

Speaker 2
00:00:00 I hear your voice.
00:02:10 We used to share.
Speaker 1
00:02:13 My dream.
Speaker 2
00:02:19 I sleep no more.
00:02:23 Dream no more.
00:02:26 There's nothing here.
00:02:29 Wake up.
00:02:35 I see.
00:02:41 I did this.
Speaker 2
00:02:45 She doesn't love me.
00:02:58 Now that she's fine.
00:03:23 Smoke again.
00:03:26 There's no one here, I swear.
00:03:33 Again and again.
00:03:36 Don't know.
00:03:46 Jason, please.
Speaker 3
00:03:51 She hardly.
Speaker 2
00:04:01 Find myself staring.
00:04:11 She doesn't care anymore.
00:04:17 She hardly.
00:05:26 Just where you're blowing.
00:05:33 You should be going.
00:05:43 And get you down.
00:05:46 You feel it?
00:05:49 Guilty about?
00:05:54 We'll bring you riches you deserve.
Speaker 3
00:06:29 Now there's only yourself that you can.
Speaker 2
00:06:40 And next.
Speaker 5
00:07:17 Day by day.
Speaker 2
00:07:21 Face away, waiting to all the dreams.
Speaker 3
00:07:35 All the good.
00:07:36 Things you deserve.
00:08:29 Happy Saturday night or Sunday morning, or whenever you are watching slash.
00:08:35 Listening to this, I am Devin Stack.
00:08:37 This is the insomnia stream.
00:08:40 That's quickly approaching.
00:08:43 I don't know you vastly approach something quickly approaching.
Speaker 4
00:08:46 The holiday season.
00:08:49 The Thanksgiving season the I guess Boxing Day.
00:08:53 For those of you in Canada, I still don't know what Boxing Day is.
00:08:57 Or why they put it on our calendars?
00:09:02 Then it sounds fun.
00:09:04 It's like.
00:09:05 Is that when you guys, I don't know sounds sounds kind of neat.
00:09:08 Like there's fights, I don't know.
00:09:11 And then, of course, Christmas got the Christmas season.
00:09:16 Or Hanukkah for our, for our overlords.
00:09:25 And we'll see.
00:09:26 We'll see how we'll see how where we are in the dark winter.
00:09:30 As this holiday season.
00:09:34 I don't think there's gonna be.
00:09:35 A whole lot of celebrating going on in Australia, I don't know.
00:09:39 Especially, certainly not for those who are on vaccinated.
00:09:45 I'm sure you guys have seen this.
00:09:47 I'm trying to find the video I thought.
Speaker 7
00:09:49 I had downloaded it.
00:09:51 Oh, here it.
Speaker 7
00:09:52 Is there we go?
Speaker 8
00:09:55 There we go.
00:09:58 I'm sure you guys, if you haven't seen this.
00:10:03 It's nothing.
00:10:03 It's not too shocking given what we've seen so far.
Speaker 9
00:10:09 Play from the premier, there's no doubt about it that that you have to try and get people to lose something in order to get something and and and look, there are gonna be dramas, I'm sure, especially around the Gold Coast area, but there's only really one decision for.
Speaker 2
00:10:23 People to make.
Speaker 10
00:10:26 Oh, they're crazy not to get vaccinated.
00:10:27 Life will be miserable without being vaccinated.
00:10:30 Won't be able to get any.
00:10:31 You won't be able to hide.
00:10:32 You won't be able to get a doctor to sign off that you got an.
00:10:36 Exclusion because there's.
00:10:37 Quite set rules on that and doctors will be audited to see every one of their exclusions.
00:10:44 They looked at very carefully.
00:10:45 They'll get fired.
00:10:46 They get struck off the patients who tell.
00:10:50 Lies can be charged with fraud.
00:10:52 There's a whole pile of.
00:10:54 Issues whole pile of problems if you try and get around the system.
00:10:59 It's gonna be very hard to maintain your employment if you're not vaccinated and you won't be able to go anywhere for any.
00:11:06 So by all means get back to that.
00:11:07 You got another week where you can get double vaccinated before the 15th, the 17th of December, when it's definitely come.
00:11:13 In and there'll be there'll be proof that you've been vaccinated.
00:11:17 Firm proof you'll be asked to show going into most venues.
00:11:21 So get facts that otherwise you have.
00:11:23 A very, very lonely life and you're.
00:11:25 Not going to be able to maintain your employment.
Speaker 5
00:11:29 Oh yeah, that's all.
00:11:31 You'll have a lonely.
00:11:32 Life and you won't be able to maintain your employment.
00:11:38 Well, thanks for not.
00:11:39 Beating around the Bush, I guess.
00:11:42 So that that's.
00:11:43 Uh, yeah.
00:11:44 I mean, we already have the vaccine passports somewhat in effect in a few countries.
Speaker 4
00:11:52 A little bit of.
00:11:53 A silver lining?
00:11:54 I mean, look, I mean, like I've I like we.
00:11:56 All know where this.
Speaker 7
00:11:56 Is trending right.
00:11:58 We all know where this is eventually going.
Speaker 4
00:12:01 So just keep.
00:12:03 That in mind, right?
00:12:04 Like I always like to say, zoom out the graph, but you know, every once in a while you see something that's interesting.
00:12:11 Interesting cause it could go a lot of different ways and it is a little weird.
00:12:15 It is the kind of thing that I've I've never seen in my lifetime.
00:12:19 Happen and it is the kind of thing that you start.
00:12:21 To see when, when, when.
00:12:23 Things are coming apart, or at least I think.
00:12:25 So I mean, who knows, right?
00:12:28 So this story came out today and this is this related story to the vaccine mandates.
00:12:38 So I bring up this guy's picture. I don't think I need to.
Speaker 8
00:12:41 Bring up this.
Speaker 7
00:12:41 Guy's picture. Now let's do it.
00:12:52 If it'll let me.
00:12:58 Ah, won't let me, son of a.
Speaker 11
00:13:02 Son of a.
00:13:06 I'll just screenshot this ****.
00:13:07 I hate when they do like these weird file formats.
Speaker 7
00:13:11 Alright, here we go.
Speaker 3
00:13:15 This will work.
00:13:24 Alright, so this guy.
00:13:33 Oklahoma guard goes rogue rejects COVID no vaccine mandate after sudden change of command.
00:13:43 The new commander of the Oklahoma National Guard, and just so you guys know, a lot of people don't realize this, the National Guard.
00:13:52 They answer to the governor of whichever state they're in.
00:13:57 So in this case, this guy's boss.
00:14:01 And unless they're, you know, unless they're at war.
00:14:04 This guy's boss.
00:14:05 Is the governor of Oklahoma.
00:14:07 It's not Washington.
00:14:08 So that's that's basically you know.
00:14:10 How he's able to do this?
00:14:12 The new commander of the Oklahoma National Guard has declared the organization will not.
00:14:17 Enforce the DoD COVID-19 vaccine mandate on its troops.
00:14:24 According to local media outlets, Army Brigadier General Thomas Mancino has announced as the state's new adjunct general Wednesday, though he has not yet been confirmed by the state Senate.
00:14:41 I guess.
00:14:42 OK.
00:14:42 So I guess they they they there was a shake up they fired the old guy put this guy in and I guess he'll he'll.
00:14:49 Probably be confirmed.
00:14:51 On November 2nd, Stitt formally requested the DoD not enforce the mandate on the States Army and Air National Guard members.
00:14:59 In the letter, which is office posted online.
00:15:02 He said that 10% of the States troops had refused the vaccine and that the mandate was irresponsible.
00:15:09 The Defense Department is aware of Mancinos's memo and stitch letter and will quote respond to the governor appropriately, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said in a statement. He did not elaborate quote that said Secretary Austin believes A vaccinated force is a more ready force.
00:15:30 Really is.
00:15:30 Is that what it being?
Speaker 4
00:15:33 Is combat readiness?
00:15:35 Even part of the equation anymore.
00:15:37 I thought we threw them out the window so that we can.
00:15:39 Have you know lesbian trans ******* join the army.
00:15:44 Quote that is why he has ordered mandatory vaccines for the total force, and that includes our National Guard, who contributes significantly the states former top General Army major.
00:15:55 General Michael Thompson told local reporters that he learned who his replacement was via social media.
00:16:00 Yeah, that's kind of a boss move firing him that.
00:16:03 Way he was previously.
00:16:05 Scheduled to transfer command to Mancino on January 15th.
00:16:09 2022.
00:16:11 Well, sounds like you weren't playing ball the day after taking the reins from Thompson, Mancino issued a policy memo declaring the state would not enforce the mandate on its troops.
00:16:23 When they are under the state control, the move is an apparent rejection of the DOJ's orders to discipline and ultimately discharge service members who reject.
Speaker 8
00:16:34 The vaccine.
00:16:37 Quote No Oklahoma Guardsmen will be required to take the COVID-19.
00:16:41 Vaccine Mancino says in his Thursday memo, which states that Stitt is.
00:16:46 Is the forces lawful commander-in-chief when not mobilized by the federal government, and that and that that's the case.
00:16:53 So the Army National Guard and that might sound weird to people that aren't American, or maybe even to some Americans.
00:17:02 They are the governor's army, essentially, and unless.
00:17:06 They are. They are.
00:17:10 Activated I guess would be.
00:17:11 The word by the Pentagon to go fight like a, you know, or defend the country.
00:17:18 You know the the federal, there is some federal jurisdiction, but there, there there have there's like a process they have to go through in order for it to shift.
00:17:30 Leadership from the governor to leadership at the federal level.
Speaker 4
00:17:36 This is.
00:17:38 This is a little interesting.
00:17:39 It's kind of like that stream that we where I covered that movie.
00:17:42 The second American Civil War or whatever that was where that was precisely in this obviously imaginary scenario where the Idaho governor had his National Guard guarding the border of Idaho and other states.
00:17:58 Start getting their National Guard.
00:18:00 That's so that's essentially what's going on.
00:18:01 So Oklahoma, that's pretty based.
00:18:05 Oklahoma is saying **** your mandates and.
00:18:10 We'll see what happens with all that I.
Speaker 4
00:18:11 Mean, you know, we'll.
00:18:15 Depend on how how bad they want this.
00:18:19 Because they would have to.
00:18:21 I mean, I don't know what they do.
00:18:22 What would they have?
Speaker 11
00:18:23 To activate the the state.
00:18:25 National Guard and then impose the the mandate and then DEACT.
00:18:30 I mean, I don't know even.
00:18:30 How that would work?
00:18:32 So very interesting, very interesting.
00:18:36 While at the.
00:18:37 Same time, while this is going on.
00:18:41 I I don't know about how how.
00:18:45 Badly, they want the mandates, but it's starting to look like they do not want Biden so much. I don't know if you guys have noticed this, but in the several mainstream media outlets, the same mainstream media outlets that would have, you know, been shocked and called you fake news if you said anything about Joe Biden's odd.
00:19:06 Or his health, or, you know, his his confusion when he's in the public eye.
00:19:16 But now they're they're looks like all.
00:19:17 Of a sudden.
00:19:18 All the someone pushed the the green light button.
00:19:22 Because this is this is on MSN.
00:19:26 Joe Biden health update president is deteriorating fast as staff quote hide him away.
Speaker 4
00:19:35 President Biden defeated.
00:19:37 Donald Trump in the US election.
00:19:39 Yeah, right.
00:19:41 The former vice president under Barack Obama.
Speaker 4
00:19:43 Blah blah blah.
00:19:44 Blah concerns over Mr. Biden's health were first raised last November, after the then president-elect slipped and broke his foot while playing with his dog major in the shower.
00:19:54 Yeah, I'm.
00:19:55 I'm sure that's that's that's when the concerns first rose up.
00:20:00 Oh, it's healthy.
00:20:01 He slipped in the shower.
00:20:04 That's all it's it's his foot.
00:20:06 The veteran Democrat has endured A turbulent 11 months in the White House as he took on the coronavirus pandemic and drew widespread criticism for his chaotic withdrawal from of troops from Afghanistan.
00:20:20 A series of public gaffs?
00:20:22 Yeah, a series of.
Speaker 7
00:20:23 Public gaffes.
00:20:25 He's a he's a walking public gap. Have also marred his term in office, whether that be stumbling over his words during key speeches and most recently falling asleep at the COP 26 Summit in Glasgow.
00:20:40 Political commentator Douglas Murray has cast doubt over the president's health and claimed those closest to him believe he is not his usual self.
00:20:51 This is weird.
00:20:52 This is stuff that they don't usually say about Democrats.
00:20:56 I've also been seeing a lot of articles talking about.
00:20:59 Ohh would would Kamala.
00:21:02 Be a good president.
00:21:04 Lying in the Telegraph he set is increasingly clear to everybody in America, Democrat and Republican alike, that Biden is deteriorating fast.
00:21:11 Even those who have served with him and known him for years privately admit that the man in the Oval Office is not the Joe Biden they knew.
00:21:20 He always rambled, was always fond of giving speeches with bizarre, often wholly irrelevant digressions.
00:21:27 But he also used to be capable of finding his way back to the point.
00:21:31 Not anymore, which is one reason why his handlers have decided on a dramatic, if kindly, sale.
00:21:38 Lucian, the former associate director of the Henry Jackson Society, also claimed that White House staff have been trying to keep President Biden away from the public spotlight as much as possible, including limiting the number of questions at press conferences.
00:21:55 Murray said the president is promptly hidden from the public.
00:21:59 And he is hidden from the press in the wake of major announcements, the president will make his statement, and then he will take no questions from any assembled court press.
00:22:11 Yes, we've all noticed.
00:22:12 They go on from there and jerk them off a little bit because.
00:22:16 You know, he's such a, you know, he.
00:22:18 Got more votes than any president?
00:22:20 So obviously he's well loved.
00:22:23 And well liked so.
00:22:25 Are the mandates here to stay?
00:22:27 We don't know.
00:22:28 Is the President here to stay?
00:22:30 It sounds like not so much.
00:22:32 Will they get rid?
00:22:32 Of them before the next election and you know, and I'm saying election with air quotes election, I don't know.
00:22:41 Does it really matter that much?
Speaker 8
00:22:43 Not really, not really.
00:22:46 I mean symbolically.
00:22:49 It would matter.
00:22:50 If all of a.
00:22:51 Sudden we had a a brown female president that would that would symbolically make a difference.
00:22:59 That would change the morale of the country that the the already spiraling morale of the country.
00:23:06 But fundamentally, I mean these people, it's becoming increasingly more obvious.
00:23:13 They're mostly slaves to their advisers, if not outright, you know, just figureheads.
00:23:20 I mean, look at the.
00:23:22 The everything that you read about the Trump presidency, especially when you know what as they as as as the the sixth came closer.
00:23:32 Right.
00:23:33 And they were trying all these different legal strategies or you know, like you had the my pillow guy and you had?
00:23:39 The what was it the the, the cracking and all that ******** that people thought was going to.
00:23:44 Happen and you?
00:23:45 Had all these weird reports from people, including that guy from Overstock.
00:23:50 I forget his name the the the former CEO.
Speaker 7
00:23:53 Ofoverstock.com.
00:23:55 And you would hear these accounts when they they'd go and meet with the President and.
Speaker 4
00:23:59 Look you you could.
00:24:01 Yeah, they went and met with.
00:24:02 The president.
00:24:03 And if what they're saying is true about.
00:24:06 What's going on in?
00:24:07 There, Trump just seemed like he had.
00:24:10 He had zero.
00:24:12 Ability to wrap his head around the situation it was.
00:24:16 Just 100% capitulating to anything his advisors or Kushner or you know, someone.
00:24:22 Else that like it didn't, it sounded.
Speaker 4
00:24:24 As if he.
00:24:24 Made almost no decisions on his own.
00:24:28 And I think it's easy to say.
00:24:30 I mean, look, it's Biden, right?
00:24:32 If Biden can't even make it through a press conference, you know, without sounding like a deranged old man, I really doubt he's the one that's calling the shots.
00:24:41 And and that goes, I mean it's not like a new development, that's something that's been going on for a long.
Speaker 8
00:24:46 Time with this?
Speaker 7
00:24:47 This child molester.
00:24:50 But anyway, it won't interrupt any plans that they've got, and the same people will fundamentally be in charge.
00:24:57 You know, the same deep state actors that have been running the show since.
Speaker 7
00:25:03 You know, probably.
Speaker 8
00:25:03 Our entire lifetimes, we'll we'll still be running the show, but.
00:25:12 In the mean time.
00:25:15 Speaking of January 6th.
00:25:19 This is from the Gateway Pundit.
00:25:22 January 6th political prisoners were removed from their cells on stretchers after horrific chemical attack by DC Prison guards.
00:25:31 You know, we talk about a lot about how ****** things are going to get when you've got old people, old white people slowly dying.
00:25:41 And old people storage facilities, which is what I like to call resting.
00:25:46 And when their nurses and their caretakers are white hating, you know, brown people that that literally hate them.
00:25:57 And we've seen the videos, we've seen the videos of the, you know, the the old man getting punched by his caretaker, you've seen the video of the black guy.
00:26:07 Eating chicken wings and abusing his, you know his charge, the old man.
00:26:15 He's old white guy.
00:26:16 He supposed to be in charge of and that's, you know, we we know that's going to be the case but.
00:26:23 That's going to be across the board.
00:26:26 That's going to that's going to come into play when we're talking about anything, you know, all the way down to the.
00:26:31 Small stuff.
00:26:33 When you go to return something at a store and you get some white hitting brown person that hassles you and just makes you know something that.
00:26:41 Would have been an easy.
00:26:42 Easy exchange at A at a store that becomes like this big thing that ***** you over to more important things.
00:26:51 Like, I don't know, jury members, judges, police officers.
00:26:58 Any interactions that you're going to have with people that have any kind of any kind of authority over you, whether it's, you know, again the the DMV, whether it's in this case, prison guards.
00:27:12 You are now living in a country that is increasingly not you and is increasingly hostile to you.
00:27:24 On the anniversary of the 2020 election, Steel Republican lawmakers.
00:27:31 Marjorie Taylor Green and Louie Gomart visited the DC GITMO to visit the January 6 political prisoners.
00:27:39 They were denied entry at first by prison staff.
00:27:42 Several American citizens are being held at the DC GITMO for participating in the January 6th protest at the US Capitol.
00:27:50 Where four Trump supporters lost their lives, one being shot in cold blood, these prisoners are denied their God-given rights under the US Constitution and are beaten, abused and placed in isolation for their political beliefs.
Speaker 8
00:28:07 Let's see here.
00:28:09 According to court filings, the abused political prisoners were removed from the DC prison on.
00:28:13 Stretchers after the assault by the guards.
00:28:18 Multiple generally 6 defendants were taken out of their cells on stretchers Thursday, according to a court filing.
00:28:23 The situation started when one of the defendants refused to wear a mask.
00:28:27 Family members of Kelly Megs, who is being held in the DC jail, told Megs lawyer prison guards began spraying a chemical substance described as some kind of Mace or pepper spray, according to a filing federal court.
00:28:43 They sprayed Mace or some type of gas at an inmate.
00:28:46 And kept missing so it went into the intake that fed into the other cells and the lady with the key left because she didn't like the gas.
00:28:54 So the inmates in the cells who were being fed the gas from the intake were locked in for about 15 minutes while it was going into their rooms and they couldn't see or breathe.
00:29:07 More than one of the defendants was taken.
00:29:09 Out on stretchers to medical base.
00:29:12 So that's and that's like, that's just the latest thing these guys have been used and abused since they showed up at these prisons and everyone's heard the horror stories about the treatment.
00:29:23 And that's just that's.
00:29:25 That's what it is.
00:29:26 They want revenge on ****** these people.
00:29:29 Because don't you know everything that's that could possibly be wrong in your life if you're not white is because of white people.
00:29:36 And so, of course, when they have a white devil chained up in a box, they're going to torture it.
00:29:44 Thanks in part to the low empathy and and and low impulse control and low IQ and.
00:29:52 All the rest.
00:29:54 So anyway, so that's happening.
00:30:00 Oh boy, I don't know if you guys been watching the.
00:30:07 You know, Speaking of like juries and stuff, I don't know what the the racial makeup of the jury at the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is.
00:30:16 I don't know that it's going to matter a whole.
00:30:20 So I've been watching now or.
00:30:22 At least listening rather to the trial the last few days.
00:30:31 Why did it take the defense lawyers 4 hours to explain what pixels are?
00:30:39 I mean, if your if your entire I mean.
00:30:40 I don't know.
00:30:41 If you guys have been paying attention to this or watching this, it was really infuriating.
00:30:44 I think this was Thursday.
00:30:46 I was watching Thursday and they were trying to talk about the video that the prosecution had entered into evidence or was attempting to enter into evidence that they had blown up from a lower quality video.
00:30:59 And they brought in some expert that they are apparently paying like $1000 an hour or something. Like a lot of I remember what it was, but it was like the guys getting like 10 grand for showing up for a couple days.
00:31:12 Because the defense lawyers.
00:31:15 Didn't understand what they were.
00:31:16 Even like like I.
00:31:18 Didn't understand what?
00:31:19 They were what even to ask to.
00:31:20 Get the guy to.
00:31:21 Explain it.
00:31:22 They spent about four hours, about four hours trying to explain what I can explain in about 20 seconds, and that is when you have a a photo or a video or anything with a finite.
00:31:36 Amount of pixels.
00:31:38 Unlike what you might see on TV shows where you have detectives that have video and they say zoom, enhance, zoom, enhance, and then all of a sudden they can read text that wasn't previously there in the pixelated image.
00:31:51 That doesn't exist.
00:31:53 That doesn't exist. That's not how video works. When you have a finite amount of pixels and you blow them up to like a, let's say, a 1080P image to the size.
00:32:04 Of a building.
00:32:06 Well, if you want it to look still kind of like the image you run it through software that begins to guess what information it needs to add to blow that picture up.
00:32:17 And in doing that, it has to add pixels and there's different methods of doing this, but that's what it's doing.
00:32:23 It's adding information to the image.
00:32:27 And that's that was, that's it. That it took four hours and at the end of it, if I was in that jury and I didn't know anything about video or blowing things up or interpolation, I mean that the, the, the, the amount of times they said that like anyone's going.
00:32:42 To know what that means was was insane.
00:32:46 If you're in that jury listening to four hours of of a lawyer who doesn't know what the **** he's talking about, asking questions to a frustrated video guy.
00:32:58 To explain interpolation in ways that aren't helpful, it's not helpful at all.
00:33:05 By the end of it, there's no way.
00:33:06 There's no way anyone in that jury who didn't already understand the concept suddenly understood the concept.
00:33:15 Yeah, they're.
00:33:16 I mean, it's been a disaster last two days, the defense also.
00:33:23 Failed to.
00:33:24 To point these sorts of problems out with the blown up video, the the drone video that they say, oh, look, you can see in this drone video, Kyle is pointing a gun at the at the the protesters and it's he and he's not he's not.
00:33:41 He's clearly not it's just this this.
00:33:44 Jumble of ******* pixels, most of which have been added by the the software that is attempting to fill in the blanks.
00:33:57 And after spending and after spending 4.
Speaker 11
00:33:59 Hours on Thursday.
00:34:01 Trying to explain this, they they still the the lawyers themselves still didn't understand it enough to articulate.
00:34:06 That to the judge on Friday.
00:34:08 So I would say it's not looking too good, but we'll see, not that it really matters.
00:34:14 Like I said before that we're post truth in this country.
00:34:18 It really doesn't matter.
00:34:20 They could have video like the clearest video in the world of Kyle doing everything exactly by the book, and it wouldn't matter.
00:34:29 It really wouldn't matter.
00:34:32 Because that that the evidence isn't what matters anymore.
00:34:37 You know Yuri bezmenov?
00:34:38 Everyone's seen that video.
00:34:39 You you could you people become so demoralized.
00:34:43 You'll be able to show them proof.
00:34:46 Of what they think is is wrong and look everyone that's argued with leftist you've experienced some.
00:34:52 Level of this.
00:34:53 You can show them.
00:34:54 Proof that they're wrong and they.
00:34:59 They'll refuse to see it because it is no longer a a battle of ideas.
00:35:06 It's not longer a free market of ideas we're talking about.
Speaker 8
00:35:10 A religion now.
00:35:13 If if Kyle Rittenhouse.
00:35:16 Isn't guilty.
00:35:19 That's a crime against their God.
00:35:24 Literally, that's a crime against their God.
00:35:26 It's a win for Satan as.
Speaker 11
00:35:28 As as far as they see things.
00:35:32 So I don't know what's going to happen with that.
00:35:34 Again, it doesn't really matter too much, it's just more.
00:35:37 It'll be an indicator of how far gone the general public is.
00:35:41 I have been told.
00:35:43 That Kenosha is relatively A conservative part of the state.
00:35:50 And so.
00:35:53 That honestly that if that means if if they come back with a guilty verdict, I think that that just is a a further indicator that even in a in a conservative part of the state because I.
00:36:04 Guess it's somewhat.
00:36:05 Rural, you know, it's a small town.
00:36:07 No one.
00:36:07 No one here has heard of.
00:36:08 Kenosha before this happened.
00:36:11 That if even in that type of environment.
00:36:15 You know, sure.
00:36:16 It's in Wisconsin, which is basically a socialist country in in many ways.
00:36:21 But if in that environment, like in, in.
00:36:23 A rural.
00:36:25 Red county.
00:36:27 You still can't get a fair trial.
00:36:32 That's just a harbinger of things to come.
00:36:36 That's a harbinger of things to come.
00:36:40 And that's.
00:36:43 That's what, that's.
00:36:45 That's just what it is.
00:36:46 It is what it is, guys.
00:36:49 It is what it is.
00:36:50 So the thumbnail, never mind.
00:36:58 I was going to bring.
Speaker 8
00:36:59 Up that image, I know that's OK.
00:37:02 So I was going to go over the film app pupil.
00:37:06 I was watching that before the show.
00:37:10 But I think I'm going to.
00:37:10 Save it for I didn't have.
00:37:11 Time to clip out all.
00:37:13 The the the.
00:37:15 Clips I wanted to use for that.
Speaker 7
00:37:16 So I think I'm going to.
00:37:17 Use that for another time.
00:37:19 Let's just kind of take it easy a little bit and.
00:37:22 Let's do a choose your own adventure.
00:37:24 Version of the insomnia stream.
00:37:26 I'm going to let you guys choose where we go from here because there's a lot of stuff you guys always have good ideas.
00:37:32 I don't always have time to look into all of them, but now is the time.
00:37:37 So let's see if we got any, any what?
00:37:39 Do you guys what do you?
00:37:40 Guys want to.
00:37:40 Go over.
00:37:41 Tonight I'm covered in.
00:37:44 And duh.
00:37:46 And dirt.
00:37:47 I've been cleaning out very nasty dusty areas all day today.
Speaker 8
00:37:53 Let's see here.
00:37:54 What do you guys got?
00:37:56 His mother was crying the whole time and she looks like a nice lady.
00:38:00 Feels bad, man.
00:38:02 Yeah, you know that his parents are divorced.
00:38:07 I kind of wonder what role that I mean.
00:38:09 I don't know if it.
00:38:10 Would have made any difference?
00:38:13 You have no right to self-defense against people. The ruling class favors. You have two choices. Let them kill you, or go to prison.
00:38:20 Well, you have another choice I would say.
00:38:23 And I've been saying this for over a year now.
00:38:25 You have to start looking at this as you are no longer.
00:38:29 You're when I was when I was young.
00:38:34 They were like, I would say.
00:38:36 Like I think it was probably.
00:38:37 In high school, a friend of mine and I were driving and we'd had a little.
00:38:43 Too much to drink?
00:38:45 And a cop pulled us over.
00:38:48 And I, you know, I wasn't the one driving, but my friend was driving me to my house.
00:38:52 And he and he saw us that we were just two teenage white kids that weren't causing any trouble.
00:38:58 And he said how much further do you guys got?
00:39:01 To go and we were like a block away from my house.
00:39:05 And the cops?
00:39:05 Said OK, I'm going to follow you to your.
00:39:07 House. And then I don't.
00:39:09 Want you driving the rest of the night?
00:39:11 And so we.
00:39:12 Did we went to my house, parked the car and and sobered up?
00:39:19 And everything was cool.
00:39:21 Not, you know, and and that was that we learned and we learned our lesson.
00:39:24 That was the last time we were going to be driving around like that.
00:39:26 Because we knew the the next time it wouldn't be a warning.
00:39:29 The days of that happening are over.
00:39:31 Another example of this too I.
00:39:34 Was out in the in the desert.
00:39:37 Shooting BB guns and and just kind of.
00:39:41 I bought this old Subaru.
00:39:44 It was an old ***** ** **** Subaru that I I bought specifically to Demolition Derby out.
00:39:50 We that was call us white trash.
00:39:53 I don't care.
00:39:54 We used to do this from time to time.
00:39:55 We would look in the newspaper.
00:39:57 And every anytime a car that would.
00:39:58 At least run.
00:39:59 Was for sale for only like a couple 100 bucks would go buy it and then just.
00:40:03 Go off roading in it until it was destroy.
00:40:08 And I was doing that and it was like it was spray painted.
00:40:12 We had spray painted the **** out of this thing.
00:40:14 I mean, it looked like it looked like a, you know, you knew what we were doing with that.
00:40:18 Car just by looking at it.
00:40:21 And so I'm.
00:40:21 Driving it out of the desert didn't have a driver's license, had a BB gun in the seat next to me and the same.
Speaker 8
00:40:29 Thing the cop pulled.
00:40:30 Me over was like, where you going with this thing?
00:40:33 And I was like, out of my house.
00:40:35 It's like right there.
00:40:36 And he was like, alright, I don't want you out here anymore.
00:40:38 And I was.
00:40:38 Like, OK, that was that.
Speaker 4
00:40:41 Those days are over.
00:40:43 Those days are over.
00:40:46 The serve and protect.
00:40:49 Is no longer serving you and no longer protecting you.
00:40:54 So let's take.
Speaker 8
00:40:55 A look here.
00:40:56 What do you guys got for me?
00:40:58 Let's watch the Taliban military parade with our equipment.
00:41:02 The parades are always fun, by the way.
00:41:04 They flew the choppers.
00:41:07 Interesting that they were able to fly the Blackhawks so quickly.
00:41:11 I noticed that after they, you know, after the Taliban took over.
00:41:14 Afghanistan it wasn't long before they were flying Blackhawks and **** around.
00:41:18 I found that very curious that all of a sudden they knew how to fly a Black Hawk.
00:41:22 Now I don't know.
00:41:24 Maybe Blackhawks are as easy to fly in real life as they are in video games.
00:41:29 I kind of thought that that was not the case, but yeah, I found it very curious that they were able.
Speaker 7
00:41:35 To do that.
00:41:36 Let's take a look.
00:41:37 Let's see if I can find the video of their their military parade with our equipment.
Speaker 7
00:41:51 Oh, look at.
00:41:52 That. Yeah. All right.
00:41:56 Or I'll download that and we'll watch that.
00:42:06 OK.
00:42:07 Have you had time to look over the mass of war book, the mass of war book?
00:42:13 No, I don't think I did.
00:42:14 Let me take a look at.
Speaker 7
00:42:15 This one again, let me search here the masks.
00:42:18 Of war while that's downloading.
00:42:20 The maths of war.
00:42:23 I don't see this come.
00:42:24 Up right away.
00:42:27 The mass of warp.
00:42:33 Is that a?
00:42:33 Looks like a military strategy book.
00:42:36 So now I have not read any military strategy books in a long time.
00:42:41 The massive war, American military strategy and analysis is that the same one you're.
00:42:46 Talking about.
00:42:50 I'm not sure that that would.
00:42:51 I'd have a.
00:42:52 Lot to say about that, uh, the the pilots defected to the you said, oh, their pilots defected, the Taliban.
00:43:00 So the pilot.
00:43:01 So we trained.
00:43:03 Afghanistan pilots to fly Blackhawks. I don't know. I I find that hard to believe. I mean, maybe. I mean, that's like extra stupid if we did that. I guess you know everything anything's possible at this point.
00:43:17 But I would have found.
00:43:17 That that, that would be a weird.
00:43:19 Thing to.
00:43:19 Do because I I don't feel like there be.
00:43:22 Any need for that?
00:43:24 But I guess it would make sense if we were going to leave some Blackhawks behind.
00:43:30 So this is the.
Speaker 7
00:43:35 This is the.
00:43:38 There's the Taliban military parade.
00:43:42 Whole lot of Humvees.
00:43:47 That's a lot of.
00:43:48 Humvees, those things are not cheap.
00:43:50 None of this stuff is cheap.
Speaker 7
00:43:55 Look at that.
00:43:57 So I guess.
00:43:58 I guess Trump finally got his military parade and just happened in Afghanistan.
00:44:07 Oh, the decline of the West, isn't it?
00:44:10 The sight to see?
Speaker 7
00:44:12 Oh, look at that.
00:44:13 I forget.
00:44:13 Those are called.
00:44:20 Nice to see that's that's.
00:44:21 Where you when?
00:44:22 You get your paychecks and you take a look at the federal that's been taken out of your paycheck every two weeks, or however often you get paid.
00:44:31 That's that's where your money went.
Speaker 7
00:44:35 Alright, let's go back to chat here.
00:44:39 What are my comments on Tim Poole's rant?
00:44:44 Well, I can play that.
00:44:46 My actually I did download that where.
00:44:47 Did I put that?
00:44:50 I did download that and I was thinking about playing it.
00:44:52 The problem is I don't want to get.
00:44:58 See, The thing is, Tim Poole is still a ****.
00:45:04 I watched it.
00:45:06 It's not a bad rant, but he's still a fence sitting Fagot.
00:45:10 He's always going to be a fence sitting fagot.
00:45:13 Is it good that he's pointing out that the I'll tell you what it is good.
00:45:21 Because he does reach all the other fence sitting *******.
00:45:27 He does reach a lot of centrists, and he's essentially telling people who would normally think that I'm a right wing extremist and and they couldn't take me serious.
00:45:39 And he's telling them some of the same things.
00:45:42 Now he's leaving out some important details, but he's telling them some of the same things.
00:45:47 So let's take a look at that.
Speaker 7
00:45:48 Real quick.
00:45:53 Oop, after I it's making it so it's not gigantic.
Speaker 12
00:46:03 People are evil.
Speaker 1
00:46:03 Report the truth.
Speaker 4
00:46:05 I'm asking myself, who do you?
Speaker 12
00:46:06 Adam Goldman of the New York Times.
00:46:10 Evil you.
00:46:12 We've got to.
00:46:13 Stop playing these games.
00:46:15 This is a guy who got privileged legal communications under the United States Constitution and our laws and norms.
00:46:21 You do.
00:46:22 You have a right to legal counsel and the guy at the New York Times gleefully published this from a rival organization.
00:46:28 Why they want this country to burn.
00:46:31 Learn they want power and they will get it by any means necessary, and they will use the power of the federal government to do it.
00:46:37 I am looking at all of you right now and I am telling you this, the police will kick your door in and bash your teeth out the moment Black Lives Matter protests you.
00:46:46 We've already seen it happen.
00:46:48 You think this is a joke?
00:46:49 James O'Keefe legal.
00:46:51 Privileged communications were just given to the New York Times, and Adam Goldman with a smile on his face, published it.
00:46:58 He doesn't care about this country.
00:46:59 He doesn't care about our norms.
00:47:01 These people are at war with you and they will burn your life to the ground like they're doing the Rittenhouse and like they're doing now to James O'Keefe because you dare oppose their power grab.
00:47:12 This is not a joke and it is getting worse and in the next 10 years as we enter the 4th turning and it escalates, it is going to get worse.
00:47:22 James O'Keefe is a journalist the federal government stole his privileged legal communications and gave it to the New York Times, who published it with a smile on their face.
00:47:35 This is these people do not hold your values.
00:47:38 They do not believe in the Constitution.
00:47:39 The prosecutor in the Rittenhouse case violated the Constitution.
00:47:42 They will do it again.
00:47:43 They will do it more and they will burn down your town and the feds will protect them and the police will protect them.
00:47:52 Stop thinking the institutions are on your side.
00:47:55 This country is being corrupted and we are watching it every day and it has gotten to.
00:48:00 To the point where you need to ask yourself, will the police protect you when someone comes to your town and threatens to kill you?
00:48:09 No, the detectives in Kenosha, the state the prosecutor, went against the the young man who was fleeing for his life, and James O'Keefe.
00:48:20 An anti establishment individual and I and I mean that with respect, but he is outright just a journalist, is facing the boot of the authoritarian fascist government.
00:48:32 And it will get worse and it will happen to you because you keep complying and you keep saying.
00:48:40 But my kids need food and now inflation is here and there's food shortages and your kids aren't eating and the schools are indoctrinating your kids now we see a turn around with younkin because the parents are standing up.
00:48:53 But too many people keep saying as long as I keep fellating the state and dropping on my knees for the far left extremists, I will squeak by and you will not.
00:49:05 The police will come to your home.
00:49:07 They will kick your door in and they will arrest you because the good cops have already started quitting.
00:49:12 And like we saw in Seattle, the police arrested the man who was retreating from Antifa as Antifa approached her with clubs in hand and they apologized to Antifa over it.
00:49:22 Like we saw in the Chazz when.
00:49:24 And when several men unloaded hundreds of rounds into an SUV and then the extremists stripped the evidence from the vehicle, and none of those people are brought to justice, and now we are at the point where Project Veritas is having their private privileged legal communications leaked to the to the New York Times.
00:49:42 Who with a smile on their face violate all norms.
00:49:46 All respect and lack all scruples.
00:49:49 And you think, sitting back and complying will result in you getting by.
00:49:55 You are wrong.
00:49:58 I'm sick of this.
00:50:03 So like, it sounds like he's a little black pilled honestly though.
00:50:06 I think what what?
00:50:07 Really is irritating him, is that he's he considers himself a journalist.
00:50:14 And so when he sees that attack on James O'Keefe, he is worried about himself.
00:50:20 He is worried that he that.
00:50:24 Very fancy compound from what I understand, might have its door kicked down someday by the FBI.
00:50:31 So I mean, is it ultimately good?
00:50:34 Yeah, this.
00:50:35 I mean this is stuff.
00:50:35 I was saying years ago.
00:50:37 So it's it's good to see it making its way into the mainstream, because, let's face it, Tim Poole is mainstream.
00:50:45 It's it's so it's good to see some of this stuff.
00:50:47 It's good to see the faith in the country.
00:50:52 At least at.
00:50:52 Least shaken up a little bit.
00:50:56 Because, as I've said a million times, you're not going to fix a broken system by using the broken system.
00:51:02 And too many people are just clinging to this idea that we can we can turn, we can turn things around, guys.
Speaker 4
00:51:09 We can turn things.
00:51:10 Around and look, he even mentioned, you know, there's so many people out there that they don't want to push back.
00:51:15 Because, oh, I have to be able to feed my kids.
00:51:18 I can't speak up because if I do, I'll lose my job.
00:51:21 I got to be able to feed my kids.
00:51:25 Well, that's not going to matter.
00:51:26 For much longer and it.
00:51:27 Really isn't.
00:51:28 It's not going to matter for much longer when not only can you not afford things because the hyperinflation and stuff like that, you're going to start getting.
00:51:37 Denied medical care.
00:51:39 Just based on your rates.
00:51:40 Now that the this what's this guy's name?
00:51:43 That Infowars guy, that's our file.
00:51:46 That's our video file I downloaded.
00:51:48 Let me see if I can.
00:51:48 On that one that Infowars guy always forget his name.
Speaker 8
00:51:54 Let me.
00:51:55 See it Harrison Smith.
00:51:57 That's what it was.
00:51:58 Harrison Smith.
00:51:59 He apparently tweeted out that he was refused medical treatment based on being white.
Speaker 7
00:52:06 So let's take a look at.
00:52:07 This real quick.
Speaker 13
00:52:13 So I'm not be able.
00:52:14 To get it today because I don't qualify.
00:52:16 What if I what if I like smoking today?
00:52:19 If I heard that was no count that.
00:52:23 With our black and Hispanic.
Speaker 2
00:52:25 Right.
Speaker 13
00:52:26 And then I'd be able to qualify.
00:52:27 OK.
00:52:28 I'm being denied medical service because of my race.
00:52:31 But yeah.
Speaker 5
00:52:31 The criteria?
00:52:33 So what I do, I go in and make sure.
00:52:34 Everyone meet the criteria.
00:52:36 OK, there's the criteria that you're 65 would be good, healthy and no medical conditions. So research shows that.
00:52:51 Maybe it's for someone else, maybe could cool them a little more and make them a little more susceptible.
00:52:56 Should be in worse.
00:53:01 Any questions?
Speaker 13
00:53:05 No, I guess not.
00:53:08 So if he was.
00:53:09 Black or Hispanic, he would get medical treatment.
00:53:16 But because he's white and healthy, you'll be able to fight off COVID just fine.
00:53:26 And look, he he, he'll be fine, right?
00:53:28 We all know he basically has the flu, but.
00:53:34 They've already started.
00:53:35 They've already started.
00:53:36 Now right now it's COVID treatment.
00:53:39 Tomorrow, maybe it's cancer treatment.
00:53:41 Ohh, you know, sorry we would give you the the treatment for your your kidney disease or your cancer.
00:53:48 But in the name of equity?
00:53:51 In the name of equity we have, we have determined that there are races that do not receive the same kind of treatment.
00:53:59 That whites do at the same level, and so until we have evened that out until we have made it so that all races received the the same amount of treatment.
00:54:10 You know, whites just have to take you have.
00:54:12 To get in line.
00:54:14 You have to pay for the.
00:54:15 Sins of the fathers.
00:54:18 And soon you might not even able.
00:54:19 To do that.
Speaker 7
00:54:21 Let me bring this one up here.
00:54:31 Ohh, and here's here's an image of.
Speaker 7
00:54:34 What they're dealing with that healthcare stuff.
00:55:02 I hate.
00:55:02 I really hate OBS in their way.
00:55:04 They they do images.
Speaker 7
00:55:07 I know I say it all the time, but it's it's always true.
00:55:11 So who qualifies for the monoclonal antibody therapy patients must meet at least one of these following pregnancy, high risk ethnicity groups, high risk ethnicity groups.
00:55:26 Latin X or blacks?
00:55:30 So there you go.
00:55:33 He did not meet the criteria.
Speaker 8
00:55:37 All right.
00:55:43 And soon it won't matter.
00:55:46 Why is it coming up like this?
Speaker 7
00:55:49 I must have a weird filter on here.
00:55:51 Let me get.
00:55:51 Rid of the filter.
00:55:54 There we go.
00:56:02 Those who refuse vaccination should lose health insurance health insurance.
00:56:10 Now that's one of those carrots.
00:56:12 That so many people when I talk to them about, like, why would you work for the corporate machine?
00:56:18 They say, oh, well, I I have to because my health insurance.
00:56:21 I need my medication.
00:56:22 Most people, by the way, that are on these medications forever.
00:56:26 You don't need a lot.
00:56:27 Most people, I mean, there's some people that do like if you're diabetic or whatever, you need insulin and you know, things like.
00:56:32 That right.
00:56:33 But there's a lot.
00:56:34 Of people who are on medication permanently that don't need that medication.
Speaker 8
00:56:49 I'm just going to bring up this.
00:56:50 Article real quick.
00:56:55 This is from the Baltimore Sun.
00:57:00 We really don't need vaccine mandates. All we really need is for health insurance industries to step up to the plate and say that as of December 1st, 2021, no vaccination, no insurance.
00:57:15 After all, the insurance industry has already been on the hook for those who choose to go on vaccinated, it's time to stop that train.
00:57:24 Insurers must choke at the thought of paying $2000 for a drug or, for that matter, 100,000 to 300,000 plus hospital stay.
00:57:35 When a $20 shot that is free to the patient would have done the trick.
00:57:40 Insurance companies often elect not to provide policies for high risk drivers.
00:57:45 So who would expect them to underwrite this?
00:57:48 The industry simply needs to bounce it back on the consumer.
00:57:52 Hope you've got a nice nest egg because our shareholders don't.
00:57:56 The effect of December 1st, you're on your own.
00:57:59 It's your choice.
00:58:01 It's your choice guys.
00:58:05 If you don't like it.
00:58:06 Just build your own healthcare system.
00:58:14 Yeah, isn't isn't capitalism great?
Speaker 8
00:58:17 We have so much freedom.
00:58:20 So much freedom.
Speaker 7
00:58:24 Alright, I'm a little behind here on these let.
00:58:26 Me. Take a look.
00:58:30 The horror 1400 the Amish Mennonites don't have health insurance or society or Social Security. Their health insurance comes from the church community and their large number of kids is their social.
00:58:42 Right now in a way.
00:58:44 I mean, unfortunately that is the.
00:58:46 Alternative is you have to make your own healthcare system.
00:58:49 And like I.
00:58:50 Said a lot of people are way over medicated, especially when it comes to like antidepressants and stuff like that.
00:58:56 But even you know, stuff like, Oh well, I need to lower my my blood pressure.
00:59:02 So instead of trying to be healthy, I'm going to take this pill.
00:59:06 Every day.
00:59:08 Ohh I got Type 2 two diabetes cause all I do is drink.
00:59:12 Uh like a 2 liter of soda every day.
00:59:14 And and and just stuff sugar down my throat around the clock.
00:59:19 And rather than change my diet, I'm going to take this pill.
00:59:24 I mean, there's so many people that that refuse to actually treat this the illness and instead decide to treat the symptoms.
00:59:33 And that is that is I mean that.
Speaker 4
00:59:35 That is the.
00:59:36 Modern Western medicine system is treating symptoms and not problems.
00:59:45 Spiderman 12848 so since they want to cut health insurance coverage, does that mean I can stop paying taxes and expect they know knock Flash bank visit from the?
00:59:55 Alphabet fed boys.
00:59:57 You know, I think that I think that there's going to be people.
01:00:03 Increasingly, that feel as if, and in fact, I mean many people already did right.
01:00:09 But I think increasingly, as you see, the society turn against the people paying the most taxes.
01:00:15 A lot of these people are going to start to ask questions like that.
01:00:20 COVID patient Zero, how is classified cat doing he's doing OK.
01:00:25 He's been a a little bit of a pain in the *** lately.
01:00:29 He he did kill a a giant beetle for me the other day and brought it to me as a present.
01:00:35 That's always fun.
01:00:38 High Priest King Terry.
01:00:39 You need to talk about that.
01:00:40 Chinese Communist Biden wants to appoint to.
01:00:43 Oh, so you know what you're talking about is.
Speaker 7
01:00:47 Yeah, I got that video too.
01:00:48 Why not?
01:00:49 So one of Biden's nominees?
01:00:55 For what is it?
01:00:57 Her what's what's she?
01:00:58 Going to be.
01:00:59 She wants to be the uh.
01:01:03 Not the Treasury Secretary, is it?
01:01:06 Maybe it is the?
Speaker 7
01:01:06 Treasury Secretary.
01:01:07 Let me take a look and see what that was again because.
01:01:10 I know I've got that.
01:01:18 Let me see who she was.
01:01:26 Damn it all to hell.
01:01:29 I can get rid of my Twitter cookies if I try to have anytime I try to open a Twitter link.
01:01:34 It just tells me, oh, we're still reviewing your, your, your appeal.
01:01:39 You're really like a month and a half later, you're.
01:01:41 Still, you're still.
01:01:43 Still trying to to review my appeal.
01:01:46 OK. Yeah, they still don't.
01:01:48 Say what she's nominated for in this one.
01:01:51 What is?
01:01:51 Let me search her name here.
01:01:55 I guess it is Treasury Secretary.
01:01:58 OK, so it is the Treasury Secretary.
01:02:02 So this is Biden's.
01:02:03 Nominee for Treasury Secretary, talking about bankrupting small oil.
01:02:10 And notice how she says small.
01:02:13 They're not going to **** with the big companies.
01:02:15 More and more, you're going to be seeing this, you're going to be seeing the consolidation.
01:02:19 They don't want small businesses.
01:02:22 You're going to be seeing the consolidation?
01:02:25 Of every industry into as few.
01:02:30 Moving parts as possible.
01:02:32 As few parent companies as possible.
Speaker 7
01:02:37 Alright, so this is the the nominee.
Speaker 1
01:02:45 For certain troubled industries and firms that are in transitioning and here what I'm thinking about.
01:02:52 Again, she's not us.
01:02:55 This this is the same thing.
01:02:57 It's it's non Americans being put in places.
01:03:02 And positions of power.
01:03:05 They have a huge.
01:03:06 Effect on Americans.
01:03:10 This isn't.
01:03:10 This is exactly this is like everything else we're talking about.
01:03:15 And just because she's Asian and high IQ doesn't change that.
Speaker 1
01:03:19 People for certain troubled industries and firms that are in transitioning and here what I'm thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry.
01:03:29 A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt and and in short order at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle.
01:03:40 Climate change.
01:03:43 We want them to go bankrupt, so she wants the smaller oil and gas companies to go bankrupt.
01:03:51 You know, it's not a surprise.
01:03:53 In a weird way.
01:03:56 Let's just be honest in a weird way. I mean, I don't know if I'd call myself an accelerationist, but like in some ways, I kind of am like there's, I don't want to be 85 in a nursing home, you know, being abused by some angry black man when all this **** goes down, you know, I want to be young enough to, actually.
01:04:18 At least defend myself.
01:04:19 You know what I mean?
01:04:21 And so in some ways, yeah, I would much prefer this be a problem that I deal with and not my children.
01:04:29 Unlike the Boomers, I don't want to kick this problem down the road.
01:04:33 I want to rip the.
01:04:34 Band-Aid off.
01:04:36 So when I see things like this, I don't start wringing my hands and go, Oh my God, she's going to, oh, gas prices are going to go up and all the.
01:04:44 No, this is kind of good.
01:04:47 This kind of stuff is kind of good.
01:04:48 Like strategically if what you want to happen is the decline to happen faster.
01:04:54 If what you want to happen is to get to a a a Black Swan event.
01:05:01 Where real change can happen.
01:05:04 This is the kind of behavior you want to see how the ruling class.
01:05:07 These are the kinds of overreaches you want to see.
01:05:11 You know the same thing with the mandates and all this.
01:05:13 That this is what you want to see.
01:05:17 I mean, think about this way the.
01:05:18 The overreach of the mandate.
01:05:21 Got the Oklahoma?
01:05:25 Not Army National Guard.
01:05:28 To ignore orders from Washington.
01:05:32 To defy, not ignore, defy orders from Washington, this is this is.
01:05:37 This is good stuff, guys.
Speaker 2
01:05:39 This is this is good.
01:05:43 It's it's good if you're prepared to make sure you're prepared for, you know how bumpy this road will get.
01:05:49 But this is good stuff.
01:05:51 I'm not, you know?
01:05:52 Again, I'm not wringing my hands.
01:05:54 I'm not worried about it.
01:05:54 This is the kind of thing we're just.
01:05:56 Going to see.
01:05:57 More of this and we're going to see this in every aspect.
01:06:00 You're going to see this in your personal lives on the national level as more and more it it's this, is this, the decline is managed by people who have no interest in helping you.
01:06:13 In fact, they have an interest in hurting you.
01:06:18 Veruca saw what animals are you planning to have?
01:06:21 At the pillbox.
01:06:23 I'm I'm thinking rabbits.
01:06:26 Rabbits for sure.
01:06:28 Just because they're low maintenance, I can grow all the food that they would.
01:06:32 Ever need I?
01:06:33 Don't have.
01:06:33 The big problem with animals?
01:06:35 A lot of people don't think about this.
01:06:37 They think ohh, you know what?
01:06:38 I'm going to get chickens or I'm going to get.
01:06:40 Cows or or whatever.
01:06:42 And I'll be self-sufficient in no time. And then you don't realize? No, you'll be self-sufficient until like the feed store.
01:06:49 Doesn't have feet anymore.
01:06:51 I mean, do you have?
01:06:52 Enough property.
01:06:54 I mean, if you have enough property, you're good, right?
01:06:56 If you have enough property to for your chickens to free range around and you know you can feed them and stuff.
01:07:03 But you need to be able to make sure you can feed the animals that you have.
01:07:08 Most people don't do that.
01:07:09 Most people buy feed from the feed store and if.
01:07:12 There's going to.
01:07:13 Be supply shortages.
01:07:14 Well, I mean, you're just.
01:07:15 You're just adding a a step to like.
01:07:18 You're still going out of food, you know, instead of instead of like your, your freezer is slowly getting emptied because you know the store has no food.
01:07:27 Your chicken coop is slowly going to get emptied because the feed store has no food, so rabbits is something I can provide.
01:07:35 More pretty easily.
01:07:36 They love cactus pads, apparently.
01:07:39 And there's a lot of natural sources of protein around here.
01:07:45 Not a lot, I guess, maybe overstating that, but.
01:07:48 There's, you know, there's a lot of quail there is.
01:07:50 A lot of quail.
01:07:53 And I'm thinking about getting chickens.
01:07:57 Excuse me?
01:07:58 A small number of chickens that I can I can feed just with what I have here and then survive off the eggs more so than their meat.
01:08:09 And I might.
01:08:10 I might get other.
01:08:11 I don't know.
01:08:12 I've toyed with the idea of an ostrich.
01:08:15 I just want an ostrich.
01:08:16 I don't know why I want an ostrich or an EMU, an ostrich or an EMU.
01:08:23 Spiderman 12848 do you have any more clips from the turning Point USA where the guy asked when do we get to kill these people?
01:08:32 Also, did you did anyone answer the question?
01:08:35 I you know, in fact, someone sent me.
01:08:37 That clip.
01:08:38 And so I I don't have the full length version of that.
01:08:41 I don't know how they responded.
01:08:43 I would assume they quickly changed the subject and started talking like.
01:08:46 Well, no one wants.
01:08:47 Of violence anywhere in the mainstream, you have to.
01:08:50 I mean, they all have to say that.
01:08:53 And if you're living, if you're in the mainstream, you're living off the system.
01:08:57 And so they all mean it too.
01:08:59 The last thing, if you're Charlie Kirk, the last thing you want to do is to upset, upset the.
01:09:04 Order of things.
01:09:06 Because that's where all your money comes from.
01:09:08 That's why we don't have the kind of donations coming in that people like Charlie Kirk have, because the last thing those people want, the last thing the people with the money want.
01:09:20 Are for the the the status quo to be disrupted.
01:09:25 Because that's where their money comes from.
01:09:28 Chad the fame is this climate change hoax is on OverDrive.
01:09:32 I think their end goal is to carbon tax us the death and those that survive will have to buy oxygen just to survive.
01:09:39 Yeah, I mean, the climate change shed has been going on forever and ever and ever and and and because there's always going to be climate and it's.
Speaker 7
01:09:45 Always going to.
01:09:46 Be changing, they'll always be able to use it.
01:09:49 And I think sooner rather than later they're going to start using it to argue openly instead of just buying closed doors for population reduction.
01:09:59 The well, they already use it, they use it for everything, right?
01:10:01 They use it for mass immigration, they use it for everything, like even COVID.
01:10:06 They're saying right climate change is going to.
01:10:10 Exacerbate COVID somehow?
01:10:12 Deharo 1400. The sooner the collapse happens, the less outnumbered white people will be. There's also that there's also that that's that's not an invalid point. It's not just you and I that are going to get old. It's going to be everybody else.
01:10:27 And whites are below replacement rate when it comes to the United States and over half the states.
01:10:35 And at the same time, we're taking in people from all over the world that are contributing to this problem that will not be on our side if if there is some kind of conflict.
01:10:47 And so yes, that's another really good reason to want this to happen sooner rather than later.
Speaker 7
01:10:56 Uh. Let's see here.
01:10:59 Hi priest king Terry.
01:11:00 I hear that.
01:11:01 I hear debate on the Rittenhouse trial.
01:11:03 Some say him being guilty is better as as its acceleration.
01:11:09 Others say better if not guilty as it affirm self-defense. Others might protect property better next right season.
01:11:15 I don't know.
01:11:16 I I don't know it.
01:11:18 Look, if you're, if you're talking strictly from an acceleration standpoint, I think a guilty verdict is verdict is better because it it's going to.
01:11:33 It's well, I mean the obvious, right, the obvious, the, the morale, the morale kick to the, the the, the morale.
01:11:40 Nuts will happen.
01:11:41 But also I mean you, you, you.
01:11:43 Say that you think that fewer people be willing to use self-defense.
01:11:48 I I don't know, man.
01:11:51 I I.
01:11:52 Don't think anyone's.
01:11:53 Willing to use to do what he did.
01:11:55 I think that's a very tiny minority of people.
01:11:58 And I don't think those kinds of people are actually going to be deterred by that.
01:12:02 There's a lot of people that say I got the Second Amendment, you know, good thing we got our guns and then.
01:12:08 They have no ******* intention of.
01:12:10 Ever using them ever.
01:12:13 And so it doesn't matter how many Rittenhouse verdicts there were they.
01:12:17 Will, they'll never I.
01:12:18 Mean they'll they'll have their guns.
01:12:20 They'll they'll clean their guns and go shooting at the range.
01:12:22 And talking about how the the government better their try.
01:12:26 Try to take my guns, you know they'll and they'll.
01:12:28 They'll talk the talk, but they're never going to walk the walk.
01:12:31 They'll never walk the walk.
01:12:33 And the kinds of people who will.
01:12:37 Walk the walk.
01:12:39 Are the kinds of.
01:12:40 People, I don't think that, that that care so much about the legal repercussions.
01:12:45 I something I brought.
01:12:46 Up over a year ago is.
01:12:49 Now that we are de facto criminals.
01:12:53 And our we're aliens in our own country.
01:12:56 That you need to adjust your behavior.
01:12:58 You know the examples I gave of like cops give me a free pass because of my white privilege, right?
01:13:05 Even if that's true, that's I I should have white privilege in my own community.
01:13:11 That's just the way that it is.
01:13:13 But as that disappears and and as cops no longer are doing things in order to serve and protect, or at least not serve and protect you, you're going to have to look at them in some ways.
01:13:25 I mean, I I don't want.
01:13:25 To say that they're your enemy, but I mean, in some ways that you got to look at them adversarially.
01:13:31 You have to assume that these people are in look at the DA.
01:13:35 Look at the DA in the in the the Kyle Rittenhouse case.
01:13:39 Look at the prosecutor.
01:13:40 Look at all.
01:13:41 The cops involved.
01:13:43 All of them are gunning for him.
01:13:44 All of them want his head on.
01:13:46 A ******* stick.
01:13:49 And that's now that's already now.
01:13:52 So I mean, let's say he gets off.
01:13:54 So what will the next person get off?
01:13:56 I mean, you know.
01:13:57 I mean like, it's we're headed to a place where they're.
01:14:00 Going to be.
01:14:02 It won't matter whether or not he gets off the the eventual reality is going to be anyone who tries to defend themselves against crazy non white rioters.
01:14:13 Even if it's in, you know, trying to protect their family.
01:14:15 I mean, you had that guy that that.
01:14:21 Or protect himself?
01:14:23 There was that other guy who just pointed a gun at people that were charging him and trying to kill him, and he didn't shoot anybody.
01:14:31 And he and he got out of the situation. He just used the gun as self-defense. You know, the threat of violence rather than the violence. And I think he's facing.
01:14:40 Like 4 years I've looked that one up, but he's they're throwing the book at that guy too.
01:14:45 And that already happened, right?
01:14:47 So you have to start looking at things like, OK, if I am in that situation.
01:14:54 I mean, there's no way to really put this in the public space in a way that's going to be, let me think.
01:15:04 All I'm saying is.
01:15:08 When you get prosecuted, they need evidence, right?
01:15:14 So you just have to make sure you're never in a situation where there's evidence against.
01:15:18 You. That's all I'm saying.
01:15:20 That's all I'm saying.
01:15:21 Just, you know, behave in a way that do you're.
01:15:24 You're you're aware of the the the need for evidence to convict you of things and just make sure that that evidence never exists.
01:15:34 That's you know, that's just.
01:15:35 Keep that in mind.
01:15:41 Night fire.
01:15:41 Do you feel that there is anything that will make the white masses lose their minds?
01:15:47 No, there will never be an awakening of the of the normy.
01:15:52 There. Look there and there.
01:15:53 Hasn't been in the past this.
01:15:54 Isn't like a new phenomenon.
01:15:57 The people like to throw around the statistic that when the Revolutionary War took place, the majority of the Americans at the time were loyal to the crown. That I think only 15% of the Americans fought in the.
01:16:11 The Revolutionary War.
01:16:14 It's it really, doesn't it?
01:16:16 Here's The thing is they will.
01:16:21 The the they won't wake up and suddenly.
01:16:24 Be on your side.
01:16:26 And and help you in your quest for a homeland, but they'll certainly want that homeland once you get it.
01:16:39 And yeah, they'll do it.
01:16:41 They'll go with the victor.
01:16:42 You know, a lot of these, they, they, they, they, they'll they just go with whoever is strongest.
01:16:47 That's just human nature.
01:16:48 They go with whoever they perceive as strongest, and we're not in a position of strength in any way, shape or form.
01:16:53 So that's why no one.
01:16:54 'S going with us.
01:16:55 That's why, you know, even Tim Poole was talking about people that, oh, I just need.
01:16:59 I want to raise.
01:16:59 I want to be able to make money for my kids.
01:17:01 I want, you know, I can't speak out against this.
01:17:05 That's just that's that's that's normal humans.
01:17:09 Give us some cactus pills.
01:17:10 Been a long time since we had one.
01:17:12 Well, I would.
01:17:12 Except for it's nothing.
01:17:14 'S been growing because it's, you know, it's it's getting cold, so I haven't taken any cool photos lately.
01:17:19 I'll take.
01:17:19 I'll tell you what.
01:17:20 There are some that are.
01:17:23 Actually I do have some new ones, but they're not.
01:17:26 I don't any photos, so I'll have those for next time.
01:17:29 Sheepdog shack.
01:17:31 Losing the fear of death decades ago was the best thing.
01:17:35 Happening to me.
01:17:36 I can't wait to check out, but I also want to stay and cause as much trouble as possible to the Pedro Antifa regime and help my community.
01:17:45 The fear of death is the beginning of.
01:17:48 Well, and that's one of the.
Speaker 4
01:17:49 Things that that.
01:17:50 Religion did for Americans and just the West in general, that has been taken away.
01:17:58 Religion, whether you you hate Christianity or not, you can't argue with the fact.
01:18:04 That when you have a public that believes uniformly that there is an afterlife and that you will be rewarded for your actions in life in death, that that sure is ****.
01:18:15 I mean the very least lowers the fear of death.
01:18:21 And everyone, look, this is not just limited to Christians.
01:18:25 Muslims, you know, how do you think they get people to strap bombs themselves and blow up you?
Speaker 7
01:18:30 Know discos you know?
01:18:31 Whatever the hell they I don't know that it seems like they don't do that anymore.
01:18:35 But when they were doing that, it's.
01:18:37 Because they thought they were getting 72 virgins after they died or whatever.
01:18:41 And it's and if that's what you really believe and you have to really believe that kind of a.
01:18:46 Thing right?
01:18:47 Then you're going to have No Fear of death.
01:18:50 You're going to die of martyr. You're going to have 72 virgins, and usually in many of those cases, Iran or someone would also give their their family some money so that he wouldn't have to worry about that.
01:19:01 As well.
01:19:03 Uh, the West in general is terrified of death.
01:19:06 Boomers, specifically, they're clinging to control like it's like.
01:19:11 I mean, it's unbelievable.
01:19:13 How long they have, they've held on to their wealth and their power.
01:19:19 Everyone's seeing the graph where it shows that at this time in the the millennials.
01:19:26 Who are now turning 40?
01:19:29 The millennials.
01:19:31 When you compare their wealth with the wealth of boomers at the same age, I mean it's something like they got like 50.
01:19:39 I think it's literally like they have like 15% the wealth that the boomers had at the same age.
01:19:45 And the boomers aren't letting go.
01:19:46 They're not letting go.
01:19:47 They're terrified of ******* death.
01:19:48 That's why that they were so.
01:19:50 Afraid of COVID?
01:19:51 That's why the COVID narrative.
01:19:53 Is working in the 1st place.
01:19:54 Everyone's afraid of death.
01:19:56 Because you got rid of the idea that there was something after this.
01:20:01 Everyone kind of became whether it was the Richard Dawkins style atheist or just the I don't really go to church anymore, you know, I I I still feel like it's part of my family tradition, though I wouldn't call myself an atheist.
01:20:17 You know, there's people that they say.
01:20:19 Like there was.
01:20:19 There was a whole comedy routine and I forget if it was Bill Burr.
01:20:22 That said that they're that they're now they believe in.
01:20:26 God, just in case.
01:20:28 Right.
01:20:29 Like they don't want to be the guy.
01:20:30 That's like there's no God and they get hit by a truck and they're like, oh, hey God, you know, like there's still that lingering fear that maybe there is a God in a lot of people, but they don't really believe it.
01:20:43 They don't believe it enough to actually have it change their behavior.
01:20:48 They believe it.
01:20:48 Just enough to where they're not willing to.
01:20:51 Commit to the.
01:20:52 Other side, because they're just as much as there's no proof that there's a God, there's no proof that there's not.
01:20:58 It's the that, just like everything else, like look at Tim Poole's audience, right. It's a bunch of fence sitting fagots for the most part, there's a religiously in the West, most people are a bunch of fence sitting fagots.
01:21:11 They're too afraid to say that there isn't.
01:21:13 A God, but really I.
01:21:15 Mean intellectually, they're convinced, thanks to the the.
01:21:22 Unending assault on religion in the West and for the last several decades, intellectually they feel.
01:21:28 Like there is.
Speaker 8
01:21:29 No gone.
01:21:31 You know, they were all just Stardust.
01:21:35 And that has crippled it's, I would say more so.
01:21:38 Like you look at.
01:21:39 Europe and a lot of Americans like to look at Europe and say, oh, look at those *******, they don't have guns, they don't have guns like we do.
01:21:48 And so they're not willing to to fight their ruling class that that's look, that's not invalid.
01:21:54 That's that that is a problem.
01:21:56 But I would.
01:21:56 Say more so.
01:21:58 It's a problem that most of them are atheists functionally.
01:22:04 They're functionally, they're atheists.
01:22:05 I mean, look at church attendance all across the West.
01:22:07 It's not just Europe.
01:22:08 It's Americans everywhere, all throughout the West Church attendance is in the ******* toilet.
01:22:14 And so.
01:22:16 Even if you kind of celebrate Christmas still and you know, maybe you pray every once in a while when times are rough, you know, just in case, just in case it won't.
01:22:24 Hurt, right?
01:22:25 It won't hurt to pray.
01:22:27 They don't really believe it.
01:22:28 They don't believe it and they still fear death.
01:22:30 That's, and that's a big problem.
01:22:32 And that's one of the reasons why I would say I'd, I'd rank that right up there with everything else.
01:22:38 You know, in terms of the addiction to dopamine, the the addiction to calories and entertainment that the average Normie has while he's.
01:22:47 And he's working away to make sure that there's enough money in his 401K so that he can grill for the last 20 years of his life. After working for the machine for the 1st 70, you know.
01:22:59 Christos Rex, do you think the new long haired boomer cons like sticks and razor or white Pilling all the time because they believe?
01:23:07 It won't accept.
01:23:08 Believe it won't accept the truth, or because.
01:23:10 They have a grip.
01:23:11 I don't know.
01:23:12 It's hard to to get into the mind of someone else.
01:23:16 It's certainly more.
01:23:17 It is certainly, I don't know who razor is, but with sticks it's the it's certainly more profitable to tell.
01:23:25 People, good news.
01:23:27 It's infinitely more profitable to tell people good news.
01:23:31 People don't like hearing bad news unless it's really bad, then they love it.
01:23:35 You know, like if they they like to, it's drama, you know, it's it's, it's drama, it's suspense.
01:23:42 It's, you know, there's the media, you know, if it bleeds it leads that kind of a thing, right, people like that.
01:23:47 Stuff, but they don't like to hear that I did that whole stream on hope.
01:23:53 People like to have hope now.
01:23:55 I don't know.
01:23:56 I can't.
01:23:56 I can't read the mind of sticks, the jumbled mushroom addled mind of sticks, the gender confused, mind of sticks.
01:24:06 The Orthodontically challenged mind of sticks, I mean, I don't.
01:24:10 I don't know you.
01:24:11 Know, but I can tell you that it pays pays pretty good and I would be surprised if that doesn't at least influence.
01:24:22 Made by some of these people, high priest King Terry.
01:24:25 What is to be more feared?
01:24:26 An army of lions led by a sheep or an army of sheep led by a lion.
01:24:31 Now that's a philosophical question, huh?
01:24:36 I don't know. I kind.
01:24:37 Of feel like.
01:24:40 I don't know.
01:24:41 That is, that's a good question.
01:24:43 I don't know.
01:24:43 I don't have a good answer for that.
01:24:45 I feel like that if you have a good enough leader, you can overcome some of the cowardice of the people that you're leading.
01:24:51 But I also feel like a leader is in some ways irrelevant when the you know when when things really just think, look at Trump.
01:25:03 Was Trump really a lion?
01:25:05 Or was all that just just?
01:25:11 So you could have a sheep, I guess.
01:25:12 As a leader, if they say the right things, I don't know.
01:25:15 I don't know.
01:25:16 That's that's who knows.
01:25:17 That's a.
01:25:19 That's one of those fortune cookie questions.
01:25:22 I don't know if anyone can really answer.
01:25:26 Desert fox?
01:25:27 I might not have time to get it set up.
01:25:29 I'm getting the funds together now.
01:25:31 The hard part is getting people to come live with me.
01:25:35 Did I miss?
01:25:35 Something else?
01:25:36 I think I missed something else.
01:25:38 I don't know what you're trying.
01:25:39 To get set up.
01:25:43 Gadney **** libs are upset about book burning because school libraries are removing pedo books.
01:25:50 Yeah, well, they're not upset about book burning when it comes to my book getting banned from everything which will be available again, I need to.
01:25:56 I'll get that up and running sooner, sooner rather than later, and yeah, well, just like everyone.
01:26:03 Everyone that was in grade school, you were told.
01:26:06 But the evil.
01:26:07 Nazis went around burning books, and I remember being puzzled even in grade school thinking like, why did?
01:26:13 Why did Nazis hate literature so much like that?
01:26:16 Doesn't I don't know.
01:26:17 Like, that doesn't make sense to me.
01:26:19 And then you find out later.
01:26:20 That a.
01:26:20 Lot of that was ***********.
01:26:23 A lot of that was like trans.
01:26:28 Sex change operation, medical texts and stuff like that.
01:26:33 For real.
01:26:33 There is the the world's first clinic.
01:26:37 For sex change operations was in, I think it was in.
01:26:40 Berlin, and it was, of course, you know, early life check not, you know, you know the, you know, you only had the wonder, right.
01:26:48 So there was this Jewish run, the first ever of its kind, sex change operation place and the the the hideous monsters they produced.
01:26:57 We're so hideous that in most cases the most of the employees were also the clients.
01:27:05 Because you you couldn't be accepted anywhere else in in society after being mutilated like that.
01:27:12 And so when the Nazis came and and burned down that clinic and burned all the literature that was inside that, that clinic, they weren't burning copies of Huckleberry Finn.
01:27:23 Are you shivering?
01:27:26 Found a UK TV show called Utopia.
01:27:29 It's about an international group wanting to fix overpopulation by vaccinating the local the global population at once on VA, causing sterility against a Russian flu.
01:27:43 Again, stay.
01:27:44 Why did that go away now I can't see it.
01:27:51 I'll look.
01:27:52 I'll look into that.
01:27:54 That your message went too far away.
01:27:57 Or up I can't scroll up that far.
01:28:00 Deharo 1400, according to Edward Dutton, Western IQ peaked around 1870 and has since.
01:28:06 Decline to where now we are at where we were at 1600. So the people that fought in the American Revolution were higher IQ than the people now.
01:28:15 They also had elites on their side, right?
01:28:18 Right.
01:28:19 We, I guarantee you we're stupid.
01:28:21 I mean, the founding fathers were like, in their 20s.
01:28:25 And all you have to do is read their writings.
01:28:27 You know, they were not stupid people, you know, I don't think anyone that's in Washington working right now would be able to duplicate that kind of intellectual material.
01:28:36 Drill horse from the waist down there is a force behind all of this.
01:28:41 If you oppose it, it will crush you.
01:28:43 You can defect or deflect it, or let it run its course.
01:28:50 Yeah, there's no, it's there's not. There's no avoiding the eventual collapse here. 1400, my genex parents attend church virtual live stream.
Speaker 7
01:29:01 That's interesting.
01:29:03 I guess it's better than.
01:29:06 Can you recommend the some red pilled books, some novellas, maybe novellas?
01:29:13 Well, I think novellas, I think Mexican soap operas.
01:29:17 Good books, I mean.
01:29:20 I I'll have to come up with the reading list.
01:29:23 Maybe that's something and there's some books I need to be reading, honestly.
01:29:30 Yeah, most of my most of my knowledge has just been from observation working in the the film industry, the media, working in government and government contractors and and just observing people my whole life.
01:29:46 I'm I've never, I've never pretended to be.
01:29:48 This, you know, scholarly figure, so there's probably a lot of books that I.
Speaker 7
01:29:53 Should be reading.
01:29:55 Desert Fox I was talking to someone else.
Speaker 7
01:29:57 OK, I thought you had.
01:30:00 To me, do hard surgically constructed Frank and *****.
01:30:05 Yep, time at the clinic in Berlin.
01:30:10 Desert fox.
01:30:10 Where should I buy land?
01:30:13 That's there's a lot of things need.
01:30:15 To factor into that. Whatever.
01:30:16 Is whatever is going to be most convenient for you and your family or your community, or if you don't have anybody, then you're kind of.
01:30:22 You got a totally different paradigm.
01:30:24 You can look into.
01:30:25 What do you think is going to be strategically the best for what you're trying to accomplish?
01:30:29 What do you have money for?
01:30:31 Yeah, I'm not here.
01:30:32 I'll be honest.
01:30:33 The place I ended up is.
01:30:34 Not was I.
01:30:35 Would say the number one factor and where.
01:30:37 I ended up was money.
01:30:39 Was it was cheap, it was cheap enough for me to get.
01:30:41 Here it was.
01:30:43 Familiar enough of an ecosystem for me to know what to expect and.
01:30:50 And so I went.
01:30:50 For it.
01:30:52 For you, that might be, you might have a lot more money.
01:30:55 You might be able to get land somewhere that.
01:30:57 There's more water like that's that's a huge drawback of where I'm at.
01:31:02 I've got a well, but wells are not forever and we don't have enough.
01:31:07 We don't have. I don't.
01:31:08 I I would feel way more comfortable if there was like a river running through my property or something like that.
01:31:13 And that doesn't happen unless there's a flash flood.
01:31:16 And then there's all kinds of rivers running.
01:31:17 Through my property.
01:31:19 Western Sun Spangler, Evola, Carlisle, Burnham and Mosca.
01:31:26 There you go.
01:31:27 Spangler would be good.
01:31:28 Decline of the West.
01:31:29 That's a good one.
01:31:31 Are you aware of attack on Titan anime?
01:31:34 It's really nationalist.
01:31:35 I don't know.
01:31:35 Anime is.
01:31:37 I do not support anime.
01:31:39 Even if it's supposedly nationalist.
01:31:43 I think anime, generally speaking, look there's probably exceptions.
01:31:46 Maybe this?
Speaker 7
01:31:47 Is one of.
01:31:47 Them, but I think anime is is contributing to the decline of the West.
01:31:53 Chad, the famous **** said recently that gay marriage was constitutionally protected.
01:31:57 Did I miss that reading in it, or is it him just following Jewish logic?
01:32:03 It's him.
01:32:04 Just being a libertarian.
01:32:05 Fagot Truman.
01:32:07 When I see when I seen ******, I think of gas lighting.
01:32:12 They want me to play there, pretend I'm a woman game and get violent if I don't.
01:32:17 If not, I would feel just disgust.
01:32:19 But now I hate them.
01:32:22 Yeah, I it's weird.
01:32:25 So there was someone I forget where I got this from, but it was a mainstream pundit of some sort said that the the the latest numbers for Generation Z self reporting is LGBT.
01:32:41 XYZ, whatever the **** is up to 43%?
01:32:47 So all these fantasies of generation Zyklon are out the ******* window.
01:32:53 They they are officially the gayest generation ever to have lived, and it's going to just get increasingly worse.
01:32:59 It's it's, I remember a little bit back in the 90s.
01:33:05 When it became very apparent to everybody that it was now cool to be black and it wasn't cool to be, why?
01:33:14 And because kids have this need to be cool, even if it goes against.
01:33:23 I mean it's a.
01:33:23 Very powerful instinct to want to be cool.
01:33:26 For some reason, especially when you're a teenager, the desire for social standing, I would say Trump's almost everything else for most kids.
01:33:38 And because they have made being.
01:33:42 LGBT whatever the ****, cool.
01:33:45 That's that's absolutely influencing a lot of this ****.
01:33:51 And it's going to.
01:33:51 Remain cool.
01:33:53 Because when I was like, I remember when.
01:33:54 It was cool to be black.
01:33:55 There I I had so many stupid.
01:33:57 Friends Elizabeth Warren style, trying to to to justify some kind of non white genetics.
01:34:06 You know this is before DNA testing, but they'd be like oh, well my great great.
01:34:10 Something Grandpa was an Indian or, you know, whatever.
01:34:12 And trying real hard to not just be white.
01:34:16 Because it was no longer starting in the 90s, it was no longer cool to be white and it was very apparent to everyone that it would.
01:34:24 You would be much.
01:34:24 Cooler if you had some kind of other genetics mixed in with.
01:34:29 You high priest King Terry Alexander the Great died in his early 30s.
01:34:34 Founding fathers were very young.
01:34:35 Part of the reason our society.
01:34:37 Sucks so much is that we lack the opportunity for young men.
01:34:39 To rise to.
01:34:40 The occasion and achieve greatness, or at least.
01:34:43 Some genuine higher.
01:34:44 Purpose, right?
01:34:46 And you know, young people.
01:34:48 The amount of drive that you have and just your brain that is just firing on all cylinders, the.
01:34:57 That's one of the reasons why I regret.
01:35:00 Spending so much of my 20s getting high and playing video games, but even though I played a.
01:35:06 Lot of video.
01:35:07 Games and I got high all the time.
01:35:10 I would say that I accomplished in terms of intellectually learning how to do 3D animation on my own like I never went to school for that ****.
01:35:21 Learning how to, you know, learning, filmmaking and all that stuff, largely on my own.
01:35:26 Having the drive to do that, it was.
01:35:30 Very unique to that decade of my life and having, you know, just where I wouldn't sleep for three days because I was trying to learn some new plugin that came out for after effects or something like that and.
01:35:40 I wanted to be the best at it.
01:35:43 And you're right, a lot of people, and partially because the boomers refused to to let go and partially because you know you couldn't have.
01:35:55 You can't have the same kind.
01:35:57 Of financial independence in your 20s that you could have that back say.
01:36:03 40 years ago.
01:36:05 You know, 40 years ago.
01:36:08 And Speaking of Edward Dutton, he did a video talking about housing prices, right and why a lot of the if that if you were a betting man, you want to invest in whatever is going to be become like a a shining light in the European sphere it to look at Eastern Europe.
01:36:29 Because in Eastern Europe that they are, they have they don't have the the ridiculous housing prices.
01:36:36 And the reason why that's important is when housing prices are high, then you need to work all the time to be able to afford a house, you have to be very leveraged.
01:36:46 You have to take on.
01:36:47 A lot.
01:36:47 Of debt.
01:36:49 And that's precisely what's happened to a lot of younger people in America and elsewhere in the West is they don't have children.
01:36:57 Until they they they keep.
01:36:58 What's the excuse?
01:36:59 Well, I can't afford kids.
01:37:01 I can't afford kids.
01:37:02 I can't afford kids.
01:37:03 It's like the the opening of the scene in in Idiocracy.
01:37:06 Well, we, we we can't afford it yet.
01:37:10 And so you end up being like 40 something before you think.
01:37:12 Ohh I'm finally financially secure enough to have.
01:37:15 So you have like maybe one, you know, maybe.
01:37:20 Excuse me and you should be having those kids in your.
01:37:24 20S and you could 40 years ago, you could have a job as a milkman, you could have a job working at a a shoe store.
01:37:33 You know, you could have just a normal job that didn't require any kind of expertise, that you could just walk off the street.
01:37:40 And and start working and you'd be able to afford housing, you'd be able to afford to have kids.
01:37:48 And that so that's.
01:37:51 Again, we're everyone knows this.
01:37:53 We're in full decline now lately.
01:37:55 Adam Green has been or this is from Christos Rex lately, Adam Green has been talking about Christianity being used as a deception to control the.
01:38:03 Do you find it compelling?
01:38:04 I'd like the right to at least have the conversation without tearing itself apart.
01:38:10 Yeah, I.
01:38:11 I haven't really been.
01:38:14 I'm I I've seen those videos, but I haven't like.
01:38:17 Seen I have watched the.
01:38:18 That one guy, he has all the time beatnicks or whatever that guy's name is.
01:38:23 He seems kind of skits out of me like.
01:38:25 I'm just being honest, like I could be.
01:38:27 Wrong but.
01:38:27 He's in terms of Adam Green, I think what he's doing is he is looking for the truth.
01:38:35 I think he believes what he says.
01:38:36 I don't think he's trying to sabotage Christianity or, you know, I don't think he's like the Antichrist or a secret Jew.
01:38:42 Or, you know, anything like that.
01:38:44 And I don't.
01:38:47 I don't know all the specifics of the arguments that he's making because I haven't really been paying attention much lately, but they the that guy, Jonathan Burtnick.
01:38:58 I think I'm saying his name wrong.
01:39:00 Just he seems a little.
01:39:03 I don't know.
01:39:04 He seems a little **** and.
01:39:07 And so I.
01:39:08 That's one reason why I I'm not up to date on the arguments because.
01:39:13 I it's I have a hard time taking that guy seriously.
01:39:17 I will say and and in its current form, Christianity has been.
01:39:23 A little bit of.
01:39:23 A hindrance and again in its current form and its modern modern Christianity, is very global.
01:39:30 **** modern Christianity is very turn the other.
01:39:35 And even after you know if, if you run out of cheeks, you keep turning back and forth, I guess back and forth just keeps you know, if you after you're done slapping me in the face, slap my asss.
01:39:46 I got cheeks on my *** too, and it's just a little bit frustrating that that's how a lot of Christians interface with the world.
01:39:53 But that's not all Christians, there's.
01:39:55 Certainly some Christians that are that understand the JQ understand the danger that globalism and global homotopically poses.
01:40:06 And again, there's a lot of value just being pragmatic, regardless of what you think theologically in having a religious base that isn't afraid of death.
01:40:17 So it's yeah, I it, I don't know.
01:40:20 I don't know.
01:40:22 If that's a conversation that's even really relevant because it's the kind of.
01:40:25 Thing the the one.
01:40:26 Of the reasons why I don't think it's helpful.
01:40:29 Is it's not the kind of thing that we need to be arguing about right now.
01:40:34 Right now, we should be looking at what we have in common because I don't think it's like.
01:40:39 Oh, if only we.
01:40:40 Got rid of Christianity.
01:40:41 You know what?
01:40:42 Mean like I I don't think that's what Adam Green is saying, but maybe he is.
01:40:46 I watch those videos, but I.
01:40:48 Really doubt that.
01:40:49 It you.
01:40:49 But any sane person can look at that and say if it wasn't for Christianity, then we, you know, we'd be able to, we'd be able to rule our countries again.
01:40:59 And no, that's not that's not the case.
01:41:01 That's not the case at all.
01:41:04 Christianity isn't isn't helping or is isn't hurting the cause.
01:41:11 In any way that I can see that, you know, like it's not.
01:41:15 I don't.
01:41:15 I don't see it as a obstacle.
01:41:18 I see it as a benefit.
01:41:19 Honestly, I think Christianity is is helping the right and it's helping the right find common ground.
01:41:28 Western sun what that pill was millennials.
01:41:33 That pill was millennials.
01:41:35 Z is no doubt, or that pill.
01:41:36 I think he meant Gen.
01:41:38 Z is no doubt worse.
01:41:39 Kids say that because there's no social cost to say it, those numbers of kids who actually suck * **** is much.
01:41:46 Lower right.
01:41:47 And they, they've included now all these other things like oh, it's non binary or or asexual and that.
01:41:53 That counts.
01:41:54 Do and so you can basically say, Oh no, I you know, I I want to have the label so I can have the social status from the label, but I don't have to actually, you know, participate in anal rape.
01:42:07 Are you shivering, Hungarian radical nationalist party leader calling out COVID World Economic Forum W China collaborate, et cetera.
01:42:15 The only base part I know of.
01:42:19 I'll I'll click that link some other time.
01:42:22 Forcibly Vaxxed, what is the vaccine?
01:42:25 End game the vaccine end game is, as far as I can tell, it's just compliance, it's compliance.
01:42:32 If you can get people that normalize the.
01:42:35 The idea that the government has jurisdiction over your bloodstream.
01:42:40 What what?
01:42:41 What freedom do you actually have at that point?
01:42:44 That's, you know, I mean like, what?
01:42:46 What freedom do you actually have?
01:42:49 Western son the gay pole was yes.
01:42:54 Let's see here.
Speaker 2
01:42:57 UM.
01:43:02 Horse from the waist down, burtness.
01:43:05 I like his take on it, especially when the rabbi support his claims.
01:43:09 Yeah, I'm not saying he's totally crazy, but he seems kind of spazzy like he was freaking out.
01:43:15 Just as an example.
01:43:16 OK, when COVID was first, this was like.
01:43:20 Several months ago, when COVID was when they were first doing the lockdowns, he was.
Speaker 4
01:43:25 Like this is it this is it.
01:43:27 This is the Jewish plague that they they've released on the Golem to kill off, you know, 2/3 of the popular like he was literally saying ****.
01:43:34 Like that.
01:43:36 And obviously that didn't happen.
01:43:38 So I just, I'm just saying he's a little, you know, I think he's just a little spazzy about stuff.
01:43:45 Maybe his maybe his research is.
01:43:47 I don't know.
01:43:47 I don't know.
01:43:48 But he's, you know, he's a little spazzy to say the least.
01:43:56 Green is confused about who the Israelites, Hebrews and Semites are.
01:44:00 He buys the Jew lie that they are all those things.
01:44:06 Yeah. Again, I I'm not. I'm not big into theology. Enough to to argue competently about that. The HARO 1400, the way that the climate change narrative goes climate in Europe and Russia and North America will become more habitable while the non white parts of the world become unlivable. And because whites lacking group preference.
01:44:25 They will accept the moral responsibility to relocate the non whites.
01:44:29 They will say that it's our fault because of our industrialization.
01:44:32 We've created these.
01:44:34 The desertification of these once lush lands and you know any excuse they can find to to make the West less white.
01:44:44 High pricing, Terry.
01:44:45 The flow of Christianity is that it lacks.
01:44:47 It does lack an immune system.
01:44:49 Sorts how many Cardinals of the Vatican are non white.
01:44:53 Can you have an ethnocentric society that discriminates rightly while accepting an afterlife that would be multicultural needs to be fixed?
01:45:00 Hard topic it the race thing is really difficult for many Christians.
01:45:06 I have found that to be a sticking point with a.
01:45:10 Lot of Christians.
01:45:12 Because of the.
01:45:12 Whole world.
01:45:14 You know, children of God or whatever.
01:45:18 I again I was raised in a Mormon household and the Book of Mormon is very racial, very racial, and Mormonism up until the 70s, was very racial, very racial.
01:45:32 The Bible is very racial, though too. It's just that many modern Christians choose to ignore that, while at the same time fellating a particular race that they think are God's chosen people.
01:45:45 So that doesn't make any sense.
01:45:47 I don't think it's Christianity itself that's flawed.
01:45:50 I think that it's the way that it's practiced.
01:45:53 And the way that it's the leadership and all the institutions are run.
Speaker 2
01:45:58 UM.
01:46:01 What are your thoughts on Belarus and Poland? The Jewish NGO's flew the Muslims from the Middle East to Belarus.
01:46:07 Yeah, I don't know.
01:46:07 I know that's something going on.
01:46:09 I to be honest though, I don't know all the INS and outs of that.
01:46:13 Did you have a look at the the Ghano tapes?
01:46:16 Also, do you ever go do guest appearances on other streams?
01:46:20 Yeah, I go in other strains from time to time.
01:46:22 I usually don't turn that down.
01:46:23 I I have not.
01:46:25 I started watching it.
01:46:27 His accent was really hard for me to understand and so I had to look at the subtitles and I just that's I don't have time for that right now to because I'm going to have to read the subtitles.
01:46:39 I can't.
01:46:40 I can't just listen to him and know what he's saying.
01:46:43 It's it's.
01:46:45 His accent is too thick.
01:46:49 Horse will race down.
01:46:49 You set yourself, fix the ice cream machine before arguing which flavors you want to make.
01:46:54 There is so much division and it's easy to divide people at the moment, right?
01:47:00 I'm in my early 20s and every Mormon.
01:47:02 I knew in.
01:47:03 High school is now married.
01:47:04 Can you give us some Mormon?
01:47:07 Well, it's just I think that's just the way that Mormons typically operate is, in fact, that I almost think that's why they have like the.
01:47:17 They have.
01:47:18 That's why they have you do your mission.
01:47:19 When you turn 19.
01:47:22 That pretty much.
01:47:24 The whole mission thing as much as that is obviously obviously a recruitment program.
01:47:29 It's also a reinforcement program because all throughout high school you're told that ohh, don't don't ******* I.
01:47:37 Obviously I still did, but you know, don't **** around.
01:47:40 Don't, don't drink, don't do drugs.
01:47:42 Don't do this.
01:47:43 Don't do that.
01:47:43 Because if you, you know.
01:47:44 I'll look at.
01:47:45 If you do, it'll make you.
01:47:47 It'll make you unworthy of being a missionary.
01:47:50 And then you won't be able to.
01:47:51 Go on.
01:47:51 A mission, oddly enough, they actually lessened a lot of that because too many people weren't qualified.
01:47:58 But it was.
01:47:59 A big social stigma to be, you know, like 20 for example, and not on a mission.
01:48:06 If you were going to church and you were 20 and you know you weren't on your mission.
01:48:11 There are a lot of raised eyebrows that I wouldn't say that there was any bullying or anything like that, but the immune system, you might call it, was built in.
01:48:19 So there was a lot of social pressure, and once you go on your mission, you're basically living like a monk for two years, like, literally, you're living like a monk for two years.
01:48:28 And then.
01:48:29 When you get.
01:48:29 Back you're you're like prime real estate to the Mormon girls.
01:48:33 You know, a returned missionary, they call them.
01:48:35 So if you come back as a returned missionary, then you know you're swimming in, in Mormon Puss.
01:48:44 All the Mormon panties.
01:48:45 Get wet for the returned missionaries.
01:48:48 And the the female Mormons it.
01:48:53 Kind of works the same way in terms of getting them to.
01:48:55 Get married younger because the.
01:48:58 Men are supposed to go on a mission when they turn.
01:49:01 I think it's when they turn 19 is when you start the process.
01:49:04 That's right. Well, women aren't supposed to go on missions unless they're not married and they're 21.
01:49:12 Because they're supposed to get married before they're 21, is essentially, and that's again, that's another social pressure thing.
01:49:20 You're not that you're a spinster. If you're 21 and and you're on your mission, but it's the pressure is on, it's starting to be like, OK, well, we're putting you on a mission.
01:49:31 And you know, but most women don't want to do that. Most women would rather get married and start popping out kids before they turn 21.
01:49:40 So there is a little there's social pressure there.
01:49:42 I think that's those two things really influence the age at which Mormons get married and start having children.
01:49:49 My parents are, my mom was.
01:49:51 18 when she got married.
01:49:53 And my dad was a returned missionary.
01:49:55 My dad was uh.
01:49:57 Like 20.
Speaker 7
01:50:00 I don't like.
01:50:00 22 or 23, I mean he.
01:50:02 Was a retired missionary.
Speaker 7
01:50:05 Let's take a look here.
01:50:07 Trim and Warhammer 40K is the last red Pilled franchise. Main enemy is literally a fundamentalist Christian Nazi.
01:50:14 Inquisition nights.
01:50:18 Roman Empire fighting ****** demons.
01:50:22 This is supposed to be a parody at first, but people are taking it serious.
Speaker 7
01:50:26 Right.
01:50:28 Yeah, I've never played that game.
01:50:29 I haven't played any games in a long time, dark Young entertainment.
01:50:32 I find it strange that this anti Christian movement is springing up while a new age religion political cult is springing up on the right side new age.
01:50:44 I don't know.
01:50:45 What what new age right wing, new age stuff you're talking about, forcibly vact.
01:50:53 Could you re upload?
01:50:54 What is your price?
01:50:55 The bit shoot video is broken and other than re uploads by other people it does not exist anywhere else.
01:51:02 Also would.
01:51:03 Like it?
01:51:04 More also would like more content like your older works.
01:51:08 I have paraphrased you many times, but most normies do not care about propaganda and movies.
01:51:14 Yeah, I it should be on honesty.
01:51:17 If it's not.
01:51:22 Let me let me.
01:51:22 Look for it.
01:51:43 Are you sure the bit shoot video is broken?
01:51:50 Oh, someone someone translated into someone translated into Greek.
01:52:02 It's in Greek on bit shoot.
01:52:06 You never really talk about.
Speaker 8
01:52:08 What that means or?
01:52:09 Well, they put I guess they put I guess they put subtitles.
01:52:20 I think it's working here.
01:52:21 Let me see.
01:52:26 Oh, maybe it did break.
01:52:38 Well, it's.
01:52:38 It's up with Greek subtitles.
01:52:44 And someone else reposted it here.
01:52:53 Yeah, this one's working.
01:52:58 You know, let's let's watch.
01:52:59 That for a second, why not?
01:53:01 Why not let me?
01:53:04 It's only four minutes long.
Speaker 7
01:53:13 If this ever stops, I think I might just screw.
01:53:15 My computer up.
01:53:16 Did I no very good.
01:53:23 Yeah, if you just search for.
01:53:24 The title on bit shoot it, it comes up.
01:53:33 When we talk about the future.
Speaker 11
01:53:36 People often remark.
01:53:39 That things will have to get a lot worse.
01:53:42 Before they get better.
01:53:45 But we never really talk about.
01:53:47 What that means or?
Speaker 12
01:53:50 Or why?
Speaker 11
01:53:51 The short answer is that some of you.
01:53:55 Are being paid for your silence.
01:53:58 Paid to.
01:53:59 Stay in line.
01:54:01 Pay to keep your head down and your mouth shut.
01:54:06 Paid to circle the drain.
01:54:08 A little bit longer, clinging to the life preservers of others, and you're so satisfied with these payments, you're 30 pieces of silver.
01:54:17 You won't bite.
01:54:19 That hand that's feeding you.
01:54:23 Not until your.
01:54:23 Lungs are already full of the mud and muck.
01:54:27 The rising quicksand that's just below your chin.
01:54:31 And then of course, when you finally find your voice.
01:54:35 It won't be a battle cry.
01:54:38 It will be a desperate plea for help.
01:54:42 You'll frantically search for not brothers to fight side by side with you, but another hand to feed you.
01:54:50 That is why it must get worse.
01:54:54 It must get worse because everyone has their price, and while most people love to spew patriotic platitudes, they don't really.
01:55:04 Value freedom.
01:55:06 It's far too expensive.
01:55:10 They can't afford integrity.
01:55:14 They can't even afford a future for their children.
01:55:18 Truly disgusting thing about these people is they're often the same people who will point to those who stand in.
01:55:23 The welfare lines and imagine how there's so much better than them.
01:55:29 They sneer and pontificate.
01:55:32 They'll say to each other in superior tones.
01:55:35 Look at them.
01:55:37 Not working for the masters.
01:55:39 That is why I have far better trinkets.
01:55:45 Yes, they take their alpha slave trophies very seriously.
01:55:51 And so I have only one question.
01:55:55 Which of these trinkets?
01:55:57 That keep you pacified?
01:56:00 Would you have to lose before you finally decided to be a Freeman?
01:56:06 Everyone has their price. What's?
01:56:07 Your price, which of these shiny objects?
Speaker 2
01:56:10 Would you have to lose?
Speaker 11
01:56:12 Before you finally decided to live up to the call of your ancestors, or if not yours, mine ancestors whose country has been so ravaged by the neglect of their children and the strangers that have been.
01:56:24 Allowed within the gates that to.
01:56:26 Them it would be unrecognizable.
01:56:30 What is your price?
01:56:32 What is the novelty that keeps you so pacified?
Speaker 4
01:56:37 Pacified enough that.
01:56:39 Oh, sure, you're you're angry.
Speaker 11
01:56:41 About the corruption and the the flourishing evil.
01:56:45 But not angry enough to act.
01:56:49 Please tell me.
01:56:52 What is this entertainment that's so amusing?
01:56:55 That you're aware of the danger?
01:56:57 That's you're far.
01:56:58 Too distracted to protect your family from it.
01:57:03 What is so *** **** titillating?
01:57:06 That you have chosen not to act.
01:57:11 I honestly want to know.
01:57:14 I need to know.
01:57:17 Which of these gold stars, these certificates of servitude and souvenirs of subjugation, would have to be smashed before you stand up to the ruling class, please, for the love of God, I'm begging you.
01:57:34 Tell me, what is your price?
01:57:39 Because the rest of us.
01:57:41 We're going to have to pay it.
01:57:46 For black pilled.
01:57:50 Yeah, that was. That's an oldie but Goodie. I forget when I made that one. But nothing's changed. No sound. We're in the exact same boat.
Speaker 4
01:57:59 We're in the exact same boat.
01:58:05 You know it, it's it that there's there's just so many people that.
01:58:09 That aren't willing to even make the smallest sacrifice.
01:58:14 And that became clear to me.
01:58:16 When people, I remember, I think I made.
01:58:19 This video because.
01:58:21 I I believe it was around the time we were starting to see literal child **** on net on Netflix.
01:58:29 And you know, a lot of anti white propaganda on Netflix and a lot of anti white propaganda on Amazon Prime.
01:58:36 And I was on Twitter saying, hey.
01:58:39 You know, if you can't talk, you can't say, Oh my God, Netflix has child ****.
01:58:46 Netflix has anti white propaganda and then pay for your Netflix.
01:58:51 You can't complain that, oh Amazon Prime is is so evil.
01:58:55 And Jeff Bezos is the devil, and then you're paying for Amazon Prime.
01:59:02 And I would, I would say this on Twitter and I would just, it was just so many replies were just all I was almost getting ratioed people complain.
01:59:11 Well, I I need Netflix I need.
01:59:14 And I realized, wow, people aren't even willing.
01:59:18 To just not have Netflix.
01:59:21 People aren't willing to just not have.
Speaker 8
01:59:27 Amazon prime.
01:59:30 So you know.
01:59:32 Nothing's really changed, so it's 100% sure the upload is broke. It probably is broken.
01:59:39 Maybe I'll send a message to the the bit shoot people they used to respond me to respond to me pretty quickly on Twitter, but I'm not on Twitter.
01:59:46 Anymore, so I'll try to find another way of talking to him.
01:59:51 Let's Lord Godfrey. You should watch Goblin Slayer upon its release, juice coveted and claimed it was anti-Semitic, while Reddit called it racist. One man knows the true threat that everyone ignores seeks to destroy.
02:00:05 That sounds interesting. Goblin Slayer.
02:00:08 That sounds like it's probably like a bad 80s horror film, but if it's about Jews, that's kind of hilarious.
02:00:15 Is it a game?
02:00:17 Or is it a movie Goblin Slayer?
02:00:25 Damn it, it's another anime.
02:00:27 What's with you people?
02:00:32 Oh, you *************.
02:00:35 I don't know.
02:00:36 I don't know.
02:00:36 If I can't, I just don't.
02:00:37 I just never liked anime either.
02:00:39 That's the other thing.
02:00:40 I just never liked it when I was a real little kid.
02:00:42 See, when I was a real little kid that it wasn't anime.
02:00:45 That was they called.
02:00:46 It japanimation and I liked Voltron.
02:00:49 I liked Robotech.
02:00:51 Like that was it?
02:00:52 That was it.
02:00:54 And I even thought it when my I know it's not anime or whatever, but when when mighty Morphin Power Rangers was like a thing, I ******* hated it.
02:01:03 I felt like it was like game.
02:01:05 It was like a gay Voltron.
02:01:08 I've never.
02:01:08 I've never been able to get into anime.
02:01:10 I had one friend.
02:01:12 That was really an anime.
02:01:17 Let me just say that was the one friend that.
02:01:20 We later found out was in the in the dudes.
02:01:24 OK, he was really in the Sailor Moon.
02:01:27 We all thought it was super gay we made.
02:01:29 Fun of him all the time.
02:01:30 He all he kept wanting us to watch Sailor Moon.
02:01:33 Another Anna gay ****.
02:01:35 And then he joined the Navy.
02:01:37 I'm not making this up.
02:01:42 He joined the Navy and.
02:01:44 Now he's like he's a super fad.
02:01:49 Nepal maybe broadcast your old video over the HAM radio to mean the Boomers a.
Speaker 7
02:01:53 Little bit.
02:01:54 I was thinking it might be a fun project for us to organize some.
02:01:58 Kind of event.
02:02:01 So on ham radio they do these events right where they say, you know, like special events, you know they.
02:02:07 Maybe even get like a special.
02:02:08 Call signed for.
02:02:09 That event, where they commemorate some kind of, you know, like they do want they do more for like the Indy 500. You know they they.
02:02:15 Get some guy with a ham radio and he goes.
02:02:19 You know where the the racetrack?
02:02:20 I guess and broadcast there and and if you if you, if you make contact with him and and fill out.
02:02:29 I don't know what you have to do, but I'll send you like a special postcard and everything.
02:02:37 I was thinking it might be a fun thing.
02:02:39 To raise awareness for pro white movements to do an event like that, like just do, you know, just do call CQ and then when people ask what it what you're what it is about you know we we you tell them and maybe have like a website to point them to make a special pro white Q.
02:02:57 One of those cards, QRZ cards.
02:03:01 The postcard.
02:03:06 But that's something we can maybe do that might be.
02:03:08 Kind of fun.
02:03:13 You can watch almost any movie or TV show online for free if you know where to look.
02:03:16 All you have to do is pay all.
02:03:19 All you have to pay is your time.
02:03:21 No comment.
02:03:22 Jogging while pooping.
02:03:24 Look on.
02:03:24 Look up psycho paths.
02:03:27 That this is our future psychopaths.
02:03:34 Another anime stop sending me animes.
02:03:41 I'm not going to want your animes QSL card, that's what it is.
02:03:46 I yeah, I I appreciate King Terry.
02:03:49 Can I get your QSL card?
02:03:50 Get away, doctor?
02:03:53 No, but we should make QSL cards for like I don't.
02:03:56 I don't have QSL.
02:03:56 Cards anyway, you we should make QSL cards for.
02:04:00 Like something like then?
Speaker 4
02:04:01 It might be a fun, it would would.
02:04:02 It be effective?
02:04:03 I don't know, but it might be.
02:04:04 A fun thing to do.
02:04:07 Goblin Slayer nutshell, that titular hero called Goblin Slayer has only one goal kill all goblins.
02:04:15 Goblins are parasitic species that can't reproduce, they have to steal and rape human.
02:04:20 Women the series was a treasure trove trove, I think you.
02:04:24 Mean for based memes.
02:04:27 Two years ago.
Speaker 14
02:04:29 Yeah, look, maybe.
02:04:30 It's. I don't. I don't know. I just don't like anime do horror 1400. I read Harry Potter in middle school and thought it was entertaining and well assembled story.
02:04:40 I now understand the 1990s liberal anti racist propaganda symbolism you.
02:04:45 Know I I.
02:04:46 I was going to.
Speaker 4
02:04:47 Do tonight before I started looking at pupil.
02:04:51 I was when I was in, I think third grade.
02:04:55 I went to a I grew up in California.
02:04:58 I went to a gate school.
02:04:59 I don't know if you guys are know what that is.
02:05:01 It's it's basically the the gifted school, right?
02:05:04 Well, they usually like a pull out program, so you.
02:05:07 Go to like.
02:05:07 A normal school, but if you, you know, test at a certain, I don't know what the IQ threshold is, but if you test I think.
02:05:14 Like 120 or something like that. And if you get above this threshold, then in normal schools they'll pull you.
02:05:22 This was in California.
02:05:23 I think every state is.
02:05:24 Something different, but they would pull you out of class and it was called gate and it stood for gifted and talented education.
02:05:33 And they would.
02:05:33 It was like a you and the other smart kids basically in class would get pulled into this classroom, and it was pretty artsy, fartsy random weird **** that you would.
02:05:42 It didn't seem very productive, to be honest.
02:05:45 And in 3rd grade I went to a school where the entire school was gate, so it wasn't just like you get pulled out of class.
02:05:51 It was like the whole school was gate.
02:05:54 And we.
02:05:55 One of the first books we.
Speaker 4
02:05:57 Had to read.
02:05:59 Was called Island of the Blue Dolphins.
02:06:02 And uh, it was a anti white book about an Indian girl who lives on some island off the coast of California and white fur traders come and and kill her dad for like basically literally for like no reason.
02:06:19 And it was, you know, it was, it was just this book to make you feel bad about.
02:06:24 Being white.
02:06:26 And there's a lot of feminism because, like the the the star of the book is a is a female.
02:06:31 And you know, there's.
02:06:33 She even thwarts the patriarchy of her local tribe because her dad is like, oh, you can't make weapons or the God was that will come and swallow you up into the ocean because that's man's work.
02:06:44 And then she does it anyway.
02:06:48 And they made a movie of this same book.
02:06:51 And that was May 1964. Terrible movie, terrible book. But the the movie was just so bad. It just wasn't even worth reviewing.
02:07:02 It was hard to find, but I did eventually find it and breeze through it.
02:07:06 There's one kind of funny scene that maybe we'll watch it some other time where the white guy.
02:07:11 Just out of nowhere blows the the Indian away.
Speaker 4
02:07:15 The Indian guy who by the.
02:07:16 Way is played by a white actor.
02:07:19 That's the other funny thing is, everyone with everyone that's an Indian that has any kind of lines in the movie is white with with brown face or feather face.
02:07:30 I don't know.
02:07:30 I don't.
02:07:30 Know what you would call it.
02:07:37 I got your nice show jogging up I.
02:07:40 Don't know what?
02:07:40 Show you mean Truman?
02:07:41 If you hate anime because of fake stuff like Sailor Moon, then you should.
02:07:46 Then you should all Western movies because cuties, EXO.
02:07:50 I'm not going to like anime, I don't care. All you have to do is ask yourself why is it that every ****** or at least 99% of them have anime avatars?
02:08:01 Dark Alley Entertainment your thoughts on Jay Dyer being the boomer hero while they talk **** about you because you're anti Jew and point out white genocide.
02:08:12 I don't know if he talks **** about me, then he talks **** about me.
02:08:16 I I I I find him kind of boring.
02:08:20 I the the few times that I've seen him like I think I saw.
02:08:26 Substitute on Infowars at one point and they're just kind of.
Speaker 7
02:08:29 Like I mean I.
02:08:31 Don't know I he felt.
02:08:33 My understand because when I was doing more movie review stuff, someone was like, oh, just check out his stuff.
02:08:39 He just he focuses so much on the symbolism stuff and I just don't.
02:08:42 Think that's meaningful?
02:08:44 But I don't know.
02:08:45 Let him talk.
02:08:46 ****, I don't care.
02:08:48 The horror funny thing about Harry Potter, the wizard Banks.
02:08:51 Are run by goblins.
02:08:54 Yeah, yeah, they called the the Harry Potter bankers, anti-Semitic Nate Gray. Do you miss Murdoch Murdoch? I do.
02:09:03 I hope they make another thing.
02:09:05 You know, I don't think they will.
02:09:07 It seems like they've retired, but maybe they maybe they'll.
02:09:10 They'll surprise us all because they are talented.
Speaker 7
02:09:22 I already saw that one.
02:09:25 Breaking the spell the Harry Potter fans have with the books films put out there is encouraged.
02:09:33 Breaking the spell, the Harry Potter fans have with the books films put out there is encouraged.
02:09:39 Same with any.
02:09:42 I'm not sure what you mean by that.
02:09:45 UM FM W.
02:09:47 R damn.
02:09:48 So I'm like at least 20 IQ points below.
02:09:51 Devon, good to know.
Speaker 2
02:09:53 UM.
Speaker 7
02:09:58 Alright, OK.
02:10:02 Precinct, Terry.
02:10:04 Hey, watch this ham radio anime.
Speaker 8
02:10:06 I don't know is there.
Speaker 4
02:10:08 Is there Ham radio anime?
02:10:09 I don't.
02:10:10 Do I even?
02:10:11 I don't know if I want to even see this.
02:10:15 Yeah. What is it?
02:10:18 Oh, I think I've seen screenshots of this.
02:10:25 We'll put this on.
02:10:28 Why does it have French?
02:10:58 I'm not seeing the hammer.
02:10:59 Yeah, there's the antenna.
02:11:10 It's not a very big antenna, I'm.
Speaker 5
02:11:12 Not sure what.
Speaker 4
02:11:13 She's going to.
Speaker 14
02:11:13 Get on.
Speaker 2
02:11:13 In fact.
Speaker 4
02:11:39 Now she's on 6.
02:11:40 I guess the antenna makes sense.
02:11:44 That's kind of funny.
02:11:47 Yeah, well, at least the antenna checks out. There's you could get on 6/6 meters. The antenna that small.
02:11:58 There is an anime where they use an FT.
02:12:00 101.
02:12:03 In school, as a kid I was really mad at my friends, made into honors gate and such.
02:12:08 I worked really hard to get into those programs, then realized it meant I had to stay after school for extra hours.
02:12:13 So I tanked my grades to go.
02:12:14 Home early again.
Speaker 4
02:12:17 For where?
02:12:19 Where we did it.
02:12:20 It was just during school.
02:12:21 We didn't have to.
02:12:21 Stay after.
02:12:23 Jogging while pooping.
02:12:24 I was pulling.
02:12:25 A prank with the anime?
02:12:26 You're having a great show.
02:12:27 Alright, good.
02:12:28 Yeah, I'm not not.
02:12:29 I'm not.
02:12:30 I'm not into the Anna game.
02:12:32 Worse, from the waist down, Stephen King is is a Pulp Fiction reviewing his stuff.
02:12:37 Might lead.
02:12:39 Lead of a weak points.
02:12:41 Wait, reviewing his stuff.
02:12:43 Might lead of weak points being made, not like how brilliant your interpretation of falling down was.
02:12:50 I'm not sure you're going.
02:12:51 He wrote out.
02:12:52 To people though, I found out while.
02:12:54 I was looking at that today.
02:12:58 Chad the famous did you ever read the wheel of time book series?
02:13:01 They are making a show for it and of course race trading characters.
02:13:06 Wheel of time?
02:13:07 That sounds familiar.
02:13:10 Is that like the wrinkle in time?
02:13:12 I remember I read that.
02:13:16 No, I don't.
02:13:16 I don't think that's the.
02:13:17 Same thing.
02:13:18 I don't think I read.
02:13:19 That one Truman wouldn't.
02:13:21 Running generators indoors kill them?
02:13:25 Well, if you're in the same room.
02:13:27 You probably don't want to be in.
02:13:28 The room that that's running in.
02:13:33 Vinland Saga is anime about Vikings as stop it, you should get a bicycle.
02:13:41 That's great exercise and if you can get a get, can't get gas.
02:13:44 Also really awesome ride in the desert.
02:13:46 I got a bike.
02:13:51 In Harry Potter films, they use Subliminals to make the film more likeable than it was, breaking the mind control that fans have to show they are being manipulated.
02:13:59 How it was done.
Speaker 4
02:14:01 Yeah, I never.
02:14:02 I never read the.
02:14:02 Books and I never liked the movies.
02:14:06 They always seemed when I watched one of.
02:14:08 Them or two.
02:14:09 I I think I saw a few of them.
02:14:10 I don't know how many there are, but I think I saw like one or two of them and it seemed like the kind of movies that you almost had to have read the books to really fully understand what the hell was going on.
02:14:20 That was my impression is I kind of felt like, OK, I.
02:14:23 Mean they're not bad movies, but it kind of seems like I'm missing some **** that I wouldn't be missing if.
Speaker 7
02:14:31 I had read the books.
02:14:34 Have you ever seen the Mexican film Elle in fear or something?
02:14:38 Probably not.
02:14:39 I haven't seen very many Mexican films.
02:14:42 Let's take a look at that.
02:14:45 The burning hell is what that translates to.
02:14:50 So watch the trailer.
02:14:51 Oh, you can watch the whole movie, apparently.
02:14:58 Yeah, I don't want to watch the whole movie.
02:15:01 It's not that old.
02:15:03 I don't know if there's subtitles, I might think about it. I I think it's less important to go over movies, though that no one's knowing. The West is really watching. I don't think a lot of people in the West are watching Mexican films.
02:15:15 UM.
02:15:17 Are you familiar with the news articles of the CIA director having a meeting with the supposed Taliban leaders?
02:15:23 Yeah, I saw something about that.
02:15:26 But again, it's, you know.
02:15:30 Ramsey Paul did a video about an article that said 39% of 18 to 24 year olds is identified as LGBTQ.
02:15:36 Do you think it it's that much?
02:15:40 I think that that they identify it as such.
02:15:43 I don't think that that many people are actually.
02:15:46 You know, ******* each other in the ***.
02:15:48 But I think that it's become a cool thing. Just like when I was in high school. I really doubt that all the the friends I had that were like, I'm like 1/4 black. I I don't think that was real I think.
02:15:58 They just wanted to be cool.
02:16:02 What did you make of?
02:16:03 The movie infidel.
02:16:07 I don't think I signed to them.
02:16:10 Look at that one infidel movie.
02:16:16 2019.
02:16:22 Oh, OK.
02:16:24 Yeah, this was I was going to watch this night and then I'm not watching it.
Speaker 2
02:16:31 Let me see.
02:16:36 I'll check into that maybe.
02:16:40 Any plans for a 28 year anniversary stream for?
02:16:43 Lord of the Rings.
02:16:44 Is it going to be 20?
02:16:45 Years since that movie.
02:16:47 Holy ****.
02:16:50 That disturbs me a little bit.
Speaker 9
02:16:52 That, that, that.
02:16:54 Movie is so old now that makes me feel old.
02:16:58 I wasn't planning on it.
02:17:01 I don't know.
02:17:01 You know, honestly, though, I didn't really like those movies either because I was a big fan of the books when I was a kid and they left out some of my.
02:17:08 Favorite characters and and scenes.
02:17:11 And I and you had to I.
02:17:13 Mean just I.
02:17:13 Mean the movies were already like 3 hours long, so I understand why they had to.
Speaker 4
02:17:16 Do it but.
02:17:18 I haven't seen him.
02:17:19 In such a long time, maybe.
02:17:20 It's worth taking a look at them again.
02:17:23 Especially now that you know, they wouldn't be able to make a white movie anymore.
02:17:29 What's a deep or Christos Rex?
02:17:31 What's a deep dive conspiracy theory you feel isn't well known, but should be.
02:17:40 Deep dive conspiracy theory that you feel isn't well known but should be.
Speaker 4
02:17:47 Well, you know, I did that video on that.
02:17:55 There was a it was a home for boys, for troubled boys out in the Arizona desert outside of of Phoenix.
02:18:04 Where they would ship.
02:18:07 That, like in fact, California, was shipping juvenile delinquents.
02:18:14 To that ranch, quote UN quote in the desert.
02:18:18 And then it was run by.
02:18:20 It was run by.
02:18:20 These two Jews.
02:18:21 Who sexually abused all the boys there and did like horrific ****?
02:18:26 I did all video on that.
02:18:27 That is just one.
02:18:30 Of many many.
02:18:31 Many, many institutions like that during that time period and I I think that that's probably something that's not.
02:18:40 Well known enough.
02:18:41 Another thing that's kind of tangentially tied to that I keep seeing all these people talking about, and in fact, I think including Ramsey.
02:18:50 Well, I think might have even touched on this recently that talked about the satanic panic, the Satanic panic? Ohh, it was all this made-up ****. There wasn't really tunnels under the schools there actually was.
02:19:03 There actually was.
02:19:05 There was the guy that used to be.
02:19:08 In fact, he was interviewed to be the FBI director and he was the head of the FBI in Los Angeles County.
02:19:17 I'm blanking on his name Gunderson, Ted Gunderson.
02:19:22 He investigated a school where they excavated.
02:19:26 Part of it.
02:19:26 And there's even you can get declassified from FBI Gov.
02:19:31 You can get declassified documents that show there were tunnels under the school.
02:19:39 There were pentagrams found in the tunnels under the school.
02:19:43 Now the and that, that's not it.
02:19:45 That's not the only instance of that.
02:19:47 There was a.
02:19:49 A daycare.
02:19:51 In Florida.
02:19:54 There's a guy, he has a YouTube channel.
02:19:56 He doesn't make videos quite often anymore.
02:19:59 He really hated Trump for some reason.
02:20:01 He's a ginger.
02:20:03 I want to say it was like Blackstone Intelligence or something like that.
02:20:08 He used to, I mean this, he first hand knowledge he used.
Speaker 4
02:20:11 To live.
02:20:12 In the same neighborhood.
02:20:14 As this preschool and there was this guy who ran a preschool and was doing satanic pedophile **** with these kids and he had no license for it.
02:20:23 And and when they when they.
02:20:26 Got busted.
02:20:26 I don't remember.
02:20:27 I I'd have to go look at his video again.
02:20:29 It's something I saw like years ago, but when they went and busted it, the guy didn't.
02:20:33 I mean, he ended up.
02:20:34 Opening like another daycare, like not long afterwards, if I remember that detail correctly, but there's a there was a lot of instances where things like that were going in the 80s where things like that were going on and nothing the finders.
02:20:48 How do you explain the finder's cold?
02:20:51 I mean, those people, I I remember when the finders, when they when the fbi.gov their their online library declassified a bunch of the the documents there I went super deep dive on that research wise I never made the video because I think that's right when I moved.
02:21:10 Out to the pillbox.
02:21:12 And it kind of got it was on that computer.
02:21:14 That that stopped.
02:21:15 Working it's actually working now.
02:21:16 It's like me.
02:21:17 I gotta dig through it.
02:21:19 But they're the if you look at the.
02:21:22 Finder stuff, not just from.
02:21:23 Fbi.gov.
02:21:24 Of, but you can still find the police reports from the local.
02:21:30 I forget what town it was, but I think it was in Florida.
02:21:32 The local Police Department that did all the the arrests and the initial interviews.
02:21:38 You can find those initial police reports online and there I remember the guy who ran the finders.
02:21:48 I tracked down a phone number for the guy.
02:21:50 I mean, but The thing is he.
02:21:51 Would have been he would have been like, I think in his late 80s or 90s like he would have been old.
02:21:57 As **** and no.
02:21:58 One ever answered because that was the thing.
02:22:00 Is I none of these people went to jail.
02:22:04 None of these ******* people went to jail.
02:22:06 That guy, I'm blanking on his name now.
02:22:08 Because it's been.
Speaker 4
02:22:08 A few years.
02:22:09 But that guy, when I tracked down his phone.
02:22:11 Number and stuff and.
02:22:13 He's probably dead now, but he had worked for the State Department.
02:22:19 He had worked for the CIA.
02:22:21 I don't think the Satanic panic was was all ********.
02:22:25 I don't think it was just relegated to it.
02:22:27 Was there an element of like, oh, it's just a bunch of Christians overreacting because of the satanic messaging in in rock music and and dungeons and Dragons and blah blah.
02:22:37 Yeah, there were some.
02:22:38 Of that, even my mom like his, my older brother, played Dungeons and Dragons I never got.
02:22:42 Do it.
02:22:44 And my mom thought it was, you know, satanic.
02:22:46 And when got really upset that, you know, when she found out he.
02:22:49 Was playing it.
02:22:50 And yeah, there was like this, this, you know, Christian, I don't know if it's overreaction or really if it was a good.
02:22:59 Reaction to something that really was evil, but.
02:23:02 That while some of it might have been hyperbolic and blown out proportion, it's not like it was.
02:23:07 Just made-up.
02:23:09 There was some real satanic **** going on in the 80s and it's probably still going.
Speaker 4
02:23:13 On today.
02:23:16 UM.
02:23:20 I'm skipping through.
02:23:21 I'm going to do the tipped.
02:23:22 Ones real quick.
Speaker 7
02:23:23 Because I haven't touched on those yet.
02:23:26 Or at least I'll read.
02:23:27 The ones I.
02:23:28 Haven't read already.
02:23:29 Have you seen this is from Cage Drage.
02:23:31 Have you seen all the athletic young people having heart attacks?
02:23:34 The vaccine is heavily implicated as the.
02:23:36 Cause absolutely you're insane.
02:23:39 If you're healthy and you're getting the vaccine, I think you're insane.
02:23:43 If you get the vaccine, period.
02:23:45 You know, especially if you're young and.
02:23:47 Healthy M7666 you should.
02:23:50 Probably change that number, Speaking of Satanism.
02:23:54 There's a bit of a non white panel on MSNBC literally saying when we are the majority we are going to be, we are going to make your life hard.
02:24:02 No, there's there's lots of.
02:24:03 Clips like that, that video I did called defiant, is full of clips like that.
02:24:10 They they absolutely want us to pay for everything.
Speaker 7
02:24:14 Going wrong in their lives.
02:24:16 Not happier. 69 Go over the Dead Sea.
02:24:19 Scrolls. UM.
02:24:22 I I've never researched that.
02:24:24 I mean, I know what they are, but I've never.
02:24:26 I don't know what you're what you talking about specifically.
02:24:31 Did you have a look at or they already did that one goblin Slayer.
02:24:42 Did a happy face.
02:24:45 Epic didn't just got back from trying to make more white babies.
02:24:49 You still haven't set up your bank account on Odyssey for cash super super chats.
02:24:54 Most people have a hard time purchasing LBC to give you much.
02:24:57 If they wanted to.
02:24:59 Yeah, all all this stuff.
02:25:00 I'm going to have to set up soon because I'm not going to lie the.
02:25:02 The Patreon thing hurt.
02:25:04 Uh, and uh, it's going to be a it's going to be.
02:25:08 A blue Christmas.
02:25:13 It's going to be, yeah.
02:25:16 I'm a little little light in the in the pockets these days.
02:25:21 Wow, cool.
02:25:22 New features here in Odyssey.
02:25:24 Someone who sent four more of these little coin things.
02:25:29 Which I still don't know how to redeem.
02:25:32 OK.
Speaker 7
02:25:38 OK.
02:25:41 Spiderman 12848 another conspiracy is the Saudi Prince and the Vegas show the We'll never get to.
02:25:49 The bottom of the.
02:25:50 Vegas shooting.
02:25:52 Truman, here's a fragment of sex mission Polish comedy from the 80s about the future where feminist rule killed the man and or killed man and try to turn any remaining males into ********.
02:26:09 OK, I will.
02:26:15 If it if it was in English that we'd watch this well, it's got something.
02:26:18 That's for evoli.
02:26:20 I don't know.
02:26:21 I don't think people are down for something.
02:26:23 I'll take a look.
02:26:24 At this.
02:26:25 For sure.
02:26:27 That's kind of insane.
02:26:31 The Lord of the Rings show the preemptive strike propaganda at a time when tensions were high with an Iran Post 911.
02:26:41 A number of times the protagonists start the battles, golem save the world in the book, but just falls to his death.
02:26:50 Yeah, there is a lot of inconsistencies in the movies versus the books.
02:26:58 Anime is a big media not controlled by Jews.
02:27:00 We can radicalize the young to our side.
02:27:03 Not no no, no.
02:27:06 Anime is is Japanese and we can't use it for anything.
Speaker 7
02:27:13 Force or that's you're talking to someone else.
02:27:20 Token was based exposing the Masons and the all seeing eye symbolism, most of which is lost in the films.
02:27:29 The FBI, due to release the finders declassified files including that.
Speaker 7
02:27:34 In there, I don't know why.
02:27:38 And what in there?
02:27:40 I'll have to ask my grandparents in Poland what they think about the crisis.
02:27:44 They're sadly blue pilled because they spent their lives growing up wanting to be like the free W Unfortunately, that's a lot of Eastern Europe right now, including Ukraine.
02:27:55 Brooke assault. I have a nickname for Stefan Molyneux. I call him Stefan. Mole 9000 because he's like a computer to me. You're a one. You're a one man. Think tank.
02:28:09 I appreciate that he he's retired now, I guess.
02:28:12 Or at least he's taking a break.
02:28:13 I I don't know if forever, but he posts on telegram.
02:28:18 He's taking a break and I not surprised his viewership has shrunk dramatically and you know.
02:28:29 He's got a lot of money, so.
02:28:32 And he I think honestly, I think he's already said, quite frankly he, you know, like you said, you call him a computer.
02:28:40 I think he said what he's going to say.
02:28:42 I think that, you know, because every that's why he stopped being interesting is that he it was just like if you saw one after a while, he was just repeating what he already said.
02:28:54 All right.
02:28:55 So I think that's it, guys.
02:28:58 I'll do a I'll do a movie next week.
02:29:02 Either Wednesday.
02:29:03 I don't know if I'll do that pupil because I was.
02:29:05 I was expecting it to be different than it was.
02:29:08 I mean, there's some funny stuff in it, like the Nazi trying to put a cat in the oven.
02:29:12 I mean, that was kind of funny.
02:29:16 And the and just some of the other stuff was funny, but it wasn't, you know?
02:29:21 I mean, it was just sort of like it was it was too.
02:29:23 It was very it was just, like, cartoonish. We hate Nazis. Israel's great. It was nothing that, you know, it was nothing surprising.
02:29:34 I'll read through some of these last ones that came in.
02:29:37 Tolkien was trying to help the Anglo Saxons discover their lost pre Christian mythology.
02:29:41 To my knowledge, he was the last major author to attempt something like this.
02:29:45 I can't think of any great authors today.
02:29:49 Yeah, yeah, he was.
02:29:50 He was trying to bring back like the.
02:29:53 The culture that was that was dwindling and has.
02:29:58 Since kind of been extinguished.
02:30:02 Jean or Jean, there are lots of kids and athletes wear that one.
02:30:11 What happened?
02:30:12 All right, spider.
02:30:13 Happened to your YouTube.
02:30:14 Video about a.
02:30:16 Lithuanian or Latvian pedophile ring that got arrested and everyone involved assassinated.
02:30:21 Uh, yeah, YouTube took it down.
02:30:24 YouTube took it down.
02:30:25 That's probably on bit shoot too, where it should be and I forget the name of it.
02:30:31 Truman Money introduced me to the red pill and stuff like it. RK selection theory. He was great for yeah.
02:30:39 No, he, he.
02:30:42 Served a good purpose.
02:30:44 He just wasn't willing to keep going with it.
02:30:48 In my opinion, he wanted to be seen as a philosopher, and that wasn't really.
02:30:57 I mean maybe the semi was, I don't want to, you know, minimize his work.
02:31:02 But I I think he wanted to be mainstream. He, or rather the the the self-proclaimed intellectual dark web, flirted with including him and rejected him. Ultimately, I think because of his views on race and IQ.
02:31:17 And I think that hurt him and.
02:31:20 And then and then right after that, of course, he got banned from every platform and his audience didn't follow, I think, because of the time a large chunk of the right, not just the fringe anymore, but a large chunk of the right in general, was starting to understand the Jewish question.
02:31:38 And that was one topic that Molyneux did not feel comfortable with.
02:31:42 And because that happened, it was timing in some ways, because as he was, he was purposely avoiding it and in some cases being a little dishonest on the topic and the 2nd that people think people don't mind when you're wrong.
02:32:00 Something I've discovered is people don't care when you're wrong, they care.
02:32:06 When you lie.
02:32:11 Especially if your whole schtick is I am the source of truth.
02:32:16 Come to me.
02:32:17 Come listen to my show.
02:32:19 Because I am the source of truth.
02:32:21 The second you start to.
02:32:25 Display even.
02:32:28 Even a little even I would say, truth avoidance, even if it's not outright dishonesty, which I think in Melani's case it kind of was a little bit in some instances.
02:32:38 But even if it's truth avoidance.
02:32:41 No one, I mean that's it.
02:32:45 You can't be trusted anymore as a source of information because you've you've you've demonstrated that you are willing to prioritize the truth.
02:33:00 Below some virtue that you think.
02:33:04 Is more important than the truth.
02:33:07 And that's that's that's a fatal mistake.
02:33:10 And it's something that.
02:33:13 That you can't do because people will just stop trusting you.
02:33:19 And I think that kind of happened.
02:33:20 I think that's part of why.
02:33:21 I mean, look, his audience shrunk because of the algorithm and and the platforming and all that other stuff.
02:33:26 But just me personally, I I kind of lost interest when I saw that he.
02:33:31 Was kind of.
02:33:33 You know, pretending not to like people would ask him outright on live streams about the JQ, and he would pretend not to understand it.
02:33:41 And he was he was.
02:33:42 He was avoiding answering the question and it just, you know, it kind of didn't sit right with me.
02:33:49 And I think that is probably the truth for of a lot of, you know.
02:33:52 A lot of people probably felt that way.
02:33:54 Reinitiate, I think the sins of the fathers refers to genetics, kind of like if you have weak ankles, your kids will have weak ankles for seven generations.
02:34:05 I don't.
02:34:06 I don't know what you're what you're talking about there.
02:34:12 Lich Lord Godfrey, just subscribe on, subscribe star.
02:34:16 Appreciate that.
02:34:18 Christos Rex.
02:34:18 Internet willing.
02:34:19 Would you try to have any debates?
02:34:21 They don't solve anything, but they're good for publicity.
02:34:23 I don't know. I'm not a debate. Me, bro. I don't. I mean, and. And you're right. Like you don't change anyone's minds.
02:34:31 I mean it's it's just a performance and is it, you know, people recently talked about like the sticks and and.
02:34:38 And Fuentes.
02:34:40 If you want to call it that.
02:34:42 More often than not, you just end up in a situation where one of the parties is not arguing in in good faith, and that's frustrating as **** for me.
02:34:51 I don't mind having discussions about stuff that where both parties are going to are actually concerned with the truth, but it it's.
02:34:59 I can.
02:35:01 I just, you know, I can't handle people that are are lying and and and are.
02:35:08 Are you in a good faith.
02:35:09 And that's most that's just unfortunate.
02:35:10 That's most people.
02:35:14 Glock 23, you need to see what's happening at the border of Poland.
02:35:19 Yeah, people keep mentioning that.
Speaker 2
02:35:21 UM.
02:35:25 Let's see here.
02:35:27 I'm going to just Fast forward here.
02:35:30 I'm not in debate.
02:35:31 Yes, I'm not.
02:35:32 Also, I'm also not into to debating.
02:35:35 I am a rattlesnake now on subscribe star.
02:35:38 I love everything you do.
02:35:39 Well, I appreciate that guys.
02:35:41 And so I'm going to wrap this up.
02:35:43 Thank you.
Speaker 4
02:35:44 For joining us, you.
02:35:45 Know what I'm going to bring?
02:35:46 Up the the thumbnail meme.
02:35:51 I saw this today.
02:35:55 And I laughed a lot.
02:35:56 I laughed a lot more than was probably normal.
02:36:11 I have to.
02:36:13 Apparently I didn't have it saved.
Speaker 7
02:36:14 Right.
02:36:21 Kind of feel like we should have some music playing.
Speaker 7
02:36:23 For these guys.
02:36:27 Let's see if I can find an appropriate song.
02:36:40 Maybe I don't know.
02:36:41 I don't.
02:36:42 I don't know this song.
02:37:13 Well, that's not.
02:37:20 Other work I was trying to find a song that had the word love in it.
02:37:23 I don't have a lot.
02:37:23 Of song titles.
02:37:25 With the word love in it.
02:37:28 Let me see if I got ohh there's one.
Speaker 8
02:37:35 This is a good theme song.
02:37:36 For it, I'm not exactly in the.
02:37:58 Anyway, wish Kyle Rittenhouse luck.
02:38:02 Regardless of how it turns out for acceleration is accelerationism.
02:38:08 I want him to get off because he deserves to get off, and if he doesn't get off.
02:38:13 You will not be forgotten.
02:38:15 You will be a martyr.
Speaker 4
02:38:20 OK.
Speaker 14
02:38:22 So it's so, so about a week, not today, but about a week ago.
02:38:29 I sold my soul.
02:38:31 You also say.
02:38:33 And ever since I sold my soul, I haven't been happy ever since.
02:38:43 Hey yo, man.
02:38:48 You ain't gotta believe me.
02:38:49 It is what it is I like.
02:38:51 I'm not even capping.
02:38:52 It's because listen, I had to do it in.
02:38:55 So I'm saying because like.
02:38:59 I do it because I was trying to make.
02:39:00 It like you.
02:39:01 Feel me like when I was like selling my soul.
02:39:12 Like there was things that I could sacrifice about it.
02:39:15 So like that.
02:39:15 And I sacrificed my soul.
02:39:18 I could sacrifice anybody like, but when you say you said you got to sacrifice something that you would learn.
02:39:24 I sacrifice myself.
02:39:27 You know what I'm saying?
02:39:33 And I did it.
02:39:34 You didn't say.
02:39:39 I couldn't do it with nobody that I love.
02:39:43 The team asked me.
02:39:45 You Are you sure you want to sacrifice sacrifice something?
02:39:48 I said no.
02:39:50 But when you say.
02:39:50 Your soul.
02:39:51 You feel me?
02:39:51 You gotta you gotta.
02:39:54 It's not what how people say.
02:39:55 It is you you really gotta.
02:39:59 You really gotta pick.
02:40:00 You know what I'm saying?
02:40:01 And and and and and and.
02:40:04 And you get everything you want, you get to be rich.
02:40:08 You get to, you get to be, you get to have fortune.
02:40:11 You got to.
02:40:12 You got to have everything.
02:40:14 Everything you ever wanted.
02:40:16 You feel me but you.
02:40:17 Could think I'm cat.
02:40:18 I'm not tripping.
02:40:20 I did it a week ago.
02:40:23 I have been happier since I'm having anxiety every single day.
02:40:30 What they are wasteful.
02:40:35 To be famous and heart and be rich.
Speaker 4
02:40:55 I forgot to outro for black build.
02:41:02 I am of course Devon Stack.
Speaker 12
02:42:23 Love incorporated.
Speaker 2
02:43:31 Welcome, Welcome to Peace and Love Incorporated.
Speaker 5
02:43:39 I'm not exact.