

Speaker 1
00:00:00 Helping in your mind.
Speaker 2
00:00:42 Is what?
Speaker 1
00:00:56 Open your mind.
00:01:22 So please.
00:01:25 Thank you, nick.
Speaker 5
00:01:31 What is up?
00:01:34 Saturday night. Sort of.
00:01:37 This is the insomnia stream.
00:01:39 It's somewhat.
00:01:40 Of a special edition.
00:01:42 A lot of the stuff I was going to play on the low battery addition is going to be played tonight and I mixed it up a little bit because I mentioned on that stream when I was talking about South.
00:01:50 Africa, by the way, Devin Stack here for those of you don't know.
00:01:54 Like that would ever happen.
00:01:57 I mentioned that I watched a lethal weapon movie.
00:02:02 A lethal weapon movie and there was like this.
00:02:05 Big monologue about apartheid being.
00:02:08 And they had South African.
00:02:11 I don't know Nazis basically right throughout, like they were terrorists.
00:02:17 And now 80s and 90s movies.
00:02:18 They always had, you know, these white terrorists, the evil European terrorists, everybody look, you know, whether you're talking about.
00:02:26 Terrorist that Bruce Willis is fighting or or Mel Gibson.
00:02:31 All the the great action heroes of the 80s and 90s, they're always fighting.
00:02:36 White terrorists.
00:02:39 And I decided, you know, I'm gonna.
00:02:40 I'm going to rewatch that movie, and if nothing else, at least just you.
00:02:44 Know pull that clip.
00:02:46 And I had.
00:02:47 Been a while since I watched it.
00:02:50 And I didn't realize.
00:02:53 It was so much worse than I.
00:02:54 Remembered it being.
00:02:56 Like so much worse.
00:03:00 So after we revisit some old clips that I played on a stream a while back.
00:03:08 This was the insomnia stream South African boomer edition.
00:03:14 So if you want to watch that for the the full version of those clips.
00:03:18 Go back into the archive and look for those.
00:03:21 We'll watch a couple short clips of those and they want to dive into lethal weapon two, which apparently is is like 99%.
00:03:32 It's well, no, it's 100%. It's just an anti apartheid propaganda movie. Like, that's literally what it is.
00:03:39 With explosions and fights and sex scenes like.
00:03:42 That's what it is.
00:03:44 It's you. You can't.
00:03:45 Look at the like the whole movie, it's.
00:03:47 Not just like ohh.
00:03:48 We peppered in these anti apart.
00:03:50 No, it's the whole movie.
00:03:53 The whole ******* movie.
00:03:57 So we'll take a look at that after we watch some of these clips.
00:04:01 So first and foremost, let's get over to here.
00:04:07 My my voice is a little bit.
00:04:09 Yeah, I I got pretty dehydrated today.
00:04:13 And yeah, I'm still.
00:04:17 Still kind of dehydrated a little.
00:04:23 Or I got the.
00:04:24 Vid no, it's not the vid.
00:04:26 But it is dehydration.
00:04:28 Easy to get dehydrated out here right now.
00:04:30 So anyway.
00:04:32 So we're going to start with.
00:04:33 Just a real quick clip.
00:04:37 Of this young lady.
00:04:42 When she is asked to describe her time in America.
00:04:47 Which is interesting because a lot of these other students, this is 19581958. They brought students from all around the world to come visit America.
00:04:58 And they did like a like a forum.
00:05:01 You know, where they would?
00:05:02 It was kind of.
00:05:03 Like you know.
00:05:03 Like a a little.
00:05:05 Mini United Nations kind of a thing.
00:05:08 And exchange program of sorts.
00:05:11 And after there it was 2 weeks.
00:05:14 After they they they they did their two weeks like on the last day or two they did this.
00:05:23 I don't know.
00:05:24 It's kind of like a round table.
00:05:26 With all these different students.
00:05:28 And the question they asked her.
00:05:31 Was what she thought of the United States.
00:05:36 And this is how she answered.
Speaker 1
00:05:41 The dawning of a new day.
00:05:44 And yet I fear the famous words of Spangler.
00:05:48 After the highest point is reached, decline begins.
00:05:54 After the highest point is reached.
00:05:57 Decline begins.
00:06:03 That's that was her answer to.
00:06:05 To like, what do you think of your time?
00:06:07 In America.
00:06:10 And it was funny because, you know, if you contrast it to the other students.
00:06:13 There were from.
00:06:14 Other places and.
00:06:15 They weren't waxing poetic at all.
00:06:17 They were just like, oh, it's pretty cool, you know, whatever.
00:06:19 And she's just like, you guys are ****** and it continues.
00:06:25 And again, we're not going to spend like a bunch of time on this because I did a whole stream about this, this forum.
00:06:31 I just want to refresh your memory, especially now that we know what's going on there now and and and justice in context.
00:06:39 And especially because to set up the lethal weapon movie thing.
00:06:45 They mention.
Speaker 5
00:06:47 That their.
00:06:49 View of America.
00:06:52 Was informed by American media and this is something I've been talking about where you have not just the the whites.
00:06:59 And in fact, here in a a couple of clips will show we'll play a clip from another South African woman.
00:07:06 Who basically says this.
00:07:09 But not only do you have all of these whites in America that have no proximity to diversity whatsoever.
00:07:17 All their views are informed by the media they're consuming.
00:07:24 But that media is being exported to the rest of the world that in many cases has even less.
00:07:30 Proximity to diversity.
00:07:33 And so they're forming their views.
00:07:36 Of black and white race relations will just you know, to simplify.
00:07:40 It that's all being informed.
00:07:44 By American media.
00:07:49 Well, I mean, who's been behind American?
00:07:52 Media for the last century.
00:07:55 That doesn't take a genius to figure out.
00:08:01 And the effects of that media aren't weren't just felt locally here in America.
00:08:05 Well, absolutely they.
00:08:07 They were here.
00:08:09 They were felt.
00:08:10 Around the world, because that media was exporting you remember, like, like like you said that you know, even though the pinnacle has been reached because America was the was that shining city.
00:08:18 On the hill.
00:08:20 We were the ones that.
00:08:23 While you can't say America won World War 2 and say.
00:08:25 You know, that's the narrative.
00:08:26 They played us, right?
00:08:28 Ohh, the whole world.
00:08:29 Was ******. And then America came and kicked Hitler's ***.
00:08:34 You know, with no no mention of of Stalin or like that, right?
00:08:40 You can say.
00:08:42 That economically.
00:08:44 We were a big time.
00:08:45 The ******* winners of World War 2.
00:08:48 You know, the whole rest of the Western world had been bombed.
00:08:50 All this ****.
00:08:53 Who do you?
00:08:53 Think got all those contracts to fix it.
00:08:56 And not just in Europe and Japan.
00:09:03 And so it's.
00:09:05 It's in the context of, you know, this is 1958.
00:09:10 All that money.
00:09:12 And flowed into the country.
00:09:15 And we were top dog at the time.
00:09:18 And these smug Americans are inviting these lowly foreigners from around the world to come in and and and Ogle the the the greatness of our multicultural success.
00:09:32 And then tell us how great we are.
00:09:36 And it wasn't too long before.
00:09:39 Even though this was not the.
00:09:40 Topic at all.
00:09:43 The topic went instantly to apartheid.
00:09:48 Because they had a South African woman on on the.
00:09:54 Well, in the round table.
00:09:56 And they had an Ethiopian.
00:09:58 Now The funny thing that I want you.
00:10:00 To notice is.
00:10:02 Every single group here, and I don't really.
00:10:05 There's an Italian woman too.
00:10:07 She just doesn't talk a whole lot.
00:10:08 She's just like, in fact, she's.
00:10:10 Super unimpressed with America and says how we have no culture and just kind of she's.
00:10:14 Just ******.
00:10:16 So she doesn't.
00:10:17 She doesn't really talk much.
00:10:17 We're going.
00:10:18 To hear much from her but the Ethiopian.
00:10:20 Guy and the Brazilian guy.
00:10:23 You'll see that they both think that it's totally fine.
00:10:27 Totally fine to have a race realist view in their own countries and in their own personal lives.
00:10:37 But not in South Africa.
00:10:41 So let's have a little listen here.
Speaker 1
00:10:43 I would like to know are.
00:10:44 You for instance. Very.
00:10:47 Much interested in the South African race policy.
00:10:51 Or do you stand morally subjective towards that?
Speaker 4
00:10:54 Not at all.
00:10:55 We wish it with you, don't you?
00:10:57 Now the reason she asked that I I skipped over that part, but the reason she asked that is he went on and on and on about how he's not really black.
00:11:05 He's Ethiopian, but he's not black, you know.
00:11:07 And he doesn't want to be called black.
00:11:09 He's a totally different race.
00:11:11 And you can tell it's because he.
00:11:12 He feels as.
00:11:13 If blacks are not up to his.
00:11:15 Level and he and in fact, he gets even more.
00:11:17 Granular, but he he says that.
00:11:19 No, no, no, no.
00:11:20 No, no, no, no, no.
00:11:21 We're don't call me black.
00:11:22 Don't call me.
00:11:23 African I'm.
00:11:24 I'm more Arab, you know, we migrated down from the Middle East and ohh, I'm definitely not.
00:11:30 Now, generally speaking, there's some truth to what he's saying, and Ethiopians, in fact, if well I live in Washington DC, there was like an Ethiopian part of town, and it was it's it wasn't like the black part of town.
00:11:45 Like put it that.
00:11:46 So there's some truth to.
00:11:48 What he's saying, excuse me.
00:11:50 There we.
Speaker 4
00:11:51 We do things fairly.
00:11:52 I mean, I wish we wish we don't.
00:11:54 You don't treat the South native S Africans as you do right now, but as a matter of fact, we don't care.
00:12:01 We just listen to your policies and things that go on in South Africa, but I'd like to ask you one question.
00:12:08 Would it become more?
00:12:10 I mean, would it be?
00:12:13 Do you think it would be a little?
Speaker 1
00:12:19 With, with with the motor viewers or better, I mean, within these few years or how, how how, what is this time right now with this South African problem?
00:12:28 Could I just ask you another question before I answer yours?
00:12:32 Is there any discrimination for?
00:12:35 Between the the separate tribes in your country, how do you, for instance?
Speaker 4
00:12:41 I'm very happy you built that point of fact, we, the Amhara tribes, consider ourselves superior to the other tribes, to the different tribes that live in this same community.
00:12:53 What's that?
00:12:54 His tribe considers themselves superior.
00:12:58 He's the ones he's using the word.
00:13:01 He's superior to the other tribes.
Speaker 4
00:13:06 And we just consider them inferior and consider ourselves superior.
00:13:11 And that could be a a something of segregation, but it's not actually in the things that you, you.
00:13:17 Take it in.
00:13:19 The Americans in Little Rock take it.
00:13:21 I mean, it's just very inconvenient.
00:13:23 I know.
Speaker 1
00:13:24 Do you?
00:13:25 I'm sorry.
00:13:25 Do you mean that you think that the other types are perhaps a little too primitive?
00:13:31 For instance, sort of primitive, or so.
00:13:35 It's just a matter of.
00:13:39 Ohh, he knows what he.
00:13:40 He knows he's been caught.
Speaker 5
00:13:42 No, I didn't mean that.
00:13:43 They're more primitive.
00:13:44 It's just, uh, let's, let's hear.
00:13:45 What he says.
00:13:48 No, it's just ignorance.
00:13:49 They're just more ignorant.
00:13:49 They're not more primitive.
00:13:50 Ohh ****.
Speaker 4
00:13:53 I mean, the Amara stripes are more cute and clever.
00:14:00 Ohh, we're just better looking and more and smarter, that's all.
00:14:03 That's all they're not.
00:14:05 They're more.
00:14:06 We're just, you know, they're just ignorant and we're better looking and smarter.
Speaker 4
00:14:10 And that's why, you know.
00:14:11 They're just and that's.
Speaker 1
00:14:11 Is that you?
Speaker 4
00:14:12 Your tribe? Yeah, that's right.
Speaker 1
00:14:12 Tried that should be very modest, yeah.
00:14:17 All right, so.
00:14:20 There we go with that guy.
00:14:21 That's the Ethiopian again.
00:14:22 And you remember this.
00:14:23 This what we're going to be watching.
00:14:26 This lethal weapon movie.
00:14:29 That came out in 1989, I think. Let me yeah, 1989.
00:14:35 So this is.
00:14:37 This is 30 years before this movie there there was 30 years of worldwide propaganda trying to shut down apartheid.
00:14:46 30 years and this Ethiopian guy who doesn't, under he he can't see the hypocrisy of what he's.
00:14:53 Because he's just responding to the ohh you.
00:14:56 Know. Of course you know.
00:14:57 We're not as bad as these other tribes.
00:15:00 We're superior and they're inferior.
00:15:03 But what you guys are doing?
00:15:04 In South Africa, that's bad.
00:15:06 That's the.
00:15:07 Bad thing, but it's not just him.
Speaker 1
00:15:10 You know, just to get back to another point, do you then think, for instance, it's fair that if there is discrimination in Ethiopia even between the same race and nation?
Speaker 4
00:15:24 It's the same race.
00:15:26 He gets real mad, no?
00:15:27 Not the same race.
00:15:28 We're all the same race.
00:15:29 See, it's OK for him to he gets very defensive.
00:15:33 I'm not black.
00:15:33 No, no, no, I'm Ethiopian.
Speaker 4
00:15:35 The same nation.
Speaker 1
00:15:36 The same nation, but do you think then it's it's fair to judge S Africans as white towards black if if you don't, for instance, acknowledge the the less good if your friends.
Speaker 4
00:15:52 Well, we do what we do, acknowledge them.
00:15:55 Why don't we we don't actually consider our our discrimination, what you call it is not as prominent and worldwide known as.
00:16:04 Ohh, it's yeah.
00:16:06 Did you hear what he said?
00:16:07 Our discrimination is not as prominent and worldwide known.
00:16:14 I wonder why that is. I wonder why all the world's world's publications. We're not making movies and writing books and and spending hours and hours of television and radio time talking about the evil discrimination going on in Ethiopia between the different tribes.
00:16:34 I wonder why instead the focus was what was laid squarely.
00:16:39 On this tiny country at the bottom of the continent.
00:16:45 I wonder why?
Speaker 4
00:16:47 It's in South Africa.
00:16:49 Let's see.
Speaker 5
00:16:50 Well, what are we actually saying here that there is all kinds of discrimination and discrimination is all right as long as it.
00:16:56 Isn't too prominent.
00:16:57 Or as long as it isn't between black and white.
00:16:59 What are we saying here anyway?
Speaker 4
00:17:01 It's leftist, she said to you.
00:17:03 Do you think you're the discriminations in your country?
00:17:07 Is good the discrimination, the segregation?
Speaker 5
00:17:10 Is not your facility illness because Brazil has got a special point of view.
Speaker 1
00:17:13 I'm sure what they wanted to say is that he was telling her that she has discrimination, she's telling him, OK.
00:17:18 The aggregate.
Speaker 4
00:17:19 Not discriminate.
Speaker 1
00:17:20 I'm sorry, segregation.
00:17:22 And he's telling that he has a kind of segregation too, and he.
00:17:27 All right, so the finding of this Brazilian chick and I cut this clip out.
00:17:31 She was trying to play the oh, we're so much better than Americans because our people, you know, we mix race all the time, you know, like, it it's not just white and black, it's like different shades of brown and.
00:17:43 And we just think of people as people.
00:17:45 But then.
Speaker 1
00:17:46 And in your country, do you have prejudices against black people?
00:17:50 Well, I wouldn't actually say prejudices.
00:17:52 Perhaps I should just explain this to you.
00:17:55 Everybody seems to have heard.
00:17:56 Of apartheid during the last.
00:18:00 Few months years.
00:18:02 And I think it's perhaps misinterpreted in.
00:18:07 I'll tell you what apartheid actually means.
00:18:10 It means the development of two separate racial groups.
00:18:16 Within their own area.
00:18:18 And Susan, you just now you said that there is no discrimination whatsoever in in Brazil.
00:18:24 Could you just tell me more or less are there more whites or more blacks in in Brazil?
00:18:30 There are more whites.
00:18:31 There are more one, yes.
00:18:32 There are more whites.
00:18:33 But you can see white and black, white and black, white because the blacks are just black, they all colors.
00:18:37 Oh yes.
Speaker 1
00:18:39 As I told you, because the whites may very easily with the black with the.
00:18:45 That happens very much so black and white people, you know, it's very different from your country.
Speaker 2
00:18:51 For instance.
00:19:01 Oh, oh.
00:19:05 What is this?
00:19:05 What is this?
00:19:08 What is this?
00:19:09 We don't have Brazil.
00:19:11 We are.
00:19:11 We're above all this.
00:19:13 Evil South African ****.
00:19:15 Oh, really?
00:19:15 Would would.
00:19:15 You marry a black.
Speaker 4
00:19:16 Guy, well, I wouldn't.
00:19:18 Marry a black guy.
Speaker 1
00:19:19 Because my parents wouldn't approve of it.
00:19:21 And you don't you?
00:19:23 That's a little bit of discrimination.
00:19:27 Owned. Totally ******* own.
00:19:31 All right, so here we go.
00:19:33 Next clip.
Speaker 1
00:19:34 I just don't see how integration would work in South Africa, at least not for the present.
00:19:43 For in South Africa it's 3 million whites against 12 million.
00:19:49 In America, it's it's altogether different and I'm quite sure that the present policy that we follow is going to be the solution of the problem at last.
Speaker 5
00:20:03 Could you imagine the Brazilian problem having been solved like that?
Speaker 1
00:20:07 No it won't.
00:20:08 Ever work because people are people, they can't be separated.
00:20:12 You stay here.
00:20:13 You stay here.
00:20:14 You just said you wouldn't marry a black guy.
00:20:18 She she's just.
00:20:19 She's literally just regurgitating.
00:20:21 Propaganda, and I I wish I hadn't cut.
00:20:22 The clip now.
00:20:23 But she earlier was talking about how her entire.
00:20:26 View of of.
00:20:27 America North America, not just a.
00:20:30 Was informed by American magazines and all this other stuff and how she was surprised that it was different.
00:20:35 Well, what do you think?
00:20:36 She's getting these ******* ideas.
Speaker 1
00:20:37 You are white.
00:20:38 You are black.
00:20:39 You can't.
00:20:40 And you got to judge what they have to do, where they have to stay.
00:20:44 You have to go in those schools.
00:20:45 They have to go in those schools.
00:20:46 You married this man.
00:20:47 She married.
00:20:47 That one?
00:20:48 No, no, it's not a question of who is God and who who's going to judge, but.
00:20:54 It's it's a civilization against the civilization, after all.
00:20:58 It is.
00:20:59 It is the White S Africans that have built up South Africa to where it is now.
00:21:05 Home. Oh oh.
00:21:08 It is the white, but you know she was right.
00:21:10 It's it was the white S Africans.
00:21:13 The White S Africans built South Africa.
00:21:17 And they wanted to keep it intact.
Speaker 1
00:21:20 With the help of the other supervision.
00:21:27 It has.
Speaker 1
00:21:27 To be so excited.
00:21:28 You know, attitude, but I don't know after all.
00:21:33 It it's not.
00:21:34 Fair to to think that S Africans should just should just.
00:21:39 Put all their good work right?
00:21:42 For instance, I can't.
00:21:43 I couldn't tell what is going to happen in the future, but.
00:21:47 You don't want to know what happens.
00:21:48 In the future.
00:21:50 I really hope you didn't live long enough.
00:21:52 To see what happened.
00:21:52 In the future.
Speaker 1
00:21:54 I think for the present time there, there is no other solution for.
00:21:58 What would you think?
00:22:00 Well, I think that people have the right to live as they want to.
00:22:03 I think you can put a barrier between people.
00:22:06 We we can't put a barrier between people.
00:22:09 What do you think national borders are, sweetie?
00:22:13 What do you think?
00:22:14 There's a little sign in front of your name in front of?
00:22:17 You that says Brazil on it.
00:22:23 You absolutely. Why do you?
00:22:24 Have a door on your.
00:22:25 House, why do you have a fence?
00:22:27 Around your property.
00:22:30 You absolutely.
00:22:33 Can tell people where they can go and where.
00:22:34 They can't go.
Speaker 1
00:22:36 Let the good there was a wish to you want to go to your schools, let them.
00:22:40 They don't want to.
Speaker 5
00:22:41 OK.
00:22:42 I'm sorry.
00:22:44 You're just beginning to get into the interesting part of the discussion.
00:22:47 It's a good note to end on that.
00:22:49 You gave us, Susie, people are people.
00:22:52 Yeah, that's right, you dumb American *****.
00:22:55 That's a good that's a good note to end on.
00:22:59 People are people.
00:23:01 Right, that's that's that's the sophisticated worldview.
00:23:05 That we've got all.
00:23:06 Right.
00:23:06 So anyway, and you might remember this, this woman here or this guy, he was super bass too.
00:23:13 I highly recommend checking out that stream.
00:23:15 This guy is from Greece.
00:23:17 But we're not.
00:23:18 Going to want.
00:23:18 It's just the cameras.
00:23:19 On him right now.
00:23:20 He is super *******.
00:23:21 Based and like super ******* based and really eloquent when it comes to talking about race and his interactions with the African.
00:23:33 I don't know if it was like a Greece occupied part of Africa.
00:23:37 I forget the name of it, but he he talks about.
00:23:40 Like how he.
00:23:40 You know, spent a lot of time in this place, a lot of Africans, and how he's like, no prejudice implies that you're you're making a judgment without any information.
00:23:50 I lived around there.
00:23:51 I it's.
00:23:52 I just have a preference not to be around them, but anyway the the, the next woman here is a a British South African and she explains the same thing about like look.
00:24:06 I, judging by the media, you know, people are people that the media is informing a lot of these people's worldview and some of the most prejudice.
00:24:16 If you want to look at the actual definition of prejudice, you know making decisions without enough information, it's these Americans who have never lived around black people.
Speaker 1
00:24:27 Coming to the state, I had the idea that this was the idea given to me by magazines, American magazines and articles in American newspapers that Americans have very strong racial prejudices and.
00:24:44 What struck me was the fact that the most prodigious people in America are people sitting in their homes, built in beautiful, segregated areas, going to often private schools where there are many groups, people who have never met an equal on equal social standing.
00:25:02 And then.
00:25:04 From uh.
00:25:06 Well, there are philanthropic ideas.
00:25:09 The idea that all suddenness are rather backward and quite inferior to themselves and people scoffing at the suddenness problem and scoffing at problems in South Africa where they may absolutely nothing about it, and that is to me.
Speaker 4
00:25:29 Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding.
00:25:33 It was a bunch of these.
00:25:36 Uh, you know, it's kind of it's kind of funny.
00:25:37 It's like I was talking a few strings back where people there was that guy.
00:25:41 That said, well, you're blame.
00:25:43 You're a bland.
00:25:43 The urban whites and stuff.
00:25:44 Too. It's like they.
00:25:46 Are getting all of their values and all of their worldviews from Jewish media and academia.
00:25:54 So yeah, you, I.
00:25:55 Guess you can blame him for for being Goebel, for being trusting.
00:25:59 For being members of a high trust society and thinking to themselves like, well, I mean.
00:26:04 Why would they?
00:26:04 They they couldn't print it if it wasn't true.
00:26:08 Right.
00:26:10 Thinking of themselves like, wow.
00:26:11 Well, I mean, this is an American movie.
00:26:13 Why would Americans lie to Americans?
00:26:17 This is an American newspaper.
00:26:19 Why would Americans?
00:26:20 Lie it. It's because.
00:26:24 Those people.
00:26:26 Making those movies, writing those books, writing those newspaper articles.
00:26:33 Doing those television and radio broadcasts.
00:26:38 They weren't American the same way.
00:26:42 Well, that I'm an American.
00:26:45 I don't have a in other homeland.
00:26:49 That I feel loyalty to.
00:26:53 I don't have any other people.
00:26:55 That I feel loyalty to and and and or and and in.
00:26:59 Their case they.
00:27:02 Before in any American identity, certainly.
00:27:07 And that that.
00:27:08 Was it you had and it went on for, like I said, this next.
00:27:11 Part here.
00:27:14 Lethal Weapon 2.
00:27:16 This is 30 years later.
00:27:20 30 years later.
00:27:23 And so this kind of **** was being produced.
00:27:27 For 30 straight or more years until eventually.
00:27:35 Was dismantled.
00:27:41 And a lot of that was because of international pressure.
00:27:48 And a lot of this.
00:27:52 A lot of the understanding that the rest of the world has on race, especially in countries that didn't have any kind of black populations.
00:28:01 It was 100% informed by movies like this because where else would they get it?
00:28:10 Yeah, and if.
00:28:12 You're a white suburban boomer.
00:28:16 And you live, like, literally everyone.
00:28:18 Your neighborhood is white.
00:28:19 All the kids at your.
00:28:20 Kids school are.
00:28:21 White every white your church is white, everyone.
00:28:24 Your job is white.
00:28:28 And then you watch this movie and there's this black guy.
00:28:31 In it.
00:28:33 And he's, like, whiter than the.
00:28:34 White guy, which we'll.
00:28:35 Go over here in a second.
00:28:38 So with the lethal weapon movies.
00:28:43 It's not just if this was an entire genre.
00:28:48 Where the entire point.
00:28:51 Of the genre.
00:28:54 Was to show oh, white people are like this and black people are like this, but they can overcome their differences and become best friends and then justice prevails like that.
00:29:05 That's that's this genre.
00:29:08 It doesn't matter if you're talking about, you know, 48 hours with Eddie Murphy.
00:29:14 Or Beverly Hills cop with with Eddie Murphy.
00:29:19 Or what is it rush hour?
00:29:22 Of course, that was a Asian guy instead of a white guy.
00:29:28 But movie after movie after movie, black cop, white cop, they get partnered up.
00:29:35 Oh, they come from different worlds and they all we have all these weird differences, but we in the end we work them all.
00:29:41 Out and we become best friends.
00:29:46 And that was, you know, lethal weapon one was.
00:29:49 That was that was very basic ***** buddy movie.
00:29:54 You had the Mel Gibson's character was like this.
00:29:57 Unhinged white cop.
00:30:02 Who had had gone off the deep end because his his wife had died?
00:30:07 He was this. That was the only two the white guys were usually either like, super stuck up two-dimensional characters or if they weren't, they were like insane people.
00:30:20 It was never like the white guy was never viewed as anything.
00:30:27 Respectable or or or as a patriarch at all.
00:30:31 It was just like, you know, you were like this total square.
00:30:36 With no soul.
00:30:37 And like, that's what you learn from the black guy, right?
00:30:39 That was your partner, like, oh, I I learned how to not not be so white.
00:30:44 Or they were, like, batshit crazy like Mel.
00:30:47 Gibson's character?
00:30:49 And the contrast was.
00:30:52 You know his partner is like the cosbys.
00:30:56 You know, even in this opening scene this opening scene there in.
00:30:59 This car chase.
00:31:00 And Mel Gibson is being reckless and crazy.
00:31:04 While the black guy is is driving his wife's station wagon.
00:31:10 And wanting to be super, you know like, Oh no, we can't speed, you know, it's.
00:31:13 It was like a reversal.
00:31:16 Yeah, Mel Gibson, just like I'm a nut case.
00:31:18 I'm ******* crazy.
00:31:20 And he's like, oh, you're ******* crazy.
00:31:22 Oh, my God.
00:31:22 You're gonna kill us.
00:31:23 You're so reckless.
00:31:27 And of course, instantly we're introduced to.
00:31:31 The evil white guy.
00:31:35 The the the widest possible white guys, you know, blonde hair, blue eyed, super pale white guys driving European cars.
00:31:49 So they're getting like this, this car chase.
00:31:52 I don't know if I want to play the car chase.
00:31:57 Actually there there's an interesting bit of of dialogue here, so they.
00:32:03 The the South Africans and the audience will will recognize the language, but Americans, that's how.
00:32:09 That's the thing.
00:32:11 Americans had no idea what had this little understanding of South African culture.
00:32:21 What time you have the same menu?
00:32:22 Why don't you plan? No.
Speaker 7
00:32:24 What the hell is that?
Speaker 4
00:32:26 What ******* language is done?
00:32:27 Another that ship?
Speaker 2
00:32:28 Before I think it.
00:32:29 Was German Japanese.
00:32:31 Japanese radio and maybe they bought the LAPD as well.
00:32:34 We own everything else.
00:32:37 So they they have no.
00:32:38 Idea what they're.
00:32:39 Hearing what language that could possibly be.
00:32:42 So they're chasing these S Africans and the the other comment that was interesting it seems.
00:32:47 Like, well, you know.
00:32:48 Maybe it is Japanese this?
00:32:49 Is a Japanese radio maybe?
00:32:51 They, you know, they own everything.
00:32:52 Else and it was because at the time this is when post World War 2.
00:32:58 America had exported a bunch of our manufacturing to Japan, and now that all that manufacturing is just happening in China.
00:33:07 So they're getting this big crazy shootout and the helicopter comes miraculously, saves them.
00:33:20 Shoot them.
00:33:21 The guy in the the the Super white guy and the Beamer tries to escape Rex's car. Whatever he gets away and.
00:33:33 They find gold.
00:33:34 He's got all this.
00:33:34 Gold. What's up with that?
00:33:37 All right, so there we go too.
00:33:39 The black cops house and again.
00:33:44 This his house looks like.
00:33:46 Every white upper, upper, middle class house.
00:33:52 It's this Mcmansion in this white neighborhood, all of you know his family.
00:33:56 They're like they're wearing ******* Cosby sweaters and ****.
00:34:00 Like like that?
00:34:01 That's his son.
Speaker 3
00:34:03 You know like.
00:34:06 And you know, they're all bonding around the the TV.
00:34:10 And of course, the white guy, he's he has, he has no family.
00:34:14 Because he's crazy.
00:34:17 And there we meet the evil.
00:34:19 South African.
00:34:22 Demon guy and not only is he evil.
00:34:26 I want you to look at the.
00:34:28 The plaque above.
00:34:29 His head.
00:34:32 I mean maybe.
00:34:33 I'll have to move this a little bit just so you.
00:34:34 Can see a little better.
00:34:35 Let me see here.
00:34:38 Look at that.
00:34:39 What is that?
00:34:40 What does that look like to you?
00:34:44 What does that look like to you?
00:34:47 Not not so subtle, is it?
00:34:52 So I tried to find out because we find out later this is actually supposed to be like.
00:34:59 Not only it.
00:34:59 It it's not just that they're evil.
00:35:01 South African terrorists.
00:35:03 He's part of the South African apartheid government.
00:35:06 So this is.
00:35:07 Like a government building.
00:35:08 And I thought to myself like.
00:35:12 Was that like a real symbol in South Africa?
00:35:15 I doubt it.
00:35:16 Like that looks.
00:35:17 That looks like just like a Nazi symbol that they slap like a coat of arms.
00:35:20 On the front of.
00:35:22 And I could not find and maybe I'm wrong.
00:35:24 Maybe someone.
00:35:27 Someone knows more than I do, but I I could not find anything like that symbol anywhere.
00:35:37 So they legitimate as far.
00:35:39 As I can find out.
00:35:41 They legit got and Nazi eagle.
00:35:44 And slapped like a South African coat of arms type of symbol on the on the.
00:35:48 Chest of it and this symbol is everywhere.
00:35:54 Everywhere throughout the movie.
00:35:57 In the South African government buildings.
00:36:00 And it's not just the symbolism like that that's.
00:36:03 I mean, that's the symbolism, but it it's it's not just limited to visual cues that leads the audience to believe that these guys are Nazis.
00:36:20 Alright, so because he's so evil, the guy that escaped, who lost all his gold.
00:36:29 He asked that guy.
00:36:31 So he's gone.
00:36:33 And then he looks at his.
00:36:37 And his notes, and sees a picture of I got to move this again.
00:36:40 Apparently I'm going to resize this.
00:36:44 There we go.
00:36:47 And makes a comment about ah ******* black cop.
00:36:55 So meanwhile.
00:36:57 We see the white guy.
00:36:58 He has no family, says a dog lives in a trailer.
00:37:02 Kind of a loser watching, you know, late night TV and drinking a beer by himself.
00:37:12 The black cop in his in his Mcmansion, he put his family to bed.
00:37:18 He's in his pajamas.
00:37:21 He's literally a Cosby.
00:37:23 And then this happens.
00:37:28 Where evil white.
00:37:33 People attack him.
Speaker 8
00:37:38 You want to know about your kids?
00:37:41 Even white South Africans.
Speaker 8
00:37:43 You wondering what we done to them?
00:37:46 You know, if I was you, I'd be going nuts right now.
00:37:50 I'd be going ******* bananas.
00:37:53 What? The man? What we?
00:37:55 Shall I tell you?
00:37:58 You just let your imagination run.
00:38:00 Go ahead man.
00:38:02 This has just been a warning right after this it gets bloody and you tell.
Speaker 2
00:38:06 Your people to back off.
Speaker 8
00:38:08 Don't you go being a smart caffer ah.
00:38:12 Don't you go being a smart caffer.
00:38:15 Maybe we let you live and.
00:38:16 For those of you don't know, that's, that's Niger.
00:38:18 And so, well, I don't know if it still is, but that's that was.
00:38:22 Or even if that's realistic.
00:38:24 But in the movie, that's how.
00:38:25 They treat it.
00:38:27 Maybe we'll let you live, huh?
00:38:28 Come over.
00:38:33 So it turns out they didn't actually hurt the kids and.
00:38:38 He goes into the station with his partner and they, you know.
00:38:41 Tell the the.
00:38:42 Chief, what happened?
00:38:45 And the chiefs like, oh, that sucks you.
00:38:46 Know we'll, we'll, we'll.
00:38:47 Try to, you know, get you on another case.
00:38:50 And the other case is.
00:38:53 They've got to watch Joe Pesci.
00:38:56 Because Joe Pesci is a a money launderer for drug dealers, so they go in and room service shows up.
00:39:07 And of course the room service guy ends up being oh, he's a murderer.
00:39:16 Hey, Johnny.
00:39:24 Say it against the.
00:39:25 White guy who's super reckless and everything and.
00:39:27 All, he's all he's.
00:39:28 Done it again.
00:39:37 Alright, so this is a subtle thing.
00:39:40 But it's, it's just in every single ******* 80s movie.
00:39:43 I feel like that.
00:39:44 I just got to call attention to it next time you watch an 80s movie, you'll probably see something like this.
00:39:52 80s movies for whatever reason, well, I think.
00:39:55 You can think of the reason.
00:39:56 Had to have A at least a scene.
00:40:01 Wear stuffy old white folks were freaking out hysterically.
00:40:07 Whether it was because those damn kids or those damn.
00:40:11 ******* or those, you know?
00:40:12 Damn something.
00:40:15 But it was this constant, pervasive attack.
00:40:21 On older white people.
00:40:22 Ohh yeah haha.
00:40:25 You annoyed the.
00:40:25 Older white people.
00:40:27 Ha ha.
00:40:29 I mean, that was in fact that was like the whole punch line for entire movies in some cases haha.
00:40:35 Look at that those the old rich white guys like, what was that movie with Rodney Dangerfield?
00:40:41 Rodney Dangerfield?
00:40:42 Like the whole point of.
00:40:43 That his movie.
00:40:44 Where he's always I forget.
00:40:46 What movie was he?
00:40:46 He's a.
00:40:48 There was like a golf course involved.
00:40:49 I mean, that's maybe that'd be a great one to look at, like the whole point that movie is there's the white, old, the stuffy, rich white people at the Country Club.
00:40:58 And Romney, Jewish, Rodney Rodney, Dangerfield comes along and.
00:41:01 They all hate.
00:41:01 Him and every time he ****** them off.
00:41:04 It's that's the punchline.
00:41:06 And so, well, that wasn't like a big part of this movie.
00:41:09 It's in every 80s movie.
00:41:11 And so there it is.
00:41:15 So the guy the assassin gets away.
00:41:20 And uh, they go to the the evil South African guy and tell him, oh, you know we.
00:41:26 Didn't get him.
00:41:27 Because that you find out.
00:41:28 Oh, Joe Pesci, just by chance was actually laundering money.
00:41:34 For the South African consulate, drug dealer or guys?
00:41:42 So they go back to.
00:41:45 To the Cosby's house.
00:41:49 And say, hey, you know, you think you can find you used to let's let's solve these cases that you're involved with because that they're trying to.
00:41:56 Kill you.
00:41:57 You think you can take us to one of the houses of the people that you laundered money for?
00:42:01 It's like, yeah, maybe it's the drive around.
00:42:03 And then this is not.
00:42:04 This is very subtle.
00:42:07 But it's it's just another it's, it's just so pervasive.
00:42:11 Listen carefully as they get out of the car.
00:42:15 And they're walking to the the house.
00:42:18 And just in the background, there's a white woman getting her car towed by a black tow truck driver.
00:42:25 And just just.
00:42:27 Like I said, it's very subtle, but it's.
00:42:29 All. It's everywhere.
00:42:33 Nice pop.
Speaker 5
00:42:35 Now, what are you doing?
Speaker 4
00:42:36 OK, I'm hooking it up.
Speaker 5
00:42:37 You're not even looking.
Speaker 2
00:42:38 At what you're.
00:42:38 Doing alright, I know what I'm doing.
00:42:40 I'm showing your car, not a baby carriage.
00:42:43 It is my car and you're checking the thing.
00:42:44 I can hear.
00:42:45 It got your car.
00:42:47 Say it's.
00:42:47 It's this ****** Karen.
00:42:50 It's the ****** Karen.
00:42:51 I don't know if you.
00:42:52 Can hear that but.
00:42:53 There's this white Karen.
00:42:54 Saying, oh, you don't know what you're doing.
00:42:57 You're gonna chip the.
00:42:57 Paint on my on my car.
00:43:00 You're not even looking.
00:43:01 I can see you chipping the paint.
00:43:05 It's the it's I'm telling.
00:43:07 You that the the care and meme is not a new one.
00:43:12 So he acts like a.
00:43:15 Pool boy. He sneaks on.
00:43:16 Sneaks into the property and of course it's the South Africans and they're counting their drug money and he beats them up because he's like a super cop.
00:43:28 And one of them runs away and of course.
00:43:31 Pulls a gun.
00:43:32 On the innocent black tow truck driver.
00:43:35 And drives off with the the Karens BMW attached to the back of the the tow truck.
00:43:43 But super cop Mel Gibson jumps onto the back and there's this like, ridiculous.
00:43:51 Chasing where he's climbing around and, you know, driving through traffic and then like the stupidest ever, this scene happens.
00:44:11 First of all, ohh the Karen's car. Ha ha ha. She was worried about a couple scratches.
00:44:16 And now look.
00:44:24 And he's killed by a surfboard because whatever.
00:44:30 So they go back to the the house.
00:44:34 And to go arrest the guys that were counting the money.
00:44:39 But then Dun Dun, Dun, evil South African guy comes downstairs and listen to this dialogue very carefully.
00:44:50 Well, actually don't have to listen too carefully.
00:44:51 It's not that it's not that subtle.
Speaker 9
00:45:00 You have no idea what you are doing.
Speaker 8
00:45:02 Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about that.
00:45:04 We're professional police officers.
00:45:05 We do this for a living.
Speaker 9
00:45:06 My name is Arjun Rudd, Minister of Diplomatic affairs for the South African Consulate.
Speaker 7
00:45:14 Said Africa Raj, the home of the.
Speaker 8
00:45:16 Kruger and among other things.
Speaker 9
00:45:18 These gentlemen also work for the consulate.
00:45:25 I'll just call.
00:45:26 You right off.
00:45:30 I'll just call you 8 off.
00:45:32 So yeah, they have diplomatic immunity.
00:45:34 And so they're.
00:45:36 Like ****, we got to.
00:45:37 Leave and as they're leaving, Mel Gibson puts pulls the charm on this.
00:45:45 Hotty Little South African chick that's pulling up in her car.
00:45:51 And then they go back to the station.
00:45:52 They're like dude.
00:45:54 We gotta get this guy and then, you know, the chiefs always like, OK, my hands are tied the state Department.
00:46:00 But like, like that character.
00:46:01 In every movie is.
00:46:04 And then, of course, the evil Nazi South African old guy takes the young, pretty South African girl home.
Speaker 9
00:46:18 One moment, Miss Vanden Haas.
00:46:24 I hope you understood what was happening here today.
Speaker 1
00:46:28 I'd rather not jump to an own conclusions.
00:46:31 Why don't you explain it to me?
Speaker 9
00:46:34 The policies of.
00:46:34 Our government are not popular here in America, as you know.
00:46:38 The Police Department of this city has ever run with blacks.
00:46:42 Ah, I have to say, you got to understand them.
00:46:45 Americans hate us.
00:46:46 The Police Department is overrun by blacks.
Speaker 3
00:46:50 They have patches and gardens and they hate us.
00:46:53 They have badges and guns and they hate us.
Speaker 9
00:46:56 I considered it's tough.
00:46:59 And particularly myself will always be targets for their harassment.
00:47:11 Goodnight.
00:47:11 Mr. So subtle Thunder.
00:47:12 Clap in the background.
00:47:18 Like the most evil face anyone can make with the most evil lighting on his face with the most evil angle and and and focal length and it's.
00:47:29 Just captain evil.
00:47:33 All right. And so.
00:47:35 Mel Gibson starts following him around and in fact joins in on thee.
00:47:42 Anti apartheid protests and apartheid.
00:47:52 Now that sign on now Gibson say it isn't so.
00:48:14 So like I said, it's not just like.
00:48:16 A theme in the movie it is the movie.
00:48:20 It's an anti apartheid movie with some action scenes in it.
00:48:28 Alright, so he goes home.
00:48:32 Oh no, they call them up and.
00:48:34 They say, Oh yeah, your.
00:48:35 Partner's.
00:48:36 Missing he goes and finds out that the evil Nazi S Africans put a bomb on his toilet.
00:48:44 And for some reason they I don't know why it's this seems ridiculous.
00:48:50 And again it's it's the whole bonding of like the see we're totally different people, but we love each other and we join together and bro.
00:49:01 Against these evil Nazi South Africans.
00:49:05 And like the symbolism, of course, it just as clear as the Nazi eagle on the back wall behind the evil Nazi South African is this symbolism.
Speaker 3
00:49:18 Let's do it, OK?
00:49:31 Oh, diversity is our strength.
00:49:34 So yeah.
00:49:39 They survived the weird toilet bomb.
00:49:41 Of course, so there wouldn't be a movie.
00:49:45 And then we get to the next scene.
00:49:51 Where they decide well, in order to sneak into the consulate.
00:49:56 To get into evil Nazi.
00:50:00 South African guys office.
00:50:03 We're gonna have to trick them.
00:50:04 So this is their little trick?
00:50:05 Their ploy.
Speaker 5
00:50:10 Well, what can I do for?
Speaker 7
00:50:11 You today.
00:50:12 OK, I have this problem.
00:50:14 This very delicate matter.
00:50:16 I have a friend of mine once they migrate.
00:50:18 To South Africa.
Speaker 8
00:50:18 Yes, of course I can certainly.
00:50:20 Help him do.
Speaker 7
00:50:21 That ohh sure, but I.
00:50:23 Want you to talk him out of it?
00:50:24 Talking about, yeah, whatever.
Speaker 7
00:50:26 For what you see, this is such a bad time for him to go to South Africa.
00:50:30 I mean.
00:50:31 With all the trouble and everything.
00:50:32 OK, look.
00:50:33 Why don't you ask your friend to come?
00:50:34 Back later in the week, we can sit down.
Speaker 7
00:50:36 He's here.
00:50:36 No, he's here.
00:50:37 He's here.
00:50:37 He's here?
00:50:38 How France, how France?
00:50:38 Yeah, he's here.
00:50:49 How you doing?
00:50:50 I think there must be some mistake.
Speaker 8
00:50:55 Say what?
Speaker 3
00:50:58 Listen to your friend here.
00:51:00 He knows what?
00:51:00 He's talking about.
Speaker 4
00:51:02 I don't think he really want to.
Speaker 9
00:51:03 Go to South Africa.
00:51:05 Why not?
Speaker 7
00:51:09 Because you're black.
00:51:11 And we hate the dark keys in South Africa.
00:51:17 You are.
Speaker 3
00:51:20 Of course I'm black.
00:51:22 That's what I want to go to South Africa to join up with my oppressed brothers, to take up the struggle against the tyranny of the racist fascist.
00:51:30 White minority regime.
00:51:32 Did you hear that the he's going to fight the the racist, fascist white minority regime?
00:51:42 The the racist, fascist white minority that built the country.
00:51:49 By the way, it's it's only a matter of time before there's movies like this talking about Americans.
00:51:56 Talking about the racist, fascist white minority.
00:52:01 In America, the difference is you won't have apartheid to save you.
00:52:06 Fascist right regime.
00:52:08 One man, one vote, one man, one vote free South Africa, you dumb *** ** * *****, you dumb *** ** * *****.
Speaker 5
00:52:14 Look, I've heard just.
00:52:15 Free South Africa.
00:52:18 See this.
00:52:18 This is the the scene I was remembering when I had seen it.
00:52:21 I I didn't realize that the whole movie was like this, but this, you know, this is pretty on the nose, you know.
Speaker 3
00:52:28 Racist, fascist, white, minority, regime fascist, white regime.
00:52:32 One man, one vote, one man, one.
00:52:34 Vote 3 S.
00:52:35 Africa, you dumb *** ** * *****.
00:52:37 You dumb son of a.
Speaker 5
00:52:38 *****, I've heard just.
00:52:39 About as much as I want.
Speaker 3
00:52:44 What's happening here?
00:52:51 Sir Mel Gibson uses the distraction to sneak in.
00:53:02 OK.
00:53:07 Again, look at.
00:53:08 This look at the symbol on the doors.
00:53:10 Look at the doors.
Speaker 5
00:53:16 Literal Nazis.
00:53:19 Literal Nazis.
00:53:27 I mean, you can't make it anymore, obvious.
00:53:35 And there there it is again.
00:53:36 Now he's in the office.
00:53:39 So he sneaks into the office.
00:53:42 And evil Hitler, South African Hitler comes into his office.
00:53:47 And he comes and he's like, surprise *******.
00:53:51 And there look again, that framing is very deliberate.
00:53:56 You got that you got.
00:53:57 You're shooting from down below, so it's this big dominant.
00:54:00 I mean, it's straight out of it, literally is a shot that is likely this exact shot probably exists in triumph.
00:54:08 Of the will.
00:54:10 It's a very fascist dictator, shot where you've got him shot from down below looking up at him.
00:54:17 With the symbol of the the fascist regime over his shoulder.
00:54:24 And they get these gems of dialogue here.
Speaker 8
00:54:30 That's the master race.
00:54:32 It's the master race. Oh.
Speaker 9
00:54:36 I hope you realize the trouble you are in right now.
00:54:40 And again, you got the wings come out of his head.
00:54:43 These all these shots are very deliberate.
Speaker 8
00:54:47 Well, as usual, you people have got everything all upside down and turn around and back to front, gentlemen.
Speaker 9
00:54:55 Show Officer Riggs into the street.
00:55:02 Get your fingers.
Speaker 4
00:55:04 And uh.
00:55:06 So he creates international incident, but you know, whatever.
Speaker 9
00:55:09 We could deal with your origin origin.
00:55:11 Is that Arian or?
00:55:12 For Aaron, is that your name?
00:55:15 You ******* Nazi.
00:55:17 Whatever the **** your name is.
Speaker 4
00:55:18 I'll make a little deal with you.
00:55:20 You fold up your tents.
00:55:22 And get the **** out of my country.
00:55:25 Go to my country, my multicultural Wonderland.
00:55:28 You've ******* racist.
Speaker 8
00:55:30 And I won't do anything to you.
00:55:33 I'll leave you alone.
00:55:35 Because if you.
00:55:35 Stick around here.
00:55:36 I'm going to ****.
Speaker 3
00:55:37 Your *** gonna send you.
00:55:39 Your balls in.
00:55:40 A sling. You got that?
Speaker 3
00:55:43 Just get out of here.
00:55:46 Care for lover?
00:55:47 Care for a lover?
00:55:56 So of course he doesn't do anything.
00:55:58 He he leaves, he bumps into the the cute blonde.
00:56:03 South African chick again.
00:56:06 And then they get.
00:56:07 In the car and they're joking about how you know those ******* racists.
00:56:11 We showed those Nazi.
00:56:12 These I mean at this point this.
00:56:14 Is basically an Antifa movie.
Speaker 3
00:56:31 So when you come in.
00:56:32 Oh yeah, I got up there.
Speaker 3
00:56:33 I got I it wasn't long before Harry.
00:56:35 And cutting his.
00:56:36 Brown shirts turned up, but I managed to rip this off the pad in the disk.
Speaker 3
00:56:38 Yeah, Alba Varden thirsty album, part 30.
00:56:39 What's that?
Speaker 7
00:56:43 Isn't that the name of?
Speaker 5
00:56:44 Hitler's girlfriend is.
Speaker 3
00:56:45 He, LeBron.
00:56:47 Anytime we can mention Hitler sounds to me I.
00:56:49 That's another night she's got a.
Speaker 9
00:56:50 Date with her on Thursday.
Speaker 3
00:56:54 Didn't say that.
00:56:54 It just sounds familiar.
00:56:56 All right.
00:56:57 So then creepy Mel Gibson follows the blonde chick into the supermarket.
00:57:04 And he has to make sure.
00:57:06 She's not a Nazi, though.
Speaker 8
00:57:08 You don't like your boss very much, do you?
Speaker 5
00:57:12 Yeah, many things I don't.
00:57:13 Like about my boss and my country.
00:57:15 Oh, there's a lot of things.
00:57:16 She doesn't like about her boss or.
00:57:18 Her country wink.
00:57:20 Don't worry, I'm not one of those *** **** racists.
00:57:23 So he's like, sweet.
00:57:24 Let's go.
00:57:25 Let's go to my place and ****.
00:57:28 So while while he's taking her home to go **** her, all the other cops that have been, this does it.
00:57:34 It's hard to tell he's upside down and you know, let's face it, all black.
00:57:38 People look the same.
00:57:40 The this is.
00:57:41 Not his partner, but the South Africans come in.
00:57:45 And chasing them on.
00:57:46 After changing wallet.
00:57:47 What the hell do?
00:57:48 You want, I hope better than your.
Speaker 8
00:57:49 Body easy, easy.
Speaker 9
00:57:53 Tell me something, boiler.
Speaker 8
00:57:55 Have your brains ever seen the light of day?
Speaker 2
00:57:57 Who are you?
00:57:58 What the **** do you want?
Speaker 3
00:57:59 A cop, you son.
Speaker 2
00:57:59 Of a *****.
00:58:00 Now, you were a cop.
00:58:02 So he kills that guy.
00:58:05 And somebody's approved, like, this one's like.
00:58:08 Probably the most ridiculous assassination out of all.
00:58:11 Of them.
00:58:20 Ohh man.
00:58:22 See, she sure gonna stay at home mom.
00:58:25 Now meanwhile, Mel Gibson is, you know, hooking up with the the South African chick.
00:58:34 And there's you.
00:58:35 Know this diversity team and including you might recognize it's a much younger Hank from Breaking Bad, much younger and thinner.
Speaker 5
00:58:46 Yeah, I got a pair sitting right here, see.
00:58:50 That's him.
00:58:51 Hey, Kavanaugh, you in?
00:58:52 Or out enough.
00:58:53 To say that they they already did the diving board board bomb, so now they're doing the stereo bomb.
00:58:55 Well, that's.
00:59:06 All right.
00:59:06 So meanwhile, Mel Gibson is still banging the.
00:59:10 Being in the.
00:59:13 The check.
00:59:15 And then.
00:59:17 His partner and and Joe Pesci figure out ohh ****.
00:59:22 I think I remember that name that we were looking at that piece of paper that rings a bell.
00:59:27 I think I have that there.
00:59:28 There's a tape in my house that has something to do with that.
00:59:31 Mel Gibson still banging the South African girl.
00:59:38 And then he goes home and he starts watching the tape.
00:59:42 And meanwhile, Joe Pesci, who's waiting outside, gets kidnapped by the by the evil South Africans.
00:59:51 And he sees the name he's like, oh.
00:59:53 ****, it's a boat.
00:59:57 It's a boat.
00:59:57 That's where I remember that name.
01:00:00 It's a boat.
01:00:02 And then some South African Nazi tries to kill him.
01:00:07 He's like, no.
01:00:09 And then he kills him with a nail gun.
01:00:12 And another South African Nazi tries to kill him.
01:00:15 And it kills him with a nail gun.
01:00:18 And Mel Gibson's still banging the South African chick and then the South African Nazi helicopters come to go, gunned down his trailer that he lives in.
01:00:33 And they start shooting it up.
01:00:36 And Mel Gibson.
01:00:38 Hides underneath the trailer.
01:00:41 And sneaks over and beats up one of the South African Nazis and takes his gun and kills the other one and has this of course once again this awesome line of dialogue.
Speaker 8
01:00:55 Nice to race.
01:00:57 Master race here.
Speaker 8
01:01:02 Nice to race.
01:01:03 That's right, ****** ******* eat lead.
01:01:06 So he goes ape shift some more.
01:01:09 You go.
01:01:09 We gotta watch this and realize, doesn't this doesn't this explain boomers to?
01:01:14 You like a lot.
01:01:15 More like don't you kind of at least understand like this is.
01:01:21 Isn't this exactly how boomers view the world?
01:01:23 Like how America should be.
01:01:27 And this was a.
01:01:27 Number one movie like, in fact, it might have been #1. I'm sure it was for, like, at least a little bit.
01:01:31 I don't know about for the whole year.
01:01:33 They made ******* what, like five of these movies or something and they?
01:01:37 Made more.
01:01:37 They made so many of these movies.
01:01:40 Huge money makers.
01:01:44 So he kills, you know, more Nazis.
01:01:48 He kills one of the ones flying one of the helicopters.
01:01:52 The other helicopter starts chasing him around in his truck.
01:01:55 You know, he grabs the South African chick to go with him.
01:01:58 In the truck.
01:02:00 And you know, they're shooting at him and with a pistol, he shoots down the helicopter.
01:02:07 And then they pick up his dog, which is fine.
01:02:11 And he goes to take her home.
01:02:14 Like nothing happened like that was just like a.
01:02:15 Normal date.
01:02:17 You know like.
01:02:18 It's it's OK and he's like, alright.
01:02:26 That was a nice.
Speaker 8
01:02:27 Go get the girl, spring.
01:02:30 Evil evil S Africans get him.
01:02:34 And then.
01:02:36 While he's all tied up or chained up, the Super evil South African guy.
01:02:42 That's when he tells him.
01:02:43 The horrible, horrible truth.
01:02:47 That not only is he an evil Nazi, evil, racist, South African Nazi.
01:02:56 He's the one that killed Mel.
01:02:58 Gibson's first wife.
01:03:02 And it was all for the South African government.
01:03:06 So so.
01:03:08 Even though, like you know, the first movie has not.
01:03:12 They've they've changed the cannon now to where, like in the first movie?
01:03:16 Now that's all because of South African Nazis too.
01:03:19 Like his, the whole reason he went off the deep end to, you know, his character exists is because of South African Nazis killing his wife.
01:03:28 So so anyway, and so then they throw them into the water.
01:03:32 Because in these movies you know, the bad guys can't just shoot the.
01:03:36 Guy in the.
01:03:36 Head right.
01:03:37 They have to do the most ridiculous form of of ineffective, like super elaborate, ineffective execution.
01:03:50 So they throw them in.
01:03:57 But he's able to wriggle out, of course, because.
01:04:01 You know, but then after he wriggles out, he sees, oh, my God, they kill my new girlfriend too.
01:04:09 The evil South African Nazis.
01:04:11 They didn't just kill my first wife.
01:04:12 They killed this girl.
01:04:13 I just hooked up with.
01:04:15 Oh my God.
01:04:17 So now he's like in a rage.
01:04:19 Mode and he gets out of the water and strangles one of the South African Nazis with a chain and kills the other one with a car door, smashing it into his head.
01:04:33 And then he calls up his his black partner.
01:04:35 And he's like, I know I got to kill him.
01:04:38 Well, now, because I just found out they killed my first wife and the whole reason my character exists is because of South African Nazis.
01:04:46 We got to get them.
01:04:48 And the black guys like.
01:04:50 Ohh I also found out.
01:04:51 That, you know it's a boat.
01:04:54 But before we go to the boat, let's go **** them up at the at their hideout because there's the other thing at their hideout that everyone knows where it's at.
01:05:06 But you know, because we've been to their house twice, but that same house is obviously the hideout where they're going to keep Joe Pesci that they kidnapped.
01:05:16 And so, of course the South Africans are, you know, they're evil Nazis.
01:05:20 They're not very clever.
01:05:21 They decide to bring their their, their prisoner the the guy that is in in federal protective custody or whatever to the only location that the law enforcement is aware of that they have.
01:05:37 And so they meet.
01:05:40 Look, this is team diversity.
01:05:41 Shows up bump, bump, bump, bump.
01:05:44 Time to kill us.
01:05:45 Some *** **** Nazis.
01:05:48 And so he hooks up his truck to the stilts that hold up the mansion.
01:05:55 And while he starts pulling the house down, his black partner runs in the house and shoots that Nazi shoots that Nazi.
01:06:05 The other Nazi runs away the the Super Alpha Nazi that.
01:06:09 That killed Mel Gibson's wife.
01:06:13 So they get Joe Pesci.
01:06:16 And they tear down the mansion.
01:06:19 And then they say.
01:06:20 All right, Joe.
01:06:20 Pesci. We're going to go.
01:06:21 To that boat.
01:06:23 And want to kill us some *** **** Nazis.
01:06:27 So they go to the shipping yard.
01:06:31 And there it.
01:06:32 Is the Alba Varden Alba?
01:06:36 Doesn't that sound familiar?
01:06:38 I know it means white.
01:06:43 I know it means white.
01:06:44 What does Vardon mean?
01:06:47 I actually didn't look this up.
01:06:49 Let's find out.
01:06:52 The alpha voting what secret message is that?
01:06:56 What's Varden mean Varden?
01:07:11 Well, it's Norwegian.
01:07:16 Let's see here.
01:07:20 I don't know if.
01:07:24 Just type in Bard in here.
01:07:30 Let's say Norwegian.
01:07:39 Oh, it doesn't say.
01:07:40 Let me do Alba Varden and see.
01:07:42 If it will auto detect.
01:07:50 Well, it's not detecting.
01:07:52 I don't know what it means, but it's Alba is white.
01:07:59 So it's.
01:08:00 White someone saying Varden equals warden, so that would make sense.
01:08:04 Or guard.
01:08:06 So the name of the boat is the White Guard or the White Warden.
01:08:11 Yeah, just again.
01:08:13 No one's.
01:08:13 It's not gonna sink in with most people.
01:08:17 But it's all.
01:08:18 These little things.
01:08:20 A good filmmaker doesn't hit you over the ******* head with this.
01:08:23 And the scary thing is.
01:08:25 The audience like.
01:08:27 Hindsight's 2020.
01:08:29 You and I can watch this movie and see how ******* obvious it is.
01:08:33 In 1989, all this super obvious **** didn't seem obvious to those.
01:08:39 Those mine slaves.
01:08:43 Not at all.
01:08:45 And subtle stuff like this, of course, was.
01:08:47 Totally, you know.
01:08:49 Only subconsciously absorbed.
01:08:55 Alright, so then we go.
01:08:57 And they go into one of the containers.
01:09:00 And they're like, oh ****.
01:09:03 There's like this fancy car in here with.
01:09:05 All this money.
01:09:08 And it's millions and millions of dollars.
01:09:12 And in fact, there's a funny scene where again, and I wish I'd clipped this.
01:09:15 Clip out, but I didn't.
01:09:17 The the black cop is.
01:09:18 Like wow, these are $1000 bills.
01:09:21 Just what's in my hand right now.
01:09:23 It could put all of my kids through college.
01:09:26 Now, that's of course funny because.
01:09:30 It couldn't actually put anyone through college.
01:09:32 Now, maybe one of your kids in college now.
01:09:36 But the the other funny part is Mel Gibson then says you should keep it.
01:09:42 And the black cops?
01:09:43 No, it's drug money.
01:09:47 That's not right.
01:09:48 So so once again, you know the the Cosby Black character, he's he's the moral compass.
01:09:54 He's the moral compass.
01:09:55 It's it's the white guy that's trying to be dirty.
01:09:58 And it's it's it's death by 1000 cuts.
01:10:04 So the bad guys noticed that the containers.
01:10:07 Open and they lock them.
01:10:08 In it.
01:10:09 And again, because these ******** bad guys.
01:10:12 They can't just shoot people.
01:10:13 In the head.
01:10:14 They decide you know what?
01:10:17 Let's just leave them in the container.
01:10:21 And since the boat's not going to stop until it gets to South Africa, by the time it gets there they'll just be dead in the.
01:10:28 Container. So that's it. We're not going to try. We know they're in there, but we're just going, you know, just like we locked him in that bag and threw him in the ocean. We're just going to lock him in this box and everything's everything's cool.
01:10:41 And of course that doesn't work.
01:11:05 Ah, so he's like, alright, just make sure they're dead.
01:11:12 And they start shooting in the water.
01:11:15 Not realizing that the clever team diversity had had snuck in or used that as a distraction and dropped down from the box while no one was looking.
01:11:26 And started shooting them some Nazis.
01:11:29 So they're just going around killing Nazis.
01:11:31 He kills that Nazi.
01:11:33 You know, he kills another Nazi.
01:11:36 Then he gets.
01:11:38 Shot or something and there's an epic karate battle.
01:11:43 Between him and the the alpha Nazi that that killed.
01:11:47 His his wife.
01:11:50 And the epic karate battle turns into a knife fight.
01:11:55 They do the Nazi knife test.
01:12:00 And then finally.
01:12:02 He drops a container on him and smashes him.
01:12:06 And the alpha Nazi has been defeated.
01:12:11 And he's like, yeah.
01:12:13 I got them.
01:12:14 I got damn.
01:12:14 *** **** Nazis.
01:12:18 And then the alpha Nazi again.
01:12:20 Look, they got look at the eagle.
01:12:21 It's over his head.
01:12:23 It's ******* glowing.
01:12:26 I mean this again, this is a a triumph of the wheel shot.
01:12:31 And he's looking.
01:12:31 Down from the top of the ship.
01:12:34 And not only that, he's got a Nazi gun like it's a Nazi era.
01:12:38 It's like a rubber.
01:12:39 I I don't know the guns well.
01:12:40 Enough to know.
01:12:42 The name of it, but it's a legit World War 2 Nazi gun.
01:12:45 Like those square looking, I think it's a Ruger, right?
01:12:47 Isn't that a Ruger?
01:12:49 I don't know what the model number is or whatever, but it's like a literal Nazi gun.
01:12:54 And uh.
01:12:57 Then of course, you know, he shoots, he shoots Mel Gibson.
Speaker 5
01:13:03 We are different partners.
01:13:10 Yeah, just there it is.
01:13:11 That's it's the literal.
01:13:15 The World War 2 Nazi gun.
01:13:27 Diplomatic community.
01:13:39 Street justice for the Nazis.
Speaker 3
01:13:40 Just been revoked.
01:13:45 See he just smashed him some flash.
01:13:48 It's literally an Antifa movie.
01:13:50 It's an Antifa ******* *****.
01:13:56 Lethal Weapon Two is an antique for *****.
01:14:00 Tell your boomer four friends that.
01:14:03 So he comes down, he's like oh.
01:14:05 Don't die on me.
01:14:06 And he's like I'm not.
01:14:07 Going to die.
01:14:08 He's like, yeah, well, we won.
01:14:10 We got the Nazis.
01:14:12 And that's literally the end.
01:14:17 Like, that's the end.
01:14:21 The whole movie.
01:14:23 The whole movie was just anti apartheid.
01:14:29 With explosions, fights.
01:14:32 And sex.
01:14:39 The whole movie.
01:14:42 It was just designed to elevate.
01:14:47 And to excite parts of your brain.
01:14:52 While shoving anti apartheid messaging into it.
01:14:58 In the same way sports ball is designed to get you excited while looking at ******* logos and commercials for ****.
01:15:07 It's no different.
01:15:11 Other than it's more effective.
01:15:17 Because you know, you can watch all the sports ball games in the world.
01:15:20 Never going to see you.
01:15:21 Know South African Hitler get shot in the forehead or.
01:15:26 Karate fights or ***** or you know any of that stuff.
01:15:33 There you go.
01:15:34 It was literally an Antifa, ***** ***** movie.
01:15:55 So we're going to switch to chat here for a little bit.
01:15:58 And then I'm going to close it down.
01:16:00 My my voice is kind of.
01:16:03 Struggling here.
01:16:06 Already I know I'm going to.
01:16:07 I'm going to sound even funnier tomorrow.
01:16:15 Alright so.
01:16:18 Organ has a law that prevents health workers from or let me say hammer of Thorazine, says Oregon has a law that prevents health workers from VAX mandates.
01:16:29 Saw an article today saying how bad that is looked up.
01:16:32 The authors name Russian Jew every time Fedor Zarkin Oregon.
01:16:39 Yeah, I mean, I'm telling you, it's.
01:16:43 It is what?
01:16:43 It is.
01:16:45 Nager Nager, 420 says. I thought Mel Gibson was based. He's he's a boomer.
01:16:53 I don't know.
01:16:53 Maybe in retrospect, he he regrets the theme of this movie.
01:16:58 I don't know.
01:16:59 You'd have to.
01:17:00 I guess you'd have to.
01:17:01 Talk to him.
01:17:03 And just switching there that looked fancy, I don't know, but this is again, this is boomer.
01:17:12 He's boomer.
01:17:12 He's a boomer.
01:17:13 He's boomer right wing.
01:17:16 And this is.
01:17:18 You know, it is what it is.
01:17:24 Just the way.
01:17:27 Says look up SADF.
01:17:38 What's sadf?
01:17:41 South African Defence Force.
01:17:51 Yeah, but their logo is not that logo.
01:17:54 Are you talking about the logo?
01:17:56 I mean it's.
01:17:57 Let me see here.
01:18:00 It does have eagle wings, but they're not like the Nazi evil wings.
01:18:05 Let me let me save this.
01:18:07 I'll put it on the screen.
Speaker 8
01:18:14 Alright, here we go.
01:18:30 Now that's that's not.
01:18:33 That's not the Nazi evil.
01:18:35 Let me show you a comparison here.
01:18:39 That is the.
01:18:40 Closest thing that I've ever seen.
01:18:46 And maybe that's what they were trying to go for.
01:18:48 Let's see what it says.
01:18:52 It was from 1957 to 1994.
01:18:57 Shortly before the state reconciled itself as a Republic in 1961, the former.
01:19:03 It was organized to perform a dual mission to counter possible insurgency in all forms and to maintain a conventional military arm which could defend the republic's borders and making retaliatory strikes as necessary.
01:19:18 So it sounds like they were basically like the Border Patrol in a way.
01:19:26 During apartheid, troops were used in quelling opposition to minority rule, often directly supporting the South African police.
01:19:33 South African military units were involved in long running Mozambican and Angolan or Angolan civil wars.
01:19:46 Yeah, it just sounds like they were.
01:19:51 And it was.
01:19:52 Like a.
01:19:55 I mean, it was an army of sorts.
01:19:56 But I still not the South African flag.
01:20:03 All right, here we go.
01:20:11 Brown pilled this movie is expanded on by the TV series alienation.
01:20:17 They literally copied lethal weapon.
01:20:21 Alien nation.
01:20:23 Why do I feel like I've seen that?
01:20:26 That sounds familiar.
01:20:28 Let me look what that is.
01:20:31 Alien nation.
01:20:36 Oh yeah, I remember that.
01:20:39 This would be a good one that.
01:20:41 Yeah, I forgot about this ****.
01:20:47 Good call.
01:20:48 I'm going to definitely look into alienation now I.
01:20:51 Vaguely I I was so young, I vaguely remember.
01:21:00 Or maybe I don't. It might have been like sci-fi channel reruns, or maybe did they remake it or something?
01:21:06 I think sci-fi.
01:21:07 Channel remade this.
01:21:11 But yeah, all right, that's a good one.
01:21:14 Yeah, that's pretty obvious.
01:21:15 Like what they were doing with that show.
01:21:19 Long story short, it's in a funny, actually, in a funny way.
01:21:21 It's kind of like District 9.
01:21:23 Kind of right.
01:21:24 Same kind of a thing where you have.
01:21:27 These aliens show.
01:21:28 Up knowing the difference is in District 9.
01:21:30 They're like not human looking at all and they stick them in concentration camps in an alien nation.
01:21:36 They look kind of human and they try to integrate them, but it's obviously, you know, it's a thinly veiled race, racial, you know, race relations.
01:21:46 How do we make and propagate successful?
01:21:48 Propaganda like this?
01:21:49 You need millions and millions of dollars.
01:21:53 You know what?
01:21:54 The budget for lethal Weapon two was?
01:21:56 Let's let's.
01:21:57 I'll tell you.
01:21:58 Let's see.
01:21:59 And this is with and.
01:22:00 This is just the budget you still need.
01:22:05 The infrastructure.
01:22:09 Because if you made your version.
01:22:11 Alright, lethal weapon two budget.
01:22:16 Alright, it was.
01:22:16 15,000,000 in 1989 money.
01:22:22 Inflation calculator.
01:22:36 So 1989.
01:22:41 And 15.
01:22:48 15,150 thousand.
01:22:54 All this ****.
01:22:58 So you would need 32,000,000.
01:23:02 Almost 33 million.
01:23:05 So you would need 30.
01:23:06 $3,000,000.
01:23:07 And then let's say you spent $33 million making your your version of Lethal Weapon 2.
01:23:14 What movie theater?
01:23:17 Is going to play your movie.
01:23:21 None, and in fact.
01:23:25 Actors like Mel Gibson and that black Guy forget his name.
01:23:31 It doesn't matter.
01:23:33 Uh, they they're not cheap.
01:23:35 Joe Pesci.
01:23:36 You know, he's not cheap.
01:23:40 And they're not going to be, you know, and that's that's what drives a lot.
01:23:43 Of the the crowd, right.
01:23:45 In fact, there's like a calculation.
01:23:47 I mean cause it's it is a business they know regardless, I mean literally regardless of of content.
01:23:55 If they have Brad Pitt just as an example in a movie, there is a formula.
01:24:03 That can run.
01:24:04 And now the minimum they'll get out of a.
01:24:06 Brad Pitt movie.
01:24:08 Which is what they used to calculate what to.
01:24:12 You know, pay him.
01:24:14 And there's a lot of other things that go into it, but like they know just by who it is.
01:24:19 Roughly how much they can expect to get.
01:24:23 Well, you're not going to get you can't know that it will apply because one, you'll never be able to get a big time actor to being your right wing propaganda film.
01:24:34 And if you did, you would never be allowed distribution, even when they've made not like super right wing propaganda.
01:24:42 Like when they made that anti abortion movie, they struggled to get distribution.
01:24:48 And then let's say.
01:24:49 You get, I mean.
01:24:50 Theaters aren't nearly as as important as they.
01:24:52 Used to be.
01:24:54 Let's say you know you have limited release.
01:24:56 You end up getting like a few theaters.
01:24:59 Well then now.
01:25:00 You got to rely on streaming services, right?
01:25:04 Well, Netflix isn't going to put your ******* right wing propaganda film on.
01:25:10 Neither is Amazon Prime.
01:25:14 See, This is why I'm black pilled because.
01:25:18 It's not just, oh, we're ****** with demographics.
01:25:21 We're ******, like, everywhere, everywhere you look.
01:25:22 At it everywhere.
01:25:26 The right has been losing for so long.
01:25:30 At a certain point.
01:25:32 You can't fix it.
01:25:35 It's like if.
01:25:36 You have a house.
01:25:38 And termites have been eating away.
01:25:42 And every bit of wood inside the house.
01:25:45 And it's about to collapse.
01:25:48 And you say, well, how do we?
01:25:50 Fix it. You don't.
01:25:53 I mean, you can knock it down, it'll and then build up another one.
01:25:57 Or you can just wait and eventually it will fall down.
01:26:00 But you don't fix this.
01:26:03 This doesn't get fixed.
01:26:07 You waited too long.
01:26:08 There was a time that you could have called up the exterminator and had him come and and and gas all the the termites out of your house.
01:26:18 And repair all the damage that they made.
01:26:22 And you'd be good to go.
01:26:24 But you didn't do that.
01:26:26 And now there's there's not enough house left.
01:26:32 You see, like, it's not a culture war if.
01:26:35 It was. You lost.
01:26:39 It's over.
Speaker 1
01:26:45 And I'm not saying.
01:26:45 This should I just crawl on the floor in the fetal position and cry.
01:26:51 I don't.
01:26:51 That's not what I'm going to do.
01:26:52 But you know you do you, I guess right.
01:26:54 Like if if that's how you react to adversity, I go for it.
01:26:58 I'm just saying be realistic.
01:27:04 You have to change tactics when you are vastly outnumbered the way.
01:27:07 That we are.
01:27:09 It's like, imagine this was like trench warfare.
01:27:14 And I I stick my head up.
01:27:16 And I see that the other sides got like.
01:27:20 1000 tanks.
01:27:23 And 100,000 soldiers.
01:27:26 And helicopters and justice like.
01:27:29 We're like.
01:27:31 500 guys.
01:27:33 With AR fifteens or whatever, right?
01:27:36 This is all metaphorical, of course.
01:27:39 And I say, ah, guys, this is.
01:27:41 A bad idea.
01:27:44 And someone says oh.
01:27:45 It was just give up.
01:27:48 No, you shouldn't just run down the battlefield. Charging the tanks with your AR15.
01:27:56 That's not going to, you know, that's not going to work.
01:28:00 And that's all I'm saying is you you have to realize how ******* outgunned we are.
01:28:08 This is **** that, like, should have been addressed.
01:28:11 A long time ago.
01:28:14 But because boomers were watching Lethal Weapon 2.
01:28:19 And believing that the narratives in lethal weapon two and again not just lethal weapon two, every movie like it.
01:28:30 Well, really just every movie because there are no right wing movies.
01:28:33 That's kind of.
01:28:33 What I'm saying, right?
01:28:35 They're believing every movie, every news report, every newspaper article.
01:28:41 Every lie.
01:28:44 For like 100 years.
01:28:49 And it wasn't until the Internet that people started figuring out.
01:28:52 Oh ****.
01:28:52 This is all lies.
01:28:55 Well and now and what how?
01:28:57 Are they?
01:28:58 What's the response from the liars?
01:29:02 Well, we got to shut down the.
01:29:03 People that keep pulling out, they were lying.
01:29:06 And they're going to try and they might succeed.
01:29:10 And the rights track record isn't so good.
01:29:12 I'm not so optimistic.
01:29:19 What realistically, what are the consequences?
01:29:23 Like realistically, what happens?
01:29:27 If you're, if you're, you know.
01:29:31 Look, it's not Biden doing this.
01:29:33 Stop, but let's just cause you to simplify it, right?
01:29:36 What are the consequences if the Biden administration?
01:29:39 Says you know what they already said the other day that they're working with with people like Facebook to be platform people and that they ultimately want it to where if you get the platform for one place.
01:29:53 You get a platform from every place.
01:29:57 And they said it.
01:29:58 They said it in in, in a press conference.
01:30:02 So it's like it's.
01:30:03 Not this isn't you.
01:30:04 Know it's in conspiracy theory, Lynn.
01:30:06 But why did they say it in the open?
01:30:08 Like that, because who cares?
01:30:12 Why not say?
01:30:12 It in the.
01:30:13 Open like that, what's going to happen?
01:30:19 I mean, we don't, we don't.
01:30:21 We don't even have like Trump to monitor the situation anymore.
01:30:25 I see how I'm getting out here.
01:30:26 Like it's bad.
01:30:30 What realistically happens if they if they, you know, just like trollo, right?
01:30:34 I'm on Trobo right now.
01:30:36 Maybe I end up on Odyssey.
01:30:38 What happens if they tell Trevor?
01:30:40 Oh, this Devin stat.
01:30:41 Guys got to go.
01:30:45 I have no records.
01:30:51 You know, I I can.
01:30:51 Keep hopping around to different uh?
01:30:54 Platforms and I could try to find.
01:30:56 Ways of of doing it you.
01:30:59 Know streaming audio or I don't?
01:31:00 Know that there's the ways.
01:31:01 I could, you know, but.
01:31:03 The people, the amount of people, I'll.
01:31:05 Be reaching will just shrink and shrink and shrink.
01:31:10 And it's already shrunk.
01:31:11 I had like a.
01:31:13 I don't know how many subscribers I really had on YouTube because it got to like 250,000. Like literally the numbers stopped moving. It didn't change for like.
01:31:21 I mean it.
01:31:21 Hasn't changed in like 2 years.
01:31:23 Three years maybe.
01:31:24 Like it.
01:31:24 It got to like a number and just stopped like it didn't.
01:31:27 Go up or down.
01:31:30 So who knows how many I really have?
01:31:35 But it's a lot less than what I've got on like like bit shoot I got like.
01:31:38 I don't know. Like.
01:31:40 20 something thousand?
01:31:41 I don't know what it is.
01:31:45 And they knock you off bit.
01:31:47 They knock you off.
01:31:48 I mean, that's what they want to do.
01:31:52 And what's going to happen to him?
01:32:00 They want it the way it.
01:32:01 Was they wanted to where they have controlled opposition.
01:32:07 They like the thing.
01:32:08 They like the whole dynamic between, you know, Fox News and and CNN, MSNBC, right?
01:32:16 Because they controlled both of those.
01:32:21 They made people feel like they had a.
01:32:22 Voice, you know.
01:32:29 But you are still having to get your news from billionaires.
01:32:41 And there's we don't have any representation in government.
01:32:49 Now, look, I've told you, I'm not going to stop.
01:32:51 Matter what they do.
01:32:54 But, and there's a lot of things they can do that it'll make it really difficult for me to reach a lot of people.
01:33:01 What's what's going to happen?
01:33:02 We're going to go.
01:33:03 Back to like.
01:33:03 The like the in the MacGyver episode and the The X-Files episode where I just have like a printing press like some weird guy with a printing press, like printing up like merchant.
01:33:13 You know the.
01:33:14 The the happy merchant memes on my my pamphlets in some backroom.
01:33:20 Yeah, like.
01:33:24 This Internet it's become a problem for them.
01:33:37 Her betsky Hig White S Africans are of Dutch origins.
01:33:41 They fought the Nazis in World War 2 and this movie was a thank you from the Jews.
01:33:50 Actual banner.
01:33:52 Hope you enjoyed the ride, Devin Muchos gracias.
01:33:59 Bob Matthews, Mel's Dad a a hollow hoax revisionist was the only reason for Mel being moderately based.
01:34:09 Well, he, like you said, he's boomer based.
01:34:10 Like he, there's the.
01:34:12 I saw Twitter freaking out because, like, he saluted Trump at CPAC or something like that.
01:34:20 Uh Sheen, Lantern.
01:34:21 So they killed for **** *** in South Africa.
01:34:26 Right.
01:34:29 They they will not be happy until they have spread **** *** to every corner.
01:34:32 Of the earth.
01:34:38 Johnny Anon.
01:34:39 Hey, Devin.
01:34:40 Did you know you have a Israeli bot assigned to you on the 4 Chan mate?
01:34:46 They post this thread every so often.
01:34:49 Check the file name on the app.
01:34:52 There's multiple threads with the.
01:34:54 Same up.
01:34:58 I'll have to.
01:35:00 I wouldn't be.
01:35:01 I I know I've got bots.
01:35:03 And and I'm not always there.
01:35:05 There's just people that are crazy and people that don't like you and people that stalk you.
01:35:09 But there are, I've.
01:35:11 Noticed there are people that seem very formulaic and repetitive that I've raised my eyebrows to.
01:35:19 I just ignore it.
01:35:20 It's OK.
01:35:23 UM.
01:35:26 Me, I believe it.
01:35:27 I I know for a fact.
01:35:29 That that happens.
01:35:31 Cyberdemon, what are the thoughts on the GameStop similar stocks that are expected to get a short squeeze of hedge funds?
01:35:40 Cover their shorts.
01:35:41 Do you think they're?
01:35:43 The hedge funds will get away with it without covering somehow.
01:35:47 I don't know.
01:35:47 I I stay away from all that stuff.
01:35:49 Just because.
01:35:50 You know it it.
01:35:53 You don't have the, you know it's it's just gambling and it's it's gambling.
01:36:01 So I mean if you want to gamble.
01:36:04 You know, you might make money, but it's gambling.
01:36:06 Just know that it's gambling.
01:36:08 And I don't.
01:36:08 Know enough about it to the inner workings to.
01:36:12 To tell you where to how to place your bets.
01:36:17 AA, Z do you think the movie Interstate 60 outlines the real problems of America at the start of the film, a talented white guy gets denied at an art scholarship because he's the wrong sex, the wrong color and his family has too much.
01:36:32 Money. Well, that sounds familiar.
01:36:35 Story of my life.
01:36:37 But I don't I haven't seen.
01:36:43 I am.
01:36:45 That happened to me a lot.
01:36:46 I I couldn't get scholarships I couldn't get, and it was tough.
01:36:52 Do a review of V the miniseries.
01:36:59 I've never seen.
01:36:59 But I know what.
01:37:00 You're talking about.
01:37:02 Saw the first one recently.
01:37:03 Weird comparison to the Jew takeover now.
01:37:08 Yeah, maybe that alienation and V would be good ones because those are both.
01:37:14 80s ish.
01:37:19 You were the Zoomer.
01:37:21 And yes, I think that's how you say it.
01:37:24 Did you hear about Black Rock and Vanguard?
01:37:27 Well, I know about Black Rock.
01:37:29 I know they are.
01:37:30 I don't.
01:37:30 I didn't hear any new news about it though.
01:37:34 Shawn Nightfire in grade school, Nelson Mandela was always held in the same regard as Gandhi or Jesus.
01:37:41 Let's be honest here.
01:37:43 Why they call?
01:37:44 It the Mandela effect, reality has a way was way different than how our minds remembered it.
01:37:53 Yeah. No, I, it's.
01:37:57 Yeah, he was.
01:37:58 He was.
01:37:58 I mean, he was.
01:37:59 He was like the the hero.
01:38:02 Of the early 90s.
01:38:10 Donnie Browning, what percent does bit shoot take from donations?
01:38:16 I don't.
01:38:18 I don't think.
01:38:18 OK.
01:38:20 How do you?
01:38:20 Donate through bit shoot.
01:38:22 I mean like the crypto thing.
01:38:25 I don't think they take a percentage.
01:38:26 I I don't know.
01:38:28 If they do, it's real small I'd set up.
01:38:30 The crypto thing.
01:38:32 A long time ago, but I don't get like a.
01:38:34 Lot through that.
01:38:37 So I don't.
01:38:38 I I haven't paid a lot of attention to it.
01:38:43 But if you mean like donations to them, to them directly.
01:38:46 I I don't know.
01:38:49 Best the best way if you wanted to make donations, just send crypto straight to one of the addresses or something.
01:38:59 Actual theater or movie theaters are now Netflix and YouTube, which won't show the based movie right.
01:39:05 You'll be you'd be censored, you would just be censored again.
01:39:09 It would be.
01:39:12 You'd have to release it on your own somehow.
01:39:15 What you could do?
01:39:17 But you would you.
01:39:18 Would never.
01:39:19 It's never going to be even remotely the same.
01:39:22 And like it's just harder to do that anyway, right?
01:39:24 You could never like leave the weapon.
01:39:26 Two or, you know, like or lethal weapon or die hard.
01:39:31 You know, these big ******* blockbuster, 80s and 90s movies.
01:39:36 It's not the same anymore.
01:39:37 You can't do that.
01:39:38 I mean, why do you think there's not really movie stars anymore?
01:39:41 Like not in the same way that there was?
01:39:43 Because there's it used to be like look, this is what Hollywood made this year and this is what this is the the list of movies you could.
01:39:51 See that were new.
01:39:53 And like that.
01:39:55 You know and and and and then like.
01:39:58 The Internet happened and.
01:39:59 Now there's like all kinds of new movies and streaming services and competing outlets, and and there's movies still in the theaters and TV movies and.
01:40:11 It's so easy.
01:40:12 It's so much easier and faster and cheaper to make content.
01:40:18 It's kind of, you know, muddy the waters.
01:40:21 It's not like it's not like it used to be, where, like what?
01:40:24 When mash that show did their finale like it that, like, broke some crazy.
01:40:29 It was like 20 mil.
01:40:30 I don't know.
01:40:30 It was like almost like a huge percentage of the country all simultaneously watched the same.
01:40:38 As shown on TV, but that was easy to do.
01:40:40 There's like ******* you.
01:40:42 Know four networks.
01:40:44 And uh, you know, you didn't have.
01:40:45 Like like 1000 networks.
01:40:50 Excuse me.
01:40:52 So it's it's just, you know.
01:40:56 Now, look, I still think we need to make.
01:41:00 Content and stuff like I'm just saying, don't expect it to be like this.
01:41:04 You'll never.
01:41:05 You'll never make a.
01:41:08 I mean just.
01:41:08 Like, look, let this like the look this way the.
01:41:17 I mean, the leftists have always controlled.
01:41:20 The arts, or at least you know the the media arts in this country, certainly for the last century, but they couldn't get away with the kinds of things well, like, especially now, right?
01:41:33 The stuff they make now, if they tried to play in the 1950s, they would be some of I mean some of the stuff would get them arrested.
01:41:40 Like really, it would get arrested.
01:41:42 It would be banned.
01:41:43 And they get fined like it.
01:41:45 Would stuff would happen, so they still made more subversive ****.
01:41:49 It just had limited release, you know?
01:41:52 So that's that's kind of where we're that's we're the blasphemers now.
01:41:56 We're the ones that are.
01:41:59 That go against the the religious authority.
01:42:04 Because global **** is the new religion of America.
01:42:08 And we are the ones that are now blaspheming their God.
01:42:13 And they want to punish us.
01:42:15 And instead of, you know, it being communist movies that are getting banned from theaters and and and, you know, Communist actors being called in, in front of Congress, it's now right wing people that are being deflated formed and right wing people that that Congress wants to throw in jail.
01:42:34 So that's all it is.
01:42:38 But that doesn't mean we can't do anything.
01:42:40 It just means that you can't do what.
01:42:41 They can do.
01:42:43 Brown pill.
01:42:44 Today's movies can be made with the Mandalorian game engine tech, then placed on Netflix streaming sites for cheap.
01:42:55 Placed on Netflix.
01:42:59 The Mandalorian game are you talking about for special effects?
01:43:06 Well, yeah, but not not by us.
01:43:11 Netflix would not put anything that I made on to Netflix, although, well, I can't.
01:43:16 I don't want to ruin it.
01:43:17 Never mind.
01:43:20 Maybe that is a brown pill.
01:43:22 Maybe that is why they want to control Netflix and YouTube to control this.
01:43:26 Yeah, absolutely.
01:43:27 That's why they want.
01:43:27 That's why they want to control CNN, MSNBC, you know, Clear Channel, Comcast.
01:43:34 That's why they want to control everything, you know Verizon.
01:43:38 They want to control anything that any way that information is disseminated.
01:43:46 UM.
01:43:50 Walden Pond, long time listener, first time poster, huge fan.
01:43:54 Just wanted to come commend you on all your content, especially your book.
01:43:58 Your work has made it so much easier to ease myself and friends into the black pill.
01:44:04 Keep it up.
01:44:05 Hope all is well.
01:44:07 Yeah, I'm.
01:44:07 I'm well.
01:44:08 I appreciate it.
01:44:09 They said the black pill, just some people use that to mean paralyzed with despair.
01:44:15 And that's not what it means.
01:44:20 It just means being more realistic.
01:44:22 And prepare accordingly.
01:44:28 OK.
01:44:29 But also thank you for your kind words.
01:44:35 Johnny Anon, just accept the shekel masters as your new Overlord.
01:44:39 Like based Alex Jones and Bend the knee bro.
01:44:43 You guys realize well?
01:44:45 I'm pretty sure I've said things like this.
01:44:50 I would be a very wealthy man if I didn't have principles.
01:44:53 That's all I'm going to say.
01:44:55 There was I I have been in high demand.
01:45:00 Look, I'm good at what I do.
01:45:02 You know I'm good at what I do, even just like my animation stuff, I'm good.
01:45:07 In in terms of right wing stuff, I'm one of the best, especially with like aesthetics and stuff like look what's on the screen is just kind of thrown together, it's getting a.
01:45:14 Little dated now, but.
01:45:17 I I'm good.
01:45:18 I know I'm good.
01:45:20 And that's not a that's not a that's it's not a common trait in right wing people.
01:45:24 With me, I was in the arts a long time and I was I had to be like the the the in the closet, right wing guy, like everywhere I worked.
01:45:32 It's for whatever reason I've got like that and and the dexterous brain.
01:45:37 Right.
01:45:37 You know, I can do both.
01:45:38 Both hemispheres can work.
01:45:40 Together, something like, right?
01:45:42 But it's it's not a common thing, and if I didn't have any principles and I was just OK with lying to people and and telling boomers that everything was going to be OK, and as I like patted them on the head and ease them into their graves and taking their money the whole time, I I would be a rich man.
01:45:59 But I can't I.
01:46:01 I can't do it.
01:46:02 I don't know how people.
01:46:03 I don't honestly don't have people do it.
01:46:05 I don't well.
01:46:06 I don't know how the.
01:46:06 White ones do it.
01:46:09 And remember, find it even further.
01:46:13 I don't know how the white founding stock does it.
01:46:18 Because and maybe that's why I can't do it, because it's just like.
01:46:25 I don't know.
01:46:26 Like I, I just.
01:46:26 I don't.
01:46:27 I don't know.
01:46:29 Maybe that's just The thing is the.
01:46:31 I keep saying how the left doesn't have principles so much, the right doesn't have.
01:46:34 People just don't have principles anymore.
01:46:38 It's it's, it's.
01:46:40 It's not all.
01:46:40 It's not awesome.
01:46:41 Having principles makes it makes life significantly less comfortable.
01:46:48 But yeah, I can't do it.
01:46:49 I can't do it.
01:46:51 I'd rather I'd rather live.
01:46:53 Yeah, I just can't do it.
01:46:57 Bob Matthews, what do you think it cost to replicate another gab?
01:47:02 I don't know.
01:47:03 I think that it's this the servers that that's the big thing and the code is probably pretty simple, right?
01:47:10 I'm sure there's like open source projects that are probably we'll get you halfway there, but I don't know.
01:47:15 I've never tried to do something like that.
01:47:17 I think it's just the server.
01:47:19 Stuff actual beer.
01:47:21 Your YouTube subscribers are now at.
01:47:24 Two or about two two 210K down from 250 K oh.
01:47:28 It's gone down.
01:47:29 Now, well, I haven't posted anything new on that forever and ever.
01:47:34 Does that make sense?
01:47:37 Yeah, they they basically like stopped at 2:50 and then never went up for like a year plus.
01:47:43 And it happened around this.
01:47:45 It wasn't just me.
01:47:46 It happened like around the same time that a lot of people, all their traffic, inexplicably stopped.
01:47:55 And you could watch it was it graphs.
01:47:57 Tonight you go to analytics, right.
01:47:59 And it's like subscriber growth.
01:48:00 And I kept making stuff at the same rate and everything.
01:48:04 And then just one day it just like it didn't plateau.
01:48:07 It like dropped.
01:48:08 And it's because you got out of the algorithm.
01:48:10 Kicked you out.
01:48:13 You were no.
01:48:13 Longer not only were you no longer recommended.
01:48:16 You weren't even showing up in your subscribers feeds.
01:48:20 So even if you had subscribed a lot.
01:48:22 Of people wouldn't even see.
01:48:24 In their feed that you know your new video I before I left YouTube towards the end, people were constantly commenting and messaging like oh, I thought you start making videos cause it.
01:48:35 I haven't seen your video for like.
01:48:36 Six months and like the.
01:48:38 Whole time I've been, I was making videos.
01:48:46 Leech and Lord Godfrey. It would appear to me that all the media's propaganda is neutral word. The idea it it is negative is.
01:48:58 Is a neutral word.
01:48:59 The idea it is negative is itself propaganda.
01:49:04 All media is trying to tell you something and teach you something.
01:49:09 It could be used for good, but it isn't usually due to owns. Yeah, yeah, everything's propaganda. Even if you paint a painting.
01:49:18 Well, unless it's like modern art.
01:49:21 But I guess you can argue that that's even trying to put something in your head.
01:49:26 And someone like I've made stuff.
01:49:29 I'm always like something I always I'm trying to communicate something.
01:49:33 No matter what I'm making.
Speaker 2
01:49:37 UM.
01:49:45 Thief in law.
01:49:46 If you get booted from trouble, you will start printing Flyers like Francis.
01:49:50 Yes or no.
01:49:51 I'll get a I'll get a odyssey first.
01:49:53 In fact, I'll probably get Odyssey pretty soon.
01:49:56 More and more people are going to odyssey and it looks like they're improving their interface and stuff.
01:50:03 Jeffrey Epstein's 1844 GPT 3 is advancing fast as ****.
01:50:10 GPT 3.
01:50:14 What's GPT 3?
01:50:17 Should I know what that is?
01:50:21 Open AI.
01:50:25 Generative pre trained transformer Three is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning.
01:50:35 Excuse me.
01:50:36 Oh, is this the stuff that?
01:50:41 Who makes this?
01:50:42 This is UM.
01:50:45 Isn't this the thing that they they?
01:50:50 Who's bankrolling this?
01:50:51 Because I remember reading, there was some open source AI that they actually removed.
01:50:56 Parts of it cause it was getting too like it could be used.
01:51:00 For too many bad things.
01:51:02 Let's see here.
01:51:10 I mean, yeah, I I'm not surprised because that's the very nature of AI, is it?
01:51:16 It'll go.
01:51:18 It's going to go parabolic.
01:51:23 Walden Pond, will we get some secret messages soon?
01:51:26 Yeah, it's just like I said.
01:51:28 I don't think you fully appreciate how hot it gets in here, so I try to stay away from the.
01:51:32 Computer as much as possible during the day.
01:51:35 Ohh **** that ******* comments got all stupid again.
01:51:42 Why did that happen?
Speaker 2
01:51:50 UM.
01:52:00 I might. I might miss a bunch of your guys's stuff that, like, went to the very ******* top.
01:52:10 Sheen Lantern many 91 year old man yesterday at the gym. Out of all places. Nice guy, but he was shocked on what America has become.
01:52:20 He said that people have lost their manners and morality because of the Internet and doesn't know why people can't get along.
01:52:27 His generation raised the boomers.
01:52:29 Well, if you can't figure out why they don't, can't get along.
01:52:34 Yeah, he's just naive.
01:52:38 Rise Vim thoughts on Accelerationism honestly don't care about politics anymore. Nothing's going to change unless we accelerate.
01:52:46 I don't think we need to accelerate.
01:52:48 I don't know how we would at this point.
01:52:50 It seems it gets it's going faster every day like it's.
01:52:55 This little boil is not slow anymore.
01:52:59 Now look, the the frogs still don't seem interested in jumping out of the the the the boiling water, but it's.
01:53:07 Yeah, it's getting hotter and hotter, like a lot faster.
01:53:11 So I don't.
01:53:12 I don't think we need to.
01:53:14 I think that it you're probably it's probably a better bet to just focus on preparing for.
01:53:21 Where I think it's an inevitable crisis moment.
01:53:25 And what that what that is or you know, who knows?
01:53:27 So you know, you prepare for.
01:53:31 Lots of different things, you know.
01:53:34 You have to be like a super prepper, but.
01:53:37 You know, look at look at South Africa.
01:53:38 Right.
01:53:39 I don't know if you guys saw that footage of the the lines to go.
01:53:42 Get food.
01:53:44 I mean, it was miles, miles of people like not.
01:53:47 That's not like a figure of speech.
01:53:49 It was like miles of people.
01:53:52 With empty shopping carts waiting to get food.
01:53:57 You don't want to be in that position.
01:54:01 And so if you if you can get out of the cities, I would get out of the cities.
01:54:06 If you can't get.
01:54:07 Out of the.
01:54:07 Cities, for whatever reason.
01:54:11 I would at least have.
01:54:14 A means to survive on your own in your apartment or whatever.
01:54:17 You know, whatever your living arrangement is.
01:54:22 It's stuff like that that can happen here and.
01:54:25 It might not look there's, you know.
01:54:27 People keep thinking like, oh, well, that could never happen here.
01:54:31 Every person ever that's ever been in the situation where they're out of food.
01:54:36 Thought like that.
01:54:38 Or they want me out of food.
01:54:43 You know we're not, we're not like.
01:54:45 Post disaster like we haven't reached a time in history where disasters can't happen anymore.
01:54:51 Granted, the technology has made it pretty ******* hard to not get access to food.
01:54:56 But what if that's the point?
01:54:58 What if there's an active measure?
01:55:02 That doesn't want you to.
01:55:02 You know what?
01:55:03 If the people that control this technology don't want you to have food?
01:55:11 And it's not just food, water.
01:55:13 Mean all the you know.
01:55:16 Brass, all the normal things.
01:55:21 Yeah, I don't think you need to accelerate so much though.
01:55:24 These days I feel.
01:55:24 Like it's going.
01:55:26 Pretty ******* fast on.
01:55:27 It some brown pill have you?
01:55:29 Made or?
01:55:31 Have to make a base Netflix cloning at the Army base.
01:55:33 Make content that is based.
01:55:35 Yeah, you're talking about millions upon millions of.
01:55:36 Dollars Netflix.
01:55:38 I mean ****.
01:55:39 I mean, you're talking hundreds of millions of dollars.
01:55:41 Billions of dollars.
01:55:44 You know, we don't have any billionaire backers.
01:55:47 Double Z sorry, had some technical problems.
01:55:49 Did you see my question about the Interstate 60 movie?
01:55:52 I did it, but I haven't seen it.
01:55:54 And I said that basically it's it sounds like the story of my life.
01:55:58 Getting denied.
01:56:01 Scholarships and things like that.
01:56:04 I think that probably a lot of people.
01:56:07 Have experienced that, but I'll check it out if I if I can remember I I have selling movies that I need to watch.
01:56:13 You're the zoomer.
01:56:14 Black Rock Vanguard holding Monopoly on over everything like software companies, food companies.
01:56:19 News networks, social media companies.
01:56:23 Excuse me.
01:56:26 There is a video where this guy breaks out.
01:56:28 How much?
01:56:28 They own.
01:56:30 I don't think I've seen that, but yeah, I know it's.
01:56:32 I know it's shocking amount of stuff beach. Go away. Where did you find information on Tucker's father? Being the CIA couldn't find it. It's out there. It's in mainstream articles. It's in.
01:56:45 And more, unless they wiped it out.
01:56:48 It's in multiple publications.
01:56:50 It was like.
01:56:54 I don't know.
01:56:55 I don't remember which ones, but like it wasn't like some weird blog.
01:56:59 You know?
01:56:59 It was like you can find it.
01:57:01 And you just.
01:57:01 Have to keep looking because it was like.
01:57:07 It was like mainstream, like newspapers like Washington Post or something, you know, something like that.
01:57:11 I don't remember the exact one.
01:57:18 OK.
01:57:24 And I, in fact, I did a video where I I think I.
01:57:29 Screenshotted it so it might have it.
01:57:32 I don't remember where that video would be though anymore it was such.
01:57:34 A long time ago.
01:57:36 That's it's probably.
01:57:37 Might be in my telegram, but it would be like from.
01:57:39 Like a year ago, you know what I mean?
01:57:46 But that's not hard to find.
01:57:48 You could find it with Google probably just look up, you know Tucker Carlson, father.
01:57:57 You know, and then you.
01:57:58 Might have to click a lot of garbage, but you'll.
01:58:00 Get through it.
01:58:01 It's not.
01:58:02 It's not hard.
01:58:04 Beach boy, what were Eves injuries?
01:58:07 In the book?
01:58:08 You never said specifically.
01:58:11 Oh oh, they were just.
01:58:14 Rape related injuries.
01:58:18 Patriot of the north.
01:58:19 That's why I couldn't sell used cars.
01:58:25 That's why I couldn't.
01:58:26 Why couldn't you sell used cars?
01:58:30 I don't know why you couldn't sell used.
01:58:31 Cars, brown pill.
01:58:33 The bass.
01:58:34 Clown alright blah here, he said that.
01:58:38 Yeah, we don't have the the money for that.
01:58:42 Liche Lord Godfrey, men who had principles, were killed in the Revolution, Civil War and two world wars.
01:58:53 Yeah, that's a that's a dying breed.
01:58:59 In my lifetime, I hope to see a major movie film simply titled 110 Yeah.
01:59:04 One of these days, if we're lucky.
01:59:08 That was a.
01:59:09 By Cardiff, Double AZ Falcon and The Winter Soldier.
01:59:14 Literally a rewrite of the lethal weapon for the superhero genre lost millions of Disney plus subscribers.
01:59:20 News for right now, I mean, you know.
01:59:24 Like you got.
01:59:24 Out of the sometimes they they overplay their hand, but it never seems.
01:59:27 To stop the machine.
01:59:30 They overplayed their hand.
01:59:31 When they did remember, I was talking about that show mod and how they normalized abortion, and there was there were markets where they wouldn't air that episode, and they kept going, you know, Murphy Brown.
01:59:45 They made her.
01:59:45 A single mom.
01:59:47 Even the vice president was like, oh, that's just.
01:59:49 Terrible. He didn't, you know?
01:59:52 It's if they there's just nothing.
01:59:55 There's no competition.
01:59:58 So if they overplay their hand, they might have some blowback.
02:00:01 But if it's temporary and people always forget, it's kind.
02:00:04 Of like that.
02:00:05 You know that that horrible video of the the San Francisco Gay Choir that was talking about converting your.
02:00:12 Kids to faggs.
02:00:13 That was all this backlash for.
02:00:15 Like a.
02:00:15 Week and then they reposted it on their YouTube.
02:00:18 And So what?
02:00:19 Nothing's going to.
02:00:20 Happen to them even though, like a bunch of the people.
02:00:22 In that video, were literal, convicted, convicted pedophiles.
02:00:31 OK.
02:00:37 I just ****** it up, I think.
02:00:45 Where do I go back up?
02:00:49 Near near near Bannock, experience six, you should have sold out.
02:00:55 Dumped your principles.
02:00:56 Go on a Joe Rogan interview, become super rich, and then come out as base CEO with.
02:01:01 New video hosting platform, but just like I you know, a lot of.
02:01:05 That stuff's.
02:01:06 Bloodline I would never get that rich.
02:01:08 That's the.
02:01:09 Problem I was going down that road, not like as a seller.
02:01:11 I was a true believer in the libertarian world.
02:01:14 And I learned pretty quickly.
02:01:15 Which is why.
02:01:16 Big part of why I.
02:01:17 Got out of it was I would always be.
02:01:20 I would never be the.
02:01:23 I would always be seen as like a tool.
02:01:27 And I mean.
02:01:27 Like, oh, that guy's.
02:01:28 A tool but like I.
02:01:29 Guess in a way, they they.
02:01:30 Thought of it like that.
02:01:32 I would never be the guy at the wheel.
02:01:35 I'd be the I would be the fancy race car that the guy that the wheel would be driving, but I would never get to be the one calling the shots.
02:01:44 So I can make all these pretty cool things, but I would never get to actually decide the content and the only people that could ever decide the content were bloodline people, for lack of a better term, they were bloodline people.
02:01:56 We're talking about generational wealth, people.
02:01:59 We're talking about people that inherited.
02:02:02 Be my boss.
02:02:05 And you know their kids, that would be.
02:02:07 The same thing.
02:02:09 And and that's the end of it and.
02:02:10 That's look at the.
02:02:13 Look at Hollywood works the same way.
02:02:16 A lot of these people, you know that, that's families that have been.
02:02:20 The business for generations.
02:02:23 UM.
02:02:24 So it's you never get, they never give.
02:02:28 You the real money.
02:02:29 I mean, like, I would have like a mic mansion.
02:02:33 I would have like whatever car I wanted.
02:02:36 You know, I would have.
02:02:38 Every stupid.
02:02:41 Computer thing, I want, you know every gadget, every you know off road type vehicle thing.
02:02:48 You know, I'd have all the toys, all the stupid yuppie toys I wanted.
02:02:52 But that's it.
02:02:54 You know like.
02:02:56 It wouldn't, you know.
02:02:58 But I don't care about that stuff.
02:03:00 A lot of people do.
02:03:04 But I would never be like the guy who started his own company.
02:03:12 UM.
02:03:14 And Miss Burton, have you ever considered posting teasers on your YouTube account?
02:03:21 To point to Alt Tech.
02:03:23 For the full video I've been seeing this more and more.
02:03:25 I did like one I did one big video that said Youtubes for fagots come over to come watch this and it and it links at the end of.
02:03:33 Every video of.
02:03:35 So if someone watches any video that's still on there and people still do, I mean people are always watching my.
02:03:41 Videos on you at least.
02:03:43 They get notifications that they're commenting on them and stuff.
02:03:46 At the end of watching it, it has a big link.
02:03:49 To watch the video telling them that.
02:03:50 Their flags were being on YouTube.
02:03:52 So that's that's what I'm doing for that, you know, I.
02:03:55 Might, who knows?
02:03:57 Maybe I'll go on there and and.
02:04:00 Do another one but.
02:04:04 Uh red calcs what comes after the the black pill or the white pill?
02:04:10 It's just a long road to the.
02:04:11 White pill.
02:04:13 Like your Lord, Godfrey, the Tower of Babel is getting very.
02:04:16 Wobbly. Yes it is.
02:04:19 Lots of termite damage, double AZ.
02:04:22 Any advice on how to get started with Ham radio?
02:04:29 Yeah. I mean, there's a.
02:04:30 I do a video on it's on my bit shoot and probably Odyssey 2 and on YouTube that kind of goes over the basics of what it is and then if you want to get started, just study the get licensed first.
02:04:48 And there's an app you can get for iOS or Android that lets you take the real test.
02:04:55 Over and over and over again, until you start consistently passing it.
02:04:58 You don't have to understand all the questions honestly.
02:05:00 You just have to remember there's not a lot of of question.
02:05:03 And because it takes from the same pool of questions they use for the real test, if you take it enough, you'll start passing it.
02:05:13 Like 100% of.
02:05:14 The time because it'll just memorize the answers.
02:05:16 To everything and then go take the real test and then once you take and then it'll you know you'll learn something just by.
02:05:22 Doing that.
02:05:23 And then once you I learn by doing so, then once you get you pass the test, you know there's tons of YouTube channels about there's one called.
02:05:35 Ham radio crash course on you.
02:05:38 He's a good one.
02:05:39 He he's a young guy, younger guy and a lot of for for ham radio.
02:05:43 He's a young guy and he he goes over all the everything you need to know.
02:05:49 And it's a huge channel of tons of stuff.
02:05:53 So I would.
02:05:53 Check that out.
02:05:57 How come people are afraid of having the ending of this system?
02:06:05 The ending of this system conversation, why our solutions dependent on operating in a system that is clearly broken and people like base Tucker lie about IE or democracy besides honestly?
02:06:16 Well, because they're all benefiting from it.
02:06:21 That's why I tell people to get.
02:06:22 Out of the.
02:06:23 Cities and get and don't be dependent on the system.
02:06:25 If you are dependent on the system.
02:06:26 For survival, you're going to defend it.
02:06:30 Last thing you want to hear is that the thing that that.
02:06:33 You're going to bite.
02:06:33 The hand that.
02:06:34 Feeds. This is human nature.
02:06:38 No one that.
02:06:38 Requires the system for basic survival, especially if they have a family.
02:06:43 Is going to want.
02:06:44 Anything to happen to the system?
02:06:45 They might ***** and moan and cry and complain.
02:06:48 Ohh they they they.
02:06:50 They might even.
02:06:50 Say stuff like white genocide and blah, but they'll never actually do anything that might jeopardize the.
02:06:58 The goodies from showing.
02:07:00 Up, you know, for their family.
02:07:05 That which isn't in and of itself an argument for getting disconnected from the system.
02:07:11 Because you will never be, you will.
02:07:13 Never be trusted.
02:07:15 With actually opposing a system that you require in order to stay alive.
02:07:23 I would never in a million years.
02:07:26 Be able to trust someone.
02:07:30 To genuinely oppose a system that they needed for their own survival because they means they're suicidal.
02:07:38 You know like.
02:07:40 So that's why.
02:07:43 And they have it.
02:07:44 And even if they don't, they haven't intellectually figured that out like they know it.
02:07:48 Like deep down, they know it.
02:07:50 And so they might not articulate it that way.
02:07:54 But they know it.
02:07:56 You have to know it.
02:07:57 It's survival. You know it.
02:08:02 J dog.
02:08:02 Stay safe.
02:08:03 Keep up the good work.
02:08:04 Thank you.
02:08:06 Have you heard of the Ugandan weightlifter went on the run in Tokyo, saying he doesn't like his country and wants to live in Japan?
02:08:17 Well, no, but.
02:08:20 I don't think Japan would want him living there.
02:08:22 Who knows, maybe they're getting multicultural now.
02:08:25 Liche, Lord Godfrey, check out post for alternative to Twitter.
02:08:31 I've I've looked at it before.
02:08:32 It's just there's not, like a lot.
02:08:33 Of people.
02:08:34 On it, I think I might even have an account there.
Speaker 8
02:08:39 UM.
02:08:49 The God particle.
02:08:50 Would Devin ever be with a Jew or will just check for founding stock all the time?
02:08:56 I don't know what you mean.
02:09:00 Will I be with a Jew?
02:09:03 Like in the biblical sense.
02:09:11 Look, I don't, I don't.
02:09:12 I I don't hate.
02:09:13 It's like the same thing with, like, white supremacy is not real.
02:09:17 No one thinks that every white person is better than every non white person.
02:09:21 That's ridiculous.
02:09:22 It's just not right.
02:09:24 And look, if you expect to ever achieve anything without having.
02:09:30 What the Rockies call allies, right?
02:09:34 You know it's you're also crazy.
02:09:38 I mean, look, if you want to take it to an extreme, you know, even Hitler, there was black Nazis.
02:09:43 There was it so.
02:09:47 You know, it is what it is.
02:09:49 I I don't mind.
02:09:56 I wouldn't mind like a Jewish ally if it was in the right context.
02:10:01 I just don't like that.
02:10:03 Like when you look at.
02:10:04 The right wing.
02:10:05 The approved right wing, how much of it is just?
02:10:08 It's not.
02:10:08 It's just Jewish.
02:10:11 You know it's it's not.
02:10:13 It's not that like, it's not like a founding stock media company that happens to have, like, a Jewish reporter or something like that.
02:10:20 It's like it's a Jewish media outlet.
02:10:24 That uses.
02:10:25 Sometimes you know, goy reporters to to be their mouthpieces, like rebel media, just as an example, or Breitbart as an example, or Daily Caller, as an example.
02:10:38 Or, you know, is it Daily Caller or what's?
02:10:40 The other one, or maybe the Daily Caller too?
02:10:43 What's the other?
02:10:45 Hey, wait a minute.
02:10:45 But like almost all, really almost all right wing media stuff, all the think of all the even right the the talk radio, people like Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, what's this Mark Levin?
02:11:04 It's it's, it's.
02:11:07 It's just ridiculously Jewish.
02:11:11 And Jews have different loyalties.
02:11:15 As a people, and you know, I'm generalizing here.
02:11:19 As a people, generally speaking, they have different loyalties, different motives, different, and that in many cases these.
02:11:28 Loyalties and motives are in direct opposition to mine.
02:11:33 And so I don't want institutions that are.
02:11:39 That are Jewish.
02:11:42 You know, does that mean that that.
02:11:46 I would never trust a Jew.
02:11:47 I mean, I don't know.
02:11:48 I'll be.
02:11:49 Like because I'm.
02:11:50 I'm good at pattern recognition and I do generalize just because I think it's in a in a.
02:11:57 Way of dealing with the world.
02:11:59 Yeah, it's harder to trust Jews.
02:12:01 It just is.
02:12:03 After a while, when you see like the same patterns over and over again, you're just.
02:12:07 You know it's.
02:12:10 I like statistics, I I've talked about statistics a lot and statistically speaking, you know, there's I see a pattern every time with my interactions with Jews.
02:12:19 This seems to repeat.
02:12:20 And so it's, you know.
02:12:24 Look some some.
02:12:25 Behavior is just genetic.
02:12:26 It just is.
02:12:32 You can't get around that.
02:12:36 It doesn't mean I hate all Jews.
02:12:37 Really like that?
02:12:45 Base forker I don't know what that how you say that?
02:12:50 He couldn't sell used cars because of his morals.
02:12:52 Ohh, OK.
02:12:53 Yeah, I I was in sales when I was younger.
02:12:55 I was really.
02:12:55 Good at it and.
02:12:57 I in fact I broke the record for the the call center, which was huge that I worked.
02:13:04 In for like 3 weeks straight.
02:13:06 And I quit because I just felt like the worst person on the world or in the world.
02:13:11 But for three weeks straight, like right out of training, I was the number one.
02:13:16 Like long distance seller, it was a long time ago.
02:13:20 I was like a teenager.
02:13:22 In in out of like this huge call Center for like.
02:13:24 Three weeks.
02:13:26 And then I after a while and part of it was it wasn't like I wasn't being an evil ****.
02:13:30 I just.
02:13:30 I went through a little their employee training and it brainwashed me.
02:13:34 I I didn't know any about.
02:13:35 I was a teenager.
02:13:36 I was.
02:13:36 Like literally like 16 or something.
02:13:38 And I was just like, oh, that sounds great.
02:13:40 Why wouldn't anyone want to switch to this long distance?
02:13:42 Company this.
02:13:42 Sounds amazing.
02:13:43 And then after you talk to enough?
02:13:45 People on the phone.
02:13:47 That are that do know what they're talking about, you realize?
02:13:50 Oh, I'm actually this.
02:13:51 I'm lying.
02:13:52 Like half the time I'm talking.
02:13:55 And then I just quit.
02:13:59 Sales you I can't do sales unless I that's why I also don't like when there's people that have approached me wanting to sponsor this stuff and it's tough for me to do that.
02:14:08 Because it's like I'd have to like if.
02:14:11 It was something.
02:14:12 I already liked.
02:14:13 I would probably go.
02:14:14 For that but.
02:14:17 You know, I just don't.
02:14:18 I don't want to push something that I.
02:14:21 You know I don't.
02:14:22 Know, but I wouldn't myself want.
02:14:28 AA Z QR codes to grant access to into restaurants and cafes were introduced in France.
02:14:35 And some cities in Russia, getting people used to the idea that ideological defectors can be legally denied access to food.
02:14:43 Yeah, no, that's that's an ultimate goal.
02:14:46 You're going to be seen as an infection.
02:14:49 Brown pill normies are dumb sheep.
02:14:51 Yes they are.
02:14:54 Near Benex experience, you should have sold out.
02:14:57 Them already said that.
02:14:59 Oh wait, did didn't you.
02:15:00 Oh yeah.
02:15:01 Am I did this?
02:15:02 Thing get all screwed up again.
02:15:05 Rise them. Did you see the that like 68% of Southern Republicans and 30% of Southern independents want to secede from the US?
02:15:15 The poll was posted like last week and some asked me the outlets.
02:15:19 Yeah, no, it's and it's in in California.
02:15:22 So in California, the majority of lefties want to secede.
02:15:27 And it was funny cause someone commented on one of the you know, like you said, it's been posted all over social and.
02:15:33 I'm sure you.
02:15:33 Guys have seen it where they break up the United States into like 4 different regions.
02:15:37 And a shocking number of people want to secede from the United States, or, I mean, I guess not.
02:15:44 So shocking these days.
02:15:45 And it's going to be increasingly less shocking.
02:15:47 You know, just there's no reason to have patriotism.
02:15:50 Like, what would no one even?
02:15:51 No one can even tell you what an American is anymore, you know.
02:15:54 Like it's just.
02:15:55 Nebulous, you know?
02:15:57 But sex for Botswana?
02:15:59 And so it's just.
02:16:03 What's there to be patriotic?
02:16:04 About at this point.
02:16:06 But it was funny because people were saying like, oh, why is it the lefties in California want us to see?
02:16:11 But the righties don't, and it's because the righties, if you're a righty.
02:16:14 In California and.
02:16:16 You know, if California secedes, it's not going.
02:16:18 To succeed as like.
02:16:19 A right wing nation.
02:16:20 It's going to succeed.
02:16:21 As like even.
02:16:22 It's going to be like even.
02:16:23 Worse than it already is.
02:16:24 Which is hard to uh.
02:16:27 Imagine, but it's true.
02:16:30 Sad raver.
02:16:31 I hate the Antichrist, as do I.
02:16:35 Double AZ look up academic agent on YouTube.
02:16:39 Yeah, he's all right.
02:16:43 Some of those guys are.
02:16:46 And I want to say they were like.
02:16:49 They little Q anani during all that.
02:16:53 But I'm sure you know, I'm sure they're good guys.
02:16:57 You know, but I haven't.
02:16:58 I haven't listened a lot of this stuff.
02:17:01 But there were, there were people.
02:17:04 Wrapped up in that that were very trust the planning.
02:17:09 Some of whom actually got confrontational with me because I was black.
02:17:14 Pilling people because base Trump was going to, you know, overturn the deep state and I just didn't.
02:17:19 I was just too ham fisted to to.
02:17:21 Get it?
02:17:21 Right.
02:17:22 So yeah, I'm kind of just like, yeah.
02:17:27 All right guys, you know.
02:17:30 The God particle.
02:17:31 Could you ever be with a based Jew or only checking for a founding stock to?
02:17:37 Oh, to breed with.
02:17:39 Why are you a based Jew?
02:17:42 I don't know. I don't.
02:17:43 Think I don't know, that's I.
02:17:44 Don't think I am.
02:17:47 I don't think I could.
02:17:48 I mean, I don't know.
02:17:49 I don't think I could.
02:17:51 I'm just being honest.
02:17:53 Utterly I could, because that would mean, necessarily, that your kid you.
02:17:57 That means your kids are Jewish.
02:18:00 So you know what?
02:18:01 I mean like.
02:18:04 I don't know if only I could.
02:18:06 Just me personally, I'm just, you know, that's just me personally.
02:18:11 Is that totally wrong for you?
02:18:12 Don't know.
02:18:15 That's the that's a personal thing for you.
02:18:18 For me personally.
02:18:23 I don't think I.
02:18:24 I mean there would have to be some very extenuating circumstances for that to to work.
02:18:30 Look, I dated Jews.
02:18:33 And especially before you know before, as jupille, I haven't dated anyone, any Jew since I've been Jew Pilled.
02:18:43 Yeah, me personally, that's a no.
02:18:48 UM.
02:18:52 GQS, do you think that more people should produce content to wake up the normies or to advise on practical actions against the system?
02:19:03 Yeah, if that's your talent.
02:19:07 You know, if that's something you're good at.
02:19:10 I think you should do whatever.
02:19:12 It is. You're good at.
02:19:13 Not everyone's good.
02:19:14 At at convincing people or or informing or educating.
02:19:19 But they might be better at something else.
02:19:21 Going to help us.
02:19:24 Amos Burton regarding Sargon.
02:19:26 Lotus eaters.
02:19:28 You should give those guys a chance.
02:19:31 Karl Benjamin has been surprisingly based about the consistent anti white agenda in UK.
02:19:36 Excuse me for the.
02:19:37 Past several months.
02:19:39 He's not as fence sitting.
02:19:41 Grifter like Tim.
02:19:43 Yeah, I like I said before, I don't have any exposure to him recently, and especially, but what I do know of him is that he, he.
02:19:54 Seems a little.
02:19:56 You know.
02:19:59 Libertarian to me.
02:20:03 Raising man, what would you do if some kind of Jew magic changed you into black?
02:20:12 You guys got some weird questions tonight.
02:20:14 I don't know.
02:20:14 I guess I'd be black.
02:20:17 I don't know.
02:20:17 Like just, you know, like just would my brain.
02:20:21 Still be the same.
02:20:23 You know, if my brain was still exactly like if they just transplanted my brain into a black guy like, but it's still me, right?
02:20:30 Like, my brain still is is exactly the same.
02:20:34 Or maybe I could be like an undercover black guy.
02:20:41 I'd still fight for the the same cause.
02:20:43 I'd I'd still be me.
02:20:45 I would just maybe find a way to just.
02:20:48 Yeah, I don't know.
02:20:48 Maybe I could be like an undercover black guy.
02:20:50 I could go to like BLM stuff and I don't know.
02:20:54 Take advantage of it that way.
02:21:01 UM.
02:21:07 Someone said mentioned I thought you were engaged.
02:21:09 Yeah, I was engaged to.
02:21:10 A Jew a long time ago.
02:21:16 But that that, like I said that.
02:21:18 Was before I.
02:21:20 That was that was when I had a different.
02:21:21 Outlook on the world.
02:21:24 Now and now, in retrospect, I'll tell you in retrospect, there's a lot of jewy things that she did that I just thought was just like neurosis.
02:21:33 But it kind of it kind of fits, you know.
02:21:36 And her whole family, you know, there were things that she there was behaviors that she had again, I think some behaviors genetic and there are behaviors that she had.
02:21:44 That in the context of me, not me not seeing race.
02:21:48 You know, that kind of that kind of I was never like totally like that but.
02:21:52 A little bit.
02:21:54 I I just chalked it up to like, Oh well, she's just being neurotic or.
02:21:57 Whatever, but in.
02:21:59 Looking back, it's like ohh I get it.
02:22:03 You were just being Julie Beach boy.
02:22:07 Do you think the VAX will become mandatory for everyone here?
02:22:10 In the US.
02:22:11 I don't know. It won't.
02:22:13 It won't happen here first.
02:22:16 It could happen here.
02:22:19 I don't think a lot of people were.
02:22:20 Are going to.
02:22:23 Oppose it.
02:22:24 If it does go that way.
02:22:26 I love that your you've been on.
02:22:28 FTL a couple.
02:22:28 Of times, how about we get you a cell at home at T TRS?
02:22:32 Behind the paywall.
02:22:34 I don't know.
02:22:35 I don't want.
02:22:35 To be behind any paywalls.
02:22:42 I mean it's.
02:22:43 So fast though, I I just, you know, I'd.
02:22:45 Rather not be behind paywalls.
02:22:50 I'd rather do a different model.
02:22:54 Would you trust brother Nathaniel?
02:22:56 Brown pill.
02:22:58 I don't know that guy.
02:22:59 'S kind of a weirdo.
02:23:02 I mean, he's he's a Jew that turned Orthodox or something like that.
02:23:05 I mean, I don't know, like I've only seen him a.
02:23:07 Little bit and he just seems like a weirdo to me.
02:23:11 But so I I don't not trust him, but I don't.
02:23:13 You know, I don't know enough.
02:23:15 Adam the God particle.
02:23:17 Have you thought about having debates with other talking heads to call them out?
02:23:22 Prego, Rubin, Shapiro, etcetera.
02:23:25 Well, I'm not talking head.
02:23:26 I'm talking.
02:23:26 Globe with a waveform.
02:23:30 But they would they they wouldn't do it.
02:23:34 Wouldn't do it, but I'm not.
02:23:35 But I'm not like a debate guy.
02:23:37 You know, I'm not a debate bro, that's.
02:23:40 Leave that to the debate Bros.
02:23:41 I'm not a debate.
02:23:42 I'm not a debate me, bro.
02:23:45 I'm just a just a guy on the Internet.
02:23:49 Jabal 255. I remember you were a lot more optimistic in 2018. What events changed your views?
02:23:56 Just the constant losing of everything on every front in two in 2018, like I was never trusting the plan, but at least they you never like.
02:24:05 I like to give Trump the benefit of the doubt on some of this stuff right where I was like, OK, it doesn't look like any of this.
02:24:10 She's actually happening.
02:24:11 But maybe.
02:24:11 I mean, maybe there's an investigation, you know, like maybe this.
02:24:15 You know.
02:24:17 Something's going to work, and they're like, I think Epstein getting killed in prison was like a big black pill.
02:24:25 Or, you know, killed or whisked away, or whatever happened to him.
02:24:28 But like that, that was a big black pill.
02:24:30 And just the fact.
02:24:32 That nothing happened. Literally nothing.
02:24:35 That Trump ran on happened.
02:24:38 Like nothing.
02:24:41 And seeing that.
02:24:44 Watching all these these trust the planners not get it.
02:24:47 That was also another black pill watching.
02:24:49 So all these people.
02:24:50 Who are still ******* they're.
02:24:51 Still, trusting the plan like now.
02:24:55 Like Biden's been president for over six months, and they there's few people that think that like Biden's, like a hologram, and that Trump is, you know what I mean? Like talking like crazy ******* ******. Insane. Oh, ****.
02:25:11 I mean, that's a black pill.
02:25:13 Is just knowing how how disconnected from reality every everyone is and and.
02:25:19 The the amount of interactions that I've had with people who should be on my side because ultimately we want the same things right and it's just that it's not even that like we want the same things.
02:25:30 We have different ways of getting it.
02:25:32 We want the same things.
02:25:33 We might even have the same ideas as to how to get it, but they are so disconnected from reality.
02:25:40 They could never be a competent.
02:25:43 You know, like the cute people being a perfect example.
02:25:46 But there there's a significant portion of the right that is either diluted to that degree.
02:25:53 Like the queue people, that's an extreme example, but then honestly, the average boomer is just watered down queue.
02:26:01 And there's a whole lot of zoomers that are just watered down boomers.
02:26:06 Well, they they trust the plan.
02:26:08 You know, they still love Trump or, you know, like or DeSantis or, you know, you know, they still trust the system.
02:26:14 Now, I think some of that's just the optimism.
02:26:18 Of youth.
02:26:19 But it's still, it's still.
02:26:26 It's it's it's beyond naive.
02:26:29 It's negligence at this point.
02:26:33 To believe that you can.
02:26:35 Use a system as broken as our system is and as lethal as our system is becoming.
02:26:42 To fix the system.
02:26:45 And that's, I think what has really changed is understanding that going, going from realizing that the system is so broken.
02:26:55 Cause I I think in 2018 I'd I'd, I'd have to look back at some of my stuff.
02:26:59 But just guessing here, 2018 I was probably already in in having the idea that the system couldn't be fixed, right? But I probably hadn't hadn't quite.
02:27:11 Come to the conclusion that that we didn't have anyone with any significant amount of power behind.
02:27:21 Anything that I want, like you know, I mean like there's.
02:27:23 No one.
02:27:23 There's no, it's not just we don't have a billionaire.
02:27:26 George Soros, we.
02:27:27 Don't have an anybody.
02:27:29 You know, we really don't.
02:27:33 We just found out this this last couple of weeks.
02:27:35 We don't.
02:27:35 We don't even have, like a.
02:27:36 ******* coffee company, right?
02:27:38 We got nothing.
02:27:39 We got ******* nothing.
02:27:41 It's just it's so that's that's what's changed is just the more information, the more I understand the situation we're in the the, the less.
02:27:50 This it looks like we're going anywhere else.
02:27:55 The other thing too is just the the, you know, the guy that asked about acceleration, that the the fact that we are going so quickly like the the level of degeneracy, the the level of accept the degeneracy, the fact that they, yeah.
02:28:10 They, you know, they apologize or whatever, but the fact that they that, that library even hired a, you know, the Buck Monkey character like the A guy dressed as a rainbow monkey with *** **** like an with an erect penis attached to the front of his costume and a plastic *** hanging out.
02:28:28 And ******* cut out.
02:28:31 That that was.
02:28:32 Even like there in the 1st place, at a library for children, for an event for children.
02:28:40 And that it in fact, the only reason why they apologized was it wasn't because Christians.
02:28:45 It was because Muslims.
02:28:48 You know, like that should be a black pill.
02:28:51 I mean the the.
02:28:51 Speed at which?
02:28:52 They've normalized trans children.
02:28:54 The speed at which you see the pedophilia thing, it's coming.
02:29:00 And there's no opposition the the fact that just, I mean, Orange Fox, CPAC had a ****** like CPAC had Bruce Jenner.
02:29:11 And you had the the mainstream CPAC, you know, the establishment right wing people, supposedly.
02:29:18 Admonishing all of this disgusting behavior by some of the attendance at CPAC that wouldn't accept this stunning and brave.
02:29:27 Beautiful trans woman.
02:29:31 We have no power.
02:29:34 And so there's not only is the the evil growing the opposition to it is shrinking.
02:29:44 The demographic shift that's going along with that.
02:29:48 The the money shift that's going along, the fact that, you know, under Trump they he printed like ******* trillions of dollars and put it in the pockets of the.
02:29:57 People who engineered.
02:30:00 Our current state.
02:30:04 You know it's.
02:30:06 While inflation goes through the ******* roof.
02:30:12 This isn't, and all this is happening.
02:30:16 While our, you know, our competitors in the world.
02:30:21 Are doing they aren't.
02:30:25 They aren't doing these, they aren't.
02:30:26 They aren't committing all this self harm.
02:30:30 You know you have like, the the whether it's the Chinese or you know, but I guess specifically the Chinese, you know they have their economy grow.
02:30:40 They're not committing, you know, cultural suicide at every chance they get, like we've done.
02:30:45 Like, at this point, like I said, what even is American culture?
02:30:49 No one will even.
02:30:49 No one even knows anymore.
02:30:50 It's so ******* dead.
02:30:55 So I mean, it's just, yeah, I mean that's that's like a streaming on in and of itself the whole why would I be more black till now than 2018? It's just a million times worse now than or at least maybe it's maybe it's not a million times worse, but maybe my understanding of it is just a million times more.
02:31:17 I don't know.
02:31:19 It just maybe I just, I just see it more.
02:31:23 But I was.
02:31:24 More optimistic because I think that just there, there was still a chance because as much as I.
02:31:30 My intellect.
02:31:32 I'm like, I'm an artist when it comes right down.
02:31:34 To it, and artists are dreamers, and as much as I made fun of custards, there was a part of me that was like.
02:31:40 Like, I hope they're right.
02:31:42 You know, like, like everything.
02:31:44 My, my brain, everything.
02:31:46 My brain is saying this is stupid.
02:31:48 This is ******* stupid.
02:31:49 It's so stupid.
02:31:49 In fact, I'm going to ridicule them and I'm going to try to get them to not do it.
02:31:54 But there was this like tiny little part of me that.
02:31:55 Was like maybe.
02:31:56 They're right.
02:31:57 I hope they're right.
02:31:59 Be really cool if they were right, but you know.
02:32:01 And so now I don't have that.
02:32:03 You know, there's not even, like, there's not even like this little tiny, you know, like inner inner child.
02:32:09 That's like, like the little baby Devin that's, you know, so bright eyed and and ohh maybe maybe.
02:32:16 Maybe the plan is gonna work.
02:32:18 You know, maybe if we trust the plan.
02:32:20 A little longer.
02:32:21 Now that little baby Devin either died or grew up one of the two, but he's not there anymore.
02:32:30 So it's yeah.
02:32:32 Anyway, guys, I'm going to wrap things up and my voice is and there's a lot more.
02:32:36 My voice is starting to.
02:32:38 Give up on him, man.
02:32:40 I don't want to thrash my chords too bad, so I'm going to wrap things up.
02:32:45 Appreciate you guys coming in and checking this out.
02:32:52 Yeah, for.
02:32:56 For black pills, I am of course.
02:33:00 The name on the screen.
Speaker 2
02:33:02 Devon Stag you do your country's falling apart at the seams. Yes, you've been through.
02:33:11 Through through through difficulties before.
02:33:15 But but if you if you allow this seed of rebellion to germinate.
02:33:21 You will never recover from it.
02:33:24 So my admonition to the South Africans is this.
02:33:28 If you don't put that country back together again.
02:33:32 Just give it back to the boars.
02:33:36 Because you you're fooling around.
02:33:39 You're messing around with the country.
02:33:41 You guys messed up a perfectly good country.
02:33:44 Let's just put it that way.
02:33:46 South Africa today is a is a figment of what it used to be.
02:33:51 It is a shadow.
02:33:55 Of what it used to be and you guys are messing it up.
02:33:59 So here's the thing.
02:34:00 If you S Africans cannot put your act or get your act together, just give it.
02:34:08 Back to the boars.
02:34:11 Let them take it back and bring some semblance.
02:34:16 Of order and respect for the law.
02:34:19 If you can't do that.
02:34:23 And I'm sorry, South Africa.
02:34:27 You're trouble.