

Speaker 1
00:00:00 I took the.
Speaker 2
00:00:31 Yes, it was my.
00:00:54 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:00:57 Good night.
00:00:58 This is the insomnia stream.
00:01:02 I'm your host.
00:01:04 Devin Stack, we have a lot to get through tonight, so it's we're going to just kind of dive right into it because we we have a lot, we have a lot to get into.
00:01:15 So there's a for those of you who are older, you might remember John Leibowitz.
00:01:23 John leibowitz.
00:01:25 Stage name Jon Stewart.
00:01:28 Can't imagine why he would have changed that last name.
00:01:30 Can't imagine kind of like Jack Ruby and his real name is Jack Rubenstein.
00:01:37 You know, then the list goes on and on.
00:01:39 Anyway, you might remember John Leibowitz had a nice little show on Comedy Central.
00:01:45 Called The Daily Show, where he lampooned conservatives.
00:01:50 Every single day.
00:01:53 And that wasn't enough.
00:01:54 So Comedy Central had another show, Stephen Colbert show The Colbert Report, which?
00:02:01 Might as well.
00:02:02 Well, I mean now.
00:02:02 Now it's just a late night unfunny late night show now that he's taken over for what I don't remember was a Letterman or or or ******* Leonard.
00:02:10 Doesn't matter.
00:02:11 Anyway, leibowitz.
00:02:14 Is now on Apple TV.
00:02:17 Apple trying to, you know, get some of that streaming money.
00:02:21 And has a show that is. Well, it's. It's like the The Daily Show times 1000.
Speaker 5
00:02:27 It's very woke.
00:02:30 Well, he just came out with a show, an episode called the Problem with white people.
00:02:35 The problem with white people.
00:02:39 Ah, the problem with white people.
00:02:41 So we're going to go over some of that and a bunch of other stuff, so stay tuned here.
00:02:47 Let's dive right into.
00:02:50 John leibowitz.
00:02:53 All right, so here's his.
00:02:57 His little intro to the.
00:02:59 The white people problem segment.
00:03:03 Or episode.
00:03:04 There's a whole lot, actually.
00:03:05 It was the full episode, so I guess the episode.
00:03:08 So here we go.
Speaker 1
00:03:12 Yes, apparently this racial issue that so divides America could have just been solved if only black people would.
00:03:20 Have said something.
00:03:24 So OK white people.
00:03:28 Ears to hear.
Speaker 6
00:03:29 This is the harsh reality for black people in America today.
00:03:35 That we are expected to participate in democracy while receiving conditional citizenship in return.
00:03:47 Conditional citizenship.
00:03:49 That's a bit odd.
00:03:51 Considering uh, there's been a black president.
00:03:55 There is currently a woman who is only.
00:03:59 Being considered and.
00:04:00 Will most likely be confirmed by Republicans.
00:04:04 For the Supreme Court because she's black.
00:04:08 And of course, there's whatever the.
00:04:09 **** this thing is.
Speaker 1
00:04:12 At the UN.
00:04:15 So, uh, you know what?
00:04:18 What exactly is your citizenship conditional?
00:04:23 On it.
Speaker 2
00:04:24 Is it?
00:04:24 Conditional on on you.
Speaker 7
00:04:26 Obeying the law.
00:04:28 Are you not committing crimes?
00:04:30 I mean, because if you become a felon, I guess you lose some of your rights as a citizen, right?
00:04:35 I I what what are?
00:04:37 The conditions.
00:04:38 Anyway, do do go on Liebowitz.
Speaker 8
00:04:42 When zip code determines what kind of school that you go to when ZIP code determines what kind of food you can eat, these are the vestiges of enslavement.
00:04:53 Oh, your zip code it's it's.
00:04:56 It's all.
00:04:57 That's how the white people are enslaving blacks.
00:05:01 Is by their ZIP code.
00:05:04 Because the ZIP code determines.
00:05:07 What kind of school you go to?
00:05:10 And the food that's available to you.
00:05:14 Well, I would imagine the ZIP code would control at school you into. I mean, if I live in Albuquerque, NM, I can't exactly expect to go to a school in in the 9:00.
00:05:24 0210 ZIP code, right if you're.
00:05:27 8712.
00:05:28 Two, it's kind of it's kind of a trick that's kind.
00:05:31 Of how these?
00:05:32 Things work, but at the same time.
Speaker 9
00:05:35 Do you really?
00:05:36 Think that that's that's a bad thing.
Speaker 7
00:05:40 Some of us don't want to go.
00:05:41 To school with your kids.
00:05:43 For good reason, because this is what happens.
00:05:48 What about the white kid that's stuck in this zip code?
00:05:51 You think he likes that?
00:05:54 And in terms of food, which is ridiculous, but hey.
00:05:59 You're ridiculous people, so you know this is this is what happens when you're in the wrong zip code and you.
00:06:06 Try to get food.
Speaker 10
00:06:07 Local woman facing jail time after going berserk inside a Burger King.
00:06:12 It all happened after police say she could not have it her way.
00:06:16 It is a story you'll see only here on 7/7 Action News reporter nupar shows us what happened in Livonia.
Speaker 11
00:06:23 Police say Porsche Tyler demanded a cash refund because her burger had tomatoes on it and she did order it that way.
00:06:28 Her name's ******* Portia. How classy is that?
Speaker 11
00:06:29 That's when she.
00:06:30 Lost Portia Tyler is the 34 year old Harper Woods woman who police say was on a mission to get her money back from this Livonia Burger King.
00:06:37 It was back on January 26 when they say, Tyler ordered some burgers and left. She then came back the next day with one of the burgers.
00:06:43 Demanding a cash refund because she said it had tomatoes on it and she didn't order it that way.
00:06:48 When the clerk offered her food or a credit, but not a cash refund, police say Tyler became irate.
00:06:54 You can see on the surveillance video what happen.
00:06:56 Next, they say that's Tyler Hurling a cookie rack at the clerk and repeatedly trying to climb over the counter.
00:07:02 But her fiance kept pulling her back.
00:07:04 The clerk said they were going to call.
00:07:07 So you know, is it that zip code?
00:07:10 And they've got a Burger King, right?
00:07:17 Is it this zip code?
00:07:18 Might this have something to do with why your food options or maybe a?
Speaker 12
00:07:23 A little lower.
00:07:25 Is it this zip code?
00:07:28 Is it the ZIP code where they're closing down all the Walgreens because?
00:07:33 Black people keep walking in there and stealing all the ****.
00:07:37 Is that the ZIP code you're talking about, you dumb ******* ****?
Speaker 8
00:07:41 So when they say, why do you burn down the community, why do you burn down your own neighborhood?
00:07:46 Why? Why? Let's hear it.
00:07:49 I'm sure you've got a great answer for this.
00:07:51 I mean, otherwise John Leibowitz.
00:07:53 Wouldn't have used this clip.
Speaker 13
00:07:55 It's not ours.
00:07:57 We don't own anything.
00:07:59 Ohh you think that I own all the stuff that's around me?
00:08:04 I'm not ******* destroying **** just because I.
00:08:07 Don't own anything.
00:08:09 Besides, this guy looks like he owns a new pair of sneakers.
00:08:16 But anyway, let's.
00:08:18 Do do, do explain to.
00:08:20 Us why these were so?
00:08:21 Important for white people to watch John Leibowitz.
Speaker 1
00:08:25 I mean this stuff is is hard to hear.
00:08:28 But these are tough conversations and.
00:08:31 I would probably have.
00:08:33 More hope in its impact on our culture.
00:08:36 If those same exact sentiments hadn't already been conveyed to white people.
00:08:41 Over and over and over, like one year earlier on The Breakfast Club.
Speaker 14
00:08:49 They never, never.
00:08:50 Never addressed the primary problems of black folk, our primary problem, not social integration or civil rights.
00:08:55 Prominent problems you never corrected.
00:08:58 The legacies and burdens of slavery.
Speaker 1
00:09:00 Or by Viola Davis at an award show in 2015.
Speaker 8
00:09:05 The only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity.
00:09:13 I don't know.
00:09:14 Kind of.
00:09:14 Seems like she got an opportunity that no one else gets because she's black.
00:09:21 And this isn't something ******* new.
00:09:25 We're talking about getting accepted into colleges.
00:09:28 We're talking about getting financial assistance.
00:09:32 Yeah, I've told the story when I was in high school, I.
00:09:34 Got the pamphlet.
00:09:36 To go get a a scholarship to work for the NSA, they pay for your college, right?
00:09:42 If you're a woman or.
00:09:43 A minority senator set it right there in black and white.
00:09:47 You know, and when I used to do video like corporate video, you know how the percentage of the corporate video jobs that they would send you on where it was literally celebrating diversity.
00:10:01 Like half the video budget would be, hey, go interview this this black guy at our company.
00:10:06 Look, a black guy with a job.
00:10:10 Let's all pat ourselves in the back because we hire a black guy.
00:10:17 But but I guess you.
00:10:19 Guys just don't have any opportunity, huh?
Speaker 1
00:10:23 Or in the 90s, when Sister soldier explained this directly to Bill Clinton and Larry King.
Speaker 15
00:10:32 The thing that kills African people in America is not what white people say, but what they do, their their policies, their actions.
00:10:43 Well, that's odd.
Speaker 5
00:10:47 According according to the data.
00:10:50 It's not exactly white people killing black people.
00:10:54 Now is it?
00:10:56 See that that big scary bar?
00:10:58 That big top, that first one.
00:11:01 That's black on white.
00:11:04 Crime the little tiny bar next to it.
00:11:09 Well, actually no.
00:11:10 That's not.
00:11:10 It's still not that's black.
Speaker 1
00:11:11 On Hispanic crime.
00:11:13 The next but the even tinier.
Speaker 16
00:11:15 Bar next to that.
00:11:17 That's white on black crime.
00:11:20 OK.
00:11:22 But be ohh I'm sorry you said killing, right you ohh.
00:11:30 Oh well, yeah.
00:11:31 According to the data, in 2015.
00:11:34 Blacks killed by whites 2% of the the murder victims that were black were killed by white people 97%.
00:11:46 Killed by blacks.
00:11:49 Killed by blacks, but I again, I guess it's it's it's not what white people say.
00:11:55 It's what they do that are killing black people.
00:11:58 Isn't that right, John Leibowitz?
Speaker 1
00:12:01 See, white people are pretending that this problem is new.
Speaker 16
00:12:08 No, we're pretending that this problem is really old.
00:12:14 As in maybe 50,000 years old.
Speaker 5
00:12:17 And we're not going to solve it.
00:12:21 With reparations, which is exactly what he's gunning for, as you'll see here, a little bit later.
00:12:27 But but carry.
00:12:28 On let's let's hear what else you got, Mr.
Speaker 1
00:12:32 As a matter.
00:12:33 Of fact this **** has been said many times.
00:12:36 Just by Chris Rock.
Speaker 18
00:12:38 She ain't a white man in this.
Speaker 19
00:12:40 Room that would change places.
Speaker 11
00:12:41 With me and I'm rich.
Speaker 18
00:12:44 You had a.
Speaker 5
00:12:44 Ohh honey, your head stop ************.
Speaker 17
00:12:47 See the.
Speaker 18
00:12:47 Black man gotta fly.
Speaker 7
00:12:50 To get something that the white man could walk to.
00:13:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:13:08 Chris Rock telling us about all the problems.
00:13:12 Caused by white people, right?
Speaker 1
00:13:17 But you know what?
00:13:19 Maybe you don't want to hear about our racial divide and have it be funny.
00:13:23 Would you rather black people invent an entire genre of music just to explain?
00:13:31 It to us.
Speaker 20
00:13:33 Because you never cared for me.
00:13:34 They kept my hand.
Speaker 17
00:13:36 And savory and never saying never did a damn thing for me that lie about the fact in my history.
00:13:43 OK. Well, you're since you're.
00:13:45 The one that brought up this genre.
00:13:47 Of music.
00:13:48 That they invented.
00:13:51 Specifically, to tell white people something.
00:13:55 Uh, what is?
00:13:56 What is this?
00:13:58 What is this telling white people?
Speaker 21
00:14:00 Don't wanna be friends.
00:14:01 I give her this young man.
00:14:12 She said from them I've seen them.
00:14:13 Don't you walk in the mortal.
00:14:14 I've never heard of.
00:14:15 I can preach peace, but said ******* and preach the murder, because this ain't ******* like that we live in.
00:14:19 Go ahead and grab the extension, get up another one.
00:14:21 Umm, and cussing rather than glory to all the chosen ones that will rip you up.
00:14:24 Innocence but innocent Innocent will soon be hold the ignorance.
00:14:27 Blessing is killing their own murdering black.
00:15:23 What's the message Liebowitz?
00:15:28 What are these poor, disadvantaged black folk trying to tell white people with this?
00:15:35 I mean, you, you're the one that said they invented this genre of music to.
00:15:38 Tell us something.
00:15:43 What are they telling us?
Speaker 16
00:15:48 But anyway.
00:15:49 I'm sure you.
00:15:50 Have more.
00:15:51 What else?
00:15:51 Got but you?
Speaker 1
00:15:53 Know what?
00:15:53 I it's wonderful that white people are finally ready to sit back and listen.
00:16:00 But damn the blind people speaking out now are just sampling the classics.
Speaker 3
00:16:07 Racism is so deeply embedded into the fabric of the society.
Speaker 1
00:16:12 Thank you, Angela.
00:16:13 James Baldwin went all the way to England to explain it because he wanted to do it at White people headquarters.
Speaker 17
00:16:21 It comes as a great shock to discover as a country which is your birthplace and to which you owe your life, and your identity has not in its whole system a reality about any.
00:16:34 Place for you.
00:16:37 Oh, funny you should say that.
00:16:39 Funny you should use that clip.
00:16:41 That he went to England.
00:16:43 What were the place?
00:16:44 That you called.
00:16:45 The capital of white people or white people central, right?
00:16:49 And here there, there.
00:16:50 There is this black man saying that.
00:16:53 Imagine being from a place.
Speaker 16
00:16:56 That that has that.
00:16:58 What you?
00:16:58 Owe your identity to.
00:17:01 That has no place for you.
00:17:02 Well, you know what?
00:17:04 This is this is where he was speaking.
00:17:10 It is. It is less than 50%.
00:17:12 White, I mean.
00:17:13 I guess in a way that's representative of of White Central, right?
00:17:19 Every every country that that John Leibowitz would say is White, central is trending in this direction.
00:17:32 I wonder what the percentage was back in the 60s when he gave that speech.
00:17:38 You can see that again, this is London from 2001 to 2011 ten.
00:17:43 Years and it's worse now.
00:17:46 They went from over 60% to under 50%.
00:17:56 When he was there speaking, it was probably.
00:17:57 Closer to 90%.
00:18:03 And again, what?
00:18:04 Let's let's hear what?
00:18:05 He says.
00:18:06 How how did he for?
00:18:07 How does he phrase this?
Speaker 17
00:18:10 And to which?
00:18:10 You owe your life and your identity has not.
00:18:14 In its whole system.
00:18:15 Of reality evolved.
00:18:17 Any place for you.
00:18:20 Well, where's the place for us?
00:18:25 Somehow I don't think the problem.
00:18:28 Is that there is no place for you?
00:18:29 There's an entire ******* continent for you.
00:18:34 And you're welcome to go there.
00:18:36 But no, you don't want to go there.
00:18:39 You want to go to the evil, racist white countries, but anyway, keep going.
00:18:45 Tell us more.
00:18:46 Oh wise Jew.
Speaker 1
00:18:48 Through all that, the wealth gap worse, now homeownership worse.
00:18:54 Now segregation.
00:18:57 Now, on average, a white High School graduate is wealthier than a black college.
00:19:07 Oh, you like graphs, huh?
00:19:10 You like now you like data.
00:19:13 I think you forgot one.
00:19:17 You know, the one that explains all the other graphs, or at least a big part of it.
00:19:23 See, this is what we call the Bell curve.
00:19:28 And as you can see.
00:19:30 The vast majority.
00:19:32 Of blacks.
00:19:34 Are hovering right around, well about 83.
00:19:39 83 IQ.
00:19:42 Whereas the majority of whites.
00:19:45 About 105.
00:19:49 Now that might.
00:19:49 Not sound like a lot, but it it's a lot those 20 points.
00:19:56 Make a big difference.
00:19:59 Make a very, very big difference.
00:20:05 But anyway, what do I know?
00:20:07 I'm just a stupid white guy.
00:20:10 Tell us more.
00:20:12 Captain leibowitz.
Speaker 1
00:20:16 For, however sincerely, we want to reckon and listen, the truth is, America has always prioritized white comfort over black survival.
00:20:27 Ah yes, if there's anything that the BLM riots taught us.
00:20:33 It's that this country.
00:20:36 Prioritizes white comfort.
00:20:40 Over black survival.
00:20:44 And it's funny because when you listen to.
00:20:48 The script he's reading, he's reading off a teleprompter.
00:20:52 It almost sounds as if it.
00:20:53 Was written by a BLM activist.
00:20:55 Well, we'll.
00:20:57 We'll delve into that here in a minute.
Speaker 1
00:21:01 Black people have had to fight so hard for equality that they've been irreparably set back in the pursuit of equity.
00:21:11 And any real attempt to repair repair.
00:21:17 A ton of.
00:21:19 That damage.
00:21:24 Ah, yes, reparations.
00:21:27 Which we now have in California.
00:21:33 That's right in California.
00:21:36 They have approved reparations.
00:21:39 Now I have to look up.
00:21:40 And see what the exact number is.
00:21:42 But if you're black.
00:21:44 You know, in this in this white supremacist country.
00:21:47 If you're black.
00:21:49 In California, you now because you know taxes in California, they're not bad enough, right?
00:21:55 Well, now they're now.
00:21:56 They're now.
00:21:56 They're a little bit higher, so they can.
00:21:59 Pay for this ****.
00:22:09 But so I guess you got what you wanted, John Liebowitz, you should be.
00:22:13 Happy, right?
00:22:13 I mean you you've been tiptoeing.
00:22:15 Around reparations this entire ******* episode.
00:22:18 So you know you should be excited, right?
00:22:21 And and all the black people should be excited, right?
00:22:24 Ohh, what's this clip that you're gonna play next?
Speaker 3
00:22:26 My feeling is white people.
00:22:29 Have a very, very serious problem.
00:22:34 And they should start thinking about what they can do about it.
00:22:39 Take Me Out of it.
00:22:46 We're going to give you those reparations.
00:22:48 So John leibowitz.
00:22:52 In his infinite wisdom that he is imparting on white people.
00:22:58 Then brought in a panel, a panel of experts.
00:23:05 Two people that agree with everything he said and more.
00:23:10 Who were in the studio with him and then some guy who was kind of like a boomer conservative that was live via Skype.
00:23:21 So he wouldn't be in the the filthy racist wouldn't be in the studio with him.
00:23:25 And then they just never let him talk.
Speaker 1
00:23:29 Time for white people to pull, to talk and figure some things out.
00:23:33 So tonight I'm speaking to.
00:23:35 I mean, honestly, as white a panelist, I think I could find.
00:23:39 I have an Andrew, Elisa and a chip.
00:23:45 Wait, hold on.
00:23:48 You know, her boyfriend's black.
00:23:57 Holy ****.
00:24:02 Man, I'm more worried about the rights of the the kids in the sweatshop they had to put that ******* parachute together.
00:24:09 Jesus Christ.
00:24:15 Alright dude, don't don't explain to me about my white privilege.
Speaker 1
00:24:22 This this panel.
00:24:22 Is bone it is it is alabaster.
00:24:28 To my left is Chip Gallagher.
00:24:29 He's a professor of sociology at LaSalle University.
00:24:31 He researches social inequality and race.
00:24:34 Lisa Bond, the resident white woman for race to dinner, a group that is trying to have better conversations about race in America.
00:24:41 You like how she she looked very upset about being called a white woman.
00:24:45 Watch her face just like she she goes.
00:24:47 I'm like ohh.
00:24:49 I'm talking to John Leibowitz to like oh.
Speaker 1
00:24:51 God resident white woman for race to dinner.
00:24:58 Alright, group that is trying to have better conversations about race in America and joining remotely, longtime author and Countess Andrew Sullivan, editor of the Weekly Dish.
00:25:06 Welcome everybody.
00:25:07 Thanks so much for joining.
00:25:08 Us I wonder about this.
00:25:12 Here's what I think holds back our race conversation in America.
00:25:16 I think at its core.
00:25:19 I think white people put blame on black people for the position that they are in.
00:25:31 Why would white people do that?
00:25:33 Why would white people expect people to be responsible for their own destiny?
00:25:38 I don't understand.
00:25:39 It doesn't make sense.
Speaker 1
00:25:41 And then believe that white people will lose something.
00:25:47 In order for black people to gain it.
00:25:51 Yeah, that's kind of how it works.
00:25:53 There's a limited amount of resources and not only that, as you will soon discuss, this country was built with white people in mind to serve their interests, and if you stop doing that, you lose something.
00:26:10 You start bringing in people from other parts of the world and put them in power.
00:26:14 Your countries going to start resembling those other parts of the world.
00:26:18 And it's going to cease to resemble the country that your ancestors built for you.
00:26:26 And if we give you reparations for stuff that Jews did a few 100 years ago?
00:26:34 That money doesn't just come out of nowhere.
00:26:37 Well, I guess in a matter of.
00:26:39 Speaking it does.
00:26:42 But that weakens our country further.
00:26:50 So it these are not crazy.
00:26:52 Thoughts to have John Leibowitz.
Speaker 1
00:26:55 And and that's what creates that resentment and and difficulty to overcome.
00:27:01 And I'll start with chip.
00:27:03 Yes, it is. It's.
00:27:04 Difficult to overcome logic when dealing with white people.
Speaker 5
00:27:13 It's Charles.
00:27:14 Yeah, that doesn't help.
Speaker 16
00:27:15 Yeah, no it have.
Speaker 5
00:27:15 Doesn't help.
00:27:17 OK.
Speaker 16
00:27:18 Significant amount of white people.
00:27:22 I like how he's making fun of.
00:27:23 The white people names.
00:27:26 And he can't even open up.
00:27:27 He can't even be.
00:27:28 Open about his own Jewish name.
00:27:30 Oh, chip.
00:27:33 It's alabaster.
00:27:35 Really. What about leibowitz?
Speaker 16
00:27:38 The United States of America see race relations through a colorblind lens, and I don't mean that.
00:27:44 I don't mean that whites don't see race.
00:27:46 They see someone that's black or Asian, but they don't in any way attach any meaning to the color and affecting life change.
00:27:53 And what that fundamental means is that race doesn't matter, and getting ahead it just doesn't.
Speaker 1
00:27:59 They believe that we are in a race, race, neutral environment.
Speaker 16
00:28:02 The playing field has been leveled and if you.
00:28:06 It's not leveled.
00:28:08 It's leveled against whites.
00:28:13 See, this is he's describing boomers.
00:28:16 He's describing.
00:28:17 That's what.
00:28:18 Well, Boomer, all the boomers are saying.
00:28:19 I don't see race.
00:28:20 That's what he's describing.
00:28:25 But those of us too young to have.
00:28:29 Been **** ****** by the 60s.
00:28:32 No, we we see race.
00:28:34 We see it every day we see it.
00:28:35 Every time we.
00:28:36 Apply for a job.
00:28:38 We see it anytime we apply for for financial aid.
00:28:47 We see it every time we watch your ******* show, John Leibowitz.
00:28:55 You're never going to have a show.
00:28:57 Called the problem with Jews.
00:28:59 Or the problem with blacks.
00:29:03 So yeah.
00:29:05 We do see it now.
Speaker 16
00:29:12 Make it or you don't.
00:29:14 It's a meritocracy.
00:29:15 It's a meritocracy, and it's a narrative.
00:29:16 Also, that does a lot of things it it makes white privilege invisible.
00:29:20 And it also makes whites feel that whatever they did, whatever success that they had had nothing to do with what happened. Fifty 100.
00:29:27 200 years ago.
00:29:32 Let's talk about let's talk about.
00:29:35 The success of Jews.
00:29:38 Having to deal with generational wealth shall.
00:29:40 We Oh no, we're not.
00:29:41 Going to have that show.
00:29:44 It's all white people that are enjoying what?
00:29:48 And now I'm.
00:29:48 Being serious, what do you benefit from personally?
00:29:53 Because of something a slave did.
00:29:58 Are you buying cotton shirts from the 1820s?
00:30:06 I can tell you a lot of ways my life is negatively impacted by blacks.
00:30:14 I can't think of any way really.
00:30:18 That I my life has that been easier?
Speaker 5
00:30:23 Or better.
00:30:25 Because of blacks.
00:30:30 Doesn't exist.
00:30:33 Now, of course, if you're.
00:30:34 Some old money Jew then?
00:30:44 But those aren't the people you're targeting.
00:30:46 Those aren't the people that you're trying to get reparations out of visit.
00:30:54 But anyway, let's see what this.
00:30:56 This ******* fat **** has to say I'm sure.
00:30:58 She's sure she's brilliant.
Speaker 22
00:31:02 Where I come from.
00:31:04 Is that this system of?
00:31:07 *****, you just came from.
00:31:08 McDonald's is where you came from. Alright? No, we're not believing. Whatever this ship's gonna be.
Speaker 22
00:31:13 Of white supremacy has done such a good job of teaching us as white people that racism is bad.
00:31:19 And when we talk about racism, we're talking about your character flaw.
00:31:24 If we say you're racist, it's a character.
00:31:27 I'm bad and I know I'm.
00:31:28 Not bad.
00:31:28 I'm I I think.
00:31:29 I'm a good person.
00:31:30 I think I'm a.
00:31:31 Nice person and.
00:31:34 You're like three people. What?
Speaker 6
00:31:35 Are you talking about?
Speaker 22
00:31:39 I know that I am racist and I know that I'm racist because I every single day uphold the systems and the structures of racism.
00:31:49 And if we don't start having a conversation about that and about the ways that we are complicit every day, daily.
00:31:57 If we don't talk about it, then we.
00:31:59 Are never going to see movement.
00:32:04 Ah, good Lord.
00:32:05 Good Lord.
00:32:07 Is this is this the system of racism she's talking about?
00:32:11 The system of racism going to jail.
00:32:15 Because you make fun of a black guy who misses a a a goal in a in a soccer match.
00:32:25 Is that is.
00:32:26 That the system of racism you're talking about.
00:32:30 Is this is this white supremacy?
00:32:34 Is this white supremacy?
Speaker 23
00:32:37 Case the Clover Park School district that's in Washington state.
00:32:41 It will now consider a students race before punishing them to me.
00:32:47 OK, well I'm guessing that means that.
00:32:49 If you're white, you're not gonna get punished, right?
00:32:51 Because it's the system.
00:32:52 It's a system of white supremacy, so if they're making a rule that if you're a certain race you you don't get punished, then clearly it it's going to favor white kids, right?
Speaker 23
00:33:04 That sounds wildly unequal treatment and is divisive.
00:33:08 Now what say you?
Speaker 24
00:33:10 Yeah, you're right.
00:33:10 It's disparate treatment, but this is what institutionalizing critical race theory does.
00:33:15 So the Washington legislature passed bills in the last two years to dismantle what they claim to be institutional racism.
00:33:20 And part of that mandates school boards be trained in something called cultural competency, which is basically an understanding of different cultures and traditions and family norms.
00:33:29 And now those standards frame student discipline statewide.
00:33:33 It's not just this district.
00:33:35 All districts will end up doing it, and it takes into account, as you point out, the students race.
00:33:40 So when you've got a white kid and a black kid committing the exact same, you know, rule breaking the teacher or the administration is supposed to look at that.
00:33:50 And say, OK, well, we have too many black kids or too many Latino kids, or too many Asian kids who are getting disciplined versus the white kids.
00:33:57 Why don't we assume that there's some sort of implicit bias going on here?
00:34:01 Maybe we don't understand.
00:34:02 What it's like to be a black child or an Asian child or what have you, and so let's not give them the same punishment as we would give the white kids who.
00:34:12 Well, hang on, that sounds like the opposite.
00:34:15 That sounds like.
00:34:15 The opposite of what this lady is saying.
00:34:18 Almost as if it's.
00:34:19 Some kind of satanic inversion I.
00:34:21 Don't know.
00:34:23 Almost as if these people are literal ******* demons.
00:34:27 Trying to destroy our ******* country and our families and your children.
00:34:34 Nah, that can't be it, right?
00:34:37 That can't be it.
Speaker 7
00:34:43 Go on.
Speaker 22
00:34:44 When I talk about white supremacy and when I talk about racism, I'm talking about power and privilege.
00:34:51 The power and privilege that we hold as white people in society, the way in which our structures, our institutions, our systems, how everything was designed with white people in mind.
00:35:06 Oh, no, you mean the white people that designed everything?
00:35:11 Designed it for themselves.
00:35:16 I like I.
00:35:17 Said there's a whole entire continent designed.
00:35:18 For black people.
00:35:22 By by black people.
00:35:25 No one stopping anyone from going there.
00:35:31 You see this?
00:35:33 I you know what, though?
00:35:34 I helped them out.
00:35:37 And I hunted down a clip.
00:35:39 That that shows exactly what she's talking about.
00:35:42 It's this is this is the white man's.
00:35:46 White man's system, and it's just not compatible with black people.
00:35:50 I mean, watch this.
00:35:51 It's ******* it's.
00:35:52 It's so terrible.
Speaker 2
00:35:54 I just met this attorney the other.
Speaker 7
00:35:56 Day fine.
Speaker 2
00:35:57 And I was the only three properties that came and took my cell phone yesterday, and they came and took all my property out my on my sales today all.
Speaker 7
00:35:58 So here.
00:35:59 So OK, I.
00:36:06 Mr. Williams.
00:36:07 I'm the judge in the.
00:36:09 Shut your mouth and I'll tell you when you could talk.
00:36:12 You got it.
00:36:13 White supremacists?
Speaker 7
00:36:13 It's the same rules we played by while we were here trial every time we were here for a pre trial.
00:36:20 So just follow the same rules.
00:36:21 Fair enough.
00:36:23 At this point I'm going to hear from your lawyers, and that means.
Speaker 2
00:36:23 The parking is wrong.
00:36:28 Would you not let me tell you what's going on?
Speaker 7
00:36:29 That means.
00:36:30 Zip it right now.
00:36:32 Does that make sense?
Speaker 2
00:36:35 No, it does.
00:36:36 Does the does.
00:36:37 See, he doesn't get it.
Speaker 7
00:36:37 Does the comment.
00:36:38 It's the white man's system.
00:36:40 This is just it's just it's.
00:36:42 Puzzling to him.
Speaker 7
00:36:45 Quit talking.
00:36:47 Do you understand that?
Speaker 2
00:36:48 Because you're trying to take.
00:36:49 My life.
00:36:50 And you're not letting me tell you.
00:36:52 What's going on? Not fair.
Speaker 7
00:36:52 Take your life.
00:36:53 For what? What?
Speaker 2
00:36:54 What do you mean you're not trying to take my life?
Speaker 7
00:36:56 What does that mean?
Speaker 2
00:36:58 And on the President and I was not pregnant.
Speaker 7
00:36:58 Again, I'm going to interrupt, Mr.
00:37:01 Listen, listen to me.
00:37:03 If we have to, I will gag you.
00:37:05 In one second.
00:37:06 So listen, you won't get a chance to talk.
Speaker 12
00:37:08 No, right?
Speaker 7
00:37:09 I'm gonna gag you in one second, so.
00:37:11 Just listen to me.
00:37:13 Zip it until I give you a chance to talk.
00:37:15 You'll get a chance to talk.
00:37:17 I am going to give.
00:37:18 You a chance to talk.
00:37:19 Here it is again.
00:37:20 So you said to me.
00:37:21 You understand this, comma.
00:37:22 So much white supremacy.
Speaker 7
00:37:23 You sit there right now.
Speaker 23
00:37:25 And this will.
Speaker 2
00:37:26 Don't you let it play about me getting shopping on the bus for a whole week?
00:37:29 That play Mr. Williams, will.
Speaker 7
00:37:32 Mr. Williams, be very simple.
00:37:35 Thank you.
00:37:36 You'll get a chance to speak.
00:37:37 So tell me.
Speaker 2
00:37:37 2 black women.
00:37:38 Just walked in.
00:37:39 Here I have not.
Speaker 7
00:37:39 OK, so let's go back.
00:37:42 I'll zip it.
00:37:43 Seen the Skinhead, you can tell.
Speaker 7
00:37:43 Anything you want to add to your insanity and the jury paid back with the verdict.
Speaker 2
00:37:46 That's a violation of the.
00:37:48 That's the violation.
Speaker 7
00:37:50 Here we go.
00:37:52 I'm going to tape it and then I'll unzip it when I want you to talk because the young lady over here can't take down.
Speaker 2
00:37:53 The meal fellow from Annunciation.
Speaker 7
00:37:58 They you know how this worked, we've been in the courtroom hundreds.
00:38:01 Well, at least 50 times as we prepared for trial.
00:38:04 Give him a chance to speak his sentence.
Speaker 2
00:38:05 OK, Take Me Out.
Speaker 7
00:38:07 Now, I'd like you to step.
00:38:09 Make it real clear.
Speaker 13
00:38:11 On attempt to bite.
Speaker 7
00:38:13 Or injure any of.
Speaker 2
00:38:14 My you put the tape on me, man.
00:38:15 Look at all those white supremacists.
00:38:25 There you go.
00:38:29 That's that's the.
00:38:31 I guess that's the systems that were built by us for us, that black people just can't figure out weird how they're always in these systems, isn't it?
Speaker 22
00:38:42 And only white.
00:38:43 People in mind if.
00:38:44 You think about.
00:38:47 No, I guess I guess when.
00:38:48 We we did the criminal justice system we had.
00:38:51 We probably had black people in mind on that one too.
Speaker 22
00:38:54 Who is white in society, how it has morphed?
Speaker 1
00:38:57 Oh dude, I'm a Jew.
00:38:59 I was grandfathered in like 50 years ago.
00:39:01 Right.
Speaker 1
00:39:02 They here's what they did.
00:39:03 Brown people started coming there like we're gonna need some juice and.
Speaker 23
00:39:08 Ohh weird admission.
00:39:11 Weird admission by Leibowitz.
00:39:14 He'll expand on this, by the way.
00:39:16 See what happened?
00:39:17 He says that brown people decided they're going to.
00:39:20 Need some Jews? Why? Why?
00:39:23 Why would they need some Jews?
00:39:31 Let's hear that again.
00:39:32 What was this?
Speaker 1
00:39:34 Like 50 years ago.
Speaker 22
00:39:36 Right.
Speaker 1
00:39:36 They here's what they did.
00:39:38 Brown people started coming there like we're gonna need some juice.
00:39:40 And so they.
00:39:40 Brought us there. Ah.
00:39:44 Weird weird joke there.
Speaker 16
00:39:50 Anyway, equating 250 years of slavery and then 100 years of Jim Crow with the immigrant experiences of white Europeans from 1870 to 1924, I grew up in Italian Jewish neighbor in Philadelphia working class.
00:40:04 But you know how these folks made it?
00:40:06 They got jobs in the government, they civil jobs, cops union.
00:40:10 These were all?
00:40:12 Oh, yes, because black people never get government jobs.
00:40:17 Right.
00:40:17 Like I've I've literally never been.
00:40:19 To a post office that's all black.
00:40:22 Or a metro station where everyone working there is black.
00:40:27 Or literally any government job where there are black people.
00:40:32 You see that the European immigrants, the the reason?
00:40:36 Why they they were able to make it in.
00:40:38 The world is they came here.
00:40:40 And got jobs black people can't get jobs even when we give them jobs.
00:40:49 Don't you understand that, ******?
00:40:53 If you're a white American and your family immigrated here from Europe.
00:40:59 Your family's not successful because of anything other than the fact that.
00:41:03 You got jobs.
00:41:05 And black people can't get jobs.
00:41:09 And when they do get jobs it, you know, the white supremacy stops them.
00:41:13 Like, remember, remember this clip I played last stream?
00:41:16 I think it was last.
00:41:16 Stream where the.
00:41:18 The black metro.
Speaker 7
00:41:19 I mean this is look.
Speaker 18
00:41:25 Before he got his bike, bro.
00:41:32 Oh, he he he murdered murdered someone.
00:41:38 Well, that white supremacy, I'm sure white supremacy had something to do with that.
00:41:47 So that this.
00:41:48 This ******* boomer guy keeps trying to say like, oh, it's the black family, Thomas Soul Black.
00:41:53 He doesn't say Thomas soul basically sounds like him.
Speaker 20
00:41:55 Which is why this kind of extremism, this this anti white extremism, yes is use.
00:42:02 Being popular support is is creating a backlash is going to elect Republicans and undo a lot of the good you think you're doing.
Speaker 22
00:42:10 This is what happens when you don't talk about it.
Speaker 20
00:42:10 Second crime, you need to.
Speaker 5
00:42:12 Reform and then.
Speaker 22
00:42:12 This is what happens when white people don't talk about it is you have racist dog whistle tropes like this that actually perpetuate.
Speaker 20
00:42:13 Say I'm talking about.
Speaker 23
00:42:14 I do it for nothing.
Speaker 22
00:42:23 So I am and I did not come on this on this show to say here and argue with another white.
00:42:30 And that's one of the reasons that we don't even engage with white men at race to dinner.
00:42:35 Uh, so I like how her whole thing is we need to talk about this.
00:42:39 We need to talk about this.
00:42:40 This is what happens when we talk about this.
00:42:42 By the way, we don't talk to white men.
00:42:48 Like she literally just like a few seconds ago.
00:42:52 Said this is what this is what happens.
00:42:54 When we don't talk about it and then.
00:42:58 8 words later, we don't talk to white men.
Speaker 22
00:43:03 So you know, because quite honestly, if white men were going to do something about racism, you had 400 years.
00:43:11 You could have done.
00:43:13 OK, so I just.
Speaker 5
00:43:16 I AM 50.
Speaker 22
00:43:17 No, I'm.
Speaker 20
00:43:18 8 years old.
Speaker 22
00:43:18 I'm shutting you down right now.
Speaker 20
00:43:20 I am more responsible for anyone deformities.
Speaker 22
00:43:21 So the point is I'm so tired of just engaging in this conversation and this deep hurt that Andrew has about talking about racism.
00:43:30 And and Chip, God bless you, but I'm going to put everybody in the thing, all of us white people do this.
00:43:37 I don't care if we say we're abolitionists.
00:43:39 I don't care if we say we're progressive.
00:43:41 I don't care if we're literally members of the KKK.
00:43:45 Every single white person upholds these systems and structures of white supremacy.
00:43:54 Your newborn baby.
00:43:57 Your aunt, your uncle, your mom.
00:44:01 You're all white supremacists.
00:44:07 According to this ******* fat **** right here.
00:44:16 I don't see race.
00:44:17 Well, everyone else does ******* so.
00:44:21 Maybe you should start paying a little bit of attention before they genocide us all.
00:44:26 With this ******* fat *****.
00:44:28 Twerking over your smoldering corpse.
00:44:34 So then we find out.
00:44:37 Ohh look, John Leibowitz put his money.
00:44:40 Worth it where his mouth is.
00:44:42 His entire writing staff.
00:44:45 Is like black women.
00:44:48 Black guys.
00:44:50 Like 0 whites and I'm I'm.
00:44:52 I'm thinking that chick to the right is a Jew.
00:44:58 And that's who's been writing his.
00:45:00 His material for him.
00:45:01 Now it's all making sense.
Speaker 1
00:45:03 There is.
00:45:05 There is a sense in the white community of which I have infiltrated.
00:45:10 Oh, another another admission.
00:45:15 There is a sense in the white community.
00:45:19 Which I've infiltrated haha.
00:45:21 It's just a joke though.
00:45:22 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Speaker 1
00:45:24 There is.
00:45:26 There is a sense in the.
00:45:27 White community, of which I have infiltrated.
00:45:31 Yeah, y'all.
Speaker 5
00:45:33 Successfully and what?
Speaker 8
00:45:34 And what you thought?
Speaker 1
00:45:35 It was right after the Italians.
Speaker 7
00:45:41 It came in.
Speaker 1
00:45:44 The Irish attend the cops, the Italians.
00:45:46 You know the pizza places.
00:45:47 And we were like.
00:45:48 Anyone wanna nosh?
00:45:52 We jumped in on that flight.
00:45:54 But there's such a reaction to.
00:45:57 You're calling me immoral if you say racism exists in this country, then you are saying I'm immoral.
00:46:03 And the other thing you're saying is my life is easier than yours.
00:46:06 So it's really easy for people to go.
00:46:10 My life is hard, but the thing they don't realize is like, yeah, life is ******* hard for almost everybody.
00:46:18 But there's this added it kind of became clear.
00:46:24 There is this added thing.
00:46:31 I showed it to you.
00:46:32 Trying to find it again.
00:46:33 Hang on.
00:46:38 Here's the.
00:46:42 This is the added thing.
00:46:50 OK, here's the problem.
00:46:52 Let's be let's be real.
00:46:53 Let's let's have this talk that you think that white men are are too afraid to have.
00:46:57 We're too uncomfortable to have this talk.
00:47:01 Projection much?
00:47:02 Let's have this talk.
00:47:07 If there was a society.
00:47:10 Of 180 IQ people.
00:47:14 And they designed this, you know, futuristic.
00:47:18 I mean, you know, imagine an entire country.
00:47:22 With 100 million people.
00:47:24 With 180 IQ average.
00:47:27 Well, **** it. We'll drop it down 160.
00:47:34 And I showed up.
00:47:38 It would be harder.
00:47:41 For me to succeed.
00:47:44 In that society.
00:47:50 And not just because of the IQ difference, let's say.
00:47:53 This 160 IQ.
00:47:57 They had their own customs.
00:48:00 They have their own legal system.
00:48:03 They had their own ideals, their own ideas about how the world should work.
00:48:09 They had concepts that were foreign to me.
00:48:14 But were foundational to their society.
00:48:20 And then I show up.
00:48:24 I'm not going to succeed.
00:48:27 As well as the average.
00:48:32 Even if they start making laws.
00:48:38 The 160 IQ average average, which means there's people.
Speaker 14
00:48:41 Far above that.
00:48:45 Forcing them to hire me.
00:48:47 Or put me through school.
00:48:50 Because it won't matter how how long I go to ******* school, my IQ's not going to magically go to 160.
00:48:59 I still won't be able to perform at.
00:49:01 The same level.
00:49:09 That's the problem.
00:49:16 And nothing's going.
00:49:17 To fix that.
00:49:23 That's why they started talking about equity.
00:49:29 Because that's the only way.
00:49:32 You can shift resources.
00:49:37 That in a way that's not based on performance or anything else.
00:49:45 And you don't have to define this thing on the screen, you don't have to talk about it.
00:49:49 In fact, you can just say spooky things like ohh systems of white supremacy or whatever.
00:49:58 These just nebulous concepts, and as a white person you can't have an opinion about it.
00:50:03 Yeah, she said herself, we don't.
00:50:04 Even talk to white men.
00:50:17 And all it's going to do is it's going to wreck your society.
00:50:26 And not just because of the obvious stuff, not because of low hanging fruit stuff.
00:50:29 Not just because you know the streets are more violent and and you know, crime and and murder rates and all this sort of stuff.
00:50:36 Which is? That's not that.
00:50:37 That's nothing, right?
00:50:38 That's all very important stuff, but because of stuff like what we're seeing right now with the Supreme Court Justice.
00:50:46 Who's easy on pedos?
00:50:50 Who doesn't have a good understanding?
00:50:54 Or or.
00:50:55 Certainly not a a loyalty.
00:50:59 To a document written by white men.
00:51:03 Who shouldn't even.
00:51:04 Be part of the conversation, and especially not those white men because they own slaves.
Speaker 1
00:51:15 Clear to me in a completely different context, and it had to do with women.
00:51:21 And I can't remember, it was just one.
Speaker 11
00:51:23 Who's Jessica? Yeah.
Speaker 1
00:51:23 You remember Jesse?
00:51:24 Williams, we were talking about something I can't remember and we were talking about walking to work from the subway and.
00:51:31 And Jessica was like.
00:51:33 I go and she starts describing how she walks from the subway to.
00:51:38 Work and I.
00:51:38 Was like.
00:51:39 That's why would you do that?
00:51:41 The IT lets you out on 52nd, you walk right?
Speaker 21
00:51:46 Man, this is going, yeah.
Speaker 1
00:51:47 And she and she goes past the construction site.
00:51:50 I was like, yeah, yeah, they're putting.
00:51:52 So I can't.
00:51:53 Walked there because they harassed me and.
00:51:55 I was like, wait, what?
00:51:59 Ohh yes, women are always getting harassed by by white men.
00:52:05 Isn't it funny that the thing that that I didn't understand it until I heard that women are it's dangerous?
00:52:12 For them out there.
00:52:14 And so it must.
00:52:15 Be different for black people too.
00:52:19 Now ask yourself, Mr. Leibowitz.
00:52:24 Would the streets be safer for your colleague here?
00:52:28 If there were more black people.
00:52:31 Or less black people.
00:52:33 Simple question.
00:52:36 Lots of statistical data to inform.
00:52:39 A decision on that.
00:52:47 ******* ridiculous.
00:52:50 ******* ridiculous.
00:52:53 So this is the.
00:52:55 This is the horror show that is the the new Daily Show that's on.
00:53:00 Yet another streaming service that if you're giving money to them.
00:53:03 Then you're part of the problem.
00:53:09 Speaking of streaming services or I guess media companies that are part of the problem.
00:53:19 Let me shrink that down so.
00:53:20 You can rate it.
00:53:22 My cropping skills on like it's still kind of ghetto 50 the way I'm.
00:53:25 Having to do this but alright.
00:53:27 Disney exec wants half its characters to be LGBTQIA.
00:53:33 What the ****?
00:53:33 There's more.
00:53:35 I don't even know what the IA is.
00:53:37 I don't.
00:53:37 I don't want to know what the IA is.
00:53:39 Minorities by the end of the year.
00:53:49 I wonder if she has anything in common.
00:53:53 With John leibowitz.
00:53:55 I just, you know, I I mean, I don't know, I just they're both in media, right.
00:53:58 I mean, yeah, maybe maybe they they know some of the same people.
00:54:03 I mean, I don't know.
00:54:04 I mean, I know about everyone that's in media knows everyone else that's in media.
00:54:10 HM Let's take a look here. A Disney executive has vowed to drastically increase inclusivity in productions, promising that at least 50% of its characters will be LGBTQ or racial minorities by the end.
00:54:23 Of the year.
00:54:25 Carrie Burke.
00:54:29 President of Disney's general.
00:54:30 Entertainment content.
00:54:31 Ohh, so you mean there might be.
00:54:34 There might be some kind of.
00:54:37 Connection here.
00:54:38 They might be.
00:54:38 You know, they might be related.
00:54:42 But anyway, why read this article when I can just?
00:54:45 Let her tell you herself.
Speaker 9
00:54:49 I'm here as a mother of two poor children.
00:54:53 Oh, she's a mother of two queer children.
00:54:58 Ohh good. She's a groomer.
00:55:01 That's good.
00:55:03 So she's a a, a groomer and likely pedophile.
Speaker 9
00:55:08 Actually, one transgender child.
00:55:12 Definitely a pedophile.
00:55:17 I am a mother of.
00:55:18 Two queer children and one Trant.
00:55:20 What are the odds, right?
Speaker 7
00:55:23 What are the odds?
00:55:25 That your kids all.
00:55:26 Turn out like that.
00:55:28 But they're just born that way, right?
Speaker 18
00:55:31 Right.
Speaker 12
00:55:33 Just born that way.
00:55:36 Just they just.
00:55:36 You just happen to, you know, give birth to a very crazy, statistically impossible.
00:55:44 Amount of them.
00:55:48 But they're just born that way.
Speaker 9
00:55:52 And when pansexual child and.
00:55:55 Ohh, and a pansexual kid?
00:55:57 Why not?
00:55:58 Let's have them all.
Speaker 16
00:56:02 Let's get all the alphabet letters.
00:56:08 I'm sure you.
00:56:11 Didn't sexually abuse them?
00:56:13 You and your husband or wife or whoever?
00:56:15 I'm sure you had nothing to do with any of that.
Speaker 9
00:56:18 Also, as a leader and now is a thing that really got me because I have heard so much from so many of my colleagues over the course of the last couple of.
00:56:27 Weeks in open forums and through emails and phone conversations and.
00:56:35 I feel a responsibility to speak not just for myself, but for them.
00:56:41 To all of us, we had a we had an open forum last week at 20th where again the home of of really incredible groundbreaking LGBTQIA stories over the years where one of our execs stood up and said, you know, we only have a handful of queer leads in our content.
00:57:01 When I went.
00:57:01 What I that can't be true and I and I and I realized ohh it it actually is true.
00:57:07 We have many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories and and and yet we don't have enough leads.
00:57:19 Well, that's important if you want the.
00:57:21 Kids at home.
00:57:23 To model their behavior after the main character, right?
00:57:28 So they can end.
00:57:28 Up like you're ******* ****** **, kids.
00:57:32 Or Will Smith's ****** ** kids.
00:57:39 But you're right.
00:57:40 I mean, apparently you're not grooming hard enough.
00:57:46 Something has to be done.
Speaker 9
00:57:48 And narratives in which they characters just just get to be characters and and and not have to be about gay stories.
00:57:58 And so that's been.
00:58:00 Very eye opening for me.
00:58:02 And and and I I can tell you it's something that I feel perhaps had this moment not happened.
00:58:11 I as a leader and me as my colleagues would not have focused on and and going forward.
00:58:17 I I certainly will be more so I know that we will be and.
00:58:22 And I hope this is.
00:58:23 A moment where?
00:58:24 Shoot the 50% of the tears. Sorry, coming. We don't. We just don't allow each other.
00:58:34 To go backwards.
00:58:37 So there you go.
00:58:39 She's she is so into this agenda.
00:58:41 She's getting ******* teary eyed.
00:58:53 Any any I I guarantee you there's at least some Disney consumers listening to my voice right now.
00:59:04 I mean, you thought that that Red Panda cartoon or animation or whatever was bad.
00:59:12 They're just getting started.
00:59:19 They're just getting started.
00:59:22 And look, the the petals are excited.
00:59:26 The petals are very excited.
00:59:35 It's incredible.
00:59:36 It's a tweet for those listening.
00:59:38 It is incredible how strong maps, which is minor, attractive pedos.
00:59:43 It means pedos and their allies have become.
00:59:48 I see them everywhere now.
00:59:51 It is only.
00:59:51 A matter of time until the sex fascists, that's you.
00:59:55 Will be driven out of society.
00:59:58 And this insane pedophilia hysteria will come to an end.
01:00:05 Freedom at last.
01:00:15 Oh wow, that I just tie in the first part with the second part.
Speaker 17
01:00:21 I did.
01:00:23 I did.
01:00:31 It's coming the the pedophilia normalization it's it's it's coming.
01:00:38 It's coming.
01:00:43 You know what else might be coming?
01:00:44 I don't know.
01:00:45 I I'm not as worried about I I I.
01:00:48 But who knows?
01:00:49 China has got some lockdowns going on right now.
01:00:52 There's talk of, oh, there's this Newberry and it's like, super on Macron or, you know, whatever the ****, who gives a?
01:00:57 Right.
01:00:58 It's all fake and gay.
01:01:00 But you know our favorite doctor.
01:01:03 The highest paid federal employee in the United States, the guy who made-up AIDS. I'm convinced at this point that's another stream. But AIDS is fake and gay.
01:01:15 That's actually that's.
01:01:17 That's probably the most accurate.
01:01:18 Way to describe AIDS is it's fake and gay.
01:01:22 But anyway, he got rich off it, just like he got rich off COVID.
01:01:26 But anyway, this is what he's saying about you know what, what might be coming?
01:01:30 On the horizon.
Speaker 5
01:01:31 We need to be prepared for the possibility that we would have another variant that would come along and if things change and we do get a variant that does give us an uptick in cases and hospitalization, we should be prepared.
01:01:47 And flexible enough to pivot towards going back, at least temporarily to a more rigid type of restrictions, such as requiring masks indoor.
01:02:00 Well, you know, they're very they're very upset.
01:02:02 They need to, you know.
01:02:03 These people, they're clinging to the.
01:02:05 Mass for dear life.
01:02:07 They're they.
01:02:08 They missed those lockdowns.
01:02:09 They want the.
01:02:10 Lockdowns to be.
01:02:10 Back and you know what?
01:02:11 I I I kind of I don't.
01:02:13 I I do understand.
01:02:15 I don't blame them because I mean, look.
01:02:20 According to this, lifting COVID restrictions could lead to an in cell terror attack wave.
01:02:32 Oh God.
01:02:34 See, This is why it's important to have societies.
01:02:39 Built by your ancestors designed for you.
01:02:47 This is why This is why.
01:02:52 Look, can I get it black people?
01:02:57 The **** you're complaining about living in a society that that it wasn't designed for you.
01:03:02 That's not true for me.
01:03:05 Well, it's a little more frustrating, see.
01:03:08 Because my ancestors actually did build this ******* country.
01:03:18 So it's a little.
Speaker 16
01:03:19 It's a little annoying.
01:03:21 I don't have.
01:03:22 A continent that I can just go to.
01:03:27 That's not already overrun with you ******* people.
01:03:33 I can't just be like Oh yeah.
01:03:35 **** this noise. I'm.
01:03:36 Going to go.
01:03:37 To whitopia or whatever the ****.
01:03:42 Doesn't exist.
01:03:44 Used to.
Speaker 16
01:03:46 Not anymore.
01:03:47 Getting worse every day.
01:03:54 Kind of your fault a little bit.
01:03:58 I mean, not all of you.
01:03:59 I mean, I get it.
01:03:59 Your ancestors were brought.
01:04:00 Here it's complicated.
01:04:13 Ah yes.
01:04:18 So those are your.
01:04:21 Those are your Wednesday black pills.
01:04:28 You know, yeah.
01:04:32 Oh, there's actually a few more that like, I don't know.
01:04:36 I don't know.
01:04:37 I feel like.
01:04:37 We let me look, let me look, let me look, let me see what I what I.
01:04:44 There's one that I'm I I I forgot to pop into the timeline here.
01:04:50 Oh, I mean, this is this one.
01:04:51 Just funny.
01:04:52 I mean, just, you know, it's funny.
01:04:55 COVID related or not COVID related but.
01:04:59 I guess Ukraine related, you had Biden.
01:05:04 Mentioning that oh, there needs to be a regime change and he said a couple of things that the White House kept walking back and then at his press conference where he was supposed to walk everything back, he's literally holding not just the the questions that see this is.
01:05:21 Odd if if you want to know.
01:05:23 Now control these press conferences are.
01:05:28 He's got the questions and the answers on the card.
01:05:34 Biden was holding this card in the press conference.
01:05:40 Giving him the questions and the answers.
01:05:55 We're in good hands, right?
01:05:58 We're in good hands.
01:06:02 We also got this one real quick.
01:06:06 This is uh.
01:06:09 The Black Rock president.
01:06:11 Rob capito.
01:06:13 Warned that very entitled a very entitled generation of people.
01:06:19 Would soon have to face shortages for the first time in their lives, as some see.
01:06:24 Which is odd.
01:06:25 Because I don't think the boomers are going to have to face any shortages.
01:06:30 For the first time alive, some goods grow scarce because of rising inflation.
01:06:37 For the first time this.
01:06:38 Generation is going to go into a store and not be able to get what they want, Capito said.
01:06:48 We have very little, we no.
01:06:49 We have a very entitled generation that has never had to sacrifice like us, boomers pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps.
01:07:01 So yeah, shortages.
01:07:02 Are on the way.
01:07:02 Like I said though, I I don't think it's going to be like you can't get calories, right?
01:07:07 There's 0 calories to.
01:07:08 Be had no there you'll always be.
01:07:09 Able to get calories.
01:07:11 Unless, unless.
01:07:13 There's there's active human intervention, right?
01:07:17 Like there's people actively preventing calories.
01:07:22 The technology is such that it's almost impossible to to not at least provide.
01:07:31 You know, like the the new like 3D printed meat or whatever the ****, right? Like so some kind of ******* sustenance for.
01:07:41 The lower class.
01:07:44 Alright, I'm just clicking through here making.
01:07:46 Sure, I didn't forget anything else.
01:07:51 I think that we got everything.
01:07:58 Oh, actually, here's another video.
01:08:01 This is Russian television.
01:08:07 Has now.
01:08:10 Responded to Biden's calls for a regime change in Russia by calling for regime change.
01:08:18 In America.
01:08:21 And and now and now all the the the Russia gate people are, their heads are exploding because they they not only said you get rid of this Biden guy they said and put in Trump because he's our guy.
01:08:39 The start of swimming.
Speaker 5
01:08:40 For me.
01:08:46 I'm going to read the subtitles.
01:08:52 Let me turn it.
01:08:52 Down a little bit, it's time for us, for our people.
01:08:58 To call on the people of the United States.
01:09:01 To change the regime in the US early.
01:09:06 And again, help our partner Trump.
01:09:10 Neuro Trump or start?
01:09:11 To become president.
01:09:15 So you know all the.
01:09:18 The Russia people are.
01:09:21 Or having conniption fits like I ******* knew.
Speaker 1
01:09:23 It I knew it.
01:09:25 I knew it.
01:09:34 Where did my little thing?
01:09:35 Go. I was going to.
01:09:39 Maybe I don't have it anymore.
01:09:51 Where is it?
01:09:56 Anyway, I was going to play my little Russia compilation.
01:10:01 I can't find it.
01:10:03 I did. I did a.
01:10:04 Search for Russia on my computer and I found like some weird stuff.
01:10:07 I don't know what this is.
01:10:09 This this is labeled secret Russian UFO from 1994. Like why do I have this on my computer?
01:10:19 Spooky Russian UFO.
01:10:26 Why the ****?
01:10:27 Do I have this?
01:10:30 All right. Well, anyway.
01:10:36 Oh boy, you know, it's.
01:10:39 I've been listening for some reason.
01:10:40 I've been listening to.
01:10:42 Old Art bell broadcast.
01:10:46 Well, I just.
01:10:47 I planted planted 4 trees in the last couple of days.
01:10:51 So that's pretty exciting.
01:10:53 I don't know if they'll all survive the pomegranate will.
01:10:55 For sure.
01:10:56 The other ones I was kind of rolling the dice on.
01:10:59 But planting planted some trees.
01:11:03 And listening to Art, Bell and some caller.
01:11:06 And it was like a semi based black guy calls in and he was talking about Farrakhan for some like I don't know why you'd call it Art Bell for that ****.
01:11:14 And, you know, Art Bell, who's who's a boomer conservative or was, you know, he's dead.
01:11:19 Now, he's like letting him talk because, you know, last thing he wants is to to cut off a black guy.
01:11:27 And then, but then the black guy started talking about the Jews, and it was like.
Speaker 16
01:11:33 Hold on. Hold on.
01:11:35 I can't have any of that anti-Semitic.
01:11:37 ****, and this literally aired this. This show was so old he was talking about Windows 95 having just come out and he was afraid to install Windows 95 because, you know, he would lose all.
01:11:50 Of his DOS programs.
01:11:58 You know.
01:12:00 This whole can't be anti-Semitic on.
01:12:03 The radio or in any media outlet whatsoever that's been around a long time, doesn't matter who doesn't matter.
01:12:10 If it's it's crazy UFO show you still can't talk like you can talk about any conspiracy you want.
01:12:16 As long as it's not the conspiracy, that's true, you can tell with the Russian UFO.
01:12:23 Talk about Ghost shadow people.
01:12:26 Right.
01:12:29 But you can't talk about.
01:12:31 Actual shadow people.
01:12:37 Man, I was trying to oh, here it is.
01:12:39 Here it is.
01:12:42 Here it is.
01:12:44 Oldie but goody.
Speaker 13
01:12:50 What's really important about WikiLeaks is that the Russian Government, the Russian Government, fully from Putin himself, Russian espionage, Putin, the Russians, Putin, Vladimir Putin, Russian.
Speaker 24
01:13:04 Russian, Russian government, the Russian but going back.
Speaker 19
01:13:08 Through Russia, Russia has hacked into a lot.
01:13:10 Of things the Russians, Russia is.
Speaker 14
01:13:12 You did this.
Speaker 7
01:13:13 Wrong. I've got it wrong.
Speaker 13
01:13:14 Russia and China will pay.
Speaker 19
01:13:16 A price.
Speaker 13
01:13:17 We're going to put up a no fly zone.
Speaker 19
01:13:19 As President, I will make it clear.
01:13:22 That the United States will create cyber attack just like any other attack.
01:13:27 And we have to send a very clear message to Putin.
01:13:31 It's now.
Speaker 12
01:13:31 Hillary Clinton, who wants to start an air war with Russia?
01:13:36 Right now, Senator for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us to go.
01:13:42 The war against Syria and Russia.
Speaker 12
01:13:45 Hillary Clinton, we could fly into nuclear war very quickly.
Speaker 13
01:13:49 But going back to Russia, the Russians.
01:13:53 Vladimir Putin, the crumbling Russian.
Speaker 7
01:13:56 Russia, either Russian, the Russian government.
Speaker 13
01:13:58 The Russians, the Russian government, clearly from Putin himself.
01:14:02 Larry Clinton.
01:14:05 OK, so anyway, the you know the interesting thing that happened, I guess the last couple of days is I was talking about how, you know, Putin was demanding payment and ruples.
01:14:19 For their gas to Germany.
01:14:22 And that by doing that, they were undermining the dollar and shoring up the the Rupal.
01:14:29 Apparently, apparently they haven't.
01:14:32 They've come to an agreement.
01:14:33 I think today.
01:14:35 To make the purchase in euros.
01:14:41 That is not happening.
01:14:42 I I would have thought that he'd stick to that.
01:14:44 I mean, look, you got the gas, they don't.
01:14:46 There was a story coming out saying that Germany, like a lot of their industry, would have to shut down like shut.
01:14:51 Down without this energy.
01:14:55 So I mean, you had them by the balls.
01:14:56 I don't know.
01:14:58 Why you'd fall on like like that, but.
01:15:01 At the same time, the Rupal is is now right about where it was against the dollar prior to the sanctions.
01:15:10 I mean, at least for now, you know, who knows, right?
01:15:13 The last few days, the ripples been like ******* Bitcoin.
01:15:15 So you never know.
01:15:17 It's very volatile.
01:15:19 But anyway.
01:15:21 So there's that.
01:15:22 Let me see what else I got.
01:15:25 That might be it.
01:15:26 And then we'll go to super chats and stuff.
Speaker 3
01:15:34 PP.
01:15:38 What is this?
01:15:40 Oh, that's that ******* video.
01:15:46 Secret Russian UFO.
01:15:50 So yeah, that was it.
01:15:53 Let's look at the UFO.
01:15:54 Some more.
01:15:58 Alright, they look, the Super chats we view the.
01:16:02 The UFO spooky music.
01:16:05 Russian UFO.
01:16:09 I like how the Russian UFO looks like it was made by.
01:16:13 Like a welding class in the 70s.
01:16:18 I don't.
01:16:18 I don't think the aliens are.
01:16:20 Are bolting their UFOs together.
01:16:28 Boom. Boom.
01:16:31 Be ****** though.
01:16:32 If that was like an actual jet, I'd fly that ******* thing around.
01:16:34 Or maybe I wouldn't.
01:16:35 Maybe that's why it's there, cause it doesn't fly.
01:16:37 Around too hot.
01:16:39 All right. Let me take a look at super chats here. Bump $2.00 from ******** fagot. Missed a few shows live because I had no clue that the time for these streams changed.
01:16:54 Still going to be a bit awkward getting used to the new time frame, but I'm just glad to see your live streams again.
01:16:59 Alright well.
01:17:00 I don't know how you missed.
01:17:01 It I told everyone, told everyone that I was changing the times many times.
01:17:08 But yeah, this is the new time.
01:17:10 Seems to workout pretty OK we've had a few drop frames.
01:17:13 It did lose connection like right, right, right at the very beginning, which is the best time for it to do it.
01:17:17 If it's going to do it.
01:17:19 But I think it's acceptable.
01:17:20 I think it's working acceptably.
01:17:23 You know, like so far since the the the initial **** ** it's, you know, it's lost a handful of frames, but I think we're, I think we're OK.
01:17:31 And I'm going to be doing something that should be reducing that a little bit in the next few days.
01:17:37 So or at least hopefully we'll see.
01:17:41 But thanks for.
01:17:41 2 bucks Chief, $5. Appreciate it. Don't get a Jew pill or don't get Jew pilled by Cazar Milkers.
01:17:50 Yes, that's that's good advice.
01:17:52 That's good.
01:17:53 That's that's advice I could have used like 10 years ago.
01:17:57 But yes, still good advice.
01:18:00 ******** fat in our 2 bucks.
01:18:02 Since we are on the topic of race, you may we please check this out?
01:18:06 I don't know.
01:18:06 So you guys you guys give me these links.
01:18:09 And you don't tell me what it is.
01:18:12 So I'm like, I don't know what the **** this is.
01:18:14 Like, what I'm what am I gonna?
01:18:16 What am I?
01:18:17 What am I downloading?
01:18:17 Alright, I'm taking a.
01:18:18 Look at it here.
01:18:19 I'm taking a look.
01:18:21 That this this is about anime, OK?
01:18:27 This this is about anime.
01:18:29 See, This is why this.
01:18:30 That's why you didn't tell me what this is about, all right?
01:18:35 LGLY Devin, check out a program called J Downloader.
01:18:42 It lets you quickly and easily download videos from just about any video site.
01:18:46 Should be super useful, especially now that you have gay Elon Internet.
01:18:50 You know, I use J downloader like way ******* back in the day.
01:18:54 I didn't know it was still around or that it did that.
01:18:56 Like I remember back and this was going to date.
01:18:59 Me a little bit before there was.
01:19:02 See, before there were torrents back in the old days of the Internet.
01:19:06 One of the ways people would host large file dumps was by breaking them up into an annoying amount of RAR files and hosting them on individually on on on like these free file like Remember kim.com's Mega Upload. That was one of them like these free upload sites or whatever.
01:19:28 And so you'd have to use jdownloader to to queue up all these ******* billions of links so that you could download like 80 RAR files and then you could somehow unrar it into like the ISO or whatever the **** you were download.
01:19:43 And so I used.
01:19:43 I used to use J download all the ******* time because it was just that was the only way that you could deal without going insane.
01:19:50 But I did not know that it did that, so I will have to take a look at it although.
01:19:55 I'm a little suspicious.
01:19:56 It's called J downloader.
01:20:00 J downloader.
01:20:04 I don't know.
01:20:08 Sounds like a message up to me.
01:20:11 But yeah, I'll check that out again.
01:20:13 Last time.
01:20:13 In fact, I think the last time I I did use it a few years back.
01:20:17 Like Windows thought it was malware or something like that, but I don't know.
01:20:21 I think it's open source or something, so maybe it's not.
01:20:24 I'll tell you.
01:20:24 Look at.
01:20:25 It big cracker, $5 appreciate.
01:20:27 It. Hey, and I just.
01:20:30 David, let me scroll back down.
01:20:33 Are you ever going to do a face reveal?
01:20:35 I'm asking for a fed.
01:20:36 I mean a friend.
01:20:37 Jokes aside, I prefer the amenity of your content.
01:20:42 Keeps it whimsical.
01:20:43 There you go.
01:20:44 I I mean, at some point like, like I've said, that at some point, I'm probably going to.
01:20:49 Be showing up to something in public or whatever, right?
01:20:53 Like I can't stay.
01:20:54 Hidden forever, but.
01:20:55 Yeah, who knows who know.
01:20:59 I think I think you know, even if I if and look it's not possible to find out what I.
01:21:03 Look like right?
01:21:04 That's I've I've said that before, but I I think doing these streams on camera would would take away from it just because.
01:21:14 I'd have to wear pants.
01:21:17 And you know.
01:21:20 I like being able to just you.
01:21:21 Know coming come inside covered in ******* mud and and and bees and whatever the **** it just start streaming and not have to worry about looking pretty.
01:21:32 So I don't know even if you know.
01:21:35 That's just me.
01:21:37 I like to.
01:21:37 I like to treat this as like a.
01:21:39 It's like a radio show with some pictures.
01:21:43 That's it.
01:21:45 Uh Stribog sub Devon.
01:21:49 Russia is here.
01:21:51 Well, let us switch in.
01:21:53 And it just updated OK Bane pill.
01:21:57 Have you read Bronze Age mindset?
01:21:59 Long time listeners, thank or listener.
01:22:02 Thanks for always.
01:22:03 Keeping it real.
01:22:04 Can't wait for book two.
01:22:06 No, I've never read it.
01:22:09 I I don't.
01:22:10 I know like wasn't the author.
01:22:13 He went by Bronze Age pervert on on Twitter or something like that.
01:22:18 I used to.
01:22:18 Follow him back when I was on Twitter, I heard he got banned from Twitter.
01:22:21 And I'm.
01:22:21 Banned from Twitter.
01:22:22 So you know that's I, but I I.
01:22:26 Aside from seeing a few.
01:22:27 Tweets every once in a while.
01:22:28 I wasn't familiar with.
01:22:29 His with his, you know, book or anything like that so.
01:22:34 Uh, yeah, I don't know.
01:22:36 Honest good $15. Appreciate that, by the way, the Polish crack, the Enigma machine, Alan Turing the **** just copied their work. The three Polish mathematicians who cracked the code were Marianne read Jew Joski Joski.
01:22:56 Jersey can't say that name and Henry another one of those wacky names.
01:23:01 They were the first to use math logic versus linguistics in code breaking.
01:23:08 Well, you know, I'd believe it, you know.
01:23:12 Doesn't change that, that doesn't change what the West thinks, though.
01:23:17 You know, they, they they made a movie after all.
01:23:19 It has to be.
01:23:19 True if they made a movie.
01:23:21 We wouldn't have.
01:23:22 Computers, if it wasn't for for **** ***.
01:23:30 Our Vardy gayon, whatever.
01:23:34 Shall we talk about Jewish privilege? 2% of the US?
01:23:37 Population and then it updated.
01:23:39 You guys need to fix that, odyssey.
01:23:42 You got to fix that.
01:23:45 Of the US population, owning pretty much everything.
01:23:48 Well, just being in positions of power, right?
01:23:50 Like that's what they're always talking about.
01:23:52 Racism is, is a power.
01:23:54 And balance, right?
01:23:58 I mean by their definition, literally by their definition, Jews should be the most racist or racist people in the entire country, and you should be hearing about Jewish privilege and Jewish supremacism 24 hours a ******* day because it dwarfs.
01:24:18 Any kind of power and balance that you pretend.
01:24:20 That white people have.
01:24:26 Unless of course, this whole critical race theory was just an invention of Jews so that they.
01:24:31 Could get rid of white people.
01:24:34 No, that's that's that's insane.
01:24:37 Hammer Thors in $5. Keith Woods has a good short interview with John Langan. The 200 IQ guy about the Negroid mongrel of Mongolia fication of.
01:24:49 Of the West on his bit show.
01:24:52 I I didn't watch the whole interview.
01:24:55 I watched the first part and you know, anytime people get, you know, thick in the philosophical weeds as they were, I kind of zoned out a little bit.
01:25:04 So yeah, maybe I'll take a look at that again.
01:25:10 Caged rage, common theme with all of this deviant **** is the amount of women in.
01:25:15 Well, how all the Disney execs?
01:25:18 But one are women.
01:25:19 I'll say again for the people in the back, women in positions of power is a big part of the problem.
01:25:25 It's a huge.
01:25:26 Part of the problem, in fact, it's a part of the problem that has led to many of the other problems that now.
01:25:33 I don't know if they, I mean if they dwarf the woman problem, but they I mean.
01:25:38 Or if they compound it right but it's.
01:25:42 And that's look, that's that's true of any any empire that falls.
01:25:46 Any empire that gets decadent is like, oh, **** it.
01:25:50 Let's let women vote.
01:25:52 Let's let women have power because in in the temporary.
01:25:55 It gets them laid to say that you know, it's like all these, the male feminists, right?
01:25:59 They're usually like the the biggest scumbags.
01:26:04 As society gets more scumbag like and and ceases to want to protect its women because look.
01:26:12 This is something women don't understand, or at least most women don't understand.
01:26:15 There's some that do.
01:26:18 It's better for you too.
01:26:22 It's better for you too.
01:26:25 When men.
01:26:27 Allow women to have political power.
01:26:30 It's because in the temporary.
01:26:33 In the very temporary.
01:26:35 They *** ****, they get attention from women.
01:26:42 They get to Slough off some of their responsibilities.
01:26:50 And that's what happens.
01:26:57 Weak men, weak men.
01:26:59 Look, women didn't give themselves the vote.
01:27:04 And when men did it, look, I can understand thinking that, OK, we're we're highly advanced now.
01:27:11 You know we're going to try something new.
01:27:15 But I would never ******* do that without an undo button.
01:27:18 For ***** sake.
01:27:18 I work on a project for like an hour.
01:27:23 I have autosave set to like every 10 to 15 minutes right?
01:27:29 We're talking about you.
01:27:31 You've got a civilization going back thousands of years and you don't have a ******* undo button.
01:27:37 You don't you you don't implement something like you experiment with something that big.
01:27:44 Without putting some kind of mechanism to like if you if it's bad, you can.
01:27:48 You can roll it back.
Speaker 17
01:27:50 No, I didn't.
01:27:59 Yeah, yeah.
01:28:00 What are you going to do?
01:28:01 What are you going to do?
01:28:02 And now you can't right now.
01:28:04 Now you can't now.
01:28:05 Now the only way around the **** is through.
01:28:09 That's just the way it is now.
01:28:10 You just have to wait it.
01:28:11 It's kind.
01:28:12 Of like well it's.
01:28:14 You're building a building.
01:28:17 And you do some wacky experiment on the foundation.
01:28:23 And then the buildings like 80 stories tall and you realize.
01:28:26 Oh, that, that.
01:28:27 Experiment was bad.
01:28:29 It's making this building really unstable and ******.
01:28:34 Well, you can't just swap out the the foundation.
01:28:39 The only way now to.
01:28:42 Fix this is you got to.
01:28:43 Take the whole ******* building down.
01:28:46 And start over.
01:28:49 Because you ****** ** that bad.
01:28:53 And that's where we're at with the women thing.
01:28:54 And and honestly, with the immigration stuff, it's like there's no way.
01:28:59 There's no way that there's not a Band-Aid big enough to fix that. Boo Boo.
01:29:05 Doesn't exist.
01:29:09 Alright, let me take a look here.
01:29:20 Simbi 1488 appreciate that humanity would sink into eternal darkness. It would fall into a dull and primitive state.
01:29:30 Were the Jews to win this war, they are the incarnation of that destructive force.
01:29:37 That in these terrible years has guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as noble beautiful dot dot, dot I I I feel like you're quoting someone, but I don't know.
01:29:52 Who that quote is from?
01:29:56 Blood stained intellectual Jews have been trying to push the concept of self illusion.
01:30:03 On the public.
01:30:04 Is this a clever way of calling their audience NPCS?
01:30:10 Self illusion.
01:30:11 I haven't heard that term being thrown around.
01:30:14 My assumption is this is something to help facilitate like the trend stuff, right?
01:30:20 But I don't know.
01:30:21 Let me look that up.
01:30:22 Let me look up self illusion.
01:30:28 Self illusion.
01:30:32 Survey says.
01:30:35 There's a whole book called Self Illusion.
01:30:37 How the brain creates identity.
01:30:39 Yeah, OK, so.
01:30:40 I guess it is.
01:30:40 That's what it is, huh?
01:30:42 Self illusion.
01:30:45 All right, let's see.
01:30:46 Let's see what this is.
01:30:49 This is from 2015, article says.
01:30:55 We've already seen that the notions of stable character and fixed personality are a myth, and yet our culture is wired for labels and checkboxes eager to neatly file people away into categorical cabinets and thrown into a fervor over the slightest inkling of multiple.
01:31:13 City take, for instance, Howard Hughes at once a legendary aviator, movie mogul, tycoon and socialite, and a reclusive billionaire, housebound by his deathly phobia of dirt.
01:31:26 He was a fearless aviation pioneer who set and broke countless what?
01:31:30 Alright, we'll get to the point.
01:31:31 The ******* point here.
01:31:34 Ohh yeah, that's.
01:31:38 I mean, it just sounds like it's it's psycho Babble for, you know.
01:31:45 Laying the groundwork for trans ****.
01:31:51 Alright, let's Scroll down here.
01:31:57 Cranky cracker, too.
01:31:59 Jews are bad people.
01:32:00 Well, I mean, not all.
01:32:02 Not on hashtag, not all.
01:32:04 And I'm not just saying that it's true.
01:32:06 I mean, there's there's plenty of.
01:32:07 Jews, in fact, there's.
01:32:08 Jews that that understand our point of view and sympathize.
01:32:12 With it and our our, I mean, dare I say it in, in their way in the way that they can be based, right.
01:32:21 Not many, but they do exist.
01:32:24 You know that we're maybe talking about Unicorn levels of Jews, but like still.
01:32:30 And look, that's.
01:32:34 You know like.
01:32:38 They're they're not a bad people necessarily.
01:32:41 They're just bad for Europeans.
01:32:45 They typically produce bad outcomes for the host countries that they live in.
01:32:53 In fact, they actively engineer bad outcomes.
01:32:59 For the host countries.
01:33:01 That they live in.
01:33:03 And that's.
01:33:06 That's their.
01:33:07 That's their survival strategy, unfortunately for us.
01:33:12 You know, it seems that it's a repeating pattern.
01:33:14 What you going to do?
01:33:18 Red couches. What time did you start today? We'll have to set my bong alarm a bit earlier. It's 10:00 Pacific Standard Time.
01:33:32 There you go.
01:33:33 Pebble in the pond.
01:33:34 $5 love the new time. Well, look at that.
01:33:39 See, you're a Pebble in the pond.
01:33:40 Across the pond.
01:33:42 So I wish I wish we just had what we need is just one time for the whole planet.
01:33:51 Maybe so, maybe that's a.
01:33:52 Little too globalist, but I don't know.
01:33:54 It just seems like it would make sense, right?
01:33:57 Because, I mean it would.
01:33:58 It wouldn't matter if, like, OK, so you live in one time zone.
01:34:03 And lunch is at 3:00 PM instead of, you know, noon.
01:34:07 Right.
01:34:09 But people can just say, hey, at 3:00 PM on this day, I'll be doing this and it'll be the same for everybody, right?
01:34:16 I don't know.
01:34:16 If maybe the international date line would get a little weird or screw things up.
01:34:19 Don't know how that would work, but.
01:34:21 I don't know all these time zones always.
01:34:23 And then the daylight.
01:34:25 If nothing else, the daylight saving **** has got to stop.
01:34:28 That's ******* stupid.
01:34:30 It never made sense.
01:34:31 Certainly doesn't make sense past the invention of electricity.
01:34:36 You know, once we've had light once.
01:34:38 You had light bulbs.
01:34:39 Like Daylight savings is kind of.
01:34:43 But here we are.
01:34:47 Queasy 777. He's AJ and wants to hide his nose. Are you talking about Leibowitz? Absolutely.
01:34:57 A blood stained $5. Watch the genocide scene from Alien Covenant. Notice anything interesting? On another note, you should also review blindness 2008.
01:35:12 I only have heard of that.
01:35:14 Blindness, 2008.
01:35:19 Alien covenant. The extinction scene.
01:35:23 I'm trying to remember that one.
01:35:26 Genocide seen from alien covenant.
01:35:33 Let me I'll see if.
01:35:35 Youtubes got it.
01:35:36 I don't know if they will.
01:35:40 Blindness, 2008. Well, the cover looks very white.
01:35:46 So yeah, I'll take a look.
01:35:48 At that.
01:35:50 And I was the Starling genocide scene from alien covenant.
01:35:55 Alright, let's see if that.
01:35:58 See if that pops anything up.
01:36:04 Oh, I know what you mean.
01:36:06 Yeah, yeah, they're they're all white people.
01:36:11 And I guess I can play it right.
01:36:21 Let me see if this will download.
01:36:25 I apparently need to get J downloader.
01:36:28 Yeah, all the goofy open you'd think that.
01:36:30 Would be a good open source one and maybe there is.
01:36:32 I just don't know what it is, but all the ones I've tried have been.
01:36:34 ******* terrible.
01:36:36 I mean, a lot of open source software is ******* terrible, but this is like.
01:36:40 Pretty easy thing, right?
01:36:42 Like the I I feel like this is something that should be.
01:36:45 Fairly easy to accomplish.
01:36:51 And have lots of.
01:36:55 Options for, but I don't think that's the case.
01:37:01 Alright, where this go?
01:37:02 Where this go to?
01:37:08 Alright, so this is the genocide saying I know what you're getting at, but we'll we'll play it for everybody.
01:37:13 For those of you who haven't seen it.
01:37:39 So if you don't remember this movie.
01:37:41 Basically what's going on is.
01:37:45 The short version is there's this robot.
01:37:52 This highly advanced.
01:37:55 Alien race who?
01:37:57 All look very, you know, in their alien way.
01:38:01 Very white.
01:38:03 Very, very white.
01:38:08 So anyway, he's coming back and he's going to he's going to drop a bunch of poison on him and kill him.
01:39:15 I like how the thing that's killing them.
01:39:16 Is black anyway.
01:39:26 All right.
01:39:28 Let's take a look here.
01:39:35 $5 from Dieter Ripoli. I saw this bit on on beekeeping and genius idea.
01:39:44 I've seen a lot of beekeeping ideas or videos.
01:39:49 I don't know if people are gonna be interested in it, but let me just see what this is.
01:39:54 What is this?
01:39:57 Oh yeah, I watched this.
01:39:59 It's pretty cool, but it's also.
01:40:06 It's just it's a guy who's making the.
01:40:11 Beehives out of bottles and stuff like that, but honestly, I think I think he's Russian or something, but he gets.
01:40:19 The containers he's using.
01:40:23 By that I mean beehives are so cheap.
01:40:25 It's kind of like it's not.
01:40:27 There's not like a point to.
01:40:29 I mean, I did.
01:40:29 Watch this video.
01:40:30 I was like, oh.
01:40:30 This could be cool, but then you know.
01:40:34 Why not just use a normal beehive?
01:40:37 I might get a little.
01:40:38 I might get a little frisky and do a horizontal hive.
01:40:41 But then I have to build them myself, cause if you buy those.
01:40:44 Those are ******* expensive.
01:40:48 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:40:56 Clark Smith, $50. Appreciate that very generous. Devon, what canned foods do you recommend for emergency emergency storage? Also, I think you mentioned one time that flour tortillas keep for a long time. If you keep them refrigerated. Is that true? Thanks, love the earlier streams.
01:41:16 I don't know if I ever said that about tortillas.
01:41:18 I might have said that they keep it like if you're doing a hike, it's like high calorie, lightweight, you know, because it's compact, right?
01:41:26 Carbs so that.
01:41:28 Yeah, and it's and they're, you know, they're flat so that you can put them in your packing of it.
01:41:32 That's good.
01:41:33 I would stick them in the freezer if you're going to try to store them, but like.
01:41:36 That the problem is anything you try to store long term in a freezer it's I mean you better hope the electricity is working right?
01:41:44 UM for canned foods. What I usually do.
01:41:49 Is I get the kinds of things that are expensive if they're dehydrated.
01:41:53 So in other words, meat, protein.
01:41:56 You know, because you can get dehydrated vegetables.
01:42:00 Really ******* cheap.
01:42:03 And you can get.
01:42:06 Dehydrated beans, I mean, especially which have protein for really ******* cheap.
01:42:14 So if I'm getting canned food.
01:42:16 For you know to to supplement that stuff, I'm going to be picking meat like canned meat, whether it's canned tuna, canned beef, canned chicken, whatever.
01:42:28 That's usually what I focus on because that's not as easy to keep.
01:42:33 You can't keep meat in the freezer if the you know the electricity is not working, you can dry meat.
01:42:39 You can have jerky and stuff like that, but jerky is ******* expensive and that doesn't keep forever.
01:42:45 It doesn't keep as long as I don't think, at least.
01:42:50 That's usually I focus on, but I also buy just ****.
01:42:53 That's like it's got a little bit of everything, even though it's processed.
01:42:56 And I mean, it's canned food.
01:42:57 It's got, it's whatever it is.
01:42:59 It's going to be.
01:42:59 ******* processed, but I'll get **** like *******, you know?
01:43:03 Spaghettios with meatballs in it because it's like, yeah, it's a.
01:43:07 Little bit of meat.
01:43:09 Sugar and carbs, you know.
01:43:14 You know, it's something that you can live off of.
01:43:16 It won't be great, but you can.
01:43:17 You'll live off and it's cheap and it's it's a meal in a can.
01:43:22 Or or if you you know.
01:43:24 If you see like the DIM team, more type stuff same same thing you know it's it's got meat, it's got carbs, it's got, you know, it'll keep you alive a long time and look at calories and just basically do the opposite as if you were on a diet.
01:43:37 Look for, like, high levels of calories and look for protein because that's going to be important.
01:43:43 Protein content.
01:43:46 Another source of protein that keeps for a.
01:43:47 Long time is peanut butter.
01:43:50 Not the best source of protein, but you know it's protein fats.
01:43:54 Some carbs, sugars and it's cheap.
01:43:59 And it's about to get more expensive like everything else.
01:44:01 But it's, you know, relatively cheap.
01:44:06 Yeah, it's super easy to to to load and.
01:44:09 A lot of times you'll.
01:44:10 You'll find generic versions of everything canned and often it's it's from the same cannery.
01:44:20 It's just a different label.
01:44:22 Like you literally are.
01:44:24 Paying for the label in some instance, not always, but in some instances.
01:44:29 And so if you there's a generic version that costs a dollar instead of $1.29 get the generic one.
01:44:35 I mean, make sure that the the one trick I've seen this happen.
01:44:38 Look make sure you know it's got the same amount in it.
01:44:42 Which is often not the case when it comes to the canned meats.
01:44:45 Usually the name brand canned meats actually have more meat in there than the the off brand meat stuff.
01:44:52 But yeah, it's so easy to.
01:44:53 Have a year supply of food with not that.
01:44:55 Much money and start and don't start.
01:44:58 Off with like I want to be able to have.
01:44:59 A banquet. Every *******.
01:45:01 Me and I don't do that.
01:45:02 Like start off with literally.
01:45:04 I'm going.
01:45:04 To eat a can of Spaghettios every.
01:45:06 Day and that's.
01:45:07 It that'll keep you alive, right?
01:45:10 What does that cost you?
01:45:12 Well $365.00, you know cause you have 365 cans of, you know, not just Spaghettios necessarily, but like a spaghettio type thing, right.
01:45:22 And then just stock up your your pantry with with all that and now you've got the baseline.
01:45:28 Now, anything yet?
01:45:29 Next time you go to the store?
01:45:32 Pick up, you know, maybe 5 cans or something, you know, five cans of this.
01:45:36 Make sure you get a big bag of rice, you know, big giant bags of rice are cheap.
01:45:42 They keep for a really long time.
01:45:44 You can throw those in the freezer too if you want to make them keep even longer.
01:45:49 So you got rice beans. Do you hide those big old burlap sacks of of ******* beans that that ship's cheap?
01:45:57 You can love rice and beans forever, you know.
01:45:59 And in fact that's probably cheaper than going the canned route.
01:46:02 It'll keep you alive.
01:46:04 Just get a bunch of bags of rice and and and beans and that'll keep you alive.
01:46:10 I don't think, though, that we're going to get.
01:46:11 In a situation.
01:46:14 Where you're having to keep alive so much.
01:46:18 At least again, not right away.
01:46:20 If we look, if we descend into some kind of war, then yeah, you're going to want those rice that rice and beans.
01:46:26 I think probably what's really going to more likely be the case.
01:46:30 Is, you know, restaurants will become more expensive.
01:46:34 In fact, it will probably turn into.
01:46:35 You're gonna have a consolidation, right?
01:46:38 You're going to have the mom and pop restaurants probably start going out of business because they're going to Jack up the prices, especially if minimum wage gets jacked up, you know, and and then you're going to.
01:46:48 Have restaurants that just can't stay in business, but all the chains will be able to stay in business.
01:46:55 So you're going to have it's going to further consolidate stuff like that and you've just got, you'll go to the grocery store and you won't have.
01:47:02 Oh no, they don't have avocados for.
01:47:03 Like a few months or you?
01:47:04 Know the the stuff like that where it's not like, oh, I'm eating ******* dog food because that's all they have.
01:47:10 The store it's not going to be like that.
01:47:13 Unless, unless, like I said, if there's a civil War, World War three, like something big, then, yeah, you're going to want.
01:47:22 You're going to.
01:47:22 Want that?
01:47:22 And look, I don't like having.
01:47:24 To even worry about it.
01:47:26 So I like I said, I'll always keep like a year supply of food so.
01:47:31 Look, if World War 3 happens.
01:47:32 I'm not, not.
01:47:33 That mad about it?
01:47:35 You know, to be honest.
01:47:38 Might be a little exciting.
01:47:39 You know, it might be kind of fun.
01:47:41 I don't know.
01:47:42 It won't be fun necessarily, but.
01:47:55 We're disconnected right now.
01:47:58 Come on, reconnect.
01:48:01 It's not reconnecting.
01:48:04 There we are.
01:48:06 I should probably tell you guys.
01:48:12 Now I got to refresh this now.
01:48:14 Damn it.
01:48:14 Damn it all.
01:48:23 Why is this not letting me do this?
01:48:28 All right.
01:48:30 Yeah, we disconnected ******* space Internet.
01:48:34 I start talking about World War Three and thinking how it's not such a bad thing and the Internet eats ****.
01:48:42 We were doing so good too.
01:48:45 We were doing so good.
01:48:48 Anyway, back back to the Super dad.
01:48:50 That's that's a shame.
01:48:52 That kind of sucks.
01:48:53 I was kind of hoping we'd be able to make it to the.
01:48:55 Whole thing and now.
01:48:55 I got to upload the ******* recording.
01:48:58 Which I always hate.
01:48:59 I you know, and I.
01:49:00 I another thing Odyssey, I don't know how hard this is.
01:49:04 This part might actually be technically difficult for them to do.
01:49:08 But if you could combine.
01:49:12 All the you know the disconnect things into one file.
01:49:17 If it uses the same stream key right like that should be what you.
01:49:21 Do if you.
01:49:22 If it's, if it's streams that happen or have like a, you have like a time limit, right?
01:49:27 Well, you know this stream ended and then like 10 seconds later a new stream started using the same stream key.
01:49:34 Oh, I should just sew it together.
01:49:36 That would.
01:49:37 I don't know.
01:49:37 That's that's my that's my recommendation.
01:49:39 Odyssey guys, that's what I recommend doing.
01:49:41 Think that would fix it.
01:49:43 Or I don't know, I could just have *******.
01:49:45 Internet that works.
01:49:49 Maybe I should be talking to Elona's crew. Hey, maybe have Internet that doesn't ******* disconnect for a little.
01:49:54 Bit huh?
01:49:56 Can you have Internet that lasts?
01:49:57 I don't know.
01:49:57 At least three hours straight before eating.
01:49:59 ****, that'd be that'd be nice.
01:50:05 Where are we at now?
01:50:08 Vegas little cutie.
01:50:10 It's a sad day when even the serial killers go soft.
01:50:15 And then you send.
01:50:16 A link you guys.
01:50:16 Gotta you guys gotta tell me more of these.
01:50:19 These links are.
01:50:21 Let me see what this is.
Speaker 5
01:50:30 You know.
01:50:35 No, there's a new Chucky show.
01:50:40 Or we'll download this.
01:50:41 We'll watch it.
01:50:42 It's probably not too horrifying.
01:50:48 I didn't know there was a Chucky TV series.
01:51:09 Is that on like a streaming?
01:51:10 No, it's on Netflix, isn't it?
01:51:14 No, that's something else.
01:51:16 I don't know where this airs.
01:51:20 Alright, let's see.
01:51:21 Where did it go?
01:51:21 Where it download to?
01:51:25 Chucky, Chucky, Chucky.
01:51:26 Here we are.
Speaker 5
01:51:38 You know.
01:51:39 I have a queer kid.
Speaker 2
01:51:43 You have a choke gender flu.
Speaker 12
01:51:48 You you called it.
Speaker 2
01:51:51 I'm not a monster, Jake.
Speaker 7
01:51:53 *** ****.
01:51:57 Ah, yeah.
01:51:59 Well, I mean, like I said, it's normalized, right?
01:52:03 This is the new normal.
01:52:05 This is the new normal.
01:52:08 We live in a horror film.
01:52:27 And we're disconnected again for those of you listening to the.
01:52:30 Recording and we're back.
01:52:33 All right, I got to tell everyone we're back.
01:52:34 This is, you know what it is.
01:52:36 I think it might be me downloading these these YouTube videos.
01:52:39 I can't do it all right.
01:52:41 If you guys are.
01:52:43 Let me tell you guys, I'm back.
01:52:50 Is it actually going to pop up?
01:52:52 Is this going to refresh?
01:53:00 It's refreshed OK.
01:53:02 Yeah, you know what I I think what it might be is downloading the the YouTube video as well.
01:53:07 Streaming might be too much for it, I don't know, but I think that might be might be what's going on.
01:53:13 So for right now, let's.
01:53:16 You know, we're not going to do that for the rest of the stream.
01:53:19 Because now I got to ******* upload the recording.
01:53:23 But yeah, we live in a horror film.
01:53:26 Alright, here we go.
01:53:28 Let me Scroll down.
01:53:30 Scroll down, Scroll down.
01:53:33 Scroll down, Scroll down.
01:53:36 Lynch Lord Godfrey, $5. Appreciate that 5 bucks for yet more good content. We'll appreciate that.
01:53:44 $2.00 from OSA, 567 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding the national Education Equity lab.
01:53:53 Yeah, not not a.
01:53:57 Not that. Uh.
01:53:58 Not that surprised by that cranky cracker, too.
01:54:01 Not all birds fly, Devon.
01:54:03 That must have been a reference to something.
01:54:07 I don't know what what I mean.
01:54:09 Yes, you're right.
01:54:10 There's there's ostriches.
01:54:14 I mean, I don't know.
01:54:15 I kind of want to get an ostrich.
01:54:17 I kind of want to get an ostrich.
01:54:20 I might get an ostrich.
01:54:23 I it's probably impractical.
01:54:26 But ostrich, ostrich meat is red meat, so I've I've heard.
01:54:30 I've never.
01:54:30 Had it, but I've.
01:54:31 It's like it's like steak.
01:54:34 It's not like chicken.
01:54:35 It's like it's like having a, you know, big, fat, gigantic steak running around laying eggs.
01:54:42 The size of your brain.
01:54:45 So I don't know sounds like it could be cool.
01:54:48 Have these massive ******* omelets?
01:54:52 Plus, you'd have an ostrich.
01:54:55 Probably ride it around.
01:54:58 I don't know.
01:54:59 I might get an ostrich and they don't fly.
01:55:02 For the glory of Christ.
01:55:05 OK.
01:55:06 All right.
01:55:07 Well, OK.
01:55:09 Poler, have you seen the old history channel documentary called something like Berlin City of SIN talks about the LGBTQIA stuff?
01:55:21 Pre World War Two?
01:55:23 I think this is it.
01:55:24 Well, I'm not going to.
01:55:25 I'll check it out for.
01:55:26 The show.
01:55:29 I'm not going to.
01:55:31 Tempt the connection gods.
01:55:39 What the Hell's this?
01:55:43 Did Microsoft screw up, copy and paste and I'm disconnected again?
01:55:51 And I didn't even download.
01:55:52 I didn't even download it.
01:55:54 For those who listen to the recording, it's disconnected.
01:55:56 Again, this is ******* ********.
01:55:59 This is real ******* ********.
01:56:03 At least it waited until.
01:56:04 This part right at the end.
01:56:05 Of the show.
01:56:07 Said of all during my presentation.
01:56:12 OK.
01:56:12 Anyway, so we're back.
01:56:13 I'm going to keep going.
01:56:18 Whether you guys know I'm back or not, I'm just going to try to hurry up and finish this up now.
01:56:24 Armilus you always say you're not a debate me, bro, but a discussion on satanic panic with sticks on Ralph Show would be very interesting.
01:56:33 Or you would go a more hilarious route and do Flat Earth with Owen.
01:56:37 No, I.
01:56:38 Because again, I'm I don't do that and it wouldn't change, it wouldn't change.
01:56:43 Sticks, mind.
01:56:45 And that it wouldn't change his little ******* band of Mary Fagots is mine.
01:56:51 And yeah, it it it would be.
01:56:55 It would just.
01:56:55 Be it's just an exhibition.
01:56:57 And so I I just don't like doing that.
01:57:00 Did your bees arrive? OK, well, they they don't arrive yet. They will. This is from OSA 567.
01:57:08 They should arrive next end of next week.
01:57:12 I think end of next week.
01:57:15 Let me look at the calendar actually.
01:57:18 Yeah, I should have them by end of.
01:57:20 Next week.
01:57:22 And we'll see.
01:57:24 We'll see as long as the Queen and most of them live, you know, it should be good.
01:57:30 There's lots of killer bees.
01:57:33 In the garden right now though.
01:57:34 So I'm I'm hoping they at least.
01:57:38 They can.
01:57:38 They can stick around, they don't get invaded and they're queen ****** with.
01:57:44 Right away.
01:57:47 $10 from White Tiger Kingdom appreciate that pressure. Canning meat is the way to go.
01:57:54 Yeah, I mean.
01:57:54 If you want to, I mean, I'm sure that if you get into it, there's ways to do that.
01:57:57 I've never.
01:57:58 I've never done that.
01:58:02 I don't know what you what you need to do that.
01:58:06 My mom used to be really into canning.
01:58:09 But like the Mason jar stuff and I know how to do that with just regular, you know, like fruit and stuff like that, I've never.
01:58:17 I've never done that with meat, though.
01:58:21 From Fascist Freddie, what is your personal opinion of what happened to Kay from Kay?
01:58:27 Oh, like Kay Griggs interview.
01:58:31 UM, and that's from Dinapoli $1.00 appreciate that.
01:58:35 I think she's either.
01:58:36 I mean, look, she's either in hiding or they they disappeared her and I'm still going to keep answering.
01:58:41 You're gonna listen to the recording, cause OBS just disconnected again. This is a ******* travesty. It's never been this bad before, but I guess this is you.
01:58:49 Know this it is.
01:58:50 What it is, I think she either got disappeared or she she disappeared.
01:58:55 But it's unusual either way, right? Their family claims they don't know where she is. It was a 2005, so she was still very much, you know, with it.
01:59:08 It was like.
01:59:10 You know, less than 10 years after that interview, so who knows?
01:59:14 I don't think we'll ever know, really.
01:59:16 Norse nature.
01:59:17 The Mormon warehouse stores have all kinds of good food storage stuff.
01:59:22 Yeah, I don't know if you have to be a Mormon to shop there.
01:59:26 Or whatever my.
01:59:27 Mom used to volunteer and come home with just cases and.
01:59:30 Cases of all kinds of stuff, like lots of dehydrated stuff and lots of canned stuff.
01:59:37 But I don't know I'm sure.
01:59:38 They, they. They.
01:59:39 They have to give some some stuff to the public, or at least make it available, or I don't know, cause a lot of that stuff also goes to the the Mormons have like their.
01:59:47 Own welfare system.
01:59:49 And so a lot of it's used for that.
01:59:52 $5 hammer of Thorazine. Appreciate it ********. I thought you said return regarding.
01:59:59 Code don't forget vitamin C tabs, scurvy can be a real problem if your diet is extremely restricted.
02:00:05 Also by the cheap protein powders and mass gainers, they store for a long time high calorie and have lots of other micronutrients in them.
02:00:14 Yeah, not a bad idea, and I'd I'd do that as well.
02:00:16 I have a bunch of like whey protein and.
02:00:19 And even like weird like pea protein and some other stuff and yeah, definitely vitamins are good to have if you're not, if you don't have food with that has.
02:00:31 Enough vitamin C in it.
02:00:35 Another good thing I don't know how long these last, but honestly I feel like they have so many preservatives.
02:00:41 It's probably almost indefinite.
02:00:43 What I what I get is I buy the almost expired or sometimes expired protein bars that they sell on like eBay.
02:00:51 They'll be like, oh, a box of 90 ******* protein bars, and each one of these ******* bars.
02:00:55 Is like 3 to 400.
02:00:58 And you know, you get this giant ball and it costs almost nothing.
02:01:04 So again, it's 90 of them.
02:01:06 That's technically 90 days.
02:01:08 If, like, again, you're not going to be.
02:01:11 Super active those 90 days, but it'll keep you alive.
02:01:14 Throw a box of those in the freezer if you're worried about them keeping.
02:01:17 They're all wrapped in mylar, and like I said, they're usually chock full of preservatives.
02:01:23 Nothing I'd want to survive on for 90 days.
02:01:25 Let me put it that way.
02:01:26 But you know, it's it's cheap.
02:01:30 I I've seen it.
02:01:31 Well, maybe it's not cheap anymore.
02:01:32 It used to be you get like a box of these.
02:01:34 Nine of 90 of them for like 50 bucks.
02:01:38 And look, you can always.
02:01:40 I'm disconnected again for the recording people, you can always.
02:01:45 You can always use those you know.
02:01:48 I mean, that's something that I use on hikes or whatever and like, oh, throw a protein bar into my go bag and stuff.
02:01:53 Like it's portable.
02:01:54 It's compact.
02:01:55 It's lots of calories.
02:01:59 White Tiger Kingdom, $10. Appreciate that I get local grass fed beef for around $4.00 a pound average.
02:02:07 Depending on what the cuts do to the volume I buy, I then pressure can it in pint jars.
02:02:16 It's delicious and has zero added.
02:02:19 It's good as long as the seal holds just slowly loose or it just slowly loses some nutrients.
02:02:26 After two years, everyone pressure can.
02:02:30 Yeah, I mean, that's sounds like a good thing to do.
02:02:34 It's a lot.
02:02:34 Cheaper than if you ever try to.
02:02:39 Look into what it costs to freeze dry stuff that that should be expensive because I thought that would be a good alternative.
02:02:45 Was like, oh, I'll just freeze dry meat instead of buying this really, really expensive freeze dried meat.
02:02:53 But no, it's A to get like a anything that you can freeze dry any amount of food is is really ******* expensive.
02:03:02 It's just cheaper to buy it. Already done beef supreme. They make these 100% rye bread in these little bricks slightly over £1.00 for $2.00 retail known as German fitness bread. These are familiar to Scandinavia as well. They keep forever in good fiber.
02:03:22 Yeah, I've never heard of that.
02:03:23 That might be a Scandinavia thing.
02:03:26 Stribog RIP.
02:03:28 I think you're probably one of the string.
02:03:29 One of the many times that it failed, I'm going to try to reload this screen here because it's.
02:03:35 I'm sure I lost a a super chat in there.
02:03:41 Alright, the number went up, but let me see if there's someone I missed.
02:03:48 Because it it, it ended at the same place.
02:03:54 I think we might just wrap this up real quick because the connection keeps ******* dying.
02:04:00 I just want to make sure I'm not missing anybody before.
02:04:03 OK, here's one iceberg. 1235 dollars thoughts on non Talmudic Jews. Apparently there are several sects that reject its authority and only follow the written Torah.
02:04:14 Yeah, I don't know.
02:04:16 I don't know.
02:04:16 There's still a lot of ****** ** **** in the Torah, too, about having, you know, the Gentiles as slaves and stuff like that.
02:04:23 So you know.
02:04:26 Uh, I don't know.
02:04:28 I don't know.
02:04:31 UM, let's see. What else do we got? Anything else?
02:04:36 That your bees are in.
02:04:40 All right, guys.
02:04:41 So yeah, I'm gonna wrap it up.
02:04:43 So because the connection has been so ******* bad.
02:04:47 Hopefully it'll work better next time.
02:04:50 There's one more story that I was thinking about going over.
02:04:55 Only because, well, it's probably not that important.
02:04:58 It's not that big of a deal.
02:04:59 We we can.
02:04:59 We'll take a look at it next time.
02:05:01 All right guys, so I'm going to wrap it up.
02:05:02 I hope you guys enjoyed this.
02:05:05 I'll see you again on Saturday.
02:05:06 Hopefully the Internet will last a lot longer than it did this time, and I've got.
02:05:13 I've got a backup Internet that if if it starts doing this next stream, I'll just I'll I'll flip a switch and it'll be able to work.
02:05:20 I did one thing that I I ordered though to make it.
02:05:24 Hopefully this is contributing to the problem.
02:05:27 Right now, the way that I connect to the satellite modem is it has like a hot spot, right?
02:05:33 It's got like a wireless.
02:05:36 Router built into it.
02:05:38 And so I'm going wireless from my computer to that thing and then doing the satellite thing.
02:05:44 Now I don't think it's my wireless connection that's causing the problem, but I don't have the best wireless card in the world.
02:05:49 That's, you know, it's some ****** little cheapo USB thing that I.
02:05:53 Got a million years ago, so who knows?
02:05:56 So I got like the actual.
02:05:58 Hardwire cat.
02:06:00 People coming in the mail so I can just connect directly to it and maybe who knows, maybe that will fix some of these things.
02:06:08 I hope.
02:06:09 Fingers crossed, I think that there's actual problem with the the satellite.
02:06:13 I'll take a look after the their app.
02:06:15 They actually have a pretty good app that you can look at, kind of like the connection history and see how many ******* they detected.
02:06:22 But I've seen before that.
02:06:25 I'll get disconnected and it won't show up on that so.
02:06:28 I don't know.
02:06:29 I don't know.
02:06:31 Hopefully this is not not a common thing, so thanks for sticking with it.
02:06:36 I will see you next time for black pill time, of course.
Speaker 5
02:06:42 Dim stack.
Speaker 25
02:06:44 ******* change.
02:06:45 This is a federal crime.
02:06:47 You kidding me?
02:06:51 Is she ******* kidding me?
02:06:52 She's getting arrested.
02:06:53 That's a federal crime.
02:06:55 This gives a ******* public carrier.
02:06:58 ******* kidding me.
02:07:14 Keep ******* kidding me.
02:07:18 Got a plate?
Speaker 2
02:07:19 OK.
Speaker 25
02:07:24 Ohh ship OK, that get that ****.
02:07:28 She's going to ******* damn.
02:07:30 What the ****?
Speaker 25
02:07:33 Ohh now y'all gotta help me.
Speaker 5
02:07:36 Yo-yo, leave him. Leave him alone. Leave him alone.
02:07:42 What are you doing, bro?
Speaker 18
02:07:44 Whoa, that's our man, man, that's all, man, that's.
02:07:50 You guys doing?
02:07:52 911.
Speaker 18
02:07:54 Just wait.
02:07:55 Hold on.
02:07:55 Just wait.
02:07:56 Wait, no, no.
Speaker 5
02:07:56 Yo-yo.
Speaker 22
02:08:00 Wait, just wait.
Speaker 17
02:08:01 911 the police are right.
Speaker 25
02:08:02 Just get out one second.
Speaker 2
02:08:03 There, watch out yo.
Speaker 18
02:08:07 Calm down, baby girl.
02:08:09 Hey, just move.
02:08:10 Just move from other thoughts so you don't get hurt.
02:08:13 What's up?
02:08:14 What's up?
02:08:14 You upside up?
02:08:15 What's up?
Speaker 17
02:08:21 Yo-yo.
Speaker 15
02:08:24 The ****?
02:08:32 You right, man.
Speaker 18
02:08:33 I like that. Come on.
02:08:35 Man gonna get away with it.
Speaker 18
02:08:36 Why would you get jumping in?
02:08:37 So what they?
02:08:38 Can get over her later, you white.
Speaker 7
02:08:39 You're right.
02:08:41 I got.