do it right.
02:40:15 You know.
02:40:16 Do it right and but.
02:40:18 More often than not, it just turns into a useless party.
02:40:22 It it it becomes a pressure valve in and of itself.
02:40:26 People get it out of their systems, they they dance it away and and honk it away.
02:40:32 And then they're they go home thinking they did something, and then at the end.
02:40:36 You know, but nothing changes.
02:40:38 Nothing changes.
02:40:40 Uh, Nazi dice.
02:40:44 Obviously, BLM would have left Bundy ranch alone if they knew he scored four touchdowns in one game for Polk Kai.
02:40:51 Blacks love football.
02:40:53 Oh, wait, wrong, BLM.
02:40:55 Yeah, yes.
02:40:57 I do like I like how.
02:40:59 How they're both called BLM, now Reaver.
02:41:15 Hey, Devin, would you ever considered doing a deep dive on music like you do for movies?
02:41:20 I think Elvis, who is a literal Shabbat goy as a teen, would be a good person to look into since he had a massive cultural impact.
02:41:29 Also very tired of sports ball *****.
02:41:32 Can I get a fagots for them?
02:41:34 Well, I will tell you this if you sit there and and watch.
02:41:37 Sports ball on TV.
02:41:40 It's it's literally worse than the people that have memorized all the Star Trek episodes and like what episode number Kirk did.
02:41:47 Whatever you know, all these people that that memorize, like sports statistics and what players are on whatever it's it's literally gayer than the people who who.
02:41:58 If you wear.
02:41:59 Jersey, you're.
02:41:59 You're like the guy who dresses up as, as Spock and stands in line for the next Star Trek movie.
02:42:06 Like, you're just as ******* gay, if not gayer.
02:42:08 Chuck it.
02:42:10 I'm looking up Clive and Bundy.
02:42:11 Oh, this is harmless.
02:42:13 Gee, I'm looking up Clive and Bundy.
02:42:14 He has 14 kids and 60 grandkids.
02:42:17 That is respectable shame that Mormon fertility is on track to dropping below replacement this decade.
02:42:24 Utah was the highest fertility state for a long time, but recently dropped to the to 4th.
02:42:30 Behind the Dakotas and Nebraska.
02:42:32 Yeah, it happened during my generation.
02:42:35 My older brother had several kids.
02:42:39 I'll just say.
02:42:41 Like a lot.
02:42:43 Not not Cliven Bundy amount, but like, you know, a lot.
02:42:46 And then it kind of fell off after after him.
02:42:52 You know, it is what it is.
02:42:55 But yeah, absolutely.
02:42:56 It's I, I can understand that.
02:42:58 I think the Mormon Church just in general is, is suffering from the same sickness that is afflicting all Christian.
02:43:09 Western collapse report keep up the great work, Devin, appreciate that. Then you continue to say what's funny is the black and mob that marched in Atlanta. The NFC had 30% heat casualties walking like 5 miles.
02:43:27 Oh, do they have a bunch of heat exhaustion?
02:43:30 I was not aware of that.
02:43:31 But hey, that would make sense.
02:43:34 Black absorbs heat.
02:43:40 Henrik thorazine.
02:43:42 A terrorist attack in Harney County.
02:43:45 Just a county.
02:43:46 It's bigger than a ******* or than ******* Rhode Island.
02:43:52 Delaware and Connecticut put together, yet has a population of yet less than 7 or 7500 people. They'll make any ******** up to.
02:44:02 No, it's massive.
02:44:03 It's massive and not very populated, which is a good place to be, by the way, if you can find a massive county that doesn't have.
02:44:11 A lot of people.
02:44:12 I feel like that's a good spot.
02:44:14 A good spot.
02:44:16 Russell Mcclintock.
02:44:19 Stack, I can't thank you enough for covering this.
02:44:21 This means so much to me.
02:44:23 I'm from Harney County and lived through all this.
02:44:26 This is my community.
02:44:27 Naive perhaps, but this still, but still the best people left in this country.
02:44:33 It makes me so angry.
02:44:34 Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
02:44:35 Sir. *** ****.
02:44:38 I'm not saying that they're they all seem like really good people, but that's honestly why I think they are naive.
02:44:44 It's like.
02:44:45 The people that don't lie are the easiest people to lie to because they don't lie, so they assume other people aren't gonna lie.
02:44:52 They're easier to trick.
02:44:54 And I think people that are genuinely good have a hard time fully comprehending the evil that they're up against.
02:45:03 And look, I I'll just.
02:45:04 I'll just say it, I've got a dark side.
02:45:06 I've got some darkness in me and you know, I've had to rein it in.
02:45:11 When I was younger, I.
02:45:12 Was kind of a I was.
02:45:13 I was.
02:45:13 Never like a like like evil person, but I was.
02:45:17 I was.
02:45:18 I don't even want to say I was evil adjacent, but I was around it.
02:45:20 I saw it, I saw it.
02:45:22 Up close and personal.
02:45:24 More times than I than I that was probably a good thing.
02:45:27 And it's only because of that that I look at the world, I think in more realistic terms than a lot of people.
02:45:36 And so these people who are just generally genuinely really good people and they still, you know, what's heartbreaking?
02:45:42 I'm going.
02:45:43 To show you.
02:45:43 So I I was going to put this clip in and I didn't.
02:45:49 Let me pull this up here.
02:45:55 The very last thing.
02:46:01 In the video, I pulled a lot of these clips out of.
02:46:08 Why is this not?
02:46:09 Oh, that's why.
02:46:12 Why is that not doing anything?
02:46:14 Hang on.
02:46:21 The Hammond wife at the very end of her interview.
02:46:28 Here it is.
02:46:33 Ohh why is that not coming up?
02:46:41 Here we are finally.
02:46:46 She says something that's really kind of depressing.
02:46:53 But this is exactly what you're talking about.
02:46:55 Let me pull this up here.
02:47:03 Get out of there.
Speaker 17
02:47:07 Vendetta against you?
02:47:11 Yes, I still love this country.
02:47:16 And I wish we could fix it.
02:47:28 I mean it's it's it's kind of heartbreaking, right?
02:47:34 But if you listen to her phrasing, it doesn't sound like she's so naive now.
02:47:40 I wish we could fix it.
02:47:45 Kind of kind of implies that we can't.
02:47:57 Where am I at here?
02:48:07 Where we at?
02:48:07 OK.
02:48:08 The the slipstream.
02:48:11 Don't read this.
02:48:12 If it's too fed posted.
02:48:13 Alright, let me read this first.
Speaker 13
02:48:26 Oh, it's too.
02:48:26 You're just saying, all right, this is what people need to see.
02:48:29 This man could have been anyone and and any of your grandparents and killed.
02:48:35 And they killed him with his hands up.
02:48:38 He was a normal man and they killed him.
02:48:40 You wonder why we fight.
02:48:42 It's who else?
02:48:43 Or it's who else will normies?
02:48:45 They'll keep their heads down while we stand.
02:48:49 I mean it's they, they did he, I I honestly think the reason he ran out of the truck the way he did and the people in the truck agree.
02:48:59 Is that he was trying to draw fire away from the truck.
02:49:02 He was worried they were going to just pump that ******* truck full lead.
02:49:07 And so he ran out with his, with his hands up, and got shot in the back.
02:49:14 Got shot in the back.
02:49:17 Damn, Bigfoot.
02:49:18 Do you think he was ******** having people in the truck risking their lives telling them to duck?
02:49:24 He risked their lives because he thought the feds weren't feds.
02:49:29 No, he he thought he knew there were feds.
02:49:31 He just thought that he didn't he.
02:49:33 Thought they were trying to pull him over.
02:49:34 He didn't realize they were going to have a ambush set up up the road.
02:49:39 He thought that he could make it to the sheriff, that they were driving to go.
02:49:43 Meet or maybe get out of the jurisdiction. He wasn't 100% sure who they were.
02:49:49 He thought that by telling them, like, look, we're going to go meet the sheriff.
02:49:53 If you're going to stop us, shoot me in the head right now.
02:49:56 And they didn't.
02:49:58 So he he probably thought that, you know, they had a chance.
02:50:03 I think you'll hear one of the Bundys is in the car with him.
02:50:06 I think you hear him say you.
02:50:07 Never should have stopped, and that was probably.
02:50:09 True, but you know.
02:50:11 He's a good.
02:50:11 Guy, he's never had a speeding ticket, he said.
02:50:13 He had one warning.
02:50:14 He sees flashing lights behind him, he he he slows down and stops because he, you know, he's he's used to being a a good citizen.
02:50:24 And then realized what was happening and, you know, made the best of it.
02:50:27 Do you know what?
02:50:29 What do?
02:50:29 You we have done in that situation.
02:50:32 It's it's really easy to to judge it in hindsight, but who knows? I firmly believe he thought he was doing God's work.
02:50:42 And if you think that you're doing God's work, and you actually believe in God, you're not afraid to die in that situation.
02:50:53 I think that's a big reason why you don't see people on the right laying down their life for what they believe in, because I don't think a lot of them actually believe in God.
02:51:07 My Croft homes.
02:51:09 Oh, look at that.
02:51:09 My Croft homes with the.
02:51:12 With the *** **** money there.
Speaker 13
02:51:15 Money is power.
02:51:16 Money is the only weapon that that you have.
02:51:18 To defend himself with.
02:51:21 Go, Julie, this flag is.
Speaker 2
02:51:34 However, fish.
02:51:40 God pill, start a group, Devin.
02:51:44 Well, I don't know.
02:51:44 Like like if.
02:51:46 I'll, I'll.
02:51:47 I'll, I'll tell you.
02:51:48 If I if I thought God.
02:51:51 Wanted me to start a group.
02:51:53 I would start a.
02:51:54 I don't know.
02:51:54 Like that's pretty vague though.
02:51:56 A group.
02:51:57 I mean what it?
02:51:57 I guess it depends on what it what that would entail.
02:52:00 I do think this if we do wig Tao in some way that group.
02:52:06 Should be like a economic kind of a thing, right?
02:52:10 Like a group where it's a network of white people who are trying to exist without the input, without the participation of non whites.
02:52:22 And so a network of people that provide services and goods who work with each other give each other deals, trade with each other.
02:52:33 I think that would be a a.
02:52:35 Non threatening good.
02:52:37 First step to putting together I guess as you.
02:52:41 Say a group.
02:52:43 But I'm also not the best at doing organizing of that kind, and I know I've said that before, and maybe that's just an excuse.
02:52:51 Maybe I should get good at doing stuff like that, but it's not something that comes naturally to me.
02:52:58 I think mostly cause I think I honestly think if to do that you have to be an extrovert.
02:53:04 I kind of feel like you have to be an extrovert like you have to.
02:53:06 You have to thrive on always communicating with with other people, right?
02:53:14 Because that's what a community organizer, if you will, does right.
02:53:18 Is you're constantly.
02:53:20 Keeping in touch with what I would do when I would direct videos, I always linked heavily on my producer to do that sort of thing, and then I was there to, you know, to to direct, which is totally different than than the organization organizing I was.
02:53:38 I was a terrible producer, but I was a great director.
02:53:43 And I think that's where I'm I'm where my strength is.
02:53:48 But you know, maybe that's an excuse.
02:53:50 I don't know.
02:53:50 Maybe I should.
02:53:51 Maybe I should look into that.
02:53:54 Playing a more active role and just suck up the.
02:53:58 The the social discomfort I get from from.
02:54:02 Doing that, I don't.
02:54:04 But thank you very much.
02:54:05 Mike Croft, Homes for the big donation there.
02:54:08 Crypto nationalist.
02:54:09 I occasionally visited a boomer.
02:54:13 Tea Party group in 2015 and 2016 and they were thrilled to have someone 40 years younger than them there when it was happening, one of them went to the Hammond protests, got arrested and I'm pretty sure they threw the book at him. The boomers were shot.
02:54:31 Yeah, they're often shocked and they because they they.
02:54:37 For a long time didn't really have a.
02:54:41 You know, I want to say they were on autopilot, but I think.
02:54:44 A lot of them were.
02:54:46 They didn't really see what was happening because they grew up in a different America than one than the one that was rapidly developing, and they were pretty self absorbed and which is not a judgment on them.
02:54:57 I'm just saying, like, I think it's just factual.
02:55:00 They were very self absorbed.
02:55:02 They were really focused like in terms of of right wing boomers.
02:55:06 Very focused on their own careers, very focused on their own financial success and just kind of took things for granted kind of expected that there were some lines that the left was never going to cross and that because they believed just as they the left wing boomers, they believed just the same way that, you know, race is only.
02:55:26 Skin deep and diversity is our strength.
02:55:28 All this other stuff they never expect there to be problems with that beyond, you know, the assimilation issue that that they used to really talk about.
02:55:36 Like Ohh you know.
02:55:37 It's fine.
02:55:37 All this immigration, we just need to need to assimilate like it was.
02:55:42 It was.
02:55:42 It was just this inconvenient thing that that some of the immigrants coming here just, you know, they they spoke Spanish, but eventually they'd learn English and it wasn't.
02:55:50 It was just it was a speed bump.
02:55:52 It was, it was.
02:55:52 It wasn't anything that was there was no.
02:55:58 Catastrophic incompatibility issue.
02:56:02 You know, like it was just a a minor thing that that was annoying now, but eventually would work itself out.
02:56:11 I just I think that that's and look at this point we can complain about him and get mad at him.
02:56:16 But like you know.
02:56:18 At this point, is it really worth it?
02:56:21 Now the woman on the screen right.
02:56:23 Here is it worth it to to **** on her because.
02:56:27 Because she thought that she lived in a different country than she does.
Speaker 17
02:56:32 Yes, I still love this country.
02:56:37 And I wish we could fix it.
02:56:40 You know.
02:56:42 Is it?
02:56:43 It in a way it's sweet.
02:56:45 It's kind of sweet that they, they're that they, they have this naive look and and they're naive for the same reasons that I was talking about earlier.
02:56:53 That's to that.
02:56:54 It doesn't occur to.
02:56:55 Them that there's evil out there because they don't have that in them, you know, not obviously there's a lot of evil boomers.
02:57:01 But I mean like.
02:57:02 There's a lot of right wing boomers. They might be naive and maybe irresponsible and self-centered and whatever, but they're not evil. You know, they and.
02:57:12 They don't expect.
02:57:14 Their government to be evil. That's why none of them, almost none of them, believed that 911 was anything other than what the government said it was.
02:57:26 So yeah, and I look, I talked to right wing boomers on a fairly regular basis and I just, I used to really irritate the **** out of me.
02:57:35 Like the the the total disconnect from reality.
02:57:39 And now it's just kind of.
02:57:40 Like you know.
02:57:41 It is what it is.
02:57:43 It is what it is.
02:57:45 Nazi dice, holding it down for 15 years is based, but remember, Biden said you can't escape an F15.
02:57:52 Well, I'll tell you what the big difference in those stories were.
02:57:55 The sheriff in the second story with John John, Joe Gray, that, that sheriff never called in the feds.
02:58:05 That's really the big difference.
02:58:07 I mean, it was in Texas too, so I'm sure that plate well, that's probably why they didn't call the feds.
02:58:12 Had they called the feds?
02:58:15 Probably all those.
02:58:16 People would have been murdered.
02:58:18 The same way the feds always murder everybody.
02:58:21 Once the feds get involved, people are getting murdered.
02:58:24 If you stand your ground against the feds.
02:58:26 You get murdered.
02:58:32 And that's why the right.
02:58:35 Well, never mind, but.
02:58:42 Russell Mcclintock.
02:58:43 Stack, did you ever find yourself in Northern Nevada or SE Oregon?
02:58:47 I'd like to invite you to my home for coffee and and a meal.
02:58:51 You have your room, should you ever.
02:58:53 Need one. Thank you.
02:58:53 Again, well, I appreciate that Russell Mcclintock, and then maybe that's another reason why we should have some kind of group where we can help each other out, kind of like a couch surfing.
02:59:02 Kind of thing I.
02:59:03 Mean not.
02:59:03 We don't want to be, you know, having homeless people hanging out at our places, but.
02:59:08 You know have have some kind of network.
02:59:12 I mean I don't know.
02:59:13 It's worth worth exploring.
02:59:15 It's something I think we.
02:59:16 Need it's like I just don't wanna be.
Speaker 15
02:59:17 The guy that does it, I'll be.
02:59:21 But you know, maybe maybe if.
02:59:23 No one else is going to do it.
02:59:23 I guess.
02:59:24 I don't know.
02:59:26 Charley, I appreciate the offer, by the way, and I, you know, I have been, I I have.
02:59:31 I go through now.
02:59:32 I've been there throughout that area in a while, but I've been through that area a couple of times in the last year, so it's not like I never go through that area.
02:59:40 Mr. Charlie.
02:59:42 Great Stream, Devin, I turn people on your stream whenever I can.
02:59:46 Will you get your Twitter back so you can promote the streams and announce your shows?
02:59:51 The dissident right present presence on Twitter is growing.
02:59:55 I think it would be good for the stream.
02:59:57 It's Charlie.
02:59:58 OK, Mr.
03:00:05 I I in order to be on Twitter, I have to bend the knee and delete a tweet that I will not delete, so that's why I'm not on Twitter.
03:00:15 You guys see you guys should be sharing these streams on Twitter.
03:00:19 That's up to you guys, but I refuse to bend.
03:00:23 The knee.
03:00:25 And delete a tweet that it doesn't the the ****** ** thing is it doesn't even violate anything.
03:00:31 It doesn't.
03:00:33 They said it promoted violence.
03:00:35 I made a joke about nuking your balls because some someone invented some chick invented a a machine that literally zaps and kills the sperm in your balls.
03:00:47 And so I tweeted out.
03:00:48 Just nuke your balls, boy.
03:00:50 Like, that's what I said with a a screenshot of her machine that nukes your balls.
03:00:55 So I guess if I maybe it's because I said goy, but no, that's not what I said.
03:01:00 It said I was promoting violence.
03:01:03 So I guess if I'm promoting violence by saying goy, which is entirely possible, another story that came out today.
03:01:11 Is the fact that Congress is trying to pass HR 61?
03:01:18 HR 61.
03:01:21 Leading against White Supremacy Act of 2023.
03:01:27 Sponsored by Sheila Jackson.
03:01:31 Sheila Jackson Lee.
03:01:36 And uh, what this?
03:01:40 Bill, in fact, I'll.
03:01:42 Just read from part of it.
03:01:44 Conspiracy, the conspiracy to engage in white supremacy inspired hate crime shall be determined to exist.
03:01:53 So if you conspire like you, this is a hate crime legislation they're trying to pass right now that's targeted at whites.
03:02:02 And the way they define conspiracy, so this would be, this would make you outside the law.
03:02:08 Number one between two or more persons engaged in the planning, development preparation, or penetrator.
03:02:15 Perpetration of white supremacy inspired hate crime or see what does that mean?
03:02:23 One or two people conspire to perpetrate a hate crime.
03:02:27 Well, what does that?
03:02:27 Mean what? What is what's?
03:02:29 A hate crime or or not?
03:02:32 And or #2 between two or more persons, A at least one of whom engaged in the planning development preparation.
03:02:42 Or perpetration of a of a white supremacy inspired hate crime.
03:02:49 At least one of whom published material.
03:02:53 Advancing white supremacy.
03:02:57 White supremacist ideology.
03:03:01 Antagonism based on quote replacement theory, conspiracy theory.
03:03:10 Or hate speech that vilifies or is otherwise directed against any non white person or group and such in such published material.
03:03:21 So that would make me a federal criminal.
03:03:28 If this passes.
03:03:30 I will be in violation of this immediately.
03:03:35 As well.
03:03:38 A lot of you.
03:03:40 So, uh, yeah, it's called uh.
03:03:46 HR61 leading against White Supremacy Act of 2023, I don't expect.
03:03:55 But if it does, a lot of us will be in danger of going to jail and look if it doesn't go anywhere.
03:04:03 Now this is a this let it.
03:04:05 It gives you a peek into the direction things are going.
03:04:08 It simply just means they won't have.
Speaker 7
03:04:10 The votes for it yet?
03:04:12 Hey, gay marriage didn't pass the first time.
03:04:15 They wanted to do that either.
03:04:16 And now look at us.
03:04:18 Sometimes when these things change, they change fast.
03:04:24 So that's something to absolutely keep in mind.
03:04:32 Let's see here, lowly scribing God's army.
03:04:35 Thank you so much for your much needed and valued work.
03:04:40 RT or RTK BA without infringement.
03:04:45 RTK BA without infringement?
03:04:50 RT I don't know what RTK TBA means.
03:04:53 Is this going to be something bad?
03:04:54 Is this going to be something that makes me?
03:04:56 In violation of that law.
Speaker 15
03:04:58 I'm going to look up RTQ BA.
03:05:06 Oh, right.
03:05:06 To keep and bear arms.
03:05:07 OK, right to keep and bear arms without infringement.
03:05:10 Yes, I agree.
03:05:12 I agree that is a very important right.
03:05:15 It's a right that.
03:05:17 Really is, is, is.
03:05:20 That's that's what they're, I mean, you think that the hate crime legislation's been they're going to go after the 2nd Amendment.
03:05:28 As the demographic shift takes place, it'll be that's if you look.
03:05:33 If you want a reason to like boomers, they're the only thing really preventing the Second Amendment from going away.
03:05:39 Quite frankly, once they die off that there's probably not going.
03:05:42 To be enough of a.
03:05:45 Resistance to that.
03:05:48 Rowdy dude, long time lurker, first time donating.
03:05:53 The Bundy story was rage fuel for me.
03:05:56 I didn't know all the details, just heard about the protest.
03:05:59 Keep up the good work, Devin.
03:06:00 Yeah, I I just felt like a lot of people didn't understand how the BLM stuff worked and what was even going on.
03:06:07 They just knew that like there was some kind of.
03:06:10 Stand off in the desert with, you know, and especially like I said, if you live outside the country, it it it probably just doesn't make any sense at all unless you understand that.
03:06:21 So I thought it was useful, especially because a lot look at. It's not just Q cards that were brought to the table in 2016 and all this stuff.
03:06:29 Happened just before that, so a lot of this stuff was just kind of peripheral on the news.
03:06:34 If you weren't really paying attention to politics until Trump.
03:06:39 Nazi dies simply says Fagots *******.
03:06:47 And then.
03:06:49 J3N13 or might be Jenny or Janelle. I could. I don't know, it's leet speak.
03:06:59 Let's speak.
Speaker 8
03:07:01 My Grandpa Mannheim is 103 and still pottering around down in Argentina.
03:07:07 I tried to go visit him once, but my travel visa was protested by the Shoah Foundation.
03:07:13 Thank you for the informative stream.
03:07:15 It's just in time to ensure that I'm even more ****** *** than usual about how much of my income goes to federal income taxes, and how some of it is used.
03:07:25 I think I also figured out why my uncle, who's a retired federal park Ranger, is such a lefty.
03:07:32 They're government workers like anything else.
03:07:34 Government work.
03:07:35 It's not just cops.
03:07:36 You shouldn't.
03:07:37 Shouldn't trust it's it's just government workers.
03:07:42 And look, if we, if we're gonna go wig town, you should definitely deprive the federal government of your.
03:07:52 But thank you for the the support.
03:07:56 ******** ****** for $1.00?
Speaker 16
03:08:01 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 15
03:08:05 I'd buy that for a dollar.
03:08:12 Federal government's worst fear is if another power were to help these protesters heard they had disinfo OPS to dissuade us from ever getting help. Unfortunately, from the threads on pole and RWD circles about Russia, Iran, Belarus being Jewish slaves.
03:08:32 It seems like they have been, they've been met with a success.
03:08:36 It'll hurt us.
03:08:38 Well, here's the problem too.
03:08:40 They passed that law right before Trump came into office.
03:08:46 Ohh I'll I'll have to look it up.
03:08:51 But they passed the law right before.
03:08:52 I don't even know why they did, but the Republicans were like quick to jump on board with it too.
03:08:58 And the way that it's it's written.
03:09:03 I'll look this up and talk about later, but my understanding, just from memory, the way that it's written is if you are any kind of like me, right?
03:09:13 Like any kind of voice on the Internet, if you're just putting up memes, anything like any kind of person that's communicating about politics.
03:09:23 OK, it says we're reconnected.
03:09:31 Hopefully it kicks back in.
03:09:37 I'm waiting for it to pop up.
03:09:38 I might have to hit the reset.
03:09:39 On the stream.
03:09:42 I hope this doesn't chew it up into a bunch of files odysseys recording of your stream gets really ****** ** if you have connection issues, which is kind of a bummer.
03:09:54 I'm going to refresh this page and see if it refreshes.
03:09:57 I'm pretty sure it'll be back to normal.
03:10:02 Or maybe not.
03:10:05 I might have to reset.
03:10:15 Or maybe maybe it'll.
03:10:16 Maybe it's kicking in here.
03:10:26 OK, we're back.
03:10:28 OK, sorry for those pauses.
03:10:30 For those of you listening to the replay, it's just like I can't, I don't know if it's actually back till it's back, alright.
03:10:36 It seems to be back now.
03:10:38 I'll put something else on the screen now.
03:10:40 There we go.
03:10:42 That's always nice.
03:10:43 Nice federal murder.
03:10:46 Were we worried?
03:10:47 OK.
03:10:48 Oh, yeah.
03:10:48 I was talking about that.
03:10:49 They passed that law that, you know, basically makes you some kind of.
03:10:55 Foreign propagandist, or whatever it was in response to, like the stupid Russia get crap, but I think they could use it against us, but I don't know.
03:11:06 I don't know.
03:11:07 That's the kind of thing that's probably best best left discussed in not in a public forum.
03:11:15 Nazi dice.
03:11:16 I play a wedding one to three times a month for shekels because they pay a lot for people who can actually play their instruments, and also because weddings are fun.
03:11:27 I earn enough working for myself, so it's just extra savings.
03:11:30 Want nothing to deal with the music industry, but not for studio musician contracts.
03:11:35 That's cool.
03:11:36 No, if you can, you can make a little side money.
03:11:39 And absolutely, that's really cool, absolutely.
03:11:46 Yeah, yeah.
03:11:47 I wasn't telling.
03:11:47 You shouldn't play guitar, by the way.
03:11:49 I was just saying there's some people that and you probably you've probably met him if you've if you've played him bands and stuff like that, there's probably some people that should put the.
03:11:57 Guitar down, right?
03:12:00 But yeah, that's that's cool.
03:12:03 All right.
03:12:05 Hammer authorizing.
03:12:09 Coach red pill.
03:12:11 It has been talking about white man walkout, which would be a chosen day where whites abandoned society and refused to participate.
03:12:20 That could be a good first step towards.
03:12:22 Your wig toe, yeah.
03:12:26 I don't think that just a a walkout day is going to be effective, mostly because it, I mean, don't get me wrong.
03:12:33 It would bring the country to its knees.
03:12:36 But you're.
03:12:36 Not going to all.
03:12:37 It's going to do is it's going to draw attention to your politics because not enough people will actually participate.
03:12:44 So it'll just make you a target.
03:12:46 But now?
03:12:47 That, that said, if look, it's the principle, right?
03:12:50 If you think that your God is is commanding you to do that, then absolutely you should do that.
03:12:58 I just don't know that it'll.
03:12:59 Have the desired effect.
03:13:01 The Vaxxed there is a Burger King or MLK Parkway in Des Moines.
03:13:07 It is a sign that Trump will be arrested tomorrow.
03:13:10 Well, there you go.
03:13:11 Yeah, you just put it together.
03:13:13 It's synergy, right?
03:13:14 It's synchronicity.
03:13:16 Everything syncs up.
03:13:17 It's all part of.
03:13:18 The the universe of things because I brought up, I brought up Burger King and and MLK and there it is, Des Moines.
03:13:26 So now trust the plan Arbor coming dot.
03:13:31 Hey, Devin.
03:13:31 Seeing that men with conviction, the old men fighting for what is right.
03:13:37 What I see a lot around me.
03:13:39 Are cowards not enough people from our tribe fighting for what is right?
03:13:43 Well, that's because I think a lot of people are totally OK with the status quo.
03:13:49 They're annoyed by what's happening, but not enough to where they are.
03:13:55 It's like, you know if.
03:13:56 You drag someone.
03:13:58 If you ever see those people who are looking like zombies like I'm sure you guys have seen the footage right of drugged out people standing hunched over at at the side of the road in these cities, high on whatever the **** they're on.
03:14:16 There's what's going on there is they are, they are accepting a level of embarrassment.
03:14:25 A level of indignity.
03:14:29 A level of discomfort.
03:14:31 Because the high that they're getting from the drug is outweighing those things.
03:14:39 They are accepting that.
03:14:41 OK, I'm going to be standing here like a ******.
03:14:45 Hunched over at the side of the street.
03:14:48 Putting my life in danger.
03:14:51 Possibly getting raped by, you know, some random black guy or whatever getting robbed.
03:14:59 Mugged something?
03:15:01 Maybe get hit by a car.
03:15:02 Cause I accidentally stumbled the traffic.
03:15:04 They tolerate all of these very real possibilities.
03:15:09 Because the high that they're getting from the drug is outweighing all of this discomfort.
03:15:14 All of this shame.
03:15:15 All of this danger.
03:15:18 That is the problem with white Americans right now.
03:15:22 Is right now and I think this will change.
03:15:26 But as of right now.
03:15:29 The comfort.
03:15:30 That they are living in is outweighing the embarrassment, the humiliation, the danger.
03:15:39 The threat of danger?
03:15:42 That is very real and it exists.
03:15:49 I think it's as simple.
03:15:50 As that, uh.
03:15:55 Nazi dice ******.
03:15:56 ****** hasn't been been on here tonight.
03:15:59 Play the RoboCop.
03:16:00 All buy that for a dollar.
03:16:01 I promise he won't know he's retired.
03:16:04 What do you mean?
03:16:05 He was on?
03:16:06 And you said that after he was already on.
03:16:12 So what are you?
03:16:13 Talking about man.
03:16:15 **** it.
Speaker 20
03:16:15 5 minutes.
03:16:17 The pill dispenser.
03:16:19 Hey, Devin, will you get a PO Box?
03:16:21 I may have a thing to send.
03:16:23 And Devon, con, when I want to shake hands with the with my fellow friends.
03:16:30 No PO Box yet.
03:16:34 But like I said, maybe if maybe this if this groups things you know materialize is maybe we can do something, I don't know.
03:16:40 Like I said, I'm not promising at all when it comes to that, and certainly not in the short term because I'm I'm going to be very like I'm.
03:16:48 I'm essentially doing 3 jobs right now and.
03:16:52 I will be for like at least like a little bit here to make some extra scratch.
03:16:59 But yeah, I I would love to do something.
03:17:01 Like that.
03:17:03 At some point in the future.
03:17:07 But I'm not.
03:17:08 I'm not gonna put a I'm not gonna put, like, a date to it or anything like that.
03:17:11 Or even like.
03:17:11 A rough estimate because every time I do that.
03:17:15 That's always wrong.
03:17:17 But hey, I've seen you around a while.
03:17:20 Good to see you here.
03:17:21 Nazi dice fagots, you say fagots.
03:17:26 Night Nation review at this.
03:17:28 Point the role of the boomer is only one thing to not get in our way, to not be an obstruction to the younger generations.
03:17:37 Efforts to fix this **** situation, I would say you know what, that the boomers should take a look at what Scott Adams seems to maybe be doing.
03:17:48 And take a lesson from him.
03:17:51 It's it's he's doing it in his own little boomer way and we all wish that it was maybe better or more articulate or articulated differently, or that he felt a little more strongly.
03:18:02 But that said, he is at least doing something more positive than most of his fellow boomers.
03:18:10 And so I think they can do better than stay out of the way.
03:18:14 I think that maybe in their latter years since they have nothing to fear, what does a boomer have to worry about in terms of getting canceled?
03:18:23 If you're retired and you're independently wealthy, you don't have to worry about, you know, anything you know, really until you die.
03:18:31 You've got it all figured out, finance.
03:18:32 Actually I think you.
03:18:34 Should absolutely at least dedicate some time to helping out the people who are going to be inheriting this **** show.
03:18:44 And I think some of that help should be financial.
03:18:46 I think plenty of boomers could do without an extra seed or or side by side or boat or some other ******** that they're.
03:18:55 That they don't need that they will hardly use and they should put that money towards their people in one way or another.
03:19:05 And I don't know that. I don't think that's going to happen, but hey, we can always try to be positive and hope that it does harmless Gee Canada's population increasing by 1,000,000 in 2022 due to immigration and only 2000 or 200,000 houses will be built by 20-30. Toronto will look like Mumbai.
03:19:26 Both demographically and in terms of density in a few decades, probably blacker, as they will import black Africans as their fertility rate of India or as the fertility rate.
03:19:37 Of India falls.
03:19:41 Well, there you go.
03:19:42 Canada is Canada was, was it, you know, has been doomed I think.
03:19:48 For a while now, they always, you know, they they always.
03:19:52 It's weird.
03:19:53 It seems like Canada always prided itself for not being the the for not being the the only things that made America cool.
03:20:03 Like all the things that made America cool.
03:20:05 Canada thought was like gay or not gay.
03:20:08 I guess.
03:20:10 Not gay enough, I guess this.
03:20:12 That'd be a more accurate way of putting it.
03:20:15 So it is what it is.
03:20:17 ******** ****** for $1.00 well.
03:20:22 There we go.
03:20:23 I'm being lazy.
03:20:24 This hurts me and this is unironic.
03:20:28 All right, let me see what this is and then we'll close her down.
03:20:33 Because I gotta get up early in the morning.
03:20:37 In just a few hours, actually.
03:20:42 No, I only went over this.
03:20:44 Returned Fagot was late to the show, but I'll go over it again.
03:20:48 Why not?
03:20:49 Why not and then I'll get.
03:20:51 Out of here.
03:20:52 It's just simply that custard thing that I talked about in the beginning the show.
03:20:58 The arrest of Donald Trump would cause the Supreme Court to disclose their decision that Trump is the President USA and therefore cannot be indicted while he is in office.
03:21:07 This would probably trigger the military to explain through an emergency broadcast that Trump is president of the USA because mass EFFRON 2020.
03:21:16 Produced false results.
03:21:18 Now, real real custards really believe it.
03:21:22 Really. Believe it.
03:21:24 Alright guys, well, I'm going to shut her down.
03:21:26 I hope you all had a a wonderful evening and learned a little thing or two.
03:21:31 We'll be back here hopefully on Saturday.
03:21:33 There is a chance I won't be able to do it Saturday because I got to be going to be doing a lot of.
03:21:41 I guess kind of traveling this weekend and so I'm I'm going to try to be here.
03:21:46 And have time to prep for it and everything.
03:21:48 But I.
03:21:50 We'll we'll play it by ear.
03:21:52 So anyway, hope you guys all have a great evening for Black Hills.
03:21:56 I'm of course.
Speaker 15
03:22:03 Where's that mojo?
Speaker 28
03:22:04 Ohh emoji.
Speaker 20
03:22:05 Moji and then that's that.
Speaker 17
03:22:08 Emoji that emoji got them cut.
03:22:12 It's that mojo, that emoji.
03:22:15 But we want viral.
Speaker 15
03:22:16 Oh my God.
Speaker 6
03:22:17 Look this thing in the street dog.
Speaker 10
03:22:19 Look, pump it up.
03:22:21 Pump, pump, pump it up.
03:22:23 And this was stopped.
03:22:24 He stopped.
03:22:25 Oh wait.